Unauthorized overdraft. Technical overdraft: possible causes and solutions to the problem Sberbank writes off an overdraft on a debit card

Most of our compatriots have been receiving their salaries on bank cards for a long time. Thus, twice a month, a certain amount of money is credited to the card, which is then spent on various purposes. And a logical question arises: what will happen if I spend more money from the card than the one on it? What cardholders are asking about is called an overdraft facility. Leaving the card "in the red" or the appearance of a negative balance is a fairly common phenomenon, but not everyone knows about it.

What is an overdraft?

An overdraft is a banking operation when a client, having spent more money from a bank card than he has on his account, receives additional, but already credit funds from the bank. Hence the name: overdraft - literally "over the allowed".

But where does the overdraft on a debit card come from, you ask, and you will be wrong. An overdraft may occur on a debit card, which is also a salary card, moreover, there are two types - permitted and unauthorized, the so-called technical, because of which the debit card can really go into the "minus".

Permitted overdraft

The bank offers such an overdraft for participants in salary projects: employees of the enterprise receive a debit card, on which there is already a certain amount of money - usually from 30 to 50% of the monthly salary. This bank money makes the card a cross between a credit card and a debit card. As soon as the cardholder fully spends his funds, he can also use the overdraft. Only in this case, the bank will withhold interest for the use of funds, which is comparable to the interest on a credit card. However, since the overdraft amounts are small, and the terms of use are no more than two weeks (until the next salary receipt), then we are talking about a couple of tens of rubles as a last resort.

Unauthorized or Technical Overdraft

But this beast is scarier. If the holder of a card with a permitted overdraft, as a rule, knows about its connection, then the holder of a regular debit card does not know what is happening with his account.

A technical overdraft is a situation where the balance of a debit card account goes into negative territory. The “minus” is very conditional, since the bank does not provide any overdraft. Compare with a permitted overdraft: you have a card with a balance of, for example, 10 thousand rubles - this is the zero overdraft balance. With an unauthorized overdraft, the "zero" balance of the card is 0.00. In what situations is this possible:

  1. You withdraw cash from an ATM of another bank, while "raking out" the card "at zero". However, it should be remembered that most banks that own ATMs charge a commission of 3 to 5% for such an operation. Accordingly, the amount of the commission, if you withdraw everything that is from the card, will go into a technical overdraft.
  2. You make a purchase in a foreign online store. The bank can process the application immediately, but, as a rule, they are queued and processed after a few hours at the exchange rate in force at the bank at the time of processing the transaction. And the exchange rate can change in a big way. And again, if there was “back to back” money on the card, the unaccounted difference in the exchange rate can turn into a technical overdraft on the card.
  3. You have activated the service of SMS-informing on card transactions or other automatic payment. You forgot about its existence, or just thought that new funds would arrive by this point, and left 0 or so on the card again. The service worked, but the required amount of money did not turn out - the debit card went into a "minus", more precisely, into a technical overdraft.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with a technical overdraft. You replenish the card - and the balance is returned, but taking into account the amounts that were previously reserved. That is, if your card went into a technical overdraft for 1,000 rubles, and you replenished your account with 5,000 rubles, the card balance will be 4,000 rubles.

The problem is that the vast majority of bank card holders do not know anything about a technical overdraft, do not check the balance of their card, and then face interest that the bank withholds on completely legal grounds. These fees are comparable to those paid by cardholders with a permitted overdraft. However, if the latter replenish the card twice a month, then cardholders without an overdraft may not replenish their account for months, or even years. As a result, the amount of claims of the bank can run up a significant amount.

And the worst part: yes, a long-term technical overdraft may well become an episode of your credit history, which in the future follows the communication of banks with you more cautious and less friendly.

How to avoid a technical overdraft?

  • if you are a relatively active user of the card, do not allow a zero balance on it. As a rule, amounts in the range of 500-1000 rubles are more than enough to cover possible costs.
  • check the card balance at least once a week: in the Internet bank, using the SMS service, through an ATM or by calling the call center of your bank
  • disable all unnecessary card services, especially if they are paid.

