How to correctly calculate the grace period on a credit card. How to use a Sberbank credit card with a grace period Sberbank calculate the grace period on a credit card

Often banks connect a grace period (aka grace period) to issued credit cards. This is an additional service that allows you to use the bank's funds for free for a certain period of time. But the cardholder must comply with the procedure for calculating the grace period and other conditions for its provision.

Many cardholders misinterpret the terms of the grace period, which leads to the appointment of interest, and sometimes penalties. Before using the benefit offered by the bank, be sure to study the information about it and the instructions for use.

The essence of the grace period and terms

Grace period - the time period set by the bank, during which no interest will be charged for the use of borrowed money. The term of the period is standardly set at 50 or 55 days (more often 55 days). But on the credit market, you can find offers that involve a benefit period of up to 100 days.

If a long grace period is set on the card, then be sure to pay attention to whether such a benefit can be used permanently. It is quite possible that a long grace period is presented only once, and then it will be standard, equal to 50-55 days. Or even a grace period is provided as a one-time function.

With a period of 50-55 days, the grace period is a renewable service. After the first benefit period, the cardholder can enjoy the following.

Key conditions for the grace period:

  1. In order for the bank not to accrue interest, it is necessary to close the debt in full before the end date duration of the grace period. If on this date the required amount is not in the account, the bank will charge interest.
  2. Most often, banks set restrictions on the types of transactions for the grace period. It applies only if non-cash transactions are made on the card. If you cash out the account, the grace period is reset to zero and does not apply. But you can find offers, the benefit applies to all operations.

Borrower Standard Error

When issuing a credit card, bank employees do not really bother to talk in detail about the principles for calculating the grace period. This leads to the fact that credit card holders misinterpret it and unknowingly violate the terms of the benefit. As a result, the bank charges interest, and the borrower does not understand why this happened, since, in his opinion, he performed operations within the grace period.

If the bank says that the grace period is “up to 50 days”, then pay attention to what exactly BEFORE 50 days, not specifically 50 days. That is, the benefit can be valid for 49, and 35, and any other number of days.

How it happens most of the time. A citizen receives a card with a grace period, for example, 55 days. He makes an expense transaction and believes that in order to not accrue interest, he needs to pay off the debt within 55 days. On the 55th day after the fact of the formation of debt, he deposits the amount of funds spent on the card, believing that he has met the grace period. Only now, after some time, the bank begins to make claims about non-payment of the debt. Borrowers in such a situation begin to blame the bank for all sins, but in fact the card holder himself is to blame for this situation, because he does not know how the grace period is calculated correctly.

Rules for calculating the grace period

Banks use several options for calculating the exact terms of the grace period. Therefore, first of all, you need to find out the specific procedure in the bank.

Option number 1.

It is used by banks most often. This is the calculation of the grace period, starting from the settlement date. The settlement date is the calendar date on which the bank conducts the results of the operations performed over the past month. For example, the results for using a credit card in April will be summed up before May 20th.

The principle of calculation. The reporting period is the period from April 1 to April 30. During this period, the cardholder made debit transactions in the amount of, for example, 30,000 rubles. In order not to pay interest to the bank, you need to close this debt in the amount of 30,000 rubles by May 20.

The graph of such a principle of calculus:


  1. The citizen made the first spending on a credit card on April 25, and the total spending by the end of the month amounted to 20,000 rubles (reporting period - April 1-April 31).
  2. As a result, the benefit is imposed only on transactions made from April 25 to April 30. Debit transactions made after May 1 fall into the next reporting period from May 1 to June 1.
  3. It is necessary to close the debt for the reporting period by the 20th day of the next month. It turns out that if a citizen spent 20,000 rubles from the card in April, then this amount must be deposited into the account before May 20.

The maximum declared benefit period of 50 days will be relevant only if the citizen made the first expenditure in the reporting period on the 1st of the month. Then 30 days of the month and 20 days of the payment period in the next month fall under the benefit. If, as in the example, the first expense occurred on the 25th, then in the reporting period the benefit is valid only for 6 days until the end of the month plus 20 days of the payment period, which is 26 days.

