Promsvyazbank has reached the finish line. The Central Bank is preparing an appeal to the prosecutor's office regarding a number of bank operations Mass exodus from PSB

Suspicious transactions

The Central Bank’s suspicions were aroused by several categories of dubious transactions, as follows from the regulator’s statement.

In particular, the provisional administration revealed facts of destruction or disappearance of credit files of corporate borrowers totaling 109.1 billion rubles.

In addition, “transactions on financing by the bank through repurchase transactions of its own subordinated obligations were identified without reflecting this in the statements.” The volume of these obligations approximately coincides with the total amount of loans in the “missing” credit files, the Central Bank indicated.

Third suspicious point: “On December 14, the bank’s shares were sold by a company managing the funds of several non-state pension funds. Presumably, to finance these transactions, the fund management company placed several deposits with the bank on December 14 for a period of one week. On the same day, an equivalent amount of funds was transferred to the account of Promsvyaz Capital (an offshore company of the bank owner), which on the same day paid the management company of the NPF for the sale of shares. To hide the manipulations, share purchase and sale transactions were carried out through the stock exchange. Exactly a week later, the management company of the NPF turned to the temporary administration of the bank with a demand to return the deposits placed on December 14.”

The Central Bank especially noted that documents on transactions for the purchase and sale of securities by Promsvyazbank were signed by an unnamed “foreign citizen” who was hired by the bank on December 12 and who was given a power of attorney by the bank’s chairman on the same day to carry out these transactions. According to the Bank of Russia, the data of the same bank employee also appears in the acts of acceptance and transfer of missing credit dossiers.

Sudden departure

On Friday, immediately after the announcement of the Central Bank’s claims against the bank’s management, it became known that one of the main co-owners of Promsvyazbank, Dmitry Ananyev, who held the post of chairman of the bank, left Russia.

Interfax reported this with reference to a source, and also confirmed to RBC a source in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to him, the banker flew from Moscow Sheremetyevo airport to London on December 21. As a source close to the entrepreneur clarified to RBC, Dmitry Ananyev was last at the bank three working days ago - on December 20. Dmitry's brother Alexey Ananyev, who is a co-owner and a member of the board of directors of the bank, was last in the bank on December 15. His whereabouts are unknown to RBC sources.

Promsvyazbank said that it does not comment on information about the whereabouts of Dmitry and Alexey Ananyev.

According to data on the ownership structure of PSB, disclosed on its official website as of November 29, through Promsvyaz Capital B.V. The Ananyev brothers jointly own 50.03% of the bank, the share of each brother is not disclosed.

Dmitry and Alexey Ananyev (from left to right) (Photo: Valery Levitin/Kommersant)

View from the outside

RBC discussed the regulator's claims with market participants to understand how significant they are, as well as to understand the nuances of the schemes used.

Claims in the “drawing of capital” - and this is what, according to market participants, is meant by the phrase “operations for financing by the bank through repurchase transactions of its own subordinated obligations” in the Central Bank statement - market participants considered quite serious. “From the Central Bank’s commentary, it can be assumed that a large capital drawing scheme could be implemented at the bank,” notes FitchRatings senior director Alexander Danilov. “The essence of such schemes is that the bank gives money to “friendly” companies, which then (through several intermediate links) buy out the bank’s subordinated obligations.” In particular, such schemes can be structured through reverse repurchase transactions, Danilov points out.

“As part of repo transactions, “bank-friendly companies could buy out the bank’s subordinated obligations secured in the form of securities,” notes senior analyst at ING Bank (Eurasia) Egor Fedorov. “That is, a technical transaction could actually be completed without the actual movement of funds.”

“In this case, a chain of companies is needed in order to disguise the connection between the loan issued and the capital financing received by the bank, that is, lending to one’s own capital, which is prohibited,” adds managing director of the National Rating Agency Pavel Samiev. “Perhaps the documents on the provision of just such loans are considered by the Central Bank to be destroyed,” he continues. “The absence of these documents makes it difficult for the regulator to clarify the nature of the transactions and their details.”

In the case of non-state pension funds and the sale by their management companies of Promsvyazbank shares on the eve of its reorganization, not everything is so clear, experts say.

