Get a medical policy for a military pensioner in the Russian Federation. The military advocated the possibility of including military personnel in the compulsory medical insurance. Is it possible for a military serviceman to obtain a medical insurance policy?

The first time - in the form of defense spending, the second time - through municipalities that pay funds to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for unemployed citizens. If for employers the amount of the insurance premium is determined at the legislative level and amounts to 5.1 percent of the wage fund, then for the non-working population there was previously no uniform tariff for compulsory medical insurance. Each region, depending on the fullness of the budget, set its own size - from 300 rubles to 15 thousand per person per year. The Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” provides that after the transition period, a uniform minimum amount of payment for the non-working population will be established for the entire country, below which no region will be able to set its own level.

Forum for mutual legal assistance of military personnel

Medicines and medical products are dispensed to family members of officers for outpatient treatment by pharmacies of military medical organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense located in garrisons, in the absence of pharmacies of the state or municipal health care system in them, for a fee at retail prices, except for cases when, in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation do not charge a fee. The manufacture and repair of dentures for family members of officers in military medical organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense is carried out on the same conditions as other citizens in medical organizations, unless otherwise provided by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Get a medical policy for a pensioner

Free dispensing of medicines and medical products to military personnel for outpatient treatment is carried out by pharmaceutical organizations according to prescriptions issued by doctors of medical organizations providing medical care to these military personnel in accordance with agreements on the provision of medical care concluded between these medical organizations and military districts. At the same time, the costs of pharmaceutical organizations for providing medicines to military personnel are reimbursed by the Russian Ministry of Defense (its authorized bodies) in accordance with agreements between pharmaceutical organizations and the Russian Ministry of Defense (its authorized bodies) on the provision of medicines to these military personnel.

Press about insurance, insurance companies and the insurance market

If there are indications for emergency medical care, military personnel are hospitalized in a medical organization immediately and subsequently provide the specified documents. In order to increase the social security of military personnel and citizens called up for military training, on March 27, 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 282, establishing the procedure for free provision of military personnel with medicines and medical products in pharmaceutical organizations in the absence of military personnel at the place of military service or place of residence. military medical organizations.


But the lack of access to medical care is a completely different matter. Dmitry OLISHEVSKY All press for December 16, 2011 See other materials on this topic: Regulation, Compulsory health insurance The material mentions: Rate this material (1-bad, ..., 10-excellent!). Average rating: 9.63 (votes: 8 people)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Previous reviews:February 28, 2018 12:18 Author of the review I liked the article, a medical insurance is simply necessary for military personnel, because in a military hospital there is no such equipment, for example, as in the perinatal center and it’s not possible to take all blood tests, and if necessary, we have to go to paid clinics (it’s very sad, of course, you really feel somehow disadvantaged, although the state seems to provide us with medical help.

Do military pensioners need to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy?

After submitting the questionnaire to the Pension Fund, a certificate of compulsory pension insurance can be obtained in two weeks. The employer provides all the data to the Pension Fund and receives a new certificate a month later. If a citizen who has lost his certificate works, he provides the same documents to his employer within a month.

And a month later he receives a new pension insurance certificate. Your email will not be published. The pension insurance policy contains information about the personal account number to which mandatory accruals are transferred. I remember that everything was sorted out here. I advise you to take a look.

The presence of a policy confirms the employee’s right to insurance payments upon reaching retirement age, that is, the size of the future pension will depend on these amounts.

Compulsory medical insurance policy


Consequently, in the near future, the absence of a policy will mean for the military a violation of the rights to free medical care. When asked what a serviceman should do in this regard, Andrei Yurin replied that in the future every citizen should have a compulsory medical insurance policy. “If we talk about the future, then everyone who is uninsured today and uses separate, special conditions for receiving medical care will sooner or later join the general compulsory medical insurance system,” he emphasized. – This help is more accessible, it is clear where and how to get it. Today, reform is underway, the infrastructure of the Armed Forces is being built in a new way, and I am sure that the number of those who are not included in compulsory health insurance will decrease.

It is clear that military medicine has special tasks, but primary care can also be provided in civilian medical institutions.” A few years ago, this problem was not of much concern to military personnel.

To save money, the Ministry of Health will clear the compulsory medical insurance system of “extra” patients

Such data was presented at a meeting of the Coordination Council for the Social Protection of Military Personnel, Law Enforcement Officers and Members of Their Families by the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. According to her, parliamentarians are ready to initiate the necessary bills aimed at improving military medicine. In addition, the low level of remuneration for civilian personnel of departmental medical health institutions provoked an outflow of highly qualified specialists, mid-level and junior medical personnel.


The level of assistance provided has decreased significantly. In most cases, we usually explain unsolvable problems by a lack of funds. However, in the case of military medicine, this is not entirely true. Ministry of Finance spokesman Alexey Kaulbars said that the Ministry of Defense has allocated 39 billion rubles for healthcare.

