Overdue loan on loan from Europe Bank. Reviews about Credit Europe Bank

Anatoly asks

Hello! I opened a loan at Europe Bank in Novokosino and paid everything off. I applied to Sberbank for a new one.

I was told that I was overdue. I contacted the BKI, and indeed, I was given some delays. But I paid everything. How could this happen?

Good afternoon, Anatoly! Yes, this is possible in Russia. Let's see why credit history deteriorates and what can be done in such cases.

How can I correct my credit file?

Loans play an important role in the life of a modern person. While a Russian can purchase small goods with his own money, large purchases (a car, an apartment, a house) are impossible without the bank’s money.

To be able to constantly take out loans, you must have a good credit history, because banks will focus on it before applying for loans.

As soon as an application is submitted, the information is transferred to the BKI (Bureau), and then data on payments, delays, and refusals of payments will be sent to the Bureau regularly. All this will affect the borrower's credit file.

Information is transmitted to BKI by bank employees and according to established rules. But people also work in credit institutions, and they tend to make mistakes. The human factor has not yet been abolished.

So, when the clerk submits incorrect information about the borrower, the file is spoiled, which may cause a refusal of the next loan.

Let's see how the client's CI deteriorates due to the fault of the bank.

The reasons may be different:

The bank employee sent incorrect data to BKI. For example, the client repaid the loan in full, but the clerk did not indicate this in the application to the Bureau;

The debtor and the honest borrower turned out to have the same names, and the clerk mixed up their files;

Failure in the operation of the credit institution's database. Computers and software systems can fail. This may result in individual payments not being posted to accounts on time. Therefore, borrowers develop debts that they have no idea about, because the client paid everything on time. The employee did not notice this situation and transmitted information about the delay to the BKI.

Therefore, we recommend that you regularly review your CI.

It is allowed to obtain a credit history once a year for free and for a fee (400-1500 rubles) - without restrictions.


View the Central Banking Information Catalog of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to find out in which BCI (there are 31 of them) the credit dossier is stored;

Write an application to the BKI (in the office, via the Internet) and attach your passport details;

Wait up to 72 hours to receive your report.

What steps to take if the CI is damaged by the bank?

If your credit file is damaged due to the fault of a bank employee, it can be corrected.

The first option is through a bank.

To do this the client:

Writes an application to the BKI and asks to correct the data incorrectly sent from the bank;

The agreement, payment receipts and other necessary documents are attached to the application;

The bank is obliged to carry out an internal audit within ten days. If it turns out that the borrower is right, the institution is obliged to transfer the corrected data to the BKI.

The second way to fix it is through the BKI.


Writes a statement to the required Bureau, where he reports incorrect information with a request to correct the data;

Attaches to the application an agreement, payment receipts, a certificate of full repayment and other necessary documents;

Waits 30 days. If the BKI sees that the borrower is not to blame for the delays, they must correct the data. However, BKI may refuse to correct the information. Then the client must go to court to prove his innocence. The court will rule in favor of the client, and the errors will be corrected.

This is how, Anatoly, you can correct your credit file.

I was recently contacted by a bank borrower who was constantly receiving calls from Credit Europe Bank and they called him just every single day, asking me with tears in his eyes to help him, because he no longer wanted to just live and he was afraid of every call from KEB collectors ( Credit Europe Bank).

The man had a debt of about 30,000 rubles and a huge amount of interest had accrued, but no one from the collection department was interested in why such an amount had accrued and they simply simply demanded that the amount be repaid in full and did not delve into the essence of the bank client’s problems.

Having discussed with the borrower all possible options for resolving the issue and in a legal way, we got in touch with the collectors of Credit Europe Bank and, to my surprise, the people working in the collection department are not super lawyers, but more often ambitious students who call poor clients. Having seen a student from Credit Europe Bank, who apparently was a collector making calls to a bank client, I was just very, very glad to meet him, since they are not just engaged in collection, but put pressure on a person’s psychology and nothing more. After all, the collector did not know that I was a lawyer and monitored the entire situation of the case so that the rights of the borrower were not violated and, as a result, the goal was set to write off the interest on the loan in full with payment of the principal debt and, of course, a full refusal followed, since supposedly the client did not have the capacity for this legal grounds. The negotiations lasted and people came to us who supposedly had a higher position and asked us to sign a pre-trial claim notifying us of the deadlines for paying the debt within 5 days.

