Indicate which of the following applies to. Indicate which of the following applies to the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation? Mastering the method of experimental knowledge

a) Supreme Court ruling Russian Federation concerning issues of criminal proceedings;

b) Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation;

c) generally recognized principles and norms of international law;

d) Instructions and orders of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation concerning criminal proceedings.

Question number 2.

In criminal proceedings, the criminal procedural law is applied:

a) acting at the time of the commission of the crime, unless otherwise provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation;

b) valid at the time of initiation of the criminal case;

c) acting during the production of the relevant procedural action or the adoption of a procedural decision, unless otherwise established by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation;

d) valid at the time of acceptance of the statement about the committed or impending crime.

Question #3.

“A suspect or accused is not required to prove his innocence. The burden of proving the prosecution and refuting the arguments advanced in defense of the suspect or the accused lies with the prosecution.”

a) competitiveness of the parties;

c) presumption of innocence;

d) administration of justice only by the court.

Question #4.

According to the principle of legality:

a) no evidence has a predetermined force;

b) the decision of the prosecutor must be legal, justified and motivated;

c) justice in a criminal case in the Russian Federation is carried out only by a court;

d) the conviction cannot be based on assumptions;

e) violation by the investigator of the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure entails the recognition of the evidence obtained in this way as inadmissible.

Question #5.

Investigative actions against foreign citizens, who do not have diplomatic immunity, on the territory of the Russian Federation are produced:

a) with their consent;

b) by general rules;

c) with the consent of the diplomatic representation of the respective country;

d) are not produced at all on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Question #6.

Indicate which stages of criminal proceedings are related to pre-trial proceedings:

a) resumption of criminal proceedings due to new or newly discovered circumstances;

b) appeal proceedings;

c) initiation of a criminal case;

d) preliminary investigation.

Question #7.

In accordance with the principle of administration of justice only by the court:

a) no one can be found guilty of a crime and subjected to criminal punishment except by a court verdict;

b) no one can be detained on suspicion of committing a crime or taken into custody in the absence of legal grounds provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure;

c) the defendant cannot be deprived of the right to have his criminal case heard in the court and by the judge to whose jurisdiction it is referred by the Code of Criminal Procedure;

d) the court creates the necessary conditions for the parties to fulfill their procedural obligations and exercise the rights granted to them.

Question #8.

a) administration of justice only by the court;

b) freedom of evaluation of evidence;

c) presumption of innocence;

d) competitiveness of the parties.

Question #9.

The effect of the Russian criminal procedure law in space is determined by:

a) the place where the crime was committed;

b) the territory of the Russian Federation;

c) the location of the bodies conducting the proceedings on the case;

d) the place where the criminal case was initiated;

e) the place where the accused is located.

Question #10.

Legal proceedings in the Russian Federation are conducted:

a) only in Russian;

b) in the language of the majority of the population of the area;

c) in Russian, as well as in the official languages ​​of the constituent republics of the Russian Federation;

d) this issue is resolved separately for each criminal case;

e) in the language that the defendant and the majority of the witnesses know.

Topic number 1.2. Criminal Procedure Law The content of the educational material The concept and system of sources of criminal procedure law. The place of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the system of sources of criminal procedure law. generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties Russian Federation - an integral part of the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation. Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and their role in the formation of criminal procedure law. general characteristics Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, its content and structure. Laws governing criminal procedure. Explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and their significance in the implementation of criminal proceedings. Action of the criminal procedural law in space and time. The operation of the criminal procedure law in relation to foreign citizens and stateless persons. History of the development of the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation
Types of students' independent work Study of international treaties containing universally recognized principles and norms of international law: - Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948; - European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1987; - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 Introduction to federal law Russian Federation "On International Treaties of the Russian Federation".
Which of the following applies to the personal non-property rights of spouses? Justify your choice. 1) preservation of the premarital surname 2) joint

solving family issues

3) divorce

4) disposal of things for individual use

Option 1. Which of the following applies to a regulation? A) government decree b) presidential decree C) Constitution d)

ministry order

What are the rules governing social relations in the sphere called? government controlled?

A) constitutional law b) criminal law C) civil law d) administrative law

Illegal behavior (act) of a citizen or enterprise is ... A) action b) inaction C) act d) offense

What is not the purpose of punishing a criminal?

A) revenge on the part of the state b) restoration of social justice C) correction of the convict d) prevention of new crimes

Which of the following describes a crime?

