Take a loan from a savings bank for opening an individual entrepreneur. Loan programs for individual entrepreneurs

A loan for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank is popular. No wonder, because thanks to the loan, an individual entrepreneur will be able to start his own business.

Sberbank provides several loan offers for entrepreneurs. Consider what are the lending conditions for individual entrepreneurs in this bank, and is it worth taking on this burden?

Sberbank can offer several loan programs to small businesses. Let's consider each of them in more detail, so that it is clear which of them provides the most attractive conditions.

Lending to small businesses is aimed at financial support for entrepreneurial activities, as well as the purchase and modernization of new equipment.

Today, Sberbank can offer individual entrepreneurs 3 programs:

  1. Credit Trust
  2. Express bail

Among these small business lending programs are programs that provide loans without collateral.

Credit Trust

This lending program involves the issuance of borrowed funds for business development, while not providing collateral.

All small businesses whose annual revenue does not exceed 60 million rubles can apply for the Trust loan.

A feature of the Trust loan is the ability to spend credit funds on current needs, as well as on business development.

Terms of credit Trust for individual entrepreneurs:

  • An entrepreneur can receive a maximum loan of 3 million rubles.
  • Tariff: 18.5% per annum
  • Lending is made in national currency
  • Period provided for debt repayment: 3 years
  • Commission is not charged
  • It is possible to attract a guarantor to receive a reduced tariff

In order for a loan application to be considered, a potential borrower must provide a package of documents. This package should include the following papers:

  • Questionnaire
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Constituent and registration documents of IP
  • Documents on economic and financial activities
  • Warranty Application

There are quite a lot of people who want to receive such a cash loan, so the consideration of the application may take some time. Approximately it will take 1 - 3 days.

This loan program will help the IE expand the boundaries of its activities, discover new areas or modernize production.

A business project has several advantages: a longer loan period and significant amounts of financing.

Conditions of the Business project for IP:

  • Maximum loan amount: 200 million rubles.
  • Credit funds are provided only in national currency
  • Tariff: from 11.8% per annum
  • Postponement: up to 1 year
  • Mandatory guarantee
  • Commission for issuance and early repayment of the loan is not charged
  • Compulsory insurance of property that was provided as collateral

This loan is targeted. It is aimed at investments in non-current and current assets through investments in the development of new and existing areas of economic and financial activities of the borrower.

This offer of the bank is divided into lending with and without collateral.

The terms of the loan offer Business trust with collateral look like this:

  • Minimum loan amount: 500 thousand rubles.
  • Tariff: from 14.52% per annum
  • Permissible delay in payment of the loan obligation: 3 months
  • Loan period: from 3 months. up to 3 years
  • Commission for the issuance of borrowed funds, as well as for the early repayment of a loan obligation is not charged
  • All collateral objects are subject to compulsory insurance
  • Consideration of the application is carried out within 3 days
  • You do not need to report to the bank for the funds spent

This loan is non-targeted, so you do not need to confirm the costs of it.

Not everyone will decide to take such a loan, and in some ways they will be right. However, there is also a loan without collateral. In general, the conditions of such a loan are similar to the Business Trust loan offer with collateral. The difference is that when lending without collateral, a guarantor must be presented.

Express bail

The loan is issued against the security of liquid real estate or equipment.

Conditions for obtaining borrowed money under the Express program on bail:

  • Goal: business development
  • Mandatory collateral of the borrower's property or equipment
  • Guarantee
  • Maximum loan amount: 5 million rubles.
  • Tariff: 17 - 19% per annum
  • The period allocated for the payment of the debt obligation: 4 years
  • There are no commissions for issuing a loan and for its early repayment

If an individual entrepreneur provides guarantees as security, he will be able to receive a lower tariff.

requirements for IP

Requirements for individual entrepreneurs for each loan offer may differ. In order not to generalize, but to give more accurate information, we will consider the requirements of the bank separately for all loan products.

Requirements for an individual entrepreneur for a loan product called Credit Trust:

  • Age: 23 - 60 years old
  • Entrepreneur's business is conducted for a period of more than 2 years

Requirements for an individual entrepreneur under the terms of the Express bail program:

Requirements for a small business subject under the terms of the Business Trust loan:

  • Doing business in the field of trade - from 3 months.
  • For other areas of business - from 6 months.
  • For seasonal activities - at least 1 year

And finally, the requirements of Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs, if you wish to apply for a loan Business project:

  • The company is a resident of the Russian Federation
  • Annual revenue does not reach 400 million rubles.
  • The maximum age of an individual entrepreneur is 70 years old at the date of completion of the loan
  • Doing business: from 1 year - for obtaining an investment loan, and for obtaining a loan within the framework of project financing - from 18 months.

It is much more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to issue a debt obligation than for a simple consumer. There are more requirements and risks here. But in business, you have to take risks very often.

