OTP Bank in Russia. Brief description of OTP Bank (history, founders, branches, authorized capital) OTP Bank owner

Hello! I don’t like to tell others about my stupidity and legal illiteracy - it’s very embarrassing, you know... But here I can’t remain silent, in case I can save someone from trouble.

Sent a cry from the heart to OTP Bank at hotline- I tried without mistakes and profanity... But there is a catastrophic lack of standard words, believe me! I also want to speak out in the popular ratings, to ease my soul and rehabilitate myself, at least in my own eyes. In general, closer to the topic...

There is such a magical bank, it’s called OTP... It’s not clear how it stands for, they probably sing odes to the consumers of their services... It successfully finds such people (like me, for example), works based on them and prospers at their expense. The scheme works flawlessly: retail outlets offer INTEREST-FREE INSTALLMENT PAYMENT and under its guise they sell you a consumer loan from OTP at 33%-52% per annum and a bunch of cunning hidden penalties prescribed in the contract... Well, they probably insure their risks in this way, of course - loans They give it away for use almost for free! When your brain turns on (sorry it’s late) and you understand all this, it’s natural that you run and refuse to purchase the goods on such terms, because the application was written, I repeat, for INTEREST-FREE PAYMENT INSTALLMENTS. You refuse the goods and hear how they tell you that “the credit authorization has been cancelled.” And you, naive, think that “Ugh! I made it!”, you think that you don’t owe anyone anything. WELL! This is absolutely not true!

Two weeks later they send you an SMS asking you to pay the nth amount within a specified period... This is where the fun begins. First stage: communication with OTP Bank employees. Where to look for them? The SMS contains the bank's Moscow hotline number (for information, I live in Orsk). On the hotline they tell me that “there is no branch of OTP Bank in Orsk.” It became unclear to me how I managed to get a loan from them! After my timid questions about what I had to pay them for, I realized that I didn’t deserve to have honored employees of this OTP bank communicate with me! My petty selfish interests are preventing them from solving problems on a planetary scale! After 5 minutes of communication, I felt as if I had betrayed my Motherland or stolen a wheelchair from a disabled person! Psychologists probably work on the hotline. And the most interesting thing is that they don’t explain anything specifically! They don't explain anything at all! And they still hang up. After struggling for an hour, I finally managed to find the address of the OTP Bank branch in Orsk. Apparently, they secretly located there for their parent company. Well, since people in Moscow still don’t know about this?!

I'm already calling Orsk. I ask again: “For what? On what basis? At least name the clause of the agreement...” They answer me: “Call the organization where you took out the loan and ask them!” I call that organization, they answer: “This is a fine for refusing a loan! If you don’t like it, deal with the bank!” I call the bank again and ask them to name the clause in the agreement that provides for a fine for refusing a loan. I hear in response: “This is not a fine for refusing a loan, this is a payment for a month of using the loan, because you signed an application to return the goods! If you don’t like it, call the sales organization and sort it out with them!” I called the trading organization, they sent me to the bank again! And so throughout the week they sent and sent... They probably even got tired. They were rude, they told me to stop “BOILING” or “boiling” - I don’t know which would be correct, I need to call the girls again, consult about the rules for writing this word.

As a result of all this, I came to your site, in search of at least some information. Wrote a hot question OTP line, contacted their leading department specialist regional development, although it was already very scary after a week of communicating with their specialists! And only now, after consulting with a leading specialist from the regional development department, I learned that Civil Code does not apply to this bank, and it does not matter that until the moment of provision Money loan agreement is considered not to have entered into force. They have a more interesting and cunning clause in the consumer loan agreement: you are obliged to pay interest for the first month of using the loan, even if you did not manage to receive this loan. It is enough that you refused to purchase goods from your banking associates. What about the law on banking, prohibiting the introduction of hidden fees in consumer loan agreements?! Apparently this law also does not apply to this bank? From everything that was happening, I got the impression that the dashing 90s were outside the window... And now, for late payment of the fine for refusing OTP loan Bank, such cool brothers will come to me, covered in leather, and they will educate me in their own way, for example, with an iron... So that it would be discouraging consumer loans refuse! And the contract has another good clause (clause 8.6), stating that they can transfer my debts to third parties... It turns out that the collectors are just a stone's throw away! So my fears may be well founded...