A technical overdraft is considered to be a credit card debt that is formed without the knowledge of the client. The holder of "plastic" does not suspect that by performing ordinary operations, he "goes into the red" on the account. Read the article about the situations in which a technical overdraft occurs and what to do in such a situation.*

What is a technical overdraft on a card

An overdraft is an overdraft of funds in an account. Depending on the method of formation, it is divided into two types:

  • permitted;
  • unauthorized.

In the first case, the client himself asks the bank to provide him with a certain cash limit on the card, which he uses for unforeseen expenses.

The second type of overdraft is technical. Its name suggests that the overspending was formed as a result of any banking transactions, or failures that occurred in the bank's processing center. In this case, the client pays for services or withdraws cash on the card, being sure that the account balance allows it.

Sometimes the client remains in the dark for a long time about the accrual of interest on overspending. Most holders of "plastic" are sure that there can be no credit limit on debit cards.

It is impossible to be 100% secure against a technical overdraft. But it is possible to take some measures to minimize financial losses:

  • It is not necessary to withdraw all the money from the card to the penny. Even if the client is sure that there are enough funds on the balance, after the withdrawal of money, the transaction may be debited, which comes with a delay of several days.
  • If there was a failure when withdrawing cash from an ATM and the client was denied the operation, it is better not to try again, but to wait 1-3 days. If the money is nevertheless debited from the card, then during the repeated debit transaction, the cardholder will spend not his own money, but borrowed money.
  • When receiving money at ATMs of third-party credit organizations, the interest for cashing out is always higher than at your own bank. Without knowing the minimum commission, the cardholder can withdraw an amount that exceeds the account balance. Part of the commission will be debited from the card due to the overdraft.

Due to the peculiarities of payment systems for any type of card, sometimes a technical overdraft may occur. The debit card is no exception. In the event that the client makes a payment with an insufficient balance on the card balance, the bank gives him the opportunity to complete the operation, but at the expense of a mini-loan.

Such lending is unsecured, so the interest for using borrowed funds is much higher than for a regular consumer loan. The repayment of the debt is carried out from the first receipt of funds on the card, regardless of what kind of funds it is. If the overspending is not related to errors in card account settlements, then the client will have to pay a commission for unintentional withdrawal of funds from the card. And the sooner he does it, the better. The bank charges for the delay of the debt.

In the event that a technical overdraft occurred due to a program error, and the client did not actually use the borrowed funds, then the bank will have to restore the interest deducted from the card. To clarify the reasons for the misunderstanding, the client writes an application to the credit institution. In case of refusal to return funds, the cardholder has the right to apply to the court.

In order not to end up in an unpleasant situation, the client must always be aware of the movement on the card account. The simplest thing is to periodically generate statements. Some financial institutions describe the terms of a technical overdraft in a card account service agreement.

An unplanned loan overdrawn on a credit card occurs when the client does not know the balance of funds available for spending at the moment. It is not at all necessary that the payment over the limit will not go through. It is possible that the bank, intentionally or not, will allow technical. For the cardholder, this can be very convenient, especially at a time when money is needed urgently. Later, you will have to pay higher interest on the overspending amount.

In other cases, a technical overdraft is completely unprofitable for the borrower. The bank easily allows you to exceed expenses over the limit, but only to pay off the main debt on a credit card. In this case, the client, as it were, takes a loan to repay another loan. Only the terms of the second loan are much more stringent.

Technical overdraft on a salary card

Payroll cards intended for permanent payments are more often than others hostages of an unauthorized overdraft. The reasons for this situation are as follows:

Sberbank technical overdraft

The most common situation with Sberbank cards concerns a technical overdraft that occurs when the card is reset to zero. If the personal account remains valid, then the annual service fee continues to accrue. On the card, which is equal to zero, there is a technical overdraft. This situation may continue for more than one year.

Not often, but there are failures in the software of ATMs and terminals. In this case, the client performs the same operation twice: the first is real, the second is erroneous. Each incident of overspending is considered on an individual basis at the request of the client. The fee for an unauthorized overdraft is 40% per annum.

The reasons for the emergence of a technical overdraft in Gazprombank are similar to other credit institutions. The specifics of carrying out some transactions with cards issued by the bank leads to overspending by customers.

