Bank guarantee form bg 1 of Sberbank. Conditions and cost of a Sberbank bank guarantee

Sberbank issues guarantees for the fulfillment of obligations that arise from international and domestic agreements. This bank is one of a number of credit institutions whose guarantees are credited by tax and customs authorities, and are also applied when participating in the public procurement system.

First, Sberbank divides applicants for BG into two types: representatives of small businesses and corporate clients. BG in Sberbank has a favorable price.

What it is?

Bank guarantee- the obligation in writing of one person - a credit or insurance company, accepted by him, at the request of another person, to pay a third - the principal's lender, in accordance with certain conditions, a financial amount upon submission by the beneficiary of a written request for its payment (Article 368 of the Civil Code of Russia).

Conventional BGs in international trade are designated and secured by the norms of the Uniform Rules for ICC Contractual Guarantees.


Depending on the direction of the BG, several of its types can be defined:

  • A bid guarantee or tender guarantee provides requests for payments from the party organizing the tender in relation to the party that offers in a situation where the latter either refuses the offer or cancels the bid after the tender, or refuses to sign an agreement or give other guarantees of its execution.
  • Payment guarantee. This type of guarantee is used to secure the buyer's payment obligations to the seller. It is usually used when a settlement is made upon receipt of goods or services by the principal, or in the situation of using a commodity loan.
  • Guarantee for customs payments. This type of BG is issued to importing organizations so that they can ensure customs payments, can pay the amounts of costs required by the customs authorities, fines for loss and damage.
  • Performance guarantee. This is the obligation of a banking organization to pay the buyer the agreed amounts or fines at his request in a situation where the seller’s obligations under its contractual relationship are not fulfilled or are performed incorrectly.
  • Payment return guarantee. It represents the bank’s obligation to return the advance amount in a situation where the seller does not fulfill his obligations to supply goods established by the agreement.
  • Loan repayment guarantee. This BG is used to ensure loan actions.

Depending on the terms of payment, the guarantee differs between unconditional and conditional. In the first situation, payment is made at the first request of the beneficiary, in accordance with the terms of the guarantee. In the second situation, the guarantor must make a payment in accordance with the terms of the guarantee upon written request, but with accompanying papers that certify the principal's failure to fulfill his obligations.

Cost of a bank guarantee in Sberbank

Bank guarantee from Sberbank, its cost is determined depending on the competitive environment, where financial companies, in the fight for clients, are ready to provide the best conditions for providing guarantee obligations.

It is assigned individually, depending on the size of the transaction.

Circumstances that contribute to the basis of calculations for BG:

  • The initial parameter is the amount of the commission that the bank says, making it possible to use the guarantees. It is established based on the size of the guarantee. In percentage terms, at Sberbank you can expect a commission of 2-10%. In addition, the price of the guarantee depends on the actual duration of its validity.
  • An important value that affects the price of BG is the presence or absence of collateral. In other words, the banking organization that acts as a guarantor is interested in having the money given to the client returned. In the absence of collateral, the bank inflates tariffs in order to cover possible risks.

Video: Sberbank announced that it is ready to provide its guarantees to entrepreneurs

Receipt process

The process of obtaining BG consists of the following stages:

  • The first stage of the process of issuing a BG is contained in the consultation of clients by the lending manager regarding the amount of guarantees, the amount of one-time commissions for issuing guarantees, the size of the monthly commission, etc. If the client is satisfied with the terms of the guarantees, he/she fills out an application indicating the amount of the guarantee, the purpose of financing, the name of the beneficiary, the period and consent to provide collateral. Papers are attached to the application.
  • The second stage is consideration of lending, research by the client’s labor lending manager. The company’s employees master the client’s reputation and determine his creditworthiness, analyze the client’s work with BG, the contracts he has given, etc. To analyze creditworthiness, they use data provided by the client himself, which is available at the institution, and data from third parties.
  • An employee of the credit department sends papers for analysis and development of conclusions to the legal entity. department and security service of the credit institution. The security service of a banking organization looks at the client's reputation. Legal department after receiving from the lending officer a complete order of papers required for legal. analysis, analyzes and draws conclusions on the lending transaction.
  • The credit submission is sent to the risk department, which performs financial analysis, analyzes business risks, collateral risks, etc. Based on the results of this analysis, the division prepares a risk assessment result and sends it to the lending department for inclusion in the securities that are submitted for analysis to the lending committee.
  • The credit submission with the results of the relevant departments is analyzed by the credit committee, which decides whether to issue a guarantee or refuse. In a situation of a positive decision, the criteria for issuing a guarantee, conceivable additional requests for collateral, and, if necessary, reducing the amount of the guarantee, increasing commissions, etc. are fixed.
  • The principal and the guarantor sign an agreement on the release of the BG and security agreements.


