Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - personal account. All about social mortgage State housing fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan social

Having your own "family nest" is the dream of every cell in society. But, unfortunately, for the majority, the acquisition of a house or apartment is an unbearable burden.

In recent years, citizens have resorted to lending services to purchase square meters. Getting a mortgage from a bank is not difficult. However, social mortgages operate in many regions of Russia. On it you can buy housing at more favorable conditions. And the support comes from the state.

Obtaining a social mortgage

Social mortgage is a procedure for improving the living conditions of citizens. It uses mortgage credit lending and government financial assistance. In our country, not everyone can enjoy this privilege. As a rule, these are newly created families and military personnel.

For a newly created family in Russia, there is Government program, which provides for:

  • support up to 35% of the average housing price in the region if the couple does not have children;
  • up to 40% if there are children.

All money comes from federal budget. The size of future housing is calculated based on the size of the family. In each subject, the amount of subsidies is different. It all depends on the cost of apartments in the region.

  • Age of husband and wife up to 35 years;
  • The family was recognized as needing to purchase housing or improve living conditions;
  • The family must have savings that are needed to pay part of the amount. It must exceed the amount of the subsidy.
  1. Citizens who have graduated from a military school or institute and received the rank of "officer" since January 2005.
  2. Military personnel who entered into a contract or were called up for service from the reserve from the same moment as in the first case.
  3. Military men with the rank of "ensign" and "midshipman", who have served under the contract for more than three years, also since January 2005.
  4. The military in the rank of "sergeant" and "foreman", as well as soldiers and sailors who have already entered into a second service contract no earlier than January 2005.

Conditions for obtaining a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

In this region of Russia, social mortgages are very popular. Many people who do not have sufficient funds, but really want to improve their living conditions. They have been on the waiting list for an apartment for years. And the social mortgage has helped to significantly reduce this list.

The population support system of the Republic of Tatarstan is aimed at providing benefits to employees of enterprises that can actively participate in financing social mortgages.

The transfer of housing under the program takes place according to the queue. A competition is held in the region, apartments are selected that can be transferred to the residents of the republic as part of a social mortgage.

Social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan is a mortgage that is provided on special (preferential) conditions.

Key features of a mortgage:

  1. The need of a citizen to improve living conditions. The decree states that at least 18 square meters should come to one family member.
  2. The maximum term of a social mortgage is a little over 28 years.
  3. Affordable interest rate- only 7%.
  4. An initial deposit is required. However, if the borrower has good reasons, it is possible to obtain permission not to make a down payment.
  5. Paying off a mortgage isn't just about money. The program involves payment in goods own production in a personal household or to repay a debt with their own labor.
  6. Part of the housing that has not yet been bought out can be rented out.
  7. If a childless family took a social mortgage, and after a while they had a child, then the state allocates material assistance (200,000 thousand rubles) to pay for housing.

Who can get a mortgage?

  • Public sector employees;
  • Employees of enterprises involved in the financing of social. mortgages;
  • People who need urgent support.

Almost every resident of the Republic of Tatarstan can get a mortgage. To do this, you need to write an application to the local administration. The letter must be considered within three days. If the answer is positive, then the citizen can participate in the competition for housing on a social mortgage.

  1. A citizen must conclude a social mortgage agreement.
  2. Participates in the competition for the issuance of housing.
  3. On the website of the housing fund, you need to fill out an application, which will indicate a list of apartments.
  4. Need to accumulate big rating. It is determined by the amount of a person's savings. These funds must be deposited in the housing fund account.
  5. The winner of the competition will be the one whose application will meet all the requirements and the citizen will have the highest rating.

It is important to remember that those citizens who received square meters under the social program. mortgages under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, can no longer qualify for a preferential procedure for the distribution of housing.

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In the context of the economic crisis, the Government of the Russian Federation proposes new mechanisms to support socially unprotected citizens. To improve the quality of their lives, programs of housing loans with state support are being developed. Borrowers who meet the conditions of a particular project will be able to take advantage of the social mortgage.

The programs cover many categories of the population: low-income citizens, young families, state employees (doctors, teachers, young scientists), military personnel.

The social mortgage program was prepared by the Department of Housing Policy and is aimed at fulfilling the order of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Housing Fund has approved the procedure for providing residential real estate under social mortgages. Applicants can purchase an apartment under a sale and purchase agreement with the registration of a document in the Department of Housing Fund and Housing Policy.