“The main thing here is to understand how money from Promsvyazbank was transferred to Promsvyaz Capital,” explains Saveliev, Batanov & Partners advisor Radik Lotfullin. “If it is proven that the money was transferred to an apparently insolvent person who had no intention of returning it, then the transaction could be classified as fraud.” The second question, as Radik Lotfullin lists, is to prove that NPFs knew that their money would be spent according to such a scheme and that shares would be bought out with it, which would soon be worth nothing. “If the knowledge of NPFs is proven, then the management of the funds may also be held accountable,” he says. A number of market participants expressed the version that there was no “real” money in the transaction at all and the deposit could have been “drawn”. However, Lotfullin does not agree with her: “It seems to me that the deposit cannot be “drawn”, otherwise NPFs would not put forward demands on the temporary administration for the return of money.”

Pension protection

On Friday, December 22, the Central Bank did not explain which specific non-state pension funds and management companies participated in the scheme presented to it.

On the day of the announcement of the bank’s reorganization, the regulator noted that the sellers of Promsvyazbank shares were NPF “Future” of Boris Mints, NPF “Safmar” and “Doverie” of the Gutseriev family.

“The management companies of the Safmar pension group funds did not place deposits with Promsvyazbank,” the press service of the Safmar pension group reported.

The press service of NPF Future told RBC: “We cannot comment on Promsvyazbank’s transactions - we do not have the information. But we would like to note that we have been cooperating with this bank since 2015 and regularly placed deposits with Promsvyazbank, since the bank fully complied with the regulator’s requirements and offered optimal profitability. Deposits were withdrawn after receiving a notification from the special depository in connection with Promsvyazbank below the level allowed for investment in accordance with the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 580-P. That is, these instruments no longer meet the requirements for investing pension savings.” In response to an additional request from RBC, NPF Future explained: “The notice of violation from the specialized depository was received on December 15 (the day of the announcement of the reorganization of Promsvyazbank. - RBC). The withdrawal procedure was launched according to the notification on December 15th. As of Friday, December 22, the bank has not returned the deposits, although according to the agreement, the period for returning funds is one business day after submitting the notification.”

In 2017, the maximum volume of funds placed on deposits in the PSB was about 22 billion rubles, in particular, on August 1, 17 billion rubles were placed there, on October 1 - 14.5 billion rubles, and on December 14 - 13.5 billion rubles, the press service of “Future” reported. “We have recently placed short-term deposits with Promsvyazbank because the bank offered a rate higher than the market average,” they clarified.

There are risks for the management of not only NPFs, but also management companies (MCs) that managed NPF assets, adds Pavel Mitrofanov, managing director for corporate ratings at Expert RA. “By law, pension funds do not invest savings themselves - they transfer them to management companies. Formally, NPFs cannot influence which securities the management company invests in, so all responsibility lies with the latter. If the Central Bank conducts an investigation and proves the schemes, the management company will be dealt with first, and NPFs may escape responsibility as being unaware of such transactions,” he argues.

Scope of responsibility

If criminal cases are initiated based on the facts revealed by the Central Bank in the bank and convictions are made, the punishment may vary depending on which path the investigation takes, lawyers point out.

“As for “drawing capital”, then according to Art. 172.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for falsification of financial documents of accounting and reporting of a financial organization provides for liability in the form of a fine of up to 1 million rubles. or salaries for a period of up to four years,” says Igor Dubov, partner at the Moscow bar association Iontsev, Lyakhovsky and Partners. “Also, this article may be punishable by imprisonment for up to four years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to three years. As for the loss of credit files, according to Art. 325 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for theft or damage to documents is punishable by a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles, as well as imprisonment for up to one year.” The two articles could work together, he said.

“As for transactions with shares of Promsvyazbank, it is highly likely that law enforcement agencies, based on the results of inspections, will reveal the theft of funds from bank accounts through either misappropriation and embezzlement, or fraud,” says FMG Group partner Mikhail Fatkin. According to him, the maximum penalty for committing these crimes under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is up to ten years in prison with a fine of up to 1 million rubles.

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

In addition, as lawyers point out, as part of criminal cases (if any), civil claims may be filed for damages. “If it is possible to prove that the completed transactions brought a loss to the bank, then they will recover it by filing a civil lawsuit in a Russian court,” says Denis Ladygin, leading legal adviser at KSK Group. “The volume of claims can be calculated based on the amount of damage resulting from the bank’s unprofitable transactions.”

