Enterprise payment calendar and payment schedule in “WA: Financier” with examples. Payment calendar - a tool for operational financial management How to set up a payment calendar in 1C accounting

The payment calendar is a very convenient service, implemented in many programs of the 1C family, including 1C: Accounting. This service provides the ability to quickly track the movement of funds through the current account and cash register, avoiding the formation of so-called “cash gaps”.

The report consolidates information about all planned revenues for the reporting period, the amount of cash spent and available balances. At the same time, through primary documents you can always obtain detailed information on each position.

Working with the payment calendar in the 1C: Trade Management program

As an example, we can consider the capabilities implemented in this management platform. Attention should be paid to the existing settings. You need to go through the “Administration” section to the “Organization and funds” subsection, where you check the “Requests for spending funds” checkbox. For older versions before 11.0, this checkbox is available to users through the “Treasury” section.

If desired, the functionality allows you to set limits, both in general for the organization and for its individual structural divisions.

Once all the settings have been completed, an additional subsection “Cash Planning” appears in the “Finance” section. In older versions, again, the addition appears in the “Treasury” section.

For example, you can generate several expense requests. This document must be considered as one of the tools for organizing control over the movement of funds. It is shown in the figure below.

Initially, the document operation is selected. For example, you can take the “Tax Transfer” operation, and the DDS item depends on the selected operation. At the same time, the interface of the article is designed in such a way that the user is given hints regarding the choice of one or another option.

There was an open limit restriction in the program, which did not allow this operation to be carried out by introducing a block. In order for the operation to be carried out, you will need to increase the limit value, or for this operation make a note “Over the limit”, presented in the form of a checkbox.

Changing the value of limits is carried out through the document “Cash Expense Limits”. In this case, the period of its validity must be set not at the time of creation, but for the planned period. In this case, the application is formed in July, but the limits will begin to apply only in August.

For this document, you can choose between four statuses:

  • Not agreed upon;
  • Agreed;
  • To pay;
  • Rejected.

All generated applications that have not yet undergone the approval procedure are stored separately and are available to users in the journal “Requests for the expenditure of DS for approval.” Approval procedures are carried out from the list itself, which simplifies the work.

Below is a list of transactions for August 2016 from the report, in which you can easily notice the presence of several “cash gaps” at once. There is an application for which it is necessary to pay for the purchased fixed asset, but the financial resources required for this are not enough.

Recently, the payment calendar has undergone several improvements that expand the possibilities of its use. For example, it is possible to create in the report documents on the movement of funds or their receipt according to the plan.

Using the “Receipt” button, the “Expected receipt of DS” document is generated directly in the calendar. In order for the existing cash gap to be eliminated, the user is required not only to select the dates of receipt, but also to indicate the correct DDS.

After the document “Expected receipt of DS” is posted, appropriate changes will be automatically made to the calendar, and the existing cash gap will disappear.

In general, the calendar allows you to create a wide variety of documents, including payment documents. To do this, you will need to go to the application or DS receipt document.

The system provides the ability to make changes to the settings in accordance with the user's needs. In particular, the structure of the report is presented in the following figure. For example, for DDS articles, it is possible to set a hierarchical order, in which data will be displayed not only by article, but also grouped into groups.

Maintaining a payment calendar is provided only in some modifications of the 1C 8.3 and 8.2 program:

    1C ERP enterprise management 2.0.

    1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management.

The payment calendar is a report that allows you to quickly track all cash flows across all current accounts of the organization and the cash register, and promptly detect inaccuracies.

The report displays planned receipts, expenses and cash balances. It is also possible to obtain detailed data on all documents, including primary ones.

Let's take an example of working with the payment calendar in the 1C Trade Management 11 program. First, you need to make some settings. Go to the “Administration” tab, “Organizations and funds” section. In other versions of the program, this item is located in the “Treasury” section:

Here you need to check the box “Requests for spending funds”.

Here you can also set parameters for controlling limits for the entire organization or directly for each division. After the settings have been made, the “Cash Planning” item will appear in the “Finance” section. (Other versions of programs - section “Treasury”):

For example, let's create several requests for spending DS. This document will be the main document for controlling cash flow:

In the document “Application for expenditure of DS”, the important field is “Operation”. The specified type of operation determines the DDS article.

