Pos bank lending. POS lending at retail outlets - what is it?

Express loans, despite their shortcomings, continue to gain popularity. People are already so “spoiled” by progress in the financial industry that they want to get a loan here and now. POS lending is one of the types of express loans provided directly at points of sale, we will talk about this in the article. What are they and what are the nuances of obtaining them?

POS lending. What it is?

POS lending at the stage of its inception in Russia was called commodity credit. This is a loan that is issued for the purchase of a specific product and is issued directly at the point of sale - without visiting the bank. The abbreviation POS is literally translated from English “Point of Sale” as “point of sale,” which quite clearly reflects the essence of the financial term we are considering.

Unlike a bank loan, the buyer-borrower in this case does not receive cash in hand. After issuing a POS loan, the bank pays the store for the goods, and the buyer then returns a regular loan to the credit institution.

A bank that has decided to provide pos-lending services enters into partnership agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation with various interested trading enterprises.

It can be:

  • car dealerships;
  • household appliances and electronics stores;
  • furniture and jewelry stores;
  • points of sale mobile phones and accessories for them;
  • just any seller who wants to increase their sales in this way.

We’ll talk about the benefits of cooperation for both sides a little further, but for now let’s see what it looks like for an ordinary “post-buyer.”

In partner stores, the financial institution “places” its representative, who is involved in the complete processing of the loan: from filling out the application to signing the loan agreement, including persuading, and, to put it more correctly, advising customers to purchase a loan service. You don’t have to look far for an example; this scheme works in M.Video.

Sometimes banks take a different route, concluding an agreement with a credit broker, whose representatives are involved in processing a loan at a retail outlet. For example, in Eldorado the interests of banks are represented by the broker “Always YES” (according to information from the official website of the network), which works simultaneously with different banks. Which scheme is preferable is up to the partners to decide, but, apparently, a bank employee is more interested in attracting a client than a broker, since his salary depends on the number of successful “sales”.

There are not many banks involved in post-lending: Renaissance Credit CB, Alfa-Bank JSC, Cetelem Bank LLC (in fact, this is a structure of Sberbank), Home Credit and Finance Bank (HCF), PJSC Eastern Express bank" - these are only those institutions that offer their services in M.Video and Eldorado. Additionally, we note Russian Standard, which was the first to issue pos-loans, as well as the equally well-known OTP, Rusfinance and a number of others.

The role in attracting customers is played not only by themselves loan officers and beautiful price tags offering to buy goods on credit for favorable conditions, but the store employees themselves are consultants, because it is to them that we begin to ask questions about a specific product.

How are POS loans issued?

So, you have decided to buy goods on credit. Let's consider the scheme of the POS lending procedure:

  1. the consumer chooses a product from those that can be purchased on credit;
  2. without leaving the point of sale, he fills out an application for a loan at the “credit counter”, and it is enough to present only a passport, and, if desired, one of the documents to choose from: driver’s license, foreign passport, insurance certificate state pension insurance Russian Federation or certificate of issue of TIN;
  3. upon the bank's approval (this will take 15-30 minutes), the buyer signs the loan documentation;
  4. the bank makes payment for the purchase (without the participation of the buyer);
  5. the buyer-borrower is given the purchased item;
  6. debt repayment is made according to the payment schedule in the store itself (if possible), at bank cash desks or other available methods.

In some cases, receiving commodity credit requires a down payment (10, 20, 30 and even up to 99%), but in some cases you can do without it. It all depends on the bank and the conditions under which it is willing to provide a loan. Restrictions may also be on the number of simultaneous purchases, minimum and maximum cost(in the same M.Video you can buy goods from 3,000 to 250,000 rubles), by age, registration, etc. The credit manager will tell you about this.

The loans themselves can be issued for a period from several months to 3 years, with an interest rate of 30 to 50% per annum and with restrictions on maximum amount lending.

You can often get into promotions like smart installments without overpaying according to the 0 0 12 scheme (24, 36, and so on). In theory, by taking out a trade loan according to this scheme, after repaying the loan, you will end up not overpaying a penny, but this is only in theory. In reality, such proposals have many pitfalls, which we described in detail in. In a nutshell, the store gives a discount, and the partner bank adds its percentage to the amount of this discount, and in the end you have to pay the same amount as the product originally cost. But you have to be lucky for everything to turn out as the advertisement promises, and after reading this material, your chances will increase many times over. Yes, in fact, it’s difficult to call it an installment plan - take a look and you’ll understand everything for yourself (it’s actually issued at 0%).

