Corona buy changes in the discount program. Corona render - unprecedented photorealism without post-processing

Corona render is a rendering system that has recently entered the market. More precisely, not even on the market yet, but as the 5th alpha version, which is freely available. Anyone can take part in testing and post the results on the official forum:

A burning desire to learn more about the plugin arose immediately after seeing the pictures. We talked to beta testers - good 3D artists who love their work. So, let's get started.

The creation of this render began in 2009, and in 2012 the first Alpha version appeared. At the moment, there is a public Alpha 5 version that can be downloaded and used for free; you can get it on the official website

A very talented programmer and CG Artist from the Czech Republic is Ondrej Karlik.

Rendering benefits:

1. Photorealistic shading.
2. Excellent global illumination with a large number of secondary reflections.
3. No obvious dependence of rendering time on the number of light sources (Lights), focus (DOF), motion blur (Motion Blur), displacement.
4. Excellent reflections/refractions with deep tracing depth and no clipping.
5. Very fast glossy reflection/refraction effects.
6. Good GI caustic.
7. A minimum of parameters requiring adjustment of the render itself (in 95% the default values ​​give the best result).

Render settings.

8. VCM rendering engine – allows you to calculate photorealistic caustics of any nesting.
9. Very logical setting of materials.

Material editor corona render.

10. Ability to use different rendering engines for primary and secondary bounces to get full unbiased / biased results. Moreover, the biased mode is visually very close to the unbiased mode, but has 2 times the rendering speed.
11. High speed of rendering complex scenes.
12. Interactive exposure adjustment during rendering or at the end.
13. Very quickly obtaining images for preview (within 1-2 minutes) on almost any scene complexity.
14. Excellent preview of materials.
15. Free Alpha version.

I described only some of the obvious advantages that were identified in the process of working with this render. And also in comparative tests with other renderers.

My thoughts on this matter.

In this section, I will personally share my thoughts on this product, what attracted me personally to it. It is known that the most difficult task for the algorithm for calculating global illumination is interior lighting. Next comes the task of rendering a complex exterior, with many high-polygonal objects (usually natural vegetation). Then comes subject visualization, which focuses primarily on object shading.
If the first problem has an excellent solution, i.e. excellent GI in the interior in a short time + there will be no obvious restrictions on the number of objects and polygons, as well as light sources, then all other tasks are solved automatically.
Yes, for VFX there are also specific tasks for rendering fluids, various atmospheric effects, lens effects, well, as a rule, this all happens in separate passes and is not tied to a specific render.

Personally, I was attracted to this render by its very simple and very logical setup, which saved my time a lot and I was able to get a satisfying result with minimal effort. I was surprised how simply and quickly subject visualization is done. How realistic the materials look and how logically they are configured. Working with HDRI was also a pleasant surprise for me, the lighting was very realistic and fast, adjustment in 1 click. The interactive exhibition seemed like a fairy tale to me; finally, the rendering was not modal, I thought this was not possible at all.

The artistic process of setting up lighting is very fast and simple, thanks to progressive rendering, i.e. obtaining a readable image in a very short time. Emitters - I was pleased that the lighting from them was absolutely the same as from the light sources, i.e. The process of light modeling has been simplified significantly. How surprised I was that the preview materials were 100% consistent with the final render, it was just a dream. Therefore, for me personally, most of the problems were solved and solved very efficiently.
I would also like to note that personally, my work process has sharply shifted towards artistic work on projects, with minimal technical effort. settings. I won’t lie, I will say that there are many necessary functions that have not yet been implemented in the latest Alpha version, these are SSS, DR, Layered shader, Matte Shadow (Shadow Catcher), particles, VFX and many others, but the developer promises to do all this and development is currently in full swing.

Our research group has conducted many comparative tests to solve various problems, and so far Corona is definitely not inferior to such giants as Vray, Maxwell, Octane, and often surpasses in the capabilities that are currently implemented in Corona render.

Our work:
It’s ours, because I’m just one of the “activists” in improving the software product. Our research group conducts constant “deep” tests and studies of Corona in various tasks and conditions, we try to identify errors as quickly as possible and write them back to the developer. We conduct comparative tests on different renders to understand the advantages and disadvantages, which we also write back to the developer, suggesting that they introduce new features and improve current ones.

