How to save up for an apartment: real advice. How to quickly save up for an apartment: ways to effectively earn money and save money Savings to buy an apartment

Most people dream of owning their own residential property but don't take action. Most often they only think about what they will never collect for the cherished square meters, or they wait until they get the property from someone.

Every day, ordinary people like you and me buy apartments. Surely you are asking the question: “How did they do it and where did they get the money?”.

And everything is quite simple - they, in turn:

  • Learned how to properly manage your budget;
  • Have a clear goal and go to achieve it;
  • Found additional sources of income.

If you want to change your life, but don't know, then we recommend that you start by setting a goal.

Tell yourself that in a year you will buy your own home. Your goal must be clear and realistic. Earning 20-30 thousand rubles and not having any savings, you should not hope that in exactly 365 days you will become the owner of a 3-story penthouse.

We move from simple dreams to real actions. You need to decide on the characteristics of the future apartment in order to understand how much you will have to earn and how long to save money.

To make this easier, please answer the following questions.

  1. What characteristics should your future apartment meet? For example, the number of rooms, their location (adjacent or separate), kitchen area, etc.
  2. Where exactly do you want to buy an apartment? In the city or outside.
  3. What funds do you currently have?

By answering these questions, you can easily calculate how much during the year you will have to save in order to acquire your own property.

For example, you want to buy a one-room apartment in the city center. We go to the real estate website and see how much the apartment you would like to buy is currently worth. Let's say the cost of a one-room apartment is 2 million rubles. You have on hand a quarter of the amount, that is, 500 thousand rubles.

After a simple calculation, it turns out that in a year you need to accumulate another 1,500,000 rubles.

In a month you will have to postpone:

1,500,000/12 = 125,000 rubles/month

Reshaping our thinking and learning to save

So, you have decided to buy your own apartment in a year. But for this you need to do something. First you have to "tighten the belt" and. But you do not need to eat only bread and drink it with water.

Save - does not mean to live worse and limit yourself in everything. It is enough just to control your expenses, to abandon the "money eaters", not to spend hard-earned funds thoughtlessly.

  1. Make a shopping list before every trip to the store. This way you will save yourself from impulsive purchases.
  2. Constantly analyze your spending and keep track of cash flow.
  3. To refuse from bad habits. If you calculate how much you spend on tobacco products and alcohol, you get an impressive amount.
  4. Transfer to public transport. Owning a car is a very convenient means of transportation, but this benefit can take the lion's share of your budget.
  5. Refuse weekly visits to entertainment establishments. If you cannot do this, then try to visit nightclubs or cafes not once a week, but once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, control your spending.
  6. Replace gym visits with morning runs around the stadium.
  7. If possible, stay with your parents or relatives. The money that you used to spend on renting an apartment can be set aside for your own property.

In order to prove to all readers that it is really possible to save money on an apartment, we suggest considering the following table.

Expenses The amount of expenses
impulsive shopping Impulsive purchases cost 500 rubles per day. This is 15000 rubles. per month. For the year 180 thousand rubles.
Bad habits

Cigarettes: 1 smoking family member spends from 100 rubles per day on cigarettes, for two people it is about 150 rubles per day

Per year: (150 * 30) * 12 \u003d 54,750 rubles.

Alcohol: one person drinks an average of 3 liters. beer a day. This is 50 * 3 = 150 rubles. If you drink only on weekends, then 54,750 rubles are spent on alcohol per year.

Entertainment A trip to a nightclub costs an average of 5 thousand rubles. per person. If you visit such establishments once a week, then in a month you will spend 20 thousand rubles. And for the year 240 thousand rubles.
Renting a home On average, rental housing costs 14 thousand rubles. per month. For a year it is 168 thousand rubles.
Total: RUB 642,750

By cutting down on useless expenses, you can already collect ¼ of the apartment in a year. Or use these funds as initial capital.

Anyone can do the same calculations. You will be very surprised to see your numbers.

Visualize your goal

You have probably heard that our thoughts are material. Some people believe in it, some don't. But, nevertheless, we would still advise you to think positively and believe that in the near future you will become the owner of the apartment.

For those who do not know how to visualize their dream, we suggest using the following method. Create a poster (collage) of wishes. One of the items must be an apartment. You need to find a picture of your dream apartment (for example, in a magazine), cut it out and stick it on your poster.

Hang your creation in a conspicuous place. Thanks to this, you will constantly meet the picture of the apartment with your eyes and achieve your goal.

Looking for money

At this stage, you can go in several ways:

  1. Get a mortgage from a bank.
  2. Find someone who is willing to enter into a Lifetime Maintenance Agreement with you.
  3. Apply for financial assistance to relatives.
  4. Take out a mortgage on your existing home.
  5. Learn to redistribute family income.
  6. Find additional sources of income.
  7. Change profession or.
  8. Use government programs.

Now let's talk about how to earn money for an apartment in more detail.

Bank mortgage

Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​taking out a loan. They believe that this is a voluntary slavery into which people drive themselves on their own. But in some cases, this is the only acceptable way to receive money.

Before applying for a mortgage, study all the terms of the loan well and calculate how much you will overpay. This is easy to do on the bank's website. Often the amount of interest is the amount of the loan itself. For example, you take 2 million rubles. for 10-15 years, but almost 4 million rubles will have to be returned.

In addition, there is always the possibility of being unemployed or financial situation families may deteriorate. Taking out a mortgage for such a long period, you cannot be sure that in 5-7 years you will be solvent.

On the other hand, due to inflation, money depreciates every year and you may end up paying off your mortgage early.

A mortgage option can be considered when you have a part of the amount to buy an apartment, and you have additional income that will fully cover mortgage payments.

Conclusion of a life annuity agreement

Some people make various sacrifices and inconveniences in order to have their own housing. For example, one can often find a situation where older people who need special care enter into an annuity agreement with young people. According to his points, young people inspect the elderly, and after the death of the latter, the apartment automatically goes to the persons who provided care.

This option is more suitable for women, because it is easier for them to adapt to such conditions. You may have to live with the elderly person you will be caring for.

But be prepared to inspect what, maybe you will have more than one year. The main disadvantage of this option for obtaining an apartment is the possibility of terminating the contract and high costs.

For example, you have been caring for an old man for 5 years. But one day it seemed to him that you were not doing your job well. He terminates the lease, and you lose the opportunity to get his housing. At the same time, no one will return the money that you spent on the old man (bought him food, medicine, etc.).

Weigh all the pros and cons before taking such a step.

Financial assistance from relatives

Most often, young families need their own housing. If a couple has accumulated, for example, a third of the money, then you can turn to your parents for help.

