Tourist resources. The concept of “tourist resources” in Kyrgyzstan

Tourism as a branch of the economy has a clear focus on the use of natural, cultural and historical resources. This is manifested in the fact that he:

Causes migration of people to places where tourism resources are concentrated;

Involves previously unused natural and cultural complexes and their elements into economic circulation;

Integrated use of natural, cultural and historical resources;

Due to the multi-purpose use of natural resources, it places very diverse demands on natural complexes;

It is successfully combined with other types of environmental management - rural and forestry, fishing, mining, while placing demands on natural complexes in terms of attractiveness, comfort, diversity and accessibility;

Exerts an impact on nature and culture through the consumer - tourist;

Characterized by an interest in regulating anthropogenic impacts on natural and cultural complexes;

How is the economic sector effective in economically: the work of tourism workers is aimed not at nature and culture, but directly at the person, at restoring his physical, mental and intellectual strength.

« Tourist resources - these are natural, historical, socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual and other needs of tourists, help maintain their vital functions, restore and develop their physical strength.”

The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Tourism” stipulates that tourism resources – these are natural, socio-cultural objects, including immovable material, historical and cultural values ​​that satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, sightseers and (or) contribute to the strengthening and restoration of their health.

Tourism is based on the targeted and reasonable use of tourism resources, the essence of which are objects of tourist interest that are potentially capable of satisfying the needs of people arising in the process of tourism. Where there are no tourist resources, tourism cannot exist in principle. Some tourism resources involve only tourism on a limited scale, since in this case visiting objects of tourist interest may be associated with danger to human life, or this interest has a short-term resource according to some indicators, most often temporary.

Tourist resources create the opportunity to expand the production of a tourism product, determined by assets, reserves, internal reserves of a tourism enterprise, as well as natural and social conditions: a set of natural, health, cultural and other resources that can satisfy the various requests and needs of tourists. Tourist resources are available for review and use regardless of the form of ownership, unless there are restrictions established by law.

Tourist resources are quantitatively limited and qualitatively differentiated, therefore, they act as economic benefit, a product that requires significant costs for reproduction. In economic terms, these are the factors of production of the tourism product, since their differentiation gives rise to differences in the results of economic use.

Tourist resources are a national treasure. However, some of them, which are of particular importance, are classified as objects and monuments of world significance. This list is established and updated annually by UNESCO. All cultural monuments and natural sites are under state protection; UN funds are also allocated for the maintenance and preservation of monuments and objects of world significance.

Tourist resources have a number of common properties . Firstly, they are historical, i.e. may change as tourism needs, technical, economic and social opportunities grow. For example, swamps become tourist resources (objects of tourist display), industrial enterprises, old technology, equipment, etc. Secondly, they are territorial, i.e. occupy large areas; recreation as a socio-economic phenomenon already requires territories almost equal to those used by agriculture and forestry. Third, play an organizing role, contributing to the formation of special tourist destinations, areas and zones with one or another specialization, a set of tourism enterprises and a system of tourist routes.

Specific properties of tourism resources are considered integrity, dynamism, capacity, reliability, attractiveness, sustainability, etc.

There are many different classifications of tourism resources.

First of all, they are divided into two large groups: direct and indirect. TO direct These include mainly natural and historical and cultural resources used by tourists and vacationers themselves (for example, the attractiveness of the landscape, recreational facilities of the area, objects of knowledge). Indirect(socio-economic) resources are attracted for the development and use of direct tourism resources. They are divided into material, technical, financial, labor, etc.

Based on functional characteristics, tourism resources are divided into health, educational And sports. At the same time, the natural and aesthetic value of the territory is of great importance, enhancing or, conversely, reducing the functional qualities. The cognitive properties of the territory are determined by natural and socio-cultural objects (historical and cultural monuments, museums, national characteristics and traditions of the population, unique objects of nature, culture, industry).

The complex of tourism resources is divided into three groups:

natural: climate, water resources, mineral springs and healing mud, relief, caves, flora and fauna, natural monuments and reserves, picturesque landscapes, unique natural objects;

cultural-historical: museums, exhibitions, theaters, archaeological, historical, architectural monuments, ethnographic features, folklore, applied arts centers;

socio-economic: transport accessibility territory and level of development of the transport network, economic geographical position, the level of its economic development, modern and promising territorial organization, level of provision of services to the population, labor resources, characteristics of the population.

Tourist complexes are urban planning formations of various functional profiles, consisting of tourist establishments united by a single architectural and planning solution, a common spatial composition and organization of services. A tourist complex is also understood as a collection of tourist establishments of different functions with a capacity of more than 1 thousand places, united by one functional program (treatment, recovery, recreation, business meetings and events, etc.).