So, my fellow consumers, I hasten to inform you that the scheme of “selling consumer loans at exorbitant interest rates” is working great and thriving today! And it brings considerable income to its participants... So beware of peaceful housewives and other modest ordinary people, gullible and ignorant of the laws, who have a dream and do not have the means to acquire it! Look around, merchants and bankers are waiting for you, they will take away not only your dream, but also your peace! Remember, there is no place for trust in our cruel world, read, carefully read what is written in small print, and what the bank employee says: “You don’t have to read this, this is just specific information about the bank...”.

By the way, someone may be interested in this; the trade organization discussed above is the ELITE SPA SALON “GOLD DE BOTTE”, which distributes ELITE cosmetics “De Sheli”...

Education OTP Bank took place in 1994. At that time, my institution was called Investsberbank. And since 2008, the organization has been known to Russian consumers banking services under the current company name. IN bank Today, clients have the opportunity to take advantage of various types of lending. Develop in this direction and become one of largest institutions consumer lending OTP bank joining the Hungarian banking group OTP Group helped.

Thanks to this association, the institution gained access to numerous financial instruments, as well as to the many years of experience of the European jar in the field of providing credit services to the population. This gave impetus to the development of retail and wholesale business in Russian Federation. To date OTP bank does not stand still, but develops rapidly. Financial condition institutions are becoming stronger. And indicators that demonstrate reliability jar, show stable growth.

OTP bank is the largest commercial company operating on Russian territory. This is a subsidiary of the Hungarian company OTP Group, which has been providing Financial services to the population. Today the company is represented by branches located in Central and Eastern Europe. Bank represents Joint-Stock Company. It became a joint stock company in December 2011. Shareholders jar are:

  • OTP Bank. This is the holder of the main block of shares, whose percentage is 66.1%;

  • Alliance Reserve. This institution owns 31.71 percent of the total shares;

  • Other shareholders. Today holders of 2.25 percent of shares jar are small shareholders.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors is István Hamec. IN Russia president of a financial organization OTP became Georgy Cherkasov. On the board of directors jar there are more than eight people. Among them: Chizhevsky I.P.; Oreshkina Yu.S.; Dremach K.A.; Satybuldiev M.M. and many others.

On official internet The portal provides complete information about the management team jar. Also, clients of the organization have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the documents of the board. They highlight the experience and qualifications of the management team.

Russian representative office OTP is part of the united OTP group, which is active in financial activities in Central and Eastern Europe. The basis of this group of commercial enterprises is OTP Bank, which is the largest commercial institution in Hungary. Her banks occupies approximately 25.6 percent of the national Hungarian market. Five years ago, the company's assets exceeded ten billion forints in the first nine months. Last year, Forbes magazine ranked jar in the global ranking of financial institutions was 962.

The main branch of the credit institution is located in Budapest. The history of the establishment of Hungary began in 1949. Then the State Savings Bank was formed bank Hungary. Its local name was Országos Takarékpénztár. It was from him that the name of the group itself came from. OTP bank. Since 1990, this commercial enterprise has been a public banking enterprise. And in 1995 the bank was privatized.

Years of transformation of the banking organization

IN bank Over the years, there have been many changes and transformations. The periods from 1995 to 1999 were key for the financial institution. During this time bank has become universal financial institution, providing the population not only consumer loans. Since then, approximately 81.4 percent of the shares are outstanding on the Budapest Stock Exchange. Bank has numerous global receipts, which are currently in demand on stock exchange Luxembourg. The Board of Directors currently operates under the leadership of Sándor Csányi. The OTP group owns financial institutions OTPs located in Russia, Ukraine and many other European countries.

