Credit rating 2 in Sberbank. Borrower's credit rating

Any lending program, in addition to the obvious profit, also brings financial institutions “ headache", associated with the process of returning borrowed money. To minimize risks and ensure quality loan portfolio, banks are forced to analyze not only the identity of the applicant, but also the degree of his trustworthiness. As a result of such analytical actions, an indicator of the integrity of the potential borrower is formed, which is called a credit rating.

Borrower's credit rating - what is it?

The borrower's credit rating is made up of a combination of numerous factors that may indicate the client's creditworthiness and financial predictability or deny such qualities. Evaluation of these indicators allows us to draw preliminary conclusions about the quality of debt servicing by the future borrower. IN Western countries a similar technique is called when a special computer program makes complex mathematical calculations (forecast), and as a result of its work produces a scoring score, which, in essence, is a credit rating. For more information about the scoring score and how it is interpreted depending on the calculation method used, see.

The main method for calculating solvency indicators is based on a rating based on credit history(CI) of the borrower. It is usually called credit scoring. Socio-demographic factors are often taken into account: age, marital status, length of service, place of residence, place of work, income level, etc. These are indirect indicators that reflect financial condition person. A rating based on socio-demographic factors can be used, for example, if the borrower does not have a CI. This method can be found under the name: borrower scoring.

Many banks and microfinance organizations use both methods simultaneously, i.e. calculation of the borrower's credit rating will be based on his CI and personal data (socio-demographic factors).

Why are all these ratings needed if you can find out the borrower’s CI, which will show all his solvency at a glance? The fact is that the rating (scoring) is calculated in a matter of minutes, and such a calculation costs much less than a request credit report(CI provision form). For example, if we take prices for individuals. persons, then calculating a credit rating (hereinafter, KR) costs 300 rubles, and requesting a credit report will cost about 1000 rubles. In addition, an employee of a financial institution must spend a decent amount of time analyzing the CI (he must be a specialist in this field), and the CI produces a ready-made solution in the form of a number, which the employee compares with a set threshold. If the CR is below the acceptable threshold, then the client is given a refusal, and if it is within the allowed range of values, then an approval is given.

Actually, the CD is useful for all people to know who is leading or is going to lead “ credit life" Low CR scores will signal a problem in your credit history and provide an opportunity to correct it in a timely manner.

Credit assessment procedure

Initially, the bank's security service checks all provided documentation for its authenticity and legality. If a decision is made to admit the project for consideration, an assessment of the potential borrower is carried out. It takes place in 2 stages:

1. All information received from the applicant is entered into a special banking program, which processes it in accordance with the algorithms embedded in it. The data can be processed and third party, with which the bank has a contractual relationship, for example, with the BKI (credit history bureau). BKIs not only store credit histories, but specialize in their processing (scoring) - compiling credit ratings. In addition to personal data, the client’s credit history can also be analyzed at this stage. The result of the verification will be the assignment to the borrower of a certain level of integrity and financial stability.

But such machine processing of information often produces biased results. After all, the program works according to a strictly laid down scheme and cannot take into account all the nuances. That's why there is a second stage.

2. The assessment work includes loan officers jar. By studying the received rating indicator, the package of documents provided by the applicant and talking with the client personally, they formulate their own, more vivid, image of a potential borrower. They have the power to make small adjustments to the final indicator of responsibility and financial stability client. By the way, in banks the decision to approve a loan can be made by a specialized structure -.

It is worth remembering here that the final decision on lending to the applicant (or refusal to do so) does not depend 100% on the borrower’s credit rating. The bank has the right to refuse without explaining the reasons. And what grounds he had for this is a sealed secret. In MFOs, creditworthiness assessment is more simplified. They are content with analyzing the borrower’s rating, which is done quickly, since the speed of issuing microloans is the most important thing competitive advantage any microfinance organization, especially one that issues online loans via the Internet.

Principles for forming reliability indicators

1. Maintenance of monthly payments. Here we are talking about uniform and timely application required amounts Money to pay the loan and interest on it. If there are repeated failures of this frequency, the rating value will tend to zero. In the same time loan officers will be able to adjust the number of points assigned upward, provided that the delays were insignificant in amount or time or arose contrary to the wishes and capabilities of the borrower ( banking error, which is not taken into account by any BKI). In addition, the method of repaying overdue debts is also taken into account - according to at will borrower it was done or in judicial procedure. This is the most important factor from which the CR is formed. Its share as a percentage when calculating the CR is approximately 35%

2. Current debts on credit obligations. Any debt the client has at the time of filing is taken into account loan application. The presence of existing delinquencies has a negative impact on the final rating. This is also one of the most important indicators, the share of which in the final calculation of the rating is up to 30%.

