Interest on deposit in the cash flow statement. Which line of the cash flow statement should be used to reflect the transfer of funds to the deposit and the return of funds from the deposit?

Cash flow information enables users to assess an organization's ability to generate cash and estimate its cash needs. The requirements for the presentation and disclosure of cash flows are set out in IFRS (MS) 7 Statement of Cash Flows.

Must present for the period, classifying them into operating, investing and financing activities.

Classifying flows into activity categories provides information that allows users to assess the impact of each activity on the company's financial position and cash (and cash equivalents). This information can also be used to analyze the relationship between specified categories of activity.

The same transaction may result in cash flows that are classified differently.

Operating activities

The amount of cash generated by operating activities is a critical indicator of whether a given category of activity generates enough cash to repay borrowings, maintain the company's productivity, pay dividends (and make new investments) without resorting to external sources of financing.

When forecasting cash flows from operating activities, information about their individual components in conjunction with other information is valuable.

Cash flows from operating activities are generated primarily in the course of core activities that generate the company's revenue. Thus, they usually result from transactions that contribute to net income.

Examples of cash flows from operating activities include:

  • proceeds from the sale of goods and provision of services;
  • receipts of rental payments for the provision of rights, remunerations, commissions and other types of revenue;
  • payments to suppliers of goods (and services);
  • payments to (and on behalf of) employees;
  • receipts and payments by insurance companies for insurance premiums, claims, annuity and other types of insurance policies;
  • payment (or reimbursement) of income taxes, except those related to financial or investment activities;
  • receipts (and payments) under contracts for commercial (or exchange) operations.

Some transactions, such as the sale of a manufacturing facility, may result in a financial result that is included in net income. However, the corresponding cash flow relates to investing activities.

Companies that specialize in securities transactions will record them as inventory acquired for resale. Cash flows generated as a result of transactions for the purchase and sale of securities are classified as operating activities. As for other companies, for them it will be either investing activities or cash equivalents.

Cash advances and loans by financial institutions are generally classified as operating activities because they are core activities that generate a company's revenue.

Investment activities

Separate disclosure of cash flows from investing activities reflects the extent of expenditures on resources intended to generate future income and cash flows.

Examples of cash flows from investing activities include:

  • payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other non-current assets. These include payments related to the capitalization of costs for the development and construction of fixed assets using an economic method;
  • proceeds from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets and other non-current assets;
  • payments for the acquisition of shares or debt instruments of other companies, as well as shares in joint ventures (with the exception of such instruments that act as cash equivalents or instruments for carrying out commercial (or exchange) transactions);
  • proceeds from the sale of shares (or debt instruments) of other companies, as well as shares in joint ventures (with the exception of such instruments that act as cash equivalents or instruments for carrying out commercial (or exchange) transactions);
  • advances (or lending) to other parties (with the exception of similar transactions carried out by financial institutions);
  • receipts in repayment of advances or loans provided to other parties (except for similar transactions carried out by financial institutions);
  • payments under futures, forward, option contracts and swaps (except for contracts concluded for the purpose of carrying out commercial or exchange transactions, or payments related to financial activities).

Financial activities

Separate disclosure of cash flows from financing activities is necessary to forecast cash demands from those providing capital to the company.

Examples of cash flows from financing activities include:

  • proceeds from the issue of shares or the issue of other equity instruments;
  • payments to owners upon redemption or redemption of company shares;
  • proceeds from the issue of bonds, bills, mortgages, loans, as well as from other short-term or long-term debt instruments;
  • loan repayments;
  • payments by the lessee to satisfy the finance lease obligation.

A company must prepare a statement of cash flows to present cash flows from operating activities using:

  • direct method, in accordance with which information about the main classes of gross receipts and gross disbursements is disclosed; or
  • indirect method under which net income is adjusted to take into account the effects of non-cash transactions, amounts deferred (or accrued) from past (or future) cash flows from operating activities, and items of income (or expense) related to investing or financing cash flows activities.

Methods for preparing a statement of cash flows for operating activities are reflected in table. 1.

Companies are encouraged to report cash flows from operating activities using the direct method in their statement of cash flows, as this method provides information that the indirect method does not provide.

Table 1. Methods for preparing a cash flow statement

Direct method

Indirect method

Information is disclosed on the main types of gross receipts and payments that can be obtained:

  • or from accounting data;
  • or by adjusting sales and their cost taking into account:
  • changes in inventories, operating payables and receivables during the reporting period;
  • other non-monetary items;
  • other items leading to investment or financing cash flows

Profit (loss) for the reporting period is adjusted taking into account:

  • results of non-cash transactions;
  • any deferrals or accruals of operating cash receipts or payments relating to past or future periods;
  • items of income and expenses associated with investment or financial cash flows

In accordance with the direct method, information on the main classes of gross receipts and gross payments can be obtained:

  • from accounting registers;
  • by adjusting revenue, cost of sales (for financial institutions - interest and similar types of income, interest expenses and similar types of expenses), as well as other items in the statement of comprehensive income, taking into account:
  • changes in inventory, receivables and payables from operating activities;
  • other non-monetary items;
  • other items the movement of which is related to investing or financing activities.

Alternatively, net cash flow from operating activities may be presented using the indirect method by reporting revenues and expenses in the statement of comprehensive income and changes during the reporting period in inventory balances, receivables and payables from operating activities.

An entity must present gross cash receipts and cash disbursements separately for investing and financing activities, except for cash flows reported on a net basis.

The following cash flows from operating, investing or financing activities may be reported on a net basis:

  • receipts and payments on behalf of clients, when cash flows reflect the activities of the client rather than the company itself. Examples of such receipts and payments may include:
  • acceptance (and payment) of bank deposits upon request;
  • financial resources intended by the investment company for clients;
  • rent collected on behalf of (and paid to) the owners of a property;
  • receipts and payments for items characterized by high turnover, large amounts and short repayment periods. Examples of such receipts and payments include advance payments (and repayments) for:
  • the principal amount of debt in settlements with clients who have credit cards;
  • acquisition and sale of investments;
  • other short-term loans, for example those whose repayment period does not exceed 3 months.

Cash flows arising from each of the following types of activities of a financial institution may be presented on an aggregate basis:

  • receipts and payments associated with the acceptance (and disbursement) of deposits with a fixed maturity;
  • placing (and closing) deposits in other financial institutions;
  • advances and loans made to customers (and repayments of such advances and loans).

Indicators of the organization's cash flow statement

Cash— the most liquid category of assets, which provides the organization with the greatest degree of liquidity. In the process of carrying out all types of financial and business transactions, the organization generates cash flows in the form of their receipt or expenditure.

The cash flow statement discloses data on cash flows in the reporting period, characterizing the availability, receipt and expenditure of cash in the organization.

The information presented in the form allows internal and external users to assess how the company creates and uses cash, whether there are enough cash to pay current obligations and pay dividends, allows them to determine whether the company requires additional financing, etc.

The cash flow statement also provides information about the organization's ability to attract and use cash.

Cash flow statement characterizes changes in the financial position of the organization in the context of current, investment and financial activities.

The formation of this reporting form is regulated by PBU 23/2011 “Cash Flow Report” (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated February 2, 2011 No. II n).

The main source of funds should be current activities. Current activities The activities of an organization are considered to be those that pursue profit-making as the main goal or do not have profit-making as such a goal in accordance with the objects and purposes of the activity, i.e. activities that, in accordance with PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization,” are ordinary (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Channels of receipts and payments for current activities

Investment activities the activities of the organization are considered. related to the acquisition of land, buildings and other real estate, equipment, intangible assets and other non-current assets, as well as their sale; with the implementation of its own construction, expenses for research, development and technological development; with financial investments (purchase of securities of other organizations, including debt, contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, provision of loans to other organizations, etc.) (Fig. 5.2).

Financial activities- this is the activity of an organization, as a result of which the size and composition of the organization’s equity capital and borrowed funds changes (proceeds from the issue of shares, bonds, loans from other organizations, repayment of borrowed funds, etc.).

Rice. 5.2. Channels of receipts and payments for investment and financial activities

There are two methods of presenting cash flows from current (operating) activities: direct and indirect.

Direct method is based on determining the inflow (revenue from the sale of products, works, services, advances received, etc.) and outflow (payment of supplier bills, return of short-term loans and advances received, etc.) of funds. The initial element of the calculation is revenue from the sale of products.

The direct method of determining cash flows is based on information about all transactions carried out in the reporting period on bank accounts and with cash, grouped in a certain way. The direct method has been approved for use by Russian organizations.

Indirect method common in foreign practice, where when drawing up a cash flow statement, operating, investing and financial activities are distinguished.

Operating activities represent cash flows associated with the main activities of the organization, bringing it the main profit.

The indirect method of presenting cash flows from operating activities includes an element of analysis, since it is based on a comparison of changes in various balance sheet items for the reporting period, characterizing the property and financial position of the organization, and also includes an analysis of the movement of fixed assets, their depreciation and other indicators. As a result of applying the indirect method, the final financial result (net profit for the reporting period) is converted into the difference between the amounts of funds available to the organization at the beginning and end of the reporting year.

When drawing up the calculation, it is assumed that transactions are reflected in accounting at the moment of transfer of ownership, regardless of payment. As a result, revenue reported on the income statement is not always equivalent to cash receipts, and expenses reported on the income statement are not equal to expenses paid. As a result, the net profit indicator on the income statement does not reflect the actual availability of funds available to the organization at the reporting date.

Therefore, when preparing a cash flow statement, the net profit indicator is adjusted in the following order:

1. Depreciation of property is added to net profit, since depreciation charges are an expense that forms net profit, but does not lead to an outflow of cash.

2. An adjustment is made to the amount of change in the balances of inventories at the beginning and end of the reporting year. If inventory balances increase, then the difference in balances is deducted from net income, since an increase in inventory leads to an outflow of cash. If inventory decreases, the difference is added.

3. An adjustment is made for the amount of changes in accounts receivable. If accounts receivable decreased at the end of the year, then the difference is added to net profit, otherwise it is subtracted from it.

4. An adjustment is made to the amount of accounts payable. At the same time, an increase in accounts payable leads to an influx of cash, so the difference in accounts payable is added to net profit, otherwise the difference is deducted.

As a result of these adjustments, the amount of net cash flow from operating activities is calculated.

Cash flows from investing and financing activities are determined by the direct method. The difference between the inflow (receipt) and outflow (outflow) of funds is the net cash flow, which is determined for each type of activity. The total net flow for all types of activities is the increase in cash for the reporting period, defined as the difference in cash balances at the beginning and end of the reporting period.

In foreign practice, financial statements disclose information not only about the organization’s cash assets, but also about their equivalents. Under cash equivalents refers to short-term, highly liquid investments that are easily convertible into cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in values.

For the purpose of preparing a cash flow statement in Russia under cash directly refers to money in cash and non-cash form located at the organization’s cash desk, in its settlement, currency and special accounts.

The cash flow report presents data directly resulting from the entries in the cash accounting accounts: 50 “Cash” (except for the balance of subaccount 50-3 “Cash documents”), 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” , 55 “Special accounts in banks” (except for the balance of subaccount 55-3 “Deposit accounts”), 57 “Transfers in transit.”

Information on the movement of funds of the organization on these accounts is reflected on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year and is presented in the currency of the Russian Federation.

In the case of the presence (movement) of funds in foreign currency, information on the movement of foreign currency for each of its types is initially generated in relation to the cash flow statement adopted by the organization. After this, the data for each calculation made in foreign currency are recalculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of the date of preparation of the financial statements. The data obtained for individual calculations is summarized when filling out the corresponding indicators of the cash flow statement.

Cash flow for current activities

The section “Cash flow for current activities” reflects:

Discloses information about amounts received from:

  • sales of products, goods, works and services, including advances;
  • rental and license payments, fees, commission payments, etc.;
  • other income.

To fill out this line, debit turnovers on accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” are used in correspondence with accounts 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” and 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (including VAT , excise taxes paid by buyers).