Tourist site– a special urban planning education focused on providing tourists with a given volume of services and implementing specialized tourism programs. World practice demonstrates a great many examples of the construction of tourist facilities. The nomenclature of types of tourism objects (buildings, structures and their complexes) is distinguished by diversity and diversity, due to the richness of combinations various forms recreation and structure of the contingent of vacationers. This gives rise to the need to classify tourist complexes.

Types of tourist attractions are usually classified based on various characteristics: stationarity, seasonality of operation, functional specificity, magnitude.

Tourism Center– a city, locality or object where a complex of tourist and excursion services has been created on the basis of tourist and recreational resources. A tourist center is an area that attracts tourists due to the presence of tourist and recreational resources, convenient transport and geographical location and accessible information about it for tourists.

Special literature offers a detailed typology of tourist centers depending on what cycle of recreational activities can be implemented in them: pilgrimage, cultural and historical, resort, seaside, alpine, mountaineering, active and recreational, commercial and business, environmental, water, festival -congress, sports, hunting and fishing, adventure, exotic, ethnographic, entertainment.

Theoretical basis concepts of “tourist resources”

Concept and properties of tourism resources

The definition of tourist resources is given in the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, 1996. Tourist resources are natural, historical, socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, promote restoration and development of their physical strength.

In recreational geography, the term “recreational resources” first appeared in 1977 in an article by L.A. Bagrova, N.V. Bagrova, V.S. Preobrazhensky. “Recreational Resources”, published in Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences, geographical series, No. 2.

Recreational geography is credited with significantly expanding the content of the concept of “resource”, when the beauty of the landscape, the landscape diversity of the area, the exotic nature and architecture, and the material and spiritual culture of the country began to be considered as resources.

Tourist resources are one of the factors in the development of tourism and the initial basis for planning the production of a tourism product.

Determining the significance and identifying the characteristics of tourism resources in the process of organizing and planning tourism activities in modern Russian conditions is an important direction for improving human living conditions.

Experience Western countries in the tourism sector shows that sustainable development should be built on a reasonable balance of different types of tourism and the priority development of inbound and domestic tourism. In the international market, active tourism countries are considered to be countries where the number of foreign tourists exceeds the number of their own citizens traveling abroad. And the excess of income from foreign tourists over the expenses of their own citizens abroad is defined as an active balance of payments with a positive balance.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that the future of Russian tourism is the development of the domestic market, which presupposes the availability of tourist services to a wide segment of the population, the protection economic interests Russia.

The implementation of a tourism business in market conditions can be carried out in the presence of the main components: capital, technology, personnel, tourist natural and cultural-historical resources. This means that it is not enough to have capital, buy technology, hire a staffing team and engage in tourism. To do this, it is necessary to choose a place where there are tourist and recreational resources, and if there is no such place, then create it.

Thus, in order to develop a tourism business, it is necessary to have professional knowledge and skills in assessing tourism resources, their use and protection. Such knowledge is necessary when designing tourism services, tourism products, and assessing territory development (strategic planning).

Tourist resources are quantitatively limited and qualitatively differentiated, therefore, they act as an economic good, as a commodity that requires significant costs for reproduction.

Economically tourism resources act as factors of production of the tourism product, because their differentiation gives rise to differences in the results of economic use.

Properties of tourist resources:

  • 1. Attractiveness.
  • 2. Availability.
  • 3. Comfort of stay (ergonomics).
  • 4. Significance and uniqueness.
  • 5. Potential reserve (to ensure recovery).
  • 6. Security
  • 7. Dynamism (the use of a resource varies from the possibility of one-time use of space, its capacity (and the capacity of space in time changes depending on the season of the year, weather, time of day)).

When measuring recreational resources, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of its consumption. Apparently, there must be some relatively constant value (constant) that fixes the volume of recreational resources required by the subject. This is particularly clearly defined, for example:

Doctors - climate therapists, normalizing the amount of solar radiation permissible during the day, season, year;

Organizers of sports tourism, setting the length and time of the route with a certain level of difficulty, i.e. rationing the amount of work of tourists;

Organizers of excursion holidays planning the maximum amount of educational information. Thus, to measure recreational resources, functional “constant” ones should be used, i.e. constant units with which you can record their volume, correlating it with the nature of consumption.

The assessment of tourist (recreational) resources, as well as any other type of resource, is necessary to manage the use and protect the environment.

Valuation means determining value. A measure of value can be considered a function that establishes a correspondence between the state of the object being valued and the idea of ​​the state that best meets the stated or understood goals. Value criteria are needed to determine the assessment. Determining the criteria for value is the most difficult part of the evaluation process. Value is the moment of significance of any phenomenon, event or process that is important for the life of a subject, in this case for a person.

