Was the page helpful to you? Preferential loan for housing construction Loan to complete the construction of a private house.

Owning a home is the dream of many citizens who are tired of traffic jams, dust and the eternal bustle of the big city. However, the realization of this desire requires time, effort, and, most importantly, significant funds. Pulling such a project is not for everyone, however, the developer can count on the help of the bank. In modern Russia, most banks offer mortgage programs, including a targeted loan for building a house.

House on credit - profitable

Building a house on credit, as practice shows, is much cheaper than buying it already built. The reason is obvious - by the end of construction, a fully finished building sharply adds to the price. A loan for the construction of a house is considered a targeted loan, which means that the borrowed funds of the bank's client can be used strictly for the construction of housing.

Among the products of banks that provide loans, the most interesting is a targeted loan from Sberbank. This loan program provides for the issuance of funds for the purchase of a private home under construction secured by the acquired or other housing. Thus:

  • the borrower receives a loan from a bank for the construction of a private residential building and the same building is pledged to the bank;
  • other residential real estate owned by the borrower becomes collateral, and the funds received from the bank are directed to the construction of a private house.

This loan program, among similar products of Sberbank, differs from the “Housing under construction” loan by slightly higher interest rates, from the “Country Property” program by the purpose of financing, since the latter involves the construction of a summer cottage, and “Construction of a Residential House” provides for a targeted loan specifically for the construction of a house for permanent residence.

When a ready-made dwelling becomes the object of collateral, the money is still considered targeted and must be spent on the construction of new housing. In order to receive such a loan for a house, the borrower should submit documents to the bank in addition to the existing housing being pledged, as well as documents for a house under construction. Be sure to read the article , there other useful information.

The table shows the rates of the mortgage loan of Sberbank "Construction of a residential building":

Interest rates under the mortgage program "Construction of a Residential House" depend on the loan term, the currency of the loan, the amount of the first installment, and whether the borrower receives a salary from Sberbank or not. The interest rates on the loan are:

There are other options for loans for the construction of private houses

From the point of view of profit, it is not interesting for banks to provide loans for construction, because if the facility is not commissioned, the bank will lose the profit, and the borrower is unlikely to recover the losses. Thus, the bank, issuing a long-term loan for construction, but not the acquisition, has nothing in the form of collateral. Banks seek to compensate for the lack of collateral by increasing interest rates, which are on average 3-4% higher than the rates on loans for the purchase of built houses.

In addition, such a mortgage is provided against a surety or pledge of real estate to which the borrower has a property right. A big problem in obtaining a mortgage is the down payment, the amount of which can reach 40% of the mortgage amount. To solve this problem, borrowers use consumer loans. for the down payment, we have already written earlier. In the table of offers from Sberbank for mortgages in US dollars for the construction of private houses:

How to get a mortgage

Obtaining a loan for construction is a rather difficult, but quite feasible process.

The most profitable option for a loan for building a house may be the use of a program in which the construction of a private house is carried out through a developer company that is a partner of a credit institution.

With such a program, the bank approves the developer's project and finances the construction. In this case, credit organizations treat the borrower not so harshly, and this is reflected in the number of requirements. Mortgage rates are usually lower compared to conventional lending schemes.

To implement the construction, the borrower must submit to the bank a significant amount of documents, including a building permit, cost estimate, project, layout, and so on. This is a completely normal approach to the problem, since the bank must be sure that the residential building will be built and turned into collateral for a long-term loan.

PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" is one of the few credit organizations where you can get a loan for the construction of an individual residential building, and almost the only one that confirms applications for lending for the construction of log houses. In any case, the provision of loans for construction is quite risky for the bank. Therefore, in order to make a decision on the provision of payment, the applicant is comprehensively strictly checked, and serious pledges will be required to confirm the seriousness of his intentions.

Due to banking instability in the winter of 2014-2015. many banks have curtailed their lending programs for private housing construction, since this type of lending is the most risky for banks due to the possibility of failure.