Option number 2.

The second method is more complicated, because there is no clear framework for the reporting period. The first date of the reporting period may begin with the fact of making the first purchase on the card or from the date of issue of the credit card. Be sure to check this date with the bank. For example, in Sberbank, the date of issuance of a credit card to a citizen is considered the date of reference.

Calculation example:

  1. For example, the first countdown date is the 7th day of each month (let's say this is the card issue date, as is practiced in Sberbank). It turns out that the reporting period for this card lasts from the 7th day of this month to the 7th day of the next.
  2. After the end of the reporting period, a payment period begins, which lasts 20 days (if the grace period is up to 50 days).
  3. It turns out that for transactions made, for example, in the period March 7-April 7, you need to pay on April 27, then a grace period will apply.

Chart example:

And do not forget that the presence of a grace period does not cancel the obligation to make monthly payments. On the date specified by the bank, the borrower must deposit an amount on the card account that is not less than the minimum amount set by the lender.

Plastic credit cards are very popular in our country and all over the world. They may differ in appearance, features of use, limits, but almost all are the same in that they have a grace period. It allows you to use a loan without having to pay interest. In the article, we will take a closer look at the grace period of a Sberbank credit card.

Credit card grace period features

Users of Sberbank credit cards can use bank funds for 50 days and do not pay interest on the funds taken.

The grace period of a Sberbank credit card is divided into two unequal parts:

  • During the first 30 days, you can use Sberbank funds from the card at your discretion. In this case, the restrictions apply only to the size of the amount;
  • The last 20 days are allotted for debt repayment. If during this period you replenish your account on a credit card, then interest for the use of Sberbank funds is not charged.
The second part of the term is intended to return funds to the bank, but at this time the financial institution also allows you to take a loan again. Because of this, some users are confused and do not understand when to return funds to the bank.

What happens when a credit card grace period ends?

If at the end of 50 days the loan is not closed, then Sberbank takes interest:
  • for instant debit cards it is 25.9%;
  • for classic, gold and platinum type cards, it ranges from 25.9 to 33.9%%;
  • for Youth cards - 33.9%.

What else do you need to know about arrears?

In the event of a delay in replenishment, Sberbank takes a penalty, which is 36%. You must at least deposit the minimum amount that is indicated in the report. In this case, only interest on the loan will be charged, without a penalty.

Providing a debt report

Monthly reports contain the following information:
  • credit card payment dates;
  • payment amounts;
  • the total amount of funds taken on credit for the past period;
  • the amount of debt payable. It may also include funds taken in the previous period.

It should be remembered that the grace period of a Sberbank credit card ends at the moment when the new period is already in effect. Funds taken during this time will not be shown in the report and this should always be remembered. They will only appear next.

How can I find out the amount to be paid?

To control your expenses and not get confused in loans, you need to follow a simple rule: pay the amount indicated in the report on time. To send reports, emails are sent to the mailbox specified when drawing up the contract.

With the help of Mobile Banking, you can control the movement of funds on a credit card.
In addition, you can check the work of a credit card in the Personal Account of Sberbank. To get the necessary information, you need to go into it and go to the "Maps" section. It presents in a convenient way all the information on expenses, debt amounts, repayment time. You can generate a report at any time for any past period.

How to calculate the grace period on a credit card?

Mobile banking is convenient for its efficiency. It allows you to receive a message on your mobile phone with complete information after each payment by credit card. In addition, the SMS indicates the date of return of money and the amount of payment.

Report example

As a starting point, take any date, for example, May 6th. As a result, we will get the following:
  • the reporting period will end on June 5, respectively, on June 5 the report will be sent to the post office;
  • the deadline for replenishing the interest-free loan account is June 24;
  • the next reporting period will start on June 5;
  • the next term for preferential use of funds on the card is until July 24;
To obtain accurate information in automatic mode, you can use an online calculator.

Online calculator on the Sberbank website

To obtain accurate information on the loan taken, you can use a special tool available on the site.