Package of documents

To register a BG at Sberbank, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Application for registration.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate of state registration.
  • Excerpt from the unified state. registry
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authorities.
  • Licenses and patents for work.
  • Map with example signatures.
  • Constituent papers (for legal entities).
  • Order, labor agreement on the appointment of a chief accountant.


A bank guarantee at Sberbank is issued for a period of 1 to 24 months. Within the framework of the Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” guarantees in the amount of up to 1 million rubles. are issued in a short time (simplified analysis).

Where to check?

You can check the authenticity of the BG using the following scheme:

  • Go to the website.
  • Enter the name of the bank in the search box.
  • In the table that appears, click on its full name.
  • Now go to the item “Turnover sheet data for accounting accounts.”
  • Then you can get to the table. “Turnover statement of accounting accounts of a credit organization.”
  • We are looking for item number 91315.
  • Through account No. 91315, material flows related to BG pass through.

Now you need to disassemble it. The easiest analysis will be if the banking organization does not provide guarantor services at all. Then the account has zero. Guarantees issued on behalf of the bank are either fake or not shown in its report.

A more difficult case is the situation when this account contains a smaller amount than the amount assigned in the guarantee. This can also be identified as a sign of imitation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of BG:

  • Having secured a guarantee, you can get a loan.
  • You can expand your customer base.
  • There is no need to divert funds from circulation to pay taxes and customs payments.
  • An advance rather than a loan can be used to finance the initial stage of activity.

Disadvantages of BG:

  • Duration of registration.
  • Search for surety, collateral.
  • An impressive amount of bank commission for claims addressed to you.

The cost of Sberbank BG is determined individually, depending on the transaction amount and the availability of collateral. It is issued for a period from 1 to 24 months. A bank guarantee from Sberbank will help the organization avoid various types of risks when conducting a transaction.

CJSC Sberbank Automated Bidding System (AST) is a national operator that conducts electronic government auctions under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, as well as electronic auctions as part of bankruptcy proceedings. Electronic document flow is carried out in cooperation with the largest centers for issuing EDS certificates in order to ensure the legality of transactions in electronic trading.

Bank guarantee AST Sberbank- one of the new trading platform services provided to participants in electronic trading to ensure their participation in government procurement and the conclusion of government contracts. Guarantees are provided by partner banks of AST and this program.

Advantages of obtaining a guarantee through an electronic platform (EP)

Registration of guarantees through the AST trading platform has the following advantages:

  • all documents are sent to the bank in the client’s personal account on the AST platform in electronic form. The bidder does not need to visit the bank;
  • quick decision making. The application is preliminarily reviewed within a day;
  • the amount of commissions for guarantees does not differ from the market average;
  • a high level of service is supported by the partner banks of the program of Sberbank AST CJSC.


Bank guarantee from Sberbank AST can be obtained by the bidder directly on the trading platform. All that is required for this is to prepare electronic versions of the constituent, registration and financial documents and digital signature certificates of the company’s managers and accountant.

