Where do FSB officers get apartments? Providing housing for FSB employees

FSB employees recently became participants in a government program to obtain military mortgages. In our article we will talk about the features of obtaining a mortgage for FSB employees, what conditions are provided for military mortgage lending, document requirements, which banking organizations work with military mortgages.

Just a few years ago, employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations were provided, as well as military personnel, with departmental housing, where the military themselves and members of their families lived during the term of the military contract. Today, employees of these structures are among those participating in the state mortgage lending program, thanks to which they can become owners of their own housing and, accordingly, immediately.

It is worth noting that not all military personnel in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs can become participants in the military mortgage program, but only employees of the paramilitary departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and employees in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The procedure for registering and obtaining a military mortgage is regulated by Federal Law No. 117 of 2004. The main feature of the program is the opening of a special bank account, which will receive funds in the established amount after the employee enters military service and submits a report to the savings and mortgage system. Contributions to the military personnel's bank account are transferred monthly by the state; after accumulating a certain amount, a person who is a participant in the military mortgage program can use it as a down payment to obtain a mortgage loan. The minimum loan amount for a military mortgage for FSB employees is 2,400,000 rubles. One of the important conditions of military mortgage lending is that a loan can be issued to a military personnel with the expectation that it will be fully repaid by the time the citizen leaves service.

For whom is a military mortgage available for FSB employees?

FSB employees who joined the service no earlier than 2005 can count on a military mortgage, regardless of whether they own housing. Mortgages for FSB employees are available not only for officers, but also for employees of some law enforcement agencies, who are equivalent to military personnel, as well as midshipmen and warrant officers, whose duration of service was at least 3 years. According to the general rules, military mortgages for FSB employees can also be obtained by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the following conditions:

  • the total experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be at least 10 years;
  • an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must have the status of someone in need of improved housing conditions (his apartment does not meet the required square meters, the apartment is not suitable for living, living with a seriously ill person or in a communal apartment);
  • the employee is transferred to the reserve due to reaching retirement age;
  • relatives of a soldier who died in the line of duty.

It is noteworthy that the mortgage program for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs involves the allocation of public funds only for making a down payment or partial payment of the debt. While employees of the paramilitary departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are classified as military personnel and have the right to receive housing on a general basis, that is, counting on regular government payments.

Military mortgage for FSB employees: advantages and disadvantages

The current state military mortgage program in Russia undoubtedly has a number of advantages, including:

  • the ability to independently choose a region and place to purchase finished housing or one built according to your own individual project;
  • the opportunity to take advantage of the military mortgage program already in the fourth year of service;
  • the opportunity to purchase your own home, both in a new building and on the secondary real estate market;
  • the possibility of purchasing housing in a new building at the construction stage under an equity participation agreement.

If we talk about the shortcomings of the military mortgage program for FSB employees, there are not many of them, but they are quite significant:

  • accumulated funds through regular payments by the state to a military serviceman’s bank account are, as a rule, not enough to purchase housing in the capital region or region;
  • If a serviceman resigns before a certain date, he will have to return the funds paid to him to the state and then make settlements with the banking organization independently.

Mortgage for FSB employees: documents and registration

Those who have become participants in the program for obtaining a military mortgage must first provide the following documents to the Rosvoenipoteka fund:

  1. A copy of the mortgage loan agreement certified by a banking organization.
  2. Copies of the agreement for obtaining a housing loan under the military program in the amount of 3 pieces.
  3. A letter of guarantee from a financial institution that undertakes to return the funds received to make the down payment if registration of ownership is not carried out within 3 months from the date of receipt of the down payment.

Next, an application in the appropriate form is submitted to the FSB personnel department, which indicates the intended purpose of the housing loan and gives consent to withdraw the funds accumulated in the account of the serviceman participating in the program for a period of no more than 3 months. Then, the serviceman applying for a military mortgage receives a certificate issued in his name with information about the amount of his savings in a special individual account and the deadlines allocated for receiving a mortgage loan.

Important! The certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue by the relevant government fund.

The next step is choosing a suitable banking organization and searching for a property. At this stage, it is very important to choose a bank that offers optimal lending conditions: a favorable interest rate and convenient terms of validity of the loan product. When signing a mortgage agreement between the bank and the borrower, you must very carefully read the information on the obligations specified in the loan agreement. If necessary, you can seek the help of specialists in the field of purchasing housing with a mortgage. The last step when completing a mortgage transaction by a military person is to send the completed documents to the Rosvoenipoteka department and register ownership of the housing.

