End-to-end design technology. Organization of end-to-end design of objects of professional activity at the Department of Physics of Irkutsk State University

Gone are the days when, to develop a printed circuit board topology, a designer armed himself with a sheet of paper, a sharpened pencil, an eraser, and turned on his spatial imagination. This task was complex, tedious and unproductive. It is no coincidence that, almost from the moment of its creation, attempts were made to adapt computers to solve design problems. As a result, many Computer-Aided Design (CAD) or CAD (Computer-Aided Design) systems were created, aimed at solving various design and construction problems. CAD systems used to automate electronics design are often abbreviated as EDA (EDA - Electronics Design Automation). Typically, an end-to-end EDA design system includes an electrical schematic editor and a PCB editor. Recently, such systems increasingly include tools for simulating electrical circuits, allowing one to study the operation of electronic device even before it is embodied in hardware.

As for electronics, back in the 80s of the last century, then still Soviet designers, an excellent commercial CAD system PCAD became available. This CAD system was so successful that it became an industry standard for many years. Despite the emergence of new generations of CAD and operating systems, the “pre-Soviet” PCAD versions 4 ... 8.7 are still actively used in many design bureaus. This is explained not only by the positive qualities of the “DOS” PCAD, but also by the fact that over many years of use, a large amount of documentation and libraries have been developed for it, and the design and production process has been optimized. For designers who are not burdened with such baggage, the market offers a huge number of CAD systems, the list of which is constantly growing. Modern CAD systems automate the designer's work to an even greater extent and allow the collaboration of many designers, which guarantees better results in a shorter period of time.

Thanks to the increasing penetration of computers into non-professional areas, as well as their use for training, the latter have become available to a large number of non-professional designers and students. Non-professional designers, in this context, mean those who only occasionally engage in design in connection with their professional activities or hobbies.

Typically, non-professionals try to use the same CAD systems as professionals. But without having much financial income from their activities, they cannot honestly afford to buy expensive professional CAD (usually, the cost of professional and therefore commercial CAD rarely falls below $2000 USA) and use various hacked versions of CAD that are located on the Internet. It is clear that in this case you have to put up with the unstable operation of such software, the lack of technical support, as well as the possibility of infecting your computer with viruses. In addition to all of the above, such use is simply illegal!

Without focusing on the moral aspect of free use of commercial software, let us draw the attention of non-professionals to the fact that on the Internet you can find many absolutely free CAD systems that are quite capable of solving all the problems of a non-professional developer. It is important that free CAD systems usually allow faster learning and a lower level of professional knowledge of the user. For example, the volume of documentation for major commercial CAD programs reaches thousands of pages, while a complete description of many free CAD systems can easily fit into several journal publications. If you don't do construction all the time, it's better to flip through a few pages every now and then than to study a thick manual every time!

Much of the above also applies to professional developers of small developing companies, who incur high costs at the stage of formation and therefore also do not have the opportunity to purchase commercial software.

Let's do a short review free programs, intended for the design of printed circuit boards. There are mainly two types of such programs on the Internet. On the one hand, such programs are created by various companies associated with the production of printed circuit boards or the sale of components, and on the other hand, amateurs or groups of amateurs are engaged in the development of such programs.

The first category includes programs that are quite well known in the amateur community. Express PCB[http://www.expresspcb.com/], Pad2Pad[http://www.pad2pad.com/] and PCB Artist[http://www.4pcb.com/free-pcb-layout-software/index.html]. Like many programs of this class, Express PCB, Pad2Pad and PCB Artist are created to promote the services of their companies and therefore have reasonable limitations in that the output we receive is a project in some proprietary format that we can only send to a specific PCB manufacturer . And this is not good. True, domestic hobbyists rarely order printed circuit boards privately. They are usually drawn the old fashioned way by hand or using laser-iron technology. And since Express PCB, Pad2Pad and PCB Artist are capable of printing results, sometimes this is enough for handicraft board manufacturing.

