The lowest rate on a consumer loan. Which bank has the lowest interest rate on a consumer loan?

Lastly time to take out a loan is not a problem. On every corner we offer quite attractive options with fabulously low interest rates. However, you must understand that no one will give money just like that and you can run into unscrupulous organizations, but if you know some of the subtleties, you can reduce the interest rate by several times in a good bank. For example, if you leave the property as collateral, the interest will be much less. By the way, you can take out a loan even without certificates and guarantors, this is written in detail .

Below we will figure out which bank offers the lowest interest rates on consumer loans and give some recommendations. To give an accurate answer to the question posed, let’s take a look at the nuances that you should know when applying for a loan.

Banks providing the most favorable loans: (clickable)

How to get a loan at a minimum interest rate?

  • If you are a bank client and an account has been opened (debit, savings), that is, there is a high chance of receiving borrowed funds at a lower interest rate. It’s just that the bank is completely confident in the solvency of its client.

Often, preferential conditions for the provision of borrowed funds are applied to such borrowers. This policy has become widespread in Sberbank and VTB 24. Typically, participants in salary projects can qualify for a rate 1.5-2% below the average.

  • If you have previously taken out a loan from this bank. A low interest rate on a consumer loan can be obtained from a bank where the borrower has previously taken out loans and paid off the debt without delay. Each financial and credit institution evaluates clients according to their degree of reliability.

The most reliable for them are borrowers who have faithfully fulfilled their loan obligations more than once and clients who have provided expensive liquid property as collateral.

  • A low interest rate on a loan is influenced by your credit history. A positive record of fulfillment of previous obligations is an important criterion by which the bank judges the borrower’s integrity.
  • Low consumer loan fees are possible by providing collateral or guarantees from third parties. In the second case, the rate can be reduced by 1%.

Figure 1 shows the main factors influencing the interest rate on a loan.

So, when approving the interest rate, banks pay special attention to the presence of a positive credit history and collateral. As banking practice shows, about 5% of borrowers are ideal borrowers.

Table 1 presents loan offers for consumer loans for 2016

Table 1 “Several profitable loan offers in 2016”

Bank % Bid Term Surety Confirmation of income
Citibank from 16% up to 60 months No No
Promsvyazbank from 15.9% up to 84 months No Yes
Sovcombank from 12% up to 12 months No Yes
Bank of Moscow from 16.9% up to 84 months No Yes
Credit Bank of Moscow from 18% up to 15 years No Yes
Renaissance Credit from 19.9% up to 60 months No Yes
Tinkoff Bank from 24.9% up to 36 months No Yes
Housing Finance Bank 14,89% up to 242 months Yes Yes
Power from 22% up to 36 months Yes Yes
Zenith from 15% up to 15 years No Yes

be careful

To date, the lowest interest rate on a consumer loan is set at 12%. Average – 24% However, you should understand that when you come to the bank, conditions can change greatly.

For example, an additional commission for conducting a transaction (for each payment). Banks often increase the interest rate by several points if you refuse insurance. And so on.

Always try to analyze the market, read reviews about each bank. Carefully study as much information as possible, and also pay attention only to reliable banks, even if their interest rate seems too high. We have compiled a list of reliable banks in this section. There you can find out the history and credit programs in more detail.


It is impossible to answer the question of which bank has the lowest interest rates on consumer loans. The interest rate is set on an individual basis for each client, based on his solvency, availability of collateral, etc.

In practice, software products that completely eliminate the human factor are used to calculate it. You can also get a loan at a low rate online. This method will save both time and your own finances.

A loan with the lowest interest rate is an excellent choice for those who are careful with their money. It allows the borrower to solve their financial problems and not be burdened by a feeling of ever-increasing debt to the organization that provided the funds. Both a year and several months of such a loan will be beneficial for the person applying for the service, since a large loss of money is simply impossible.