Corona still has enormous potential for development, so now this is just the beginning. A lot of new and tasty things are planned in the future:
1. Distributed Rendering (DR)
2. Interactive rendering
3. SSS
4. Layered shader
5. Shadow Catcher
6. Adaptive Sampling is a powerful thing that will greatly speed up rendering.
7. New Frame Buffer with Color Correct
8. Pause/save/resume rendering
9. Participating media
and many many others.

My works and tests using Corona Renderer:
Here I will show some of my works in which I used Corona Renderer, and also briefly describe the technical aspects of setting up rendering and materials, indicate the resolution and render time.

Hardware used: i7 – 980 (4Ghz) – 24 gb ram.1. Not a commercial work-test.

I have been involved in visualization for a long time, and from the very beginning of my acquaintance with 3ds max, I also studied vray at the same time. And for me personally there was no point in switching to something new, and there was no great desire either, since the chosen work scheme completely satisfied me. But just for fun, I decided to download the notorious Corona and do a couple of tests. The result, to put it mildly, amazed me, I switched to it almost immediately.

For me personally, the advantages are obvious, since I mainly do visualization of architecture, or rather interiors, here’s what I like:

1. The result of your efforts is visible very quickly, almost instantly. You don’t need to do a bunch of intermediate test renders to achieve a sane result. And the rendering itself is not inferior in speed to viray, and in some moments even surpasses it.

2.Easy to learn, settings of materials, lighting, everything is very logical and understandable. On off. There are material and light converters on the forum that work quite well. But it’s better to create everything from scratch.

3. Lighting – there are a lot of options: you can use the sky, HDRI, the sun, your own ICs, self-lights, IES. Self-lights are a separate conversation. Corona has a very well done function, similar to vraylightmtl in Virya. And with such material, appropriated, for example, to a spiral in a light bulb, you can illuminate the entire interior!

4.Good work with “honest” depth of field, rendering proceeds with almost no increase in speed.

5.You can adjust Color mapping directly during rendering. The same goes for exposure and contrast.

6. It has its own Corona scatter, proxy, and as it develops, I have no doubt, it will be “overgrown” with new functions and plugins.

7.Physically correct rendering. There is no “cotton wool” on the cornices, no “ladders” on thin objects, everything looks clear. If you wish, you can do all the “physics”, with caustics, but the rendering time, of course, will increase. But still not the same as in Maxwell).

8.Render time does not depend on the number of polygons.
The list can be continued, but it is worth mentioning the disadvantages. Of course, they are not as important as the advantages, but they still exist.

1. There is no analogue of Virey SSS shaders and some other materials. But do not forget that at the moment this is an alpha version, and development is still ongoing.

2. There are not enough actual lighting units, such as lumens, or watts. Everything is done “by eye”, with relative intensity.

3.Working with procedural textures on displace is not yet very stable, crashes are possible. In this case, it would be better to use the standard Displace modifier and make the correct geometry with a dense mesh, rather than the material. Rendering speed will be the same.

Without going into details, we can summarize: Corona render has the right to life, and in the near future it may “eclipse” many rendering systems.

In the end, I would like to thank Maxim Kagirov (Polymax) and Oleg Lyashenko (docent). Visit their blogs and follow new beautiful works of talented 3D artists.

also offers payment cards to customers. You will learn more about their varieties and capabilities from the article.

What types of cards are presented in the Golden Crown

  1. Money transfer card. It stores information about the owner and those to whom he sent money. This is convenient for automating the translation process. With such a Card, you do not need to fill out a paper application to send funds. It is enough to present your passport along with it at the transfer point. The cashier-operator will take all the data from the “plastic”.
  2. Variations of “Golden Crown” bank cards:
  • universal, for payments, including abroad: Zolotaya Korona - MasterCard and Zolotaya Korona - UnionPay;
  • Corn - Golden Crown. This includes 3 types of “plastic”: MasterCard Standard Corn, MasterCard World Corn and MasterCard PayPass Corn (personalized).
  • and etc.

Golden Crown: bank card. Peculiarities

  1. Calculation speed. You can pay for purchases using a POS terminal within a few seconds. There is no need to sign on the check.
  2. Remote management of your own funds. You can open a deposit or take out a loan at an ATM.
  3. Making monthly payments for utilities and other services through the City System. Payment method: ATMs and online banking.
  4. Repay loans using an ATM, online banking for mobile and computer.
  5. Making money transfers to those countries where the Golden Crown is located. Transferring funds is available at regular ATMs and those that accept cash.
  6. Payment for travel on public transport.
  7. Financial control. The account balance or statement is available via ATM, Internet and mobile banking. The www Zolotaya Korona resource will tell you more about these services.
  8. Reliability.
  9. Settlements abroad.