  1. In the personal account on the website of the electronic platform, the bidder places an application for a guarantee, indicates the necessary information and attaches scans of the required documents and sends the application to the electronic operator.
  2. In this case, the applicant agrees to the transfer of his data to several banks at the operator’s choice.
  3. The electronic signature operator examines the documents, checks them for compliance with the requirements of partner banks and selects the bank in which the likelihood of receiving a guarantee is highest.
  4. The operator, in accordance with the requirements of the selected bank, requests additional documents from the participant and, after providing them, sends the entire package to the bank or its representative.
  5. The bank or its representative must review the application within a day. The participant sends comments, changes, additions, and additional documents to the bank using an electronic signature.
  6. If the decision on the application is positive, the bank sends the draft text of the BG and an invoice for payment of services to the participant via the electronic signature.
  7. If the participant agrees with the text, the parties electronically sign the BG agreement: first the participant, then the bank.
  8. If there are disagreements, the protocol is also sent via electronic means. If the parties do not agree, the bank may withdraw its decision to issue a guarantee.
  9. If the parties agree and the invoice is paid, the bank issues a guarantee within 24 hours, places it in the BG register and sends the participant a link to the posted document.
  10. The original BG is sent to the participant by courier.
  11. The participant who received the guarantee sends quarterly reports to the bank during its validity period as they are compiled.

Bank guarantees Sberbank AST Bidders can complete the order within two working days. In this case, all contacts between the principal and the guarantor are carried out through the trading platform, and the guarantee is immediately accepted as security.

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Accounting for bank guarantees

The accounting for independent guarantees is different for principals, guarantors and creditors. Recommendations for accounting and accounting entries for transactions with guarantees of credit institutions for each party are given in this article.

Guarantees of settlement for securities

Improvements in Russian legislation have led to changes in the usual practice of banking security operations. Bank guarantees are used not only to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under external or domestic trade contracts, but also in relations between economic entities

In this article we will look at the conditions under which you can obtain a bank guarantee from Sberbank. We will analyze the tariffs for guaranteeing the execution of contracts within the framework of 44-FZ, as well as clauses of the contract for legal entities. We will tell you how to submit an online application to Sberbank and discuss the requirements for the principal and types of collateral.

Conditions for issuing a bank guarantee from Sberbank

Sberbank issues various guarantees for the development of small businesses:

  • ensuring the execution of contracts;
  • tender;
  • customs;
  • financial;
  • compensation for advance payments;
  • regarding tax structures.

A business guarantee is provided in all regions of the Russian Federation for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons To obtain it, security and surety are not required, and you do not need to open a current account.

Among other conditions, it can be noted that the guarantee is available to commercial entities with revenue during the year up to 400 million rubles. The cost of the agreement is set for each customer individually.

Bank guarantee within 1 day

A simplified guarantee can be issued at any bank branch. It is provided with a minimum list of documents, and collateral, surety and account opening are optional. Promissory notes and certificates of deposit from financial institutions are accepted as possible collateral.


The cost of the guarantee depends on the terms of the contract and the financial situation of the client.

Business Guarantee

A business guarantee is one of the effective methods of ensuring agreements on various agreements. Guarantees are provided on attractive terms, and a minimum package of papers is required to complete tender transactions.


Term from 1 to 24 months. (up to 36 months if secured by bills and bank certificates)
Currency Russian ruble
Reward amount from 2.66% per issue:
  • from 27 thousand rubles - secured by property;
  • from 15 thousand rubles — secured by bills of exchange and certificates of deposit;
  • from 17.5 thousand rubles - under guarantee;
  • from 20 thousand rubles - without collateral or guarantee.
Bid from 11.73%
Sum from 50 thousand rubles
Payment refund period
  • 3 days - guarantee secured by bills and certificates;
  • 3 months - any other types of agreements.
Fee for late refunds 0.1% of the amount of overdue debt

The maximum size of transactions is limited by the financial situation of the client, as well as the price of the collateral. For contract guarantees issued under 223-FZ, 44-FZ, capital security guarantees. repairs under 185-FZ and 271-FZ, the transaction amount cannot exceed 15 million rubles, as for any tender transaction.

Online application to Sberbank

You can receive a guarantee in several stages:

  1. Go to the bank's website and fill out an online application. Or visit any branch in your city and write a statement.
  2. Submit your application for review and wait for a call from the bank manager to clarify the details.
  3. Next, prepare the documents and submit them to the bank office.
  4. Sign the agreement and pay the commission amount.

Then you will receive the original guarantee, and the bank will make changes to the register.