A loan is not a debt pit

A low interest rate is beneficial for both targeted and consumer loans, since the person who received the service will give only a minimal amount of their money. You can get cash in Moscow at a bank after a simple and short procedure.

Benefits of a low rate

A loan at a low interest rate has the following advantages:

  • Obvious benefit for the consumer;
  • Additional features offered by the bank - for example, grace periods, which make the service even more attractive;
  • Small amount of the final overpayment compared to conventional loans;
  • Possibility of receiving funds not only from the bank, but also from other financial institutions.

The lowest interest rates on the loan free the borrower from large overpayments and expenses that exceed income. A profitable service allows the consumer not only to solve all his problems, but also to pay a minimum amount for this opportunity, which makes such loans popular. Also, the borrower does not have the opportunity to spoil his reputation: all that is required is a small deposit and return of the amount used. Using the service is as simple as possible.

Advantageous service with simple registration

Many banks and financial organizations in Moscow provide loans only after a simple application procedure, which requires an application and one document. The consumer can easily fill out applications online - many banks allow this type of filling out of applications, as this allows them to relieve employees. The online application can be filled out directly from your home or office in just 5 minutes, and the lowest interest rate on the loan will soon become available. The online application can be found on the website of the organization providing the service, which significantly saves the borrower’s time; you don’t even need to go to the bank.

A loan with a low credit rate and the simplest and fastest processing is an opportunity for the borrower to receive cash on favorable terms as quickly as possible and start using it.

Consumer loans are one of the most popular banking products. This statement is confirmed by statistics from OKB, one of the largest credit history bureaus in Russia. It is consumer loans that constantly show the greatest increase in both volume and number of loans. For example, in the third quarter of 2015, 4.61 million such loans were issued, with a total financial indicator of 603 billion rubles.

Best deals

It is worth noting that the popularity of demand gives rise to a huge variety of offers. In the case of consumer loans, the situation becomes even more complex. After all, the difference in annual interest rates for using credit funds from banks can reach 10%.

Therefore, in order for citizens to be able to choose the most favorable loan terms for themselves, we decided to analyze the banking sector and determine which bank had the lowest interest rate on consumer loans in 2015. A list of the 10 cheapest products in the “consumer loan” group was also compiled.

Top 10 consumer loans with low interest rates in 2015
Bank's name
Loan term (months) Minimum loan amount (RUB) Maximum loan amount (RUB) Interest rate from (%)
1 Sovcombank 5-60 from 5 000
400 000
2 Gazprombank 12-60 from 50 000 3 000 000
3 Rosselkhozbank 1-60 from 10 000
1 000 000 15,50
4 OTP Bank 12-60 from 15 000 600 000 15,90
5 MDM Bank 24-60 from 100,000
1 000 000 15,90
6 Citibank 24-60 from 50 000 1 000 000 16,00
7 Rosenergobank 6-60 from 15 000 500 000 16,00
8 MInBank 6-60 from 50 000 1 000 000 16,00
9 MTS-Bank 12-60 from 20 000 3 000 000 16,66
10 SKB-bank 6-60 from 51 000 1 300 000 16,90

Top 5 bank loans with the lowest interest rates

Confidently first place, in terms of interest rate, was taken by " Sovcombank" with an offer to issue a consumer loan from 12% per annum. Also, this commercial structure offers fairly flexible terms in terms of term (from 5 to 60 months) and loan amount (from 5 thousand to 400 thousand rubles).

Mandatory conditions for obtaining a loan are Russian citizenship and the age of the borrower from 20 to 85 years. Moreover, the cut-off age of 85 years must occur before the last loan payment. Also an important factor is the mandatory employment for at least the last 4 months in one place. The client must live either in a locality where there is a Sovcombank representative office, or at a distance of up to 70 km from the nearest service point.

Silver in our rating went to "Gazprombank" with an offer of consumer loans at 14.5% per annum. The term of such a loan can be from 1 to 5 years, and the amount provided by the bank under this program ranges from 50 thousand to 3 million rubles.

The age of a Gazprombank consumer lending client must be at least 20 years old, and no more than 60 for women or 65 for men. The borrower must also have worked at the same place of work for at least the last 6 months. Another important factor in granting a loan from a bank is the mandatory guarantee of at least 1 person.

The top three is completed by Rosselkhozbank, which offers clients a consumer loan with an annual interest rate for using bank funds of 15.5%. A distinctive feature of this commercial structure is the possibility of obtaining a loan for only 1 month. The maximum period is 5 years. The loan amount varies from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles.

The Rosselkhozbank proposal implies the possibility of obtaining a consumer loan for younger citizens than in other banks - from 18 years of age. The borrower's age limit is 65 years, but these years must occur before the last payment. Official employment for the last 6 months and security, which can be in the form of a surety or property pledge, are also required.

Fourth and fifth place shared "OTP Bank" And "MDM Bank". According to their programs, the interest rate on a consumer loan ranges from 15.9% per annum. OTP Bank offers a wider loan term - 12-60 months, while MDM Bank issues loans from 2 to 5 years. With more significant loan amounts, MDM Bank has an advantage - the maximum amount of loan funds is 1 million rubles, the minimum is 100 thousand rubles. OTP Bank offers its clients from 15 thousand to 600 thousand rubles.

OTP Bank's requirements are: the borrower's age is from 21 to 65 years, mandatory employment for at least the last 3 months and permanent registration at the location of the bank's representative office.

MDM Bank provides loans to citizens from 23 years to 65 years for women and 60 for men. Permanent employment at one place of work must be at least 4 months. Also, registration of the borrower within the scope of the bank.

We compile our rating of which bank has the lowest loan interest rates based on open information from banks and use feedback from our readers. The rating of profitable loans is updated 1-2 times a week or as new information becomes available.

When talking about loans, you need to consider the following aspects:

  1. Interest rate;
  2. Maximum return period;
  3. Availability of guarantors and insurance.

The last two points directly affect the first. The higher the interest rate, the fewer conditions there are when issuing a loan.

Please note that you can apply to a number of banks; banks often offer more favorable loan conditions for online applications. It is also worth understanding that the stated lower limit for loans by banks is rarely offered. Alas, even reputable borrowers often receive approval at the highest point in the interest rate delta.

Loan rating 2019

Updated: 09-09-2019 11:21:02

  1. Sovcombank: 8.9% - apply >
  2. Eastern: 9.9% - apply >
  3. SKB Bank: 9.9% - apply >
  4. Gazprombank: 10.8% - submit an application >
  5. Home Credit Bank: 10.9% - apply >
  6. Renaissance: 10.9% - apply >
  7. Moscow Industrial Bank: 10.9%
  8. Raiffeisenbank: 10.99% - apply >
  9. UBRD: 11% - apply >
  10. OTP Bank: 11.5% - apply >
  11. Ak Bars: 11.5%
  12. Alfa Bank: 11.9% - apply >
  13. Citibank: 11.9%
  14. TinkoffBank: 12% (Maximum approval! Up to 2,000,000 - without certificates, delivered by courier. Up to 300 thousand - to a credit card) - submit an application >
  15. Rosbank: 13.5% - apply >
  16. Sovcombank: 8.9% (For Halva card holders) - apply >
  17. Qiwi Bank: 0% (On an installment card - up to 300 thousand.) - submit an application >

Some practical tips to help you prepare documents, choose a bank and a loan program:

Where can I get a profitable loan with a good credit history at a low interest rate?

  • The very first thing that comes to mind is to contact the bank where you have already taken out and successfully issued a loan. The borrower is already known there, there is a positive story.
  • The second option is to contact the bank where it is open.

If both points coincide, great, perhaps there are preferential programs for you; in any case, it is worth discussing the possibility of an attractive rate with a credit consultant.

But often banks, having received a client, are sure that he “will not go anywhere” and are in no hurry to provide better conditions. Contact another bank, not the one where you have a salary project and not the one where you have already taken out a loan. The new bank will check yours, make sure that it is good, and perhaps offer a more loyal percentage to attract a new client.

Another option is to take out a loan where they will definitely give it, pay at least 30% of the loan term, then refinance with a large bank at a lower interest rate. The fact that you have already been given a loan and your punctuality and commitment prove your ability to pay and this is a plus in obtaining refinancing.

Loan calculator

Based on available data: amount, interest - calculate your monthly payment and overpayment.

Which bank has the lowest loan interest rates - ratings for past years

  1. Cash – Svyaz-Bank – from 10.00%
  2. Consumer - Binbank - from 10.49%
  3. Consumer for government employees - Promsvyazbank - from 10.90%
  4. Personal – Raiffeisenbank – 10.99%
  5. Universal - FC Otkritie - from 10.90%
  6. For any purpose - Moscow Credit Bank - from 10.90%
  7. Pension - Interprombank - from 11.00%
  8. Unsecured pension for public sector employees - Revival - 11.40%
  9. Consumer without collateral - Gazprombank - from 11.40%
  10. Big season - Eastern Bank - 11.50%
  11. Refinancing secured by real estate - Moscow Industrial Bank - 11.90%
  12. For everything about everything with proof of income - SKB-Bank - from 11.90%
  13. Without collateral without proof of income - Bank Uralsib - 11.90%
  1. Cash 12% - Sovcombank - from 12.00% (does not require insurance)
  2. For any purpose - Moscow Credit Bank - 12.50%
  3. Personal – Raiffeisenbank – from 12.90%
  4. With collateral, for public sector employees - Gazprombank - 13.50%
  5. For military personnel - Zenit - from 13.50%
  6. For public sector employees with collateral - Moscow Industrial Bank - 13.50%
  7. For any purpose - 48 hours - Alexandrovsky - from 13.90%
  8. Consumer guaranteed — — from 13.90%
    up to 399,999
  9. Without collateral, for public sector employees - Gazprombank - 14.00%
  10. Consumer - Citibank - from 14.00% (does not require insurance)
  11. Pension - Rosselkhozbank - 14.50%
  12. For state employees, without collateral - Moscow Industrial Bank - 14.50%
  13. Money - opportunities, for public sector workers, with security - Russia - from 14.75%
  14. Cash – Svyaz-Bank – from 14.90%
  15. Cash - VTB Bank of Moscow - from 14.90%
  16. Consumer - Promsvyazbank - from 14.90%
  17. Promo – OTP Bank – from 14.90%
  18. Big money 2.0 – Vostochny Bank – from 14.90%

Sovcombank, Denezhny 12%, from 12%, up to 12 months.
Raiffeisenbank, Personal, from 14.9%, up to 60 months.
Zenit, For military personnel, from 15%, up to 15 years.
Binbank, State employees, 15.9%, up to 60 months.
Promsvyazbank, For public sector employees and civil servants, from 15.9%, up to 84 months.
Gazprombank, Consumer without collateral for public sector employees, 16%, up to 12 months.
Citibank, Consumer, from 16%, up to 60 months.
Rosbank, Just money, from 16.4%, up to 60 months.
Bank of Moscow, Cash, from 16.9%, up to 84 months.

Which bank has the lowest loan interest rates for 2014: top banks with the lowest rates on consumer lending:

The following key parameters were set: loan size – 30,000 rubles, loan term – 1 year.
Additional parameters: no collateral or guarantors, for any purpose, proof of income required and no additional fees.

  1. Cash loan " The right things" The bank offers the best offer. The interest rate range starts at 12.9%. Monthly payment amount from 2,678 rubles. There is a possibility of early repayment. The decision on extradition is made within two days.
  2. « Credit for purchases"from the bank. The interest rate on the loan is 13%, the amount of the monthly payment is 2,680 rubles. There is a possibility of early repayment.
  3. « Special credit» offers GI Money Bank at interest rates from 13.5 - 13.9% with the possibility of early repayment and a monthly payment amount of 2,687 rubles.
  4. « Your terms" V . The loan is issued at 14% per annum. The monthly payment amount is 2,694 rubles. There is a possibility of early repayment.
  5. « Standard» - loan from with an interest rate of 14.5% and the possibility of early repayment. Every month you will have to pay 2,701 rubles.
  6. « Salary loan"Sobinbank offers. The interest rate on the loan is 14.5% per annum, the monthly payment amount is 2,701 rubles. Early repayment is possible.
  7. « Consumer loan without collateral"from . The range of interest rates is from 15 – 24.5%. Monthly payment from 2,708 rubles. There is a possibility of early repayment.
  8. The National Bank offers a loan " New opportunities» with an interest rate of 15% and a monthly payment amount of 2,708 rubles. It is possible to repay the loan early.
  9. suggests " Loan with insurance" You will have to pay 2,721 rubles per month. The interest rate is 15.9% per annum. The loan can be repaid ahead of schedule.
  10. « Cash loan"offers Renaissance Credit Bank. Its interest rates are in the range of 15.9 – 74.9%, while the monthly payment amount is 2,721 rubles. The loan can be repaid ahead of schedule.

You can send to many of the banks listed - just follow the link and choose a bank.

BNP Paribas— from 6.9%, loan “No overpayments” up to 450,000 rubles for 36 months, with an annuity repayment system, does not provide for collateral. The loan is issued according to five documents on the day of application.

CB National Investment and Industrial Bank— from 11% per 10,000 rubles, with installments for 3 years. The maximum loan amount is 100,000 rubles. Security is required - collateral.

— from 12.9%, “Necessary Things” loan up to 750,000 rubles is issued in cash on two documents for a period of 5 years, without collateral conditions. Early repayment is allowed on any date.

- from 13%, loan “For purchases”, with a maximum loan amount of 500,000 rubles with installments up to 5 years, without specific requirements for the borrower.

- from 14%, loan “For urgent needs” from 90,000 rubles, with the obligatory condition of insuring the collateral. A one-time fee for issuing a loan of 2% (in the range of 3,000-20,000 rubles) is paid.

The first place among banks with a low interest rate on consumer loans is occupied by and, with 11.9 – 12% per annum, respectively. The conditions are not the best, a large number of documents are required, and guarantors are required. The loan repayment period is only 1 year.

At the second stage, with 14.1%. There is only one relaxation in comparison with the previous couple - the loan term is 2 years. The worst among the studied indicators was

According to research and surveys, the most popular loans over the past few years have been consumer cash loans. Most often, borrowers borrow money from banks for the following purposes:

  • home renovation;
  • buying a property;
  • purchasing a car;
  • purchase of household appliances.

Loans have to be repaid. And already at the decision-making stage, it is important to understand what monthly payment will be feasible and comfortable for the borrower. Experts believe that the optimal level of credit payment burden is an amount equal to 35–40% of income, and payments not exceeding 50% are considered acceptable. In this regard, banks often limit the level of debt burden in their rules to 40–50% of income (personal or family, depending on the type of loan).

The best consumer loans

Similar restrictions are planned to be introduced at the legislative level: changes are expected to be made soon to a number of laws designed to limit the debt burden of Russians to 50% of total income. The websites of most banks have loan calculators that will help you calculate the amount of the monthly payment depending on the type of loan, its size and term.

How to choose a loan

The conditions for issuing consumer loans vary greatly from bank to bank. Therefore, when you decide to borrow money, you should not run to the nearest branch of the first bank you come across. Our website contains information on all loan offers, indicating interest rates and other conditions for issuing consumer loans. Among them, it is easy to choose the most profitable and interesting ones.