I'm looking for an investment project. Region Investments in ready-made business

This section is for those who are either ready to invest and are looking for an object for profitable investments, or, on the contrary, is interested in attracting Russian or foreign capital. Here you can find advertisements from private investors who are ready to invest money in business, as well as investment programs of investor companies offering, among other things, project financing. Direct and venture investments, the largest regional and industrial investors. Both small and medium-sized businesses will find a wide range of investment opportunities here. big business.

It doesn’t matter who you are: a private equity fund, a venture fund, a private investor, a business angel, an investment bank or a management company, if you make direct investments and are ready to provide project financing, then this portal will be useful to you.

If you are interested in diversifying your investment portfolio, looking for new and profitable objects for investment, post information about yourself: investment priorities, volumes and directions of investment, principles for selecting investment projects and companies, ways to exit an investment project.

You can not only post information about yourself, but also subscribe to receive applications to attract investments. Just customize the search form in accordance with the criteria you are interested in and regularly receive investment applications in your mailbox. Do you want to be more active in your search for investment targets? Then refer to the section "Investment projects".

We consider only business in Russia, so if we carry out a superficial analysis for investing in Russian business, then this will be the best option. Why did we decide this - the main problem of business in Russia is the lack Money and many entrepreneurs looking for investors.

For any aspiring entrepreneur, finding a reliable investor is a rather difficult task. a whole lot, but few investors. Therefore, if you act as an investor, a huge number of different options open up for you. profitable investment of your funds.

How to invest money in business correctly?

The main point that you need to understand is that when acting as an investor and investing your money in a business, you are the boss and the development of this business will depend on you.

Young entrepreneurs are experiencing a major lack of investment in initial stage development of your business ideas, which is why your influence will be very noticeable.

How to secure your business investment?

It is worth investing in someone else's business only if the money is idle and there is no time to invest it. If you open your own business, enormous opportunities will open up for you. You can analyze the market for goods and services in your or a neighboring region, find an unoccupied niche, or where there is weak competition. It is worth conducting a survey of your comrades, what they lack or what services they would like to see in their city.

By starting your business in the area that is closest to your experience, you will save as much time as possible on organization.

Invest in yourself - study in some narrow field in which you would like to start a business. Experience in any field to organize your own business in it will be simply a necessary link.

Small business investing is a very common type of investment. Let's continue talking about This article will focus on direct investment in . Let's start by talking about investing in your own small business. This could be the business of a friend, a partner, or a complete stranger. This could be any small business that requires funds for development or expansion.

What is direct investment in small business?

First of all, what are straight lines? into business. Direct investment is a long-term investment of funds directly into a business with the aim of making a profit. This is, simply put, investing money in a particular asset in the hope of making a profit in the future. At the same time, the assets purchased by the investor may be different. This could be the purchase of a share of a business, with participation in its management (active investor). It could simply be a loan to the business and be paid back with interest. This loan is much more expensive banking and can range from 15% - 25% and above. This could be purchasing a share of a business without participating in its management (passive investor). But this does not change the essence: the investor entrusts his money to the business, and for this he receives the right to participate in future income. These investments are always associated with risk, because there is always the possibility that the business will go bankrupt and the investor will lose his money.

Direct investment in small business is perhaps the simplest type of investment at first glance. This is truly an investment by definition, an investment without various intermediary structures. The essence of these investments is very simple. If you have free funds, you invest them in the development or creation of a small business, the owner of which does not have sufficient funds. I already wrote about this in the article It's just that now all the actions are opposite. Your task now is to find a small business that enjoys your trust, agree on mutually beneficial cooperation, document it and make a profit. Naturally, everything is not so simple. But, I repeat, this is the simplest type of investment, although it is associated with serious risk.

Purchasing a small business or its share.

Another direct investment scheme is also possible. An investor buys for next to nothing a bankrupt, or close to it, .He invests some money, brings it to a completely competitive, working state, and sells it for a significantly higher price. The winnings can be hundreds of percent. This type of investment is quite common in the United States. There are many businesses there (including ) from birth are built with the prospect of sale. In this type of investment, as in any other, the main task of the investor is to buy cheaper and sell more expensive. The problem is that the sale may drag on indefinitely. And all this time, the small business needs to be kept in working order (otherwise you won’t be able to sell it at a high price). And this is not always included in the investor’s plans.

When purchasing a share of a business with participation in its management, the investor simply becomes an integral part of this small business. The only positive thing about this option, perhaps, is that he himself influences the business and participates in the distribution of its profits.

When purchasing a share of a small business without participating in its management, the investor transfers the money to the business owner or business partner for management. By transferring money to a partner for management, the investor gets rid of the need to directly manage all business processes. The business owner or partner will manage the business for the investor and with his money. This comes with a very high risk. If the partner is a good businessman, a decent person and runs his small business competently, the investment will be returned with profit. Otherwise, the investor risks losing all the funds invested in this business.

Venture investing.

A few words should be said about venture investing. This type of investment is more typical for large businesses; it is much less common in small businesses. This is now a fairly common form of private equity investment. Venture investing involves an investor or a group of investors investing money in a new business. It is generally accepted that this line of business is usually a high-tech project. But it is not so. Venture investment can also be associated with start-up businesses in other areas, such as the furniture business, catering business, construction, etc. But today, venture capital investment in high technology is the most popular. Large companies often grow with the help of venture capital investments. By the way, the world famous companies Microsoft and Intel grew up on venture capital.

As we can see, venture capital investment provides investments to start-up businesses that have serious development potential. As we have noted more than once, start-up businesses pose a significant risk for investors. It is necessary to remember , disappearing within 5 years. But on the other hand, due to their novelty, these businesses are, if successful, very promising enterprises that can increase the investor's initial investment several times over. Venture investing involves investments by investors for a medium or long term. However, you should be aware that there is no possibility to withdraw investments prematurely. Investments can be withdrawn only after the company’s development cycle, defined in the investment agreement, has been completed.


As you have already noticed, direct investment in small businesses is in many ways similar to .Therefore, direct investment in business requires a certain level of knowledge and experience of the investor in the area where he is going to invest. And while for an active investor this goes without saying, for a passive investor direct investment in a small business is unlikely to be the optimal investment.

IN this section reflects the requests of potential investors considering the opportunity participation in an investment project on the territory of the Moscow region.

You can do searching for investment projects by placing a corresponding request in free form in our investment projects database.

Entrepreneurs who are ready to offer their investment project for consideration, they will be able to find your request using keywords.

You can also familiarize yourself with those already proposed for implementation investment projects in the Moscow region, going to the section “I offer an investment project”.

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We know how to attract investment in your projects.
We help our clients solve their most pressing problems financial questions related to the financing of any business projects. Feel free to get in touch if you are missing financial resources to implement your projects. A dedicated team is ready to provide investment solutions by connecting you with potential investors.
WhatsApp only: + 7-926-745-72-17

Investment capital is available for projects in the real sector of the economy and trade (export-import), socially significant initiatives in the field of ecology and healthcare, culture, education, and tourism.
We have reliable connections with foreign financial institutions interested in projects in the territory Russian Federation and CIS countries, providing capital on favorable terms under a simplified procedure, both in the form of an investment loan and in the form of creating joint ventures with the share participation of a financial partner up to 100% of the project cost.
Capital is provided at a rate not exceeding global rates (3-4% per annum), with a moratorium for the period of development of investment capital (up to 3 years).
Time frame for organizing financing, depending on the degree of readiness project documentation, 1.5-2 months.
Direct contacts with persons making decisions on the provision of capital reduce the time required for document flow and minimize the risks of refusal of financing.
We provide project support at all stages of the transaction, from placing an application for project financing to organizing and holding a working meeting to sign an investment contract.
Applications for the provision of services are accepted from new (created for the project) or existing companies that have objective grounds for receiving investment capital, have realistic plans for the implementation of the project, and have initial capital to cover the costs of the organizational period, at least USD / EUR 50-70,000.
Please send questions and suggestions to the following email address: [email protected], for negotiations skype: a.rishad1, mobile phone, WhatsApp, Viber + 79273369267