For a kind of loan, the bank charges cardholders a penalty of 0.1% per day of the overdraft amount. This condition is enshrined in the tariffs for servicing bank cards.

Technical overdraft MTS Bank

Using limit cards, customers do not understand the reason for the appearance of an unauthorized overdraft. Moreover, they do not find out about it immediately, but after a month or more, when the amount of debt increases significantly.

MTS Bank applies penalties for late repayment of a technical overdraft. For foreign currency cards - 0.07% per day, for ruble cards - 0.1% per day of the overspending amount. The term for consideration of a claim by the client is up to 60 days.

It is a type of short-term lending that allows you to use amounts that exceed your own funds within the limit set by a banking institution.

The service can be connected to any debit card. However, in some cases, even if a person is not going to connect it, it can act, and this will come as a surprise to the holder.

This concept is called a technical overdraft. Consider what it is - a technical overdraft on a credit card, how receivables are paid off.

What it is

Technical or unauthorized overdraft - exceeding the available balance on the card when making purchases or other operations from it (withdrawals, transfers, etc.).

In simple words, more is withdrawn than is available on the account, and the balance becomes negative.

A technical overdraft can occur with a credit or debit card and is called an unauthorized overdraft.

It turns out that the holder in such a situation temporarily borrows money from the bank, but without the desire and consent to do so.

And since such a loan is unauthorized, you will have to pay for it. Moreover, banks in their tariffs provide for its payment.

If a person does not know about the presence of debt, he risks facing large fines in the future.

Technical overdraft - a loan that you did not ask for:

When it may occur

The main reasons for this unauthorized overspending are as follows:


The main danger of unauthorized overspending- high interest rates for the use of bank resources. If you compare them with the rates for using a credit card, they are usually higher.

Therefore, it is important at the stage of issuing any card to carefully read the contract and clarify all the important points with the bank employee.

Interest can be very serious. It should also be taken into account that banks require repayment of uncoordinated overruns as soon as possible, together with the interest that has been accrued.

There are also the following consequences of an unauthorized overdraft:

  • The client's credit history is deteriorating.
  • In the future, refusals to issue other large loans are possible.
  • Increase in interest rates and fees for using the card.

Blocking funds on the card

In some situations, for example, when withdrawing funds in another currency, the danger is that first, the money on the card is blocked, and they can be debited after a few days.

And if the course changes during this time, and there are not enough funds on the account, unauthorized overspending is possible.

One more moment. Even if you blocked the card due to a technical overdraft, then even when blocked, the bailiff can withdraw funds from it, leaving you with a negative balance.

Debt repayment

It is assumed that when a debt is discovered, the client will immediately close it. However, before the debt is closed, the bank may charge large interest for the formed minus.

There is only one way out - to pay off the unauthorized overspending in full.

If money is regularly credited to the card or account, there will be no problem, as they will cover the existing minus.

Provided that it is small and is not the result of failures or errors.

In some cases, a person is not at all aware of an unauthorized excess. For example, if for some time he used a debit card, and then stopped and forgot about it.

The account is not closed, therefore the banking institution debits the service fee. Then the account will go negative, and interest will begin to accrue.

The client, of course, will be notified. However, if he, for example, changed his phone and address, then it is likely that he will not know about what happened.

Then the debt can grow very strongly, and it is even possible that the bank will go to court.

A customer experiencing a technical cost overrun will be charged the following:

As a result, the total debt may increase so much that it exceeds the technical debt. At the same time, rates and penalties differ for different cards.

If you owe a debit account, you will have to pay more than with a credit card.

In order not to overpay, you need to control the expenses of finances on the card and try to avoid unauthorized overspending.

From the position of the client, such an expense is not secured by anything, therefore banks are trying to minimize the risks for themselves.

No one is insured against such a situation, because there are also technical failures that are not dependent on the client, but You can reduce the chance of it by using the following tips.:

  • Zero the balance only if the card is closed. If you use funds, try to leave at least 5% of the amount of your purchases or cashed money on it.
  • When performing operations with currency conversion, take into account the possible difference in rates at the time of payments and actual write-offs, leave a reserve for commission.
  • If more money has arrived on the salary card than usual, then this may be a mistake. You should not spend money before finding out this, otherwise you will have to return them later.
  • If the terminal fails when paying for goods, the operation cannot be repeated.
  • When receiving a salary card and concluding an agreement with the employer, specify who pays for the service. It is necessary to take into account the payment of SMS alerts and other commissions.