Based on the selected operation, the program independently selects the article to use and prompts the user in the form of a filtered list. If limit control is enabled in the settings, then 1C can display a notification about the impossibility of posting a document. There are two ways to correct the situation: check the box “Over the limit” or increase the limit value for the required item:

To increase the limit, you need to create a document “DS Consumption Limits”.

Each application is determined by its status:


    Not agreed.

    To pay.


Applications that are not approved are reflected in the journal “Requests for the expenditure of DS for approval.”

The most convenient way is to change the status to “Approved” right in this list. For understanding, you can create a “Payment calendar by organizations and types of DS” and analyze it.

We display a report for the next month; inconsistencies in the cash register amount, that is, money that is not enough to transfer the planned payment, will be highlighted in red. This version of the program provides the ability to generate documents for planned cash receipts and movements directly from the payment calendar (this feature was not available in earlier versions):

To eliminate the gap at the cash register, create the document “Expected receipt of DS” by pressing the “Receipt” key. Here you need to correctly indicate the DDS article and the planned date of receipt. We carry it out, the gap is closed.

In addition to the above documents, it is possible to create payment documents. To do this, select the required application or document for receipt of funds. Through the “Settings” button, it is possible to edit additional report parameters, which each user can configure at their own discretion. For example, the advanced mode allows you to set the display of DDS articles in the form of a hierarchy, which makes it possible to display results not only individually for each article, but also by groups.

How to maintain a payment calendar in 1C

The 1C payment calendar helps to operationally manage the company’s financial resources, draw up payment schedules and monitor their timely implementation. It can be created automatically using information about future payments that should come from customers, planned payments to contractors, cash receipts, and also based on expense items.

1C payment calendarneeded for:

  • analysis of data on available financial balances, upcoming receipts and expenses;
  • making the right decisions about the movement of money between cash registers and accounts;
  • determining the need to seek additional finance;
  • providing funds for applications to carry out business activities;
  • processing applications to move money within the enterprise;
  • coordinating applications taking into account payment terms and sources of finance (bank accounts or cash desk);
  • submitting an application for a loan product.

When a 1C payment calendar is generated, it is immediately checked whether it can be completed, namely, whether there is enough money to carry out all the assigned business tasks.

The function of maintaining a payment calendar in 1C is included in the following standard configurations:

  • "Enterprise Accounting 8.3"
  • "Manufacturing Enterprise Management"
  • "Comprehensive automation"
  • "ERP: Enterprise Management"
  • "Managing a small company"
  • "Trade management"

1C payment calendar in “ERP: Enterprise Management 2”

In this configuration, it is organized as an easy-to-use workstation, ideal for creating documents and reports and analyzing the company's business results. A functional feature of the 1C payment calendar is that it allows you to effectively plan the receipt and expenditure of funds for a short-term period and timely identify the occurrence of cash gaps.

In general, the payment calendar remains essentially an analytical report that reflects income, expenses and cash balances. They can be grouped by type - non-cash and cash - and by the place where they are placed - certain accounts or at the cash desk of the enterprise. Directly from this financial planning tool, it is possible to write off funds, manage them in various accounts and in the cash register, or move them to eliminate cash gaps. An important advantage of the 1C payment calendar is its ability to detail data down to the primary document.

Setting up a payment calendar

In “1C ERP: Enterprise Management 2” it will be possible to work with it after such a parameter for maintaining requests for spending funds has been set. To activate it, you need to check the box in the corresponding menu item in the interface « Master data and administration/Setting up master data and sections/Treasury.”

After this, you can already use the payment calendar in 1C. To do this, you need to select the planning and cash control item in the “Treasury” to see the desired menu item.

You can customize the calendar's appearance to better suit your organization's business needs. By default, applications are located on the left side of the screen, the calendar itself is on the right. The “View” button allows you to change this mode: show payments instead of applications and the payment calendar, or only one list of applications.

The second of the listed options, according to many users, is more convenient, because this way you can gain access to documents regulating the receipt and expenditure of funds. You can set up a payment calendar for a certain number of days for which planning will be carried out. You can also select the desired supplier or client and select for a specific account or cash register.

The “More” button opens a drop-down menu that allows you to adjust the visibility of calendar lines. The user can establish the visibility of uncoordinated requests for the expenditure of finances, the receipt of money in the context of settlement documentation, expenses made regardless of the requests. It will also be possible to select the type of currency for regulated or management accounting, set a planning date and turn off the visibility of weekends.

