Programs and strategies for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation. On the development of domestic and inbound tourism as a factor in the economic growth of the Russian Federation

Having heard information from the head of the Federal Tourism Agency on the development of domestic and inbound tourism as a factor in the economic growth of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation notes the following.

Tourism is an important area of ​​economic activity, influencing both the development of the economy as a whole and its individual sectors and directions: transport, construction, trade, agriculture, as well as public catering, production of souvenirs, services of travel companies, collective accommodation and communications facilities . Inbound tourism contributes to the influx of financial resources that stimulate the development of the economy of the host regions of the Russian Federation.

Since 2014, a trend of stable qualitative growth has emerged in the Russian tourism industry. The domestic tourist flow in 2017 exceeded 56.5 million people. The total incoming tourist flow, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, remained approximately at the level of 2016 and amounted to 24.4 million people. Since 2014, thanks to the active development of the tourism industry, more than 250 thousand new jobs have appeared. Over the same period, tax revenues to the budget system of the Russian Federation from tourism activities increased by 18.6 percent.

The fundamental documents regulating the issues of domestic and inbound tourism are the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2014 No. 941-r, state program of the Russian Federation “Development of culture and tourism” for 2013–2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 317, federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011–2018)”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2011 No. 644. The specified federal target program has a high degree of efficiency: private investments in the tourism industry amounted to 61.5 billion rubles (on average 2.7 rubles from extra-budgetary sources per one ruble from the federal budget) .

The improvement of the regulatory legal framework regulating state policy in the field of tourism continues. Currently, work is underway on the draft federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019–2025).” The goal of the new program is to create conditions for the effective development of the tourism sector with an increase in the industry’s contribution to the gross domestic product by 70 percent - up to 5.33 trillion. rubles (from 3.49 to 5 percent).

However, effective targeted development of the tourism industry allows us to count on better results. Its contribution to the gross domestic product can range from 7 to 10 percent. To achieve such indicators, it is necessary to continue work to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism, including on issues of statistical accounting of internal tourist flows, create a modern model of interdepartmental interaction on the development of the tourism industry, stimulate the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities to actively develop their territories of priority areas for tourism development. Protecting the rights and ensuring the safety of tourists will be facilitated by the legislative establishment of the obligations of tour operators and travel agents to use the state information system “Electronic Tour”.

Important conditions for the further development of domestic and inbound tourism as a factor in the economic growth of the Russian Federation are the development and reconstruction of tourism, transport, utilities, information, social and other infrastructures, attracting investments, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, increasing the efficiency of interregional cooperation in organizing tourism activities. One of the ways to increase the incoming tourist flow could be to further simplify the visa regime, including by extending a simplified procedure for the entry of foreign citizens on electronic visas through checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.

A modern approach is needed to the formation and promotion of a tourism product in the field of domestic and inbound tourism in the domestic and global tourism markets, including the use of new information technologies, as well as improving the quality of services provided, reducing the influence of seasonal factors, developing social, environmental, medical and other types of tourism, training of qualified personnel in the field of tourism.

Taking into account the above, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Take into account the information from the head of the Federal Tourism Agency on the development of domestic and inbound tourism as a factor in the economic growth of the Russian Federation.

No. 876688–6 “On amendments to Article 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation”;

No. 405915–7 “On amendments to the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”, Article 2 of the Federal Law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region” and in Article 11 of the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” regarding the extension of the simplified entry procedure for foreign citizens on electronic visas to the territory of air checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation located on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District.”

1) accelerate the development and submission to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of draft federal laws aimed at improving the legal regulation of the activities of tour guides (guides), guides-interpreters and instructors-guides, establishing administrative liability for violation of the conditions for the provision of services of a guide (guide), tour guide - translator and instructor-guide;

2) consider the following issues when forming the draft federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021:

on the allocation of funds from the federal budget in the amount of 69.27 billion rubles for the implementation of the federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019–2025)”, the concept of which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2018 No. 872 -R;

on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget for state support of tour operators, ensuring an increase in the internal tourist flow on priority tourist routes;

on financial support for the development of tourist cultural and educational routes developed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for older citizens;

3) consider amending the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 “On the Rules of the Road” in terms of clarifying the rules for stopping and parking tourist buses and securing the possibility of their movement along the lane for fixed-route vehicles;

4) consider the possibility of extending the validity period until 2025 of the Tourism Development Strategy in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and updating it, taking into account possible changes in the development indicators of the tourism industry, the situation in international tourism markets, macroeconomic conditions, and accumulated practical experience in implementation;

5) accelerate the approval of the draft federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019–2025)”;

6) accelerate the approval of the priority project “Increasing the export of tourism services”;

7) consider the possibility of providing subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of paying leasing payments under leasing agreements concluded with Russian leasing companies for the purchase of tourist buses;

8) consider the possibility of providing subsidies from the federal budget to air transport organizations in order to ensure the availability of domestic regional transportation of passengers by air;

9) consider the possibility of creating a methodology for statistical accounting of domestic tourist flow, including excursionists, using modern information technologies within the framework of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2017 No. 1632-r;

10) consider the possibility of creating methods that would allow assessing the share of tax revenues in the budget system of the Russian Federation from tourism activities and the contribution of the tourism industry to the growth of gross regional products;

11) continue work to clarify the list of states whose citizens, in accordance with the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation,” are issued electronic visas;

12) consider the issue of expanding the production of tourist buses on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of import substitution;

13) consider proposals from the Federal Tourism Agency to establish requirements for tourist buses, types of tourist buses and their service life;

14) instruct the Federal Agency for Tourism, together with the joint-stock company "Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises", to consider the issue of reducing the interest rate on loan agreements to 5 percent per annum and establishing special preferential terms for lending to small and medium-sized businesses operating in the field of tourism.

a draft federal law aimed at defining categories of complexity of tourist routes and establishing requirements for the organization of their safety, as well as requirements for the safety of active types of tourism;

pilot project “Tourism for senior citizens”.

5. Recommend that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, together with the Federal Agency for Tourism, consider the issue of developing a draft federal law aimed at establishing the obligation of tour operators and travel agents to generate electronic vouchers and place them in the state information system “Electronic voucher”.

1) application of a simplified taxation system for organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing services to collective accommodation facilities whose residual value of fixed assets does not exceed 300 million rubles;

2) do not take into account tax revenues received from organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing services to collective accommodation facilities when determining the level of budgetary sufficiency for the distribution of subsidies to equalize the budgetary sufficiency of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

7. Recommend that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation prepare proposals for expanding the production of tourist buses on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of import substitution and send them to the Government of the Russian Federation.

1) consider, as a priority, sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, sites with sanatorium-resort, medical, cultural and historical potential, including tourist and recreational clusters, when selecting investment projects proposed by constituent entities of the Russian Federation for inclusion in the list activities within the framework of the federal target program being developed “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019–2025)” (according to the appendix);

2) ensure further promotion abroad of the tourist potential of the Russian Federation as a promising tourist destination, including the development of a network of national tourist offices “Visit Russia”, in order to increase the volume of incoming tourist flows;

3) prepare proposals for establishing requirements for tourist buses, types of tourist buses and their service life and send them to the Government of the Russian Federation;

4) develop a set of measures to ensure that citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, interested organizations, including medical ones, are informed about the resort and recreational opportunities of the Russian Federation;

5) intensify activities on bilateral and multilateral interaction in the field of tourism with member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

9. Recommend that the Federal Agency for Tourism, together with the Federal Treasury, ensure control over compliance with the terms of agreements on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of the federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011–2018).”

10. Recommend that the Federal Agency for Tourism, together with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, prepare proposals for additional measures of state support for priority areas of tourism development in municipalities for inclusion in the draft federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019–2025) )".

1) consider the issue of including services provided to individuals by tour guides (guides), guides-translators and instructors-guides who are not individual entrepreneurs in the list of services, income from the provision of which is exempt from taxation in accordance with paragraph 70 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation ;

2) consider, together with the representative bodies of municipalities, the issue of establishing a minimum tax rate for land tax in relation to land plots classified as recreational lands.

12. Recommend that the government authorities of the Republic of Crimea, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory inform the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation during the spring session of 2019 about the progress and results of the experiment on the development of resort infrastructure.

13. Invite the Government of the Russian Federation to inform the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation during the spring session of 2019
on the progress of implementation of the proposals contained in this resolution.

14. The Federation Council Committee on Social Policy shall inform the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation during the spring session of 2019 about the implementation of this resolution.

15. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy.

16. This resolution comes into force from the date of its adoption.

Federation Council
Federal Assembly
Russian Federation

September 3, 2019, Technological development. Innovation On the signing of an Agreement of Intent between the Government of Russia and the Management Company of the Russian Direct Investment Fund in order to develop the high-tech field of Artificial Intelligence in Russia Order No. 1964-r dated September 3, 2019. The signing of the Agreement is aimed at attracting mutually beneficial cooperation between industrial, scientific, educational and other organizations, the pooling of efforts of which is necessary to achieve the target indicators of technological development in Russia.

September 3, 2019, Automotive and special equipment On updating the fleet of emergency medical vehicles and school buses in the constituent entities of the Federation Order No. 1963-r dated September 3, 2019. It is planned to additionally supply more than 1.55 thousand emergency medical vehicles and more than 2.45 thousand school buses to the constituent entities of the Federation.

September 3, 2019, Law Enforcement Monitoring Law enforcement monitoring plan for 2020 approved Order No. 1951-r dated August 31, 2019. Law enforcement monitoring involves the collection, compilation, analysis and assessment of information for the adoption, amendment or invalidation of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Federation and municipal legal acts.