Attention! All information on this site is presented for informational purposes only. The site does not collect or process personal data. the federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” is not violated.

OJSC "OTP Bank" (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank", "OTP Bank") is a subsidiary bank OTP groups(OTP Group), which is one of the largest banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe. The Group's parent bank, OTP Bank Plc., owns 95.9% of the shares of OJSC OTP Bank.

OTP Group believes Russian market one of its strategic priorities.

The issue of OTP Bank bonds is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Intensive expansion of the loan portfolio;

Diversification of funding sources;

Developing sources of ruble liquidity and reducing the Bank’s currency risks;

Introducing OTP Bank to the Russian investment community, creating a history of borrowing on the domestic debt market (the Bank's debts are not currently represented on the public borrowing market).

OTP Bank is a universal bank. At the same time, retail lending is the main business direction of OTP Bank, which includes:

Lending at points of sale (POS lending). The bank ranks 2nd in this market segment. Lending at retail outlets allows the Bank to diversify geographic risks and provide services to clients throughout Russia;

Credit cards - 4th place in the market. Credit cards are offered to the highest quality POS lending borrowers.

The bank provides a wide range of services to corporate clients. The share of the corporate portfolio is 16% of the Bank's total loan portfolio. OTP Bank is also a leading player in the foreign exchange market.

High capital adequacy is a characteristic feature of OTP Group's business. The policy of OJSC OTP Bank to maintain capital adequacy is fully consistent with the approach of OTP Group; as of February 1, 2011, the Bank's capital adequacy ratio is 17.92% (RAS).

The products the Bank specializes in are mainly high-margin. The Bank pays great attention to control and risk management, minimizing transaction costs, as well as measures to improve the quality of the loan portfolio. Table 2.1 contains basic superficial information about the bank.

Table 2.1.1 OTP Group: Basic information

Ba1 (Moody's) / BB (Fitch)

State registration number

Nominal output volume

RUB 2,500,000,000


Coupon payment


Type of accommodation

Book building


ZAO CB Citibank and ZAO VTB Capital»

Quotation list

Placement is planned through quotation list “B”

Lombard list

The issue meets all the criteria for inclusion in the Lombard List of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

OTP Bank is part of the international financial group OTP Group, which is one of the leaders in the financial services market in Central and Eastern Europe. OTP Bank Plc., credit ratings Baa3 (Moody’s) and BB+ (S&P) owns 95.9% of the authorized capital of OTP Bank and is the largest asset of the OTP Group. Shares of OTP Bank Plc. traded on the Budapest Stock Exchange, 68.86% of shares are in free float. The largest shareholders (according to the Budapest Stock Exchange as of December 2010) are Timur Megdet and Ruslan Rakhimkulov (9.02%), the oil company MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited Company (8.57%), and the insurance and banking group Groupama (8.31%) . Bulgaria Russia Ukraine Hovaatia Romania Serbia Slovakia Montenegro

OTP Group was founded on March 1, 1949 in Hungary as a state savings bank. At the end of 1990, the bank was reorganized into a public limited liability company and renamed the National Savings and Commercial Bank, which is the abbreviation OTP Bank in Hungarian.

OTP Group's subsidiary banks are present in 9 countries:







Rice. 2.1.1 Geographic presence of OTP Group

Over more than 60 years of history, the OTP brand has become well known in Europe - it is now trusted by more than 13 million customers in 9 countries. OTP Group today has about 1,500 branches, more

4,000 ATMs, more than 57,500 lending points, almost 13.5 million cards issued. OTP Group employees are more than 30 thousand people.