To obtain a soft loan, socially unprotected citizens can apply to any state or commercial bank that provides mortgages with state guarantees.

According to the Department of Social Mortgage under the President, over the past five years, every seventh participant in state programs has been able to use and improve their living conditions with the help of state subsidies and mortgage lending.

Terms social programs low-income borrowers can purchase real estate in the primary and secondary markets, as well as social housing at reduced prices, which is owned by local authorities.

Mortgage under the president is multivariate: they allocate a subsidy for a part of the cost of the purchased apartment or a subsidy for the interest rate. Municipal housing is sold to participants in social programs at an affordable price. Which type is used in a particular region depends on the initiative of local authorities.

A good example in this matter can be the Republic of Tatarstan, where since 2004 they have been successfully implementing a draft law on social housing lending developed at the local level, which differs significantly from the standard version.

How to get

The implementation of the program is controlled by the State Housing Fund (GZHF) and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The peculiarities of the presidential program are that the borrower and the GZHF enter into an agreement, according to which the project participant undertakes to regularly contribute a certain amount to form a reserve. Savings are needed to partially pay the cost of purchased housing. The rest is mortgaged.

The term of the contract is up to 28.5 years. The bank's rate (7%) is fixed, set for the entire lending period. The obligatory moment is the first installment (10-30%). You can use:

  1. maternity capital;
  2. Accumulations formed during the period of participation in the project;
  3. State support for young families (the size of the subsidy can reach 40% of the cost of an apartment);
  4. By own means.

Sometimes an additional loan is taken to pay the first installment, leaving the existing housing as collateral (if the borrower or co-borrowers are its owners).

Under the terms of the project, mortgages are also provided to childless families. If a child is born during the term of the contract, the spouses are allocated material aid in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. Funds must be used to pay off mortgage obligations.

The peculiarity of the presidential project is that participants can make monthly contributions not always in the traditional way - they pay with labor or products produced in their personal households.

Where can I get housing

The difference between the presidential mortgage is that the applicant can choose an apartment only from the real estate that was built as part of this project. Such housing complexes (LC) are built mainly in large cities and some small settlements. In addition to a limited choice of apartments, they also differ in price: square meters in the capital will be more expensive than in the periphery. These factors also affect the size of the loan and rating points.

The exact list of districts where construction is carried out by the project partner companies can be found on the website of the state housing fund. There is information on the websites of banks and developers. An important requirement for the latter is to build housing in a comprehensive manner, so the program participant receives an apartment in microdistricts with a normal infrastructure. After submitting the documentation to the GZHF and approval of the application by the housing commission, the participant waits for his version of the property.

  1. Kazan. Social houses are being built in Aviastroitelny, Kirovsky, Privolzhsky, Pakhitovsky and Sovetsky districts. The most popular microdistrict is Salavat Kupere, where it is planned to solve housing problems 14 thousand families. More than 350 hectares are being built up with residential complex houses in order to accommodate about 40 thousand people in it. The Raduzhny residential complex is also located in an ecologically clean area, but the apartments there are more for commercial sale. A school for a thousand children is being built.
  2. Naberezhnye Chelny. The most popular complexes are located on the outskirts of the city: the cost of housing here is much lower, and these areas are noticeably cleaner. Among the complexes actively under construction are Yalyshek-2, as well as the 63rd complex. In addition to the presidential mortgage, residents of the city can participate in the Building the Future project, which also helps to purchase real estate on favorable terms for the participant.

The contract for the selected apartment is preliminary and has no special legal force. If a program participant violates the debt repayment schedule or does not score enough points, other applicants can be settled in the selected apartment.

If the borrower got a part-time part-time job or left the public sector altogether, he no longer has the right to demand an apartment on a social mortgage. During the crisis, many building materials even fell in price, so the developer sees no reason to increase the cost of housing.

Who can participate in the project

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan covers many segments of the population:

  • Budgetary workers - teachers, scientists, doctors, young professionals, workers of culture and social protection;
  • military personnel, participants in hostilities;
  • Citizens who huddle in an emergency or unsuitable for habitation premises;
  • Young families (age restrictions - up to 35 years) with and without children;
  • Applicants whose living space does not meet the standards (18 sq. m per tenant);
  • Large families;
  • Disabled people and families with disabled children;
  • Incomplete families, if their income fell by 30%;
  • Employees of enterprises-investors, participants in the presidential mortgage program.