According to the line “Other receipts” show the amounts of cash received that are related to the current activities of the organization and are not indicated in the previous line:

budgetary and targeted financing and revenues:

  • Debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit of account 86 “Targeted financing”:

free receipts:

  • Debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit of account 98 “Deferred income” (91 “Other income and expenses”):

refunds from suppliers:

  • Debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”;

receipts for satisfaction of claims, amounts of insurance compensation, etc.:

  • Debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”;

return of unused accountable amounts:

  • Debit account 50 “Cash” Credit account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”;

receipts for compensation for material damage, etc.:

  • Debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts” Credit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other transactions”.

1. for payment for goods, works, services:

  • Debit accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” Credit accounts “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special accounts in banks” (including prepayment);

2. for wages:

  • Debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” Credit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”;

3. for payment of interest on debt obligations:

a) dividends paid to the founders;

  • Debit of accounts 75 “Settlements with founders”, 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” Credit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”.

The principal amounts of loans and credits that the organization repaid in the reporting year are not shown in this line. They are indicated in the section “Cash flows from financial activities”:

  • Debit of accounts 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”, 67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings” Credit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”;

4. for calculations of taxes and fees:

  • Debit of accounts 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”, 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” Credit of accounts 50 “Cash”, “Cash accounts” (including the amount of the listed penalties).

For paid contributions for compulsory pension insurance and insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, you can enter an additional line:

  • Debit of accounts 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” Credit of account 51 “Current accounts”;

5. for other payments, transfers:

a) fines, penalties, penalties paid by the organization for violation of the terms of business contracts:

  • Debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” Credit of account 51 “Settlement accounts”;

b) funds issued to accountable persons:

  • Debit of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” Credit of account 50 “Cash”;

c) loans issued to employees:

  • Debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” Credit of account 50 “Cash”, etc.

If there are significant turnovers under the items “Other income” and “Other expenses”, a breakdown should be provided in additional lines of the report.

Results of cash flows from current activities

According to the line “Results of the movement of funds from current activities” reflects the difference between the inflow and outflow of cash from current activities. This difference can be positive or negative. In the second case, the indicator “Results of cash flow from current activities” is reflected in parentheses.

The section “Cash flow from investing activities” reflects:

Indicator “Cash received - total” is formed as the sum of numerical data for the following items:

1. “From the sale of fixed assets and other property.” This line reflects funds received from the sale of equipment, leased items, intangible assets, unfinished construction projects, etc. To fill out the line, use the corresponding turnovers on the debit of cash accounting accounts in correspondence with accounts 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” and 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”. VAT amounts are not deducted:

2. “Dividends, interest on financial investments” - amounts received from participation in the capital of other organizations (dividends):

  • Debit accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit accounts 91 “Other income and expenses”, 16 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”.

Interest on securities (except for shares), loans, interest accrued by the bank on the cash balance:

  • Debit accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Cash accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit accounts 91 “Other income and expenses”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”;

3. "Other supply". This line reflects receipts from:

a) sales of equity and debt securities acquired for a period of more than 12 months (shares, bonds, bills) and other financial investments that are recorded in the debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” in correspondence with accounts 58 “Financial investments”, 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” and 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”;

b) repayment of loans provided to other organizations:

  • Debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit of account 58 “Financial investments”.

Line “Cash sent - total” is formed as the sum of numerical data for the following items:

1. “For the acquisition of fixed assets (including profitable investments in tangible assets) and intangible assets).”

  • This line shows the amounts paid to suppliers and contractors for acquired or created non-current assets:

2. Debit accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” Credit accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special bank accounts” (including prepayment) ;“For financial investments” -

  • This line deciphers the amounts transferred to sellers of securities and other organizations and persons in connection with their acquisition:

3. Debit accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” Credit accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special accounts in banks”;“For other payments, transfers.”

  • This line may show the amounts transferred to borrowers in accordance with the loan agreement:

Debit account 58 “Financial investments” Credit account 50 “Cash”, 51 “Cash accounts”. According to the line “Result of cash flow from investment activities” reflects the difference between the inflow and outflow of funds from investment activities. This difference may be positive And negative.

In the second case, the indicator “Result of cash flow from investing activities” is reflected in parentheses.

Cash flow from financing activities

Indicator “Cash received - total” is formed as the sum of numerical data for the following items:

1. The section “Cash flow from financial activities” reflects: amounts received from creditors under agreements (loan, credit) excluding accrued interest. Interest amounts are reflected as part of operations for current or investment activities, depending on the purpose of attracting borrowed sources:

  • Debit of accounts 51 “Currency accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit of accounts 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”, 67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings”;

2. “Budget allocations and other targeted financing”— the amounts of budget and targeted funding are indicated;

3. "Contributions of participants" - amounts received from shareholders (founders) as a result of placement of their own equity securities:

  • Debit of accounts 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” Credit of account 75 “Settlements with founders” (81 “Own shares (shares)”);

4. "Other receipts" - amounts of income from financial activities that are not reflected in the listed lines.

Indicator “Funds sent - total” is formed as the sum of numerical data for the following items:

1. “For repayment of loans and borrowings” - funds transferred to repay the principal debt on borrowed funds (excluding interest):

  • Debit of accounts 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”, 67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings” Credit of accounts 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”;

2. "For payment of dividends" - This line shows the amounts of dividends paid to the company's participants:

3. “For other payments, transfers” - This line can show the amounts of lease payments transferred to the lessor:

  • Debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” Credit of accounts 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special accounts in banks”.

According to the line “Result of cash flows from financial activities” reflects the difference between the inflow and outflow of funds from financial activities. This difference may be reflects the difference between the inflow and outflow of funds from investment activities. This difference may be positive negative. In the second case, the indicator “Result of cash flow from financing activities” is reflected in parentheses.

Indicator “Result of cash flow for the reporting period” is the algebraic sum of indicators of cash flow results for the reporting period for all types of activities. He may also have positive or negative meaning.

The cash flow statement shows the total cash balance for all types of activities at the beginning of the reporting period ( line “Cash balance at the beginning of the reporting year”).

Cash balance at the end of the reporting period is calculated by adjusting (increasing or decreasing) the cash balance at the beginning of the reporting period by the amount of the result of cash flow for the reporting period.

Information on cash flows is provided in the statements for at least two years (reporting and previous).

This report reflects payments and receipts of cash and cash equivalents into accounts. The latter are highly liquid financial investments that can be easily converted into cash, but whose value may change slightly. All organizations that maintain accounting must submit a cash flow statement. The sample completed by the accountant must be submitted by the end of the first quarter of the next year after the reporting year.

Let's take a closer look at which articles are not included in the document:

  • amounts for trade transactions;
  • invested funds in cash equivalents;
  • currency operations;
  • receiving money from a bank, transferring funds between accounts that do not change the total amount of assets.

When filling out the report, all flows are distributed according to current, financial and investment activities. In the first case, the financial result from ordinary activities is reflected, in the second - associated with the acquisition of non-current assets. Payments that change the structure of capital and borrowed funds are included in the following. Instructions for completing the cash flow statement will be presented, which detail what amounts to enter on each line.

Collapsed indicators

The standard form does not provide for line numbering. If the document is submitted to statistics, then the codes must be entered independently, based on Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66. In other cases, there is no need to number articles.

Some fund flows are shown on a collapsed basis. For example, if they characterize the activities of counterparties more than the company itself. Such operations include:

  • agent cash flows associated with payment of commission services;
  • VAT and excise taxes;
  • receipts from the counterparty related to the reimbursement of utility payments for rent.

When reflecting reduced VAT, you must indicate the difference between the amounts received from counterparties and those listed as part of payments. These numbers can appear in rows:

  • 4119, if the VAT transferred to suppliers and to the budget is less than that received from buyers and from the budget;
  • 4129, if the VAT transferred to suppliers and to the budget is more than received from buyers and from the budget.


  • The report does not reflect the entire list of cash flows. The same operation can be classified into several categories. In this case, the single payment must be divided into separate transactions.
  • The report is completed in thousand or million rubles.
  • If funds are received in foreign currency, then the amount converted into Russian rubles at the exchange rate on the date of receipt of payment is entered in the report. If the number of similar transactions, the price of which is expressed in the currency of another state, is large, then the average rate can be used.
  • It is imperative to reflect the cash equivalents of assets that change price and can be sold at any time.

A cap

First of all, information about the organization is entered into the report: company name, tax identification number, type of activity. Next, the balances in the accounts and in the cash register at the beginning of the period are entered. All flows are divided into three groups (current, investment, financial operations), each of which is further divided into receipts and expenses. How to fill out a cash flow statement? Opposite each article there are two columns. The first (“3”) contains the amounts for the reporting period, and the second (“4”) - for the previous one.

Operating activities

The main source of funds for the organization is money from buyers and suppliers. Therefore, line (line) 4111 reflects the amount of revenue and advances received minus VAT and excise taxes. This information can be obtained from the turnover of the DT accounts of the most liquid assets (from 50 to 58) and KT62 (76).

The amounts of received rent, license and other commission payments, net of VAT, are reflected on line 4112. If the usual activity of the organization is leasing property, then these amounts should be included in revenue. On line 4113, income from the resale of financial investments is indicated, and other income is reflected in a separate item (4119). This article includes, in particular:

  • repayment of loans issued to employees;
  • return of previously unspent accountable amounts;
  • financial results of foreign exchange transactions;
  • interest on debt investments.

The total amount of receipts is entered on page 4110. This is how the first part of the accounting standard statement of cash flows is prepared.

The procedure for filling out expense items is similar. First, the amount paid to suppliers of raw materials and materials is indicated (4121). The data is taken from the balance sheet, specifically the amounts indicated for the turnover of KT50 (51, 52) and DT60 (76). The transfer of money to counterparties is reflected through account 91/2, and cash is spent by accountable persons. Next, the report indicates the amount of salary paid (4122). This data is taken from the DT70 KT51 postings. A separate line 4123 is allocated to reflect the amount of interest on obligations.

The amount of income tax paid is indicated on page 4124 of the same name. The amount of all other taxes, except indirect ones, social insurance contributions is reflected on page 4129. Next, the total amount of cash expenses (4120) and the financial result from current activities (4100) are displayed. Here's how to complete the cash flow statement for accounts from the balance sheet.

Investment activity: income

In the process of operation, an organization can buy and sell non-current assets. Cash flows from such transactions must be recorded in the cash flow statement. A completed example of the form will be presented below.

The second section of the report shows the amount of dividends received (p. 4214), income from the sale of shares in other enterprises (p. 4212), and financial investments. Information is taken from the turnover of DT50 (52, 58) and CT 76 regarding dividends received. To determine the actual volume of financial investments, you need to separate from the indicated transactions the amounts that were posted to the “Interest on bills” subaccount. The report also includes information on the repayment of issued loans (p. 4213), which is taken from the turnover of DT50 KT58. The sum of other (p. 4119) and general revenues (p. 4210) is highlighted separately.

Investment activity: expenses

The amount of funds allocated for the purchase of debt securities, provision of loans (line 4223), financial investments (line 4222), interest paid to holders of shares and bonds (line 4224), and other payments (line 4229) is separately allocated. Next, a line is highlighted to display the amount of expenses. The information on the basis of which data is entered into these articles is taken from the circulation of DT58.

Here's how to complete the cash flow statement in section two.

Financial activities: income

Information on cash flows associated with changes in the capital structure is entered into the third section of the accounting standard, “Statement of Cash Flows.” The filling procedure is similar to that presented earlier. First, the amounts received by the company in debt are indicated (4311). Information is taken from circulation on KT66 (67) DT50 (51). The amount of the loan formalized by the promissory note is indicated separately (4314), as well as the owners' contributions for the reporting period (4312, 4313), other transactions (4319) and the total amount of receipts (4310).