Advantages of commodity lending

Each party to the transaction will find positive aspects in POS lending:

1. For the buyer - quick acquisition of the necessary goods even in the absence the required amount. You can use the item today and pay for it gradually. The down payment, which is not always necessary, is insignificant compared to the main purchase price. The process of obtaining a loan is simpler than with a regular one consumer lending– you just need a passport and your desire. In addition, you can get into a promotion like “smart installments at 0%” and ultimately purchase goods without overpaying.

2. For the bank, it is an opportunity to increase its customer base and increase the number of loans issued. Additional clientele is always an opportunity for cross-selling (cross-selling of related credit products, such as credit cards), increasing the loan portfolio and a new level of profitability for a financial institution.

3. For a retail outlet – an increase in product turnover and average bill. After all, when buying goods on credit, a person can afford a little more than when paying in cash. The store receives its profit immediately and does not bear any risks - this is very important, since the bank assumes all risks. In addition, there is always the opportunity to get rid of obsolete goods by simply including them in the assortment sold on credit.

But there are no favorable moments anywhere. This also has its negative sides.


They mostly concern the borrower. Here are the main disadvantages:

1. High interest rates for POS lending, sometimes several times higher than average bank interest on consumer lending. So the bank is blocking possible risks non-repayment, which are included in the cost of the loan due to an accelerated verification of the client’s solvency. The client is assessed by his credit, which is calculated automatically based on the applicant’s credit history (this procedure is also called scoring).

2. and Additional services(insurance, etc.), which can be screwed up by cunning managers.

3. Limitations on the loan amount (this applies to household appliances).

4. Pledge of the purchased item. The bank, wanting to minimize the risks of delays and non-repayment of the loan, requires that the purchased item be pledged as collateral. Then, if the debtor refuses to pay the loan, the financial institution will be able to at least partially return its money by selling the collateral. Typically, collateral is used when taking out a pos-loan for a car at a car dealership (the bank takes the original vehicle passport).

5. The likelihood of purchasing a morally obsolete product. With a cash purchase, the same money can be spent on a newer model or make.

6. Impulsive shopping. Sometimes the temptation to buy right now “clouds the remnants of reason” and a person takes something that is not quite within his means. With a normal purchase, he would probably have paid attention to something cheaper.

The financial institution also takes risks. And first of all, this is due precisely to the fact quick check client's solvency. In consumer lending, banks do not have this “luxury” and the applicant is vetted more thoroughly, for example, by requesting an income statement or other evidence of creditworthiness. Hence the high risks of not repaying the loan on time. By the way, microfinance organizations issue microloans at a greatly inflated interest rate compared to bank ones, precisely because of the almost instantaneous verification of the client (it is calculated only credit rating and loans are issued only with a passport). MFOs work quickly, but take a lot of risks, which is included in their tariffs.

Another not entirely pleasant point is the likelihood of fraud. The bank has no guarantee that the loan application was submitted by the citizen himself, and not by scammers with a stolen passport. And it’s really sad that employees of a retail chain can participate in such fraudulent schemes.

Pos-lending on the Internet

Remote sales online are also developing and improving. If previously there was only cash on delivery, then later many ways to pay for purchases on credit online appeared. More and more online merchants also provide POS lending services. One example is the online lending system from Tinkoff Bank: “Kupivkredit”.

It is not difficult to take advantage of such an opportunity. To do this, you need to click the “buy on credit” button and that’s it. Next, the system will guide you through several stages of making such a purchase, including the need to fill out a short questionnaire. You will see your loan decision in just a couple of minutes. After approval, everything will follow the usual pattern: they deliver the goods you paid for on credit, and you pay using the details of the online lending service. Usually, during delivery of goods, you are required to show your passport and sign loan agreement. It makes no sense to describe specific steps - it all depends on the seller’s website and its partner bank.

When is POS lending needed? And is it necessary?

The obvious benefit for the borrower is overshadowed by a number of negative aspects, so it is hardly necessary to buy everything on credit at once.

