We write off illiquid product balances. Write-off of “low-value” property during liquidation of an organization What to do with the remainder in warehouses without taxes

In accordance with Article 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the liquidation of an organization entails its termination without the transfer of rights and obligations by way of succession to other persons.

Liquidation of an organization can occur in the following forms:

1) voluntary liquidation;

2) forced liquidation;

3) bankruptcy.

The founders may have many reasons for terminating the activities of a company, but the most common is the presence of accounts payable to suppliers and the budget.

Voluntary liquidation is carried out by decision of the founders of a legal entity, forced liquidation is carried out by a court decision.

A legal entity may be liquidated:

1) by decision of its founders (participants) or a body of a legal entity authorized by the constituent documents, including:

a) due to the expiration of the period for which the legal entity was created;

b) in connection with the achievement of the purpose for which it was created;

2) by court decision in cases where:

a) when creating the organization, gross violations of the law were committed and these violations are irreparable;

b) the organization’s activities are carried out without proper permission (license);

c) the organization’s activities are prohibited by law;

d) the organization’s activities are carried out with repeated or gross violations of the law or other legal acts;

e) a public or religious organization (association), charitable or other foundation systematically carries out activities that contradict their statutory goals, etc.

A demand for the liquidation of a legal entity on the above grounds may be presented to the court by a state body or local government body, which is granted by law the right to present such a demand.

There are also certain operating conditions of the organization , failure to comply with which entails its liquidation:

1) if the number of participants in an LLC (CJSC) exceeds 50 people, the company is subject to transformation into a JSC within a year. After this period, the company is subject to liquidation in court if the number of its participants does not decrease to the limit established by law (clause 3, article 7 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies”, clause 3, article 7 Federal Law of 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”);

2) in case of incomplete payment of the authorized capital of the company within a year from the moment of its state registration, the company must either announce a reduction of its authorized capital to the amount actually paid and register its reduction in the prescribed manner, or make a decision to liquidate the company (clause 2 of Art. .20 of Law No. 14-FZ);

3) if at the end of the second and each subsequent financial year the value of the company’s net assets is less than the minimum amount of the authorized capital established by law on the date of state registration of the company, then the company is subject to liquidation (clause 3 of Article 20 of Law No. 14-FZ).

By a court decision on the liquidation of a legal entity, its founders (participants) or the body authorized to liquidate the legal entity by its constituent documents may be assigned responsibilities for carrying out the liquidation of the legal entity.

A legal entity that is a commercial organization or operating in the form of a consumer cooperative, charitable or other foundation is liquidated in accordance with Article 65 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as a result of its recognition as insolvent (bankrupt).

If the value of the property of a legal entity is insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors, it can be liquidated only by declaring it insolvent (bankrupt) (Article 65 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The provisions on the liquidation of legal entities due to insolvency (bankruptcy) do not apply to state-owned enterprises.

Voluntary liquidation begins with the adoption of a decision on it. It is adopted by the highest governing body of a legal entity (usually a general meeting of participants or shareholders) and documented in minutes. No other body (board of directors or management board) can make such a decision, but has the right to raise the issue of liquidation for discussion at the meeting of participants. In a joint stock company this can be done by the board of directors, in a limited liability company - by the board of directors (supervisory board), the general director or even a participant.

If the decision on voluntary liquidation is made by the participants of the LLC, then the consent of all participants is necessary for its adoption (clause 1 of Article 92 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the decision is made by an authorized management body, then the procedure for making decisions of such a body established by law and constituent documents must be followed. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 55 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if an organization was liquidated before the end of the calendar year, the last tax period for taxes for which the tax period is not a calendar month or quarter is the period from the beginning of the year until the day the liquidation is completed.

The main regulatory documents establishing the procedure for voluntary liquidation of legal entities are:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. Art. 61 – 64;

Law of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies”, art. 21;

Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 119-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”;

Federal Law of 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”, Art. 57;

Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”, Ch. VII;

Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”;

Accounting Regulations “Accounting Statements of an Organization” PBU 4/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 6, 1999 No. 43n.

The decision to liquidate the organization is made by the general meeting of founders (participants). At the general meeting of founders, the composition of the liquidation commission, the draft liquidation procedure, and the deadlines for liquidation are appointed and approved. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, all powers to manage the organization and liquidate the legal entity are transferred to it. If the participant (shareholder) of the liquidated organization is the state or a municipal entity, a representative of the relevant property management committee or the relevant local government body is included in the liquidation commission.

The composition of the liquidation commission must be agreed upon with the registration authority. Currently, state registration of legal entities during liquidation is carried out by tax authorities. The decision on liquidation must be brought to the attention of the tax office with which the organization is registered within three days (Article 20 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”). From the moment of its formation, the liquidation commission becomes the sole management body of the legal entity, and the powers of the previous bodies (manager, board of directors, general meeting) are terminated.

The liquidation commission develops and approves liquidation plan , which must include:

Inventory of the organization's property;

Drawing up a detailed description of the financial condition of the organization at the time of liquidation;

Reconciliation of settlements for all federal and territorial payments with tax authorities and extra-budgetary funds;

Analysis and assessment of accounts receivable and development of measures for its collection;

Analysis and characteristics of accounts payable;

Preparation of information on the size and composition of the organization’s assets;

Determining the procedure for selling the property of a liquidated organization;

Determining the procedure for settlements with creditors belonging to the same priority for satisfying creditor claims;

Establishing information about participants entitled to receive a share of the organization’s property remaining after settlements with creditors;

List of dismissed personnel of the liquidated organization;

Identification of all organizations whose founder is a legal entity and its removal from the list of founders; if the liquidated organization is the sole founder of another organization, then this organization must also be liquidated;

Determining the procedure for distribution among the founders of funds and other funds remaining after satisfaction of creditors’ claims;

Preparation of documents to exclude an organization from the state register of legal entities;

Closing bank accounts;

Transfer for storage to the archive of documents on the personnel of the company (orders, registration cards, personal account cards for payroll), minutes of general meetings of the company; The acceptance of documents into the archive is certified by a certificate, a copy of which is transferred to the registration authority.

The absence of debts to the budget is confirmed as a result of a tax audit. Often the real reason for liquidation is the unsatisfactory state of the accounting records and the desire of the organization's officials to evade responsibility for committing tax, customs or other offenses. Upon liquidation, organizations receive a guaranteed tax audit.

A special form No. R15001 “Notification of the decision to liquidate a legal entity” has been established, which is given in Appendix No. 8 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 439 “On approval of forms and requirements for the execution of documents used for state registration of legal entities, as well as individuals as individual entrepreneurs.”

In addition to the decision on liquidation itself, the protocol recording this decision must provide for the formation of a liquidation commission and its composition. The tax inspectorate must be notified of the appointment of the commission in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to Resolution No. 439. Documents on the formation of the liquidation commission, on the appointment of a liquidator, or on the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee should be attached to the notification.

For state registration of liquidation of a legal entity to the registration authority the following documents are submitted :

1) an application signed by the applicant for state registration of a legal entity in connection with its liquidation in form No. P16001 (Appendix No. 5 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 439). The application confirms that the procedure for liquidating a legal entity established by federal law has been observed, settlements with its creditors have been completed and issues of liquidation of the legal entity have been agreed upon with the relevant state bodies and (or) municipal bodies in cases established by federal law;

2) liquidation balance sheet;

3) document confirming payment of state duty.

In accordance with clause 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 439, Methodological explanations have been developed on the procedure for filling out certain forms of documents used for state registration of a legal entity, approved by Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated April 18, 2003 No. BG-3-09/198.

Based on this Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia, documents used for state registration of legal entities (applications, notifications and messages, as well as attachments to them) are filled out by hand in block letters with ink or a blue or black ballpoint pen or typewritten text.

If any section or paragraph of a section of the application is not completed, a dash is entered in the corresponding columns.

The application, notification or message is filled out in one copy and submitted to the registration authority directly by the applicant or sent by post with a declared value when forwarded and a description of the contents. It is recommended to mark the envelope as “registration”.

The authenticity of the applicant's signature on the application, notification and message must be certified by a notary.

Each document containing more than one sheet is submitted to the registration authority in a bound, numbered form. The number of sheets is confirmed by the signature of the applicant or notary on the back of the last sheet at the place of the stitching.

3.2 Accounting for property during liquidation of an enterprise

Property inventory. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 129-FZ, when liquidating an organization, before drawing up the liquidation (separation) balance sheet, it is necessary to conduct an inventory. The procedure for inventorying property and financial obligations of an organization and recording its results is established by the Methodological Guidelines for Inventorying Property and Financial Liabilities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49. The main goals of inventory during the liquidation of an organization are to identify the actual availability of property, comparison of the actual availability of property with data accounting and checking the completeness of reflection of liabilities in accounting.

Methodological guidelines establish the Rules for Conducting Inventory. According to these Rules, all property of the organization, regardless of its location, and all types of financial obligations are subject to inventory.

In addition, inventories are subject to inventory and other types of property that do not belong to the organization, but are listed in the accounting records (those in custody, rented, received for processing), as well as property that is not accounted for for any reason.

Inventory of property is carried out at its location.