Requirements for the principal

To obtain a guarantee for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons must meet the following criteria:

  • Organization- resident of the Russian Federation.
  • Age limit for individual entrepreneurs— 70 years at the expected completion date of the transaction.
  • Period of commercial activity- from 12 months for seasonal business, from 6 months. - for any others.

Types of collateral

Sberbank accepts two types of collateral - property pledge and surety.

The following are considered as guarantees:

  • guarantee from the owners of the enterprise and the Small and Medium Business Support Funds;
  • guarantees from third party banks;
  • guarantee for individuals and legal persons;

Can be used as collateral:

  • motor transport;
  • equipment;
  • products in circulation;
  • real estate;
  • bills and bank certificates;
  • farm animals.

Property provided as collateral does not require insurance (except for farm animals).

Bank guarantee agreement

The bank guarantee agreement with Sberbank includes the following clauses:

  • General provisions.
  • General conditions of registration.
  • Terms of payments and settlements.
  • Rights and obligations of the guarantor.
  • Rights and obligations of the principal.
  • Other possible conditions.
  • Representations of the parties.

A sample agreement can be downloaded from the official Sberbank website.

Advantages of a Sberbank bank guarantee

Bank guarantees provide the following benefits:

  • Opportunity to participate in major transactions.
  • Fast registration.
  • You are required to provide a small package of documents.
  • Possibility of obtaining a guarantee without collateral.
  • Low commission.
  • Long period of action.

Concluding a transaction is always fraught with risk, since one of the parties may be unable to fulfill its financial obligations. A bank guarantee will help to avoid such a situation. You need to take the choice of a bank seriously, because your reputation will depend on its reliability. Let's figure out under what conditions you can get a bank guarantee from the oldest bank in Russia - Sberbank.

The bank guarantee is intended to help the company be ready to participate in the tender and enter into a profitable contract, as well as guarantee its obligations to the tax and customs authorities regarding payments to the budget. With the help of a bank guarantee, a company confirms its solvency, but not at the expense of its own or borrowed funds, but through a written guarantee from the bank. This is a kind of promise from the bank (guarantor) to pay your partners (beneficiaries) if your company (principal) fails to fulfill its obligations. Is it worth noting that a guarantee from a reliable partner like Sberbank is the key to the success of your business. And the choice of a credit institution should be approached carefully.

How to choose a bank to receive a bank guarantee?

First, you need to study the conditions under which various banks are willing to provide guarantees. Firstly, this is the guarantee amount. In many banks, the maximum amount is determined individually, depending on the financial stability of the company. Next you need to find out the value rewards bank for issuing a guarantee, as a rule, it is 1-5%. An important parameter is interest rate in the event of a warranty claim, i.e. in case the bank pays money for your obligations. This means that if your company is still unable to fulfill its financial or other obligations, your bank will come to the rescue. He will pay your partners, and the percentage of the provision of this service will be 10-30%.

The refund period is usually several months. Also, when choosing a bank, you should pay attention to the collateral that may be required to obtain a bank guarantee. As a rule, this is a pledge of movable and immovable property or a surety. However, many banks provide guarantee obligations, even if they are not secured by collateral, in particular, Sberbank of Russia.

What types of guarantees does Sberbank provide?