On the left side of the screen you can see a list of the company's current accounts (if selection for a specific account was not enabled). The report shows income, expenses, balances and total. Here you can also find overdue debts and planned cash flows by day. When you switch the activity of calendar cells at the bottom of the table, the list of documents explaining write-offs, receipts and debts will begin to change.

Maintaining a payment calendar in 1C: Trade Management

Later versions of the configuration added new features to make financial planning easier. To start working with the calendar, in the administration section you need to select the organization and funds item and check the box in the “Requests for spending funds” item. In earlier editions of the program it is located in the treasury section. Here you can determine the control of limits for the company as a whole or for its individual divisions. After this, the cash planning section (or “Treasury”) will appear.

The application for expenditure is the main document for operational control over the movement of financial resources in the program. It is very important to choose the right operation because this will determine the cash flow item. The convenience of the program also lies in the fact that it itself can suggest which article is needed by filtering the articles based on the selected operation.

If the limit is enabled, if it is exceeded, document posting will be blocked. To approve such an application, you must either check the box in the “Over the limit” item, or increase the limit itself for the selected item (set in “Cash expenditure limits”). It should be remembered that the period is set at the date of future payment, and not at the time the application is created.

Statuses of applications for cash expenditures:

  • "Agreed"
  • "Not agreed upon"
  • "Rejected"
  • "To pay"

The list of unapproved applications is contained in the journal of applications for spending funds for approval. Applications can be approved directly from this list, which is especially convenient.

Also, unlike older editions of payment calendars, new functions allow you to generate a document for the movement or planned receipt of funds directly from the report.

To eliminate cash gaps, you should correctly select cash flow items and the dates of their receipt. After the document for the expected receipt of finance is posted, the payment calendar instantly changes, demonstrating that there is no longer a cash gap.

In addition to documents regulating the planned receipt or movement of funds, you can create payment documentation in the calendar by selecting the required application or document for the receipt of funds.

Automation solution:


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In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. more In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. The project as a whole was planned to be completed in 6 months. In March 2016, NTZ Volkhov launched the second stage of the project: automation of consolidated reporting. As part of this stage, ITAN specialists will configure the software

In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, in connection with which the software product “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” was purchased. Read more In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, and therefore acquired software

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The ACCOR company contacted us at the beginning of 2016. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. more detailsThe ACCOR company contacted us at the beginning of 2016. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. The company's management decided to automate accounting according to IFRS based on the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” configurations. The ITAN: Management Balance system increases the accuracy and timeliness of financial plans, budgets

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Start of a joint project to automate management accounting in the Museum company based on “ITAN: Management Balance”. Integration of the management system is planned to be carried out with 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7. The main activities of the Museum company are tea and coffee for enterprises in the HoReCa segment.

The ITAN project team has completed work on automating budgeting in the Aktion media group. As a result of the project, the formation of income and expense budgets and cash flows in the context of items, central financial districts and projects was automated. The ITAN project team completed work on automating budgeting in the Aktion media group. As a result of the project, the formation of income and expense budgets and traffic flows was automated.

The ITAN company has completed work on the development of the “Contract Management” subsystem for the tasks of “NPF Sberbank” in accounting for business contracts. The ITAN company has completed work on the development of the “Contract Management” subsystem for the tasks of “NPF Sberbank” in accounting for business contracts

The Omsan Logistics company began cooperating with us in mid-2011. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. Read more The Omsan Logistics company began cooperating with us in mid-2011. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. The company's management decided to automate IFRS based on the ITAN: Management Balance software product, using

Specialists of the ITAN company have completed work on setting up the ITAN: Management Balance system in terms of maintaining management accounting in accordance with the accounting policy of HOMAX GROUP. The product "ITAN: Management Balance" is integrated into the work base "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management". As part of setting up the control model

The ITAN project team completed a project to automate budgeting using a complex economic planning model in the Podruzhka retail chain. The implementation project was carried out according to the standard project methodology and was completed in 6 months. As a result, the budgeting model was tested and Podruzhka formed a budget for 2013 in the new system. In the future, work is planned to implement the “Cash Management” subsystem

The Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which comprehensively automated the operational and management accounting of a trading enterprise. more detailsThe Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which integrated the operational and management