Sberbank resumed issuing loans for individual construction in May 2015 and plans to continue this practice in 2017. According to the terms of the bank:

  • a mortgage loan can be granted for a period of 1 to 30 years under 12.5…13.5% per annum and more (as of December 30, 2016);
  • limited down payment at least 25% from the required amount) and the age of the borrower;
  • traditionally, the most favorable terms are given to applicants who receive a salary through Sberbank;
  • the loan can be partially repaid at the expense of maternity capital or a state certificate under the Young Family program.

Taking into account the maximum loan term for mortgage for building a house from Sberbank(up to 30 years) and the moderate cost of construction services and building materials in the regions, such a loan can be repaid in fairly easy payments.

Mortgage conditions for the construction of a private house in Sberbank in 2017

The loan product of Sberbank has an undeniable advantage - low annual interest that the borrower will have to pay for using the borrowed money. In 2017, the minimum interest for using a loan is 12.50%. In addition to this benefit, there are others:

  • There are no commissions for considering an application, servicing a loan.
  • There are no early payment penalties.
  • This loan can be partially repaid at the expense of maternity capital or funds allocated under the state program housing for young families.
  • Each application is considered individually.
  • The loan is repaid monthly in equal (annuity) installments.
  • Favorable conditions for those whose salary card is issued by Sberbank. And also for borrowers whose company-employer is accredited by the bank.
  • To maximize the amount of the loan received, you can attract co-borrowers.
  • It is most profitable to invest borrowed money in a house that is being built by a company financed by Sberbank.
  • For the amount of interest on a loan in the Federal Tax Service, you can issue tax deduction at a rate of 13% of all interest paid.

A feature of Sberbank is the ability to arrange a deferral of payment of the principal debt for up to 3 years. That is, the first years the borrower will pay only interest. Often this is very convenient, because in the process of construction, additional and unforeseen expenses constantly arise.

Under what conditions can I get a loan to build a house in Sberbank

In 2017, you can borrow money from the bank for the needs of building individual housing only in rubles. (for obvious reasons, loans in dollars and euros are no longer issued). The mortgage lending program is target. That is, a mortgage in Sberbank for the construction of a private house cannot be spent for any other purpose.

The borrower can count on the following conditions:

  • Minimum loan amount - from 300 000 rub., loan terms - from 1 to 30 years.
  • The maximum amount is no more than 75% of the estimated value of the future private house or 75% of the value of the collateral object (whichever is smaller).
  • Second part in size at least 25% must be paid as a down payment.
  • The age of the client wishing to apply for a loan is at least 21 years old. The loan repayment period is calculated based on the fact that at the end of planned payments, the age of the borrower was no more than 75 years(may be critical when receiving money for a long time).
  • The applicant's work experience is at least 6 months. in last place and at least a year of continuous experience over the past 5 years. For participants in the salary project from Sberbank, the requirements are softened.
  • The borrower is required insure property, which will act as collateral, for a period until the end of the loan agreement. If the loan is repaid ahead of schedule, the funds for unused years of insurance can be returned.

Unlike buying an apartment on credit, when the bank immediately transfers money to the seller, this is not possible with individual construction. In this regard, the money is transferred to the borrower in parts: most often, first half, and then the rest. The second part will be issued only after the report and submission of documents for the first.

The bank does not charge penalties or fees for early repayment of the loan:

  • Each time, in the form of a planned payment, you can make an amount of any amount, but not less than that established by the agreement.
  • The final early repayment is made upon application and must fall on a weekday.

Collateral is a prerequisite for lending

The bank must make sure that the borrower really intends to return the borrowed money, therefore, in order to avoid risks real estate pledge(mortgage). However, since the house under construction itself, especially at the initial stage of construction, cannot act as a pledge, the applicant will have to pledge another dwelling or property.