Registration of an application for registration of a debt obligation

  • Visit to a bank branch

This method has long been "bored", but it appeals to many more. Moreover, as a result, you still have to go there. In the bank branch, the manager will listen to your wishes and select the most suitable loan product. After consulting you on the terms of the best option, the manager will ask for your consent to register a loan application. If you do not need time to think things over, follow the advice of the bank officer.

  • Remote application registration

On the official website of the bank, you can apply for a loan by completing an electronic questionnaire. After considering the application, the bank operator will contact you and offer to come to the nearest branch of the bank to conclude a loan agreement (of course, if the bank's decision is positive).

Study the offers of the bank, analyze them, and make an informed decision.

A fairly extensive list of loans for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank involves short-term or long-term lending, and also makes it possible to obtain a cash loan to start a business. Each loan package has different terms and conditions for registration and use.


Sberbank offers loans for individual entrepreneurs under the following most popular programs:

  • Business Auto. Allows you to purchase any type of transport necessary for business development and the sale of finished products. The loan amount from 150,000 rubles can be obtained for up to 8 years. Credit rate from 14.5%.
  • "Business Trust". Suitable for those who need additional funding to cover current expenses. Individual entrepreneurs do not need to confirm the intended use of funds. Amount - up to 3 million rubles for a period of 3 months to 4 years. Rate from 19.98%.
  • Business Invest. Provides an opportunity to receive funds to carry out the necessary repairs or construction, as well as to refinance current debts to other credit and leasing companies. The loan term does not exceed 10 years. The amount up to 3 million rubles at a rate of 14.82% is issued only against security.
  • "Business real estate". It is possible to purchase real estate through credit financing on favorable terms. The loan amount is set from 150,000 rubles. The term of financing is no more than 10 years at a rate of 14.74%. It is required to provide and arrange insurance for collateral property.
  • "Business Turnover". With the help of this loan program, you can replenish working capital, pay current expenses, and implement business development plans. Loan term - 4 years. The rate is 14.8%. A loan from 150,000 rubles is issued against security.
  • "Confidence". Financial support without security for any purpose, for a period of 3 years. The rate is from 19%. The amount is up to 3 million rubles.
  • "Express Pledge". Obtaining financial support secured by real estate or equipment for a period of 6 months to 4 years. The rate ranges from 16 to 23%. The amount is from 300,000 to 5 million rubles.
  • Express Mortgage. Providing a quick loan for the purchase of residential or commercial real estate. The term is up to 10 years. The rate is from 16.5%. The amount is up to 7 million rubles.

According to the standard procedure, Sberbank considers an application for an individual entrepreneur loan for no more than three days.

Criteria for the borrower

To qualify for financial support, a borrower must meet the following requirements:

  1. Own your own business for at least two years in the field of trade and at least six months in other business sectors.
  2. Have an annual revenue of up to 60 million rubles.
  3. Have a permanent registration in the Russian Federation or temporary, the expiration date of which must be at least six months at the time of application.
  4. Age 23-60 years.

Documents for a loan

Loans for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank are issued in the presence of a mandatory package of documents:

  1. Application form.
  2. Passport of an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Registration documents.
  4. Papers relating to economic activity.
  5. Applications for obtaining a guarantee (if required by the terms of the loan).

Depending on the chosen loan program, the bank may require additional documents.

Application review

The package of papers submitted by the applicant is submitted for consideration to the credit committee of the bank.

When examining documents, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. IP credit history. The chances of a loan being approved are reduced if the entrepreneur has debts with Sberbank or other credit institutions.
  2. The amount of revenue.
  3. Ownership of property.
  4. What potential does the business have, is there a well-designed project and business plan.

The Credit Committee may take into account those circumstances that do not depend on the will of the entrepreneur.

What are the reasons for rejection

The most common reasons for loan denials are:

  • The entrepreneur did not inspire confidence in the credit committee.
  • An incomplete package of documents was submitted.
  • An insufficient number of arguments in favor of the liquidity of the business are given.
  • The business plan does not contain the necessary information from which it would be possible to trace the real development of the business.

Sberbank may refuse a loan to an individual entrepreneur even if the latter uses a simplified taxation system or UTII.

If the loan was still refused, the entrepreneur can try to take out a consumer loan. The downside of such a loan will be higher interest rates than business loans. But the requirements for borrowers and the mandatory package of documents are more loyal.

Getting a loan from a bank - what you need to pay attention to: Video

Additional funds are often needed to develop entrepreneurship. Most large companies constantly take out loans. These are always new opportunities that can be used to expand activities, maintain the current situation or overcome the crisis.

Sberbank offers a range of loan products that are great for individual entrepreneurs. They can also be provided to individuals, but it is them that this organization distinguishes from others as the most convenient and beneficial for individual entrepreneurs.

