Federal Tax Service make an appointment. How to register with the tax office online

You have to contact the tax office regularly. Regardless of the reason - a simple consultation, filing a report, you need to make an appointment.

Customer service here is constantly being improved, and currently citizens can register with the tax office through government services. It is available 24 hours a day and can be used using a computer and telephone with Internet access.

Federal government services

A user who has a standard account, that is, one who, after registering, entered SNILS data and a password, has access to the tax payment service. The steps are as follows:

  • Click on the “Taxes” link.
  • Go to gosuslugi.ru/category/taxes. To carry out the operation, either personal data or the number of the receipt that was delivered by mail is entered. You should also indicate your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
  • Click “Find debt” - the amount of debt will be indicated on this page.

Payment is processed by the inspectorate, as a rule, no more than 14 days. You can pay by credit card and e-wallet. Payment is confirmed by SMS code to the phone number you specified.

You can make an appointment to submit, for example, an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur as follows. Select on the “Taxes” page, go to the option where an individual entrepreneur is registered by a personal visit to the authority. Having a confirmed appointment, select a time for your visit and find out its coordinates directly on the website. It is possible to pay the state duty in advance by following the link to the Federal Tax Service website.

Attention: only those citizens who have a confirmed account in government services, which they receive only by applying in person, can sign up!

Tax office website

You can also sign up directly here. At the same time, you need to know that appointments are provided for one service no more than three times within 14 days. For your information, the basic rules are presented, which clearly outline who can use the service, how long it will take to provide it, the grounds for refusing admission, etc.

How to pay the state fee through the State Services portal

You must enter your details:

  2. Email, you will receive information that you have made an appointment and the deadline will be communicated.

Then select your region and service department. If you do not know it, use the link service.nalog.ru/addrno.do. After that, an electronic queue will become available to the tax authority, which you select from the drop-down list. Also, when recording, you should indicate what tax should be considered and the actions on it - calculation, penalties, payment. After this, you can view the list of available days and appointment times.

When you make a choice, the program will ask for confirmation. Then a page will open with information about the accepted application, a coupon with the date, time and acceptance window. Print it out so you have the information you need at hand.

Having the same set of documents, you can make an appointment at different times for two or more services.

User's personal account on fiasmo.nalog.ru

Regional public services

You can also communicate with the inspectorate on the portal of regional public services. By selecting “Tax Service”, the user is redirected to the page of the all-Russian website of the Federal Tax Service, where taxes are paid, an application for registration of an individual is submitted, and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is drawn up.

However, a number of operations are possible only when switching to the all-Russian portal of government services and having a confirmed account (this was discussed above). Without it, you can make an appointment on the tax authority’s website 14 days before your visit in the electronic queue. In this case, you do not even need to enter a TIN.

Submitting a declaration and other documents via the Internet

This is currently the fastest and most reliable option to report to the tax authorities.

Taxpayer's account on the State Services portal

Electronic submission of a declaration (3-NDFL) is possible in two ways:

  • in your personal account;
  • through the Public Services portal.

Although filing a declaration via the Internet does not exempt you from visiting the Federal Tax Service (a personal signature on the document is required), however, there is no need to languish in line - those who submitted the declaration online are served in a separate window.

Other advantages of this form:

  • the ability to send a declaration from anywhere;
  • saving time;
  • no errors - with the help of a special service they are immediately corrected;
  • calculation of the tax amount by the system;
  • security with additional protection of an electronic digital signature.

Submission is considered the filing date, regardless of when the tax authority receives the return. By the way, 3-NDFL for last year will be presented in a modified form, some items have been removed, others have been added. Changes in the payment of VAT and UTII were also affected. More detailed information can be found on the official website of the inspection.

To correctly fill out reports, the tax office offers different programs.


For example, in Moscow, the abstract and rules for using this program are located at the link www.nalog.ru/rn77/program/fiz/decl. With its help, you can fill out 3-NDFL without errors, which are corrected at the filling stage. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • open a regional tax service website;
  • hereinafter – “Programs for individuals” – “Declaration”.

