Certificate to the tax office about the absence of debt sample. Certificate from the Internal Revenue Service confirming that there are no tax arrears


Available options:

Interactive terminals of payment systems or banking institutions You will need to enter your personal account number, select the region and service that will be paid, and the payer’s personal information. The disadvantage of such terminals is that most of them do not give out change.
Via bank If you have a plastic bank card, payment can be made through an ATM. The algorithm of actions in this case will be the same as when working with the terminal. If your bank card is linked to your personal account, you can pay the required amount electronically or set up automatic payment
Via post office You can find out the exact data and list of accepted payments at the branch itself or by going to its official website
Through the government portal and municipal services or other payment services

Commission accrual

It is charged:

You can repay the debt without overpayment by contacting the cash office or the housing company.

Sample certificate of absence of rent arrears

Issued either to the owner of the residential premises or to him after submitting an application.

Video: ERTS-TV - certificate of absence of debt for housing and communal services

The standard sample certificate contains information about the absence of residents of the residential premises having any debts to management companies in terms of the utilities they provide.

It may be required, for example, when the owner sells his apartment.

The paper will allow potential home buyers to verify that they have no debts to utility services.

Document form

The form does not have a form unified at the legislative level.

The registration authority is not required to provide it as a mandatory document when executing a transaction.

When contacting the Information and Settlement Center, the applicant is issued a certificate in the EIRTs-22 form.

It reflects:

What is it for?

It may be needed in the following cases:

For example, when concluding a contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment, it is important for the buyer to check the financial integrity of the property being sold.

The document may be required in:

Where to get?

You can apply for a certificate to the following institutions:

  • to the accounting department of the management company, homeowners association, housing office;
  • information and settlement center.

In some regions it has become possible to obtain it through special multifunctional centers.

Best before date

The validity period is 10 days from the date of receipt by the applicant.

When selling a home

It is not included in the list of mandatory documents, and is needed primarily for the buyer to ensure that the property is purchased without possible debts.

Required documents

To obtain a certificate, the interested person provides:

Emerging nuances


If during the transaction process it turns out that the property has a debt, then the issue should be resolved only in legal terms
Many residential property owners It is believed that debt for utility bills is written off automatically, for example, as with overdue fines for certain types of violations. As a result, the new owner of the premises may suffer.
Having discovered a debt after buying an apartment the new owner must contact the former owner with a claim. The requirement should be made in writing, so that in the future the document will play the role of evidence, for example, when applying to the court
Search for the former owner of the apartment the new owner shouldn't. This should be handled by the management company.
If the amount of debt for housing and communal services is too large then you will have to prepare for lengthy trials, since it may happen that the old owner cannot be found, for example, if he left for another region or another city

The transfer of debt for utility bills is possible only if the parties to the transaction voluntarily sign an agreement or include such a condition in the purchase and sale agreement.

Before you start doing business with any company, it is important to check its integrity and make sure there are no problems with funds.

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One of the methods is to check through the Federal Tax Service - this body will allow you to obtain information about whether there are debts on taxes and fees.

What to pay attention to

Doing business always involves certain risks. One of the most serious is precisely the collision with scammers and unscrupulous partners.

There are quite a few ways to check counterparties. First of all, this is the tax office. The Federal Tax Service is present in all regions, this will avoid many difficulties and problems.

It is enough to send a request in writing or electronically - as a result, information will be provided about whether there are any debts for a specific type of debt.

All the main points will need to be worked out in advance. You should not enter into contracts or conduct commercial activities with enterprises that have serious debts.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the details in advance and carry out the reporting process. This is the only way to prevent problems.

One of the reasons for large accounts receivable, most of the amount of which will be a bad debt, is precisely the dishonesty of the payer.

Problems with taxes and other similar ones reflected in the data of the Federal Tax Service may serve as a signal that cooperation with a particular company will simply be unprofitable.

It is important to work out this point in advance. Since there is a lot of different data that allows you to indirectly determine whether an enterprise has problems.

Such a certificate will simultaneously allow you to resolve a wide range of different tasks at once. Purpose of the certificate:

  • the organization or entrepreneur ceases its activities and the absence of debts must be confirmed with the state registration authorities;
  • when changing your legal address, you will also need this document;
  • allows you to confirm solvency when receiving a loan.

It should be noted that when issuing loans, such checks are especially important. Because if the relevant requirements are not met, many problems can occur.