The service is an easy-to-use calculator. All the necessary preliminary information is entered in its columns: the time of payment by credit card and the amount. After entering the data, the service issues the deadlines and the amount of the payment.

Getting detailed information about the effect of interest-free conditions

Not every transaction during the grace period is interest-free. This must always be remembered. This rule applies when paying for services or goods with a credit card, but does not apply to receiving cash or lending funds to acquaintances. You can clarify the list of preferential transactions with Sberbank employees by calling the Contact Center or by contacting a bank branch.

Debt payment methods

The banking system can process any payment within three days, so it is better to repay the debt in advance. Any of the following options are suitable for this:
  • through the cash desk in any branch of Sberbank;
  • transfer of funds from another account;
  • through an ATM or online banking.

How funds are distributed when transferring large amounts to a card

The amount of payment indicated in the incoming report is the minimum possible for obtaining a preferential loan. It is acceptable to transfer a large amount. Part of the funds will go to pay off the debt, and the rest will simply fall into the account.

Sberbank, like other banks, seeks to issue as many loans as possible with the least risk of default, since this is their main source of income. Credit are no exception. Sberbank credit cards differ from debit cards in that a debit card allows you to pay exclusively with your own funds. And a credit card makes it possible to pay for purchases on credit, i.e. use borrowed funds with or without interest.

There are many types of Sberbank credit cards. They can be divided by types of payment systems ( Visa or master card), it is also customary to divide cards into beginner, intermediate and premium levels. There are also credit cards with connected partner systems (, give life, etc.)

Sberbank credit cards with a grace period of up to 50 days.

To attract new borrowers, Sberbank offers to get a credit card with a grace period.

The grace period for lending on a card is a rather interesting product of Sberbank, but not everyone understands that a loan cannot be free.

This method of buying a product or service on credit without interest implies that the borrower is obliged to return the spent money to the card account in a short time. Usually the term is limited to 50 days.

For most ordinary people, such a period seems like “eternity”, the borrower has the idea to use borrowed funds without interest indefinitely. But there are nuances here.

Benefits of owning such a credit card with a grace period

  • with proper use of a preferential credit card of the Savings Bank, there really will be no interest.
  • Owning a Sberbank of Russia credit card, you can withdraw funds in cash, as well as replenish your card account in any city, since Sberbank has the most, as well as many ATMs
  • Carrying out various operations on the card, you will be informed by SMS about all operations. (the service is free unlike other banks)
  • If the grace period is violated, the interest for using the loan will be much less than that of other commercial banks.
  • Holders of these cards can participate in bonus programs of Sberbank partners.
  • Non-working pensioners can receive such a card, but not older than 65 years.
  • It is also a plus that the credit limit on a card with a grace period reaches up to 600,000 rubles (with the exception of Momentum cards)

There are times when a loan is really necessary, then you can use such a card.

Cons of Sberbank credit cards with a grace period

  • The disadvantages of using the card include the fact that cash withdrawals from ATMs or branches of other banks are not provided. That is, it is possible, but you will have to pay a large percentage (4%). Also, the grace period is not taken into account for cash withdrawals. You have to pay from the first day.
  • The interest for using credit funds is lower than in other banks, but still quite high compared to a consumer loan in Sberbank.
  • Cardholders have great difficulty in calculating the grace period on a Sberbank credit card.
  • The transfer of funds from a card to a Sberbank card that is registered in different regions of Russia is carried out with a commission.
  • Since the card is a credit card, it is not profitable to store your savings on it. It happens that a person deposits his funds on a card in excess of the credit limit, and for the withdrawal of his own money you have to pay interest.

Types of credit cards with a grace period of 50 days from Sberbank

Almost all Sberbank credit cards have a grace period. Youth credit cards are provided for young people. They are issued to persons under the age of 30 who have official earnings. Also, such cards can be issued to students who receive a monthly scholarship.

Often, as part of special offers, Sberbank customers are invited to issue a Momentum card. You can get it right away at the Sberbank branch, since it is not registered and not so protected in terms of security. The credit limit for it cannot be higher than 120 thousand rubles.

