Accounting for lending to bank clients. Accounting for credit and factoring transactions

Lending operations are the main active operations banks. A bank is a credit organization that places funds on its own behalf and at its own expense on the basis of repayment, payment and urgency (Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”). Payment, repayment and urgency are the basic principles of lending.

Loans issued to bank clients are reflected in active accounts of the first order: 441--457.

The fourth and fifth digits in the indicated account numbers reflect the timing of the issuance of loans. You should remember the accounts for issuing loans to individuals:

  • · account 455 reflects loans issued Russian citizens;
  • · on account 457 - loans issued to foreign citizens, that is, non-residents.

Loans issued to other commercial banks are reflected in active accounts:

  • · account 320 - to Russian banks;
  • · account 321 - to non-resident banks.

Commercial banks can provide loans:

  • 1) by crediting funds to the current accounts of clients - legal entities;
  • 2) opening a credit line, based on concluding an agreement to provide a loan by opening a credit line;
  • 3) lending under “overdraft”, that is, issuing a loan when there is a temporary need for funds;
  • 4) the bank’s participation in providing loans on a syndicated or consortial basis (since commercial Bank has restrictions on the size of the loan issued to one borrower, several banks may participate in issuing large loans to borrowers);
  • 5) in other ways that do not contradict banking legislation.

The issuance of a loan to a commercial client for a period of 50 days will be reflected by the posting:

D 45204 “Loan provided to commercial non-state clients for a period from 31 to 90 days”

K 40702 “Commercial organizations”

If a loan is issued with collateral, an off-balance sheet entry is made:

K 91312 “Property accepted as collateral for placed funds”

If the collateral is received by the bank in the form of securities, then the following posting is made:

K 91311 “Securities accepted as collateral for placed funds”

If the loan is issued under a guarantee or surety, the following is posted:

D 91414 “Guarantees and sureties received”

When calculating interest on a loan, the bank makes an accounting entry:

D 47427 “Requirements for receiving interest”

K 70601 “Bank income”

This posting is carried out by the bank on the basis of the principle of accounting for income using the interest method introduced by the Bank of Russia. The method is that when interest is calculated, before it is paid by the borrower, it is considered received in accounting and is immediately reflected as income.

When the borrower pays interest, the following posting will be reflected:

If interest is not paid on time, then interest payment requirements will be reflected in the following posting:

D 45912 “Overdue interest on loans provided to commercial non-governmental organizations”

K 47427 “Requirements for receiving interest”

Thus, an overdue interest debt arises on the bank’s balance sheet, but income not received by the bank remains in the books, and the bank will ultimately pay from this income additional amount income tax.

At the same time, interest on loans not repaid on time will be reflected in the off-balance sheet account by posting:

D 91604 “Unreceived interest on loans and other placed funds provided to customers”

If the loan is repaid on time, this will be reflected in the accounting records by posting:

D 40702 “Commercial clients”

At the same time, the bank returns the collateral received on the loan.

Wiring in progress:

D 91311 “Securities accepted as collateral”

When the collateral is returned with property, the following entries are made:

D 91312 “Property accepted as security”

When repaying a guarantee or surety accepted as security for a loan, the following posting is made:

K 91414 “Guarantees and guarantees received”

If the loan is not repaid on time, then the amount of debt is reflected by the bank in the “Overdue loans” account:

D 45812 “Loans not repaid on time by commercial non-state clients”

K 45204 “Loans issued to commercial non-state clients for a period of 50 days”

A loan issued by a bank in the form of a line of credit will be reflected in an off-balance sheet entry:

K 91316 “Unused lines of credit for granting loans”

When granting a loan against an open credit line, a balance sheet entry is reflected depending on the type of borrower and the term of the loan:

At the same time, an off-balance sheet entry is made for the amount issued against the open credit line:

The overdraft loan is also limited for each client, therefore, when the amount of the limit is reflected in the agreement with the client, an entry for the amount of the established limit will be reflected in the off-balance sheet accounting:

K 91317 “Unused limits on the provision of funds in the form of “overdraft””

Loans issued by the bank under an overdraft are reflected by the following entry:

D 45201 “Loan provided by a bank when there is insufficient funds in their current accounts (“overdraft”)”

K 40702 (30102)

At the same time the wiring is carried out:

When issuing an interbank loan to another commercial bank, the following posting is made:

D 32003 “Loans and deposits provided to credit institutions for a period of 2 to 7 days”

K 30102 “Correspondent account with the Bank of Russia”

When the loan is repaid on time, the following is posted:

If the loan is not repaid on time, then it is reflected in the account of interbank loans outstanding on time by posting:

D 32401 “Overdue debt on interbank loans provided

The bank creates a reserve for overdue loans by posting:

D 70606 “Bank expenses”

K 32403 “Reserves for possible losses»

If the loan is repaid, the amount of the created reserve will be restored to the “Income” account by posting:

K 70601 “Bank income”

Repayment of an overdue loan will be reflected by the following posting:

D 30102 “Correspondent account with the Bank of the Russian Federation”

K 32403 “Interbank loans outstanding on time”

Accounting entries reflecting the accrual of interest on interbank loans and overdue interest on interbank loans are made similarly to entries on customer lending transactions, but overdue interest on interbank loans is reflected in a separate account by posting:

D 32501 “Overdue interest on interbank loans”

K 47427 “Requirements for payment of interest”

Repayment of overdue interest on interbank loans will be reflected by the following posting:

The procedure for creating reserves and writing off overdue debts from the balance sheet

IN Russian practice When lending to clients, all loans issued by the bank are classified according to five levels of risk.

  • · Standard loans. No reserves are created for possible losses.
  • · Non-standard loans. Analysis of the activities of borrowers in this group means that it can be stated that there is a moderate potential threat of loan default. For loans of this group, a reserve is created in the amount of 5-10% of the loan amount not covered by collateral and guarantees.
  • · Doubtful loans. An analysis of the activities of borrowers belonging to this group shows the existence of a serious or moderate threat of losses, that is, there are facts of poor-quality debt servicing by the borrower. For loans of the third group, a reserve is created from 21 to 50% of the amount of debt not covered by guarantees and pledges.
  • · Problem loans. This means that there are serious potential and moderate real threats, that is, there are difficulties in fulfilling the debt by the borrower. In this case, a reserve is created in the amount of 51-100% of the debt amount not covered by guarantees and pledges.
  • · Bad loans. The borrower is obviously unable or unwilling to fulfill its obligations. In this case, a reserve is created in the amount of 100% of the debt amount.

It should be noted that the classification of loans by risk level is also important for reflecting loan income in accounting, since the bank’s accounting policy specifies how loan income for the first three risk groups will be reflected in accounting. The third group according to accounting policy bank can be defined as one of the most risky groups, and income on loans classified as the third group will be accounted for in the same way as for the fourth and fifth risk groups, that is, on the basis of cash recognition of income, and not on the accrual basis, as specified in Bank of Russia Regulation No. 302-P.

The cash method in reflecting accrued interest is used in banks for the fourth and fifth risk groups, but if the bank’s accounting policy provides for it, then also for the third risk group. In this case, the accrual of interest will be reflected in accounting by posting:

D 47427 “Requirements for payment of interest”

K 61301 “Deferred income from credit operations”

When the borrower pays interest, the following entries are made:

D 40702 “Current account of a commercial organization”

The interest received will be reflected in the “Income” account by posting:

K 70601 “Income”

Thus, new order accounting for interest on the riskiest groups of issued loans is called: “in the presence of uncertainty in income recognition.”

