Bank sale: is it worth buying collateral at auctions? Accredited new buildings Collateral property deltacredit bank

If the borrower does not make any payments on the loan for six months, without responding to the requests, persuasion and even threats of the creditor, then the bank takes such debtor to court. If the court understands that the borrower does not want or cannot independently resolve the conflict that has arisen between the two parties, then it will side with the bank and oblige the debtor to repay the loan with property. If the loan was collateralized, then the bank will sell the collateral property and, using the proceeds from the sale, will return its money with interest. If the loan was issued without collateral, then the bailiffs will come to the borrower’s home and take away everything they deem necessary, and if the amount of the debt is too large, then this property may turn out to be a house or apartment owned by the borrower. It is worth noting that the bank is interested in liquid property, which can easily be... No one will ask the borrower’s consent to alienate this or that property.

In order to put up collateral for sale, a bank does not always need a court order; in some cases, it will only need a notary’s executive signature. Based on this document, the bank applies to the state executive service and sells the collateral through special trade organizations.

How to buy collateral at auction?

In order to be able to take part in the auction at which property pledged by the bank will be sold, the buyer must pay a registration fee - from 3% to 15% of the value of the property being sold. If at the end of the first auction the collateral property was not sold, then at the next auction its price will fall by 15-20% of the initial cost. The result of the auction is considered valid only if at least 3 buyers participate in it.

Purchasing bank collateral – possible risks

The undoubted advantage of purchasing bank collateral is its low cost, but this is perhaps its only advantage. This low cost is due to a number of problems that the buyer may encounter in the future.

When selling residential real estate under such a scheme, the owner of the property may not even know about its sale, and the buyer risks getting, in addition, angry residents, who will have to evict them from the purchased housing themselves. Exactly the same problems can arise when purchasing a car that was previously pledged to the bank.

When purchasing a car at an auction, there is a risk of receiving a low-quality product. In order to be able to sell a car at an auction, the bank puts it on the wanted list, the traffic police find it, confiscate it and put it in a parking lot, from where the vehicle is sold as is - without keys, documents and possibly in poor technical condition.

When purchasing collateral from banks, you should be prepared for the fact that you may be left without a purchase at all. Thus, the borrower can return the collateral back if he considers that it was sold at too low a price. Or, for example, the borrower’s spouse can challenge the sale of property, demanding part of the amount as alimony, etc. If a buyer loses property purchased at an auction, the money spent on its purchase will have to be returned through the courts.

We talk about how much you can save by purchasing bank collateral real estate

You can buy an apartment not only from private individuals and developers. Real estate confiscated from former owners for one reason or another is sold much cheaper compared to similar market offers. It’s not just apartments that are put up at auctions, public auctions and collateral databases. Sometimes country houses, garden plots and commercial real estate are sold there. Together with lawyers, we analyze the main advantages and disadvantages of buying bank confiscated property.

The category of bank collateral includes those properties that were purchased with borrowed funds. “The rule applies: if the borrower under a mortgage agreement stops paying the debt on the loan, the bank or other credit institution has the right to seize and sell the collateral real estate,” says Alexander Tarasov, lawyer, managing partner of the law firm AVT Consulting. For reference: Russians' mortgage debt.

In accordance with Art. 348 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, foreclosure on such property is allowed if the deadlines for making payments are violated more than three times during the year, and also provided that the amount of the unfulfilled obligation is more than 5% of the value of the pledged property, explains the legal consultant of the Taganskoye office of the secondary market department. Inkom-Real Estate" Ivan Labeka.

Among the offers for the sale of collateral real estate there are really profitable options. There are several ways to buy such housing. At the same time, different acquisition schemes have different degrees of risk.

At a bank auction

Banks sell collateral real estate mainly at auctions, says Vladimir Starinsky, managing partner of the Starinsky, Korchago and Partners bar association. With this scheme, real estate is sold with the voluntary consent of the debtor - the creditor bank agrees on the sale of the pledged property out of court. “Most likely, in the coming years, auctions will be held more often, since banks one way or another need to get rid of such real estate,” says Starinsky.