It is important to work out all the main points in advance. The algorithm for obtaining an extract is quite simple:

  • formation of a written application;
  • sending it by registered mail to the Federal Tax Service or the document is submitted in person to the department;
  • Then, after a set number of working days, you will be able to receive an extract.

It is also possible to receive an extract in electronic form. But for this you will need to use a special document, proof of your identity. This is the only way to avoid standard mistakes.

Submitting a request to compile a paper (online)

It will be possible to use various services to obtain information:

  • through the State Services portal.

It is worth noting that in both the first and second cases it is necessary to register. This is the only way to obtain all the necessary information.

There are simply no alternatives. The algorithm for obtaining data through the State Services portal includes the following basic data:

  • go to the official website at https://www.gosuslugi.ru/10002/1;
  • we carry out authorization;
  • go to the appropriate section of this site - https://www.gosuslugi.ru/10002/1;
  • Next, the application is filled out electronically - if the user has already logged in, then he will only need to enter the TIN.

It is worth noting that this algorithm has its own subtleties and features. If there are debts, this does not mean that the taxpayer himself is an unreliable partner.

The reasons for debt can be very different. It is important to understand all the subtleties in advance. This will avoid many difficulties in future cooperation. Often problems with tax payment are temporary and are not carried out on a regular basis.

A certificate confirming the absence of debts on taxes and fees from the tax office can be obtained in different ways.

Moreover, as the subject himself, who is obliged to pay taxes - on himself. So does another person. Checking counterparties is a must when running a business of virtually any format.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the procedure in advance and how to carry it out as quickly and correctly as possible. This is the only way to avoid many difficulties and difficulties.

What does an application for a document look like?

An application for obtaining relevant data is drawn up within the framework of special legislation. A request form for issuing a certificate of tax arrears is available.

Moreover, there is a fairly wide list of subtleties. You can download the recommended sample for requests of this type on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

It is only important to note in advance all the subtleties and features of the procedure. The standard form for such a request includes the following information:

  • the name of the legislative document within the framework of which the process is carried out;
  • place for stamping;
  • the name of the tax authority is indicated, as well as the personal data of the boss;
  • full name of the organization - and the TIN must be entered, as well as a number of other important data;
  • A check mark is placed opposite one of two inscriptions:
  1. Regarding the status of settlements for taxes, fees and penalties.
  2. On the fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes, fees and penalties.
  • status at the time of making the relevant payment;
  • details of the applicant himself;
  • full name of the organization, individual;
  • address of the location of a specific organization;
  • details of the applicant in full - name, full name (if any);
  • you need to specify how to receive the response:
  1. Via the Internet, by email.
  2. In writing.

Do not forget about the need to provide personal information with a signature. The simplest and most convenient solution is to simply download a ready-made application.

This will avoid many difficulties and problems. Making mistakes in this type of application can easily lead to refusal to provide information.

That is why you need to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and features of the registration procedure in advance. First of all, this concerns the accuracy of the information.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to apply on your own. The solution may be to draw up a notarized power of attorney.

Thus, it is possible to transfer the right to receive an extract to a third party. Thus saving a lot of time. Often a form is urgently needed; one solution would be to obtain it via the Internet.

It is also possible to obtain information from an individual entrepreneur. As a rule, no difficulties arise during the reception. A standard form for generating a report from the Federal Tax Service has been established.

The tax office does not provide anonymous data; the requester is required to provide information about himself.

Typical filling sample

List of data that must be included in the relevant certificate:

Serial number of the document itself №5448
Name of the certificate “On the fulfillment of taxpayer obligations”
The taxpayer himself is indicated His detailed details, other information about him
His personal data is recorded INN, checkpoint, and location address
At the bottom of the document there is information about the department Which issues a certificate of the appropriate type
A stamp is affixed And also the client's signature

It is equally important to obtain such data for highly skilled workers. Since it makes no sense to get a job at an enterprise that will soon go bankrupt.

Dates of issue

The period during which this certificate must be issued is established by law. This period of time is no more than 5 days. The document registration process itself is free.

But it is worth noting that the document can be completed faster - but this requires payment. The amount will be 400 rubles. Payment again can be made in different ways.

How long does it last

It is important to note that this certificate is valid only on the day of issue of this document. In turn, do not forget about relevance.

It all depends on what specific tasks this document is required to solve. In some cases, for example, for submission to a bank, the certificate must be received no earlier than 10 days at the time of submission.

It is best to understand all the subtleties in advance. There is no strictly established period of time during which this document is valid.