Conditions for obtaining loans for individual entrepreneurs

Since Sberbank has several offers suitable for loans to individual entrepreneurs, then there are no general conditions for all IP. Each loan product has its own requirements.

Loan products for individual entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur who needs funds for a business can take them from Sberbank. Wherein he can choose the most favorable conditions himself because there are multiple offers.

If the likelihood of approval is low, you can choose one of the two:

  1. Submit one “general” application, just for business loans. This can be done online or through a bank branch. Then Sberbank itself will offer its own version of the loan.
  2. Apply for several loan products of interest instead of one to increase the likelihood of a positive response.

But even after one application for a particular loan product, managers most likely contact the SP to offer available options. The above methods are just a safety net. to increase chances of approval.

There are a lot of lending options for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank. The most popular ones are listed below.

Loan "Express secured"

Credit "Trust"

Loan "Business Turnover"

Credit "Business Overdraft"

Credit "Business Guarantee"

In addition to the above lending programs, the bank has the possibility of obtaining a car on credit or leasing, including special vehicles. Commercial real estate acquisition programs are also available. For these cases, extended payment terms are provided - up to 10 years or more.. It also implies the issuance of large sums, for example, for transport - up to 24 million rubles. Applications for such loans dealt with very quickly, often no more than two days. In this case, a mandatory initial contribution is required, which can be 15-25% of the price of the acquired property.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank?

There are several ways to get a loan for individual entrepreneurs. You can order a call back: the bank manager will call you back and enter all the data into the application. Also Individual entrepreneurs can apply online on the website. And the third option is self-guided visit. There will be no significant differences in the results, this is just the ability to choose the most convenient way for the client.

Required documents for applying

Since Sberbank has a lot of loan products, as well as their varieties suitable for individual entrepreneurs, then the package of documents for each case may be different. At the same time, there is a common exemplary a list of papers that must be provided to all entrepreneurs.

  1. Borrower Questionnaire. It is filled in on the site if it is planned to send data via the Internet (online application). When visiting Sberbank in person you need to either print it out and fill it out in advance, or ask the bank employees already on the spot.
  2. Registration and constituent documents of IP.
  3. Documents on economic activity.
  4. Financial statements.

In addition to the above, the department may ask for additional documents. Because each IP the situation, income, amounts required and possibilities of providing are very different, then the decision is made individually. This applies not only to the response to the application, but also to the interest rate, terms, funds issued, and so on. That's why you need to be prepared, including, to request additional documents.

Requirements for borrowers can also vary greatly, depending on what kind of loan the entrepreneur is interested in. In most cases ( but not always) it is necessary that:

  • the company was a resident of the Russian Federation;
  • the period of its existence and conduct of activities was at least 6-12 months;
  • the age of the borrower was at least 21-23 years old.

There may also be annual turnover requirements, usually in the context of " no more N million rubles a year", pledge and surety.

What factors increase the likelihood of an application being approved?

If any loan in Sberbank was not approved, you can try to apply for another. But in order to increase the likelihood of approval, it is best to adhere to the following rules:

Most individual entrepreneurs have loans at Sberbank. The bank is more loyal to entrepreneurship than to private clients. Even if it’s not easy for an individual entrepreneur with finances, collateral in many loan programs may be commercial property, including goods. Therefore, if you need to receive funds, it makes sense to at least apply. After all, it is Sberbank provides the most favorable conditions for borrowers.

Those who want to receive more than 10 million rubles should familiarize themselves with Lending Incentive Program accessible to medium and small businesses. Some may take money from it on more favorable terms.

Today, small business is becoming more and more active in the country. But not everyone has the initial capital.

That is why the only way out in this situation is to take the necessary amount from the bank on credit. The best choice in this case is Sberbank - the conditions for granting credit loans from this bank are quite flexible, there are special offers for small and medium-sized businesses.

Purpose of the bank loan

The most important thing to do before applying for a loan is to decide on its purpose. Sberbank offers a loan program called Business Start.

It provides two ways to start a business:

  • lending according to a standard business plan (this requires the approval of the Partner of the Bank or the franchisor);
  • registration of a client as an Individual Entrepreneur or the creation of a Limited Liability Company.

Both options have both their pros and cons. In the first case, having spent a bank loan to open a business, the risks are minimal - the probability of payback is quite high. Since a typical business project has already been “run in”, all the nuances are taken into account and calculated to the smallest detail.

Also, a bank loan can be used to open your own enterprise, absolutely unique. This path is somewhat risky, but you do not have to spend a fairly substantial amount of money to buy a franchise of a well-known brand. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a business plan and submit it to the credit commission. Only after she is convinced of its profitability and payback, the loan application can be approved.

