What happened to the pound sterling. The pound collapsed overnight, the British economy is in trouble

Everyone who did not sleep on the night from Thursday to Friday (October 6-7) enjoyed a unique spectacle that occurs only once every few years - a catastrophic fall in the pound in just a few seconds.

Just 2 minutes into the Asian session and the pound lost as much as it hasn’t lost since Brexit. The Bank of England began investigating this incident, but, as the practice of such outbursts shows, it will not really find anything. Most professional traders agreed that the problem was the algorithm, which had gone haywire.

The pound lost 6.1% and fell to its 31-year low. There are several reasons - probable human error (fat finger) and trading algorithms, which greatly increased the pressure on sales.

The key to what happened is when exactly it happened - when liquidity in the pound was minimal.

The fundamental factors here are obvious - the pound continues to experience strong bearish pressure after Britain decided to leave the EU. The consequences are also clear - restriction of access to European market and control over immigration, which has reached completely uncontrollable proportions in the EU.

The speed and pace of the pound's decline are signs of the extreme volatility that has become foreign exchange market too frequent a guest. The problem is that institutional forex volumes are falling - and traders are using increasingly greedy algorithms to take a piece of the market. In January this year, the South African rand lost 9% in 15 minutes. Last August New Zealand dollar also suffered his own instantaneous downfall.

What contributes to this?

Low level of liquidity

Specialists from Commerzbank AG explain that the whole point is liquidity, which has dropped significantly over several years, to which government regulators did not pay any attention. On the contrary, measures to regulate the foreign exchange interbank market have led to the fact that the liquidity of the Forex market has become less stable, and the level of price fluctuations has increased significantly. As a result, in some periods - like the Asian session - there is especially little liquidity. There are few buyers and sellers, small volumes - in the market, simply put, there is little money, but there are many people who want to receive it.

The pound fell 6.1%

Representatives of Janus Capital believe that the true reason will never be found. Whether this is a human factor or not, we can only say unequivocally that only algorithmic trading leads to such “special effects”.

One ECN even recorded a transaction at a staggeringly low level of $1.1378. Can you imagine the extent of this decline? All this time, traders from Great Britain slept soundly in their beds and had no idea what was happening.

“I came to work, turned on my schedule and thought there was some problem with my computer” - Stuart Bender, head of the foreign exchange department of Banco Santander SA, shares his sore point.

Position of the Central Bank of England

The Central Bank of England is investigating the incident and considers the fall in the pound to be relatively “normal.” Weekly volatility of the pound against the dollar, as a result, increased to 16.77%, from 10% on Tuesday.

The head of the foreign exchange department of Westpac Banking Corp also noted that the price surge caught the market by surprise and this impulse activated many algorithmic sell orders, which took on an avalanche-like appearance. Moreover, according to major players market, at the minimum, no one really bought the pound.

Traders also recalled the words of French President Hollande that “Britain will have to pay its price for leaving the EU and this price will be high.”

Such comments alone cannot cause such an event. However, they create a suitable emotional background. This, coupled with low liquidity, prepared the necessary conditions for a collapse. And although the pound is now slightly recovering what it lost (just as gaps are almost always filled), according to Macquarie Bank Ltd, its fate is sealed - all supports have been broken and the pound will face a multi-month decline, with no bottom in sight.

Several months have passed since the referendum and the pound has already lost 17% of its value. Which, by the way, led to a revival of exports and helped the country level up budget deficit. It’s always like this, the currency is cheaper - the goods that the country exports are cheaper. At the same time, the cost of imported goods for households and businesses has risen.

Economists predict rising inflation and a likely looser fiscal policy that the government will resort to to address economic problems in the new world after Brexit.

Meanwhile, inflation is growing, which has already reached record levels since January 2014 and is now 3.05%. The British FTSE 100 index grew - naturally, because exporters went to great lengths, taking advantage of the weakness of the pound, which had a beneficial effect on their income.

Rochford Capital Pty, along with several research organizations, are currently sifting through piles of information. They analyze all news sources and Internet resources in search of a potential cause.

In their opinion, the speed of what happened clearly indicates a flash crash - a term that indicates a rapid drop in the value of an asset as a result of an algorithmic surge, accidental or intentional. In their opinion, if the pound does not recover above $1.28, it will inevitably fall below $1.15 in the coming weeks.