3. Length of credit history. The duration of the borrower’s CI or his credit experience plays an important role (15% of the total share).

4. Types of loans taken. Agree, any microloan is much easier to repay than a multi-year mortgage or the same car loan. Therefore, when assessing reliability, the “weight” of the loan taken is taken into account, i.e. the terms for which the applicant’s previous loans were issued. The longer the term and the more systematic the repayment, the more rating points you can earn. The borrower is then more predictable in the eyes of the bank. At the same time, early fulfillment of obligations does not play in the client’s favor, but is regarded as a negative factor for the bank (10% of the total share).

5. Frequency of requests to a credit institution. Any application for a loan to a bank or microfinance organization will be reflected in the applicant’s CI - this is regulated by law. Credit histories record not only the fact of issuing a loan and the process of repayment, but also the number of requests for a loan. Accordingly, the more often such requests were made, the large quantity times the client applied for a loan. And if there is no information about loans issued in history, then the question arises - why was this applicant denied? This means there is reason not to trust. In addition, too frequent applications for loans indicate a citizen’s impulsiveness, his inability to plan expenses and a very difficult financial situation. The share of this indicator is 10% in the calculation of the KR.

As a result, the final rating value is calculated by summing each percentage:

  • 65 – 100% - good credit scoring, characterizes the good financial condition of the borrower;
  • 35 – 64% - average solvency ratio. To such a borrower financial organizations are more wary and may worsen lending conditions (for example, increase the interest rate and reduce the amount and term);
  • 0 – 34% - low rating, almost one hundred percent refusal due to poor solvency. There is a high probability that there will be arrears on current loans. In this situation, it is necessary to take all possible measures to improve CI.

The number of loans that are currently issued in the name of the borrower also has a significant impact on the level of the rating bar. An increase in credit burden is regarded as abuse of debt obligations and an increased risk of debt becoming overdue. After all, having several loans, you can simply get confused and unwittingly miss the next payment. And the load on the total family income will be higher than acceptable.

The bank also doesn’t forget about credit cards. Their number and the amount of established limits are also taken into account when assessing the borrower’s reliability. At the same time, using only part of the limits is considered a positive factor - this indicates your prudence, thriftiness and ability to plan your spending.

Ways to improve your rating

1. Most banks, at the stage of processing loan documentation, offer borrowers to choose a repayment date that is convenient for them. Select the day after your salary is paid. Then you can pay off your debts first, and distribute the remaining amount for everyday needs.

2. It is advisable to get a loan from one financial institution.

3. Maintain lines of credit even after paying off debt. An existing loan with no debt (even current) is your main trump card. This mainly concerns credit cards– we paid off the debt, but we don’t close the card, let it be. Constant turnover on a credit card, coupled with timely repayment, is assessed positively by the bank when considering a loan application.

4. Reduce credit card debt whenever possible. Let the established limit not be fully selected.

5. Use the services of banks or microfinance organizations that offer programs to correct your credit history (). And some organizations specialize in this service, for example.

Let us remind you that you can check your CI once a year for free. Don't neglect this opportunity, because mistakes happen there too. There are often cases when the borrower’s history turns out to be loans that were not his at all, and even in arrears status. And the bank refused the client... It's a shame, isn't it?

Ratings, by and large, are not assigned, but earned. With your exemplary behavior, prudence and commitment to repaying debts, you earn yourself good reliability indicators in the future. The borrower's credit rating is yours business card. And the possibility of your lending in the future depends on what is written in it.

With bad credit, you may have difficulty getting things like loans, credit cards, and store cards. It can also negatively impact your chances of getting a mortgage on your dream home. There are many ways to improve your credit score, and the best place to start is with this article!



    Get a credit card if you don't already have one. If you don't have a credit card and have never provided collateral for a loan, your credit score will be 0 (but in a good way). Because credit card companies and credit reporting agencies don't have information with which to make an estimate of your credit score. You are like a dark horse to them. You may or may not be a reliable borrower.