How can an individual obtain a TIN through the Public Services portal?

Filling out through your personal account

You can log in using:

  • login and password of the registration card (obtained at any tax office by presenting your passport, TIN).
  • electronic signature (key certificate is issued by a certification center). After which the declaration is filled out and sent for verification. Waiting for a message about the status of the document.

Through government services

To submit a report, go to “tax return”, after which we make an appointment.

  • download the “Legal Taxpayer” program on the Federal Tax Service website;
  • draw up a declaration with preservation;
  • fill out an application and attach a file;
  • send a document;
  • write down the number;
  • print.

In your personal account you can track information about the progress of your application. On the appointed day, take the original with a personal signature to the service.

"Taxpayer Legal Entity"

Using this software, you can generate various reporting documents for submission to the tax office. Although it is mainly intended for use by legal entities, with its help any individual can also prepare declarations. The program is downloaded from the tax website. It is updated promptly and is free.

How to generate a receipt in form PD-4 for paying taxes - what to do if the receipt is lost?

About receiving a tax deduction

This can be done on the Government Services website. To submit an application you must complete the following steps:

  • get a verified account;
  • log into your personal account on the portal.

Find the “Taxes and Finance” subsection, follow further instructions, which will sequentially lead to the “acceptance of declarations” option, where you will need to select the provision of form 3-NDFL and the appropriate registration, for example, “new” is selected if you are submitting it for the first time. When you need to enter fresh data into an already completed declaration – “continuation”.

When all steps are completed, click “Submit”. The application will immediately go to the tax service.

On the Federal Tax Service website you can use a program that is specially created to check the correctness and accuracy of information; it will accurately generate declarations in the required form and eliminate inaccuracies www.nalog.ru/rn39/program//5961249.

After this, from your personal account, carry out the following actions: on the “Acceptance of tax returns” page, go to www.gosuslugi.ru/10054/25, in the subsection “Select the type of service received”, select “Personal visit”, then use the link leading to an appointment in the queue .

After downloading a sample form that states the right to a refund of property tax deductions, come in person and fill it out.

In order to improve the quality of services and improve the information interaction of tax authorities with taxpayers, the website of the Federal Tax Service www.nalog.ru contains Internet services that allow you to receive many tax service services remotely.

However, if a personal visit to the inspection is still necessary, you can plan the visit in advance by independently making an appointment with any inspection in real time using the interactive service “Online registration for an appointment with the inspection.” Using the service, you can select the service and the desired time for making an appointment, which will minimize the waiting time in line for an appointment with an inspector.

It is very simple to make an appointment with the inspectorate yourself: you need to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the service “Online registration for an appointment with the inspection”, in the appropriate field select the type of taxpayer (legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual), indicate your full name ., TIN, inspection (TORM) and type of service. Then the service will provide the opportunity to select the date and time of the planned visit and will generate a registration ticket for visiting the inspection, which will also be sent to the taxpayer’s email address, if it was specified when filling out the data.

The coupon may contain a PIN code if the inspection system has an electronic queue management system, which will need to be entered in the terminal located in the operating room.

During the operation of the “Online registration for an appointment with the inspection” service, 244 thousand taxpayers in the Moscow region used it, this year - 56 thousand people.

The tax office is one of those authorities that you have to contact every year. Regardless of why you decide to contact this authority, whether you need a simple consultation with local specialists, or you decide to file a report, you need to make an appointment. Signing up is not difficult - there is a specialized terminal for this, which can be used without difficulty. If necessary, a specialist will help you use this device. However, registering via a terminal requires you to wait until it’s your turn, which is not always acceptable. If you don't want to waste hours waiting, you can make an appointment online in advance.

There are two ways to do this:

  • The first is the tax service website;
  • The second is through the State Services website;

State services provide registration not only with the tax office, but also with doctors, appointments with other specialists, and allow you to submit documents online. All of the listed resources have their own recording nuances, and therefore the rules for implementing this small procedure may change.