It is important to note that in some cases, providing false information can cause serious trouble.

You should not try to forge a document, this can lead to unpleasant consequences. There is a wide list of various nuances and subtleties related directly to the preparation of these documents.

Video: important nuances

Date of publication: 06/05/2013 09:03 (archive)

One of the most popular services provided by the Tax Service is the issuance of a certificate confirming the taxpayer’s fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, and fines. In 2012, the tax authorities of the Novgorod region generated more than 12 thousand, and in 4 months of this year - 3.5 thousand such certificates.

The certificate indicates whether or not the taxpayer has an unfulfilled obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties and fines payable in accordance with the legislation on taxes and fees, without indicating specific amounts. Consequently, if there is even a “penny” debt, the certificate will contain information about failure to fulfill the obligation to pay tax payments.

Both legal entities and individuals can apply for a certificate. As a rule, such certificates are requested when applying to a bank for a loan, to participate in competitions, auctions and in other cases.

The certificate is generated by the tax authority based on a written request from the taxpayer, which can be submitted to the inspectorate in person or sent by mail. The recommended request form is given in Appendix No. 8 to.

The request is submitted at the location of the organization or the place of residence of the individual. Taxpayers classified as the largest taxpayers must contact the inspectorate at the place of their registration as the largest taxpayers.

Since December 2012, a new procedure for generating certificates has been in effect in the Federal Tax Service system. Now the tax office, which received the taxpayer’s appeal, using departmental software, requests information about the fulfillment of this payer’s obligations from all tax authorities where he is registered for any reason.

Based on the responses received, a single certificate is generated containing a conclusion whether the taxpayer has a debt to the budget. If the applicant has an unfulfilled obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties and fines, the appendix to the certificate indicates the codes of the inspectorates whose certificates indicate the debt.

Thus, for example, an organization that has several separate divisions currently does not need to collect several certificates from different tax authorities where its branches are located. It is enough to submit one request to the tax office at the place of registration of the “parent organization”.

The tax authority is obliged to collect all the information and issue a certificate to the payer within ten working days from the date of receipt of the request by the inspectorate.

Various situations may arise in everyday life, so no one is immune from the formation of debts of one size or another.

They often become the basis for initiating legal proceedings if they are not repaid for a long time. The debtor can become not only an individual, but also a legal entity that is engaged in various types of business activities.

The legislative framework

Questions regarding obtaining a certificate confirming that the taxpayer has no debts to the federal budget are clarified in a number of legal acts.

These include:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The instructions of Article 32 establish the obligation of territorial branches of the Federal Tax Service inspection to issue, upon written request of citizens and legal entities, a certificate of fulfillment of obligations to the state budget. The procedure for repaying debts by taxpayers is established in Article 45, which states the issuance of relevant documents.
  • Federal Law “On placing orders for the supply of goods, works and services for state needs.” The act was issued on September 13, 2006 under number 94-FZ. Its regulations state that any legal entity must submit a certificate of absence of debt to the federal budget for a tender.
  • Federal Law “On the procurement of goods, works and services by certain types of legal entities.” The act was issued on July 18, 2011 under number 223-FZ. It establishes the obligation for participants in certain types of transactions to provide a certificate of absence of debts. It is one of the main documents influencing the selection of a counterparty.
  • Order No. ММВ-7-8/378@, issued by the Federal Tax Service inspection on July 21, 2019. The instructions of the by-law approved a new form of a certificate of absence of debts.

Basic moments

As practice shows, the need to present certificate No. 201 about the absence of debt to the federal budget arises not only from an individual, but also from a legal entity.

In this situation, they should contact the Federal Tax Service inspectorate at the location of their legal address, or at their place of residence, according to their place of registration. They must send a letter to the tax office about the absence of debt. The certificate is issued to all interested parties without restrictions.


A certificate confirming the timely payment of all taxes, obligatory payments and fees is generated by the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate based on the information provided in the unified federal taxpayer database. The norm is provided for in the instructions of Article 32 of the Tax Code.

The Federal Tax Service Inspectorate issues two types of certificates to interested parties:

  • on the status of settlements for taxes and fees, penalties and fines. It indicates specific types of mandatory payments and fees, their amounts;
  • , mandatory payments and fees. The document states the presence or absence of debts.

At their core, the above certificates are an official document. It confirms the fact that the person requesting the certificate has no delays in paying taxes, mandatory payments and fees to the federal budget, and has no debts.

Why is it needed?

In most cases, official paper is required to be submitted to the bank when loan funds are processed. Although there are often cases when it may be needed to receive government subsidies. Legal entities present it to FKP Rosreest when they cease to exist, submit documents to various authorities in order to take part in tenders and competitions.

In addition, the certificate is presented when:

  • change of legal address accompanied by re-registration of the taxpayer at a new address. As a rule, a legal entity must be registered with the Federal Tax Service inspection at its location;
  • submitting the necessary documents to participate in tenders announced by the state, receiving any types of subsidies allocated by the state on a competitive basis;
  • change of chief accountant of a legal entity;
  • developing a business plan to expand the legal entity. As a rule, counterparties are asked to present it in such a situation.

It should be noted that the presence of a certificate of proper fulfillment of obligations to the state is a kind of guarantor for a participant in a civil transaction. It indicates the reliability and financial solvency of the legal or physical person participating in it.

Bank reference

In some cases, some authorities ask to present a certificate of full repayment of borrowed funds from the bank. The certificate is included in the category of mandatory, official documents certifying the business qualities of a partner. It characterizes any individual or legal entity participating in a civil transaction as a responsible, respectable partner with whom it can be concluded without fear.

The certificate is issued by the bank that lent the loan funds, signed by an authorized person. It contains the original number, the date of issue, and is then sealed with the bank’s seal. It is mandatory to indicate the amount of loan funds that were issued by the bank to the borrower and the date of their full repayment.

The norm is established by the instructions of Article 408 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It notes that, in fulfillment of the terms of the lending agreement, the bank is obliged to issue a certificate of absence of debt upon the borrower’s first request.

Each bank independently decides the issue of the deadline for issuing a certificate, which is manifested in differences in the procedure for submitting the document.

To obtain a certificate, the borrower must contact the bank with an application.

The issuance period is set by the bank, so it varies within from one to seven days. For the most part, banks issue it for a fee. As practice shows, the fee is 100-350 rubles. In some banks, the cost of a certificate increases depending on the urgency of providing the certificate. Some banks issue certificates free of charge.

Often, information about the repayment of loan funds is not received by the credit history bureau in a timely manner, so some borrowers are listed as debtors in the bureau.

If the bank refuses to issue a certificate, the borrower has the right to file a complaint with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or with a statement of claim to a judicial authority. But before contacting these authorities, the borrower must submit a written request to the bank so that it issues a certificate of no debt. One of the elements of litigation on the issue of debts is the use of pre-trial regulation. The norm is established by the provisions of Article 408 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate of absence of debt from the Federal Tax Service

The Ministry of Finance recommends the form of the request, which is sent to obtain a certificate of absence of debts by its order No. 99n dated 02.07. 2012. It is located in Appendix No. 8 of the Administrative Regulations, which the Federal Tax Service inspectorate uses as a guide to action. A prerequisite for writing a request is to indicate the type of certificate required.

A certificate confirming the absence of debt is issued by the Federal Tax Service inspection in application form. It confirms the fact of proper fulfillment by the taxpayer of his obligations, timely payment of taxes, mandatory payments and fees, penalties and fines. The letter is subject to issue by the inspection in continuation 5-10 working days.

Compose the correct request

The legislator allows the request to be submitted manually and typewritten. If the request is written by hand, dark ink must be used. It can be typed on a personal computer and printed for further use. The period for issuing a certificate of no debt depends to some extent on the method of obtaining it.

The request must indicate:

  • full name of the legal entity, its tax identification number, legal address. Otherwise, the Federal Tax Service inspection will not accept the request for consideration;
  • the date on which information about the absence of debt is requested. If it is not specified or a later date is specified, then the certificate is issued on the date of registration of the request with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate;
  • a method of obtaining a certificate, for example, in person, through an attorney or by mail. If it is not specified in the request, then the certificate is sent by Russian post;
  • personal data of the attorney, representative of the legal entity who signed the request. A power of attorney must be issued to the attorney by a notary.

At the discretion of the applicant, the certificate may be issued in electronic form, which he must indicate in the request.

How to submit a request

A certificate of absence of debt may be needed at any time during a person’s life or production activities of legal entities. A request for a certificate of no debt can be submitted using one of the methods below.

It can be done:

  • in person by visiting the relevant department of the Federal Tax Service inspection. It can be submitted by the head of a legal entity, it can be submitted through an attorney;
  • by Russian post by registered mail, which must contain a list of enclosed official papers and documents;
  • online on the official website of the Federal Tax Service inspectorate, for which you need to use the service “personal account of a legal entity taxpayer.

If unforeseen situations arise as a result of submitting a request for a certificate, the applicant may present to the Federal Tax Service inspection copies of checks, payment receipts for the payment of taxes and fees. He should keep them for some time.


Any individual or legal entity may have a relationship with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate on issues related to the payment of taxes. Reporting on some types of taxes and fees is submitted to the budget on a monthly basis. Taking into account the above circumstances, a certificate of no debt is valid for 10 calendar days.

And in conclusion, it must be emphasized that a letter of absence is issued solely on the basis of a written request. Its form is not officially approved, so the Federal Tax Service inspectorate offers its own form. It is compiled taking into account all the required details, which allows you to receive the letter in a timely manner and then use it for its intended purpose.

A certificate of no debt is obtained from the MIFTS branch at the place of registration of the company. This certificate is issued within 10 working days. This certificate is required for:

  • participation in a tender, competition, auction
  • to receive a subsidy
  • to liquidate the company
  • to change the founder and much more...

Order a certificate

To obtain a certificate of no debt, you need to prepare a number of documents. To avoid all the red tape in preparing documents, you can contact the ConsultGroup company and our specialists will do it for you in a short time.

From us you can order an urgent certificate of absence of debt in one day. To do this, you just need to call or email the organization’s TIN or full name. individual and our employee will come to you within an hour to complete the documents, then our employee goes to the tax office, submits all the documents and the next day brings you a completed certificate of no debt with an incoming number, the signature of the deputy inspector and with a blue official seal.

If you are interested in a certificate from the tax office about the absence of debt urgently, we will get it for you in one day!

When drawing up various contracts or opening a bank account, a number of documents are required, among which certificates occupy a special place. This could be a certificate of no criminal record, a certificate of payment of taxes, a medical certificate, a certificate of absence of tax arrears... It is a certificate from the tax office of the absence of arrears that is one of the most in demand these days.

You can order a tax certificate confirming the absence of debt from the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Revenue or from the tax authorities.

Also, a certificate of absence of tax debt can be issued in electronic form. This method became available only recently, but is currently very popular among citizens. The advantage of this method is the following:

  • fill out an application without leaving home
  • the most convenient way
  • significant time savings

In order to obtain this certificate, you must submit a corresponding application to one of the above authorities. To obtain a certificate of no debt you do not need to pay anything. According to current legislation, you can obtain a certificate of no debt absolutely free of charge. As the law states, this document will have to be provided to you five days after submitting the relevant application.

Getting help

When you receive a certificate of no debt, it will display the date it was issued. This is necessary so that when drawing up an agreement or other documents, a notary, bank or other institution has accurate information about your debts or their absence at the time of drawing up these documents. That is, when preparing certain documents, the notary may ask you to re-submit a certificate of absence of debt, the issue date of which differs by no more than a week from the date of execution of the documents.

If you need a certificate of no debt urgently, you can contact the same structures to obtain it, and at the same time indicate that you need the certificate as soon as possible. In this case, this procedure will be paid, but you will be able to pick up your certificate the very next day. Sometimes every minute is worth its weight in gold, so you will need to pay for urgent receipt of a certificate.

Form KND 1120101 reflects the status of mutual settlements with the tax service for taxes, penalties, fines, fees of organizations, individual entrepreneurs and debts for settlements with the Federal Tax Service.

A certificate of no debt to the budget is issued by the tax service and confirms that the taxpayer has no debts to pay taxes and special fees to government bodies. A certificate from the Federal Tax Service regarding the absence of debt can be useful in many situations, including:

  • obtaining a license;
  • to participate in various tenders.

The procedure for obtaining a tax clearance certificate itself is not complicated, but even it can be simplified. You just need to contact a specialized company that provides assistance in obtaining certificates. The company’s specialists will be able to order the necessary certificate, and soon you will be able to pick it up. This service is paid, but this way you can save your time and focus on work, family or leisure.

To participate in a tender or auction

To take part in a tender or auction, a certificate of absence of tax arrears is required, and sometimes very quickly: within a couple of days. The law firm will take care of all the problems associated with such a service: the absence of debts from the tax, pension fund, social fund. insurance. If you need to obtain a certificate of no debt, specialists with extensive practical experience will help you solve the problem quickly and in the shortest possible period of time at any time. Both legal entities and individuals can apply for a certificate. Individuals usually need a certificate from a bank to obtain a loan or to renounce, for example, Russian citizenship.

Only an official certificate from the tax office confirming the absence of debt will provide comprehensive and truthful information: there is a debt to the budget or all taxes and payments have been paid in full.

In practice, if the taxpayer decides to obtain the certificate himself, it will turn out that this is quite difficult to do. You have to go to the tax office, then prepare and submit a request using a special form to receive a certificate of no debt. In addition, the request will have to indicate how you intend to receive this certificate - by mail or in person. If you forget to indicate this point, the tax authority will by default send you a certificate by mail, which will take even a couple of weeks.

Therefore, such a seemingly simple action as ordering a certificate of no debt can pose a very real problem. Especially if a businessman’s day is planned out minute by minute, and there is usually a queue at the tax office. If you have any debts, then a certificate of no debt to the budget will be issued only after they have been repaid. In this case, the tax authorities will simply refuse to issue this document, and the inspector will offer to pay off the accumulated debt.

Sample form

Order a certificate

Lawyers know that such behavior of inspectors is contrary to the current legislation of the Russian Federation. After all, a certificate from the Federal Tax Service about the absence of debt is called that only in common parlance. Its official name is: Certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties and tax fines. The name fully reflects the essence of this certificate: a certificate of absence of tax arrears 2015 is issued in any case and it must contain information: whether the taxpayer has paid all payments to the budget or remains in debt.

Therefore, if you need a certificate of no debt urgently, and the tax inspector creates obstacles in obtaining it, then you can either contact higher management or request a written refusal to issue it with justification. To avoid all these unpleasant problems and proceedings in order to collect a package of necessary documents and obtain a certificate of no debt, it will be much easier and faster to turn to a law firm for mediation services.

Urgent issuance of a certificate

It is this, at first glance, not so significant legal document that can slow down the elementary registration of some serious legal aspect. For example, you need to take out a mortgage or carry out any other financial plan transaction. In this situation, you urgently need to obtain a certificate of no debt. It goes without saying that you can write it out at government departments, but they certainly won’t do it urgently. A certificate of no debt to the Social Insurance Fund can be issued by a law firm. In this case, you will be sure that it is genuine, has legal force and, most importantly, you will receive it as quickly as possible.

Our law firm has all the necessary statutory documents, licenses and permission to issue this type of document. As for the cost, it all depends on how urgently you need the document and for what purpose. In any case, a certificate from the bailiffs about the absence of debt will be issued as soon as possible. Buying a certificate from the tax office about the absence of debts from our law firm means you are guaranteed to receive the document that you will need to complete your documents and carry out this difficult process as quickly as possible.

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Assistance in obtaining certificates in form 39 about the absence of debt from the Federal Tax Service

Registration of a tax deduction is a complex process, since it is not always easy to prove this fact to the state and return part of the taxes paid. Registration of all necessary certificates and documents can take a long time, and, therefore, nerves.

Our company offers assistance in filing a tax deduction, namely: collecting the necessary documentation, receiving and processing all client certificates, completing the correct application form. In addition, our company provides accounting and tax assistance in correctly calculating the tax refund, how much the client can claim, what period must be noted in the application and how long it takes to consider the application.

The most serious and relevant tax refund is the tax deduction from the purchase of an apartment, since the amounts that are subject to a refund from the tax paid are large.

Our company provides professional legal assistance. A tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment is always issued for any purchase of real estate and payment of 13% taxes. In this case, each client has the right to fill out all the necessary documents. collect certificates and return part of the tax paid.

Certificate of absence of debt

During the period of its work, almost any organization has encountered problems in obtaining certificates from various government bodies, which gave a certain kind of permission for further actions. But, unfortunately, it is often difficult to obtain a standard document on your own, since government agencies constantly come up with various problems, due to which obtaining a certain certificate is delayed or becomes completely impossible.

Fortunately, these problems, together with our organization, can be solved simply and quickly. If, for example, you need:

  • certificate of absence of credit debt.

then our specialists will do everything quickly and, most importantly, in accordance with the law, since we provide unique services that involve taking responsibility for carrying out such operations. We are able to pull all the strings so that every company or organization does not think about the problems of obtaining these documents, since these are our issues.

Therefore, even if you need a certificate from the tax authority about the absence of debt to the pension fund or tax office, then you 100% need to cooperate with us.

Order a certificate