Coming out of the Credit Europe Bank building, I outlined the whole situation in simple words for the bank’s client, who completely wilted and thought that this was a failure and we had come to the bank in vain, but after two minutes of conversation, I presented a plan for resolving the issue with Credit Europe Bank and the debt, as well as percentages. We have come to the conclusion that in court and legally we will write off the interest, and after the write-off the principal will be paid.

The bank client (borrower) completely calmed down and asked me to draw up the necessary documents for him and he was full of optimism to fight the bank’s collectors and went to court, where he independently won a victory over the written off interest on the loan. As the borrower (bank client) told me, everything went smoothly in court and he is very pleased with the lawsuit filed in court and now knows how to independently defend his rights in such cases.

As I always tell my clients, there is no need to be afraid of debt collectors and you need to stand up for your rights, and not hide.
The case was written only with the collectors of Credit Europe Bank, but each bank has its own collection department, which consists of a staff of employees and they all work according to the same rule and do not deviate from it, but if the client does not agree with their requirements, then you can always prove your being right successfully in court, which is what we did.

I bought a kitchen from IKEA in installments for 3 months. I entered into an agreement with CreditEurope Bank. IKEA issued a CreditEurope Bank credit card No. 0091410272139. I repaid the installments within 3 months. The last payment was specially made at the bank branch to clarify whether I had fully repaid the loan. The bank answered in the affirmative. On this I calmed down. A year has passed. And I started receiving calls from bank employees on my phone every day. They persistently asked to pay a fee for servicing the card of 300 rubles and, attention, more than 600 rubles in fines for late payment.

What I didn't like about the bank:
1) You cannot reach the bank using the phone number listed on the website. Those who called (as I understand it, these are employees of the collection department) do not advise where such fines came from. I have told them more than once that I will go to the bank branch on the weekend and sort it out there, but they still keep calling.

2) At the bank branch it turned out that for each month of late payment of the credit card service fee, a 100% fine is charged. As a result, in 2 months we accumulated 600 rubles plus 300 rubles for service. This is the first bank in which I see such wild penalties. If you do the math, then in a year 300 rubles turn into 3900 rubles. It’s not difficult to calculate - it’s 1300% per annum. I have never seen such wild fines in any bank for late payment of annual card maintenance.

3) To my reasonable question, why didn’t anyone call me, write me an SMS, or send me an email? They told me that I had to control it myself. I signed the contract and everything is written there, how and what I should do. Why did they start calling me only after 2 months, and not immediately? — the question remained unanswered. Other banks notify customers in all available ways. SMS notifications are becoming the norm for customer-oriented organizations, not to mention banks. In addition, it was possible to call immediately to warn, and not wait 2 months for this fine to accumulate (it’s strange, by the way, why they didn’t call after 3. The fine would have been even greater). But as soon as the fine accumulated, they started calling every day and more than once!

4) The bank branch offered to pay for the annual service and write an application. A statement of the following kind: I repaid the loan on time, I didn’t use the card for a long time, I forgot about it, there were no notifications about the debt from the bank by any means of communication, I paid for the annual service. Please do not charge me any fines. Statement No. 14 dated January 16, 2015. I’ll call you in exactly one month! (although I asked in the appeal to send an answer by mail). The answer is negative. Guys! Well, that's just petty! Not a single bank has previously tried to profit from such wild fines for unpaid commissions. I understand - fines for non-payment of the loan, but here... The other banks didn’t even bother me about this, they wrote off the annual commission from the funds received to the card, and if it didn’t arrive, after the termination of the agreement they simply wrote it off. These pennies are like a drop in the sea for you. For me this is a fundamental point. Faced with this situation and reading the reviews on the portal, I came to the conclusion that for me there is no longer a bank like CreditEurope Bank. I hope my review will prevent others from contacting you.

5) The most interesting thing is this. I paid the annual service fee. All that remained were the fines, which the bank refused to write off. When talking with the operator on February 17, 2016, it turned out that the accrual of fines would not stop. Now fines will be added to fines. Oh, how! Bows, curtain!

In addition to (or in addition to) my review of the bank’s violation of the Personal Data Law. By the way, what’s interesting is that after the publication of that review of mine, calls to my relatives became less frequent and the callers themselves began to speak politely, they are no longer going to come and describe the property to my elderly mother - and that’s bread

So, one of these days I’m going to pay my dear bank in full, I’m calculating how much I’ll have to pay on the loan. I specially went to the department and took an extract.
I find the following parameters in the extract:
1) the amount of the principal debt (I agree!)
2) the amount of the overdue principal debt (I agree!)
3) accrued interest (1 question - accrued on what?)
4) overdue interest (2nd question - is this interest on the overdue principal? Or what?)
5) interest on the overdue amount of the principal debt (question 3 - on what basis and in what amount?)
6) penalty/fine (4 question - on what basis and in what amount?)