The fast loan system is suitable for those who just need a little money to get what they want. Then you can make a decent an initial fee, and pay the missing amount gradually. But not every bank will agree to this - it needs income. So they set the maximum possible contribution amount so that the accrued interest is noticeable.

Who else needs a POS loan? For those who unexpectedly lost their favorite coffee maker or microwave. At such moments, you want to immediately replace the broken equipment with a new one. It can take a long time to save, and it’s inconvenient. But taking out a small loan and returning to your usual way of life is quite a worthy way out. Finally, you should pay attention to promotions for selling goods in installments without overpayment. With the proper level of experience and knowledge, you can actually buy a product without overpaying.

When talking about POS loans, I remember one situation from life. A married couple leaves a supermarket with two huge bags filled to the brim with groceries. The man turns to his significant other and says: “Wow, let’s go get some bread!” Pos-lending is approximately the same. These are often impulsive and not always successful purchases. Although let’s be fair – sometimes such a loan becomes a real salvation.

POS lending refers to a relatively small consumer loan, which is issued and issued to the client directly in a retail store at the stage of purchasing a product. The main difference between this loan and bank loan is that the client does not need to visit a bank branch and waste time on lengthy processing. You can find out your loan decision within 2-3 minutes after submitting your application.

The very concept of POS - Point Of Sale - suggests that this is a lending service at retail points of sale. This type of lending is suitable for the purchase of household appliances, furniture, electronics, clothing and a number of other goods. For companies that provide PIC loans, this is a high-risk way to make money. This is due to the fact that such loans are repaid quite rarely, which is why the rates are so high.

How to connect POS lending

The decision to connect POS lending today is being accepted by an increasing number of retail outlets. This is primarily due to increased customer demand for such services. At the same time, shops and retail chains Those wishing to connect to the system must assess the risks of joining this program in advance. After the decision to connect is finally made, all that remains is to conclude an agreement with the bank.

Not only retail stores, but also online stores can start cooperation with the bank. After the agreement with the banking organization is concluded, the store will be able to place the “Buy on credit” button.

How is POS credit issued?

Regardless of the locality - be it Moscow or locality in one of the regions of the country - village loans are issued according to a single scheme. The procedure for obtaining such a loan is presented below in the form of an algorithm:

  1. The buyer brings the goods to the checkout and selects a purchase through a broker for POS credit;
  2. The broker checks the buyer’s documents and sends his application to the partner bank;
  3. A decision comes from the bank - if it is positive, the client is issued a contract;
  4. The client gets acquainted with the loan agreement, signs it and receives the goods.

The procedure takes no more than half an hour, which compares favorably with registration standard loan in the bank. The buyer does not have to waste time waiting in line, or present a large package of documents.

The advantages of such lending

This type of fast lending brings significant benefits not only for the buyer, but also for the store and the bank that provide a loan for the purchase of goods. Main advantages for participants:

  • For the buyer. The opportunity to quickly and easily purchase the desired product on credit, without leaving the cash register. Often you do not even need to make a down payment, which is required to obtain a consumer loan in bank branch. Usually fewer documents are also needed;
  • For the store. Due to the fact that thanks to the loan, the buyer gets the opportunity to buy more than usual, the average store receipt after connecting to the POS lending system gradually increases. Trade turnover is also increasing - on average the increase is from 25% to 30%, and this depends on the area;
  • For the bank. Banking organizations, cooperating with stores within the framework of POS lending, expand their own customer base, and with it also increase profits. In addition, such loans are one of the ways to distribute credit cards, and banks do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this.

Thanks to these advantages, the phenomenon of POS credit has become widespread not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. This offer is used by people from different segments of the population.


This type of lending is characterized not only by positive qualities, but also by disadvantages - for customers, stores and banks. Before using such a loan, you need to consider its disadvantages:

  • Big interest. This is a minus for buyers - the interest rate on POS loans reaches 30% per year, and often exceeds this value. This rate is explained by the bank’s desire to cover the risk of non-repayment;
  • Imposed services. If the client does not carefully read the loan agreement, after registration, additional services may appear, for which the buyer did not give personal consent;
  • Amount restrictions. Not all goods can be purchased with the help of the loan in question. Also, as the amount increases, the size of the payment increases, which complicates the debt repayment procedure;
  • Collateral for the bank. Often, expensive goods purchased under POS lending remain pledged to the bank as a guarantee of recoupment of the loan even if the buyer is unable to repay the debt.

