Countries with a lot of mineral resources. The world's richest countries in natural resources

The British oil and gas company British Petroleum has published a ranking of countries with the largest and most valuable natural resources on our planet. Let's see who is the richest in natural resources.

12.2 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
4.4 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves.
Algeria is Africa's largest producer of natural gas and second largest oil producer. Oil production has remained stagnant in recent years, while natural gas production has declined. In recent years, the Algerian parliament has introduced tax incentives to attract foreign companies, particularly in offshore exploration and shale gas production.

48 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.
1.53 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves.
Libya has the largest proven oil reserves and the fourth largest proven natural gas reserves in Africa. The civil war in 2011 significantly affected oil production and exports. Oil and natural gas account for about 96% of total government revenue.

5.7 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.
1.3 trillion cubic meters feet of proven natural gas reserves.
60.600 million tons of proven coal reserves
India is the world's fourth largest energy consumer, behind only the United States, China and Russia. India is currently unable to sustainably meet domestic energy demand, making energy resource protection a top priority for the Indian economy.


30 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
1.28 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves.
33.600 million tons of proven coal reserves.
Kazakhstan produces about 1.64 million barrels of oil per day. In recent years, production has continued to grow due to the development of the Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan fields. Since Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991, there has been an influx of foreign investment.

37.2 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
5.1 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves
Nigeria is Africa's largest oil producer and the world's fourth largest exporter of liquefied natural gas. It also has the largest natural gas reserves in Africa.


3.9 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
3.7 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves
76400 million tons of proven coal reserves
Australia is rich in lucrative resources such as fossil fuels and uranium. Australia's political stability, as well as its proximity to Asia, makes it very attractive to foreign companies. Foreign investment will contribute to the development of energy infrastructure and create more efficient energy production.


10.6 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.
17.4 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves
Despite Turkmenistan's large natural gas reserves, its development has been limited due to insufficient pipeline infrastructure.

101.5 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
1.764 trillion. cubic meters of proven gas reserves

17.3 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
3.06 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves
11.4500 million tons of proven coal reserves
The most populous country in the world and the world's fastest growing economy. China is the world's largest energy consumer and producer. The country's natural gas production is growing, but coal remains China's main source of energy. China currently accounts for almost half of global coal consumption.

United Arab Emirates

97.8 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
6.trl. cubic meters of proven gas reserves
The United Arab Emirates currently produces an average of 2.8 million barrels of crude oil per day. The UAE is making progress in diversifying its economy into tourism and manufacturing, but the energy sector still dominates the economy.

23.9 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
24.8 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves
Qatar has prospered in recent years thanks to its reliable energy sector. As the largest exporter of liquefied natural gas and the world's fourth largest supplier of dry natural gas, Qatar earned $55 billion from oil exports in 2012, or about 60% of the state's total revenue.

150.billion barrels of proven oil reserves
3.550 trillion. cubic meters of proven gas reserves

173.9 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
1.960 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves
6582 million tons of proven coal reserves
Canada is one of the world's five largest energy producers. Canada is a major energy supplier to the United States.

35 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
8.4 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves
237295 million tons of proven coal reserves
The United States is the world's second largest energy consumer. The country consumes 25% of the world's oil consumption, while producing only 6% of the world's annual oil supply.

Saudi Arabia

266 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
8.1 trillion cubic meters of natural gas
Saudi Arabia has almost a fifth of the world's proven oil reserves and is also the largest oil producer and exporter. Saudi Arabia also has large natural gas reserves that remain relatively untapped.


297.6 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
5.5 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves
479,000,000 tons of proven coal reserves
Venezuela is currently the 8th largest oil exporter and has the largest number of proven oil reserves in the world.

157.billion barrels of proven oil reserves
0.03 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves

87 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
32.5 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves
157 million tons of proven coal reserves
Russia is currently the second largest producer of dry natural gas and is second only to the United States and Saudi Arabia in oil production. Economic growth in Russia relies heavily on energy exports, and oil and gas revenues account for 52% of the federal budget.