All auction participants make a deposit of no more than 5% of the initial sale price of the collateral property. For the losers, this deposit is returned in full, and for the winner it goes towards a future purchase. “It is worth noting that the auction is won by the person who offers the highest price for the property being sold. The starting price of the lot is determined by an independent appraiser,” adds Alexander Tarasov. Moreover, if the valuation value is clearly significantly lower than the market value, this may indicate risks associated with the real estate being sold and the organization of auctions, warns Margarita Zakharova, lawyer at the Yukov and Partners Bar Association.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to purchase the property of problem borrowers at a significant discount using this scheme. “Banks are trying to sell such real estate at more or less market price,” explains Evgeniy Korchago. And as a result of the gambling competition, the cost of the object during the auction can easily exceed the market average.

In addition, there is a risk of purchasing a home with a surprise. The apartment may be registered by former owners, children or people with disabilities, who may be impossible to remove from the registration register. Thus, vacating the apartment may take a long time. “To avoid such a situation, before purchasing a mortgaged apartment, it is advisable to contact the registration authority and make sure that no one is registered in the apartment,” advises lawyer, managing partner of the law firm “AVT Consulting” Alexander Tarasov.

At public auction

If the borrower does not pay the loan and is not ready to sell the home voluntarily, by court decision the apartment is put up for public auction. They are held either on the personal Internet platforms of credit institutions or on specialized platforms. “Selling property confiscated by a bank for non-payment of a loan through public auction is a longer and more complex method. They take place only after the end of the trial, in which the court, at the request of the creditor bank, decided to foreclose on the mortgaged property,” says Alexander Tarasov.

As with an auction, the apartment goes to the person who offered the best price. “If the auction did not take place, then the price of the object may be reduced by 15% at a repeat auction. But, of course, there are many applicants for purchase for the most popular real estate properties, and therefore the price for them will not decrease. The real chance to profitably purchase real estate at public auctions is to constantly monitor ongoing auctions,” explains Margarita Zakharova.

Bidding and the purchase and sale agreement may be declared invalid - this is one of the key risks. For example, if the organizers or participants violate the rules of the auction and thereby influence their result. “To make sure that the auction is authorized, you should ask the organizers for information about the availability of a judicial act or other documents confirming the possibility of selling the property at the auction. In addition, it is necessary to study the regulations on the bidding procedure,” warns Alexander Lysyakov, senior lawyer at the independent legal group Strizhak and Partners.

Within three years, the former owner has the right to challenge the decision to impose a penalty. “If the court upholds the former owner’s complaint, the bona fide buyer will be obliged to return the collateral property. And the bank, in turn, will return the money spent to him. But this is a long and labor-intensive process. If the property was confiscated based on a court decision, it is important to make sure that it came into force and no one disputes it at the time of the transaction,” warns Alexander Tarasov from AVT Consulting.

On the bank's online storefront

Banks post apartments that could not be sold during the bidding process on their official websites. The bank’s task is to sell the collateralized housing in a short time to cover the debt and resulting losses. “As a rule, the sales price of such real estate corresponds to the average market value. At the same time, the bank guarantees the legal purity and transparency of the transaction,” said the press service of VTB Bank.

However, if a credit institution cannot sell property at the right price, it will always strive to sell it cheaper, says Evgeniy Korchago. “Real estate is a non-targeted asset of the bank; it has nothing to do with it. Therefore, the discount can be up to 50% in total, and sometimes more. I can give you my own example. The apartment that I purchased from the bank was not sold over the past six months and was revalued downward three times,” he shares.

Many banks provide loans with a more favorable interest rate for the purchase of housing from a collateral base. “The client can count on preferential terms. For example, for a preferential mortgage rate or a free letter of credit for payments,” comments Alexey Okhorzin, director of the retail products department at MKB. “The buyer can pay for the purchase of property either at his own expense or by attracting bank credit funds on special preferential terms,” added the VTB press service.

There are indeed very few risks for the buyer with such a scheme, confirms Denis Frolov, head of the commercial practice of the BMS Law Firm. “But it is worth considering that the buyer himself must study the history of the apartment, since the bank is not obliged to inform him about all the nuances,” he warns.

