25,000 from maternity capital c. Lump sum payments from maternity capital

In April 2016, a bill from the LDPR was submitted to the State Duma. If this draft law were approved, then the Russians would be able to get their hands on 50 thousand from maternity capital in 2019-2020. In addition, the document provided for the introduction of a new one: the 5th basic direction for the use of MSC funds.

What was proposed in the draft law

The bill proposed by the liberal democratic faction not only involved the withdrawal of 50 thousand from maternity capital, but also expanded the use of MSCs. People would have a real opportunity to withdraw their funds from the Pension Fund and direct them to household needs. Moreover, without waiting for the execution of the 2nd (subsequent) child of the age of 3 years.

Annually, 50 thousand rubles could be used. from parent capital.

In addition, it was allowed to increase the limited amount in a declarative manner. If there are documents confirming, substantiating the declared amount.

Important! It would also require subsequent documentary confirmation of the intended use of the allocated funds.

How can you receive annual payments?

As in the usual, already existing options, it was assumed that 50,000 from maternity capital could be received by a special application. It would be drawn up in the prescribed form and sent to the PF.

After approval, 50 thousand from maternity capital would have been transferred to the specified bank account of the applicant already at the beginning of 2019-2020.

Attention! To increase the limited amount, an additional application would have to be submitted with the documents substantiating the application attached. Important! A key feature of the proposed innovations is the possibility of receiving 50 thousand from maternity capital immediately after the issuance of the certificate.

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From hypotheses to reality

However, in 2016, instead of the expected approval, the bill was generally returned to its authors. On a formal basis: failure to comply with the established norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation for the submission of such documents to the State Duma.

No other progress of this or similar project was noticed in 2018.

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Why was the bill returned?

The draft normative act under consideration was returned to the authors for formal reasons:

  1. Due to the significant change in the actual monetary obligations states to holders and future holders of certificates. This could be due to the projected increase in the volume of applications submitted to the PF.
  2. Such bills are submitted to the parliament, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 104 of the Constitution, only when there is a positive government opinion. However, the authors of this project did not receive the necessary conclusion from the Government.
Attention! Unfortunately, the LDPR deputies did not consider it necessary to continue working on this legal draft. In this connection, withdraw from the maternity capital 50,000 rubles. in 2019-2020 is not possible.

So you can or not get 50,000 rubles. from maternity capital in 2019-2020

If the bill had been approved, then annual payments of 50 thousand rubles would have been due from maternity capital from January 1, 2017.

But for this it was necessary:

  1. obtain the approval of a majority of the deputies of the legislative assembly;
  2. positive passage of the bill in several readings;
  3. adoption of a law on amendments to the current legislation;
  4. its signing by the President of the Russian Federation;
  5. official publication in the form of relevant editions;
  6. adoption of the necessary by-laws;
  7. inclusion in the budget of the corresponding item of expenditure.

But none of this happened. The bill did not pass even before the first reading in the State Duma.

Important! At present, the bill under consideration has not been adopted. Therefore, it will not work to get 50 thousand from maternity capital in 2019-2020.

Why do we need a new direction of using the certificate

In fact, the variant of partial cashing out of the MSC proposed by the LDPR deputies is an alternative measure to the current 25 thousand rubles paid under the anti-crisis program. It ended in December 2016.

However, according to the deputies of the LDPR faction, a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 25,000 rubles. is not an effective support for families. Due to inflation and the constant presence of household needs of families.

But periodic payments in the amount of at least 50 thousand rubles from the MSC would help family people solve their pressing problems for more than one year.

Among which are the most urgent:

  • for the treatment of children, the restoration of their health in sanatoriums, dispensaries;
  • repair of housing in which the family lives;
  • purchase of a family vehicle for transporting children to school, polyclinic, kindergarten;
  • repayment of ordinary consumer loans, microloans;
  • payment for housing and communal services.
Attention! LDPR deputies believe that the real goals of the mother capital program over the past 10 years have not been achieved. The foreseen restrictions do not allow many families to receive real financial assistance.

And there are reasons for this. After all, the MSC amount only partially repays the cost of housing or the size mortgage loan. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay the remaining amount or monthly repay the debt on a large loan.

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Last changes

As early as May 19, 2016, the draft law under consideration was returned to the subject of the right of legislative initiative in order to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Regulations of the State Duma. This decision was made by the Council of the State Duma at the suggestion of the relevant Committee of the State Duma.