Reserves are created by posting:

D 70606 “Bank expenses”

K 45215 “Provisions for possible losses”

If the loan is repaid within the period established by the agreement, the amount of the reserve is restored to the “Bank Income” account by posting:

K 70601 “Bank income”

If the loan is not repaid on time, the reserve amount is transferred to the “Reserves for overdue loans” account by posting:

D 45215 “Reserves for possible losses”

K 45818 “Provisions for possible losses on overdue loans”

If it is necessary to increase the amount of the created reserve, then the following posting is performed:

D 70606 “Bank expenses”

The classification of credit claims is determined by the bank and the audit company at least once a month on the first day of the month.

The Bank of Russia has the following powers to determine the group credit risk. In the process of exercising supervisory functions during inspections territorial divisions The Bank of Russia checks:

  • · availability and execution by the bank of procedures for the formation and use of reserves;
  • · complete consideration of factors that the bank knew or should have known when making a judgment about the level of risk;
  • · the correctness of the bank’s motivated judgment about the level of risk;
  • · correct creation of a reserve for possible losses and reflection of the reserve in accounting;
  • · the legality of banks writing off loans from their balance sheets that are not repaid on time and cannot be collected.

Loans that cannot be collected are written off from the balance sheet. Uncollectible loans are those for which the measures taken by the bank to collect are complete, including the sale of collateral, foreclosure of the guarantee and guarantors. All measures taken indicate the impossibility of debt collection.

The decision to write off a large debt from the balance sheet, which amounts to more than 1% of the bank’s equity capital, must be confirmed by procedural documents in the form of a determination or resolution of judicial and notarial authorities, indicating that at the time of the decision to collect the loan is repaid from the funds debtor is impossible.

For other loans with a debt amount of less than 1% of the bank’s equity capital, decisions on writing off the balance sheet are made by the bank’s Board of Directors.

Writing off the balance sheet allows you to clear the balance sheet of bad debts. The write-off is made at the expense of the created reserve. Wiring in progress:

D 45818 “Provision for overdue loans”

At the same time, off-balance sheet posting is performed:

D 91802 “Debt on loans provided to customers, written off from reserves for possible losses”

If the created reserves are not enough to write off funds from the balance sheet, then the remaining debt is written off as a loss:

D 70606 “Bank expenses”

K 45812 “Loans not repaid on time by commercial clients”

At the same time, postings are made to off-balance sheet accounts:

D 91803 “Debts written off at a loss”

Thus, the presence of accounts 91802 and 91803 in the reporting shows the amount of write-off from the balance sheet of loans that were not repaid on time. These accounts are very important for analysis, as they show the extent of asset losses on loans that are not repaid on time.

Since the interest on loans issued that was not repaid on time was reflected in the off-balance sheet account 91604 “Unreceived interest on loans and other placed funds provided to customers,” the interest on loans written off from the balance sheet is transferred to account 91704 “Unreceived interest on loans and other placed funds.” funds provided to clients written off from the credit institution’s balance sheet,” which will be reflected by the posting:

In this account, the amount of overdue interest written off from the balance will be taken into account for the next five years. Every month the bank will charge interest on loans written off the balance sheet. The bank will send statements for account 91704, together with statements for accounts 91802 and 91803, to the borrower over the next five years at least every quarter as evidence of the debt on the loan and unpaid interest on time. If over the next years the borrower repays the debt and pays interest, the amounts received in repayment will be reflected in the accounting records as a balance sheet entry:

K 70601 “Bank income”

At the same time, the amount of the repaid debt and interest will be written off on accounts 91802, 91803, 91704.

If, five years after the debts are written off from the balance sheet, the borrower fails to fulfill its obligations to repay the principal and interest, then the off-balance sheet accounts are closed with the following entries:

To 91704 - for the amount of interest outstanding on the loan written off from the balance sheet

To 91802 - for the amount of the loan not repaid on time, written off from the balance sheet at the expense of created reserves

To 91803 - for the amount of the loan written off from the balance sheet at a loss

At this point, accounting for funds not repaid on time ceases.

Accounting for bank factoring operations

In Art. 824 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a factoring operation is defined as follows.

  • · Under a financing agreement for assignment monetary claim one party (financial agent) transfers or undertakes to transfer to the other party, that is, the client, funds towards the monetary claim of the client (creditor) to a third party (debtor), arising from the provision by the client of goods, works or services to a third party, and the client cedes or undertakes to assign this monetary claim to the financial agent.
  • · The obligations of the financial agent under a financing agreement under the assignment of a monetary claim on the part of the financial agent may include maintaining for the client accounting, as well as providing the client with financial services related to the monetary claims that are the subject of the assignment.

In Russian practice, as in global practice, the mandatory features of a factoring operation are: assignment of a monetary claim by the client; and on the part of the financial agent - advance payment of payment documents on a refundable basis. On the part of the financial agent, this is lending against payment documents, that is, a financing agreement, the enforcement of which is established by the assignment of the borrower’s claims to its debtors in favor of the creditor (financial agent), is a factoring agreement, and the parties that entered into it become participants in factoring relations . The factoring agreement is legal basis relationships between its participants and determines the obligations and responsibilities of the parties: the financial agent (factor bank) and the client (supplier). The subject of professional licensing under Art. 825 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is the professional activity of a bank, namely lending and financing under special security. One of the forms of a supplier providing credit to a buyer is the supplier receiving a bill of exchange from the buyer, that is, the buyer becomes a borrower, and the supplier-bill holder receives the right to demand payment of a sum of money from the drawer by a certain date, that is, it becomes a creditor. The right to demand payment under a bill of exchange is transferred to the bank with which the factoring agreement is concluded. The bank pays the supplier an advance in the amount of 70-80% of the face value of the bill. And the remaining 20-30% of the value of the bill serves as a guarantee to the bank against possible losses and insures the bank’s losses. Settlements with clients on factoring operations are accounted for on the passive account 47401 “Settlements with clients on factoring, forfaiting operations” and on the active account 47402 “Settlements with clients on factoring, forfaiting operations”. On the active account 47423 “Requirements for other operations”, “Requirements for factoring operations” are reflected in a separate personal account.

When accepting a bill of exchange from a supplier, the bank reflects the bill in the amount of its face value on account 91418 " nominal cost acquired rights of claim" posting:

The amount of the advance paid by the bank to the supplier will be reflected in the following entry:

D 47402 “Settlements with clients for factoring and forfaiting operations”

K 30102 “Correspondent account with the Bank of Russia” (K 40702 “Commercial clients”)

When the bank creates a reserve for a factoring operation, the following posting is made:

D 70606 “Bank expenses”

K 47425 “Provisions for possible losses”

The amount of the bank's claim will be reflected in the following entry:

D 47423 “Requirements for other operations”

K 47421 “Settlements with clients for factoring, forfaiting operations”

When funds are received from the payer to repay the bill, the following posting is made:

After this, the amount of the bill is written off from off-balance sheet accounting by posting:

The amount of the reserve created for the factoring operation is restored by posting:

K 70601 “Bank income”

The amount of the advance payment is repaid by posting:

The following is posted for the interest amount:

To 70601 “Bank income” - for the corresponding personal account

For the amount of commission received by the bank on the transaction:

To 70601 “Bank income” - on a personal account to account for commissions received

The remaining amount is sent to the settlement account of the client-supplier by posting:

K 30102 (K 40702) “Commercial clients”

If the bill is not repaid by the buyer on time, the bill is returned to the supplier and written off by the bank from off-balance sheet accounting. The advance debt is transferred to the personal account “Overdue factoring loan”, which is reflected by the posting:

D 47402 on the personal account “Overdue factoring loan”

To 47402 - for the amount of overdue debt

The reserve created for the operation is directed by posting to repay the debt:

D 47425 “Reserves for possible losses”

If the created reserve does not cover the entire amount, then the remaining debt is written off as a loss:

To 47402 on the personal account “Overdue factoring loan”


Lending operations are the main active operations performed by banks. From the correct reflection credit operations accounting depends on stability financial situation the bank, the reliability of its indicators, the correct reflection of the income received and, ultimately, the bank’s profit for the reporting period. Reflection of operations to transfer the bank's credit claims to the overdue debt account shows the real loss of assets by the bank and, in connection with this, the bank's need for additional resources. The bank's credit requirements for client transactions are reflected on balance sheet accounts 441-457. Loans issued by the bank to other Russian and foreign banks are reflected in active balance sheet accounts 320--321. The presence of active accounts 458, 324 in the bank’s balance sheet shows the bank’s losses on loans issued to clients and other banks. This is a test indicator characterizing the risky lending policy pursued by the bank.