Close people will try to find a way to help. Perhaps they will have a certain part of the amount set aside, or maybe they will sell a summer house where they have not appeared for a long time, or their own car, on which they make trips several times a year.

Mortgage secured by existing property

If you have an apartment, but you want to buy a house with a larger area, you can get a mortgage secured by the apartment in which you live.

After that, you let tenants into one of the apartments. Tenants will pay you monthly rent, which you use to pay off your mortgage.

But do not forget to take into account the factor that the apartment may be idle for some time while you are looking for tenants, so you need to have some financial reserve in order to pay monthly mortgage payments in case of force majeure.

Also, you are not immune from the troubles associated with negligent tenants. They can damage your property.

Use government programs

The state takes care of young families and in some cases helps financially. The money required by law can be used to purchase an apartment. You just need to set a goal and find out about all the available state. programs.

For example, Russian families at the birth or adoption of a second and subsequent children can count on the so-called maternity capital.

Redistribution of the family budget

This option is suitable for families where at least 2 people work. Its meaning is as follows. The family must live on the salary of one worker for a year, and save the second.

For clarity, let's take a look example:

The cost of the apartment is about 1.5 million rubles.

The salary of each family member is approximately 25 thousand rubles.

If you set aside these 25 thousand rubles every month, then in a year you will accumulate 300 thousand rubles.

You will collect for an apartment in about 3-4 years.

Find additional sources of income

If you are completely satisfied with your current job, but the salary leaves much to be desired, then we advise you to acquire an additional source of income.

It is best to find a source of passive income.

Passive income this is when you perform an action once, and receive profit over a long period of time.

For example, you deposit money in a bank for a year. Within 12 months, without doing anything, you can receive interest on the deposit.

There are many ways to passively earn. . But let's focus on the 5 most popular options.

In order to collect for an apartment in a year, you can and receive passive income. There are many ways to make money on your own website. There is only one “But!”. You must be prepared for the fact that within 6-12 months you will have to work hard, invest money, and you will start receiving profit only when the site is visited, interesting for advertisers, etc.

  1. Buying an existing site

If you do not know how to create sites, then for a fee. After that, you “untwist” it and sell it for more.

You can also buy an already promoted site. It will be more expensive, but in this case you will not have to wait long for the profit to arrive.

Change career or open your own business

If you do not like your job and it does not bring you the desired income, then it's time to change it.

There are several options here:

  1. Retrain and master another profession. To do this, you do not need to enter a university and wait several years until you finish it. You can simply take short courses where you will be taught everything you need. Of course, over time, you can get a higher education in your specialty by studying in absentia.
  2. Open your business. Many do not even try, because they believe that it is quite difficult and a large one is needed. We are sure that for people with a clear goal (and you have one) and a desire to work, nothing is impossible. Moreover, you can start your own business with, but initial capital in this case, it will not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

Regardless of whether you change your place of work and type of employment, we are sure that it is quite possible to earn money for an apartment in 1 year.

In confirmation of this, we bring to your attention 8 promising ideas earnings:


Realtor is an employee of a real estate agency who helps buyers find suitable housing, accompanies the client throughout the entire purchase / sale transaction.

Selling apartments is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you have free time and desire to work, then you can try to master this profession. Moreover, no investment is required from you.

We will only mention that real estate agents receive 10-15% of the transaction value. Let's make a calculation. If the cost of an apartment is 2 million rubles, then you can earn 200-300 thousand rubles per transaction, and there may be several of them per month.

Resale of an apartment in a new building

Everyone knows that apartments in houses under construction are several times cheaper than real estate that has already been put into operation.

So you can buy an unfinished apartment (at the level of the foundation pit), and when the house is completed and handed over, sell it for more.

For example, you have enough money for a one-room apartment, but you want to buy a two-room apartment. In this case, you buy one-room housing in an unfinished house, and when it is put into operation, you sell your property with a markup of 15-20%. The proceeds should be enough to buy a two-room apartment.

Working on your own car

If you have your own car, then you can and should earn money on it. You can get a job in a taxi service, be a courier or work as a driver in some organization.

In addition to the classic ways to make money on a car, you can use extraordinary methods. For example, to distill cars from abroad and sell on Russian market. It is best to distill cars from the Baltic countries, Germany or Poland.

Organization of training courses

If you are a creative person and know how to do something that others cannot, then you can open an author's workshop. There you will be able to teach everyone your skills for a fee.

This can be the manufacture of unique dolls, jewelry, clothes, etc.

Resale of goods

A fairly good income is received by people who are engaged in the resale (speculation) of goods. You can trade in a wide variety of products.

Now many people buy Chinese goods and resell them at times more expensive.

Breeding exotic animals and plants

Good capital can be earned by breeding rare exotic animals and plants. In any city there are connoisseurs of such goods, while they are ready to lay out impressive sums for their weakness.

You can sell representatives of flora and fauna through the Internet or specialized stores.

Opening your own business

Think about what you most enjoy doing and what you do best. Maybe you should start doing just that. It's time to step out of your comfort zone and start your own business.

For example, a man worked as a mechanic at a service station for several years. He likes this occupation and everything that he does not undertake, it turns out. Then he needs to take a chance and open his own service station. Thanks to this, he will be able to earn more, expand his business and develop.

How to save money on buying an apartment

When buying an apartment, people are often too lazy to search for their future housing on their own and turn to realtors or real estate agencies. For a certain percentage of the transaction, specialists are engaged in the selection of an apartment and accompany you at all stages of the purchase and sale transaction.

All this sounds beautiful, but in practice it turns out that such agencies do not have their own database, but are looking for options in newspapers, on real estate websites or bulletin boards. And you can do this yourself.

Many realtors do not have the necessary legal education and cannot properly advise you on any issues.

If you are afraid to draw up on your own, then it is better to contact experienced lawyers. They know all the little things and subtleties of buying real estate. Of course, lawyers will also have to pay. But this way you will spend 2-3 times less.

Is it possible to earn an apartment for a year with a salary of 15-30 thousand rubles. per month

In order to understand how to earn money for an apartment, having a small salary, you need to analyze your expenses and decide on the parameters of the desired apartment.

Let's say right away that at the moment we are not considering housing in Moscow or St. Petersburg, since a salary of 30 thousand rubles in these cities is unlikely to be enough for a family "for life", not to mention savings.

Therefore, with such an income, you will have to buy an apartment outside the city or in small towns.

So, a one-room apartment in good condition costs 2-2.5 million rubles.

Having a salary in 30 thousand rubles., you will have to give up your own car and rented accommodation. You will have to live with your family for a while and transfer to public transport.

