How to restore your inn if you have lost or damaged it. Obtaining an Inn certificate when its number is available Application for restoration of the Inn

How to restore the TIN if lost? This question interests everyone who has lost a document. The TIN is a unique combination of numbers. Both tax and pension contributions of each individual are associated with it. Most often, this number is required to get a job or when starting a business, or when submitting a tax return. In principle, any person does not use the TIN very often, so the certificate may be lost.

Note! The number is unique and is assigned to a person once in a lifetime - when a person reaches the age of eighteen. The number is stored in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. A lost certificate can be restored, but you will not be able to get a new one (with another unique number).

This article provides detailed information on what to do if the TIN is lost. You will learn where to go, what to do if you are in another city, and also become familiar with the deadlines for issuing the document.

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to follow any of the suggested options:

What to do if the TIN is lost? Remember that information about all unique numbers is stored in the Federal Tax Service. This is where you need to go, choosing a convenient branch at your place of residence.

There you will need to fill out an application (you will find out the algorithm and what is included in the application below). After this, the person will be issued a duplicate document. Keep in mind that it will contain the same number, not a new one.

Advice! It is convenient to use the website of the tax authorities ( to find the address of the preferred branch and its opening hours. As a result, it will be possible to significantly reduce the time spent in a government agency, as well as eliminate the possibility of coming to the establishment after hours.

In addition, payment of state duty is mandatory. Its size is 300 rubles. The most convenient way is to visit a Sberbank branch (any) or any other bank.

How to restore paper at the tax office?

How to restore paper at the tax office? With such a problem, you need to contact the branch at the place of registration. There, a government agency employee will issue an application form (it has the standard form 2-2-Accounting), and will also provide details for paying the state fee.

Note! The form is the same that the person filled out when initially receiving the TIN. However, there are some nuances in filling out.

In particular, you should take with you:

  • passport (you can also use another document that allows you to verify your identity);
  • a document confirming registration at a specific address (if such information is not provided in the passport).

It is best to fill out the form under the supervision of an employee of a government organization, and you can also use a sample that is usually issued by the Federal Tax Service or hangs on a stand. After this, both the application and the receipt for payment of the state duty are handed over to the department employee. All that remains is to wait for the issuance of a new document. Keep in mind that you will have to visit the Federal Tax Service office several times. To minimize the number of trips, you can submit documents online (via the MFC website or the State Services portal, which you will read about below).

It is possible to carry out the recovery procedure with the help of a trusted person. In this case, in addition to the above documents, you will need a power of attorney (notarized) and a passport of the representative.

Is it possible to use the State Services portal or the MFC?

Is it possible to use the State Services portal or the MFC? Yes, it's quite possible. Restoring paper online via the Internet is much more convenient than visiting the organization in person. However, keep in mind that both at the MFC and at the State Services you can only get a TIN for the first time, that is, register, but you won’t be able to issue a duplicate.

However, there is an opportunity to save some time by submitting an application online, as well as paying the state fee via the Internet. You must enter the applicant's passport details, as well as his address. As a result, you will have to visit the branch solely to submit papers and to pick up the TIN.

Advice! To avoid queues, it is possible to make an appointment using State Services. To do this, you need to visit the “Online Services” section, select the desired organization and a convenient time.

Through the same portal it is proposed to check the degree of readiness of the paper. How to do it? You should enter the application number in a special form (it is issued when submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service) and click “Get service.” As a result, information will appear on the screen regarding what stage of readiness the paper is at.

How to restore a TIN if it is lost if the person is in another city?

How to restore a TIN if it is lost if the person is in another city? In this case, the documents and application can be sent by mail. The application form can be downloaded from the Federal Tax Service portal (a sample is given below). It is accompanied by copies of documents (passport and, if necessary, certificate of residence), which are notarized, and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

You must carefully check that the application is filled out correctly. If you make even a minor mistake, there is a high probability of receiving a refusal to restore the TIN.

In this case, you will have to go to the Federal Tax Service office in person to get a ready-made TIN. The document will not be sent by mail. This is important to consider in order to plan your time and the possibility of coming from another city.