Cash payments of 25 thousand from maternity capital in 2018 will not be produced. Instead, at the initiative of Vladimir Putin, families at the birth (adoption) of a second child are now living wage for a year and a half, which can be considered a new alternative to traditional lump-sum payments, not provided since 2016. In fact, now this is the only way for citizens to withdraw “real money” from mother capital, which they can spend at their own discretion.

However, new monthly payments not for everyone- only families in which, starting from 2018, a second child was born, will be able to dispose of them, provided that their average per capita income per family member does not exceed 1.5 subsistence minimums of the able-bodied population.

For comparison, in 2015 and 2016 lump-sum payments and all families could get, having an unspent balance of funds on the certificate, regardless of family income and the age of the children. At the same time, the funds paid could be used in any direction (in particular, many used them to prepare children for school and kindergarten, to pay for summer vacations, to purchase seasonal children's clothing, etc.).

Is it possible to withdraw 25 thousand from maternity capital in 2018

In 2018 Government has not considered the possibility of receiving a lump-sum payment in the amount of 25,000 rubles by families whose maternity capital certificate has unspent funds. One-time annual payments were a measure of support during the crisis period and were established as part of the anti-crisis plan. After 2016, such assistance measures, since officials have repeatedly announced the completion economic crisis.

Thus, despite the popularity of this support measure, the law on lump-sum payments from maternity capital was not extended for 2017. However, in 2018 families the opportunity arose again receive part of the maternity capital in cash.

How to get maternity capital in cash in 2018

On December 28, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed law on monthly payments Oh families with children (No. 418-FZ). According to it, families in need, in which a second child has appeared since January 1, 2018, will receive assistance every month until they reach 1.5 years of age in the amount of the child subsistence minimum, which is established in a particular region of residence for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

It is important to understand what is due only to those families in which the amount of income per person does not exceed 1.5 times the living wage working-age population for a particular subject Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of the year preceding the year of application for payment (see by region).

Funds from maternity capital are paid to the family before the child is 1.5 years old:

  1. Since the birth of a child- if the owner of the certificate applied to the FIU no later than 6 months from this date (payments for the missed period from the moment of birth will be transferred in full).
  2. From the date of application- if the appeal was made later than 6 months from the birth of the child.

How is the average per capita family income calculated?

To understand whether a family can receive new monthly payments from maternity capital, it is necessary to divide the amount of all income for the last year by 12 and the number of family members (including children). If the amount received is less than that established for the working-age population, then the family can apply for certificate payments.

What is the total income taken into account:

  • salary and work bonuses;
  • pension, benefits, sick leave, scholarships and alimony;
  • insurance payments to successors of pension recipients;
  • remuneration for the performance of labor or other duties;
  • compensation for the time of execution of state or public duties;
  • military salaries.

In November 2018, the Ministry of Labor proposed amending the current rules for providing monthly payments, according to which state child benefits will not be counted as family income. The changes should come into effect on January 1, 2019.

How to make monthly payments

An application for the provision of monthly payments from mat capital in 2018 is submitted to branch of the FIU at the place of residence in person or through the MFC. The following documents must be submitted along with the application:

  • documents proving the identity of the applicant and all members of his family (passport, birth certificate);
  • documents certifying the place of residence of the applicant and all members of his family;
  • documents proving the residence of the applicant in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS of the applicant and his family members;
  • information about the composition of the family (certificates of marriage or divorce; documents confirming the birth or adoption of children; certificate of name change);
  • certificate of details of a bank account opened in the name of the recipient of the certificate;
  • information about the income of the applicant and his family members;
  • documents confirming the grounds not to take into account the indicators of a certain family member when calculating the average per capita income (certificates, information, court decisions);
  • documents confirming the absence of the second parent (if the applicant applies as a single parent);
  • court decisions and other documents on the recognition of a citizen as dead, missing, on deprivation of his parental rights or decisions to cancel them;
  • court decisions on the restoration of parental rights;
  • documents proving the identity and authority of the authorized person (if the representative of the certificate holder applies to the FIU);
  • in the case of a child’s guardians applying to the FIU:
    • documents confirming the registration of custody of the child;
    • permission from the guardianship authorities to spend the MSC.

The Pension Fund will consider the application within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of its submission, and the first funds will be transferred to the bank account of the recipient of the certificate no later than 10 working days after the application has been approved.

set for one year, after which it is necessary to re-apply to the FIU or the Multifunctional Center.

Payments from maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news

In addition to receiving monthly payments for children under 1.5 years old, the following were made (the amount of which is 453,026 rubles - this amount has not been indexed since 2015):

  • Now it is possible to direct funds from mother capital to preschool education (services for babysitting and child care) without waiting 3 years- that is, immediately after the rights to obtain a certificate arise. Previously, it was possible to use it only after the youngest child was 3 years old. You can pay for the mother's capital for the maintenance of a child in a nursery and kindergarten, including private (working in the form legal entity i.e. organizations).
  • The action of the state program itself is extended on the current terms (previously its completion was planned on December 31, 2018).