For a business that has existed for more than 2 years and has a stable turnover, we offer loans from private investors through investment platforms. Loan terms are up to 12 months, the approximate rate, taking into account platform commissions, is 32-35% per year. The loan amount is comparable to the monthly turnover (up to 10 million rubles); if equipment is pledged, the amount can be increased. For medium-sized businesses, unsecured loans can be issued through factoring, overdraft, bond loans (the amounts are limited only by the financial capabilities of your company). We work throughout Russia, except the Caucasus, Crimea and the Far East.

Large-scale modernization of production, development of the agro-industrial complex (pig farms, poultry farms, cattle complexes, recirculation systems), obtain the latest equipment and technologies of the 21st century, expand capacity, purchase equipment, build multi-storey buildings, new workshops or entire turnkey plants (from 5 million euros ).

The investment project itself can be considered as the main collateral for the loan.

We work in Russia and the CIS (except Ukraine).

Investments and loans in real sector projects

We are considering projects from the real sector: manufacturing, energy, agriculture, construction of transport and logistics complexes and others.

Mostly projects from 0.1 to 1.5 billion rubles are interesting. We can consider larger ones.

The project's profitability is from 20% per annum in rubles and above.

We provide assistance in attracting financing for business projects in the field of oil refining.
Funding volume from $100M - $20B+
Duration of the investment project: 5-15 years, depending on the investment program.
Return level >25% (IRR).
For the purposes of cleanliness and openness of business, projects are accepted for consideration of financing issues, preferably an existing business, at least three years on the market, without mixing investments of several financial institutions. We also take on the functions of Project consulting & Credit broker & Financial provider. Financing of Start-Up projects is possible.

We invite initiators of large investment projects (manufacturing, high technology, pharmaceuticals, ecology, energy...) based on existing enterprises that need their financing, to strategic cooperation!
Loans up to 10 years from one of the largest Russian banks.
To start interacting:
-financial model, business plan. It is advisable to have outside income to repay the loan (not necessary. Each project is individual, there are no special conditions)

We are also ready to organize lending secured by commercial properties with an operating rental business
The bank analyzes the financial flows it generates commercial real estate. 30-40% discount on deposit.
Loan terms are up to 10 years. Rate 11-12.5% ​​(currently)

Amounts from 300,000,000 rubles are considered

Terms of cooperation in personal correspondence with interested parties.

Please initially send your requests by email: [email protected]

Projects in any area of ​​activity are accepted for consideration, incl. financing long-term commercial transactions.
Loan for a period of 5-10 years, at 4% per annum, moratorium on interest and loan payments for 12-24 months
The organizational period is 2-3 months, we provide consulting support on a paid basis.
Details when contacting the client.

Our company "Capital Plus" offers direct investments and preferential loans for business.
Our partners include leading Russian and foreign investment companies, AAA rated funds.

Basic conditions financing:
Projects from the real sector of the economy are being considered.
Security - the investor's entry into share capital for a period of 3 to 5 years. Exit from projects is carried out by selling a share to a strategic partner (initiator) or through an IPO.
Having a profitable and financially stable business with growth potential, a strong management team, and a transparent ownership structure. The company is at the "Development" or "Expansion" stage. Minimum amount transactions - 300 million rubles.

For start-ups and enterprises with low turnover, investment loans are possible, subject to the participation of the initiator or his financial partner in the project, own funds in an amount of at least 20% of the project cost.
The loan term is up to 10 years or more, the moratorium on loan payments is 1-1.5 years. The minimum amount is 100 million rubles. Any industries and segments are considered.
We also provide preferential leasing financing. As part of government subsidies, there are significant discounts on advance payment+ manufacturer's discount.

For small businesses and individuals, we offer loans secured by any real estate (residential and commercial), as well as vehicles, special equipment, including secured by purchased real estate and equipment. The loan amount is from 2 to 30 million rubles.