Almost every citizen sooner or later has a question: “Where can I get a pension insurance policy?” There are several options for resolving this issue. If a citizen works and does not have a policy, one can be obtained through his employer. In seven to ten days a pension insurance policy will be issued.
Receiving pension insurance certificates, compulsory medical insurance policies, and tax identification numbers for employees. After three weeks, the Pension Fund opens a personal account in the name of the employee while simultaneously issuing a pension policy. After a week, the employer is obliged to provide the new employee with the policy in hand. This procedure ends with a signature on a special statement. A fund employee will explain the rules for filling out the form required to obtain a certificate.
The organization of the provision of medical care to military personnel and members of their families in military medical organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense is carried out on a territorial basis in order to create an optimal load on military medical organizations, allowing for the most efficient provision of medical care for the assigned contingent. The territorial principle is based on the attachment of military personnel serving in certain military units, formations and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and members of their families to provide medical care to the relevant military medical organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

A law has been developed on the territory of the Russian Federation that makes it possible to correct actions related to the suspension or complete termination of insurance. In order to carry out various optimization processes, it was decided to develop documents that would abolish compulsory health insurance for those employees who work in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service.

On August 10, a new law came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation, abolishing the registration of compulsory medical insurance for persons who work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service

Official information was provided by the head of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FFOMS) Natalya Stadchenko. She says that the law abolishes compulsory insurance for those persons who previously took out a compulsory medical insurance policy. After the adoption of this law, the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund will be more carefully formed. Also, the adoption of the bill provides for improving the quality of formation of the necessary budget for all regions of the Russian Federation.

After the implementation of the considered bill, compulsory health insurance organizations located in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will form the budget differently. The last resort is also subject to the new obligation. Regional compulsory medical insurance will be able to control all processes that take place when insuring citizens of the Russian Federation.

In order to determine the reliable number of insured persons in the country, the Cabinet of Ministers will develop a methodology that allows for a full calculation. Despite the fact that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service are no longer required to issue a compulsory health insurance policy, the law also establishes a standard for providing information for those institutions that issue this document.

Every calendar month, compulsory medical insurance funds will provide all the necessary information

Territorial and Federal compulsory health insurance funds must prepare information every month that relates to the number of insured people. It is also necessary to display objective indicators that relate to the suspension or complete termination of people's cooperation with the institution.

Only those people who work in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as in the fire service, courier communications and the Federal Penitentiary Service are now exempt from compulsory health insurance. Also, customs officers do not need compulsory medical insurance. The document was adopted because many citizens who become military personnel receive double support from the state.

Regional authorities pay contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for unemployed insured people. In turn, employees of internal affairs bodies receive medical care, which is financed by the state. Enterprising citizens do not close their compulsory medical insurance policies and receive double assistance.

The protection of the health of military personnel is ensured by the creation of favorable conditions for military service, everyday life and a system of measures to limit the dangerous factors of military service, carried out by commanders in cooperation with government authorities. Caring for the preservation and strengthening of the health of military personnel is the responsibility of commanders. They are entrusted with ensuring safety requirements during exercises, other combat training events, during the operation of weapons and military equipment, during the performance of work, and the performance of other military service duties. Military personnel and citizens called up for military training have the right to free medical care, including the manufacture and repair of dentures, free provision of medicines and medical products according to doctors’ prescriptions in medical, military medical units, units and institutions of federal executive bodies authorities in which federal law provides for military service. Military personnel undergo annual medical examinations, and treatment and preventive measures are carried out with them. Family members of military personnel have the right to medical care in institutions of the state or municipal health care system and are subject to compulsory health insurance on the same basis as other citizens.

Family members of officers (spouse, minor children, children over 18 years of age who became disabled before they reached the age of 18, children under 23 years of age studying full-time in educational institutions), as well as their dependents and residents together with officers, have the right to free medical care in military medical institutions. For outpatient treatment, medications are dispensed to them for a fee at retail prices, with the exception of cases where, in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, no fee is charged. Citizens discharged from military service have the right to medical care in institutions of the state or municipal health care systems and are subject to compulsory health insurance in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Also, the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” explains the procedure for providing military personnel with sanatorium and resort treatment or paying compensation for the impossibility of providing it.