Negative phenomena also appear when the balance sheet contains accounts 459 “Overdue interest on loans and other placed funds” and account 325 “Overdue interest on interbank loans provided.”

Existing classification according to credit requirements in terms of risk level, introduced by the Bank of Russia, is quite conditional, since in the practice of Russian banks there have been cases of non-repayment of a loan classified as the first category of standard loans. A particularly dangerous trend is the recommendation introduced into practice by Regulation No. 302-P to reflect in the bank’s accounting policies different methods of accounting for interest on loans with standard and increased risks, since this practice of accounting for interest allows one to distort the real income received from credit transactions.

Factoring operations, by their essence, also relate to operations related to the placement of funds by a bank. Operations are carried out by banks in accordance with Art. Art. 824 and 825 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with the current Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 302-P.

Registration and accounting short-term loans clients.

Average for Russia specific gravity short-term loans in the total volume of issued loans is 95%. In general, short-term loans are more liquid than medium- and long-term loans.

Main clients credit organizations Those receiving short-term loans are retail trade enterprises, as well as trading and intermediary firms. The main object for lending to these organizations is the totality of goods for current sales, seasonal and temporary accumulation, and other goods. material assets. Loan accounts are opened on the basis of a concluded loan agreement. It defines the procedure for issuing and repaying loans, mutual obligations and economic responsibilities of the parties, and the conditions for reducing or increasing interest rates.

On a fixed-term obligation, the responsible executor indicates the payment term and the number of the personal loan account in which the issued loan is recorded. The entire amount of the current liability is reflected in the receipt of off-balance sheet account 91301 “Open credit lines for the provision of loans.” On a pledge agreement or insurance policy the number of the personal loan account is indicated. The amounts of the listed documents are reflected in the receipt of off-balance sheet account 91307 “Property accepted as collateral for loans issued, except for securities.” Letters of guarantee are due off-balance sheet account 91305 “Guarantees, guarantees received by the bank.”

For all of the listed off-balance sheet accounts, separate personal accounts are opened for borrowers and guarantors, and internally for loan repayment periods. On loan accounts opened for clients, records of loans are kept for each lending object. Separate balance sheet accounts keep records of short-term loans issued to one client. The debit of the loan account reflects the amount of the loan issued, and the loan account reflects its repayment. The operating mode of the loan account is determined in the agreement: the issued loan is transferred to the borrower's settlement (correspondent) account or to other accounts (to pay the client's expenses for the transaction being financed). Accounting for loans is carried out in the context of synthetic and analytical accounting.

Synthetic accounting is maintained on active loan balance sheet accounts depending on the form of ownership of the borrower.

Loans provided

  • 441 Loans provided to the Russian Ministry of Finance
  • 442 Loans provided to financial authorities of constituent entities Russian Federation And local authorities authorities
  • 443 Loans provided by government off-budget funds Russian Federation
  • 444 Loans provided to off-budget funds of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities
  • 445 Loans provided financial institutions federally owned
  • 446 Loans provided to commercial enterprises and organizations under federal ownership
  • 447 Loans provided non-profit organizations federally owned
  • 448 Loans provided to financial organizations owned by the state (other than federal)
  • 449 Loans provided to commercial enterprises and organizations owned by the state (except federal)
  • 450 Loans provided to non-profit

organizations that are state (except federal) property

  • 451 Loans provided to non-state financial organizations
  • 452 Loans provided to non-state commercial enterprises and organizations
  • 453 Loans provided to non-governmental non-profit organizations
  • 454 Loans provided to individuals - entrepreneurs
  • 455 Consumer loans provided to individuals
  • 456 Loans provided to legal entities - non-residents
  • 457 Loans provided to non-resident individuals

Within 1st order accounts in synthetic accounting for 2nd order accounts, accounting is built depending on the period and need for reserves: for a period of up to 30 days; for a period from 31 to 90 days; for a period from 91 to 180 days; for a period from 180 days to one year; for a period of 1 to 3 years; for a period exceeding 3 years; Reserves for possible losses.

Analytical accounting of loan operations is maintained on separate personal accounts opened for each borrower and for each individual loan agreement. The personal loan account number is constructed by adding to the synthetic account number of the second order, currency code (three digits), industry affiliation (two digits), term (one digit), code (one digit), personal account number (five digits). Only 20 characters.

Registration of loan issuance operations, if the borrower is a client of a credit institution, occurs as follows:

Dt 44604 Loans provided to commercial enterprises for a period of 31 to 90 days - subaccounts Loan accounts of joint-stock companies (or other loan accounts depending on the legal form of the client);

Kt 40502 Current accounts of commercial enterprises, joint stock companies (or other relevant current accounts, if in loan agreement details of the supplier to pay for the services of which the loan was issued are indicated).

  • 91301 “Open credit lines for the provision of loans” or
  • 91303 “Securities accepted as collateral for issued loans, except bills of exchange”;
  • 91305 “Guarantees, guarantees received by the bank”;
  • 91307 “Property accepted as collateral for issued loans, except for securities.”

If the borrower is not a client of a credit institution, the loan is issued using the following transactions:

Dt 44604 Loans provided by a commercial enterprise, subaccount Loan accounts of joint-stock companies (or other loan accounts);

Kt 30102 Correspondent accounts of credit institutions in the Bank of Russia (or other relevant correspondent accounts).

Income from off-balance sheet accounts:

  • 91301 or
  • 91302 “Unused lines of credit for granting loans”;
  • 91303;
  • 91304 “Discounted and rediscounted bills”;
  • 91305;91307.

In the borrower's bank, the loans received will be reflected in the corresponding balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts.

Loan repayment (for a credit institution client):

Dt 40502 Current accounts of commercial enterprises, subaccount Current accounts of joint stock companies (or other current accounts);

Kt 44604 Loans provided to commercial enterprises under federal ownership, subaccount Loan accounts of joint stock companies (or other loan accounts) for a period of 31 to 90 days.

  • 91301 or
  • 91303,91305,91307.

Loan repayment (for non-bank client):

Dt 30102 Correspondent account of a credit institution with a bank of Russia,

Kt 44604 Loans provided to commercial enterprises under federal ownership, subaccount Loan accounts of joint stock companies (or other loan accounts) for a period of 31 to 90 days

Expenses on off-balance sheet accounts:

91301,91302,91303, 91304,91305,91307.

To confirm the transaction, the client receives account statements.

In analytical accounting for accounts of short-term loans, including accounts of overdue loans, separate personal accounts are maintained for borrowers, as well as in the context of different interest rates.

Accounting for foreign currency loans.