The most common loan is for building a house. secured by land in Sberbank. If the value of the allotment is disproportionate to the amount required by the bank's client, the latter may require additional collateral. They can be a garage, car, apartment, other property.

The practice of attracting co-borrowers is also common. They will help in solving two problems at once:

  • will help increase the loan amount that the borrower can apply for;
  • for the bank will be an additional guarantee that the loan will be paid in full.

Co-borrowers or guarantors may not be required in every case. They are involved in an amount of up to 3 people. In practice, it is quite difficult to convince relatives or friends to act as guarantors of the security of the loan. But spouse is a mandatory co-borrower if she is and regardless of her age.

Interest rates for programs

The presented interest rates are relevant in 2017 for borrowers receiving salaries on Sberbank cards. They depend on the term for which the loan is issued and the amount of the first installment. May be subject to change at the discretion of the bank. But for those who have already drawn up a loan agreement, changing the interest on the loan is not possible in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

Interest on the loan program of Sberbank for individual construction(as of December 30, 2016)

For applicants who do not participate in Sberbank's payroll projects, interest rates will be somewhat higher. Additional interest:

  • + 0.5% - for those who do not receive a salary from the bank;
  • + 1.0% - for the period of mortgage registration;
  • + 1.0% - if the borrower refuses to insure his own life and health at the request of the bank.

The sequence of obtaining a loan for the construction of a house in Sberbank

Receiving money from the bank in order to invest in the construction of an individual residential building implies a certain sequence of actions. An applicant for a loan for the construction of a house from Sberbank will need to do the following:

  1. Collect and submit a preliminary package of documents (on the ownership of a building plot, a house project).
  2. Submit an application and documents to the Bank or its branch.
  3. Wait for a positive decision (2-5 days are allocated for consideration).
  4. Conclude a loan agreement with the bank.
  5. Get the first part of the loan.
  6. Report to the bank about spending money.
  7. Get the second part of the money. The procedure is repeated as many times as the credit line is divided into parts.
  8. To formalize the ownership of the house after the completion of construction.
  9. Transfer the house to the bank as collateral to reduce interest.

You can apply with an application to the branch of Sberbank at one of the places to choose from:

  • registration of the borrower;
  • construction of a private house;
  • accreditation of the company-employer of the borrower.

To reduce risks, the bank may insist on additional conditions that will be written in the contract along with the standard ones.

Sberbank practices to limit the construction period - for example, three years. After the end of this period, the borrower will have to register the house, insure it and transfer it to the bank as collateral. This will help reduce the interest by 1 pip.

Documents for obtaining a loan for construction

The applicant will need three types of documents: proving his identity, confirming solvency and plans to build a house. You also need to fill out a special application form, which will be issued at the department. To consider a loan application, the bank will need:

  • Passport of the applicant (and co-borrowers, if any).
  • Certificate of income of the applicant and other documents confirming his earnings and solvency (the same for co-borrowers, if any). These certificates are not needed if the applicant receives a salary through Sberbank.
  • Documents for a land plot suitable for housing construction.
  • Documents for additional real estate, which is planned to be mortgaged.

After a positive decision on the application will be needed:

  • The project of the future home, sketches, estimates and any other documentation.
  • Bank statement confirming that the applicant has own funds for the down payment.

The list of documents may be supplemented by the decision of the loan officer. For those who receive a construction loan under the Young Family program, additional paperwork will be required (see the corresponding paragraph below for details).

As intermediate documents for reporting on spending the first part of the money, checks for the purchase of materials, contracts with a construction company and suppliers of individual structures (windows, doors, stairs), various receipts - but only with the seals of legal entities.

Preferential conditions for participants of social programs

Participants of state programs Maternal capital” and “Housing for Young Families” (sometimes referred to simply as "Young family") are not provided with any preferential conditions for the execution or payment of a construction loan. They cannot count on reduced interest or any other relief.