Financial activities: expenses

Information on cash flows aimed at repurchasing bills, debt securities, loan repayment is reflected on page 4323. Data is taken from turnover for DT66 (67) and KT50 (51). The amount of dividends paid (4322) and other expenses (4329) are reflected separately.


Line 4400 displays the total balance, which is obtained by adding the amounts from lines 4100, 4200 and 4300. A negative value is entered in parentheses. Additionally indicated:

  • Balance of funds at the beginning (4450) and end (4500) of the reporting year.
  • Monetary expression of the influence of the exchange rate against the ruble (4490).

Here's how to prepare a cash flow statement for a business. The completed form must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service along with This rule applies to all organizations that maintain accounting, with the exception of non-profit structures. Small businesses whose operating results can be understood without reporting may not provide information.

How to fill out a cash flow statement using the direct method?

As of 01.01, the LLC has balances in the cash register (3,000 rubles) and in the bank account (60,000 rubles). You need to fill out a report on the filling movement described above.

In the line “Balance at the beginning of the year” the amount is entered: 3+60= 63 thousand rubles.

During the current period, the organization received 1.77 million rubles. from buyers and another 472 thousand rubles. in the form of advances. This data is taken from the postings DT50 KT62 and DT50 KT62. The report on the line “Proceeds from sales” (line 4111) indicates the amounts excluding VAT: 1770-270+472-72 = 1.9 million rubles.

In the current period, the organization received state aid in the amount of 70 thousand rubles. The funds were used to purchase raw materials necessary for the manufacture of products. These transactions are confirmed in the balance sheet by the following entries:

DT51 KT86 - funds received from the budget.

DT86 KT98 - deferred expenses are taken into account.

Since government assistance increases the capital budget, these amounts are reflected in the second section of the report in “other income” (p. 4119).

During the year, the company transferred 944 thousand rubles to suppliers. The data is taken from the wiring DT60 KT51. This amount minus VAT is reflected on line 4121. In addition, 150 thousand rubles were issued from the cash desk to pay employee salaries. The data is taken from the wiring DT70 KT50. This amount is entered in line 4122.

During the year, the organization’s employees were provided with financial assistance in the amount of 210 thousand rubles. The data is taken from the wiring DT73 KT50. This payment relates to current activities and is shown in “other payments”.

The employee returned unused accountable funds to the cash desk in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. During the same period, suppliers received a penalty for violating the terms of the contract for the sale of products in the amount of 210 thousand rubles. These transactions are recorded in the balance sheet with the following entries: DT50 KT71 (76). The amount of the fine and accountable funds is 220 thousand rubles. reflected in “other income”. Here's how to complete the cash flow statement for the transactions portion of operating activities.

Within a year, the organization sold the machine and the building. The proceeds from the transaction amounted to 1.18 million rubles. The securities of another organization worth 40 thousand rubles were also sold. These transactions are entered into the balance sheet by posting DT51 KT60 (76) for a total amount of 1.22 million rubles. In the report, these transactions are reflected on line 4211 (for the amount of sold fixed assets excluding VAT) and 4222.

During the current period, 80 thousand rubles were returned to the LLC. in the form of a loan. The data is taken from the wiring DT51 KT58. This amount is reflected on line 4213.

The company spent 885 thousand rubles on the purchase of the OS. The data is taken from the wiring DT60 KT51. Other organizations were provided with loans in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. The data is taken from the wiring DT58 KT51. These two transactions are entered on lines 4221 and 4223.

During the reporting period, the organization received a short-term loan for 12 thousand rubles. (DT51 KT66). This amount is reflected on line 4223. The company also repaid the loan taken from the bank in the amount of 320 thousand rubles. The numbers are taken from the revolutions of DT66 KT51. This transaction is reflected on page 4323.

Cash flow report: rules for filling out budget payments

Cash flows related to VAT must be shown collapsed. The total tax amount is calculated for all transactions, but is shown in the context of the current transaction. The amount of taxes and fees transferred to the budget amounted to 360 thousand rubles: NPP - 130 thousand rubles, VAT - 210 thousand rubles, other taxes - 20 thousand rubles. All listed amounts are reflected in the balance sheet by posting DT68 KT51. These amounts are entered in the report on lines 4124 (240 thousand rubles) and 4129 (20 thousand rubles).

How to fill out a cash flow statement: an example of filling out the total lines

The total amount of cash flows from investment transactions (4200) is calculated by subtracting from the amount all funds received and the amount spent. First, the numbers must be “cleared” of VAT:

1000+40+80 -700-60 = 1120-760 = 360 thousand rubles.

There was no VAT movement on financial transactions. Therefore, the resulting flow, which is entered on page 4219, was:

270+72-144-200+180-135 = 43 thousand rubles.

The balance of financial transactions is:

12+70-320 = -238 thousand rubles. This amount is entered in the report in parentheses.

The difference between all receipts and expenses (843+310-238 = 915 thousand rubles) is reflected in the article “Final balance for the reporting period.” The balance of funds at the end of the year is indicated separately. It amounts to:

63+915 = 978 thousand rubles.

Here's how to fill out a cash flow statement. An example of filling is shown in the photo below.

How to allocate VAT?

All receipts and expenditures of funds must be “cleaned” from tax before payment. This process causes difficulties for accountants. Not all accounts reflect VAT separately. To avoid making mistakes in calculations, you need to:

  • allocate annual amounts of turnover for DT62 (60) KT51;
  • by multiplying the figure by 18/118, you de-live, thus, VAT;
  • the remaining amount will be “cleared” of tax.

This method of calculation is suitable only for counterparties who sell goods subject to an 18% rate. What to do with products for which a 10% rate is provided, and those that are not subject to VAT at all? In such cases, you need to sort out the operations with different rates:

VAT balance = VAT received + Amounts received from the budget - VAT transferred - VAT paid.

The calculated difference will be the “net” cash flow from a specific type of activity:

  • The positive amount is taken into account on line 4119;
  • A negative amount is shown in brackets on page 4129.

Not all accountants follow this algorithm. If VAT is not separated in the report, this should be indicated in the explanatory note.

How to reflect salary?

On page 4122 all payments related to wages are indicated. The question is, is it necessary to enter in this line, in addition to salaries, holidays and bonuses, also personal income tax and insurance contributions? Some experts believe that in this article it is necessary to indicate only turnover according to DT70 KT50 (51), and the amounts of transferred personal income tax, fees and other taxes should be reflected on page 4129. With this division, you can understand to whom the funds are sent: employees or the budget. Others believe that on page 4122 it is necessary to show all payments related to payroll. Then it will be possible to determine how much it costs the organization to “maintain” employees. Both options have a right to exist. You just need to indicate in the explanatory note the chosen method of displaying the information.


In order to fill out the form correctly, you need to determine which transactions generated profit, which is the source of payment of income tax in the reporting year, and, depending on the results obtained, enter data. Most often, the source of funds was income from ordinary activities. Therefore, the tax amount is reflected on line 4124.

Cash equivalents

How to fill out a cash flow statement in relation to your financial investments? First, let's look at exactly what assets fall into this category. Cash equivalents are bank bills, demand deposits and other assets that can be easily converted into cash, but are subject to price risk. In the balance sheet, such values ​​are reflected on line 1250. The same amount should be transferred to the report.

An organization may have assets on its balance sheet whose price is expressed in the currency of another state. In this case, how to fill out a cash flow statement? An example of entering data on transactions in foreign currency.

The principle of drawing up a report is similar to filling out a balance sheet. Currency values ​​are reflected in Form No. 1 at the exchange rate of rubles on the date of the transaction. When entering amounts of dollar and euro balances in accounts at the beginning of the year (p. 4450) and at the end (p. 4500) of the year, you must indicate the exchange rate for December 31. The difference that turned out after the recalculations must be reconciled on page 4490. If cash assets and accounts are in a foreign country The organization does not have any currency, then calculations are made using the following formula:

Page 4490 = Annual turnover for DT50 (52) KT91-1 - Annual turnover for KT50 (52) DT91-2.

You can check the correctness of the calculations using the following formula:

Page 4500 = Page 4450 - Page 4400 - Page 4490.

In 2011, by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02/02/2011. No. 11n was approved. Its introduction was due to an attempt to bring Russian accounting standards closer to international financial reporting standards (IFRS).

In accordance with paragraph 6 of PBU 21/2008, the accounting policy of the organization must ensure rational accounting, based on business conditions and the size of the organization (rationality requirement).

The indicators of the organization's cash flow statement are reflected in rublesRF.

The amount of cash flows in foreign currency is recalculated into rubles at the official exchange rate of this foreign currency to the ruble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment or receipt

Note:The difference arising from recalculation cash flows of the organization and cash balances and cash equivalents in foreign currencies at rates for different dates, reflected in the cash flow statement separately from the current, investment and financial cash flows of the organization as the impact of changes in the foreign currency exchange rate against the ruble.

2. Cash flow statement indicators for the previous period.

The figures in the report for the previous year are transferred from the statement of cash flows for 2010, with adjustments for the purpose of comparability of data.

In accordance with, if the data for the period preceding the reporting period, incomparable with data for the reporting period, then the first of these data are subject to adjustment based on the rules established by regulatory acts on accounting. Each significant adjustment must be disclosed in the explanations to the balance sheet and profit and loss account together with an indication of the reasons causing this adjustment .

Those. cash flow statement data for 2010 needs to be adjusted:

  • reflect cash equivalents;
  • “pull out” the amounts of indirect taxes and show the balance of mutual settlements for them;
  • “collapse” turnovers that are not cash flows of the organization;
Make other changes that affect the comparability of indicators.

If adjusting last year's indicators is difficult, it is necessary to calculate the indicators based on accounting data for 2010 (which means, in fact, drawing up a new cash flow statement for 2010).

Note:When filling out the report, please remember that deductible or negative indicators are shown in the report in parentheses(Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n “On the forms of financial statements of the organization”).

3. Filling out the “Cash flows from current operations” section.

The section “cash flows from current operations” contains indicators characterizing the receipts and outflows of funds associated with the main activities of the organization (receipts from customers and payments to suppliers).

Also reflected in this section:

1. Income:

  • rent, license payments, royalties, commissions and other similar payments;
  • from interest on receivables from buyers (customers);
  • from resale of financial investments;
  • others (including positive final balance for VAT).
2. Payments:
  • on employee remuneration;
  • income tax;
  • interest on debt obligations (except for interest taken into account in the value of investment assets);
  • others (including negative final balance for VAT).
3. Balance of cash flows from current operations (receipts from current operations minus payments for current operations).

Note:In accordance with clause 12 of PBU 23/2011, the organization’s cash flows, which can not be clearly classified according topoints 8- 11 Provisions classified as cash flows from current operations.


Receipts - total(line 4110 ) - indicates the total amount of revenue from current operations (calculated as the sum of the lines 4111 -4119 ).


from the sale of products, goods, works and services(line 4111 ) - indicates the amount of cash and equivalents received to current accounts and to the organization's cash desk (as well as to accounts for cash equivalents) for goods, works, services sold (including commissions and agency fees).

These receipts are reflected in the accounting registers in the debit of the following accounts:

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
lease payments, license fees, royalties, commissions and other similar payments(line 4112 ) - indicates the amount of cash and equivalents received for lease payments, royalties, commissions and other similar payments.

These receipts are also reflected in the debit of accounts 50, 51, 52, 58, 76, minus the amounts:

  • indirect taxes (we deduct VAT amounts, except for VAT on refunds and amounts due to principals and principals);
  • received by agents, commission agents, intermediaries due for transfer to principals, principals, clients of intermediaries;
  • received as compensation for utility and other expenses incurred.
Note:If, when deducting the above amounts from the amount of receipts, negative result, then this amount should be reflected on the lines 4121 « to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services” and/or 4129 "other payments".

from resale of financial investments(line 4113 ) - indicates the amount of received cash and equivalents for financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term (usually within three months).

Note:In accordance with paragraph 17 of PBU 23/2011, cash flows are reflected in the cash flow statement collapsed in cases where they are characterized by fast turnover, large amounts and short return periods.