Which banks work with military mortgages for the FSB

Today, most large banking organizations offer profitable mortgage programs for the military, including for employees of law enforcement agencies such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Some of the most optimal lending conditions for military mortgage participants offer:

  • Sberbank of Russia - interest rate 10.5%, down payment of at least 10% of the cost of the residential property;
  • VTB24 - interest rate 8.7%, down payment of at least 10% of the cost of housing, maximum loan amount is 2.3 million rubles;
  • Gazprombank - interest rate of 10%, down payment of at least 10% of the cost of a residential property, mortgage programs are offered on the terms of purchasing housing on the secondary real estate market.

It is noteworthy that a targeted housing loan is issued regardless of the ownership of real estate. An intelligence officer can become a member of the NIS by submitting a corresponding report. After this, a personal savings account is opened in his name, to which certain amounts of money will be transferred monthly.

Advantages of a military mortgage for the FSB The new system of providing housing for FSB military personnel has a number of undeniable advantages.

This resource may contain 18+ materials.

User registration in the RIA Club service on the Ria.Ru website and authorization


2 in ed. Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 405-FZ) That is, you will be entitled to a maximum of 36 sq.

meters. However, you can get on the waiting list only if you have reached 20 years of service (calendar). Do you have a question for a lawyer?

FSB: False calls about mining were made by Russians abroad

Representatives of 76 states from 117 delegations and 4 international organizations took part in the meeting.

The FSB of Russia is searching for the organizers and accomplices together with their partners. It is noted that due to the use of IP technology, it is difficult to determine the location of the deployment - this is also recognized by the partners of the Russian intelligence service. The calls were made from the territory of another state, Interfax reports.

Housing for military personnel in 2019

- military personnel who have personal housing located near their place of duty. The contract for the rental of a service apartment is concluded only for the duration of the contract.

Upon expiration of the contract, the premises must be vacated within three months. Who receives a housing certificate? In order to receive a military certificate, you must serve for at least ten years, and after discharge you must not have personal housing available.

Putin declared the issue of permanent housing for FSB employees resolved

or log in through any social network. network to leave a comment.

The FSB will strengthen the border between Crimea and Ukraine with a 50-kilometer fence. One of the border service departments in Primorye will be staffed with Cossacks. One of the branches of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the Primorye Territory will be staffed with members of Cossack societies in the region.

Deputy head of the border department Amir Amirov told TASS about this.

  • Relatives of employees who died or went missing in the performance of their official duties;

Own housing.

Military mortgage.

  1. A serviceman in need of housing must register in the unified NIS register (savings mortgage system), collecting the necessary documents.

Who can count on receiving CLP

Upon joining the service, a new intelligence officer must submit a report on joining the NIS. From that moment on, a special account will be opened in his name, to which cash payments of a set amount will be transferred.

The maximum loan amount now reaches 2.4 million rubles, which will be quite enough to purchase fairly spacious housing in almost any region of Russia, with the exception of the capital region.

Advantages and disadvantages of a military mortgage for the FSB

The new housing system has a number of advantages, but there are also very significant disadvantages.

From January 1, 2018, military pensions were increased by 4%. You will find a military pension calculator for long service for 2018 here= A military pension calculator for long service taking into account length of service (mixed pension) for 2018 here= Also, from January 1, 2018, the wages of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been increased by 4%. , as they say - employees of the Russian Army. The amount of the housing subsidy has changed since January 1, 2018 (decreased). Housing subsidy calculator for the 1st half of 2018 here = The amount of funds (social payments) for the purchase of housing using State Housing Certificates (SHC) has changed since January 1, 2018. Calculator of social payments for the purchase of residential premises, certified by the state housing cooperative, for the 1st (first) half of 2018 here = From January 1, 2018 in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2017.

Forum for mutual legal assistance of military personnel


From January 1, 2018, the amount of the savings contribution for one participant in the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel included in the register of participants is set at 268,465.6 rubles. A certificate of the amount of the savings contribution - funds allocated from the federal budget and accounted for on the personal savings account of a participant in the savings-mortgage system (military mortgage) for housing provision for military personnel (NIS) for the period 2005 - 2018 see here = Changed from January 1, 2018 . the amount of monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises for generals, officers and warrant officers. For other categories of military personnel, the amount of compensation for renting (subletting) housing in 2018 is:

remained the same. Calculator of monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises for officers, including generals, and warrant officers for 2018.

Russian presidential elections 2018

Those dismissed from service are provided with subsidies of their choice - free housing to own, residential premises on social rent, financial payment for the purchase of an apartment or the construction of their own estate.

  • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes the need to improve living conditions for those in need, as well as the registration regime.
  • Government Decree No. 76 regulates the calculation of the amount of subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing by employees.
  • Order No. 587 of the FSB of Russia approves the procedure for providing housing subsidies to FSB employees and their families.
  • Thus, an extensive legislative framework has been developed at the federal level regulating the issue of military subsidies for FSB housing.

Moscow 2018 where they provide permanent housing for the FSB

To calculate it, you will need information about the size of the family, the presence or absence of surplus benefits, the square footage of the existing home, the standard price for 1 sq.m., as well as military experience.

  1. So, for one person who does not have living space, without the prerogative for additional benefits, with 26 years of military service, the amount of the subsidy will be 3,477,540 rubles.
  2. A family of 4 people, with 17 years of service, the payment will be 6207840.

Regulatory acts regulating the issue

  1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 188-FZ.
  2. Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel.”
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014

Types of FSB subsidies for the purchase of housing for department employees

However, you can get on the waiting list only if you have reached 20 years of service (calendar). Do you have a question for a lawyer? FSB: False calls about mining were made by Russians abroad Representatives of 76 states from 117 delegations and 4 international organizations took part in the meeting. The FSB of Russia is searching for the organizers and accomplices together with their partners. It is noted that due to the use of IP technology, it is difficult to determine the location of the deployment - this is also recognized by the partners of the Russian intelligence service.
The calls were made from the territory of another state, Interfax reports. Housing for military personnel in 2018 - military personnel who have personal housing available, located near their place of service. The contract for the rental of a service apartment is concluded only for the duration of the contract.
Upon expiration of the contract, the premises must be vacated within three months.
There is already an assumption that such a sudden change in heads of departments will provoke a wave of scandals. However, this procedure is necessary in order to eliminate corruption in government agencies that care about the security of the country. Important! Today it is known that the creator of the insurance company, Alexander Bastrykin, will most likely be removed from his managerial post.


This, however, does not mean that he will remain out of work and leave the committee - he will be given an honorary position, which, however, will not have any rights as a leader. To carry out such large-scale changes, the Russian authorities will need to invest a lot of money in them. Thus, compensation payments alone to employees who wish to leave the reformed structures will amount to tens of billions of rubles.

Providing housing subsidies to FSB military personnel in 2018

SVR and FSO (Foreign Intelligence Service and Federal Security Service). After this, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation will be returned to the General Prosecutor's Office, from which it left back in 2011. Let us clarify that today it already supervises the activities of the Foreign Intelligence Service.


The emergency rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will definitely be abolished. Her responsibilities will be assigned to the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Note that the transformations are very effective.

Among the key goals of reforming law enforcement services, the authorities note:
  • increasing their efficiency;
  • completely ridding them of corruption;
  • transferring defense to a qualitatively new level.

The changes were started by President Vladimir Putin and his decree, which back in 2005 established the creation of a special organization - the National Guard.

FSB reform in 2018: changes

  • To the family of an FSB employee regarding his death.
  • Legislative regulation of the issue Contents
  • 1 Legislative regulation of the issue
  • 2 General provisions for the provision of state aid
  • 3 Algorithm for obtaining assistance for the purchase of housing
    • 3.1 Required documents
    • 3.2 Payment terms
  • 4 Housing options
    • 4.1 Provision of living space under a rental agreement
    • 4.2 Provision of official living space
  • 5 Is it possible to privatize departmental housing
  • 6 Calculator for subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2017-2018
  • 7 Regulatory acts governing the issue

The provision of housing subsidies to FSB employees is regulated by the following legal acts:

  1. Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” talks about the prerogative of the Russian military regarding housing.

Reform and changes of the FSB in 2018

According to the explanatory note to the draft of the said Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020” “The volume of budgetary allocations of the federal budget sent in the form of interbudgetary transfers to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the implementation of monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens , calculated based on the number of payments and the size of the monthly cash payment, determined taking into account indexation by 3.2% in 2018, in 2019 - 4.0%, in 2020 - 4.0%, and will amount to 450611 in 2018, 6 million rubles (99.6.0% compared to the previous year)" Thus, with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that from February 1, 2018, the monthly cash payment to combat veterans will be indexed by 3.2% and will amount to 2869, 72 rubles* About the real increase from February 1, 2018.
An intelligence officer can become a member of the NIS by submitting a corresponding report. After this, a personal savings account is opened in his name, to which certain amounts of money will be transferred monthly. Advantages of a military mortgage for the FSB The new system of providing housing for FSB military personnel has a number of undeniable advantages. In 2018, 28 new houses will be handed over to military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces in Moscow - Ministry of Defense This resource may contain materials 18+. User registration in the RIA Club service on the Ria.Ru website and authorizationMoscow 2018 where the FSB provides permanent housing (clause 2 as amended by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 405-FZ) That is, you will be entitled to a maximum of 36 square meters.

Housing for FSB employees in 2018

Let us remind you that the advent of the New Year 2018 is the beginning of a new tax period, which allows eligible military personnel to submit a corresponding report to receive a tax deduction for children. A sample report on the provision of a tax deduction in connection with the presence of children can be downloaded here = It also makes sense, given that the cash allowance will be indexed next time, as indicated above only in 2019, to submit a report on the provision of financial assistance (on payment) now financial assistance). A sample report on the provision of financial assistance to military personnel can be downloaded here = We previously wrote about the development of a bill that would increase the minimum length of service (total duration of military service) from 20 to 25 years, required for the assignment of a military pension.

The Ministry will not only investigate criminal cases initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee, but will also procedurally monitor their conduct. An investigative unit will be established on the basis of the MGB. It will have the status "glavk". His responsibilities will include reviewing and resolving the most notorious criminal offenses and cases important from the point of view of state security. Let us remind you that today the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are involved in all this. The MGB will also monitor its own security in other law enforcement agencies. The Investigative Committee, which will lose its independence and become one of the structures that forms the Prosecutor General's Office, will be downgraded in status. Its highest military investigative department will turn into a regular department. Let us note that the Military Prosecutor's Office has already joined the Prosecutor General's Office on January 1 of this year.

For FSB employees in 2019, it will be the main support expressed in financial assistance provided by the state. Subsidization is carried out by bank transfer, usually with the transfer of a housing certificate.

The following are eligible candidates for subsidies:

  1. Security officers (military field of activity).
  2. Those who need a solution to their housing problem.
  3. Those undergoing special service under a contract.
  4. With more than 20 years of service (that is, it is possible to apply for benefits after dismissal at the end of the contract or while still in service).
  5. Accommodation in official housing during the entire duration of service.
  6. Support is provided to persons dismissed due to circumstances beyond their control - general medical conditions, medical indications for health reasons, and with at least 10 years of experience.
  7. To the family of an FSB employee regarding his death.

Legislative regulation of the issue

  1. Article 15 talks about the prerogative of the Russian military over housing. For those dismissed from service, subsidies are provided at his choice - free housing to own, residential premises for rent, financial payment for the purchase of an apartment or the construction of his own estate.
  2. establishes the need for those in need, as well as the registration regime.
  3. Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 76 of February 3, 2014 "On approval of the rules for calculating subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (living premises) provided to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel" regulates the calculation the volume of subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing by employees.
  4. approves the procedure for providing housing subsidies to FSB employees and their families.

Thus, an extensive legislative framework has been developed at the federal level regulating the issue of military subsidies for FSB housing.

General provisions for the provision of state aid

Before the start of the functioning of the above-mentioned regulations, security service employees had the advantage of receiving benefits only from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The following preferences are currently available:

  1. Choose your own self-provided accommodation.
  2. An alternative to the settlements in which the dwelling is located.
  3. Possibility of purchasing living space with a square footage larger than the established standard.

The provided compensation can be spent on:

  1. Purchasing real estate from either a developer or a private person.
  2. Eliminate housing debt.
  3. Purchase of a land plot intended for individual housing construction.
  4. Construction of an individual house.

An important point is that the validity of the certificate does not have a time limit and having received it, the employee has the right to use the document after accumulating the missing funds.