The difference between what I agree with and what I don’t understand is about 8 thousand rubles. I understand that I violated the terms of the contract, for which a penalty is due, but I would like to understand the amount and how it was established.

I read the only document I received at the conclusion of the contract - “Application for credit servicing.”

“I have read, understand, and fully agree with the KEB Tariffs for the promotion specified in section 2 of this statement. “Yeah, who and when introduced me to these tariffs, maybe there is my signature on such a document, but for some reason I don’t have it in my hands!

“The calculation of the full cost of the loan does not include:
“Customer payments stipulated by the loan agreement. The amount and (or) terms of payment of which depend on the Client’s decision and (or) the option of his behavior, including:
— penalty for failure to repay payments on the date according to the Payment Schedule.”

The main question is where, when, and by what document is a penalty established, well known to many as a way of ensuring the fulfillment of an obligation established by law or contract (Article 330 of the Civil Code of Russia)? And where is my signature on this contract document?

As they say, I am ready to share the bank’s just indignation about my delay, but point by point. I made a commitment and I will fulfill it. But if my consent to the penalty, including its size, is “implied”. this is already debatable.

Late payment to Credit Europe Bank: rules for calculating penalties

The loan is provided by any banking organization. The loan amount is repaid after a certain period with the addition of interest. The total debt is divided into equal parts and repaid monthly. However, as soon as the monthly payment stops being paid, serious problems begin in the form of penalties. Debt grows rapidly, and the borrower very soon falls into a debt trap.

The amount of penalties depends on the specific bank. Some companies have adequate fines, and they are ready to engage in dialogue in case of problems. Others bring their clients to the point where they have to go to court.

Many complain that at Credit Europe Bank late payments are fraught with serious and completely inadequate consequences.

Penalties for late loan repayment

Late monthly payments entail the accrual of penalties, which depend on the specific bank and can be either fixed or expressed as a percentage.

Credit Europe Bank is more or less loyal in this regard. The penalty is charged on the fifth day of delay, so within four days the borrower has the opportunity to make the payment without negative consequences. The penalty is fixed in nature and is accrued in the amount of 15% of the monthly payment amount, but in the amount of not less than 300 rubles.

For example, if you must pay 10 thousand rubles monthly, then if the payment is late for more than 5 days, the penalty will be 1,500 rubles. And when the monthly payment is 1,000 rubles, the penalty will be not 150, but 300 rubles, the minimum penalty. Penalties in this regard are far from the worst, and can be tolerated.

Psychological pressure on the debtor

If the debtor has a significant delay in the monthly payment, then the employees of Credit Europe Bank do not behave entirely loyally. They bother you with SMS messages, calls, threats, exert psychological pressure, threatening to call relatives and colleagues, and ultimately tell the debtor to look for money anywhere, otherwise the problems will be very serious.

In addition, this banking organization does not hesitate to take debtors to court, without fear that the procedure is lengthy and costly. According to the law, the debtor and creditor have the right to sue if no action has taken place on the debt in the last 90 days. “Credit Europe Bank” doesn’t particularly like to wait; after 4-5 months of delay, if the psychological pressure does not produce results, then the case is immediately sent to court.

However, one can also note the positive side of cooperation with the bank. The organization still makes concessions to debtors if the reasons are valid. For example, in case of dismissal from work, the birth of a child or the need for treatment, as well as other serious reasons, the bank agrees to restructure the debt or provides credit holidays for a certain period. Provided that the borrower is conscientious and there were no problems with repaying the loan before.

When problems arise, it is better to immediately contact the bank, rather than hide from company representatives, driving yourself into a corner. When the problems have already become serious, it is worth contacting credit lawyers for advice and support.


What should you do to avoid problems with loan arrears?

Greetings! Have you read the latest news about simplified debt collection from individuals? Overdue bank loans can now be recovered without court on the basis of a notary's writ of execution. Raiffeisenbank, Russian Standard, HKF-Bank, VTB24, Rosbank and Sberbank already include this clause in loan agreements.

Let me translate into human language: it is now possible to seize the debtor’s property in favor of the creditor without a trial. There is a notary's writ of execution - the bank can directly contact the bailiffs to collect the debt. True, the new mechanism for working with debtors applies only to consumer loans overdue for at least two months.