Owners of “plastic” Zolotaya Korona – MasterCard can:

  • pay for goods and services in retail and online stores;
  • make deposits, connect an overdraft, apply for loans;
  • make money transfers using Zolotaya Korona via an ATM;
  • make regular payments for utilities, internet, telephone;
  • using a special application to pay for trips on public transport;
  • enjoy bonuses and privileges from both payment systems: Zolotaya Korona and Mastercard.

Zolotaya Korona cards – UnionPay guarantee:

  • receiving services through ATMs and POS terminals in the Russian Federation and China;
  • service abroad;
  • account management and PIN code replacement at Russian ATMs;
  • bonuses from the travel agency Hainan Travel.

Types of transport cards of the Golden Crown

Residents of only a few regions can currently use Golden Crown transport cards. Detailed information is available on the official website of the Golden Crown electronic travel cards. You can check the cities in which these cards are available:

  • log in to the site;
  • on the right, in the “My City” section, select a locality in the drop-down list.

Each city has a different set of electronic travel cards. Main types of cards:

  • Unified transport card. Allows you to pay for trips on any type of public transport for both residents and guests of the city.
  • Student card.
  • Student.
  • Social. Used to accumulate cash social benefits and non-cash payment for travel around the city. The card is personalized.
  • Other cards.

Specialized Transfer Card It is possible to send funds via:

  1. Bank cash desk/phone shop:
  • give the cashier/salon employee your passport, money and card;
  • indicate the transfer amount;
  • After completing the transaction, you will receive a receipt with the transaction number along with your passport and card.

2. Self-service kiosk or cash-in ATM:

  • insert the card and enter the PIN code numbers;
  • mark the desired person from the list on the map;
  • indicate the currency of the transaction;
  • insert banknotes and confirm the amount;
  • pick up the transaction receipt with the Golden Crown number.

With help Corn cards you can send money:

  1. In Euroset showrooms. The method is similar to transferring through a bank branch using a Transfer Card.
  2. Via the Corn mobile application, after connecting it. This method is suitable for you if the recipient also has a Corn card. Its number along with the transfer amount should be entered in the “Transfer” section in the application. Next, click “pay”.
  3. Using the Payment Account. To do this, in the “Money Transfers” tab, enter:
  • data on the amount and currency of the transfer;
  • Full name of the addressee;
  • country and .
Note: Regardless of which method you used, after transferring money you will receive a unique transaction code (from a receipt or information on your mobile/computer monitor). It must be handed over to the recipient so that he can collect the transferred funds.
  1. Money transfer cards, plastic cards Zolotaya Korona - MasterCard and Zolotaya Korona - UnionPay can be issued at branches of partner banks from this list.
  2. The transport card is issued at the User Service Centers. Also in some cities it can be purchased at the post office or at bank branches or in stores. This information needs to be clarified on the website. Select your locality in the “My City” tab and get a complete list of service points. The social card is issued by the Social Security Administration. The recipient needs to submit an application, passport and document confirming the right to discounted travel.
  3. The Corn card is available to receive:
  • in the Euroset salon. The cost is 0 rubles;
  • at the Doctor Stoletov pharmacy chain. The cost of the card is 199 rubles.

A personalized Corn Mastercard PayPass card can be ordered online, in the Payment Account, and received by courier or mail.

  1. To conveniently manage your account, connect mobile and Internet banking to your Zolotaya Korona bank card. Basic operations (payment, transfer, receipt of statements) are available using the application. It also works on iOS and Android platforms.
  2. Detailed information about Zolotaya Korona transfers, as well as answers to the most common questions about the system’s operation, can be found on the Zolotaya Korona com website.
  3. The transport card must be topped up at least once every 8 months, otherwise it will be blocked.
  4. Follow promotions on the Corn card. Current information is regularly updated on the official website. Promotions allow you to take advantage of discounts when paying for goods and services and earn points. They can be spent at Euroset salons and at salon partners.

What is the “Happy Shopping Store” discount program?