A project participant can be solvent working citizens with a stable income and a normal credit history, who meet the program criteria and have the means for the first payment. The applicant must also have the status of a person who needs to improve their living conditions.

Families with higher incomes can apply for social housing living wage if they can do regular contributions to repay a loan.

State employees must have at least three years of work experience in their specialty. Citizens aged 18 to 54 years old with a continuous work experience in the last place of 6 months can apply. For the military, the minimum service life is 10 years. Applicants must live and work in the Republic of Tatarstan for at least 10 years.

Making a home loan

To obtain the status of a participant in the program, you must contact the administration with an application. Here you can consult on the selected program, make a preliminary calculation. Employees of enterprises that fund the program can apply through the manager.

While waiting for the preliminary approval of the application, prepare all the necessary documentation. Officials have 1 month to make a final decision. With a positive decision, they sign a social mortgage agreement, after which monthly contributions are made to the GZHF (the amount depends on the family budget).

It remains to wait for one or more offers of housing from the GZHF, which can be bought as part of the project.

You can participate in the competition as a rating auction. To do this, you need to register on the GZHF website and get access to Personal Area, from where they send applications for participation. The higher the rating, the more chances the contestants have to win. Points are formed based on the amount of savings of each participant and the length of stay in the program.

There is another option for obtaining a mortgage, when state support is provided out of turn. Each case is studied individually in the shortest possible time.

What documents to prepare

Applicants for a presidential mortgage must submit documentation:

  • Passports of family members;
  • TIN and SNILS;
  • Marriage or divorce certificate (if any);
  • Birth certificates of children (if any);
  • Military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • Documents on education;
  • income statement;
  • Documents on the rights to real estate;
  • Confirmation of the status of a person who needs to improve their living conditions.

The completed application form is attached to the documents. The commission has the right to request additional confirmation of the applicant's solvency.

Pros and Cons of a Presidential Mortgage

Mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is an opportunity to purchase an apartment on more favorable terms than in the whole country.

The participation of the GZHF allowed applicants to receive a number of advantages:

  • Reduce the first installment to 10% of the price of the apartment (maximum limit - 30%).
  • For single mothers and some other categories on an individual basis, a complete exemption from the first installment is also possible.
  • With a base rate of 7.4%, social mortgages are given at 7% per annum.
  • The maturity limit (28.5 years) can be reduced and the loan can be closed ahead of schedule without overpayments.
  • When a baby is born, the family receives 200 thousand rubles. to pay off mortgages.
  • After the appearance of the second and subsequent children, you can contribute funds from maternity capital.
  • You can pay for a mortgage not only with money, but also with labor and agricultural products.
  • There are no additional insurances - only the purchased apartment and the participant's liability are insured.

If a difficult financial situation has arisen in the family, the borrower is afraid of losing the apartment - all cases of the GZHF are considered individually, developing a convenient option for repaying the debt (deferment, restructuring, etc.). Postponement of payments does not relieve the client of the bank from the need to pay for the rent of the apartment.

In any state support program, there are details that at first the participant does not pay due attention to. But later such nuances can create additional difficulties.

After acquiring housing under the project, the participant does not have the right to stop working or leave the public sector for 10 years. If the condition is violated, the balance of the debt will have to be repaid at a double rate. It is possible to terminate an employment relationship with an enterprise without penalties if the dismissal was by agreement of the parties.

A participant in the program, after receiving an apartment, will no longer be able to participate in other social projects aimed at improving living conditions. Under a presidential mortgage, housing can only be purchased once in a lifetime, so it makes sense to study all the possible benefits and subsidies that a family can count on and choose best option state aid. The total price of square meters of housing includes child benefits.

Standards for the size of mortgage housing have been developed:

  1. Lonely - 33 sq. m;
  2. For a childless family (2 people) - 42 sq. m;
  3. A family of 3 - 18 sq. m per tenant.

There is another important point: until the full payment of housing, issued in a mortgage, the borrower uses housing under a social contract of employment. He also pays the rent (at the minimum state tariffs). He will be able to receive a certificate of ownership only after the final repayment of the debt.

