Regional banking system of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Banks and their types

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As you know, the banking system plays an undeniably important role in the economy of any country, redistributing funds from sectors with excess liquidity to areas of monetary deficit, thus accelerating the turnover of money and increasing the growth of national income. Regional banks, in turn, not only finance resource-deficient areas - often only they can finance these areas due to the presence of high risks that are difficult to assess for large federal banks, or due to poor saturation banking institutions on the territory of the subject in need of investment. In this regard, it is regional banks that are the main link with the real sector of the economy, which justifies the need to study the features of their development.

To determine the features of the development of regional banks in Russia, it is necessary to understand what a regional bank is, what is its definition and place in the banking system. Despite the fairly frequent use of the concept “regional bank”, in economic literature To date, there is no generally accepted term that reveals its essence. On the one hand, this situation is due to the fact that for most states there was no need to separate regional banks due to the small territory of the country, and on the other hand, the rapid development of financial and banking technologies allows all banks to operate in any territory through remote branches. Thus, the head of the regional business development department of Millennium Bank, A. Egorov, believes that given the growth of Internet technologies, the division of banks into federal and regional is becoming obsolete. A similar point of view is shared by the executive director of the Center for Economic Research at Synergy University, M. Kuzmin, who noted that due to the increasing mobility of banks, recognizing a bank as regional loses its meaning, since it is impossible to judge its regional affiliation.

A number of practitioners and analysts consider the separation of regional banks to be fictitious and inappropriate. President of Alfa Bank OJSC P. Aven is more categorical in his position, believing that the presence of small banks indicates weakness banking system countries. In the context of the current global crisis, P. Aven’s position has become more rigid, and, from his point of view, based on the macroeconomic characteristics in modern Russia About 200 large commercial banks with a developed branch network can satisfy the demand for banking services.

A.V. Vernikov believes that the place of registration of the bank does not matter at all, since in case of accessibility and quality banking services, as well as trust in the partner, the consumer does not care to which region the bank pays taxes. However, from our point of view, this position seems incorrect, since, on the one hand, the development of banking systems can occur both on an industry basis - the banking reform of the USSR in the mid-1980s, and on a regional basis, and on the other - diversification banking institutions is one of the conditions for the development of the banking system as a whole, the development of competition in the sector and smoothing out the imbalance in the level of provision of economic entities with banking services, which is especially important for such a territorial power as Russia. In addition, the practice of many developed countries - Germany, the USA, Switzerland, etc., indicates the legality and expediency of the functioning and existence of a special status of regional banks.

Typically, a regional bank is a bank that is located and operates in a limited territory, but we will add that it cannot be classified as large. This approach is typical for foreign countries, in which banks are recognized as regional, the activities of which are limited to a certain territory - state, canton, land, region, municipality. IN Russian practice In addition to this criterion, some experts indicate such a criterion as the presence of budgetary funds in the resource base of the region.

Regional banks have a number of advantages over large non-regional private and foreign banks, since they: - are able to make management decisions more quickly compared to divisions of “metropolitan” banks, in which decisions are made at the head office.

At the present stage of development of the world economy, when globalization plays a dominant role and countries unite into unions, competition in all sectors of the economy, including the banking sector, is becoming especially fierce. The ability of regional banks to compete with other, larger ones, as well as with branches and foreign banks, becomes for them the key to successful development and a guarantee of continued existence.

To reveal the essence of competitiveness in the banking sector, we propose the following definition: competitiveness in the banking sector is the ability of a bank, through the use of all its potentials - innovative, financial, production, marketing, management, communication, labor, to more successfully implement and promote a range of banking services compared with other banking organizations, assessed by any independent entities, as well as the ability to achieve a more optimal balance between the strategy of maximizing income and minimizing risks.

Considering the involvement of the national banking system in the global one, it should be noted the impact of the state of the global financial market - growth, stabilization, crisis, which determines the possibility of borrowing on foreign markets. Naturally, in the context of the global financial market crisis, the possibilities of external funding are significantly reduced, which can greatly complicate the work of national banks.

In light of the consequences of the current global financial and economic crisis, as a factor influencing the level of competitiveness, we can highlight the policies of supranational banking regulatory and supervisory authorities - the Basel Committee on Banking Regulation and Supervision, the European banking organization, European Systemic Risk Council. The creation of new supranational regulatory bodies is aimed at preventing systemic banking risks and, as a result, increasing the competitiveness of banking institutions. However, at the first stage, the actions of these bodies, created in 2011, will mostly affect the activities of only systemically important international banking institutions. Thus, the factors discussed above - globalization, the degree of involvement of the national banking system in the global one and the policies of supranational banking regulators - from our point of view, can be attributed to mega-level factors.

At the national level, the state has a dominant influence on the formation of a competitive banking environment, using for these purposes, first of all, the legal mechanism, as well as the position of the supervisory authority - the central bank and other bodies. In particular, we are talking about the policy of the central bank in the field of refinancing commercial banks, setting central bank rates on deposit operations, etc. It is also necessary to take into account the number of banking institutions that have the opportunity to take part in these operations. At the same time, the structure and condition of the national economy, the subjects of which determine, on the one hand, the possibilities of increasing the resource base of the banking sector, and on the other, the need for credit funds and other banking services.

The level of inflation also has a certain impact on the competitiveness of banking institutions, making them credit resources more or less accessible and expensive. It is clear that when the inflation rate increases, there are volume restrictions credit operations and growth interest rates on loans. As a result, many commercial banks facing liquidity problems become less competitive.

Of no small importance are the structure and degree of development of the national financial and banking sector, as well as individual groups of banking institutions - large private, state, foreign and regional, with different resource capabilities and needs, levels of capital and risk, list of services provided, image, reputation, advertising strategy, etc.

Due to the territorial characteristics of Russia, it is also necessary to highlight a group of mesofactors of competitiveness, including the state and structure of the regional economy, the value of GRP, features of regional legislation and regulatory framework, level of development of regional financial and banking institutions, solvency of regional economic entities, etc.

The most representative group of micro-level factors, in which we consider it appropriate to include qualitative and quantitative parameters characterizing the capitalization and liquidity of the bank, the quality of its assets and liabilities, the level of risk of its policies and operations, the availability of services, the image of the bank, the level of customer focus, the list of services provided, including including through a remote access system, the number of clients per bank employee, etc. Moreover, in this group it is necessary to highlight price factors that are important for the client base - the ratio between the price of placing resources and the price of attracting them, the ratio average price attracting bank resources to a similar indicator for a group of banks in a region or country as a whole, the ratio of the average price of placement of bank resources to a similar indicator for a group of banks in a region or country as a whole.

For regional banks, in addition to the features inherent in the banking sector as a whole, competitiveness is determined by the economy of the region where the bank operates. Thus, its passive base is formed mainly at the expense of “local money”, as a result of which many of the regional banks often experience a deficit of liabilities and are on the verge of complying with the capital adequacy standard and, being redistributed, are sent to sectors of the economy that are deficient in terms of financing for the region.

In the 2000s. In the Russian Federation, there was a tendency to reduce both the total number of commercial banks and the number of regional banks, which decreased over the period from 2006 to 2013 from 607 to 450. At the same time, the rate of reduction of medium and small regional banks was slightly higher compared to similar indicators in in Russia as a whole and the entire group of regional banks.