Sberbank credit card interest

Loan interest rates vary depending on the terms of service. You can divide cards into standard and with individual conditions. Individual conditions are offered only to Sberbank customers, while standard conditions apply to everyone and the interest for using a loan is 33.9%.

If you issue a card for a special offer, the interest rate may be 25.9% or may be completely absent.

What is the grace period of a Sberbank credit card

So, the grace period means the period when interest for using the loan is not charged. This period is called a grace period. That is, when the borrower who paid for the goods deposits the funds spent on the card within the stipulated period, he gets rid of the obligation to pay interest.

Preferential conditions for a Sberbank credit card are quite democratic. With proper use of a credit card, the borrower can use the loan for free. The principles for calculating the grace period of a loan practically do not differ from the conditions in other banks. The countdown is not from the moment the payment is made, but at the time when the bank statement is generated. Hence there is confusion among borrowers in calculating the term. That is, in fact, a grace period of 50 days can be much less. Again, card-to-card transfers, cash withdrawals, and some types of purchases ( quasi-cash transactions, i.e. when money is converted into other money, Internet wallets, traveler's checks, etc.) do not include a grace period. Interest payments are calculated from the first day. Also, you should be aware that the possibility of repaying other loans with such a card in Sberbank or other banks will most likely not be available.

How to calculate the grace period on a credit card

One can consider the case when grace period starts March 1st. At the same time, having made a payment, for example, on March 25, the reporting period will be calculated as follows: an extract for this payment will be generated at the beginning of the next month - April 1. And the grace period began on March 1. Those. grace period decreased from 50 to 25 days. In this case, the funds will have to be returned no later than April 20. And if the payment is delayed even by one day, interest will accrue from the date of the purchase until the full repayment of the debt, including interest. That is, for all 26 days of using the loan, you will have to pay a commission.

How to find out the grace period of a Sberbank credit card

Sberbank card owners often ask: how to find out what grace period is on a Sberbank credit card. There are several ways:

  • Call the Bank's Customer Support Service at 8-800-555-55-50.
  • You can also find out on the Sberbank website in your personal account online.
  • With the receipt of the card at the bank, the envelope sometimes indicates the reporting date of the bank statement. It will be considered the starting date of the grace period.
  • Also, the bank periodically sends SMS confirmation of all transactions performed by the borrower. Do not delete bank SMS messages in order to correctly calculate this period later, and not to fly outside the grace period.

In case of violation of the conditions for using the loan, the grace period can be restored by repaying all debts, including interest and penalties.

How to replenish a Sberbank credit card account

There are many ways to replenish a credit card, like all other debit cards:

  • At the nearest ATM by depositing cash on a credit card;
  • In a Sberbank branch, an employee will perform an enrollment operation.
  • Other banks and ATMs. (You just need to remember that the time for receipt of funds on the card can reach several days, and the commission for the operation is calculated according to the tariffs of these banks.)
  • Through Sberbank Online personal account (), if you have other open deposits and if this card is visible in the SBOL system.
  • Transfer from debit card to credit card.
  • By transfer to the card account through the company in which you work (by decision of the manager).

Fee for cash withdrawal from a preferential credit card of Sberbank

Many owners, either unknowingly or out of necessity, want to withdraw cash from a credit card. How much will you have to pay? The commission for cash withdrawals at Sberbank with a credit card reaches 3% but not less than 390 rubles, even though the withdrawal takes place at a Sberbank ATM. Sometimes customers complain why, when withdrawing 300 rubles from a credit card, Sberbank charges a commission more than the amount taken.

Annual service on a Sberbank credit card

The annual maintenance of a credit card depends on the type and kind of cards. If this is a Sberbank Momentum card, then there is no annual service. If you have a Visa or Master Card gold card, you will be charged 3,000 rubles for service. For a youth Visa card of Sberbank, the cost is 750 rubles. will cost you 3500 rubles a year.

Sberbank is a financial institution that provides customers with credit cards to solve temporary material problems. Get it when you personally visit any division of the company. The grace period of a Sberbank credit card makes it possible to use borrowed funds free of charge for several days. The main thing is to follow the rules for using the product and replenish the account in a timely manner.