Inventory rules include:

Inventory of property and financial obligations;

Inventory of fixed assets;

Inventory of intangible assets;

Inventory of financial investments;

Inventory of inventory items;

Inventory of work in progress and deferred expenses;

Inventory of animals and young animals;

Inventory of funds, monetary documents and forms of strict reporting documents;

Inventory of settlements (settlements with banks and credit institutions for loans, settlements with the budget, buyers, suppliers, accountable persons, employees, depositors, other debtors and creditors), which consists of checking the validity of the amounts listed in the accounting accounts;

Inventory of reserves for upcoming expenses and payments, estimated reserves (the correctness and validity of the reserves created in the organization are checked: for the upcoming payment of vacations to employees; expenses for the repair of fixed assets; production costs for preparatory work due to the seasonal nature of production).

Property is inventoried according to its location and financially responsible person. For property, during the inventory of which deviations from accounting data are identified, comparison statements are compiled. They reflect the results of the inventory, i.e. discrepancies between accounting indicators and inventory data.

Identified discrepancies between the actual availability of property and accounting data are reflected in the accounting accounts in the following order.

Excess property is accounted for at market value on the date of inventory, and the corresponding amount is credited to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in income for a non-profit organization - Debit of property accounting accounts (01, 03, 04, 08, etc.) Credit account. 91.1.

Shortage of property and its damage include:

1) for production or distribution costs (expenses) within the limits of natural loss rates - Debit account. 20 (25, 26, 44, etc.) Credit account. 10, 41;

2) at the expense of the guilty persons (exceeding the norms) – Debit account. 94 Credit account 10, 41;

3) if the guilty persons are not identified or the court refuses to recover losses from them, then these losses are written off to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in expenses for a non-profit organization - Debit account. 91.2 Credit account 94.

If the surplus accounted for at market value in accordance with clause 5 of Art. 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, increase the tax base for income tax as non-operating income (clause 20 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), then expenses in the form of shortages of material assets in production and in warehouses, at trading enterprises in the absence of guilty persons, as well as losses from theft, the perpetrators of which have not been identified, can be recognized as a reduction in the tax base only if the fact of the absence of the perpetrators is documented by an authorized government body (clause 5, clause 2, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

With the further sale of surplus inventory items identified as a result of the inventory, for profit tax purposes, the organization will be able to recognize expenses in the amount of profit tax calculated on the income that was reflected in tax accounting when posting the identified surpluses (clause 2 of Article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Example. As a result of the inventory of goods and materials in the warehouse, a shortage of 50 meters of cotton fabric at a price of 100 rubles was revealed. per meter and excess linen fabric in the amount of 40 meters at a price of 150 rubles. per meter The persons responsible for the shortage have not been identified; based on the order of the liquidation commission, the shortage is attributed to the organization’s losses. There are no documents from authorized government bodies confirming the absence of perpetrators. Identified excess fabric was sold during the liquidation process.

In accounting, inventory results are reflected in the following entries:

Debit account 94 Credit account 10 – 5000 rub. – reflects the shortage of cotton fabric

Debit account 19 Credit account 68.2 – 900 rub. – VAT previously accepted for deduction has been restored

Debit account 94 Credit account 19 – 900 rub. – VAT charged to shortages

Debit account 91.2 Credit account 94 – 5900 rub. - shortages are expensed

Debit account 10 Credit account 91.1 – 6000 rub. – surplus linen fabric was capitalized

Debit account 62 Credit account 91.1 – 7080 rub. – surplus linen fabric was sold

Debit account 91.2 Credit account 10 – 6000 rub. – the cost of sold fabric is written off

Debit account 91.2 Credit account 68.2 – 1080 rub. – VAT has been charged.

Only 6,000 rubles can be accepted to reduce the tax base for income tax when selling capitalized surpluses. x 24% = 1440 rub.

Not only the organization’s property is subject to inventory, but also its obligations (settlements with the budget, with accountable persons, with payroll personnel, with debtors and creditors, etc.). The procedure for reconciling taxpayers' calculations for taxes and fees is established by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.09.2005 No. SAE-3-01/444@ “On approval of the Regulations for organizing work with taxpayers, payers of fees, insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and tax agents.” The rules for reconciling taxpayer accounts set out in this document apply starting from November 1, 2005.

Write-off of fixed assets. The procedure for liquidation and write-off of fixed assets from the balance sheet is established by clauses 94 - 97 of the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting of Fixed Assets, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 20, 1998 No. 33n.

1. Creation of a commission.

To determine the feasibility and unsuitability of fixed assets for further use, the impossibility or ineffectiveness of their restoration, as well as to draw up documentation for the write-off of these objects in the organization (if the availability of fixed assets is significant), a permanent commission can be created by order of the manager, which includes: relevant officials, including the chief accountant (accountant) and persons entrusted with responsibility for the safety of fixed assets. Representatives of relevant inspections may be invited to participate in the work of the commission.

2. Drawing up an act for writing off fixed assets.

The results of the decision made by the commission are documented in an act for writing off fixed assets. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 21, 2003 No. 7 approved new forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting of fixed assets.

To register and record the write-off of fixed assets that have become unusable, the following forms are used:

Act on the write-off of fixed assets (except for vehicles) – form No. OS-4;

Act on write-off of motor vehicles - form No. OS-4a;

Act on the write-off of groups of fixed assets (except for motor vehicles) – form No. OS-4b.

The act is drawn up in two copies, signed by members of the commission appointed by the head of the organization, and approved by the head or his authorized person. The first copy is transferred to the accounting department, the second remains with the person responsible for the safety of fixed assets, and is the basis for the delivery to the warehouse and sale of material assets and scrap metal remaining as a result of write-off. When a vehicle is written off, a document confirming its deregistration with the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (State Traffic Inspectorate) is submitted to the accounting department along with the report.

The costs of writing off fixed assets, as well as the cost of material assets received from dismantling fixed assets, reflected :

a) in section 3 “Information on the costs associated with the write-off of fixed assets from accounting, and on the receipt of material assets from their write-off” (form No. OS-4);

b) in section 5 “Information on the costs associated with the write-off of vehicles from accounting, and on the receipt of material assets from their write-off” (form No. OS-4a);

c) in section 2 “Information on the receipt of material assets from the write-off of fixed assets” (form No. OS-4b).

3. Capitalization of material assets.

Parts, components and assemblies of disassembled and dismantled equipment, suitable for the repair of other fixed assets, as well as other materials are accounted for as scrap or waste at market value, and unusable parts and materials are accounted for as secondary raw materials and are reflected in the debit of the materials account in correspondence with financial performance account.

4. Mark in the inventory card (book).

Based on acts for the write-off of fixed or motor vehicles transferred to the accounting service of the organization, a mark on the disposal of the object is made in the inventory card (inventory book). The corresponding entries on the disposal of a fixed asset item are also made in a document opened at its location.

Reception, movement of fixed assets within the organization, including reconstruction, modernization, major repairs, as well as their disposal or write-off are reflected in the inventory card (book) on the basis of relevant documents.

Inventory cards for retired fixed assets are stored for a period determined by the head of the organization.

According to clause 101 of the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting for Fixed Assets, the write-off of the cost of fixed assets is reflected in accounting in detail: on the debit of the account for the write-off (sale) of fixed assets - the initial cost of the object, recorded in the fixed assets account, and the costs associated with disposal fixed assets that are preliminarily accumulated in the auxiliary production cost account (accrued wages and social insurance contributions made for employees participating in operations to dispose of fixed assets, taxes and fees paid from proceeds from the sale of fixed assets, etc.), and on the credit of the specified account - the amount of accrued depreciation charges, the amount of proceeds from the sale of valuables related to fixed assets.

Income, expenses and losses from the write-off of fixed assets from the balance sheet are reflected in accounting in the reporting period to which they relate. Income, expenses and losses from the write-off of fixed assets from the balance sheet are subject to crediting from the write-off (sales) account to the financial results of the organization (clause 103 of the Methodological Instructions).

According to paragraph 75 of the Methodological Recommendations on the procedure for generating indicators of an organization’s financial statements, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 28, 2000 No. 60n, expenses associated with the write-off of fixed assets, including their residual value, included in other expenses :

– in case of write-off due to moral and physical wear and tear of fixed assets;

– in case of write-off as a result of accidents, natural disasters and other emergency situations.

Income in the form of material assets remaining after write-off of fixed assets is reflected accordingly as part of other income.

Debit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets” Credit 01– the initial (replacement) cost of the written-off fixed asset item is reflected;

Debit 02 Credit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets”– the amount of accrued depreciation is written off;

Debit 91-2 Credit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets”– the residual value of the fixed asset item is written off;

Debit 91-2 Credit 23 (25, 69, 70, other accounts)– costs associated with the liquidation (write-off) of a fixed asset item are written off;

Debit 10 Credit 91-1– the material assets remaining from the write-off of fixed assets were capitalized (at market value).

3.3 Interim liquidation balance sheet

After creditors have been identified and a register of their claims has been formed, as well as an inventory and assessment of the property of the bankrupt organization has been carried out, the moment of presentation comes. interim liquidation balance sheet.

An interim balance sheet is drawn up as of the date of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings in order to reflect the property position of the enterprise before the start of the sale of its assets and the production of any expenses by the liquidation commission. In this case, the interim balance sheet must reflect the results of consideration of creditors’ claims; therefore, it can be compiled no earlier than the closure of the register of creditors’ claims, i.e. no earlier than the expiration of the period established by the bankruptcy trustee for filing claims. During this period, an inventory and assessment of the debtor's property available at the time of bankruptcy is carried out.

When drawing up an interim liquidation balance sheet, it is necessary to comply with the requirements established by the Accounting Regulations “Accounting Reports of an Organization” (PBU 4/99), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 6, 1999 No. 43n.

