Situational plan of the real estate property. Situational plan of a land plot: how to view and download via the Internet

Considering the general principles of design and construction, we were faced with questions regarding the main differences between the construction master plan and the situational plan. In this connection, we decided to tell our readers about what we call a master plan and what is situational. A master plan is a design document, which is a drawing showing the location of a construction project. The master plan is fully linked to the designed object, land plot and architectural structures located on it, both on the territory of the whole city and in a separate area. As a rule, the master plan is executed in a scale image (1:1000, 1:500, sometimes 1:200) by graphically superimposing a drawing of the designed object on a topographical, engineering-topographical or photographic plan of the territory. In a working draft, a master plan is a drawing that shows the placement of the construction site and landscaping elements of the nearby area. The differences between a construction master plan and a situational plan begin with large-scale execution. The scale of the situation plan is usually 1:2000. In addition, a situational plan is a drawing that shows:

The main differences between a construction master plan and a situational plan lie in their development. If the master plan is made on the basis of calculations, then the situational plan, to a greater extent, acquaints us with the construction conditions. The master plan is developed comprehensively and is a mandatory document for the construction organization project (COP). The situational plan is not used at all in some cases. The master plan is ensured by compliance with fire safety and sanitary and hygienic construction standards. Situational plan - is based on methodological instructions that define its content and form. Master plan - approximately determines transport schemes, placement of main and temporary facilities, therefore, in some cases, it is drawn up sequentially for each stage of work. Situation plan - designed to create a digital model of the area and does not require stage-by-stage execution. As you can see, the differences between the construction master plan and the situational plan are so noticeable that there is no point in considering their specifics further. Unless you decide to find out more based on the specific conditions of the project. In this case, call or write to us! We will be happy to answer all your questions and tell you about the preparation of project documentation regarding all its sections!

In order to correctly present the differences between the construction master plan and the situational plan, we moved away from the design language and tried to present the material in a form accessible to the reader. But we consider it necessary to emphasize that the preparation of the master plan is regulated by SNiP 3.01.01-85 and is determined by the specific volume of general construction work. The situation plan is drawn up on the basis of planning projects for the construction area and based on engineering survey materials. You can read more about engineering surveys in the corresponding section of the Encyclopedia of Construction. Note that when performing a situational plan, topographical survey will not be needed, since only buildings, structures, roads and other similar landmarks are marked on it. If the customer cannot do without a master plan, then having a situational plan is very important when constructing residential and agricultural facilities. Therefore, if you are planning to build a metal building or structure, first share your ideas with the designer, who will help you decide on the composition of the design and working documentation, valuable terms, construction, engineering and design solutions that will optimally suit your ideas!

Some differences between the construction master plan and the situational plan are not indicated in this article. Here, a lot depends on the specific specifics of the activity of your construction project. Therefore, we are waiting for your calls to talk in more detail about the upcoming design!

Situational plan for the location of the facility– this is a drawing that shows the location of a construction project (gasification or waste disposal) on a site linked to the territory of a populated area. It is usually done schematically. It is very important that all nearby objects are plotted on the map. During large-scale construction, even the number of storeys of neighboring buildings is indicated.

For ordinary people, using the benefits of civilization is an integral part of life. We don’t know what it’s like to turn on the stove every morning, squeeze out the remaining water from the pump, or take a shower with a ladle. All this is very typical for urban spaces. But residents of villages and villages also want to enjoy comfort. Therefore, the improvement of settlements has been actively carried out recently. Not the least role in this is played by the situational plan of the location of the object.

Situational plan of the land plot

  1. Drawing up an act of approval of the boundaries of a land plot when making transactions or producing a cadastral passport.
  2. Obtaining permission to carry out design and survey work during the construction of new facilities.
  3. Obtaining permission for the reconstruction of buildings and structures.
  4. Obtaining technical conditions for connection to electricity and gas supply networks.
  5. For a detailed study of the area and planning the location of a residential building, outbuildings and other objects.

An electronic cadastral passport can be issued on the official portal ( for all real estate properties in Russia. Within 15 minutes after receiving the request and payment for services, a copy is sent to the applicant’s email address. The cost of registration of the electronic version is 500 rubles.

Development of a situational plan for the facility and land plot

It seems possible to indicate only the location of the future structure being built when it comes to individual housing construction. If you have excellent graphic skills, you can draw this diagram yourself. At least the legislation does not impose strictly regulated requirements for the production of such a circuit by a specialized organization. The cost of producing a circuit in specialized organizations may vary depending on the region and the prices of the particular organization you contacted.