What does the term "grace period" mean? Grace - the time that a financial institution gives a client to use money from an account without accruing interest. It is valid for credit cards and allows you to make cashless payments for certain goods or services.

How does he work?

It is formed from two parts:

  1. settlement stage. This is the first 30 days after the activation of the tool. Start time - registration and activation of the payment instrument. At this stage, it is recommended to make non-cash payments.
  2. The payment stage, which begins immediately after the settlement stage. Duration - 20 days. Customers continue to use borrowed funds, but it is recommended to pay off debt obligations during this time.

If the grace has ended, payments are made according to the schedule, as for using a simple loan.

What does it apply to?

Within 50 days, the borrower uses the funds from the account free of charge if the funds are used to pay bills, purchases and perform any non-cash transactions. If you withdraw from cash, then the comfortable time stops. In this case, interest is charged as for a regular loan. If you transfer money to another card, then interest-free time does not apply, since such a procedure is equivalent to cash withdrawal.

Grace of Sberbank

Grace for Sberbank products in most cases has the same conditions for all instruments:

You can find out the grace period on a Sberbank credit card on the institution's portal. As mentioned above, it is the same for all types of credit cards - gold, platinum classic, mastercard, momentum visa and others.

When does the countdown start?

The settlement stage report begins immediately after the credit card is activated, and not from the moment the first cashless payment is made, as some users believe. This day will be the date the report was generated. Since that time, the institution determines the grace for the citizen.

After 30 days, the client receives a message about the amount of debt that the borrower must repay within 20 days in order not to pay interest. If during the reporting period the entire amount is not fully deposited into the account, interest will begin to accrue.

In order not to calculate the activation date on your own, you can find out the beginning of the report in the following ways:

  1. Through the call center of the institution. Phones for more information - 8-800-555-5550 for calls within Russia, 7-495-500-55-50 for residents of the capital and the region. To find out the start date of the report, you will need to give your full name and code word.
  2. At the institution's office. To do this, go to the nearest branch with an identity card and a credit card. The operator provides the necessary information within 5 minutes.
  3. Through internet banking. To determine the date in this way, you should go to your Sberbank personal account online and go to the accounts menu. Click on the credit card for which you need information, and all the data will open.
  4. Through the cache machine. Insert the tool into the receiver and enter the code. Go to the tab "Service and other services", then click the inscription "Card data". After that, the necessary information will be displayed on the screen. If necessary, the data is printed on the check.

How to use?

In order not to leave the grace period, you must follow the rules for using a credit card:

  • within 50 days after the activation of the tool, you must fully pay the amount spent. If you close debt obligations, no interest will accrue;
  • start using the card immediately after its activation. This will allow longer use of borrowed funds without%;
  • remember the date of the beginning of the report generation in the bank. This will avoid exiting the grace period.

Calculation example and calculator

A credit card grace period calculator lets you know exactly when grace ends. It is recommended to use the program on the official website of the institution.

You can determine the preferential stage without using the service. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm:

For an easier understanding of the calculation of grace, here is an example of calculating the grace period of a credit card. You applied for a credit card on March 1st. This will be the activation number of the tool. You used the product on March 15th. March 30 is the end date of the settlement stage, the 31st is the beginning of the payment stage. April 19 is the end date of the grace period.

Debt repayment methods

Debt obligations are closed in the following ways:

  • through the cash machine of any bank;
  • through Internet banking or a mobile application;
  • money transfer;
  • through a bank employee.

What if you don't replenish your account on time?

If the grace period is overdue, the minimum payment must be made. After that, the money is deposited into the account according to the schedule, as with a regular loan, or the debt is immediately closed with a lump sum payment. If you do not make the minimum payment, there will be a delay. In such a situation, the bank will charge a fine and may increase the rate.

A credit card is a profitable way of lending, which allows you to use money free of charge for 50 days. To do this, it is recommended to learn how to calculate the grace period on a Sberbank credit card. Do it yourself, using a simple formula, or through an online calculator program. In this case, you can stay in grace, using borrowed funds for non-cash payments.