Loan programs from Sberbank are distinguished by their diversity. So an individual entrepreneur can take out a loan to purchase vehicles (leasing). There are two programs of this type: "Light" (makes the initial costs minimal), "Standard" (allows you to make the monthly payment as low as possible).

IP requirements and conditions

The conditions for granting an individual entrepreneur loan vary depending on many factors, as well as the program chosen by the businessman. One of the most optimal programs that apply to individual entrepreneurs is "Business Start".

With its help, you can take out loans for doing business on the following conditions:

  • provides start-up capital in the amount 80% from the required amount;
  • The maximum possible loan amount is 7 million rubles;
  • duration of the loan - no more 5 years;
  • additional security is not required;
  • is provided only for opening a business under a well-known brand (franchise), or according to a standard project (developed by the Bank's Partner).

Regarding the conditions of other banks, Sberbank's loan programs are quite loyal to individual entrepreneurs.

But Sberbank is a rather serious financial structure. Therefore, it seeks to reduce the likelihood of any risks and losses to a minimum. That is why there are certain requirements for IP. And only if they are fulfilled, is it possible to issue a loan secured by real estate or in the presence of a guarantor.

Particular attention is paid to the following points:

  • The age of the borrower who is an individual entrepreneur must not be less than 21 years old and no more 60 years at the time of the last payment. Deviations from these rules are possible, each case is considered by the bank in a special order.
  • The borrower himself must have in his hands the original certificate of registration of IP.
  • A certificate of tax registration is required.
  • More 12 months An individual entrepreneur must exist as a small or medium business.
  • Successful activities must be carried out at least 6 months. Otherwise, the probability of loan approval tends to 0%.
  • It is desirable to have guarantors or liquid assets.

If the borrower meets all the requirements of the bank, then his application is likely to be approved. There are also significant differences in lending conditions, depending on which business model will be chosen by an individual entrepreneur.

If the business model of the franchisor company is chosen, the loan is provided on the following terms:

  • the duration of the loan is 42 months;
  • interest rate - 18.5% ;
  • the amount of the down payment is not more than 20% ;
  • payment of the principal debt begins only after the expiration of 6 months;
  • the bank does not charge a commission for issuing a loan (which distinguishes Sberbank from other banks);
  • the loan is secured by collateral in the form of property acquired as part of the loan, or by the guarantee of an individual;
  • property is subject to mandatory insurance.

Sberbank willingly provides loans for opening Harat`s pubs (the business model of Harat`s franchisor).

Lending on the following terms:

  • the interest rate is 18.5% ;
  • Loan amount may vary from 3 million rubles up to 7 million rubles;
  • loan term can be up to 60 months;
  • The amount of the down payment must be at least 40% ;
  • Delaying the start of repayment of the principal debt is very beneficial - 12 months.

The typical business plan of the Partner's company is less profitable, but also has some advantages.

Provided under the following conditions:

  • loan amount varies between from 100 thousand rubles up to 3 million rubles.;
  • maximum loan term 42 months;
  • The amount of the down payment must be at least 20% from the amount required to open a business;

There are three options for securing a loan:

  • the Bank's Partner is responsible for the borrower;
  • the loan is secured by the acquired property;
  • a natural person is responsible for the borrower.
  • the property acting as collateral must be insured.

How to get a loan from Sberbank IP?

To get a loan from Sberbank, you must first contact the nearest branch of the bank. Bank employees will advise a potential borrower, talk about their requirements and conditions of loan programs, and also acquaint them with the list of required documents.


First of all, the borrower needs to collect a complete list of documents required for filing an application and processing a loan. You should provide original documents, copies will be made directly at the bank.

To get a loan from Sberbank for an individual entrepreneur, the borrower needs to collect the following package of documents:

  • a questionnaire containing all the necessary data;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (if the borrower is an individual entrepreneur);
  • a document confirming the settled relationship between the borrower and the military commissariat to which he is assigned (military ID, registration certificate). The possibility of being called up for military service must be completely excluded;
  • a full range of financial documents for individual entrepreneurs.

Quite often, the bank requires some additional package of documents from the guarantor:

  • a questionnaire filled with reliable data;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming temporary registration (if any);
  • a military ID or other document confirming the impossibility of conscription for military service;
  • certificate of 2NDFL or in the form of a bank confirming income for the last three full months (only if the guarantor is an employee).

The Bank has the right to require the following documents (they are required in some cases):

  • a document confirming the approval by the franchisor of the list of assets to be acquired;
  • a document confirming the consent of the franchisor to interact with an individual entrepreneur.

These documents are required only in case of organizing a business according to any model provided by the franchisor.

An individual entrepreneur must also provide:

  • certificate of registration with the tax authority (issued by the tax service of the Russian Federation);
  • if the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur requires a license, it must also be provided in the original;
  • original certificate of registration in the state register of IP (EGRIP).