In addition, according to the decree of Vladimir Putin, at the birth of a second or third child, from January 1, 2018, you can get a mortgage on favorable terms -

Will there be a payment from maternity capital in 2017 in cash?

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Tell me, is it possible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017 for 25 thousand? There is information on the Internet that a one-time payment can be made from July 1. Is it true or not? And in general, will they pay 25,000 rubles again this year?

In many unofficial sources, under the guise of information about a new lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017, last year's materials about a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles are distributed (at the same time, without much bother, unscrupulous authors of publications and their editors in the description most often just change only a year - from 2016 to 2017, which is misleading people).

Considering the urgency of this issue among families with children this year, many readers believe such publications and themselves disseminate untrue information that right now or in the near future (most often called the period from July 1, 2017) it will be possible to re-register a one-time payment from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles.

These precise indications of the deadlines for accepting an application, unrelated to reality, appear in such unreliable publications also by analogy with last year's one-time payment from mother's capital in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

Recall that in 2016 the law on a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles was published and entered into force exactly one year ago - June 23, and in many settlements countries, applications for its receipt began to be accepted at the offices of the FIU and the MFC within a week (in electronic form, such an opportunity appeared from July 1, 2016). Therefore, now there is such an increased excitement about this issue (although such publications, misleading readers, have taken place before).

On our own behalf, we add that the possibility of a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017 is still being discussed by the country's leadership (a week ago, the President of Russia connected to this issue during the annual Direct Line Vladimir Putin who promised again think about this question). But so far, no decisions have been made to pay a new lump sum payment from the mother's capital (repeatedly in the amount of 25 thousand rubles or otherwise). That is while the answer to this question is negative- there will be no payments in 2017!

This information confirmed press service pension fund with reference to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia Maxim Topilin.

The Government disagrees about the advisability of providing this type of material support now, when various officials make official statements about the country's exit from the crisis with reference to Rosstat data (however, the income level of the population

Maternal capital - social program, adopted by the state to support families who decide to give birth (or, alternatively, adopt) a second child. The advent of children can make a breach even in a very stable family budget, because the family bears the costs not only in the first days of the baby's life - pregnancy, childbirth and the maintenance of the newborn turn into large financial losses. The lack of necessary funds has become a stumbling block in the way of increasing the birth rate. In order to overcome this barrier and level the expenses of young families, a program with the simple name "Maternity Capital" has been adopted.

Like many social benefits, maternity capital is experiencing all the hardships of inflation and economic instability. In 2016-2017 The Federation budget does not provide for indexation or any other options for increasing the amount of maternity capital. However, as an anti-crisis measure, the Government decided to make a lump sum payment from maternity capital.

On March 6, 2017, Dmitry Medvedev announced that the term for transferring maternity capital would be 10 days.

Latest news about payments from maternity capital

At a press conference on June 1, 2017, Maxim Topilin, a representative from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, told reporters that cash payments from maternity capital in 2017 should not be expected. Similar information was given in the FIU.

On June 15, another “Direct Line with the President” took place. V.V. Putin, answering one of the questions asked, expressed the opinion that it is necessary to think about allocating part of the mother's capital for direct support of families, which in the current, economically unfavorable time, is an extremely necessary measure for many.

Already on June 29, the issue of payments from maternity capital was taken up in the Federation Council, as reported by the speaker herself V. Matvienko. However, she pointed out that the very purpose of maternity capital is something more than simple social payments. Therefore, the payment of parts will inevitably call into question the achievement of the objectives of the certificate.

Lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017: the realities of today

The amount of a one-time payment from maternity capital today is 25,000 rubles. It is this amount that is spelled out in Law No. 181-FZ, adopted on June 23, 2016. It is noteworthy that this legislative act entered immediately on the day of its publication, that is, as soon as possible.

According to this document, each family entitled to payments under the state program can apply for a one-time lump sum payment. The amount of such compensatory allowance is 25,000 rubles. This payment is the second in a row, since last year the parents of their second child had the opportunity to receive 20,000 rubles. from the same capital. And even if the parents used the method provided by the state to compensate for their expenses for children, no one takes away their right to re-payment.