24/7 Wall Street conducted a detailed analysis of 10 countries with the largest and most valuable natural resources on Earth. Using estimates of each country's total reserves and the market value of these resources, the 10 countries that have the most valuable natural resource reserves were identified.

Some of these resources, including uranium, silver, and phosphates, are not as valuable as others due to low demand or due to their rarity. However, in the case of oil, natural gas, timber, coal, these natural resources can be worth tens of trillions of dollars, because the demand for them is high and these resources are relatively abundant.

1. Russia

Total resource value: $75.7 trillion.
Oil reserves (value): 60 billion barrels ($7.08 trillion)
Natural gas reserves (value): 1.680 trillion. cubic feet ($19 trillion)
Timber reserves (value): 1.95 billion acres ($28.4 trillion)

When it comes to natural resources, Russia is the richest country in the world. It leads among all countries in the world in terms of natural gas and timber reserves. The sheer size of the country is both a blessing and a curse, as building pipelines to transport gas and railroads to transport timber cost enormous sums.

In addition to having such large reserves of gas and timber, Russia has the world's second largest coal deposits and third largest gold deposits. In addition, it has the second largest deposits of rare earth minerals, although they are not currently mined.

2. United States

Total resource value: $45 trillion

Natural gas reserves (value): 272.5 trillion. cube m ($3.1 trillion)
Timber reserves (value): 750 million acres ($10.9 trillion)

The United States has 31.2% of the world's proven coal reserves. They are valued at 30 trillion dollars. Today they are the most valuable reserves on earth. The country has about 750 million acres of forest land, which is worth about $11 trillion. Timber and coal together are worth approximately 89% of the total value of the country's natural resources. The US is also among the top five countries with global reserves of copper, gold and natural gas.

3. Saudi Arabia

Total resource value: $34.4 trillion
Oil reserves (value): 266.7 billion barrels ($31.5 trillion)
Natural gas reserves (value): 258.5 trillion. cubic meters ($2.9 trillion)

Saudi Arabia owns about 20% of the world's oil, the largest share of any country. All of the country's significant resources are in carbon - oil or gas. The Kingdom has the fifth largest natural gas reserves in the world. As these resources dwindle, Saudi Arabia will eventually lose its high position on this list. However, this will not happen for several decades.

Total resource value: $33.2 trillion
Oil reserves (value): 178.1 billion barrels ($21 trillion)

Timber reserves (value): 775 million acres ($11.3 trillion)

Before the discovery of oil sands deposits, Canada's total mineral reserves likely would have kept it out of this list. The oil sands added about 150 billion barrels to Canada's oil supply in 2009 and 2010. The country also produces a decent amount of phosphate, although its phosphate rock deposits are not among the top 10 in the world. In addition, Canada has the world's second largest proven uranium reserves and the third largest timber reserves.

Total resource value: $27.3 trillion.
Oil reserves (value): 136.2 billion barrels ($16.1 trillion)
Natural gas reserves (value): 991600000000000 cubic meters. m ($11.2 trillion)
Wood reserves (value): not in the top 10

Iran shares with Qatar the giant South Pars/North Dome gas field in the Persian Gulf. The country has about 16% of the world's natural gas reserves. Iran also has the third largest proven amount of oil in the world. This is more than 10% of the world's oil reserves. At the moment, the country is experiencing problems in realizing its resources due to its alienation from international markets.

Total resource value: $23 trillion.
Oil reserves (value): not in the top 10
Natural gas reserves (value): not in the top 10
Timber reserves (value): 450 million acres ($6.5 trillion)

China's resource value is based largely on its reserves of coal and rare earth minerals. China has significant coal reserves, accounting for more than 13% of the world's total. Recently, shale gas deposits were discovered here. Once assessed, China's status as a leader in natural resources will only improve.