    Get a free copy of your credit file online. There are many websites where you can get it. You are also entitled to one free report per year. Make the most of this opportunity! Just search for the three major credit rating agencies (TransUnion, Experian, Equifax) using any search engine and you will find a ton of places and ways to get your credit report in hand.

    Take a good look at your credit report for obvious errors. Even small mistakes can have a big impact on your credit score. Therefore, if you find inconsistencies, take immediate action to correct them.

    • Find the records of small credit and collection agencies in the report and contact them. Ask them to provide evidence that the overdue payments belong to you and are processed according to the details you provided. There is a chance that smaller companies will not be able to provide you with this information and you will have the opportunity to ask them to remove this information from your report. This will immediately improve your credit score.
    • The same applies to companies that have merged with other companies or liquidated companies. If the information you request cannot be provided for one reason or another, you can request that the relevant entries be removed from the report and thereby improve your credit status almost instantly.
  1. Get a reasonable loan if you know you can repay it. About 10% of your rating is made up of the so-called “cocktail of accounts”. In other words, the number of available loans and credit accounts. If you take out a small loan and pay it off quickly, you can improve your credit scores.

    • However, if repayment will take you several months and/or years, don't bother with it. Interest rates could eat up your cash and only make it harder to pay off your principal. Take a loan only if you are 100% sure that you can pay it back.
  2. Start using your old credit cards again. if you have credit cards that you no longer use, the creditor may simply decide to stop reporting the account status to the credit bureaus. This isn't so bad until you realize that accounts with a longer history actually improve your credit score. So get out your old credit card, make small recurring payments, or use it to buy movie tickets every now and then. Pay off your debt in full every month.


By issuing funds on credit, banks and financial institutions, in addition to profit in the form of interest, also receive debtors who are in no hurry to repay the loan. In order to minimize risks, banks resort to analyzing the reliability of the client who has applied to receive funds. Thus, it is compiled. Having studied it, you can judge the responsibility of the future client.

A credit rating is an assessment of many factors that indicate predictability in a client's financial behavior. After analyzing such indicators, we can come to preliminary conclusions about the borrower’s future payments. In Europe and America, such a preliminary forecast is called “credit scoring”.

Using a special-purpose computer program, a scoring score is compiled, which represents a credit rating.

Solvency indicators are primarily based on credit history. In addition to this, the client’s age factor is also important, as well as the person’s marital status. This is very important because married people are considered more trustworthy. The presence of registration, official income and place of work also have an impact. But such indicators are indirect in relation to the financial situation. Sociodemocratic factors will be taken into account more if the borrower does not have a CI.

Very often, banks and microfinance organizations pay attention to both credit history and personal data. Clients often have a question as to why calculate a rating if the CI can fully show how solvent the borrower is.

The fact is that the main advantage of scoring is that it is calculated in a very short period, and its price is lower, because each company can develop scoring programs independently, and to evaluate CI you have to use bureau databases, which can be paid. In order for a bank employee to fully analyze a credit history, he must have a very good experience such assessment and special qualifications. As for the credit rating, it is a completely understandable number.

Structure of the Kyrgyz Republic

Decoding indicators

Although the ratings are compiled by each organization based on its own criteria, their characteristics and meanings are generally similar. If we take 1,000 points from the calculation of the maximum possible reliability indicator, then we can give an approximate classification of it.

  • a high KR means that you can apply for loans at any convenient time, and in terms of points it is 700 points or higher;
  • a normal indicator is also very a good option, because the client will have the opportunity to apply for a loan as needed, with a minimum cost of 650 points;
  • having a satisfactory rating (620 points), you can get a loan, but not in a very large amount and with the provision of a certain list of documents;
  • if the borrower has a credit rating of less than 400 points, what does this mean for him, but that there is a possibility of obtaining a loan, but at a very high high interest rates, and there is also a very high probability of failure.

Thus, the latter indicator indicates a shaky financial position. Most likely, such a client is prone to completely unnecessary purchases. Banks are in no hurry to start cooperating with such potential borrower, and therefore may refuse him or issue a loan under more stringent conditions.