Since 2013, Sberbank of Russia has been offering small businesses the “Business Guarantee” product. As part of this service you can receive:
  • Guarantee for fulfillment of obligations, including under state and municipal contracts. Such a document is provided by Sberbank to the company that has won the bidding for a government order (government contract). In order for the customer to enter into an agreement with the winning company, it must provide a guarantee that in the event of its improper performance of the contract, the bank will pay the guarantee amount to the customer to cover fines and penalties.
  • Tender guarantee. This type of guarantee is issued at the request of the tender organizer and eliminates the risk that: the bidder will withdraw the application for participation after the deadline for its submission; the winner of the tender will refuse to enter into an agreement for the supply of goods/performance of work or will perform it in an improper manner. Holding a tender is a very risky undertaking; this way the customer not only ensures his/her own safety, but also weeds out unreliable companies.
  • Customs guarantee. This is a written commitment issued by Sberbank to customs authorities, which guarantees that the company will pay customs duties. This type of guarantee provides a deferred payment of customs duties for up to 1 year. But not every bank has the right to issue a guarantee to customs authorities, but only those that are included in a special register. Sberbank was included in it by order of the Federal Customs Service dated June 2, 2008 No. 683 “On approval of the Register of banks and other credit organizations.”
  • Advance payment refund guarantee. After concluding a contract with your company for the performance of services/supply of goods, the customer can pay an advance. Its size can be up to 30% of the contract size. However, before receiving an advance, you must provide a guarantee of its return. This is how the customer tries to protect himself from misuse of the advance by the contractor. If the advance is spent for other purposes, then Sberbank returns the funds to him.
  • Guarantee in favor of tax authorities. A written commitment from Sberbank issued in favor of the tax authorities to ensure that the company pays payments to the Federal Tax Service. In particular, the guarantee of payment of VAT in favor of the Federal Tax Service gives the taxpayer the opportunity to receive a refund of the amount of VAT declared for reimbursement in the tax return, even before the completion of the desk tax audit. Accordingly, the client receives money, which he puts into circulation and earns due to the absence of delays. According to paragraph 4 of Article 176.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, only a bank that meets the established requirements can act as a guarantor. Sberbank meets these conditions: its authorized capital is more than the required 500 million rubles, and its own funds are more than 1 billion rubles.
  • What documents are required to obtain a bank guarantee from Sberbank?

    1. Application for a guarantee (drawn up on the borrower’s letterhead in any form, indicating the amount, purpose of the guarantee, deadline for its receipt, security);
    2. Borrower's Questionnaire;
    3. Title documents;
    4. Accounting statements for the last 5 reporting dates, transcripts thereto;
    5. Business plan for the period of receipt of the guarantee (cash flow forecast and income and expense plan);
    6. Documents for the transaction, which must be secured by a guarantee;
    7. Security documents.

    Conditions for providing a bank guarantee at Sberbank

    Main limitation Sberbank’s “Business Guarantee” services are the annual revenue of an enterprise, which should not exceed 400 million rubles. This limitation is due to the fact that this service is part of the line of loans for small businesses.

    Term, which comes with a warranty of 1 to 24 months. Guarantee amount- from 50 thousand rubles. The maximum amount is limited by the face value of the bill if the collateral is a Sberbank bill, in other cases it is determined by the client’s solvency. The issuance fee is from 2% of the amount of the issued guarantee.

    Eat minimum threshold, remuneration, it depends on the type of collateral: against Sberbank bills - 5 thousand rubles, against a guarantee - 10 thousand rubles, against property - 14 thousand rubles. The interest rate in case of a warranty case is from 10% per annum. However, it is valid for a period of 12 months and full security of Sberbank bills, and final interest rate depends on the financial condition of the client.

    The payment reimbursement period under the guarantee is 3 months. The penalty for late return of payment is 0.1% of the overdue debt, calculated on the amount of the overdue payment for each day of delay.

    Table 1. Conditions for issuing a bank guarantee at Sberbank of Russia


    From 1 to 24 months

    Remuneration for issuing a guarantee

    From 2% of the amount of the issued guarantee, but not less: 5000 rubles. — when issuing guarantees secured by Sberbank bills,

    10,000 rub. - on guarantee,
    14,000 rub. - secured by property security

    Interest rate for the diversion of the Bank's funds upon the occurrence of a guarantee event

    From 10% per annum

    Loan currency

    Russian rubles, US dollars, euros

    Types of guarantees

    Guarantee of fulfillment of obligations
    Tender guarantee
    Customs guarantee
    Advance payment refund guarantee
    Guarantee in favor of tax authorities

    Guarantee amount

    From 50,000 rubles. The maximum amount is limited only by the client’s financial condition; when secured by Sberbank bills, it is limited to the bill amount

    Guarantee payment refund period

    3 months


    Guarantee of an individual/legal entity

    Pledge of existing property


    Not required

    Penalty for late reimbursement of payment under a warranty obligation

    0.1% of the overdue debt for reimbursement of payment under the guarantee obligation. Accrued on the amount of the overdue payment for each day of delay