Medical care for military personnel

  1. The subject of VHI is the costs of medically necessary medical care for the insured person in case of illness or accident. Based on the capabilities of modern medicine and the needs of clients, insurance organizations develop Insurance Rules, and then specify them by drawing up various VHI programs. The risk of occurrence is usually indicated as the object of VHI
  2. 10.1.4. Health care as part of the social insurance program We looked at health care and insurance provided by the market. However, health care may also be provided by government-funded social insurance. In ch. 2 we noted that government funding of public goods does not mean that the government should be responsible for the supply of these goods. Private medical institutions have the right to offer medical
  3. Health insurance and medical care Health insurance and medical
  4. Voluntary health insurance is a form of organizing insurance in case of loss of health, providing citizens with the opportunity to fully or partially compensate for the costs of medical care and loss of labor income during illness in addition to the public health care system or compulsory medical care
  5. A medical insurance policy is a document certifying the fact of health insurance. It is issued under compulsory insurance to all residents of the country (work can also be done on a policy-free basis). The policy, as a rule, contains the terms of insurance: last name, first name and patronymic of the insured, object of insurance, volume of insurance coverage, amount of insurance amount, insurance period, insurance tariff, total amount of insurance
  6. Medical insurance company. is generally a non-profit insurance corporation licensed by the government. She organizes the provision of medical care and its payment. Typically, MSC operates within its service territory - its area of ​​activity (in the USA, service territories are limited to state territories). As a rule, MS is issued on the basis of an application - a form that is necessary
  7. 5. Compulsory health insurance abroad Financing of the health care system abroad is based on a combination of various elements with the predominance of one form or another. The majority of medical services are financed through compulsory forms of health insurance or by the state through the budget. Some medical services are paid for by the population directly or through voluntary health insurance. Specific Tools
  8. 3. Rules and programs of VHI The subject of VHI are the costs of medically necessary medical care for the insured person in case of illness or accident. Based on the capabilities of modern medicine and the needs of clients, insurance organizations develop insurance rules, and then specify them by drawing up various voluntary medical programs.
  9. 3. Voluntary medical insurance Medical insurance is carried out in two main forms: compulsory and voluntary, each of which has its own characteristics, principles and procedure for insurance. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation,” the main goal of medical insurance is formulated as follows: “. guarantee that citizens receive medical care in the event of an insured event
  10. Health function. The center provides the child with the necessary medical care upon his admission, in alliance with various medical institutions, it restores and strengthens the adaptive capabilities of his body, and ensures increased resistance to the influence of various negative factors. The center provides disease prevention for its pupils, routine medical care, and conducts hardening
  11. 2. Purpose and types of VHI Goals and objectives of VHI In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation,” the main goal of medical insurance is formulated as follows: “. guarantee that citizens receive medical care from accumulated funds in the event of an insured event and finance preventive measures.” Based on this general goal, several specific tasks can be identified:
  12. Patronage is a form of social and medical services
  14. 2. The second goal of insurance medicine is to improve the quality of medical care 2. The second goal of insurance medicine is to improve the quality of medical care
  15. 3. Basic and territorial compulsory health insurance programs Medical care under compulsory medical insurance is provided in accordance with the basic and territorial compulsory health insurance programs developed at the level of the Federation as a whole and in the constituent entities

Hello, please tell me if it is possible to check on your website whether the medical insurance policy is valid or not. I work at the Central District Hospital

Answer: Yes, you can check the validity of the compulsory medical insurance policy on the website in the “Medical institutions” section, checking the compulsory medical insurance policy

Can a contract soldier receive a compulsory medical insurance policy? We contacted one of the insurance companies in Tyumen by phone with this question. The insurance company replied that they would not issue a compulsory medical insurance policy to the military personnel, because military units do not pay insurance premiums. Is the refusal legal? Please comment on this situation.

Answer: The insurance company is entitled to refuse, according to Article 10 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ, the policy is not issued to military personnel. Article 10. Insured persons

Insured persons are citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, stateless persons (with the exception of highly qualified specialists and members of their families in accordance with Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation) Federation), as well as persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law on Refugees: 1) working under an employment contract or civil law contract, the subject of which is the performance of work, the provision of services, as well as under an author’s order agreement or a license agreement 2) who independently provide themselves with work (individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers engaged in private practice) 3) who are members of peasant (farm) households 4) who are members of family (tribal) communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, living in the regions North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, engaged in traditional economic sectors 5) non-working citizens: a) children from the day of birth until they reach the age of 18 b) non-working pensioners, regardless of the basis for granting a pension c) citizens studying full-time in educational institutions primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education d) unemployed citizens registered in accordance with employment legislation e) one of the parents or guardians caring for a child until he reaches the age of three f) able-bodied citizens caring for disabled children , disabled people of group I, persons who have reached the age of 80 g) other citizens not working under an employment contract and not specified in subparagraphs a - e of this paragraph, with the exception of military personnel and persons equivalent to them in the organization of medical care.

Please tell me what is the validity period of a medical certificate for work 086? And what law can you rely on?

Answer: The Ministry of Health and Social Development in Letter dated April 24, 2009 N 3853-17 explained that before the adoption of a regulatory legal act establishing the procedure for medical examination and the form of conclusion of a medical institution upon admission to the civil service, a medical certificate of form N 086/U is submitted, the validity of which is six months .

Hello! For a child in children's clinic No. 4, a physical therapy doctor prescribed a course of 10 times electrophoresis on the spine due to poor posture, but in the physiotherapy office they agree to conduct a free course only 5 times, and the remaining 5 are under a contract for money, please tell me whether such actions are legal clinic staff. Thank you.

Answer: Residents of the Tyumen region, within the framework of the territorial program of state guarantees, are provided free of charge, at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, with outpatient, inpatient, high-tech medical care, including physical therapy, in state and municipal medical organizations, in accordance with standards, if there are indications as prescribed by a doctor and in order of priority. If you are charged, you can contact your insurance company, the address and telephone number are listed on the back of your policy.

Hello! Can my own mother get a policy for me without a power of attorney? I'm an adult.

Answer: Since you are an adult, you can receive a compulsory medical insurance policy either yourself, or your mother only by proxy.