Methods to improve your credit rating

Is it really possible to improve the CD - some may ask. This is quite possible and there is actually only one solution - to repay the loans taken on time. But there are certain tips that you can follow to improve your performance. financial indicators your rating. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. Very often, banks give you the opportunity to choose a suitable repayment period for the loan taken, so it is better to give preference to the days immediately after payday (but take into account the “corridor” for a couple of days if there is a delay). Then it will be possible to pay off debts first, and then distribute the remaining funds.
  2. It is best to use the same bank or financial institution.
  3. If the debt has been paid off, it is advisable to maintain the credit limit. Unused money will be an excellent trump card. It must be said that active turnover on the card also affects the overall rating.
  4. It is worth leaving a reserve for the credit card limit so that it is not completely exhausted.
  5. , if you take out small loans and pay them back immediately. And also some MFOs have special programs to improve CI.

Sometimes the client’s history includes other people’s loans, and also with outstanding or, worse, overdue debt. And then the borrower applies for financial assistance, but constantly receives refusals without understanding the reason.

The rating is not given as a reward or assigned, but is earned through conscientious and responsible redemption. For banks of the Kyrgyz Republic, this is a kind of business card, and what is written there will determine the possibility of lending in the future.

Loans are an integral part of human life. Banks issuing money primarily look at the credit rating. How can we improve it?

Never miss a payment

Payment history makes up as much as thirty-five percent of your credit score, so you will definitely see negative effects if you miss monthly payments. If you didn’t set up mentions of them when you took out the loan, then do it right now. Or you can mark the dates you want on your calendar on your computer, phone, or paper. If you still can't remember what you need to pay on time, set up automatic payments.

Identify your weak points

Instead of taking your credit score for granted, you need to look at each report in detail so you can understand how you can improve your score. Many people pay attention solely to the number itself. But you shouldn't do that. This number will tell you something, but not everything. Take the detailed report and study it in its entirety to find any aspects that may be lowering your rating.

Check the report for errors

When you receive your credit report (you can get it for free, you just have to ask), review it carefully to make sure everything is accurate. Any mistakes can have a negative impact on your credit rating. The worst time to discover an error on your credit report is when you try to get a home or car loan, because at that point it will be too late to fix anything.

Request a report from several bureaus at once

Don't stop at one report. The different credit bureaus calculate your score independently, and they do not share the information with each other. Therefore, if one of your reports does not contain errors, this does not mean that you will not find them in other reports. If you want to report an error, you should contact your credit reporting agency rather than calling any individual bureau.

Develop a plan to get back on track.

Once you miss a payment or two, you'll want to come up with a plan that will get you back on track as quickly as possible. Talk to a financial expert from a nonprofit agency on credit accounts or create your own strategy, starting with a call to your lender. You'll be surprised at how flexible lenders can be in providing programs to get you back on track if you've missed just a couple of payments.

Don't exceed your loan limit

The closer you get to your credit limit each month, the higher of a risk you will appear to lenders, which is why your credit score will suffer if you spend more of what is available to you. Experts don't agree on how high you should go, but if you stay twenty to twenty-five percent below your credit limit, your credit score won't suffer.

Ask for a loan limit increase

If you consistently find yourself closer to your credit limit than you'd like, even though you can afford to spend more, you may want to call your lender and ask for an increase. credit limit. Review your credit report and check for any problem areas so you can get an idea of ​​how the lender will respond. And then think realistically about how much you would like to increase your credit limit to.

Don't close your cards

Do you want to close credit cards you don't use as soon as possible? There's no need to rush. Your credit score includes more than just the percentage of your funds used compared to affordable loan, but also all yours line of credit. Even if you rarely use the card, it is still part of your credit line.

Become an authorized user

Family members or close friends can help you improve your credit score by making you an authorized user of their credit cards. If you ask someone responsible who makes all their payments on time, their good financial record will improve your credit rating. You don't even need it for this physical copy card, you will still receive all the benefits even if you do not use the card.

Don't try to take out multiple loans at once

While asking for your credit report won't have any impact whatsoever, your score may take a slight hit if a third party decides to check your history when deciding whether to give you credit.

If you apply for credit in six, seven or eight places, this effect can add up. And the combined impact of this large quantity inquiries from a third party may negatively impact your credit rating.

In Russia there are now four large bureaus that banks use to screen potential clients - NBKI, OKB, Equifax and KBRS.

Each bureau has its own assessment system and rating scale - the numbers used by banks to make decisions on issuing a loan. Therefore, the ratings obtained by different bureaus differ from each other. It is important to understand what each of them means.