On average, one person spends on food 8-9 thousand rubles. If a family of 2 people - 17 thousand rubles

For public transport and other small expenses - 5 thousand rubles

Remains 8 thousand rubles

We calculate and determine how much you will have to save for an apartment worth 2 million rubles.

2,000,000/8 = 250 months or 20 years

If there are 2 working people in the family, then about 10 years. But remember that during this time you will limit yourself in everything. And with the advent of children, spending will increase.

As you can see, it will not work to collect 2 million rubles in a year, with a salary of 30 thousand rubles, even if you do not spend a penny. But you will be able to save up for a down payment on a mortgage. Summing up, let's say that if you really want to have your own living space, then it is vital for you to look for a part-time job or change your current job.

Having decided to save money for an apartment for a year, you set yourself a rather difficult task. During this period, you will have moments of elation and loss of strength, because you will have to work a lot.

In order not to give up and continue to move towards your cherished dream, we suggest using the following recommendations:

  • Never give up. Go to your goal. It's worth it;
  • Don't be a skeptic. Think positively and optimistically;
  • Do not look for easy ways and "easy" money. You remember the proverb “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap”;
  • Don't be reckless. Think over any step, consult with relatives and friends;
  • Avoid dubious offers and do not mess with "gray" schemes.


It is quite possible to quickly earn an apartment. But anyone who sets himself such a goal will need to get out of his comfort zone. Surely you will have to change your lifestyle, learn how to save and keep track of the money spent, give up entertainment, perhaps change your profession, retrain and find a new job.

Someone, it turns out, to save money, but someone does not. We know one thing, in order to earn such a sum in such a short time, you need to act. Namely, set a goal and go for it no matter what. We are sure that everything will work out for you, and very soon you will be proud of yourself and show off your own home!

Over the 25 years of my life in Moscow, I talked with hundreds of visitors: masters in beauty salons, sellers, cleaners, taxi drivers, minibus drivers. Most of them have an income of 30 thousand - 70 thousand rubles. According to Rosstat and personal observations, about half of those working in Moscow have such an income or even a little less.

But people with roughly the same low salary have completely different standards of living. Someone lowers everything to eat and eat, quickly becomes disillusioned with life in the capital and dumps home in debt. And some manage to entertain themselves culturally, send their children home and, in a couple of years of hard work, save up for a car or an apartment in their hometown.

Below I will share some secrets of economical living in Moscow. Most of them are drawn from conversations with visitors from Central Asia, some from office neighbors from the Russian regions, and some from personal experience.

Two typical scenarios for arriving in Moscow

Simple Russian gouging

Once I got into a conversation at the station with a guy from Ishimbay (Bashkiria). He wanted to move to Moscow, saved up 50K in six months, took a train, and arrived. Immediately got a job as a driver for the same 50K. There are many acquaintances in Moscow. Great start!
Rented an apartment for two with a friend for 15k per person. He began to go to the dining room twice a day and leave 700 rubles there. And on the weekends, according to an old habit, he drank himself unconscious. And two months later, at the time of our conversation, he is going home, his mother buys a ticket back for him, he owes 30K and tells everyone on the phone what a shitty city Moscow is.

Wise oriental people

My friend named Ziyadagul works as a manicurist in a cheap beauty salon. She gets only 2-3 thousand for 14 hours of work (large salon commissions, few clients). She rests 5-7 days a month and earns about 50k a month (a Russian manicurist with such a schedule could raise 1.5-2 times more). The husband works as a driver, also plows from early morning until late at night and receives the same amount. They have two children who live with their grandmother in their homeland.

For five years in Moscow, they managed to buy two apartments for children in Samarkand (according to the old rate, they cost 600-800 thousand rubles). Now they will collect a little more to build a house for themselves and leave forever. And they don't live in the basement, they don't eat Doshirak, they don't catch pigeons on the street for pilaf, but they lead a completely civilized way of life.
When she told me about two apartments in five years, at first I didn’t quite understand how it was possible at all. But after talking on this topic with other Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Tajiks, I found that many of them, in 3-5 years of hard work and very modest spending, earn real estate / cars / capital to start a small business and start a new rich life in their homeland. Although there are also a lot of those who manage to drink everything on drink.

Let's see how it turns out. I think that all Russians who hope to accumulate a significant amount of money in Moscow have something to learn from them.

Life hack number 1. Apartment outside the Moscow Ring Road in clubbing

The city of Zheleznodorozhny is a 35-minute train ride from the Kursk railway station. And in 20 minutes you can drive to the Novogireevo metro station. And there are several dozens of such cities near Moscow.

A little killed three-room apartment in them can be rented for 25 thousand. Three married couples can live in it. In this case, the costs will be as follows:

4 thousand (25/6) for housing per person;
1000 rubles for a communal apartment (7000/6);
1,430 rubles for a ticket for the Bolshaya Moskva train;
2000 for a metro pass;
500 r for phone and mobile internet.
Total 10 thousand. mandatory expenses.

And if you don’t feel sorry for two hours on the road, then a three-ruble note in Orekhovo-Zuyevo can be found for 15,000. Many visitors from Central Asia spend about 2,000-3,000 a month on housing. But these are already too harsh conditions.

Life hack number 2. home food

There are three main rules for saving on food: buy everything at Auchan, eat only “homemade” food, and keep a clear record of expenses. On the site you can calculate the cost of each dish. For example, products for 30 servings of pilaf cost 1,200 rubles. And it's lunch month. And such economical dishes - darkness.

Sample menu for the day:
40 rubles - pilaf.
20 rubles - a portion of oatmeal with butter for breakfast (2nd picture);
30 rubles - a serving of naval pasta (3rd picture);
30 rubles - an omelet (4th picture);
15 rubles - a pack of branded "Ashanov" cookies;
15 rubles - an orange (60 rubles per kg / 5 oranges per kilogram).

For 150 rubles a day, you can provide 6 different meals, even with some meat. It is easy to get used to such a diet and you can live on it for a very long time.
And this is according to "expensive" Russian recipes, taking into account average prices. And an experienced oriental hostess can make pilaf for 30 servings for 500 rubles or less. You can also try to find products cheaper. For example, instead of chicken, take the soup set "Every Day" at 120 rubles / kg.
10k + 5k = 15k expenses

Life hack number 3. "Gardener"

"Gardener" and "TC Moscow" are two huge markets where owners of clothing stores from all over the country come to buy goods. For example, one of my friends from Arkhangelsk takes jewelry there. He buys rings in Moscow for 20 rubles, and sells them at home for 200-300 rubles.

But to buy something there at a wholesale price, it is not necessary to take a lot. You just need to try to buy in the pavilions away from the entrance, know which sellers to go to (there are a lot of reviews about the market on the Internet), carefully look at the quality of the thing and bargain, bargain, bargain furiously.