A feature of foreign currency lending is that a credit institution obtains the right to unconditionally write off funds in the required amounts from the foreign currency account of this organization in the event of failure by the borrower to repay the obligation under the loan received within the established period. A credit institution may accept as collateral for loans in foreign currency the letters of credit or payment guarantees available to the borrower and/or his guarantor, issued in their favor by foreign correspondent banks.

Loans are provided on the terms in force worldwide foreign exchange market in freely convertible currency. The credit institution provides them on normal commercial terms with interest accrued in foreign currency on the outstanding portion of the loan debt.

The sources of repayment of the principal debt, payment of accrued interest and exchange rate differences are the funds of the borrower's foreign exchange fund or its guarantor, as well as foreign exchange earnings from the export of products stored in a foreign currency account.

To receive a foreign currency loan, the client must contact the credit institution with an application containing the following data:

the purpose of obtaining the loan, its amount and the period for which it is requested;

the name and quantity of the goods purchased abroad, its cost, the name of the country of purchase of the goods, the name of the payment currency;

economic justification loan;

sources of loan repayment (in foreign currency).

The client's application is accompanied by a delivery schedule for the imported goods.

If accepted positive decision a loan agreement is signed between the credit institution and the borrower to provide a loan in foreign currency.

The use of loans in foreign currency is permitted only subject to the timely submission to the credit institution of a copy of the borrowers' contracts with foreign counterparties, previously agreed upon with the credit institution. The terms of contracts and the settlement period for them must strictly correspond to the terms of use of loans. The total amount of purchases should not exceed the amount of the loan provided. Interest for using the loan is accrued from the moment of its actual use.

To carry out lending operations, loan accounts are opened in the foreign exchange department, into which the loan amount is credited. The account is opened by the department accountant foreign exchange transactions on the basis of an order signed by the chief accountant or his deputy. Simultaneously with the order, the accountant is given: one copy of the loan agreement and one copy of the fixed-term obligation, pledge agreement or guarantees (surety). Loan accounts are maintained on standard form account cards. Loan accounts are numbered in ascending order. Personal account cards for issued loans are formed into a separate file cabinet. These operations are carried out using the same transactions as when issuing ruble loans using subaccounts. For example:

Issuance of credit:

Dt 44904 Loans provided to a commercial enterprise located in state property, for a period of 31 to 90 days, subaccount Foreign currency loans

Kt 30102 Correspondent accounts of credit institutions in the Bank of Russia.

Income from off-balance sheet accounts:

91301,91303, 91305,91307.

When the payment deadline arrives, the credit institution repays the borrower's debt on the loan in foreign currency (principal and interest) from the funds listed on his current account in the foreign currency subaccount. If there are no or insufficient funds in the account, the borrower required amount debited from the account of the guarantor organization in accordance with the terms of its guarantee obligation.

Dt 30102 Correspondent accounts of credit institutions in the Bank of Russia;

Currency subaccount of the current account of the enterprise or its guarantor in another bank

Kt 44904 Loans provided to a state-owned commercial enterprise for a period from 31 to 90 days;

Loan account joint stock company, subaccount Foreign currency loans.

If the necessary funds are not available in the accounts, outstanding loans are credited to the accounts of overdue loans under the subaccount “Overdue on foreign currency loans” with interest accrued at an increased rate, which is stipulated in the loan agreement. In case of failure to pay the next installment to repay the loan, all debt existing on the day of non-payment is considered outstanding and an additional interest rate determined by the agreement is charged. To ensure timely repayment of a foreign currency loan, a credit institution has the right to block the accounts of borrowing enterprises (as well as their guarantors, if they are also clients of this credit institution).

Accounting for bill loans

An approximate scheme of a bill of exchange loan is as follows. The borrower applies to a credit institution for a loan. The client receives a package of bills of exchange from the credit institution for the amount of the loan agreement. In this case, the bill amounts are determined by the client himself. The maturity of each bill is determined by the loan agreement. The client uses the credit institution's bills of exchange to pay for goods and services by issuing an endorsement on the back of the bill of exchange form. Upon expiration of the bill of exchange, the last holder of the bill presents the bill for payment to the credit institution. Upon expiration of the loan agreement, the client repays the loan amount and interest.

The provision (placement) of funds by the bank is carried out in the following order:

  • legal entities - only in non-cash by crediting funds to the current or correspondent account of the client - borrower;
  • to individuals - in a non-cash manner by crediting funds to the bank account of the client - borrower - individual, which also means an account for recording the amounts of deposits attracted by the bank individuals or in cash through a bank cash desk.

The bank provides funds to its clients in the following ways:

  1. one-time transfer of funds to bank accounts clients or by issuing cash to a borrower – an individual.
  2. by opening a credit line, i.e. concluding an agreement (agreement), on the basis of which the client-borrower will acquire the right to receive and use funds within a specified period subject to one of the following conditions:
    1. the total amount of funds provided to the client-borrower does not exceed the maximum amount (limit) specified in the agreement (agreement) (disbursement limit);
    2. during the period of validity of the agreement (agreement) and the amount of funds owed by the client - borrower does not exceed the limit established for him by this agreement (agreement) (debt limit). At the same time, banks have the right to limit the amount of funds provided to the client-borrower within the framework of the credit line opened to the latter by simultaneously including both of the above conditions in the relevant agreement (agreement), as well as using any other additional conditions for these purposes. The conditions and procedure for opening a credit line to a client-borrower are determined by the parties either in a special general (framework) agreement (agreement) or directly in the agreement for the provision (placement) of funds.
    3. crediting by the bank to the bank account of the client - borrower (if there is insufficient or absence of funds on it) and payment of settlement documents from the bank account of the client - borrower ("overdraft") if the terms of the bank account agreement provide for the specified operation. Lending by the bank to the bank account of the client - borrower, if there is insufficient or no funds on it, is carried out in accordance with the established limit (i.e. maximum amount, for which the specified operation can be carried out) and the period during which the resulting credit obligations bank client;
    4. participation of the bank in the provision (placement) of funds to the bank client on a syndicated (consortial) basis;
    5. in other ways that do not contradict current legislation.

Let's look at the diagram accounting entries on recording in the accounting of loans issued by one-time crediting of funds to the bank accounts of clients - legal entities (the procedure for recording transactions related to lending to individuals will be similar).

The issuance of a loan and the posting of collateral will be reflected in accounting as follows:

– if the client has an account with the creditor bank, the following posting is made:

  • Kt 405-408 “Client’s settlement (current) account” – crediting of funds to the borrower’s account.

– if the client does not have an account with the creditor bank:

  • Dt 441-457 “Loans provided”
  • Kt 30102 “Correspondent accounts of credit institutions with the Bank of Russia” - debiting funds from the account of the creditor bank.

Depending on what served as collateral for loan repayment (guarantees, sureties of third parties, pledge of securities or other property), one of the following entries is made on off-balance sheet accounts:

  • Dt 99998 “Account for correspondence with passive accounts when double entry»
  • Kt 91311 “Securities accepted as security for placed funds”, 91312 “Property accepted as security for placed funds, except for securities and precious metals» – for the amount provided for in the pledge or guarantee agreement.
  • Dt 91414 “Guarantees and guarantees received”
  • Kt 99999 “Account for correspondence with active accounts with double entry” - for the amount provided for in the guarantee agreement.

During the first month, interest due to the bank on the loan issued is calculated. Accrued interest is reflected in accounting on the last working day of the current month as follows:

  • Dt 47427 “Bank requirements for receiving interest
  • Kt 70601 “Income” - for the amount of accrued interest for the past month.

Additional interest accrual for subsequent months for banks is carried out in the manner described above for accounting in the first month.