However, they have the right to use state budgetary funds to repay the body of the loan and interest on it. Taking into account the funds allocated by the state for relevant programs, this can be of great help to parents with children and young families.

Maternity capital to pay off a loan to build a house

Families holding a certificate for maternity capital are given the opportunity by federal law to use the funds provided by the state for down payment on credit, and payment of principal and interest. At the same time, funds under the certificate cannot be used to pay fines, penalties and other unforeseen payments.

The legislation regulating maternity capital does not particularly separate loans for the purchase of housing (houses, apartments) from loans for its construction. All of them allow you to improve living conditions, which means they are suitable for investing capital.

To take the opportunity to invest a certificate under the maternity capital program in the construction of a private residential building, you will need:

  1. Take it from the bank loan balance statement.
  2. Contact the Pension Fund (PF) with this document and write an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds as part of the loan repayment.
  3. After the PFR approves the application, you won’t have to agree anything with the bank - the transferred amount will be counted towards paying obligations under the contract and will allow you to recalculate the monthly payment schedule.

After the bank accepts funds from maternity capital, revision of the loan repayment schedule: the amount of monthly payments decreases, but the repayment dates and the term for using the money do not change (as it was, for example, 20 years, it will remain so).

Loan for construction under the Young Family program

The owner of a state certificate under the program "Providing Housing for Young Families" can invest the funds of the state subsidy due to him in the amount of up to 30-35% of the cost of the facility under construction in payment of a construction loan taken from Sberbank.

The procedure for using the certificate implies that first its owner must:

  • get a certificate from the bank about the balance of the loan;
  • apply to the local government with an application for spending money.

The transfer to the bank of the amount from the state budget under the “Young Family” certificate occurs as a repayment of the debt on the loan and interest. After making this payment, the amount of monthly payments is reviewed, similar to using a certificate under the maternity capital program.

Participants of the program to receive a subsidy will have to provide additional documents to the bank:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children (if relevant);
  • documents confirming the relationship of co-borrowers, if they are parents or wife.


Building housing away from the bustle of the city is a modern trend that is popular among Russians. Living outside the city is healthier and more enjoyable. And building an individual house on credit is a justified decision when you want to move to a new home in the near future, but there is not enough money for construction work. It is especially great if you already have a plot for a house.

If you are tired of living in an urban concrete box and want freedom, start building a house with a mortgage program.

Buying a home is one of the most important purchases for any family.

Most residents of big cities are beginning to seriously think about moving to a quieter place, outside the city.

Here we are talking about a complete move, with permanent residence. Around will be surrounded by clean air, no neighbors behind the wall, as well as various earthly goods like a river, a lake, a reservoir.
For example, for the same money, instead of a 2-room apartment, you can build a beautiful country house, which will be 1.5-2 times larger in area than an apartment. Also, depending on the size of the plot, over time it will be possible to complete the construction of a bathhouse, a gazebo, make a pool, attach a garage, and trees can be planted on the remaining part.

Who would refuse to live in such a house? And all this away from the boring city bustle.

Loan for the construction of a cottage

Of course, not everyone needs a full-fledged country house. Most people want to have just a small country house or garden house. In this case, you can also take a loan.

Sberbank offers a loan for the construction of suburban real estate, for its purchase, as well as for the purchase of a land plot. The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles. After all, the average cost of summer cottages in the regions varies from 300,000 rubles.

If you already have a land plot, you can take out a loan to build a country house. Such loans are issued by more reliable banks - Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank, which offer the most favorable conditions and long terms (up to 25 years).

According to the terms of the bank, the collateral is:

  • existing real estate, which is privately owned by the client;
  • already existing land, and the category of land should be individual housing construction;
  • a piece of land to be acquired and a future house to be built on it;
  • movable property of the client;
  • maternal capital.

Do they give a mortgage to build a house?

Unfortunately, there are very few bank offers. A home construction mortgage is one of the most risky types of mortgages for a bank, and therefore the requirements are more stringent.