Clothing for three winter months for a man who does not need to follow a dress code (all prices are taken from reviews of successful purchases on the Gardener with iRecommend).

Down jacket - 3500 rubles
Hat - 250 rubles.
Scarf - 250 rubles.
Boots - 2000 rubles.
Jeans - 700 x 2 = 1400 rubles.
Jacket - 500 x 3 = 1500 rubles.
T-shirt - 100 x 5 = 500 rubles.
Panties - 70 x 10 = 700 rubles.
Socks - 25 x 10 = 250 rubles
Pajamas - 500 x 2 rubles.
Slippers - 200 rubles.
Bag - 1000 rubles.

13,250/3 = 4,500 rubles for men's clothing in the coldest month. A woman, if she is not prone to impulsive purchases, needs less money.
10 thousand + 5 thousand + 4500 ≈ 19,500 rubles.

Someone might think: “OMG! In my life I will not wear a down jacket for 3500 rubles and boots for 2000! But a quarter of Moscow is dressed there (the people are always there to the eyeballs) and you will look quite organically.
Moreover, another quarter is dressed in online stores and city shopping centers, where they sell the same things from the "Gardener". But there the same down jacket costs 10 thousand, and boots 6 thousand.
P.S. By the way, at the "Gardener" there is a bird market where you can look at scorpions and husky puppies.

Life hack number 4. FixPrice

In the FixPrice store, where everything is 50 rubles each, you can buy all the household chemicals and cosmetics necessary for life:

Washing powder (3 packs for 6 washes) - 150 rubles.
Toothpaste - 50 rubles.
Shower gel - 50 rubles.
Liquid hand soap - 50 rubles.
Shampoo - 50 rubles.
Oil / hair conditioner (2 packs) - 100 rubles.
Body lotion - 50 rubles.
Razor (4 packs) - 200 rubles.
Facial cleansing lotion - 50 rubles.
Face cream - 50 rubles.

Total 900 rubles. Another 100 can be allocated to decorative women's cosmetics, which are consumed very very slowly.

The calculation is made with a large allowance. It is difficult for one person to spend this amount of money in a month. If you think it's too cheap and the $50 facial toner will make your eyes fall out, don't worry. There is always a huge crowd of buyers in this store and everything is fine with them (but if anything, the author is not responsible for the use of these funds).
To shop economically fix price, you need to understand the assortment a little. Some of the products there are simply amazing quality, and some are complete crap. Videos on YouTube for the keywords "My purchases at Fix Price" will help you figure it out.
Even cheaper cosmetics and household chemicals can be bought in Auchan, Ridiculous Prices or Customs Goods stores.
10,000 + 5,000 + 4,500 + 1,000 ≈ 20,500 rubles.

Life hack number 5. Purchasing medicines wisely

Prices for the same medicine in Moscow can differ by 20 or more times. For example, Aevit vitamins for women in different packages can be bought for 10 rubles, or you can buy them for 200. The difference is only in the packaging. This alignment can be even in pharmacies that are on the same street.

Suppose that a person is not sick with anything, he only needs vitamins, remedies for a mild cold, and birth control pills:
"Undevit" (general strengthening vitamin complex) - 35 rubles.
"Galazolin" (drops from the common cold) - 30 rubles.
"Paracetamol" (tablets for fever) - 20 rubles.
Ambraxol (cough syrup) - 40 rubles.
"Jess" / "Yarina" (contraceptive pills) - 800 rubles (there are options from 300 rubles, it depends on the doctor's prescription).
10,000 + 5,000 + 4,500 + 1,000 + 1,000 ≈ 21,500 rubles.

Life hack number 6. Free entertainment

Moscow is one of the best places in Russia to expand your horizons. Here you can join the culture for years and not spend a penny on it. It would be free time :-)

What do you think of what was written? Would you be able to live like this so that later you could buy an apartment and lay low on the bottom in the Pskov region? Burn, you know how)

When using the material, an active link to the source is required.

Currently, the level of housing prices is the main reason for the impossibility of solving the housing problem for the majority of Russian citizens and families. The only way out, as it seems to many, may be the registration of a mortgage. Practice proves that you can buy your own housing not only with the help of borrowed money. Let's take a closer look at how to save up for an apartment without a mortgage and where to get money to achieve such a goal with simple mathematical calculations.

Mortgage lending for an ordinary resident of Russia means high interest, long-term bondage and a high probability of losing housing in case of non-payment of the debt. In fact, a mortgage, like any other type of loan, has pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at the shortcomings.

Among them:

  1. High overpayment. Due to the long maturity of the debt and rather high interest rates in the Russian Federation, the total cost of the loan can be increased several times compared to the amount received by the borrower. The longer the return period, the higher the final value of the overpayment.
  2. Target nature of spending loan funds. The money received from the lender can only be used for the purpose specified in detail in loan agreement, namely - for the purchase of a specific property with a designated value. Most Russian banks do not include mortgage additional expenses associated with the repair, arrangement, purchase of furniture and appliances for future housing. The client has to find funds for this on their own or apply for a new loan.
  3. Securing a loan in the form of real estate collateral. According to the concluded mortgage agreement, the acquired housing is pledged to the bank, about which a corresponding entry is made in the Register and a note in the title documents. After that, the borrower will not be able to sell, register family members, redevelop, donate and re-mortgage. Even complex repairs will have to be coordinated with the lender.
  4. Payment of a fixed amount from the price of the purchased property ( down payment). The vast majority of Russian banks indicate the payment of the first installment as mandatory requirements for obtaining a mortgage, minimum size which today is 15% of the market value of the apartment. There are almost no offers without an initial payment on the market.
  5. Significant increase in the cost of the loan due to mandatory additional payments. Additional costs include buying insurance policy, payment for the services of an appraisal company, a notary, registration costs, etc. All of them are added to the overpayment on a mortgage loan, which leads to an even greater increase in it.
  6. Probability of loss of ownership in the event of the inability to further service the debt. Loss of work, health, a sharp deterioration in the standard of living and creditworthiness due to various extraordinary reasons and factors can lead to systematic delays or even refusal of the borrower to pay the debt to the bank. In this situation, the creditor will be forced through the court to begin the procedure for collecting the object of pledge and put it up for auction. Then the client will lose his home legally.

IMPORTANT! When applying for a long-term mortgage, any person will experience a heavy burden of monthly deductions from family budget mandatory payments. Therefore, psychological discomfort is another tangible disadvantage of mortgage lending.

Is it possible to save with a small salary

If you set a goal in the near future to purchase your own apartment or house without the help of a mortgage, then even the low incomes of an ordinary Russian family will make it possible. To understand the reality of such a statement, it is necessary to arm yourself with an ordinary calculator and compare the results obtained. The main thing is to establish what will be more profitable in a particular case - savings or collateral in the form of a mortgage.