A commercial bank, as a subject of market relations, is interested, like its shareholders, in making a profit based on the turnover of loan capital. The bank is responsible for the results of its actions in the loan capital market not only with current income, but also with its own capital. Therefore, he is free to dispose of his resources, to determine the terms, conditions for granting loans and interest rates on loans.

Peculiarities modern system lending are as follows:

1. the client is not assigned to the bank, but he himself chooses the bank whose conditions coincide with his interests, he is given the right to open loan accounts in not one, but in several banks, which creates conditions for the development of interbank competition;

2. lending is carried out both on the basis of an enlarged facility and in the amount of private needs, one-time loans covering the temporary gap in payment turnover;

3. the volume of loans issued by the bank is largely determined by the volume of funds raised, and both the volume of profit and the profitability of the bank ultimately depend on this;

4. the fact of trading in resources is the essence of the bank as a commercial enterprise, caused by the transition to new economic relations.

The features of modern lending also include standards established by the Central Bank of Russia: the maximum allowable amount of funds raised, the size of the minimum reserve, the maximum amount of the loan issued. The timing of the loan and its repayment make the credit mechanism dependent on the liquidity of the commercial bank’s balance sheet.

Remains valid and traditional principles lending: urgency and security. Collateral rights (mortgage, mortgage, pledge of securities), sureties, guarantees and other forms of credit risk insurance are used.

There are several types of loan accounts:

* simple loan account - one-time loans credited to current or current accounts and their repayment from these accounts;

* special loan account - usually opened for trading organizations with payment of settlement documents from suppliers and crediting of proceeds from buyers. Every 10-15 days, according to the agreement between the bank and the client, the special loan account is regulated. To do this, the turnovers are compared - the amounts credited and paid, and the difference is either credited to the client’s current account or debited from it.

A new form of lending is the opening of a “line of credit”. In this case, the company opens a loan account for which a lending limit is established, and if there are no funds in the borrower’s current account, the bank automatically, within the established limit, pays for the borrower’s settlement documents, if the nature of the payment corresponds to the purpose of the loan specified in the loan agreement; the limit may be exceeded, but with the accrual increased interest. Repayment procedure of this loan carried out in the following ways:

* daily transfer of free balance from the current account to the loan account;

* transfer by the borrower of funds by payment orders;

* urgent obligations within the terms specified in the agreement.

Based on loan terms, there are:

1. short-term loans - the period of use does not exceed 1 year;

2. medium-term - period of use from 1 year to 3 years;

3. long-term loans - the period of use exceeds 3 years.

As already noted, in modern practice, banks independently develop Rules for lending to their clients, form a credit committee and determine the procedure for issuing loans.

Loan accounts are opened on the basis of a concluded loan agreement.

In accordance with the current civil legislation, under a loan agreement, a bank or other credit organization (lender) undertakes to provide funds (loan) to the borrower in the amount and on the terms stipulated by the agreement, and the borrower undertakes to return the received sum of money and pay interest on it.

The loan agreement defines the procedure for issuing and repaying loans, mutual obligations and economic responsibilities of the parties, and the conditions for reducing or increasing interest rates.

To consider the issue of obtaining a short-term loan, legal entities (regardless of organizational and legal forms) provide the following documents to the credit department:

* letter of application indicating the amount required credit resources, the purpose of their use and return periods;

* notarized articles of association, articles of association, registration certificate;

* a notarized card of sample signatures of fund managers (manager and chief accountant) and seal imprint (not provided by bank clients);

* quarterly accounting report as of the last reporting date, with the State mark tax office;

* balance sheet as of the last reporting date;

* calculation of the need for credit resources;

* calculation of the loan repayment period;

* a certificate of the composition of costs for each reporting month from the beginning of the year;

* current data on the client’s balance sheet items as of the date of application for a loan;

* transcript for individual articles balance sheet;

* contracts, client agreements confirming reality and effectiveness


* calculation of the effectiveness of a commercial transaction;

* documents confirming the availability of loan repayment security, guarantees with attached balance sheets of the guarantors;

* certificates of ownership of real estate;

* information about the balance of goods in the warehouse, pledge agreement, insurance policy;

* certificate of notification tax authority about the client's intention to open a loan account.

The complete list of documents required to consider the issue of issuing a loan is determined by each bank independently based on the developed Rules for lending to its clients. The specified list of documents required from clients can be expanded depending on issues that arise during the consideration of a particular client’s application.

Having analyzed the documents provided, the credit department, in the event of a positive decision on lending, gives an order to the accounting department to open a loan account for the client, and also attaches a loan agreement (copy) and a loan security agreement or collateral agreement (originals). In addition, the client submits the following documents to the accounting department to open a loan account:

1. a commitment obligation or a fixed-term obligation providing for the right of a credit institution to write off funds from the borrower’s account upon the due date of the corresponding payment under the agreement;

2. an order or a copy of the order with a note from the servicing credit institution granting the latter the right to write off funds without acceptance from the borrower’s accounts upon payment request by the credit institution to repay the debt under the agreement. In case of failure to receive funds on time, a payment request-order is issued to the servicing credit institution in accordance with the letter of direct debit);

3. certificate from the State Tax Inspectorate about the intention to open a loan account; certificate from the pension fund.

4. On a fixed-term obligation, the responsible executor indicates the payment term and the number of the personal loan account in which the issued loan is recorded. The entire amount of the current liability is reflected in the receipt of off-balance sheet account 91301 “Open credit lines for the provision of loans.” The personal loan account number is indicated on the collateral agreement or insurance policy. The amounts of the listed documents are reflected in the receipt of off-balance sheet account 91307 “Property; accepted as collateral for loans issued, except for securities.” Letters of guarantee are received in off-balance sheet account 91305 “Guarantees, sureties received by the bank.”

For all of the listed off-balance sheet accounts, separate personal accounts are opened for borrowers and guarantors, and inside - for loan repayment periods. On loan accounts opened for clients, records of loans are kept for each lending object. Separate balance sheet accounts keep records of short-term loans issued to one client. The debit of the loan account reflects the amount of the loan issued, and the credit account reflects its repayment. The operating mode of the loan account is determined in the agreement: the issued loan is transferred to the borrower's settlement (correspondent) account or to other accounts (to pay the client's costs for the transaction being financed). Accounting for loans is carried out in the context of synthetic and analytical accounting.

Synthetic accounting is maintained on active loan balance sheet accounts depending on the legal structure of the borrower.

441 Loans provided to the Russian Ministry of Finance

442 Loans provided to financial authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities

443 Loans provided to state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation

444 Loans provided to off-budget funds of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities

445 Loans provided to federally owned financial institutions

446 Loans provided to commercial enterprises and organizations under federal ownership;

447 Loans provided to non-profit organizations under federal ownership;

448 Loans provided to financial organizations that are state (except federal) property;

449 Loans provided to commercial enterprises and organizations under state (except federal) ownership;

450 Loans provided to non-profit organizations that are state (except federal) property;

451 Loans provided to non-state financial organizations;

452 Loans provided to non-state commercial enterprises and organizations;

453 Loans provided to non-governmental non-profit organizations;

454 Loans provided to individual entrepreneurs;

455 Consumer loans provided to individuals;

456 Loans provided to non-resident legal entities;

457 Loans provided to non-resident individuals;

458 Overdue debt on loans provided;

459 Overdue interest on loans provided.

All of these accounts are active and are intended to record information about loans provided and other placements of funds for the purpose of generating income. The debit balance shows the amount of outstanding loans by bank customers or the amount of the issued loan in the amount debit balance at the end of the month on the client's current (overdraft) account. Debit turnover - newly issued loans in reporting period; loan turnover - repayment of debt or writing off debt as overdue debt.