7. Brazil

Total resource value: $21.8 trillion.
Oil reserves (value): not in the top 10
Natural gas reserves (value): not in the top 10
Timber reserves (value): 1.2 billion acres ($17.5 trillion)

Significant reserves of gold and uranium largely contributed to its place on this list. Brazil also owns 17% of the world's iron ore. The most valuable natural resource, however, is wood. The country owns 12.3% of the world's timber reserves, valued at $17.45 trillion. To ensure consistency and accuracy of the study, recently discovered offshore oil reserves have not been included in this report. According to preliminary estimates, the field may contain 44 billion barrels of oil.

8. Australia

Total resource value: $19.9 trillion.
Oil reserves (value): not in the top 10
Natural gas reserves (value): not in the top 10
Timber reserves (value): 369 million acres ($5.3 trillion)

Australia's natural wealth lies in its vast quantities of timber, coal, copper and iron. The country is in the top three for total reserves of seven resources on this list. Australia has the largest reserves of gold in the world, with 14.3% of the world's reserves. It also supplies 46% of the world's uranium. In addition, the country has significant natural gas reserves offshore its northwest coast, which it shares with Indonesia.

Total resource value: $15.9 trillion. Z
Oil reserves (value): 115 billion barrels ($13.6 trillion)
Natural gas reserves (value): 111.9 trillion. cube ft ($1.3 trillion)
Wood reserves (value): not in the top 10

Iraq's greatest wealth is oil - 115 billion barrels of proven reserves. This represents almost 9% of the world's total oil. Despite being relatively easy to produce, most of these reserves remain untapped due to political differences between the central government and the Kurdistan Region over ownership of the oil. Iraq also has one of the most significant phosphate rock reserves in the world, worth more than $1.1 trillion. However, these deposits have not been fully developed.

10. Venezuela

Total resource value: $14.3 trillion.
Oil reserves (value): 99.4 billion barrels ($11.7 trillion)
Natural gas reserves (value): 170.9 cubic meters ft ($1.9 trillion)
Wood reserves (value): not in the top 10

Venezuela is one of the 10 largest resource holders in terms of iron, natural gas and oil. Natural gas reserves in this South American country rank eighth in the world and amount to 179.9 cubic meters. lbs. These reserves represent just over 2.7% of global reserves. In Venezuela, according to experts, there are 99 billion barrels of oil, which is 7.4% of the total reserves in the world.

Oil is often called the black gold of modern times. Oil reserves are distributed extremely unevenly across countries. However, absolutely everyone needs this fuel today.

Oil is the No. 1 mineral

The word petroleum, which means oil in many languages, consists of two roots. One of them, "petra" is Latin, and is translated as "stone". The second, “oleum,” is Greek and translates as “oil.” Thus, literally oil is (that is, oil extracted from the earth).

It is known that oil was actively used in Ancient India (in construction), in Babylon (for embalming the bodies of the dead), in Ancient Greece (as fuel). Since the first decades of the twentieth century, it has become the main energy resource on the planet.

So what is oil? It is an oily liquid of natural origin, which consists of a combination of different hydrocarbons. The color of this substance can vary: from deep black to yellowish and even green. The smell of oil is specific and, as a rule, unpleasant, which is explained by its chemical composition.

Oil reserves are distributed very unevenly across countries. Basically, its largest deposits are confined to zones with a thick cover of sedimentary rocks.

The countries with the largest oil reserves (per capita) are Qatar, Kuwait, Turkmenistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Libya. By the way, if you recalculate the total oil reserves of Qatar in monetary terms, it turns out that for each citizen of this country there are about 6 billion dollars!

The use of oil in the modern world

Crude oil is practically never used. To obtain technically valuable products (gasoline, solvents, etc.), it must be processed in special plants.

In addition to the fact that oil is very valuable, it is also used for the production of plastics, various plasticizers and additives, dyes, and synthetic rubber.

