Attract referrals. How to Get Referrals Quickly: The Best Ways to Get Partners for Your Business

Referral - a member of an affiliate program who has registered in a particular system on the recommendation of its member.

Today, in many online stores you can see online consultants. How this system works, you can find out in.

Attracting referrals

To attract referrals, different methods are used, which can be classified into two main categories:

  • Passive
    Referral links, banners, short descriptions and other materials that attract the attention of visitors and may interest them, if presented correctly, are published on sites, bulletin boards, forums and other sites. This method does not require financial costs and does not cause trouble, because usually initially interested users become referrals, who subsequently bring significant income.
  • Active
    In this case, the referrer requires users to click on the link before providing further information or guidance. For example, this principle works when site visitors can download or view certain materials only after registering, participating in a survey, or other actions.

Speaking in more detail about each of them, you can pay attention to such basic and public options:

  1. referrals from the circle of friends
    Of course, everyone has their own circle of friends, acquaintances, as well as virtual contacts. Not all of them will be interested in making money on the Internet, but some may well like this option. This method is unlikely to be suitable for attracting a wide audience, but is ideal for finding reliable partners.
  2. Social media
    Social networks are extremely popular, so you can attract a large number of new users with their help. There are special groups and communities dedicated to making money on the Internet, where you can post your links. It is only important to control the frequency and placement of posts so as not to fall into the category of spam with subsequent sanctions from administrators and moderators.
  3. Notice boards
    There are enough free boards on the Internet where those who wish can place referral links. However, the competition on such portals is extremely high, so success will depend on the amount of time and effort expended.
  4. Forums, chats, messaging systems
    There are many forums and other resources about making money where you can exchange experiences, find an interested audience and share your link.
  5. Newsletters
    Mailing lists are effective, but expensive, time-consuming and costly. A high percentage of return is achieved through an individual approach, in addition, active referrals are most often attracted in this way. But it may take a lot of resources to achieve the desired result. This is beneficial for large projects, but not always available for small sites and companies.
  6. YouTube
    To attract referrals, you need to record an appropriate video, providing users with instructions for further actions and describing the benefits. The referral link is placed in the description of the video, and a good video can quickly gain popularity, receiving up to a thousand views per day.
  7. Own website
    This is one of the best ways to attract referrals. Links are placed on their own site, and their popularity depends on the competent promotion of the resource.
  8. Paid tasks
    Some earning systems suggest the possibility of creating paid tasks, in which referrals receive their benefits immediately after registration. In this case, it is important to understand that there will be many referrals, but most of them will remain inactive.
  9. Buying referrals
    Many thematic resources provide exchanges for the sale and acquisition of referrals. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the statistics of visits and activity, only in this way the purchase will pay off in the long run.

About again passive and additional earnings on almost any Internet project - referrals (partners). What are they? In fact, these are users who will register on your recommendation (link) on any service where a referral (affiliate) program is provided.

There are many profitable affiliate programs that offer everyone to build their own referral networks, thereby providing themselves with a solid profit. You just need to collect your affiliate link and start collecting referrals by spreading the link on the Internet.

Ok, this is understandable. But where to get, or rather, how to attract referrals using your link, so that they follow it and register? This question is asked by many beginners who master making money on the Internet. This page will discuss effective ways to recruit refs to any project - both paid and free methods.

Free ways to attract referrals

You can attract referrals for free, but, believe me, too much time and effort will be spent, and efficiency will be much to be desired. However, the methods really work and there is no reason not to use them.

Note. To mask referral links, use special services such as

Method number 1: invite friends and acquaintances to referrals

Everyone has friends and acquaintances. Another thing is how many there are. There is even nothing wrong with the fact that you will invite your relatives as referrals. If the project is worthwhile and can change their lives for the better, then why not.

Tell your friends about the project and its benefits. Perhaps this will generate interest and they will become your referrals. Remember that you should not say something that is not actually the truth. It is important here not to overdo it when describing the site(s) you are inviting them to.

Conclusion: this is far from the most effective way to recruit referrals. At best, a dozen or two will be able to find potential refs among your friends.

Method number 2: attract referrals from the forums

Forums are a favorite habitat for most referrals. Why? Firstly, it's free, and secondly, it's a simple and very effective method of attracting refs through your referral links to any projects.

Each forum has requirements for the design of new topics (topics) and messages. Somewhere it is forbidden to create duplicate topics, and somewhere it is allowed to "produce" the same type of topics and spam. Don't forget to read the rules before/after registration.

Here are some forums for attracting referrals:

  •— a solid forum about earnings and investments with strict rules for publishing news;
  • a forum about earnings, not as popular as the previous one;
  • earlier it was possible to spam here and create the same type of topics about any Internet project, now the forum is moderated.

Search Internet forums through a search engine for the phrase: forums about earnings (investments, with investments, without investments)

There are forums on the Web where you don’t even have to register to write comments, for example here,

One more feature. The forums allow you to create a special signature (this is done in your profile), which will be shown under each of your published messages. In this signature, you can leave your referral link (or even several) in the form of text or a mini-banner (userbar 350x19). The latter can be created in Photoshop, an online generator, or you can find a suitable one on the site.

This is how the signature with referral links under the message from the MMGP forum will look like (highlighted with a frame).

How to get referrals from Ucoz forums

How to get referrals from Yukoz forums? Ucoz is a popular platform on which thousands of websites and forums are created. You do not need to create the latter. Enough register once unet-profile to be able to leave your messages with referral links on any ucoz forums.