Hard Brexit

In Britain there are two options for leaving the EU - soft and hard (hard Brexit). And the number of supporters of the latter is growing. One of them is the country's new Prime Minister Theresa May. Each of her speeches was accompanied by a fall in the pound, since, according to May, the British financial industry will not receive any special preferences as part of negotiations on leaving the EU.

As a result, in 2016 the pound became the main loser among 31 world currencies. He is also strongly influenced by rumors that the weakening economy will lead to a further reduction in the discount rate by the Bank of England, while the Fed, on the contrary, will raise the rate. As a result, companies like Goldman Sachs and AllianceBernstein are predicting a new headache for traders.

Volatility, they say, is becoming frightening. Confidence regarding the stability of the foreign exchange market has been shaken again. So traders who rode the wild ride that night should be prepared for a repeat of this scenario as liquidity levels only get worse.

What does the currency say?

Just as stock prices indicate financial condition companies, currency is a barometer by which we can find out what exactly traders and investors think about the country’s economy and its prospects, especially in terms of the effectiveness of its government’s actions.

As we can see from the pound, the international trading community strongly doubts that the current position of the Conservative Party of Britain and Brexit will benefit the UK economy.

Whatever it is, an error or algorithms, the pound is unlikely to return to previous levels. Apparently, the stuffing cannot be turned back:

The pound never recovered from its fall

Now the favorite game of all traders is guessing how low the pound will eventually fall. Before Brexit, the rate was $1.44, but now it has collapsed to its multi-year level and what’s next - parity with the dollar?

Possible parity with the dollar

A falling currency (okay, it’s not a crisis yet, but it’s getting close) is always an indication of accelerating inflation. What bankers are looking at is the difference in returns between regular and inflation index bonds - and the difference is growing:

Rising inflation in the UK

Rapid inflation = rising prices =, it would seem, an increase in interest rates by the Central Bank. However, the economy can be buried in the process. Therefore, the majority of economists surveyed by Bloomberg already give a 35% chance that Britain will fall into recession in the coming year. If economic growth slows down and inflation accelerates, the country will face stagflation, and this is almost a death sentence.

And even if the current weakness of the pound is temporary and it slightly recovers its fall, there are new challenges ahead. IN financial world there is an effect that markets constantly overperform after they have accelerated. Everything is becoming “too much”, which means that the pound now has practically no bottom. Analysts are already expecting parity with the dollar (1:1) and this scenario is fundamentally at odds with the song about the “strong and stable pound” that British politicians are currently singing.