However, as in the case of auctions, you will not be able to view the apartment before purchasing. “Neither banks, nor other mortgage holders, nor bailiffs provide such a service. You have to evaluate an apartment only by its external features. You can look at the condition of the entrance and the house. That is, find out when it was built or what material it was made of. The maximum is to talk to your neighbors,” advises Ivan Labeka.

Not yet confiscated: a mortgaged apartment can be purchased directly from the borrower

A borrower who finds himself in a difficult financial situation can independently sell his home and use the proceeds to pay off the balance of the debt. “Pledged property, until it ceases to be private property and is simply pledged to the bank, is not sold by banks. Such property, in the event of a borrower’s default, is sold by the borrower himself with the consent of the bank,” explains Alina Kuberskaya, head of the information policy department of Russian Auction House JSC.

If the debtor cannot or does not want to pay the loan, both parties are interested in repaying the debt as soon as possible. “A purchase and sale transaction takes place between the debtor and the buyer, settlement between the debtor and the bank and the removal of the encumbrance. As a result, the buyer purchases an apartment, the bank receives money, and the debtor gets rid of the debt,” says Denis Murdalov, lawyer at the A2 law office.

With this option, the potential buyer receives a great advantage - he can personally inspect the apartment or invite experts to assess the technical condition of the property. In addition, there is a good chance of getting a discount. “In this situation, the borrower needs to find a buyer as quickly as possible and receive funds to pay off his debt to the bank, so he is ready to significantly reduce the price,” says Ivan Labeka from Inkom.

Property can be re-registered by law only after the debt has been fully repaid. Only in this case will the bank remove all encumbrances from the property. But in the meantime, the former debtor may change his mind about selling his apartment. As a result, the buyer will neither be able to receive the money paid under the agreement from the bank, nor force the seller to formalize the transfer of ownership. In addition, dishonest borrowers sometimes take deposits from several interested parties at once.

The easiest way to protect yourself is to conclude a comprehensive deal between the buyer, seller and mortgagee, says Yevgeny Korchago, a member of the council under the Chairman of the Federation Council for interaction with civil society institutions. “Repayment of the mortgage occurs simultaneously with the transfer of ownership. In this case, the funds are deposited in a safe deposit box, and it is not the seller, but the pledge holder who gains access to them. If the amount from the sale of an apartment is greater than the amount of the deposit, then the funds can be pledged in two cells. This method really works; we often have to support such transactions,” he says.

Prices and legal advice

Buying collateral real estate attracts with its price tag. The logic here is simple - the trading platform needs to sell the property, so the starting price is not close to the market price, explains Inkom-Real Estate expert Ivan Labeka. “And since the average buyer is not looking for an apartment on electronic trading platforms, there is no rush among buyers in this market segment, so the apartment is often sold at a price not much higher than the starting price,” he adds. “If you analyze the prices of collateral real estate, they are lower than market prices by an average of 10-15%,” says Alexander Tarasov.

“Practice shows that such real estate purchase schemes may be of interest to those who are looking, for example, for apartments in a specific area, of a certain size, but there are no similar offers on the market,” adds Alexander Tarasov from AVT Consulting.

The risk of buying a problem property among collateral real estate is reduced. Before concluding a transaction, the credit institution independently verifies the collateral. Such housing must be listed on the market and be liquid in case the bank needs to sell it on its own in the future. “The risks of the buyer of such real estate are no greater than with a regular purchase and sale. The only difference is the large volume of documents that need to be studied before making such a transaction,” says lawyer Denis Murdalov from A2.

Experts recommend that buyers of mortgaged apartments request in advance an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, technical documentation, an extract from the house register, and carefully study the report on an independent real estate assessment. “The potential buyer also needs to familiarize himself with the terms of the pledge agreement and understand whether the pledge holder justifiably foreclosed, as well as whether the procedure for selling the property complies with the terms of the agreement,” advises Margarita Zakharova, a lawyer at the Yukov and Partners Bar Association.