Banks that implement POS loan programs take greater risks than when issuing regular consumer loans. This is due to a less thorough check of borrowers for solvency.

List of POS lending banks

The relevance of POS lending is confirmed by the fact that this technology is supported by many Russian banks. Today, the development of such a program is carried out by Alfa-Bank, Rosbank, Vostochny Bank, Otkritie Bank, Renaissance Credit and many others. Sberbank of Russia also expressed its desire to take part in POS lending.

Often in publications and information reviews, consumer loans are replaced with the synonym “POS loan.” These banking terms are used to describe programs that involve issuing a certain amount of funds to the borrower. The client has the right to spend them for personal purposes. Moreover, in 80% of cases it is not expected to issue a pledge or another type of guarantee - a surety.

So are these concepts completely identical? Are there any differences between them? Which sources correctly interpret the concepts of “consumer loan” and “POS loan”?

About consumer lending

First you need to define the term “consumer loan”. The main source describing the characteristics and properties of this banking product is the federal law, whose number is 353 dated December 21, 2013. It offers the following definition:
“Consumer credit (loan) is cash provided by the lender to the borrower on the basis of a loan agreement for purposes not related to business activities.”
We recommend reading the material on interest rates consumer loans.

In other words, money is provided to satisfy personal, consumer, and civil needs. Consequently, any interaction between the borrower and the bank regarding the issuance and repayment of funds can be called. This concept may include programs such as:

Express loans provided by microfinance institutions upon presentation of only a passport. Banks can offer a similar loan - a loan for urgent needs. It is issued quickly, but only if you have a whole set of documents, including income certificates.

Pawn loan, when funds are provided with collateral.

Credit cards or revolving loans, when access to money is limited only by a limit.

Loans for the purchase of real estate, vehicles when the purposes of lending are clearly defined, and the object purchased through a loan is often recognized as collateral.

Trade loans that do not imply the issuance of funds to the client. They are issued directly at retail and service points. The borrower selects a product and enters into an agreement with a bank representative. The bank transfers funds to the store’s account, and the client begins to gradually fulfill his obligations to the lender, already using the selected product. Instead of things, electronics or equipment, the subject of the contract may be the services of clinics, travel companies or wedding agencies.

The last type of cooperation between the bank and the client is called.

POS credit: deciphering the concept

POS is an abbreviation for the English phrase Point of Sale. The literal translation means “point of sale” or “point of sale.” As noted above, the borrower does not even have to visit the bank’s office - all operations to apply for a loan, receive it and sign an agreement are carried out directly in the store. The time a client spends on purchasing expensive equipment or jewelry does not exceed half an hour. No need to collect documents, no need to wait an hour or even a day for approval. Everything happens according to the “here and now” scheme. Car dealerships often operate on this principle: buying a car now won’t be difficult. The client just needs to bring his passport and license and sign the documents directly at the point of sale, leaving within an hour in a new car.

A quick or scoring check of the borrower’s identity when applying for a POS loan increases the bank’s risks. This, in turn, affects the rate and the tightening of requirements for a potential client (banks may also refuse to issue loans due to the lack of permanent registration in the region where the loan was issued).

Comparison table

Features and differences in the interpretation of a consumer loan and a POS loan
Characteristic Consumer loan POS credit
Requirements for borrowers Availability complete package documents; in some cases (pension loan, trust loan, loan for salary clients) – presence of only a passport and a second document;
age – from 21 years;
availability of experience and documents confirming wages;
sometimes it is necessary to provide collateral or issue an additional surety agreement;
temporary or permanent registration - in any region.
the client only has a passport;
age – from 18 years;
no collateral or guarantee is required, but often a down payment of 10% or more is required;
Often insurance and a credit card are issued along with the loan;
Permanent registration is required.
Terms of service rate – from 12% per annum;
term – from 6 months to 20-25 years;
no down payment required.
rate – from 30% per annum;
term – from 3 to 24-36 months;
down payment – ​​from 10%.
Review time From an hour to 3 days From 10 minutes to 1 hour
Place of registration Bank office A store
Issue method cash at the bank;
transfer to the client's account or card;
transfer to the store's account.
Additional services SMS notification;
Internet banking;
credit card.
credit card.