    Possible types of guarantee guarantees:
  • vehicles;
  • equipment;
  • inventory items;
  • real estate objects;
  • Sberbank bills;
  • guarantee of business owners;
  • guarantees of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities;
  • guarantee of Small Business Support Funds;
  • farm animals;
  • guarantees from other banks.
  • Relationships upon the occurrence of circumstances covered by the guarantee

    If, nevertheless, a warranty case occurs, Sberbank must pay the beneficiary the required amount. The injured party (customer of services/products who did not receive them or received them in inadequate quality) must present their demands in writing, and it must necessarily indicate how the principal violated his obligations. Documents must be submitted before the expiration of the bank guarantee. Sberbank’s refusal to pay can only occur in two cases: the beneficiary’s requirements do not meet the terms of the guarantee or the guarantee period has expired.

    A bank guarantee is a formal promise from the bank (guarantor) to pay your partners (beneficiaries) if your company (principal) fails to fulfill its obligations.

  • Irrevocable bank guarantee

    An irrevocable bank guarantee is the most reliable way to secure obligations.

  • Irrevocable letter of credit - features, types and payment scheme

    An irrevocable letter of credit is a letter of credit that cannot be canceled or changed without the consent of the parties concerned.

  • Bill of exchange

    A bill of exchange is a security that certifies the obligation of the drawer (or another payer specified in the bill) to pay, after a certain period of time, the amount of money indicated in it to the owner of the bill (bill holder).

  • A significant risk when concluding an expensive contract is the failure of one of the parties to fulfill the obligations. The debtor and the creditor are meeting for the first time; there is no time-tested trust relationship. How can unfamiliar companies gain trust? The customer is waiting for the contractor’s “promise” to fulfill the order properly. And in addition to the cash collateral, the executing company can take advantage of such a financial instrument from a reliable partner as a bank guarantee (BG) of Sberbank.

    A bank guarantee is a documentation of a “promise” to fulfill the debtor’s obligations in favor of the creditor.

    Simply put, this is a kind of receipt in which a trusted third party vouches for the debtor. In our case, this is Sberbank PJSC.

    The official documentation uses the following terms to refer to the parties: Principal

    – debtor, executor of the order, contractor. The one who undertakes to fulfill the terms of the agreement/contract/tender. Beneficiary

    – recipient of goods/services, customer. Guarantee

    – a third party to the transaction (for example, Sberbank), which promises the beneficiary to fulfill the obligations of the principal (if necessary).

    The law introduces some confusion in working with the concept of a bank guarantee. Although the service is a “banking” one, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it can be issued not only by banks (financial and credit organizations), but also by insurance companies, although the Federal Law immediately contradicts this and tells us that the issuance of BG refers only to banking operations (not insurance).

    Types of BG from Sberbank

    There are five main types of bank guarantee for a transaction:

    The winning company, after completion of the auction, guarantees the customer the proper execution of the order and provides its obligations with a bank guarantee. In case of non-fulfillment, the bank pays the funds to the customer.

    Tender guarantee.

    Unlike the first type of guarantee, a tender guarantee helps the customer, at the stage of selecting a contractor, to weed out the unreliable segment of contractors. There are cases when the principal cancels an application for participation in a tender at the very last moment, thereby causing losses to the customer.

    Customs guarantee.

    In case of improper fulfillment of the principal's obligations to the customs authorities, the bank undertakes to pay the amount established by the guarantee agreement in favor of the customs authority.

    Advance refund guarantee.

    In order to protect advance funds from misuse by the contractor, the customer requires the registration of a BG, for the reason that the amount of the advance is not small: it can reach 30% of the contract value.

    Guarantee in favor of the tax authorities.

    The principle is similar to the effect of a customs guarantee.

    Who can apply?

    A business owner of any size can count on receiving BG: from small to large. In the event that the principal fails to independently fulfill his obligations, the bank is settled with the beneficiary using his own funds. Therefore, a bank guarantee for a bank is the same as a loan.