31 August 2019, Inland water transport and maritime activities A new edition of the Strategy for the Development of Maritime Activities of the Russian Federation until 2030 has been approved Order No. 1930-r dated August 30, 2019. In the new edition of the Strategy, taking into account the current political and socio-economic situation in the country and the world, the priorities, goals and objectives of Russia’s maritime activities for the long term are determined, the forecast values ​​of the target indicators of the second stage of the Strategy are clarified and the forecast values ​​of the target indicators of its third stage are determined (in the previous there were no editions of target indicators - only promising development paths).

August 31, 2019, Literature and book publishing. Libraries The development plan for the federal state information system “National Electronic Library” has been approved Order of August 28, 2019 No. 1904-r. The plan, in particular, provides for the legal regulation of the work of the New Library, the improvement of the information technologies used in it, the selection and encyclopedic systematization of knowledge from book, archival, museum and university collections, ensuring the inclusion in the New Library of electronic copies of 100% of Russian publications as legal deposit.

August 30, 2019 An organizing committee has been formed for the preparation and holding of the Second Caspian Economic Forum in Astrakhan in 2021 Order No. 1929-r dated August 30, 2019

August 29, 2019, State program “Development of Culture” for 2013–2020 On budgetary allocations for the reconstruction of cultural objects in the constituent entities of the Federation Order No. 1924-r dated August 29, 2019. The targeted (object-by-object) distribution of subsidies provided in 2019–2021 to the budgets of the republics of Buryatia, North Ossetia-Alania, Khakassia, Tyva, the Udmurt Republic, Trans-Baikal Territory, Astrakhan, Murmansk, Omsk and Pskov regions for co-financing capital investments in the reconstruction of cultural objects has been approved.

August 29, 2019, Railway transport The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways has been increased Order of August 27, 2019 No. 1872-r, resolution of August 27, 2019 No. 1094. The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways was increased by 44.07 billion rubles in order to increase the level of economic connectivity of the territory of Russia and the comprehensive development of the Mezhdurechensk - Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway. Corresponding funds are provided in the federal budget.

August 29, 2019 The Regulations on the Supervisory Board of the State Development Corporation "VEB.RF" were approved Resolution of August 29, 2019 No. 1117

August 29, 2019, Fisheries, aquaculture, fish processing The procedure for holding auctions for the sale of the right to conclude an agreement on the provision of crab production quotas for investment purposes has been determined Orders of August 28, 2019 No. 1917-r and No. 1918-r, resolutions of August 28, 2019 No. 1112 and No. 1113. Lists of crab species in certain areas of their production (catch) and construction projects have been established, the number and size of auction items, requirements for projects for the construction of fishing vessels, as well as rules for conducting auctions and a sample form, procedure for preparing and concluding an agreement on fixing shares of crab production quotas for investment purposes. This will ensure a transparent competitive environment in the most profitable and investment-intensive production segment for business. In addition, additional federal budget revenues will be provided, and a new, modern crab fishing fleet will be built.

August 28, 2019, Sanitary and epidemiological safety The implementation plan for the Fundamentals of State Policy in the field of ensuring chemical and biological safety has been approved Order of August 28, 2019 No. 1906-r. The plan provides for the improvement of legal regulation in the field of ensuring chemical and biological safety, the development of a state program “Ensuring chemical and biological safety of the Russian Federation”.

August 27, 2019, Space industry The procedure for creating and maintaining a federal fund of data for remote sensing of the Earth from space has been established Resolutions of August 24, 2019 No. 1086, No. 1087, No. 1088. In order to increase the efficiency and expand the possibilities of using data from remote sensing of the Earth from space, a federal fund of data from remote sensing of the Earth from space is being created. The signed resolutions regulate the creation and maintenance of the federal fund, determine the timing of the transfer of data and metadata to the federal fund, their composition and methods of transfer.

August 27, 2019, Environmental safety. Waste management A temporary restriction has been introduced on the import of ozone-depleting substances into Russia in 2019 Resolution of August 24, 2019 No. 1089. The purpose of the introduced restrictions is to ensure the protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and the fulfillment of Russia’s obligations under the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

August 23, 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development Indicators for the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development have been established, the dynamics of which are subject to monitoring Order of August 15, 2019 No. 1824-r. 11 indicators have been identified that reflect the progress of implementation of the Strategy in the following areas: the influence of science and technology on the socio-economic development of Russia, including due to the transition to the model of great challenges; the state and performance of the field of science, technology and innovation; quality of state regulation and service provision of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities.

August 23, 2019, Social innovation. Non-profit organizations. Volunteering and volunteering. Charity Rules for the functioning of a unified information system in the field of volunteer development were approved Resolution of August 17, 2019 No. 1067. The decisions made are aimed at providing information and analytical support for volunteer activities and will allow the formation of a single platform for interaction between institutions of volunteer activity.

August 22, 2019, General issues of the agro-industrial complex A new edition of the list of products has been approved to provide state support to organizations engaged in primary and industrial processing of agricultural products Order No. 1856-r dated August 21, 2019. The decisions taken will help stimulate the production of main types of agricultural products and products of the food and processing industry, and the development of exports of Russian agricultural products, raw materials and food.

August 19, 2019, Business environment. Development of competition Rules for the implementation of the action plan “Transformation of the business climate” were approved Resolution of August 10, 2019 No. 1042, order of August 10, 2019 No. 1795-r. The decisions made will make it possible to create a comprehensive system for the formation, monitoring and control of the implementation of the “Transformation of the Business Climate” action plan, establish the powers of expert groups and increase responsibility for the results of their activities, as well as involve business entities in the process of regulatory improvement of business conditions.

August 15, 2019, Plant growing The long-term strategy for the development of the Russian grain complex until 2035 has been approved Order of August 10, 2019 No. 1796-r. The goal of the Strategy is the formation of a highly efficient, scientifically and innovation-oriented, competitive and investment-attractive balanced system of production, processing, storage and sale of basic grains and leguminous crops, their processed products, guaranteeing food security in Russia, fully meeting the country’s internal needs and creating significant export potential.


Ministry of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region

Strategy for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in

Sverdlovsk region for the period until 2030

Ekaterinburg - 2013


Section 1. Global trends in the development of the tourism industry - conditions for provision

competitiveness of the Sverdlovsk region in the tourism services market in the long term


Section 2. Tourist potential and the state of the tourism sector in the Sverdlovsk region.

Section 3. Strategic goals, objectives, directions, activities and mechanisms for the development of tourism in the Sverdlovsk region.

Introduction Under the “Strategy for the development of tourism in the Sverdlovsk region for the period until 2030”

(hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) is understood as a set of target programs, individual projects and extra-programme activities of an organizational, legal, economic nature, interconnected in terms of objectives, implementation deadlines and resources, providing an effective solution to the problem of dynamic and sustainable development of tourism in the Sverdlovsk region.

The strategy is the main document of strategic planning of the tourism industry within the framework of the overall “Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Sverdlovsk region for the period until 2020.”

The implementation of this Strategy should ensure the contribution of the tourism industry to solving the following strategic tasks of the current stage of economic development of the Sverdlovsk region:

Creating conditions for dynamic and sustainable economic growth. To do this, due to high growth rates, the tourism industry (including related industries) must ensure its contribution to an additional increase in the rate of economic development;

Increasing the level and quality of life of the population by increasing the availability of tourism services, employment and income of residents of the Sverdlovsk region;

increasing the competitiveness of the economy by increasing the attractiveness of the Sverdlovsk region as a tourist destination;

ensuring balanced socio-economic development of municipalities, including single-industry towns, by increasing the share of tourism in the gross regional product of the Sverdlovsk region.

The strategy is developed in accordance with:

Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” (“Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”, 1996, December, No. 49);

Law of the Sverdlovsk Region of December 31, 1999 No. 51-OZ “On tourism and tourist activities in the Sverdlovsk Region” (“Regional newspaper”, 2000, January 11, No. 3-4;

Regional target program “Development of tourism in the Sverdlovsk region” for 20011-2016, approved by Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated October 11, 2010 No. 1475-PP, taking into account changes introduced by Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated October 22, 2012 No. 1168- PP - Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region of August 27, 2008 No. 873PP “On the Strategy for the Social and Economic Development of the Sverdlovsk Region for the period until 2020”;

- Recommendations of the WTO (World Tourism Organization - UN World Tourism Organization) and WTC (World Travel and Tourism Council - World Travel and Tourism Council), RST (Russian Union of Travel Industry), - Recommendations of the Council for the Development of Tourism in the Sverdlovsk Region.

This Strategy is intended to determine priorities for the development of certain types of tourism in the long term, to ensure consistency in the actions of state authorities of the Sverdlovsk region, local governments and tourism industry entities, to determine priority mechanisms for consolidating the resources of tourism industry entities to obtain maximum socio-economic effect.

Accordingly, the implementation of the Strategy’s activities is expected to be carried out in two stages, corresponding to the rules of the budget process and long-term forecasting:

Stage I – 2014 – 2020 – corresponds to the period of implementation of the adopted state programs of the Sverdlovsk region;

Stage II – 2021 – 2030 – corresponds to the period of implementation of the main strategic documents adopted throughout the Russian Federation and the Sverdlovsk region.

Section 1. Global trends in the development of the tourism industry - conditions for ensuring the competitiveness of the Sverdlovsk region in the market of tourist services in the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Sverdlovsk region for the period until 2020 defines the mission of the Sverdlovsk region in maintaining the role of the region as a “locomotive” of the development of Russia, the transformation of the Sverdlovsk region into a socially oriented region of sustainable prosperity, optimally integrated into the global division of labor.

In order to meet the specified requirements, the tourism industry of the region must be transformed into a self-sufficient sector of the economy that meets global trends, international standards and best domestic practices.