Thus, the concept of “POS loan” is narrower than a consumer loan. It is provided for personal needs, but they are usually reflected in the information about the product or service. That is, the bank is notified for what purposes the client spent the borrowed funds.

When the loan is issued in cash, the citizen can spend it on repairs, on the purchase of equipment, and even on organizing wedding celebrations. The lender is often not notified of the purpose of the loan. He is forced to check more carefully credit history the client and his solvency. This procedure takes a lot of time, but reduces the bank’s risks, due to which it decreases.

Based on the above, it is worth drawing a conclusion: it is not worth replacing the concept of “consumer loan” with the term “POS loan”, because it is not considered its synonym, but is one of its subtypes.

Many citizens are wondering: POS lending- What is this? After all this concept in the banking structure it is extremely rare, and people have no idea what it could mean.

POS lending initially in Russian Federation called a commodity loan. Often this type of lending can be found in various shopping centers, stores, and car dealerships. These are some kind of credit points where obligations under the scoring process are drawn up. As a rule, only one or two documents.

Store credits allow you to quickly buy something you don’t have enough money for

These are borrowed funds for the purchase of a specific product, processed at the seller’s premises. The concept is translated from English. language as a selling point. This is what allows a person to clarify this concept.

Unlike a loan, a person cannot receive cash in hand. All payments occur between the bank and the seller in a non-cash manner.

But then the client pays the required amount banking institution. Essentially, this is the same loan, which is accompanied by quick solution upon application and minimum documentation.


The banking institution initially enters into an agreement with the lender’s partner stores. It could be:

  • car showroom;
  • furniture store;
  • jewelry;
  • cell phone salon;
  • other sellers who want to increase sales.

In partner stores there is always a representative of the credit institution who carries out all operations to formalize obligations. Its functionality includes:

  • filling out a loan application;
  • entering information into the database;
  • preparation of related documentation with the client’s approval.

In addition, the employee provides advice on all types of products, arranges insurance and sells additional services. Situations often occur when banks enter into agreements with relevant brokers who will represent their interests in the partner’s territory. This can be found in the Eldorado chain of stores. The employee works with several banks at once, providing optimal offers for financial market

for client. The broker is interested in large quantities products sold, since his salary depends on this. Therefore, the client can also choose profitable program and increase the financial broker's salary.

  1. This type of lending is provided by lenders such as:
  2. Renaissance Credit.
  3. Alfa Bank.
  4. Setelem Bank.
  5. Orient Express Bank.
  6. Home Credit and Finance Bank.

Rusfinance Bank.

The role in the sale of credit products is played not only by the broker, but also by the price range of the product and consultants who answer questions regarding the characteristics of a particular purchase.

POS credits are issued quickly and directly in the store


  • If a person decides to purchase goods on credit, then he should familiarize himself with the basic lending procedure:
  • the client selects a specific product that he wishes to purchase on credit;
  • approaches the consultant to issue a delivery note; along with this document is sent to credit broker
  • for processing a loan;
  • provides a passport and a second identification document;
  • upon approval of the lender (no more than half an hour), the buyer signs a loan agreement and receives the selected item;
  • the creditor pays the store the cost of the goods sold;

the client pays the loan in accordance with the payment schedule. Some credit institutions imply receiving a trade loan only after depositing. This often happens in car dealerships. The down payment directly depends on the bank’s product line - 10% to 90% of the cost. Some lenders allow you to do without making initial capital.

The bank may have restrictions on the number one-time acquisitions, as well as by minimum and maximum price range. For example, in Mvideo you can purchase goods worth 3–250 thousand rubles. There are certain restrictions on age and registration. You can find out about all this from a representative of the lender.

Loan obligations of this type are issued for a period of up to 3 years. Due to the high risk, the cost increases to 30–50% per annum.

The credit limit is also limited specific amounts based domestic policy jar.

Some credit institutions have banking products in installments without overpayment. This can be seen in stores such as Eldorado or Mvideo. But this loan does not imply interest-free processing. All the same, it is accompanied by small interest, which the borrower initially does not know about. That is, the percentage discount actually increases due to the cost of the product itself from the partner.