A little apart from the above programs is EDA DesignSpark PCB, which appeared relatively recently. Software package DesignSpark PCB[http://www.designspark.com/] appeared in July 2010 and was developed by RS Components, headquartered in Corby (UK). This software package is absolutely free. To activate the program, all you need is a simple and free registration on the company’s website. At the same time, DesignSpark PCB does not contain any restrictions on the number of circuit elements or on the time of use. Unlike the above programs, DesignSpark PCB does not attempt to tie users to a specific manufacturer and generates output files in popular production formats Gerber, DXF, Excellon, IDF, LPKF. This program is made at a very good professional level and includes all the necessary components, such as a schematic editor and a printed circuit board editor. In the circuit editor, the user can easily draw circuits and connections. In this case, the diagram can contain many sheets interconnected to form a complete project. The latter has auto-layout and auto-routing functions. On this moment there is a large online community of users of this program, where everyone can find support on issues of interest. DesignSpark PCB supports popular simulators such as LTSpice, LSSpice, TopSpice and TINA. Users have the ability to import their designs from these PCB design programs. The program interface includes a specialized calculator that allows you to calculate trace width and resistance, optimal current density and trace temperature rise, as well as via resistance.

KiCad consists of a circuit editor Eeschema, PCB editor Pcbnew and Gerber viewer Gerbview. A pleasant surprise is that the program options include Russian, and there is also help in Russian. The circuit editor provides the creation of single-sheet and hierarchical circuits, electrical rules control (ERC), and the creation of a netlist for pcbnew or Spice. The PCB editor provides the development of boards containing from 1 to 16 layers of copper and up to 12 technical layers (silk-screen printing, solder mask, etc.), generation of technological files for the manufacture of printed circuit boards (Gerber files for photo plotters, drill files and placement files components), printing layers in PostScript format. Gerber viewer allows you to view Gerber files.

Altium Designer: end-to-end design of electronic electronic devices functional units on printed circuit boards (2nd edition)

V. Yu. Sukhodolsky Educational literature Study Guide (BHV)

The book is devoted to the design of radio-electronic functional units in the Altium Designer environment. The composition, setup and basic techniques of working in the Altium Designer environment are described. The issues of creating and editing an electrical circuit, developing a printed circuit board, as well as routing printed circuit boards are covered in detail.

The features of implementing a project based on FPGA chips are separately considered, including programming and debugging of FPGA logic on the NanoBoard debugging stand. Considerable attention is paid to circuit modeling. Provides the necessary information about working with libraries, interacting with external databases, a version control system, and exporting results.

The second edition expands and updates material on the generation of schematic documents, interactive routing of printed circuit boards, the formation of multi-channel and multi-variant projects, covers the basics of script programming in the Altium Designer environment, describes new functions of Altium Designer - designing rigid-flex printed circuit boards and placing hidden components on the inner layers of the printed circuit board.

The peculiarity of the book is the presentation of the material from the standpoint of end-to-end product design, starting from the creation of a new project and ending with the release of design documentation for ESKD and the formation of control information for automated production equipment.

Visual tutorial for ArchiCAD 11

Alexander Zhadayev Programs Absent

The most effective tools for working in the ArchiCAD 11 program are described, forming a necessary and sufficient set for solving most practical problems in building design. The book is aimed at users of various levels, including those who do not have the skills to use ArchiCAD 11 to carry out design work in the field of construction.

To illustrate the technique of working with ArchiCAD 11 and practical consolidation of skills, an end-to-end example of building design is used. All tips and recommendations given in the book were tested in the process of developing real projects. For a wide range of users.

SolidWorks 2007: 3D modeling technology

Anatoly Sollogub Programs Absent

A description of the tools and technology of three-dimensional modeling for the design and construction of complex technical complexes using the dynamically developing computer-aided design system SolidWorks 2007 is given. The design technology is shown using the example of the end-to-end process of developing the design of the most reliable and mass-produced medium-class launch vehicle of the Soyuz family in world practice. .

Consistently, moving from simple to complex, the reader will master the basic instrumental capabilities and methods of constructing sketches, parts, and assemblies using SolidWorks. For engineering and technical workers, designers, developers of mechanical engineering structures, as well as students and university teachers.

Open systems. DBMS No. 05/2013

Absent OS and Networks Open systems. DBMS 2013

In this issue: New “computers-on-a-module” The successful development of “computers-on-a-module” technology has shown the promise of this concept for creating embedded systems for various purposes. The next stage in the development of such platforms was a system based on ARM processors.

DevOps: a new approach to integration A new concept for interaction between developers and operational IT staff is designed to teach those who are accustomed to deep isolation to work together. From development to operation and back Despite the abundance of materials on the development and operation of information systems, organizing effective interaction between the relevant departments remains one of the most pressing issues for IT managers.