The main risk is a case of unfinished construction, which automatically reduces the liquidity of this building to a minimum. To compensate for its risks, the bank requires a maximum of collateral obligations, often co-borrowers are required.

Recall that the December 2014 instability in the banking sector forced almost all banks (including Sberbank) to curtail mortgage lending programs for home construction. Only on May 29, 2015, information appeared on the Sberbank website about the resumption of the mortgage lending program for a private house called "Construction of a Residential House".

Requirements for the building object

Unfortunately, you can't just go to the bank and ask for a loan to build your dream home.

The bank must make sure that your construction is a realistic process, and that there will be no problems with putting it into operation in the future. It is you who will have to convince the bank of this, and this is done not with colorful speeches, but with real documents in the form of permits, plans, projects and approvals.

The construction of the house must take place in accordance with the procedure established by law. Initially, you need to obtain all the permits, order a project that needs to be approved, so that after the completion of construction, when putting the house into operation, there will be no problems.

The bank pays special attention to your land plot. If it's your property, great, if it's leased, it's not bad either (the only thing is, then it can't act as collateral). The land must be suitable for housing construction. It is good if there are already engineering communications connected to the site. Documentation on the land plot should be as complete and ready as possible for registration of ownership of the object. If construction work has already begun on the site, and at least a foundation has been erected, then in order to obtain a mortgage, it is necessary to register an object of unfinished construction.

Site requirements:

  • The land plot must be located at a certain distance from the location of the creditor bank;
  • The category of land of the mortgaged plot must be exclusively "land of settlements" and intended for individual housing construction, farming or for summer cottage construction;
  • The site must not be encumbered;
  • If there are buildings and structures on the land plot, the borrower's ownership of them must be necessarily reflected in the Unified State Register of Rights to this real estate;
  • If the land plot belongs to the right of shared ownership, then all owners will be required to act as pledgers.

Ways to finance the construction of a house with borrowed funds

Target credit for construction.

It is quite difficult and long, a lot of nuances and obstacles. You can get the first tranche of money, clumsily confirm its use and lose the second part of the money. This can freeze construction. Also in this option, it is required to confirm the availability of a down payment. The bank can only give 70-80% of the estimated cost of the future home.

Loan secured by land.

If you already have a plot of land, this makes things much easier. Of course, they won't give a lot of money for a plot. But it can be an additional source. Perhaps you have additional savings, which will also facilitate construction.

Loan secured by real estate.

This is a more serious step. You can mortgage, for example, your apartment to receive a significant amount of cash. Banks approve a maximum of 80% of the market value of the mortgaged apartment. This amount may be enough to fully finance the construction.

Transport loan.

If you lay down transport, you can also get a good amount. It must be remembered that the bank will value the car at 60-70% of its market value. At the same time, there are both loans in car pawnshops and in banks. Loans secured by transport are ordinary general purpose loans with collateral. Almost every major bank has them.

Use of maternity capital.

It can also be used for construction.

Consumer loans without collateral.

It is possible and even better to take out several loans. Construction is hard work. Well, of course, if there are savings. Again, a large amount of money will not be given unless you give the bank something as collateral. If you do not want secured loans, then you can offer the following scheme: own savings + consumer credit for 1-2. We built part of the building, paid off the loan, take a new one. Construction, however, will be delayed, but it is relatively safe from the point of view of debt servicing.

The scheme for obtaining a loan for the construction of a house in 2017

Schematically, the process of registration and obtaining a mortgage for the construction of a house (Sberbank is given as an example) looks like this:

  • Making an application to the bank;
  • Providing the necessary documents for the down payment (account statement, check);
  • Receipt of the FIRST part of the loan money;
  • Spent amount report;
  • Receipt of the SECOND part of the loan money;
  • Registration of ownership after the completion of construction;
  • Transfer of the constructed house as collateral to the bank to reduce the interest rate.