The above points are described in detail in the order of the Ministry of the Region. A fair question arises: “ Where can I get a situation plan?? If all the rules of the law are scrupulously observed, then the preparation of this official document should be carried out by the local government body. The period for preparing documentation should not exceed 30 days from the date of the developer’s application. You can also submit an application on the government services portal, which will list the list of required attached documents.

Areas of application and rules for drawing up a situational plan

Documents are submitted by the applicant independently or by his representative who has grounds for this (power of attorney certified by a notary). Authorities do not have the right to refuse applications. All of them must be accepted and executed in accordance with the rules for accepting documents.

  • Storage address;
  • Indication of building lines;
  • Cardinal directions indicated by arrows;
  • All buildings with an indication of their number of storeys;
  • Street names;
  • Favorable and unfavorable objects - parks, highways, etc.;
  • Location of utilities;
  • Indication of types of work;
  • Planned maximum performance of the facility;
  • Customer data;
  • Stamp and signature of the performer.

Situational plan

  1. To do this, you need to register on the site and send the appropriate request.
  2. Next, the resulting situational diagram must be scaled to 1:500 and saved electronically or printed.
  3. Then find a sample situational plan for connecting electricity and, using a graphic editor, identify nodes and power lines on the site.

It is also possible to prepare the document yourself. The basis is taken from high-resolution maps from open sources. Before this, it is necessary to notify the operational services in advance about the independent drawing up of a situational plan for the land plot for gasification.

How to make a situational plan yourself

The owner of a land or garden plot who plans to develop it, and even more so, to build a house, cannot do without this document. When thinking about how to design a site, start with a situational plan. If such a document is not present among others when purchasing a plot, it is easy to draw it up yourself. Take a sheet of paper in A4 format (landscape sheet) or A3 (twice as large) - if the area is large. It is most convenient to make a drawing on a scale of 1:200. This means that every centimeter on paper corresponds to two meters on the ground. An ordinary plot of 10 to 20 acres in size fits well on a landscape sheet on this scale. For very small plot sizes, you can take a scale of 1:100 (one centimeter on paper is one meter on the ground). For a large area you will need a sheet of A3 or even A2 format.

The situational plan of the land plot must contain an image of all significant objects - existing (including unfinished) buildings, boundaries of neighboring plots, wells, roads, landscape elements. The distance between them can be determined using a large 20-meter tape measure. To begin with, it is best to make a sketch of the area on a small piece of paper indicating the measured distances between objects, then draw up an accurate scaled plan. It is convenient to use graph paper.

You most often have to resort to drawing up a situational plan or look for an office where you can get a situational plan of a land plot before selling a land plot or obtaining approval from energy services for the arrangement of electrical networks. If to work with architectural bureaus and departments of the municipality it is still possible to interact at the level of general and regional legislation, then with energy and gas workers most often you have to agree on their terms and requirements for document execution. Departmental by-laws regarding gas and electricity supply are rarely challenged even by the courts, so it is much more difficult to fight with serval services.

The document indicates the symbols of various objects and territories, provides the most accurate boundaries without drawing linear dimensions, but respecting the proportions and indicating the scale of the area. The diagram must indicate the wind rose, the direction of illumination of objects and the direction of the cardinal points.

Situational plan for the location of the land plot

You will also need a good compass to accurately determine the cardinal directions and indicate them on the diagram in the form of arrows. An undoubted practical advantage of drawing up a plan yourself is the opportunity in the future, based on it, to competently plan various zones on your site - from the location of windows to landscape design.

Such a plan is used for a detailed consideration of the area. This document must necessarily present the boundaries of the land plot, its specific location in the area, and the adjacent objects must be indicated, even the names of the shuttle buses serving the area, as well as engineering communications.

Situational plans

Situational plan- this is a plan showing the position of an object in the urban planning, landscape planning system of a region, city or district, identifying functional, compositional and transport connections. Such a plan depicts a significant territory, shows the connection of the territory with the environment, and the connection of the designed structure with other objects of the village or city. Also, the situational plan must indicate the building lines, the boundaries of the designated area, a schematic representation of the main buildings and structures, indicating the number of floors, parking, a network of transport communications and the names of streets adjacent to the territory of the facility. The situation plan is carried out schematically, on a scale usually much smaller than the master plan.

The need for a situational plan, reflecting the location of the property on the ground, indicating road and utility networks, as well as natural and technical objects, arises when coordination of land boundaries in local governments, during purchase and sale, for orientation, etc.