Your actions to recruit referrals from ucoz-forums:

  1. create unet account- this is one key (registration) to all doors (ucoz-forums);
  2. find thematic ucoz forums, for example, enter the phrase "ucoz forum about making money on the Internet" in the search engine or find the appropriate ones in the rating Top Ucoz Forums;
  3. log in to the forum by clicking on "Login" and selecting the "U" icon (the very first one offered);
  4. on the forum, go to the appropriate section (mlm, HYIPs, investments, etc.) and start writing messages, inserting a reflink.

Note. Remember that the beautiful design of posts attracts more attention - if possible, add pictures, banners, format the text (color, font size). In general, distinguish it from the mass of others.

Conclusion: in order to attract many referrals, you will have to write messages every day, create topics on many, many Internet forums. It's still a job, but with a guarantee of results.

Method number 3: attract referrals from social networks

Note. To search for referrals through the social network Vkontakte, it is better to create another profile (page). You can use the main one, but it is not recommended.

3.1 Referrals from sites through the Vkontakte widget

The meaning of the method of recruiting referrals is to publish messages with your referral links on sites where the Vkontakte comments widget is installed. Many site owners allow posts like this, as long as it doesn't look like spam - start with words like "Thanks for the article...". And remember that you should not post a ref on all or many pages, but only on the topic of the article.

How to recruit referrals? Suppose you need to recruit referrals to some game project. For this:

  1. type in the desired phrase into the search engine, for example, "games with the withdrawal of money" and view the sites from the issue;
  2. add, where possible, your comments with referral links - it is desirable that the project being added is not repeated, that is, absent from the author's page and do not forget to add a picture to attract attention.

3.2 Referrals from Vkontakte social network groups

Similar to the previous method, only here we write messages in groups directly on the Vkontakte website. You need to find thematic groups through Vkontakte search and add comments with your refs. And don't forget to spice up your message with an image or video so it stands out from the crowd. Nondescript comments will go unnoticed.

Several groups to attract referrals through your links:


3.3 Referrals through sending messages to Vkontakte friends

Yes, this is outright spam for which your Vkontakte page can be blocked. That's why a fake page is needed. In addition, many affiliates warn in the rules about this method of attracting referrals as prohibited, and if detected, the affiliate account may also be blocked.

But the essence of it is this. You create a page, promote it to the maximum, for example here gain friends and subscribers, put photos, add posts to the wall, etc. Then send them messages with your offer.

To send the same message to multiple friends at the same time do this:

  1. log in to VK;
  2. go to the tab "My messages";
  3. then "Write a message";
  4. select any recipient, and then click on the "Add +" button and add the rest (max 14 per day);
  5. write the title and text of the message, then click on the "Send" button.

3.4 Referrals from your group or public

The most effective method of attracting refs from social networks is to create your own group or Vkontakte public for a project (or several) with its subsequent promotion.

It is not difficult to create a Vkontakte group, and then fill it with information. You will have to tinker with its promotion, but the result is worth it.

Conclusion: the method of recruiting referrals from social networks justifies itself if you have your own promoted group, but for this you will have to invest money in order to get the maximum effect. The publication of messages will also provide an influx of refs, but not as noticeable as we would like, but the method is completely free.

Method number 4: attract referrals from YouTube

Everyone knows about such a cool YouTube video hosting, which has a million audience. But not everyone knows that with its help you can earn a lot of money, and also attract referrals to your structure. So, let's look at how to get refs from YouTube.

4.1 YouTube referrals through comments

Nothing complicated. Looking for suitable channels for posting comments: enter the necessary queries in the YouTube search and publish comments with reflinks. Sometimes channel authors can disable comments on videos, but this rarely happens. That's all!

4.2 Referrals from YouTube from your video channel

From your video channel on YouTube, you can attract a lot of referrals to any project. The method is really effective in terms of a set of refs, but to implement it, you need to do the following:

  • create your own video channel on YouTube;
  • record training/explanatory videos with subsequent uploading to video hosting;
  • promote a video channel and feed it with new materials.

You can also use other video services, for example, Rutube.

Conclusion: A promoted channel on YouTube is able to provide you with a constant influx of working referrals, but for this to happen, it will take some time to organize this process. In addition, you will have to learn how to create sensible videos (for example, in Camtasia Studio) and be able to promote the channel.

Other ways to attract referrals for free

One can doubt the effectiveness of the methods of attracting referrals proposed below, but nevertheless there are methods, they are free and many referrals are known:

  • free classifieds boards- you have to publish a lot of ads in the "job", "vacancies" and other categories - high-quality and visited boards are moderated and it's not a fact that your ad will be missed - boards can be found by searching for a job in Yandex or Google;
  • mailing list— sending advertisements to recipients, and for this you first need to collect your database of e-mail addresses and / or use paid mailing services, its base).

Paid ways to attract referrals

It is much easier to attract referrals to any project for a fee. The methods discussed below are quite effective, with the help of which you can collect a lot of refs and quickly build your own structure.

Method number 5: buying referrals on exchanges

I hope that the article helped you in the question of how to attract referrals. The only thing left to do is to choose one or several methods for recruiting refs to your favorite projects. Good luck!

Successes to you, Patience and Good luck!


Many sites have affiliate programs for mutually beneficial cooperation. Anyone can become a partner, he is paid a reward for inviting new users. The administration of the service gets a loyal client, everyone stays in the black.

Where and how to find referrals quickly and for free? It's a tough question, because you can earn a lot of money on this.

Having gathered a huge team of active referrals behind you, you don’t have to do anything at all. They spend money, earn it, use services and for all this dripping profit.