Amount limits

The program from Sberbank called "Business Start" involves a limit on the maximum amount of a loan issued by an individual entrepreneur. It depends on the chosen business model.

There are three programs in total:

  1. business model from the franchisor company;
  2. business model of Harat`s franchisor company;
  3. a typical business plan provided by the Bank's Partner's company.

If an individual entrepreneur has chosen the first option (a business model from a franchisor), then the loan amount may vary within about t 100 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles inclusive.

When a borrower wants to open an Irish-style pub (Harat`s Franchisor), the loan amount can range from 3 million rubles up to 7 million rubles.

According to the typical business plan of the Bank's Partner's company, the loan amount is from 100 thousand rubles up to 3 million rubles

Not only the size of the loan amount differs, but also the conditions under which this amount is provided.


Loan terms vary for different loan programs.

Several factors influence this:

  • features of the credit program itself;
  • the amount of the amount taken on credit;
  • borrower's credit history;
  • the purposes for which the loan was taken.

The longest loan term is provided by Sberbank under the Business Start program for opening a Harat`s franchise business - 60 months(which is 5 years). The interest rate is only 18.5%. In addition, the grace period for this franchise is 12 months. The terms provided for other business plans are somewhat different.

The maximum loan term for starting a business under the Bank's Partner company program is 42 months.

Moreover, the minimum annual interest rate will be 20%.
If a loan is taken by an individual entrepreneur to open a franchise business of a well-known brand, then the loan term will also be 42 months. But the annual interest is somewhat less - the minimum interest rate for this loan program will be approximately 18.5%.

What are the chances?

In Sberbank, a specialized unit called the credit committee deals with the consideration of loan applications. The package of documents required for consideration is prepared by a loan officer, after which it is transferred to this division of the bank.

The Credit Committee reviews applications manually and takes into account all factors that may affect the success of the business being opened.

Based on the conclusions made, a positive or negative decision is already being made.

The following points influence the decision of the credit committee most of all:

  • credit history (if there are debts to Sberbank or other banks, the probability of approval of the application is zero);
  • employment of the entrepreneur and the amount of permanent income;
  • the presence in the ownership of any real estate or other property, the value of which is large enough;
  • the presence of a guarantor;
  • credibility of the business project.

Also, in addition to these factors, there are others that are not dependent on the individual entrepreneur. They are the result of processes occurring within the bank itself.

Reasons for refusal to provide a loan for individual entrepreneurs

Sberbank may refuse to lend if the client seems unreliable to the credit commission for any reason. This may be due to the fact that there was not provided a strong enough business case for the liquidity of the business for which the loan is taken to open or expand. That is why you should pay close attention to the presentation of the business plan itself.

It is important to know that Sberbank is somewhat biased towards individual entrepreneurs.

And there are serious reasons for this - gray accounting and many other features that accompany the activities of businessmen. Therefore, if the bank refuses to issue an individual entrepreneur loan, it is worth a try. Since Sberbank is reluctant to issue loans to entrepreneurs reporting on the USNO and UTII.

Bad credit history is also a serious problem if an individual entrepreneur wants to take a loan from Sberbank. The way out of the situation may be the registration of a mortgage, where any valuable property (real estate and others) acts as collateral.

If the bank refuses to issue a loan as an individual entrepreneur, you can apply for a regular consumer loan. The interest rate for it is slightly higher than for a specialized program for business, but the requirements for the borrower are softer, the number of required documents is minimal.

Citizens who decide to engage in entrepreneurial activities often face a lack of financial resources. Many banks refuse to issue loans to start-up businessmen or set too high interest rates for them. A loan from Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs can be obtained on more favorable terms than in other financial institutions. The organization issues loans to small and medium-sized businesses at reduced interest rates and without collateral.

Benefits of lending to IP in Sberbank

One of the main advantages of cooperation with the company is the possibility of early repayment of the loan without charging a commission. Sberbank protects its customers from the actions of fraudsters by means of a letter of credit form of payment, i.e. money is transferred in favor of the IP partner by bank transfer. If the tender or payment documents turned out to be falsified by third parties in order to obtain illegal benefits, the bank will cancel the transaction. Other benefits of cooperation with Sberbank:

  • Granting a deferral for the repayment of the main part of the debt. The citizen will have to pay interest on the loan, but the monthly payments will be less than those originally set for the loan.
  • Providing money for the development of their own business. If the borrower has just decided to start his own business, he can get financing from the lender. The decision on such lending programs is influenced by the specifics of entrepreneurial activity.
  • The possibility of obtaining an unsecured loan.
  • There are no fees for cash withdrawals.