We will make simple calculations for a borrower who wants to buy a 1-room apartment in the region and separately in Moscow, taking into account the average wages.

Calculation example for Moscow

Moscow is considered an isolated city in the calculation of most economic, social and other indicators due to its size, population and standard of living. Consider an example of whether it is realistic for a working Muscovite with an average salary in the city to save up for housing (a one-room apartment).

For calculations, we will use the official data of Rosstat. So, suppose that a potential buyer of real estate receives 80 thousand rubles per month (the average monthly salary in Moscow at the beginning of 2020) and plans to buy a 1-room apartment in a new building typical layout worth 4.520.000 rubles (with an average price for 1 sq. m. 113.022 rubles) with an area of ​​40 sq. m. m.

Let's say that the client monthly will save 31,000 rubles to his bank account. In a year, the account will already have 372 thousand rubles. For 12-13 years, the amount of savings will be just about 4.5 million rubles. When released additional funds or the search for alternative sources of income, the accumulation period will decrease.

This is a real example of how you can save up for your own apartment without applying to a bank for a mortgage for an ordinary busy citizen living in Moscow. Of course, the calculation did not take into account many factors, such as: inflation, rise in price/cheaper housing, crisis phenomena in the economy, the possibility of placing accumulated funds on a deposit at interest rate, receiving other additional income, etc. But the general message is very clear.

CONCLUSION: Without overpaying banks millions of rubles, a Muscovite with a salary of 80 thousand rubles quite real about for 10-12 years will be able to save up for their own housing. For a family with two working spouses, this will be even easier.

Calculation example for regions

For calculations by regions of the Russian Federation, we will use the average monthly wages at the beginning of 2020 and prices per 1 sq. m. standard apartment in a new building. For example, let's take the data for the Volga Federal District.

So input:

  • monthly salary of a person - 30 thousand rubles;
  • cost of 1 sq. m. - 42.7 thousand rubles;
  • area 1-room. apartments - 36 sq. m.;
  • the price of an apartment in a new building is 1.5 million rubles.

We will allocate 13,000 rubles monthly as savings. For the year, the amount of savings will be 156 thousand rubles. In 10 years, it will be possible to accumulate about 1.5 million rubles.

That is, during 9-10 years old a resident of an ordinary Russian region with average incomes (with the current level of wages and prices), instead of cooperating with the bank and paying him huge interest, will be able to buy an apartment in a new building.

Is it possible to do without a mortgage if you need to rent a house

Consider the options for calculating the acquisition of your own living space, taking into account the fact that a person has nowhere to live and he has to rent an apartment. The input data will remain unchanged.

Calculation example for Moscow

Rental prices in Moscow will depend on many factors, including the area (distance from the center, prestige), type of building, area of ​​​​the apartment, etc. A salary prize of 80 thousand rubles a person can only count on renting a 1-room apartment on the outskirts of the city or even in the region.

Let's take the average cost of renting such apartments - 20 thousand rubles (example: an apartment of 33 square meters in Butovo). A year will have to pay 240 thousand rubles. With the initial data set aside per year, approximately 132,000 will be obtained. Saving up for an apartment under such conditions will not be possible earlier than in 30 years. In this case, the mortgage will be more expedient, even despite the overpayment.

If you set aside at least 22 thousand rubles a month (taking into account rental payments, a person will have about 38,000 net), the savings will amount to 234 thousand rubles a year. Saving up for an apartment worth 4.5 million rubles will be possible in about 15-17 years.

The results obtained will suit few people - the accumulation period is too long, when you have to limit yourself in everything. Therefore, for Moscow best options are long-term rental of comfortable housing or mortgages.

Calculation example for regions

In the Volga region, the average cost of renting a typical 1-room. apartments (economy option) is 10-12 thousand rubles. Under our mortgage lending conditions, the rental payment will be lower than the loan payment by about 2,000 rubles.

Given these figures, the accumulation procedure while living in rented housing becomes irrelevant. Here it is better for a person to continue to rent an apartment or decide on a mortgage.

When a husband and wife work in a family, they total income will allow them to rent and accumulate the amount needed to buy a home.

If you still take a mortgage

Let's draw an additional parallel with a potential option for obtaining a mortgage for Moscow and the regions of the Russian Federation.

Calculation example for Moscow

For purchase 1-room. apartments worth 4.520 million rubles, the borrower will be offered the following conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan:

  • interest rate - 10% per annum (average value for the market);
  • down payment on a mortgage loan - 15% (680 thousand rubles);
  • the maturity of the debt is 20 years.

In this case, the mortgage overpayment will amount to 5 million rubles with a monthly payment of 31,000 rubles. Such a payment would be feasible for a single resident of Moscow with a salary of 80,000 rubles.

You can reduce the overpayment due to the possibility of early repayment of the mortgage.

Calculation example for regions

Initial data:

  • the price of the apartment is 1.5 million rubles;
  • first installment - 225 thousand rubles;
  • lending rate - 10% per annum;
  • loan term is 20 years.

The amount of the monthly payment (annuity system) will be 12,304 rubles. The total overpayment on the loan is 1.68 million rubles.

A monthly payment of 12 thousand rubles is comparable to rental deductions, so many residents of Russian regions prefer mortgage lending(it will be easier to save up for a mortgage), since you will have to pay for your own housing, and not for strangers-tenants.


Amount of credit

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated

Interest rate, %

Maternal capital

date of issue

Credit term

0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years old 26 years old 27 years old 28 years old 29 years old 30 years old

0 months 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months

Early repayments

Decrease term Decrease amount Monthly decrease in term Monthly decrease in amount


Use our mortgage calculator to calculate the mortgage payment schedule and estimated income for it, as well as the amount of the overpayment on the mortgage. The calculator has a function for calculating early repayment.

Pitfalls of these calculations

The calculations presented in the article do not take into account a whole range of factors that have a significant impact on the final result.

In particular, it does not take into account:

  1. The inflation rate (which can lead to a serious depreciation of the accumulated amount that is intended for buying a home).
  2. Impact of the crisis (stories economic crises V Russian economy clearly show how the exchange rate of the ruble, the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other indicators that directly and indirectly affect all areas of our lives can change).
  3. Participation in government programs and receiving assistance from the budget (for example, maternity capital at 453 thousand rubles for families with two or more children, as well as).
  4. Utility payments and other obligatory expenses (their total amount can lead to a significant increase in the final result).
  5. Receipt additional income when placing money in a deposit (subject to capitalization and periodic replenishment of the account, the client will receive profit in the form of accrued interest).
  6. Increasing the level of human income in the future (initial conditions with salary, for example, 80 thousand rubles a month in Moscow are not a constant value, but most likely will gradually change towards growth).
  7. The psychological factor of a constant burden on the budget and a conscious decrease in their standard of living (by saving money for an apartment a significant share of their income or paying monthly payment on a mortgage, a person constantly experiences discomfort and pressure, denying himself in many ways).

It is impossible to take into account all these factors, since they tend to change for each specific situation.

Step-by-step instructions: how to save up for an apartment without a mortgage

Accounting for income and expenses

Bringing the family budget in order, namely the optimization of income and expenses, can become the basis for releasing a significant amount. Excluding unnecessary and spontaneous expenses, as well as saving on purchases within reasonable limits will become the basis for the possibility of saving.

It is better to keep your budget in writing or electronically (now there are a lot of special programs), recording all income and expenses.

Goal setting

Setting a global goal is what you need to start the process of accumulating funds for a new apartment. In your head or, again, in writing, you need to keep what kind of property will be purchased, in which area, its approximate cost.

Practice shows that the presence of the main goal is the key to 100% success. Families, even with average incomes, who have correctly approached their savings, as a rule, in 7-10 years will be able to afford to buy comfortable housing with the deferred money.

IMPORTANT! The goal you set may change over time. It is important to realize that after 5 or more years, a person's lifestyle, his level of well-being and desires may change.

Spending control and habits that steal money

A person who has set himself the goal of saving money for an apartment on his own must get rid of unnecessary expenses. This refers to the cost of bad habits - alcohol, cigarettes, empty pastime in clubs and other places of entertainment.

If you calculate how much money is spent weekly, monthly and annually on such items of expenditure, it will be easy to understand that it is more logical to direct these funds to more humane and necessary things (especially if the housing issue is acute).

It is better to go to the store with a pre-compiled list and avoid "going beyond" in it.

We start postponing

After the goal is set, it is recommended to immediately start saving money from the income received. Depending on the amount of the monthly salary and additional money, the family must determine how much minimum and maximum it can save.

It is better to make deductions every month, without gaps, since periodic indulgences will lead to a distance from the tasks at hand. The amount of savings should not be less than 10 and more than 40% of the income of a person or family.

One person can afford to save, setting aside 30-40% of the salary, the other - only 10%. Here everything is individual. It is not worth it to strain as much as possible, denying yourself the most necessary, as this can lead to sad consequences.

Forming a Freedom Fund

Many people know that the freedom fund is a kind of cash reserve, the amount of which is equal to the amount of expenses for 3-6 months. That is, this is a certain "airbag", which should be at hand for every person.

The Freedom Fund is split off in case of any unforeseen expenses related to human health, family, housing or other household problems.

The absence of this fund, with an urgent need for money, usually leads to the adoption of not the best decisions - fast loans at high interest rates, loans from individuals or relatives, etc.

Where and how to keep money

To accumulate free funds, you should immediately open a separate bank account or start plastic card. It should be noted for yourself that only replenishment operations will be performed on the selected instrument. Spending money should be strictly excluded.

The old ways of keeping money "under the pillow" or "in a glass jar" at home have long been irrelevant and extremely dangerous due to the likelihood of theft. You should also exclude options for investing money in all sorts of dubious investments, cooperatives, especially if the investor does not understand the essence of participation.

Buying affordable housing

The more expensive the housing, the more time it will naturally take to accumulate the required amount. Therefore, it would be more logical here to buy a budget option for housing - a studio apartment of a small area, an isolated room and a small apartment on the outskirts of the city.

The cost of such real estate, as a rule, will allow you to raise the necessary money for their purchase in a fairly short time. Many are not sickened by life in a communal apartment or hostel. After buying a room or other minimally affordable housing in the future, living in it, you can continue the further process of accumulating for a higher-class apartment of a larger area. Everything is done gradually.

Increasing income

Even in conditions of permanent employment, it is worth looking for a part-time job or alternative income. Here, each person can find an option that suits him.

Some people can start their own blog or website, open a small business (both real and online projects), etc. By finding an additional source of income, a potential home buyer will be able to significantly increase their standard of living.

Important! Bank Tinkoff began hiring employees for remote work, which allows you to get additional and quite decent official income.


Accumulated cash can also be invested. The passive income obtained in this way due to a well-composed portfolio will allow you to multiply investments.

You can invest in the purchase of precious metals, stocks and other valuable papers domestic and foreign companies, etc. When using such a profit option, it is important to accept and understand the potential risks and carry out any operations with them in mind.

Selling your first home and buying a new one

Another option for improving current living conditions is the sale of existing housing and the purchase of a new one with the condition of adding the missing amount. Achieving such a goal is usually easier compared to the condition of the absence of any real estate.

Due to such a transaction, you can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, change the area in a particular city of Russia to a more prestigious one, change the house, etc.

Accumulating money to buy real estate in Russia is a reality. Each person, even with an average income level, has a lot of savings options. required amount to buy an apartment. Optimizing the family budget, eliminating unnecessary expenses, simple saving schemes, finding a side job and additional income will help you achieve your goal and save money.

Please rate the post and leave in the comments your answer to the question about the possibility of saving for an apartment without a mortgage.

The idea of ​​accumulating money for an apartment seems to most Russians useless and unrealizable, however, as they say, nothing is impossible, and with the right attitude, even such a "crazy" project can be realized. Especially for the International Day of Savings, which is celebrated on October 31, the website "RIA Real Estate" decided to collect real stories people who saved up for housing, and learn from them the details and mechanisms of this difficult event.

It is interesting that the experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate are skeptical about the idea of ​​saving money for an apartment, constantly "shifting arrows" to a mortgage loan. Thus, according to Yuriy Timoshchenko, asset manager of Veles Management, if it makes sense for a family to start saving money, then only for the initial mortgage payment. If one of the spouses loses his job, mortgage plans are simply postponed "for later", and the accumulated amount of funds is spent on current needs until a new job or other source of income is found. "Obviously, the recent situation in the Russian economy is not stable and does not encourage long-term planning," the expert believes.

However, the example of people who still managed to save up for housing without a mortgage confirms that this form of savings is quite feasible even in times of crisis.

Subtleties of motivation

Oddly enough, the most important thing in the matter of saving money is not the calculation of the correct amount for monthly deductions and scrupulous home bookkeeping, but competent motivation.

“If one morning you woke up and suddenly decided to save money for an apartment, because “the sun shone merrily through the window,” then you can end it there. This is a definite failure! the correct answer to the question: why is it needed at all?", - argues Yegor Kuznetsov, the happy owner of a separate housing, for which he and his wife still managed to save up money.

Of course, each person has his own motivation, but there are things that, according to Yegor, can maximize the concentration of a person on the goal.

“My wife and I had such an impulse to live in a three-room apartment of our parents with a bunch of relatives - seven people, three generations. Despite the fact that our family is friendly, life on the principle of “wieners in a jar” still cannot go smoothly. Tension is growing ", the thirst for your own personal space is getting stronger. I didn’t want to get into mortgage bondage, so after much thought and meetings, my wife and I firmly decided to save, "says Yegor.

But for the spouses Maxim and Olga Sorokin, the terrible situation with rented housing served as an incentive for "emergency" accumulation. “We rented apartments for a long time, changed them about once every one and a half years. And everything suited us, until one night a bunch of drunken men burst into our house, who staged a real pogrom, threatened to beat us. It turned out that one of these brawlers was brother of the owner of the apartment, and he had his own key. He just walked in when he wanted to. After that, we realized that we were living in a strange house and desperately wanted our little fortress. Shock and fear did their job, "the Sorokins recall.

Thus, the stimulus must be so powerful that its momentum is enough for the entire period of accumulation. As a rule, these incentives are not associated with the most pleasant situations, but they are incredibly effective.

Team game

In the situation of accumulating money for housing, there is one important nuance, without which the idea is doomed to failure - teamwork. In other words, it is necessary to raise funds by two or three people, because then the financial burden falls on the shoulders of partners evenly, and income and expenses can be distributed more efficiently.

But it's not just the economic component. “Tell me honestly, how many people can go in for sports on their own three or four times a week at home, and regularly, from month to month? Units. It’s not in vain that pair or group classes were invented for sports, since training in a team disciplines and psychologically whips up those who are lazy The same applies to cash savings - one partner stimulates the other if he has given up. Therefore, for a single person, this is an almost overwhelming enterprise, "explains Sorokin.

Time threshold

All the heroes interviewed by RIA Real Estate, who tried to save up money for housing, unanimously argue that such an event should have a strict time frame and a clear designation of the amount that needs to be collected at all costs.

“Just saving up abstract money for nothing is an empty exercise. You definitely need to decide what specific amount and in what timeframe you are saving,” Kuznetsov insists.

At the same time, the amount should be adequate to the financial capabilities of people. Accordingly, before you install it, you should analyze your income and expenses and decide whether it makes sense to take on such a business at all?

“It is impossible to stretch the accumulation of money for more than four or five years. This is the very deadline for which we can shrink in requests and deprive ourselves of the usual pleasures. A longer period will psychologically exhaust people. They will hate the whole idea and one day they will definitely break spending money on anything,” says economist Elena Gracheva, who has successfully saved up money for an apartment.

starting base

In most cases, partners who save money for housing have some kind of starting amount of money or other material base, which is also a great incentive.

Starting from scratch is within the power of people with above average incomes, as they can maintain the level and pace of savings.

Well, it is better for people with average incomes to rely on some kind of material foundation, moreover, owned by them. In the best case scenario, this could be a share in an inherited apartment or a car that can be sold, or already existing savings.

Basics of home accounting

From the moment the process of accumulating money begins, people will have to accustom themselves to doing home bookkeeping. To do this, you can get a special notebook or create a file on your computer. Income (salaries) will be entered there, a preliminary plan of expenses for the month will be made, and then absolutely all expenses will be paid up to the purchase of bread with checks attached.

“This is necessary in order to finally see where you got out of the planned budget, how much such spending is justified and whether you will have to save more next month,” explains Kuznetsov.

"I want" and "I need"

All expenses made during the accumulative period must be labeled "want" or "must". According to Gracheva, this will help protect people from unauthorized and wasteful spending.

“If in the store your hand reached out for some thing, ask yourself: do I really need it or just want it? Our cunning mind, of course, can find use even in the most useless things, so add for reliability: can I live without it? A simple example: here is soap and shower gel, which of these is absolutely necessary, and which is the subject of pleasure, without which you can do without? Of course, soap wins in terms of utility. And, by the way, it costs less than gel," notes agency interlocutor.

Mechanisms of "abstinence"

Money set aside for housing should be inviolable. And the most important task is not to spend them ahead of time on other needs. The only exceptions are serious health problems that require expensive treatment, or some kind of emergency. "The absence of a fashionable coat for the winter is not an emergency," Gracheva ironically.

“My wife and I convinced ourselves so much that money is inviolable that sometimes we forgot that we had it. Even during the 2008 crisis, when I lost my job, we did not touch our savings. Yes, I had to live on my wife’s salary for about a year, borrow and get by with piece work. But after, when I again found a stable job with a good income, we gradually entered the previous savings mode, "Kuznetsov shares his experience.

However, there are several ways that, purely technically, will restrict access to the stash, the agency interlocutor notes. First, the money must be kept in the bank on a savings book. Under no circumstances should you do bank card with which you can easily remove them. Second, delay fixed amount, it is necessary immediately after receiving the salary, preferably on the same day. Otherwise, the temptation to spend money may prevail.

Alternative pleasures

Another subtle nuance, which, oddly enough, will save savings partners from waste. "Be sure to include pleasures in the list of vital things. Of course, they will have to be reviewed for the period of savings. Traveling abroad may replace picnics with barbecue in the fresh air, relaxing at the parent's dacha or just walking in the parks. Cute inexpensive purchases are also needed from time to time They are especially pleasing if they are presented to each other as a gift, "says Sorokina.

However the best option- find a hobby or activity that will not require serious expenses, but will capture and bring joy throughout the entire period of accumulation. The best thing for this, according to Kuznetsov, is sports and creativity, since here you can constantly set goals and focus on achieving them. “For example, set a goal to pump up your “cubes” on the press in a year or learn how to sew hand-quilted bedspreads,” he advises.

However, with all possible methods, the key to successful accumulation of money for an apartment is, no matter how trite, self-discipline, willpower and a passionate desire to find your own home.

The idea of ​​accumulating money for an apartment seems to most Russians useless and unrealizable, however, as they say, nothing is impossible, and with the right attitude, even such a "crazy" project can be realized. Especially for the International Day of Savings, which is celebrated on October 31, the RIA Real Estate website decided to collect real stories of people who saved up for housing and learn from them the details and mechanisms of this difficult event.

It is interesting that the experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate are skeptical about the idea of ​​saving money for an apartment, constantly "shifting arrows" to a mortgage loan. Thus, according to Yuriy Timoshchenko, asset manager of Veles Management, if it makes sense for a family to start saving money, then only for the initial mortgage payment. If one of the spouses loses his job, mortgage plans are simply postponed "for later", and the accumulated amount of funds is spent on current needs until a new job or other source of income is found. "Obviously, the recent situation in the Russian economy is not stable and does not encourage long-term planning," the expert believes.

However, the example of people who still managed to save up for housing without a mortgage confirms that this form of savings is quite feasible even in times of crisis.

Subtleties of motivation

Oddly enough, the most important thing in the matter of saving money is not the calculation of the correct amount for monthly deductions and scrupulous home bookkeeping, but competent motivation.

“If one morning you woke up and suddenly decided to save money for an apartment, because “the sun shone merrily through the window,” then you can end it there. This is a definite failure! the correct answer to the question: why is it needed at all?", - argues Yegor Kuznetsov, the happy owner of a separate housing, for which he and his wife still managed to save up money.

Of course, each person has his own motivation, but there are things that, according to Yegor, can maximize the concentration of a person on the goal.

“My wife and I had such an impulse to live in a three-room apartment of our parents with a bunch of relatives - seven people, three generations. Despite the fact that our family is friendly, life on the principle of “wieners in a jar” still cannot go smoothly. Tension is growing ", the thirst for your own personal space is getting stronger. I didn’t want to get into mortgage bondage, so after much thought and meetings, my wife and I firmly decided to save, "says Yegor.

But for the spouses Maxim and Olga Sorokin, the terrible situation with rented housing served as an incentive for "emergency" accumulation. “We rented apartments for a long time, changed them about once every one and a half years. And everything suited us, until one night a bunch of drunken men burst into our house, who staged a real pogrom, threatened to beat us. It turned out that one of these brawlers was brother of the owner of the apartment, and he had his own key. He just walked in when he wanted to. After that, we realized that we were living in a strange house and desperately wanted our little fortress. Shock and fear did their job, "the Sorokins recall.

Thus, the stimulus must be so powerful that its momentum is enough for the entire period of accumulation. As a rule, these incentives are not associated with the most pleasant situations, but they are incredibly effective.

Team game

In the situation of accumulating money for housing, there is one important nuance, without which the venture is doomed to failure - teamwork. In other words, it is necessary to raise funds by two or three people, because then the financial burden falls on the shoulders of partners evenly, and income and expenses can be distributed more efficiently.

But it's not just the economic component. “Tell me honestly, how many people can go in for sports on their own three or four times a week at home, and regularly, from month to month? Units. It’s not in vain that pair or group classes were invented for sports, since training in a team disciplines and psychologically whips up those who are lazy The same applies to cash savings - one partner stimulates the other if he has given up. Therefore, for a single person, this is an almost overwhelming enterprise, "explains Sorokin.

Time threshold

All the heroes interviewed by RIA Real Estate, who tried to save up money for housing, unanimously argue that such an event should have a strict time frame and a clear designation of the amount that needs to be collected at all costs.

“Just saving up abstract money for nothing is an empty exercise. You definitely need to decide what specific amount and in what timeframe you are saving,” Kuznetsov insists.

At the same time, the amount should be adequate to the financial capabilities of people. Accordingly, before you install it, you should analyze your income and expenses and decide whether it makes sense to take on such a business at all?

“It is impossible to stretch the accumulation of money for more than four or five years. This is the very deadline for which we can shrink in requests and deprive ourselves of the usual pleasures. A longer period will psychologically exhaust people. They will hate the whole idea and one day they will definitely break spending money on anything,” says economist Elena Gracheva, who has successfully saved up money for an apartment.

starting base

In most cases, partners who save money for housing have some kind of starting amount of money or other material base, which is also a great incentive.

Starting from scratch is within the power of people with above average incomes, as they can maintain the level and pace of savings.

Well, it is better for people with average incomes to rely on some kind of material foundation, moreover, owned by them. In the best case scenario, this could be a share in an inherited apartment or a car that can be sold, or already existing savings.

Basics of home accounting

From the moment the process of accumulating money begins, people will have to accustom themselves to doing home bookkeeping. To do this, you can get a special notebook or create a file on your computer. Income (salaries) will be entered there, a preliminary plan of expenses for the month will be made, and then absolutely all expenses will be paid up to the purchase of bread with checks attached.

“This is necessary in order to finally see where you got out of the planned budget, how much such spending is justified and whether you will have to save more next month,” explains Kuznetsov.

"I want" and "I need"

All expenses made during the accumulative period must be labeled "want" or "must". According to Gracheva, this will help protect people from unauthorized and wasteful spending.

“If in the store your hand reached out for some thing, ask yourself: do I really need it or just want it? Our cunning mind, of course, can find use even in the most useless things, so add for reliability: can I live without it? A simple example: here is soap and shower gel, which of these is absolutely necessary, and which is the subject of pleasure, without which you can do without? Of course, soap wins in terms of utility. And, by the way, it costs less than gel," notes agency interlocutor.

Mechanisms of "abstinence"

Money set aside for housing should be inviolable. And the most important task is not to spend them ahead of time on other needs. The only exceptions are serious health problems that require expensive treatment, or some kind of emergency. "The absence of a fashionable coat for the winter is not an emergency," Gracheva ironically.

“My wife and I convinced ourselves so much that money is inviolable that sometimes we forgot that we had it. Even during the 2008 crisis, when I lost my job, we did not touch our savings. Yes, I had to live on my wife’s salary for about a year, borrow and get by with piece work. But after, when I again found a stable job with a good income, we gradually entered the previous savings mode, "Kuznetsov shares his experience.

However, there are several ways that, purely technically, will restrict access to the stash, the interlocutor of the agency notes. First, the money must be kept in the bank on a savings book. In no case should you make a bank card with which you can easily withdraw them. Secondly, to set aside a set amount, it is necessary immediately after receiving a salary, preferably on the same day. Otherwise, the temptation to spend money may prevail.

Alternative pleasures

Another subtle nuance, which, oddly enough, will save savings partners from waste. "Be sure to include pleasures in the list of vital things. Of course, they will have to be reviewed for the period of savings. Traveling abroad may replace picnics with barbecue in the fresh air, relaxing at the parent's dacha or just walking in the parks. Cute inexpensive purchases are also needed from time to time They are especially pleasing if they are presented to each other as a gift, "says Sorokina.

However, the best option is to find a hobby or activity that does not require serious expenses, but will capture and bring joy throughout the entire period of accumulation. The best thing for this, according to Kuznetsov, is sports and creativity, since here you can constantly set goals and focus on achieving them. “For example, set a goal to pump up your “cubes” on the press in a year or learn how to sew hand-quilted bedspreads,” he advises.

However, with all possible methods, the key to successful accumulation of money for an apartment is, no matter how trite, self-discipline, willpower and a passionate desire to find your own home.