Each of these groups of first-order accounts is divided into second-order accounts, reflecting the terms of the loan provided.

Funds transferred to the borrower in the form of a bank loan can be directed in accordance with loan agreements or to the borrower's settlement (current) accounts or directly to pay for the credited material assets and expenses (on behalf of the borrower).

Repayment of debt on bank loans and payment of interest are made by borrowers by transferring funds from their settlement (current) accounts.

Analytical accounting of loan transactions is maintained on separate personal accounts opened for each borrower and for each individual loan agreement. The personal loan account number is constructed by adding the currency code (3 digits) to the synthetic account number of the second order; industry affiliation (2 characters); term (1 character); code (1 character); Personal account number (5 characters) - 20 in total.

The issuance of a loan is formalized by order of the credit department and the following transactions:

A) when transferring funds to the client’s account

If a bank client (settlement (current) account is opened with this bank)

Credit Settlement (current) accounts of clients (for example, 40702 “Accounts of non-state commercial enterprises”)

If not a bank client (settlement (current) account is opened in another bank)

Debit Account for loans granted (for example, 452 “Loans provided to non-state commercial enterprises”)

Credit 30102 “Correspondent accounts of credit institutions with the Bank of Russia”

B) when paying for documents

Debit Account for loans granted (for example, 452 “Loans provided to non-state commercial enterprises”)

Credit 30102 “Correspondent accounts of credit institutions with the Bank of Russia.”

Repayment of the loan within the period specified in the loan agreement is reflected in the following entry:

A) Bank client

Debit Current or current account of the client (for example, 40702 “Accounts of non-state commercial enterprises”)

B) Not a bank client

Debit 30102 “Correspondent accounts of credit institutions with the Bank of Russia”

Credit Accounts for recording loans granted (for example, 452 “Loans provided to non-state commercial enterprises”)

Loans not repaid on time are recorded in separate accounts. When a loan is overdue, the following entry is made in accounting:

Debit 458 Overdue debt on loans granted (second-order accounts are built depending on the legal form)

Credit Accounts for recording loans granted (for example, 452 “Loans provided to non-state commercial enterprises”)

Pledge agreements are accounted for in the amount specified in the agreement on the off-balance sheet accounts of account 913 “Security for granted loans and placed funds” by debit. Accounting for collateral agreements on off-balance sheet accounts is carried out in the context of collateral for each loan agreement. Write-offs from off-balance sheet accounts are allowed when full repayment interest on the loan and the principal amount.

Foreign currency lending is carried out if the bank has the right to unconditionally write off funds in specified amounts from the borrower’s foreign currency account in the event of the latter’s failure to repay its obligations within the prescribed period.

The collateral may be letters of credit or payment guarantees held by the borrower or his guarantor, issued in their favor by foreign correspondent banks. The source of debt repayment, accrued interest and exchange rate differences are the funds of the borrower's foreign exchange fund or its guarantor, as well as foreign exchange earnings from the export of products stored in a foreign currency account.

To draw up a foreign currency loan agreement, the borrower submits to the bank an application indicating the purpose of obtaining the loan, the amount, term, country of purchase of the goods, its name, quantity and value, currency of payment, source of repayment and the economic justification for the loan, attaching a delivery schedule for the imported goods.

The borrower must remember that using a loan in foreign currency is possible only if a copy of the borrower’s contracts with foreign counterparty firms is provided to the bank in a timely manner, and the timing of contracts and the settlement period for them must strictly correspond to the timing of using the loan. Interest on foreign currency loans is accrued from the moment of its actual use.

Accounting for these transactions is equivalent to issuing and repaying a loan in a national

Accounting for received and provided loans in rubles.

1. The correspondent account is credited with the amounts of funds received under the loan agreement with Central Bank Russia:

30102 - 312.01-06

2. The bank’s correspondent account is credited with the amounts of funds received under a loan agreement with another commercial bank:

30102 - 313.02-09,

3. Amounts of funds transferred to other commercial banks under loan agreements are debited from the bank’s correspondent account:

320.02 -09, - 30102

4. To the client’s current account ( entity) the bank credited the amount of the loan provided:

452.03 -08 - 40702

5. Amounts of funds provided to non-customers of the bank (legal entities) were written off from the bank’s correspondent account:

452.03 -08 - 30102

6. An individual (entrepreneur with the formation of a legal entity) has been granted a loan:

454.03 -08 - 30102, 40802

7. The amount of overdue debt on the interbank loan received is taken into account:

313.02 -09 - 31702

314.02 -09 31703

312.01 -06 31701

8. The amount of overdue debt on the provided interbank loan is taken into account:

32401, 32402 - 320.02-09

9. The amount of overdue debt on a loan provided to a legal entity is taken into account:

45812 - 452.03-08

10. The amount of overdue debt on a loan granted to an individual is taken into account:

45814 - 454.03-08

11. Write-off (reduction) of amounts is taken into account current debt the borrower on the principal debt upon receipt of funds to repay it:

30102, 30109 - 320.02-09

12. The write-off (reduction) of the amounts of the borrower’s overdue debt on the principal debt is taken into account when funds are received to repay it:

30102, 30109, - 32401,

13. Repayment by the debtor (within 5 years) of the loan debt previously written off from the bank’s balance sheet:

30102, 30109 - 70107

Off-balance sheet accounting of an open credit line:

1. The amounts of the open credit line are taken into account:

2. The amount of the loan issued against an open credit line is taken into account

3. The amounts of the unused credit line after the termination of the loan on account of the previously concluded loan agreement are taken into account:

4. Write-off of the amount of a previously opened credit line after repayment of the loan and termination of the loan agreement:

5. The amount of collateral received for the loan issued is taken into account:

Accounting for received and provided loans in foreign currencies

1. From the bank’s foreign currency correspondent account, the amount of funds provided to other banks under loan agreements is transferred:

320.02 -09.840, - 30110.840,

321.02 -09.840 - 30109.840

2. The amount of funds received under loan agreements is credited to the bank’s foreign currency correspondent account.

Considering the procedure for issuing loans and their documenting, as well as the formation of a resource base from which credit investments are made, it must be said that this procedure is carried out in accordance with the Regulations “On the procedure for issuing loans to legal entities of OJSC Belinvestbank”, approved by the Minutes of the Board of OJSC Belinvestbank No. 2 dated September 18, 2001, and also in accordance with “Rules for placement by banks of the Republic of Belarus of funds in the form of a loan”, approved by the Resolution of the Board National Bank Republic of Belarus dated May 24, 2001 No. 116. In addition, compliance with articles of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus and other internal orders of the bank is observed. In accordance with the Resolution of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated December 30, 2003 No. 226, the Instruction was approved “On the procedure for banks to provide (place) funds in the form of a loan and their return”, in connection with which there have been some changes in lending policy. For example, the Resolution does not use the terms “loan account” and “special loan account”, as they contradict Chapter 36 of the Civil Code. However, this resolution, in connection with the order of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, comes into force on July 1, 2004, therefore in this work we will refer to regulations, currently used in OJSC Belinvestbank and its branches, and if necessary, refer to the new regulatory document.

OJSC "Belinvestbank" and branches acting on its behalf issue loans in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Bank's Charter on the principles of target orientation, urgency, security, repayment and payment in accordance with the bank's credit policy, which is developed on the basis of the overall strategy bank annually for the current year.

In this case, credit investments are made through:

  • - own funds jar;
  • - raised funds from legal entities and individuals;
  • - joint lending with other branches of the bank;
  • - resources purchased on the interbank market;
  • - other funds raised in established by law ok.