Dates for issuing and price for obtaining the document

The timing of issuance and the price of obtaining a document - these concepts concern everyone. How much does it cost to restore paper? As mentioned earlier, you must pay a state fee, the cost of which reaches 300 rubles. After this (when all documents have been submitted), you will only have to wait five working days, after which a duplicate TIN will be issued.

Note! If the documents and application were sent by mail, then the five-day period begins to count from the moment the papers were received by the department.

In some cases, people need urgent recovery. An expedited procedure is also possible. Moreover, the state duty in this case (in 2018) is 600 rubles. After payment and submission of documents, the paper will be issued on the next business day.

Instructions for filling out an application for TIN restoration if lost

The instructions for filling out an application for TIN restoration in case of loss are not complicated, but there are a number of nuances that are important to know, especially when filling it out yourself. In particular, remember that the text is on one side of the sheet. In other words, when printing an application, you cannot print on both sides of the sheet. In addition, you cannot connect sheets with a stapler or use other devices that violate the integrity of the paper.

You must fill out the application using a ballpoint pen, either black or blue. Enter information immediately from the first square (without skipping) and in block letters. When filling out the application on your computer, you need to set the font size to 16 “Courier New”.

Corrections, cross-outs, and blots are prohibited. You can't use a corrector either. Such an application will not be accepted.

Be sure to indicate on the first page (at the top) in a special line the code of the Federal Tax Service department where the application will be submitted. After this, the applicant’s full name is written down. If the person does not have a middle name, you need to write the number “1” instead.

Advice! When contacting the Federal Tax Service via mail, you must additionally indicate the total number of pages of the application and attached copies of documents that were sent. There is a special field for this.

Please take a responsible approach to filling out the section on the accuracy and completeness of information. It must indicate:

  1. Set the number to “5” if the person applies in person.
  2. Enter your full name and telephone number (there is no need to put hyphens or spaces between numbers).
  3. Indicate the date of completion and sign.

When an authorized person contacts the Federal Tax Service, his personal data is entered in these fields and he personally signs. It is worth indicating on what basis the person has such powers and providing the original or copy of the power of attorney.

All other blocks that are available in the main section do not need to be filled out. This will be done by Federal Tax Service employees.

At the very top on the second page, the surname (in full) and initials of the applicant are written down, information regarding the change of full name is entered (this only applies to changes that occurred before 1996). Next you need to specify the gender. To do this, put the number “1” for men and “2” for women. Then the date and place of birth are written down (it is best to copy this information from the passport or from the birth certificate, so as not to make a mistake).

Then the field is filled in, where the code of the document (in our case, passport) is indicated. You need to find it in a special directory “Types of documents certifying the identity of a taxpayer.” If you provide Russian passport details, put “21” and then indicate your passport details.

Next comes information about citizenship. It also needs to be registered in digital form. A citizen of the Russian Federation indicates “1”, and foreigners indicate “2”. Then the code of the country of which the applicant is a citizen is written down. For citizens of the Russian Federation it is “643”. Information can be found in a special classifier.

Please indicate whether you permanently reside in the Russian Federation. If yes, put “1”; if no, put “2”. After this, the registration address is registered (even if the registration is temporary). You must provide an index and indicate the region code.

You should know! Residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow should leave the “district” column empty.

The last signature on the second page is the signature of the applicant or his authorized representative.

It remains to fill out the third page of the application. At the very top you need to write the last name and initials of the person again. Further, if the application is not accompanied by passport data, but by another document to certify the registration address, and also if the applicant is a foreigner, all this must be indicated. After this, you need to enter the registration date (its coincidence with that indicated in the provided document is a prerequisite). Indicate your previous place of residence (for foreigners, also your previous country of residence). If the place of residence differs from the registration address, then it must also be indicated in the appropriate field. Sign last.

On our website you can download a sample application to understand how to fill it out correctly.

What should legal entities (organizations) do?

What should legal entities (organizations) do? The algorithm for restoring the TIN is absolutely similar to the procedure for obtaining a duplicate document by individuals. The only difference is in filling out the application, where you need to provide not the address of the person, but the registration address of the organization.

It is most convenient to do this in person at the branch, so that an employee, if necessary, can point out errors or help with filling out. The size of the state duty and recovery periods are similar.