Partner banks

The number of financial institutions participating in the program is limited, as many only have offices in major cities. Among the program participants there are not only banks of the republic, but also partners providing services throughout Russia: Sberbank, Kara-Altyn, Rosbank, Ak Bars.

According to the terms of the presidential mortgage, the borrowers enter into an agreement with the representative office of the housing fund under the president. And in a bank that is a partner, you need to open an account for monthly payments, taking into account the cost of 1 sq. m. m of social housing (from 11%). If the bank's client violates the payment schedule for mortgage obligations, the GZHF has the right to terminate the agreement on its own initiative.

In parallel with the mortgage under the President, the banks of the republic offer their clients to solve housing problems with the help of the “Young Family” program. The first requirement for candidates: one of the spouses must be under 35 years old. The project makes it possible to purchase housing at a base rate (from 7.4%) both in the primary and secondary markets.

In accordance with the bill, the social mortgage under the President in the Republic of Tatarstan works until 2019. It remains to be hoped that after its completion, the regional authorities will develop even more effective measures to provide needy socially unprotected citizens with housing.

Social programs related to housing lending are traditionally very popular, primarily among the low-income population of the Russian Federation. Understanding the tension that objectively exists today in the housing citizens, the government regularly develops preferential programs to subsidize mortgages.

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Basic moments

In the spring of 2019, the president signed the preferential subsidy program developed by the government, which is also being implemented in 2019.

In addition, a program was developed to help foreign currency borrowers, who, as a result of a sharp jump in the value of the dollar and the euro, were unable to service foreign currency mortgages.

The essence of the presidential mortgage is a significant reduction in the interest rate for issuing targeted bank loans. In 2019, it amounted to 12 percent per annum, which is two to three percent lower than when issuing conventional mortgage loans.

Compared to 2019, the government has reduced the percentage of subsidies from 3.5 to 2.5 points, with the condition that the maximum value for the borrower will remain at 12 percent.

What it is

A low interest rate is the main preferential condition that distinguishes the presidential mortgage. However, there are others.

So, it is supposed to participate in the program, first of all, socially unprotected categories of citizens:

There are a number of requirements that must be taken into account:

Additional requirements are explained by the desire of the government to support the construction industry, which without a permanent market simply will not be able to develop.

It is beneficial for the state to support both ordinary borrowers and the construction sector in order to avoid its stagnation and economic recession.

The difference between the rate of a conventional mortgage loan, set in accordance with the key rate of the Central Bank, and concessional lending is repaid by the state.

Who can apply

Thanks to the presidential program of preferential mortgage lending, the list of citizens of the Russian Federation who can qualify for special conditions for obtaining a loan is quite wide.

Depending on the specific program that the borrower decides to use, he may have one of the following statuses:

However, the economic crisis of 2019 affected the situation with mortgage lending in such a way that almost all citizens of the Russian Federation can take advantage of the benefit and receive state assistance if they satisfy other conditions of the bank.

Other conditions include:

Until the end of 2019, any citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of preferential terms of the presidential mortgage.

Where to go

Despite the difficult situation that continues to persist in financial market, quite a few banks are participating in the implementation of the presidential mortgage program and continue to issue loans at reduced interest rates. You can contact any of them.

Today, the list of financial and credit institutions working with state subsidies looks like this:

  1. Sberbank of Russia.
  2. VTB 24.
  3. Bank of Moscow.
  4. HMB Opening.
  5. Absolut Bank.
  6. Raiffeisenbank.
  7. Uralsib.
  8. Deltacreditbank.

The conditions for issuing mortgages under special programs are approximately the same. However, in order to get the most profitable option for yourself, you should take into account all the additional conditions put forward by banks.

Presidential Mortgage Program

Thanks to the implementation of mortgage programs on preferential schemes, over the past few years there has been a noticeable revival of the mortgage segment of the real estate market.

Sberbank of Russia is one of the most reliable banks enjoying the unwavering trust of the government.

The Presidential Mortgage Program at Sberbank in 2019 provides for two options for borrowers:

  • state-supported mortgage;
  • action "Young family".

Both have approximately the same submission conditions, similar to programs developed by other financial institutions.

Many Russian families can afford to take a mortgage loan on the proposed terms.

The Young Family program is aimed at solving demographic problems in order to stimulate. However, there are certain limitations.