What documents are required?

Documents that will be required:

  • Passports (your, spouse or spouse, as well as those who are co-borrowers and guarantors) - copies with registrations;
  • Certificate of employment indicating income;
  • All papers relating to the pledge (certificate of ownership of land or other housing);
  • Construction plan of the future house and other documents for it;
  • Down payment (evidence that it exists);
  • Certificate of marriage and birth of children, if required.

The bank may require additional papers on an individual basis (certificate for mother capital, certificate of account status, military certificate, etc.).

Is the mortgage recipient at risk?

Many people are concerned about possible risks, which are the main obstacle in obtaining a mortgage. The greatest worries are connected with the fact that in the case of a pledge and in the absence of the ability to pay monthly installments, a person loses his own property. But this situation can be looked at from the other side. In the event that the owner of the mortgage loses the ability to pay monthly installments, he has the opportunity to resell the unfinished private house. The demand for such real estate is quite high for our market. And an unsecured mortgage is easy to re-register for a new owner. In this case, you will not lose absolutely anything and the risk is reduced to an absolute minimum. Making a mortgage is a very profitable and worthy offer for those people who need this money. Due to them, you can build and equip your new home. Just be more careful when studying the mortgage offers of different banks. Choose the mortgage that is more favorable in terms of terms and will give you the least inconvenience.

Rate in rubles *

Credit term

A distinctive feature of providing a mortgage for the construction of a house is the ability to use existing real estate as collateral, and not purchased. This condition is especially relevant for those clients who need money to build suburban housing.

Mortgage loan secured by existing real estate: the main objectives of obtaining

Mortgage in the bank "Rosbank Dom" is issued for:

    construction of a residential building;

    purchase of finished housing - an apartment in an apartment building or suburban housing (including with a land plot);

    purchase of an apartment during the construction phase;

    purchase of a land plot;

    acquisition of a house under construction (including with a land plot).

As part of this program, you can also purchase non-residential premises - ready-made apartments. But the most popular option today is a loan for the construction of a residential building. For the rest of these purposes, as a rule, there are separate mortgage programs that are issued against the security of the acquired property.

Information on the borrower

Citizenship: doesn't matter

Age: 21 years old at the time of applying for a targeted loan secured by real estate and not older than 65 years old at the time of full repayment of the mortgage for construction;

Employment: both employees and founders and co-founders of companies and individual entrepreneurs are credited;

Co-borrowers / guarantors: up to 3 people can be co-borrowers, both from among relatives and any third parties;

Military ID: not required.

Real estate information

When pledging the acquired / existing real estate:

    The building in which the object is located should not be registered for major repairs, demolition or reconstruction with resettlement;

    The property must have a separate kitchen and bathroom;

    The final decision on the compliance of the collateral with the requirements is made by the bank.

Information on insurance

Mortgage for construction: conditions for issuing a mortgage loan

To date, the bank has the following conditions for issuing a loan for real estate construction:

    loan term from 3 to 25 years;

    base interest rate – 7.89%* per annum;

    amount - from 300 thousand rubles. - for regions and from 600 thousand rubles. – for Moscow and the Moscow region;

    loan amount - no more than 65% of the value of the existing property.

A mortgage for the construction of a house from Rosbank Dom can be issued with the involvement of co-borrowers - up to 3 people. They may or may not be related to the principal borrower. To receive money for the construction of a house, a bank client must provide documents confirming the intended use of funds.

Who can take a loan for building a house: a list of requirements for the borrower

Customers can get a loan for building a house on loyal terms, for example, without a down payment. It is enough for the borrower to have a confirmed income and meet the age requirements, namely, to be no younger than 20 and no older than 65 years old on the date of full repayment of the debt. The nationality of the client does not matter.

A mortgage for the construction of a private house is issued only on the condition that an apartment is provided as collateral. If the purpose of lending is the purchase of apartments, then ready-made apartments, which are owned by the borrower, should act as collateral.