During the week I have not been able to make an appointment for an ultrasound at antenatal clinic No. 3. I have a doctor’s referral and was at the appointment on the recommendation of another specialist due to deterioration in my health. Today there was an answer to find out about the appointment on Monday. Are you right in the consultation, forcing so many How long does it take to wait for an examination under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

Answer: In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Tyumen Region No. 377-p dated December 28, 2009 “On the territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care in the Tyumen Region in 2010, 2011 and 2012”, it is allowed to have a waiting list for scheduled patients for certain diagnostic tests , established by the administration of the medical organization, taking into account the possibility of diagnostic services. The duration of waiting in line for primary health care cannot exceed 10 calendar days. If your rights are violated when receiving medical services under a compulsory medical insurance policy, you can contact your medical insurance company; the telephone number and address are indicated on the back of the policy.

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Medical policy for a man in uniform

It turns out that not all Russian citizens are entitled to free medical care, which is guaranteed by the compulsory health insurance policy. Military personnel, for example, do not have such a right, since they are assigned to departmental medical institutions. However, due to the unsuccessful reform of military medicine, people in uniform in a number of regions are experiencing problems with medical care.

How is this not covered by the policy? - my former colleague Captain Roman Severin was amazed. - I recently went to the insurance company and calmly received it. Just don’t say that you wear shoulder straps, because they don’t require a certificate from your place of work, but only a passport and a pension insurance card.

It turns out that all those military personnel who today have a green plastic card guaranteeing free medical care throughout Russia either received it before 2004 or deceived representatives of insurance companies. This, by the way, applies to employees of both the police and other law enforcement agencies who, according to paragraph 2 of Article 245 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation as amended on June 24, 2004, do not pay tax on the amount credited to the Social Insurance Fund. Namely, it is from this that compulsory medical insurance funds should receive contributions, from which municipal clinics and hospitals are financed.

After the amendments were issued, military personnel, naturally, did not submit their policies to insurance companies. Many people keep them just in case: for example, to receive medical care on vacation or a business trip, where getting to a departmental hospital is not easy. In addition, it was possible to obtain several policies from different insurance companies, because the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund began creating a unified base of insured people only this year, after the Law on Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation came into force on January 1. From May 1, citizens began to receive a new compulsory health insurance policy. The preparatory work made it possible to create a unified base. In a conversation with a correspondent of the Parliamentary newspaper, the Chairman of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund Andrei Yurin said that its absence led to the fact that the number of insured as of January 1, 2009 exceeded the population by 700 thousand.

Due to the confusion, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund received money from working citizens in the form of taxes to treat dead souls. And for military personnel who illegally have insurance, the state pays twice. The first time - in the form of defense spending, the second time - through municipalities that pay funds to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for unemployed citizens. If for employers the amount of the insurance premium is determined at the legislative level and amounts to 5.1 percent of the wage fund, then for the non-working population there was previously no uniform tariff for compulsory medical insurance. Each region, depending on the fullness of the budget, set its own size - from 300 rubles to 15 thousand per person per year. The Law on Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation provides that after the transition period, a uniform minimum amount of payment for the non-working population will be established for the entire country, below which no region will be able to set its own level. Since the financial situation of the constituent entities of the Federation varies, territorial coefficients have been developed that take into account climatic conditions, morbidity rates, mortality rates and other factors. According to the chairman of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, on average throughout the country such a payment will be about six thousand rubles. There's no time for dead souls here.

After work began on the formation of a unified database, it turned out that there were 2.5 million fewer insured people than the population as a whole, noted Andrei Yurin. - The difference in numbers is understandable, for example, military personnel are not included in the compulsory medical insurance system.

By law, the old-style compulsory health insurance policy remains valid until January 1, 2014. The rest do not need to change their policy urgently. Now it is issued to newborns, people who have changed their last name, first name, patronymic or medical insurance organization. However, it is planned that from January 1, 2012, universal electronic cards will begin to be introduced, which will contain all social guarantees of a citizen, benefits, disability, and medical insurance. Consequently, deceiving the insurance company will become impossible: the database will show that the citizen wears shoulder straps and does not have the right to receive a policy. From January 1, 2011, this is regulated by paragraph g of Article 10 of the Law on Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation.

Back in 2004, the government provided for the possibility of treating servicemen in municipal medical institutions. The rules for the provision of medical care to patients in uniform, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 911, state that in the absence of a military personnel at the place of service, residence or other location, as well as in emergency cases, medical care is provided in state or government institutions. municipal health care system with subsequent reimbursement of expenses incurred. However, not all municipal medical institutions have service agreements with the Ministry of Defense. And often the patient in uniform has to prove to the receptionist that help can and should be provided to him according to the law, and the expenses of the clinic will subsequently be reimbursed. Therefore, it is easier for a soldier to pretend to be unemployed with an insurance policy than to do everything according to the law.

Today, not all types of medical care are paid for from the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. For example, if a citizen does not have a policy, he will still be provided with emergency, high-tech, psychiatric care and assistance during childbirth. However, the new law on compulsory medical insurance provides for the gradual inclusion, until 2013, of all of the listed areas of medicine in the compulsory health insurance system. Consequently, in the near future, the absence of a policy will mean for the military a violation of the rights to free medical care.

When asked what a serviceman should do in this regard, Andrei Yurin replied that in the future every citizen should have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

If we talk about the future, then everyone who is not insured today and uses separate, special conditions for receiving medical care, sooner or later will join the general compulsory medical insurance system, he emphasized. - This help is more accessible, it is clear where and how to get it. Today, reform is underway, the infrastructure of the Armed Forces is being built in a new way, and I am sure that the number of those who are not included in compulsory health insurance will decrease. It is clear that military medicine has special tasks, but primary care can also be provided in civilian medical institutions.