A. antisocial behavior of a person B. causing harm to someone, breaking the norm of the law A) only A b) only B C) correct and A and B d) no correct answer

Which of the following refers to the views of I. Kant?

A. was convinced that law appeared before the state B. was one of the first to use the term “rule of law” A) only A b) only B C) correct and A and B d) no correct answer What is a sign of a rule of law? A) the unitary structure of the state B) the federal structure of the state C) the principle of separation of powers D) public authority When was the first Constitution adopted in our country? A) December 1825 b) October 17, 1905 C) December 5, 1936 d) October 7, 1977 How is the exercise of power by the people in our country? A) elections and a referendum b) going to court C) the creation of political parties d) serving in the army What is the legislative power in Russia? A) Federation Council b) Ministry of Internal Affairs C) Security Council d) Supreme Court RF Second part Define the concepts: Constitution, crime, civil society, referendum. Third part What is superfluous and why? Decree, Constitution, resolution, order. Federal Assembly, Supreme Court, Federation Council, The State Duma. Federation Council, Government of the Russian Federation, Head of the municipality, Supreme Court.

1) Indicate which of the economists introduced the concept of the "invisible hand" of the market. 1. A. Smith 2. W. Petty 3. T. Hobbes 4. F. Bacon

2) Generational change is

1. Objective factor of social progress

2. a process that ensures continuity in the development of the human race

3. the process of joint activities of adults and youth to change the conditional life

4. all of the above

3) In accordance with the "Convention on the Rights of the Child", a child is a person under the age of:

4) Indicate which of the following refers to the variety of spiritual culture.

1. Political culture

2. Technical culture

3. Economic culture

4. Culture of material production

5) Which of the Russian writers said: "Three wonderful sisters - sculptors, painting and music - adorn and delight the world, without them it would be a desert"?

1. F.M. Dostoevsky

2. A.S. Pushkin

3. N.V. Gogol

4. A.P. Chekhov

7) What are the main areas of society.





9) The types of spiritual culture do NOT include culture:

1. moral

2. scientific

3. legal

4. technical

A) Permits the activities of the opposition

B) Establishes control over the main areas of life

1. Only A is true

2. Only B is true

3. Both options are correct

4. Both options are wrong

Which of the following applies to the personal rights of a person and a citizen

1) the right to education
2) the right to freedom of residence
3) the right to participate in the management of the state
4) the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons.

citizen t. acquires a car. The norms of which branch of law will govern his relationship with the car dealer.
1)tax law
2)administrative law
3)civil law
4) labor law

are true the following judgments about employee rights?
A. The basic rights of an employee include compliance with the internal labor regulations of the organization.
B. one of the rights of an employee is to receive complete reliable information about working conditions.

1 option 1.

Which of the following is true about personal relationships?
conversation between the class teacher and the student's parents b)
quarrel of friends c) joint visit
sports section classmates d)
walking with friends 2.
What social roles are manifested only in a small group:
worker b)
citizen c)
leader d) soul
companies 3.
In which group the rules are clear and constant (do not depend on the circumstance):
a) formal b)
informal 4.
The small group is:
people on the bus b)
group of friends c)
family d) ensemble
folk instruments 5. What relationship are
a conversation between the class teacher and the student's parents b) a quarrel between friends c)
joint visit of classmates 6.
A feature of interpersonal relationships is:
trust b)
emotionality c) restraint
display of emotions 7.
The group to which the person belongs:
a) i b)
we are in)
strangers d)
their 8.
Strangers to be wary of:
a) someone else's b) one's own c)
they "yes"
or not". 1.
The family is a good example of a small group 2. Best of all, others and peers accept
people with high self-esteem 3. Formal
societies are, for example, companies in the place of residence. 4. Maximalism is an extreme extreme
in views, requirements 5. Youth in the Russian
society is one of the largest groups. Topic quiz
"Teenager in a social environment" option 2 1.
The formal group includes
: A)
party neighbors b)
group of friends c) random
company d) theater group 2.
The informal group includes:
sports section b)
group of friends c)
Class 3.
Interpersonal relationships are called:
within a small group b) between strangers
people c)
within a large group d)
only with relatives 4.
What are business relationships?
picnic trip with classmates b)
job negotiations c)
family quarrel 5.
Outsiders to whom "I" is indifferent:
their b)
strangers c)
other 6.
The group that "I" don't want to belong to is:
strangers c)
They 7.U
the ancient Greeks "strangers" were:
a) the ancient Romans b)
barbarians c)
all nations except Greeks 8.
When a teenager wants to present himself in the best light, highlight his
dignity, he resorts to:
boast b) threat c)
judgment d)
insult "yes
" or not". 1.
Infantilism - behavior, character traits of an adult, characteristic of more
early age. 2.
Mutual understanding is the foundation of a small group. 3. Man is not
lives according to the laws of the group. 4.
Changing one's behavior or opinion under the influence of pressure from another
person or group of people is conformism. 5.
The social environment provides conditions for the development of the individual, the satisfaction of
cultural needs.