TEL improves the efficiency of financial management using the ITAN: PROF management balance system. The implementation will be carried out by TEL's IT service. Today the TEL group has its own fiber optic network, which covers the whole of Moscow and the immediate Moscow region, with a total length of over

The ITAN company and the BI Partner company have entered into a cooperation and partnership agreement. As part of the cooperation, the BI Partner company will promote the ITAN: Management Balance software product. At the moment, negotiations are underway on joint participation in projects to automate management accounting in several companies, based on software

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the management accounting system to suit the specifics of the Terra Auri company. As part of the project, the following settings were made: The “ITAN: Management Balance” system in the Customer’s “1C: Accounting 3.0”. The chart of accounts for management accounting has been set up. The management accounting analytics has been set up (6 features: CFS, CZ, Project, Article, Counterparty, Agreement), and the rules for filling it out. The correspondence between the RBSU and ex. accounts has been completed. accounting. Nastro

The Digimarket company acquired the software product ITAN: Management Balance Sheet in 2008 in order to automate management accounting in 1C: Trade Management. Read moreThe Digimarket company acquired the software product ITAN: Management Balance Sheet in 2008 in order to automate management

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Sberbank NPF has been working fruitfully with the ITAN: Management Balance system since 2013. “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” has been implemented and is successfully used for the purposes of budgeting, contract management, treasury, and accounting for the location of contracts. Sberbank NPF has been working fruitfully with the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” system since 2013. “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” has been implemented and successfully used for budgetary purposes

The management of the Kholodilnik.ru company decided to introduce budgeting and cash management subsystems based on the ITAN: Management Balance system. The implementation will be carried out by Kholodilnik.ru specialists based on standard models of the ITAN company. Kholodilnik.RU is a Russian online store specializing in the sale of all types of domestic and foreign household appliances. Project open

Specialists of the ITAN company are implementing a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 10.3 configuration in the TelecomInvest company. Specialists of the ITAN company began to carry out joint work with the Customer on the implementation of a standard model of management accounting of the ITAN: Management BA subsystem

The European Legal Service improves the efficiency of financial resource management by introducing the ITAN: PROF Management Balance system. The European Legal Service is a significant player in the Russian legal services market and is today recognized as one of the most

Implementation of an automated system The implementation will take place according to the standard project methodology, with a preliminary examination of the methodology for transforming RAS data into IFRS, and its subsequent description in the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” system. Synovate Comcon is part of the international research network Ipsos, one of the top three in the global market. Globally, Ipsos is represented in 80 countries. In Russia Synovate Comcon and

The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 11.1 configuration in the AMARE company. The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Managerial Balance subsystem "for configuration "1C: Management torus

The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To implement these tasks, the company's management decided to purchase the ITAN: Management Balance software product. Cooperation with the company MIR GAZA began in November 2014. The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To achieve these tasks, management

The cooperation of the companies "ITAN" and "Alpen Pharma" began with the implementation of the first test example of accounting according to IFRS of the Customer in the system "ITAN: Management Balance Sheet". The cooperation of the companies "ITAN" and "Alpen Pharma" began with the implementation of the first test example of accounting according to IFRS of the Customer in system "ITAN:U"

In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. Read more. The financial department of NTZ Volkhov has long considered the ITAN: Management Balance system as a good option for solving the problems of auto

At the beginning of 2013, the Megalex group of companies decided to automate the management accounting system based on the ITAN: Management Balance software product. The main tasks are automation of management accounting, cash management and budgeting. management system

ITAN company specialists implemented a test example of accounting for business contracts in the ITAN: Management Balance system with integration with the existing budgeting, management accounting and cash management system in the Aktion group of companies. As a result of the test analysis, work is planned to implement the “Contract Management” subsystem. Aktion-Development is a dynamically developing company in the commercial real estate market. She owns several

Automation of budget management is carried out using the “Budgeting” subsystem, which is an important component of the software and methodological system “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet”. Implemented: 1. Automatic calculation of the cash flow budget based on the profit and loss budget, taking into account coefficients, VAT calculation, calculation payment schedules and cash gap planning.

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the cash management model for the specifics of HOMAX GROUP. As part of setting up the model, the following work was carried out: DDS analytics and payment priorities were configured. The DDS budget model has been set up. The types of payment transactions and applications are highlighted. The org is set up. structure and routes for approval of payment applications. Levels of access to applications and sections of the DDS budget have been determined. On

ITAN specialists have completed work on automating cash management and transferring accounting to a single database for the VIKIMART company. During the implementation project, the following work was completed: A technical specification was written for the rules for converting 4 databases “1C: Accounting”

Go to the section On the “Calculations” tab, check the “Planning payments from the buyer” flag:

  • Sales (acts, invoices);
  • OS transfer;
  • Transfer of intangible assets;
  • Provision of production services;

We create a new document, for example “Sales of goods (invoice)”. Next, follow the “Calculations” link and indicate the date in the “Payment by” field:

If a single payment period is set for all counterparties, then in 1C 8.3 you can configure the default value. To do this, go to the section Sales – Settings – Customer payment terms.

Step 3. “Customers' Debt” report

The next step is to generate a report on overdue debt from customers, taking into account the payment period. Go to the section To the manager – Settlements with buyers – Debt of buyers according to the terms of the debt.

From the report we see that as of May 21, 2016, the buyer has an unpaid debt for up to 7 days in the amount of 2,264,455 rubles:

Step 4: Unpaid Invoice Reminder

We will generate reminders about unpaid invoices using the “Expected payment from customers” assistant.

The assistant allows you not only to generate a report on the existing debts of counterparties, but also to remind counterparties about the need to pay bills.

Sales – Settlements with counterparties – Expected payment from buyers:

You can send a letter from 1C 8.3 with a reminder using the button <Напомнить>:

Planning payments to suppliers

First of all, you need to configure the 1C 8.3 program so that the function of planning payments to suppliers appears.

Step 1. Setting up program functionality

Go to the section The main thing is Settings – Functionality. On the “Calculations” tab, check the “Planning payments to suppliers” checkbox:

Step 2. Enter the payment term in the documents

  • Receipt (acts, invoices);
  • Receipt of additional expenses;
  • Receipt of intangible assets;
  • Invoice from supplier.

Let’s create a new document, for example “Receipt: Goods, services, commission”. Click on the “Calculations” link and enter the data in the “Payment term” field:​

If a single payment term is set for all counterparties, you can configure the default value. To do this you need to go to the section Purchases – Settings – Payment terms to suppliers.

Step 3. Report “Debt to suppliers”

We will generate a report in 1C 8.3 on overdue debts to suppliers, taking into account the payment deadline. To do this, let's go to the section To the manager – Settlements with suppliers – Debt to suppliers according to the terms of the debt.

From the report we see that as of June 15, 2016 there is an unpaid debt to the supplier for up to 7 days in the amount of RUB 202,098.00:

Step 4. Payment of debts to suppliers

Using the “Payment to Suppliers” assistant, we will generate payment orders for payment.

The assistant makes it possible to generate a report on existing debts to counterparties, create payment orders or change the established payment period.

The assistant can be found in the section Bank and cash desk – Payment orders – “Pay” button – Goods and services:

You can make payment orders using the selected lines using the button <Создать платежные поручения>:

If you indicate several debts to one supplier at once, the assistant will generate one “Payment Order” document for the entire amount of the debt.

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In order for an enterprise to fulfill its financial obligations on time, it is necessary to avoid cash gaps - a lack of funds necessary to finance regular expenses. Starting with version, the “1C: Accounting 8” program introduced a “Payment Calendar”, which not only helps deal with cash gaps, but also helps to quickly manage financial flows. The calendar can reflect information about receipts from customers and planned payments to suppliers; about payments to the budget; about late payments; about funds in transit between the bank and the cash desk (for example, during collection) and planned to be received under acquiring agreements. The new functionality is especially useful for small and medium-sized companies that do not have a finance department or do not have a finance manager on staff.

New functionality for planning financial flows

For the stable operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to make all scheduled payments on time. To do this, at the time of payment, there must be a sufficient amount of funds at the cash desk or in the organization’s current accounts. A situation where there is a temporary shortage of cash is called a cash gap. In the 1C: Accounting 8 program, edition 3.0, a new functionality is provided to prevent cash gaps - (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Payment calendar form

Access to Payment calendar carried out using the hyperlink of the same name from the section To the head in Group Planning. The command panel settings indicate the organization for which information about planned payments is generated, and the forecast period, including the current date. - this is a report that reflects the plan for receipt and expenditure of funds by day, as well as information about cash balances at the beginning and end of each day.

Negative values ​​at the end of the day indicate cash gaps. They are highlighted in red in the report. To avoid cash gaps, it is necessary to ensure that the amount of payments does not exceed the amount of receipts, taking into account the balance at the beginning of the day. Using , the accountant sees where there is a shortage of funds and can take timely measures to eliminate it.

Sections of the Payment Calendar

Report in “1C: Accounting 8” edition 3.0 may include the following sections (if appropriate situations exist):

  • Payment from buyers;
  • Other supply;
  • Taxes and fees;
  • Payments to suppliers;
  • Periodic payments.

Let's look at what information is displayed in each section.

Payment from buyers

In chapter Payment from buyers payments planned according to accounting system documents are displayed Buyer's invoice, Sales (acts, invoices), Provision of production services, OS transfer, Transfer of intangible assets. We remind you that the ability to specify payment deadlines in these documents is set in the functionality settings. In order for the user to track the timing of expected payments from buyers, in the section The main thing is Functionality on the bookmark Calculations flag needs to be set Planning payments from buyers.

Information about overdue payments can be obtained by following the corresponding hyperlink to the assistant form Expected payment from buyers(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Assistant “Expected payment from buyers” »

In the assistant form, you can change the due date for one or more documents by first highlighting them with the cursor. By button Change payment term A form for entering a new payment term opens. You can also change the payment deadline for the document directly in the column Due date. By selecting lines in the list, you can send an email to the counterparty with a payment reminder. The letter will be generated automatically by clicking the button Remind.

Other supply

In chapter Other supply information is displayed on funds deposited into the cash desks of credit institutions, savings banks or post office cash desks for crediting to the organization’s account, but not yet credited for their intended purpose (account balances 57.01 “Transfers in transit”). The section also displays the planned receipt of funds under acquiring agreements (account balances 57.03 “Sales by payment cards”).

Taxes and fees

In chapter Taxes and fees tasks for making payments to the budget (taxes, fees, insurance premiums) are displayed. The amounts of taxes, fees and contributions payable are calculated according to the data in the information base - these are either accrued amounts of taxes, or data from prepared declarations or reports. If it was not possible to determine the amount for the payment (for example, there is no declaration or charges), then a dash is displayed in the field instead of the amount. For payments to the budget, actions similar to the corresponding tasks in List of tasks. By clicking on a cell, a menu opens in which you can select the desired action - for example, Pay or Check with the Federal Tax Service. If the payment amount is not determined, the program will prompt you what action needs to be performed - for example, prepare a declaration for the appropriate tax.

Payments to suppliers

In chapter Payments to suppliers payments planned according to documents are displayed Invoice from supplier, Receipts (acts, invoices), Receipt of additional expenses, Receipt of intangible assets. By clicking on the cell, the document on the basis of which the payment is planned opens. In order for the user to have the opportunity to indicate payment terms in the supplier’s documents, it is necessary in the program functionality settings on the tab Calculations set flag Planning payments to suppliers.

Information on late payments is available via the appropriate hyperlink. When you click on it, the assistant form opens Payment to suppliers, with which you can automatically generate a list of payment orders to pay suppliers. To do this, you need to check the box for the lines for which you want to generate payment orders. Payment documents are generated automatically using the button Create payment orders.

To section includes payments to pay employees wages. By clicking on a cell, a menu opens from which you can select the desired action, for example Pay out or Check with the Federal Tax Service for personal income tax(Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Sections “Taxes and contributions” and “Salaries”

Periodic payments

In chapter Periodic payments information about regular payments is displayed - for example, for utilities, communications, rent, internet, etc. The reminder date for the next payment and the frequency of reminders can be set in the form of a payment order using a hyperlink Repeat payment? Information on late payments is available via the appropriate hyperlink.

In the shape of Payment calendar you can adjust plans for income / expenditure of money using the command Reschedule to another day. To do this, you need to select the area containing payment information. The command is also available in the context menu of the payment cell. Transfer is only available for payments to suppliers and for payments from customers.

In a simple and clear way provides information on the forecast cash flow with possible cash gaps and facilitates the prompt adoption of measures to prevent this situation.

The result of optimization of the payment calendar is an orderly cash flow plan (forecast), in which there are no cash gaps.