Affiliate programs and earnings on referrals

Not the first year I myself have been attracting referrals to various projects. Based on my own experience, I will say that it is a profitable business, but not so simple. Finding the target audience for each system is not easy.

Most often, income does not depend on the number of registrations, but on the activity of users. In order not to beat around the bush, I will show my statistics:

This is the data from the click sponsor Wmmail, where you can invite newbies who want to make money.

There are 5 affiliate levels on this site, i.е. a percentage of the income comes not only from those whom you invited to the project, but also from the workers they invite (up to 5 levels deep):

Multi-level referral networks are more profitable, but they are less common. In the article, 38 sites are presented where it is profitable to invite referrals.

At first, the income will be small, because the network needs to be developed. Over time, the profit increases, the main thing is to work with several services at once.

The best way to find active referrals

After trying many different ways, I came to the conclusion that the best way to find referrals to the project for free is to create your own website.

I have been blogging for several years, so I have millions of refs in various services. Their number continues to grow because the texts remain online, they help people find a part-time job or a useful service.

It is not necessary to understand programming and website building. will help you launch a simple website in just a couple of hours absolutely free. After that, you can add your articles to it and start attracting people to different services.

By choosing this method, you are moving along a promising path. Before making a profit, the road will become even longer, but in the future it will be possible to put the business on stream.

The site needs to be promoted, and it’s easier to do this if high-quality and interesting content is often published, so be prepared to write a lot.

If you don’t want to do this or speed up development, buy texts on exchanges - or. Just keep in mind that in order for them to take high positions in search engines, you need to understand the SEO optimization of articles.

Now games with the withdrawal of money are relevant, I am often asked how to find referrals in. Make a free site with a narrow theme, add at least a dozen interesting articles to it, how to earn more, where to get money to buy birds, build a referral network, and so on.

Even if you fail to climb high in search positions, the resource will help convert traffic when using other methods of attracting referrals.

5 working ways where you can find referrals for free

To find many referrals without investments, you will have to work hard. The network is full of sites that are open for free communication. Each of them can be used to find the target audience. Here are some great options that I myself have used or continue to use:

  1. Social media.

They help to quickly find referrals, because they have a huge attendance. Millions of people go to the social. networks and spend a lot of time there. You can attract their attention with an interesting page, comments, bright posts, personal messages.

Large projects such as Vkontakte are already inundated with advertising, so ref. links are blocked. Just for this, your simple website will come in handy. You will distribute a link to it, and from there people will follow the ref. links.

In order not to waste time when sending messages, look for the target audience in thematic groups. For example, by inviting referrals to bookmakers from among the subscribers of the Sports Forecasts communities.

You can also start your own group, but this will take more time and effort. But in the future, such a platform, like a website, will help you find many referrals.

  1. Forums.

A huge number of forums are open to each user, they can publish as many topics as you like and leave comments with links. Plus, links are set in the signature, which also works with a large number of messages.

The main thing is to look for thematic forums so that their audience is interested in the sites that you advertise.

If you create topics, then remember that they must have some idea. It can be a review, personal experience, a question. You can't just leave a ref. link, it will either be banned, or no one will enter the topic.

  1. Video hosting.

I started running my YouTube channel a few years ago and now it has become an additional source of traffic, which also helps to find a lot of referrals. It is not necessary to record videos about making money on the Internet.

For example, many video bloggers are engaged in unpacking parcels from China, collecting referrals for or in cashback services like . Come up with an interesting idea for the channel, then look for a suitable affiliate program.

  1. Personal recommendations.

It is also possible to find referrals among acquaintances, but in this case, you will have to carefully choose the services. In order not to blush later because the pyramid collapsed, and your real friend lost money.

This is a great way to find active referrals, because with personal communication you can sort everything out and explain to the person what exactly needs to be done. In particular, the option is suitable for inviting referrals to.

  1. Spam and comments.

Despite the fact that attracting referrals through spam is prohibited in many affiliate programs, the method is working. Bots are even used for this, many programs have been developed that can automatically publish comments with links.

Someone launches Email mailing lists, others spam in social network groups. There are plenty of options, but the quality of traffic is not high. It is better to use this method to search for refs to any pyramids or. Where a percentage of the money invested by users is immediately paid.

Whenever you have the opportunity to post a link, you should take advantage of it. Remember that one user can become your referral in several projects at once. And if the system is multi-level, then it makes sense to look for active partners. They will develop ref. network without your participation.

How to get referrals fast?

Have you heard anything about incentivized traffic? This is when people perform actions for a reward. For example, they can become your referrals on different sites for a small bonus. The method is working, but in many affiliate programs it is forbidden to use it.

Through mailers, it is not difficult to create a task with a request to register and be active. People will have to pay for this, but the money is small and you can earn it on the same books, performing other people's orders. So, what needs to be done for this:

  1. Register (preferably on Wmmail), replenish the balance, and then go to the advertiser panel to add a new task:

  1. A form will open where you can specify any requirements for the contractor. Be sure to specify what you need to send for verification:

  1. The reward is set in the task settings. If this is a regular registration, set the payment at 1-5 cents. If you need to be active, then 10-15 cents is better, although it all depends on the actions, in some cases they pay $ 5 for one registration:

After starting the task, the performers will send you data for verification. In this case, the logins under which they registered. It remains only to find time to check them.
On most sites for making money, there are no restrictions on motivated traffic.

It doesn't matter where the user comes from, because the reward depends on his income. For example, you can find referrals through mailers. They pay for viewing ads, and the affiliate program is 7 levels.