What problems exist today in this area? ITSM and business Today ITSM is among the de facto IT management standards and its importance is not in doubt, but only a narrow range of its processes are being successfully implemented, and this situation has persisted in Russia for more than 10 years.

There are fundamental reasons behind this, not just lack of user maturity. Protection of personal data in mobile devices What protection mechanisms are available in mobile operating systems and applications and are they sufficient? What should users know about the risks when working with mobile devices, and should developers know how to take them into account when creating applications? Designing a business process model End-to-end business processes initially seem monolithic, but in practice they can be divided into a network of interacting subprocesses, which can cause errors in the design of process architecture, complicating the analysis of the organization's work and complicating management.

Infographics: from origins to modern times Our ancestors, dressed in animal skins, did not yet know writing and were forced to leave messages and drawings on the walls of caves. In the era of Big Data, we will be doing something similar again. Forget about the confidentiality of personal data Back in 2000, the head of Sun Microsystems, Scott McNealy, said: “That’s it, confidentiality has been reduced to zero - it’s time to leave such prejudices in the past.”

The past years have confirmed this idea. and much more.

Models of a training course in the development of distance learning systems

A. S. Dorofeev Programs Applied Informatics. Science articles

Current issues in the development of distance learning systems and multimedia training courses are discussed. The authors note the need to build appropriate mathematical models, as well as to apply an object-oriented approach to the creation of information educational technologies.

The issue of a systematic approach to modeling the training course and the learning process is considered. The need to include in the training system the concept of “learning goals” is noted, which determine what the student should know and be able to do after studying the course. The modeling technique proposed by the authors is based on the use of Petri nets and Markov chains.

A justification for the effectiveness of using this mathematical apparatus is given, as well as a description of the corresponding mathematical model. The automation tool for classical Petri nets, Visual Petri, is used as a toolkit.

An end-to-end approach to the design and development of a training system using various models and CASE tools of structural and object-oriented analysis is also considered. The developed system was tested on a training course designed by the authors in the discipline “Informatics and Programming”.

End-to-end design The meaning of end-to-end technology is the effective transfer of data and results of a specific current design stage to all subsequent stages at once. These technologies are based on the modular construction of CAD and the use of common databases and knowledge bases at all stages of the project and are characterized by extensive modeling and control capabilities at all stages of design. Parallel design The technology of parallel design is a development of the technology of end-to-end design.

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Lecture No. 3

Basic design technologies CAD/ASTPP/SAIT

The most promising technologies today are:

  • End-to-end design
  • Parallel Design
  • Top-down design

CALLS technology

The main idea is to create an electronic description and support of a product at all stages of its life cycle. The electronic description must comply with accepted domestic and international standards in this subject area. This is a technology for providing information support for product creation.

End-to-End Design

The meaning of end-to-end technology is the efficient transfer of data and results of a specific current design stage to all subsequent stages at once.

These technologies are based on the modular construction of CAD, but the use of common databases and knowledge bases at all stages of the project and are characterized by broad modeling and control capabilities at all stages of design.

End-to-end CAD systems are usually integrated, i.e. have alternative algorithms for implementing individual design procedures.

Concurrent Engineering

Concurrent design technology is a development of end-to-end design technology.

During parallel design, information regarding any intermediate or final characteristics of the manufactured product is generated and provided to all participants in the work, starting from the earliest stages of design. In this case, the information is predictive in nature. Its derivation is based on mathematical models and methods for predictive assessment of various options for design strategies, i.e. selection of fundamental characteristics of the product being developed, determination of development quality criteria and selection of algorithmic and development tools. The assessment can be made on the basis of analytical models, on the basis of statistical methods and on the basis of expert system methods.

The parallel design technology is implemented on the basis of integrated tools for predictive assessment and analysis of alternative design solutions with the subsequent selection of a basic design solution.

A predictive assessment can be made both in relation to the entire project (then we are talking about the preliminary design stage) and in relation to individual design stages.

The fundamental difference between parallel design and end-to-end design is that information does not simply flow to all subsequent design stages, but, since all stages begin to be performed simultaneously, information flows to both all previous and all subsequent design stages.

The benefit of parallel design in the quality of the entire project, because at a specific design stage, criteria from other stages are taken into account.

Information appears to all development participants from terms of reference and based on the stages of advance design.

For the first time the parallel design environment was offered by the company Mentor Graphics based on the principle of combining all design tools and data into one continuous and flexible product creation process.