Regional banks of Russia were separated into separate financial organizations due to the peculiarities of the political and economic development countries:

Emerging relations with shareholders: during privatization, a large share of financial sector organizations ended up in the hands of financial groups in Moscow, however, due to their remoteness, they could not meet the needs of regional industrial enterprises in the absence of sufficient information, and therefore there was a need to organize financial and credit institutions locally;

Differentiation of the resource base: large Moscow branches and foreign banks, having a cheaper resource base, initially have competitive advantages in the form of low-cost liabilities. Having divided the tools for attracting resources into deposit and non-deposit nature, we can conclude that the resources of the Russian banking system are of a deposit nature, and the share of non-deposit sources is noticeable only in the Moscow region, the Ural and Siberian federal districts;

Different levels of regional development: after the country's transition from a planned to a market economy, the regions found themselves in different economic situations, which determined the features of the development of the banking system in the regions. In regions with a strong economy, local credit organizations were formed; in regions with a weak economy, the banking system was formed through the opening of branches of Moscow banks. The largest share of regional banks is in the Central Federal District; the Far Eastern, North Caucasus and Siberian federal districts have a very small share of regional banks. This feature, which has caused the uneven development of the regional banking system, is one of the reasons for the lack of an effective mechanism for its management.

As a consequence, the provision of business entities with banking services - at the beginning of 2013, with an average Russian value of 1, varies across federal districts from 0.81 in the Ural Federal District to 1.24 in the Central Federal District. The lowest indicator is in the Chechen Republic - 0 and in the Republic of Dagestan - 0.23. The highest level was achieved in Moscow - 1.57 and St. Petersburg - 1.38. In dynamics from 2009 to the present, the situation with the provision of regions with banking services has not changed significantly.

Accordingly, the share of regional banks in the total assets and capital of the country's banking sector also decreased. Thus, over the period from 2006 to 2012, the share of regional banks in total assets decreased from 14.4 to 11.6%, in total capital - from 16.2 to 12.0%.

However, during the current crisis, another positive feature of regional banks has emerged in comparison with other groups of banks - they are easier to control. In addition: - the growth rate of assets and capital of regional banks in the post-crisis period is significantly lower compared to the banking sector as a whole and with other groups of banks - the growth rate of assets of regional banks amounted to 15.3% in 2012, while in the banking sector as a whole sector, this figure was equal to 18.9%, for state banks - 19.4%, for foreign banks- 25.3%; - the rate of capital growth - 15.0% and profit - 17.1% for 2012, were also slightly lower than similar indicators for the banking sector as a whole.

At the same time, it should be noted that the profitability indicators of regional banks are lower than the corresponding indicators of the banking sector as a whole; - in the structure of the resource base there is a high share of funds from individuals, significantly exceeding the average for the banking sector - in 2008 this figure was 35.3 - on average for the banking sector this figure was 25.3%, in 2009 - 34.1%, in 2011 - 40.6%, in 2012 - 42.8%; - reduction in the share of deposits of legal entities in the structure of the resource base, which in certain periods was comparable to the same indicator for state banks: in 2006 it was 7.2% and 7.8%, respectively, but by 2013 for regional banks In Russia, the share decreased to 10.1% - in large private banks this figure reached 22.7% by 2013, in state-controlled banks - 18.2%, in banks controlled by foreign capital - 21.0%; - medium and small regional banks practically do not attract resources from international markets- their share in 2007-2013. amounted to only 0.25-0.3% of liabilities; - weak dependence on the interbank lending market.

In 2007-2011 these banks placed more funds on the interbank lending market than they attracted, i.e. are net lenders on the interbank lending market; - high share of loans to individuals in the total loan portfolio - at the beginning of 2010 22.7%, 2012 - 27.1%, 2013 - 26.1%, for large private banks at the beginning of 2013 this figure was 21.9%, for state banks - 21.2%; - low share of subordinated loans in the group of sources of capitalization of regional banks, not used until 2012 and amounting to 14.8% in 2012 - in the post-crisis period mainly due to authorized capital, reduction of losses, profits and funds - the share of subordinated loans from state-owned banks is 28.5%, from foreign banks - 24.8%, from large private banks - 19.5%; - in the post-crisis period, these banks had the largest share of net commission income - in 2011 it amounted to 35.3% - for other groups of banks - 20-25%, in 2012 - 31.8% (18-23 ,9 %).

Thus, we can summarize that in developed countries, banks operating in a certain territory are considered regional. For example, in Germany, the USA, Switzerland and Japan, regional banks are banks of states, lands, cantons, occupying their niche in the banking system and carrying out certain Bank operations. In domestic practice, there is ambiguity in the interpretation of the concept of “regional bank”: some authors associate it with the service sector, others with the influence on the economy of the territory, and still others with the establishment of a bank by regional authorities and their services.

However, the following provisions regarding a regional bank are undeniable: the bank’s services are sold in the territory of a certain region, the bank’s passive base is created at the expense of the funds of individuals and legal entities of the region, the role of the regional bank is high for the economy of the region. In connection with this, a more universal concept of a regional bank may be as follows: a regional bank is a bank that forms its passive base, including at the expense of regional funds. budget system, in the territory of the region it occupies or a group of adjacent regions, redistributing the region’s funds by providing a wide range of financial intermediary services in order to generate its own profit, grow the region’s economy and improve the quality of services provided.

Taking into account the distinctive features of regional banks, the following conclusions can be drawn: - the market segment for a regional bank is limited, in addition to the banking sector itself, by territory; - for such banks the range of competitive advantages in terms of the formation of a passive base is narrowed, and therefore such banks are usually on the verge of capital adequacy in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; - regional banks of Russia set the main goal of their functioning, in addition to making a profit, to increase the growth rate of the regional economy and provide quality services to their clients.

We can talk about the competitiveness of regional banks in Russia from 1999-2002, when the specialization of banks in specific products just began to emerge, while the regional expansion of banks was still of an implicit, secondary nature. And only since 2006, the presence of regional banks has become necessary for the development of a full-fledged banking business. It was during this period that the key and determining factors of competition became the effectiveness of communication with clients and consumers of services, the availability of banking services and its quality, which significantly increases the competitiveness of regional banks compared to previous periods.

In connection with the latest statements, it is advisable for regional banks to narrow the definition of competitiveness: banking competitiveness for a regional bank is the ability of a regional bank to compete with large and medium-sized banks for attracting economic entities of the region by providing a similar set of banking services, but for more favorable conditions in order to create conditions for the growth of the regional economy at an acceptable degree banking risk.

For regional banks it is advisable to allocate additional elements competitiveness due to their distinctive features - the share of liabilities formed from deposits of regional enterprises and deposits of local individuals, the share of loans in the loan portfolio provided to regional enterprises and individuals.

Thus, the study made it possible to define the terms “enterprise competitiveness”, “competitiveness in the banking sector”, and also to identify differences in the terminology of competitiveness for regional banks. The most important difference in competitiveness for the banking sector is the need to maximize profits while minimizing the degree of banking risks.

For regional banks, in addition to the features inherent in the banking sector as a whole, competitiveness is determined by the economy of the region where the bank operates. Thus, its passive base is formed mainly at the expense of “local money”, as a result of which many of the regional banks often experience a deficit of liabilities and are on the verge of complying with the capital adequacy standard, and, being redistributed, are sent to industries that are in deficit, from the point of view of financing for the region economy.