Paid ways to find a lot of referrals

With start-up capital, it is much easier to find referrals. Money can be invested in different directions, starting with ordinary advertising, ending with a personal agreement with the owner of a site. Of the many options available, highlight the most interesting:

  1. Order surfing sites.

The cheapest way to get people to click on links is to order surfing. The effectiveness of this method is not the highest, but if you direct people to sites for simple earnings on the network, they may be interested in this. Where to order transitions on ref. link?

On the same Vmmail, you can get 1000 clicks of real people on the link for only $ 1.5. Don't expect a lot of people to sign up, most will just go for a small reward.

  1. Posting links.

It is much more efficient to buy links on sites, but you will have to pay decent amounts for this.

The cost directly depends on how popular the site is. To save money, do not pay attention to puzomerki, choose sites by attendance. It is important for you that as many visitors as possible see your link.

  1. Paid advertising.

This is one of the most effective and convenient methods. It’s definitely possible to find referrals through advertising, the main thing is to choose a quality service, make attractive promos and select thematic sites.

Come up with eye-catching headlines and use catchy images. It is important that your ad is seen and clicked on.

With any budget, this is really useful. Payment is different everywhere, somewhere for clicks, somewhere for clicks, and sometimes advertising space on the site is bought for a certain period of time.

  1. Advertising in social networks.

If you search well, you can find many good deals. Choose sites with a target audience through these services:

  • (VK groups);

Remember that a lot depends on how attractive the ad post will look. To hook a large audience, look at other people's advertising posts.

Well, do not forget to choose groups in which subscribers may be interested in the project where you are gaining referrals.

  1. Buying or renting referrals.

On some sites, the functions of buying and receiving referrals for rent are available. Basically, these are click-through sponsors. One of the most popular questions is how to get referrals on Seosprint?

A well-known click sponsor offers a fair where you can buy referrals. It is necessary to carefully evaluate each offer, often an unreasonably high price is set:

It is realistic to buy newbie referrals at a low price (5-15 rubles each) and hope that they will invite participants to follow them or begin to actively complete tasks.

As for renting referrals, it is usually available on foreign boxes. Everything is more complicated there and sometimes you can’t even check the statistics of referrals, so the method is not the best.

Tips for finding and attracting referrals to any projects

Referrals should be taken seriously. This direction requires a competent approach. Beginners often quit the business, never having achieved a profit.

Why? Because it’s hard to assemble a large team, and without it, the profit is miserable. To effectively collect referrals, heed the advice:

  1. Don't fool people if some service doesn't bring in $1000 a month, it's better not to talk about it. You still won't get any activity from users.
  2. When placing your referral link on different sites or ordering advertising, choose only projects that are suitable for the topic.
  3. Be open to people, leave not only a link, but also contacts for communication. Perhaps a potential referral will have questions or need help.
  4. Having collected referrals on one site, try to attract them to the network on another resource. Even if the services are completely different, they may be of interest to the audience.
  5. Help referrals not only understand the work, but also build their own network. Let the affiliate program not be multi-level, but they will remain active.
  6. Before placing ref. links make it a short version. Then people will not be able to take the site address from it as the basis (some do not want to become referrals).
  7. Use several ways to search for referrals at the same time, in combination they give greater performance.
  8. If you decide to invest, do not spend all the money at once. Divide the budget and analyze the results, you need to figure out what works more efficiently.
  9. Be patient, it is very difficult to get a lot of referrals quickly, so a solid profit in this business can only be in the future.
  10. Choose sites to attract referrals wisely. There are many pyramids and other scams with favorable conditions, but in the long run they are not interesting.

Repeatedly stepped on the rake himself, made mistakes and faced situations when services were closed. And on some, the administration comes up with different reasons for blocking and freezes the account.

Be careful not to deceive people and use effective advertising.


Is it worth it to attract referrals at all, spend time and effort on this? Undoubtedly! Even after a few months of active work, you will understand that it was not in vain that you were sitting in front of the monitor.

And if you choose multi-level referral systems, they can develop even without your participation. I can give many examples of how I managed to get a decent income through referral programs:

I would be grateful if you share this article on social networks:

How can you make money online without investment if you are a beginner? In fact, one of the best ways to make money is through affiliate programs of various companies.

This work has many advantages:

  • Work only when it is convenient for you, free schedule
  • There is no boss, you are treated as an equal partner
  • Your profit depends only on you
  • No special knowledge needed
  • Suitable for any age

In general, there are various types of companies on whose affiliate program you can earn: MLM companies, HYIPs, boxes, faucets, etc. In this article, I will focus on HYIP projects with a multi-level structure. Often they are called social MLM projects.

Usually such HYIPs have a low yield of 5-15% per month, there are real offices and a plausible legend. It seems to me that such projects are great for attracting referrals.

I've written about how to referrer before, but none of them were beginner-friendly. Here I will give a detailed step-by-step plan on how to make money on a referral program if you are a beginner and do not know anything on the Internet at all.

What are the features of attracting referrals for beginners?

I am a supporter of content marketing, but I understand that for beginners, all this is very difficult. Therefore, for beginners, I would recommend playing on the simplest and most understandable feeling - the desire to earn money.

That is, your tools will be: screenshots and videos of payments from the project, motivating quotes about financial independence, a successful lifestyle, etc. The best way to motivate your partner is by example.

Related article:

What is the technology for attracting referrals?

On the one hand, everything is simple: you have registered in the project and your personal affiliate link has become available to you, now you need to scatter it on the Internet to the maximum number of places. On the other hand, these very different places, most likely, will not be very happy with your link.