A few years ago, this problem was not of much concern to military personnel. There was a medical care system that fully met the needs of the army. Before the start of bringing the Armed Forces to a new look, the number of medical officers was more than 20 thousand, and there were almost 150 thousand civilian employees in medical institutions. More than six million officers, warrant officers, retirees and members of their families were treated in military treatment institutions. Since the fall of 2008, the situation has changed dramatically. Military medicine also fell into the millstones of reform. According to some reports, more than 60 departmental hospitals and more than 80 clinics were liquidated. Because of this, medical care was inaccessible to many military personnel and retirees. There are now no medical facilities on the territory of 18 regions, and 30 military units are stationed at a considerable distance from them. Such data was presented at a meeting of the Coordination Council for the Social Protection of Military Personnel, Law Enforcement Officers and Members of Their Families by the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. According to her, parliamentarians are ready to initiate the necessary bills aimed at improving military medicine.

In addition, the low level of remuneration for civilian personnel of departmental medical health institutions provoked an outflow of highly qualified specialists, mid-level and junior medical personnel. The level of assistance provided has decreased significantly.

In most cases, we usually explain unsolvable problems by a lack of funds. However, in the case of military medicine, this is not entirely true. Ministry of Finance spokesman Alexey Kaulbars said that the Ministry of Defense has allocated 39 billion rubles for healthcare. Of this money, a little more than 60 percent was sold, and only a third was used for the construction of healthcare facilities. Meanwhile, according to the Accounts Chamber, almost forty percent of the medical units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense are located in buildings that do not meet technical and sanitary standards, and 27 percent of the facilities are in need of major repairs. Because of this, already purchased expensive medical equipment is idle - there is simply nowhere to place it. Military prosecutors have repeatedly drawn the attention of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense to the critical state of military medical institutions and the poor supply of medicines and medicines. The following fact speaks of the disorder in this area: the head of the Main Military Medical Directorate, Major General Alexander Belevitin, was recently removed from his post and arrested.

However, this is of little concern to a man with a gun. But the lack of access to medical care is a completely different matter.

The material mentions:

Ignorance of the laws under which you are entitled to social benefits and cash payments is a crime against yourself and your household.

Based on the Law of the Russian Federation On the status of military personnel, Art. 18 clause 1 persons called up for military service, as well as those called up for military training, are subject to compulsory personal insurance. The Russian budget allocates money for this, and the person does not need to pay anything.

Insurance money is paid to the policyholder or his family members in cases

  • Death of a person while performing military duty
  • Partial loss of health due to injury, concussion or illness during the performance of military duty in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.
  • It is necessary for everyone to clearly know and understand that payments will be made only in cases where you have not violated the laws and procedures for military service.

    Insurance payments to military personnel are not paid based on the law in cases

    There is a court decision according to which death occurred due to a violation by a serviceman of the Law or the Charter of Military Service:

  • The serviceman was in an inadequate state of alcohol, drugs, or medication
  • The insured intentionally caused harm to his own or someone else's health, which resulted in death
  • There is a court decision according to which death occurred as a result of actions recognized as socially dangerous.
  • In the event of the suicide of a serviceman who served for six months or more, or the court has proven that the serviceman was driven to suicide, the legal entity - the insurer is obliged to pay the entire amount of insurance compensation.

    The final amount to which the relatives of the deceased (deceased) policyholder are entitled is determined on the basis of one month’s salary by position and one month’s salary by rank.

    To the relatives of a deceased soldier or conscript officer, insurance is paid based on the minimum salary for one month for the position and the minimum salary for one month for the military rank that contract soldiers receive.

    Insurance payments to military personnel and their relatives are paid based on the presentation of the following documents:

  • Statement from the policyholder (his relatives) in the established form
  • Certificate from the military medical commission about the fact of loss of health or death certificate of the policyholder
  • A copy of the order of the head of the military unit (head of the organization). By this order, the policyholder is excluded from the lists of the military unit (institution, organization)
  • Relatives of the policyholder must be provided with copies of documents confirming the degree of relationship.
  • Who is entitled to receive insurance in the event of the death of a military personnel

    1. husband (wife) who were officially married
    2. policyholder's mom and dad
    3. grandparents, if they are legal guardians or have nursed for 3 years
    4. stepfather and stepmother - when they raised the policyholder, for 5 years
    5. children and wards of the deceased policyholder.

    The information is given for general development, and specifically on the issue of insurance payments to military personnel, you should consult with professionals if you are concerned about legal payments.

    According to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, more than half of Russians (85 million out of 146.5 million) are considered unemployed. These are a variety of groups - children, pensioners, disabled people, those whom the government called parasites. They have the same right to medical care as workers. Since our health insurance is compulsory, contributions are paid into the system for each citizen. Workers pay contributions from their salaries (or rather, they are deducted by the employer). And for those who do not work, their region pays contributions. It was planned that in 2017, contributions for the non-working population would amount to 619 billion rubles (and for the working population - 1 trillion rubles).