This infrastructure includes:

  • Design Management Environment
  • Project Data Management System
  • Decision support system

Top-Down Design

Top-down design technology involves the engineer starting to work on the project at high level abstraction followed by detail.

The main task of a manager or engineer is to determine the optimal conceptual solution (as a rule, a more rational one is sought) for the selection of design algorithms, as well as effective design tools. In other words, determining the correct design strategy based on fairly general and vague information.

This problem is solved on the basis of predictive tools, i.e. programs that provide connection between the stages of the functional-logical, technical (design) design stage and the stage of technological preparation of production.

At the same time, predictive tools are used both at the level of individual project procedures and at the level of the project as a whole.

Top-down design allows you to obtain a product with higher performance characteristics and create a reliable device.

All modern CAD manufacturers are based on top-down design technology.

Structure of the electronic computing module design process

  1. Conceptual (avan) design
  2. Functional-logical design
  3. Design of functional diagrams
  4. Design of test programs and tests
  5. Design (technical) design
  6. Design advance design
  • Formation of many rational options
  • Analysis of alternative software modules for implementing subsequent design procedures and selection of the most appropriate ones (adaptation of CAD to the design object)
  • Selection of the basic design option (selection of metric and topological parameters of the object)
  1. Layout of structural modules
  2. The stage of placing elements on the surface of the module
  3. Routing Signal Connections
  4. Technological preparation of production (creation of route maps production process)
  5. Preparation of technical documentation

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One of the main objectives of the Russian government program “Development of Education for 2013-2020” is the modernization of educational standards and methods of professional training of specialists. The development of pedagogical technologies should be aimed at the integration of disciplines and the effectiveness of each stage of the educational process. The solution to this problem is possible using end-to-end design technology, because one of the conditions for its implementation is the integration of disciplines. The set tasks indicate that scientific and methodological developments in end-to-end design are relevant. This is especially true for the methodology and theory of interdisciplinary integration in the design of the continuous educational process of secondary and higher schools.

The end-to-end design method is based on the principle of fundamentality and professional orientation, through the integration of natural and special disciplines - a system of actions that allows the teacher to formulate teaching methods.

It is safe to say that mastering a general physics course by future engineers is the foundation that will allow them not only to successfully master general technical and special disciplines, but also to master one of the main types of activity for a specialist in this area of ​​training - design activity.

As an analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows, a number of authors highlight such design stages as “graphical modeling of a design object”, “drawing up schematic and design diagrams”, “development of design solutions for a product and (or) its components”. Comparing the main stages of solving problems in physics, it can be argued that the actions of drawing up a graphical and physical model of the situation, identifying changes occurring with the object of study, choosing and justifying laws and theories for its description are similar to the stages of design activity.

Organizing the process of training an engineer using the method of end-to-end design of objects of professional activity can significantly increase the interest of students in learning physics, due to a clear understanding of the need and significance of physical knowledge in future professional activity.

Our previous studies have proven the relevance of using the project method in training competitive specialists. An organizational and pedagogical model of professionally significant projects for junior courses in the bachelor's degree program has been formed, tested and introduced into the educational process. It is shown that for the successful use of this method, the educational process is oriented towards the formation of skills in project activities and active cooperation with teachers of special courses in disciplines, that is, the establishment of interdisciplinary connections between physics and general technical and special disciplines.

Professionally significant interactive projects of general education physics courses have been developed, tested and implemented into the training system for organizing end-to-end design in order to familiarize with fundamental research, with the latest innovative developments and technologies, establishing interdisciplinary connections between physics and general technical and special disciplines.

At the Faculty of Civil Engineering of INRTU, many specialties are related to water technologies. From the first year, we train junior students in project activities. We associate the topics of freshman projects with water supply and sanitation technologies.

The introduction of this method into the educational process will allow students to successfully cope with coursework and diploma projects, stimulate the process of professional development, self-development and creative activity. Topics for design activities of the first stage are coordinated with the graduating departments, this makes it possible to establish interdisciplinary connections between physics and general technical and special disciplines, thereby ensuring professionally oriented training using the end-to-end design method.

As a rule, the final topics of the project are related to real-life objects, as a result of which the knowledge acquired while studying the physics course will be used in future professional activities.

Thus, professionally significant projects of general education courses at the university were developed and included in the training system for organizing end-to-end school-university design with the aim of familiarizing with fundamental research, the latest innovative developments and technologies, and establishing interdisciplinary connections between physics and general technical and special disciplines.