Below I have given a step-by-step plan with which any beginner can attract referrals to his project and earn the first money on the Internet. These methods are mostly free.

Evaluation of free ways to attract referrals.

As soon as you register in the project and receive an affiliate link, you can start working.

Below I will describe 9 of the most popular and frequently used free ways to promote your referral link. 8 of them will be designed for advertising direct links to the project without any spacers. The last ninth method will be more difficult.

Comparison of ways to attract referrals.

In order not just to describe each method in general terms, but to give more complete information, I decided to evaluate each of them according to 3 parameters: efficiency, simplicity and free.

  • Efficiency.

Here I decided to evaluate the result (transitions, registrations, deposits) divided by labor costs. That is, if it takes 5 working hours to get 10 registrations with deposits, then the score will be higher than if it takes 50 hours to get the same result.

The assessment here will be very subjective due to the fact that I will evaluate the effectiveness of this or that method from my own experience. That is, it may turn out that I did not get the result using some tool, because I did not know all the intricacies of the work and the so-called chips.

In other words, I can give a rating of 1 to some method based on my experience. At the same time, I fully admit that there are people who have found their chips and get excellent results using this method.

  • Simplicity.

Here I will evaluate how convenient and easy it will be to work with this or that tool for a beginner who knows almost nothing on the Internet. And how quickly you can learn the basics of working with this tool.

The higher the score, the easier it is to work with the tool.

  • Free.

Here I will evaluate whether it is possible to use this method without investing money. That is, how effective and complete free work with this tool will be.

The higher the score, the more complete and effective the free work.

Shortening links.

The first thing I would advise you to do is to use a link shortening service. This will solve 2 problems:

  • Avoid link blocking. You can often observe that sites block some links, for example, on the VK social network. Basically, this is due to the fact that someone complains about the links. But, even if the link is blocked, the shortened link will still continue to work.
  • Get statistics. Link shortening services provide click-through statistics for each link. Thus, if you set a shortened link for each site or even for each ad, you can track the effectiveness of each of them.

The most popular link shortening services:

If you do not want to understand the features of each service, then I recommend using from Google.

First steps.

So, if you are a beginner, then you have 2 options:

  • Give a direct link to register
  • Give a link to your page or group on a social network

Let's start with the first option.

This is the simplest and most understandable option - you need to place a link to the project website on the maximum number of sites. But, in order for people to notice it and more willingly follow the link, you need to design it in the form of an ad.

The ad will consist of several elements:

  • Title. It should attract attention and not be very long. It is recommended not to use the project name in the title. In some cases, it is allowed to write in capital letters and place emoticons.
  • Announcement text. This is a continuation of the title. Capital letters and emoticons are also allowed here. At the end of the text there should be a call to action, for example: “Follow the links and start earning!”.
  • The link to the project itself. It is desirable that it be reduced.
  • Your contacts. Leave your Skype, Telegram or a link to a page on social networks so that interested users can contact you and ask questions about the project.
  • Screenshot or video payout. Your ad should carry the message: “Look, I'm making money! So what are you waiting for?". And of course such an announcement would be incomplete without a personal example. It is desirable that there is a large amount on the screen or video. Therefore, if you did not contribute to the project or invested a small amount, you can take someone else's screen or video and say that your upline partner sent it.

An example of the simplest declaration.

1. Boxes.

Books are the very services where many beginners try to make money on clicks and viewing ads. That is, users view ads and receive a small reward for this.

Tasks can be different: viewing ads, following a link, reading a letter, watching a video, etc. Boxes are often used to boost views on sites or videos. But do not forget that those people who sit on the boxes are your target audience.

That is, the calculation is such that a certain number of users who will view your ad will become interested, follow your link and become your referrals.

Many boxes are inhabited by bots, so I recommend running ads on each box separately in order to track not only the number of clicks on the link, but also the number of registrations and deposits in the project.

Here you can start a company both for a fee and for free. The first option is clear: you deposit money, create ads, and run impressions. In the second case, you first need to view ads yourself in order to earn money for the balance, from which you can already launch your advertising company.

Russian speakers:

English speakers:

In general, on the Internet you can find a huge number of different boxes. Ideally, you should test the effectiveness of each service and keep the best ones, discarding those that showed the worst results. But practice shows that the more popular the box, the more bots it has.

I track the traffic of some referral sites that use bucks as the main source of traffic. They give preference to newly opened services: they find a new service, test it, if the test result is positive, then they invest a large amount there and squeeze traffic as much as possible, and as soon as the efficiency drops, they switch to another bookbox.

That is, I think the tactics are clear - look for more unpopular boxes.

There are no features for writing ads here. Since the click is for money, the user will click on any ad, regardless of the quality of the title and description. Of greater importance here is the quality of the landing page that he will view. Therefore, the advantage is for projects that provide beautiful and personalized capture pages.

Box work plan:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 2.
  • Simplicity - 8.
  • Free - 2.

2. Extensions for the browser.

Another way to distribute your referral link is through special browser extensions. Basically, these extensions work with Google Chrome and Opera browsers.

The principle of operation here is very similar to boxes - users who have installed this extension are shown advertising banners and ads directly in the browser (teaser ads, popups or banners). They receive a small reward for viewing this ad or for clicking on a link.

Depending on the type of task (viewing an ad or clicking on a link), you need to use different tactics for compiling ads. If you're paying to view a site, then the quality of the ad doesn't really matter. If you pay only for viewing ads, then the quality of your ad becomes the most important parameter.