    Finding these 619 billion rubles is difficult. In 2016, 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation experienced “constant difficulties in paying contributions for the non-working population.” This is stated in a letter from Deputy Head of the Ministry of Health Dmitry Kostennikov dated November 21, 2016, which was sent to the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and other departments. Exactly which regions are not specified; the federal compulsory medical insurance has also not yet responded to our request.

    Of course, the main burden that officials want to rid the system of is parasites. A bill is currently being developed, according to which citizens who do not work without a good reason will have to pay a tax for the use of medical infrastructure.

    Children and wives of migrant workers will be left without compulsory medical insurance

    But the Ministry of Health continues to think through other ways to reset the “ballast”. One of the proposals is to deprive migrants from the EAEU countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) and their families of the right to compulsory medical insurance (this proposal is discussed in Kostennikov’s letter). To do this, it is necessary to make changes to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.

    This agreement states that labor migrants from these countries and their families have the same rights to medical care as Russian citizens (and vice versa, Russians who come to work, for example, in Belarus, will have the same rights as Belarusians).

    The Ministry of Health proposes to change the wording so that it reads like this: “Citizens of the EAEU member states working in the state of employment on the basis of employment contracts are subject to compulsory health insurance.” At the same time, all other categories of migrants, as well as family members of migrant workers, are excluded from the compulsory medical insurance system.”

    One of the arguments of the Ministry of Health: to Russia from Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. they travel much more often than vice versa, so Russia has more expenses, which is unfair. In addition, not all EAEU countries have a compulsory medical insurance system, which means parity is violated.

    The Ministry of Labor has already considered the proposal of the Ministry of Health (Deputy Head of the Ministry of Labor Alexey Cherkasov sent a response to the Ministry of Health on December 27). The position of the Ministry of Labor is that labor migrants from the EAEU countries who work not under a labor contract, but under a civil law contract, should also be left in compulsory medical insurance. After all, contributions to the Russian compulsory medical insurance system are paid from the salaries of these migrants.

    The difference between contracts is, for example, that under civil law an employee does not receive a salary strictly twice a month, and when he completes a certain amount of work, he may not be paid for sick leave and vacation.

    At the same time, the Ministry of Labor did not object to the exclusion of families of migrants from the EAEU countries from compulsory health insurance.

    Military personnel who fail to submit their compulsory medical insurance policy on time will receive a fine of 5 thousand rubles

    The second proposal of the Ministry of Health is the bill “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of personalized accounting in the field of compulsory medical insurance.” The measures that are prescribed there should reduce the unreasonable costs of the compulsory medical insurance system.

    The bill more clearly defines who is not insured under compulsory medical insurance. These are military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of the National Guard and other categories. They have their own departmental medicine; they receive medical care at the expense of the budget, and not at the expense of compulsory medical insurance. The Accounts Chamber, having analyzed the bill, proposed to include in this list also prosecutors and employees of the Investigative Committee (they receive medical care according to the same principles).

    And if these people, upon receiving their status or position, do not submit their compulsory medical insurance policies on time, then they receive a fine of 5 thousand rubles. And if insurance companies, tax authorities and regional compulsory medical insurance funds provide false information to the unified register of insured people (that is, for example, they indicate among the insured military personnel), they must pay a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles (if repeated - up to 200 thousand rubles) .

    Previously, insurers admitted that the state could pay twice for the treatment of such groups of citizens.

    A citizen who has the right to departmental medical care (for example, a military man) and has a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in his hands applies for a compulsory medical insurance policy to an insurance company without informing about his departmental affiliation, said Alfastrakhovanie-CHI development director Alexander Troshin. - As a result, funds for the provision of medical care to such a citizen begin to be budgeted both through the department and through compulsory medical insurance.

    True, as Larisa Popovich, director of the Institute of Health Economics at the Higher School of Economics, clarified, it happens that departmental clinics agree with clinics working in compulsory medical insurance on cooperation - and then military personnel go there quite legally.

    Another innovation spelled out in the bill: regional compulsory medical insurance funds are responsible for checking whether insurance companies correctly provide information about the insured. But the Accounts Chamber objects: “The proposed innovation is obviously unfeasible, since the territorial compulsory health insurance funds are not endowed with a sufficient amount of administrative power.”

    From rich people to smokers. Who else can be thrown overboard?

    Doctor of Economic Sciences, one of the creators of the compulsory medical insurance system, Vladimir Grishin, said that “in a number of countries, people who receive incomes above a certain level are excluded from compulsory medical insurance.”

    For example, if a person receives more than 10 million rubles a year, he said.

    True, in Russia this measure would not make sense: rich people don’t go to district clinics anyway.


    Medical care within the framework of compulsory medical insurance is provided by medical organizations free of charge and is classified according to the types, conditions and form of such assistance.

    Types of medical care include:

    Primary health care;

    Specialized, including high-tech, medical care;

    Ambulance, including specialized emergency medical care;

    Palliative care.

    The forms of medical care are:

    Emergency- medical care provided for sudden acute diseases, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases that pose a threat to the patient’s life;

    Urgent- medical care provided for sudden acute diseases, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases without obvious signs of a threat to the patient’s life;

    Planned- medical care that is provided during preventive measures, for diseases and conditions that are not accompanied by a threat to the patient’s life, that do not require emergency and emergency medical care, and delaying the provision of which for a certain time will not entail a deterioration in the patient’s condition, a threat to his life and health .

    The volume of medical care provided to insured persons within the framework of compulsory medical insurance is established by the basic program and territorial compulsory medical insurance programs. Compulsory medical insurance programs are approved on an annual basis by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation:

    Basic compulsory medical insurance program - by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    Territorial compulsory medical insurance program – by the Government of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    The basic compulsory medical insurance program can be found on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation, the territorial compulsory medical insurance program can be found on the website of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or on our website, section.

    Who has the right to take out a compulsory medical insurance policy?


    Citizens of the Russian Federation;

    According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2016 No. 830n (On amendments to the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance), which entered into force on January 1, 2017, the following are also entitled to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy:

    Workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation;

    Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation and belonging to the category of members of the Commission's board, officials and employees of EAEU bodies.

    How to attach to the clinic?


    The procedure for a citizen to choose a medical organization when providing him with medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2012 No. 406n.

    According to Article 16 of Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010, you have the right to change medical organization once a year (or more often if you change your place of residence).

    In order to attach you need:

    1. Select a clinic from among medical organizations participating in the compulsory medical insurance system.

    2. Contact the clinic personally or through a representative and write an application for attachment.

    3. When submitting an application for attachment, the clinic that accepted the application checks the information specified in the application. After the verification is completed, the clinic that accepted the application notifies the citizen of the attachment.

    4. After joining, you will be able to make an appointment with a doctor electronically.

    5. If you change a clinic, you do not need to disconnect from the previous one; the clinic you have chosen will itself request your medical documentation.

    I got married and changed my last name, do I need to change my compulsory medical insurance policy?


    Insured persons are required to notify the medical insurance organization of changes in last name, first name, patronymic, identification document details, place of residence within one month from the day these changes occurred (Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010 “On Mandatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation").

    In the event of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic, change in the date of birth, place of birth, or inaccuracy or error in the information contained in the policy, the policy is reissued at the request of the insured person upon presentation of documents confirming the changes. Contact one of our Company's policy issuing points to reissue your policy. You must have with you: a passport and SNILS (with new data), a previously issued compulsory medical insurance policy.

    Tell me, do medical organizations have the right, during inpatient treatment, to require the patient to purchase medications and dressings?


    If medications are necessary for the treatment of a disease and were prescribed during treatment in a hospital setting, but the citizen purchased them on his own, he may qualify for compensation if he has supporting documents. A citizen must have receipts on hand confirming that the drug was purchased at a pharmacy, as well as an extract from the hospital patient’s card with a doctor’s prescription. To receive compensation, a citizen can go to the hospital where the medications were purchased for treatment. If the medical organization refuses to return the funds pre-trial, then it will go to the medical insurance company that issued the compulsory medical insurance policy, which will help in court to return the funds.

    How to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a military personnel?

    Military personnel and persons equivalent to them in the organization of medical care, according to Art. 10 of Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” do not fall into the category of insured persons under compulsory medical insurance. Compulsory medical insurance policies are not issued to military personnel. Citizens discharged from military service are subject to compulsory health insurance on a general basis.

    How many days a year in total is it possible to receive hospital treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy for the same disease?


    There are no specific time limits established by law. In a case where a citizen needs medical care, a medical organization does not have the right to refuse to issue a referral for inpatient treatment for the same diagnosis.

    Grandma lost her policy, how can it be restored?


    If you lose your compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the office of our insurance company where your grandmother received the compulsory medical insurance policy to apply for a duplicate.

    The compulsory medical insurance policy is produced within 30 working days. For this period, a temporary certificate will be issued confirming the registration of the policy and certifying the citizen’s right to receive free medical care under the compulsory medical insurance program.

    You must have with you: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, SNILS. You can familiarize yourself with the operating hours of the branches at.

    They refuse to register me for pregnancy in the city of Dzhankoy because of my Bakhchisarai registration. The receptionist said that non-residents need to take an exemption from the clinic at their place of registration.


    According to clauses 7-11 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 No. 406 “On approval of the Procedure for a citizen to choose a medical organization when providing him with medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens,” a citizen is not required to present an absentee ballot. The data confirmation procedure is carried out between medical organizations.

    To register (attach) in the antenatal clinic of a medical institution for pregnancy at your place of actual residence, you need to write an application addressed to the chief physician of the specified institution. In case of refusal, you have the right to contact the head of the Ministry of Defense with a statement/complaint. If you refuse to help resolve the issue, contact the department for protecting the rights of the insured of the insurance company that issued your compulsory medical insurance policy.

    Do I need to join antenatal clinics and dental clinics?


    To receive medical care in medical organizations providing dental and gynecological care, an attachment is not required. Attachment is carried out only to medical organizations providing primary health care, which is provided by general practitioners, pediatricians, general practitioners (family doctors), as well as paramedics and obstetricians.

    What is the cost of health insurance for a citizen of Ukraine without a temporary residence permit?


    According to Federal Law No. 326 “On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation” dated November 29, 2010, the following are subject to compulsory health insurance:

    Citizens of the Russian Federation;

    Foreign citizens permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation (having a residence permit);

    Foreign citizens temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation (having a temporary residence permit);

    Persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”.

    Compulsory health insurance policies are issued to citizens free of charge.