At the same time, the fact that the transactions were signed by a person under a power of attorney will not be able to fully remove suspicions from the head of the bank’s board, believes Igor Dubov. “As part of the proceedings, the reasonableness and absence of abuse in granting the power of attorney will be assessed,” he notes.

A special question is whose risks are greater (from the point of view of criminal prosecution and civil proceedings) - the operational management itself or the owners, experts point out. So far, the Central Bank's statement refers to the bank's management. “But if it is revealed that funds were transferred to companies that are associated with the owner, even through persons close to him, then the shareholders may be held accountable,” says Mikhail Fatkin.

As lawyers point out, the departure of top management or owners abroad and, in particular, to London, only partially insures against the possible consequences of claims from law enforcement agencies.

“Of course, the UK is famous for cases of non-extradition of wanted persons at the request of Russian law enforcement agencies, and it is also a very comfortable country to live in. However, by now this fame has become quite conditional, since the English courts have learned to distinguish between cases of justified requests for the extradition of such persons; now it is not enough to refer to political persecution in Russia, this must be convincingly substantiated and proven,” says the lawyer, managing partner of the Kocherin law firm and partners" Vladislav Kocherin.

He recalls the case of the beneficiary of the bankrupt Mezhprombank, Sergei Pugachev, who also went to London, but was later forced to leave it and go to France, as he did not receive the expected protection in the UK due to being put on the wanted list by Interpol. Pugachev has French citizenship, and France does not extradite its citizens, he recalled.

As Kommersant learned, the co-owner and ex-head of Promsvyazbank (PSB), which was transferred to the Central Bank fund for reorganization, Dmitry Ananyev, went abroad “for treatment.” The fact that his departure coincided with the statement of the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev about the facts of the disappearance of credit files worth 109.1 billion rubles from the bank, Mr. Ananyev himself calls a “coincidence.”

PSB co-owner Dmitry Ananyev told Kommersant that he considers the Central Bank’s harsh statements regarding the bank’s management, made on December 22, “irresponsible.” The businessman himself went abroad, in his words, “for treatment.” Mr. Ananyev called the fact that the departure coincided with the regulator’s claims a “coincidence.”

The Central Bank reported that it was preparing an appeal to law enforcement agencies regarding a number of transactions and facts “that have signs of illegal actions by PSB management.”

In a statement from the regulator on behalf of the deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Vasily Pozdyshev, it is said that the temporary administration introduced into the bank on December 15 revealed “facts of destruction (loss) of credit files of corporate borrowers totaling 109.1 billion rubles.”

Moreover, according to the Central Bank, it became known about the bank’s financing operations through repurchase transactions of its own subordinated obligations without reflecting this in the reporting: “The volume of these subordinated obligations approximately coincides with the total amount of loans of the “missing” credit files.”

The securities purchase and sale transactions themselves were signed on December 14, that is, the day before the introduction of the temporary administration, by a citizen of a foreign state hired to work at the bank two days earlier. According to the Central Bank, the chairman of the bank’s board, that is, Dmitry Ananyev, gave him a power of attorney to conduct transactions on December 12. “The data of the same bank employee appears in the acts of acceptance and transfer of the “missing” credit dossiers dated December 14,” the Central Bank reported.

Also on December 14, the bank's shares were sold by a company that manages the funds of several non-state pension funds (NPF). “Presumably, to finance these transactions, the fund management company placed several deposits with the bank for a period of a week on December 14,” the Central Bank said in a statement, citing Vasily Pozdyshev. “On the same day, an equivalent amount of funds was transferred to the account of Promsvyazcapital (the owner’s company jar.- “Kommersant”), which on the same day paid the management company of the NPF for the sale of shares.” Transactions for the purchase and sale of shares were carried out through the stock exchange, according to the Central Bank, to “conceal manipulations.”

PSB, a systemically important bank, was sent for reorganization to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund of the Central Bank on December 15. The regulator considered that the beneficiaries of PSB Dmitry and Alexey Ananyev (50.03% of the bank's shares belong to Promsvyaz Capital B.V. of the Ananyevs) would not be able to fulfill the regulator's requirements and propose an effective plan for the rehabilitation of the bank on their own. According to Mr. Pozdyshev, the Central Bank, under an optimistic scenario, will provide PSB with 100 billion rubles, but more realistically, in his opinion, 200 billion rubles. These figures are given without taking into account the subsequent work of the provisional administration.