Types of small business loans

Sberbank provides various types of loans to businessmen. A legal entity has the right to choose a lending program and a method of debt repayment. For targeted loans, the annual rate is lower, and the repayment terms are longer. Businessmen often take untargeted loans in order to make up for the lack of working capital. Sberbank has developed the following lending programs for individual entrepreneurs:

  • For any purpose without collateral and guarantors. An entrepreneur does not need to involve his acquaintances to obtain a loan or mortgage any real estate, but at the same time, the citizen's company must pass the official certification in its industry and bring a stable income.
  • Collateral for any purpose. The client will be able to invest money at his own discretion, but at the same time he is obliged to pledge movable or immovable property.
  • To replenish working capital. An individual entrepreneur can replenish the capital of the company with the help of this loan. Money can be issued on bail or on surety.
  • For the purchase of vehicles, equipment and real estate. The loan is provided to the client in order for him to renew the fleet of equipment and increase the efficiency of his own production.
  • Leasing. With the help of Sberbank, the IP takes long-term leases of equipment, real estate, vehicles. After the debt is fully repaid, the client can buy the equipment at a significant discount.
  • Providing bank guarantees. Individual entrepreneurs receive funds to secure obligations under a transaction with a partner.
  • Refinancing loans from other banks. Legal entities that have taken loans from other lenders at less favorable interest rates can reissue loans at Sberbank.
  • Program to stimulate lending to small and medium-sized businesses. According to this state project, businessmen are given money to expand their activities at reduced interest rates.

Loan conditions

Features of lending to individual entrepreneurs depend on the chosen banking product and the state of the business. A citizen must have a regular income. For some banking products, even people over 65 years old can get a loan. Individual entrepreneurs are considered self-employed citizens, but Sberbank insists on their official employment. This is especially true for individuals who have recently started their own business. The standard loan terms are as follows:

  1. The age of the borrower is from 22 to 60 years.
  2. The presence of a guarantor in the form of an individual or co-owner of the enterprise.
  3. The minimum interest rate is 12.3%.
  4. The age of the company is at least 12 months.
  5. The amount of the initial contribution required for the implementation of the project should not be less than 15% of the loan amount.

Sberbank's requirements for borrowers

Sberbank tries to protect itself from risks and losses as much as possible, therefore it carefully checks potential borrowers. Individual entrepreneurs who meet the list of requirements will be able to receive a loan, while other entrepreneurs will be denied. If there is a possibility of incomplete payment of the debt, the client's application will be rejected. When checking borrowers, underwriters pay attention to the following points:

  • Age. The borrower must be at least 21 years of age and not older than 60 years of age. Entrepreneurs of retirement age can only use some credit products.
  • The borrower must have the original certificate of registration of IP.
  • As a small and medium-sized business, an individual entrepreneur must work for 12 months.
  • Successful entrepreneurial activity must be carried out for 6 months. This criterion is relatively vague and depends on the scope of the citizen's activity. Companies whose expenses exceed their income will not be granted loans.
  • Availability of guarantors and liquid property.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur

The entrepreneur should contact the lending branch of the company. It is not necessary to visit the office in person to apply for a loan for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank. The questionnaire can be filled out on the lender's website or you can leave an oral request by calling the hotline. After a citizen receives a preliminary approval for a loan for an individual entrepreneur, he must complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the nearest branch of the organization to submit a second application. The list of required documents can be listed by the manager of the Sberbank support service. When applying, you should find out the time and date when a bank employee will visit the company of a potential borrower for verification.
  2. Wait for a decision on the application. The applicant will be contacted after the activities of the organization have been verified.
  3. Get a loan. With a positive decision, a citizen can be given money in cash, transferred to an account, or immediately sent by payment document to another company.

Registration procedure

After receiving the status of an individual entrepreneur, individuals rarely know exactly which loan product is right for them. Representatives of Sberbank for consultations can help with the selection of a loan. Managers are required to provide all information about the terms of credit and, if the client wishes, calculate the amount of the overpayment. After the lending product is selected, you need to contact the manager to find out what certificates and documents will be needed. Loan procedure:

  1. Submission of a preliminary application. If desired, a citizen can immediately submit a ready-made package of documents. This will save you some time when applying for a loan.
  2. Analysis of the information provided by the client. Analysts, together with the collateral service, check the legal purity of the transaction being concluded. For lending programs that do not require collateral, the manager is responsible for data analysis.
  3. Sending information about the borrower and the transaction to the underwriting service. Specialists will assess the solvency, trustworthiness of an individual and the riskiness of the transaction. In fact, they provide the final decision on the application.
  4. Signing an agreement. If the client is recognized as trustworthy, then an agreement is signed in the nearest bank branch to the place of residence or work of the borrower. With a deal more than 5 million rubles. there is a security specialist in the room.
  5. Transferring money to a client account. With a targeted loan, funds are transferred immediately to the account of an organization providing services or products to an individual entrepreneur.

