- EDV - One-time Cash Payment for the purchase of housing for a military personnel housing subsidy - calculation. Housing subsidy for military personnel - calculation and procedure for provision Who is eligible

Creating suitable living conditions for military personnel is part of government policy. The traditional queue for an apartment has been replaced by new forms of social support - subsidies and mortgages. In these cases, the person in need has the opportunity to receive partial or full payment for housing at the expense of the state.

Military housing subsidy and its distinctive features

A special state subsidy provides an opportunity for military personnel to purchase not only a new or secondary apartment, but also a private house, a building plot, etc. The allocation of funds from the federal budget is targeted and carried out in a non-cash manner. This means that the subsidy received can only be used for the purchase (or partial payment of the cost) of housing.

Subsidizing housing for military personnel in its essence (creating financial conditions for improving housing conditions) is similar to a mortgage, but there are differences between them. The difference is this:

  • Housing subsidy for military personnel is issued free of charge (does not require repayment) and represents full compensation of the required amount for housing according to approved standards. It can be provided based on length of service, retirement or retirement. The state regulates the amount of funds allocated, depending on the size of the family and length of service. A serviceman can supplement the provided subsidy with his own finances (for example, maternity capital) and purchase housing of a larger area.
  • Military mortgage - implies participation in a savings program (from 3 years) and compensation by the state for part of the cash payments for housing. It is convenient for those who continue to serve in the Armed Forces, because upon dismissal, in some cases (for example, with less than 10 years of service), all budget funds spent will need to be reimbursed.

Who is entitled to

According to current legislation, the housing subsidy is designed for citizens of the Russian Federation, contract employees, or those dismissed from the Armed Forces. In this case, the recipient of the subsidy must:

  • Have at least 10 years of service. This length of service applies to those dismissed due to special circumstances (health reasons, retirement, etc.). For most military personnel, the minimum required experience is twice that.
  • Be identified as in need of improved living conditions. Legislative standards for minimum living space are given below.

Legal regulation

Current legislation examines the issue of subsidizing housing conditions for military personnel from different angles. The main legislative documents on this issue are:

  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation - it talks about the right of Russian citizens to housing and the rules for recognizing them as in need of improved living conditions.
  • Federal Law No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” dated May 27, 1998 - declares the right of military personnel to receive housing.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 512 of June 29, 2011 - provides a list of documents and a sample application for recognizing a military personnel as needing housing.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 2013 No. 942 - determines the rules for paying for housing that exceeds the established standards for area.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/03/2014 No. 76 - regulates the conditions for calculating the subsidy provided.
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510 dated July 21, 2014 - defines the procedure according to which housing subsidies should be provided to military personnel.

Reasons for receiving

The set of circumstances under which a military personnel can qualify for housing subsidies is given in Law No. 76-FZ. This includes persons:

  • Those who entered into a contract for military service before January 1, 1998. An additional condition here is the documented need to improve living conditions.
  • Those who served more than 10 years and were dismissed due to health reasons, staff reduction or reaching the age limit with the provision of departmental housing.
  • Those who have 20 years of service and use official living space.
  • Discharged from military service with 20 years of service or more, who do not own any housing, or who own premises with an area less than the standard.

A separate category consists of widows of military personnel who died in the line of duty. According to the law, the right to receive a military subsidy for housing also applies to them, taking into account the share of the deceased spouse. At the same time, the wife of the deceased should not own real estate or own living space smaller than the established standards.

The procedure for providing housing subsidies to military personnel

Registration of state assistance for the purchase of housing implies recognition of a person as needing improved living conditions. The general procedure for financing the military is established by Law No. 76-FZ and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 512. The provision of budget funds occurs as follows:

  1. A serviceman (in the event of his death - a widow or an adult child) submits an application to the Regional Housing Administration with a request for a housing subsidy and informs about the current living conditions (gives the square footage of the living space, family composition, etc.). The official appeal is supplemented by a package of documents (its composition is discussed below).
  2. The department checks the information received - a request is made to the Federal State Registration Service (Rosreestr) about whether the applicant (or his family members) owns real estate. If necessary, other information is collected, for example, the length of military service is specified. The law allows 10 days for this.
  3. Having completed the inspection, the Regional Office makes a decision to allocate budget funds to the applicant or to refuse it. This must also be done within 10 days. Legally permitted reasons for refusal are the identification of facts that the applicant owns unspecified real estate or other grounds for which he no longer needs to improve his living conditions.
  4. If a positive decision is made, information about this is transmitted to the financial department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Within 10 days, the person in need receives a certificate.

The package of documents submitted to the Regional Office (department) includes:

  • Copies of passports of all members of the applicant’s family (for persons under 14 years of age, duplicate birth certificates are provided).
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Documents to confirm service life (copy of military ID, extract from service record, etc.).
  • A copy of documents confirming the availability of benefits (for example, a certificate of large families, etc.).

Terms of consideration

Taking into account all the procedures and checks carried out, if the decision to allocate a subsidy is positive, the applicant must receive a certificate 30 days after submitting all documents to the Regional Office (department). The specified period is the maximum allowed by law; in practice, the issue is resolved faster - in 2-3 weeks.