The most difficult thing is to fill out the form correctly, but the process of obtaining it is simple for everyone. After this, the documents should be taken to the Federal Tax Service or sent by mail with a receipt for payment of the state duty. All you have to do is wait for the paper to be issued and pick it up.

TIN is a document that every citizen-taxpayer must have. Sooner or later people think about getting it. The procedure is not too difficult, but it has a number of features. Today we have to find out where to get a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in Moscow. What will it take? What documents are requested when submitting an application of the established form in a particular case? Every citizen should know the answers to the questions asked.

TIN is

First of all, it is important to understand what we are talking about. Why is it needed?

TIN is an individual It helps to store data about a citizen with the tax authorities, and, if necessary, quickly search for relevant information. The number is original, it is never repeated for two different citizens.

Where do you get a TIN in Moscow? It is important to understand that the document being studied is a small piece of paper on which the taxpayer number will be written. It is issued and ordered by several authorities.

Who can receive

An important issue is to clarify the topic regarding who has the right to receive an individual taxpayer number. Based on the definition of the document, we can come to the conclusion that all persons remitting taxes are able to order a TIN.

More precisely, they include:

  • organizations;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities;
  • individuals;
  • children.

In practice, the main customers are either companies, entrepreneurs, or adult taxpayers. Today, TINs are not always ordered for children in Russia.

Documents for issue

What will be required to obtain the paper being studied? Before finding out where to get a TIN in Moscow, it is important to prepare a certain list of documents, as well as submit a corresponding request.

Today, the list of papers required to order an individual taxpayer number differs between organizations and individuals. But overall it remains the same.

Most often, citizens are required to:

  • application for issuance of a TIN of the established form;
  • identification;
  • SNILS.

There is nothing difficult or special. If a TIN is issued to a child, then the application is drawn up on behalf of the parents. A passport of the minor's mother or father is provided. And additionally, the citizen for whom the document being studied is issued is attached.

As a rule, it is necessary to think about where to obtain a TIN for an individual in Moscow or in any other region within 5-10 days. This is approximately how much is required to produce a certificate with an individual taxpayer number.

Tax service

Now that the process of submitting an application in the established form is clear, you can think about where to pick up the finished document. There's really nothing difficult or special about it. In each region there are the same services responsible for issuing TINs.

So where to go in this or that case? For example, the tax office at the citizen’s registration address will help. This is where the previously listed documents are submitted with an application in the established form. And here you can pick up this paper. You will need to bring your ID with you.

Where is the tax office located at the registration address of this or that resident? You can find out this information using the official service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. There, after you mark the city of Moscow in the “Region” column, all branches of the Federal Tax Service in the region are displayed. There is nothing difficult or special about the process.

Why is the Federal Tax Service website best used to search for a specific tax office? All this is because all the current information is stored there. And if any branch changes its location, this is immediately reported.


Where do you get a TIN in Moscow? Today you can submit your request and documents to another authority. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation is far from the only place where an individual taxpayer number is issued. Individuals, like other groups of tax payers, have every right to apply to a regional or district MFC.

This service is a modern body created to ease the burden on the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service and other organizations. We can say that most documents are processed in multifunctional centers. For example, passports. Or opening an individual entrepreneur.

You can also get a TIN here without much difficulty. As practice shows, it is initially necessary to submit an application of the established form for the issuance of an individual taxpayer number through the MFC. Then the finished document can be picked up here, and not at the tax office.

Where to get a TIN in Moscow? The addresses of multifunctional centers can be found by calling: 8 495 7. Here is the location of several multifunctional centers in the capital of Russia:

  • Voznesensky lane, house 22;
  • Slesarny lane, building 5;
  • Pravdy street, 33.

Of course, the branches don't end there. There are a lot of them, in every region. It is recommended to contact either the head MFC or a branch located in the citizen’s area of ​​residence.

Through the Internet

In Russia, most documents can be ordered and received via the Internet. For this purpose, a portal called “State Services” was created. This is the most suitable way to order documents for those who do not want to stand in line at the Federal Tax Service, MFC and other services in the region.