The interim liquidation balance sheet contains information about the composition of the property, namely:

List of buildings and structures indicating the inventory number of the object, name of the object and its location, year of commissioning, actual wear and tear, residual value;

List of machinery, equipment and other fixed assets indicating the inventory number of the object, name of the object and its location, brand, year of commissioning, actual wear and tear, residual value;

List of objects of unfinished capital construction and uninstalled equipment, indicating the name of the object and its location, year of commencement of construction, volume actually completed, book value;

List of long-term financial investments indicating long-term financial investments and the value of the balance sheet asset;

List of intangible assets indicating intangible assets and the value of the balance sheet asset;

List of inventories, costs, cash and other financial assets indicating production inventories, animals for growing and fattening, work in progress, deferred expenses, finished products, goods, VAT on purchased assets, other inventories and costs, cash, settlements and others assets (including goods shipped); settlements with debtors for goods, works and services, on bills received, with subsidiaries, with the budget, with personnel, for other transactions, with other debtors; advances issued by suppliers and contractors; short-term financial investments; cash: cash register, current accounts, foreign currency accounts;

A list of claims presented by creditors to a legal entity being liquidated, indicating the name of the creditor (in order of priority), the amount of debt, and the decision to satisfy.

Let us give an example of drawing up an interim liquidation balance sheet. The decision to liquidate was made on October 5. Publication of liquidation took place on October 20. The interim liquidation balance sheet is drawn up on December 20.

In the balance sheet of a liquidated enterprise, there is most often a large loss and no profit, the current account is “reset to zero” (located on the card index), there is practically no cash in the cash register, there are no liquid assets (materials and goods), but there are non-current assets that they want to divide among themselves founders, receivables cannot be collected.

The work of an organization can be divided into two stages - before the decision on liquidation is made and after the decision is made. At the first stage, normal production activities occur in the organization: production costs are incurred; salary was issued; taxes paid.

At the second stage, the following are allocated: the cost of renting a hall for holding a meeting; inventory results; costs of publishing the liquidation; fixed expenses of the organization; salaries of members of the liquidation commission; adjustment of calculations after reconciliation with the budget and counterparties.

In this case, the incoming balances are transferred from the debtor’s balance sheet as of the last reporting date or from the last balance sheet submitted to the tax authorities. In the interim liquidation balance sheet there should not be a division of receivables and obligations into short-term and long-term, since from the moment of the opening of bankruptcy proceedings, the period for fulfillment of all obligations is considered to have occurred, and their circulation period will always be less than 12 months (the period of bankruptcy proceedings in the general case cannot exceed one of the year).

Assets are reflected at their realizable value or sale value, which must be confirmed by an appraisal report or an independent appraiser's report. This is especially important if the inventory and valuation of assets indicate a significant decrease in their value compared to the balance sheet value. When valuing assets for the purpose of drawing up an interim balance sheet, it is necessary to take into account the provisions of PBU 7/98, which allow us to give the most objective picture of the property position of the enterprise. For example, if the sale of part of the assets showed that the calculation of the selling price was not justified, then it is necessary to reconsider the results of the assessment. Securities are reflected taking into account quotes.

The occurrence of events that make the collection of receivables doubtful (declaring the debtor bankrupt, the impossibility of collecting the debt in cash), allows us to show the receivables taking into account the discount, which contributes to a real assessment of the impact of this event on the results of bankruptcy proceedings. Accounts receivable that cannot be collected are not taken into account in the interim liquidation balance sheet. However, subsequently, the liquidation commission must take all possible measures to collect it (judicial and pre-trial procedures) until it receives a report from the bailiff about the impossibility of collection or the emergence of circumstances that make filing a claim impossible. Off-system debt accounting should be organized to ensure complete collection.

When drawing up an interim liquidation balance sheet, the accounts for accounting for additional capital, reserve capital, funds, reserves, retained earnings, use of profits, income and expenses of deferred periods, the reason for which could not be established, must be closed, as well as account 19 “Value added tax on acquired values." Illiquid and depreciated securities and overdue receivables are written off, taking into account previously created reserves. The amounts of these write-offs, as practice shows, simply will not have a significant impact on the debit balance of account 99 “Profits and losses”. VAT recorded on account 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets” on capitalized but unpaid assets is not claimed for reimbursement from the budget due to the fact that payment for received assets cannot be made, since this would be an extraordinary satisfaction of creditors’ claims .

Although the interim liquidation balance sheet (as opposed to the liquidation balance sheet) is compiled before the creditors' claims are satisfied, it will reflect, on the basis of clause 2 of Article 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the amounts of debts presented and written off both before and after the expiration of the period established by the liquidation commission. There is no need to reflect in the liquidation balance sheet accounts payable that were fully repaid at the stage of drawing up the interim liquidation balance sheet using available funds (without selling property).

When the interim liquidation balance sheet is drawn up, it is approved by the founders (participants) of the organization. The liquidation balance sheet is agreed upon with the body that registered the legal entity.

To do this, a notification is submitted to the tax inspectorate about the preparation of an interim liquidation balance sheet of a legal entity with the balance sheet attached (the notification form is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 439).

3.4 Satisfaction of creditors' claims

Once the interim liquidation balance sheet has been approved and agreed upon with the registration authority, you can begin to pay off debts.

The liquidation commission appointed to carry out the liquidation of the organization is obliged to place in the press, which publishes data on the registration of legal entities, a message about the liquidation of the organization, the procedure and deadlines for submitting claims by its creditors (clause 1 of Article 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The period for filing claims by creditors cannot be less than two months from the date of publication of the notice of liquidation of the company.

By order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated September 29, 2004 No. SAE-3-09/508@, a mass media outlet was established - the journal “Bulletin of State Registration”, in which information should be published in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state registration of legal entities.

Methodological recommendations have been developed on the publication of information on state registration in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration” and its use in state registration of legal entities (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 13, 2005 No. CHD-6-09/570@), which determine that confirmation of placement The legal entity of the message in the journal can serve as: the number of the journal with the published message, a copy of the message form with a note from the journal’s representative office about the receipt of the message, or a notification of delivery of a registered letter when sending a package of documents for publication by mail, used by the federal postal service.

Information for publication in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration” is accepted from legal entities both on paper and electronic media, accompanied by a covering letter certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head. It can be delivered either in person or by post.

It should be noted that the Appendices to the Methodological Recommendations contain the application form for publication, sample text of the message, and samples of payment documents. The document indicates the contact numbers of the journal's editorial office, ways to obtain information about editorial representatives in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. In addition, information about the journal is posted on the Internet.

To publish information about liquidation, an organization must submit an application for publication of a message, including the full name of the legal entity; OGRN; TIN/KPP; address (location) of the legal entity; information about the decision made on liquidation (for public associations - the decision on the use of the remaining property): by whom and when it was made; procedure and deadlines for filing creditor claims (method of contact with the liquidation commission (address, telephone).

In all cases, the original payment document is attached to the application form.

It should be noted that legal entities have the right to publish messages required by law in any publications other than the State Registration Bulletin, but publication in this journal is mandatory.

In addition, the liquidation commission takes measures to identify creditors and receive receivables, and also notifies each of the creditors in writing about the liquidation of the organization in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 63 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In the event of liquidation of a branch of an organization, due to the fact that it is not the owner of the property transferred to it and acts under the power of attorney of the parent organization, claims of creditors can only be directed against the property of the parent organization. Therefore, it is not necessary to notify the branch's creditors about its liquidation.

Proof notifications to the organization's creditors are the aforementioned written notifications to creditors and confirmation of the organization's placement of a notice of liquidation, the procedure and deadline for submitting creditors' claims in the journal "Bulletin of State Registration".

Based on Article 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the period during which creditors can present their claims cannot be less than two months from the moment when the message was published that this legal entity is being liquidated.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 64 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the liquidation commission refuses to satisfy the creditor’s claims or evades their consideration, the creditor has the right, before approval of the liquidation balance sheet of the legal entity, to file a claim against the liquidation commission. By a court decision, the creditor's claims may be satisfied at the expense of the remaining property of the liquidated legal entity.

The creditor can present his claims and after the expiration of the specified period . But in this case, the claims will be satisfied at the expense of the property that remains after repaying the debt to other creditors who applied within the established time frame.

In addition to the publication of the liquidation of the organization, notification of counterparties can occur in any other way and is not directly related to the work of the accounting department. In essence, mutual settlements with all third-party organizations are reconciled. At this stage, the liquidated organization has the right to identify inaccuracies in its accounting and change the amount of debt to creditors and debtors. After drawing up the interim liquidation balance sheet, changes in the amount of accounts payable can only occur on the basis of a court decision.

When liquidating banks or other credit institutions that attract funds from citizens, first of all (clause 1 of Article 64 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) the demands of citizens who are creditors of banks or other such credit institutions, as well as the demands of the organization performing the functions of compulsory deposit insurance, are satisfied. in connection with the payment of compensation for deposits in accordance with the Law on Insurance of Citizens' Deposits in Banks.

The order of satisfaction of creditors' claims when liquidating a legal entity, Article 64 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is established, including:

First of all, the claims of citizens to whom the liquidated legal entity is liable for causing harm to life or health are satisfied, by capitalizing the corresponding time-based payments;

Secondly, settlements are made for the payment of severance pay and wages with persons working under an employment contract, including under a contract, and for the payment of remuneration under copyright agreements;

In the third place, the claims of creditors for obligations secured by a pledge of property of the liquidated legal entity are satisfied;

In the fourth place, debts on obligatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds are repaid;

Fifthly, settlements with other creditors are made in accordance with the law.