The high-profile story of the reorganization of Promsvyazbank is moving towards its finale. Its former owners, apparently, do not face criminal prosecution.

Brothers Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev will be able to work safely in Russia. And this circumstance suggests that we have learned only a small part of the facts about the business of the founders of PSB.

The law according to which Promsvyazbank will be transferred to state ownership has come into force. PSB will be additionally capitalized by almost 1 trillion rubles through the transfer of loans from the military-industrial complex from other banks to it. Neither the loss of credit files worth almost 110 billion rubles, nor other “signs of illegal actions of management” of PSB, which were mentioned by the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev, became the reason for the criminal prosecution of the Ananyev brothers. The situation can be considered unique. The owners and managers of other problem banks became defendants in criminal cases after the loss of much smaller amounts. We remember how law enforcement agencies suspected the former owner of Globexbank, Russian Credit and M Bank, Anatoly Motylev, of fraud over “some” 700 million rubles.

However, Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev do not fear for their freedom and plan to continue doing business, including in Russia. Not long ago, the brothers divided their assets: Alexey will remain with his Technoservice, Dmitry will remain with Promsvyazkapital. At the same time, if the youngest of the brothers is most likely now abroad, Alexey Ananyev does not intend to leave the country.

“Everything that is important to me in life is here: parents, family, work. I can’t imagine my life in another country - I haven’t left and don’t plan to leave,” he said in a recent interview with the Vedomosti newspaper.

In that interview, Ananyev Sr. again spoke about how unexpected the introduction of a temporary administration at the end of last year was for the owners of Promsvyazbank.

“The fact that the bank has problems, problem assets, was no secret to anyone. The regulator, the auditor, and the rating agencies knew about this. This topic was constantly discussed at the board of directors<…>We saw that the bank was operationally profitable, that the bank was increasing this profit, and there was potential for solving accumulated problems in the future,” said Alexey Ananyev.

Indeed, it is difficult to believe that the regulator did not notice for a long time, and then suddenly “discovered” the bank’s problems, which supposedly required an urgent increase in reserves by 100 billion rubles. What made the Central Bank change its position? Why, after the discovery of a multibillion-dollar hole in the balance sheet of PSB and a public attack on the owners, the Ananyev brothers are at large, are not involved in criminal cases, and even got the opportunity to sell their shares in Vozrozhdenie Bank?

Since we do not have clear answers to these questions, we can assume that the introduction of a temporary administration in the PSB had reasons not related to the activities of this credit institution. Simply put, at Neglinnaya they wanted to hit not the Ananyevs, but one of their partners. It is likely that these were the clients of Promsvyazbank whose names and surnames appear in the missing credit files. If we take into account the “defense” background of Alexey Ananyev, it is easy to imagine that PSB’s “secret” clients were companies associated with representatives of the so-called “siloviki clan” in the broad interpretation of this concept. They also say that Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev are close to one of the members of the Security Council. If so, then even now on the paradise islands the team of Orthodox bankers should be extremely careful in securing their obligations to their senior comrades.

The Central Bank's order to increase reserves was issued to Promsvyazbank on December 14, 2017, that is, on the eve of the announcement of the verdict against Alexei Ulyukaev, the former Minister of Economic Development and a prominent representative of the “liberal” clan opposing the “siloviki”. Some may find it absurd to attempt to connect these two events. But just recently, a story in which a minister personally comes to the office of a state corporation to receive a bribe might have seemed crazy. By the way, Ulyukaev’s defenders used this circumstance in public opinion to point out the allegedly ordered nature of the criminal case against the ex-minister.

According to rumors, it was not Ulyukaev who was waiting for the money, but a smaller figure. By imprisoning the “pawn,” the “siloviki” wanted to send a signal to the “liberals” in the economic bloc of the government. By that time, the leaders of large state-owned companies were tired of baseless forecasts and the constant search for the “bottom” of the economy. But Alexey Ulyukaev personally came to the Rosneft office to collect the money, and therefore the case became more resonant than its initiators expected.