Oil is a resource that has a number of benefits. Firstly, it has very high energy density. Secondly, oil is quite easily transported over long distances (this is done using pipelines or tankers - huge sea vessels). Thirdly, it can be used to produce a wide range of different products. All these aspects make oil one of the most sought-after commodities on the world market.

However, the reserves of this mineral are rapidly depleting. That is why some countries with significant oil reserves (in particular the United States) began to search (for oil shale, biofuels, and the like).

Features of modern oil production

Until about the mid-70s, oil was produced in the world at a frantic pace. So, if in 1970 about 2 billion tons of this energy resource were extracted from the bowels of the earth, then in 1973 - already 2.8 billion tons. In the early 1980s, global oil production decreased slightly.

Oil production on an industrial scale began in the mid-19th century. During all this time, over forty billion tons of this resource have been “pumped” out of the earth.

Leading countries in the world in terms of oil reserves

Now let's take a closer look at the geography of distribution of this valuable energy resource.

Oil reserves vary greatly across countries. Thus, some states are completely deprived of this wealth, while others are literally swimming in black gold. The top ten countries by total oil reserves are as follows (see table).

As for oil production volumes, the leaders here are the following countries:

  1. Saudi Arabia.
  2. Russia.
  3. Iran.
  4. China.

Taking into account two indicators - total oil reserves and annual oil production volumes, you can easily calculate how many years this energy resource will last for each country.

So, the least thing to worry about is Venezuela - it will have enough oil (at today's production rates) for another 235 years. But countries such as Russia, the USA, Canada, Qatar have something to think about. In particular, the United States of America's oil reserves will last only 11 years, Russia - 22 years, Canada - 26, Qatar - 45.

Oil prices: expert forecasts

As of today, the price of one barrel of Brent is fixed at $64, WTI - $61.

Oil prices (like any other commodity on the world market) are determined based on the relationship between supply and demand for it. Today, supply for this energy resource still exceeds demand. In addition, pricing in this case is also influenced by other factors (let’s call them political). We are talking about military conflicts in Libya and Yemen, as well as the deployment of US shale projects.

Many economic experts predict that in the next two months oil prices will rise to $70, but after that the price of this resource will begin to fall again.

In the third quarter of 2015, as analysts predict, the price of oil may find its new bottom, reaching $50 per barrel.


Oil is the most important energy resource of our time. The leading countries in terms of oil reserves (total) are Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iran, Iraq, and Mexico. However, scientists warn: at the current rate of oil production, this resource in most countries of the world will only last for 40-80 years. That is why some states have already begun to think about alternative energy sources.

The area of ​​our planet is about 510.073 million km². An area of ​​361.132 million km² is occupied by water, that is, 71.8% of the total area of ​​the planet. Land occupies 148.94 million km², that is, 29.2% of the planet's area. Almost half of the total landmass is occupied by the 12 largest countries in the world. In our rating, we will briefly talk about these countries, what area they occupy, and what role they play on the geographical map of the world.


Twelfth place in the list of the largest countries in the world is occupied by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula. This country covers an area of ​​2.218 million km², which is approximately 1.4% of all land on the planet. Administratively, it is divided into 13 provinces (103 districts). Saudi Arabia borders many countries: Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen. It is washed by the Persian Gulf in the northeast and the Red Sea in the west. The basis of Saudi Arabia's economy is oil exports, as it has 25% of the world's reserves.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second largest country on the African continent with a territory of approximately 2.345 million km², which is approximately 1.57% of the total land area on earth. In the southwest it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and borders Angola, Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia. The country is divided into 26 provinces. The country has the world's largest reserves of cobalt, germanium, tantalum, diamonds, Africa's largest reserves of uranium, tungsten, copper, zinc, tin, significant deposits of oil, coal, ores, iron, manganese, gold and silver. Large hydropower and forest resources.