Thus, the loan can no longer be used to buy an apartment on the secondary market (the previous presidential mortgage scheme allowed this).

The purpose of this innovation is to support the construction market, which, under the conditions economic crisis suffers very much.

Financial injections allow construction companies produced through mortgage lending provide the necessary level working capital directed to new facilities and commissioning of those under construction.

To qualify for the Social Presidential Mortgage, young families must have proof of eligibility, be on the waiting list for social housing, and be eligible for service. credit line, that is, a sufficient level.

The necessary conditions

Sberbank makes it possible to receive a loan under the Young Family campaign without proof of income and employment.

This is an interesting condition that works great in a situation where there is no official income, but if you have the financial ability to pay the loan.

There is a minus - without confirmation of income, the bank will introduce an additional surcharge to interest rates for young families without children or with one child in the amount of 0.5 points.

Additional allowances are provided in the following cases:

The age cannot be more than 35 years. If there additional factors which may influence the bank's decision, they must be submitted.

If the selected housing is higher than the established limit, you will not be able to receive a loan under the program.

The conditions of the government-supported mortgage program differ from the special loan promotion for young families:

The maximum loan amount cannot exceed 8 million rubles for capital cities and regions (Moscow, St. Petersburg). In the regions, the size of a mortgage loan is no more than 3 million rubles.

The norm of subsidizing housing is no more than 18 square meters. meters per person. If the footage of the apartment is larger, the state will not pay for the excess at its own expense.

Therefore, you will either have to issue a regular mortgage, or choose a more modest apartment for yourself.

What rate

Under the program for a young family, the interest rate varies within one percent.

This should be taken into account when deciding on a long-term service of a credit line:

The situation with state support is more profitable, it is not tied to the amount down payment, although the latter is set at 20 percent.

There is also a general fixed rate of 12 percent, which is valid both before and after mortgage registration. It does not change during the entire period of service of the credit line.

In order to make the loan amount higher, it is allowed to attract co-borrowers.

It is allowed to have no more than three co-borrowers with a sufficient level of income that meets the requirements of the bank. In this case, the spouse of the main borrower becomes a co-borrower without fail.

No issuance fee loan funds not charged. However, if the borrower violates the bank's condition on health and life insurance, the bank will increase the interest rate by one point, setting it at 13 percent.

Registration procedure

To apply for a mortgage loan under the presidential program, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

Indicators Description
Find an apartment obligatory for those developers who are partners of the selected bank in the region of residence
Compose applying for a mortgage loan
Wait for a positive decision the standard term for consideration of a mortgage application is from two to five business days
Collect documents from a list proposed by a specialist of the credit department, regarding the selected housing
Sign project loan agreement and security agreements
Insure mortgaged property and life/health personal insurance is not required by law, but is included in the requirements of most serious banks
Conclude a sale and purchase deal
Register with the local Rosreestr obtain a certificate of the owner (with a note of encumbrance)

It is not necessary to pre-apply to the bank with a preliminary selection of an apartment. You can look for future housing even after the loan is approved by the bank.

Package of documents

Collecting a package of documents is not difficult, but it takes time. It must be remembered that the borrower must provide the entire package no later than two months from the date of approval of the loan, so you need to act quickly.

The list of papers includes:

If a mortgage is issued under the special Young Family program, the bank must submit:

  1. Marriage certificate.
  2. Birth certificate of children (child).

The bank may require other papers to supplement the details of the mortgaged property and the identity of the borrower.

Loan terms

A target loan under a special presidential program is issued for a thirty-year period:

Depending on the period of servicing the credit line, the bank adjusts the interest rate.

Video: how to take and pay a mortgage

Special nuances

Important, that presidential program has a limited duration. So, the mortgage with state support has been extended until January 2019, nothing is known about the further extension of the scheme.

The special action of Sberbank "Young Family" is valid for exactly the same period.

State support actually includes several forms of assistance to Russian citizens in obtaining a mortgage loan.

In addition to subsidies, that is, paying off the difference between the commercial and preferential interest rates, the state can offer two more options:

By preliminary calculation family budget it should be:

The last option for acquiring social housing can also be attributed to the presidential mortgage program. AHML is a state structure and initially aimed at working with social schemes for the sale of apartments.

Such housing is being built for the sale of low-income, state employees, and other categories of federal beneficiaries.