The “Pleasant Shopping Store” discount program is an opportunity to receive discounts of up to 5% on the total amount of purchases in all “Korona” shopping centers and the “Castle” shopping center.

How to purchase a discount card?

Anyone can purchase a discount card, regardless of the amount of the check. You just need to fill out a form at the information center in any Korona shopping center or in the Castle shopping center, and in Korona stores you can purchase a discount card at the checkout. The cost of the card is 2 rubles. 00 kop.

Where will the discount card be valid?

The discount on the discount card is valid in Korona stores, Korona shopping centers and the Castle shopping center. The discount program is also valid in Korona Techno household appliances and electronics stores and Fashion Mall stores*, which have special signs indicating participation in this program.

The discount program does not apply to:

  • Tobacco products;
  • Alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, beer;
  • Promotional goods;
  • Packaging;
  • Gift certificates;
  • Goods purchased in Korona Techno stores on credit or in installments, including using Installment Card No. 1 “Halva” from MTBank, “Purchase Card” from Belgazprombank, bank payment card “Turtle” from VTB Bank, bank payment card “SMART card” from Bank “Moscow-Minsk” (including partial payment of the cost of goods), as well as for goods purchased in the “Tom Tailor” sections of “Korona” stores using “Instalment Card No. 1 “Halva” from MTBank (including partial payment for the cost of the goods);
  • Products from the “Fashion Discount”, “DISCOUNT” stores located in the “Corona” shopping center on the street. Kalvariyskaya, 24;
  • Services provided to the population;
  • Catering facilities of the Korona shopping center chain and the Zamok shopping center.

What determines the size of the discount?

As soon as you have become a participant in the “Pleasant Shopping Store” program (filled out the form and purchased a discount card), all amounts of your purchases will be deposited into your savings account. The accumulation period is 90 days. On the 91st (ninety-first) day, the purchase amount is debited from the savings account from the day it was credited to the card.

The amount of the discount depends on the total amount of purchases for 90 (ninety) days made by you with the presentation of a discount card at the “Crown” and “Castle” shopping centers, and is calculated as follows (updated 05/03/2017).

From May 3, 2017, changes to the “Pleasant Shopping Store” discount program come into force:

Accumulated amount of purchases

Amount of discount

From 0 rub. 00 cop. before 199 rub. 99 cop.

From 200 rub. 00 cop. before 499 rub. 99 cop.

From 500 rub. 00 cop. before 799 rub. 99 cop.

From 800 rub. 00 cop. up to RUB 1,199 99 cop.

Over 1 200 rub. 00 cop.

For example:

On May 3, you made a purchase at the Korona hypermarket for 100 rubles. 00 kop. On May 4 (the purchase amount is added to the card the next day) a 1% discount will apply.

On May 15, you chose a raincoat in the Fashion Mall store for 350 rubles. 00 kopecks, when buying a raincoat they paid 346 rubles. 50 kopecks (amount to be paid including 1% discount). Now you have 100 rubles in your savings account. 00 kop. + 346 rub. 50 kopecks = 446 rub. 50 kopecks, discount amount - 2%.

June 10 You buy a refrigerator at the Korona Techno supermarket for 1000 rubles. 00 kop. In fact, you deposit 980 rubles into the cash register. 00 kop. (amount to be paid including 2% discount). Already on June 11, your account on the card will be equal to 1,426 rubles. 50 kopecks, discount amount - 5%.

The savings account is valid for 90 days. On day 91, the amount of the first purchase, which was made on May 3 in a hypermarket in the amount of 100 rubles. 00 kop., will be written off. That is, on August 2, your savings account will have 1,426 rubles. 50 kopecks - 100 rub. 00 kop. = 1326 rub. 50 kopecks, the discount is still 5%. The next write-off will occur on August 14 (90 days will have passed from the date of purchase of the raincoat for 346 rubles 50 kopecks) and the bill will be 980 rubles. 00 kop., discount amount – 4%.

How can I find out about the status of my savings account?

The balance of the savings account and the amount of the discount provided are indicated on the cash receipt. The purchase amount is credited to the savings account of the discount card owner the next day after the purchase is made. Also, the savings account balance and much other useful information about the discount can be obtained by registering your personal account using the link:

Can the discount card be transferred to others?

The program participant has the right to transfer the discount card to friends and family. After all, it will be much easier to accumulate a large amount in the account.

How to restore the card?