Banking organizations are engaged in servicing current and savings accounts clients, make payments between legal entities and individuals, offer credit products, advise on legal issues and conducting commercial activities.

The task of the banking sector is to service financial flows in the country, provide reporting to regulatory authorities and develop the state’s economy.

Banking activities are regulated by Federal Law 395-1 and require the mandatory receipt of a license to conduct operations. Permits are required for currency and credit transactions, leasing agreements, and collections. The banking sector is actively developing, organizations are registered as LLCs (companies with limited liability), CJSC or OJSC (open and closed joint stock companies). The most in demand are universal banks (providing a full range of services) and interbank associations operating on a national and international scale.

Types of banks and their functions

Specialized banking structures are relevant for the US market; the domestic market offers universal organizations with a range of highly specialized services. For example, Rosselkhozbank has a full line of products, but specializes in servicing the agricultural sector of the economy.

  • Private and state commercial banks are structures engaged in settlement and cash services for legal entities and individuals, leading trading operations, lending to commercial and industrial enterprises offering leasing services. Commercial banks form the basis of the financial sector of the economy and provide the widest range of services.
  • Private investment banks are structures that issue securities (shares, bonds) in order to raise funds for client projects. Customers of services are government agencies or private business looking for external sources capital. Investment bank establishes the timing of the issue of securities, the procedure for payment and the amount of dividends, places them on stock exchanges, controls secondary operations (resale of shares and bonds by brokers).
  • Public and private issuing banks(issuing banks) - organizations that are involved in standardization, issuance and control of national banknotes. Legally, the issuing bank belongs to the structure of the Central Bank; the organization can issue securities(for example, government bonds). The functions of the issuing bank for issuing payment and settlement documents (credit and debit cards, check books) are performed by commercial banking structures.
  • Private savings banks are small government-controlled institutions that offer credit products to customers, place household deposits in accounts and pay interest. Savings banks participate in state system deposit insurance to protect client funds from economic crises.
  • Deposit banks are organizations that offer the placement of customer funds for a long term at high interest rates. Such banks earn income through trading in financial markets and offering large loans to legal entities.

Depending on quantity additional offices, banking structures are divided into branchless and institutions with a large branch network. Banking consortia, associations and large structures have branches throughout the country, small organizations are represented by one (main) office.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Yanin Valery Vasilievich. Fundamentals of functioning and stability of a regional bank: Dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences: 08.00.10: Saratov, 2002 155 p. RSL OD, 61:03-8/2740-5


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis functioning of a regional bank 10

1.1. Regional bank: essence, functions, role 10

1.2. Regularities and principles of functioning of a regional bank 27

Chapter 2. The stability of a regional bank and methods for assessing it 33

2.2. Methods for assessing the stability of a regional bank 45

Chapter 3. Ways to ensure the sustainability of a regional bank in Russia 75

3.1. Instruments of influence of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the stability of a regional bank 75

3.2. Monitoring the Bank of Russia as a means of managing the stability of regional banks and regions 90

3.3. Opportunities for regional banks to ensure their sustainability... 107

Conclusion 121

List of used literature 131

Applications 146

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic. The main challenge in the banking sector
» Russia's current focus is on ensuring long-term sustainability

banking system. This is explained not only by the fact that the stability of the Russian banking system creates conditions for the stability of the economy, but also by the fact that the stability of Russian banks was disrupted as a result of systemic banking crisis 1998. The presence on the market of a significant number of banks with unsatisfactory financial condition and negative capital still remains a serious problem. Russian banks, which suffered huge (2-3% of GDP) losses as a result of the crisis, are not able to become a reliable support in the revival Russian economy without fundamental changes in the banking system Russian Federation, without its modernization.

In accordance with the Development Strategy of the Banking Sector of the Russian Federation, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia in 2001, tasks aimed at modernizing the banking sector were set, namely: strengthening the financial condition of existing ones and removing non-viable ones from the banking services market credit organizations, increasing the level of capitalization of banks and the quality of their capital, expanding activities to attract funds from the population and enterprises, as well as strengthening the interaction of banks with the real sector of the economy, developing competitive principles in the activities of credit institutions.

Reorienting banks to serve the real economy and increasing confidence in the banking system on the part of clients, creditors and depositors is unthinkable without solving the problem of ensuring the sustainability of banks. Only financially stable banks are able to fulfill the functions assigned to them, solve the problems of restoring the economy and ensuring it - sustainable development based on the injection of bank funds into it.

In the current conditions, high demands are placed on the stability of regional banks, whose role in economic development should be increased, since the main development opportunities are concentrated in the regions productive forces countries. Regional banks are located closer to real economy, their relationships with enterprises have a long-term basis, they more fully take into account the interests of small industries, without which balanced economic development of the regions is impossible. Therefore, the main activities and further prospects for the development of regional banks are directly related to their active participation in lending to production, small and medium-sized businesses, and financial support for regional economic development programs.

Increasing the stability of regional banks involves the following activities:

strengthening banking supervision based on improving the methodology for analyzing the financial condition of banks, developing an “early warning” system for possible problems in banks, and bringing its tools in line with international standards;

development of internal bank stability management;

consolidation of efforts of regional government bodies, territorial departments of the Bank of Russia and regional banks to ensure the sustainability of the banking sector in the region.

Qualified, high-quality management of the stability of regional banks in these areas is impossible without a theoretical study of the essence of regional banks, their stability and the fundamentals of functioning in accordance with laws and scientifically based principles. Only knowledge of the theoretical foundations can make it possible to find reliable methods for assessing the stability of regional banks and select tools to influence it, determined by regional characteristics.

The relevance of this dissertation research is due to: firstly, the importance for the modern Russian economy of regional banks that are stable and reliable; secondly, the lack of a comprehensive study of the theoretical foundations of the functioning of regional banks, combining their essence, functions, role, principles and patterns; thirdly, the lack of development of problems of assessing and managing the stability of banks in the regional aspect.

The degree of development of the problem. The regional aspect of the study of banking problems predetermines the use of knowledge of related sciences: banking and regional studies.

On issues of regional economics, the works of foreign and domestic authors are known: X. Armstrong, S.S. Artabolevsky, A. Bendavid-Vala, O.P. Burmatova, M.K. Badman, S. Wagenaar, B.C. Varlamova, A.G. Granberg, S. Cohen, T.G. Morozova, P. Nijkamp, ​​F. Snickars, J. Taylor, M. Temple and others. But regional banking systems are not the subject of studying regional economics.

Domestic and foreign science has accumulated a system of knowledge in the field of theory and practice of banking. A certain contribution to the development of banking theory was made by G.N. Beloglazova, M.Z. Bor, N.I. Valentseva, D.D. Van Hoose, E.F. Zhukov, A.Yu. Kazak, V.I. Kolesnikov, Yu.I. Korobov, L.N. Krasavina, O.I. Lavrushin, I.S. Levchuk, I.D. Mamonova, R.L. Miller, M. Ozium, A.V. Molchanov, M.A. Pessel, D. Polfreman, B.H. Putnam, W.V. Pyatenko, J. Rivoire, E. Reed, P. Rose, V.I. Rybin, J.F. Sinkey Jr., N.M. Tavasiev, U.K. Timothy, M.M. Titarev, V.M. Usoskin, M.M. Yampolsky and others. But within the framework of this science, the theory of regional banks and

regional banking systems. Only a few studies by domestic authors on the problems of regional banks and regional banking systems are known: A.F. Borodina, S.Yu. Evseeva, O.G. Ivanchenko, A.V. Koltyrina, Y. Karelina, P.M. Karimova, I.R. Koshchegulova, S.V. Kugaeva, M. Matovnikova, R.Kh. Mardanova, I.V. Pashkovskaya, M.Z. Pozdnyakova, A.M. Polyantseva, V.V. Popkova, V.V. Rudko-Silivanova, M.Sh. Sagitdinova, V.Yu. Tulina, E.N. Chekmareva and others. But they do not provide comprehensive and detailed characteristics of regional banks, as well as the fundamentals of their functioning, which include, along with principles, patterns of development.