The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is the largest state on the African continent, with an area of ​​approximately 2.381 million km², which is approximately 1.59% of the total land area. Algeria borders Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya and Tunisia. About 80% of the country's territory is occupied by the Sahara Desert, which consists of separate sandy and rocky deserts. Algeria has such natural resources as ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, manganese and phosphorite. The basis of Algeria's economy is gas and oil. They provide 30% of GDP, 60% of state budget revenues and 95% of export earnings. Algeria ranks 8th in the world in gas reserves and 4th in the world in gas exports. Algeria ranks 15th in the world in oil reserves and 11th in its exports.


On the ninth line of the list of the largest countries is the Republic of Kazakhstan, a state located in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The country's territory covers an area of ​​about 2.725 million km², which is approximately 1.82% of the total land area on the planet. Kazakhstan is the largest country in the world without access to the World Ocean. It borders with the Russian Federation, China, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. It is washed by the waters of the Caspian and Aral seas. Administratively, it is divided into 14 regions. Kazakhstan ranks first in the world in proven reserves of zinc, tungsten and barite, second in silver, lead and chromite, third in copper and fluorite, fourth in molybdenum, sixth in gold.


The Argentine Republic is the second largest country in South America with an area of ​​about 2.767 million km², which is approximately 1.85% of the total land area of ​​our planet. It borders Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Argentina is a federal republic divided into 23 provinces and 1 federal capital district. The country is distinguished by its reserves of uranium, manganese, copper ores, and beryllium; there are lead-zinc, tungsten and iron ores. Argentina is one of the top ten countries in the world in terms of uranium ore reserves.


The Republic of India is a state in South Asia with a territory of about 3.287 million km², which is approximately 2.2% of the total land area. India shares borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The country consists of 25 states and 7 union territories. The Indian subcontinent is home to many ancient civilizations and religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. India's major natural resources are arable land, bauxite, coal, diamonds, iron ore, limestone, manganese, gas, petroleum and titanium ores. The main exports are textiles, jewelry, engineering products and software. The main imports are oil, machinery, fertilizers and chemicals.


Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere, occupying the mainland of Australia, the island of Tasmania and several other islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans, totaling about 7.692 million km² or 5.16% of the total land area. The country borders East Timor, Indonesia, Guinea, Vanuatu, Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Zealand. Australia consists of six states, three mainland territories and other smaller territories. Australia's natural resource potential is 20 times higher than the world average. The country ranks 1st in the world in reserves of bauxite, zirconium and uranium, 6th in coal reserves. It has significant reserves of manganese, gold, diamonds and minor deposits of oil and natural gas.


The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in South America by area and occupies approximately 8.514 million km², which is about 5.71% of the total land area. It borders with all the countries of South America, except Chile and Ecuador: French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. From the east the coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil also includes several archipelagos. Brazil is divided into 26 states and 1 federal district. More than 40 types of minerals are mined in Brazil. The most significant are iron and manganese ores. Brazil is a supplier of strategic raw materials: tungsten, niobium, zirconium, etc. The Amazon has significant reserves of gold.


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world with approximately 9.519 million km² of land area, which is about 6.39% of the total land area on earth. The United States borders Canada and Mexico and also has a maritime border with Russia. They are washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Administratively, the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia; a number of island territories are also subordinate to the United States. The US Constitution is in force on the uninhabited Palmyra Atoll. The remaining territories have their own basic legislation. The largest of these territories is Puerto Rico. The United States is the world's largest economy and has many natural resources, including energy and raw materials.


The top three largest countries in the world are closed by the People's Republic of China with approximately 9.597 million km² or 6.44% of all land on the planet. China is the largest country by population (1.3 billion), and Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. The country borders the DPRK, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. It is washed by the waters of the western seas of the Pacific Ocean. The People's Republic of China is divided into 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities and 2 special administrative regions. China is rich in fuel and raw materials. Reserves of oil, coal, metal ores and precious metals are of great importance.