The requirements of each queue are satisfied after the requirements of the previous queue are fully satisfied.

If the property of a liquidated legal entity is insufficient, it is distributed among the creditors of the corresponding priority in proportion to the amounts of claims to be satisfied, unless otherwise provided by law.

Debt to creditors of the first four stages is repaid after approval of the interim liquidation balance sheet, and to creditors of the fifth stage - after a month from the date of its approval.

As a general rule, creditors' claims must be satisfied with the organization's funds.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if an organization does not have enough funds to satisfy the claims of creditors, the liquidation commission must sell its property at public auction.

The preparation, timing and procedure for holding tenders in the execution of court decisions are regulated by Art. 62 and 63 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 119-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”.

By virtue of Article 62 of Federal Law No. 119-FZ of July 21, 1997, real estate auctions are organized and conducted by specialized organizations that have the right to carry out real estate transactions and with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded.

The liquidation commission submits an application for bidding, which is accompanied by all the necessary documents confirming the ownership of the liquidated organization to the property.

The following types of property are not subject to sale:

a) leased property;

b) property that is the subject of pledge;

c) property in custody;

d) personal property of employees.

If the property of a liquidated construction organization includes unfinished construction projects, then the organization needs to determine who has the right of ownership to them: the customer or the contractor.

In the case of construction using the contractor's materials, he is considered the owner of these materials, even if they have already been used in the work, that is, they have taken the form of the construction project. Ownership of such an object remains with the contractor until the object is transferred to the customer. In this case, the unfinished construction object is included in the contractor’s property and is registered as a real estate object, sold at auction, and the customer receives the right to claim the amounts paid to the contractor.

If the customer provided his own materials for construction, attracted other contractors and accepted individual stages of the work performed, then the customer has more grounds to be considered the owner of the unfinished construction project. Therefore, when liquidating an organization, the commission transfers the unfinished facility to the customer, and the contractor either does not make any demands on the customer (if he has already paid for the completed part of the work) or demands repayment of receivables.

The following order of sale of property is established:

a) first of all, property that is not directly involved in production is sold (securities, funds in deposit and other accounts of the debtor, currency valuables, passenger vehicles, office design items, etc.);

b) secondarily, finished products (goods) are sold, as well as other material assets that are not directly involved in production and are not intended for direct participation in it;

c) in the third place, real estate assets are sold, as well as raw materials, machines, equipment, and other fixed assets intended for direct participation in production.

The liquidation commission must decide on the order of sale of the organization's assets based on economic feasibility.

Property disposal operations are subject to all established taxes. The received funds go to the organization's cash desk or to its current account; After this, the process of settlements with creditors continues.

If the organization's property is not enough to fully pay off creditors, the liquidation commission must apply to the arbitration court to declare the organization bankrupt.

The arbitration court makes a decision to declare the liquidated organization bankrupt and opens bankruptcy proceedings; from now on, creditors' claims will be satisfied in a special manner prescribed by the bankruptcy procedure.

3.5 Liquidation balance. Settlements with founders

Based on clause 5 of Article 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, after completing settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the founders (participants) of the legal entity or the body that made the decision to liquidate the legal entity. In cases established by law, the liquidation balance is approved in agreement with the authorized state body.

There are situations in which a liquidation balance sheet is necessary:

a) termination of the functioning (activity) of the organization as a subject of civil legal relations.

b) liquidation of a legal entity by decision of its founders (participants) or a body authorized to do so by the constituent documents, or a court on the grounds provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

c) voluntary or forced liquidation of a legal entity due to insolvency (bankruptcy).

The balance sheet prepared in each of these situations, compared to the operating balance sheet, has the following features :

1. The liquidation balance sheet, like any final balance sheet, is an inventory balance, i.e. is formed according to inventory data. In the event of liquidation of a legal entity, the obligation to conduct an inventory is expressly provided for in Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting”.

2. The balance sheet should not contain balances on regulatory (02, 05, 13, 16, 42, 82) and budgetary distribution (31, 89) accounting accounts due to the limited period of existence of the enterprise.

3. Asset items of the liquidation balance sheet are assessed in ways different from those established in Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Accounting”, since during the liquidation process the value of the property (market, liquidation, etc.) is determined that will allow users of the statements - participants of the enterprise , business partners, creditors - with maximum accuracy, calculate the most likely financial result due to the cessation of the organization’s existence.

Based on the liquidation balance sheet, one can judge the property that should go to the founders (participants) who have real rights to it. Based on the economic essence of liquidation, this is an absolute cessation of activity, which entails the simultaneous closing of all asset and liability balance sheet items using the double-entry method using only those accounting accounts that correspond to the liquidation balance sheet items.

In the assets of the liquidation balance sheet, balances can be on any lines if the sale of property is not carried out or is carried out partially. If all the property of the company is sold, then the balance of funds will be only on the page “Cash” (accounts 50 “Cash” and 51 “Cash accounts”).

In the liability side of the balance sheet there will be no balances in the “Long-term liabilities” section, and in the “Short-term liabilities” section there may be balances in the following lines: “Debt to participants (founders) for payment of income”, “Deferred income” and “Reserves for future expenses”. The distribution of the property of the liquidated organization among the founders (participants) is carried out last. In this case, the amount of the liability balance currency minus the balance in the line “Debt to participants (founders) for payment of income” must be distributed among all founders (participants) in proportion to the share in the authorized capital or according to another method provided for by the charter or a decision of the general meeting of participants. After this, in the liability side of the balance sheet, the entire amount recorded on account 75 will be reflected on the page “Debt to participants (founders) for payment of income.” This amount must correspond to the value of the company's assets to be distributed.

The following entries must be made in accounting:

Debit 80, 82, 83, 84, 98, 99, Credit 75, subaccount “Calculations for payment of income”– the amount of the value of the property due to the shareholder. If previously the balances on other accounts were transferred to account 80, then only the entry is used: Debit 80, Credit 75. In this case, the concentration of funds in the authorized capital is of a purely technical nature. There is no increase in the authorized capital and its registration in the prescribed manner, but only the funds to be distributed among the founders (participants) of the company are summed up in one account,

Debit 75, subaccount “Calculations for payment of income”, Credit 51 (50)– the amount of money paid to the shareholder,

Debit 75, subaccount “Calculations for payment of income”, Credit 01– for the amount of the value of the property, if the participants decided to distribute the property instead of selling it.

Settlements with founders. After drawing up the liquidation balance sheet, the property that remains with the organization after all settlements with creditors is subject to distribution among its founders.

But first you need to determine the total amount of capital that will be distributed.

To do this, it is necessary to calculate the size of net assets and compare them with the authorized capital. If the authorized capital is less than net assets, then the “conditional authorized” capital is brought up to the size of net assets at the expense of the value of the remaining property.

The property that remains with the organization after settlements with creditors is subject to distribution among the participants in proportion to their share in the authorized capital of the organization.

If, according to the liquidation balance sheet, the organization has a profit remaining, then this operation is reflected in the following entry:

Debit 99 Credit 84, subaccount “Retained earnings of the reporting year”– the profit of the reporting year is reflected;

Debit 84, subaccount “Retained earnings of the reporting year”, Credit 80– the profit of the organization is credited to the authorized capital.

If, according to the liquidation balance sheet, the organization has a loss, then it must be repaid at the expense of the authorized capital, while the undistributed loss of previous years is transferred to the losses of the reporting year.

Reflection of transactions in accounting:

Debit 84, subaccount “Undistributed loss of the reporting year”, Credit 84, subaccount “Uncovered loss of previous years”– the uncovered loss of previous years is transferred to the loss of the reporting year;

Debit 80 Credit 84, subaccount “Uncovered loss of the reporting year”– the authorized capital is reduced by the uncovered loss of the reporting year.

In this way, the real amount of the authorized capital is determined, which will be distributed among the founders of the organization.

The accrual of amounts payable to the founders of a legal entity is reflected in the following entry:

Debit 80 Credit 75– reflects the amount of the organization’s authorized capital to be distributed among the founders (participants).

The distribution of property between the founders is made on the basis of an act, which must indicate to whom and what was transferred.

The act must be signed by all participants of the organization, the payment of shares to the participants of the organization is recorded in the accounting records with the corresponding entry:

Debit 75 Credit 50, 51– participants were paid their share of the authorized capital.

Example. Sviyaga LLC is being liquidated by decision of the founders. After satisfying the creditors' claims, Sviyaga LLC was left with: office equipment with a residual value of 100,000 rubles. (initial cost 120,000 rubles, depreciation 20,000 rubles) and cash in the amount of 21,000 rubles. Let us assume that the book (residual) value of the property corresponds to its market value excluding VAT. The authorized capital of Sviyaga LLC is 50,000 rubles, including:

the contribution of the 1st participant is 20,000 rubles;

contribution of the 2nd participant – 20,000 rubles;

contribution of the 3rd participant – 10,000 rubles.

All participants are individuals.

The net profit of Sviyaga LLC, reflected in the liquidation balance sheet, is 71,000 rubles.

The liquidation balance sheet of Sviyaga LLC is as follows:

Office equipment is distributed among the three founders - individuals of the company in proportion to their contributions to the authorized capital.

The disposal of fixed assets in accounting is reflected by the following entries:

Debit account 01 subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” Credit account. 01 – 120,000 rub.

Debit account 02 Credit account 01 subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” – 20,000 rubles.

Debit account 91 Credit account 01 subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” – 100,000 rubles (40,000 + 40,000 + 20,000).