In the global economy, tourism accounted for 9% of GDP (more than a trillion US dollars) in 2012 and more than 255 million jobs. The following are recognized as the main global trends that determine the development of tourism in the long term.

1) Accelerated, compared to other industries, growth of the tourism sector - at the level of 4% per year, which will allow reaching the level of 10% of GDP by 2022 ($10.0 trillion).

USA) and 328 million jobs, thus providing every tenth job in the world.

The main factors contributing to the accelerated growth of tourism as a sector of the global economy are the following:

elimination of borders between individual states; development of international relations that simplify visa regimes between individual countries;

globalization of economic processes and the transformation of tourism into a mandatory attribute of most types of economic activity;

an increase in available funds and time and the number of people who have them (as a result of economic progress);

increasing accessibility of places to visit (as a result of technological progress);

simplification of the procedure for booking and purchasing tours and air tickets (as a result of the development of Internet technologies).

For the Russian Federation, World Travel & Tourism Council experts predict similar growth rates, calculating that over the next ten years the volume of gross regional product provided by the tourism industries will increase by more than 1.5 times (Appendix 1, Fig. 1):

- from 752 billion rubles. in 2011 to 1.16 trillion. rub. by 2022 at base prices of 2011

(2.1 trillion rubles at current prices) for the tourism industries themselves (hotels, travel agencies, passenger transport focused on transporting tourists);

From 3.1 trillion. rub. in 2011 to 4.7 trillion. rub. by 2022 at base prices of 2011 (8.45 trillion rubles at current prices) for a complex of industries related to tourism (the tourism sector itself, as well as industries focused on its support (food, services, information technology, insurance) etc.).

The volume of investments in tourism itself over the same period, according to forecasts, will increase 1.7 times and amount to 532.7 billion rubles by 2022. at base prices 2011

(954.1 billion rubles at current prices).

As a result, the share of tourism and related industries in the total GRP of the Russian Federation will increase to 6%, in total employment - to 5.9%, in total investment - to 2.6%. (Appendix 1, Fig. 2).

2) Steady growth in the number of travelers.

Over the past three years, according to International’s World Travel Monitor, the average annual dynamics of the number of trips, overnight stays and travel expenses has remained consistently positive. In 2012, the total number of trips exceeded 6.8 billion trips, which is 2.5% more than in 2011. The number of domestic trips in the world in 2012 increased by 2% and reached 5.77 billion units, the number of international trips increased by 4% and amounted to 1.03 billion units (Appendix 1, Fig. 3).

The basis of the global international tourist flow is made up of tourists from among the representatives of the middle class of the rapidly growing economies of India, China, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe (including Russia).

Similar dynamics are typical for the Russian Federation. Over the past three years, the tourism industry has almost completely overcome the consequences of the crisis of 2009–2010. The total volume of travel expenses in 2012 was more than 1.3 times higher than in 2010 and amounted to 2.3 trillion. rubles, including costs for inbound travel - 497.6 billion rubles, costs for domestic travel - 1 trillion. rub. - 7.8% more than the 2010 level, which indicates an increase in income and changes in the life values ​​of the population (Appendix 1, Fig. 4).

It is predicted that over the next ten years, the growth of travel costs will continue - for international arrivals - at the level of 1.9% per year, for domestic travel - at the level of 4.6% per year (Appendix 1, Fig. 5). As a result, total travel spending in 2022 could reach almost 6.0 trillion. rub. at current prices, including (Appendix 1, Fig. 4):

- for inbound travel – 1.0 trillion. rub., which is 2.1 times higher than the achieved level in 2012;

- for domestic travel – 4.9 trillion. rub., which is 2.7 times higher than the achieved level in 2012.

The popularity of the Russian Federation as a tourist destination is increasing in the international tourism market. In 2012, Russia's international popularity reached its maximum level. The number of international arrivals in 2012 was 12% higher than last year. In terms of the growth rate of international popularity, we have overtaken Switzerland, Norway, Austria and other European countries - traditional centers of inbound tourism (Appendix 1, Fig. 6).

At the same time, despite the growing international popularity of Russia, more of the GDP generated by the industry is provided by domestic tourism (Appendix 1, Fig. 7), which corresponds to international practice. In particular, in 2012, domestic travel accounted for 78.6% of total tourist expenditures (RUB 1.8 trillion), while inbound travel accounted for only 21.4% (RUB 497.6 billion). It is predicted that this trend will continue and by 2022, the contribution of domestic tourism to the GDP generated by the industry will increase to 82.7% and exceed 4.9 trillion. rubles, while international travelers will provide only 17.3% of the GDP generated by the industry (1 trillion rubles).

differentiation of the tourism product, search for new tourist destinations, selection of alternative accommodation and transport.

Rest becomes integrated into work, and therefore becomes more frequent, but shorter. This phenomenon became apparent already in 2012, when the number of trips lasting 1–3 nights increased by more than 10%, while other, longer trips decreased by more than 2%. On average, the total duration of trips in 2012 decreased by 3% compared to 20111.

This trend will continue in the future. According to the forecast of the World Tourism Organization, by 2020 residents of developed countries will vacation 4 times a year while maintaining the total duration of vacation.

This trend is reflected in the widespread decline in the largest tourist segment – ​​beach holidays. In Europe, in particular, the beach holiday segment decreased by 1% in 2012, while city tours increased by 14%, and business trips by 8%. In contrast to passive (beach) vacation, areas of proactive vacation are being formed, the so-called “adventure”

tourism, which, along with tours that require special preparation (“hard adventure”), includes tours in the field of environmental, cultural, rural Source: ITB World travel Trends Report 2012/13, p. tourism, which involves walking (cycling) and does not require special training (“soft adventure”). According to expert estimates, the capacity of this segment in 2012 exceeded 89 billion dollars. USA (excluding air travel costs), which is 17% higher than in 20092.

The proactive orientation of the tourism product is reflected in the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation” for 2011 – 2016, according to which in the Russian Federation by 2016 there will be more than 1.5 million people. The tourist flow focused on beach holidays will decrease. And, on the contrary, by 2016, independent tourist flows will be formed in the field of other types of tourism: business (million people), automobile (4.0 million people), active (2.5 million people), environmental ( 1, million people), etc. (Appendix 1, Fig. 8).

The interpretation of vacation as a change in activities determines the requirement for a vacation to be rich in a variety of impressions, an increase in demand for so-called “integrated” tourism products that offer physical and mental relaxation in a short time, as a rule, in an authentic environment, as a result of which the tendency to travel to less known places will increase. and inaccessible places (increasing popularity of ecological, rural tourism and active types of tourism).

Weekend tours. One of the obvious trends of the last 5-7 years in Russia has been the rapid growth of domestic tourism in the format of weekend tours and weekend trips. This process is associated with a significant growth of the middle class in large Russian cities and a general increase in the “transport mobility” of the population.

Tourist trips in the format of weekend tours are carried out both organized (with the help of travel agencies) and independently, based on reviews, recommendations, with the help of guidebooks, Internet information resources, GPS navigation. At the same time, the share of independent travel prevails and will increase in the future. Taking into account Russian realities and the factor of transport accessibility, the vast majority of trips in the format of weekend tours are made within one or more nearby regions. Large Russian cities are becoming an attractive destination for shopping tourism and cultural family leisure among residents of neighboring small towns and rural areas. In turn, rural areas attract the urban middle class as objects of cultural, educational, environmental and rural tourism.

Source: ITB World travel Trends Report 2012/13, p. Recreational and health tourism. Demographic changes and the growing popularity of tourism products as a form of “recuperation” are forming a different trend - so-called “medical tourism” is gaining increasing popularity, which includes the entire range of recreational and preventive services - restorative rest and treatment. According to expert estimates, the capacity of this segment in the world is estimated at 40–60 billion US dollars with a growth rate of up to 20% per year.

According to IPK’s World Travel Monitor, more than 9.4 million trips were made worldwide in 2011, or 2.4% of all outbound tours in Europe. Over the past five years, the wellness segment in Europe has grown by 38%3.

demographic changes. Currently, statistics indicate a constant increase in the proportion of the elderly population in developed economies, which provide the bulk of tourists, while the working-age population stagnates. A similar situation is developing in the Russian Federation. The result of this is a growing demand for a tourism product intended for the so-called “mature” segment of the tourism market.

The simultaneous increase in the level of well-being of the older generation makes it possible to predict the growing popularity of multi-age tourism offers, as a result of which the standard offer for a tourism product “2 parents + 1 child” will change to the offer “1-2 parents + 1-2 children + 1-2 grandparents ", which will require the formation of a tourism product that takes into account the interests and consumption characteristics of all generations.

Ecological tourism. In recent years, there has been a clear trend towards strengthening environmental protection measures, which dictates the need to organize recreation in line with a “respect for nature”, and also creates conditions for the emergence of new tourism products related to environmental interests.

4) Increasing requirements for recreational safety.

immediately respond to danger and refuse to travel to countries affected by military conflicts, acts of terror, street protests and other ITB World travel Trends Report 2012/13, p. social upheavals. Natural and man-made disasters, epidemics, etc. have an equally negative impact on tourist flows. When choosing a route, tourists also take into account the general crime situation in the country and region, the level of environmental pollution, and other potential risks.

5) Increasing competition in the tourism market as a result of the emergence of an increasing number of countries with ambitious expansive plans to attract tourists, reaching the peak of saturation of some forms and types of tourism offered by tourist centers and countries, which determines the need to form and promote a bright, unique and recognizable tourism brand. Today, the most in demand is a tourism product that evokes clear, distinct and positive associations among potential consumers.

Another factor stimulating the development of competition in the tourism services market is information technology. Around the world, about 54% of all bookings occur via the Internet. The trend of increasing online bookings will continue in the coming years.