    The bank seems to be putting aside a certain amount and is ready to turn it in at any moment. into credit funds for the principal. Therefore, providing a BG is the same scrupulous process as applying for any other loan.

    Sberbank requirements for the company:

    • Unclouded credit history.
    • The “age” of the business is at least 6-12 months.
    • There are no losses, there is profit.
    • If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur, at the time of termination of the BG, the person must be no older than 70 years.
    • Annual revenue does not exceed 400,000,000 rubles. (the product is designed to support small businesses).

    Participation in the competition for some small businesses or socially oriented non-profit organizations does not require collateral.

    BG design

    It is easier to register a BG in the bank in which the company has current accounts and provides other services. The organization is already familiar to the bank and has an established reputation, which will make it easier review process guarantee applications.

    The bank has the right to refuse to provide BG without giving reasons.

    When contacting the bank for a guarantee, you will need to bring it up to date with your affairs by providing:

    • General but comprehensive information about the organization.
    • A recent extract from the unified state register of legal entities (up to 30 days).
    • Financial statements for the last year.
    • An Internet link to a tender or competition for which a guarantee is required.

    Once the bank has assessed the company's solvency, it may request additional documents necessary for issuing a guarantee.

    For those who constantly participate in government procurement with security in the form of BG, we recommend using an electronic digital signature (electronic digital signature) and a special qualified certificate. This will help speed up the process of registration and obtaining a guarantee. All you need is the Internet.

    Contents of a bank guarantee

    When turning to a reliable partner like Sberbank, you don’t have to worry about the authenticity of the executed document. Sample guarantee can be found online before signing the contract for the first time and familiarize yourself with it.

    It’s worth knowing that the warranty must include:

    • The fact that the security cannot be revoked.
    • Name and details of all three parties involved in the transaction.
    • Refer to the clause in the contract that states the need to provide security.
    • Terms of the transaction and timing of its execution.
    • The maximum amount of compensation to the customer in the event of a warranty claim.
    • Penalty in favor of the customer from the bank in case of untimely payment of compensation.
    • A list of documents that the customer must collect in the event of failure to fulfill the obligations of the principal for the bank.

    On the Internet there is a single register of all bank guarantees, which is designed to eliminate the possibility of forgery of documents and prevent customer losses associated with this. The guarantee must be entered into the register within 24 hours from the date of conclusion of the contract.

    Conditions for issuing a bank guarantee at Sberbank

    At the moment, Sberbank has two active programs under which you can obtain a bank guarantee:

    1. Business guarantee.
    2. Business guarantee in 1 day.

    The provision of the product is carried out in accordance with the current rules:

    • You can apply for a BG for an amount starting from 50,000 rubles, the maximum amount is calculated individually for each client, but within the framework of the “1-day guarantee” product, it is limited to 15,000,000 rubles.
    • The period for which a BG can be issued is from 1 to 36 months. For a period of 2 to 3 years, a guarantee can be obtained by an organization that has been operating for at least 2 years. Sberbank will pay special attention to the stability of the company's financial position.
    • When registering for a period of up to 24 months, amounts up to RUB 4,000,000. no deposit required.

    The need to secure a BG agreement with collateral is determined on an individual basis. For the “In 1 Day” product, provision of collateral is not necessary for a period of up to 2 years, but for a period of 2 to 3 years it is sufficient to provide promissory notes or certificates of deposit from Sberbank. For a Business Guarantee, you can use the same type of collateral (then the client can count on an express assessment), or choose a more suitable option:

    • real estate;
    • production equipment;
    • vehicle;
    • farm animals (subject to insurance);
    • guarantee of owners of other businesses/small business support funds/other banks.

    For individual entrepreneurs issuing a tender guarantee or a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations in the amount of up to RUB 8,000,000:

    • no deposit required;
    • express assessment is carried out.

    The cost of registration of a BG is equal to 1.7% of the contract amount within the framework of the product “In 1 day” (but not less than 6,500 rubles), and within the framework of the second product 2.66%, but not less:

    • 27,000 rub. secured by property;
    • 15,000 rub. secured by Sberbank securities;
    • 17,500 rub. with the involvement of guarantors;
    • 20,000 rub. without collateral or guarantors.