Families who received a certificate before September 30, 2016 and did not use the mother's capital for targeted needs are eligible for payment. The payment will be made from the principal amount of the mother's capital. According to the Federal Law, in 2016 and 2017, the size of the mother's capital is equal to 453 026 rub. From this amount, it will be possible to “pick up” 25,000 rubles. The remainder will go to the four main areas provided by law, and possible anti-crisis payments next year.

How to get a lump sum payment from maternity capital

In order to receive a one-time payment in 2017, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund, attaching the certificate for social benefits to them.

The website of the Ministry of Labor contains the Rules for submitting a corresponding application for this payment, the application procedure, a list and samples required documents. It is important that these Rules imply simultaneous filing of an application for the issuance of the certificate itself and an application for the announced amount from it.

The time for applying for a lump sum payment in 2016 was limited - documents were accepted until November 30. Payments will be made until December 31, 2016.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2017

One-time payments from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles, as you know, will not be paid in 2017 - at least in federal law the dates are clearly stated “until December 31, 2016 inclusive”. Will there be any progress in this area next year, 2017?

Deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party submitted for consideration a bill that provided for the year 2017 compensation payments similar to those already in existence. The amount of the lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017 was, according to the deputies, to be 50,000 rubles. However, this proposal did not find support in the government, and the bill was returned to the developers with a formal reply about incorrect execution and submission. No other action has been taken to date to increase the one-off payments.

To date, there is no law providing for lump-sum payments in 2017 in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

However, rumors about possible future payments circulate constantly. And it is not surprising - such assumptions have a basis. So, speaking of a one-time payment in 2016, representatives of the Ministry of Labor argued that the remaining amount of mother's capital would be used not only for targeted expenses, but also for future anti-crisis and compensation payments next year.

Maternity capital in 2017

However, with regard to the program social benefits and maternity capital in 2017 there is also positive news. And first of all, this is news that the program of social support for families who decide to have or adopt a second child will be continued next year.

As you know, initially the period of the state program for the payment of maternity capital was ten years - from 01/01/2007 to 01/01/2017. But given the huge popularity of the program and its clear need in today's difficult conditions, the President instructed the Government to find a way to extend the payment system. Despite difficulties with financing and a severe economic crisis that affected the formation of the budget, the most discussed social program was extended - two more years were added to its duration. Now the end date is December 31, 2018. This is stated in the Federal Law No. 433.

When will it be possible to withdraw money from maternity capital

Since the relevant ministries and committees have not been able to agree on everything necessary, it is impossible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017.

There can be only one positive scenario for the development of events - direct intervention in the process of V.V. Putin, who can quickly resolve the situation, especially since the 2018 presidential elections are coming up soon. An indirect confirmation is that he mentioned maternity capital and payments from it on his annual direct line on TV.

As you can see, the new deadlines are actually entered into the existing one. legislative document, that is, all the rules for payments on maternity capital that exist today will be valid in 2017.

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As of the first half of 2019, the government continued the program of payments from maternity capital. At the beginning of 2018 were already paid cash in the amount of 20,000 rubles, the re-issuance began on July 1 and will last until October 30. Moreover, this time the value of the cash benefit from maternity capital will already be 25,000 rubles.

But not all parents have the right to take advantage of the benefit, this applies only to those who have a second and subsequent baby. The same amendment applies to adoptive parents. Those who have fully used the money from the maternity capital indicated in the personal certificate cannot apply for payment.

Repayment is issued in accordance with the rules:

  1. The parent must come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and leave an application as an applicant to receive cash. If there are just 25,000 rubles left on the certificate account, according to the law, the account is reset to zero in record time.
  2. The repeated payment is provided to Russian citizens who are registered and live in the territory of the Russian Federation. This decision of the government is explained by the target orientation of material assistance.

The repeated payment from maternity capital solves the following important tasks:

  1. Improving financial condition families, provides stability and protects those citizens who have become parents of 2 or more children, despite the sharp fluctuations in the Russian economy.
  2. Aid is designed as a lever to regulate the number of poor families living on the edge of poverty, helps to cope with depreciation national currency and reduces unemployment rates at the state level.

Latest news on payments from maternity capital

It was not so easy for officials to decide to support the population in the conditions of the economic crisis and pressure from Europe through the introduction of new sanctions. However, the Russian government is trying not to forget about the vulnerable categories and the needy, for whom it has become even more difficult to get out of the situation and continue to live at a decent level.