Also, profits undistributed during the financial year can be used as lending resources.

Focusing on the comprehensive development program of OJSC Belinvestbank for the period up to 2005, developed in order to strengthen the reliability and stability of the bank, increase equity capital, increase the range banking services To ensure the growth of a balanced resource base, it should be noted that the bank plans to increase the attracted resource base. At the same time, it is planned to grow 3.2 times by 2005. The basis for expanding the bank’s resource base will be the growth of equity capital, while the share of the authorized capital in the bank’s equity capital will be at least 70%. The increase in equity capital is planned to be carried out from all sources (investor funds, bank profits and funds, issue of bank shares, etc.). The increase in the attracted resource base during this period will be carried out at the expense of funds from enterprises (the increase will be 3.3 times), funds from the population (3.7 times) and non-residents (1.7 times).

The main task of the bank during this period is to increase the quality and high-yield loan portfolio while minimizing credit risks.

The availability of resources at the bank and their structure determine the credit policy. The priority of credit policy is the investment of credit resources in effective investment projects aimed at improving the macroeconomic situation of the Republic of Belarus, supporting the introduction of new high technologies, developing high-tech industries, etc. At the same time, in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Minutes of the Board of OJSC Belinvestbank No. 2 dated September 18, 2001 and the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated May 24, 2001 No. 116, creditworthy legal entities can receive a loan from a bank branch (in including individual entrepreneurs) and individuals. In addition, the loan can be issued to non-residents of the Republic of Belarus who are foreign investors for the purposes of investment activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, if provided for by law. So, the bank branch, which is the subject of the study, provides loans to legal entities and individuals for financing (Figure 7).

It should be noted that in accordance with the Resolution of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated December 30, 2003 No. 226, at the time of its entry into force on July 1, 2004, loans will be classified as short-term and long-term. At the same time, to short-term loans will include:

  • - loans provided for purposes related to the creation and movement of current assets, without a time limit;
  • - other loans provided for a period of up to twelve months inclusive, with the exception of loans provided for purposes related to the creation and movement of long-term assets.

TO long-term loans will include:

Figure 7 - Types of loans

  • - loans provided for purposes related to the creation and movement of long-term assets, without a time limit;
  • - other loans provided for a period of more than twelve months, with the exception of loans provided for purposes related to the creation and movement of current assets.

Let's take a closer look at the process of issuing and processing loans provided legal entities.

As noted earlier (Figure 7), loans to legal entities can be issued to increase current (current) assets and to create or increase non-current (long-term assets).

Short-term bank loan.Lending of current assets has always been the main type of lending operations. The need to obtain such a loan is due to the emergence of a temporary need for funds due to a discrepancy between income and costs in the process of circulation of the enterprise’s mobile assets. This need arises especially sharply for enterprises with a seasonal nature of production.

Previously, the procedure for certain types of loans was established by the instructions of the State Bank of the USSR, and deviations from them were not allowed. Currently National Bank In the Republic of Belarus, only the fundamental aspects of providing loans are determined.

To obtain a loan in current assets the borrower provides the bank with an application or petition and an accompanying package of documents (Figure 8).

In addition to the above, at the discretion of the bank, other documents may be obtained that reflect the validity and feasibility of issuing a loan. For example, individual entrepreneurs it is necessary to provide a certificate of income received for the period necessary to determine their financial condition. Enterprises that have loans from other banks are required to provide copies of loan agreements and certificates of actual debt on loans from other banks, including overdue ones.

Figure 8 - Package of accompanying documents attached to the loan application

If the applicant applies for a loan in foreign currency, the bank is provided with data on the expected receipt and use of foreign currency, etc. An approximate accompanying package of documents is given in Appendix A.

In the process of considering an application for a loan, before concluding a loan agreement, the bank studies the legal capacity of the future borrower, his reputation in the business world, solvency and the possibility of timely repayment of loans. The bank also checks on site with the borrower the state of accounting, the actual availability of the loaned assets, the conditions for their storage and other issues that arose during the study of documents.

Submitted documents are reviewed by the relevant services within 10 banking days after receipt complete package documents.

After studying all the documents provided and taking into account the conclusions of the legal, collateral and information and analytical services, the credit officer servicing this borrower draws up a conclusion - credit memorandum(Appendix B). It is signed by the executor, the head of the credit department, a lawyer and a specialist from the information and analytical service and submitted to the bank’s credit committee.

A credit committee has been created in the bank branch, which makes decisions on the issuance of a loan and the terms of lending to the borrower. Its activities are based on Regulations on credit commission Soviet branch of OJSC "Belinvestbank"(Appendix B). At committee meetings, the state of affairs in the department is analyzed on issues money circulation, the most effective forms of stimulating the initiative of enterprises with credit are considered, issues of attracting and allocating resources on mutually beneficial terms are resolved, work with securities is organized, and other functions are performed. The committee consists of 6 people, the chairman of the commission is the manager of the department. The bank has a limit and restrictions on credit transactions, which are established by the decision of the credit commission of the Head Office for the Gomel Region and communicated to the branch.

A meeting of the credit committee of a bank branch is documented in an act (minutes of the meeting), which indicates the decisions made at it: on the granting or non-granting of a loan (Appendix D).

Loan agreement- This legal document regulating the relationship between the bank and the borrower regarding the issuance and repayment of the loan, defining the mutual obligations and economic responsibilities of the parties. A written form of its conclusion is required.

A loan agreement requires proper execution in order to avoid any kind of complications during its implementation, consideration in court, or even possible falsification. A sample loan agreement is given in Appendix D.

The terms of the loan agreement are determined for each borrower individually and in such a way that the degree of risk of the loan transaction is minimal. In addition, the contract is not public. Essential terms of the contract are:

  • - targeted use of the loan;
  • - loan amount indicating the loan currency;
  • - term and procedure for granting and repaying the loan;
  • - interest rate for using a loan;
  • - terms and procedure for paying interest for using a bank loan;
  • - method of ensuring the fulfillment by the borrower of obligations under the loan agreement;
  • - liability of the borrower and the bank for failure to comply with the terms of the agreement.

The terms of the loan transaction agreed upon with the borrower are reflected in the loan agreement, which is signed by the bank’s managers and borrowers. The completed loan agreement must exclude any amendments that would make it invalid.

Together with the loan agreement, agreements are drawn up for accepted forms of securing obligations to repay the loan - agreements of pledge, guarantees, sureties(Appendix G). These documents are a mandatory appendix to the loan agreement, which indicates the accepted form of security for obligations with reference to the date and number of the corresponding agreement. These documents must comply with legal standards and have no conflicts in the rights and obligations of the parties.

When providing loans to current assets, as a rule, they are used separate loan accounts. The borrower may have one or more such accounts open. In this case, the bank issuing the loan notifies the bank in which the borrower's current account is opened about the size of the loan issued and the timing of its repayment.

The loan is provided regardless of the availability of funds in the current account. The loan can be disbursed at a time or in installments. Most often, one-time loans are issued to pay for settlement documents for valuables purchased under contracts, consumer goods and industrial and technical products.

The loan can be repaid in one lump sum within the period stipulated by the loan agreement. In practice, more often the loan is repaid in installments. In this case, the repayment terms are established based on the terms of use in production and sale of the credited material assets. In this case, the loan repayment terms must be specified in the loan agreement. Repayment of debt on a loan and interest accrued for its use is made from the current account of a legal entity according to its payment order in the established order of priority.

For loans provided in current assets, at least once a quarter, the availability of material support is checked based on reporting data (balance sheet and others)

A loan option is also available special loan account. This account can only be opened at a bank branch at the location of the borrower's current account.