What is a situational plan of a land plot, where and how to get it? Download free sample

  1. Design– a diagram of the image of the landfill and the adjacent territory of the settlement.
  2. Analytical– explanations added to the topographical (schematic) part.
  3. Insolation– lighting system of the adjacent territory.
  • cadastral and technical characteristics of the land plot;
  • information about the owner - customer;
  • information about the contractor;
  • location of the boundaries of the memory;
  • location of capital facilities within the site;
  • others, including outbuildings;
  • infrastructure outside the site boundaries.
05 Aug 2018 1042

Today, the construction of even small objects is not carried out recklessly, at random. Even at the acquisition stage, the landowner evaluates the location of the site in relation to transport interchanges and various communications. No one will be surprised by the question - where can I get a situational plan for gasification and connection to electrical networks. To carry out any economic activity on the site, it is highly desirable to have a professionally designed situational plan of the land plot available. It must comply with the standards and regulations adopted in the Russian Federation. The Geotop Engineering LLC company carries out topographic and geodetic work at the request of individuals and enterprises of any form of ownership. Ordering a situation plan from our company means purchasing high-quality documentation drawn up in accordance with current GOSTs.

What is a situation plan, where can I get detailed information about the situation?

A schematic representation of the territory (drawing) linked to the surrounding infrastructure is the situational plan of the area. It is prepared upon completion of field work - professional topographic survey. Our specialists mark on the drawing in the form of symbols objects that are directly related to the site:

  • Capital structures.
  • External utility and gas pipelines.
  • Power lines (the cable or overhead line, the predicted connection point, and, if available, transformers and substations must be indicated).
  • Automobile and other transport routes.
  • Pillars, supports.

IMPORTANT! Obtaining a situational plan for a land plot involves our topographers displaying objects located on the surface of the earth and underground communications, if the laying of cable electrical lines is supposed to be done in the ground.

Upon completion of field and office work, the customer receives from us a situation plan indicating:

  • wind roses (cardinal directions);
  • allotment boundaries;
  • location of objects on the site;
  • significant (for the customer’s purposes) objects outside the site;
  • linear dimensions and distances.

When creating a situational plan in the Moscow region, we link the area under study to significant objects in the adjacent territory: heating mains, gas mains, water pipelines, sewerage systems, and power supply facilities. In addition, we indicate on the plan favorable and negative factors - the proximity of a river, forest, enterprise, landfill, the presence of security zones.

Regardless of who orders a situation plan for the Moscow region and is the owner of the site - a private owner or an enterprise, our specialists prepare a complete set of documentation:

  • drawing materials (diagram);
  • explanatory note (technical report).

In what cases is a situational plan ordered in the Moscow region?

Typically, the landowner already has documents on land ownership (title, lease) with a simplified image of a plot of land, where only the boundaries of the territory are indicated (copied from the general plan). The question - where to get a situational plan - arises in situations where serious construction or repair work is to be done on the site. Then a detailed plan of the territory is required, where the connection of the site with the infrastructure of the adjacent area and its natural features is visually determined.

You should order a situation plan from our professionals in the following cases:

  • laying new power lines;
  • repair or reconstruction of old power lines.

Obtaining a situational plan at the required scale

Our topographers draw up a situational plan of a specific land plot based on the general plan. Depending on the goal that the land owner sets when wondering where to order a situational plan, our employees select the scale of the survey. We use:

    Scale 1:2000 - most often used for pipeline laying, gasification, electrification.

When choosing a scale, our specialist who makes the situational plan takes into account that the resulting graphic products must, in the form of symbols, convey the situation on site with sufficient accuracy for the intended use.

How and where to order a situation plan

Sometimes a private developer himself tries to create a situational plan of the area and most often fails - to obtain a high-quality “picture” you need professional skills, knowledge, specialized equipment, and software. Accurate measurements on the ground can be carried out using professional instruments.

Therefore, to the question of a situational plan - where to get it in Moscow, the answer is unequivocal - contact professionals. You will receive: accurately performed measurements on the ground, in accordance with current standards, prepared diagrams using generally accepted symbols that are understandable to specialists.

In such a case, where can you get a situational plan if you decide to do it yourself? An alternative is to use available information, including on the Internet (city plan, district plan, garden cooperative plan).

When searching for an organization where you can order a situational plan, you should prepare the following information for the contractor:

  • Applicant details, contact phone number.
  • Site address, cadastral number.
  • The area of ​​the land.
  • The purpose for which the situational plan is ordered, where to obtain detailed data on its actual use.
  • Title documents for land.

You can order a situation plan from local municipal authorities.

If you urgently need a high-quality detailed situational plan, who issues it, except government organizations? You need to contact specialized specialists in a private company. Our company Geotop Engineering LLC has all the necessary licenses and permits to carry out topographic and geodetic work, issued by government agencies of the Russian Federation. You can order the service on the company’s website.

Situation plan - prices, deadlines

Our company sets the lowest prices for the situational plan with the high quality of the documents provided, which became possible thanks to:

  • use of the latest equipment;
  • application of optimal techniques;
  • high professionalism and experience of the staff.