Once again I raise the current topic of arrears on the blog... How to solve the problem of overdue debt? What to do about arrears on a loan, and how does it threaten the borrower?

Why is delay dangerous for the borrower?

Firstly, banks punish a “forgetful” borrower with a ruble. All Russian lenders apply penalties from the first day of delay. The amount and methodology for calculating fines and penalties are detailed in fine print in the loan agreement. Unfortunately, few borrowers carefully study this point before signing documents.

There are four forms of fines:

  1. Percentage of the amount overdue for each day. Many large banks in Russia (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB24) practice this method
  2. Fixed amount of fine for delay (for example, 500 rubles one-time)
  3. Fixed fines on an accrual basis. Relatively speaking, for the first delay the borrower must pay 500 rubles, for the second - 700 rubles, for the third and subsequent ones - 1000 rubles each
  4. A fine in the form of a percentage of the total loan balance (for each day of delay or once a month). Russia almost never uses this type of punishment (like other countries of the former USSR: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others)

But many Russian banks use a combined fine scheme. For example, a penalty for each day of delay plus a one-time fine.

Examples of late fees

I warn you, actual numbers may be slightly different. Banks are extremely reluctant to publish detailed terms of penalties in the public domain. And in fact, you can only see them in the loan agreement (any banking forum will also come in handy).

But the order of the numbers and the conditions for calculating fines will be approximately the same as what I give below. Almost all banks on the list apply penalties not to the balance of the debt, but to the amount of the overdue payment!

So, Alfa-Bank charges 2% of the amount for each day of delay.

For consumer loans, Home Credit Bank “turns on the meter” from the 10th day of overdue: 1% of the amount for each day. Credit card penalties are calculated differently: on the 15th day of delay, the borrower is charged 300 rubles, on the 25th day – another 500 rubles, after 10 days – another 800 rubles. For 60 days and subsequent months, another 800 rubles are added to the amount of fines.

At Credit Europe Bank, the penalty is 15% of the monthly payment, but not less than 300 rubles.

Russian Standard Bank also practices a system of “staged” fines. The first loan delay will cost the borrower 300 rubles, the second – 500, the third – 1000, and the fourth – 2000 rubles.

At Sberbank, each day of delay will “cost” 0.5% of the amount of the overdue payment.

What can’t be done if the loan is already overdue?

The worst thing you can do is wait for the situation to “resolve” on its own. Try to make at least some payments on the loan, since not paying at all is a guaranteed loss.

  • Delay a visit to the bank until the last day of payment according to the schedule
  • Hiding from the creditor (for example, not answering calls)
  • Refuse to pay obligations, written or oral.

What can be done?

Agree with the bank on restructuring

Any bank is interested in the borrower paying off its obligations in full. This is much more profitable than taking away and selling the collateral, transferring the debt to collectors or going to court.

It is imperative to negotiate with the bank on debt restructuring. Well, or at least try...

Before meeting with a credit manager or branch manager, you should prepare a bunch of documents. We are talking about indirect or direct evidence that you cannot yet repay the loan on the same terms.

  • Child's birth certificate
  • A copy of the work record book with a notice of dismissal
  • Medical certificate for a serious illness or expensive surgery
  • Death certificate of a co-borrower or close relative, if the loan was partially repaid at their expense
  • It’s not a fact that the bank will agree to debt restructuring, but it’s still worth a try. There may be several options. Keep in mind that each of them only temporarily makes life easier for the borrower, but increases the amount of the final overpayment.

    What concessions can the bank make?

  • Increase the repayment period (decreases the monthly payment)
  • Provide “credit holidays” (for six months to a year the borrower will only pay interest)
  • Convert the loan currency from foreign to national
  • Go to court

    The borrower should not be afraid of the court. The judicial procedure will make his life easier rather than more difficult.

    Firstly, from the moment the case is considered, the accrual of fines and penalties for unpaid contributions will be suspended.

    Secondly, even if the court decides in favor of the bank, the amount of debt will be divided into a larger number of payments. In essence, the court's decision will force the bank to meet the debtor halfway and restructure the debt. Sometimes, after the trial, the borrower will only have to pay the principal amount of the debt.

    Large banks with a large staff of lawyers often sue debtors: Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB24, Home Credit, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank. Banks with powerful services for dealing with problem debts are trying to make do “on their own”: OTP Bank, Tinkoff Bank, Russian Standard.