Will be released in the UK new banknote worth £50 ... Swiss francs. Its main competitors were the 10 Scots note pounds, a $7 banknote printed in Fiji, as well as new... The pound sterling fell after the Bank of England raised its base rate Lb sterling fell against the dollar from 1.312... failed to convince markets of stability and positive economic prospects Oh. " Lb Sterling remains very vulnerable due to political uncertainty,” says senior... Bank of England unveils new plastic £10 note featuring Jane Austen The new banknote is planned to be released into circulation on September 14, 2017. By spring next year paper banknotes with a portrait of Charles Darwin should be withdrawn from circulation. The Bank of England has revealed for the first time exactly what the new plastic £10 note will look like, which is scheduled to go into circulation on 14 September 2017. Day... lb. pound lb. The pound sterling fell due to the results of the parliamentary elections ... the country's parliament. Bloomberg reports this. According to trading data, British lb. sterling fell by 1.64% against American dollar...the election results had virtually no impact. Bloomberg emphasizes that the depreciation pound after the parliamentary elections is incomparable with how National currency collapsed after the Brexit referendum. Then British lb. to the dollar within two minutes fell by more than... pounds In Britain, a grammatical error was discovered on the new £5 notes ... handling. Scheduled to be released in September the new kind 10 banknotes pounds. Presumably, it will be stronger and last 2.5 times... pound pound pound lb. Brexit course: is it worth investing in the British pound? ..., note that yesterday’s statement by the British Prime Minister changed the mood regarding pound sterling on the foreign exchange market. "Until yesterday, concentration short positions... . “For currency investors, we recommend keeping 15–25% of the portfolio in pound", concludes Tkachuk. The positive forecasts of financiers are supported by the actions of world central banks. In... investors who still decided to buy pound, carefully follow the schedule currency pair lb.-dollar. “If the exchange rate drops to the level... pound lb. lb. Nabiullina warned of significant consequences of Brexit ... Nabiullina. At the same time, the head of the Central Bank remains calm amid the decline pound sterling fell for the fourth day in a row after the British currency fell sharply last week. On the morning of October 7, the British lb. sterling against the dollar currency trading in Tokyo...Brexit. On October 7, at its minimum, the rate reached $1.1841 per lb.- the British currency has not been so cheap since March 1985... lb. pound lb. The pound suffered its biggest fall since the Brexit referendum ... Friday recorded the purchase of the British currency at the rate of $1.1378 per lb., Bloomberg writes, citing traders who wished to remain anonymous. The agency... picked the right time,” the analyst said. According to Khanov, after passing pound all levels technical support trading robots operating on the basis of pledged... began only in Australia and New Zealand. All last week lb. demonstrated a decrease, and as a result - actions trading robot, which everyone... pound lb. pound lb. The pound sterling exchange rate fell to a five-year low ... the country's exit from the EU. During today's currency trading well pound to the single European currency dropped to a five-year low, reaching... ,1308. Cheaper last time lb. cost on August 31, 2011. At the same time, the course pound to the US dollar for the first time since 1985 ... the close of previous trading. In July 2016, Bloomberg experts admitted lb. Sterling became the world's worst performing currency, marking its strongest performance since the beginning of the year... lb.. Thus, the course pound pound pound The pound sterling has fallen to its lowest level since 1985 ... the currency fell today to 1.2737 dollars per lb.. Thus, the course pound fell below the limit of decline, which it reached 6... 1985, when its rate fell below $1.05. Well pound against the euro today reached a new low in three years, falling... when they gave €1.1399 for it. On the Moscow Exchange exchange rate pound against the ruble today fell by about 0.5%, falling by... pound pound pound The pound exchange rate against the Bloomberg basket of currencies fell to an absolute minimum ... Bloomberg index (The Bloomberg British Pound Index), tracking exchange rate changes pound sterling against the euro, US dollar, Australian and Canadian dollars, Japanese... from the EU,” the prime minister said. pound​ During trading on October 3, the rate against the euro fell to a three-year low, reaching its lowest point... the referendum of Brexit supporters held in Britain. TO well pound Swiss franc pounds pounds pounds

fell today by 0.92% against the yen and the Australian dollar...

Finance, 13 Sep 2016, 11:21 A plastic £5 note has been released in England. pounds...announced the release of the first plastic 5 banknote pounds sterling, on the reverse side of which is a portrait of the former prime minister... next year the Bank of England plans to issue a plastic 10 note pounds with the image of the writer Jane Austen, and by 2020 - a plastic banknote of 20 Lb lb. lb. with a portrait of the painter William Turner. Previously, polymer banknotes were issued... The pound fell to a three-year low against the euro Lb... the currency fell in price against the European one by another 0.6%. lb. declines for the sixth trading session in a row, which is its longest... 0.25% and begin repurchasing government bonds. Against the dollar lb. Sterling fell below $1.29 for the first time in five weeks. Today's... currency crisis may have ended, but a period of chronic pressure on pound sterling, as the UK will have to finance a record current account deficit... The value of the InBev-SABMiller merger deal increased after Brexit pound...increased the offer to SABMiller shareholders for a merger due to the fall of the British pound pound , after the people of Britain voted to leave the EU... pound pound pound Pound of grief: is it worth selling the strengthened British currency ... Susin, chief expert of the center economic forecasting pound Gazprombank What to do with pound: sell “The decision of the Bank of England came as a surprise to the market, which was pawning... the company “Kapital Asset Management” What to do with , after the people of Britain voted to leave the EU... sterling has remained unchanged - an investor should not have...” Bogdan Zvarich, analyst at Finam Group of Companies What to do with pound: sell "Today's strengthening pound looks like a corrective rebound. It is unlikely that this movement will continue... Lb pound pound Bloomberg recognizes the British pound as the worst currency since the beginning of the year ... is the worst performer among 31 global currencies, Bloomberg data shows. Lb, thus, outpaced the Argentine peso in its decline against the dollar. In total... nine currencies fell in price against the dollar, including pound and Argentine peso, mexican peso, Polish zloty, Chinese offshore yuan...,” the economist explained to Bloomberg Societe Generale Keith Jax. Wednesday course pound Sterling fell to $1.2798, which is the lowest point of the British... The pound made a new low against the dollar after Brexit ...to the 1985 level. The UK voted to leave the EU Lb continues to fall in price amid concerns that the outcome of the vote... Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Lee Hardman noted that the weakening pound"reflects growing fears of a sharp slowdown economic growth in Great Britain... the day before the referendum, predicted that if the Eurosceptics win, the course pound will fall below $1.15. About what to do private...