For awarding honorary signs.

Is it allowed to recall an employee of the internal affairs bodies from vacation?

3) It is allowed, with the consent of the employee on the basis of the order of the head, and in the cases provided for without the consent of the employee.

In what case is the contract subject to termination, and the employee of the internal affairs bodies is subject to dismissal from service in the internal affairs bodies?

In connection with illness - on the basis of the conclusion of the military medical commission on unfitness for service in the internal affairs bodies.

How is an employee notified if a fixed-term contract terminates at the end of its term?

In writing, no later than seven working days before the date of expiration of the contract.

13. When registering an office space, it is allowed:

Place certificates, thanks, diplomas, observing modesty and a sense of proportion.

What behavior of an employee can be regarded as dangerous for corruption?

If he uses his official position for selfish gain.

Is there an official interpretation of departmental regulatory legal acts?

Legal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the direction of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia;

What is the basis for attracting an internal affairs officer to the service in excess of the established time?

written order of the chief;

Registration of powers of a representative in court is not allowed?


How long limitation period applies to a request for the reinstatement of an employee in the service?

1 month;

19. The following qualification ranks may be established for employees of internal affairs bodies:

third-class specialist, second-class specialist, first-class specialist, master;

20. An employee who, in accordance with the established procedure, is entrusted with the temporary performance of duties in another position, allowance paid:

based on the official salary for a temporarily occupied position, but not less than the official salary for the main position;

Are the international treaties of the Russian Federation an integral part of its legal system?

yes, only those that came into force for the Russian Federation.

2. No confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation may be expressed by:
The State Duma;
3. Name the cases in which an employee is subject to mandatory suspension from duty.

Election of a measure of restraint in respect of an employee in the form of house arrest or detention - until the chosen measure of restraint is cancelled.

For what period is it allowed to enlist an employee in connection with the release of an employee from a occupied position in the internal affairs bodies in connection with the abolition (liquidation) of a territorial body or subdivision, or we reduce the position occupied by an employee in the internal affairs bodies?

No more than 2 months.

Monthly, within one year after the dismissal, a salary is paid for a special rank to citizens dismissed from service in the internal affairs bodies without the right to a pension, who served in the internal affairs bodies and have a total duration of service in the internal affairs bodies of less than 20 years (underline).

In connection with the reduction of the position in the internal affairs bodies, replaced by an employee.

The amount of the lifting allowance paid to an employee when moving to a new duty station is.

One salary per employee.

Specify the basis for granting the next annual leave to the employee.






blind faith in authority







Name a Greek natural philosopher whose teaching is characterized by the following words of Aristotle: "The warring unites, from the divergent - beautiful harmony, and everything happens through the struggle."

According to the teaching of the Eleatic school, true being is proclaimed:
one, eternal and immovable

Specify the Greek philosopher who owns the statements: "To think is the same as to be"; "The same thing - the thought and that about which the thought arises"?

Indicate what thesis Zeno of Elea tried to prove with his "aporias"?

According to the ancient atomistic concept, there is:
both being and non-being

Name the Greek philosopher who put forward and tried to prove the following points: - nothing exists; - if something exists, then it is incomprehensible; - if it is comprehensible, then it cannot be explained and expressed in words?

Name the philosopher who, according to Plato, owns the statement: "Man is the measure of all things that exist, that they exist, and that do not exist, that they do not exist"?

What does the concept of "Logos" mean in the teachings of Heraclitus?

Specify the ancient philosopher who absolutized the role of number and recognized numbers as the essence of things?

Name an ancient philosopher (a famous sophist) who argued that both being and non-being do not exist?

In ancient philosophy, the ideas of universal movement and development were put forward. Name the thinker who is credited with the following statements expressing these ideas: "You cannot step into the same river twice", "Everything flows".