    How to behave in court?

    To begin with, do not under any circumstances refuse to participate in the process! To win the case (or at least achieve easing repayment terms), you will need:

  • Consultation and assistance from an experienced lawyer
  • Documents confirming deterioration in financial condition
  • Documents confirming payments made on the loan (checks, receipts)
  • Evidence that you applied to the bank with a request for restructuring and received a refusal.
  • Important point! If you stop repaying the loan “just like that” without a good reason, it is impossible to win the case in court! But, as a rule, court intervention forces the bank to make concessions to the borrower.

    How did you solve the problem of loan overdue? Subscribe to updates and share links to the latest posts with your friends on social networks!

    Usually, few people think about the stability of their financial situation and its prospects. As a result, many cannot cope with the loan load and begin to default on loan payments.

    The second problem is that few people read the loan agreement in detail. Therefore, loan arrears are not perceived as something terrible: “Oh, just think, I’m two days overdue. In the end, I paid!” Even though the payment was eventually paid, the delay likely resulted in penalties and an increase in the amount of debt.

    Loan penalties

    In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the penalty consists of two components:

  • Fine for the fact of forfeit. The fine can be either one-time or imposed each time there is a delay (which is usually done);
  • A penalty that is added for each day of delay. Usually this is some percentage of the debt amount;
  • Either a fine or a penalty may be assessed. Each bank chooses for itself which option suits it.

    What penalties do banks apply for late payments?

    Now from theory to practice. What fines do our banks actually apply?

  • Fixed amount of the fine (for example, a fine of 500 rubles for each delay);
  • Increasing fine (for example, for the first delay 500 rubles, for the second and third - 1000, subsequent ones - 1500);
  • Penalty on the payment amount (for example, the monthly payment is 5 thousand, and the fine is 10%. The total fine is 500 rubles);
  • Penalty on the amount of the debt (for example, the remaining debt is 47 thousand rubles, a fine of 1%. Total fine - 470 rubles);
  • The first and second options are most often found when working with credit cards in most banks (Russian Standard, Tinkoff, Home Credit, etc.). The third and fourth options are often found with a mortgage, car loan or consumer loan.

    Consequences of delay in some banks

    To complete the picture, I am publishing penalties for late payments that apply in a number of banks (the information may not be relevant for all loans from a particular bank):

    2% of the payment amount for each day of delay

    Home Credit

    This bank allows you to overdue credit card payments for up to 15 days. After this, a fine of 300 rubles is charged. On the 25th day a fine of 500 rubles is added, after 10 days - another 800 rubles. On the 60th day and in subsequent months the fine is 800 rubles. For consumer loans, from the 10th day a penalty of 1% of the debt amount is charged for each day.

    Credit Europe Bank

    Penalty 15% of the monthly payment amount, minimum 300 rubles.

    Penalty 0.5% of the monthly payment amount for each day of delay.

    Russian standard

    First delay - 300 rubles
    Second - 500 rubles
    Third - 1000 rubles
    Fourth - 2000 rubles

    Penalty for each day of delay in the amount of 0.5% of the late payment amount.


    These are the fines for late payment in our banks. It’s not hard to imagine that by missing “just” a couple of monthly payments, you can greatly increase the amount of debt you owe to the bank. For example, you have a loan from Sberbank with a monthly payment of 14,000 rubles. You are 14 days late in payment, therefore you will have to pay a penalty: 0.5% of the amount 14,000 = 70 rubles per day. For 14 days the penalty will be 980 rubles.

    In total, having delayed payment by 14 days, you now owe the bank 980 rubles more. In addition, recently, due to frequent delays, many banks have been terminating the contract and demanding early repayment of the loan.

    1. Within a minute, three SMS messages arrived on the phone:

    "Good afternoon. A court order has been received. The documents have been sent to the FSSP to initiate an individual entrepreneur. Urgently call Credit Europe Bank tel 8-800-700-33-95 The call is free"

    "09.11.19, on the basis of enforcement proceedings, on-site activities will be carried out at the address of residence and work to seize the debtor's property through bailiffs. Department of Enforcement Proceedings Credit Europe 88007003395"

    "09.11.19 It is necessary to provide access to the address *my address* to seize the debtor's property through bailiffs. Based on Federal Law 229. Department of Enforcement Proceedings 88007003395"
    I kept the punctuation.