Transfer of property (except for cash) in excess of the down payment is subject to VAT. The property is transferred at its residual value.

Initial contributions of participants - 50,000 rubles, cost of transferred property in excess of the initial contribution:

100,000 – 50,000 = 50,000 rub.

Amount of VAT accrued upon transfer: RUB 50,000. x 18% = 9000 rub.

Therefore, the cost of the transferred property, including VAT, will be: 100,000 + 9,000 = 109,000 rubles.

It is advisable to reflect the distribution of the property of a liquidated company among its participants with the subsequent cancellation of the participants’ shares in accounting using an account. 81 “Own shares (shares)”:

Debit account 81 Credit account 91.1 – 109,000 rub. – the transfer of office equipment is reflected at a price including VAT

Debit account 91.2 Credit account 68.2 – 9000 rub. – VAT has been charged.

In accordance with paragraphs. 2 p. 3 art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on part of the cost of fixed assets transferred to participants within the limits of their initial contribution, VAT is restored to the budget - 9,000 rubles. (50,000 x 18%).

Debit account 19 Credit account 68.2 – 9000 rub. – VAT has been restored.

Debit account 91.2 Credit account 19 – 9000 rub. – restored VAT is included in expenses.

Despite the fact that the Instructions to the Chart of Accounts provide for the closure of accounts. 91 and count. 99 only at the end of the reporting year, in this case it is necessary to close these accounts to determine the amount of net profit to be distributed:

Debit account 99 Credit account 91.9 – 9000 rub.

Debit account 84 Credit account 99 – 9000 rub. – the loss incurred during the transfer of property is written off.

Thus, the balance on the account. 84 amounted to: 71,000 – 9000 = 62,000 rubles. The total cost of the organization's own funds subject to distribution was: 50,000 + 62,000 = 112,000 rubles, including 50,000 rubles. – within the limits of the initial contributions of participants.

3.6 Procedure for payment and calculation of taxes during the period of liquidation of an enterprise

Procedure for submitting declarations. One of the gaps in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is the lack of information about reporting during the liquidation or reorganization of a company. Therefore, in this case, the accountant faces the problem of when and for what period to submit declarations. The matter is complicated by the fact that officials will not come to a consensus on this issue. The procedure for submitting tax reports during the reorganization and liquidation of an enterprise is demonstrated in the diagram (it does not specify which declaration is meant: the rules are the same for all taxes).

The procedure for submitting tax reports upon liquidation and reorganization of a company.

In case of forced liquidation, if a company has not submitted reports for 12 months and has not carried out any transactions on any bank account during this period, then the tax authorities independently exclude the organization from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. On the one hand, this is very convenient: you don’t have to submit reports or deal with the tedious procedure of voluntary liquidation. On the other hand, there is a possibility that tax authorities will apply penalties for unsubmitted reports.

In addition, the inspectorate’s decision to exclude a company from the register must be published. Within three months from the date of publication, the owners of the organization, creditors or other interested parties can submit an application to the tax authorities. In this case, no decision will be made to exclude the company from the register. But it will be possible to apply other liquidation procedures, such as bankruptcy. Accordingly, the owners of the organization will have to decide what to do next with this company and what to do with the reporting. After all, the number of reporting periods for which reports will not be submitted will increase. The amount of the fine will also increase. Therefore, before leaving a company, you need to think through all further risks and possible penalties.

The voluntary liquidation method will require more labor from the company than in the case of forced liquidation. But there is confidence to avoid fines and close the company legally.

When a company is liquidated, the last tax period for it will be the period from the beginning of the year until the day the liquidation process is completed and the entry is deleted from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Article 55 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). For those taxes for which the tax period is a month or a quarter, the last tax period is determined in agreement with the tax office.

According to the norms of the Code, tax returns must be submitted after the end of the tax period. However, the liquidated organization will then no longer exist, and there will be no one to hand over the papers. When should declarations be submitted in this case?

There are two opinions on this matter. The first is that the last declarations must be submitted at the moment when the notice of liquidation is submitted. Moreover, declarations are filled out for the entire tax period, regardless of when it ends. And the second opinion is that the last report should be made on the date of drawing up the liquidation balance sheet.

In general should be done as follows . If liquidation is expected in the current tax period and no settlements affecting taxes are expected, it is better to file the returns along with the notice. And all possible changes in calculated taxes for this period will be reflected in the “clarifications”.

If you draw up the liquidation balance sheet in the next period, then submit the declarations for the current year at the end of the period in the general manner. Then, when submitting the liquidation balance sheet, you will have to submit returns for the tax period.

Inspections by tax authorities. One of the stages of liquidation of an organization is an on-site tax audit, which is carried out on the basis of a decision of the head of the tax authorities or his deputy, which indicates the reason for the control measure (liquidation of the taxpayer). According to Art. 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax inspectors do not have the right to conduct two on-site inspections on the same taxes within one calendar year, however, this restriction does not apply to inspections of organizations that are ceasing their activities. An on-site inspection cannot last more than two months, but most often tax inspectors inspecting a liquidated organization do not meet such deadlines.

Based on acts of reconciliation with tax authorities and acts of documentary verification of settlements, the amount of the organization's debt is determined. The liquidation commission is obliged to submit to the tax authority declarations for each of the taxes payable to the budget until the liquidation of the organization. In case of failure to fulfill the obligation to pay taxes within the time limits established by the legislation on taxes and fees, in accordance with Art. 75 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer is obliged to pay penalties in the amount of arrears.

If an organization sells any assets, it becomes obligated to pay taxes (income tax, VAT). If before the sale of assets the organization had no debt to the budget and had already begun to settle accounts with its counterparties, then after the sale of assets the obligation to pay taxes reappears. Clause 1 of Art. 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the obligation to pay taxes and fees (fines, penalties) of a liquidated organization is fulfilled by the liquidation commission at the expense of the organization’s funds, including those received from the sale of its property. If the funds of a liquidated organization, including those received from the sale of its property, are not enough to fulfill the obligation to pay taxes and fees, penalties and fines due, then the remaining debt must be repaid by the founders (participants) of the said organization within the limits and procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation (clause 2 of article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the order of fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes and fees during the liquidation of an organization is determined by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 3 of Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If a liquidated organization has amounts of taxes or fees and (or) penalties and fines overpaid by this organization, then these amounts are subject to offset against the debt of the liquidated organization for taxes, fees (penalties, fines) by the tax authority in the manner established by Chapter. 12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, no later than one month from the date of filing the application of the taxpayer-organization (clause 4 of Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The amount of overpaid taxes and fees (penalties, fines) subject to offset is distributed among budgets and (or) extra-budgetary funds in proportion to the total amount of debt on taxes and fees (penalties, fines) to the relevant budgets and (or) extra-budgetary funds. If the liquidated organization does not have a debt to fulfill the obligation to pay taxes and fees, as well as to pay penalties and fines, the amount of taxes and fees (penalties, fines) excessively paid by this organization is subject to return to this organization no later than one month from the date of filing the application of the taxpayer-organization .

If the liquidated organization has amounts of excessively collected taxes or fees, as well as penalties and fines, then these amounts are subject to return to the taxpayer-organization in the manner established by Chapter. 12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, no later than one month from the date of filing the application of the taxpayer-organization.

Personal income tax. As a result of the organization's activities, the size of its authorized capital may increase or decrease. Thus, if, as a result of an increase in the authorized capital of the organization, a participant during liquidation receives, according to his share of property, more than he contributed during the formation of the organization, then the difference between the property received upon exit and the initial contribution will be considered subject to taxation personal income tax. Payments in cash or in kind during the liquidation of an organization to its participant, not exceeding the contribution of this participant to the authorized (share) capital of the organization, are not recognized as its income (Article 43 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with clause 5 of clause 1 of Art. 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, income subject to personal income tax from sources in the Russian Federation includes, among other things, income from the sale in the Russian Federation of shares in the authorized (share) capital of organizations. In the event of liquidation of the company, the paid shares of the individual participant are his income. The tax agent is the liquidated organization represented by its executive body. By virtue of Art. 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an organization is obliged to calculate, withhold from the taxpayer and pay the amount of personal income tax.

A tax agent who is unable to withhold the calculated amount of tax from the taxpayer is obliged, within one month from the moment the relevant circumstances arise, to notify in writing the tax authority at the place of his registration about the impossibility of withholding personal income tax and the amount of the taxpayer’s debt. Individuals, from whose income upon receipt personal income tax was not withheld by tax agents, calculate and pay personal income tax based on the amounts of such income independently by submitting a tax return to the tax authority at the place of residence (clause 4, clause 1, article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The indicated income in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are taxed at a tax rate of 13%.

When distributing the profit remaining after taxation of an organization, any income received by its participant in proportion to the participant’s shares in the authorized (share) capital of this organization is recognized as a dividend on the basis of clause 1 of Art. 43 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Dividends also include any income received from sources outside the Russian Federation that are classified as dividends in accordance with the laws of foreign countries.

From January 1, 2005, the tax rate in respect of income from equity participation in the activities of an organization received by individuals who are tax residents of the Russian Federation in the form of dividends is set at 9% (clause 4 of Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The Russian organization that is the source of the taxpayer's income received in the form of dividends is recognized as a tax agent, and in this case the amount of tax is determined separately for each taxpayer in relation to each payment of the specified income at a rate of 9%.

Income tax. In order to calculate income tax, you must be guided by Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to paragraph 8 of paragraph 1 of Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, non-operating expenses that reduce the tax base for income tax include expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets being taken out of service, including the amount of depreciation that was not accrued in accordance with the established useful life, as well as expenses for the liquidation of unfinished construction projects and other property, the installation of which has not been completed (costs of dismantling, disassembly, removal of disassembled property), protection of subsoil and other similar work. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the requirement of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: expenses must be economically justified and documented.

Based on clause 13 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, non-operating income should include income in the form of the cost of materials received or other property during dismantling or disassembly during the liquidation of fixed assets being decommissioned. The exception is the income specified in clause 18 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, namely income in the form of the cost of materials and other property that is received during dismantling, disassembly during the liquidation of decommissioned facilities, destroyed in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention on the Prohibition of Mining , production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and their destruction and Part 5 of the Verification Annex to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. These incomes are not taken into account for tax purposes.

The date of recognition of income in the form of the cost of received material assets is determined depending on the method of determining income and expenses.

Under the accrual method, such income is recognized on the date of drawing up the act of liquidation of depreciable property, drawn up in accordance with accounting requirements (clause 8, clause 4, article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Under the cash method, such income is recognized at the time of capitalization of property (clause 2 of Article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

There are some peculiarities in the taxation of income tax in the case where the founder of the company is a foreign organization that does not operate through a permanent representative office in the Russian Federation and receives income from sources in the Russian Federation. Income received as a result of the distribution in favor of foreign organizations of profits or property of organizations, other persons or their associations, including during their liquidation (taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 43 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, establishing the concept of dividends and interest) , according to Art. 309 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, relate to the income of a foreign organization from sources in the Russian Federation and are subject to tax withheld at the source of payment of income.

VAT. For calculation purposes value added tax it is necessary to be guided by Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The main question that arises when disposing of under-depreciated fixed assets is: is it necessary to restore VAT on the residual value of retired fixed assets?

The position of the tax authorities is as follows: the amount of tax paid when acquiring fixed assets and accepting them for accounting, by which the VAT payable to the budget was reduced, must be restored in the part of the VAT that falls on the residual value of the object, not written off for production and distribution costs through depreciation.

However, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide that upon disposal of fixed assets before their full depreciation, the taxpayer is obliged to return to the budget the value added tax attributable to the residual value of fixed assets. Thus, the disposal of fixed assets before their full depreciation does not entail the taxpayer’s obligation to return to the budget the value added tax attributable to the residual value of the retired fixed assets.

When calculating value added tax, it is also necessary to take into account that, according to paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation (performance of work, provision of services) for one’s own needs, expenses for which are not deductible (including including through depreciation deductions) when calculating corporate income tax, is recognized as subject to VAT.

Example. The organization liquidates equipment due to its complete moral and physical wear and tear. The initial cost of the equipment is 30,000 rubles, the amount of accrued depreciation is 26,000 rubles. The costs of liquidation (dismantling) of equipment amounted to: wages and unified social tax of workers involved in dismantling the equipment - 1000 rubles, general production costs - 500 rubles. The cost of parts and assemblies received from liquidation is 2000 rubles.

In accounting, the write-off of a fixed asset item is reflected in the following entries:

Debit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets” Credit 01 – RUB 30,000. – the original cost of the equipment being written off is reflected;

Debit 02 Credit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets” – 26,000 rubles. – the amount of accrued depreciation is written off;

Debit 91-2 Credit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets” – 4,000 rubles. – the residual value of the equipment is written off;

Debit 91-2 Credit 69, 70 – 1000 rub. – the costs of wages and unified social tax for workers involved in dismantling equipment associated with the liquidation (write-off) of a fixed asset item were written off;

Debit 91-2 Credit 25 – 500 rub. – general production expenses associated with the liquidation of equipment are written off;

Debit 10 Credit 91-1 – 2000 rub. – the material assets remaining from the write-off of fixed assets were capitalized (at market value).

Debit 99 Credit 91-9 – 3500 rub. – the amount of loss from the liquidation of equipment.

For tax accounting purposes:

the amount of other expenses will be: 4000 + 1000 + 500 = 5500 rubles.

the amount of other income is 2000 rubles.

Paragraph 1 of Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the obligation to pay taxes and fees (fines, fines) of a liquidated organization is fulfilled by the liquidation commission at the expense of the organization’s funds, including those received from the sale of its property.

If the funds of a liquidated organization, including those received from the sale of its property, are not enough to fulfill the obligation to pay taxes and fees, penalties and fines due, the remaining debt must be repaid by the founders (participants) of the above organization within the limits and procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (Clause 2 of Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the order of fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes and fees during the liquidation of an organization among settlements with other creditors of such an organization is determined by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 3 of Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for repaying the tax debt of a liquidated organization is established by clause 4 of Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 1, paragraph 4, article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if a liquidated organization has amounts of taxes and fees and (or) penalties, fines overpaid by this organization, then the above amounts are subject to offset against the debt of the liquidated organization for taxes, fees (penalties, fines) by the tax authority in the manner established by Chapter 12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, no later than one month from the date of filing the application of the taxpayer-organization.

From the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph 4 of Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it follows that the amount of overpaid tax is distributed among budgets and extra-budgetary funds in proportion to the total amounts of debt for other taxes of the liquidated organization to the corresponding budgets and extra-budgetary funds. If the liquidated organization does not have a debt to fulfill its obligation to pay taxes and fees, as well as to pay penalties and fines, the amount of taxes and fees (penalties, fines) excessively paid by this organization is subject to return to this organization no later than one month from the date of filing the taxpayer’s application - organizations.

Clause 5 of Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides that tax authorities have the right to independently offset the amounts of overpaid tax if there is arrears on other taxes.

3.7 Liquidation of branches

The branch is not a legal entity, therefore, the parent organization is responsible for its obligations. Therefore, the requirements imposed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on legal entities being liquidated do not apply during the liquidation of a branch.

In the event of liquidation of a legal entity, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the organization's creditors must be notified. But, since the branch is not the owner of the property transferred to it and acts under the power of attorney of the parent organization, claims of creditors can only be addressed to the property of the parent organization. Therefore, it is not necessary to notify the branch's creditors about its liquidation.

The procedure for liquidating a branch is similar to the liquidation of a legal entity , but first you need to make changes to the constituent documents of the main organization, in which this branch is not present. Next, the organization is deregistered with the Federal Tax Service at the location of the branch, agrees on the interim and liquidation balance sheet, and closes the current account. It is deregistered from extra-budgetary funds, the seal is destroyed, and the documents are transferred to the archive. After receiving a notice of deregistration, the Federal Tax Service at the location of the branch makes changes to the tax reporting of the main company.

The liquidation of a branch is carried out by a liquidation commission appointed by the organization, and in cases of termination of the branch’s activities by a decision of a court or arbitration court - by a liquidation commission appointed by these bodies.

When a branch is liquidated, dismissed employees are guaranteed compliance with their rights and interests in accordance with the law. When employees are released due to the liquidation of a branch, they are guaranteed compliance with their legal rights and interests, including the right to benefits and compensation.

The property of the liquidated branch, after settlement of wages for its employees and fulfillment of obligations to the budget, credit institutions and creditors, is distributed in accordance with the decision of the members of the meeting of shareholders of the main organization. When a branch is liquidated, the property and finances of the branch remaining after settlements with the main organization with the budget and creditors are returned to it.

The procedure for satisfying creditors' claims in the event of liquidation of a branch is also determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Liquidation of a branch is carried out by a liquidation commission appointed by members of the meeting of shareholders of this organization, or (in cases established by law) by a court.

It should be noted that branches as structural divisions of an organization may or may not have a separate balance sheet. The order of accounting entries depends on this.

If the branch has a separate balance sheet, then the parent organization reflects settlements with it on account 79 “Intra-business settlements”, to which subaccounts can be opened: 79-1 “Settlements for allocated property” and 79-2 “Settlements for current operations”.

In the accounting records of the parent organization, account 79 should have a debit balance, and in the accounting records of the branch, there should be a credit balance.

If the branch does not have a separate balance sheet, then the operations that it carries out are reflected in separate subaccounts of the production cost accounts (20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production” or 29 “Service production and facilities”).

Legally, the liquidation of a branch is reflected in the constituent documents. Changes are also being made to the organization's accounting policies.

In the course of its activities, the branch purchases materials, raw materials, fuel necessary for production, uses the work and services of other organizations, i.e. carries out settlements with suppliers and contractors. After the liquidation of the branch, the debt for payment of material and production assets (work, services) passes to the parent organization. However, before this happens, it is advisable for the parent organization, to the extent possible, to pay off creditors using the funds in the current account, special accounts in banks and at the branch’s cash desk.

Example. As of the date of the decision to liquidate the branch, the debit balances of the accounts are listed on its balance sheet: 50 “Cashier” – 5,000 rubles, 51 “Current account” – 35,000 rubles, 55 “Special accounts in banks” – 3,000 rubles.

There are also credit balances on accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” – 25,000 rubles, 68 “Settlements for taxes and fees” – 7,000 rubles, 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” – 15,000 rubles.

Thus, the branch has funds in the amount of 43,000 rubles. (5000 + 35,000 + 3000).

The branch also has accounts payable in the amount of RUB 47,000. (25,000 + 7000 + 15,000).

The branch's funds are not sufficient to pay off accounts payable. Therefore, first of all, it is best to make the necessary payments to the budget and pay off the dismissed employees.

Funds stored in special bank accounts, if they cannot be used, must be returned to the current account.

Reflection of transactions in the branch accounting:

Debit 51, Credit 55 – 3000 rub. – funds located in special accounts with the bank are credited to the branch’s current account;

Debit 50, Credit 51 – 10,000 rub. – cash was received for settlements with dismissed employees;

Debit 70, Credit 50 – 15,000 rub. – settlements have been made with the dismissed employees;

Debit 68, Credit 51 – 7000 rub. – tax debts to the budget have been repaid;

Debit 60, Credit 51 – 21,000 rub. – partial settlements with suppliers and contractors have been made.

The branch is unable to repay its accounts payable in full (there remains a debt to suppliers and contractors in the amount of 4,000 rubles). The parent organization can notify creditors from which current account final payments will be made to them.

After notifying the body carrying out state registration of legal entities, the branch officially ceases to exist. When a branch presents a balance sheet, the data on its lines is added to the balance sheet data of the parent organization, and the balance on account 79 will be zero.

When creating a branch, the object of transfer is most often inventories, fixed assets and other assets used in carrying out production or trading activities.

During the activity of the branch, the value of assets changes: fixed assets and intangible assets are depreciated; materials, raw materials, fuel and other material assets are consumed for production and non-production purposes. When the branch completes settlements, the balance in the subaccount “Settlements for transferred property” of account 79 in the parent organization will correspond to the balance in the same subaccount in the branch, and the cost of the returned property will be different.

Example. When creating a branch, the parent organization transferred to it fixed assets (initial cost - 15,000 rubles, depreciation amount - 3,000 rubles) and materials (worth 5,000 rubles).

In the accounting records of the parties, these transactions are reflected as follows.

In the accounting of the parent organization:

Debit 79-1, Credit 01 – 15,000 rubles. – the initial cost of fixed assets transferred to the branch is written off;

Debit 02, Credit 79-1 – 3000 rub. – the amount of accrued depreciation on transferred fixed assets is written off;

Debit 79-1, Credit 10 – 5000 rub. – the cost of materials has been written off.

In branch accounting:

Debit 01, Credit 79-1 – 15,000 rubles. – fixed assets received from the parent organization have been capitalized;

Debit 79-1, Credit 02 – 3000 rub. – reflects the amount of accrued depreciation on the received fixed assets;

Debit 10, Credit 79-1 – 5000 rub. – materials have been capitalized.

Let us note that the transfer of property to a branch does not constitute the sale of this property, because the ownership of it remains with the parent organization.

In the course of its activities, the branch accrued depreciation on fixed assets in the amount of 2,000 rubles. The materials previously received from the parent organization have been completely consumed. At the same time, the branch warehouses have finished products worth 7,000 rubles.

When the property was returned, the following entries were made in the parties' accounting records.

In branch accounting:

Debit 79-1, Credit 01 – 15,000 rubles. – the original cost of fixed assets is written off;

Debit 02, Credit 79-1 – 5000 rub. (3000 + 2000) – the amount of accrued depreciation is written off;

Debit 79-1, Credit 40 – 7000 rub. – finished products were transferred.

In the accounting of the parent organization:

Debit 01, Credit 79-1 – 15,000 rubles. – reflects the initial cost of fixed assets received from the branch;

Debit 79-1, Credit 02 – 5000 rub. – reflects the amount of accrued depreciation on fixed assets received from the branch;

Debit 40, Credit 79-1 – 7000 rub. – reflects the cost of finished products.

As a result, the balance on account 79 is zero.

For a branch, the balance on account 79 is a value that consists of the value of the property originally transferred to the branch, assets produced or formed during its activities, minus the sources of formation of these assets - accounts payable and profit. Consequently, when liquidating a branch, it is necessary not only to ensure the return of property, the value of which corresponds to the debit balance on account 79 of the parent organization, but also to decipher the debit and credit balances on this account.

Often entrepreneurs are faced with a situation such as the liquidation of an LLC with remaining products. Difficulties arise for non-chain retail outlets that do not have the opportunity to transfer the remaining goods to other retail outlets.

How is an LLC liquidated with remaining goods?

According to current legislation, the balance of money upon completion of the company's work can only be recorded in the interim liquidation balance sheet. A zero liquidation balance is provided to the state registration authorities. During the liquidation of the LLC, the entrepreneur is asked to sell off the remaining balance of goods and note the profit received from the sale of products.

How to properly manage the funds received upon completion of the company’s work with the inventory balance and its subsequent sale? The received amount is distributed among creditors. If, as a result of paying off debts, funds remain, it is allowed to transfer them to the founders in the amount of the contribution made when forming the management company of the enterprise. If amounts exceed contributions, they should be treated as dividends for the current year. If there are dividends for payment, additional personal income tax must be paid.

The LLC law states that if there is a balance of goods upon completion of the enterprise, the participants can expect to receive part of the property or the amount of money for which it can be sold. Property distribution is carried out as follows:

  • first, participants in a commercial organization receive a distributed unpaid portion of the profit;
  • at the next stage, the company’s property is distributed among all participants in accordance with the size of their shares in the management company.

Our company’s specialists can liquidate your company in a short time.

If the goods that your organization has on its balance sheet are expired, damaged or lost, you can write it off. In this case, you need to confirm the reason for the write-off. First, take an inventory of the goods and create an inventory list. If goods are expired or damaged, draw up a report indicating the expiration date, condition of the goods, etc. The act can be drawn up using forms No. TORG-15 or TORG-16, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998 No. 132, or according to a form that you developed yourself.

If the goods are stolen, a police certificate is required. Since the cost of goods is 3 million rubles, their write-off will raise questions, and documents for write-offs should be treated especially carefully.

In tax accounting under the simplified tax system expenses can only take into account the cost of damaged goods within the limits of natural loss (subclause 2, clause 7, article 254 and subclause 5, clause 1, clause 2, article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The cost of goods not sold due to expiration, as well as damage to goods in excess of the norms of natural loss and the cost of lost goods cannot be included in expenses.

In accounting, the write-off of goods, if the culprit is absent, is reflected in the following entries:


The write-off of lost or damaged goods is reflected;


The cost of goods was written off within the limits of natural loss;

DEBIT 91 subaccount “Other expenses” CREDIT 94

The cost of other goods has been written off.

If the goods in the warehouse are of normal quality, you can’t just write them off. They can, for example, be sold to a third party.

If your organization has retained earnings, you can also pay dividends to the owner of the organization within the amount of profit. But giving them away not in money, but in goods, this option is not prohibited.

In tax accounting under the simplified tax system, the issuance of dividends by property is recognized as a sale. Therefore, on the date when you transferred the goods to the founder instead of dividends, you must take into account the amount of repaid debt on dividends in income under the simplified tax system (clause 1 of article 346.15, article 249 and clause 1 of article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In accounting, payment of dividends in kind is considered as a sale (). Therefore, when issuing dividends in goods or finished products, you will have transactions (clauses 5, 6.3 and 12 of PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization” and clauses 5, 7, 9 and 11 of PBU 10/99 “Expenses of the organization”):

DEBIT 75 CREDIT 90 subaccount “Revenue”

The transfer of goods to the participant as dividends is reflected;

DEBIT 90 subaccount “Cost of sales” CREDIT 41

The cost of goods has been written off.

Please note that if the goods remain on your balance sheet during the liquidation period, you will also have to either sell them or transfer them either to creditors to pay off the debt, or to the owner if there are no creditors.

How to transfer taxes to the tax office (from the current account of the LLC or will the founder be able to pay taxes on his own?

Hello. Since colleague Chernobavsky answered your question about how exactly to liquidate an LLC with the least taxation, and in this part I join his opinion, I would like to answer this question.

If an obligation to pay personal income tax arises, taking into account what was said by colleague Chernobavsky, the LLC being liquidated must perform the functions of a tax agent for personal income tax (Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), since the specified transfer of property is not reflected in the list of income, the taxation of which is carried out by individuals - recipients of income (Article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Tax authorities adhere to a similar position

Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2010 N 3-5-04/70@


On personal income tax taxation of income of individuals in the form of land plots received during the liquidation of an LLC.

The Federal Tax Service has considered an appeal regarding the procedure for taxing the income of an individual during the liquidation of a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as LLC) and reports the following.
The procedure for determining the tax base in relation to income received by individuals - founders, participants or shareholders of liquidated organizations, the provisions of Chapter. 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code) is not directly established.

At the same time, the provisions of Art. 41 of Part One of the Code provides that income is recognized as economic benefit in monetary or in-kind form, taken into account if it is possible to evaluate it and to the extent that such benefit can be assessed.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 14-FZ of 02/08/1998 “On Limited Liability Companies”, company participants have the right to receive, in the event of liquidation of the company, part of the property remaining after settlements with creditors, or its value.
Income received by a taxpayer from a liquidated LLC in the form of land plots is the taxpayer’s income subject to personal income tax.

The amount of taxable income is determined based on the market value of the mentioned plots minus the costs of acquiring shares in the authorized capital of the LLC.
At the same time, the LLC being liquidated fulfills the duties of a tax agent provided for by the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 226 of the Code.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 226 Code If it is impossible to withhold the calculated amount of tax from the taxpayer, the tax agent within one month from the moment this circumstance arises, notifies the tax authority at the place of his registration in writing about this fact. .

Tax payment is made on the basis of a tax notice in the manner provided for in paragraph 5 of Art. 228 of the Code. In this case, individuals will not be involved in declaring income.

Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation
3 classes

That is, when transferring property, the company notifies the founders of the impossibility of withholding it, and the tax authority and the founder pay the tax independently in the manner established for individuals.