Lending under a special loan account is allowed, as a rule, to enterprises engaged in wholesale and retail trade consumer goods and industrial and technical products.

To establish the planned size of the loan under the special loan account, the borrower provides the bank with a corresponding calculation with a quarterly breakdown. The projected loan size (for a year, quarter or month) is calculated:

where are the balances of goods and valuables from the own sources of coverage;

Accounts payable.

A loan is issued under a special loan account on the basis of a loan agreement concluded between the bank and trade organization for a period of up to one year. In this case, the credit officer issues an order from the accounting department about the amount of the maximum loan, which is signed by authorized persons (Appendix I). The credit is provided by paying payment instructions for goods, including the cost of their transportation and the amount of value added tax. Repayment of such a loan is made from a special loan account from the proceeds received from the sale of credited goods, using a payment order from the borrower.

From the moment the loan is granted into current assets until its repayment, the bank carries out credit monitoring- monitoring the loan and compliance with the terms of the agreement. The Bank is developing a set of procedures that are mandatory. They include control:

  • - targeted use of the loan;
  • - material security for the loan;
  • - the state of accounting, its reliability;
  • - borrower's creditworthiness;
  • - collateral status;
  • - timely repayment of the loan and interest on it.

All materials for providing a loan to a borrower are accumulated and formed in credit file, the content of which is regulated.

Long-term bank loan. The need for a long-term loan is due to the circulation of non-current assets, the constituent elements of which are fixed assets, equipment for installation, unfinished capital investments, etc. The creation, implementation and payback of non-current assets require a significant period of time, so the sources of their financing are long-term in nature.

Projects related to the creation and movement of non-current assets are called investment projects, which are objects long-term lending.

Investment loans are issued in accordance with The procedure for issuing loans to legal entities of Belinvestbank OJSC, the Recommendations of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on long-term lending by banks to investment projects, other internal documents.

The procedure for providing long-term loans is similar to the procedure for providing loans to legal entities for current assets. At the same time, there are a number of features.

When submitting an application and the necessary package of documents to the bank, the borrower must attach a business plan, including calculation economic efficiency and payback of the financed project. If the loan is issued for new construction, expansion, reconstruction, the following documents must also be provided:

  • - permit for construction work;
  • - decision of local executive and administrative bodies on construction;
  • - a copy of the state act on the right of ownership, possession or use of a land plot;
  • - design and estimate documentation;
  • - contract agreement, etc.

Based on the results of reviewing the entire package of documents, a conclusion is drawn up on the investment project, its payback and the possibility of lending. The final decision is made by the credit committee of the bank branch.

In accordance with current regulatory documents in the Republic of Belarus, a loan is provided for investment projects whose payback period does not exceed five years, and loan repayment is ensured within six years from the date of issuance of the first loan amount. Limit size investment loan is determined based on the cost of the project, on the basis of design estimates and the size of other sources. In this case, preference is given to investment projects that ensure the production of export products; create and develop high and new technologies; projects included in government programs.

The long-term nature of credit relationships obliges the bank to more carefully stipulate in the credit agreement its obligations and rights in the process of supporting the loan.

It should be noted that long-term credit is currently not being properly developed. This situation is explained by factors that depend not only on potential borrowers, but also from the creditor bank. Many enterprises cannot adapt to the production of competitive products that are in demand and operate at a loss. In conditions of inflation, long-term assets become more expensive, and consequently, payback periods lengthen and the possibilities for long-term lending are narrowed. In turn, the bank, in order to avoid credit risk, restrains the provision of long-term loans, since it has insufficient own capital, and the resources it attracts are mainly short-term in nature.

Let's take a closer look at the bank lending process individuals.

As noted above, banks, including the Soviet branch of Belinvestbank OJSC, issue loans individuals for consumer purposes and real estate financing (Figure 7) .

In accordance with the Rules for the provision of loans by banks of the Republic of Belarus, it is established that loans to individuals are provided in Belarusian rubles for these purposes. The conditions for issuing loans are approved by the Board of the commercial bank and are subject to frequent changes, especially in terms of interest rates, which are linked to the refinancing rate. Loan terms vary depending on their types and objects. The size of a loan for consumer purposes is usually linked to the minimum wage; for real estate financing - to estimated cost construction, repair, reconstruction of real estate.

In general, the procedure for applying for a loan is similar to that of a legal entity, but there are some peculiarities.

Along with the loan application, the individual provides a passport or a document replacing it, as well as information about income and expenses.

In addition, the main list of documents can be supplemented depending on the purpose of the loan. For example, when receiving a loan for the purchase of a residential building, apartment, garden house or garage, you must provide the bank with a purchase and sale agreement, notarized and registered with the technical inventory bureau, as well as a certificate of market value object. In order to receive funds for the purchase Vehicle: Notarized purchase and sale agreement. When applying for a student loan - a copy of the agreement and invoice educational institution etc.

The main condition for granting a loan is the solvency of the borrower and his guarantors. To determine the degree of sufficiency of these, rating and expert review. Such a system makes it possible credit experts analyze customer requests using various factors that help determine the likelihood of repaying the debt and interest on it on time.

Next, after studying the borrower’s solvency, the form of security for the obligation to repay the loan and interest on it is determined. As a rule, third party guarantees secured by collateral are provided to secure obligations. The surety agreement is notarized.

After studying all necessary documents A written conclusion is left justifying the possibility of lending. The decision to issue a loan for consumer purposes is made official, having the authority to do so, real estate loans - by the credit committee. The terms of the loan are specified in the loan agreement. Credit is provided by non-cash transfers. To do this, a loan account is opened based on the order of the credit department; it indicates the account number, the size of the loan, the terms of its repayment, the amount of interest on the loan, the frequency of their accrual and payment. In exceptional cases, a loan may be provided in cash to pay for goods (work, services) permitted for sale in cash. In this case, the bank is provided with documentary evidence of the intended use of the loan.

When financing individuals for using a loan, as a rule, floating rates are established. When it changes interest rate The bank notifies the borrower about this within the period specified in the loan agreement. In case of disagreement, the borrower can terminate the agreement by first repaying the loan and interest on it (according to the interest rate specified in the agreement).

Loan repayment is made by depositing cash, transfers from your current deposit account, from wages, scholarships, pensions, etc. If the overdue debt is not repaid, measures are taken to repay the debt. After three months, the bank has the right to terminate the agreement and foreclose on the property of the debtor and his guarantors. Checking the intended use of loan funds is carried out according to a developed plan by loan officers, as a rule, at least once within two years from the date of receipt of the loan.

At the same time, according to the Resolution of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated May 24, 2001 No. 116 and the internal documents of Belinvestbank OJSC, it is not allowed through a loan:

  • - make contributions to the authorized funds of banks and legal entities;
  • - buy securities, pay dividends on shares;
  • - pay interest on bank loans;
  • - pay insurance premiums and payments;
  • - repay previously received loans;
  • - pay taxes and other payments to the budget; etc.

In addition to the forms of lending indicated in Figure 7 and discussed by us in this part of the work, the department uses overdraft lending, which is linked to the use of debit cards and opening card accounts.

It is also necessary to note the high qualifications of the credit employees of the bank branch, their attentiveness when creating credit dossiers, and conducting an analysis of the borrower’s creditworthiness. This undoubtedly gives a positive result in the overall assessment of the bank's work. However, there are also some unrealized opportunities. For example, in the practice of a bank branch there was no case of issuing mortgage loans, despite the fact that it is possible to carry out such operations. In addition, the bank and its branches have the right to carry out syndicated lending and lending on a contract account. However, this opportunity still remains unrealized in the branch.