OTP Bank (Hungary) is the largest bank in Hungary and occupies a leading position in the market of bank cards, mortgage loans, POS lending and other segments of retail banking services. OTP Bank (Hungary) has client and partnership relationships with more than 60% of Hungarian households, 70% of municipalities and more than 30% of companies. OTP Bank (Hungary) has been repeatedly recognized as Bank of the Year by Euromoney, The Banker and Global Finance. Subsidiary banks of OTP Group are leaders in all major segments of retail banking in Bulgaria and Montenegro, are actively developing in Russia, Ukraine and Romania and maintain strong positions in other regions of presence.

OTP Group's international activities also cover a number of important areas in the areas of financial, insurance, investment and banking business - from asset management to leasing and pension funds.

Table 2.1.2 Financial results OTP Group

Indicators, millionEuro

2010 G.

2009 G.

Consolidated profit after tax

Profit before tax

Total profit

Net interest income

Total assets

Total share capital

Loan portfolio

Deposit portfolio

Return on assets

Return on Equity

Net interest margin

The structure of any organization is an ordered collection of its individual elements. The Bank is a functional-hierarchical structure that ensures the implementation of management functions, maintains appropriate vertical and horizontal connections and separation of management elements. The divisions are grouped in accordance with functions that reflect the main directions and areas of activity. The functional structure provides the bank with quite serious competitive advantages due to its clarity, harmony, reliability of communications, and the absence of duplication, which allows management decisions to be communicated to executors and implemented without delay.

The bank has a strict hierarchy of power and control systems from top management, decisions are made centrally. But at the same time, the level of training of specialists ensures broad specialization in the work of personnel (interchangeability).

The supreme management body of the bank implements its functions and tasks directly through the executive and control bodies, which are entirely accountable to it.

The executive and control bodies of the bank are staffed with highly qualified bank employees. The chairman of the board of the bank, in accordance with the Charter, is elected by the highest management body of the bank and is a member of its executive body.

For general management of the work of the bank, as well as monitoring and control over the work of the board and the audit commission of the bank, OJSC CB OTP has a bank council (board).

Members of the council, by a majority vote, elect the chairman of the bank's council and his deputies. Members of the bank's council cannot simultaneously be members of the board or members of the bank's audit commission.

The bank's council resolves strategic tasks of management and development of the bank's activities; its meetings are held at least once a year. In its work, the council is guided by current legislation and regulations.

The organizational structure of OJSC CB OTP includes functional divisions and services of the bank, each of which has certain rights and responsibilities.

The director manages the bank and represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, manages the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, issues orders for the enterprise, in accordance with labor legislation, hires and fires employees, applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on the employees of the enterprise.

Subordinate to the director are: chief accountant, head of the retail services department, head of the operations department, head of the settlements department, head of the security department, head of the legal department, head of the human resources department. Each of them is subordinate to divisions specializing in the areas of the bank’s activities.

Sandor Csani

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTP Bank Plc.

Sandor Chani graduated from the College of Finance and accounting in 1974, University of Budapest economic sciences in 1980, and completed his graduate studies there. He is a certified auditor and a qualified pricing specialist.

After completing his education, he worked in the Financial Administration and then in the Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance of Hungary. From 1983 to 1986 he headed a department of the Ministry Agriculture and food industry. In 1986 he moved to work in the banking sector: he became the head of the Hungarian credit bank. From 1989 to 1992 he worked as deputy head of K&H Bank.

Since 1992, he has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTP Bank Plc. Responsible for the strategy and operational activities of the bank.

He is a member of the European Board of Directors of MasterCard, vice-president of the Board of Directors of the oil and gas holding MOL Group, co-chairman of the Hungarian National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers. Until April 2011, he served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hungarian Banking Association. Since July 2010, he has headed the Hungarian Football Association.

Zoltan Major

Chairman of the board directors of OTP Jar

Zoltan Major

Chairman of the Board of Directors
OTP Bank

Zoltan Major was born in 1966. He graduated from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in 1990, receiving a master's degree in electronics and telecommunications. In 1994, he completed his studies at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences with a Master's degree in International Economics and Finance. He continued his education at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) and received an MBA degree in 2002 with a specialization in marketing.

From 1992 to 2006, he held various positions in KPMG, Citibank, ABN AMRO/K&H Bank, GE Capital International Services (GECIS)/Genpact. From 2006 to 2007, he worked at the Fund as General Manager responsible for financing the country's healthcare sector. health insurance Hungary. Later he joined the Management Board of UniCredit Tiriac Bank (Romania), where until 2010 he was responsible for the retail banking business (segments individuals and SMEs). In 2011, he moved to work at UniCredit Bank Austria, where he headed the consumer lending areas of the Central European divisions. From 2013 to 2015, he worked on the Board of the Austrian bank Hypo Alpe Adria Bank as the bank’s chief director for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In 2015, he accepted an offer to take the position of Managing Director, Head of the Digital Technologies Department of OTP Group, and also to head the Board of Directors of OTP Bank JSC.

Zoltan Mayor is a member of the Advisory Board of the Bucharest Branch of the Maastricht School of Management (Bucharest, Romania). He teaches in mentoring programs and seminars on banking for students at Corvina University (formerly Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration).

Owing to economic and legal considerations OTP Group provides its universal financial services through several subsidiaries. In Hungary traditional banking operations are performed by the Bank while specialized services, including car leasing, investment funds are developed and offered by the Bank's subsidiaries. Insurance claims of OTP Group clients are supplied by sales of insurance products with strategic collaboration with French insurance company, Groupama, after its OTP Garancia aqutision.

OTP Bank

Owing to economic and legal considerations OTP Bank provides its universal financial services through several subsidiaries.

OTP Fund Management

OTP Fund Management Ltd is the largest Hungarian institutional investor and the best-capitalized organization concentrating purely on asset management on the Hungarian market.

OTP Building Society

It is the market leader in the building society savings market offering saving opportunities that entitle the savers to state subsidies, tax allowances.

OTP National Health Fund

The main activity of the Health Fund is the organization and finance of public and individual health care programs.

OTP Pension Fund

One of the biggest members in the voluntary pension fund market in terms of total assets and membership.

OTP Travel

OTP Travel as a significant member
of the Hungarian tourism market
deals with air ticket sales, event management and the organization
of domestic and foreign travel.

OTP Real Estate Lease

The biggest member of Hungarian retail flat leasing market. Offering leasing services of new and used flats for private, corporate customers and for local governments.

OTP Real Estate

OTP Ingatlanpont is one of the leading real estate agencies thanks to its national coverage and its dynamically growing portfolio of mainly exclusive assignments.

OTP Real Estate Fund Management

The Company was established to manage the portfolio of the OTP Real Estate Fund.

OTP Mortgage Bank

The subsidiary was established to provide subsidized mortgage bonds based housing loans completing the range of housing loans offered by the Bank Group.

OTP Hungaro-Projekt

Besides general strategic consulting the main activity of OTP Hungaro-Projekt Ltd. is offering project preparation and management services for the use of EU Funds.

OTP Factoring

OTP Factoring Ltd. is the largest corporation in the country purchasing and collecting receivables.

OTP Factoring Asset Management

Main business activities include management and sales of real estate collateral transferred by OTP Factoring Ltd.

OTP banka Hrvatska d.d.

OTP banka Hrvatska - the fourth largest bank in the Croatian banking market – the market leader on the Croatian coast.

OTP Bank Romania S.A.

OTP Bank Romania offers a wide range of financial services, it is retail clients that constitute the main focus of the Romanian bank.

DSK Bank Group

The market leader in the Bulgarian banking market provides its clients with a full range of financial services.

Vojvodanska banka a.d.

The Serbian subsidiary of OTP Bank has a significant retail customer base but as a universal bank it is also active in the corporate segment.


As a step of its regional expansion, OTP Bank has entered the Ukrainian banking market.