Separately, there is a presidential program to help pay mortgages to people who have taken mortgage loans in foreign currency and, after the jump in the dollar, were unable to make monthly payments.

Through AHML you can get up to six hundred thousand rubles.

However, not all borrowers can qualify to take advantage of this program. This is done in order to deprive unscrupulous citizens of the opportunity to use funds from the state budget for their own benefit.

So, if the borrower has issued several preferential mortgages for the purpose of profit, the state is not obliged to solve his financial problems.

Several basic conditions must be met:

Indicators Description
Preferential category of the borrower the status is assigned to citizens with children under 18 years of age or disabled children, veterans of military operations, the disabled
Documentary evidence of a critical decline in income levels decrease is considered critical. wages by at least 30 percent of your income at the time the mortgage was issued. The calculation is made for the three months preceding the appeal
Modest size of mortgage housing, not exceeding the existing limit for a one-room apartment - 45 sq. meters, for a two-room apartment - 65 sq. meters, for a three-room apartment - 85 sq. meters
Low cost mortgages the apartment should be in the middle price segment relative to similar housing. It is permissible to exceed the price of a meter by no more than 60 percent
The apartment must be the only property of the borrower the only thing you can additionally have is a share in another property, but not more than 50 percent. This rule applies to all family members of the borrower.
Credit line service period at the time of applying for assistance to the state can not be less than one year

It is important that if the family has many children, then the requirements for the cost of one square meter and the footage of the dwelling are not taken into account.

Families with many children get even more favorable conditions, as the government recognizes their special status both at the federal and regional levels.

The legislative framework

Any mortgage program in Russia is regulated by the Federal Law:

Reducing the interest rate to ensure a preferential level of interest rate is regulated by a government decree:

Banks began to restructure foreign currency mortgages after the signing of a government decree:

The provisions of the presidential mortgage program continue the line of support for the social level of stability adopted in 2019.

The opportunity to buy housing on a mortgage is not only a chance to get your own housing, but also to ensure the financial and social stability of the state.


Realization of housing on the principles of mortgage lending and socially affordable mortgage for citizens of the Republic of Tatarstan is carried out under the control of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan (NO GZhF RT).

The Foundation was founded on March 30, 1995 Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev No. 213 “On measures to develop housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan”, is a non-profit, extra-budgetary organization.

Its main activities are to promote the implementation of housing programs of the Government of the Russian Federation by local government and self-government bodies, the development and implementation of non-traditional methods of financing and the attraction of extrabudgetary funds into housing construction.

The President of Tatarstan M.Sh.

The fund has been implementing the program of social mortgage lending since 2005 after the adoption on December 27, 2004 . Law No. 69-ZRT of the Republic of Tatarstan "On state support for housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan".

The Fund acts as an investor in construction and improvement residential buildings, social infrastructure, a developer of new and reconstructed residential facilities and has the right to purchase and sell them.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is also made in accordance with annually approved target programs, in particular:

  • The program on "Providing housing for citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan on a social" mortgage "
  • National project "Affordable and comfortable housing for the citizens of Russia".
  • Federal target program“Housing” and its subprograms: “Providing housing for young families”, “Providing housing for families of young professionals in the countryside”, “Providing land plots communal infrastructure”, “Development of the agro-industrial complex”.

The action of the program according to mortgage loans is planned for 2019.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan can be provided:

  • public sector employees
  • citizens who do not have the opportunity to improve their living conditions without state support.

Employees of organizations that provide assistance in financing social mortgage programs also have benefits.

It is also assumed that future borrowers should be on a special register of citizens who need housing.

Residential real estate is distributed in order of priority in two directions:

  • as part of emergency assistance to the poor
  • choosing an apartment on a competitive basis for public sector employees

50% of residential real estate from the total housing stock participates in the social competition.

The conditions for the distribution of housing stock for citizens entitled to emergency assistance are determined by local self-government bodies in private.

The social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan has a number of features that distinguish it from other types of mortgage:

  • Firstly, all those who have received a mortgage loan undertake, within ten years from the year of taking on mortgage obligations, not to stop working and not to change their current place of work.
  • Secondly, state employees who received real estate in a special manner are deprived of the right to purchase it on preferential terms in any other way (for example, when distributing housing at a reduced cost).