One of the areas of functioning of commercial banks is working with collateral property. Many citizens are not even aware of this direction in the activities of these institutions.

Banks operate under a special program called the Collateral Property Showcase. Based on this program, clients have the opportunity to purchase real estate, equipment and vehicles in accordance with special conditions.

This Program was adopted by banks during times of crisis, when loan defaults reached enormous proportions. This measure allowed banks to solve the problem of non-repayment of loans by selling property pledged as collateral. Sberbank, occupying a leading position in the rating of banks in the Russian Federation, is also engaged in such activities.

Sale of collateral

A distinctive feature of the Collateral Property Showcase program a – that the banks have carried out a full check of the legal purity of documents for the property being sold. It is noteworthy that the sale of collateral is carried out at the market price. Moreover, conscientious and reliable bank clients can purchase collateral on credit.

Need to mark, that the bank is forced to sell the collateral property, since it is the property of the persons being credited who, for some reason, have become insolvent and cannot repay their loan obligations.

The procedure for selling property is simple. A borrower who has property as collateral can contact the bank, where he will make an application for the sale of the property. The client provides the documents necessary for the sale, and the bank draws up an agreement. The bank checks the property, the seller is assigned a registration number and the sale procedure proceeds.

Buyers submit bids to purchase property. The bank brings together the seller and the buyer, who enter into a purchase and sale agreement. If the buyer and seller have reached an agreement on the transaction, then they should next contact a representative of the bank where the property is pledged. The credit manager of the creditor bank must accompany the transaction.

The bank can provide a loan to the buyer if he does not have sufficient funds. Thus, the borrowing bank provides full legal support for the transaction and monitors its legality.

Collateral property of banks: rating-review

Investors are currently showing great interest in bank collateral. It is no secret that in times of crisis, the solvency of borrowers begins to decline. Accordingly, the amount of property pledged by banks and put up for sale is increasing.

Investor interest is obvious– You can purchase property at low prices.

  • how popular the bank is among users;
  • is there a showcase of collateral on the official website page;
  • how quickly potential buyers can find information;
  • how professional and convenient the page is designed;
  • how convenient it is to use the page;
  • does the bank provide lending benefits to buyers when purchasing collateral;
  • how current the information is and how often it is updated.

Based on these criteria, all search engines assign first place in the ranking to Sberbank. In the top five, places are further distributed between VTB24, Rosselkhozbank, Alfa Bank and Bank of Moscow. The sixth and seventh positions were taken by Uralsib and Rosbank. And the last three in the top ten belong to MDM Bank, MTS Bank and B&N Bank.

Collateral property of Sberbank of Russia

  1. Geographically, the presence of collateral real estate of the Savings Bank falls on 21 regions of the country.
  2. Sberbank sells collateral through its special website. Previously, the showcase of collateral was located on a separate page of the official website. The information on the site is presented in a convenient form. The interface is intuitive and accessible.
  3. All collateral is presented on this site in great detail.. A description of plots of land, residential and non-residential premises, transport, retail real estate and other property is given. The list of objects is quite wide.
  4. There are no special offers from Sberbank on loans for potential buyers.

Collateral property of VTB24 bank

  • There is a showcase on the official website of VTB24. It is difficult for an unenlightened person to find this page, since the link to it is located in the “Services” tab at the bottom of the page.
  • The tab that opens contains a list of collateral. The information is presented in a business style, somewhat dry. Buyers should be pleased with the home loan offers.
  • The list of VTB24 property includes residential and non-residential premises, vehicles, there are even ships and equipment. The list is quite large, but somewhat inferior to the list presented on the Sberbank showcase.
  • A very convenient system of hyperlinks that will allow you to filter the positions you are looking for. Almost all objects have photographs.
  • Rates for the purchase of collateral property – from 15.95% per year. According to the terms of the loan, it is necessary to make a down payment of 20% of the cost of the property.

Still have questions? Ask a lawyer!

ATB carries out the sale of collateral property of debtors. For citizens and organizations, this is an opportunity to purchase real estate, transport, special equipment, equipment and other property on favorable terms, which once served as collateral for a loan issued by a bank.