If you choose pay-per-view ads, you will get more accurate statistics, because only those users who are interested in your advertising offer will follow your link.

As for the ad, everything is standard here: a tempting headline, a description of the benefits and benefits, exclamation marks, a call to action. Often in such services, you can add a picture to the ad. It is recommended to use bright pictures that attract attention. By the way, near-erotic images with beautiful girls work well.

In order to get the best results, you need to test different ads. In your personal account, you will see all the statistics on ads (how many impressions and how many clicks). Disable ineffective ads and constantly improve effective ones.

If we talk about tasks for viewing sites, then everything here is the same as in boxes.


I used similar extensions and concluded that their efficiency is about the same as the axle boxes.

Extension plan:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 3.
  • Simplicity - 7.
  • Free - 2.

3. Cranes.

How do faucets work? At first glance, it seems that the user is given a reward for simply solving the captcha. But you should pay attention that there are a lot of ads on the captcha page. This is the meaning of the faucet: a person goes to the faucet for a reward, simultaneously views ads and, possibly, clicks on banners. Thus, his reward pays off and even makes a profit for the faucet owners.

Accordingly, you can place your banners on the captcha page and advertise your link among users of some faucets.

The audience here is similar to the audience of boxes, the efficiency is also about the same.

Some faucets charge for views, others for clicks, but in any case, quality ads will increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.


Crane plan:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 2.
  • Simplicity - 7.
  • Free - 2.

Other tasks.

As you can see, all these tools work with approximately the same audience. And while faucets, axleboxes and extensions are the most popular here, there is a large range of additional tools that can be used.

This is watching videos for money, reading letters, polls, etc. I am sure that if you use them correctly, you can get better results than from classic services. At least because the competition among advertisers is lower there.

Results of the previous methods:

I have seen several successful referrals who attract an audience only in these ways, but, nevertheless, boxes, faucets, extensions and other tasks are far from the best ways to attract referrals.

Although the audience is similar to the HYIP audience - it is interested in making money on the Internet, there are differences. Firstly, these users are looking for earnings without investments, and secondly, they have very small amounts.

Therefore, such advertising is extremely effective if you are advertising other cranes, bushings, etc. and less effective against HYIPs. Here you can attract referrals with small deposits of 10-20 dollars. Things might get better if you advertise a project that offers some kind of free signup bonus.

Since you are unlikely to expect large deposits from beeches, there is a chance that you will not recoup the cost of advertising. This is also understood by experienced referrals, so most often they do not advertise a direct link to the project, but use heating pads that interest visitors. You can read about this in my other articles.

4. Advertising on bulletin boards and promotional chats and social media groups.

I often see how beginners are advised to use 2 tools to spread their links: message boards and advertising chats and groups. These methods are very similar.

There are bulletin boards on the Internet - these are sites where each user can create a free ad and post a link. Often there is no moderation on them, or it is very loyal and skips any ad.

Groups and advertising chats work in much the same way. There are groups and chats created specifically so that you can post ads there for free.

If you study popular resources, you can see that new ads appear there every 10-60 seconds. You need to understand that with such competition you need to take both quantity and quality.

As for the quality, I already wrote about the correct design of the ad above. You need to use all available tools: pictures, videos, emoticons, words: “free”, “bonuses”, etc. It is important to do everything possible to grab the attention of users and motivate them to click on your link.

Examples of ads that people use to attract referrals in these groups:

As for the number, everything is simple here: you need to place the maximum number of ads on the maximum number of sites. In other words, to be successful, you need to spend a lot of time publishing your ads.

Group examples:

Results for this tool:

Apparently, the audience of these sites is the same referrals as you. I can’t imagine that someone of their own free will went to such a site to read spam. Is it possible to find your referrals there - yes, is it easy to do this - no.

The best option here is to come in with an interesting ad, with an unfamiliar project and select sites that are not very spammy. This method is suitable, first of all, for those who have a lot of free time and practically no skills in working with a computer and on the Internet.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 1.
  • Simplicity - 9.
  • Free - 10.

If you have at least minimal skills or want to get them, then you can use your time more efficiently. Read about it below.

5. Forums.

Why do people even post on forums? 90% of messages are written only to place your advertising link at the bottom. Often high-profile forum users who have nothing to advertise even sell signature space to advertisers for money.

The more posts you write, the more popular threads you choose, the more readers will see your link. Accordingly, the more views, the more transitions and registrations.

All you have to do is chat on the forums, after placing affiliate links in the signature: ask questions, express your own opinion, argue with other participants. The more expert your posts are and the more hyped your profile is, the more credibility your links and projects will inspire.

Do not forget that flooding and direct advertising in your posts is not welcome on the forums.

Forum examples:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 7.
  • Simplicity - 5.
  • Free - 9.

6. Comments on blogs.

Approximately the same principle applies to commenting on blogs. The fact is that on most sites, when commenting, you can insert a link, making your login clickable.

You can insert your affiliate link there, but this approach is not very effective. Firstly, many moderators will not skip referral links, and secondly, by clicking on your login, readers will expect to see your profile, and not an investment project.

Therefore, when commenting on blogs, I recommend inserting a link, if not to your site, then at least to your page on a social network. Of course, the page should be designed in a style that will warm up visitors and motivate them to register in the project. But you can read about it below.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 3.
  • Simplicity - 5.
  • Free - 10.

7. Chats and groups of closed projects.

There is another effective way to attract referrals, which is rarely used. This is the placement of links in chats and groups of projects that have just scammed.