You cannot obtain a TIN over the Internet (ready-made). The thing is that residents of Russia are offered the direct execution of documents with the help of State Services. You can choose the authority to receive the finished paper when submitting your application.

As a rule, you can choose either the Federal Tax Service (at the citizen’s registration address) or the MFC to obtain a TIN. Each region will offer its own addresses. And in Moscow as well.

In some cases, it is possible to receive a TIN by mail. But in practice, this is far from the most common scenario. When submitting an application, you will have to indicate the address to which the papers must be delivered.

Conclusions and Conclusions

From now on, it is clear where the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is obtained in Moscow and other regions. There is nothing difficult in the process. The main thing is to determine the citizen’s area of ​​residence.

Sometimes TINs are obtained from various intermediary companies. They help you apply for a document for a fee. Of course, the finished paper must be collected from the intermediary.

The procedure for applying for a TIN is free of charge. Therefore, the population turns to intermediaries very rarely.

A personal number belonging to a specific taxpayer (TIN) is assigned in Russia both at the request of the taxpayer and at the initiative of the tax authorities (for example, if an apartment is registered in the name of a minor child).

Today we are interested in how to issue a TIN and receive a taxpayer registration document containing the TIN.

To obtain a TIN, a minimum of documents is required.

For an adult or child who has received a passport:

  • application in form 2-2-Accounting,
  • a copy of a passport or other identity document.

For a child under 14 years old:

  • statement on behalf of one of the parents,
  • a copy of the applicant's passport,
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate,
  • a copy of the registration certificate at the place of residence from the passport office - if there is no note about this on the birth certificate.

Where and how to make and receive a TIN certificate

The TIN certificate is issued by the territorial tax inspectorates at the place of residence. If the taxpayer does not have permanent registration, the question is: where to get a TIN, will help the tax authorities at the place of temporary registration (place of stay) or in the area where he has real estate.

After the applicant is entered into the unified electronic register, the tax inspector prints out a certificate in form 2-1-Accounting on a numbered form. It is made in one copy and handed over to the applicant.

Don't know your rights?

How much is the TIN required?

They receive a certificate 5 days after the territorial inspectorate receives application 2-2-Accounting.

How to get a TIN from the tax office

Ways to obtain a certificate:

  • personally,
  • through a representative,
  • by mail,
  • through the Internet.

Obtaining a TIN for an individual personally or through a representative

You can also submit and receive documents for a TIN by appearing in person at the inspectorate. In this case, all papers are submitted in the form of uncertified copies. During the acceptance process, a tax specialist will compare these copies with the originals, after which the originals will be returned to the applicant.

If the application is sent by mail, the copies of documents attached to it must be notarized.

How to get a TIN through a representative? The representative must add to the above set a power of attorney certified by a notary. It should mention the right to represent the interests of the taxpayer in government bodies or specifically the tax inspectorate.

To receive the certificate in hand, you need to come to the tax office: the applicant himself comes with a passport, and the representative comes with a power of attorney.

How to make a TIN via the Internet

The official websites of government services and the Federal Tax Service provide the answer to how to obtain a TIN for an individual via the Internet.

The Federal Tax Service website allows you to:

  • submit an application in form 2-2-Accounting (See Application for obtaining a TIN by an individual (form)), if registered on the website (done through a password issued by the territorial inspectorate at the place of residence);
  • receive a TIN by email in the form of a pdf file - if the application is signed with an electronic digital signature (electronic digital signature) and a special program for interaction with tax authorities is installed.

Similar opportunities are provided by the government services portal (For more details, see). The only difference is the procedure for gaining access to your personal account, without which you will not be able to order a TIN.

Where to get a TIN certificate again (to replace a lost one)

You can request a new certificate from the tax authorities to replace the lost one.

One more document will be required, since it is necessary to attach to the application 2-2-Accounting a receipt for payment of the state duty (it is equal to 300 rubles).

The inspection should issue not a duplicate or copy, but a new certificate. But the number itself (TIN) will remain the same - it is given for life.

Note: it is possible to order a certificate to replace a lost one using all of the above methods, but obtain it only during a personal visit to the tax office or through a representative.