Advantages of purchasing:

  • the prices at which the bank's collateral is sold are lower than market prices;
  • high-quality and bank-verified facilities;
  • possibility of purchasing objects on credit.

Property For Sale

The sale of bank collateral real estate is a standard procedure after the seizure of property. Objects that acted as collateral for mortgage loans, cash loans and other products are sold. In this way, you can purchase apartments, houses, cottages, commercial properties (offices, warehouses, retail premises and others) from the Asian-Pacific Bank.

Sales of vehicles

Most often it is carried out after the seizure of collateral from legal entities. Sales most often include corporate vehicles and special equipment: tractors, bulldozers, excavators, tow trucks and other objects.

Sales of equipment

When issuing loans to business representatives, ATB accepts various equipment for industrial, agricultural, food and other industries as collateral. In addition, the list for the sale of debtors' collateral may include goods in circulation, office equipment, commercial equipment, etc.

How does the sale of bank collateral proceeds?

On the page you see a search form that will help you sort the objects being sold. Through the website you can contact the bank and ask questions about the category or specific object you are interested in. Each of them is assigned a manager who accompanies the sales process and whose contacts are on the corresponding page. Call the number provided and a specialist will tell you in detail about the property and how to purchase it.

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Maria Ulyanova House on the street. Rakitnaya House on the street. 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Residential complex Lyublinsky residential complex Lublinsky park Residential complex MY Residential complex Makarinskaya Roshcha Residential complex Makarovsky Residential complex Makovskogo residential complex Malaya Strana Residential complex Malina Residential complex Mandarin Residential complex Manhattan Residential complex Marseille Residential complex Marseille 2 Residential complex Marshal Residential complex Marshal Grad LCD Mainland LCD Matreshkin Dvor LCD Matreshkin Dvor LCD Mayak LCD Megapolis Park LCD Medny 3.14 LCD Honey Valley LCD Honey LCD Main House LCD Melody LCD Melody of the forest LCD Mill LCD Meridian LCD Metropolia LCD Meshta LCD Meshchersky Les LCD Microcity in the forest LCD Microdistrict 49-V LCD Microdistrict Cheryomushki LCD MirTrudMay LCD Mitino Park LCD Mikhailovsky Park LCD Michurinsky LCD Mozaika LCD Moy Mir LCD Molodezhny LCD Youth Liter 3 LCD Montblanc LCD Montclair LCD Monchegoria LCD Morskaya Embankment LCD Mortongrad Putilkovo LCD Moscow LCD Moscow Grad LCD MoskvaGrad LCD Moskvichka LCD Moskov residential complex Moskovsky Kvartal LCD Moscow quarter of the LCD Motovilikhinsky LCD Murino 2019 LCD Murino 2020 LCD Murino Park Murinsky Heights LCD LCD LCD LCD Park NUSHKOKOVA NORD NROD LCD LCD on red partisans 2 residential complexes at the top-all residential complex at the height of the residential complex Nagorny Residential Complex Mood Residential Complex Nautilus Residential Complex Nakhabino Clear Residential Complex Sky Residential Complex Nebo, Residential Complex Swifts block section 8 Residential Complex Nevskie Sails Residential Complex Nekrasovka Residential Complex Neoclassics 2 Residential Complex Nesterovsky Residential Complex Novaya Alekseevskaya Grove Residential Complex Novaya Botany Residential Complex Novaya Zvezda Residential Complex Novaya Kuznechikha Residential Complex Novaya Okhta Residential Complex Novaya Okhta. On the river Residential complex New Riga Residential complex New Samara Residential complex Novaya Tverskaya Residential complex New height Residential complex New Palmyra Residential complex Novin Residential complex Novo-Antropshino Residential complex Novo-Komarovo Residential complex Novoantipinsky residential complex Novograd Pavlino Residential complex New Biserovo-2 Residential complex New Gorelovo Residential complex New Kolpino