    If you are interested in a paid voluntary health insurance program (VHI policy), we suggest that you clarify the conditions on the ARSENAL Insurance Company website.

    Emergency medical care is provided to a citizen by medical organizations free of charge, regardless of whether he or she has a compulsory medical insurance policy.

    Is it possible to use a compulsory medical insurance policy when undergoing a primary medical examination for employment in an institution/enterprise/organization?


    Medical examinations when applying for a job are not paid for from compulsory medical insurance (except for initial admission to the civil service). Payment is made at the expense of the employer. Conducting mandatory medical examinations of employees is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) of employees.

    How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn?


    Compulsory medical insurance of children from the date of birth until the expiration of thirty days from the date of state registration of birth is carried out by a medical insurance organization in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured. After thirty days from the date of state registration of the child’s birth and until he reaches the age of majority or until he acquires full legal capacity, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance medical organization chosen by one of his parents or other legal representative.

    To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, contact a branch of our Company. You must have with you the passport of one of the parents (or another legal representative), birth certificate and SNILS of the child (if available). On the day of your application, you will be issued a temporary certificate (TC), confirming the registration of the compulsory medical insurance policy. The sun gives you the right to receive free medical care upon the occurrence of an insured event. Upon expiration of the aircraft (30 working days), you will receive a uniform policy.

    What should I do if I cannot get to a specialist doctor (Sevastopol) within 10 working days, since the appointment with him is only in 2-3 weeks?


    With a compulsory medical insurance policy, by contacting a hospital (polyclinic) operating in the compulsory medical insurance system, you have the right to receive the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic measures free of charge, if the doctor determines that you have certain medical indications for their use. If the medical institution itself cannot provide assistance, then it enters into contracts with other organizations, where this can be done not at the expense of the patients, but at the expense of the funds provided for in the tariff for payment of medical care.

    According to the Territorial Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care in the City of Sevastopol for 2016, the time frame for consultations with medical specialists should not exceed 14 calendar days from the date the patient contacts a medical organization.

    Can citizens of the Russian Federation without a fixed place of residence apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?


    Persons without a fixed place of residence who have an identity document without a mark on the place of residence have the right to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy (at the address of actual residence declared by the citizen). In the absence of an identity document, registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy is impossible. Emergency medical care is provided to a citizen by medical organizations free of charge, regardless of whether he or she has a compulsory medical insurance policy.

    How can I determine which insurance company I am insured with?


    To determine your medical insurance organization, just look at the back of the paper compulsory medical insurance policy. There are 10 empty fields on the back of the compulsory medical insurance policy. These fields, in accordance with the rules of compulsory medical insurance, are intended for entering data when changing a medical insurance organization, namely: date of registration as an insured person, name, address and telephone number of the health insurance company, surname and signature of the authorized person, seal of the Company.

    Tell me, is (septoplasty) included in the list of free operations under the compulsory medical insurance policy? And if so, how to achieve this?


    An operation to correct a deviated nasal septum (septoplasty) is performed for medical reasons when it leads to impaired nasal breathing and various consequences (sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, hearing loss, and so on). Before this, the patient undergoes an examination by an ENT doctor and therapist and is given a conclusion that septoplasty surgery is indicated. This operation is performed without payment, on the basis of a compulsory medical insurance policy.

    If, if there are indications, the attending physician does not give a referral for surgery, we suggest that you contact the head of the medical organization for clarification. If you refuse to consider the issue, contact the department for protecting the rights of the insured of the medical insurance organization that issued your compulsory medical insurance policy.

    I moved for permanent residence to the Republic of Crimea from the Tula region. While living on the mainland I took out a compulsory medical insurance policy, do I now need to take out a new policy?


    According to Art. 16 Federal Law No. 326 of October 29, 2011. Insured persons are required to select a medical insurance organization at a new place of residence within one month in the event of a change of residence and the absence of a medical insurance organization in which the citizen was previously insured.

    When you contact the insurance company you have chosen, specialists will put the appropriate mark and register the compulsory medical insurance policy in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

    You must have with you: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy.

    You can contact any of the branches of Arsenal MS LLC; the addresses and operating hours of the branches are indicated on.

    I have to take a triple test for the first screening. The doctor refers you to the paid laboratory "Primer", where this analysis costs 1,400 rubles. Is there a standard application for reimbursement to an insurance company?


    With a compulsory medical insurance policy, by contacting a hospital (polyclinic) operating in the compulsory medical insurance system, you have the right to receive the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic measures free of charge, if the doctor determines that you have certain medical indications for their use.

    When writing a referral, for example, for an examination, the doctor is obliged to inform which medical organization can undergo it free of charge in the compulsory health insurance system.

    If the medical institution itself cannot provide assistance, then it enters into agreements with other organizations, where this can be done not at the expense of patients, but at the expense of funds provided for in the tariff for payment for medical care, that is, if there is a compulsory medical insurance policy and referral (form No. 057/u) diagnostic testing should be carried out free of charge.

    If you pay for the study from personal funds, you must save all receipts for services received and contact the insurance company with a request to consider the possibility of reimbursement of the money spent.

    The sick leave was closed and handed over in February. Still no payment. How and where can I find out at what stage the sick leave payment is due?