Algorithm for obtaining assistance for the purchase of housing

Required documents

Having set the goal of receiving a subsidy payment, you need to provide a set of documentation:

  1. An employee's message containing a request to be included in the queue.
  2. Duplicates of family identity cards or birth facts.
  3. Fact of marriage.
  4. Evidence of prerogatives for additional benefits.
  5. Certificate of death of a military man (in the situation of a widow applying for a subsidy).

Payment terms

Each action has a strictly defined duration of implementation:

  1. reviewed within 10 days ().
  2. The accepted verdict is sent to the financial department within three days.
  3. Providing a duplicate of the verdict for review by the applicant – 3 days.
  4. Transfer of finances to the employee’s personal account – within a month.
  5. Notification of the housing commission about completed transfers – 3 days.

The process of receiving and the duration of the actions are clearly stated in the legislation, but the real situation shows that receiving a housing subsidy from the FSB PS is not so quick, since there is a waiting list.

Housing options

Provision of living space under a rental agreement

This option is provided for those who received the status of those in need of improved living conditions no later than 1998. You also have the right to claim:

  1. Family officers who began serving after the specified year.
  2. Seniors with their families.
  3. Contract soldiers who received the rank of officer immediately after graduation and have now found a family.
  4. Housing is provided at the locations of military units; the use of living space is permitted during the entire period of service. Anyone who has earned such living space is removed from the waiting list until the prerogative to exploit the property expires.

Provision of office living space

Official housing is provided to all employees, regardless of rank, education, or length of service. As a rule, it is located in a family hostel, in houses allocated specifically for military needs by the municipality.

All office premises are issued for short-term possession at the time of performance of official duties. However, for the border service, a housing subsidy may be issued for FSB PS employees in 2019.

Is it possible to privatize departmental housing?

The current legislation allows for the possibility of transferring office housing into private ownership. The benefit is available to the following persons who meet the following criteria:

  1. At least 20 years of military service.
  2. Those who stopped serving due to reaching the age limit.
  3. Removed from duties due to medical recommendations and recognition as partially or completely unfit for further performance.

Calculator for subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2019-2020

The online calculator allows you to calculate the approximate amount of government support. To calculate it, you will need information about the size of the family, the presence or absence of surplus benefits, the square footage of the existing home, the standard price for 1 sq.m., as well as military experience.

Dear friends, residents of our beloved Ramenki district!

Everyone has already seen that right next to Ramensky Park, near the water protection zone of the Ramenka River on the side of Vernadsky Avenue, two apartment buildings are being built.

For a long time there were rumors that the land on the “other” side of the river belonged to the military.

In the meantime, our neighbors made a request to the Cadastral Chamber and found out that the land was not military at all - ordinary urban land, and was intended for garages, including garages for residents of the area.

That is, the same property of the city as in the case of our Ramensky Park. This means that if something is built, public hearings must be held.However, everyone can see that construction is being carried out without any hearings.

There is an information stand next to the construction site:

“Construction of a 17-storey 202-apartment residential building (building 1) and a 17-storey 204-apartment residential building (building 2) at the address: Moscow, Ave. Vernadsky, ow. 12 - Customer - OKSM - Gen. contractor - FSUE "USS".

FSUE USS is the FSB Special Construction Department, and OKSM is the capital construction department in Moscow of the FSB capital construction department.

So the FSB is returning to our park now from the other side of the Ramenka River.

As our correspondence with the authorities two years ago showed, construction documents are often obtained without legal grounds. This means we need to find out why there were no public hearings and informing citizens about construction.

It is quite possible that there are grounds for filing a new class action lawsuit in the Nikulinsky court.

So let's collect the missing information and show that the residents of the area care about what is happening under their noses.

We ask you to forward this text to the reception of the mayor, the Moscow prosecutor's office and our Ramenki district government


I live in the Ramenki district of Moscow.

Currently in the Ramenki area in close proximity to the park named after. On the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution and the Ramenka River, construction of multi-apartment residential buildings is underway, address: Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, vl. 12.

Residents of the area, in particular me, do not have any information about the developer, the building permit, or what specific documents served as the basis for issuing the building permit.

These houses are being built a few tens of meters from a landscaped park area; there is a threat of dumping construction waste into the water protection zone of the Ramenka River.

I regularly use the area adjacent to the construction site for recreational purposes. The current situation clearly affects my right to a favorable environment, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. And I want to know what is happening in the area where I live.