Otherwise, the unpaid balance of the amount for the property will be calculated at double the interest rate. The size of the rate is stipulated in the rules of the social mortgage.

Welcome! Today we will find out what a social mortgage is, who can get it. How to get a social mortgage. How banks and social mortgages interact. Read the post to the end and you will find out all the news of 2019 on this topic.

You can acquire your own housing at the expense of your own funds, who have them, or you can resort to the help of banks and use mortgage lending. But what if the income does not allow you to use any of these methods? Social security comes to the rescue. It is she who exists in our country to solve the housing problem of citizens with medium and low incomes.

What is the difference between a regular loan and a soft loan? First issued commercial bank a client who repays a loan and interest on it own funds. It follows that the consumer can only rely on his own strength. At the same time, the annual rate for the use of borrowed funds and the down payment will be rather rather big. The social mortgage agreement will include a third party to the agreement - the state. Here, his role is to support the interests of both parties: reimburse the bank for its commercial benefits and provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable housing.

Social mortgage lending is a government program implemented at the subject level. Therefore, in each region it has its own characteristics, which can be found in the local authorities at the place of residence, or in AHML.

What is the essence of social mortgage? The point is that the housing mortgage will be issued with one or another support state budget. And in what amount - depends on which category of beneficiaries you fit. In fact, a social mortgage is a complex concept that includes a number of government support programs for the population as part of the housing issue. They are often confused and confused into one concept.

The concept of "social mortgage" should be divided into a number of derivatives:

  • Social mortgage in banks and partners of AHML (mortgage that provides a number of benefits for the rate, mortgage term, amount of PV, etc. to employees of socially significant and budget institutions as well as large families).
  • Sub-program "Housing for the Russian family" (allows you to get a discount on an apartment from developer companies that participate in the program, those who need to improve their housing, the poor and, again, state employees of various levels, as well as young families with children. The mortgage rate remains within the framework of standard bank programs ).
  • Subprogram "Young family" federal and local level(you must obtain a certificate of participation in the program in order to be recognized as in need of better housing conditions, then the state will allocate a subsidy for the purchase of housing up to 35% of the cost of the apartment).
  • Regional subsidies (an example is the Republic of Tatarstan, where there is a reduced interest rate on mortgages and a discount on housing).
  • State support programs for military personnel, maternity capital.

In certain cases, state assistance will be 10-50% of the cost of the apartment. There are regional subsidies that reimburse 100 percent of the price of housing, and the citizen only has to pay interest to the bank. For young people, such support can be 30%, and for young families with children - 35% of the market value of the home.

There are the following social mortgage conditions:

  • The lowest possible interest rate. Today, it is 7.55%;
  • Minimum down payment 10%;
  • Longer loan term;
  • Subsidies from budgets of different levels to reimburse part of the cost of housing. One example is the compensation of monthly social mortgage payments for some state employees during the entire term of the loan;
  • Deferred payment or restructuring. In different cases from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • Reducing the amount of the monthly installment through refinancing;
  • Construction of economy-class real estate with state support and its sale at preferential prices to certain categories of citizens;
  • One-time subsidies to improve housing conditions. One such example is maternity capital.

Who can get it

Who is eligible? Many citizens are unaware of the opportunity for them to acquire housing on preferential terms. To do this, you need to know who can get a social mortgage.

You can expect to receive in 2019:

  • large families;
  • incomplete families whose income fell by 30%;
  • disabled people and families raising children with disabilities;
  • young families under 35 with and without children;
  • some categories of doctors, teachers and scientists;
  • employees of scientific municipal and state institutions;
  • workers of science cities;
  • military participants in the funded system;
  • combat veterans;
  • Young professionals;
  • workers of culture, social protection and employment institutions;
  • specialists of sports organizations;
  • workers in the military-industrial complex;
  • the poor.

Program participants are solvent working citizens of the Russian Federation who have stable incomes and are able to get a loan, i.e. comply with the terms of its provision; having in the accumulation of funds for the down payment. Their credit history must be positive. They must be recognized as in need of housing improvement or residents of the emergency fund (for a number of subprograms). For state employees, it is required to have a work experience by profession of three years or more in state structures. Citizens from 18 to 54 years of age with continuity of service in one place for at least six months fall under the housing social mortgage fund. Military personnel who have served for at least ten years. More detailed conditions should be considered under specific programs.