The second place is occupied by the Northern neighbor of the United States, Canada, with an area of ​​9.985 million km² or 6.7% of the total land area. The country has borders with the USA, Denmark (Greenland) and France (Saint Pierre and Miquelon). Canada's border with the United States is the longest shared border in the world. It is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada is one of the richest and one of the ten most trading countries in the world. The country is a net energy exporter, with vast natural gas and oil deposits in Alberta and the Athabasca region, making Canada the world's second largest country in terms of oil reserves after Saudi Arabia.


The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world and, with its 17.152 million km² or about 11.5% of the planet's total land area, it is almost twice the size of Canada. It is divided into 87 administrative-territorial units, 46 of which are regions, 23 are republics, 9 are territories, 4 are federal cities, 4 are autonomous okrugs and 1 is an autonomous region. Russia borders on 18 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea. Russia has the world's largest proven natural gas reserves and is also its largest producer. The country is in the top three in terms of the volume of oil produced, and in terms of the volume of its exports it ranks second. There are large deposits of coal, iron ore, nickel, tin, gold, diamonds, platinum, lead and zinc.

How is a country's wealth determined?

For any power, one of the factors ensuring its independence from other countries will not be political declarations. In reality, an excellent means of organizing a more or less autonomous existence is the wealth of the subsoil.

The so-called minerals will serve for a state that has them in abundance, not only as an excellent and virtually uninterrupted (depending on how efficiently their extraction is organized) source of energy resources, but will also become a significant source of treasury income - if they are sold for export. The wealth of many powers is based on this principle, and even the derogatory nickname “sitting on the oil (or gas) needle”, sometimes given by representatives of other countries, does not force them to reorient their own economies towards anything other than this way of earning money (especially since sometimes there is simply no alternative to it).

Various rating agencies and financial publications periodically try to determine which countries are richest in mineral resources. Each of these institutions has its own criteria.

Russia and USA

For example, one of the American online portals (somewhat related to the famous Wall Street) simply “converted” the reserves of natural resources belonging to one or another country into the dollar equivalent and thus found out which state can be called the wealthiest in this regard.

Russia came in first place. Experts have estimated its deposits of various raw materials and existing forests (also a useful resource!) at almost 76 trillion dollars. Moreover, oil does not account for even a tenth of such reserves - it accounts for about 7 trillion. But the deposits of “blue fuel” existing in the Russian depths can still bring, according to experts, about 19 trillion. dollars.

The first line of one of the largest powers on the planet is occupied by it unconditionally. The closest pursuer, the United States, turned out to be about 30 trillion “poorer.” (Is this why Americans are not averse to profiting from the mineral resources of other countries?)

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, with its 4.4 trillion, closes the top three states richest in natural resources. dollars. It was not surprising that more than 31 trillion of them came from oil - after all, this Arab country mainly fills its own treasury with income from the sale of “black gold”.

However, Canada, which took fourth place on this top list, is not far behind it. Its fossil resources are valued by experts at $3.2 trillion, with slightly less than two-thirds of this coming from oil (21 trillion) and about a third from timber.

The top 10 also includes other mineral-rich countries, with Iran ranked fifth among all of them. Its subsoil could potentially generate income of about 7.3 trillion. dollars, and 6.1 of them will be produced from oil reserves.

In sixth place is China. The oil and gas resources of the Celestial Empire, however, do not even reach the top ten richest, but this country has many other natural resources that can bring it 23 trillion. dollars as income.

Other rich countries

Other states from the top 10 include Brazil (about 22 trillion), Australia (almost twenty trillion), Iraq (5.9 trillion, of which 3.6 should come from “black gold”) and another “oil "power - Venezuela with its 4.3 trillion.

Russians, having seen such a list, will certainly find in it a reason to be proud of their own state. Of course - such an assessment by experts clearly shows that the country has a decent amount of oil and gas reserves - we just need to manage them correctly.