List of required documents for consideration of the application

At home, you need to download from the Sberbank website and fill out the borrower's questionnaire. A sample of the completed form can be found there. In addition to a passport and a second identity document (sailor's certificate, pension certificate, military ID, etc.), you will need to collect all the constituent and registration documentation of the IP. Without it, bank employees will refuse to accept applications from the client. Mandatory documents include:

  • a certificate confirming the payment of taxes on entrepreneurial activity;
  • a bank statement showing the movement of funds on the account;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises / Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number);
  • a license confirming the accreditation of the company in a specific field of activity (if necessary);
  • financial statements for the last reporting period;
  • certificate 2-NDFL, if the entrepreneur is employed in another company.

Application processing time

Upon prior request, a response often arrives within a day. For lending programs that do not require collateral, applications are considered within 3 days. If a citizen is going to take a large amount of money, then the check may be delayed for 2-3 weeks. For small loans up to 500,000 rubles, the answer comes in 2 days. The duration of verification of leasing documents is 2 working days.

Reasons for rejection

After submitting documents for obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank, a negative decision comes if the borrower has been assigned the status of unreliable. An entrepreneur who has a stable income and high profit margins, but at the same time his company does not meet other criteria established by the bank, can refuse to issue a loan. Possible reasons for rejection of the application:

  • Bad credit history. A citizen can issue a mortgage, where the mortgage will be the property of the borrower. This will help the bank compensate for the risks that arise when issuing money to citizens with a bad credit history.
  • The liquidity of the company is not justified. The entrepreneur should rework the existing business plan. Particular attention should be paid to the presentation of the project. The business plan should not contain errors and have all the necessary calculations.
  • The company uses a simplified taxation system or pays a single tax on imputed income (UTII). The only way out in such a situation would be to change the tax regime.

The status of an unreliable borrower is assigned to a businessman after an assessment of his entrepreneurial activity. An individual entrepreneur, if he was refused a loan for a legal entity, can apply for a consumer loan. The main disadvantage of such loans is high interest rates, which is critical for the development of your own business. A citizen can re-apply to the bank when he accumulates a small amount of capital and increases the payback of the business. Then the company can cancel the initial decision and provide the entrepreneur with borrowed funds.

What kind of loan can I take for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank in 2019

The organization has developed many lending programs for beginners and developing businessmen. They differ not only in the interest rate and loan amount, but also in purpose. Small amounts of money to entrepreneurs, subject to the profitability of the business, the company will provide without collateral and without the need to confirm the purpose. The table shows the current conditions for different types of loans for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank:

Name of the lending program

Goals and purpose

Interest rate (%)

Loan term in months

Trust (without collateral and guarantors)

Financing the current needs of the project without confirmation of the intended use of funds

from 80,000 to 3 million

Express bail

Development of own business, purchase of assets

from 300,000 to 5 million

Business Turnover

Compensation of current expenses, replenishment of working capital, participation in tenders

Express Overdraft

Execution of payment orders, letters of credit

from 50,000 to 2.5 million

Business Overdraft

Repayment of debts to other companies, implementation of planned expenditure transactions

from 100,000 to 17 million

Business Real Estate

Purchase of shopping centers, warehouses, land plots, retail space and other commercial real estate

Business Asset

Purchase of equipment for the organization of agricultural activities

Business Auto

Purchase of cars, trucks, public commercial vehicles, special equipment and other types of vehicles

Express Mortgage

Purchase of residential and commercial real estate in officially operated facilities

Credit "Trust" without collateral and guarantors

Legal entities with an income of less than 60 million rubles can apply for receiving funds for this banking product. in a year. For individual entrepreneurs, the guarantee of natural persons is obligatory. The money received can be spent however you want. The client is obliged to engage in entrepreneurial activity for at least 24 months, of which 18 months are accompanied by a stable income.

Loan "Express secured"

If there is security, the application will be considered in 2-3 days. Verification of the purpose of spending the funds is not required, but the client will have to provide documents proving the profitability of the business. If the borrower owns his own store, then Sberbank experts will visit the building before signing the contract. Businessmen whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles will be able to receive a loan under this program.

Loan "Business Turnover"

Within the framework of this program, entrepreneurs whose annual revenue is less than 400 million rubles can receive funds to purchase raw materials, replenish inventories, secure guarantee fees at tenders, and pay off debts to other financial institutions. The bank lends money against partial collateral. The collateral can be property or inventory.

Express-Overdraft loan

This banking product can be used by customers who need to quickly replenish the working capital of the company. They must have a savings bank account opened at least 6 months ago. The second prerequisite for issuing money is the availability of regular receipts from buyers and counterparties. The borrower is obliged to repay the debt after 360 days.