In the domestic literature, there are numerous studies of the stability and reliability of banks, presented by the names of the following scientists: D.A. Artemenko, M.Kh. Ausheva, L.G. Batrakova, L.P. Belykh, A.V. Buzdalina, P.V. Verzhbitskaya, I.V. Vishnyakova, I.V. Voloshina, M.B. Dichenko, V.N. Zhivalova, V.V. Ivanova, S. M. Ilyasova, V. Karpenko, V. Kozhinova, V. Konoshenkova, V. Kornilova, V. Kromonova, I. Mamonova, M. Matovnikova, V.A. Moskvina, V.V. Novikova, B.C. Pashkovsky, A.Yu. Petrova, M.A. Pomorina, V. Sevrinovsky, I.M. Strebkova, V.B. Tikhanina, G.G. Fetisova, P.S. Chumakova, A. Yudanova, etc. However, they lack the regional aspect of studying the stability of banks: its assessment and ways to ensure it.

The relevance and insufficient scientific development of the theory of regional banks and the problems of their sustainability determined the choice of topic, goals and objectives of the dissertation research.

The purpose of the dissertation research is the development of theoretical foundations for the functioning of regional banks and ways to ensure their sustainability.

Research objectives. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks, which determined the logic of the dissertation research and its structure:

find out the essence of a regional bank and its individual types, based on research methodology theoretical concept, highlighting the general, special and individual in it;

justify the functions and role of a regional bank, formulate the patterns and principles of its functioning;

based on systems theory, reveal the content of bank stability; identify regional factors and factors affecting the stability of the bank; develop approaches to its assessment from a regional perspective;

study the essence of banking monitoring and the experience of its organization in Russia in comparison with foreign practice, give recommendations for improvement;

systematize knowledge about foreign and domestic systems for monitoring bank stability;

determine ways to ensure the sustainability of regional banks with
positions of their self-government and external influence on them from
territorial departments of the Bank of Russia.

The subject of the study is the theoretical aspects

functioning of regional banks, a system for assessing and regulating their stability.

Object of study banks are officially registered in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Methodological basis of the work the provisions of dialectical logic, systemic and integrated approaches appeared. The work used such scientific methods and techniques as scientific abstraction, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, grouping and comparison methods, and mathematical modeling.

Theoretical basis dissertations compiled legislative acts regulating banking activities in Russia, scientific monographs, articles in economic periodicals.

The information base for the work was statistical materials from the State Statistics Committee of Russia and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, information from the territorial departments of the Bank of Russia in the Samara and Saratov regions, Syzran JSCB Zemsky Bank, as well as secondary information from periodicals.

Scientific novelty The results obtained are determined by the fact that in this dissertation, for the first time, a comprehensive study of the theoretical foundations of the functioning of regional banks was carried out and the regional aspect of assessing and managing the stability of banks was implemented.

Specifically, this was reflected in the following results:

o the characteristics of regional banks are systematized, highlighting two main ones that define two interpretations of regional banks: 1) in a broad aspect - as officially registered in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation; 2) in a narrow sense - having, in addition to this, regional significance, confirmed by the presence of at least one of the following characteristics: establishment by regional authorities and municipalities; predominance of means local authorities authorities in the authorized capital (resources) of the bank; preferential service to local, municipal, budgetary organizations, regional (municipal) authorities, local off-budget funds; maintaining accounts of local budget recipients;

for the purpose of scientifically based formation of models of regional
banking systems, the essence of a regional bank and its types has been studied
(municipal, investment, mortgage) using a comprehensive
approach, which, along with the traditional one, taking into account the territorial
characteristic and specificity of the bank as an economic entity, takes into account
attention to the role of the bank as an economic management body. As a result, given
author's edition of the concept of a regional bank in a narrow aspect as officially

an economic body registered on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which has characteristics of special regional significance and is potentially capable of providing a full range of banking services, as well as an external economic management body that pursues primarily the interests of a given constituent entity of the Russian Federation with participation in managing the socio-economic development of regions in its locations ;

important for the formation of specific banking systems has been developed
regions, a typical model of a regional bank in a narrow aspect in the form of its
characteristic features identified according to a number of criteria and reflecting the features of its
liabilities and assets, clientele composition, type of management, etc.;

In order to more fully utilize the potential of regional banks, the following theoretical provisions are substantiated:

a) in contrast to the traditional approach, a system of functions has been developed
regional bank as an economic entity and as an economic body
regional management;

c) for the first time in Russian science, laws have been formulated
placement of banks by region and justified as the leading law
self-preservation of banks;

d) in addition to those known in the domestic literature, they formulated and
the author's principles for the functioning of banks are substantiated - principles
self-development, focus, efficiency, maximum
use of the economic potential of regions by regional banks for
comparison with other regional branches;

For the first time in domestic science, the regional aspect of bank stability has been developed: regional factors and indicators have been identified to be studied when assessing sustainability; a methodological approach to its comprehensive assessment is proposed, including, along with the traditional synthetic stability coefficient determined from the bank’s reporting, an assessment of its competitiveness in the region, as well as an assessment by rating agencies of the bank and the region, which does not go beyond the ratings of a specific region and country, respectively;

the author's version of the concept of banking monitoring as a set of forms of management (banking self-government, economic management by banks, management of banking activities by external governing bodies), providing for the collection and analysis of information for current management and forecasting parameters, is given, which is more expanded in comparison with existing interpretations banking and economies of different levels;

measures were proposed to improve the monitoring of enterprises and monitoring of banking policy carried out by the Bank of Russia, the need was proven to organize daily monitoring by the territorial departments of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of the stability of banks, especially problematic ones, quarterly monitoring by commercial banks of the activities of their clients based on maintaining their passports;

in order to use the opportunities of competitiveness in increasing the sustainability of regional banks as a new domestic practice directions, their consolidation was proposed to organize a system for assessing competitiveness based on specific information from the banks of this consortium;

recommended a system of measures to improve the education of the fund required reserves, providing for its partial “operability” for the bank, a differentiated approach to regions with varying degrees of stability and to banks that take different part in the implementation of regional programs;

a set of measures has been developed to strengthen the managerial impact of the territorial departments of the Bank of Russia on the stability of banks in the region: through the creation of regional clubs of bank analysts, a system of supervision with the maintenance of bank passports, limiting and regulating risk limits for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, establishing empirical regulatory standards for banks in the region, consolidation of banks within the federal district, etc.;

to increase competitiveness and organize effective management of the stability of banks, a divisional model is proposed as more optimal in the conditions of fierce competition among banks in the region organizational structure regional bank, customer-oriented; the expediency of identifying a department in the organizational structure of the bank that coordinates the efforts of various services of the bank to ensure its stability is justified.

Theoretical and practical significance of the work is that the completed dissertation research develops the theory of regional banks, which is insufficiently developed in economic science, including the essence, functions, role, patterns and principles of their functioning, and also contains ways to solve the problem of assessing and ensuring the stability of regional banks, which is of great national economic importance.

The theoretical positions put forward in the dissertation can be used when developing concepts for the development of regional

banking systems. Recommendations for assessing bank stability from a regional perspective and for the tools that ensure it can be implemented in practice by both banks and supervisory authorities. Recommendations for improving banking monitoring, combining enterprise monitoring, monitoring banking policy and monitoring bank stability, are of practical importance for banking supervisory authorities, and for banks - the developed model of a divisional organizational structure focused on the client.

Approbation of work. The most significant provisions and results of the study were reflected in 3 publications by the author in a volume of 4.9 pp, presented at a conference at the Ural State Economic University in 2002.

A number of provisions contained in the dissertation and expressed in published works are used in educational process Department of Money and Credit at Saratov State Socio-Economic University when teaching special disciplines in banking.

Work structure. The structure of the dissertation is determined by the purpose and objectives of the research, the object of analysis and the theoretical and methodological basis.

The first chapter of the dissertation “Theoretical foundations of the functioning of a regional bank” examines issues of the theory of a regional bank, comprehensively combining the essence, types, functions, role, patterns and principles of functioning.

The second chapter of the work, “Regional Bank Sustainability and Methods for Assessing It,” is devoted to the theoretical justification of the concept of bank stability within the framework of systems theory, generalization of world experience in monitoring the stability of banks and methods for assessing it, as well as studying the experience of regional ratings.

Regional bank: essence, functions, role

A study of domestic and foreign literature shows that there is no properly developed theory of a regional bank and its sustainability. In our opinion, N.G.’s statement seems fair. Chernyshevsky: “Without the history of the subject there is no theory, without the theory of the subject there is no thought about the subject.” Therefore, research regarding the regional bank and its sustainability should begin with theoretical issues, first of all, with clarification of the essence of the regional bank.

In this case, we will be guided by the following methodological technique: we will conduct research using the criteria of “universality,” “specificity,” and “singularity.” This technique in itself is not new. In the literature, attitudes of this kind are known: “the concept as such contains three moments: the moment of universality, the moment of particularity and the moment of singularity.”1 This is also the basis for system analysis, which involves identifying the elements of the system; what is common to the element with the system and its other elements; what distinguishes this element; and also that which is singular, immanently inherent only in this element and in no other. In our opinion, highlighting the three above points is characteristic of the concept of a categorical plan, and a bank, in the opinion of the majority, is an economic category.

It is known that a regional bank belongs to the category of banks, and the latter are part of the regional banking system, which, in turn, is an organic part of the national banking system. Therefore, as an element of the banking system, a regional bank can have something in common with it, with its specificity and a certain degree of autonomy and independence.

But what is a regional banking system? There are heterogeneous definitions of the regional banking system, differing in the degree of completeness and different approaches: institutional (the system is structured by institutions and organizations), organizational (highlighting the forms and types of credit in which banking-type institutions participate), functional, hierarchical, orientation, etc. .

The concept given by the SY is narrow and formulated from the standpoint of an institutional approach. Evseev: “The regional banking system should be understood as a set of interacting banks in the region that implement the following main functions:

Ensuring the need for cash in the required amount;

Uninterrupted management of non-cash payments and payments;

Credit support for the socio-economic complex of the region;

Stimulating the attraction of funds from citizens and small entrepreneurs, as well as their effective placement;

Lending of innovation and investment projects and socio-economic programs, development of consulting services and non-traditional

banking operations."1

Broader than the interpretation of the regional banking system of the Council of Justice. Evseev, but also with an institutional aspect, presents the concept of A.M. Polyantseva. A.M. Polyantsev defines “the regional banking system as a set of banking entities, isolated in the region under the influence of factors of the external and internal organization of the banking system, each performing, individually, special functions, as a result of which all functions of the system are realized, and closely interacting with each other and with external environment." This author includes not only banks, but also other banking entities in the regional banking system.

A number of authors in the regional banking system, along with the subjects, also highlight functional elements. In their opinion, “the regional banking system is a set of banking institutions, banking infrastructure, banking legislation that applies to both regional and branches of national banks; banking corporate culture”3. There are also more expansive interpretations of the regional banking system.

Within the framework of the objectives of our research, namely, in order to clarify the essence of a regional bank, an institutional approach to structuring the banking system is important, because it allows us to highlight in it the element that interests us - the jars.

According to the principle of universality, banks operate according to the laws by which the banking system functions, having similarities with its other elements, but according to the criterion of “special” they differ from them. Banks also differ from other economic entities. What is the essence of the bank, its “generic characteristics” in comparison with other entities?

There are different approaches to characterizing the essence of a bank. Some authors define the essence of the bank as such, regardless of what level it belongs to (whether central or commercial Bank), which, in our opinion, is methodologically correct. So, O.I. Lavrushin defines a bank as a monetary institution that regulates payment turnover in cash and non-cash forms."1. In unison with him, V.V. Mitrokhin2 sees the essence of the bank "in its ability to organize the monetary process and issue banknotes." M.M. Yampolsky considers a bank “as an enterprise or institution designed to supply money circulation with the necessary means of payment”3.

Most authors characterize a bank as an enterprise, meaning primarily, apparently, a commercial bank. L.N. Krasavina calls for clarifying the concept of a bank as an enterprise of a special kind, working with money capital.4 As an argument to substantiate the “bank-enterprise” thesis, they cite the presence of the bank’s characteristics of an enterprise, certain Russian legislation. A Yu.I. Korobov considers a bank an enterprise due to the fact that the term “banking industry” has the right to exist, the primary link in which is the enterprise (by analogy with any industry).

The “special” criterion should be applied not only when comparing a bank and an enterprise, but also when comparing a bank with other credit organizations and financial institutions. This allows us to highlight new features of a commercial bank.

The features of the bank compared to other credit institutions are:

1) its primacy and dominance in the financial market due to the universal nature of its activities and the exclusive right to issue and withdraw money from circulation (A.V. Molchanov5);

2) unlimited opportunity to provide commercial loans and the legal right to create checkable deposits (R.L. Miller, D.D. Van Hoose6);

3) the potential ability to provide a full range of financial services to any enterprise in the economy (P. S. Rose7).

The content of the stability of a regional commercial bank and the factors that determine it

One of the most debated issues in modern literature is the sustainability of a commercial bank. Russian scientists such as V. Kozhinov1, M.A. studied this issue. Pomorish2, A.Yu. Petrov3, A.V. Buzdalin4, L.P. Belykh5, I.D. Mamonova6, T.M. Leonova7 and many others, to whose opinions we will refer in the future, without presenting them in the list of authors.

V.N. Zhivalov understands the stability of a commercial bank as “the ability of a bank in a dynamic market environment to clearly and promptly perform its functions, ensure the reliability of deposits and its obligations to serve clients”8. Based on encyclopedic information and systems theory, one can be convinced that this author practically defines the reliability of a bank. According to systems theory, “system reliability is the ability of a system to implement specified functions within a certain time with specified quality parameters.” And sustainability in this source is interpreted as “the ability to return to its original state after some disturbing influences, for example, acute external economic and social conflicts.”

Yu.S. Maslenchenkov speaks of the stability of the bank as its equilibrium state. In his glossary, he characterizes the stability of the bank in two ways9: 1) as the equilibrium state of the bank; 2) as a mechanism for the interaction of factors that reduce the consequences of unexpected financial losses over time. In our opinion, the preservation of the system can indeed be judged by maintaining balance. Therefore, based on the interpretation of Yu.V. Maslenchenkov and following the terminology of systems theory, the stability of a bank is its ability to self-preserve on the basis of ensuring equilibrium in a changing environment.

To clarify the question of whether the concept of bank stability has something special in relation to a regional bank, it is necessary to establish categorical this concept or lack thereof. The question of whether the sustainability of a commercial bank is currently being debated economic category. So, V.N. Zhivalov considers it an economic category, and G.G. Fetisov rejects this on the grounds that this concept does not express social relations. In our opinion, the bank’s stability does not satisfy the requirements of categorization, since:

1) does not express the essence of social relations;

2) manifests itself not through individual forms, but as a whole, even if it characterizes the state of individual parts of the system or individual types of stability.

In our opinion, a category can be an essential phenomenon, and not its characteristic and property. And sustainability, undoubtedly, is a feature, property, quality of functioning of a bank (banking system) or other object, presented in the form of an open dynamic system. As a concept, it has no nuances in relation to different types of banks. Therefore, the concept of “sustainability” is neither special nor unique, characteristic of a regional bank. We can talk about the concept of “bank stability” in general. However, when assessing the stability and measures to maintain it in a regional bank, it is right to highlight the “special”. Thus, the economic potential of regions can affect the stability of banks. The holding of a controlling stake in banks by regional authorities, which is typical for truly regional banks, predetermines high degree the latter's responsibility for the stability of such banks and their adoption of measures to ensure it.

Bank sustainability is a complex concept. It combines a number of particular stability. Yu.S. Maslenchenkov1 identifies the following structural components of bank stability: financial stability of the bank, organizational and structural, functional, commercial and capital stability. Let us present his judgments about the content of these particular stabilities.

Instruments of influence of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the stability of a regional bank

Ensuring bank stability is a task for both the banks themselves and external management bodies. To solve this problem, a system of tools is used:

1) external and internal order;

2) affecting the banking system or an individual bank;

3) affecting individual (private) types of stability or the overall stability of the bank.

There are different tools for influencing the sustainability of any bank and specific tools for managing the sustainability of a regional bank.

The stability of a bank of regional significance or located in the region is subject to influence not only internal factors, but also factors of a macroeconomic and regional nature. Therefore, the instruments for regulating its sustainability are divided into instruments of internal, national and regional administration. Due to the presence of many external management bodies of a regional bank, methods for managing the stability of the bank on the part of each management entity are highlighted.

The main entity influencing the activities of banks is the Bank of Russia and its local territorial departments. This is predetermined by the functions of the Bank of Russia, which is responsible for the development of the banking system of the Russian Federation and its stability. He has a large arsenal of management tools in his hands, incl. and the functions of organization and coordination it performs.

Regional banks of Russia can coordinate some types of activities of commercial banks, using for this purpose such a form of organization as clubs created on their initiative and uniting professionals in different areas of banking. Thus, on the initiative of the territorial administration of the Bank of Russia for the Saratov region, a Banking Club was organized to coordinate the activities of credit institutions in the region, protect their rights and legitimate interests, and provide consulting, methodological and other assistance. Under the auspices of the club there are professional sections: lawyers; heads of internal control services; security services and bank press officers.

It should be noted that club activities are increasingly becoming a means of managing banks and their sustainability. In September 2000, the Banking Analysts Club opened in Russia. Its founders include the European Trust Bank, the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, the International Rating Agency Thomson Financial Bank Watch and the Association of Russian Banks. Club members are required to provide information to the general database financial information in the form of official reporting forms. This public organization conducts seminars where, among other problems, the problems of methodological support for assessing the financial condition of commercial banks are discussed, which is aimed at ensuring the stability of banks and their implementation of effective policies.

But the community of banking analysts in our country is just being formed. And in developed countries it is believed that the profession of financial and investment analyst is still young compared to, say, the accounting community. Communities of financial and investment analysts are now developing in European countries. By uniting in national associations, analysts have developed qualification standards for their profession and mechanisms for ensuring them.

For several decades now, national societies of financial analysts in European countries have united into the international organization “European Federation of Financial Analysts Associations” (EFFAS). Since 1988 Russia began to participate in the work of this international organization. It is represented there by a Russian association of analytical specialists, namely the Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts (GIFA). GIFA also includes analysts from Russian banks. GIFA provides its members with professional information that is interesting to them. This includes supporting an Internet site, conducting internships, seminars, and conferences.

But regional banks do not participate in GIFA, as well as in the Banking Analysts Club, although they have a need to exchange analytical information. Therefore, it seems necessary at the regional level under the territorial administrations of the Bank of Russia to create clubs of banking analysts that coordinate methodological work bank to analyze the activities of regional banks in general and its individual parties. In this case, a single information space can be created within the region. In this way, it may be possible to create a unified methodology for assessing the stability of a regional bank and use it by banks in the region when providing inter bank loans, as well as in organizing banking supervision.

The efficiency of the functioning of banks in the region depends on how fruitful the cooperation of the main departments of the Bank of Russia in the constituent entities of the Federation with similar departments in other regions, primarily with departments that are part of the banking system of the Federal District or economic region, uniting several subjects of the Federation. Let's take for example the Volga Federal District, which unites 12 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Samara and Saratov regions. Territorial departments of the Bank of Russia in the regions of this district exchange information with each other. Analytical material is prepared quarterly “ Comparative characteristics regions of the Volga Federal District" on the development of the district as a whole and its constituent regions, as well as information on the state of banking in the constituent entities of the Federation.

In popular usage, banks are depositories of money. In fact, such an interpretation of the bank does not reveal its essence, its true purpose in the national economy.

In Babylon (VII-V centuries BC), the practice was to issue cash loans for the purchase of seeds with repayment of the debt after the sale of the crop. Temples in Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire accepted cash deposits and put them into circulation. The centers of banking in the Middle Ages were the Italian republics, Holland, some German states, and later England.

The first banks, which were the predecessors of modern banks, arose in Florence and Venice (1587) on the basis of money change - the exchange of money from different cities and countries. The main operations of banks were accepting cash deposits, providing loans to the state, merchants and non-cash payments. The essence of the latter was to transfer the amount from one account to another in the banker's books in the presence of both clients. Later, banks were organized on this principle in Amsterdam (1609) and Hamburg (1619). This was a primitive form of banking. Banks served primarily trade and settlements; they were not sufficiently connected with production and the circulation of industrial capital. They also did not develop such an important function as issuing credit money.

Modern banks arose on the basis of relationships in connection with the needs of reproduction, the circulation of industrial and commercial capital. The destruction of the natural economy and the growth of trade and commodity exchange sharply increased the importance of cash payments and credit. The transition to wage labor on a large scale led to the fact that an increasingly large part of income was paid in in cash. Regular money circulation arose, the circulation and maintenance of which were taken over by banks.

As production and circulation volumes grew, the role of banks in all countries increased. Free monetary resources appeared, which were accumulated and sent in the form of loans to industrial and commercial capitalists. With the development of commodity-money circulation in all sectors of the economy, the influence of banking capital expanded more and more. To the listed initial functions, new ones were added, in particular, such as management of interest-bearing capital.

Banks, as collectors and accumulators of capital, began to serve the entire production process and gained the opportunity to influence it. From small institutions for storing money, from modest intermediaries, banks turned into active participants in the increase of industrial capital and active stimulators of the development of social production.

In addition to the traditional tasks of banks - organizing money turnover and credit relations - their functions also include financing National economy, insurance transactions, purchase and sale of securities, and in some cases intermediary transactions, investment transactions, acquisition of guarantee obligations. Besides, credit institutions provide consultations, participate in discussions of national economic programs, and maintain statistics.

Banks, therefore, are a consequence of the development of credit, and credit is the foundation in relation to banks. It can be argued that a bank is a stage in the development of credit business at which credit, monetary and settlement operations in their totality are concentrated in a single center.

The first and main function of the bank is the function of mobilization, accumulation of temporarily free funds. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of such accumulation. The fact is that the bank collects not so much its own as other people’s temporarily free funds. The collected financial resources are used not for their own needs, but for other people’s needs. Ownership of the accumulated and redistributed resources remains with the original creditor (bank clients). The accumulation of funds becomes one of the main activities of the bank. To carry it out in modern conditions, a special permit is required - a license.

The second function of the bank is the function of regulating money circulation. Banks act as centers through which the payment turnover of various economic entities passes. Thanks to the settlement system, banks create for their clients the opportunity to make exchanges, circulate cash and capital. The turnover of both an individual entity and the country’s economy as a whole passes through banks. Through them, funds and capital flow from one entity to another, from one branch of the national economy to another.

The third function of the bank is the intermediary function in making payments and lending, according to which the bank’s activities are understood as an intermediary in payments. Payments from enterprises, organizations, and the population go through banks. Being between clients, making payments on their behalf, the bank thereby performs an intermediary mission. However, this is not a primitive, elementary mediation activity. The bank can accumulate small reserves of temporarily free funds from many clients and, summing them up, direct huge monetary resources to only one entity. A bank can take money from clients for a short period of time and give it out for a long time. It can accumulate resources in one sector of the economy of a region, and redistribute them to other industries and completely different regions. Being in the center economic life, the bank thus gets the opportunity to transform or change the size, timing and direction of capital in accordance with the emerging needs of the economy. Taking all this into account, the intermediary function becomes more of a function of resource transformation.

Thus, a bank is a financial organization, an institution that carries out various types of transactions with money and securities and provides financial services to the government, enterprises, citizens and other banks. Banks issue, store, lend, buy and sell, exchange money and securities, control the flow of funds, circulation of money and securities, provide payment and settlement services.

To characterize a regional bank, we first determine what is the criterion for identifying this concept. In Russia there is no legally accepted definition of “regional bank”. Traditionally, when conducting research, these include credit organizations registered on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, they are guided by the fact that statistical information on a regional basis is collected for the constituent entities of the Federation. In foreign practice, those credit organizations whose activities are limited to a certain territory (state, land, region) are considered regional.

In domestic science, various signs of classifying a bank as a regional bank are considered. From the point of view of some authors, a regional bank is created and operates in the region and does not extend its influence to Moscow and the Moscow region. However, state-owned, large federal, and foreign subsidiaries fall under this description.

A number of rating agencies, singling out regional banks as a separate group, proceed from various performance indicators: the amount of equity capital, the level of capitalization, the volume of balance sheet currency, etc. In our opinion, such a sign cannot serve as an essential characteristic; it reflects only the quantitative results of activity Russian banking system.

There are other criteria, for example, a controlling stake in the bank from local authorities, which determines the scope of activity of the regional bank, its role and specifics. In our opinion, this feature of a regional bank is not decisive, since the participation of the authorities state power of a municipality or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation can also be carried out in banks of other regions or capital banks that are not related to the economy of a particular region.

Thus, there are many approaches, but each of them is ambiguous and therefore controversial. In our opinion, additional characteristics of a regional bank are needed to distinguish it from other credit institutions operating in the regional market:

  • · the roots of the formation of the bank's own capital are in the region;
  • ·liabilities are formed mainly from funds of the population and legal entities of the region;
  • ·banking services are sold in the regional market;
  • independence from financial resources banks in other regions

So, let’s formulate the definition of a regional bank - it is an organization that carries out specialized financial intermediary operations in the region with the aim of developing its economy and depends on the financial condition of legal entities and individuals in the region.

The modern needs of the regional economy for investment determine the need to involve the credit and financial system in the formation of resource potential to ensure the development of the economic system of the constituent entities of the Federation. By definition, a functional feature of the activities of banks is the accumulation of free funds created in the economy of the country as a whole, and regions in particular. Moreover, if the formation of the revenue part of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation occurs mainly due to tax deductions and regulated tax policy state, then commercial banks have the ability to form a resource base according to their own deposit policy. Providing depositors with the necessary protection of their investments is a primary task in expanding the resource potential of the region's credit and banking system. Further, the resources generated by banks on their own behalf and at their own expense, according to the strategic plan, are invested by them in priority sectors of the domestic economy. In turn, the allocation of resources, according to some domestic economists, should be carried out jointly with the administrations of municipalities. Thus, banks participate in the reproduction process of priority sectors of the national economy. In order to activate the role of the credit and banking system in the reproduction process of the region, it is necessary to create a mechanism for the formation of a high-quality resource base for its diversified use, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the regional economy.

Summarizing the experience of developing the credit and banking system in Russia over the past few years, it is advisable to highlight the main problems in the functioning of the banking system led by the Central Bank:

insufficiently effective impact of the consequences of monetary regulation of the Bank of Russia on economic development;

the lack of interest of large capital banks in the development of the territorial economy;

small capitalization of regional banks;

industry specialization of commercial banks is servicing the financial flows of enterprises that are part of holdings;

the inability of commercial banks to form a high-quality resource base;

low development of banking investment activities;

passive policy of banks in the field of lending to enterprises of various forms of ownership and the population;

decreased reproductive function national currency and the use of foreign currency by individuals as a store of value.

Summarizing the experience of commercial banks in Russia during the pre-crisis and post-crisis periods, it is advisable to study the activities of the credit and banking system in the territory of one administrative entity. This will allow us to evaluate the results of banks’ activities in the Tyumen region under the influence economic factors, show the role of the banking system in the formation of the resource potential of the region, and formulate a concept for the development of investment activities of banks in the Tyumen region.

The economy of the Tyumen region is characterized by a high share of industrial production. Most of the Tyumen region, where the main oil and gas production is carried out, consists of autonomous okrugs - the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. They are independent subjects of the Russian Federation and provide 94% of the total volume of commercial products and occupy 89% of the region’s territory. The south of the Tyumen region, led by the capital of the region, initially concentrated management, financial functions and the functions of industry headquarters and transshipment base. Currently, the south of the region, from an economic point of view, represents a region with a developed agro-industrial complex. IN economic structure The Tyumen region is dominated by enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, and the diversified economy of the region is aimed at servicing the fuel and energy complex.