Which of the following sections of philosophical knowledge was not actually developed by Socrates:

Philosophy of nature

Choose from the list the correct answer to the question: "Is being in its original basis, according to Empedocles and Anaxagoras, monistic or pluralistic?"
Both thinkers believed being pluralistic

Establish a correspondence between the early Greek natural philosophers and what they accepted as the beginning of all things.
Thales water
Heraclitus- fire
Pythagoras- number
Anaximander- apeiron
Anaximenes- air

Match the Greek terms with their meaning.
Demiurge- creator, creator
Logos- word, science
Anthropos- Human
Chronos- time, order
Policy- city

Choose from the following statements that characterize the philosophy of the Eleatic school.
The principle of the identity of being and thinking

Impossibility of movement

Law of non-contradiction

Which of the following did Plato mean by non-existence?

Indicate which of the following is not one of the main characteristics of the "world of ideas" in Plato's philosophy:


Who put forward the following objection against Plato's "theory of ideas": "It should apparently be considered impossible that essence and that, the essence of which it is, exist separately from each other; how can ideas, if they are the essence of things, exist separately from them" ?

Which of the following definitions do not correspond to Aristotle's views on matter?
matter is a self-active substratum that underlies existence

Matter is complex substance, consisting of simple (indivisible) elements

What idea did Plato place at the top of the hierarchical structure of his "world of ideas"?

What, according to Aristotle, is not an essential feature of the "prime mover"?


In addition to the essential properties identified by Democritus, according to which atoms differ from each other, Epicurus introduces a new property immanently inherent in them. Specify it.

What philosophical school considered the emergence of the world as a process of emanation of the divine principle?

The Stoics, according to Diogenes Laertes, distinguish two principles of existence. List them in the list below.


In his doctrine of causality, Aristotle distinguishes several types of causes of things - this is a material cause, a formal cause, an effective (producing) cause, and .... Complete the list.

The Stoics compared philosophy to an orchard full of various fruits, in which, respectively, the fruits of the trees and the fence are ... Set the correct correspondence.
fruit- ethics
trees- physics
fence- logics

This philosopher wrote: "We speak of the Gods as existing and even worship the Gods, but at the same time we do not express any faith and avoid the recklessness of dogmatists." What school did he belong to?

Indicate which of the following was considered by Aristotle to be the fundamental category.

Plotinus' "one" is...
true being

"Emanation" in Neoplatonism is...
continuous radiation by the One of itself of all being

Specify what Aristotle called the term "entelechy".
state of complete completion (fulfillment)

Which of the following is not a fundamental principle of medieval European philosophy:


Which of the following is proclaimed "truly existing" in medieval scholastic philosophy?

In the teachings of which of the medieval thinkers listed below, God is considered as "the form of all forms"?
Thomas Aquinas

God, according to Augustine, creates the world:

According to medieval realism, only:
single and common

According to medieval nominalism, only:
many and singular

What is the name of the philosophical direction, whose representatives believed that the general exists only as a name that is assigned to a thing by a cognizing subject, as a term by which things are designated?

Indicate the main problem in the dispute between nominalists and realists of the Middle Ages.
the problem of universals

Which of the following terms does not express features characteristic of medieval philosophy?


Indicate the name of the philosophical direction that is opposite to medieval "realism".

At the beginning of the 16th century A fierce struggle against Catholicism unfolded in Europe. It was called the Reformation. Who was the initiator of the Reformation movement in Germany and one of the main ideologists of this movement?

Indicate which of the philosophers listed below does not belong to the representatives of medieval patristics.
Anselm of Canterbury

Thomas Aquinas

Rene Descartes

Aurelius Augustine's concept of time can be characterized as...

Which of the Renaissance thinkers owns the words: "God is the circumference and the center, since he is everywhere and nowhere"?

Name the philosopher of the Renaissance, according to whose doctrine nature is regarded as "divine being in things."

The teachings of Thomas Aquinas and the whole religious and philosophical direction created by him are called ...

The main dogma of the Christian creed regarding God says:
God, being one in nature, exists in three forms

Which of the following are the principal characteristics of medieval philosophy?
difference between faith and reason


Who or what, according to Leibniz, pre-establishes the harmony reigning in the world?

According to the substantial concept of space and time, they are declared:
separate (independent) entities that exist independently both from each other and from the material things themselves

Indicate, in the work of which of the listed thinkers (scientists) of the New Age, the substantial concept of space and time received its full development and substantiation.
I. Newton

According to the relational concept of space and time, they are declared:
forms (orders) of being of the material things themselves and the world as a whole

Who in modern European philosophy was the first to develop a holistic relational concept of space and time?

Specify the specific attributes that Spinoza endows with substance?

Which of the philosophers of modern times was the first to express the position of freedom as a conscious necessity?

Indicate who was the first philosopher of the New Age to put forward the subjectivist concept of causality, understanding the cause as a simple connection of sensations.

Indicate which of the philosophers listed below belongs to such a fundamental principle: "To exist means to be in perception."
J. Berkeley

Specify the name of the cognitive paradigm of the 17th-18th centuries, which explains the world from the point of view of the laws of mechanics, as the universal laws of being.

Indicate which of the philosophers owns the statement: "I think - therefore I exist."

What views on causality did the unknown English poet of the 18th century express? "Everything in the world is connected around, We will not multiply examples, You will not suddenly touch a flower, So as not to disturb the stars."

Indicate which of the philosophers of the New Age listed below was the first to explain the world as a whole not by external, but by internal causes?

Indicate in which of the following relations are, according to R. Descartes, "matter" - "substantia extensa" and "spiritual substance" - "substantia cogitas".
exist independently of each other

Spinoza used the term "mode" to mean... (Choose from the list below)
a single finite thing

The Kantian concept of "thing-in-itself" means:
transcendent reality that affects (excites) the feelings of a person, but remains unknowable by him

Indicate which of the following is not the initial principles of Hegel's absolute idealism.
determinism concept


What stages does the world spirit go through, according to Hegel, at the first (logical) stage of its self-development (self-determination)?



What is, according to Hegel, the otherness of the world spirit (absolute idea).

Indicate the missing part of the Hegelian triad: "Thesis - antithesis - ..."

Which of the following is not, according to Hegel, the self-determination of the world spirit (absolute idea) in the sphere of objective spirit.

According to Hegel, the world spirit (absolute idea) goes through three stages in the sphere of absolute spirit: "art - ... - philosophy". Specify a step missing from the list.

Specify the correct answer. Dialectics, according to Hegel, is an internal form of development...

Does any quantitative change lead to qualitative changes?
one that goes over the limit

Indicate which of the listed German philosophers asserted the identity of thought and being.
G.-V.-F. Hegel

What are space and time according to Kant?

I. Kant relates to the transcendent world (being) and introduces into his practical philosophy as postulates of practical reason three ideas - this is the idea of ​​God, the idea of ​​free will and the idea .... Give a third idea.

Can the same form express different contents?

Which of the following qualities are, according to I. Kant, the essential characteristics of a priori synthetic judgments?


Independence from experience

Which of the following corresponds to the general name of the philosophy of I. Kant?
transcendental philosophy

The German philosopher I. Kant expounded his teaching in 3 Critics. These are the Critique of Pure Reason, the Critique of Judgment, and... . Indicate the name of the third "criticism".

Indicate which of the following Hegel considered to be the basis of reality.
absolute idea

According to I. Kant, space and time... (Choose the correct answer)
are a priori forms of sensibility

One of the main theses of Hegel's philosophy, which he substantiates in the work "Science of Logic", is the assertion that ... (Choose the correct answer)
everything that is reasonable is real

Choose from the list of philosophers below the row where the influence of the work of predecessors on their followers is traced.
Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche

Indicate the term denoting F. Nietzsche's attitude to life.
game (dance)

To what direction does the philosopher belong who asserts that the world is "will and representation"?

In the teachings of A. Schopenhauer, the world around us is a set of ideas that are most associated with the concept ... (Choose the correct answer)

In Marxist philosophy, movement is interpreted as a philosophical category denoting:
matter attribute


With his statement: "The eternal hourglass of being turns over again and again ..." F. Nietzsche wanted to emphasize that:
being is in constant becoming, in which everything is repeated anew, and therefore the life that you now live and have lived, you will have to live countless times in all the details and details.

Which of the following is not one of the fundamental ideas of F. Nietzsche's philosophy?
identity of being and thinking

Unity of the world will

Which of the philosophers of the 19th century. belongs to the saying: "Philosophers have only explained the world in various ways, but the point is to change it"?

Choose from the above concept, fundamental in the philosophy of Vl. Solovyov, through which he tried to reveal and substantiate the supra-world basis of existence.

Gravity, magnetism, the desire of animals for self-preservation, the sexual instinct and affects of people - all this, according to A. Schopenhauer, is a manifestation ... (Indicate the correct answer)

Indicate which of the following philosophical trends is a stage in the development of positivism.

F. Engels pointed out five basic forms of movement. It is "mechanical" - "physical" - "chemical" - "..." - "social". Specify the missing form in the list.

Indicate what, from the following, directly causes, according to A. Schopenhauer, a lot of things.

Indicate which of the following can characterize the direction of natural processes, according to the views of A. Schopenhauer.
All natural processes are objectifications of unreasonable will.

Indicate what "life world" (or "world of life") means, according to the terminology of E. Husserl.
the world taken in its correlation with man, i.e. in its importance to man

Indicate what, according to existentialism, is primary and defining.

In existentialism, human existence is interpreted as... . Choose the correct answer.
life to death

Indicate what M. Heidegger understands by the term "Dasein".
being here and now

Which of the existentialist philosophers understood existence as freedom, linking it with the transcendent.

Indicate which of the following is "Being-in-itself" according to J.-P. Sartre.
an unformed material world that exists independently of a person, devoid of internal patterns and order

Indicate which of the situations listed below K. Jaspers calls "Borderline".
situations in which human existence cognizes itself as something unconditional


Indicate the name of the conscious application in a dispute or proof of incorrect arguments disguised by external, formal correctness.

Which of the following is the path by which, according to Socrates, true knowledge can be attained?
use of maieutics art

Which of the following groups of philosophers unites representatives of one epistemological concept based on the principle of the identity of thinking and being?
Parmenides, Zeno of Elea, Hegel

Indicate which of the following determines the way of thinking (cognition) characteristic of ancient natural philosophers who tried to find the "first matter" or "primary matter".

Identify which of the philosophers listed below considered it their job to help others find the truth hidden within each person.

Indicate which of the listed philosophical directions of antiquity denied the objectivity of truth.

Which of the following thinkers was the first to point out that everything is relative?

Indicate for which of the presented ancient philosophers "to know means to be free and happy."

How did Socrates call his method of reasoning, with the help of which new knowledge is born?

Indicate which of the principles (laws) was fundamental in the proof of Parmenides in the poem "On Nature" of the position on the immutability and unity of being.
law forbidding contradiction in thought

Point out what Democritus called accidental.
Random is something for which we do not know the cause.

Indicate which of the ancient philosophers is the founder of the science of logic.

Indicate in which of the following philosophical schools of antiquity, special attention was paid to the study of questions of logic.
Stoic school

School of Aristotle

The Stoics compared philosophy to an egg in which ethics, physics and logic, respectively:
yolk, white, shell

The Stoics compared philosophy to an orchard full of various fruits, in which, respectively, fruits, trees and a fence -
ethics, physics, logic

Indicate from the above what, according to Aristotle, the first philosophy (metaphysics) should study.
the first supersensible principles and principles of being

Specify what, according to I. Kant, is a prerequisite for the process of cognitive activity of people?
a priori knowledge

Specify from the above. "The concept of "transcendental" in the teachings of I. Kant is ..."
a priori knowledge

Indicate what term is used to refer to the direction in German classical philosophy that developed the dialectical system, its basic principles and laws.

Kant argued that only the form and not the content of knowledge belongs to the mind. Where does the content of knowledge come from? (Choose from the list below)
from experience

Which of the following thinkers should be attributed to the representatives of medieval scholasticism?
F. Aquinas

P. Abelard

Indicate which of the following representatives of the philosophical thought of the Renaissance is considered the father of "quantitative empirical natural science."

What does the term revolutionism mean?

Among the philosophers and scientists of the Renaissance listed below, indicate the odd one out.

Indicate which of the following formulations most accurately characterizes Anselm of Canterbury's solution to the problem of correlating reason and faith.
Faith Seeks Reason

Among the following characteristics of the philosophy of the Renaissance, indicate the excess.


Name a Polish mathematician and astronomer who lived in the 15th-16th centuries and was the first in Christian Europe to put forward the idea of ​​a heliocentric system of the universe.

Philosopher and theologian of the late Middle Ages. He summed up the disputes about knowledge and faith, combined the teachings of Aristotle with Christian theology. He was called the "angelic doctor". He is depicted next to the Madonna in one of the paintings in the Hermitage, in the section of the early Renaissance. Specify it in the list below.
Thomas Aquinas

This doctrine appeared in medieval Europe, thanks to the acquaintance of Europeans with the works of Ibn-Rushd, and caused numerous discussions. The Catholic Church condemned this doctrine. However, it became very popular and in many ways contributed to the emergence of new European natural science. Please indicate it in the list below.
doctrine of dual truth

Identify which of the following Renaissance philosophers applied mathematics and geometry to theology.
N. Kuzansky

Indicate which of the following areas of knowledge was considered the ideal of science in the 17th century.

Indicate on the basis of which of the listed methods rationalism mainly developed in Western European philosophy.

Science as a specific type of spiritual production and social institution arose in the era of ... (select from the list below).
new time

The above list contains a 17th-century thinker, the founder of empiricism and induction. Who is this?
F. Bacon

Indicate in the list below the distinctive features of the epistemology of the 17th century.
search for reliable foundations of knowledge

Indicate from the list below the country that became the center of education in the 18th century.

Which of the following is a model of philosophy created by Descartes?
universal mathematics

The expression "causa sui" was used by B. Spinoza to characterize an important concept of his philosophical system. Choose from the list the correct (in the context of Spinoza's philosophy) translation of this term.
the cause of itself

The English philosopher of modern times called human consciousness "tabula rasa" i.e. clean board. Name this philosopher.

"There is nothing in the intellect that is not in the senses." Indicate which of the listed philosophers of the New Age tried to substantiate this position.

Which of the following is not included in the four basic methodological rules of R. Descartes?
hypothesis verification rule

comparison rule

Law of negation of negation

Specify which of the following R. Descartes considered the main cause of human delusions.
free will

Indicate which of the following, according to F. Bacon, should be a source of scientific knowledge.
purposefully organized experience

Indicate which of the following methods was founded by F. Bacon.
inductive method

Indicate which of the following are essential properties of the rationalistic method.
Identification of cause-and-effect relationships with the relation of logical derivation.


Indicate which of the following methods allow you to describe complex systems?

What philosophical position is typical for those who believe that "measurement" is an absolutely arbitrary operation performed by the subject.

Indicate which of the presented groups contains concepts that are identical in meaning.
rational knowledge, thinking, logical knowledge

Specify what kind of knowledge is reliable from the point of view of the philosophy of existentialism.
Existentialists believe that what is experienced by an individual is certain.

Indicate which of the philosophers listed below denied the possibility of scientific or rational proof of the existence of God?
K. Jaspers

I. Kant

Specify how modern epistemology considers the object of knowledge?
The object, in its definition, depends on the conceptual system of knowledge.

Among modern concepts of truth, there are no ... . (Specify from the list)


Indicate which of the following is not a form of practice.
The impact of objects and phenomena on the human senses.

Specify how F. Nietzsche characterizes the truth?
Truth is a useful delusion.

In phenomenology Ed. Husserl's concept of "intentionality" is... . (Specify from the list)
an essential property of all acts of consciousness, the orientation of consciousness towards an object

Point out which of the 19th century philosophers said: "Philosophers have only explained the world in various ways, but the point is to change it."
K. Marx

Indicate from the list, the content of whose consciousness is "The World as will and representation" according to A. Schopenhauer.
consciousness of an individual subject

Indicate in the list below the main components of human existence according to existentialists.



Among the listed philosophers, indicate the representative of the direction called "Philosophy of Life".
F. Nietzsche

Indicate the representative of which philosophical trend can assert the following thought: "The objects of our knowledge are ideas, and they are sensations."
representative of subjective idealism

What is the name of the type of empirical knowledge that represents the study of phenomena by actively influencing them by creating new conditions that correspond to the goals of the study or by changing the flow of the process in the right direction?

Indicate which epistemological position is reflected in the following reasoning: "... We come to the knowledge of things in two ways, namely: through experience and deduction... Experience often leads us astray, while deduction or pure inference about one thing through another ... can never be badly constructed, even among minds very little accustomed to thinking..."?

What methodological error does the following statement contain: "Some thing, some relation, some process, is either necessary or accidental, but cannot be both."
the dialectical principle of the interpenetration of opposites is violated


Choose the correct definition. "Pantheism is a doctrine..."
as close as possible or completely identifying the concepts of "god" and "nature"

Choose the correct definition. "Deism is a doctrine..."
about God as an impersonal root cause, creating the world, but not interfering in its further destiny

Choose the correct definition. "Determinism is a doctrine..."
about causality, the universal regular connection of all phenomena of reality

Choose the correct definition. "Mechanical determinism is the doctrine according to which..."
a rigid unambiguous causal relationship is absolutized, i.e. that form of determination which is described by the strictly dynamic laws of mechanics and in which causality is identified with necessity

Choose the correct definition. "Indeterminism is a doctrine, ..."
fully or partially denying the causation of the phenomena of reality

Which of the following definitions of the concept of "epistemology" is correct?
epistemology - the study of knowledge

Choose the correct definition. "A philosophical method that considers the world and its knowledge as a process, as an interconnection and interdependence of opposite sides, moments, tendencies, as development is ..."

Name the methodological principle that absolutizes the role of chance.

Indicate what principle in understanding the world is typical for a philosopher who claims that "The existence of God in the world ... is the existence of the world in God"?

Indicate which knowledge, woven into the fabric of the subject's life, does not have sufficient evidentiary power?

Indicate what lies at the basis of dogmatism.
blind faith in authority

Indicate, among the listed, the name of the philosophical doctrine that absolutizes the moment of chance.

What is the name of the historical type of worldview that tries to explain the world on the basis of reason and knowledge?

What philosophical methodology is associated with the following statement: "Everything that moves is moved by something else."

Specify the philosopher of the Milesian school, who considered water to be the basis of everything that exists?

Specify the qualities possessed by "Apeiron" as the fundamental principle of all that exists, according to the teachings of Anaximander.
boundless and indefinite

What ancient philosophers, according to Aristotle, "the elements of numbers ... proposed the elements of all things and the whole Universe" recognized "harmony and number"?

Which of the ancient philosophers put forward and formed the idea of ​​becoming?

1 option

  1. Specify what can be considered as an indicator economic growth:
  1. Only real GDP
  2. GDP in absolute terms and per capita
  3. Only a long-term increase in GDP
  4. All of the above
  1. Extensive development factors include:
  1. Professional development of employees
  2. Scaling up resource use
  3. Rational use of resources and economies of scale
  1. Indicate which of the following refers to exogenous (external) causes cyclic development economy:
  1. Monetary policy of the state
  2. Wars
  3. Reducing production
  4. All of the above

4. Economic growth is a long-term increase:

  1. Nominal GNP in absolute values
  2. Real GDP in absolute terms and per capita
  3. Nominal GNP in absolute terms and per capita
  4. Real GNP per capita
  5. What type of economic growth is the involvement of new lands in agricultural circulation?
  1. To the extensive
  2. To intense
  3. To the progressive
  4. to the traditional

6. Labor productivity at the plant has doubled due to new equipment. What growth factor does this example demonstrate?

  1. advanced training of employees
  2. Scientific and technical progress
  3. Rational distribution of resources
  4. Savings on employee salaries

7. Are the following statements correct?

A . Economic development refers to important changes in economic activity country, its economy.

B . Economic development characteristic of developing countries, developed countries are characterized by economic growth.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

8. Set the phase order business cycle starting with the economic recovery.

  1. economic downturn
  2. Depression
  3. revival
  4. Economic growth

9. Match:

Causes of economic cycles:

A) wars 1) external

B) production cuts 2) domestic

due to low demand for goods

C) change in the ratio of the total

Supply and demand

D) monetary policy

D) major innovations

E) natural causes (earthquakes, etc.)

10. Which term in the series is superfluous?

Land, labor, capital, GDP

Economic growth and development

Option 2

1. What level of GDP do developed countries currently have?

1) 5-7 %;

2) 2-3 %;

3) 5-6%;

4) 4-5%.

2.What is the purpose of economic growth?

1) improving people's lives;

2) NTP;

4) alternate alternation of ups and downs in the movement of real GDP.

3.Extensive growth is:

1) increase in GDP by expanding the scale of resource use;

2) increase in GDP due to the qualitative improvement of production factors;

3) rational distribution of resources;

4) cardinal changes in the economic life of the country.

4. The most important factor for intensive growth is:

1) professional development of employees;

2) NTP;

3) rational distribution of resources;

4) economies of scale.

5.What is human capital?

1) the number of employees;

2) GDP per capita;

3) knowledge and skills of people;

6. Physical capital is

1) equipment and tools;

2) natural resources;

3) the number of able-bodied population;

4) unproductive labor.

7. Which of the following is a recession?

1) full employment of the active population;

2) the economy is marking time;

3) gradual increase in production;

4) economic recession.

8. Years of the longest and most devastating crisis of the 20th century:

1) 1981-1982;

2) 1929-1933;

3) 1980-1986;

4) 1928-1932.

9. One of the external (exogenous) causes of cyclic development:

1) the monetary policy of the government;

2) change in the ratio of aggregate supply and aggregate demand;

3) sunspots;

4) depression.

10. What term is appropriate for poor countries?

1) economic cycle;

2) economic development;

3) economic growth;

4) NTP.


1 option