In the history of modern Russia, this was the first “landing” of a sitting minister. It is easy to assume that Ulyukaev’s former colleagues from the Central Bank could not leave this without a reaction, and the result was an attack on Promsvyazbank.

Let us repeat, this is just a version. Maybe someone can tell us a more reasonable explanation for the events that took place around Promsvyazbank and its owners over the past three months?

Several facts support the fact that Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev are affiliated with the security forces. Firstly, in December 2017, despite the very real threat of criminal prosecution, the brothers were able to travel abroad without hindrance. Secondly, the defense industry actively supported the PSB. After reorganization, it should turn into a specialized defense bank that will serve the defense industry and will be protected from Western sanctions. As is known, the renewed credit institution will be led by Pyotr Fradkov, the son of the former director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Fradkov.

If everything is as we assume, then we should expect a new round of behind-the-scenes struggle between the “siloviki” and the “liberals,” which will intensify on the eve of the renewal of the government. And the question also arises: have the former owners of PSB settled with their clients?

Next time we will try to figure out whose secrets Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev are keeping, and who can demand a refund from them.

Functions of the temporary administration for the management of PJSC Promsvyazbank at LLC Management Company of the Fund for Consolidation of the Banking Sector (FCBS) in order to implement all necessary measures to provide support and further development of the bank’s activities. It is noted that the bank will continue to operate as usual, fulfilling its obligations and making new transactions.

PJSC Promsvyazbank is a Moscow bank, in December 2017 it was one of the top three largest private credit institutions in Russia.


Promsvyazbank was founded in the mid-1990s by the owners of the Technoserv company, brothers Dmitry and Alexey Ananyev (according to Forbes as of March 2017, the fortune of each of them was estimated at $1.4 billion) and OJSC Moscow Intercity and International Telephone. He received registration from the Bank of Russia on May 12, 1995, and was initially engaged in servicing the accounts of Technoserv and other Russian IT companies. In the mid-2000s, it began to develop as a universal credit organization and already in 2005 entered the top twenty largest banks in the country.

In 2010, Volgograd-based Volgoprombank became part of Promsvyazbank, in 2014 - Samara-based Pervobank, and in 2015, Moscow-based Vozrozhdenie Bank was acquired. In addition, in 2015, Promsvyazbank took part in the reorganization of the Tolyatti AvtoVAZbank, as a result of which it received 97.3% of its shares.

In February 2014, Promsvyazbank was one of the first to be included in the list of systemically important banks of the country compiled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In September 2017, the merger of Promsvyazbank and Vozrozhdenie was announced. Soon after this, the owners of the organization submitted an application to Rospatent for the trademark "PSVBank" ("Promsvyazbank Vozrozhdenie"). Later it became known that the shareholders decided to postpone the discussion of the merger of these organizations to 2018 and focus on the development of a digital bank based on Vozrozhdenie.

On November 1, 2017, the international rating agency Moody's placed the deposit ratings of Promsvyazbank for review with the possibility of downgrading, and also lowered the bank's ratings by one step - to "B2" from "Ba3". The agency explained its decision by the refusal of the bank's owners, the Ananyevs, from the previously announced merger of Promsvyazbank and Vozrozhdenie.


By December 1, 2017, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the bank’s assets amounted to 1.3 trillion rubles. (ninth place in Russia). Included in the top 10 in terms of deposits (RUB 332 billion as of November 1, 2017). It has 2.73 million clients - legal entities, as well as 2.5 million clients - individuals. The bank's offices are located in all federal districts of Russia.

The bank’s net profit under IFRS for the nine months of 2017 amounted to RUB 3.88 billion. (an increase of 2.3 times compared to the same period of the previous year). The bank has nine branches, including one abroad (Cyprus), two foreign representative offices (India, China), and 160 additional offices. The number of personnel is 9 thousand people.

From July 1 to November 1, 2017, the net outflow of funds from legal entities from the bank amounted to 5.5%, and funds from individuals - 6.6%.


The chairman of the board of directors of the bank is Alexey Ananyev, the chairman of the board is Dmitry Ananyev.


According to information provided by the organization to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in October 2017, 50.03% of the bank’s shares belonged to the Dutch company Promsvyaz Capital B.V., owned by Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev.