If you lose or damage your discount card, you can contact an information center employee with an application to restore your savings account for the last 90 days. The savings account will be restored only if you have a completed application form, as well as if you purchase a new discount card. Restoring your purchase history may take from one to five calendar days.


To receive a discount, the owner of the discount card must present it to the cashier until settlement for the purchase.

When returning goods, the cost of the returned goods is written off from the savings account of the discount card owner with a subsequent change in the discount level, if necessary.

You can obtain more detailed information about the discount program “SHOP FOR PLEASANT SHOPPING” from the employees of the information centers.

The organizer of the discount program, Tabak-Invest LLC, reserves the right to change the terms of the program.

* Shopping center “Corona”, Minsk, st. Kalvariyskaya, 24

Marc O'Polo
Hilfiger Denim
Sisley Man
Calvin Klein Jeans

Shopping center "Castle", Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 65

Marc O'Polo
Pierre Cardin
Tommy Hilfiger
Tom Taylor
Anthony Morato
Calvin Klein Jeans
Carrera Jeans
Shoes Bags Store

Shopping center "Corona", Brest, st. Moskovskaya, 210


Shopping center "Corona", Bobruisk, st. 50 years of the Komsomol, 33-3

Jeans World
Tom Taylor

Shopping center "Corona", Vitebsk, Beshenkovichskoe highway, 3-1

Denim Club

Shopping center "Crown", Grodno, Ya. Kupala Ave., 16a

Tom Taylor
Denim Club

The MTBank-Corona card is a full-fledged bank payment card, which simultaneously has the functions of the “Pleasant Shopping Store” discount program of the Corona chain of stores. Both as a payment card and as a discount card, it gives its owners additional bonuses and opportunities.

How to get a 7% discount in Korona stores?

The MTBank-Corona card expands the capabilities of the already existing discount program “Pleasant Shopping Store”. The program itself makes it possible to get a discount of up to 5% depending on the amount of purchases in the Korona shopping center, the Castle shopping center, Korona Techno (with the exception of promotional items) and in many Fashion Mall stores (a complete list of stores can be found check on the website With the new MTBank-Corona card you will receive an additional 2% discount, already from your first purchase.

From May 3, 2017, an improved discount system has been in effect. For details, see the section "How does the card work?"

How does the money-back (money back) function work on the MTBank-Corona card?

The money-back function means that part of the funds you spend is credited back to the card every month. You don't need to make any effort for this. It’s simple: you use the card, and at the end of the month MTBank returns 1% or 0.5% (for grocery stores with MCC 5411) of the amount spent for any purchases in real money (except for purchases in the Korona retail chain) to your check.

You can obtain additional information on the MTBank-Corona card from a bank specialist by calling: 509 99 99 (all mobile operators).

For holders of the MTBank-Corona card, the amount of the discount that is provided as part of the “Pleasant Shopping Store” discount program automatically increases by 2%. That is, it ranges from 2% to 7%. Moreover, you can get a 2% discount from your first purchase! However, in the future, in order to receive an increased discount, one simple condition must be met - the average monthly balance of funds on your card for the previous month must be at least 100 BYN.*
* this condition does not apply since October 2016

Your average monthly balance is determined by adding up your card account balances on the morning of each business day in the month and dividing by the number of business days in that month. Thus, there is no need to keep at least 100 rubles on the card every day, the main thing is that such a balance on the card accumulates on average per month.

The amount of the discount depends on the total accumulated amount of purchases over 90 (ninety) days made by you when paying with the MTBank-Corona card in the Corona retail network and is calculated as follows (from May 3, 2017, an improved discount system is in effect:):


To receive a discount, the owner of the MTBank-Corona card must present it to the cashier until settlement for the purchase.

Discounts are not provided if purchases are made with an MTBank-Corona card using the mobile application.

The amount of the discount from the “Pleasant Shopping Store” loyalty program is not transferred to the MTBank-Corona payment card.

The discount does not apply to:

  • for alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, beer
  • for tobacco products
  • on promotional items (including the discount cannot be combined with the discount on SP after 20.00)
  • per packaging

The Korona retail chain is:

- Shopping center Castle (Pobediteley Ave., 65)
- st. Kalvariyskaya, 24
- ave. Independence, 154
- st. Korzhenevsky, 26
- Shchomyslitsky s/s, 28A
- st. Baramzina, 8a (Sokol)
- st. Kuntsevshchina, 37
- Zhdanovich, Zarechnaya 1B-3
- st. Odintsova, 9-67
- st. Olesheva, 1
- st. Ya. Brylya, 24.