Residential complex Novoe Lytkarino Residential complex New Medvedkovo residential complex New Otradnoye residential complex New Pushkino residential complex New Sertolovo residential complex New Gorelovo residential complex New generation residential complex Novokosino-2 residential complex Novokraskovo residential complex Novoorlovsky residential complex Novorossiysk residential complex Novocheremushkinskaya 17 residential complex New Vatutinki residential complex New Kotelniki residential complex New Ogni residential complex New Islands residential complex New Ostrovtsy Yuzhny Kvartal residential complex New Zelenograd residential complex New Lessner Residential complex New Peterhof (V stage of construction) Residential complex New World Residential complex New century Residential complex New city Residential complex New center Residential complex Norwegian Residential complex Normandy Residential complex Newton Residential complex Islands Residential complex Oasis Residential complex Oblaka Residential complex Ovsyannikovskaya Polyana Residential complex Anapa Lights Residential complex Bay Lights Residential complex Siberian Lights Residential complex Odinburg Residential complex Odingrad Residential complex Odintsovo -1 Residential complex Ozerki Residential complex Ozerny Park Residential complex Oktava Residential complex Oktyabrsky Residential complex Oktyabrskoe Pole Residential complex Olymp Residential complex Olimpiysky Residential complex Olympia Residential complex Olympia-4 Residential complex Olkhovsky park Residential complex Onega Residential complex Orange Park Residential complex Orbita Residential complex Orlovsky Park Residential complex Ostafyevo Residential complex Ostrovsky residential complex Otrada Residential complex Otradny Residential complex Reflection residential complex Okhta House LCD PAVLOVSKY KVARTER LCD FIRST MOSCOW LCD Pavlova 40 LCD Palette LCD Panorama LCD Panorama Park Sosnovka LCD Paradny LCD Park April LCD Gorky Park LCD Metallurgists Park LCD ParkLand LCD Park Quarter LCD Patriot LCD Pervy Kvartal LCD First Moscow LCD Peredelkino Middle LCD Peremena LCD Perspective LCD Peter The Great and Catherine the Great Residential Complex Petrovskaya Dominant Residential Complex Petrovsky Quarter Residential Complex Petrovsky Quarter on the Water Residential Complex Petrovsky Park Residential Complex Pehra Residential Complex Pilot Residential Complex Pirogovskaya Riviera Residential Complex Pythagoras Residential Complex Platovsky Lit 4 stage 1 Residential Complex Pobeda Residential Complex Pobedny Residential Complex Podkova na Gagarina Residential Complex Sunflowers Residential Complex Positive Residential Complex Generation Residential Complex Pokrovka Life Residential complex Polis on Komendantsky residential complex Polis on Moskovskaya residential complex Polis on the Neva Residential complex Polytechnic residential complex Polustrovo residential complex Polyarnaya 25 Residential complex Pochtovy residential complex Postal letter 17 Residential complex Prague 2 Residential complex Prague 3 Residential complex Prime Park Residential complex Premiere Residential complex Preobrazhensky residential complex Privilege residential complex Privolzhsky residential complex Suburban forest residential complex Primorsky quarter Residential complex Prinevsky Residential complex Priozerny Residential complex Priority Residential Complex Pritomsky Residential Complex Attraction Residential Complex Prospect Residential Complex Expanses Residential Complex Putilkovo Residential Complex Pushkar Residential Complex Pushkin Residential Complex RIVER Residential Complex RIO Residential Complex Rainbow Residential Complex Rainbow of Siberia Residential Complex Raz Two Three Residential Complex Rassvet Residential Complex Rassvetny Residential Complex Rasskazovo Residential Complex Flourish on Gogol Residential Complex Bloom on Marx Residential Complex Rafinad Residential Complex Residences Mandarin Oriental Residential Complex Skolkovo Residential Complex Residences of Composers Residential Complex Residence of Architects