Information posted on the Internet, and primarily on social networks, blogs (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube), determines the choice of holiday destination. According to a 2011 Google study, 40% of travelers plan their vacation based on photos, videos, reviews of hotels and destinations posted on social networks.

For Russia today, this trend is somewhat less relevant, which is primarily due to linguistic limitations. However, in the medium term we can predict a decrease in the role of travel agencies and an increase in the share of independent travel.

6) Increasing requirements for the quality of the tourism product at a reasonable price. In the majority, tourist preferences of tourists are associated with a high level of service and a reasonable price-quality ratio. These conditions now and in the near future will be decisive when choosing tourist trips, which requires paying special attention to the issues of certification of the quality of tourist services and products, categorization of accommodation and food facilities, appropriate training of line and managerial personnel of social and cultural service and tourism organizations.

In order to comply with the above global trends in tourism development and to be competitive in the global and Russian markets of tourism services, the tourism industry of the Sverdlovsk region must have and provide:

A bright, recognizable tourist brand of the region, reflecting the cultural, historical, natural, geographical features of the Sverdlovsk region, the region’s contribution to ensuring the leading position of the Russian Federation in the international community, the integration of the Sverdlovsk region into the world space;

railway, air, river transport), ensuring accessibility for tourists of all types of tourist resources (show objects, recreation, accommodation facilities) with an effective, understandable, reliable, comfortable system of support and ensuring the safety of tourists (including from other regions and countries ) on the territory of the region;

Diversity of tourism products - the availability of tours in the field of educational, active, rural, environmental, recreational and other types of tourism, complex tourism products aimed at various age groups and target audiences;

A variety of living conditions - from campsites as part of roadside service facilities and “green” routes to 2-5 star hotels equipped with conference rooms, indoor swimming pools, spa centers, water parks;

The readiness of personnel employed in the field of social and cultural services and tourism to provide quality services that meet international and Russian standards;

An effective system of professional education in the field of social and cultural services and tourism, capable of quickly and efficiently responding to the changing demands of the tourism market;

An institutional system for managing the quality of services in the field of social and cultural services and tourism, which includes, among other things, the activities of self-regulatory organizations, certification and accreditation systems;

An effective system for promoting the tourism brand, products and services of the Sverdlovsk region in the Russian and international markets.

Section 2. Tourist potential and the state of the tourism sector in the Sverdlovsk region Problems of forming a tourist brand in the Sverdlovsk region Until the early 90s of the twentieth century, the Sverdlovsk region remained a region closed to visits by citizens of foreign countries. For residents of other regions of the Russian Federation, the Sverdlovsk region was associated with the “supporting edge of the state,” where huge industrial enterprises are concentrated, producing thousands of tons of steel, cast iron, and hundreds of pieces of large-capacity equipment. In this connection, the problem of forming a brand for the Sverdlovsk region as a region that is comfortable to live, interesting and safe to visit today is of particular relevance.

The basis for the formation of such a brand can and should be the traditional values, achievements and characteristics of the Urals and the Sverdlovsk region:

1) geographical features - the border of Europe and Asia, the length of which across the territory of the Sverdlovsk region exceeds 700 km;

2) geological features - the presence of the Ural Mountains, the most famous peaks of which are the Konzhakovsky stone (1569 m above sea level - the highest peak in the Sverdlovsk region), Denezhkin stone (1495 m), Serebryansky stone (1305 m), Kumba (921 m ), Kachkanar (887.6 m), etc., as well as a large number of rivers and lakes;

3) mineralogical features, presence:

– the so-called “gem strip”, stretching from south to north for more than a hundred kilometers along the eastern slope of the Middle Urals in the upper reaches of the Neiva, Rezh and Adui rivers; traditionally, rich deposits of gem-quality minerals were located here: topazes, tourmalines, emeralds, amethysts, rock crystal;

The world's largest deposits - asbestos (Asbest), iron ores (Nizhny Tagil), vanadium ores (Kachkanar), emeralds (Malyshevsky), gold (Berezovsky);

4) historical features related primarily to:

With the expansion of the territory of the Russian state to the east: the first settlement of Russians in the Urals (1574 - the village of Ust-Utka), the campaign of Ermak’s squad in Siberia (XVI century);

civilization") and the power of the Russian state as a result of the activities of the first Russian industrialists from the Demidov and Yakovlev families (XVIII - XIX centuries, cities and towns - factories Nevyansk, Nizhny Tagil, Visim, Alapaevsk); the evacuation of more than 700 industrial enterprises from the central part of Russia to the Urals during the Great Patriotic War (including the establishment of Uralvagonzavod, Uralmash, Irbitsky Motorcycle Plant, etc. in the Sverdlovsk region);

With technical progress, the following were invented and built here: the first Russian railway, the first Russian steam locomotive (Cherepanovs, Nizhny Tagil), the prototype of an excavator, lifting mechanisms, rolling mill (E.G. Kuznetsov, Nizhny Tagil), the first Russian water turbine (I.E. Safonov, Alapaevsk);

The life and work here of people who made a significant contribution to the history, culture and politics of the Russian state; radio inventor A.S. Popov was born here (at different times lived). (Krasnoturinsk), composer P.I. Tchaikovsky (Alapaevsk), the first president of modern Russia - B.N. Yeltsin (Talitsa village), Russian writers D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak (Visim village, Nizhny Tagil), P.P. Bazhov (Ekaterinburg), etc.

5) cultural features associated with the traditional values ​​of the Russian people - craftsmanship, skills, beauty, nature, homeland, Russian spirit, which is reflected in the development of traditional folk crafts and crafts (Ural painting, stone and metal processing, wood carving, doll making – amulets, etc.), traditions, rituals and customs of the small peoples of the Urals (Tatars, Bashkirs, Mordovians, Udmurts, Khanty, Mansi).

These and other values, features and traditions of the Sverdlovsk region should be the basis of the emerging brand of the region, which will allow the Sverdlovsk region to be effectively positioned in the international and Russian tourist markets.

The intraregional system of transport communications (road, rail, air, river transport) and support for tourists requires development in order to ensure the availability of the main types of tourist resources in the region.

Given the significant area occupied by the Sverdlovsk region (194.8 thousand sq.

sq. km, which corresponds to the total area occupied by Switzerland (41.3 thousand sq. km), the Czech Republic (78.9 thousand sq. km) and Austria (83.9 thousand sq. km), the presence of a developed system of intra-regional communications for the formation of tourist flow is of paramount importance.

highways of regional importance, the total length of which exceeds 11 thousand km. At the same time, the density of paved roads is 42.6 km per thousand sq. km (55th place in the Russian Federation)4, which makes tourist resources located in the northern and eastern parts of the region difficult to access. Against the backdrop of growing motorization of the population of the Sverdlovsk region (at a rate of 7% per year), the task of reconstructing automobile roads with increasing their capacity, especially in areas of concentration of the population of the Sverdlovsk region (cities with a population of 70 - 100 thousand people and adjacent territories) becomes urgent. .

Another factor hindering the growth of tourist flow in the region is the lack of sufficient roadside infrastructure (service facilities, gas stations, campsites, mini-markets, cafes, etc.), tourist navigation signs (including in English), conditions prompt response to emergencies (provision of traffic routes with mobile and Internet communications, the ability to promptly respond to emergency services).

the territory of the Sverdlovsk region in 2010 amounted to 3546.7 km5. At the same time, in terms of the density of public railways (183 km per 10,000 sq. km of territory), the Sverdlovsk region ranks only 30th in the Russian Federation6. There is no high-speed railway service in the region, which is especially important for the development of domestic tourism at distances exceeding 200 km, including cities with high tourism potential - Verkhoturye, Krasnoturinsk, Irbit, Krasnoufimsk, Kamyshlov, etc.

An additional factor determining the need to form a developed system of intraregional transport communications is the growth of transit passenger traffic as a result of the development of a system of interregional communications:

Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2011: P32 Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. M., 2011. 990 pp. 664 – Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2011: P32 Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. M., 2011. 990 p. – P.379 – Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2011: P32 Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. M., 2011. 990 p. – P. 662- - Koltsovo Airport in 2012, as part of the program for the development of regional air services (distance range up to 1000 km), transported more than 60 thousand people (flights to the cities of Kazan, Ufa, Samara, Perm, Magnitogorsk and Orenburg)7, - Sverdlovsk passenger station sends more than 30 long-distance trains daily, of which 10 are branded8.

differentiated tourism products.

The Sverdlovsk region has powerful tourism potential, allowing the formation and implementation of a variety of tours in the field of educational, active, rural, environmental, recreational and other types of tourism, complex tourism products aimed at various age groups and target audiences.

Cultural and educational tourism. On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region there are 942 historical and architectural monuments, including 79 monuments of federal significance.

There are 6 state museum complexes and about 500 municipal, departmental and private museums on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region. Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha (tourist flow - 65 thousand people per year) is a historical and cultural museum-reserve of wooden architecture in the open air. The Museum of the Nevyansk Leaning Tower (attendance is about 100 thousand people per year) is an analogue of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a legacy of the Demidov family. The Verkhoturye Kremlin (attendance of about 50 thousand people per year) is one of the few stone kremlins existing in the Asian part of Russia, built in the 17th century.

Recently, interesting private museums and museum complexes have appeared in the region. Museum named after Boris Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg), Vladimir Vysotsky Museum (Ekaterinburg), Bulat Okudzhava Museum (Nizhny Tagil) and others.