- st. Moskovskaya, 210
- st. Puganova, 4

- st. 50 years of the Komsomol, 33-3

- st. 3 International, 5

- Beshenkovichskoe highway, 3rd
- Goncharnaya st., 11
- ave. Moskovsky, 109-1

- Ya.Kupaly Ave., 16a-1

- st. K. Zaslonova, 29v BARANOVICHI
- ave. Sovestky, 2-1

- “Crown Techno” (excluding promotional items)
- “Fashion Mall”

Tariff plan


Account currency

Card type

MasterCard PayPass

Card expiry date

SMS notification about transactions with
using a bank payment card

included, no charge

Internet bank


Card statement by e-mail


Additional card

clause 84.44.2 of the List of remunerations

Interest rate
for the account balance (annual) from 07/01/2018

Maintenance of a debit bank payment card (the card is issued with a validity period of 3 years).

Payment method: annually

Money back (all operations) *

1% on all transactions (except grocery stores)**

Money back for non-cash payment transactions in grocery stores and supermarkets with MCC 5411 (except for the Korona retail chain)

From January 1, 2020, Money back is credited to the account only if its total payment exceeds 2 BYN per month.

* - The interest rates shown in the table for payments to Money-back clients are indicated minus income tax.

** - Money back is accrued in the amount of 1% or 0.5% (for grocery stores with MCC 5411, except for the Korona retail chain) of the amount of non-cash card transactions made in the reporting (expired calendar) month, no later than 5 the th working day of the month following the reporting month.
Max. the amount of money back paid is no more than 200 BYN per month.
Money back is not credited:
- for purchases in stores included in the “Pleasant Shopping Store” Discount Program
- for operations carried out through the payment service of WEB PAY LLC
- for non-cash payment transactions in self-service devices, such as ATMs, information kiosks, etc.
(MCC code 6012 or 4900)
- for non-cash payment transactions in casinos (MCC code 7995)
- for non-cash payment transactions through RBSS “Internet Bank”
- for non-cash payment transactions in bank devices (MCS code 9402) installed in RUE "Belpochta"
- for non-cash payment transactions and transfers through services assigned MCC code 4814, 8999, 6051 or 6211
- for transfer operations between cards using the “Denegram” service, or similar services provided by other banks
- for transactions of payment for goods (works, services) for which the transaction amount was completely canceled (technically, the cancellation operation was carried out by the TTS as a reversal of the payment amount). In case of partial cancellation of the transaction amount, Money Back is not accrued only for the amount of the canceled amount.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules of the MTBank-Corona Loyalty Program

To transfer money, simply go to the website, enter your card details, the recipient's card number, and the transfer amount. Read the terms of the transfer and click the “Transfer” button.

For its regular customers, the Korona chain of supermarkets and shopping centers offers a convenient opportunity to save on purchases.

This is a cumulative loyalty system that operates throughout the network, including hardware stores, as well as in the Zamok shopping center. Every buyer can become a participant, regardless of the price of the purchased goods. In order to start saving, you need to contact the sellers for a discount card, fill out a special form and pay a symbolic amount of 2 rubles for the discount.

The principle on which it works discount program is close to the classic loyalty program and consists of accumulating bonus points equal to the amount of the purchase made. The more there are, the greater the discount. The loyalty system has several stages:

  1. from 0 to 200 rubles - 1% discount;
  2. from 200 to 500 - 2%;
  3. 500-800 rubles - 3%;
  4. 800-1200 - 4%
  5. over 1200 - 5% discount.

In this case, adding loyalty points and updating the discount percentage occurs the next day after purchase. The discount is valid on an ongoing basis and applies to the entire purchase amount, excluding products that do not participate in the program.

Special program conditions

The discount that is valid in the Korona chain of stores has an expiration date of 90 days. This means that the amount of a purchase made 90 days ago is automatically deducted from the bonus account, which may reduce the size of the discount. If there are no purchases for 3 months in a row, the discount is completely reset.

The discount does not apply to promotional items, alcohol and tobacco products, packaging and gift certificates. The discount program cannot be combined with other discount cards, installment cards (such as Halva), or when purchasing equipment on credit.

16-01-2018 | Chapter: