Business loan 6. How to get a small business loan from a bank

Wanting to organize their own enterprise, many are faced with a lack of sufficient funds. Obtaining a bank loan to start your own business helps solve this problem. Often, a loan to start a business is the first step on the path to private entrepreneurship.

Is it possible to get a business loan from scratch?

Taking out a loan to develop your own business is considered a risky deal for banking institution. There is no absolute guarantee that a loan to start a small business from scratch will be repaid. In the event of bankruptcy, a newly minted entrepreneur may declare himself bankrupt in a month and refuse to return the funds. However, business financing is gradually resuming. Taking out a business loan from scratch is possible subject to strict conditions.

Under what conditions is a loan issued for a business from scratch?

The likelihood of receiving a startup loan increases if you have:

  • Good credit history. Lack of successful past loans, outstanding or late payments may result in loan denial.
  • A competent business plan. The obvious possibility of receiving a small but stable income from your business will persuade experts to make the right decision.
  • Parallel employment. Stable income allows you to safely repay a loan to open a small business from scratch.
  • Collateral property. This is a significant money-back guarantee, indicating that the client is serious about lending.
  • A third-party individual as a guarantor.
  • Starting capital amounting to at least a quarter of the required amount.

Which banks issue loans for small businesses from scratch?

Those wishing to organize their own business can take advantage of the help of financial institutions. A small business loan from scratch is issued in:

  • VTB24, offering the most low rates for legal entities, various conditions. The requirements for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs differ significantly. Often, a loan requires real estate as collateral.
  • Sberbank, which issues a loan as part of the Business Start product. Funding is provided for the developed project. It is possible to work as a franchise entrepreneur.
  • Rosselkhozbank, representing different credit products for the development of small enterprises. There are no restrictions on the amount.
  • Alfa Bank, among whose offers there are only two types of financing. At the same time, management declares working with small and medium-sized enterprises as a priority.

Banking methods for small business loans from scratch

Financial institutions are faced with the task of determining the degree of risk when lending to small businesses. Banks use two methods, one of which is review of the application by experts. The decision on lending depends on the result of a subjective check. Another way to determine the degree of risk is to use automated system“scoring”, first tested 50 years ago. An impartial program counts points and draws conclusions based on the data entered into the client’s questionnaire. Types of scoring:

  1. by points (you need to get a certain number, most applicants do not pass it);
  2. against fraudsters (through behavioral analysis, it identifies factors indicating an inappropriate loan, a potential threat to the bank’s funds);
  3. against irresponsible borrower clients (delays are studied).

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch

Providing profitable loan To create your own business requires a strict procedure. How to get a loan to open a small business:

  1. You should send your application to the bank. The application indicates the type of activity and the lending program.
  2. Next you need to provide information about financial condition small enterprise. Profit margins are important credit history.
  3. Then the accepted application is reviewed, the terms of the loan are approved - amount, terms, type of loan.

Loan for starting a business from scratch at Sberbank

A loan for a startup or starting a business can be applied for at a bank branch. How to get a loan to start a business from Sberbank? To do this you need:

  1. Contact the institution with a package of documents.
  2. Choose a suitable loan program.
  3. Get tax registration as individual entrepreneur, be included in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs.
  4. Consider franchise programs offered by Sberbank partners.
  5. Choose a suitable franchise.
  6. Develop a business project in detail based on the selected program. It is necessary to create a marketing plan, determine the location of the office and other nuances.
  7. Prepare a package of documents for a loan to open a small business from scratch. The set includes the original and a copy of the passport, TIN, confirmation of individual entrepreneur registration, and a commercial plan.
  8. Apply for a small business loan.
  9. Collect sum of money(30% for down payment).

How to increase your chance of getting loans to start a business

If you want to take out a loan for your business, a novice entrepreneur needs to choose the bank in which he will be serviced as carefully as possible. Nuances:

  1. When deciding on a financial institution, you need to ask what offers it has for small businesses.
  2. Advice from partners and friends who work with a specific bank is useful.
  3. Loans are issued more readily for already developing businesses. An application with an attached project has little chance of financial support.
  4. It is desirable that the enterprise be solvent and exist for at least six months.
  5. An additional factor The bank's consent to issue a loan is supported by the presence of collateral. Real estate, cars, and technical equipment are considered as collateral.

How else to get a loan for budding entrepreneurs

An alternative way to receive financial assistance is customer credit. The loan can be issued to an individual in a company or online. The property is used as collateral or the support of guarantors. Such loans are unprofitable for the entrepreneur due to inflated interest rates. Remember: in many regions there are funds that support small businesses. These organizations act as loan guarantors on behalf of the state or issue small preferential loans to entrepreneurs themselves.

Video: do you need a loan to start a business from scratch?

If you want to organize your own business in Moscow, every entrepreneur is faced with a choice: to implement his own ideas or to purchase a ready-made business. In any case, you need initial capital to start. In its absence The best way- This is taking a loan from a bank. However, not every financial institution is willing to provide loans to small businesses. And those that provide such services set loan terms that are unfavorable for a beginning entrepreneur and require a huge list of documentation. Answer the question: “Where can I get a loan to purchase ready-made business in Moscow?" our service will help. We have collected up-to-date information about the best banks and financial institutions that are interested in investing in private enterprise.

Terms of service

Most banks issue loans for ready-made businesses only to trusted clients who have various types of movable/immovable property and have large turnover. If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then you can relatively easily get a consumer loan or take advantage of specialized lending programs that operate on an ongoing basis in many banks. An example of this is the existing loan from Sberbank called “Leasing for Business”.

In this case, a loan for the purchase of premises or the purchase of any equipment for running a business is provided on the following conditions:

  • the maximum loan amount is up to 24 million rubles. (depends on solvency and security);
  • obtaining a loan for the purchase of a small business is possible both with and without collateral;
  • payment period up to 120 months;
  • You can take out a loan to purchase an existing business at a low interest rate of up to 10%;
  • The client's application is reviewed within 24 hours.

How to receive funds through CreditZnatok?

The CreditZnatok service has already helped many beginning entrepreneurs get money to purchase an existing business in Moscow. To apply for a loan through our website, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the available offers, choose the optimal loan conditions for yourself and submit an electronic application. Its form will become available to you after clicking the corresponding button. After filling out and sending the application, a representative of the financial institution will soon contact the entrepreneur to accurately determine the purposes of the loan (purchase of an existing business, purchase of premises, equipment, etc.). It is possible that you will receive the necessary amount only by personally visiting the bank premises, because you will need to provide some original documents, which the representative will additionally notify you about.

Creating a business from scratch in Moscow has become an affordable reality, thanks to advantageous offers from financial institutions. The “Creditznatok” service describes the best Moscow microfinance organizations and Russian banks that provide loans to small entrepreneurs. Using their services is a confident start to bringing your business ideas to life.

Most financial companies provide financial support to clients, offering to take out a loan to open a small business on favorable terms. By turning to microfinance organizations for financial assistance, you can be sure that your startup and further development of your own business will have a stable financial basis.

Starting a medium-sized business: what is needed?

Starting your own business depends on the chosen type of individual activity. Creating any startup from scratch requires drawing up a detailed business plan, including calculation of capital investment. You can choose anything as a type of activity: beauty salon services, trading through an online store, passenger and cargo transportation, etc. In any case, it will be difficult to launch a startup without funds. The question is, where can a novice entrepreneur get money to create and implement his project? Our answer is to take a loan through the online service “Creditznatok”.

Advantages of cooperation with microfinance organizations that issue loans for the development of small and medium-sized businesses:

  • minimum package of documents;
  • speed of service;
  • service mobility (online consultations);
  • a wide range of amounts required to develop a business from scratch;
  • the ability to choose the duration of the contract;
  • loyal money back conditions.