How to issue

First of all, you need to make sure that you are in any category of beneficiaries. Depending on the type of program, contact the authorities and/or the bank first. If so, the next step is to collect the necessary documents.

The basic list includes:

  • an application for a social mortgage;
  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • certificate from the place of work on income in the form of 2NDFL;
  • a certified copy of all sheets of the work book;
  • a document confirming the fact of the applicant's need for housing or improvement of living conditions;
  • a document stating that you are in the queue for solving the housing issue in local authorities;
  • an extract from the house book or a certificate of family composition;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children.

This list is basic and basic for all categories of beneficiaries and is supplemented depending on which social program suits you. What documents are still needed, you can find out more in the rest of the articles on our site.

You will need a special certificate in order to become a member of the Young Family program in 2019. You must notify the local authorities and the bank of your intention to receive a soft loan to buy an apartment and be included in the final list.

When the lists of such participants are formed, the municipal government receives money from the budget for subsidies and distributes them. By that time, you will need to give a loan agreement already drawn up with the bank.

Banks and social mortgage

The most profitable offers under this program in 2019 are offered by NOAIK, a partner of AHML in Novosibirsk, for example, the rate of 10.95 for finished housing and 11.2 for the construction period.

Mortgage for military personnel involves the opening of a nominal savings account. The state monthly transfers certain amounts to it, regularly indexed. The money can then be used to purchase a home. You can use it both during service and after leaving the reserve. Such a product in 2019 is available to all young officers, even those who already own real estate. Several banks are engaged in lending to the military under the NIS.

And other points are discussed in our last post. You can also use our credit calculator for calculation.

The advantage is that a decision is made within three days with a minimum package of documents. The only requirement for the borrower is a period of service of at least three years.

To find out the amount of the monthly loan installment, use our website.

Social mortgage "Building the Future" operates in the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc.). The essence of the program is that the family joins the “Building the Future” cooperative and then participates in the auction of apartments, offering their affordable price for them. The family that offers the highest price will win the competition and receive an apartment at a discounted price. Social mortgage Building the future is available in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, for example, 90% of the population.

The social mortgage "We are building the future" under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is issued on the following conditions: Rate from 7% per annum; First installment from 10% of the loan amount; Term from 20 to 28.5 years. To draw up an agreement, you should contact AK Bars Bank, Kara Altyn Bank, Sberbank of Russia.

In Naberezhnye Chelny, the most favorable rates are offered by VTB24 Bank (this is 9.4% per annum for using a loan and a down payment of only 10% for any convenient loan term), Rosbank, and the Mortgage Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan. For selection credit institution and more favorable conditions for yourself, use our mortgage calculator.

Rosselkhozbank has developed a special loan product - rural mortgage in Russia. It was created to help young professionals living in rural areas. It implies that part of the debt is paid off from the federal budget, another part is allocated by the region, part by the local agricultural producer, and the remaining small share is paid by the employee himself. This is one of the few banks that does not refuse to give loans to clients from the provinces because of the low value of collateral.

Lending terms:

  • rate from 11.5% to 13.5% per year;
  • no down payment;
  • the amount of the amount within 3 million rubles;
  • term from 1 year to 25 years;
  • guarantors are not required;
  • the age of the borrower is over 18;
  • confirmation of the amount of income with a 2NDFL certificate or in the form of a bank.

Knowing the terms of the loan and the cost of the desired apartment, you can calculate the amount of the monthly payment using our mortgage calculator.

How to get a social mortgage in 2019 can be found in AIZhK. This is the main organization to which the government entrusted the implementation of state social programs to provide the population of the Russian Federation with their own housing and improve living conditions. AHML implements such programs as "Housing for the Russian family", issues such products as " military mortgage”, “Social Mortgage for Doctors, Teachers and Scientists”, also implements a program to help borrowers.

Advantages of AHML:

  • Annual rates here start at 10.95%.
  • Down payment of 10% of the loan amount.
  • The maximum possible term is up to 30 years.
  • The amount of credit is not limited.
  • There are no additional insurances, that is, only the acquired property and the borrower's liability under the contract are insured.
  • The funds of maternity capital are used.
  • In the event of financial difficulties for the payer, a reduction in the monthly fee is provided.
  • Opportunity to buy an apartment thirty percent cheaper than the same segment in an accredited project.

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