Residential Complex Record Residential Complex Renaissance Residential Complex Rimsky Residential Complex Rimsky-Korsakov 11 Residential Complex Rifey Residential Complex Richard Residential Complex Richmond Residential Complex Rodina Residential Complex Rodnoy Dom Residential Complex Romanov Residential Complex Russia. Five capitals Residential complex Rumyantsevo-Park Residential complex Russian avant-garde Residential complex Ruchi Residential complex Red Fox (RedFox) Residential complex Ryabinki park Residential complex SMART Residential complex STATUS at Victory Park Residential complex Garden quarters Residential complex Salaryevo Park Residential complex Airplane Residential complex Samotsvet Residential complex Samotsvety Residential complex Sakharov Residential complex Svetlaya dolina Residential complex Svetlograd Residential complex Bright world Quiet Harbor" Residential Complex Svoboda Residential Complex Svoy Residential Complex Northern Valley Residential Complex Northern Crown Residential Complex Northern Lights Residential Complex Northern Quarters Residential Complex Northern Residential Complex Northern Waltz Residential Complex Seliger City Residential Complex Selmash Residential Complex Family Park Residential Complex Semenovsky Park Residential Complex Heart of the Capital Residential Complex Serebritsa Residential Complex Serebryanka Residential Complex Silver Residential Complex Silver Park Residential Complex Silver Fountain Residential Complex Symbol Symphony Symphony Symphony of Lower LCD LCD LCD City City LCD Fairy Tale Housing Fairy Tale Fairy Tales Far Forest LCD Skolkovo LCD Slavyanka Sloboda Sloboda Smart Smart Cart-Quarter LCD Snegiri Eccation LCD Event Housing LCD Sokol 3 LCD Sundial LCD Sunny LCD Sunny City LCD Solar Sail 2 LCD Sunny Square LCD Sosnovy Bor LCD Sofia Quarter LCD Sofia LCD Spectrum LCD Sports Park LCD Sports Station LCD Status LCD Stereo-2 LCD Capital LCD Stolichnye Polyany LCD Stolichny LCD Swifts LCD Swifts in Nevsky Residential Complex Studios on Lyadova Residential Complex Studio 45 Residential Complex Suvorov Residential Complex Suvorovsky Residential Complex Suvorovsky Liter Liter 33, block 1-1 Residential Complex Surikova Residential Complex Sukhodolsky Residential Complex Sukhodolnaya Residential Complex Schastlivy Residential Complex Schastie Residential Complex Shchastya on Presnya Residential Complex Salfort Residential Complex Tatyanin Park Residential Complex Tverskaya Residential Complex Theater Park Residential Complex Tomilino LCD Topolya Torpedo LCD LCD Tradition LCD TRIOLI TRILITI TRINITI TRIOMF PARK, 5 turn LCD Tulpar LCD LCD LCD 2 LCD Ural Ural Ural Urbanist Housed Housing Housing Housing Ossetia Utino Ples LCD Cozy Housing Housing Housed Park Residential Complex Filatov Lug Residential Complex Fili City Residential Complex Philosophy Residential Complex Finnish Residential Complex Flagman Residential Complex Flotilla Residential Complex Forrest Residential Complex Fountains Residential Complex Forest Club Residential Complex Forsyth Residential Complex Fortecia Residential Complex Forum City Residential Complex Friday Village Residential Complex Khoroshevsky Residential Complex Crystal Keys Residential Complex CENTER - CITY Residential Complex Tsarskaya Ploshchad Residential Complex Rainbow Colors Residential Complex Tsvetnoy Boulevard Residential complex Tsvetnoy city Residential complex Flower glades Residential complex Flowers Residential complex Bashkiria Residential complex Flowers of the Kama region Residential complex Center park Residential complex Center-2 Residential complex Central Residential complex Civilization Residential complex Tsiolkovsky Residential complex Cheremushki Residential complex Chernaya Rechka Residential complex Chernomorsky Residential complex Chernomorsky 2 Residential complex Chistaya Sloboda Residential complex Clear Sky 8 Residential complex Clear sky 7 Residential complex Clean sky 9 Residential complex Chistye Prudy Residential complex Chistye Prudy Residential complex Chisty Stream Residential complex Sheremetyevsky Residential complex Sixth sense Residential complex Sixth quarter Residential complex Shishimskaya Gorka Residential complex Shuvalovsky Residential complex Shuvalovsky duo Residential complex EMERALD on Malaya Neva Residential complex EPSILON Residential complex Evolution Residential complex Eco Vidno 2. 