As soon as payments stop, moderation in chats also stops. At the same time, investors continue to be there, who follow all the messages in order to understand the current situation. And these investors are your hot target audience.

Such chats can be used in different ways, but the easiest way is to place an ad with your referral link. Ads should be slightly non-standard and optimized for the target audience.

You can write that you also lost money here, but it’s good that you also invested in another project and give links to it. We can say that it was immediately clear that this admin was a scammer, and give a link to a project where the admin is very experienced and always makes money.

You can not be afraid of moderation, argue with chat participants and give arguments in favor of your project. Of course, you will encounter negativity, but you will also receive new registrations for your project.

Track the maximum number of projects that are on the market. At the first reports of problems with payments, go to the site, look for groups and chats of this project and start working with the target audience there.

You need to do this quickly, because in a day the activity in this site will drop to almost zero. The sooner you react, the better.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 4.
  • Simplicity - 9.
  • Free - 10.

8. Special social networks.

Kaleostra is implemented like most popular social networks - here you can add photos, friends, chat with other users, etc. Users, for the most part, are the same referrals as you.

Several options are available. The first is rotation. The mechanism here is simple - you do some kind of target action, and in return, other participants do the target action for you. For example, you have viewed 20 sites, and in return 20 people will look at your site.

How can you benefit from rotations?

Rotation by VK reposts is available. That is, users will repost your post. I don't think this is an effective post promotion strategy, because these users will make dozens of reposts per day and their wall will be filled with all kinds of ads, among which your post will be lost.

In addition, such people do not have an audience, because no one wants to see a bunch of reposts of various posts in their news, most of which look more like spam.

  • Communication.

According to the rotations, we can conclude that they are only suitable for adding friends or subscribers on social networks. Such additions have a clear plus - these people do not mind talking. Therefore, if, after adding, you start communicating with everyone, then you can get good results.

And now we come to another way of working with Kaleostra - communication. Here you can unlimitedly write messages to users and add them as friends. Therefore, the PM here is always littered with spam. But still there is a place for personal communication.

When communicating in Kaleostra, you can set “minimum” and “maximum” goals.

  • Target minimum- learn to communicate (for beginners).

If you want to start inviting partners using traditional social networks, then I recommend that you definitely work out in Kaleostra first. Here, no one can block your page and you can start an unlimited number of dialogues.

There is another plus for beginners - in this social network you will meet many experienced “networkers” who have a lot to learn from. See how other people will connect with you and present their projects, I'm sure that you can take some of their tricks into your arsenal.

But do not spam and immediately throw a link in the first message. Say hello, introduce yourself, ask your partner about his projects, and only then proceed to the presentation.

  • Target maximum- find partners.

After you gain experience and learn how to communicate with other users, you will increasingly find referrals to your projects. Perhaps you yourself will be interested in the suggestions of other users.

Summing up, we can say that the Kaleostra network, first of all, is interesting for live communication. This is its main advantage. Other tools are either non-unique or ineffective.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 6.
  • Simplicity - 4.
  • Free - 5.

9. Social networks.

Social networks are one of the most effective tools for attracting referrals. There are many different ways to work in social networks, but I will talk about a method that is suitable for beginners. In this section, I will talk about VKontakte, but the same tricks can be used on Facebook or Odnoklassniki.

Page creation.

The tactic is to promote one page. That is, you should not use spam and other methods for which you can get a ban. You need to treat the page as an asset, which, as its popularity grows, will bring more and more profit.

About the basic rules for page design, I already wrote in my previous articles. In order not to repeat myself, just ladies on such an article.

Most often, a page is sharpened for one or two projects. After the scam, she either freezes or continues to work with a new project. The second method is more efficient, because you don’t have to start everything from scratch every time, it’s better to continue working with an existing audience, although some of the subscribers will be negative.

Please note that a successful referral is called a leader. This is not accidental, because the leader leads the people. Investors are not so interested in the subtleties of the legend, investment plans, beautiful design, etc., they follow the leader they trust. And you need to become that leader.

Like I said, you have to inspire confidence. Credibility is increased by your photos, videos recorded by you, your payments and deposits. Secondly, you must show yourself as an expert, at least you need to thoroughly study the project being promoted in order to be able to answer questions from potential investors.

The third is your personal example. If you show people how you invest and earn, they will simply repeat after you. If you work in these three areas, then many visitors to your page will see you as a leader and follow you.

As for the design of the page, you can adhere to general standards or try to dream up in order to stand out from other referrals due to this. Regardless of the approach to registration, you need to pay attention to one important element - confirmation of a large payment from the project.

Your page, among other things, should contain a video of a large payout from the project. It is better to place such a video in the most visible place - to fix it at the very top of your wall. Please update this video as often as possible.

If you have not yet withdrawn large sums from the project, then such a video can be borrowed from other referrals. You can take any video with a big payout and say it's your upliner's (sponsor's) payout or your referral's payout.

That is, I recommend publishing on the wall your albeit small payments and the payments of your referrals (if you have a contribution and referrals), and in the most prominent place on your page, place a video with a large payout that you will file as your sponsor's payout. And you will update this video every time the donor releases a new payout video.

You can also publish a post talking about your (or your partner's) expensive purchase, a trip, or just showing you with a lot of cash.

A pinned post should consist of a video or photo, emoticons, a bright headline, a quiz, and a call to action.

Cool post that motivates to invest.

Page spin.

Now that the page is full, you need to start engaging the audience. The first thing I recommend starting with is adding friends.

  • Adding friends.