The second level of the region's banking system is represented by commercial banks registered in the Tyumen region, with an extensive branch network within the region and beyond, as well as branches of banks not registered in the region, including branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. There are 28 regional banks registered and operating in the Territorial Administration of the Bank of Russia for the Tyumen Region. Their total capital is estimated at 9019.9 million rubles. The largest of them are Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Surgutneftegazbank, Sibneftebank and Zapsibkombank. One of the large branches of Sberbank of Russia in the Tyumen region is the West Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia. The West Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia has an extensive network of branches in the Tyumen region that provide resources to the Tyumen branch. Branches of banks in other regions have insignificant total capital, consisting of funds from the reserve and other funds of banks. The largest branches are branches of the Ural-Siberian Commercial Bank and Alfa Bank.

The main activities of the banks that make up the banking system of the region are based on various goals formulated in the strategic plans of these banks. Regional banks consider the goal of their activities to be to provide priority sectors of the economy and the population of the region with necessary banking products. The strategic goal of Sberbank of Russia is to strengthen the achieved position of a universal commercial bank that maintains specialization and leadership in the retail banking market, which means that its main activity is providing services to the population. Branches carry out the tasks assigned to them by their head banks. Depending on the objective factors of functioning, the activities of branches are divided into:

servicing the financial flows of enterprises that are part of the holdings to which the bank belongs or is its founder;

mobilization of free funds created in the region to form the resource base of the head bank;

participation in the financing of investment projects and programs.

A functional feature of the credit and banking system is the ability to service the financial flows of industrial enterprises various forms property and create your own financial flows. This allows you to concentrate the funds that make up the resource base of the banking system in bank accounts. The potential capabilities of the banking system in the reproduction process of the region depend on the volume and quality of the resource base.

Funds in the accounts of enterprises and organizations are a stable source of resources for banks, but during periods of industry crises their volume decreases and this negatively affects bank liquidity. Legal entities rarely accumulate funds in deposit accounts; their investments are short-term in nature.

Currently, the problem of forming the resource potential of commercial banks is the reduction of fixed-term investments. Commercial banks accumulate excess banking liquidity in accounts with the Central Bank. The growth of the resource base of banks in the Tyumen region is accompanied by an increase in available credit resources. The share of required reserves transferred to accounts with the Bank of Russia for regional banks is 11.3% of the total volume of investments; branches - 3.41%; ZSB Sberbank of Russia has 0. By accumulating funds from credit institutions in assets, central bank increases gold - foreign exchange reserves, accounting of bills and loans to credit organizations decrease. To expand the resource potential of the credit and banking system, the credit issue of the Central Bank is of particular importance. The mechanism of credit emission through commercial banks ensures the supply of money to the real sector of the economy. The Central Bank is helping to increase demand for loans from the “bank of banks” by reducing the refinancing rate, introducing new instruments for securing loans - bills of industrial companies and guarantees from large commercial banks. But commercial banks, especially regional ones, are not active in attracting loans from the Central Bank.

The deposit policy of regional banks is passive, but banking operations for the population are in a stage of continuous development. The era of extensive development of operations for the population gives way to intensive growth complex projects for servicing individuals. The growth of private deposits is due to increasing confidence in the banking system, trends towards strengthening the national currency, and the functioning of salary projects using plastic cards. Having this positive tendency to expand the resource base through deposits and deposits of the population, deposits should be insured against depreciation. In our opinion, a deposit insurance fund can be created by commercial banks that are part of the regional banking system.

Equity and non-issue securities of commercial banks are circulated in the region. By issuing them, the bank attracts urgent resources.

When forming a resource base, commercial banks are faced with the problem of its small volume compared to the needs of large clients in lending to their needs and investing in production. Low capitalization of the resource base limits many regional banks from expanding investments and capital financing. The problem of short-term banking resources is acute; this complicates the implementation of mortgage programs and long-term investment. Increasing the resource potential at the expense of funds created in the territory of the district, commercial banks place them in priority sectors of the regional economy. These include fuel and energy complex enterprises, small enterprises serving them, enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the population of the region.

Regional banks are active in the field of lending and investment. The share of lending and investment is 62.07% of the allocated resources of regional banks. ZSB Sberbank of Russia allocates 46.14% of its allocated resources to lending and investment. Banks in other regions lend and invest only 27.20% of the total volume of allocated resources. Such a passive policy of branches in the field of lending is explained by their lack of independence in selection potential borrowers and a high share of interbank settlements. At the same time, free credit resources at branches of banks in other regions amount to only 8.11%, at ZSB Sberbank of Russia 0.02%, and at regional banks unused credit resources amount to 38.17. This means regional banks do not properly use their credit and investment potential.

In the structure of credit and investment investments of branches of banks in other regions, resources directed to lending predominate, amounting to 88.94%. ZSB of Sberbank of Russia allocates 61.06% of the volume of credit and investment investments into lending. The peculiarity of the formation of credit and investment portfolios is maximum diversification, that is, the presence in it of loans of a diverse range of maturities. The share of short-term lending - up to 180 days is 31.51%; from 180 days to one year - 24.76%; the share of medium-term loans - from 1 year to 3 years is 15%, over three years - 25.12%. Regional banks are increasing the share of long-term lending in the total volume of loan investments, so the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank has long-term investments - 47.8% of the total volume of loan investments, Surgutneftegazbank - 72.43%, respectively, Sibneftebank - Zapsibkombank - 16.9%.

In the total volume of credit investments of regional banks, loans to enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy prevail; their share in the total volume of ruble loans is 76.49%, and 82.53% in the total volume of foreign currency lending.

Small businesses are experiencing high production growth in the Tyumen region. The needs of small businesses for resources loaned by banks are satisfied by small regional commercial banks, ZSB Sberbank of Russia, Ural-Siberian Bank, Zapsibkombank and so on. The share of small business lending is not large. Reasons for being so passive credit policy due to the lack credit history, low-quality loan collateral and high investment risk. The share of lending to the population is only about 10%. If we take into account the growth of household deposits to 18.68% in the total resource base, then such a passive policy of regional banks in lending to the population is explained by the low demand for them from potential borrowers.

The problem of mortgage lending and the role of banks in this system is particularly acute. In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug there is a model of mortgage and housing lending “with the participation of municipalities”, in which the role of the bank is limited to providing bank loans to authorities to finance housing construction. The share of lending by regional commercial banks for construction is not large and amounts to only 3.3% of the total volume. The Khanty-Mansiysk Bank is engaged in long-term lending to the Housing Fund formed by the federal subject, which allocated 600 million rubles for these purposes. Meanwhile, construction costs from municipal budgets are increasing every year. Special role in stimulating long-term lending, including mortgage lending, gains economic cooperation between regional commercial banks and municipal administrations.

The activities of participants in the banking system of the Tyumen region are heterogeneous in terms of functioning goals and methods of achieving these goals. In overcoming these contradictions, the problem of the competitiveness of regional banks in the resource market is acute. The resource market is saturated with supply, but the sources for attracting system participants are different. There is a specialization of banks according to the sources of formation of the resource base. The potential ability of banks to invest money in the regional economy depends on its quality. Until now, by investing and lending to the real sector of the economy, the banking system has not exhausted its capabilities in channeling resources into the social sphere. Regional development must be financed from various sources, primarily from the resources of the banking sector, whose role is increasing.