0 Residential complex EcoCity Residential complex Ecograd New Catuar Residential complex Ecograd on Mikoyan Residential complex Elegant Residential complex Enfield Residential complex Hermitage Residential complex Etalon on the Neva Residential complex South-West Residential complex Yuzhane Residential complex Yuzhnaya Bitsa Residential complex Yuzhnoye Bunino Residential complex Southern Quarters Residential Complex Yuzhny Residential Complex Yuzhny Gorod Residential Complex Yuzhny Park Residential Complex Yunost Residential Complex Yuntolovo Residential Complex Yutteri Residential complex YANILA COUNTRY Residential complex Yantarny Residential complex Yantarny 4th stage of the residential complex Yarsky residential complex Yaroslavsky residential complex Yaroslavsky residential complex Yasenevaya 14 residential complex Yasno. Yanino residential complex Yasno.Yanino residential complex Yasny residential complex city on the Tushino river-2018 Residential complex on Beivelya stage II residential complex microdistrict 30, 31 residential complex on Adel Kutuya residential complex on Garazhnaya 156 residential complex on Kosmonavtov residential complex on Maloyaroslavskaya residential complex on Nemirovicha Danchenko residential complex on Repina residential complex on Sadovaya residential complex on Tenistaya residential complex on the street. Alexandra Kozitsyna, 14 residential complex on the street. Route residential complex on the street. Peshestreletskaya and st. Dorozhny residential complex on the street. Umyrzaya (residential complex Vesna, 2nd stage) Residential complex on Ostrovsky street, stage II ZhM Solnechny Residential building 20, m-on IV Residential building 5 Residential building Assol Residential building Gagarinsky Residential building Newton Residential building Revolution Residential building Rozmarin Residential building in 106 microdistrict. Residential building on Magistralnaya street Residential building on Minskaya street 43/3 Residential quarter New Residential quarter on Druzhby Avenue Residential quarter on st. Rostovskoy, 59.61 Residential complex in Solnechny Residential complex on Vasenko street GOLDEN Innokentyevsky QUARTER ORION (6 QUARTER) CD GRAND PRIX Quarter 38a Aviators Quarter Favorite Quarter Palacio Club house G9 Club house Vitality Club house on Shkolnaya Kolomenskaya, 49a Complex on Peshestreletskaya Leader in Sadovniki Leader in the Volgograd microdistrict Rodnye Prostorov MKR-N 49B (Klaina St.) microdistrict. Pochtovaya Malinovka Mechnikov Microdistrict "First" Microdistrict Borovoye Microdistrict Divnogorsky Microdistrict Zarechensky Microdistrict Cheryomushki Microdistrict Yubileyny Microdistrict Multifunctional residential and business complex Smart Park-Ufa My Rhythm Molodogvardeyskaya 36 At the Heights On Dekabristov Nikitina New Novo-Lenino New Vatutinki New Ostrovtsy New house on Leninsky LLC prospectus Specialized developer Andor PJSC Orelstroy Polyanka 44 Prokatnaya 17.1 (string) Plevitskaya Avenue Residence on Vsevolozhsky Renome River Park Family Siberian expanses City Park Sokolniki Sports microdistrict Iva Warm neighborhoods Weather You and I Tyumen region, Tyumen, Shirotnaya St. area - Permyakova - Bypass road. Residential building GP-6 (6th stage of construction) Smart House Uspensky 3 Flora and Fauna ETTO Ecograd Volgar South-West South Park Yadrintsevsky quarter residential area "Solnechny" residential complex space metro station. Chit and m. Kochpon, house 27 microdistrict 13 microdistrict Pobeda microdistrict Rodniki microdistrict Central microdistrict South-Eastern microdistrict Sosnovy Bor on Pisareva r.p. Yalga, st. Michurina site 5 district Solnechny st. Emlyutina st. Karaulnaya, area 2 st. Kosmonavtov st. Kuibysheva, 118 st. Moskovskaya 311 st. Sokolskaya, 10b st. Tyulenina St. General Lavrov