Thus, receipts from financial investments are shown only in the amount of economic benefits received by the organization (the total amount of receipts minus the amounts spent on the acquisition of realized financial investments).

(lines 4114 - 4118 ) - the names of additional lines and the amounts of receipts corresponding to these names are indicated.

In additional lines, the accountant can reflect, taking into account the level of materiality, income from current activities that are not taken into account in the amounts of income on other lines.

Such receipts may be those receipts that cannot be unambiguously classified.

The amounts of these receipts are reflected according to the same principles as the amounts of receipts from sales in the line 4111 .

other supply(line 4119 ) - indicates the amount of other income from the current activities of organizations. Such receipts could be:

  • the amount of benefit from the sale/purchase of currency;
  • positive balance of VAT payments;
  • compensation amounts;
  • interest due on receivables from buyers (customers);
  • proceeds from the sale of other property (except for the sale of fixed assets);
The amounts of these receipts are reflected according to the same principles as the amounts of receipts from sales in the line 4111 .

Amounts of indirect taxes received by an organization from the budget (for example, VAT refunds) are reflected in this line “collapsed”.


Payments - total(line 4120 ) - indicates the amount of payments for current transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4121 -4129 ). Indicators by line 4120 and by lines 4121-4129


to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services(line 4121 ) - indicates the amount of payments to suppliers and contractors for received goods and materials, work and services related to the current activities of the organization.

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);
and are reflected in the statement of cash flows less the following amounts: in connection with the remuneration of employees(line 4122 ) - indicates the amount of payments related to the remuneration of employees of the organization (including payments for employees of organizations in favor of third parties).

These payments are reflected in the accounting registers on the credit of the following accounts:

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);
interest on debt obligations(line 4123 ) - indicates the amount of payments related to the payment of interest on debt obligations, with the exception of interest included in the cost of the investment asset.

income tax(line 4124 ) - indicates the amount of payments related to the payment of corporate income tax, including advance tax payments, with the exception of corporate income tax directly related to the organization’s investment or financial operations.

(lines 4125-4128 ) - the names of additional lines and the payment amounts corresponding to these names are indicated.

In additional lines, the accountant can reflect, taking into account the level of materiality, payments for current activities that are not taken into account in the amounts of payments on other lines.

Such payments may be payments that cannot be clearly classified.

The amounts of these payments are reflected on the same principles as the amounts of payments to suppliers and contractors for received goods and materials, works and services related to the current activities of the organization in the line 4121 .

other payments (line 4129 ) - indicates the amount of other payments related to the current activities of organizations. Such payments may be:

  • the amount of loss from the sale/purchase of currency;
  • the amount of loss received during the exchange of cash equivalents;
  • negative balance of payments (debt to the budget) for VAT;
  • penalties, fines and sanctions paid by the organization under agreements with counterparties.
The amounts of other payments are reflected on the same principles as the amounts of payments to suppliers and contractors for received inventory, work and services related to the current activities of the organization in the line 4121 .

Amounts of indirect taxes paid by an organization to the budget (for example, VAT) are reflected in this line “collapsed”.

Balance of cash flows from current operations(line 4100 ) - indicates the amount of the difference between receipts from current operations and payments for current operations.

Line 4100 = string 4110 - line 4120.

1. Filling out the “Cash flows from investment operations” section.

In this section, organizations reflect cash flows associated with investment activities - the acquisition, creation or disposal of non-current assets.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of PBU 23/2011, information on cash flows from investment operations shows users of the organization’s financial statements the level of the organization’s expenses incurred to acquire or create non-current assets that provide cash receipts in the future.

Examples of cash flows from investment transactions:

  • payments to suppliers (contractors) and employees of the organization in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets, including costs of research, development and technological work;
  • payment of interest on debt obligations included in the value of investment assets in accordance with PBU 15/2008;
  • proceeds from the sale of non-current assets;
  • payments in connection with the acquisition of shares (participatory interests) in other organizations, with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • proceeds from the sale of shares (participatory interests) in other organizations, with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • providing loans to others;
  • repayment of loans provided to other persons;
  • payments in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • proceeds from the sale of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • dividends and similar income from equity participation in other organizations;
receipts of interest on debt financial investments, with the exception of those acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term.


Receipts - total(line 4210 ) - indicates the total amount of income from investment operations (calculated as the sum of the lines 4211 -4219 )


from the sale of non-current assets (except financial investments)(line 4211 ) - indicates the amount of cash receipts and cash equivalents associated with the sale of non-current assets.

For example, proceeds from sales:

  • fixed assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • capital investments in non-current assets (including in the form of construction in progress);
  • R&D results.
These receipts are reflected in the accounting registers in the debit of the following accounts:
  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);
and are reflected in the statement of cash flows less the following amounts:
  • indirect taxes (we deduct VAT amounts, except for VAT on refunds and amounts due to principals and principals);
  • received by agents, commission agents, intermediaries due for transfer to principals, principals, clients of intermediaries;
  • received as compensation for expenses incurred (transport, utilities, etc.).
from the sale of shares (participation interests) in other organizations(line 4212 ) - indicates the amount of proceeds from the sale of shares and shares in the authorized capital of other organizations.

from the return of loans provided, from the sale of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons) (line 4213 ) - the amount of receipts is indicated:

  • from returns of previously issued interest-bearing loans (excluding interest received);
  • from the sale of bills and bonds (excluding interest received);
  • from the assignment of previously acquired rights of claim to third parties.
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar income from equity participation in other organizations (line 4214 ) - indicates the amount of receipts of dividends, other types of payments in connection with equity participation in other organizations, as well as the amount of interest received on debt securities and loans provided to other organizations.

other supply(line 4219 ) - indicates the amount of other income related to the investment activities of the organization, for example - income from participation in joint activities.


Payments - total(line 4220 ) - indicates the amount of payments for investment transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4221 -4229 ). Indicators by line 4220 and by lines 4221-4229 are indicated in parentheses.


in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets (line 4221 ) - indicates the amount of payments to counterparties, as well as payments to employees of the organization related to operations for the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets.

These payments are reflected in the accounting registers on the credit of the following accounts:

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);
and are reflected in the statement of cash flows less the following amounts:
  • indirect taxes (we deduct the amounts of VAT paid, except for VAT on refunds and VAT related to principals and principals);
  • amounts paid by agents, commission agents, intermediaries, due for transfer to principals, principals, clients of intermediaries;
  • reimbursable expenses (transport, utilities, etc.).
in connection with the acquisition of shares (participatory interests) in other organizations(line 4222 ) - indicates the amount of payments associated with the acquisition of shares and shares in the authorized capital of other organizations.

in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), provision of loans to other persons (line 4223 ) - indicates the amount of payments sent:

  • to provide interest-bearing loans;
  • for the purchase of bills and bonds;
  • on acquired rights of claim against third parties.
interest on debt obligations included in the cost of an investment asset(line 4224 ) - indicates the amount of interest paid related to the increase in the value of the investment asset.

other payments(line 4229 ) - the amount of payments is indicated:

  • on income tax from investment transactions (if it is possible to determine it correctly);
  • aimed at contributions to joint activities;
  • other payments related to the organization’s investment operations.
Balance of cash flows from investment operations(line 4200 ) - indicates the amount of the difference between receipts from investment operations and payments for investment operations.

Line 4200 = string 4210 - line 4220.

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.


1. Filling out the “Cash flows from financial transactions” section.

The section “Cash flows from financial transactions” reflects the amounts of cash flows associated with raising financing on a debt or equity basis.

Such operations entail changes in structure and size:

  • capital of the organization;
  • borrowed funds of the organization.
Examples of cash flows from financial transactions:
  • cash contributions from owners (participants), proceeds from the issue of shares, increases in participation interests;
  • payments to owners (participants) in connection with the repurchase of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership;
  • payment of dividends and other payments for the distribution of profits in favor of owners (participants);
  • proceeds from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities;
  • payments in connection with the redemption (redemption) of bills and other debt securities;
  • obtaining loans and borrowings from other persons;
  • return of loans and borrowings received from other persons.

Receipts - total(line 4310 ) - indicates the total amount of income from financial transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4311 -4319 )


obtaining credits and loans(line 4311 ) - indicates the amount of receipts of cash and cash equivalents as loans and borrowings (including receipts from interest-free loans).

cash deposits of owners (participants)(line 4312 ) - indicates the amount of monetary contributions of the owners (participants) of the organization that do not lead to an increase in participation shares.

from issuing shares, increasing participation shares(line 4313 ) - indicates the amount of receipts received as payment:

  • shares of the organization (by its shareholders);
  • shares in the authorized capital of the organization (by its founders);
  • additionally placed shares;
  • additional cash deposits leading to an increase in the share of participation.
from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities, etc.(line 4314 ) - indicates the amount of receipts from payment:
  • bills issued by the organization;
  • bond issues;
  • other debt securities.
other supply(line 4319 ) - indicates the amount of other income related to the financial operations of the organization.


Payments - total(line 4320 ) - indicates the amount of payments for financial transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4321 -4329 ). Indicators by line 4320 and by lines 4321-4329 are indicated in parentheses.


owners (participants) in connection with the repurchase of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership (line 4321 ) - the amount of payments is indicated:

  • the actual value of the share (part of the share) to the participant/his creditors/heirs/legal successors;
  • for own shares purchased from shareholders (their creditors, heirs, assigns).
for the payment of dividends and other payments for the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants)(line 4322 ) - indicates the amount of actual payments of dividends and other amounts related to the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants).

in connection with the repayment (redemption) of bills and other debt securities, repayment of loans and borrowings(line 4323 ) - indicates the amount of payments aimed at repaying debt obligations (credits, borrowings, own bills and other debt securities) with the exception of the amounts of interest paid.

other payments(line 4329 ) - indicates the amount of other payments related to the financial transactions of the organization. This line may reflect, for example, lease payments paid by the organization.

Balance of cash flows from financial transactions(line 4300 ) - indicates the amount of the difference between receipts from financial transactions and payments for financial transactions.

Line 4300 = string 4310 - line 4320.

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.

1. Resulting data.

Balance of cash flows for the reporting period(line 4400 ) - indicates the amount obtained by adding:

  • Balance of cash flows from current operations (line 4100 );
  • Balance of cash flows from investment operations (line 4200 );
  • Balance of cash flows from financial transactions (line 4300 );
Line 4400 = String 4100 + String 4200 + String 4300 .

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.

Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period(line 4450 ) - indicates the amount of the balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year.

This indicator must be linked to the indicator of balance sheet line 1250 “Cash and cash equivalents” at the beginning of the year. If these amounts are not equal, then it is necessary to decipher and explain the deviations that have arisen.

Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period(line 4500 ) - indicates the amount of cash balance and cash equivalents at the end of the year.

This indicator should be linked to the indicator of balance sheet line 1250 “Cash and cash equivalents” at the end of the year. If these amounts are not equal, then it is necessary to decipher and explain the deviations that have arisen.

The magnitude of the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the ruble(line 4490 ) - indicates the “collapsed” total amount of exchange rate differences arising in connection with the conversion of foreign currency funds and equivalents into rubles.

The amount of the difference is determined as follows:

The magnitude of the impact of changes in the exchange rate of foreign currency against the ruble = the total amount of positive exchange rate differences for the reporting year - the total amount of negative exchange rate differences for the reporting year.

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.

Data for determining the final balance for exchange rate differences are reflected in accounting account 91 “other income and expenses.”


1. Accounting policy.

The following information must be reflected in the organization's accounting policies for accounting purposes.

In 2011, by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02/02/2011. No. 11n approved the accounting regulations “Cash Flow Statement” (PBU 23/2011). Its introduction was due to an attempt to bring Russian accounting standards closer to international reporting standards (IFRS).

PBU 23/2011 came into force starting with reporting for 2011, adding (like any innovation in the field of accounting) additional difficulties to the work of the accounting department.