Register with the tax office through government services

You will be able to register through government services only if you have completed information with your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), as well as if you fill out the appropriate fields on the website. It is worth pointing out right away that registration on the government service website is subject to double verification. The first approach is to indicate passport data, SNILS. After this, a check is carried out in 15 minutes, it is carried out automatically. In the future, you will be able not only to register, but also to submit a number of tax documents directly through this site. It is enough to simply create documentation.

How to write to the tax office:

  1. We go to the public service website under our name;
  2. Go to the financial section;
  3. Select a service;

Thus, registering with the tax office is no longer a problem; it is done online, and there are two resources for this. One of them allows you to act faster and without unnecessary documents, while the second will require documents and confirmation, but will provide more opportunities. Which option to choose is a personal matter for each user.

Registration through the taxpayer’s personal account

Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the tax office website, it is possible to register for both individuals and legal entities. The date and time are free, you can sign up for any available time period - this applies to applications at your place of registration. Online registration a common thing, and today many people take advantage of the opportunities it opens up.

How to register with the tax office through the website:

  1. You must have a personal taxpayer account. You can get it during a personal visit to the tax office, fortunately it doesn’t take long, or you can register through government services. But only if you have a verified account with government services;
  2. Go to the tax website. If you are applying there as an individual, then here you go https://lkfl.nalog.ru/lk/;
  3. We log into your personal account, the login and password were given to you by the tax office;
  4. Click on make an appointment;

You can also log in on the login page.

The online registration service allows a citizen to register with the tax office via the Internet in real time. This service is provided not only to individuals, but also to legal entities.

Main aspects

Registration is carried out during the working hours of the Federal Tax Service according to the operating hours of the authority during free intervals for recording.

Online registration with the tax office is carried out two calendar weeks in advance and ends at 24:00 of the previous day.

During these two weeks, a citizen can sign up online no more than three times. One taxpayer can be enrolled in two different services on the same day, but the times must be different.

It happens that the tax specialist is busy at the chosen time. In this case, the client will be received later, but the waiting time should not take more than half an hour.

Photo: familiarization with the terms of service of the Federal Tax Service website

If a citizen is late by more than 10 minutes, he loses his right to busy time, and his service is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Priority service through the online booking service is provided in the following cases:

  • if the data from the online record and the data from the ID card match;
  • the citizen applies for exactly the service that was chosen during online registration.

When filling out the application, you must agree to the processing of personal data.

Reasons for appeal

Applications from individuals and legal entities may differ. For example, individuals can contact the Federal Tax Service on the following issues:

  • obtaining a TIN or clarifying data;
  • information about the presence of debts or, conversely, overpayments to the tax office;
  • provision of income declaration – method of execution, deadlines and other information regarding the declaration;
  • submission of a Report on existing property – both movable and immovable;
  • receiving tax deductions;
  • issues relating to citizenship and residence;
  • information about opening a bank account abroad;
  • creating your own business;
  • control checks by the Federal Tax Service;
  • informing individuals about controlled transactions;
  • complaint to the tax office;
  • providing the applicant with information about his bank accounts;
  • procedure for specifying the UIN;
  • obtaining an address to which documents can be sent by mail;
  • FL bankruptcy.

Legal entities can receive the following services from the tax office:

  • legal entity registration;
  • reporting procedure;
  • accounting of bank accounts;
  • statement of overpayments or debts;
  • bankruptcy of a legal entity;
  • inspections carried out by the Federal Tax Service of legal entities;
  • international transactions of legal entities;
  • information on controlled transactions;
  • taxation of foreign companies;
  • what to do if the company ceases to operate;
  • filing a complaint with the company;
  • obtaining information on each specific legal entity;
  • providing the legal entity with information about its accounts.