    I actually have a debt with this bank. I wanted to know where I could find out about this court order, if it exists. Simply put, should I really expect guests next month? On the FSSP website, when entering your data, you can see two individual entrepreneurs, both completed under Article 46 part 1 clause 3 in the past months.

    Lawyer Petrova N. E., 2674 answers, 2221 reviews, on the site from 10/12/2017
    1.1. Good afternoon Contact the magistrate in your area where you live. According to the general rule of jurisdiction, cases are considered at the place of residence of the defendant, that is, if there is a court order against you, it was issued by the magistrate of your court district.

    2. I took out a loan from Europe Bank on March 14, 2014, they imposed insurance, I paid for almost a year, less than half was left when the ruble collapsed, I stopped paying since December 2014. I haven’t paid anything. In 2016, they sent a letter that they sold the debt to some LLC... bank. I didn’t keep in touch with them in any way; in 2018 they sent me another letter saying that they had sold me to collectors. They pestered me for a whole year with calls and letters. The amounts announced were huge, from 40 thousand rubles. The principal debt was calculated at 350 thousand rubles, as a result, the collector is now suing in 2019 and the amount is written as 20,000 rubles + state. duty 400 rub. Dear lawyers, I would like to ask your advice (I can cancel the court order, the main thing is within 10 days). and then what? The judge did not send me anything except a copy of the order and there is no mention of the assignment of rights when it occurred. Not a copy of the loan agreement signed by me or anything). Or is this a cunning move to get out of debt? To the objection to the court. The order is also an application for the restoration of the process. I have attached the deadline. If proceedings begin in 2014, can the loan be later referred to as a missed statute of limitations? But first they will let me familiarize myself with the package of documents. Or how does this happen legally?

    Lawyer Sabelnikov A.N., 4030 answers, 2234 reviews, on the site from 05/15/2018
    2.1. Good evening! First of all, go to the magistrate’s court website and see if there were any proceedings against you at all! And even more so, in your situation, the statute of limitations can generally be applied!

    Lawyer Baranov M.A., 7944 answers, 3761 reviews, on the site since November 27, 2009
    2.2. Uv. Tamara, you just need to send the magistrate an application to cancel the court order within 10 days. After the order is cancelled, the plaintiff has the right to file a claim in court. Now they will need to attach an assignment agreement to the claim. Having received a claim, you will have the right to draw up and submit to the court an objection to the claim, in which you must, among other things, indicate that the plaintiff missed the statute of limitations.

    Lawyer Panfilov A.F., 50202 answers, 24690 reviews, on the site from 09/20/2013
    2.3. There are no tricky moves here.
    Cancel the court order.
    my article.
    Then they can file a lawsuit, and then there will be a full-fledged trial. You will see all the materials, the lawsuit and, of course, declare that the statute of limitations has passed.

    Lawyer Rasputin A.S., 3866 answers, 873 reviews, on the site since 08/20/2009
    2.4. They usually don't file after the order is cancelled. But if they do, the statute of limitations can apply.

    3. I TOOK A LOAN FROM EUROPE BANK, a couple of months later I came to the branch, they told me the amount of full repayment, I paid it, a month later they wrote to me that my debt was 64 rubles, I paid 500 rubles again, they didn’t write again, after 150 days I find out that I have arrears of 6 rubles and my credit history is spoiled, I wrote a statement to Credit Europe Bank to sort it out, 100 days have passed - no reaction - how to deal with them - why weren’t they notified me about the debt of 6 rubles and didn’t immediately give me the full figure - when I arrived at their office and how now to force them to change my “bad 2 credit history due to their fault.

    Lawyer Ivanov N. S., 946 answers, 599 reviews, on the site from May 30, 2018
    3.1. Hello. In this situation, you had to take a document from the bank stating that you do not owe the bank under such and such a loan agreement, or you should have received an SMS that the loan has been repaid. If this was not the case, then you should have checked all this yourself.
    For a more detailed answer, I need to know everything down to the smallest detail.

    4. Question: my husband took out a loan from JSC Credit Europe Bank in 2012, paid for a year, and stopped! 04/10/19 the collector comes home and shows me that my husband’s debt was sold to PKB in 1818, and says pay some money every month and we will write off half of the debt! Question: The statute of limitations has expired! Wait until they go to court? Or what actions should be taken before the case is brought to court?

    Lawyer Garshinev A. E., 1394 answers, 968 reviews, on the site from 04/05/2019
    4.1. It’s better to wait until they go to court and write a statement to the court about the application of the statute of limitations. You never have to pay anything to collectors; most often, their demands are far from the law.