The new PBU establishes the rules for drawing up a movement report (Form 4 of financial statements) by commercial organizations, with the exception of credit organizations.

In accordance with the new PBU, the cash flow statement reflects not only data on cash. Starting from 2011, the Report should reflect information on cash equivalents (highly liquid financial investments).

Note: According to clause 5 of PBU 23/2011, highly liquid financial investments are investments that can be easily converted into a predetermined amount of cash and that are subject to minor risk changes in value (hereinafter referred to as cash equivalents) .

Changes regarding indicators characterizing cash funds have been made not only in the form of the cash flow statement. In the balance sheet, the line previously called “Cash”, starting with the reporting for 2011, began to be called “Cash and cash equivalents»

Balance sheet indicators do not contain information about the structure of cash inflows and outflows, which entails the problem of assessing the actual financial position of the organization. The cash flow statement is a transcript of line 1250 “Cash and cash equivalents” of the balance sheet.

Cash equivalents include, for example, demand deposits of an organization in

The organization's cash flow statement reflects:

  • Payments and receipts of cash, as well as cash equivalents (hereinafter referred to as the organization's cash flows).
  • Balances of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the reporting period.

Cash flows of the organization are not:

  • payments related to investing them in cash equivalents (for example, amounts sent from accounts to deposit accounts);
  • proceeds from the repayment of cash equivalents, excluding accrued interest (return of money from the deposit to the current account);
  • foreign exchange transactions, excluding the difference between the Central Bank rate and the bank exchange rate;
  • exchange of some cash equivalents for other cash equivalents (excluding losses or from a transaction);
  • other similar payments and receipts that change the composition of cash or cash equivalents, but do not change their total amount, including the receipt of cash from a bank account, the transfer of funds from one account of an organization to another account of the same organization.

The cash flow statement, as before, reflects separately the following cash flows:

  1. from current operations.
  2. from investment operations.
  3. from financial transactions.

At the same time, payments and receipts from one transaction may relate to different types of cash flows.

For example:

  • payment of interest relates to current operations;
  • repayment of principal is a financial transaction.

When repaying the loan, both of these parts can be paid in one amount. In this case, the organization divides the single amount into appropriate parts and reflects them separately in the cash flow statement.

Note: In accordance with clause 12 of PBU 23/2011, cash flows of the organization that cannot be definitely classified, classified as cash flows from current operations .

Guided by accounting regulations, in our article we will fill out a cash flow statement for Romashka LLC with comments and explanations.

Note: Cash flow statement is allowed don't imagine small businesses and non-profit organizations (clause 85 of the Regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation, Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n).

1. The procedure for reflecting the organization's cash flows.

According to the rules, PBU 23/2011, information on cash flows must be reflected in such a way that the user of the statements can get an idea of ​​the real financial position and solvency of the company.

Note:In accordance with clause 15 of PBU 23/2011, each essential the type of cash and (or) cash equivalents received by the organization is reflected in the cash flow statement separately from payments to the organization.

In accordance with clause 16 of PBU 23/2011, cash flows are reflected in the report collapsed, when they characterize not so much the activities of the organization as the activities of its counterparties, and (or) when receipts from some persons determine corresponding payments to other persons.

For example:

  1. Receipts and outflows of funds from a commission agent or agent in connection with the provision of commission or agency services (with the exception of fees for the services themselves).
  2. Indirect taxes (VAT, excise taxes) as part of receipts from buyers and payments to suppliers and contractors and payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation or reimbursement from it;
  3. Receipts from the counterparty for reimbursement of utility bills and the implementation of these payments in rental and other similar relationships (re-invoicing of “utilities”).
  4. Payment for transport services upon receipt of compensation from the counterparty in the same amount (rebilling of transport costs).

Paragraph 16 of the new PBU calls on organizations to show “collapsed” VAT amounts. This means that we must subtract the amount of “incoming” VAT from the amounts of payments received, and subtract the “outgoing” VAT from the amounts paid; the VAT paid to the budget is also not shown in the report.

The amounts of “outgoing” VAT are added to the VAT paid to the budget, the “incoming” VAT is subtracted from the received amount and the balance of VAT calculations is reflected in other receipts, if it is positive, and other payments, if it is negative.

Such a filling procedure can cause a lot of difficulties for an accountant if the organization has a busy cash flow, different VAT rates, export transactions and transactions not subject to VAT. When filling out a report, he will no longer be able to rely on the analysis of accounts 50, 51, 52, because It is necessary to “pull” VAT out of all turnover.

It can take weeks to complete a cash flow statement for a large company. Therefore, we recommend not to forget about the provisions of the organization’s accounting policy, which can reflect the method of calculating indicators included in the cash flow statement, guided by PBU 21/2008 “Accounting Policy of the Organization.”

In accordance with paragraph 6 of PBU 21/2008, an accounting organization must ensure rational accounting, based on business conditions and the size of the organization (rationality requirement).

The indicators of the organization's cash flow statement are reflected in rubles RF.

The amount of cash flows is recalculated into rubles at the official exchange rate of this foreign currency to the ruble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment or receipt

Note: The difference arising from recalculation cash flows of the organization and cash balances and cash equivalents in foreign currencies at rates for different dates, reflected in the cash flow statement separately from the current, investment and financial cash flows of the organization as the impact of changes in the foreign currency exchange rate against the ruble.

2. Cash flow statement indicators for the previous period.

The figures in the report for the previous year are transferred from the statement of cash flows for 2010, with adjustments for the purpose of comparability of data.

In accordance with clause 10 of PBU 4/99 “Accounting statements of an organization”, if the data for the period preceding the reporting period, incomparable with data for the reporting period, then the first of these data are subject to adjustment based on the rules established by regulatory acts on accounting. Each significant adjustment must be disclosed in the explanations to the balance sheet and profit and loss account together with an indication of the reasons causing this adjustment .

Those. cash flow statement data for 2010 needs to be adjusted:

  • reflect cash equivalents;
  • “pull out” the amounts of indirect taxes and show the balance of mutual settlements for them;
  • “collapse” turnovers that are not cash flows of the organization;

Make other changes that affect the comparability of indicators.

If adjusting last year's indicators is difficult, it is necessary to calculate the indicators based on accounting data for 2010 (which means, in fact, drawing up a new cash flow statement for 2010).

Note: When filling out the report, please remember that deductible or negative indicators are shown in the report in parentheses(Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n “On the forms of financial statements of the organization”).

3. Filling out the “Cash flows from current operations” section.

The section “cash flows from current operations” contains indicators characterizing the receipts and outflows of funds associated with the main activities of the organization (receipts from customers and payments to suppliers).

Also reflected in this section:

1. Income:

  • rent, license payments, royalties, commissions and other similar payments;
  • from interest on receivables from buyers (customers);
  • from resale of financial investments;
  • others (including positive final balance for VAT).

2. Payments:

  • on employee remuneration;
  • income tax;
  • interest on debt obligations (except for interest taken into account in the value of investment assets);
  • others (including negative final balance for VAT).

3. Balance of cash flows from current operations (receipts from current operations minus payments for current operations).

Note:In accordance with clause 12 of PBU 23/2011, the organization’s cash flows, which can not be clearly classified according topoints 8- 11 Provisions classified as cash flows from current operations.


Receipts – total(line 4110 ) – indicates the total amount of revenue from current operations (calculated as the sum of the lines 4111 -4119 ).


from the sale of products, goods, works and services(line 4111 ) – indicates the amount of cash and equivalents received to current accounts and to the organization’s cash desk (as well as to accounts for cash equivalents) for goods, works, services sold (including commissions and agency fees).

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • received by agents, commission agents, intermediaries due for transfer to principals, principals, clients of intermediaries;

lease payments, license fees, royalties, commissions and other similar payments(line 4112 ) – indicates the amount of cash and equivalents received on account of royalties, commissions and other similar payments.

These receipts are also reflected in 50, 51, 52, 58, 76, minus the amounts:

  • indirect taxes (we deduct VAT amounts, except for VAT on refunds and amounts due to principals and principals);
  • received as compensation for utility and other expenses incurred.

Note: If, when deducting the above amounts from the amount of receipts, negative result, then this amount should be reflected on the lines 4121 « to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services” and/or 4129 "other payments".

from resale of financial investments(line 4113 ) – indicates the amount of cash received and equivalents for financial investments purchased for the purpose of resale in the short term (usually within three months).

Note: In accordance with paragraph 17 of PBU 23/2011, cash flows are reflected in the cash flow statement collapsed in cases where they are characterized by fast turnover, large amounts and short return periods.

Thus, receipts from financial investments are shown only in the amount of economic benefits received by the organization (the total amount of receipts minus the amounts spent on the acquisition of realized financial investments).

(lines 4114 - 4118 ) – the names of additional lines and the amounts of receipts corresponding to these names are indicated.

In additional lines, the accountant can reflect, taking into account the level of materiality, income from current activities that are not taken into account in the amounts of income on other lines.

Such receipts may be those receipts that cannot be unambiguously classified.

4111 .

other supply(line 4119 ) – indicates the amount of other income from the current activities of organizations. Such receipts could be:

  • the amount of benefit from the sale/purchase of currency;
  • positive balance of VAT payments;
  • compensation amounts;
  • interest due on receivables from buyers (customers);
  • proceeds from the sale of other property (except for the sale of fixed assets);

The amounts of these receipts are reflected according to the same principles as the amounts of receipts from sales in the line 4111 .

Amounts of indirect taxes received by an organization from the budget (for example, VAT refunds) are reflected in this line “collapsed”.


Payments – total(line 4120 ) – indicates the amount of payments for current transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4121 -4129 ). Indicators by line 4120 and by lines 4121-4129


to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services(line 4121 ) – indicates the amount of payments to suppliers and contractors for received goods and materials, works and services related to the current activities of the organization.

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);

and are reflected in the statement of cash flows less the following amounts:

in connection with the remuneration of employees(line 4122 ) – indicates the amount of payments related to the remuneration of employees of the organization (including payments for employees of organizations in favor of third parties).

These payments are reflected in the accounting registers on the credit of the following accounts:

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);

interest on debt obligations(line 4123 ) – indicates the amount of payments related to the payment of interest on debt obligations, with the exception of interest included in the cost of the investment asset.

income tax(line 4124 ) – indicates the amount of payments associated with the payment of the organization, including tax, with the exception of corporate income tax directly related to the investment or financial operations of the organization.

(lines 4125-4128 ) – the names of additional lines and the payment amounts corresponding to these names are indicated.

In additional lines, the accountant can reflect, taking into account the level of materiality, payments for current activities that are not taken into account in the amounts of payments on other lines.

Such payments may be payments that cannot be clearly classified.

The amounts of these payments are reflected on the same principles as the amounts of payments to suppliers and contractors for received goods and materials, works and services related to the current activities of the organization in the line 4121 .

other payments (line 4129 ) – indicates the amount of other payments related to the current activities of organizations. Such payments may be:

  • the amount of loss from the sale/purchase of currency;
  • the amount of loss received during the exchange of cash equivalents;
  • negative balance of payments (debt to the budget) for VAT;
  • penalties, fines and sanctions paid by the organization under agreements with counterparties.

The amounts of other payments are reflected on the same principles as the amounts of payments to suppliers and contractors for received inventory, work and services related to the current activities of the organization in the line 4121 .

Amounts of indirect taxes paid by an organization to the budget (for example, VAT) are reflected in this line “collapsed”.

Balance of cash flows from current operations(line 4100 ) – indicates the amount of the difference between receipts from current operations and payments for current operations.

Line 4100 = string 4110 - line 4120.

1. Filling out the “Cash flows from investment operations” section.

In this section, organizations reflect cash flows associated with investment activities - the acquisition, creation or disposal of non-current assets.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of PBU 23/2011, information on cash flows from investment operations shows users of the organization’s financial statements the level of the organization’s expenses incurred to acquire or create non-current assets that provide cash receipts in the future.

Examples of cash flows from investment transactions:

  • payments to suppliers (contractors) and employees of the organization in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets, including costs of research, development and technological work;
  • payment of interest on debt obligations included in the value of investment assets in accordance with PBU 15/2008;
  • proceeds from the sale of non-current assets;
  • payments in connection with the acquisition of shares (participatory interests) in other organizations, with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • proceeds from the sale of shares (participatory interests) in other organizations, with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • providing loans to others;
  • repayment of loans provided to other persons;
  • payments in connection with the acquisition of debt (rights to claim funds against other persons), with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • proceeds from the sale of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), with the exception of financial investments acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term;
  • dividends and similar income from equity participation in other organizations;

receipts of interest on debt financial investments, with the exception of those acquired for the purpose of resale in the short term.


Receipts – total(line 4210 ) – indicates the total amount of income from investment operations (calculated as the sum of the lines 4211 -4219 )


from the sale of non-current assets (except financial investments)(line 4211 ) – indicates the amount of cash receipts and cash equivalents associated with the sale of non-current assets.

For example, proceeds from sales:

  • fixed assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • capital investments in non-current assets (including in the form of construction in progress);
  • R&D results.

These receipts are reflected in the accounting registers in the debit of the following accounts:

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);

and are reflected in the statement of cash flows less the following amounts:

  • indirect taxes (we deduct VAT amounts, except for VAT on refunds and amounts due to principals and principals);
  • received by agents, commission agents, intermediaries due for transfer to principals, principals, clients of intermediaries;
  • received as compensation for expenses incurred (transport, utilities, etc.).

from the sale of shares (participation interests) in other organizations(line 4212 ) – indicates the amount of proceeds from the sale of shares and shares in the authorized capital of other organizations.

from the return of loans provided, from the sale of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons) (line 4213 ) – the amount of receipts is indicated:

  • from returns of previously issued interest-bearing loans (excluding interest received);
  • from the sale of bills and bonds (excluding interest received);
  • from the assignment of previously acquired rights of claim to third parties.

dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar income from equity participation in other organizations (line 4214 ) – indicates the amount of receipts of dividends, other types of payments in connection with equity participation in other organizations, as well as the amount of interest received on debt securities and loans provided to other organizations.

other supply(line 4219 ) – indicates the amount of other income related to the organization’s investment activities, for example, income from participation in joint activities.


Payments – total(line 4220 ) – indicates the amount of payments for investment transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4221 -4229 ). Indicators by line 4220 and by lines 4221-4229 are indicated in parentheses.


in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets (line 4221 ) – indicates the amount of payments to counterparties, as well as payments to employees of the organization related to operations for the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets.

These payments are reflected in the accounting registers on the credit of the following accounts:

  • 50 "Cashier";
  • 51 “Current accounts”;
  • 52 “Currency accounts”;
  • 58 “Financial investments” (in terms of accounting for cash equivalents related to financial investments);
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (in terms of accounting for other cash equivalents);

and are reflected in the statement of cash flows less the following amounts:

  • indirect taxes (we deduct the amounts of VAT paid, except for VAT on refunds and VAT related to principals and principals);
  • amounts paid by agents, commission agents, intermediaries, due for transfer to principals, principals, clients of intermediaries;
  • reimbursable expenses (transport, utilities, etc.).

in connection with the acquisition of shares (participatory interests) in other organizations(line 4222 ) – indicates the amount of payments associated with the acquisition of shares and shares in the authorized capital of other organizations.

in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), provision of loans to other persons (line 4223 ) – indicates the amount of payments sent to:

  • to provide interest-bearing loans;
  • for the purchase of bills and bonds;
  • on acquired rights of claim against third parties.

interest on debt obligations included in the cost of an investment asset(line 4224 ) – indicates the amount of interest paid related to the increase in the value of the investment asset.

other payments(line 4229 ) – indicates the amount of payments:

  • on income tax from investment transactions (if it is possible to determine it correctly);
  • aimed at contributions to joint activities;
  • other payments related to the organization’s investment operations.

Balance of cash flows from investment operations(line 4200 ) – indicates the amount of the difference between receipts from investment operations and payments for investment operations.

Line 4200 = string 4210 - line 4220.

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.


1. Filling out the “Cash flows from financial transactions” section.

The section “Cash flows from financial transactions” reflects the amounts of cash flows associated with raising financing on a debt or equity basis.

Such operations entail changes in structure and size:

  • capital of the organization;
  • borrowed funds of the organization.

Examples of cash flows from financial transactions:

  • cash contributions from owners (participants), proceeds from the issue of shares, increases in participation interests;
  • payments to owners (participants) in connection with the repurchase of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership;
  • payment of dividends and other payments for the distribution of profits in favor of owners (participants);
  • proceeds from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities;
  • payments in connection with the redemption (redemption) of bills and other debt securities;
  • obtaining loans and borrowings from other persons;
  • return of loans and borrowings received from other persons.


Receipts – total(line 4310 ) – indicates the total amount of income from financial transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4311 -4319 )


obtaining credits and loans(line 4311 ) – indicates the amount of receipts of cash and cash equivalents as loans and borrowings (including receipts from interest-free loans).

cash deposits of owners (participants)(line 4312 ) – indicates the amount of monetary contributions of the owners (participants) of the organization, which do not lead to an increase in participation shares.

from issuing shares, increasing participation shares(line 4313 ) – indicates the amount of receipts received as payment:

  • shares of the organization (by its shareholders);
  • shares in the authorized capital of the organization (by its founders);
  • additionally placed shares;
  • additional cash deposits leading to an increase in the share of participation.

from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities, etc.(line 4314 ) – indicates the amount of receipts from payment:

  • bills issued by the organization;
  • bond issues;
  • other debt securities.

other supply(line 4319 ) – indicates the amount of other income related to the financial operations of the organization.


Payments – total(line 4320 ) – indicates the amount of payments for financial transactions (calculated as the sum of the lines 4321 -4329 ). Indicators by line 4320 and by lines 4321-4329 are indicated in parentheses.


owners (participants) in connection with the repurchase of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership (line 4321 ) – the amount of payments is indicated:

  • the actual value of the share (part of the share) to the participant/his creditors/heirs/legal successors;
  • for own shares purchased from shareholders (their heirs, assigns).

for the payment of dividends and other payments for the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants)(line 4322 ) – indicates the amount of actual payments of dividends and other amounts related to the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants).

in connection with the repayment (redemption) of bills and other debt securities, repayment of loans and borrowings(line 4323 ) – indicates the amount of payments aimed at repaying debt obligations (credits, borrowings, own bills and other debt securities) with the exception of the amounts of interest paid.

other payments(line 4329 ) – indicates the amount of other payments related to the financial transactions of the organization. This line may reflect, for example, lease payments paid by the organization.

Balance of cash flows from financial transactions(line 4300 ) – indicates the amount of the difference between receipts from financial transactions and payments for financial transactions.

Line 4300 = string 4310 - line 4320.

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.

1. Resulting data.

Balance of cash flows for the reporting period(line 4400 ) – indicates the amount obtained by adding:

  • Balance of cash flows from current operations (line 4100 );
  • Balance of cash flows from investment operations (line 4200 );
  • Balance of cash flows from financial transactions (line 4300 );

Line 4400 = String 4100 + String 4200 + String 4300 .

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.

Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period(line 4450 ) – indicates the amount of the balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year.

This indicator must be linked to the indicator of balance sheet line 1250 “Cash and cash equivalents” at the beginning of the year. If these amounts are not equal, then it is necessary to decipher and explain the deviations that have arisen.

Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period(line 4500 ) – indicates the amount of cash balance and cash equivalents at the end of the year.

This indicator should be linked to the indicator of balance sheet line 1250 “Cash and cash equivalents” at the end of the year. If these amounts are not equal, then it is necessary to decipher and explain the deviations that have arisen.

The magnitude of the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the ruble(line 4490 ) – indicates the “collapsed” total amount of exchange rate differences arising in connection with the conversion of foreign currency funds and equivalents into rubles.

The amount of the difference is determined as follows:

The magnitude of the impact of changes in the exchange rate of foreign currency against the ruble = the total amount of positive exchange rate differences for the reporting year – the total amount of negative exchange rate differences for the reporting year.

If the result is negative, it is indicated in parentheses.

Data for determining the final balance for exchange rate differences are reflected in accounting account 91 “other income and expenses.”


1. Accounting policy.

For accounting purposes, the organization’s accounting policies must reflect the following information:

1. Level of materiality and procedure for its calculation (for example, 15% of the cash flow item).

2. The procedure for separating cash equivalents from other financial investments.

3. Methods of classification (with subsequent reflection in the cash flow statement) of cash flows not specified in paragraphs 9 - 11 of PBU 23/2011.

4. Methodology for converting foreign currency cash flows into rubles.

5. The procedure for the collapsed presentation of cash flows.

6. other explanations necessary to understand the information presented in the statement of cash flows.

Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02/02/2011 N 11n Accounting Regulations "Cash Flow Statement" (PBU 23/2011).
The development and implementation of PBU 23/2011 is another step towards the convergence of IFRS and the Russian accounting system (RAS). Commercial organizations (except for credit institutions) must apply PBU 23/2011 starting from 2011.

Differences between the provisions of IFRS and RAS

Before the approval of the new PBU 23/2011, there were significant differences between the procedure for preparation according to Russian rules and according to the rules established by IFRS 7 “Cash Flow Statement” (Table 1).

Table 1

Requirements for preparing a cash flow statement

Russian requirements
legislation before adoption
PBU 23/2011

IFRS 7 requirements

Inflows and outflows are not taken into account
cash equivalents

Investment to qualify
as a cash equivalent
means must be easily reversible
in a certain amount of money
funds and be subjected to
slight risk of change
cost (clauses 7 and 15 of IFRS 7)

Bank overdrafts are taken into account
when preparing a traffic report

When preparing a traffic report
funds in accordance
With IFRS 7, bank overdrafts can
be included in monetary
equivalents if they are reimbursed
on demand and have a negative
balance with opposite sign
(clause 8 of IFRS 7)

Offsetting between articles is not allowed
cash flow statement

Organizations can minimize
cash inflows and outflows
funds (net estimate)
(clause 22 of IFRS 7)

Dividends paid to shareholders
on current activities

Dividends paid may
classified as financial
cash flows as they
are the costs of attracting
financial resources (clause 34 of IFRS 7)

Payments for taxes and fees
reflected in payments
on current activities

Cash flows arising from
with income tax, must
reveal separately
and classified as cash
flows from the operating room (current)
activities, unless they
cannot be specifically linked
with financial or investment
activities (clauses 35, 36 of IFRS 7)

preparation of financial statements
(clause 16 of the Instructions on the procedure
compilation and presentation
accounting reports,
approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia
dated July 22, 2003 N 67n)

Cash in foreign
currency are converted into rubles
at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the date
transaction (clause 25 of IFRS 7)

Duty to disclose inaccessible
to use cash balances
funds and cash equivalents
no funds provided

The company must disclose
in the explanations the amount of significant
cash balances
and cash equivalents,
available to her, but inaccessible
for use (clause 48 of IFRS 7)

Duty to disclose
more information about money
flows by geographic segments
not installed

In the cash flow statement
additional disclosure is encouraged
information about the amount of cash flows,
arising from the operating room,
investment and financial
activities reflected in the reports
industry or geographic segment
(paragraph "d" paragraph 50, paragraph 62 IFRS 14)

When preparing PBU 23/2011, these differences were eliminated.

In what cases should PBU 23/2011 be used?

The rules of PBU 23/2011 are used by organizations when preparing a cash flow statement in the case when:
the obligation to provide users with such a report is provided for by accounting legislation or regulations;
the organization voluntarily decided to submit or publish a cash flow statement (clause 2 of PBU 23/2011).
Organizations using the simplified taxation system are exempt from maintaining accounting records and submitting financial statements (clause 3, article 4 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ “On Accounting”).
In addition, organizations that have received the status of participants in a project to carry out research, development and commercialization of their results in accordance with Federal Law of September 28, 2010 N 244-FZ “On the Skolkovo Innovation Center” are also exempt from accounting (clause 4 of Art. 4 of Law N 129-FZ). Organizations participating in the project can use this provision only if their annual revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) does not exceed 1 billion rubles.
If the management of such a company decides to generate a cash flow statement on a voluntary basis, then when compiling it, organizations must also be guided by the provisions of PBU 23/2011.
If an organization generates reports for internal purposes, for state statistical observation, or for other special purposes, then PBU 23/2011 does not apply.

Requirements for the cash flow statement

The procedure for drawing up a cash flow statement before the entry into force of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 11n was regulated only by the Accounting Regulations “Accounting statements of an organization” (PBU 4/99), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07/06/1999 N 43n.
In addition, when drawing up the cash flow statement for 2010, organizations were guided by clauses 15 and 16 of the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and presenting financial statements.
The cash flow statement is included in the explanations to the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement (clause 28 of PBU 4/99); it is formed on the basis of the general requirements for the organization’s financial statements established by regulatory legal acts and PBU 23/2011.
In particular, according to PBU 4/99, the cash flow statement must be reliable, and the information in it must be neutral. The report must include performance indicators of branches, representative offices and other divisions of the organization.
Data on cash flows in the report are provided for at least two years - for the reporting period and for the period preceding the reporting period (clause 10 of PBU 4/99).
The cash flow statement must be drawn up in rubles (clause 16 of PBU 4/99).

Cash and cash equivalents

When compiling the cash flow statement for 2010, organizations used information from the following accounts:
50 "Cash" (except for subaccount 3 "Cash documents");
51 "Current accounts";
52 "Currency accounts";
55 “Special accounts in banks” (except for subaccount 3 “Deposit accounts”);
57 "Translations on the way."
Starting from the annual financial statements for 2011, the cash flow statement includes not only information on cash, but also data on cash equivalents (clause 5 of PBU 23/2011).
Under cash equivalents refers to highly liquid financial investments that:
can be easily converted into a predetermined amount of money;
are subject to insignificant risk of changes in value.
PBU 23/2011 provides only one example of highly liquid financial investments - demand deposits opened with credit institutions.
Let us recall that the organization’s financial investments include:
state and municipal securities;
securities of other organizations, including debt securities in which the date and cost of repayment are determined (bonds, bills);
contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and dependent business companies);
loans provided to other organizations;
deposits in credit institutions;
receivables acquired on the basis of assignment of the right of claim, etc.
These requirements are established by clause 3 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Financial Investments” PBU 19/02, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 10, 2002 N 126n.
Generally, cash equivalents are defined as securities and bank deposits available on demand with a maturity of three months or less. For example, bills of exchange of Sberbank of Russia used by organizations in payments for goods sold, work performed, services rendered, with a maturity of up to three months, can be considered as cash equivalents (Information message of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 21, 2009 “On the disclosure of information on the financial investments of an organization in the annual financial statements").
In addition, bank overdrafts can be classified as cash equivalents, since at the request of the organization the bank is obliged to provide funds in the amount determined by the terms of the overdraft lending agreement.
Investments in the equity of other companies, receivables acquired by assignment of claims, loans provided to other organizations, and an organization's own shares are not classified as cash equivalents.
Company management must independently determine what exactly is included in cash equivalents based on the determination of their liquidity and exposure to insignificant risk. To do this, it is necessary to establish in the accounting policy approaches for separating cash equivalents from other financial investments (clause 23 of PBU 23/2011).
In the explanatory note to the financial statements of the organization, it is necessary to disclose information about the composition of cash and cash equivalents (clause 22 of PBU 23/2011). In addition, the entity must show a relationship between the amounts presented in the cash flow statement and the corresponding balance sheet items.
To determine cash equivalents according to accounting data, organizations need to use information on account 55, subaccount 3 “Deposit accounts”, and account 58 “Financial investments”. When determining investments as cash equivalents according to Russian accounting data, it is necessary to take into account the specified criteria.
Thus, starting with reporting for 2011, organizations must include in the cash flow statement not only information about cash flows, but also reflect information about the movement of cash equivalents.
A similar procedure is provided for in paragraph 7 of IFRS 7.

Cash flows

Receipts to the organization of cash and cash equivalents, as well as payments to the organization are called in PBU 23/2011 cash flows.
In addition to cash flows, the cash flow statement reflects the balances of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the reporting period (clause 6 of PBU 23/2011).
When preparing a cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents are summed up and reported as a total amount. This approach is because buying and selling investments in the form of cash equivalents is considered part of the firm's overall cash management process, rather than a source or use of money.
Clause 6 of PBU 23/2011 defines those operations that do not generate cash flows. These include:
payments of funds associated with investing them in cash equivalents (example 1);
cash receipts from the repayment of cash equivalents (except for accrued interest (examples 2, 3);
foreign exchange transactions (excluding losses or gains from the transaction) - example 4;
exchange of some cash equivalents for other cash equivalents (excluding losses or benefits from such a transfer) - example 5.

Example 1. An entity purchases short-term debt securities that are classified as cash equivalents. In this case, the organization exchanges money for cash equivalents. Such a transaction does not result in either an inflow or outflow of cash or cash equivalents, and therefore should not be taken into account when preparing the statement of cash flows.

Example 2. Debt securities that were purchased at a discount have come due. Since the proceeds from the redemption of securities turned out to be more than the amount that was paid when purchasing them, this difference is taken into account when preparing the cash flow statement.
For example, an organization purchased a discount bill from Sberbank of Russia with a nominal value of 1,000,000 rubles. The organization paid 970,000 rubles for the bill. The note matures in three months. Discount - 30,000 rub.
When the bill is repaid, the organization will receive 1,000,000 rubles. Of these, 970,000 rubles. will not be taken into account when preparing the cash flow statement. Only the discount amount is 30,000 rubles. will be included in proceeds from financing activities.

Example 3. The deposit term has expired and the funds have been transferred to the organization's current account. In this case, the amount of interest accrued during the period of validity of the deposit is reflected in the income, but the amount of the deposit is not reflected.
For example, an organization opened a deposit account to which it transferred 1,000,000 rubles. The validity period of the bank deposit agreement is three months. During this period, the organization was accrued interest in the amount of 30,000 rubles, which were paid to it upon closing the deposit account.
When preparing a cash flow statement, transactions involving the transfer of funds to a current account in the amount of RUB 1,000,000. and upon return of this amount from the deposit account will not be taken into account, and the amount of interest in the amount of 30,000 rubles. will be reflected in income from financing activities.

Example 4. The organization sells foreign currency earnings received from the sale of goods. In this case, euros are debited from the organization’s foreign currency account, and rubles are credited to the organization’s current account. The cash flow statement will reflect only the amount that arose as a result of the difference in the exchange rate of the foreign currency at which the euros were sold from the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia for the euro to the ruble.
For example, an organization sent proceeds from the sale of goods in the amount of 10,000 EUR for sale. On the date of sale, the official euro exchange rate was 41 rubles/EUR, and the rate at which the bank sold the currency was 40 rubles/EUR.
When converted into rubles, it turns out that the bank wrote off an amount in euros equivalent to 410,000 rubles from the organization’s foreign currency account, but credited only 400,000 rubles to the current account. Losses from the sale of euros amounted to 10,000 rubles. The organization must reflect only the amount of losses in the cash flow statement as a disposal of funds from current operations.

Example 5. At the end of the term of the deposit agreement with the bank, the organization can use funds to purchase securities that are classified as highly liquid cash equivalents.

In addition, other similar payments to the organization and receipts to the organization that change the composition of cash or cash equivalents of the organization, but do not change their total amount, do not form cash flows. Such operations, in particular, include:
receiving cash from a bank account (Debit 50 Credit 51);
depositing cash into the organization's current account (Debit 51 Credit 50);
transfer of funds from one account of an organization to another account of this organization (Debit 51 Credit 51).
Therefore, payments and receipts that do not change the total amount of cash and cash equivalents are not reported as payments and receipts on the statement of cash flows.

Cash flow classification

Clause 7 of PBU 23/2011 presents the classification of cash flows depending on the nature of operations (it is the same as in clause 15 of the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and presenting financial statements).
Cash flows that are reflected in the statement of cash flows are divided into flows from current, investing and financing operations.
Cash flows from current operations are associated with the organization's ordinary activities that generate revenue; they are usually the result of transactions that generate the organization's profit (loss) from sales.
Cash flows from investment transactions are associated with the acquisition, creation or disposal of non-current assets.
Cash flows from financial transactions are associated with the organization's attraction of financing on a debt or equity basis. Cash flows lead to changes in the size and structure of capital and borrowed funds of the organization.
The presentation of information in the cash flow statement for the three cash flows is of great importance for users of financial statements (Table 2).

table 2

The importance of cash flow information for users of financial statements

Cash flows
from current operations

Cash flows from
investment operations

Cash flows
from financial transactions

Cash information
streams is
main indicator
level of security
organizations with money
funds sufficient
to repay loans,
maintaining activities
organization level
existing volumes
production, payments
and implementation of new
investment without
attracting external
This information is useful
for forecasting
future cash flows
from current operations

Cash information
flows shows
about the cost level
for purchase
or creation
non-current assets,
providing cash
future receipts

Cash information
flows has a large
value for
creditors' claims
and shareholders
regarding future
cash flows,
as well as future
organizations in
raising debt
and equity

In the cash flow statement, organizations reflect the inflow of cash and cash equivalents and the outflow of cash and cash equivalents in the context of cash flows from current, investment and financial transactions (Table 3, 4, 5).

Table 3

Cash flows from current operations

Cash inflow
and cash equivalents

Cash outflow
and cash equivalents

Proceeds from sales to customers
(customers) of products and goods,
performance of work and provision of services

for raw materials, materials, works, services

Remuneration of employees of the organization,
as well as payments in their favor to third parties

Receipt of interest
on accounts receivable
buyers (customers)

Payment of interest on debt
obligations, with the exception of
interest included in the price

with PBU 15/2008 "Accounting for borrowing costs
and loans"

Receipts of rental payments,
royalties, commissions and other
similar payments

(except when tax
to the profits of organizations directly
related to cash flows
from investment or financial

Proceeds from the sale of financial
investments acquired for the purpose of their
resale in the short term
perspective (usually
during three months)

Payments in connection with the purchase of financial
investments acquired for the purpose
their resale in the short term
perspective (usually within
three months)

Table 4

Cash flows from investment operations

Cash inflow
and cash equivalents

Cash outflow
and cash equivalents

Proceeds from sale
non-current assets

Payments to suppliers (contractors)
and employees of the organization in connection
with the acquisition, creation,
modernization, reconstruction
and preparation for use
non-current assets, including
R&D costs

Dividends and similar
proceeds from equity participation
in other organizations

Payments of corporate income tax
in the case where income tax
directly related
with investment cash flows

Receipts of interest on debt
financial investments,
excluding purchased
for the purpose of resale
in the short term

Payment of interest on debt
obligations included in the price
investment assets in accordance
from PBU 15/2008

Proceeds from the sale of shares
(shares of participation) in others
organizations, debt securities
securities (rights to claim cash
funds to other persons), for
excluding financial investments,
purchased for resale
in the short term

Payments in connection with the acquisition of shares
(shares of participation) in other organizations,
debt securities (rights of claim
funds to other persons),
excluding financial investments,
purchased for resale
in the short term

Repayment of loans provided
other persons

Providing loans to others

Table 5

Cash flows from financial transactions

Cash inflow
and cash equivalents

Cash outflow
and cash equivalents

(participants), receipts


Payments to owners (participants)
in connection with the repurchase of their shares (shares
participation) organizations or their exit
from the participants

Proceeds from the issue of bonds,

Payments in connection with repayment (redemption)
bills and other debt securities

Owners' cash deposits
(participants), receipts
from issuing shares, increasing shares

Payment of dividends and other payments
on distribution of profits in favor
owners (participants)

Obtaining credits and loans
from other persons

Repayment of credits and loans received
from other persons

Organizations must reflect dividends paid to shareholders as part of financial cash flows. A similar procedure is established in paragraph 34 of IFRS 7.
The amount of income tax may be reflected as part of the current, investment or financial flow based on the relationship with current, investment or financial activities. A similar procedure is provided for in paragraphs 35 and 36 of IFRS 7.
From the table 3, 4, 5 it follows that payments and receipts from one transaction may relate to different types of cash flows. Specifically, repayment of principal is cash flow from financial transactions, while payment of interest is cash flow from current operations. If the organization transferred both amounts in one payment, then when drawing up a cash flow statement, this payment must be distributed among various cash flows (clause 13 of PBU 23/2011).
In the event that cash flows cannot be unambiguously classified, they are classified as cash flows from current operations (clause 12 of PBU 23/2011).
In the accounting policy, the organization establishes principles for the classification of cash flows that are not specified in paragraphs 9 - 11 of PBU 23/2011, and discloses them in the explanatory note to the annual financial statements.

Collapsed and expanded reflection of cash flows

The organization's cash flows are reflected in the cash flow statement with division into cash flows from current, investment and financial operations(Clause 14 PBU 23/2011).
Each significant type of income to the organization of cash and (or) cash equivalents is reflected in the cash flow statement separately from the organization’s payments, i.e. The gross method is used.
Paragraph 16 of PBU 23/2011 establishes that part of the receipts and payments should be reflected on a net basis - only the difference between receipts and outflows of cash and cash equivalents (net method). The possibility of using the net method is provided for in clause 22 of IFRS 7.
The statement of capital flows reflects at a reduced level:
transit cash flows;
massive cash flows;
non-essential types of receipts and payments of cash (cash equivalents) of the organization.
Transit cash flow reflects not so much the activities of the organization as the activities of its counterparties, or when receipts from some persons determine corresponding payments to other persons (clause 16 of PBU 23/2011).
Transit cash flows include:
cash flows of a commission agent or agent in connection with the provision of commission or agency services (except for fees for the services themselves) - example 6;
receipts from buyers and customers and payments to the budget of indirect taxes (example 7);
payments to suppliers and contractors and reimbursement of indirect taxes from the budget (example 8);
receipts from the counterparty for reimbursement of utility bills and making these payments in rental and other similar relationships (example 9);
payment for transportation of goods with receipt of equivalent compensation from the counterparty (example 10).

Example 6. The organization is engaged in commission trading, acting as a commission agent, and receives money from the buyer as payment for the goods, and immediately transfers it to the consignor minus the commission.
In May, the organization sold consignment goods in the amount of 1,180,000 rubles. The commission amount is 10%.
The following entries were made in the organization's accounting records:
Debit 51 Credit 76
RUB 1,180,000 - proceeds from the sale of consignment goods were received from buyers;
Debit 76 Credit 90-1
118,000 rub. (RUB 1,180,000 x 10%) - commission accrued;
Debit 90-3 Credit 68, subaccount “VAT calculations”,
18,000 rub. (RUB 118,000 x 18: 118) - reflects the amount of VAT on commission fees;
Debit 76 Credit 51
RUB 1,062,000 (RUB 1,180,000 - RUB 118,000) - proceeds from the sale of goods are transferred to the principal minus commission.
In the cash flow statement, receipts from the buyer and payment to the principal (minus commission) in the amount of RUB 1,062,000. should be indicated as collapsed, since this is a transit cash flow.
Consequently, the report will only reflect commission fees in the amount of RUB 118,000.

Example 7. In 2011, based on tax returns, the organization transferred VAT to the budget in the amount of 1,200,000 rubles. The amount received by the organization from buyers and customers in 2011 amounted to RUB 541,200,000.
Since the organization must indicate reduced receipts from buyers and customers, payments to the budget of indirect taxes, only the amount of receipts from buyers and customers in the amount of 540,000,000 rubles will be reflected in the cash flow statement. (RUB 541,200,000 - RUB 1,200,000).

Example 8. In 2011, based on tax returns, the organization received a VAT refund from the budget in the amount of RUB 2,300,000. The amount transferred by the organization to suppliers and contractors in 2011 amounted to RUB 672,300,000.
Since the organization must indicate reduced receipts from buyers and customers, payments to the budget of indirect taxes, the cash flow statement will reflect only the amount of receipts from buyers and customers in the amount of 670,000,000 rubles. (RUB 672,300,000 - RUB 2,300,000).

Example 9. The organization Solnyshko LLC is the owner of commercial real estate and leases non-residential premises to Romashka LLC. In addition to the rent, the tenant compensates the landlord for the cost of utilities. In turn, the landlord uses the funds received to pay utility providers.
In 2011, Solnyshko LLC transferred 6,850,000 rubles to utility service providers, and received 1,850,000 rubles from Romashka LLC.
In accounting, these transactions are reflected in the following entries:
Debit 76 Credit 60
RUB 1,850,000 - the lessor is presented for reimbursement of the cost of consumed utilities;
Debit 51 Credit 76
RUB 1,850,000 - funds were received from the lessor to reimburse the cost of utility services consumed by him;
Debit 60 Credit 51
RUB 6,850,000 - payments are made to utility service providers.
When preparing the cash flow statement for 2011, these amounts will be shown on a net basis. Therefore, the report will only indicate the amount of payments to utility providers in the amount of RUB 5,000,000. (RUB 6,850,000 - RUB 1,850,000).

Example 10. The organization LLC "Veterok" provides forwarding services. In 2011, she received payment from clients for her services in the amount of 7,468,000 rubles, and paid cargo carriers 6,500,000 rubles.
In this case, only the amount of receipts from customers in the amount of RUB 968,000 will be reflected in the cash flow statement. (RUB 7,468,000 - RUB 6,500,000).

Massive Cash Flows They are characterized by fast turnover, large amounts and short repayment periods (clause 17 of PBU 23/2011).
Examples of bulk cash flows are:
mutually determined payments and receipts for settlements using bank cards;
purchase and resale of financial investments;
making short-term (usually up to three months) financial investments using borrowed funds.
The accounting policy determines the procedure for the collapsed presentation of cash flows. These provisions of the accounting policy must be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements (clause 23 of PBU 23/2011).

Translation of transactions in foreign currency

The indicators of the organization's cash flow statement are reflected in rubles (clause 18 of PBU 23/2011).
When preparing the cash flow statement for 2011, recalculation was carried out in accordance with clause 16 of the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and presenting financial statements. First, information on the movement of foreign currency is generated by the organization separately for each type of currency. After this, the data for each calculation made in foreign currency are recalculated at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the date of preparation of the financial statements. When filling out a cash flow statement, the data obtained from individual calculations is summarized.
To fulfill this requirement in practice, the cash flow statement is filled out separately for each foreign currency that is in the bank and in the organization's cash desk. Then all indicators of these reports are recalculated into rubles at the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia for this currency as of December 31 of the reporting year.
Clause 18 of PBU 23/2011 provides for a different procedure for recalculating cash flows in foreign currency into rubles.
In particular, the amount of cash flows in foreign currency is recalculated into rubles at the official exchange rate of this foreign currency to the ruble, established by the Bank of Russia on the date the payment is made or received.
If there is an insignificant change in the official exchange rate of a foreign currency to the ruble, established by the Bank of Russia, conversion into rubles associated with the performance of a large number of similar transactions in such foreign currency can be carried out at the average rate calculated for a month or a shorter period.
In their accounting policies, for accounting purposes, organizations determine the procedure for converting cash flows in foreign currency into rubles. These accounting policy provisions must be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements (clause 21 of PBU 23/2011).
If, immediately after receiving a payment in foreign currency, the organization changes the received amount of foreign currency into rubles as part of its normal activities, then the cash flow is reflected in the cash flow statement in the amount of rubles actually received without intermediate conversion of foreign currency into rubles.
If, shortly before a payment in foreign currency, an organization exchanges rubles for the required amount of foreign currency as part of its normal activities, then the cash flow is reflected in the cash flow statement in the amount of rubles actually paid without intermediate conversion of foreign currency into rubles.
Balances of cash and cash equivalents in foreign currency at the beginning and end of the reporting period are reflected in the statement of cash flows in rubles. The ruble amount is determined in accordance with the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency” (PBU 3/2006), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 27, 2006 N 154n (clause 19 of PBU 23/2011).
In other words, at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period, the balances of cash and cash equivalents are recalculated into rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate as of the reporting date (clauses 4, 5 of PBU 3/2006).
Cash flows are converted into rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the date of the transaction, and cash balances and cash equivalents - as of the reporting date. As a result, a difference is formed, which should be reflected separately from current, investment and financing cash flows as the impact of changes in the exchange rate of foreign currency against the ruble.

Cash flows of interdependent organizations

Paragraph 20 of PBU 23/2011 establishes that significant cash flows between the main organization and its subsidiaries and affiliates must be reflected in the cash flow statement separately from similar cash flows between the organization and other persons.
Currently, accounting legislation does not establish such requirements.

Disclosure of information in financial statements

PBU 23/2011 determines the composition of information about cash and cash equivalents that an organization must disclose in notes to financial statements.
An organization may provide explanations of certain items in the cash flow statement in the notes to its financial statements. In this case, the articles of the report must contain a link to these explanations (clause 21 of PBU 23/2011).
In the notes to the financial statements, the organization discloses the following information:
on the composition of cash and cash equivalents;
on linking the amounts presented in the cash flow statement with the corresponding balance sheet items (clause 22 of PBU 23/2011);
on the accounting policy adopted by the organization regarding the presentation of information in the cash flow statement (clause 23 of PBU 23/2011);
on the possibilities of additional attraction of funds (clause 24 of PBU 23/2011);
other essential information about cash and cash equivalents (clause 25 of PBU 23/2011) - table. 6.

Table 6

Information disclosed in notes to financial statements

Additional options
raising funds

Essential information about money
funds and cash equivalents

Amounts of credit lines,
open organizations,
but not used by her,
indicating all installed
restrictions on use
such credit resources
(including amounts
mandatory minimum
(irreducible) balances);
amount of funds,
which can be obtained
organization on terms
guarantees of third parties,
received by the organization
and unused
as of the reporting date
to get a loan,
indicating the amount of money
funds that can
attract an organization;
amounts of loans (credits),
under-received due to condition
at the reporting date
under concluded loan agreements
(loan agreements),
indicating the reasons for this

Significant amounts of cash available
funds (or their equivalents) that
not available as of the reporting date
for use by an organization (for example,
open for the benefit of other organizations
letters of credit for unfinished reporting
date of transactions), indicating the reasons for the data
amount of cash flows associated
with maintaining the activities of the organization
at the level of existing volumes
production, separate from cash
flows associated with scaling up
this activity;
current, investment and financial
cash flows for each reporting period
segment defined in accordance
with Accounting Regulations
"Information by segments" (PBU 12/2010),
approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia
dated 08.11.2010 N 143n;
funds in letters of credit opened in favor of
organization, along with information about the fact
execution by the organization according to the status
at the reporting date of contractual obligations
using a letter of credit. When
if obligations under the contract
using a letter of credit by an organization
executed, but the means of the letter of credit
not credited to her settlement or other
account, then the reasons and amounts are disclosed
uncredited funds

Let's sum it up

The provisions of PBU 23/2011 introduce significant changes to the procedure for presenting information in the cash flow statement. In conclusion, let's recap these changes:
the cash flow statement must reflect the movement of not only cash, but also cash equivalents;
insignificant receipts of cash (cash equivalents) and payments to the organization, transit and mass cash flows of the organization may be reflected in a scaled-down manner;
cash flows in foreign currency must be recalculated at the date of the transaction;
significant cash flows between related entities should be reported separately;
dividends paid to shareholders and amounts of corporate income tax should be reflected as part of cash flows from financing activities;
Additional information about cash and cash equivalents must be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.