Among other things, when signing an agreement with a bank, carefully read the agreement. It should include whether a technical overdraft is envisaged and whether the client will have financial implications.

Use the Internet banking service, regularly monitor the balance and payment history This will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.

In contact with

An overdraft is an excess of the limit of funds on a debit card available for use at the moment. You can explain what an overdraft in Sberbank is with the following example: you have 1,000 rubles on your plastic card, and in a store you liked a product worth 1,400 rubles. You can pay with your card or withdraw 1400 rubles and purchase the desired product if the overdraft service is available to you. The point is that you take a small loan from Sberbank at interest, which you undertake to repay within a certain time.

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The overdraft service can be connected to a debit card (in rare cases, to a credit card). It can be used by owners of all classic, gold, platinum, premium, as well as youth payment systems Visa or MasterCard.

What is an overdraft in Sberbank?

At the time of the introduction of this service, it was available only to legal entities. The overdraft was introduced in order to ensure a constant flow of cash turnover of companies that, in the absence of money in the account at the current moment, could use borrowed money, after which, when money was received into the account, the required amount was debited automatically.

IMPORTANT: according to the terms of the bank, when using an overdraft, the bank has the right to directly debit the fee from the client's card to pay off the debt. This means that funds are debited automatically, regardless of the desire or unwillingness of the owner of the funds.

Today, overdraft is also available for individuals. Depending on the situation, the service is connected to the card automatically, or at the written request of its owner.

  1. The overdraft limit is set by the bank for each client individually based on the data received about him (the amount of income, the regularity of cash turnover on the card, and so on).
  2. The amount is from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles for individuals, from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles for legal entities.
  3. The interest rate is 18% per annum if the account is in rubles, 16% if the account is in foreign currency.
  4. The term of submission is 12 months. That is, a certain limit is set for a period of 1 year, and during this time you can use overdraft funds from time to time.
  5. The maturity of the debt is 30 days. Within a month, the funds used under the overdraft must be returned to the card in full.
  6. If the limit is exceeded, or the amount of debt is calculated at a rate of 36% for a ruble account, 33% for.

How is an overdraft different from a loan?

An overdraft is similar in some ways to a loan, but there are significant differences between these two concepts.

  • Overdraft is set for both debit and credit cards, but it is most often used by debit account holders.
  • Overdraft limits are significantly lower than credit limits.
  • It is much easier to get access to an overdraft, the conditions are more loyal than when issuing a loan.
  • The interest rate for the use of borrowed funds is 18%.
  • The repayment period must be within 30 days, otherwise sanctions begin to apply.
  • The amount of repayment must be in full, and not in parts, as when using a loan.
  • In case of violation of the terms of use and repayment of the debt, the recalculation is made at an increased rate of 36%, and from the first day of using the money, and not from the moment the delay begins.

Overdraft for salary card

Sberbank willingly provides payroll card holders with the opportunity to use overdraft funds, since they are considered trustworthy customers with proven solvency, because the monthly receipt of money on the card guarantees timely repayment of the debt.

The overdraft limit in this case is set by the bank based on the amount and amount of cash receipts. The limit cannot be more than the average monthly salary. Sberbank most often sets a limit of 50% of the client's salary.

Upon receipt of an advance payment and salary on the card, the fee is first debited to pay off the overdraft debt.

Overdraft for credit card

The expediency of using an overdraft on a credit card, each client decides for himself, because the funds are already borrowed from the bank at interest, but the provision of such a service is possible. Situations are different, and money may be needed urgently, but it is exhausted, and there is simply nowhere to take it from, then a credit card overdraft will help get out of the situation.

Credit card holders are granted an overdraft upon confirmation of solvency. The positive decision of the bank is also influenced by additional confirmed sources of income, the presence of other debit cards or the presence of an open debit account, which is a guarantor of debt repayment.

How to apply for an overdraft in Sberbank?

To apply for an overdraft, you must have a Sberbank debit card (for individuals) or a current account (for legal entities). Based on the data on the cash flow on the card or account, as well as other documents provided confirming the client's solvency, the bank decides on the amount of the limit.

How to apply for a legal entity

For registration, you must visit and provide the following package of documents:

  • service connection application;
  • completed questionnaire of the borrower (as well as the guarantor);
  • title documents for the organization;
  • financial documents to prove income.

How to apply for a service at Sberbank for an individual

  • upon receipt of the card. Most often, when applying for a card, you can connect the overdraft service. To do this, in the contract in the column "Overdraft / Desired limit amount" you will need to check the box and indicate the amount;
  • apply at a bank branch. If you have been using the card for a long time, and you are thinking about connecting the overdraft service only now, you can come to the bank branch and write a corresponding application. You will need to provide a passport and a document confirming your income (most often this is a 2-NDFL certificate from your place of work for the last 6 months);
  • through . This method is not available to individuals, it can only be used by corporate clients. If you have, then you can connect the overdraft service in your personal account via the Internet.

    First, you need to think it over carefully and decide whether you need an overdraft even when you receive a card. At the time of issuing the card, it is easiest to refuse the service by putting "0" in the column where the amount of the overdraft limit should be indicated.

    Secondly, if the service has been connected, you can disable it only by writing a corresponding application at a branch of Sberbank.

    Thus, the overdraft service on a Sberbank card makes it possible to use funds that you do not currently have. After a certain period of time, they must be returned in full. Terms of service are not always favorable. However, by connecting an overdraft to his card, the client can always count on a certain reserve of funds in unforeseen situations.

Recently, the term “overdraft” is more common in banking practice, which in translation from English means “beyond planned”.

Its essence is that the bank credits the account of its client, providing him with funds in excess of the available balance. A negative balance is formed on the account, or the so-called debit balance.

Service for legal entities and individuals

Banks can lend to the accounts of both individuals and legal entities.

An overdraft agreement is concluded with legal entities in the following cases:

  • whether they have a bank account;
  • the presence of a regular cash flow on these accounts;
  • favorable financial condition of the client enterprise;
  • balance of possible risks in the borrower's business.

The process of providing an overdraft to individuals is carried out by opening a bank account for the client and linking a debit card to it. The loan amount can be spent gradually, as needed, and repayment occurs at the first receipt of money in the account.

Such a service can be provided to the owners of those cards that are intended for the transfer of salaries, pensions, student scholarships.

For example, you are the owner of one of the above cards, the account of which is credited monthly in the amount of 60,000 rubles. For some reason, you have spent most of your monthly income, and you have 5,000 rubles left in your account. You are allowed to pay with this card for a purchase in the amount of 10,000 rubles. The missing part of the amount will be compensated by the credit limit on the bank account.

The difference between an overdraft and a bank loan

In fact, this is the same short-term non-purpose loan, but there is a difference:

  • When applying for an overdraft, a bank employee takes as a basis the average monthly turnover on the borrower's current or card account. Usually no additional proof of your solvency or loan security is required. However, there is one drawback: it is offered at a higher interest rate.
  • The loan is repaid evenly in annuity payments. The amount of the used limit on the account you must repay at a time at the end of the loan period.
  • The conclusion of an overdraft agreement, as a rule, is initiated by the bank itself, providing the client with a certain limit of funds on a debit card.
  • An ordinary loan is issued and paid to the applicant immediately, in full, even if he does not need the entire amount at the current time. The overdraft limit can be used gradually, and you do not need to pay interest on the unused amount.
  • Unlike a loan, an overdraft is renewed after each next payment, and it can be used again.

Lending procedure

Are there any unexpected expenses? To apply for an overdraft you will need:

  1. credit application;
  2. Russian passport and any other identity document;
  3. a document confirming the solvency of a citizen (not required if the loan is issued on a payroll card);
  4. applicant's profile.

A loan cannot be granted to a person who has an overdue debt to a bank.

How big can an overdraft be?

What is a credit limit? This is the maximum possible amount, for which the client can apply to the bank with a lack of own funds.

The minimum and maximum limit level on a debit card is determined by the bank and depends on several factors:

  1. the applicant's credit history: what loans were taken by the client and how many, whether there were cases of delays in payments or non-payments, whether a loan extension was ever required, etc.;
  2. the content of the submitted documents, their relevance;
  3. the bank may offer a larger limit if the loan is secured by a surety, guarantees from third parties;
  4. the length of service or commercial activity of the borrower, the average level of income in recent months, revenue, turnover on the client's account.

The overdraft limit is significantly lower than other loan products. No one will offer you an amount higher than the average amount of receipts in your account for a month. The final credit limit is determined either by the credit committee or based on the scoring.

The maximum possible limit for this bank is provided only to regular customers, as well as borrowers with a very high scoring score.

Why you need an overdraft card

An overdraft card is a settlement instrument with the possibility of overspending on the account, which is necessary for granting a loan to a borrower. Depending on the purpose, two types of payment cards can be distinguished: debit and credit.

If the first one stores its owner's own funds, then the second one, when provided, already has funds in its account that are offered to the client as a loan.

However, there is also a limitation here - a credit limit, which is subjectively determined by the bank based on the solvency, credit reputation and workload of the client.

Overdraft debit card or credit card

In order to make a choice, you need to know how these two products differ.

To obtain a credit card, the client himself applies to the bank, knowingly declaring his desire to borrow money in a certain amount. A debit card is a means for storing and using own (not borrowed from the bank) funds. The overdraft on it is initiated by the bank itself.

Which of these cards to choose depends on the purpose of its use.

If you need a larger amount, a credit card will undoubtedly suit you. The overdraft limit will definitely not exceed 50-200% of the client's monthly income. In addition, the interest on it is almost always higher.
But a debit card is either free (salary) or costs very little. A credit card is a very expensive pleasure: the annual fee for its maintenance is several hundred rubles.

An overdraft is always short-term, unlike a line of credit, which can be repaid over several years in 5-10% monthly installments. The first also does not have a grace period.

An overdraft, of course, will not solve major financial problems, but it acts as a kind of insurance that can be used if necessary.

How is overdraft interest calculated and written off? Calculation example

Interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the supplementary agreement to the service agreement.

The overdraft interest rate is quite high. In Sberbank from 25%, in VTB from 22%. The lowest rate is noted in the Russian Agricultural Bank - from 16%.

The terms of interest calculation are daily accruals for exceeding the established limit. For example, you exceeded the limit by 500 rubles. From that moment on, interest will accrue based on the annual rate.
In simple terms: you took a "regular" loan for 500 rubles at 22% (for example) per annum.

By assuming the obligation to use borrowed funds, the bank's client agrees to comply with the following requirements of the bank:

  • overdraft is linked to the main debit card account. Thus, the lender gets the opportunity to control the solvency of its customers;
  • the limit is set by calculation method. The average level of income is calculated according to the parameters of receipts and expenditures;
  • overdraft is a short-term type of lending. The average term of contracts for banking institutions usually does not exceed one year.

Example: how is the write-off for overdraft

The funds are debited to pay off the debt automatically when the money is credited to the account. With a sufficient balance, the spent limit is fully covered and interest is stopped.


Initial data: debit card, spending over the limit is 500 rubles, receipt of 750 rubles. When money is credited to the account, the following operations will occur: writing off 500 rubles as a debt. + % for using the overdraft for each day (based on the number of days with a negative balance). The rest of the funds will be credited to the card balance available for use.

How it works: conditions for granting an overdraft on an example

The conditions for receiving over the limit on debit cards for individual customers are as follows:

  • to get such a loan, you need to contact the client manager. The bank employee will accept the application;
  • passport, certificate confirming income and other documents provided for by the current rules of the credit institution;
  • based on the data provided, the overdraft limit on the client's account is calculated, which can be set.

Some banks offer a simplified procedure for establishing a technical and other types of overdraft on a current account for individuals. To connect, you must fill out an appropriate application in the Internet Banking system.

The service is available only for persons who are served within the framework of payroll projects. The loan debt is automatically debited from the client's account when funds are credited.

How to avoid a technical overdraft

In the banking sector, there is the concept of technical, permitted and unauthorized, provided and unforeseen, authorized and unauthorized overdraft, as well as direct lending and overdraft credit.

What do they stand for:

  1. Technical overdraft can be provided and unforeseen.
    In the first case, the conditions for accruing interest and paying off payments for unauthorized overspending are prescribed in the contract, and the client is obliged to fulfill obligations to the bank. If the agreement specifies the right of individuals to conduct transactions only within the established limit, an unforeseen technical overdraft is formed in violation of the Civil Code;
  2. Unauthorized, it is also prohibited or unauthorized overdraft occurs without prior agreement with the creditor. The main difference is that the client does not ask the bank for a loan. But the financial institution still repays a certain payment with an insufficient amount of funds on the balance sheet, without notifying the client about it. Another feature is that the interest on technical debt is much higher than when using a loan;
  3. Guaranteed incomes (pension, wages) are monthly transferred to the accounts of individuals - holders of salary cards. If desired, a bank client can apply for a short-term overdraft loan - in simple words, he borrows from the lender an amount exceeding the account balance, subject to timely monthly repayment of payments. We are talking about a permitted or authorized debt - at the request of the client, upon agreement with the bank.

Without going into the intricacies of financial terminology, the lender will unequivocally demand full repayment of the amount of overspending with interest and penalties. And the client can find out about the problem when an impressive negative balance is formed on the account.

Causes of debt

Bank cardholders inconsistently "borrow" money from a creditor, unaware of the overspending. The main reasons why there is a debt to the bank:

  1. Cash withdrawal from a bank that is not an issuer of a payment card. In the event of a complete zeroing of the account, the commission of the ATM owner will be deducted, and there may not be enough funds to pay it off before the issuing bank. A negative amount is formed on the balance sheet and an unauthorized overdraft occurs;
  2. Settlement for purchases in a currency other than the currency on the account, or conversion of funds. The exchange rate changes constantly. The real withdrawal of money when exchanging (or buying) occurs after a few days, when the exchange rate can rise. If there is no balance to cover the difference, a technical overdraft occurs;
  3. Processing center or terminal failure. When making purchases with payment by card, the operation may be rejected. But since the balance is positive, the user tries to pay for the goods again. The same amount is withdrawn twice, which leads to the formation of unauthorized debt;
  4. Removal of card maintenance fees. When resetting the balance, there may not be enough funds to settle with the issuing bank for SMS alerts, insurance premiums, annual maintenance and other services provided for by the agreement between the client and the financial institution. There is an overspending of money;
  5. Unauthorized write-off. In some cases, service providers do not reserve the amount on the accounts of individuals, but check the validity of the card. A few days later, the bank receives a request to write off funds, which the financial institution is obliged to satisfy - the presentation of a technical overdraft;
  6. Exceeding the limit on credit cards. By spending more money than stipulated by the contract, even if it happens by accident (double payment, unaccounted commission, exchange difference), the owner uses more funds than stipulated by the terms of service. There is an unauthorized overdraft.

The claims of the creditor must be satisfied first of all, since the interest for overspending money can accumulate and exceed the amount of the debt several times over. Bank employees do not notify about the occurrence of an unauthorized overdraft.

Credit card overspending

Possible scenario:

  • the owner of a credit card with an account in rubles buys goods for dollars;
  • transaction currency - dollar, billing currency - dollar, currency on the card - Russian ruble;
  • the payment system compares currencies, if there is a discrepancy, the conversion takes place at the current rate;
  • interest for the conversion of funds is added to the purchase amount and subtracted from the balance;
  • the payment is made, the goods are received, and after two or three days a file with a payment request arrives at the client's bank;
  • the bank writes off funds, but takes into account the exchange rate at the time of debiting, and not at the time of making the payment.

The creditor is obliged to satisfy the requirement of the payment system, since the balance of the user during the transaction corresponded to the costs. But the purchase amount is limiting, the exchange rate has increased from the moment of payment to the moment of debiting.

The credit limit is only enough to pay for goods and services for conversion. The exchange difference is covered by the bank - this amount becomes a technical overdraft on a credit card or an unauthorized excess of a credit limit.

Debit and salary card debt

The main difference between a debit card and a credit card is that it is used to store and use your own funds without the possibility of a credit limit.