Despite the high interest rate, residential lending is in great demand

Lending nuances

The financial market offering Pos lending is becoming increasingly popular. But there is also a negative side to this. The disadvantages of this product are:

  1. The interest rate is much higher than for consumer lending. Some credit institutions bear high risks of outstanding obligations, which is included in the estimated cost of the product. A potential borrower is assessed using a special system where all information about him is available. The procedure is fully automated and allows you to obtain obligations in a short time.
  2. It's worth remembering that loan officers can impose expense transactions to the loan amount. As a rule, accident insurance becomes an additional product.
  3. There are certain restrictions on the credit limit.
  4. All products that you purchased potential borrower, act as collateral. This is done to minimize the lender's risks. For example, if the client’s debt is outstanding, the bank can withdraw the goods and sell them at market value. Often found in car loans;
  5. There is always an opportunity to purchase goods at high cost, even if no one buys it. This tendency exists when lending goods;
  6. The opportunity to purchase now does not allow the client to think carefully about the action. As a result, clients purchase loans at high prices.

Information on credit products and goods subject to credit can be obtained from a consultant

Internet lending

Selling goods and services via the Internet is a popular trend. And online lending and also using a scoring system are developing every year. Previously, this was only possible for certain citizens. Now a loan is issued to almost everyone who knows how to use the Internet.

Previously, it was possible to buy goods online only if you paid by cash on delivery at Russian Post. It is now possible to purchase using a loan online. To do this, you need to click on the appropriate purchase button using a loan. And then the system automatically fills out an application using the entered personal data.

Within 10 minutes the decision comes loan application. If approved, the customer receives the product and then returns the money according to the payment schedule. Upon delivery of the goods, the client signs a borrowing agreement.

Lending to legal entities

Pos credit for legal entities, as a rule, is absent. But there is a certain type of loan called overdraft for legal entities. It happens according to a slightly different system. Legal entities have the right to rely on the use of such a type of product as an overdraft on a specific account with a credit institution.

And it is from this that they have the right to pay for the purchase. If there is no account or there are insufficient funds on it, then banking organization automatically issues a loan to such a client. Both companies and individual entrepreneurs . To receive a cash loan you do not need to visit credit institution or contact the branch. Simply provide payment instrument

, and the funds are debited automatically.

This type of lending differs in its use by individuals and legal entities. For the latter, an account is opened in advance, the amount is calculated individually.

Special lending conditions are provided for legal entities


There is no need to provide additional documents confirming the client’s solvency. Typically, only a passport and a second identification document are required. It can be:

  • driver's license;
  • pension card;
  • military ID;
  • international passport.

Other advantages are:

  • speed of acquisition of the necessary service or product;
  • expanding the bank's customer base. In addition to this type of lending, the client is offered to issue a credit card with a certain limit. This increases the lender's income;
  • the store also receives a number of benefits. For example, profit or discount. It is thanks to these indicators that trade turnover and the average check amount increase. Thanks to this, it is possible to sell as much as possible more clients.

Any financial institution has several such types of products in its product line. Also has a number of network partnerships. As a rule, specialized places are provided where it is possible to purchase goods on credit. The first lender to provide a pos loan was Russian Standard.

From the previously presented information, it is clear that pos loans are a commodity loan. It is issued using a scoring system, which allows the client to receive the necessary goods and pay in a short time monthly payment according to the provided schedule. A minimum of documents will be required for registration. A passport and a second identity document are sufficient. It is also worth clarifying the terms of the loan before signing the loan agreement.

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Popularity and maximum demand on trading market use banking products such as express loans. Of course this type service is characterized by high interest rates and great risk, however, many consumers are attracted by the lack of need for direct communication with the assignor and the instantaneous processing of the request.

One of the types of quick loans is pos lending, which has a number of features and is introduced into the service programs of many financial institutions of the Russian Federation.

More details about this type of loan service, its advantages, disadvantages, as well as the registration process, will be discussed later in the article.

What is POS lending?

Before you start discussing the topic of express service, you need to understand what pos lending is.

But it turned out that this is one of the types of quick loans, which experts initially called a commodity loan, that is, a loan, the issuance of which is aimed at purchasing a specific product, in a specific store, without direct appeal in banking and microfinance structures.

It is worth noting that the name itself, or rather its part “pos” is symbolic and is interpreted as a “point of sale”.