    Lawyer Kiseleva O.G., 4592 replies, 2087 reviews, on the site since 10.29.2013
    4.2. Hello!
    In your case, you need to prepare a statement of claim to declare the debt assignment agreement illegal, the debt will be written off!

    8. PCB (first collection bureau) Credit Europe Bank assigned my debt. PKB sent me documents confirming this via email for now. And the credit. Evr.bank did not send a copy of the assignment - is it worth paying, otherwise maybe it’s all invalid?

    Lawyer I. V. Bakadorov, 52 replies, 43 reviews, on the site from 11/06/2018
    8.1. Ask for it in paper form. Tell them you are preparing for the trial and the lawyer asked for it in paper form. Until you receive a properly executed contract from them, the legality of their demands will not be confirmed. Even when you have it in your hands, there is no obligation to communicate with collectors. It would not be out of place in Heb. bank to close the credit account and withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.

    As for the return of paid insurance, the latest changes are contained in the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated November 20, 2015 N 3854-U (as amended on August 21, 2017) On the minimum (standard) requirements for the conditions and procedure for the implementation of certain types of voluntary insurance

    Sincerely, financial lawyer – Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

    28. Can bailiffs seize a car if it is on a car loan, in the Europa Bank, which I pay monthly, for another loan in another bank where I have a debt? Thank you.

    Lawyer Cherednichenko V.A., 193261 answers, 73802 reviews, on the site from 05/12/2015
    28.1. They may impose a ban on registration activities and you will not be able to sell this car until you pay off the loan debt.

    Advertisement , in order to seize my wife’s Citroen S5 car, there are no title documents that we require from the bailiff, except for a photocopy (uncertified) of the Moscow court decision dated June 2016. We live in the Rostov region. The bailiff is a grandmother without a uniform, without any documents except the bailiff's form and a photocopy, which she refuses to even show us! Shows a corner of a photocopy from his bag. They want to seize the car. I don’t believe the grandmother-bailiff that she is a bailiff, she calls another bailiff, another bailiff arrives, a man in uniform, shows his ID, confirms that the grandmother is a bailiff. Next, we ask the question, where is the order or resolution on the basis of which they are going to seize the car, she again shows this photocopy. We demand that we all go together to the bailiff department and seize the car there, so that everything is according to the law, to which the grandmother-bailiff replies that their database is not working now, and the number of the internal order (or what exactly is needed there, I don’t know exactly) she can't get it. My wife tells the bailiffs that the car is no longer mine, the car has already been sold. They ask her to show them the document for the car, the wife shows them a plastic STS. There her last name is, they say, yours, she says no, the car has already been sold, and the documents have not yet been reissued. The bailiffs write a demand (the basis columns are not filled in) to appear at their department on July 20, 2018 at 16:00 with the car and documents for it for carrying out an inventory and seizure of the vehicle. However, the car was sold to me (my husband) on 07/16/2018, and on 07/20/2018 I reissued the documents with the traffic police. There is a purchase and sale agreement dated 07/16/2018, we have a second copy, we make a photocopy that the wife is not the owner of the vehicle, that the owner of the car - me, and goes to the bailiff at 16:00 on July 20, 2018. The grandmother issues a resolution to initiate enforcement proceedings dated November 8, 2016, issued on July 20, 2018. And he says that you have altered the car, we will arrest her anyway, the wife brought them uncertified photocopies, the grandmother made a new demand for her yesterday, July 20, 2018, namely, within three days, namely, on July 24, 2018, to provide the car with the state license. number such and such (during the process of re-registration I left the same numbers as before) year of manufacture 2010, title documents for the car for inventory and arrest.
    Thanks for reading all of this. The question is, how can the bailiff demand that my wife provide for inventory and arrest something that does not belong to her since July 16, 2018? The wife wrote in a copy of the bailiff’s demand: “I don’t agree with the demand.” The bailiff fined the wife 1,000 rubles for not providing the car for arrest on July 20, 2018, although the wife showed her a photocopy that the car was no longer hers.
    The question is what should we do on July 24, 2018, when the time comes to visit the bailiffs department again.
    Is it possible to complain somewhere about the bailiff who came to our home to seize my car on July 18, 2018, without having any documents for this except the bailiff’s letter. Can a bailiff appear without a uniform with a bank employee and can she seize a car only on the grounds that on July 18, 2018, she saw a plastic certificate that also included the wife’s last name as the owner of the car? Can I, as the real owner of the car, write somewhere to leave my car behind, to complain that on July 20, 2018, the bailiff fined my wife for something that does not belong to her? Until July 18, 2018, we did not receive any notifications from the bank, the court, or the bailiffs. In fact, the first notification was received by the wife on July 20, 2018 at the bailiffs department.