Other major owners include: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, 11.75%), non-state pension fund "Future" of Boris Mints (10%), Moscow Credit Bank (8.89%), JSC "Samfar" of Said Gutseriev, Mikaila Shishkhanov and others (6.19%), non-state pension fund "Doverie" of Mikail Shishkhanov and others (3.81%) and Levit LLC of Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky (3.28%).

Location : Moscow Key figures Petr Fradkov
(Chairman of the Board of Directors) Authorized capital RUB 15.91 billion (2016, IFRS) Equity ▲ RUB 91.53 billion (2016, IFRS) Assets RUB 1.224 trillion (2016, IFRS) Net profit ▲ RUB 2.136 billion (2016, IFRS) Number of employees 10,000 people Main Society Russian Federation Subsidiaries Pervobank
AvtoVAZbank Auditor P.W.C. Bank data sources Key financial indicators Website Promsvyazbank on Wikimedia Commons

One of the Promsvyazbank offices in Moscow

From 1999 to 2011, it financed Saturn (football club, Ramenskoye). According to the Decision of the Russian Government, since 2018 it has been the supporting bank for carrying out operations on state defense orders and large government contracts.

The bank is included in the list of eleven systemically important credit institutions according to the Bank of Russia.

In terms of assets, Promsvyazbank is among the TOP 10 Russian banks (9th place) and ranks 15th among credit institutions in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of equity capital


In the first half of the 1990s, the basis of the Ananyev brothers’ business was the IT company Technoserv. The idea to create a bank was born during one of the projects to automate the business processes of another client. The brothers decided from the very beginning that Dmitry would take over the bank, and Alexey would remain at Technoserv.

Promsvyazbank was founded on May 12, 1995 in Moscow, and was positioned “as an industry bank for the largest communications enterprises.” The bank developed rapidly, and already in 1998 it entered the top 100 in terms of assets, and in 2005 - into the top 15 (from January 1999 to July 1, 2006, the bank’s assets increased 113.2 times - to 125 billion rubles). Since 2001, business diversification began through the issuance of bonds; the following year, PSB began working in factoring and international banking (in addition to a branch in Cyprus, an office was opened in Switzerland in 2013). By 2004, the bank was known as the financial core of the Ananyev brothers' business. In the mid-2000s, the retail network grew seriously, the development of which was carried out by a team of former Guta-Bank managers: by 2007, it had sales points in more than 90 settlements throughout Russia. . Being the leader in growth among the thirty largest banks of the Russian Federation, PSB was distinguished by the high secrecy of the information provided (although it began publishing reports according to international standards back in 1997). The bank was connected by IFD Capital and Svyazinvest, Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman

There have also been changes in the composition of shareholders. In September 2005, the Slovenian bank Nova Ljubljanska Banka, who was a partner of PSB, acquired a share of 7.69%. A year later, the shares were bought back by the main owner of Promsvyaz Capital B.V. In November 2006, Commerzbank received 15.32% of the bank's authorized capital through its Russian subsidiary Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG. In 2007, Promsvyazbank changed its form of ownership from a closed joint stock company to an open joint stock company.

At the height of the crisis, in 2009, Promsvyazbank was recognized [ by whom?] one of the most reliable banks in Russia (4th place according to Profile magazine). The bank's growth rate and focus on attracting retail clients were maintained. Expansion into the regions also continued: the Volgograd Volgoprombank and the Nizhny Novgorod bank were merged, and in 2010, Yarsotsbank.

In 2010, the bank entered the top 10 largest Russian banks in terms of assets and was named bank of the year according to news agency. In February of the same year, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development became a shareholder of Promsvyazbank with a share of 11.75% in the authorized capital. Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG retained its share of 15.32%.

In 2012, the bank planned to enter an IPO (placement sites - the London Stock Exchange and the MICEX). However, later it was decided to postpone the placement to a more favorable date from the point of view of market conditions.

In the summer of 2012, Commerzbank, due to restrictions imposed on it by European regulators, withdrew from the capital of Promsvyazbank, selling its share to Promsvyaz Capital B.V. . The approximate transaction amount was €150 million.

At the end of 2013, Promsvyazbank was among the 500 largest banking brands in the world (344th place) according to The Banker. The bank's brand value, according to the rating, is $280 million. .

In February 2014, the Central Bank of Russia included Promsvyazbank among the systemically important banks.

In 2014, the merger of Samara-based Pervobank and Promsvyazbank was announced.