The tax office may be interested in the following information:

  • individual entrepreneur registration;
  • accounting of all accounts that are registered with the bank for individual entrepreneurs;
  • procedure for accounting and registration of cash registers;
  • rules for preparing tax reports;
  • presence of debts or, conversely, overpayments;
  • information about inspections by the Federal Tax Service;
  • IP compliance with legislative acts;
  • filing a complaint with the Federal Tax Service;
  • implementation of international transactions;
  • termination of the work of the individual entrepreneur;
  • information about addresses for sending letters by mail;
  • IP bankruptcy.

All these and many other services are provided by the tax office.

Requirements for a personal visit to St. Petersburg

In order to visit the Federal Tax Service office in St. Petersburg, you need to take the following documents with you:

  • passport details;
  • SNILS;

However, you should remember that a personal account on the Federal Tax Service website is much more convenient than a personal visit, because here you can:

  • save time that is usually spent on a personal visit;
  • without visiting the branch, submit materials that confirm the taxpayer’s right to the benefit;
  • pay tax debts and fines online;
  • see up-to-date information about all movable and immovable property that belongs to you;
  • get answers to your questions and at the same time save correspondence.

The system can also be used to evaluate the quality of tax officials’ responses.

The legislative framework

The work of the Federal Tax Service is related to the following legislative acts:

  • Tax code;
  • regulations developed specifically for the Federal Tax Service;
  • court decisions declaring legal acts invalid.

The main legislative acts are Order No. ММВ-7-6/114, which states exactly how reports and art. 88 of the Tax Code, which states exactly how the income declaration should be drawn up.

Submitting an application online

In order to make an appointment with specialists via the Internet, you need to enter the following data in a special form:

  • your type as a taxpayer (legal entity, individual or individual entrepreneur);
  • your initials;
  • telephone number for contacting the taxpayer;
  • email address.

Please note that all of these fields, except middle name, are required. If you have not filled in at least one field, then further registration will not be available to you.

Once all the above fields have been filled in, you can select the most suitable date and time for you.

Please remember that the entry can be canceled or changed if necessary. According to Federal Tax Service specialists, this service is very convenient and allows you to plan your time for visiting the tax office in advance.

And since the tax queues are always long, you can avoid a large number of queues at the Federal Tax Service. You must make an appointment for such a consultation at least two weeks before your visit.

But the recording ends just before the tax office visit. Thanks to online booking, not only individuals, but also legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can make an appointment without leaving home.

Photo: entering data for online registration with the Federal Tax Service

This service will also be useful if you need to submit financial statements. Even a routine consultation with the center’s specialists will no longer be accompanied by long queues.

It is enough to fill out a special form, which also will not take the citizen more than 5-10 minutes. By the way, in order to gain access to your personal account and, accordingly, online registration on the site, you can use the following method:

  1. Visit the tax office.
  2. Provide passport details.
  3. Write an application for access to your personal account.

After this, the specialist will provide you with a login and password, with which you can log into your personal account.

Photo: required fields for online registration with the Federal Tax Service

Is it possible to make a time reservation through the State Services website?

Many citizens who are active users of the State Services portal are interested in whether it is possible to obtain an online record not only through the tax office’s personal account, but also through the State Services website by entering a login and password.

Until this moment, there was only one way to connect to the personal account of the Federal Tax Service and gain access to the online record.

To do this, it was necessary to visit the tax office, where, upon providing passport data and writing the appropriate application, the employee gave the taxpayer a login and password, with which he could log into his personal account and receive an online record.

Currently, if you have a personal account on the State Services portal, which is also confirmed by the MFC, then you do not have to visit the inspection.

It will be enough to enter on the Federal Tax Service website the same data that you enter when entering your personal account on the State Services portal.

With the help of such a personal account, you can use many services - including checking whether your tax deduction has been approved, checking information about the objects of taxation that you own, as well as filling out and submitting a declaration online, and even seeing your tax accruals.

True, there is one exception here. Unfortunately, you will not be able to log into your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website if the confirmation code for the State Services portal was received by registered mail.

And all because tax accruals are extremely confidential information. Therefore, the identity of the user who has access to this information must be confirmed by this citizen personally.

How to cancel an appointment

Both companies and individuals can cancel the appointment feature. This service has been available since 2015.