Credit "Business Overdraft"

Agricultural producers under this lending program can apply for a loan of 100,000 rubles. For other categories of borrowers, the minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles. The guarantee of business owners and legal entities associated with the borrower is mandatory. The enterprise must have the status of a resident of Russia. The age of a citizen taking a loan cannot exceed 70 years at the time of full repayment of the loan, and the annual revenue is not more than 400 million rubles. Agricultural producers will be able to receive this loan if they have been operating for at least 12 months.

Loan "Express Mortgage"

This lending program has been tested by many businessmen. One of the advantages of a loan is that you can use the funds not only for the purchase of commercial, but also for residential real estate. There are certain restrictions. You can buy an apartment or office in ready-to-use facilities. It will not work to use the money under this program for a contribution at the beginning of the construction of a new building.

Loan "Business Asset"

With this loan, a businessman will be able to purchase the equipment necessary for conducting business activities. The cost of the loan can include the price of commissioning, insurance for the purchased equipment for 1 year, the cost of purchasing additional components. Under this credit program, it is allowed to buy both new and used equipment. Previously, the technique should be evaluated by an expert if it has already been used before.

Credit "Business Auto"

As part of this banking product, an entrepreneur can receive money to purchase vehicles for doing business. The main difference from leasing is that the borrower independently chooses the companies from which he will purchase vehicles. Special equipment falls under this lending program. The loan amount can include the cost of additional parts and insurance.

Loan "Business Real Estate"

The borrower gets the opportunity to purchase an office or other facility in a building under construction from developers accredited by Sberbank. When deciding on the provision of funds, the bank takes into account the specifics of the entrepreneur's activities. The client can purchase ready-made commercial real estate. Before issuing borrowed funds, the expert of the organization will assess the condition of the object.

Loan programs for individual entrepreneurs

Sberbank, as an accredited financial institution, takes part in some government projects. Chief among them is the program to stimulate lending to small and medium-sized businesses. Under this project, citizens who decide to become entrepreneurs will be able to receive a loan by partially attracting public funds at a reduced interest rate. The loan refinancing program and vehicle leasing also fall into this category.

Vehicle leasing

Long-term rental of equipment and vehicles is one of the easiest ways to expand the company's activities. This procedure is leasing. The lessor, the lessee, the seller, the insurer and the policyholder take part in the transaction. An obligatory condition when interacting with the bank under leasing programs is motor vehicle insurance. The amount of financing is no more than 24 million rubles. You need to issue an OSAGO and CASCO policy. Individual entrepreneurs will be able to use the following banking products for leasing:

  • Commercial vehicles. The amount of the advance payment is 15%. The contract is concluded for a period of 12 to 37 months. The appreciation rate is from 5.08%. The lessee can purchase cars and trucks up to 5 tons.
  • Freight transport. The amount of advance payment is 15% for equipment of foreign manufacturers, 20% for models of domestic manufacturers. The appreciation rate is from 5.08%. The lessee can purchase dump trucks, truck tractors, refrigerators, isometric vans, trailers, semi-trailers up to 41 tons. The contract is concluded for up to 48 months.
  • Special equipment. The amount of the advance payment is 25%. The contract is concluded for up to 36 months. The appreciation rate is from 4.97%. The lessee can purchase agricultural, construction, road, warehouse equipment.

You can get vehicles on leasing only to expand your own business. The repayment schedule is set individually for each borrower. Payments are annuity, differentiated, decreasing, seasonal. Under the terms of the insurance program, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to carefully use the purchased equipment. The insurance company has the right to require the insured vehicle for additional inspection at any time. The leasing rate starts from 12%.

Loan refinancing programs

You can re-register at Sberbank loans received to expand the production or commodity base, replenish working capital for the provision of services, modernize production, purchase commercial real estate, repair current assets and movable property, and introduce innovative production methods. Formally, government-supported refinancing programs include:

  • Business Turnover.
  • Business Invest.
  • Business Real Estate.

Program to stimulate lending to small and medium-sized businesses

The maximum loan amount is 1 billion rubles. The program is state-owned, so entrepreneurs working in the following sectors will be able to receive a loan: communications, transport, agriculture, electricity, water, gas production, manufacturing, primary and industrial processing of agricultural products. A loan is issued to small businesses at 10.6% per annum, and to medium-sized businesses at 9.6%. Lending has several purposes:

  • purchase of fixed assets for doing business;
  • start of new projects;
  • replenishment of working capital;
  • modernization and reconstruction of production.

The term of the loan is set in accordance with the financial situation of the borrower, but the duration of concessional funding cannot exceed 3 years. Businessmen will be able to get an individual entrepreneur loan at Sberbank on the preferential terms discussed above if they are not involved in corruption cases. As security, it is allowed to attract an independent guarantee of the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) Corporation.