Popular among tourists are museum complexes dedicated to the Soviet heritage - the Ural industry. Museum of Armored Vehicles (Nizhny “Yamal” (communication Novy Urengoy - Moscow), “Ekaterinburg” (Ekaterinburg - Brest), “Malachite”

(Nizhny Tagil - Moscow), "Tyumen" (Tyumen - Moscow), "Demidov Express" (Ekaterinburg - St. Petersburg), "Yugra" (Nizhnevartovsk - Moscow), "Northern Ural" (Serov - Moscow), "Polar Ural "(Ekaterinburg - Novy Urengoy), "Rifey" (Ekaterinburg - Moscow), as well as the premium class train Ekaterinburg - Moscow (former branded train "Ural"). “Demidov Express” is the only branded train in Russia that has been awarded a Diploma from the International Demidov Foundation created at the initiative of UNESCO for the revival and preservation of the industrial, spiritual and cultural heritage of Russia.

Tagil), Demidov Eco-Park (Nizhny Tagil), Museum of Military Equipment (V. Pyshma), Motorcycle Museum (Irbit).

The rapid development of pilgrimage tourism in the Sverdlovsk region is largely connected with the tragedy of the Royal Family in the Urals, as well as the presence of other important religious sites of Orthodoxy today. The most important centers of pilgrimage in the region are the following cities: Verkhoturye, Yekaterinburg, Alapaevsk. In the region there are active Orthodox monasteries, more than 300 Orthodox parishes, of which the churches are religious monuments of the 18th century.

Leisure. The following have been created and operate in the region:

11 ski resorts, which are visited by more than 800,000 people annually.

In 2012, the largest year-round ski jumping complex in Russia was launched on Mount Dolgaya;

1 national park; 4 natural parks; 19 forest parks; 1 natural-mineralogical reserve; 36 landscape reserves.

In the last 5 years, the natural parks Olenyi Ruchi, Chusovaya River, and Bazhovsky Places have been developing most actively, with an annual number of visitors exceeding 150 thousand people.

Natural parks located in remote areas become points for the formation of entire tourist complexes, developing partner networks and attracting private companies providing accommodation services (country hotel complexes and guest houses), organizing active recreation (horseback riding, rafting, snowmobile and ATV tours), holding corporate events.

embodying the specificity and originality of the Ural region for a potential tourist.

At the intersection of ecological, natural and industrial tourism, the industry of mineralogical tourism began to form. The Sverdlovsk region is a traditional place for mining minerals, including precious and semi-precious metals. Since 2011-2012, interactive tourist centers began operating for gold panning and visiting gold mines in the “homeland of the first Russian gold in the city of Berezovsky”, searching for emeralds in one of the world’s largest deposits of this precious stone.

In a number of areas of the region (Alapaevsky, Artemovsky, Nevyansky, Irbitsky, Shalinsky districts) rural tourism is actively developing. Based on local museum complexes and craft centers, significant excursion flows are formed, which, if there are adequate accommodation facilities (guest houses, rural hotels), can develop into tourist flows and have a serious socio-economic effect.

The basis of sanatorium and health tourism are reserves of mineral waters (including thermal waters) and medicinal sapropel mud. There are more than 20 sanatoriums and health centers in the region, annually receiving more than 300 thousand people.

The construction of hot mineral water sources located in the eastern part of the Sverdlovsk region (Turinsky and Tavdinsky districts) has begun.

However, proactive tourist sites are minimally represented in the region. There are no ethno-cultural or agricultural parks in the region. Most museum exhibitions are also passive in nature. The possibility of holding interactive events with the participation of tourists is supported by the activities of enthusiasts of the tourist and museum communities - on private initiative, interactive programs appear in museums (Koptelovo village, Mironovo village, Visim village, etc.), petting zoos are created (Visim village, Krasnoufimsk, Irbit), places where folk crafts exist (Tavolgi village) are popularized. Considering that the opportunity to actively participate in a new activity creates the basis for the choice of a modern and future tourist, it is necessary to provide assistance in the development of proactive forms of activity of tourist sites.

The city of Yekaterinburg, the center of business activity in the Ural-Siberian region, remains the center for attracting tourists in the Sverdlovsk region.

Business trips remain the main purpose of visiting the Sverdlovsk region, accounting for 43% of all visits. Yekaterinburg is the administrative center of the Ural Federal District. There are more than 25 diplomatic and trade missions of foreign countries in the city. A modern exhibition center of the Ekaterinburg-EXPO International Exhibition Center (50 thousand sq.m.) was built on the territory.

The placement of collective accommodation facilities throughout the region does not correspond to the existing and future tourist flow.

The total number of collective accommodation facilities in the Sverdlovsk region in 2012 was 496 units. The total volume of room stock exceeded 14 thousand rooms. The number of placements in 2012 exceeded 1.3 million people. (Table 1, Appendix 2).

According to the main indicators of the activity of collective accommodation facilities (the number of people accommodated in collective accommodation facilities and the volume of paid services), the Sverdlovsk region ranks 5th in the ranking (after Moscow, the Krasnodar Territory, St. Petersburg, the Moscow Region), being the undisputed leader in the development of collective accommodation facilities in the Ural region federal district. The region provides more than 30% of overnight stays by placing more than 1.3 million people in collective accommodation facilities, more than 43% of the volume of paid services in the hotel and health resort business (6.7 billion rubles).

However, a qualitative analysis of the state of collective accommodation facilities reveals a number of problems that negatively affect the size of the tourist flow in the region. Most collective accommodation facilities are concentrated in large cities (Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil), which does not correspond to the main geographical directions of intraregional tourist flow. According to data provided by the administrations of municipalities, in 2012 the total volume of registered tourist flow (including visits to display sites, collective accommodation facilities, and events) to the territory of the region (excluding the city of Yekaterinburg) amounted to about 1.6 million people. of which more than 65% were visitors to display objects and museums, and only 13% were guests of collective accommodation facilities9 (Appendix 3). This situation shows the discrepancy between the geography of collective accommodation facilities and the points of attraction of the main tourist flow in the region.

Another factor negatively affecting the development of domestic tourism is the lack of categorized accommodation facilities in the cities of the region, which is one of the main reasons for the lack of package tours in the Sverdlovsk region in the tourism services market of the Russian Federation.

The exception is Yekaterinburg, where, since 2008, more than 15 hotels have been built, aimed primarily at business tourists. Large foreign hotel chains have built their own hotels: Haytt Regency Ekaterinburg (room), Novotel Ekaterinburg Center (168 rooms), Park Inn Radisson (160 rooms), Ramada Yekaterinburg (162 rooms), Angelo Airport Hotel Ekaterinburg (211 rooms).

In total, there are 3 5-star hotels, 11 4-star hotels, and 19 3-star hotels in Yekaterinburg.

In Yekaterinburg, the situation is exactly the opposite - here 27.1% of the registered tourist flow are guests of collective accommodation facilities, another 69.2% are participants in various events (Appendix 3).

The readiness of personnel employed in the field of social and cultural services and tourism to provide quality services that meet international and Russian standards is currently minimal.

More than 10,000 people work in the tourism sector of the Sverdlovsk region; together with related industries, the domestic tourism sector provides more than 40,000 jobs, forming about 1.5% of the gross regional product of the Sverdlovsk region.

However, more than 1/3 of the employed are concentrated in the cities of Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil. Regional cities, which are points of attraction for tourist flows, are experiencing an acute shortage of personnel with the skills to provide tourist services in accordance with international standards and communications in foreign languages.

The system of professional education in the field of social and cultural services and tourism is represented by more than 7 universities.

However, the region lacks a comprehensive system of professional education:

there are practically no specialized vocational education institutions that provide training for hotel staff, tour guides, and tour guides who have special regional knowledge and, at the same time, foreign languages; There is no specialized system of postgraduate (corporate) professional education.

An institutional system for managing the quality of services in the field of social and cultural services and tourism, including the activities of self-regulatory organizations, certification and accreditation systems, is currently, unfortunately, not formed.

The system for promoting tourism products and services of the Sverdlovsk region on the Russian and international markets, on the contrary, has been actively developing over recent years.

A state budgetary institution, the Center for Tourism Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, which is part of the association of tourist information centers of the Russian Federation, has been created and operates in the region. Mass tourism events dedicated to the promotion of the Sverdlovsk region have become traditional - the tourist forum “Big Ural” and the international forum “Tourism and Hospitality in the Urals”.

The Uralinfotour and GoToUral websites are kept up to date.

the creation of a corresponding section dedicated to the tourist resources of the Sverdlovsk region is being considered on the Turprofi website, as well as the creation of a network of tourist information centers throughout the region.

industry of the Sverdlovsk region is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the tourism industry of the Sverdlovsk region Favorable geographical location on the relative remoteness of the region along the border of Europe and Asia - on the routes connecting the main tourist markets - the European part of Russia with Siberia, the Central large urban agglomerations of European Asia and the Far East. Optimally convenient parts of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, (road, rail, air) Relative remoteness of Sverdlovsk communications, one of the most economically regions, from the main international tourist destinations of the West Siberian region. Territorial proximity and transport accessibility to Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Kurgan, Ufa.

the developing international airport "Koltsovo" (taking into account the ongoing reconstruction and federal significance, the arrival of new Russian and foreign air carriers at the airport).

The “positive lack of a unique and attractive image” that has developed in Russia of the Sverdlovsk region, as a reliable tourist image of the Sverdlovsk region in the region - a hard worker, a region with talented people, on the scale of Russia and the world.

hardworking population mastering the One-sided perception of Sverdlovsk the fabulous riches of the Ural Mountains. region exclusively as an industrial center. The presence of powerful tourism potential (“The Urals is the stronghold of the state...”).

a wide variety of tourism resources. Absence of a territorial system Presence of a sufficiently large amount of tourism marketing.

tourist attractions: natural monuments, museums, cultural and historical heritage sites, religious tourism sites.