    Lawyer Kostenko O.V., 47227 answers, 20248 reviews, on the site since 05/17/2014
    29.1. Good morning. You need to urgently file a complaint with the police regarding these citizens. If there were enforcement proceedings in this case, you would be handed a Resolution to initiate this enforcement proceedings directly, and the bailiff is required to present a certificate. Most likely these were scammers. Urgently go to the police. Have a nice pleasant day.

    Sergey Yuny Barmaleikin, 15866 replies, 854 reviews, on the site since 10/25/2011
    29.2. Appeal all the decisions of the bailiff and the fine too. You have a prescribed period of 10 days and you also need to use Part 2 of Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” and, if you miss 10 days, refer to it.
    If the car was purchased during marriage, then the claimant, through the court, has the right to divide the jointly acquired property and foreclose on the wife’s share as a debtor. However, there is no claim and no property. In any case, property acquired during marriage is jointly acquired and cannot be seized by a bailiff, because the share is not allocated to the debtor.
    The bailiff exceeded her official duties, because The contract for the car has been drawn up and it is no longer the property of the debtor. It was necessary to place bans on registration actions. Look at this information on the traffic police website, print it out and attach it to the complaint.

    30. Can Credit Europe Bank sue for an inventory of property for not paying by credit card?

    Law firm LLC Legal company "PRAVO", 2734 answers, 1365 reviews, on the site since 05/19/2018
    30.1. Good afternoon, Alexander! It is still too early to inventory the property; it is necessary to file a claim in court to collect the debt or issue a court order. Most likely, you are being deliberately misled to force you to pay the debt. You can always find a way out of any situation, the main thing is to take steps to achieve it. Contact lawyers with documents related to the case and they will help you in drawing up the documents. Contact numbers and addresses are usually indicated under the lawyer’s response.
    Good luck to you and all the best in your endeavors.
    Sincerely, legal company "PRAVO", member of the Guild of Human Rights Defenders of Moscow!

    Law firm Law firm "ZAKON", 3285 answers, 1325 reviews, on the site since 05/19/2018
    30.2. Hello, Alexander! If you do not pay on a loan (including a credit card), then the bank has the right to go to court to collect the debt, in court you will have the opportunity to reduce the amount of the penalty, after the court you may be deducted 50% of the debt until it is completely repayment can also be described as property belonging to the debtor.
    Sincerely, LAW FIRM "ZAKON".

    Lawyer Sokolov D.G., 142234 answers, 33014 reviews, on the site since November 23, 2008
    30.3. Alexander, any bank and in general any person to whom you owe something have the right to go to court.
    There are no exceptions for this particular bank.

    Author: Larisa/logistician City: Moscow Rating: Bad Review: I want to leave a review about the service of Credit Europe Bank, because my indignation knows no bounds. I did not apply for a loan from this bank on my own initiative. This bank cooperates with the fitness club where I purchased the card, so to speak, in installments. I am amazed at how rude and incompetent the employees are at this bank. They simply terrorized my 87-year-old grandmother, in whose apartment I am registered, but do not live. The fact is that it happened that I paid several days late, because it was not always convenient to get to the office. After several days in a row the employees of Credit Europe Bank called her at 7 o’clock in the morning and were looking for me (which drove the elderly woman to horror), I called the bank and said that I do not live at this address and that I always answer calls at the mobile phone that they have and which my grandmother told them. However, the terror continued. They called me on my mobile phone, but they didn’t stop bothering the pensioner with early calls, and what’s more, every hour in her apartment the bell rang and the answering machine turned on. You understand how panicked the old lady was. I also want to talk about how bank employees communicate on the phone. This is rudeness, rudeness and an attitude as if I am a malicious defaulter and am hiding from them. At the same time, I have something to compare with. I am a bank client VTB 24, where nothing like this has ever happened, always polite, unobtrusive employees who always try to help, advise, etc. As for the Credit Europe Bank telephone line, that’s a completely separate conversation. It seems impossible to reach them by phone. The girl on the phone reports that the waiting time is less than 4 minutes, you’ve been on the phone for 45 minutes, your eye is already twitching with anger, and there’s still no answer. Therefore, I want to warn and protect people from cooperation with this disgusting bank.