Since the assessment reflects the relationship between the object and the subject, the assessment procedure consists of the required stages:

  • · highlighting the object of evaluation
  • · identification of the subject from whose position the assessment is carried out
  • · formulation of evaluation criteria, which are determined both by the scale and purpose of the study, and by the properties of the subject
  • · development of parameters for rating scales

Scales show the evaluative relationship between subject and object. This raises the question of the number of scale steps. Most often, 3-4 or 5-6 steps are used. Each stage is an indicator of the intensity of interaction between the property of a given object and the state of the subject. The intensity of the interaction can vary from slight to strong. The five-step scale for assessing prerequisites for recreation includes the following gradations:

  • 1. most favorable,
  • 2. favorable,
  • 3. moderately favorable,
  • 4. unfavorable,
  • 5. unfavorable.

Aspects of recreational resource assessment




Technical and economic


Tourist resources can be divided into four groups:

  • 1. Natural resources
  • 2. Historical and cultural resources
  • 3. Infrastructure
  • 4. Information resources

When assessing recreational resources, it is necessary to keep some aspects of comfort in mind natural conditions recreation. Comfort is defined as the degree to which the properties of natural complexes correspond to the requirements of vacationers. L.I. Mukhina highlights the following aspects of the comfort of natural conditions.

  • 1. Physiological aspect of comfort natural conditions - reflects the physiological requirements of vacationers to the natural environment, in accordance with the nature of the influence of natural conditions on human health. The physiological aspect of the comfort of natural conditions is determined by all natural components and the specifics of their combination. The negative role of some (for example, climate - wind V > 6 m/sec, etc.) can be neutralized by the positive effect of others (water, vegetation).
  • 2. Psychological aspect of comfort determined in accordance with the nature of the influence of natural conditions on a person’s mood. The psychological aspect of comfort is determined by all components of nature that influence the aesthetic and psychophysiological perception of nature by a person (skiing is more pleasant on a sunny day).
  • 3. Functional and technological aspect of comfort is determined by the possibility of conducting a separate lesson or cycle of lessons by the presence of natural conditions corresponding to the technology of recreation. The leading role of certain components of nature in this aspect is determined by the nature of the activity (for example, sledding requires slides, sailing requires a water area with S = 400 hectares, no less).

Tourism development can be carried out if four important elements are present: capital, technology, personnel, and tourism resources. One of the main ones is tourism resources. These resources are used for health, tourism, sports and educational purposes.

Tourist resources - natural-climatic, sociocultural, historical, architectural and archaeological, scientific and industrial, entertainment, religious and other objects or phenomena that can satisfy human needs in the process of tourism activities. Tourist resources have the following basic properties:



Degree of knowledge;

Excursion significance;

Landscape and environmental characteristics;

Socio-demographic characteristics;

Method of use, etc.

Tourist recreational resources are components of the geographic environment, objects of anthropogenic activity, due to such properties as uniqueness, historical or artistic value, originality, aesthetic appeal, they can be used to organize various types of recreational activities.

There are three types of tourist and recreational resources:


Historical and cultural;


Natural resources include factors, substances, properties of components of the natural environment that have favorable quantitative and qualitative parameters for organizing tourism activities and can be used for recreation, tourism, treatment and recovery. These include: picturesque landscapes, healing climatic properties, forests, surface waters, as well as recreational properties of mountain and lowland landscapes, protected environmental areas.

Natural resources according to their use can be divided into two groups:

Targeted (recreational only);


Historical and cultural resources include historical and cultural monuments that have social and educational significance and can be used to satisfy the spiritual needs of the population. Historical and cultural resources include historical, archaeological, architectural monuments, objects of material culture (tools, household items, handicrafts, clothing, national cuisine) elements of spiritual culture (fine arts, folklore, folk traditions, beliefs, etc.) ; works of monumental art; ethnographic features of the territory. This group of resources also includes the best examples of modern architecture, museums, exhibitions, theaters, which are an interesting element of the tourist program and are willingly visited by tourists. IN developed countries the world is a significant tourism resource that is actively used to make a profit. For example, Italy and France receive most of the income generated by the recreational sector through the skillful use of historical and cultural potential. This is facilitated by the proper organization of tourism services. The world-class historical and cultural monuments of Rome, Venice, Florence, and Paris attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Popular tourist sites include medieval castles of kings, rich feudal lords, sultans, and shahs. Many castles in Europe and the Middle East were built by monastic orders. A significant part of the castle buildings has survived to this day in the form of ruins. But there are also quite a lot of preserved and restored castles, especially in France and Spain. Some castles in Germany, Switzerland, and Spain were converted into museums with magnificent collections of medieval paintings, furniture, and dishes.