Possibility of using the territory High competition from the historically Middle Urals as a base for linear and established world and Russian tourist radial travel in the Greater Urals and centers - capital cities, cities of Zolotoy Significant investments in tourism Insufficient level of commercialization of the Sverdlovsk region, creating the basis for tourism products in the domestic market and the formation of tourist clusters. incoming tourism.

Support for investment projects and Insufficient incentives for investors in tourism development programs in the municipal tourism sector, high level of bureaucratization of conciliation procedures on the part of the Government.

Sverdlovsk region.

A significant increase in demand in the market for organizing tourism products of territories, both domestic tourism from the growing at the municipal level, and among the middle class, which creates conditions for the growth of entrepreneurs and potential investors.

investment in tourism from business. Low level of horizontal development Creation of an effective management system and Insufficiently conscious attitude towards the Government of the Sverdlovsk region, characteristic of industrial regions of coordination of tourism activities at the Russian level, creation of tourism as an economically important area of ​​the State Budgetary Institution SO Center for Tourism Development of Sverdlovsk activities - both in the general population and in Good developed intra-regional system A number of tourist attractions still have transport links: road networks and do not have transport accessibility, or have a weak meridional orientation.

The presence in Yekaterinburg of the main deficit of modern specialized prerequisites for the development of business tourism: convention centers with a large area in the Central Military District;

representative offices, consulates of foreign successful enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity;

representative offices and offices of foreign and international banks, information centers and funds.

The presence of an ever-increasing shortage of accommodation facilities of the required format. The presence in Yekaterinburg of a significant shortage of large tourist attractions in the number of shopping and entertainment centers and Yekaterinburg in the entertainment and family segment. Quite a large number of sanatorium- Insufficient level of use of resort enterprises and recreation centers, a number of which are sanatorium-resort rooms enterprises have been reconstructed or are under construction and other special-purpose construction projects for the needs of a significant number of ski resorts, relatively short lengths of slopes and centers with developing infrastructure. altitude differences in existing ski centers.

The established and developing system has a particularly low ecological culture of citizens, protected natural areas (natural insufficient development of park recycling programs), created and being created, incl. and for household waste of the population, imperfect development of eco-tourism. environmental legislation, lack of High degree of urbanization of the population Unfavorable environmental situation in the region, which is the main basis for a number of areas, especially in large areas with increased demand for country holidays in the industrial centers of the Sverdlovsk region.

rural areas. The presence on the territory of Ekaterinburg is one of the most polluted areas of natural natural conditions for Russian cities (air dust, exhaust from sports, hunting and gases from vehicles). Low quality of extreme tourism. Promising tap water in Yekaterinburg; special opportunities for the development of active, natural mineral or adventure and ecological tourism are in demand, because purified drinking water. Necessity The region has sufficient natural resources to provide accommodation facilities with drinking water resources to attract tourists and the formation of active routes and tours in accordance with international standards. quality. Environmental problems are serious Proximity to the main target audience Focus only on residents of the region creates a project that allows you to quickly respond to its threat of underutilization of hotel needs. The possibility of relatively easy and infrastructure and underestimation of incoming tourism as a less expensive promotion of a new tourist most cost-effective type of tourism, the southern part of the Sverdlovsk region, including the dependence of the main flow of guests to the regional center - the transit zone through which the regional center from the urban business environment in case of passing Significant passenger flows on the way to a downturn in business activity may entail other cities in Russia. This group of guests creates a reduction in the influx of tourists to Yekaterinburg and opportunities for short-term development of the area.

excursion programs and routes.

The high interest of residents of the Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs in visiting large shopping centers opens up real opportunities for the development of shopping tourism in Yekaterinburg.

Section 3. Strategic goals, objectives, directions, activities and mechanisms The goal of implementing this Strategy is to form a modern competitive tourism industry in the Sverdlovsk region through the fullest use of existing tourism potential and the removal of infrastructural restrictions for its development.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Support and development of key types of domestic and inbound tourism.

2. Positioning and active promotion of the Sverdlovsk region as a region favorable for the development of tourism in the international and Russian markets of tourism services.

3. Stimulating the development and improvement of tourism infrastructure, including related ones (transport, catering, entertainment industry, education, etc.).

4. Improving the quality and competitiveness of tourism and related services to the international level.

1. It is proposed to support and develop key types of domestic and inbound tourism in the following areas:

1) In the field of cultural and educational tourism - involvement in the development of the tourism sector of the region’s museum network, the creation of new museums and interactive exhibitions on topics that are most attractive to the main markets for the region’s tourism product, on topics that reflect the uniqueness of the Urals not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Formation of tourist cultural and educational centers, cultural - ethnographic, cultural - historical parks. Creation of a separate guide to museums in the Sverdlovsk region, formation of museum tours. Inclusion of mass cultural events in tourism programs.

In the field of cultural and educational tourism, special attention must be paid to industrial heritage. It is necessary to build a system of interaction with industrial companies in order to create a list of objects for tourist visits, excursion programs that involve the participation of visitors in the production process. Stimulating industrial enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region to work with tourists, including holding master classes, tests for clients, tastings, etc. for tourists as one of the most effective mechanisms for promoting their products to foreign markets.

2) In the field of active tourism. Development of measures to support tour operators working in the field of receiving tourist groups and organizing active tours in the Sverdlovsk region. It is necessary to develop a set of measures to ensure safety in the field of active tourism, primarily the organization of interdepartmental interaction, as well as the organization of awareness-raising work to prevent emergency incidents. It is necessary to assist in the development of natural parks in the Sverdlovsk region, in terms of saturating them with tourist infrastructure, promoting them in the tourism services market, and organizing environmental education for citizens.

3) In the field of mineralogical tourism. There is a need for a qualified expert assessment of the existing potential of mineralogical tourism, arrangement of the most promising display objects based on the following. tourist attractions: the theme of “Russian gold”, Ural gems, Ural iron and copper. The organization of interactive programs for “search, reclamation, extraction” of Ural minerals also requires working out the issues of obtaining the necessary permits for the export of collection samples of minerals outside the Sverdlovsk region, including abroad. Support for existing state, municipal and private Ural mineralogical museums is needed.

4) In the field of event tourism. Formation of a unified calendar of events taking into account the interests of various target groups. Providing assistance to municipal administrations and representatives of the tourism business in organizing mass tourism events. Inclusion of events in tourism and excursion programs implemented in the Sverdlovsk region.

5) In the field of MICE tourism. Creation of a calendar of business events held in the Sverdlovsk region. Assistance in promoting the EkaterinburgEXPO International Exhibition Center as a key venue for exhibitions and major congress events in the Ural-Siberian region. More active use of the business tourism market for the sale of excursion and tourism products in the region.

6) In the field of health resort and medical tourism. Serious comprehensive support is needed for the most promising sanatoriums and resorts in the region: certification of the quality of services provided (including according to international standards), assistance in promoting commercial tourism in the market, improving the quality of service, organizing animation programs and excursions for vacationers, active use of the territory’s tourism product for variety of holidays for clients of sanatoriums.

In addition, it is necessary to develop a program of state support for investment projects for the development of promising sources of mineral waters (including thermal ones).

parking lots, roadside trade and catering establishments, service stations for passenger and passenger vehicles, accommodation facilities and campsites on sections of federal and regional highways where the main tourist flows pass. Promising in this regard (taking into account the existing campervans (motorhomes);

8) In the field of children's and social tourism. It is advisable to reformat existing programs for the patriotic education of youth to instill feelings of love for their small homeland, the Urals, through the organization of tourist excursions to the development of historical and cultural heritage sites.

In addition, there is a need for methodological and substantive refinement of existing curricula, as well as the development of a support system for children's and social tourism, which involves partial compensation of the costs of tourism operators organizing "outing" lessons for school students. It is necessary to consistently develop children's and school tourism, including social tourism (implemented at the expense of budgets of all levels, as well as at the expense of the budgets of enterprises and sponsors).

2. Positioning and promotion of the Sverdlovsk region must be carried out taking into account the increasing competition between tourist destinations, including at the level of Russian regions.

Properly chosen positioning, the use of the existing unique tourism resources of the Sverdlovsk region, a clearly formulated marketing strategy (identifying target groups and ways to attract them) will stimulate an increase in tourist flow, increase the investment attractiveness of the tourism industry, and count on attracting private investment for the implementation of tourism infrastructure development projects.

Based on the proposed approach and the potential for the development of various types of tourism in the Sverdlovsk region, it is advisable to propose the following:

The main tourist products of the Sverdlovsk region should be formed in the field of business tourism, congress and exhibition activities, entertainment, sports and active recreation, industrial and mineralogical tourism;

When forming tourism products, it is important to make maximum use of one of the main competitive advantages of the Sverdlovsk region - location in the center of the Ural region;

The development of the tourism brand of the Sverdlovsk region must be carried out within the framework of the development of the tourism brand of the Greater Urals, which will allow the Sverdlovsk region to receive maximum benefits and partially monopolize the topic of the Urals in foreign markets.

Specific measures to promote a regional tourism product are determined by the target audience and the level of transport accessibility in relation to the main markets.

Taking into account the level of development of the tourism industry and the structure of demand for the regional tourism product, it is advisable to concentrate the main advertising resources on the following main markets:

At the 1st stage (until 2020) - residents of the Sverdlovsk region and the Greater Urals.

At the 2nd stage (until 2030) - residents of Russia and foreign countries.

When working with each target audience, the promoted tourism products and tools for their promotion will differ:

It is advisable for residents of the Sverdlovsk region to offer recreation opportunities in the format of weekend tours (one or two day tours, very diverse, depending on client preferences), as well as longer recreation and health programs based on local resorts and sanatoriums.

As the main tool, in addition to traditional advertising media and media, it is necessary to create an accessible interactive guide on the Internet, providing contact information and GPS coordinates for independent travel planning.