How to choose a loan to start your own business?

Conditions for obtaining a loan may vary. They depend on the personal wishes of the beginning private entrepreneur, the calculations of the estimates in the business plan, and the profitability of the business at its initial stage. All financial organizations provide funds for starting a business from scratch only in national currency.

When selecting a financial company, it is important to consider whether the organization you choose has a service for extending the term of the loan agreement for starting your business. No less important nuance Choosing a suitable company that is ready to “sponsor” your own business is the time of consideration of the application. The average time for a decision to be made on your request for a loan to start your business is 1-3 business days.

Leading microfinance organizations of the Russian Federation offer loans on loyal terms:

  • amount of the amount that can be received “in hand”: 50 thousand - 24 million rubles;
  • loan repayment terms: 6-120 months;
  • interest rate: 10%-45%;
  • documents required to be presented: constituent, personal.

Do you want to get a loan to create a profitable business? We recommend that you carefully read the detailed descriptions of the companies presented on the page. To start your own business from scratch as early as possible, leave a request on the website right now. A loan for aspiring entrepreneurs issued through our service is a unique way to realize your dream.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch? Where can I get a soft loan to open a small business? What are the conditions for a loan to open a small business?

Most frequently asked question, which aspiring entrepreneurs ask themselves - where to get start-up capital to open a business? If you can’t borrow money from your parents, friends, or get a loan from the government, there is only one option left – a bank. There is always money there and in any quantity.

Denis Kuderin is with you, a finance expert at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to take out a loan to open a small business, what requirements do banks impose on beginning businessmen, and whether preferential loans exist in nature for newly-minted individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

Read the article to the end - at the end you will find an overview of banks with the most favorable lending conditions and tips on how to increase the chances of a positive response from a financial company.

1. Loan for starting a small business - assistance to a beginning entrepreneur

Small business (SB) is a commercial enterprise whose number of employees does not exceed 100 people and whose annual revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles . Provided for small businesses special tax regime and simplified procedure accounting.

Lack of start-up capital – the main stumbling block for novice businessmen. A lack of assets slows down the development of one’s own business, prevents the implementation of potentially profitable commercial ideas and interferes with self-realization.

Psychologically, people who are on initial stage opening your own business, ready to risk borrowed funds for a successful start. They have a thoughtful plan and development strategy.

All that remains is to present your ideas to creditors and make them believe in the commercial potential of the future business.

But remember that only about 10% of small businesses break even or at least do not go bankrupt in the first 1-2 years after opening.

For this reason, banks are not eager to give out money to everyone. They have no interest in financing projects with an uncertain future. Therefore they you need a clear business plan, a guarantee or a franchise. And even better - liquid collateral.

Condition 2. Availability of security and guarantor

Mortgaged property - reliable money back guarantee. Secured loans are beneficial both to banks and, partly, to the borrowers themselves. The interest rate on such loans is lower, the terms are longer, and the documentation requirements are more flexible.

The following is taken as collateral:

  • liquid real estate - apartments, houses, land plots;
  • transport;
  • equipment;
  • securities;
  • other liquid assets.

It’s even better if, in addition to collateral, you have guarantors - physical or legal entities. Have the right to become a guarantor city ​​or regional Entrepreneurship Centers, Business incubators and other structures that help aspiring businessmen.

Condition 3. Clean credit history

Banks check the credit history of all borrowers without exception.

  • successfully closed loans;
  • there are no sanctions for past delays;
  • There are no existing loans.

If you want to fix your credit history, it will take time. Most effective method– take several consecutive loans from microfinance organizations and close them on the company’s terms.

Condition 4. Complete package of documents

The more documents you provide to the bank, the greater the chances of a positive response. Make sure all documents are current and properly completed.

A definite plus - Availability of ready-made licenses and other permits for the type of activity you are going to engage in.

Let's take a break and watch a short video on the topic.

3. How to get a loan to open a small business from scratch - 5 simple steps for the borrower

First, decide on the amount you need. There is no need to take more than required, but lack of funds is also undesirable. Ideally needed professional financial analyst to calculate all costs.

Immediately think about whether you can provide the bank with collateral, if required, and find guarantors.

Open checking account– no businessman can do without it.

The most convenient and fastest way to open accounts is in the following banks:

Step 1. Select a bank and lending program

Banks offer dozens of types of lending programs for beginning businessmen. Your goal is to choose the one that best suits your needs.

First, you should take an interest in the offers of the bank whose services you use. Salary clients and to those who have it in the bank deposit or current account, banks offer more favorable conditions.

It is more reliable to cooperate with well-known players financial market, which have many branches in different cities of the Russian Federation.

Other important criteria:

  • independent bank rating– in Russia the most authoritative rating companies are RA “Expert” and “National Rating Agency”;
  • experience– you should not trust institutions that opened less than 5 years ago;
  • financial indicators– if banks have nothing to hide, they publish financial reports on their website;
  • reviews from other businessmen who have already used the company’s services;
  • Availability of preferential loans with state support– in case you manage to use such programs.

And another piece of advice - read last news about the bank. Suddenly he changes owner or transfers its assets to another bank. You don’t need any extra hassle with details.

In the Russian Federation, several dozen banks a year lose their licenses. Cooperate only with those companies whose position is stable and strong.

Step 2. Prepare documents

I already spoke about the package of documents above - the more complete it is, the better.

You will need:

  • passport;
  • the second document – ​​preferably TIN;
  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificate of registration with the Tax Service;
  • licenses and permits (if any);
  • documents for collateral (if you are applying for a secured loan);
  • business plan;
  • income certificate (if any).

The bank has the right to require other documents - for example, list of purchased property for business activities, office lease agreement, etc.

Step 3. Submit an application

All modern banks accept applications online. Fill out the form, submit and wait for a decision. Please indicate the most detailed and reliable data– the bank will carefully check this information.

Do not try to hide information important to the creditor - bankruptcy is in the past, existing loans. The bank security service works no less efficiently than the police, when it comes to screening the borrower.

Banks will never take risks by issuing loans to those who are trying to defraud them. On the contrary, they will blacklist such citizens.

A significant portion of loans for start-up businessmen are issued on the terms down payment in the amount of 10-30% of the loan amount. It is worth preparing this amount in advance and convincing the bank that you have it.

Step 4. Conclude an agreement

A loan agreement is a serious thing. The financial well-being of your company and your own emotional and psychological well-being for many years to come depend on it. Paying under an agreement that you have not read is dangerous and stupid.

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the draft of this document in advance and read it at home, in a calm environment. It’s even better to have it studied by a lawyer who understands the intricacies and pitfalls of business lending.

What to look for:

  • final interest rate;
  • payment schedule – is it convenient, does it meet your capabilities;
  • the procedure for calculating fines;
  • conditions early repayment loan;
  • obligations and rights of the parties.

Study at the same time pledge agreement if you take out a loan with a guarantee. You need to know your rights as the owner of the collateral property.

Remember: if some clauses of the agreement do not suit you, you have the right to demand that the bank change the wording or even remove this clause completely.

Standard and formal banking agreements does not happen - they are all compiled taking into account individual conditions and the circumstances of the transaction.

Step 5. Receive funds and open a business

All that remains is to receive funds to your current account or in cash and open your own business with them. Or the company will transfer money to the account of the seller from whom you are purchasing equipment or special equipment under the contract factoring or leasing.

4. Where to get a loan to open a small business - review of the TOP 5 banks

The expert department of our magazine monitored the credit market of the Russian Federation and compiled a list five most reliable banks.

Please note that in some of them it is more convenient to take out a consumer loan without specifying purposes or to issue credit card with a renewable limit. This option is suitable if you need relatively small amount within 300-750 thousand rubles .

1) Sberbank

– the most famous bank in the Russian Federation, the leader of the country’s credit market. Uses the services of this organization 70% of Russia's population. Loans are issued here individuals, legal entities.

Beginning entrepreneurs should pay attention to the loan program “ Confidence”, which is ready to finance the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Business development loan available to companies with annual revenue up to 60 million rubles . The rate under the program is 16.5% per annum. Maximum amount– 3 million rubles.

There are other programs - “ Credit for replenishment working capital », « Express bail», « Loan for the purchase of equipment and transport», « Leasing», « Business Asset», « Business-Invest" and others.

– loan programs for individuals and beginning businessmen. Tinkoff calls itself the most convenient bank for doing business.

If you require a small amount for the current needs of the enterprise, order a Tinkoff Platinum credit card. Its renewable limit is 300,000 rubles, and the base rate is from 15%. The interest-free period lasts 55 days. The card will be issued and delivered to your office or home free of charge.

– loans to individuals, companies and start-up entrepreneurs. pay attention to non-targeted loan without collateral up to 3 million rubles and a base interest rate of 14.9% per annum.

There are special programs for existing and newly opened MB enterprises - “ Turnover"(replenishment of working capital), " Business perspective», « Overdraft" Use it VTB offers Bank depending on your goals.

4) Alfa-Bank

– loan programs for business and ordinary consumer loans up to 5 million

Pay attention to the unique product from Alpha - the Gemini card. This is a debit and credit card in one piece of plastic. Renewable limit – 500,000 rubles . Grace period applies to cash withdrawals. The record period of preferential use is 100 days.

5) Renaissance

– consumer loans for any needs in the amount of up to RUB 700,000. Special conditions for bank clients and borrowers who have provided additional documents.

If you urgently need a small amount for the current needs of the MB, order a Renaissance credit card with a limit 200 thousand and a preferential loan period of 55 days. Free issue and annual maintenance. The rate is 24.9% per year.

5. How to increase your chances of getting a loan to start a small business - 4 useful tips

If you want to increase the chances of a positive response from the bank - use our advice.

Read, memorize and put into practice!

Tip 1. Seek support from financial funds

If you don't have collateral, additional income and other obvious signs of solvency, try to take advantage of preferential credit programs And with the help of Entrepreneurship Centers In your city.

Such structures will provide guarantee to the bank or even take on part of the loan payments.

Collaborates with Centers whole line Russian banks ready to provide loans to entrepreneurs at a lower rate and without any collateral. The state reimburses the costs to the banks.

Franchising is an additional guarantee of MB success. Perfect option - buy a franchise from the bank’s partner companies. Financial institutions partner with large brands that have an effective business model.

Tip 3. Provide collateral and issue a guarantee

Bail and surety help to achieve credit purpose as quickly as possible. If there is collateral interest rates are decreasing, and credit amounts and the deadlines, on the contrary, are growing.

But it’s worth soberly assessing your financial capabilities. If you cannot pay off the loan, the collateral will be sold at a price of 40-50% of its real value. Yes, and you will let down the guarantors - your debts will also affect their credit history.

Tip 4. Use the services of financial brokers

Financial brokers know much more about business loans than first-time entrepreneurs. The services of such companies cost money, but if you find a truly professional and experienced broker, your costs will more than pay off.

6. Conclusion

A loan for starting a small business is a chance for entrepreneurs to launch a promising business project without having personal savings. Many successful businessmen started with borrowed funds and now have billions in profits.

Question for readers

Do you think it’s worth pledging personal property as collateral for a business loan?

We wish you generous lenders and successful commercial projects! Write comments on the article, rate it, and share with friends on social networks. See you again!


Hello! In this article we will talk about how to get a loan for a small business from the state.

Today you will learn:

  1. What types of government loans exist for businesses?
  2. Who can receive government support?
  3. Which authorities should I contact for help?
  4. What documents need to be collected?

The government offers an alternative - state support for small businesses. But before you turn to the authorities for help, you should understand what type state loan will be optimal for you - that’s where we’ll start.

Types of loans from the state for business

In 2017, the government actively supports start-up entrepreneurs and provides assistance in the form of such forms of material support as:

  • Small business microfinance;
  • Guarantee from the state;
  • (free loan);
  • Compensation payments;
  • Tax relief.

Now we will consider each type of state support for small and medium-sized businesses separately.

Small business microfinance

Each region of the Russian Federation has a microcredit fund for small and medium-sized businesses. It is he who facilitates the issuance of borrowed funds to entrepreneurs on a preferential basis.

Lending conditions are different in each region. A significant advantage of this type of lending is its accessibility: money is provided regardless of the area of ​​employment.

There are only some restrictions that are determined by each region independently. For example, for Moscow this is a limit on the amount of a loan to a young entrepreneur.

Average conditions for obtaining preferential loan:

  • or physical () in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the loan will be received;
  • From 50 thousand to 1.5 million rubles (restrictions may be imposed on the amount depending on the scope of the organization’s activities);
  • The interest rate of a preferential loan ranges from 8 to 12% and will depend on the prospects of your business, market needs, the solvency of the borrower, the number of borrowed money and loan term, type of collateral;
  • Money is provided against security: property pledge, surety, pledge of a product in circulation, etc.;
  • The loan is issued in non-cash form;
  • If the conditions for providing money are not met, penalties are provided in the form of an increased percentage;
  • There is a limit on the number of loans;
  • The duration of consideration of documents for the provision of funds ranges from 5 to 10 days, depending on the region.

State guarantee

In this case, the money will be given to you commercial Bank, A state fund in the person of the Federal Notary Chamber will act as a guarantor. However, it should be borne in mind that not everyone participates in the state program. commercial banks. Their complete list in your region can be obtained on the official website of the Russian government.

Unlike the first option, receiving funds under government guarantee does not differ in terms from a regular loan. Review of your application will not be quick. Also be prepared for the fact that the fund will not guarantee the entire amount, but only a portion.

Social enterprises providing services to citizens, production and industry, and innovation are most likely to receive a guarantee from the fund. When considering an application for a guarantee, the fund pays special attention to the number of jobs created by the organization.


Subsidies are the most desired type of government support by entrepreneurs. The thing is that it is provided to businessmen free of charge.

However, not all entrepreneurs can receive a subsidy.

Businessmen must meet fairly stringent conditions to obtain:

  • It is necessary to register with the Employment Center as an unemployed person;
  • Answer the psychological test questions at the same Employment Center;
  • Complete training in entrepreneurship;

At the same time, all expenditures of government money must be consistent and supported by documents. After an entrepreneur receives a positive response from the Center, he must register his enterprise. Only after this the money will be credited to your account.

It often happens that an entrepreneur is denied a subsidy. The grant may be allocated for the purchase of either equipment or goods for sale, or intangible resources. This should be stated in your business plan.


It is also provided to businessmen free of charge. The disadvantage of grants is that not everyone can receive one.

The following are eligible to receive a grant:

  • Beginning entrepreneurs (have been operating for no more than 12 months);
  • Entrepreneurs who do not have debts on taxes or loans;
  • Businesses that create a lot of jobs.

Also, the area in which the organization operates is important for receiving a grant. Each region defines these areas independently.

Compensation payments and tax breaks

In this case, the state simply compensates the entrepreneur for part of the money that he spent on business development.

The following companies can count on such a relaxation: companies producing innovative products, enterprises producing import-substituting goods, as well as service providers.

As for tax breaks, in 2017 a novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to take the so-called. They consist in exempting a businessman from paying taxes for two tax periods.

You can take advantage of vacations if:

  • Are you an aspiring entrepreneur?
  • Organization on one of the following taxation systems: or;
  • You are employed in manufacturing, social welfare or science.

Requirements for borrowers

Let's take a closer look at what requirements are imposed on applicants for state support to receive a particular benefit. The information is given in the table.

Conditions of receipt Important Features
Microfinance — registered in the region where funds are received;

- the loan must be secured by property

— goal: development of small and medium-sized businesses;

- loan terms -
no more than a year

State guarantee — the bank must participate in the state program;

— you must be an active organization for at least 6 months;

— registration in the region where the loan is received is required;

— you do not have problems with creditors and tax authorities;

— it is necessary to repay a certain percentage of the loan with your own funds (set in each region)

— The priority activities for financing are: production, innovation, construction, service activities, transportation, tourism (in the Russian Federation), education, medicine, housing and communal services.

— Does not apply to the extraction and sale of minerals, gambling, banking and insurance activities, funds valuable papers, pawnshops

Subsidy — the importance of business for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Each subject has its own significant areas (you can find out the priority areas of activity for your region on government resources);

— presence of a business plan that must meet certain criteria (also established in each region);

- the entrepreneur must invest a certain amount own funds(depending on the program)

Funds are issued for the purchase of:

— raw materials and materials;

— production equipment;

— intangible resources.

Period of use in cash limited. Typically 1-2 years

Grant — business activity has been conducted for less than a year;

— the businessman does not and has not had problems with loans and borrowings (“clean” credit history);

— the enterprise creates a certain number of jobs;

— you did not receive other government benefits;

- availability of own funds

Funds are allocated for the development of medium and small businesses
Compensation payments

Borrowers can be:

— manufacturers and developers of innovative products;

— sellers of import-substituting goods;

— organizations engaged in the provision of services

Spending goals: development of medium and small businesses
Tax benefits — engaged in entrepreneurial activity for no more than a year;

— you are a member of the taxation system: PSN or simplified tax system;

— assistance is provided to companies engaged in science, production, and providing services to the population.

To summarize, government assistance is available for:

  • Beginning businessmen ();
  • Organizations involved in the production of products, development of innovative products;
  • Enterprises providing services to the public;
  • Entrepreneurs have no problems with loans.

Where to contact

For each material benefit a certain government agency, to whom the entrepreneur should turn.

Microfinance is provided by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in your region. To get a loan for preferential terms, you need to collect a package of documents (it differs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities).

You can find out more about this issue on the official website of the fund in your region; we will name only the main generally accepted documents:

  • Application and questionnaire of the applicant, as well as the guarantor;
  • Entrepreneur data;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Extract from the register of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Certificate of entry into / and extract from there;
  • A copy of the applicant's passport;
  • Copy of SNILS;
  • Activity licenses;
  • Accounting and tax reports.

After you have collected all the documents, you should submit an application for a loan to the Support Fund. You can also download such a statement on the official website of the Foundation in your region.

You must apply for a government guarantee with everyone necessary documents to a bank that participates in affiliate program with the Entrepreneurship Promotion Fund.

The bank itself will evaluate the possibility of government support and submit the application to the fund, which will consider it within three days. An application for a guarantee should be attached to the standard package of documents required to obtain a loan.

A subsidy or grant can be obtained from the labor exchange. To do this, you must meet a number of conditions that we have already discussed above. The package of documents for receiving a subsidy includes an application and a business plan.

You can receive compensation payments at the employment center. To do this, provide a business plan and a corresponding application.

To receive tax benefits should contact tax office, there you will receive information about the documents that will need to be collected.

Non-state support for small businesses

If you do not meet any of the criteria for receiving government assistance, you can apply for non-government assistance for small businesses.

Such assistance is provided by non-state funds when banking organizations, it is expressed in the form of a grant. At the same time, a non-state grant can be issued both with a return and on a gratuitous basis.

The grant is received on a competitive basis. At the same time, members of the commission will evaluate the economic benefits of the project.

To the standard package of documents for receiving a grant, you will need to attach a document that will describe the product and its cost.