Socio-economic resources include geographic location, transport accessibility of the territory, level of economic development, consumer services for the population, labor resources, etc. These include material production, which provides the needs of tourism, infrastructure facilities, people who work in the field of tourism or participate in the organization and maintenance of tourism activities.

An integral part of tourism resources is homogeneous resources, which are understood as natural, cultural and historical complexes associated with the past of the country. These include places associated with the life, activity or stay on the territory of the country of outstanding representatives of foreign states; battle and burial sites. For example, more than 500 objects of this kind have been identified in Ukraine.

According to the classification developed by A. A. Mints, all tourist resources are conditionally divided into three groups:

Health resorts (reserves of mineral waters, medicinal mud);

General health and recreational;

Spiritual and cultural (landscapes, historical and cultural monuments).

Among the main types of tourist and recreational resources are:

Coasts of warm seas;

Banks of rivers, lakes and reservoirs;

Forests and meadows;

Foothills and mountainous countries;

Cities - metropolitan and historical centers;

Resort cities and resort areas;

Sacred and other complexes located within and outside populated areas;

Ruins of ancient cities, fortifications, catacombs, cave cities.

Tourist and recreational resources are not limitless. They have a certain volume (potential reserve), period of use, operating conditions and their cost. Identification of resources is associated with the degree of study of natural and cultural complexes, labor resources for use in one or another tourism activity. For natural resources, there are certain comprehensive exploration methods that cover the recreational value of landscapes, local bioclimatic conditions, the ecological state of the natural environment, general and detailed assessment of mineral waters, medicinal mud.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in Russian Federation» dated November 24, 1996 No. 132 Federal Law (Article 1) tourism resources are understood as natural, historical, socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, contribute to the restoration and development of their physical strength .

As a rule, tourism resources determine the formation of types of tourism business in a particular region.

Tourist resources have the following main properties:

    attractiveness (attractiveness);

    climatic conditions;


    degree of study;

    excursion significance;

    landscape and video-ecological characteristics;

    socio-demographic characteristics;

    potential stock;

    method of use and others.

Tourist resources are used for health, tourism, sports and educational purposes. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

    natural (natural and recreational);

    infrastructural (recreational and educational).

The development of tourism business requires the presence of both groups. Even with the high attractive properties of natural resources, without the presence of communications, means of communication, communal infrastructure, cultural monuments, and art, the tourism business for a wide range of consumers is impossible.

According to another classification, direct and indirect tourism resources are distinguished. The former include natural, cultural and historical resources, the latter (infrastructure) are used for the development and use of tourism resources themselves.

In real life, all types of tourism resources are interconnected and in some cases difficult to separate.

The legal regime of certain types of resources is regulated by legislation (environmental legislation, on museum institutions, on the protection of historical monuments, sanitary-epidemiological and others).

The basis for the formation of a tourism product is natural resources. It is no coincidence that tourism at its early stage developed in countries with a favorable climate and healing springs.

Natural resources are components of the natural environment (climate, topography, vegetation, surface and groundwater, therapeutic mud, etc.) used to organize recreation and health improvement for people. These resources significantly influence the tourist movement, giving it a certain direction and forming its structure. Most natural resources are depleted through their use for tourism. Some of them are not renewed, others are restored (independently or with human participation).

The attractiveness of a particular territory for the development of tourism, primarily educational, depends on the availability of cultural and historical resources (historical and cultural monuments, places of worship, memorial sites, folk crafts, and so on). The cultural and historical heritage covers the entire socio-cultural environment with traditions and customs, features of everyday and economic life.

On the basis of tourist resources, tourist centers are formed and developed - areas that attract tourists due to the presence of natural, cultural and historical resources, convenient transport and geographical location and information about them available to tourists.

The following types of tourist centers are distinguished: cultural-historical, pilgrimage, resort, seaside, alpine, health, business, congress, environmental, sports, mountaineering, hunting and fishing, ethnographic, entertainment and others. The above typology indicates that tourist centers can be combined.

The development and use of tourism resources requires an appropriate material and technical base and tourism infrastructure.

The material and technical base of tourism is a set of means of labor (buildings, structures, transport, equipment, etc.) intended to serve tourists. It is the basis for the development of organized tourism, as it creates the necessary conditions for providing tourists with a range of services (accommodation, meals, transportation, treatment, excursions, entertainment).

The material and technical base of tourism includes: hotels, transport organizations, catering, trade, entertainment enterprises, rental points for tourist equipment and inventory, and so on.

The material and technical base has its own specifics in each type of tourism. So, in ski tourism, along with hotels, camp sites, shelters, it includes cable cars, ski slopes, equipment for skiers and others.