A weakening pound will make London cheaper for Russians pound pounds Lb

A weakening pound will make London cheaper for Russians ...if easing is launched, further declines can be expected pound against other currencies, including the dollar, euro and ruble, by 10 ... to exclude the onset of deflation, that is, a decrease in nominal prices in pounds. London property owners will certainly be upset by the fall in prices, but... the City, in turn, faces the prospect of an exodus of global financial institutions. Lb As a medium-term savings currency, it's a bad idea... Well British pound decreased by 2% against the dollar ..., reports the Financial Times. At the close of trading on Friday, June 24, lb. traded at $1,368. On that day, against the background... fell by 8.1% - this is the strongest drop pound per day, notes FT. Lb weakens as investors “continue to digest the negative consequences of the decision... that the people of Great Britain voted for the country to leave the EU, course lb. pounds Brexit led to an increase in bitcoin sales ....9% of British residents were in favor of the country leaving the EU, British lb. against the dollar dropped to its lowest level in the last 30 years... lost up to 30% of its capitalization. “Many people buy bitcoins on pounds and euro. Our [sales] volume has doubled in the last 24 hours... pounds lb. pounds pound pound Demand for pounds in Russian banks has increased several times ... , June 24, increased demand for purchases pounds sterling. Transaction turnover on the Moscow Exchange pairs lb./ ruble for half the trading day exceeded the average..., the press service of Promsvyazbank reported. Mostly customers want to get drunk pounds, the bank added. At the same time, there is an unusual demand for dollars or... Romanchuk. “Now this trend is due to some rebound pound stopped, however, in the morning, when the values pound were minimal, we noticed increased demand. IN...

For a long time, foreign exchange market participants did not take into account possible consequences referendum on Scottish independence, but the results of recent polls literally shocked the market, and the British pound fell to its lowest level in 10 months.

So, the British currency has shown steady growth since mid-2013. The UK economy has shown good growth rates, so the main driver of the strengthening of the pound was expectations of a tightening monetary policy by the Bank of England. These expectations, by the way, were actively fueled by the regulator itself. In particular, the head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, has repeatedly stated that a rate hike could happen much earlier than the market expects.

As for the referendum, almost no one took it seriously, at least the market did not take it into account, and almost all polls indicated that the majority of the population was against Scottish independence.

As it turned out, for the time being - as the referendum approached - the gap between those who were “against” and those who were “for” began to unexpectedly narrow, and last weekend there were finally more supporters of independence. There is less and less time left before the referendum. Let us remind you that voting will take place on September 18. The market reaction to these changes was not long in coming, only today the pound fell against the dollar by the maximum amount in a year.

The publication zerohedge suggests considering the consequences that a positive result of the referendum could provoke.

1. Risks to UK economic growth

Uncertainty regarding economic prospects, policies and currency mechanisms, will likely deal a blow to the economy of both Scotland itself and the UK as a whole. Business representatives are likely to take a wait-and-see approach or decide to develop their activities outside the UK. It should not be forgotten that exports to Scotland from UK countries account for approximately 4% of GDP, which means that in the event of secession, Scotland will automatically become the UK's second largest trading partner after the US. If a business does not understand how to conduct business, this will obviously affect trade turnover, and therefore the economy as a whole. In addition, many enterprises and banks operate both in Scotland and in the rest of the UK, and in the event of Scotland's secession, they may begin to significantly reduce their presence on foreign territory in order to minimize the risk of possible currency reforms.

2. Politics

Scottish independence will have a negative effect on the main political parties in the UK and a positive effect on those who favor leaving the EU. Following secession, Scottish officials will no longer vote in the British Parliament, a major blow to both Labor and the Liberal Democrats.

In addition, zerohedge believes that changes in the composition of parliament will also have a negative impact on the position of Prime Minister David Cameron. The beneficiary of such changes will most likely be London Mayor Boris Johnson, who advocates leaving the EU and is Cameron's most likely successor.

3. Uncertainty will take a long time

The Scottish government has said that if the population votes for independence, the authorities will seek to speed up the process of separation, and Scotland will become independent in March 2016. However, experts believe that in practice this process could take much longer. This is also connected with the parliamentary elections in Great Britain in 2015. It is quite possible that after them the composition of the government will be completely different, which means that Scotland will have to negotiate with different people. And in any case, the elections themselves and preparations for them will take some time.

4. ready to act

The head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, said that in the event of Scotland's separation from the UK, the regulator is ready to make every effort to combat the resulting uncertainty. He noted that the Bank of England has the necessary obligations to provide financial stability and he will continue to fulfill them. Currency uncertainty can create financial instability, and we are already developing possible measures to eliminate them, Carney said.

Based on the above factors, it can be assumed that if the result of the referendum is Scottish independence, the British pound will remain under pressure for quite a long time. And the main factor for this will be long-term uncertainty regarding many points. In addition, if negative risks for the economy materialize, the issue of an imminent rate increase will be removed from the agenda, which means that the British currency will no longer have its former support.

“Brexit” has started: a week ago, British Prime Minister Theresa May put her signature on the official notification to partners that Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty comes into force, which means London is beginning the procedure for the country’s exit from the European Union.

Until now, not a single member state has left the European Union; Britain is setting a precedent, including in terms of strict adherence to the exit procedure. The article in the Lisbon Treaty that regulates “divorce” is spelled out rather vaguely. What is certain is that a state intending to leave the EU must submit a corresponding application by sending written notification to the head of the European Council Donald Tusk"according to its constitutional requirements" (that was done). And then the EU and the participating country begin to discuss the terms of exit. Negotiations should not take more than two years; until they are discussed, Britain will continue to remain a member of the European Union.

The written application to the European Council was submitted in two copies: one will remain in Brussels, the second, with a stamp and date, will be kept in the archives of 10 Downing Street.

Two years in a dynamic environment modern politics seems like quite a long time. Financial markets, however, are too sensitive to rely on a two-year delay. And the question of what will happen to the British pound after Brexit remains one of the most intriguing. The day after submitting the application to Brussels, the British currency became the market leader in the fall, losing over 100 points.

Forecasts regarding the fate of the English currency by experts, including those working on the Forex exchange in trading platform mt4 are associated with how successful (and how spicy) There will be negotiations between the British government and Brussels officials. The most significant questions seem to be whether the British - EU citizens - will retain all the rights due to them, including the right to freedom of movement, not only in the next two years, but until the process of leaving the union is fully completed. Will the jurisdiction of the European Court remain in the UK, and will financial obligations to EU citizens be respected? (meaning payment of pensions, provision of loan guarantees, covering other financial needs).

Meanwhile, the Brexit bill is on the table. Brussels demands from Great Britain 60 billion euros, which must be paid to the EU budget, and London, in turn, declares that it will not pay. Britain has no legal obligations in this regard, according to the Upper House of Parliament. As a result, both the stabilization of the British pound exchange rate on the forex currency market and the general situation in the markets depend on how compliant and negotiable London shows itself.

An expected complication was Scotland's announcement that the country intends to re-hold a referendum on independence. The separatist sentiments of the Scots do not add stability to the pound. Realizing this very well, Theresa May has already met with the First Minister of Scotland, trying to persuade Nicola Sturgeon"moderate the ardor." So far, there has not been much success on this front: the Scots, known for their legendary tenacity, if they decide to do anything, “they will definitely drink.”

Definitely in the spotlight after he revealed on Tuesday sudden jump up on positive economic data. The pair is already trading above 1.33 today, having touched yearly highs around 1.3314. However, we have not yet received confirmation of a breakthrough.

So, after GBP/USD added 400 points in price in a matter of days, the British authorities decided to intervene. On Monday, Mark Carney did his best to convince markets that everything would proceed gradually and in a limited manner. Moreover, he tried to appeal to where it hurts most - to remind about the problems that consumers, companies and markets will face in the process of the UK's exit from the EU.

This had its effect: GBP/USD bounced off the 15-month high of 1.3618 and corrected to the 1.3480 area. However, if we compare Carney’s efforts and the pullback that the pound sterling did show, we can admit that the market is not ready to dump the British currency.

Investors understand that in the context of a sharp rise in inflation, the Bank of England will inevitably raise rates, and most likely this will happen in the coming months. In such conditions, most traders will prefer to take advantage of the current correction to enter the market at attractive levels. This will lead to a recovery in GBP/USD with the immediate target at 1.3560.

Disclaimer: Past profitability does not mean future profitability. Any forecasts are for informational purposes only and do not guarantee results.

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