Citizens are already accustomed to the fact that the fact of their existence in our state must be supported by various documents. If in the recent Soviet past such documents could be counted on the fingers of one hand, now everything looks much more serious. Every year, the system of accounting for taxpayers, their work, deductions made, compliance with declared income, and much more is being improved.

One of the main documents recently can be called the TIN, which must be assigned to every citizen. Now I would like to fully highlight all the nuances associated with obtaining it. It is also worth talking about how to get the necessary certificate in hand if you already have the number, but the document is lost or not received for personal use.

Why is it needed?

The last decade of the 20th century was quite difficult for the population, socially and economically. Government bodies created an internal accounting structure, adopting experience from European countries and adapting it to our development conditions. It was in 1993 that the concept of TIN was introduced for private entrepreneurs, a little later in 1995 - for legal entities, and already on the eve of 2000 - for individuals.

The main task of assigning a TIN was to monitor the tax authorities' regular transfer of money to the state treasury. Naturally, a personal number greatly speeds up the process of recording data, checking and searching for information for each specific request.

For legal entities, the TIN is a ten-digit mandatory number that is assigned upon registration. The TIN for an individual has the form of a twelve-digit number, and according to the law it is assigned on a voluntary basis. But if a citizen decides to get a job, then the number is assigned automatically. Thus, the state ensures that contributions to the tax service, the Pension Fund and other social funds are made on time and in the required amount. Commendable, prudent and comprehensive - this is how one can characterize this scheme for assigning a personal number.

Summarizing the information, we can say that you will have to get a number if:

  • the citizen gets an official job;
  • there is a need to obtain a loan;
  • it is necessary to confirm the right to receive benefits;
  • you need to open your own business.

These are the main life milestones that will require the provision of this document, but, naturally, the list cannot be called complete. A certificate issued by the tax authority is quite simple to obtain, and there are several eligible options for claiming the required document.

Where to get it and where to go

Individuals can obtain a TIN using three methods, choosing the best option for themselves. Let's talk about each in detail:

  • For those who are used to doing everything on their own, without relying on third parties or technical means, we advise you to contact the Federal Tax Service office at your place of registration. You will have to visit an organization where, upon request, they will register for tax purposes, and within 5 days they will issue a certificate certifying this fact;
  • You can obtain the document via the Internet. There are two options to do this properly: go to the tax service portal or use the special State Services website. Processing of personal data takes about 15 days, after which the citizen receives the TIN number in paper or electronic form. You must look for a certificate on the State Services website by going to the section about taxes and fees. If you fill out all the proposed fields correctly, you can receive it after the same period of time;
  • the third option is even more prosaic; in this case, you will have to use postal services. You just need to meet some requirements, namely: attach a copy of your passport certified by a valid notary, and send the request by registered mail, accurately indicating the return address. It is not necessary that it correspond to the place of registration, the main thing is that the certificate is received in person, at the actual address of residence.

A certificate of assignment of a TIN is issued by the tax authority based on a minimum package of documents. Those who have a passport must submit an application drawn up in a certain form “2-2-Accounting” and a photocopy of an identity document. If a document is required for a citizen who is under 14 years of age, then the list of required certificates is somewhat longer:

  • an application drawn up by the parent of a minor citizen;
  • a copy of a document confirming the identity of the parent;
  • a photocopy of the certificate issued at the birth of the child;
  • a copy of the registration issued at the passport office.

Loss is not a cause for concern

The number that is included in the TIN certificate does not change throughout life, even if the citizen changes his last name, status or place of residence and registration.

In Moscow, many people try to use the Internet to obtain a certificate. It is also important that many working Muscovites already have electronic signatures, which help them receive documents without personal presence on site, using registered letters. The only inconvenience is that if a document is lost, recovery via the Internet is impossible.

You can obtain a certificate for the first time absolutely free; repeated applications require payment of a state fee of 300 rubles. By the way, they must issue a duplicate that is completely identical to the original document, but not a copy or photocopy. Please pay attention to this when restoring your certificate.