The repeated payment from maternity capital was given to legislators in 2018 very difficult, disputes over the implementation of the program still do not fade away:

  1. On March 1, 2019, an anti-crisis plan was signed, which is valid throughout 2016. In its first sections, recommendations are given on who will be the first to receive cash from maternity capital - officials came to a compromise and gave primacy poor families who are barely making ends meet in 2016.
  2. At the end of March 2019, there was a message that a second payment to families was expected, and its size would be increased compared to the previous tranche. The preliminary meetings on the one-time payment of 20,000 rubles and the 5,000 rubles monthly issued for 1 year, previously offered for those who provide strong evidence for assistance, were put aside.
  3. By April 19, it was precisely determined what format maternity capital benefits would take in 2019. 25,000 rubles will be given to all families eligible under the law, regardless of the income of each family member.
  4. In April, the bill went through many meetings for consideration and was finally submitted for a vote in the Duma. On May 3, this fact was published on the official website.
  5. At the beginning of June, the law was approved by the deputies of the State Duma, while making 2 amendments, later it was agreed with the upper house of parliament and submitted to the president for signing. According to the amendments, the bill comes into force after the official publication, as soon as the decisive signature of the President of Russia appears. The exact dates for which the Pension Fund will complete the preparatory work before the implementation of the program in real life, are not yet known.

Repayment: how and in what format you can get

In 2019, whoever quickly orients himself in the opportunity to receive money from maternity capital will take his 25,000 rubles. The application deadline for 2019 has been reduced to the maximum:

  • Employees of the Pension Fund started accepting applications for receiving money from the state on July 1;
  • re-payment can be appointed until November 30 of the current year.

Department of Labor and social protection of the population calculated how many Russian citizens in 2019 can receive repeated payments from maternity capital - no less than 3 million families. However, despite the simple conditions for processing documents, according to official statistics, only 70% applied for cash last year, which is 2 million families, which equates to the total number of applications accepted in 2019.

The procedure for issuing a re-payment in 2019

In 2019, it is planned to simultaneously apply for a maternity capital certificate and draw up an application on the issue of a lump sum payment.

  1. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation determines how justified the application for a certificate from the state.
  2. In record time, a decision is made whether to pay 25,000 rubles or not.

If the certificate has already been issued to the family before, the discussion and re-payment in 2019 is carried out within 1 month after the submission of all necessary documents:

  1. Parents of 2 children submit a written application to the PF department at the place of residence or to the MFC.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the format of the application, you can use the remote option. For example, to send a letter by mail, just be sure to pay for the registered type of letter in order to be sure that the courier will deliver the envelope to the hands of the right employee who will sign in the journal about receiving the application. You can also send an application to the PF e-mail box or the State Services online service, but in this case you will need to supplement the application with an electronic signature.

How it was in 2018

Initially, the anti-crisis program saw the world in 2015. As in 2018, the goal pursued by the government is to improve the well-being of families with two or more children. It was also possible to receive 20,000 rubles in cash or withdraw from a bank card.

Families with respect to which several important conditions are met could apply for a payment from maternity capital:

  1. Parents are raising 2 small, minor children at once.
  2. It was allowed to apply for state aid and receive it until January 1, 2018.
  3. Adults, like a child, must be registered in the country and be citizens of Russia.
  4. If by this time the family has chosen the entire amount indicated in the certificate of maternity capital, it can no longer apply for additional benefits.

Considering the program, officials made some clarifications:

  • in accordance with the order of the government of the Russian Federation, in order to receive money, it is not necessary to wait until the second child is 3 years old;
  • if in 2018 the balance of the certificate contains an amount that is less than 20,000 rubles, it can be transferred to a bank account as a balance;
  • money is not issued if all maternity capital has already been spent.

How did you get paid at the beginning of 2019

The procedure for compiling and submitting an application for the allocation of money from state budget has not changed significantly. Parents were asked to come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund and write a statement by hand, the sample was provided by employees of the state agency. Of course, one application is not enough, it was necessary to support the right to money with the appropriate package of documents:

  • passport confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate giving the right to receive maternity capital if there are 2 or more children in the family;
  • a certificate containing details and information about a bank account previously opened individual in one of the banking institutions.

Pay attention to filling out a certificate with account details, in some financial and credit institutions this service costs money by default. But still, in most cases, it costs nothing, however, the form offered by bank employees is very different from the format for compiling paper for the Pension Fund.

In order not to have to turn to bank employees for help again, discuss in advance what details must be indicated on the reporting form:

  • full name of the bank where the bank account is opened;
  • legal address, location of the organization;
  • Finally, the personal account itself.

Ever use open account is not allowed, the account for the transfer of maternity capital in 2019 is opened separately and serves only for this purpose. After transferring funds to the account, you can manage the money as you like - leave it on the card for a while or withdraw it completely. There is also the option of cashing out directly at the bank branch.

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