It is advisable to begin end-to-end design among school students in order to attract talented graduates to enter a university, where they can continue their project activities while studying special disciplines.

The authors of design developments suggest starting it from the first year of study. This will actually be the second semester of the first year of study, when students will already be familiar with the disciplines, subjects, teachers and the very methodology of conducting classes in higher education and can understand the role of end-to-end design in their learning process.

At INRTU, physics begins in the first semester. Naturally, it is difficult to organize end-to-end design from the first month of training; few people will decide on their future specialization, because They are assigned to their specialty in the 2nd year of study. Then we can already talk about course and diploma design and introduce end-to-end design. We believe that end-to-end design should begin with project activities in applied research of physical laws or on other topics closer to technical specialties, which is what we have been doing for ten years.

If in the first months of training university students are organized to develop project activities in applied physics, then the problems of end-to-end design will be more successfully solved.

Work has begun on end-to-end design with students of the Institute of Architecture and Construction in applied physics.

We have developed, tested and organized the first stage (motivational) of professionally oriented training in physics using the method of end-to-end design of objects of professional activity, as a result of which:

  • conditions are created for the self-development of creative activity of students;
  • professional competencies are formed;
  • relationships are built between teachers of related disciplines;
  • the need for professional development increases;
  • the need to study physics to solve future professional problems is comprehended;
  • the student masters the stages of project activity.

Bibliographic link

Shishelova T.I., Konovalov N.P., Bazhenova T.K., Konovalov P.N., Pavlova T.O. ORGANIZATION OF END-TO-END DESIGN OF PROFESSIONAL OBJECTS AT THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS INRTU // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2016. – No. 12-1. – P. 87-88;
URL: http://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=10802 (access date: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Today it is difficult to imagine design and technological preparation of production without automation software. The widespread introduction of computer-aided design systems has allowed us to take a fresh look at the process of designing and manufacturing products. The most knowledge-intensive industries have become active users and supporters of computer technology. The ability to model the future appearance of a product, the process of making equipment and developing technology has grown into a need. Among domestic and foreign developments that are capable of combining various areas of design and production into a single, end-to-end technological process, one of the leading places is occupied by the domestic CAD/CAM/CAPP system ADEM, whose work experience in the field of automation of production preparation exceeds 20 years. The developers continue to meet the expectations of domestic and foreign users, developing the package in such areas as ergonomics, functionality and adaptability.

End-to-end design and production preparation in the educational process.

When developing the system, the ADEM Group of Companies focused not only on the need to automate design and technological work at industrial enterprises, but also on training qualified personnel who can easily master modern design tools. Therefore, ADEM is distributed and used not only among specialists involved in real production, but also among the country’s universities, secondary vocational educational institutions, colleges, schools. Ease of development and operation, as well as an integrated approach to the automation of the work of the designer and technologist, allows students to quickly and clearly imagine the design process using modern tools.

But how can the conditions for teaching a software product be brought as close as possible to the modern realities of industrial production?

One of the methods is the creation of software and hardware systems, which should, in addition to the automated workstation of the designer, technologist, and CNC programmer, include the ability to directly manufacture products designed and prepared for production in ADEM. That's why the best option Such integration, for systemic training, there will be a visual connection: Computer - CAD/CAM/CAPP system - training machine (universal or CNC).

The ADEM group of companies has been working with companies specializing in the production and sale of small-sized equipment for several years. Special means of supporting such equipment have been developed, which are successfully used both in the design of machine tools and in further work with this equipment.

One of the most successful examples of such work is the long-term cooperation of ADEM developers and specialists from the Didactic Systems company.

OJSC "DiSis" ("Didactic Systems") specializes mainly in the development and production of educational equipment, teaching materials for the vocational education system and advanced training systems for specialists employed in various industries.

After studying the market for design and production preparation systems, DiSys specialists decided to use the CAD/CAM ADEM system, since it supports an end-to-end process with a unified design and technological model, which is important for the successful interaction of designers and technologists, as well as other enterprise specialists. The use of end-to-end design methods allows you to quickly and easily create drawings and documents describing a set of processes, as well as significantly reduce time and improve the quality of technological preparation of production.