Often a situation arises where the citizen himself has not contacted the tax service regarding the assignment of a personal number, but has one because he is officially employed. The tax office assigns a number automatically, as mentioned earlier, for more accurate accounting of tax deductions. Therefore, take the trouble to find out in advance on the Federal Tax Service website whether the number is really present in the system. If you discover the presence of one, but do not have paper confirmation on hand, contact the inspectorate, and they should respond to your application within 5 days, handing it over to you.

Undoubtedly, the Internet version of requests for a TIN greatly simplifies the receipt procedure itself, and also helps to reduce queues at territorial tax offices.

The document, which is usually called, is a regular certificate of assignment of a personal tax number, according to which all tax accruals will be made from the place of official employment of citizens. Regardless of age category, such a document must be issued to every citizen.

Today, even newborns are given the opportunity to obtain such a certificate. To do this, you just need to collect all the accompanying documents and write an application to the Federal Tax Service. Some citizens have no idea what a TIN is. There are situations when the TIN is lost, but there is nothing wrong with losing such a document. It will be useful for many to receive information about what needs to be done if.

Each taxpayer is assigned an individual number

Tax legislation states that a TIN is a kind of identification code assigned to each taxpayer. This number provides the Federal Tax Service with all information about a particular citizen. The legislative framework of the Russian Federation indicates that every subject and citizen must have such a personal number.

The TIN is used to regulate tax contributions collected from citizens and enterprises. The state assigns a number to a specific person literally from the moment of birth, which will certainly be valid throughout his life. Such numbers will not change even if you receive an identity card, or if you change your registration or current address.

The TIN ceases to be valid only in a situation where the citizen to whom such a number was assigned dies. There are several types of identification numbers:

  • For ordinary citizens;
  • For commercial organizations and legal entities.

As mentioned earlier, the Tax Service of the Russian Federation is responsible for assigning a TIN. This is an ordinary digital code that consists of 12 digits. The first two digits indicate the code of a specific subject of the Russian Federation, after that there are 2 characters that determine the number of the inspectorate that issued the TIN, and the next 6 are the tax record number of the specific one.

The last two characters are called control characters. These are numbers that are used to be able to verify the correctness of a particular entry. Despite the fact that the assignment of a TIN to citizens is considered completely voluntary, many organizations ask to present such a document in the process of forming a personnel base.

There are several proven ways to determine your own TIN in a situation where the document itself was accidentally lost.

TIN of an individual

To restore the code you need to prepare documents

TIN for ordinary citizens is a kind of identifier among individuals who have similar information. In most examples, citizens receive their TIN along with. Situations often arise when a TIN is assigned from birth due to a certain need.

Increasingly, parents are beginning to prepare in advance the necessary documentation to be able to assign an identification number to their children. Every citizen can obtain a TIN at the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service at their place of residence. As stated earlier, the identification code in most situations consists of only 12 digits.

TIN of a legal entity

Citizens are also given the opportunity to assign a new TIN when personal data changes. Most women take their spouse's last name when they get married. In this way, passport data and information in all existing documents are changed:

  1. All passports;
  2. Medical policy;
  3. Individual tax number, etc.

To be able to change your TIN after changing your last name, you simply need to provide the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service with a marriage certificate, as well as a scanned copy of it. In addition, you will need a photocopy of your passport and old identification code.

Additional Information

Attention should be paid to the need to pay state duty. This procedure can also be described as a fine for loss of a document. If you do not make payment on time, you may not even dream that the TIN will be restored. The payment is made to the tax office. The necessary details can be obtained from the territorial branch or viewed on the official portal of the branch in a particular city.

Depending on how quickly a new document must be drawn up and issued, the amount of the benefit will be adjusted. As mentioned above, to be able to restore it, it will be enough to pay only 200 rubles. if you need to get a new document in your hands as soon as possible, you will have to pay 400. After the state fee has been paid, you can plan the next steps regarding the restoration of the lost TIN.

Often citizens turn to the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service with a specific request to indicate their TIN directly in the . In such a situation, right on page 18, the tax officer will necessarily indicate the TIN number, the name of the specific tax authority that assigned such TIN. The code of a specific division of the Federal Tax Service approved in the system is also indicated, as well as the date when this entry was made.

The video will tell you how to get a TIN and SNILS in Russia for a foreigner: