Banking - what kind of profession is it? Where do you study banking? How to enter a college of economics for the correspondence department Bank employees what to take.

Banker is the owner of bank capital or an employee involved in the banking business. The latter include managers, consultants or other employees. The profession of a banker is considered in demand. At the moment, there is a severe shortage of such highly qualified specialists.

Description of the profession - what does a banker do?

The position held determines what a banker does. The job of ordinary employees is to interact with customers. A banker's responsibilities are conventionally divided into primary (working with finances) and auxiliary (assessing the prospects of borrowers, studying the financial industry).
The main responsibilities are:
  • service
  • consulting
  • analysis
  • planning
The department in which the specialist works is also important.
There are 8 main banking divisions:
  • lending (issuing loans, accepting loan payments, analyzing the financial condition of the borrower, and so on)
  • investing (analysis of projects that need long-term loans)
  • stock department (dealt with the placement of bank bonds and shares on the stock market)
  • legal department (opening and closing client accounts with checking the legality of the transactions presented, exercising control over arbitration processes, is the bank’s representative in court)
  • securities (issue of bank bills, placement of securities on the stock exchange)
  • treasury (carrying out all kinds of operations on the financial market in order to make a profit)
  • plastic cards department (acceptance, issuance of bank plastic cards)
  • marketing (advertising the activities of a particular bank in order to attract new customers)
The profession of a banker, the description of which is quite extensive, implies a financial education. About 80% of the specialist’s working time is spent analyzing incoming information, including the financial activities of the banking structure and its clients, as well as maintaining reporting documentation. Managers are engaged in advising regular and potential clients regarding the receipt and payment of loans, deposits, and the like.
Important! A banker and a bank employee are different directions. A banker in the purest sense is a businessman, the owner of a bank, bank capital. A bank employee is a hired specialist in a banking structure who holds a specific position.

Who can become a banker: suitable qualities for the job

It is advisable for any specialist who decides to work in the financial sector to graduate from a university in the relevant specialty and have a standard set of skills. This includes communication skills, punctuality, neatness, neatness, attentiveness, and so on.
A qualified banker has the following set of qualities:
  • Analytical mind
  • ability to process large amounts of information
  • responsibility
  • ability to delegate (hand over tasks to subordinates)
  • efficiency
  • energy
  • hard work
  • active life position
  • determination
These skills should be possessed by a specialist, regardless of position. Before becoming a banker, you must first meet the requirements presented. If you are starting out in your career, it is advisable to be prepared to take on a small position and move up the career ladder.
You must be prepared for related activities. For example, an employee of the legal department of a bank must understand not only the legislative framework, but also have knowledge of finance. This allows him to quickly solve problems and draw up contracts correctly and mutually beneficial.

How to apply to study to become a banker: required subjects

You can study to become a banker at any economic university. It is important to choose a specialized educational institution with economic and financial orientations. Mainly these are “Banking” and “Finance and Credit”.
Graduates with a major in Banking are suitable for working in investment, insurance institutions and financial departments of banks. Specialists in the field of “Finance and Credit” work in financial centers, credit enterprises and directly in the banking structure in the relevant departments.
A person who wants to become a banker takes the following subjects:
  • entrance exam in mathematics (taken in writing upon admission)
  • mathematics as a core subject
  • Unified State Exam in a foreign language
  • Unified State Exam in Russian
  • Economy
  • Jurisprudence
  • Social studies (taken at some universities)
If you plan to work in a certain department, it is worth studying for a specialized specialty. Everything is logically clear here: in the legal department - lawyers (with knowledge of finance), in the IT department - network administrators and programmers. The marketing department includes specialists in sales, communication with clients, marketers and the like.
Advice. A qualified bank employee is knowledgeable in several areas. For example, an employee of the marketing department, in addition to his main specialty, must also understand finance and the features of banking software products.

What salary can a banker expect?

A banker's salary depends on the department in which he works and the position he occupies. The highest paid is the director. The work of such a specialist is estimated at 4 thousand dollars or more. Such income is justified by high risks, the greatest responsibility and a wide range of tasks performed.
For example, the director of the consumer lending department is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • organizing the sales process for various loans
  • building verticals of regional offices
  • organization of employee training
  • motivation of partners and staff
  • Responsibility for fulfilling the bank's business fees for consumer loans
Department heads receive high salaries. The average income of such workers is 2 thousand dollars. The specific amount depends on the level of responsibility and specialization of the department.
Different types of salaries are provided for different department heads, presented below (expressed in thousands of dollars):
  • lending process development department – ​​1.8
  • Credit Risk Management Department – ​​2.2
  • IT project – 2.5
Among ordinary workers, financial controllers receive the highest salaries. Their average income is $2 thousand. This is comparable to department heads. The responsibilities of such employees include budgeting, financial control and analysis. In addition to qualifications, these workers are required to have integrity. The efficiency of the bank's monetary distribution is concentrated in their hands.
Economists and accountants receive a relatively modest salary of an average of $500. Their responsibilities include maintaining accounting records and supporting banking operations. The main requirements for candidates are the ability to work in office software, knowledge of accounting, responsibility and attentiveness.

A competent resume for a banker

There is a set of rules according to which a banker’s resume is compiled.
Such a document has a standard set of information:
  • Candidate's full name
  • education
  • career objective
  • age
  • Family status
  • residential address
  • Contact details
  • terms of cooperation
  • employment (full/part-time)
  • schedule
  • experience
  • skill level
The main objectives of a resume are to distinguish the candidate from the crowd and to interest a potential employer in his person. You can draw up such a document yourself or with the assistance of a specialist.

How to become a banker: video

Speciality -"Banking".

Specialty code - 38.02.07

Received qualification banking specialist

Diploma of education– state diploma of secondary vocational education, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FEC turns 24 years old

The learning process at the College of Finance and Economics

Education at the College of Finance and Economics in the specialty "Banking" is conducted by highly professional teachers and practitioners, helping students gain theoretical and practical skills in the implementation, accounting and control of banking operations to attract and place funds, as well as the provision of banking services to clients in credit organizations systems.

The College of Finance and Economics does not stand still and is constantly improving the educational process with the active and direct participation of social partners - representatives of the banking community. For the purpose of targeted training of specialists according to agreed programs, the Open Department of Sberbank was created at the College of Finance and Economics, the activities of which are aimed at training certified specialists for the West Ural Bank Sberbank. All this allows us to fully satisfy consumers with the quality of general and professional competencies of graduates.

The College of Finance and Economics is developing partnerships with banks operating in Perm. In interaction with the college, banks act as senior comrades - they advise teachers, help them take into account their needs, which need to be paid attention to in the process of teaching students. As a result of this attitude, banks receive well-trained specialists, and students of the College of Finance and Economics have excellent job prospects.

The lucky ones who managed to enroll in the College of Finance and Economics to major in Banking undergo internships in such well-known banking institutions as Sberbank, BINBANK, UralSib, VTB 24, Uniastrum Bank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Home Credit and Finance Bank, Ural FD and many others.

Most graduates of the College of Finance and Economics with a degree in Banking receive higher education at universities in the areas of Economics (profiles “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting”, “Taxes and Taxation”) and “Management”.

Interesting subjects in the learning process: Economics of an organization, Finance, money circulation and credit, Accounting in banks, organization of credit work, Management.

Forms and terms of training:
full-time based on 9 classes 2 years 10 months
full-time based on 11 classes 1 year 10 months
correspondence based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months
correspondence based on 11 classes 2 years 10 months
correspondence (using distance educational technologies) based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months
correspondence (using distance educational technologies) based on 11 classes 2 years 10 months

Specialty: Banking after 9th grade. Specialty Banking after 11th grade.

Federal state educational standard for the specialty: Download

Word to the teachers

Are there any budget places at the College of Finance and Economics?

Dear applicants and parents!

Since the establishment of the college in 1995, recruitment for all specialties has been carried out exclusively on a paid basis. This allows us to form a team of successful and talented students.

At the College of Finance and Economics available tuition fees and monthly fee.

Based on our experience, it is paid training motivates students and their parents are responsible for the learning process!

College or technical school? What to choose?

College or technical school? Where to get education?

In our opinion, in the modern “table of ranks” a college ranks much higher than a technical school. Therefore, in our opinion, the choice is quite obvious.

02/38/07. Qualification: banking specialist

Getting a promising profession at an economics college remotely

You have found the right page! The most important thing in college is a suitable promising profession! The specialty Banking is just one of these; it is the core specialty for working in a bank, credit or financial institution.

Advantages of distance learning at the College of Economics:

  1. Training is based on new standards.
  2. The teaching materials are relevant and practical.
  3. Not only teachers, but also banking industry specialists will work with you.
  4. After completing your studies, you will receive a state diploma with the qualification of a banking specialist.

10 most important disciplines for distance learning in Banking:

  1. Cashless payments;
  2. Accounting in banks;
  3. Activities of a credit institution;
  4. Bank cash transactions;
  5. International payments;
  6. Organization of credit work;
  7. Right;
  8. Stocks and bods market;
  9. Finance and credit;
  10. Economic analysis.

Having received secondary education at the College of Economics, majoring in banking, you will learn:

  • Draw up bank account agreements with clients (useful for bank employees);
  • Advise borrowers on loan terms and repayment procedures (useful skill for lending department specialists);
  • Perform international settlements for export-import transactions (important knowledge for a successful financial manager);
  • And this is only part of the necessary knowledge of a bank employee that you will acquire in our economic college!

Where can you work after secondary vocational training in banking?

After completing your degree in Banking in college, you will be able to take positions as a bank employee, a lending specialist, a financial manager, and even an accountant. The college's specialty in banking provides a wide range of specialties for employment. Let's talk about the most promising of them.

What does a bank employee do? Today, a bank employee is one of the most in-demand specialties. Your responsibilities will include conducting account transactions, including opening and closing them, processing payments and working with plastic cards. This work requires attentiveness and the ability to manage paperwork. Don’t be alarmed, all these banking wisdom will definitely be taught to you at the College of Economics.

How much does a bank employee earn? The average salary is from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. With time and experience, your salary will only increase. The beginning of your career will be secondary education at an economics college; having gained the necessary experience, you can always increase your salary and qualifications with the help of higher distance education.

What does a lending specialist do? The task of a lending specialist is to skillfully select a loan product that suits the conditions of the client and is beneficial to the bank. When applying for a loan, the specialist must check the client’s documents for authenticity and calculate the interest rate. You can apply for the position of a specialist in the lending department only after graduating from a banking major at an economics college!

How much does a lending specialist earn? Your expected salary is from 35 to 80 thousand rubles. Do you want to earn more? Be a careerist and aim to become a department head! A diploma of secondary education from an economics college will be your lifesaver!

What does a financial manager do? At the bank, a financial manager will advise you on how to manage your account, help you invest money correctly and increase your capital. In addition, the financial manager is responsible for coordinating the work of the bank and interbank interaction. A successful financial manager must be experienced, have financial acumen and a wealth of knowledge. Start expanding your knowledge base today - enroll in the Moscow College of Economics.

Today, one of the most prestigious specializations is banking. What kind of profession is this? What qualities should a person who decides to devote himself to the world of finance have? Where can you get the necessary knowledge and become a highly qualified specialist? Is it possible to choose the profession of banking after 9th grade? We will cover all the details in this article.

Profession "banking": description

Perhaps we should start by defining this concept. Because there are still people who ask: “Banking is what profession?” Many of them judge this issue too superficially. It is believed that a banking specialist is a narrow-profile profession. In fact, this is a completely incorrect statement.

Let's see what the word "bank" means? Translated from Italian - table. In ancient Rome, it was behind him that money changers carried out commodity and monetary exchanges. It turns out that a banker is a specialist who spends most of his working time at his desk and is engaged in economic and financial activities. Already in our time, a banker began to be called a person who worked in a bank - a place where money is stored.

What really stands behind the profession of “banking”? It is not at all necessary that a person work in a bank. The scope of activity can be very wide: exchanges, all kinds of companies and firms, investment organizations, financial institutions and other institutions. He can be a cashier, financial inspector, economist, accountant, etc. The main thing is that he will always have to deal with finances, no matter what organizations he works for. And for this you need to have the necessary skills and abilities, which we will talk about later. But first, let's take a short trip into the distant past.

A little history

It will be very interesting to know when banking began. We already know what kind of profession this is. The first bankers in ancient times were moneylenders. People who gave loans at favorable interest rates appeared in the 7th century BC.

Ancient Greece occupies a special place in the emergence and development of banking. The most popular transactions that were carried out here were operations with grain. It could be borrowed at huge interest rates, which were several hundred times higher than the real amount. If a person could not pay off a debt, then not only he himself, but also his family members became the property of the creditor.

The first bank appeared in the 16th century in England. When did banking appear in Rus'? This happened a little later. Large banking systems arose in Russia at the end of the 18th century. More than one work of art has been written about this. We can find an example of banking relations in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” One of the characters who carried out economic activities was an old money-lender.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

If you like banking and have decided to become a good specialist in this field, study all the pros and cons of this work. Let's do this together. So, the advantages of this profession:

  • demand;
  • high wages;
  • prestige;
  • many banks have a good bonus fund;
  • there is an opportunity for career growth;
  • you can quickly earn an excellent reputation;
  • gaining invaluable life experience;
  • master financial literacy.


Required professional qualities

In order to become a good banker in the future, you need:

  • Be able to count well.
  • Strive to acquire new knowledge and skills. Bankers, as a rule, never stop at receiving only one education. Many of them have several degrees.
  • Have a good memory.
  • Be a very attentive person and constantly work to develop this important quality for a bank employee.
  • Be able to analyze and systematize information.
  • Learn to complete any task, no matter how difficult it may seem.
  • Be able to work in a team.
  • A person cannot know everything. But he must be able to absorb the necessary knowledge. After all, now you will have to do this constantly.
  • Be able to overcome difficulties.
  • Love economic sciences.

If you have all the necessary qualities, and most importantly, that you dream of studying banking, be sure that you have chosen a good and interesting profession.


Financial industry workers should have excellent knowledge and ability to do the following:

Where are specialists trained?

Many students leaving school are concerned about issues related to banking. What kind of profession is this? Where can I get it? Is it necessary to have a complete secondary education? If you decide to master this profession, then you will need to choose specialties such as:

  • "Banking".
  • "Economy".
  • "Finance and Credit".

You can enroll in the specialty "banking" after 9th grade. For example, here are several options: “Moscow Commercial Banking College”, “Moscow Credit College”, “Siberian Polytechnic College” and others.

There are a great many higher institutions that train financiers in Russia. There are specialized higher education institutions, and there are separate faculties in institutes and universities. Let's name a few of the most prestigious and famous places: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MGIMO, Higher School of Economics. But there are other institutions that provide a high-quality theoretical basis.

How much do professionals earn?

When choosing a profession in banking, salary is one of the important factors. A competent specialist with a good reputation can earn up to $1,000 a month or more. True, not all bank employees earn that much. The salary of some does not exceed 200-300 dollars. But with due diligence and skill, over time, any employee can begin to earn much more.

A few words in conclusion

We hope that this article will be useful to many people. And first of all, she will be able to answer the question: “Why did I choose the profession of banking?” After all, despite all its complexity, it is very interesting and promising. If you feel that working with finance is your calling, then feel free to choose an economics education.

You can start vocational training after 9th grade. Despite common stereotypes about vocational education, going to college sometimes makes more sense. After all, a college student receives several advantages at once:

  • saving time. While peers are studying in high school, they are already gaining professional knowledge in college. You can enter the labor market earlier;
  • practical experience. College students psychologically feel more independent; many are still looking for work during their studies and have the necessary experience by the time they graduate;
  • financial independence.

Admission to the university after 11th grade in “Banking” is carried out for undergraduate programs.

Pay attention, first of all, to the opportunities that the educational institution provides. The official partner of Synergy, VSHP, offers students a choice of different forms of training. The most relevant at the present stage is remote. This system allows students to receive education from anywhere in the world. Saving time and money, freely planning your schedule, combining with work - these are the advantages that attract many applicants today.