The company has undergone re-profiling. The products produced earlier were specific, and there were some surplus items (components) left in the warehouse. Some part has been implemented. What to do with the leftovers? Is it possible to write off balances in accounting, while making an adjustment to the amount of write-off balances for tax accounting?

Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion:

In accounting, illiquid inventories can be written off as other expenses of the organization as obsolete property. As for tax accounting, in our opinion, the cost of written-off materials can be taken into account for profit tax purposes as part of the costs of production that did not produce a product.


The components in the warehouse are part of the organization’s inventories (clause 2 of PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” (hereinafter referred to as PBU 5/01)), that is, their accounting rules are regulated by PBU 5/01 and the Guidelines on accounting of inventories, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 N 119n (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

In accordance with paragraph 124 of the Methodological Instructions, materials can be written off from inventory accounts, in particular, if they are obsolete. The decision to write off inventories as a result of their obsolescence is made by the head of the organization, and the preparation of the necessary information for making such a decision is carried out by a specially created (by order of the head) commission with the participation of financially responsible persons (clause 125 of the Methodological Instructions).

The responsibilities of this commission include, in particular:

Direct inspection of materials;

Determining the reasons for the unsuitability of materials for use;

Determining the possibility of using materials for other purposes or selling them;

Carrying out, together with the economic services (specialists) of the organization, an assessment of the market value of materials;

Then, for each division of the organization, an act on the write-off of inventories is drawn up for the financially responsible persons, in which it is necessary to indicate:

The name of the materials being written off and their distinctive features;


Actual cost;

Established shelf life;

Date (month, year) of receipt of materials;

Reason for write-off.

This act is approved by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.

If the commission determines that it is impossible to use materials previously purchased for the purpose of producing specific products in the future, these materials must be disposed of. Control over disposal is also carried out by the commission.

In accounting, recycled obsolete inventories are included in the organization’s other expenses (clause 11 of PBU 10/99 “Organization expenses”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/1999 N 33n) and are reflected in the account, subaccount 2 “Other expenses”:

Debit 91-2 Credit - obsolete materials written off.

However, after writing off illiquid materials, it may also happen that the enterprise loses property of one type (components), but acquires property of another type - recyclable materials (for example, scrap metal). In this case, the received recyclable materials must be taken into account at the current market value determined as of the date of acceptance for accounting (clause 9 of PBU 5/01).

The cost of capitalized inventories that are subject to further sale is taken into account as part of other income (clause 7 of PBU 9/99 “Organizational Income”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 N 32n). The following entry is made in accounting:

Debit 10-6 Credit 91-2 - inventories were capitalized at the price of possible sale (at the current market value).

For your information:

In accordance with clause 25 of PBU 5/01, inventories that are obsolete, have completely or partially lost their original quality, or the current market value of which has decreased, are reflected in the balance sheet at the end of the reporting year minus a reserve for a decrease in the value of material assets . A reserve for reducing the value of material assets is formed at the expense of the organization’s financial results by the amount of the difference between the current market value and the actual cost of inventories, if the latter is higher than the current market value.

Thus, if the decision to write off obsolete inventories was not made during the year, that is, these materials remained in the warehouse at the end of the year, the organization needs to create an appropriate reserve. The procedure for its formation is set out in paragraph 20 of the Guidelines. Where it is said that the calculation of the current market value of inventories is carried out by the organization on the basis of information available before the date of signing the financial statements.

In accordance with the Chart of Accounts and instructions for its use (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 N 94n), the formation of a reserve for a decrease in the value of inventories is reflected in the accounting on the credit of account 14 “Reserves for a decrease in the value of material assets” and the debit of the account, subaccount 2 " Other expenses":
Debit 91-2 Credit - a reserve has been created to reduce the cost of inventories.

In subsequent reporting periods, as the materials for which the reserve was formed are written off, the reserved amount is restored by reverse posting:

Debit Credit 91-1 - the reserved amount has been restored.

It should be borne in mind that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the possibility of creating the reserve in question and for tax purposes the amount of deductions is not recognized as an expense.

As a result, by virtue of clause 4 of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2002 N 114n, when creating a reserve at the end of the year for a decrease in the value of material assets, a permanent difference arises, which entails recognition in accounting of permanent tax liability (PNO) on the basis of clause 7 of PBU 18/02.

The amount of the restored reserve for the reduction in the value of material assets for the purpose of calculating income tax is not recognized as income, therefore, as the inventory is written off and the reserve is restored, a permanent tax asset (PTA) will be reflected in accounting (clause 7 of PBU 18/02):

Debit Credit - PNO has been accrued for the amount of the reserve;

Debit Credit - reflected PNA in part of the restored reserve.

Tax accounting

In accordance with paragraphs. 11 clause 1 art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, non-operating expenses of the taxpayer include costs for canceled production orders, as well as costs for production that did not produce products. In this case, recognition of such expenses is carried out on the basis of acts of the taxpayer, approved by the head or his authorized person, in the amount of direct costs determined in accordance with Art. 318 and art. 319 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The above rule does not make the legality of recognizing the corresponding costs dependent on the reasons why the products were not produced. However, according to the tax authorities, to take advantage of paragraphs. 11 clause 1 art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer has the right only if the product, for the manufacture of which write-off inventories are required, has gone through all stages of processing or several stages of processing, but the production did not produce a result in the form of a finished product.
At the same time, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, expenses are recognized as justified (economically justified, having a monetary value) and documented expenses. Any expenses are recognized as expenses, provided that they are incurred to carry out activities aimed at generating income.

That is, in order to recognize expenses as tax expenses, it is the focus of the taxpayer’s activities to generate income, and not its actual receipt, that is important.

The rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 06/04/2007 N 320-O-P and 366-O-P indicate that the validity of expenses taken into account when calculating the tax base must be assessed taking into account circumstances indicating the taxpayer’s intentions to obtain an economic effect as a result of real business activity. or other economic activity. In this case, we are talking specifically about the intentions and goals (direction) of this activity, and not about its result.

The validity of expenses that reduce income received cannot be assessed from the point of view of their expediency, rationality, efficiency or the result obtained.

The same point of view is contained in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2006 No. 53 “On the assessment by arbitration courts of the validity of a taxpayer receiving a tax benefit.”

Taking into account the fairly clear position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation regarding the criteria for justifying costs, in our opinion, the termination of proceedings falls within the scope of paragraphs. 11 clause 1 art. 265 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

However, it should be borne in mind that if the costs in question are taken into account for tax purposes, there is a possibility that the legality of such a decision by the organization will have to be proven in court.

As for judicial practice on this issue, judges often support taxpayers. So, for example, in the resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated 04.04.2005 N F09-1126/05AK, the court found it legitimate to attribute to the taxpayer the costs of purchasing labels for products whose production was discontinued. In the resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated September 11, 2008 N A56-3652/2007, the court also agrees that the cost of obsolete materials can be included in the reduction of taxable profit.

To be fair, it is worth noting that in arbitration practice there are examples of decisions not in favor of taxpayers. Thus, in the resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga Region dated July 26, 2005 N A72-6739/04-7/50, considering the dispute regarding the recognition of the cost of finished products (spare parts) produced by the enterprise as part of non-operating expenses in 2001, the judges supported the tax authorities. The plant, in support of its position, explained that the write-off of spare parts for aircraft engines is due to the impossibility of selling them, since these engines are out of production. However, when considering the case, the judges indicated that the cessation of production of an outdated engine model does not in itself exclude the release of parts for old engines, since the sale of spare parts for them is still possible while the engines are in service with consumers. In addition, the arbitrators emphasized that the costs in this case cannot be identified with the costs of canceled production orders: termination of production of an outdated model is not a type of cancellation of a production order, accompanied by termination of the corresponding business contracts. It should also be noted that if, as a result of the write-off of inventories, recyclable materials were obtained, non-operating income must be reflected in tax accounting (clause 8, clause 13 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The amount of income in this case is determined based on market prices, taking into account the provisions of Art. 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 5 and clause 6 of Article 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Let us repeat that if an organization creates a reserve in its accounting to reduce the cost of inventories, then for profit tax purposes the amount of contributions to the reserve is not recognized as an expense. Thus, the current tax legislation provides for a limited list of reserves, contributions to which are accepted for tax purposes (reserve for warranty repairs and warranty service, etc.). However, among such reserves the reserve for reducing the value of material assets is not mentioned.

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as part of non-operating income, income is taken into account in the form of amounts of restored reserves, the costs of the formation of which were accepted as part of expenses in the manner and under the conditions established by Articles 266, 267, 292, 294, 294.1, 300, 324, 324.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation .

Therefore, when the reserve is restored as materials are sold (or written off), the amount of the restored reserve for reducing the value of material assets is not recognized as income for the purpose of calculating income tax.

Question: Due to low demand for the product, the company stopped its production ahead of schedule. The inspectors indicated that costs associated with the production of products cannot be recognized for the purpose of calculating income tax on the basis of clause 49 of Art. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. To the arguments that paragraphs. 11 clause 1 art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is allowed to include as non-operating expenses the costs of production that did not produce a product; the controllers objected: this article is designed for the case when the product has gone through all stages of processing or several stages of processing, but the production did not produce a result in the form of finished products. Tell me how to prove that the inspectors are wrong (“Food industry: accounting and taxation”, No. 2, February 2009).

Prepared answer:
Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Timukina Ekaterina

Checked the answer:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
auditor Melnikova Elena
Company "Garant", Moscow