Feature of this financial proposal it is considered that after confirmation of the request, the consumer does not receive the requested amount in cash, as is customary in banks when applying for consumer loans, funds are transferred from the assignor’s account as payment for the purchased products, after which the borrower actually pays the usual credit debt investor.

According to the principle of post-lending, banks must be in cooperation with implementers, that is, sign a partnership agreement. The activities of financial organizations can be attached to car dealerships, household appliance stores, mobile showrooms and other sales outlets.

In this procedure, the assignor must place a competent employee in the partner’s department who could competently organize the signing of documents and explain to consumers the essence of the service program.

But there is another direction of post-lending, where the lender enters into a deal with a brokerage institution that represents the services of several banks simultaneously at retail outlets.

Which Russian banks offer POS loans?

A number of organizations in the Russian Federation that practice issuing settlement loans include:

  • Setelem Bank;
  • Renaissance Credit;
  • Home Credit;
  • Eastern Express;
  • Alfa Bank.

According to statistics for 2017, it was found that the leader in trade loans was Home Credit Bank, OTP Bank was in second place, and only after that was Alfa-Bank.

Pos loans are very risky financial products, the security for which is inflated rates, the limits of which directly depend on the type of product.

For example, products from the categories of household appliances and furniture are sold at significantly lower percentages than smartphones, computer equipment and accessories.

Process of issuing a commodity loan

Pos loans, namely their processing, are characterized by a standard scheme. As a rule, products that can be purchased on credit trading platforms It has some kind of stickers.

Having chosen the object desired for purchase, the consumer needs to go to a special area where a representative of the assignor receives him. If, after reading the terms of the loan, the buyer is still satisfied with everything, the manager sends a request to the bank branch and waits for a response. This procedure usually does not take more than 30 minutes.

After approval for the loan is received, an agreement is signed between the parties to the transaction; for this you will need a passport with registration and, if desired, a second document confirming the identity of the applicant.

After going through the entire official process, the citizen can pick up his purchase, because payment for the goods occurs without the participation of the borrower. The bank transfers money to the store’s account independently, by bank transfer.

The buyer remains to make payments regularly, according to the agreed schedule, using methods available for this process - using a cash register, terminals, online resources.

Borrowers who decide on a post-purchase should be aware that banks can supplement the acquisition procedure with such conditions as a down payment, an insurance fee, or setting a minimum and maximum size purchases. Also, restrictions may be tied to the applicant’s age or registration, which should be discussed in more detail with the assignor’s representative.

Pros and cons of commodity lending!

Since three parties take part in the processing of a pos-loan, this means that each of them has its own benefit.

  1. For the buyer, the advantages of pos-service are manifested in the speed of consideration of the request and a large percentage positive answers. In addition, having planned a purchase, you do not need to wait for time to save up the necessary amount to pay; you can immediately leave the salon with the product you like.
  2. The bank also has considerable advantages in such a transaction. Firstly, he gets good percentage from the sale, and secondly, its customer base instantly increases with each new user, along with which the indicators of demand for the assignor also grow. In addition, financial institutions often link the accompanying opening of credit cards to express lending programs, which is no less profitable.
  3. The main advantage for retail outlets is that they do not bear any responsibility in the event of buyer fraud, since the entire risk of the transaction passes only to the bank. From sales made, stores receive increased turnover and gain popularity.

As for the disadvantages of commodity loans, they are expressed for consumers in the form of large annual interest, service fees, and in some cases collateral, small sizes.

For financial organization The main disadvantage, of course, remains possible fraud with non-repayment of debts.

Features of POS loans issued in virtual mode

Recently, sales on credit through online resources have also become popular. Many online stores that have established partnerships with representatives banking structures, offer customers to purchase products on credit.

One of these assignors is Tinkoff Bank. It is worth noting that the procedure for making a purchase virtually does not burden the consumer, because in order to become a participant in the program, you need to fill out a short form and go through several registration steps.

After which the goods will be approved, the buyer will be informed, and after some time the parcel itself will be delivered to the owner, who will be responsible for the actual settlement with the creditor.

As a conclusion, we can say that village lending is quite popular among Russian citizens, regardless of high interest rates and related requirements.

However, statistics show that many consumers plan their spending closer to promotional seasons, hoping to save on discounted prices.