Before applying for a mortgage at the construction stage or for the purchase of finished housing, it is important to remember that the property pledged must comply with the following bank requirements:

    The apartment is located in a building that is not subject to demolition, reconstruction or major repairs. A prerequisite for a mortgage under construction is the presence of a separate kitchen and bathroom in the housing.

    The apartments are a separate room, located on the above-ground floors and have central communications. Details of obtaining a loan for housing construction can be found in the General Loan Conditions. Here is a complete list of requirements for apartments.

Learn more from our specialists about the conditions for obtaining money for building a house, the features of obtaining a loan without a down payment secured by existing real estate.


* Lending conditions affecting the total cost of the loan (as of March 17, 2020): rates of 7.89% -11.14% for customers whose salary account is opened with PJSC ROSBANK, with a loan amount of 35% of the market value pledged real estate, commission in connection with a decrease in the interest rate under the agreement of a one-time payment in the amount of 1% to 4% of the loan amount (depending on the terms of the loan agreement), life and health insurance, property and the risk of loss (restriction) of ownership of it (the borrower has the right not to insure these risks), and depending on the credit history, loan term (3-25 years), work activity, level of education, number of participants in the transaction, location of the collateral, type of income and the ratio of income to expenses. Before confirmation of the intended use of the loan, the rate increases by 2%. Loan amount from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from 300,000 rubles. for other regions. Appraisal and insurance costs - in accordance with the tariffs of appraisal and insurance companies. PJSC ROSBANK reserves the right to change any part of this message without prior notice. The bank has the right to refuse to provide a loan. PJSC ROSBANK General license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 2272 dated January 28, 2015

Check out the loan product of Rosbank

A concessional loan for housing construction is a loan for individuals in commercial and state banks, the interest rates on which are subsidized by the state.

The peculiarity of each such loan is maximum loyalty to the borrower, who can choose the maximum loan repayment period, as well as the minimum amount of the down payment.

Benefits of concessional loans

It is issued by the military:

  • Over 21 but under 45;
  • Permanently registered at the place of residence;
  • Owning a plot of land or a house under construction for registration of collateral for a loan;
  • Issued life insurance and mortgage object.

In 2017, the preferential mortgage rate for the military was 10.5%. During the entire time that a soldier is serving under a contract, the current mortgage payments are made by the state.

To apply for a preferential loan at a bank, it is enough to present a certificate of participation in the NIS. After dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the citizen continues to pay the mortgage, but at his own expense.

Former military

Preferential mortgages will be available to those who were dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation due to age or health status, as well as due to staff reductions.

To do this, you must register no later than 6 months after dismissal.

The minimum term of service for such borrowers is 5 years (years of full-time study are not included in this term). The lending rate is 10.5%, the repayment period is up to 20 years, the amount is up to 90% of the cost of housing.

Young professionals

In rural areas, there is an acute shortage of qualified specialists: doctors, teachers and others.

In order to attract them to vacant jobs, the state implements special programs for graduates who:

  1. Have already received a diploma or are preparing to receive it, not older than 35 years.
  2. Employed in the countryside according to their specialty.
  3. Permanently registered in this locality.

The specialist will have to work out the subsidy received from the state for the purchase of housing or its construction - at least 5 years.

The main condition for participation in the program is the need for housing.

The subsidy is issued by the municipality in the form of a certificate. You can only use this money to pay off a mortgage loan issued for individual housing construction.

Special conditions are provided for rural teachers, and doctors in rural medical institutions receive a housing subsidy under the Zemsky Doctor program.

The procedure for obtaining a loan for housing construction

The key point in applying for a state subsidy for individual housing construction is proof of need for housing.

It is not difficult to prove the need for additional living space. It is enough to compare the available living space with the standard.