Credit bureau (Credit History Bureau, BKI) is an institution that stores information about the credit history of individuals and/or legal entities, their creditworthiness for the purpose of providing it various organizations(for example, banks) upon request.

Credit rating is a measure of the creditworthiness of an individual (credit scoring). Credit ratings are calculated based on past and current financial history, socio-demographic data and even data from relatives and co-borrowers.

What does a low credit rating affect?

If you have a low scoring score, most likely an error has crept into your credit history, or you have spoiled it in the past by paying off loans on time.

Information about your loans may be in the reports of one, two or more bureaus. Each bank chooses which bureau to send information to; only some send data to four at once. The bureaus are independent organizations and do not synchronize loan data among themselves.

Each bureau calculates the rating only according to the information he has. Banks collect all the information together and add personal data about the borrower (income, job, marital status, region, and so on). This is how banks calculate their own rating, or rather scoring, on the basis of which a decision on extradition is made.

Therefore, to assess your chances of getting a loan, it is important:

  • Find out which bureaus have your credit history
  • Order reports from these bureaus
  • Combine them for comparison
  • Calculate the overall rating for all reports

When considering an application, credit organization Not only the borrower’s discipline is important, but also solvency, so the bank most likely will not issue a loan:

  • if you have good story, but in this moment time you are not officially employed and do not have confirmed earnings;
  • if you have good solvency and an excellent credit history, but you already have too much credit obligations(monthly payment exceeds 50% of income);
  • if you already owe another bank and do not repay your debt.

To check your credit history and evaluate real chances of getting a loan you need to obtain and analyze credit reports. A minimum of one report is required. For a complete assessment, reports from all four bureaus are recommended.

Credit history is kept by credit bureaus. There are four bureaus in Russia where banks check your credit history before issuing a loan. Banks collate data from these bureaus, add information about your income, age, region, job, marital status and make a decision.

To check your credit history and assess your chances of getting a loan, you need to obtain and analyze credit reports. A minimum of one report is required. For a complete assessment, reports from all four bureaus are recommended.


Download a report from any or all of these bureaus and get an assessment of your credit history from the PROGRESSCARD™ service.

You will learn:

  • Your real credit score
  • Summary and comparison of all downloaded reports
  • Ways to optimize payments on current loans
  • List possible errors in credit history
  • Reasons for loan refusal
  • Tips for Improving Your Credit Score
  • Current bank offers available in your situation

Download only reports from credit bureaus NKBI, Equifax, KBRS and OKB (Sberbank).

If the system fails to load the report, send it to us so that we can correct the error.


You can order a credit history twice a year free of charge at all credit bureaus. Click the button below for instructions on checking your credit history with the four credit bureaus.

Credit rating of each credit bureau

National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI)

The largest credit bureau in Russian Federation. Created in March 2005 on the initiative of the Association of Russian Banks (ARB) and operates on the basis federal law No. 218-FZ “On credit histories”.

The maximum bureau score is 850, and the minimum is 250. According to bureau employees, the average score for obtaining a small consumer loan 600-650.

NBKI is the only credit history bureau that does not include information about your credit rating in your credit report. The bureau provides this information in a separate one-page report, and at a cost.

When you receive a credit score report from the bureau, you will see a credit history score ranging from 250 to 850, as well as a description of the four factors that affect the score. Unfortunately, these descriptions do not always reflect the actual situation and do not provide insight into what to do if a loan is refused.
To understand the reasons for the refusal, you need to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

You can get a credit history report twice a year for free by contacting the bureau directly. It will not contain rating calculations. Bureaus and agents sell ratings separately. The price is about 300-400 rubles. To receive a credit report online, you will need a verified account on the State Services portal.

  • 690 - 850 points- This is an excellent assessment of your credit history. Having such a score, you can choose the bank yourself. Look for the most profitable terms on a loan, demand a lower rate.
  • 650 - 690 points- Standard score and General terms lending.
  • 600 - 650 points- Satisfactory credit history assessment. A loan is possible, but the terms will be dictated by the bank. It is possible to reduce the requested approved amount and increased percentage on loan.
  • 500 - 600 points- The score is below average. Only a loan is available at an inflated rate, and of a certain category (commodity, secured) and only for a short period. High probability of failure.
  • 300 - 500 points- Very poor credit history. Banks will most likely refuse; only microloans are available from microfinance organizations, pawnshops, etc.

United Credit Bureau - OKB. Sberbank credit rating

The United Credit Bureau is the second largest of the three largest credit history bureaus in Russia.

This bureau's database contains 143.9 million credit histories. OKB's exclusive partner is Sberbank of Russia. If you took out a loan from the largest bank in the country, then your data will be in this bureau. But if you are late, Sberbank will send data about this to all three bureaus at once.

The bureau was established in 2004 under the name Experian-Interfax by the American company Experian and the Interfax group of companies.

Each of these parameters evaluates different characteristics of the borrower:

Risk indicator

A number from 1 to 5 that determines the degree of reliability of the borrower according to his social and demographic components: gender, age, region of residence, profession, education, marital status.

  • risk indicator 1- the lowest reliability of the borrower (remote regions, age under 21 or over 70 years, lack of education)
  • risk indicator 2- low reliability of the borrower (unfavorable regions, age under 25 or over 65 years, lack of secondary specialized education)
  • risk indicator 3- average reliability of the borrower (average indicators of age, education, any region)
  • risk indicator 4- a good degree of reliability of the borrower (about 30-40 years old, professional or higher education, prosperous region, marriage (family))
  • risk indicator 5 - high degree borrower reliability (middle age, high income, federal districts, one or more higher education, presence of marriage (family, children)

Confidence indicator

Confidence indicator- means the availability of information about the borrower in the credit history bureau. If there is information about at least one loan in the bureau's database, the reliability indicator is equal to 1; if there is no data - for example, in the case of a new borrower applying for a loan for the first time - the reliability indicator is 0.

Scoring code

Most often in the OKB report you can find the inscription scoring code 7. Unfortunately, this figure does not mean anything to you as a borrower. But banks and analysts, seeing this number, will find out which assessment model was used to score the client and will be able to draw some conclusions.

Number of points

  • number of points above 961- excellent credit history, there were no delinquencies, there were a lot of loans (approval of all types of loans)
  • number of points from 801 to 960- good credit history (good approval of loans and borrowings)
  • number of points below from 721 to 800- average credit history score (in large loans If there is a refusal, it is possible to get a loan)
  • number of points below from 641 to 720- bad credit history (loans will be refused, the opportunity to get a loan from a microfinance organization or pawnshop)
  • score below 560- very bad credit history, bad debt, bankruptcy (all credits and loans will be refused)

The “Sberbank” version of the OKB credit report and credit rating can be obtained at or by contacting the branch in person.

United Credit Bureau - OKB. OKB credit rating

Despite the fact that we are talking about the same BKI, the versions of reports received at Sberbank differ from the reports received directly from the bureau. You do not find personal data in the Sberbank report, and the Sberbank credit rating includes a number of parameters that are not in the original document. We wrote about them above.

  • Delays over 30 days
  • A large number of requests for credit history checks over the past six months
  • Small age of credit history (up to 1 year)

From this we can conclude that for credit scoring to increase, it is necessary that there are no long delays (or none at all), there is not a large credit load, there are no frequent applications for loans, and the history must be at least a year old.

Credit Bureau "Equifax"

Equifax is one of the four largest bureaus in the country. Organized in 1899 in the USA, it has the status of an international credit bureau, since the general database of the BKI includes data from credit history bureaus from 19 countries.

Equifax is a member of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia (ASROS), as well as the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC)

  • 1-596 - very bad credit history, it is impossible to get a loan
  • 596-665 - bad credit history, average probability of loan approval, bank refusal
  • 665-895 - satisfactory assessment, the probability of approval of a loan from an MFO is high, the loan will most likely be refused
  • 895-950 - good credit history, the possibility of obtaining loans from banks
  • 950-999 -excellent credit history, the ability to obtain large cash loans and mortgages.

Credit bureau "Russian Standard"

Russian Standard Credit Bureau LLC - a subsidiary of Russian Standard Bank JSC - one of the leaders Russian market credit histories. The Bureau maintains more than 140 million credit histories and inquiries.

The bureau operates in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 218 “On Credit Histories” and current national and international standards in the field of information security.

Scoring allows you to quickly assess your chances of getting a loan without a detailed analysis of your credit history, select the type of credit organization (bank, MFO/CPC), and also receive recommendations for improving it.