In order for a company to use a personal account, it is necessary to have a signature key certificate, which is issued by cents registered as the Federal Tax Service.

You must register on the tax website. If you made an online registration, but then your plans changed, you can cancel the registration.

To do this, just click on the “cancel entry” button, which is located opposite the date you selected.

When registering on the tax website, you can receive an online registration with the Federal Tax Service and at the same time free yourself from the need to stand in long lines.

Moreover, even if the specialist is busy during your appointment, he will be required to see the taxpayer within the next 30 minutes.

There are many other advantages to registering on the Federal Tax Service portal - including, by using its services, you can obtain the necessary information, fill out a declaration online, find out information about taxes and even send the necessary scanned documents.

Quite often, obtaining government services can be accompanied by queues and bureaucratic delays, not to mention the lengthy procedure for obtaining the necessary documents. To save your time, it is better to register with the tax office through State Services. This site offers a wide range of different services to the public.

There is a special section on the website for conducting financial transactions, including tax ones. The services presented in this functionality can, for the most part, be obtained remotely. Public authorities have opened access to registration of the service for both individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities.

Among the platform’s catalog of services, there is also the possibility of recording for registration of an individual entrepreneur. To register, you need to select the service of registering an individual entrepreneur by personal visit in the “Taxes” section on the main page of the resource. The customer can also pay the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles via the Internet on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

In addition, the platform has a tax payment service. To transfer funds, you need to enter your TIN, your data or the number of the receipt that is delivered by mail. Once the user has clicked on the taxes window, they will see a “Find Debt” option, which will display the exact amount of taxes that need to be paid.

You can transfer funds using a bank card or electronic wallet. In order for the money to be sent, you must confirm the payment with an SMS code that is sent to the entered phone number. After this, the payment processing procedure begins, which lasts 14 days.

Video “Registration with the tax office through State Services without problems”

From this video you will learn how to quickly make an appointment with the tax office at a time convenient for you.

Algorithm for making an appointment

The Gosuslugi resource works closely with the Federal Tax Service, so it will take less time to order a service if you have already completed authorization and have access to your Personal Account. You can sign up through the website of the Federal Tax Service or State Services. Today we will consider only the second option.

So, registration with the inspector is carried out as follows:

  1. Authorization on "State Services".
  2. Open the site's service catalog.
  3. Find the “Taxes and Finance” section and go to it.
  4. Choose the service that is relevant to you.
  5. Carefully read the terms of service and click on the record button.
  6. Specify the information that the system will require.
  7. Choose the inspection department that is convenient for you to contact.
  8. Confirm your order.

By entering your personal data, you automatically consent to their processing in accordance with current legislation.

When specifying the desired date, keep in mind that it must fall within the work schedule of the relevant department. If the time you specified is already taken, registration will not take place. You just need to choose another time during which the inspector will be free from other records.

The possibility of booking a specific date opens 14 days in advance. The system sets a limit regarding the deadline for recording. This means that you cannot register for the day that follows the date of filling out the application, that is, you will not be able to order a service on June 13 for June 14.

One taxpayer with one package of documents in hand can receive two or more different services on the same date only if he has chosen different reception times for inspection staff.

If the inspector authorized to receive the taxpayer is busy, the start time of the recording may shift. However, the reception is guaranteed to begin no later than half an hour from the announced time.

A person registered through State Services has the right to priority service. This type of service is provided by appointment, provided that:

  • there is a request for a service ordered online;
  • the data of the presented identification document corresponds to the data specified during the electronic registration.

If the taxpayer is more than 10 minutes late, he will be served in the regular queue. The right to priority of service in this case is canceled.

So, by registering on the State Services website, you can make an appointment with an inspector online without leaving your home.

Signing up through the platform is more practical. You get the opportunity to independently choose the date and time of your appointment that is convenient for you, as well as the right to priority service.

The functionality of the resource is convenient, registering for a meeting with an inspector is quite simple, and the procedure will take little time, which can significantly make the taxpayer’s life easier.