    Minimum rate in case of a warranty case:

    • Business guarantee – from 11.73%.
    • Business guarantee for 1 day – 10.6%.

    End of action of BG

    It is worth paying special attention to the timing of registration of the BG, since this is an important aspect that limits by law time beneficiary to fulfill the customer's obligations.

    The effective date is the date of issue of the bank guarantee agreement. Let's see how things stand with the expiration date of the BG agreement:

    1. The period for which the BG is issued is defined in Federal Law 44 and is equal to the duration of the contract plus 1 month. In the case of an additional warranty period (this must be specified in the contract), the BG period also applies to it.
    2. Regarding the tender guarantee: plus 2 months. from the closing date of applications.
    3. Customs guarantee: for up to 12 months with the possibility of extension.
    4. The guarantee for the return of the advance payment is equal to the duration of the contract (or better yet, plus 1 month).
    5. The guarantee in favor of the tax authorities should expire no earlier than 8 months. from the date of expiration of the contract.

    Occurrence of a warranty case

    The main element of the BG agreement is a list of various warranty cases, upon the occurrence of which the bank must pay compensation to the customer. And if the principal violates the terms contract, the customer submits a written request for payment of compensation under the BG directly to the bank. The fact of violation of the terms of the contract must be documented.

    After the bank has fulfilled its obligations to the customer, it notifies the principal of the need to make payments by:

    • messages in the trading platform;
    • paper letter (by mail, courier, fax) or electronic;
    • SMS messages;
    • in the Sberbank Business Online service.

    The person who violates the terms of the contract must pay the debt:

    • every 30th day of the month;
    • in equal parts;
    • during the period of validity of the BG agreement;
    • if the BG was registered on the security of securities, the principal’s obligations are repaid by cashing out the securities in a lump sum.

    After paying the amount specified in the BG agreement, the bank (guarantor) can consider its obligations fulfilled.

    It is worth noting that payments are made only within specified in the contract amounts, additional sanctions of the customer against the contractor are not paid by the guarantor.

    Refusal to pay. A bank guarantee is a reliable way to ensure the fulfillment of a contract; if a guarantee case occurs, the bank can refuse to make payments only in certain situations:

    • the customer prepared the wrong documents to confirm the fact of violation of the terms of the contract;
    • The BG agreement has expired.

    Making payments. The occurrence of a warranty case is most often considered to be a failure:

    • the winner of the competition from signing the contract;
    • from participation in the competition after the deadline for accepting applications;
    • from the material support of the contract.

    Return guarantee possible if:

    • the beneficiary has terminated the contract;
    • the contract or warranty has expired;
    • the beneficiary has already been paid the entire amount in connection with the occurrence of the guarantee event.

    Advantages of issuing a bank guarantee

    The banking product is very popular among small business owners. Reducing the risks of a transaction increases the customer’s interest, and signing an agreement helps the company reach a new level and indicate its status by making a profit.

    Principal's benefit:

    • The most obvious benefit for order executors is that to secure an application for participation in the competition, you do not need to use your own funds, which, as a rule, are added to the account of the trading platform and remain there for a long time, although they could bring profit in the business at that time.
    • Using BG, a company can even participate in government competitions and tenders. After such transactions, the company’s rating increases and its demand in the market, accordingly, also increases.
    • In case of guarantee payments, bank interest is significantly lower than on conventional loans.

    Beneficiary benefit:

    • For the customer, BG is an indicator of the contractor’s high reliability and risk minimization.
    • The customer will be confident that the contractor is not a fraudster, because BG is provided only after a thorough check of the bank, to reliable organizations.

    Guarantor benefit:

    • The bank promotes the development of small businesses and earns the loyalty of customers who come again and again.
    • The principal may not need the funds, and the bank will receive a profit in the form of a commission for registering a BG.
    • Profit in the form of interest on the loan.

    Thus, the use of such a specific product as a bank guarantee brings benefits to each of the three parties. Today it is an effective business tool designed to develop the activities of entrepreneurs and legal entities in the small business segment.