In 2015, Vozrozhdenie Bank became part of the banking assets of the Promsvyazkapital Group; on September 15, 2017, it became known about the decision to merge Vozrozhdenie into Promsvyazbank through the convening of an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. Against this background, ordinary shares of Vozrozhdenie rose in price by 11.3% (up to 607 rubles per share), preferred securities fell in price by 5.1% (169 rubles), shares of Promsvyazbank fell in price by 0.01% (0.074 rubles) . On October 27, the majority owners of both banks decided to postpone the reorganization and merger due to unrest in the banking market, and instead began exploring the possibility of creating a digital bank based on Bank Vozrozhdenie.


Subsequently, the Central Bank accused the bank’s management of possibly conducting a number of illegal transactions and operations. During the work of the temporary administration, part of the credit files with a total value of 109 billion rubles was not found. (their discovery was announced in April 2018), it was also discovered that the bank financed its subordinated obligations through repo transactions without displaying them in the statements. The Central Bank’s suspicions were also aroused by the transaction of a large sale (10% stake) on December 14 of the bank’s shares by a company that managed the funds of several non-state pension funds to PSB itself.

According to a number of Russian media, the bank’s financial position was worsened by the financial crises of 2008 and 2014 (the share of non-repaid loans increased) and the tightening of the Central Bank’s requirements.

On January 13, 2018, a decision was made to write off the capital of Promsvyazbank in record time. The Central Bank reduced the capital to one ruble - a month after the arrival of the new administration, RBC reports. In the case of FC Otkritie and B&N Bank, such a decision was made only three months after the introduction of external management.

On January 19, 2018, it was announced that Promsvyazbank was selected by the Russian government as a specialized bank for operations on state defense orders and large government contracts. On February 22, 2018, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted amendments on the transition of Promsvyazbank to the status of a defense bank. By mid-February 2019, the bank began to receive the first defense loans under the November government decree in order to avoid sanctions risks against the largest Russian banks, the total volume of which was estimated at 1 trillion. rub .

In April 2018, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev announced plans to create a “bad debt bank” from the balance sheets of Rost Bank, Trust, Promsvyazbank and Avtovazbank.

Owners and management

The first owners of the bank, in addition to Technoserv A/S JSC (with a 35% share), were Moscow Intercity and International Telephone (35%) and Singleton LLP (30%).

As of July 2016, the main owners of the bank's shares are Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev (a total of 50.0343% of ordinary shares), 11.75% belong to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 10% - NPF "Future", 9, 9999% - NPF "SAFMAR" and NPF "Doverie", which are part of the same group of persons, 10% - PJSC "MCB" as part of a repo. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is Alexey Ananyev, the Chairman of the Board is Dmitry Ananyev.

The bank's shareholders as of June 30, 2017 were: Promsvyaz Capital B.V. (50.03%, controlled on a parity basis by Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev), EBRD (11.75%), NPF Future (10%, part of the O1 Group), PJSC Moscow Credit Bank (9.97%) , pension funds of the Safmar group - NPF Safmar (6.19%) and NPF Doverie (3.81%), LLC Levit (3.28%, controlled by Leonid Mikhelson).

On April 24, 2018, Pyotr Fradkov was appointed head of the interim administration.


The bank's assets amount to 1.3 trillion rubles, its own capital is 153 billion rubles. Net profit for 2016 - 2.1 billion rubles.



The bank actively cooperates with leading universities in Moscow. Thus, in 2012, the position of Professor of Finance named after Promsvyazbank was established at the Russian School of Economics (NES). And in 2013, PSB entered into a cooperation agreement with the Financial University under the Government of Russia.

In 2012, Promsvyazbank sponsored the Afisha Picnic music festival.

Since 2014, he has been a partner of the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, salary and scholarship cards are issued to students and teaching staff of the conservatory.

From 2016 to 2017, the bank was the title partner of the Moscow Marathon.


  1. PJSC "PROMSVYAZBANK". Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 (undefined) (March 17, 2017). Retrieved April 4, 2017.
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  11. Promsvyazbank went to the Germans. //
  12. Ceremony "Bank of the Year "09". //
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  15. Yulia Lokshina. Commerzbank broke even Newspaper “Kommersant” No. 11 dated January 24, 2012, p. 8
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