When choosing a program, the decisive influence was the extraordinary ease of mastering the system, thoughtful and complete help built into the system. This turned out to be important, first of all, because ADEM was planned to be used not only for the design and production of its own equipment, but also for the subsequent training of specialists in CAD/CAM/CAPP technologies, illustrating the end-to-end design process. After all, it is known that when using CAD/CAM ADEM, the designer and technologist work side by side, and the three-dimensional model created by the designer is almost immediately translated into drawings and CNC programs, taking into account the equipment and tools used at the enterprise.

The recommended implementation of an end-to-end process of this level in educational institutions is the supply of a training class consisting of: small-sized desktop 3-axis milling machines and the domestic integrated CAD/CAM system ADEM, as a system for design and technological preparation of production and a system that directly controls these machines. It is assumed that every two students will work on one machine, thus creating double seats consisting of two computers and one machine; the classroom room can accommodate 6 such double seats and one teacher’s seat, also equipped with a computer with the ADEM system installed on it for timely verification of students’ work . At the same time, in addition to the hardware and CAD/CAM/CAPP systems, the kit also includes teaching materials for training students (teachers, specialists) in the combination of a designer-technologist's workstation plus a CNC machine.

According to numerous reviews from teachers of educational institutions in which such projects have been implemented (Volgograd State College of Management and New Technologies, College of Automation and Radio Electronics No. 27 (Moscow), Cheboksary Vocational Lyceum, etc.), such a class is more like a research laboratory than a usual technical room.

This is exactly the solution that was demonstrated at the joint stand of ADEM and DiSys at the latest Vertol-EXPO exhibition in Rostov-on-Don. The exposition included a simplified version of the class described above: 2 workplaces for a designer-technologist and 2 machines (milling and turning).

Fig. 1. The complex of CAD/CAM technologies in training aroused genuine interest among the exhibition participants

An example of the practical implementation of an end-to-end process with CAD/CAM/CAPP ADEM in the educational process

We have repeatedly talked about the use of ADEM in schools, secondary vocational schools, and universities. Examples of diplomas and coursework are constantly replenished, which is significant, since end-to-end technologies followed by direct production are extremely popular among students and arouse understandable interest. One of the latest clear examples of the use of a software and hardware complex for educational institutions today is the interesting work of two students of the College of Automation and Radio Electronics from Moscow, Alexey Rozhkov and Alexey Ivanov, entitled “Design of parts with a complex contour using the ADEM system and manufacturing on machines with program control." Its purpose was: to study the technology of manufacturing parts with complex contours using the example of chess pieces, to obtain control programs for CNC machines, as well as to produce chess pieces using equipment and software.

Geometric models were developed directly in the CAD module of the ADEM system. To create a processing technology on a CNC machine, the graphic model does not necessarily have to be in the form of a fully designed drawing, since to create a control program in the CAM module of the ADEM system, only the geometric contour of the part is needed. In this case, it is not necessary to build a complete geometric contour; it is enough to draw half of the contour located above the axis of symmetry of the part.

Rice. 2. Sketch of a part for turning

After creating the geometric model, additional geometric constructions were performed, with the help of which the contours of the areas of the workpiece material that were removed during the turning process were assigned. Additional geometric constructions, in turn, are determined by the intended processing route, that is, a description of which parts of the part will be processed, how and in what order.

Rice. 3. Sketch of the part with the workpiece (hatching area - the amount of allowance to be removed)

The processing technology is created in the CAM module of the ADEM system. Before creating a technological model, a route for processing the figure is developed. The capabilities of the ADEM system allow the use of a wide variety of sequences of actions in the CAM module when creating technology.

Rice. 4. Calculation of the tool path

Based on the calculation results, the tool movement path is displayed on the working field of the CAM module and a dialog box appears with a message about the calculation results. If the technology is compiled correctly, a message appears in the window indicating the successful completion of the calculations. The result of the calculations - the control program - is immediately transferred to the appropriate equipment.

Rice. 5 Queen chess piece on a lathe.

As a result of the work done, chess pieces were manufactured on CNC lathes (bodies of rotation - pawn, bishop, queen, king) and milling (knight, individual parts of the rook) groups of the laboratory.

Rice. 6. Chess pieces made using the ADEM link - a CNC training machine. Work of students of the College of Automation and Radioelectronics.

Thus, using the example of this work, we saw the practical implementation of a simple and effective idea of ​​​​combining methodological developments focused on the integrated use of the CAD/CAM/CAPP system - CNC machine combination and developing skills in working with modern software and equipment among college and university students.

The article uses excerpts from the work of Alexey Rozhkov and Alexey Ivanov (College of Automation and Radio Electronics)