One of the most famous ways to invest money is investing in business. A variety of business areas allows potential investors to choose the most appropriate and promising investment option, focusing on their preferences and expert opinion. It is worth noting that not in all cases you need to have a lot of money to make a profit. Even modest contributions can bring significant income if the project is successful.

Basics and types of business investments

There are several types of business investment, which are distinguished by:

  • stages of investment - in a business that has just started or in an already established company;
  • volume of contributions - equity participation or full financing of the project;
  • by right of ownership - investments in one’s own or someone else’s business;
  • by forms of profit - income of an active or passive nature.

The type of investment is also important, which can be direct or portfolio. In the first case, the investor invests in only one company, and in the second, he distributes his funds among several organizations, forming a kind of portfolio.

Information diagram of the main business investment strategies

Why you need to invest money in business

If a potential investor has a certain amount at his disposal, then the most rational decision would be to invest in business projects. Such actions will ensure a comfortable existence for both the riskiest investor and his entire family, if everything is done correctly.

The mentality of the majority of our citizens, “Soviet-trained,” is limited by various prejudices. They do not believe that it is possible to make a profit without investing fabulous amounts of money and without having special talents in economic sphere. But these postulates are erroneous and have long been untrue. Even a small amount of money can “work” for the benefit of its owner. To understand and accept this, you need to change your thinking and stop working “for someone else”, opening your own horizons in the field of entrepreneurship. If you invest money in a business created independently and from scratch (your own business), you can get the desired feeling of stability and confidence in the future.

Investing money in business: pros and cons

Of course, any investment process goes hand in hand with risk (as do all existing types of investments). But, as you know, those who don’t take risks don’t become investors, don’t get a chance to improve their lives, and continue to work “from paycheck to advance payment.”

Investing money in a business has several advantages:

  1. The ability to choose any direction from those that are most interesting and familiar.
  2. There are no income restrictions. In other words, you can expect to receive a profit of 100% or more exceeding the initial deposits. The faster the company develops, the higher the level of financial returns.
  3. There is no need to have a large initial capital. Even a little money can help you make good money.
  4. The investor has the right to directly influence the activities of the company in which he invested (if the type of deposit is not bonds). In some cases, the investor takes control of the organization into his own hands, increasing the income line.
  5. Visible result of investment. The company's assets reflect the results of investment activities.
  6. Simplicity and accessibility of obtaining passive income through investing in business projects.
    At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have special knowledge and skills in the field of investments. This kind of activity is a wonderful way of self-realization. You can create your own business from scratch and subsequently be proud of your “brainchild”.

Disadvantages of investing in business:

  1. High risks of financial losses. If the business is not organized correctly, then there is a high probability that part of the funds (and sometimes all the capital) will be lost.
  2. Corruption in the country and a large number of legislative restrictions can cause slow business progress. Restrictive acts, inspections by regulatory authorities and fiscal services sometimes cause the collapse of even the most successful business.
  3. For active investors, having some knowledge of economics is essential to maximizing your income.
  4. Unstable return on investment in business projects. The profit margin is influenced by many factors. Having absolutely identical initial conditions, you can get different income in the end. Therefore, it is so important to actively study the market and adapt in time to its changing direction.
  5. Discord between partners. In some cases, when the conflict between investors reaches its climax, one of them leaves the case, withdrawing his funds. Such actions negatively affect the profitability of the entire enterprise.
  6. The need to be patient. You should not count on immediate enrichment, because it will take some time to get more or less significant profits.

Various force majeure circumstances may also arise. In addition, very often business projects require regular cash injections. If you do not do this, you may get a decrease in the profitability of project investments. However, do not be afraid of such an impressive list of disadvantages, because these are more warnings than a pattern.

Ways to reduce investment risks

Two interested parties - the business owner and the investor - want to receive income and minimize all possible risks as much as possible. The owner of the company wants to attract more investors and retain them, and the investor wants to save his money and increase it. There are several main investment risks:

  • Organizational - not a properly organized business;
  • Legal - lack of legal confirmation of the fact of investment on the part of the investor;
  • Financial - ignorance of the basic rules in the field of economics that resulted in losses;
  • Economic - unstable state of the economy.