The most common option for the formation of an unauthorized overdraft (although only the amount deposited by him is available to the holder):

  • the client wants to pay for some purchase through the terminal;
  • the balance on the card allows, but the processing center does not carry out the operation;
  • the client repeats the payment, because he knows the balance on the balance sheet, and receives the desired product;
  • The system fails and a double write-off occurs. After clarification of the circumstances, the store will return the money;
  • the balance "goes" into the red - a technical overdraft on a debit card.

Since it does not provide for an authorized debt, a debt to the bank is formed, which will have to be repaid.

The salary card is opened for employees by companies and enterprises for payroll and other payments provided for by the Labor Code. According to it, you can apply for an overdraft loan and borrow money from the bank, subject to the timely repayment of the debt.

But if the client has not applied for an overdraft, then he has no right to spend more than the amount of the balance. And the bank in a critical situation (lack of personal funds in the account) will still lend to the client.

Possible situations when a technical overdraft is formed on a salary card: exchange rate difference during conversion, payment of several payments in a row without receiving confirmation of debiting funds, processing failure, erroneous salary crediting.

If the card is issued by a bank for employees of the company as part of a salary project, then the costs of servicing are borne by the employer or employee, depending on the agreement between the parties. If the balance is reset to zero before the service fee is charged, a debt is formed.

If the overdraft is authorized, you will have to pay debt and interest; if it is not authorized, you will have to pay debt, an increased interest rate and a fine.

Financial implications for cost overruns

An unauthorized overdraft on cards threatens the owner with high interest on the amount of technical debt and penalties for exceeding the available balance.

Some banks do not charge interest from their customers, but write off only the amount of the debt. The interest rate for unauthorized use of bank money can be as high as 50 percent per year.

What will the client have to pay for an unauthorized overdraft:

  1. amount of outstanding debt. The repayment period depends on the bank's accounting policy. With regular receipts to the account, the debt will be covered with minimal losses;
  2. interest on excess balance. With a sanctioned overdraft, they make up about 20% per year, with a prohibited one - 40-50%. Some banks withdraw a fixed amount instead of interest;
  3. a fine accrued in case of untimely repayment of an unauthorized overdraft. Penalties average 0.3% for each day of delay.

As a result, the total amount owed to the creditor, with interest and penalties, which the client may not know about, increases so much that it exceeds the technical debt.

Interest rates of some banks: Sberbank - 40% per annum, VTB24 - 0.6% per day, Tinkoff - 390 rubles fixed, Russian Standard - does not charge interest, Promsvyazbank - 0.3% per day, Citibank - 450 rubles fixed, Raiffeisenbank - 700 rubles is fixed if the debt exceeds 700 rubles, Gazprombank - 0.1% per day, Petrocommerce - 50% per annum.

The interest rate and penalties are not the same for different cards. In the event of a debt on a debit card account, the client pays more than with a technical overdraft on a credit card.

Proper balance management

Banks charge very high interest rates for unauthorized overdrafts. Unauthorized overspending is not secured by anything from the client's point of view, and the bank seeks to minimize the risks.

No cardholder is immune from such a situation, but it is possible to reduce its likelihood:

  • you need to reset the balance only when you close the card. Using the funds, it is worth leaving on the balance sheet at least 5% of the purchase amount or the amount of cash withdrawal from bank cards;
  • in transactions with currency conversion, it is necessary to take into account the possible exchange rate difference at the time of the payment and the actual write-off, and leave a reserve for the commission;
  • if a salary comes to the card in a larger amount than the client expects, it is likely that the crediting is erroneous (accounting oversight) - you do not need to withdraw and spend all the money, they will have to be returned;
  • when paying for goods, the terminal fails - you cannot repeat the operation;
  • concluding an agreement with the employer, and when issuing a salary card, it should be clarified who pays for its maintenance. It is necessary to take into account the write-off for SMS alerts and other commissions.

When signing an agreement with a bank, the agreement must be carefully read. It indicates whether a technical overdraft is provided, and what the financial consequences will be for the client (interest, commissions, fines, penalties). It is imperative to connect the Internet banking service and check the payment history and balance.