Theme parks (amusement parks, dolphinariums, water parks and zoos, and many others) occupy a special place in the material and technical base of tourism. For example, Disneyland (USA), EuroDisneyland (France), Port Aventura (Spain), Dreamland (Japan).

An important point when planning the use of tourism resources is the formation of tourism infrastructure, which is understood as a complex of structures, engineering and communication networks, roads, enterprises related to the tourism industry, providing tourists with access to tourism resources and their rational use for tourism purposes.

      Types of tourism resources

Tourist resources - natural-climatic, sociocultural, historical, architectural and archaeological, scientific and industrial, entertainment, religious and other objects or phenomena that can satisfy human needs in the process and for the purposes of tourism.

Tourist resources are natural, historical and socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, promote the restoration and development of physical strength (Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, 1996).

There are also such types of recreational and tourist resources as natural healing and tourist information resources.

Tourist medical resources are recreational resources intended for the treatment and recreation of the population, related to specially protected natural objects and territories that have their own characteristics in use and protection.

Tourist information resources - information about the territory, its history, culture, nature and people, received by tourists directly during the trip, in preparation for it or after some time.

The importance of vegetation cover as a recreational resource is very great, since it is associated with the healing influence of the landscape due to the ionization and phytoncidal properties of plants. The role of forests is especially great, because it is forest areas that contribute to an increase in the oxygen content in the air and its ionization. Ionization is the process of formation of ions in the air, which has a cleansing effect on the human body. Mixed forests, pine forests, and of individual tree species pine, birch, linden, rowan, oak, larch, spruce, and fir have optimal ionization.

The recreational function of the forest is also determined by the sanitary and hygienic conditions, which depend on the phytoncidal properties of plants. Phytoncides are volatile substances released by woody vegetation that have a sterilizing effect on certain microorganisms.

Forests enrich the air with oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. In addition, they purify the air from various types of pollution, including noise. The presence of forest strips along transport routes and forest plantations around recreational facilities is very important. Forests also have a beneficial effect on radiation and thermal regimes.

A forest is a natural (geographical) zone represented by more or less closely growing trees and shrubs of one or more species.

The forest has the property of constant self-renewal.

Tourist routes and establishments are usually located where rich resources are available. Landscape is not only the background against which the journey takes place, but also a phenomenon of great independent significance. Sometimes the aesthetic qualities of the landscape come first.

The picturesqueness of the area is determined by the combination of two or three landscape components (rough terrain, water body, varied vegetation cover), the alternation of open and closed spaces (forest, arable land, meadow, swamp), the presence of panoramic views (cliffs, cliffs, open reservoirs) and coloristic diversity landscape. It is optimal when all three landscape components are present. But usually two components are enough. There are rare cases when one component is enough to form a unique landscape. They are very interesting for display, but are unsuitable for the construction of recreational facilities. The aesthetics of the landscape are human-dependent and can be improved through human intervention.

Landscape and recreational potential is an integral assessment of the suitability of a given territory for recreation and tourism.

The impact of climate on the human body is called bioclimate. Bioclimatic parameters represent the complex impact of the meteorological characteristics of air masses on the human body. Such characteristics include temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and pressure.

To reveal the conditions for climate formation, it is necessary to determine its causes. They are called climate-forming factors. The main climate-forming factors are shown in the diagram. The climate of different parts of the Earth is formed under the influence of all climate-forming factors.

There are three main climate-forming factors:

    solar radiation, which provides light, heat and ultraviolet radiation to the earth;

    atmospheric circulation, which is associated with the transfer of air masses in atmospheric vortices (cyclones and anticyclones) and the presence of zones of separation of air masses (atmospheric fronts);

    underlying surface, which determines the redistribution of solar radiation and atmospheric circulation depending on the nature of the earth's surface.

Solar radiation is the source of energy for all processes occurring in the atmosphere. Due to solar radiation, heat is transferred by the Sun through outer space. The spherical shape of the Earth determines climate differences depending on geographic latitude, and the inclined position of the Earth’s rotation axis determines the seasonality of the climate. The circulation of air masses in the atmosphere affects the precipitation regime and the geography of its distribution, and air temperature.

To characterize the climate, it is important to know how land and sea are distributed in a given place. The distance from the ocean shores deep into the continents (territories) affects the regime of temperature, humidity, precipitation, and determines the degree of continentality of a given climate.

Warm currents in the seas and oceans contribute to increased temperatures in coastal land areas and increased precipitation. Cold currents lower temperatures on the outskirts of continents and prevent precipitation.

The impact on climate and topography is great. The climate is influenced by: the altitude of the area above sea level, the directions of mountain ranges that serve as an obstacle to wind and air masses. Plains allow air masses to easily penetrate into neighboring areas. The climate also depends to a large extent on the nature of the underlying surface, which is understood as the components of the earth's surface that interact with the atmosphere (forest, soil, snow and other components).

With the development of human society there appeared new factor influencing the planet’s climate – anthropogenic. In cities, for example, the air temperature is higher than in rural areas. Air dust contributes to the formation of fogs and clouds, which leads to a reduction in the duration of sunshine and precipitation. Human economic activity has a detrimental, sometimes irreversible impact on the climate.

Climate has both positive and negative effects on the human body. Positive effects are usually used in recreational activities to organize climatic treatment. Protection from negative factors is required in the form of climate control. The use of climatic factors has a very great health value due to the training effect of climate on the natural mechanisms of stimulating the vital activity of the body, developed in the process of evolution.

Cultural and historical objects are divided into material and spiritual. Material covers the totality of means of production and other material assets society at each historical stage of its development, and spiritual - the totality of society’s achievements in education, science, art, literature, in the organization of state and public life, in work and everyday life. In fact, not all heritage of the past relates to cultural and historical recreational resources. It is customary to classify among them only those cultural and historical objects that have been studied and assessed by scientific methods as having social significance and can be used with existing technical and material possibilities to satisfy the recreational needs of a certain number of people for a certain time. Among cultural and historical objects, the leading role belongs to historical and cultural monuments, which are distinguished by the greatest attractiveness and, on this basis, serve as the main means of satisfying the needs of educational and cultural recreation.

Chapter One Conclusion

This chapter defines tourism resources and describes its types, such as: natural and climatic, sociocultural, historical, architectural and archaeological, scientific and industrial, entertainment, religious and other objects or phenomena that can satisfy human needs in the process and for the purposes of tourism .

Lecture questions:

2. Distribution of recreational and tourism resources throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. Natural tourism resources.

4. Cultural and historical resources.

1. Tourist resources of Russia: general characteristics.

Tourist resources are a combination of natural resources for tourism development, the historical and cultural potential of the territory, the hotel industry and existing infrastructure. But when assessing a territory for the purposes of the tourism industry, it is also necessary to take into account the socio-political situation in the country and its individual regions, the level of crime, the environmental situation, the distance of tourist centers from the main exporters of tourists, personnel training, etc.

The Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory and some sections of the Azov Sea coast cannot compete with any seaside resort area foreign countries, enjoying steady popularity.

Some foreign tourists have a certain interest in the large rivers of Russia and Lake Baikal. But by now the Volga has been turned into a system of reservoirs with high banks destroyed by wave abrasion and the opposite shallows flooded for many kilometers. Due to such drastic changes that have occurred on its banks, the Volga is losing its charm, especially downstream from Nizhny Novgorod.

The problem with Siberian rivers is that their period of tourist navigation is extremely short, and they are located at a considerable distance from the main regions of population settlement.

The prospects for our country in relation to mountainous areas are also small. The most developed Greater Caucasus falls out of active international tourist life for a long time due to military and political reasons. The Urals have become known in the world as a region with an extremely unfavorable environmental situation; the mountains of Siberia are too harsh for mass tourism, are completely undeveloped and can be of interest only to a small number of sports tourism groups.

An important, and very often the only and sufficient factor in the development of tourism is the historical and cultural potential of the area. But when assessing it, one should take into account not only the presence of individual high-class monuments, but also their number per unit of territory, i.e. their density.

The requirements for resources of a historical and cultural nature are met by a large territory of the Central and Northwestern economic regions Russia in a triangle with corners in Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg, an area larger than one of the leaders international tourism- Italy.

Most of the historical and cultural centers of Russia are concentrated here, the historical road from the eastern borders of Belarus to Moscow, which has long become a famous tourist route in the West, popular river routes from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod and from Moscow to St. Petersburg through Lakes Onega and Ladoga with their famous Valaam and Kizhi. Tourist routes have been successfully operating in this territory for many years and additional new ones can be planned that meet high standards. international standards: great information content, a significant number of high-class excursion sites along the route, their accessibility and a good degree of preservation.

The most popular region for domestic tourism is the same region as for international tourism: the territories of the Central and North-Western economic regions, as well as many excursion centers related to Russian history and culture and of value mainly for Russians. Each region, territory, republic included in the Russian Federation has a sufficient list of both excursion sites of a historical and cultural nature, and places intended for health tourism for citizens of their region.

What can Russia offer to tourists, both domestic and foreign? What contribution can it make to the development of international tourism? How can it give a new impetus to accelerating the development of the domestic tourism industry? All these are not easy questions, given that tourism as an economic sector around the world is today on the rise and is characterized by dynamism. According to Russian scientists, in Russian conditions it is necessary to develop ecological tourism at an accelerated pace. For this, Russia has the most favorable opportunities:

Russia has a unique natural potential, which in scale far exceeds the remaining natural places in the world that are of interest to tourists;
- Russia has preserved the originality of natural complexes, combining the beauty of untouched nature with the customs and traditions of the peoples inhabiting natural areas, which is of not only environmental, but also ethnographic interest for travelers;
- Russia has established itself in the world for its commitment to preserving and enhancing natural values ​​of global significance, as evidenced by the developed network of protected areas under the auspices of international organizations;
- Russia has rich traditions in the field of harmonizing relations between man and nature, which are expressed in the theory and practice of conservation and the creation of a scientifically based concept of the country’s environmental safety. In this regard, it should be taken into account that despite enormous financial difficulties, in Russia today opportunities are being sought for the further development of nature reserves in the interests of preserving nature as a national asset.

The natural resources of Russia have at all times been a source of artistic inspiration, giving the world vivid images of nature in the prose of M. Prishvin and K. Paustovsky, in the poetry of S. Yesenin, L. Koltsov, A. Fet, F. Tyutchev, and in the paintings of I. Shishkin. I. Aivazovsky, I. Levitan, A. Kuindzhi, in the music of S. Rachmaninov, P. Tchaikovsky, N. Rimsky-Korsakov and many other outstanding artists, whom nature inspired to create bright works that evoke a feeling of joy and admiration for Russian nature among people of different nationalities in many countries (

The priority direction in the implementation of the environmental management strategy in relation to recreational resources is: development of a network of national natural parks, formation of an effective regulatory legal framework for the use and conservation of recreational resources, improvement economic mechanisms rational use and conservation of recreational resources, including the study and use of climatic resources to meet the needs of the economy and population.

The history of the formation of the first specially protected natural areas (SPNA) in Russia dates back to the times of Peter the Great. Now this is a whole system that unites several tens of thousands of protected areas at the federal, regional and local levels. In fact, protected areas have become the basis of all environmental activities in Russia, in addition, a significant share of international assistance in the field of environmental protection, rational use and management is directed to them natural resources. The most important legislative act regulating relations in the field of organization, protection and use of protected areas is the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”.

Specially protected natural areas where tourism is possible with varying degrees of restrictions include: biosphere reserves, national parks, state nature reserves, natural monuments, natural parks, health resorts and cultural heritage sites.

Biosphere reserves are created within the framework of the International Scientific Program “Man in the Biosphere”.

They differ from ordinary reserves in that they are part of a system of biosphere stations where cycles of research are carried out under a program of background (geosystemic, regional and global) environmental monitoring. Biosphere stations carry out research outside the reserve, in the buffer zone where traditional forms of management predominate, as well as at testing sites in areas intensively developed agriculture and industry. All types of tourism are possible at these sites. The issue of granting biosphere status to nature reserves is being considered by UNESCO on the proposal of the relevant organizations of the country. In Russia, such reserves include the Central Black Earth, Caucasian, Sikhote-Alin, Prioksko-Terrasny, etc.

Among the protected nature of the planet, which occupies about 2% of the land area, the main place belongs to national parks. Now there are more than 2,300 national parks in almost 100 countries around the world.

National parks began to be created in the Russian Federation in 1983; now there are more than 35 of them, with a total area of ​​more than 6.956 million hectares. They are located on the territory of 13 republics, 2 territories, 20 regions and 1 autonomous district. Almost all parks are under the jurisdiction of Rosleskhoz, with the exception of the Losiny Ostrov park, which is under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government.

All over the world, of all categories of protected areas, the most popular are national parks, which combine the features of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and recreational areas. Therefore, in Russia, where the system of protected areas has traditionally been based on nature reserves since the last century, in recent years the number of proposals to organize national parks has sharply increased. If in 1986 there were only 5 of them on its territory, then in 1994 there were already 28, and after 2005 more than 42 national parks were designed. National parks almost always provide for complex content, because nature is diverse and everything in it is interconnected. For example, protected rare species of plants grow on rocks with a unique chemical composition, and a rapids river with a beautiful waterfall formed during tectonic movements is a spawning ground for valuable fish species, etc. National parks are the main objects of ecotourism both in our country and abroad .

There are currently 67 state nature reserves, of which 56 reserves with an area of ​​6.4 million hectares are under the jurisdiction and management of the Department for the Protection and Rational Use of Hunting Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, 10 reserves with an area of ​​about 6 million hectares were until recently under the jurisdiction of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia , 1 – Rosleskhoz.

Natural monuments federal significance there are only 28 left in Russia, with total area 19.351 thousand hectares. Moreover, 13 monuments are located in the Kaluga region, the remaining 15 are in other regions. Until recently, state control over the functioning of 18 monuments located on forest lands was carried out by Rosleskhoz, while the functioning of the remaining 10 natural monuments of federal significance was carried out by the bodies of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia. Until recently, state control over the functioning of more than 8,500 natural monuments of regional significance with a total area of ​​2.4 million hectares was carried out by the territorial bodies of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, Rosleskhoz, and geological ones - by state bodies for the protection of subsoil.

Botanical gardens and dendrological parks. Botanical gardens and dendrological parks located on the territory of the Russian Federation are united into the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia. As of December 31, 1999, the Council included 80 botanical gardens and arboretums of various departmental affiliations (RAS, RACINE, Ministry of Education of Russia, Ministry of Health of Russia, etc.). A peculiarity of objects of the considered category of protected areas is their location mainly within cities, which determines the corresponding scale and nature of the impact of environmental factors on them. It is significant that in the structure of risk factors for the condition of botanical gardens and arboretums, a priority role is played by environmental factors of anthropogenic origin, that is, those arising as a result of human activity.

Medical and recreational areas and resorts. In Russia there are more than 153 balneological, climatic and mud-curing resorts, almost a third of them are concentrated in the North Caucasus region. The entire resort complex of the Russian Federation is a developed and complex industry National economy, numbering more than 5.5 thousand health and recreation enterprises, including more than one thousand sanatoriums, and has significant reserves of mineral waters and medicinal mud. During the year, Russian resorts are able to provide treatment and rehabilitation to more than 7 million people. In order to improve legislative framework preservation and development of the sanatorium-resort complex in 1999. The State Duma The Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Sports of Russia and the SKO FNPR "Profkurort" (whose department contains data on protected areas) have prepared a project Federal Law“On the fundamentals of resort business in the Russian Federation.” The law is aimed at preserving the sanatorium and resort complex of Russia and its hydromineral base. Particular attention is paid to the use of natural healing resources in resorts. According to the law, only those organizations that use natural healing resources to treat citizens will be recognized as sanatoriums and resorts.

Anthropogenic loads on the natural environment of resort areas and health-improving areas remain high. Thus, in the area of ​​the Caucasian Mineral Waters, 94% of the territory has already been developed, with moderately disturbed lands (arable lands, gardens, pastures) making up 87%, and undisturbed lands - only 5%. Similar problems exist in the resorts of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In the Anapa resort, the main sources of water pollution continue to be untreated sewage and storm drains, garbage dumps and the Sheskhara oil harbor (Novorossiysk). For example, at the height of the summer season in 1997, 3.5 tons of petroleum products were thrown onto the beaches of Anapa.

Various types of unauthorized construction within resort areas are intensifying, and easing of legal and legal liability is being given everywhere. individuals, wear and tear is increasing engineering infrastructure resorts, etc. At the same time, practically no funds are allocated to improve the environmental condition of resorts.

Some attention in the Russian Federation is also paid to cultural heritage sites, such as museum-reserves (88), estate museums (29), and protected objects of landscape architecture. They belong to the category of specially protected historical and cultural areas with important environmental functions.

It should be noted that there are 11 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Russian objects, including the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, the Ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad).

In addition, UNESCO has submitted documentation for inclusion in the World Heritage List of a number of other sites: “Vodlozersky National Park”, “Bashkir Urals”, “Altai - Golden Mountains”, “Ubsunur Basin”, “Central Sikhote-Alin”, “Green Belt” Fennoscandia", "Lena River Delta", "Caucasian Biosphere Reserve Region", "Curonian Spit".

The rich recreational potential and relative stability of the political situation favor the development of tourism in this area. The diversity of recreational resources in this territory allows the development of all types of recreational activities.

– European North of Russia – only areas of the European part are promising for development: the Karelian-Kola and Russian North. The territory has relatively favorable natural recreational resources and rich cultural heritage. Politically stable. It is geographically adjacent to the Scandinavian countries, which can help attract foreign tourists.

– Siberia and Far East– a stable, but underdeveloped territory due to its remoteness and limited climatic comfortable conditions. The subzone of the South of Siberia is being developed more than the unpromising subzone of the Asian North.

– South of Russia – covers the politically stable, but with limited, poorly developed recreational resources Central Black Earth regions and the unstable, but recreationally developed, with rich resource potential Caucasus. Once the most popular recreational area in Russia, the Caucasus currently has limited demand for recreational services. Resort areas of the Black Sea coast continue to be in relative demand; demand for the mountainous territories of the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, etc. is growing rapidly.