So, for 2018, the rules were:

  1. Minimum area per person - 6 sq.m.
  2. Minimum for 1 person - 33 sq.m.;
  3. Minimum for 2 people - 42 sq.m.
  4. For at least 3 people and more - 18 sq.m. for everyone.

If we are talking about a municipal apartment and each has less than 10 sq.m. housing, that is, all the grounds for registration.

At the same time, the military is guided by a different standard:

  • At least 18 sq.m. per family member of a serviceman;
  • The soldier himself is entitled to a minimum of 15-25 sq.m. (one living or with family).

How to get a loan for IZHS

First you need to choose a specific bank where you will apply for a loan under IZHS.

The bank must be a member of the state program to subsidize low mortgage rates.

Banks themselves approve the list of documents that a potential borrower must submit along with the application. All submitted documents are carefully checked, the client's credit history is clarified, and then a decision is made - to give a loan or refuse.

By providing a firm guarantee of the return of borrowed funds, you can count on obtaining the approval of the bank.

These guarantees are:

  1. Land for construction.
  2. Proof of stable income, enough to pay off monthly installments.
  3. No past due loans.
  4. Guarantees for clients with stable income and good credit history.
  5. Mortgage object insurance.

The bank may require any specific guarantees from this list, or all at once.

The interest rate on the loan directly depends on the guarantees provided. The more of them, the cheaper the loan will cost.

What documents are required

Since the future borrower is applying for a loan under the state program, before applying to the selected bank, you should apply for registration at the place of residence.

Documents are submitted to the management of the preferential Fund of this subject of the Russian Federation.

The documentation package includes:

  1. Application of the established form.
  2. Certificates of income for each household of the borrower for the past 0.5 years.
  3. Information about the composition of the family.
  4. Confirmation of registration as in need of housing.
  5. Copies of passports, TIN, marriage certificates, birth certificates of children, employment records of all adults.
  6. Passports, certificates of income and TIN of guarantors.

As a rule, the extended package of documents, which is approved in each individual locality, also includes the following papers:

  1. Permission for IZHS.
  2. Extract from the USRR for land under individual housing construction.
  3. Construction project.
  4. Estimate.

Early repayment of a loan

The sooner the bank loan is repaid, the cheaper it will cost in the end.

Banks are not interested in early repayment, but they have no right to prohibit this to their customers. However, this point should be clarified at the bank before signing the contract. Some include a clause in the loan agreement according to which a fee is charged for early repayment.

In all cases, it is the agreement that is the main document, which covers all issues of loan repayment.

For example, a bank may set a condition according to which the client will be able to pay off the mortgage ahead of schedule not earlier than a certain period, say, only after a year, or after paying off half of the debt.

  1. Notify the bank in writing of your intention to fully repay the mortgage in 30 days.
  2. It is best to make a full repayment on the day when the next payment is established under the contract.
  3. Get a certificate from the bank about the absence of debt and about the closing of the contract.
Find out exactly the amount of repayment, since a debt of even 1 kopeck will be considered.

According to the results of recent years, preferential mortgages are most actively issued in Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB-24 and others included in the Housing state program.

The terms of concessional lending to these organizations serve as a vector for all other credit organizations.

Last changes

Since 2018, a new state loan program has been launched, called "Family Mortgage with State Support at 6%". It is available to families in which the 2nd, 3rd or subsequent child is born between 01/01/2018 and 12/31/2022.

Basic conditions:

  1. Provision of borrowed funds with state subsidizing of interest on the loan in excess of 6% per annum.
  2. The money can be used to purchase housing in new buildings or to refinance an existing mortgage loan.
  3. The contract for the sale of real estate must be concluded only with legal entities.
  4. The maximum loan amount is 3 million rubles, for federal cities - 8 million rubles.
  5. The subsidizing period is up to 3 years at the birth of the 2nd child, up to 5 years at the birth of the 3rd. If the 2nd and 3rd child appears in the family during the program, state support occurs for 8 years.