When working with residents of the region, it is advisable to create a culture of hospitality, promote tourism as a branch of the economy and a sphere of professional activity that contributes to the growth of well-being and brings benefits to every resident of the Sverdlovsk region (carrying out specialized promotions, competitions, etc., aimed at promoting positive results for the Sverdlovsk region region from the development of tourism, printing specialized periodicals devoted to recreation opportunities in the region).

When working with audiences from neighboring regions, interaction with travel operators who organize group and individual tours, including interregional ones, is important. It is recommended to conduct information tours for tour operators in neighboring regions, organize and conduct business events in the field of tourism - “Big Ural” Forum, and conduct cross-presentations.

To promote in foreign markets, it is advisable to join forces with industry-specific federal structures - the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Tourism Development:

Participation in the largest international tourism and other exhibitions with a single Russian national stand with the involvement of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The national stand should be aimed, inter alia, at promoting the main tourist routes of inbound tourism in Russia, such as traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway;

Support and consolidation of specialized exhibition activities in the Russian Federation with the aim of creating one of the world's largest tourism exhibitions on the domestic tourism market;

Preparation of advertising, informational printed and other products for distribution at major international tourism exhibitions and through Russian foreign missions, including through representative offices created under the federal executive body in the field of tourism;

Dissemination of information about Russia as an attractive tourist destination on the global Internet;

Carrying out other actions, for example, information support for festivals and events held in the country, presentations of new Russian tourist destinations abroad, organizing information tours for foreign and domestic media, holding major international conferences, symposiums, congresses and other events on the basis of bilateral and multilateral international cooperation, as well as cooperation with major intergovernmental organizations.

The above tools must be used to actively promote the Sverdlovsk region as a venue for major international events: the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the World Expo. Stimulating the development and improvement of tourism infrastructure, including related ones (transport, catering, entertainment, education, etc. .) it is advisable to carry out through the formation of tourist and recreational clusters.

The feasibility of using the cluster approach on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region is determined by the peculiarities of the territorial development of tourism, the existing specific tourist orientation of a number of territories, the need and possibilities for the formation of a comprehensive tourism product.

At the same time, a “tourist cluster” is understood as a group of interconnected tourism industry enterprises concentrated in a certain territory, interacting and complementing each other in creating a comprehensive tourism product of the territory. For the effective functioning of the cluster, taking into account the geography and scale of the Sverdlovsk region, external communications are acquired that ensure transport proximity (availability) of the cluster object from the main target markets.

The use of a cluster approach in the development of tourism in the Sverdlovsk region seems to be the most optimal, since it allows solving a number of problems that are relevant for the Sverdlovsk region:

The concentration of resources, investments and organizational efforts ensures the diversity of the total tourism product of the Sverdlovsk region - as a result, the territories do not compete with each other, but develop their own tourist specialization to solve the problem of positioning, which is very important in the conditions of increasing competition in the market of tourist destinations.

The analysis of existing tourist flows in the region, existing tourist facilities and the presence of potential for the development of the tourism industry allows us to form 12 tourist and recreational clusters. Appendix 4 presents a map of tourist and recreational clusters, with a description of each cluster in accordance with key criteria.

Tourist clusters are proposed to be formed taking into account the presence of the following structural units:

- “basic facilities” - 1-3 basic tourism enterprises that attract the largest number of tourists (annual number of visitors from 40 thousand or more people);

- “additional facilities” - small tourist facilities with an annual number of visitors from 5 to 40 thousand people, - “infrastructure facilities” - collective accommodation facilities, catering facilities, enterprises providing additional services. The successful development of a tourism cluster directly depends on the availability of infrastructure facilities.

On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, a saturation situation has developed for the most popular of the “basic and additional facilities”; an additional increase in tourist flow is possible only with the creation of accommodation and public catering facilities.

- “objects of accompanying infrastructure” - enterprises supporting the activities of tourism and infrastructure facilities (tourist firms, transport organizations, educational institutions, consulting and advertising agencies, etc.). A feature of the development of related infrastructure in the Sverdlovsk region is the lack or complete absence of local enterprises involved in tourism in the territories. Tourism, transport, advertising and other services are provided in the vast majority of cases by Ekaterinburg companies, which does not correspond to one of the key goals of the formation of tourism clusters - the creation of new local business entities. In addition, the lack of competition in these markets leads to a decrease in the quality of services and higher prices.

All cluster objects must be connected by internal communications, a unified marketing and advertising policy, and included in common tourist routes. The combination of several tourist sites will increase the overall tourist flow, as well as make the tourism industry in a particular territory more attractive for business. The product formed within the tourism cluster takes into account not only the capabilities of one enterprise, but also the capabilities of partners. In this regard, a key factor in the success of the cluster is the ability to create conditions for including a wider range of organizations in the process of receiving orders.

The main factor for the success of a tourism cluster project is the presence of a prepared and proactive management company. At the first stage (2013-2016), due to the high organizational risks associated with the creation of additional institutions, the functions of a management company can be performed by the management of a key base facility or a municipal tourism support organization. At the second stage, taking into account the results of the cluster’s work until 2016, as well as for the purpose of institutionalizing the tourism cluster, it is advisable to create a single management company or tourism consortium in the form of a legal entity. The role of such an organization can be performed by an intermunicipal tourism development center in the form of a non-profit partnership or a budgetary institution, which will take on the functions of further development and promotion of the cluster’s tourism product.

Since tourist cluster objects are often spatially separated from each other and remote from the main sales market, the quality of the road transport infrastructure is of significant importance. It is recommended to create new roadside service facilities along the routes of existing and future tourist flows.

The most important condition for the implementation of cluster initiatives is the intensity of the investment process, which directly depends on the investment policy of the regional administration, aimed at creating a favorable investment climate.

At the same time, given the insufficient profitability of the industry at the moment, at the 1st stage of the Strategy implementation, budgetary investments in basic facilities should play a key role. In fact, on the territory of most tourist clusters, the basic objects are government organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Natural Resources (natural parks), the Ministry of Culture (state museums) and the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy (sports complexes).

Further development of these facilities, taking into account the cluster approach at the initial stage of implementation of the Strategy, will increase the flow of tourists, making the industry attractive for private business.

In accordance with the federal target program, the volume of financing by source in the industry is determined in the following proportions: federal budget - regional and municipal budgets - 5-10%, private investment - 65-70%.

This distribution is presented for projects implemented on the basis of the principles of public-private partnership with the participation of the federal budget. Taking into account the fact that not a single tourism project has yet been implemented in the Sverdlovsk region with the participation of the federal budget, the region should rely primarily on its own resources (investments from the regional and municipal budgets, private investments).

Financial support from the federal budget will be provided to the region as part of the region’s preparation for federal-scale events (Football World Cup 2018, World Expo 2020), which will become the basis for large-scale attraction of private investment.

Based on this, it is fundamentally important to consolidate in the Strategy the need for measures to stimulate private investment in the tourism sector.

Due to the low profitability of the tourism business, at present, attracting large businesses to this area is unlikely in the medium term (with the exception of the above-mentioned largest projects being implemented in Yekaterinburg). Accordingly, at the first stage of implementation of the Strategy, in the territory of each cluster it is necessary to form a pool of strategic investors from among small and medium-sized businesses who are ready to develop business in the field of tourism on a long-term basis. Despite the fact that the active participation of small businesses will not ensure a significant increase in the total volume of investments in the tourism sector, it will have a positive effect on increasing the volume of paid services in the industry, will help create new jobs and generate a tourist flow - a prerequisite for future investments from large business.

Since projects in the field of tourism are intersectoral in nature, it is necessary to create clusters of permanent informal institutions in the territories (in the form of expert or working groups, municipal tourism development councils) to analyze public and private initiatives in the field of tourism. Representatives of relevant executive authorities, administrations of territories where projects are planned to be implemented, and representatives of tourism companies should take part in the work of the groups. These working groups must, at the initial stage, determine the feasibility of the project, its significance for the development of tourism in the territory, assist the initiators in developing, passing conciliation procedures, promoting the project, etc.

The result of the implementation of the proposed approach will be the formation, based on the development and unification of individual clusters of branded infrastructure-equipped and product-related routes:

Circular route “Gem Ring”: Ekaterinburg – Nevyansk – Visim – Nizhny Tagil – Murzinka – Alapaevsk – Irbit – Artemovsky – Rezh – Berezovsky – Ekaterinburg; Taking into account the high level of development of these territories from social, transport, tourist and economic points of view, it can be assumed that by the end of the first stage of the Strategy implementation (2014 – 2020) this route can seriously compete with the current federal route “Golden Ring of Russia”;

Latitudinal route “Rifea Belt”: Krasnoufimsk – Arti – Nizhnie Sergi (Oleniye Ruchi Park) – Yekaterinburg – Malyshevsky village – Kamensk – Uralsky – Kamyshlov – Talitsa, passing from the west and east of the Ural Mountains along the federal highways Perm – Yekaterinburg and Yekaterinburg – Tyumen; the development of this route is hampered by the limited capacity of existing federal roads;

Meridional route “Ural Meridian” (FETA-60 – From Erope To Asia along the 60th meridian): Ekaterinburg – Nevyansk – Visim – Nizhny Tagil – Kachkanar – Verkhoturye – Karpinsk – Krasnoturinsk – Severouralsk; the route is the northern continuation of the Gemstone Ring and should primarily be focused on active tourism. The formation of this route requires significant capital investments in the construction of ski facilities and the construction of road infrastructure; Accordingly, the completion of its formation is associated with the second stage of implementation of the Strategy (2020 - 2030).

related services to the international level are the provision of appropriate training, measures aimed at improving safety, and a comprehensive system of certification of the quality of the offered tourism products and services.

In the labor market of the Sverdlovsk region today there is already an acute shortage of professionally trained personnel for the tourism and hospitality industry, especially at the level of line personnel (hotel accommodation and reception workers, maids, waiters, guides, translators, etc.), engineering and technical services , at the level of tourism product creation specialists and tourism marketing specialists.

The implementation of investment projects provided for by the Strategy involves the creation of an additional 5,000 to 10,000 jobs in the tourism and hospitality sector, which may further aggravate the personnel problem. Urgent systemic measures are needed in the field of professional tourism education in the Sverdlovsk region:

1. Monitoring personnel needs in the field of tourism and hospitality, identifying quantitative and qualitative parameters of the most scarce specialties;

2. Adjustment of the educational plans of educational institutions in accordance with the monitoring towards an increase in the share of practical training and the development of professional skills. If necessary, initiating the process of changing current state standards in the field of education and training for the tourism industry;

3. Creation of practical training centers at educational institutions and enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sector (for example, “training hotel”, “training restaurant”, etc.);

4. Further development of the system of resource personnel centers for the tourism and hospitality industry;

5. Priority development of the system of vocational schools and technical schools (line personnel for the tourism and hospitality industry).

limiting factors for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Sverdlovsk region. A high level of road accidents, a difficult crime situation, and a fairly high industrialization of the region negatively affects the development of the tourism and hospitality market.

A comprehensive system of measures is needed to ensure the safety of tourism activities:

extreme and other types of tourism, in accordance with the norms of current federal and regional legislation;

2. Ensuring prompt interaction between tourism enterprises, firms, public organizations, regional and municipal structures with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue services, law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, the Federal Migration Service, private security companies;

property insurance in the field of tourism and hospitality;

4. Monitoring of the environmental situation on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, prompt recording of monitoring data when planning tourism activities and when conducting tourism events.

The implementation of these measures at the level of the Sverdlovsk region requires the development of a comprehensive program to improve the quality of the main components of the tourism industry: accommodation facilities (hotels, sanatoriums, recreation centers), means of transport, catering establishments, services of travel companies and excursion bureaus.

The following will be of decisive importance: the introduction of international and national systems of voluntary certification of services, the development and implementation of internal industry service standards, the formation of a competitive environment and professional tourism education.

A summary of the measures necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the tourism industry of the Sverdlovsk region is given in Table 2.

Table 2. Activities necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the tourism industry of the Sverdlovsk region at international and Russian competitiveness Recognizable and unique 1) Identification of priority target markets / target audience.

tourist image of the region 2) Formation and promotion of an associative series based on diversity and uniqueness 1) Modernization of existing tourist facilities in accordance with the tourist product and modern requirements of tourists.

Transport accessibility 1) Availability of clear tourist navigation.

Holiday safety. 1) Development of a system of information centers for tourists.

Formation of a comfortable 2) Development of the volunteer movement.

information environment 3) Implementation of a set of measures for linguistic training of personnel Comprehensive nature 1) Formation of thematic tourism and recreational clusters.

tourism product 2) Formation of recreation areas for residents of large cities Comfortable and diverse 1) Creation of favorable conditions for investing in the field of tourism living conditions (assistance in the search and registration of land plots, Modern mechanisms and 1) Equipping tourist display sites with modern methods of conveying information with information media , including using Respect for nature 1) Development of the volunteer movement.

Section 4. Main scenarios and results of the Strategy implementation.

Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Sverdlovsk region, approved by Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region dated August 27, 2008 No. 873-PP (as amended.

Decree No. 1910-PP dated December 29, 2010), considers three options (scenarios) for the development of the region in the long term: stabilization-inertial, industrial-modernization and innovative-optimistic.

The stabilization-inertial scenario is based on the principles of catching-up technological development in a favorable global environment based on the traditional sector at a pace at the Russian average level. This scenario does not correspond to the targets for accelerated development of the Sverdlovsk region, and therefore is not considered as a target.

The industrial modernization scenario assumes the accelerated development of the industrial complex as the basis of economic growth in a favorable global environment. Following this scenario, by 2020 the Sverdlovsk region will reach the level of development of European countries before the crisis of 2007 - this is an average per capita production of gross regional product of 28.5 thousand dollars. at purchasing power parity, the volume of gross regional product is 2.3 trillion. rubles (gross regional product growth compared to the 2009 level is 2.7 times in comparable prices). In industry, labor productivity will increase by 4 times the level of 2009, which corresponds to the 2007 level of the G7 countries (1.8 million rubles per person employed in industry).

The innovative-optimistic scenario assumes an investment-innovative breakthrough in a favorable global environment. This scenario provides for the achievement in 2020 of the main macroeconomic indicators of the G7 countries at the level of 2020 according to the minimum version of the forecast for their development: average per capita production of gross regional product - 46.3 thousand dollars at purchasing power parity, volume of gross regional product - 3, 7 trillion rubles (physical volume growth by 4.5 times compared to 2009).

Based on the proposed terminology in relation to tourism development:

The innovative and optimistic scenario means that the Sverdlovsk region remained among the top five regions in terms of tourist flow, becoming one of the leading tourist destinations in the Russian Federation. The innovative and optimistic scenario for economic development will correspond to the advanced scenario for the development of the tourism industry, characterized by more than 1.5 times exceeding the average Russian growth rate (at 6 percent or more per year for the development of tourist flow; at 6.9 percent or more per year to increase spending on tourism and travel). The implementation of such a scenario is possible in the context of the active positioning of the Sverdlovsk region as a region favorable for tourism and travel, as a result of the current infrastructure limitations, which requires an increase of 1.5 - 3 times (compared to 2013) in the volume of funding for the development program itself tourism (up to 190 - 250 million rubles per year) and to and destinations up to 570 - 750 million rubles. for the development of infrastructure facilities that ensure the development of tourist flows (primarily roads). Given the existing Russian proportions (811 thousand rubles GRP per job in the tourism sector; 3 jobs in related industries per job in the tourism sector (Fig. 1 Appendix 1), it is possible to predict the intensification of private investment, as a result of which to create up to 300 jobs per year in tourism itself (up to 1000 jobs in related industries), which will ensure an increase in GRP of up to 800 million rubles per year. This multiplier effect is of decisive importance for the development of problem areas in the eastern and northern parts of the Sverdlovsk region, for which tourism and related industries are practically the only effective development tool.

The industrial-modernization scenario in relation to the development of tourism means the primary allocation of budget funds to the promotion of existing tourism products of the Sverdlovsk region. The industrial-modernization scenario of economic development will correspond to a catch-up scenario for the development of the tourism industry, focused on the influx of private investment in destinations already provided with a tourist flow. At the same time, it is possible to predict that the main pace indicators will correspond to the average Russian forecast values ​​(4 percent per year for the development of tourist flows; at the level of 4.6 percent per year for the growth of spending on tourism and travel). Such a scenario, with minimal expenditures from the regional budget (at the 2013 level - about 130 million rubles), carries significant risks associated with the minimal socio-economic effect of tourism development and losses due to the minimal number of jobs created (which, according to statistics, can be classified as “highly productive” - at a level of 811 thousand rubles of GRP per year in 2011 prices).

The stabilization-inertia scenario means that the Sverdlovsk region could not withstand competition with other regions of the Russian Federation for external tourist flow; as a result, the tourist flow of the region will be provided only by internal resources (residents of the region). The stabilization-inertial scenario of economic development will correspond to the latent scenario for the development of the tourism industry, characterized by development rates two or more times lower than the growth rates predicted on average for Russia (at the level of 2 or less percent per year for the development of tourist flows; at the level of 2.3 and less than percent per year for the growth of tourism and travel costs). The likelihood of such a scenario occurring will be quite high if effective measures for the development of tourism set out in this Strategy are not taken.

The following statistical indicators are recognized as the main target indicators and forecast parameters for the implementation of the Strategy, reflecting:

Growth in the volume of tourist flow:

Number of arrivals at the RAC (number of persons placed at the RAC for general and special purposes), including Russian and foreign citizens;

number of overnight stays in the CSR for general and special purposes, including Russian and foreign citizens;

number of rooms/seats in the general purpose CSR;

financial volume of paid services of collective accommodation facilities.

Forecast values ​​of the main indicators of tourism development for a period of up to a year are given in Table 3 and Appendix 5.

Table 3. Forecast values ​​of the main indicators of tourism development (number of persons, special purpose), and special purpose, Number of places in the RAC of collective accommodation facilities (volume of paid health services), According to the calculations performed in the conditions:

In the advanced scenario (“o”), by 2030 the number of arrivals in collective accommodation facilities may increase by 2.9 times compared to 2012 and exceed 3 million people. per year, the number of places in collective accommodation facilities may increase by 1.7 times compared to the level of 2012 (which involves the commissioning of up to 600 new hotel rooms annually), the volume of paid services will increase by 3.3 times and exceed 22.0 billion .rub.;

In the catch-up scenario (“e”), the construction of new accommodation facilities in accordance with the growth of tourist flow will occur at a slower pace - 370 rooms per year, the tourist flow will increase by 2 times, and the volume of paid services will not exceed 15.0 billion rubles per year ;

In the latent scenario (“l”), industry growth indicators will be minimal: the number of rooms will increase by only 20% by 2030, which will clearly not be enough to fully utilize the region’s tourism potential.

For the industrial Sverdlovsk region, intensive development of tourism, which ensures the creation of additional jobs in related industries (transport, communications, catering, agriculture, handicrafts, food industry, entertainment, recreation, trade), is one of the main conditions for a radical improvement in the quality of life of residents region, especially for residents of small and medium-sized cities, contributing to the growth of their incomes. Therefore, it is advisable to take as a target the advanced scenario for the development of the tourism industry, corresponding to the innovative-optimistic scenario for economic development.

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