First, you need to understand that 1,000 fake bot friends and 1,000 live partner friends are not the same thing. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide why you need friends.

The first case is when you just created your page and you don't have a single friend. Most partners and visitors simply will not take you seriously if you have, for example, 5 friends. Therefore, for starters, you need to get a couple of hundred of any friends.

I do not recommend using cheat services. The easiest way, in my opinion, are groups that post friend ads. I have already written about these groups in detail in.

You need to understand that most of those you add are ordinary schoolchildren. I don’t think it’s worth trying to sell them something or invite them to projects. You only need them to make the page look more or less decent.

After your page is filled and there are 200-300 friends, you can move on to attracting the target audience.

  • Friends referral services.

You need to keep in mind that these services are mainly used by the same referrals as you. That is, they want to involve you in their projects, and you want to involve them in yours. Who among you will be more convincing, he will receive an active referral.

For a successful transaction, you will need to get to know a partner, consider his offer, make a counter offer, and possibly make friends with him. Such people are a good asset. Even if he does not join your current project now, it will be possible to invite him to new projects in your structure in the future.

Therefore, do not just add potential partners as friends, but get to know, communicate and be friends with them. This friendship can then be monetized.

All friend referral services work pretty much the same way: you invite a certain number of people and in return other people invite you. By connecting a paid account, you can increase the number of incoming requests.

What services can you work with:

In general, one service for each social network is enough for you, because the number of friend requests is limited. You may choose another service, but please note that to avoid blocking your social media account, links to accounts in the selected service should not be clickable.

That is, to go to the page of the person you want to add as a friend, you need to copy the link and paste it into the browser, and not just click on it. So social networks will not be able to track where you went from and they will not have a reason to block you.

Plan to attract referrals in this way:

  • We register in one of the services.
  • We send the required number of applications and confirm incoming applications.
  • After confirming the application, we write to all new friends. We do not offer anything and do not throw any links. We ask: “What kind of business are you doing?”, “How are you doing?”, “Is everything okay?” - that is, we make acquaintances.
  • Only after that we unobtrusively proceed to the presentation. You can give a direct link to a project or a webinar. You can also invite your new friend to call by phone or Skype.
  • We will remind you in a couple of days. We ask him how the project is and what he has in mind. We work with objections.
  • If we are refused, we do not continue to pressurize. We maintain friendly relations with a potential partner: put likes, comment on photos, sometimes ask about success. After a while, he will be able to re-invite or present a new project.

  • Cold messages.

This way is more risky. By risk I mean the possibility of blocking your account. Therefore, to implement this strategy, I would recommend not using the main page.

That is, you can create a second page and design it in much the same way as the main one. For cold messages, use an additional page, and transfer all interested potential partners to the main page (you can also transfer them to Skype, Telegram, Viber and other instant messengers and social networks if they are your main tool).

Everything is simple here, you find target people on social networks and add them as friends or immediately write a cold message. Again, in order not to provoke complaints and not turn potential partners against yourself, you do not need to offer anything in the first message.

You can start your dialogue like this: “Hello. Found you in the Successful MLM Entrepreneurs group. Can I ask you a question?". After that, ask if he wants to improve his financial situation or is he already engaged in some kind of business?

Your further dialogue will depend on which audience your current interlocutor belongs to. That is where you found it.

First optionis a cold audience. You can write to those who are in groups of young mothers, groups about business, groups dedicated to making money on the Internet, etc. That is, these people are at least a little bit your target audience and it will be easier to work with them than with those who are in neutral groups, for example, football, memes, news, etc.

The scheme of work here is simple - you just add friends or write a cold message. In the message, you say that you have found your interlocutor in such and such a group and ask if you can ask him a question. And then you ask if he is interested in making money on the Internet, if he wants to improve his financial situation, etc.

Since the audience is cold, most of your interlocutors will refuse you. If you consider that social networks impose restrictions on outgoing friend requests and messages, then you will need several pages to work effectively.

Second optionis a warm audience. Still, if you decide to use cold messages, then it is better to work with the target audience, that is, with those who are engaged or interested in MLM and HYIPs.

To search for such people, you can use groups on MLM, network business, investing in HYIPs and on individual projects. If the page shows that a person is undertaking investment or referral activity, then you can act in the same way as in the case of services to attract friends. That is, you ask what kind of business your interlocutor is engaged in and try to make friends with him.

If there are no referral links, payments, etc. on his page, then proceed in the same way as in the case of a cold audience, that is, ask if he wants to improve his financial situation and present the project.

Plan for attracting referrals with cold messages:

  • Let's create some pages.
  • We go to the group of interest to us, enter a filter for age (over 18, 20, 25, depending on which age group you want to work with), perhaps for gender.
  • Write the first message to all the participants you have chosen. Strongly not imposed, so as not to receive a complaint.
  • It is better to transfer interested users to the main page or to the messenger.

Good day! In this article, as you already understood from the title, I will tell my story of recruiting referrals to one of the affiliate program sites. To be more honest, I had to invest some of my own money in the beginning. But they almost immediately returned to me back, even a little more than I invested. Plus, I got a small passive income from the earnings of referrals invited by me. So let's talk about this in more detail.

It's no secret that in order to develop your referral network, you need to invest resources, either money or your time. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Briefly, to attract referrals quickly you need to spend some money. If you don’t have money, then you need to spend a lot of time. And if you try to combine these 2 methods. Attract referrals quickly and with absolutely no money. Do you think it's possible? Can. Checked.

In addition, I got a small but from their work on this site. About 500-900 rubles per month.