For a situational plan, the cost is formed by our economists, based on the saturation of the scheme with objects, taking into account the number of calculations made.

As a result of the work carried out, the Customer is given an explanatory note and a situation plan, the prices for which are the best in the region.

We value your time, therefore, when the question arises - where can you order a situation plan, contact our specialists through the website or by phone - we guarantee timely completion of the application.

It is not enough, it is advisable to draw up a situational plan. It is drawn up by the owner of the land plot (LO) and is determined by a set of essential characteristics that establish its advantage over the boundary plan.

Situational plan of the land plot: what is it? A situational plan of a land plot is a topographical view of the area into which the owner’s land plot fits. This reflects information about the context surrounding the site and the specific elements that make up the planning area.

Has 3 main parts:

  1. Design– a diagram of the image of the landfill and the adjacent territory of the settlement.
  2. Analytical– explanations added to the topographical (schematic) part.
  3. Insolation– lighting system of the adjacent territory.

Information displayed in EPROM

This requires concise entry of all information that is significantly related to the site, as well as to the purposes of drawing up the document. If it is compiled for the presentation of real estate for sale, the main information reflects the infrastructure into which the plot is included, as well as the location of objects within its boundaries.

The most significant information is:

  • cadastral and technical characteristics of the land plot;
  • information about the owner - customer;
  • information about the contractor;
  • location of the boundaries of the memory;
  • location of capital facilities within the site;
  • others, including outbuildings;
  • infrastructure outside the site boundaries.

Objects schematically located on the plan outside the site must correspond to buildings and structures located in the real space of the designated territory.

Among them:

  • residential buildings;
  • transport links;
  • sidewalks;
  • shopping centers, industrial buildings, etc.

Each object must be marked, indicating the address and name, if it belongs to public types of buildings. Transport connections require the indication of bus routes.

SPZU “with reference to territory”

In this case, the diagrams of objects are permeated with signs that determine the passage of power lines:

  • linear objects;
  • wiring in an existing building, private house;
  • underground cables, etc.

Their exact location is indicated and their connection to the corresponding power systems is explained. The same is prepared when gasifying a site or building area.

This work requires the most accurate indication of the location parameters of the specified objects. Therefore, a whole network of symbols is built on the plan, penetrating the schematic, capital and other buildings.

DIY situation plan

Next, we will consider how to obtain a situational plan of a land plot. If you have the appropriate skills, you can draw up a plan yourself. But one should understand the limited legal capacity of a homemade SPZU.

It can only be used for presentations when selling a plot of land.. Based on the plan, the buyer will be able to conveniently consider the location of the site and its surrounding context. Such a visual model may be quite useful.

To carry out engineering communications, of course, you need to contact specialists.

To prepare a plan, the following algorithm should be followed:

  • Take a sheet of squared paper or graph paper.
  • Determine the scale 1:1 200.
  • Measure the area of ​​buildings and the distance between them.
  • Draw diagrams of buildings on paper according to scale.
  • Draw a line around the area.
  • Draw transport lines, passages between houses; sidewalks, etc.
  • Designate public buildings and facilities with their names.
  • Indicate the cardinal directions along the edges of the sheet: N, S, W, E.

If the work is carried out over a large area, measured in hectares, the scale can be reduced to 1:1,500. Such a plan does not have official status and therefore is not subject to certification.

Reasons for obtaining a plan

In order to obtain the specified plan, no special grounds are required other than the requirements of the owner. The owner of the land plot has the right to order work at his own discretion. If the authorized body provides this service, it is obliged to accept the application.

However, the owner’s position must be based on established standards:

  1. Submission of an application by the owner or representative in person, on the official website of the founder or by mail.
  2. Attachment of relevant documentation.
  3. Preliminary surveying, with the placement of lands on .

In case of unlawful refusal to perform this service, the customer has the right to file a complaint against the contractor.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining SPZU

The application can only be submitted by the owner of the plot. If the plan is required for gasification or electricity supply of the site - also by the tenant and other title owner.

How to download a situational plan of a land plot? The sample is available on our website in *.jpg format:

Where to contact?

Where can I get a situational plan of a land plot for gasification? The service is performed by the department of land management and urban planning of the locality administration. If the service is not provided, you should contact a survey company. In Moscow, this service is performed by the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning.

You can contact the designated organizations where you can get a situational plan of a land plot in person, through the official website or by mail. The interested person fills out an application with documentation attached and submits it in accordance with the procedure established by the institution for the reception of citizens.

What documents will be needed?

The package presented consists of the following:

  • an application drawn up on a form or according to a sample;
  • certificate of ownership of permanent buildings located on the site;