The project of a one-story house 8x11 with an excellent layout. Plan of a one-story house: options for finished projects with photo examples

The thought of wanting to build a house inspires respect. First of all, you need to collect more information in order to be fully equipped. Now I will pass small digression, about what you need to know and how to prepare in order to avoid mistakes as much as possible when searching typical layouts houses.

Very often it happens that a plot with a ready foundation is bought, but there is no project for it. In this section you will find many ready-made breadings that you can use when building on your own site. So:

1. First you need to decide on the site and the distance of construction and further residence from the city. A plot of 5 km, and 20 km from the city will have an order of magnitude greater difference.

2. What soils are on the site? This will depend on the type of foundation.

3. The choice of construction technology is the second most important direction, since the climatic features inside the house, sound permeability, and the strength of the structure as a whole will depend on the chosen construction technology.

4. Type of roof

5. House layout- the most basic direction in design.

The planning decision can be the same with different construction technologies. The location of the rooms and their purpose will remain unchanged. Here we need to plan everything correctly so that the layout of a private house is competent and located in accordance with the wind rose, taking into account the location of the premises when designing.

Also when designing planning decisions it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances that have come into fashion quite recently, but have already firmly settled in the minds of developers. Such nuances are, for example, dressing rooms, pantries in kitchens, which is very convenient to use, and cabinets. More and more people want to get rid of wardrobes and chests of drawers in bedrooms, living rooms and other rooms, putting everything superfluous into reliable and specially made storage systems that allow you to leave the room as empty as possible.

This technique has long been used by interior designers to visually enlarge the premises. There is also a big boom in the arrangement of cabinets, which were previously made only in 3% of projects. Agree, it is much more pleasant to work at home and more productive than spending several hours every day on a trip to work and back, while standing in a traffic jam and mothering all the white light. Working in personal account at home, always calm and have more time for family and self-education.

Let us sum up the conclusion of the material written above. The main parameter of the house is its planning solution, which is convenient and comfortable for you and your family. And from what to build, the question is not of the first importance, since any project, like a constructor, is assembled from the necessary modules. We need a garage - we add it, we need a second floor - we build it on and so on. There is a thickness of the walls, and from a brick or block, it is reflected only in the estimate and energy-efficient indicators of the house.

Personal collection layouts consists of 28 categories of standard sizes which are listed below for your convenience. That is, if you are looking for a planning solution for building a house 12 x 12 m, go to the corresponding line of the picture and click on it and go to the big picture, where the selected solution opens:

- house layout 6 by 6 m;

Projects of houses 6 x 7 m;
- house layout 6×8 m;
- house layout 6 × 9 with an attic;
- projects of houses 6 x 10 m;
- projects of houses 6 x 11 m;
- projects of houses 6 x 12 m;
- projects of houses 7 x 7 m; - house layout 7 x 8 m;
- house layout 7×9 with attic;
- projects of houses 7 x 10 m;
- projects of houses 7 x 11 m;
- projects of houses 7 x 12 m;
- house plan 8 by 8 m;
- house layout 8 × 9 one-story;
- house layout 8×10 m;
- projects of houses 8 x 11 m;
- projects of houses 8 x 12 m;
- house layout 9×9 m;
- projects of houses 9 x 10 m;
- projects of houses 9 x 11 m;
- layout one-story house 9x12 m;
- house layout 10×10 m;
- projects of houses 10 x 11 m;
- plan of a one-story house 10 × 12 m;
- projects of houses 11 x 11 m;
- projects of houses 11 x 12 m;
- house plan 12 by 12 m;

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I remind you that the finished foundation must be examined for chips and cracks, as well as checking its correct laying, according to the climatic map of soil freezing. To do this, you need to call a specialist in designs - a designer.