If you use the services of lawyers at the initial stage and protect your investments with documents, you can avoid the influence of the legal aspect. It is also worth adequately assessing economic efficiency current project. It is recommended to carefully study the area of ​​activity in which a particular company operates. If a person is completely ignorant in a certain area, then he should refuse to invest in such a project. To increase the chances of success when investing in an existing business, it is worth visiting the office of this company, talking with the employees, and assessing the general situation.

Top 9 ways to invest in business

  1. Creating your own business. This method is suitable for those who have basic knowledge of the rules of doing business and understand economics, at least at an initial level. The presence of the notorious “entrepreneurial spirit” is also welcome. In this case, you have to invest not only your money, but time and mental strength. It’s difficult to call this method passive - it’s active view activities. In addition, you should not count on quick returns. However, one of the clear advantages of investing money in your own business is undivided ownership of all profits. Having your own business is the dream of many, but not everyone can achieve it. You will have to invest finances, time, soul, experience, knowledge before resting on your laurels.
  2. Become a franchisee. Buying a franchise business allows you to save several years, which would have to be spent on promoting the company. In the case of a franchise, an entrepreneur receives a ready-made business with a recognizable name. What are the advantages of this method of investing in business:
    1. Advertising costs are kept to a minimum;
    2. There are few expenses;
    3. Availability of professional support and advice from the franchise owner;
    4. Payback comes very quickly.

    In some cases, the franchise owner helps with staff training, design of a retail or industrial premises, and provides ready-made equipment.

  3. Online business projects. Today, investing money in a business using this method is a very popular investment option among modern investors. A webmaster creates his own website, fills it with unique content, and monetizes it by selling advertising. This is very effective method selling information online. If an investor is an expert in any field and can offer site visitors original content, then the success of his site is guaranteed. Topics for articles can be very different - from legal advice to problems with acne on the face. Organizing and conducting online seminars using web programs is also very relevant. You can buy a ready-made website and keep it afloat, periodically adding new publications, while simultaneously selling contextual advertising.
  4. Startups? Why not! Finding a promising project is not so difficult. Many startups have only a good idea in their arsenal, but do not have the money to implement it. In this case, investors take on all the risks of implementing the project and invest their money in it. The author gets about 10-15% of the income. This type of investment can equally well make an investor rich or ruin him.
  5. Buying shares. Successful and not so successful companies sell their shares through the stock exchange. A share is a title-bearing security that gives the investor a right to some portion of the company. How to make money on stocks? You can buy securities at a low price and sell at a higher price. However, before purchasing, you should carefully study financial condition and company reporting, because not every organization’s security can bring profit.

  6. Investments in manufacturing business projects. An investor invests his finances in a factory or plant for the production of any goods. First, you should study the income side of the enterprise, its competitiveness and compare the likelihood of return on the funds spent. If a company occupies a stable position in the market, then profit from investment is more than likely. It is best for a novice investor to invest money in factories that produce mass market goods and produce essential products.
  7. Investing money in small business. Small industries and companies that are not part of any corporations or associations can be a good investment. You can invest in a ready-made enterprise and expand it, or you can invest money in a business from scratch. These methods will be effective if you choose the direction wisely.
  8. Purchase of bonds. These securities are a kind of documented evidence that the investor, by purchasing them, lends money to the company. This is one of the ways entrepreneurs borrow funds. The level of risk in this case is much lower than when investing in shares. This type of investment is debt and is considered a more reliable way to generate income. Bond coupons are paid regularly. Sometimes low-trust companies offer very high coupons to attract more investors.
  9. Mutual funds. This type of deposit is classified as direct. An investor buys a share in a fund. He, in turn, invests the received funds at his own discretion, taking into account diversification risks. But this way of investing money is highly dependent on stock market crashes. The investor does not participate in any way in the activities of the mutual fund, shifting all responsibility for the success of investments to its managers. It is worth noting that you do not need to pay commissions to anyone. The difference in the price of the share constitutes profit or loss.