How to calculate a military subsidy

Special formulas allow you to calculate the amount of housing subsidies. Knowing the value of individual parameters, a serviceman can independently make calculations and find out how much subsidy he can be given. The calculation is carried out using the formula RVS = NJP x SKM x KVL, where:

  • RS – the amount of military subsidy;
  • NZhP - standard living space for a military personnel;
  • SCM – cost per square meter of housing according to approved standards;
  • KVL – length of service coefficient.

Standard living space for a military man and his family members

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved standards for the provision of living space for military personnel. They vary depending on the size of the military family, and can be raised or lowered for individual situations. The table shows the value of the basic standard:

Law No. 76-FZ provides for an increase in the standard by 15 square meters. This additional space is provided by:

  • officers with the rank of colonel (captain 1st rank) and above;
  • teachers of military universities;
  • commanders of military units;
  • holders of an academic degree or honorary title.

Current legislation also allows for a reduction in the standards for the provision of living space. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. The serviceman (or one of his family members) owns housing. In such a situation, he will only be able to claim the area that is missing from the standard. For example, if a family of 4 people has an apartment of 40 square meters (sq. m), then by law it is entitled to 18 sq. m. m x 4 people – 40 sq. m = 32 sq. m.
  2. Absence of a written obligation to terminate the social tenancy agreement for the provided departmental living space. The principle of reducing the standard is similar to the previous paragraph.
  3. If over the previous 5 years a serviceman (or one of his family members) has made civil transactions aimed at alienating the existing living space, which is why it has decreased. In this case, when calculating the need for housing, the original (pre-sale) number of square meters is used.

Basic value of the average market price of housing

The price per square meter of living space used in calculations is determined annually by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. These indicators differ by region of our country. The table shows the basic value of the average market value of residential space in individual regions of Russia for 2019:

Length of Service Adjustment Factor

The length of service directly affects the amount of subsidy allocated. Russian Government Decree No. 76 provides special adjustment factors that regulate the final amount depending on length of service. Knowing the required values, you can calculate the housing subsidy for military personnel using the above formula. The table shows the value of the correction factor for different lengths of service and the amount of benefits that a military family from the Moscow region can claim in 2019.

One of the measures of state support for the population is.

Military personnel can also become recipients of this type of government assistance, but in a special manner.

You will learn about all the changes that occurred in 2019 in this matter from this article.

Legislative regulation of the issue

According to current legislation, a military subsidy is a support program for military personnel, which should help them resolve their housing issue.

The amount received can be spent on:

Payment of funds is made once - the entire designated amount is transferred at once. To do this, the recipient opens a personal bank account. Financial resources are allocated in accordance with Government Decrees from the federal and municipal budgets.

To receive state support members of the armed forces must register as needing improved living conditions, and also meet certain criteria. Anyone interested must contact the government. the body responsible for accepting documents and issuing subsidies to the military.

Basic provisions on receipt of this state assistance are fixed:

  • Federal Law On the status of military personnel in the Russian Federation – Article 15.
  • In the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - Article 51 (the procedure for joining the queue is indicated).
  • By order of the Ministry of Defense issued in 2014. It approves the procedure for issuing housing subsidies to military personnel on a contract basis and those already dismissed.
  • Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation On approval of the procedure for calculating housing subsidies for members of the Russian Armed Forces. It guarantees the military the opportunity to become a recipient of state support, and also establishes a formula for calculating the amount of payment.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

According to the law, the service is given the right to check the applicant’s documents and make a decision. 30 days. After the final decision is made, it will be forwarded to the Department of Financial Security of the Ministry of Defense within three days (the applicant will receive a copy of the decision).

To transfer funds
30 days are allotted. After the serviceman receives the money in his current account, within three days the financial services must notify the body responsible for providing housing about the accrual of funds.

Military personnel receive the following advantages when applying for a housing subsidy:

  • Waiting times in line to receive assistance are reduced.
  • It is possible to use the money to purchase (either on your own or with a mortgage) or build a home. The choice remains with the recipient - in which region to buy or build living space, use it to purchase housing as personal or shared ownership, what type of residential property he prefers (cottage, apartment, private house, etc.).
  • The payment amount does not increase relative to the time spent in queue (as is done in the usual manner). The amount increases based on service life.
  • The living space for which the payment was spent can be privatized for any family member (provided that the service life of the subsidy recipient is at least 20 years).

Latest changes in this matter

The Military Department together with the Government decided to gradually stop the construction of houses for the military.

Instead, enter housing subsidies for military personnel, as well as providing . This change has made it possible to reduce the time it takes to obtain real estate for all those in need.

Previously, a serviceman’s family could wait in line for housing for years, since the Ministry of Defense fund did not have the required number of living quarters. Military subsidies are aimed at helping servicemen purchase housing on their own. It can be used in the military mortgage program. As a result, the waiting period in line was reduced several times.

According to the Presidential Decree, military personnel with at least 10 years of experience cannot be transferred to the reserve (in fact, they can, but only at their own request) without receiving housing benefits. At the same time, he and his family should not have their own housing. Now, if a military man has been dismissed, the competent authorities must check whether he has the opportunity to become a recipient of housing.

General provisions for the provision of state aid

Federal law and Article 51 of the LC establishes exactly what criteria the military man is recognized as in need of updating his living conditions. So, these include the military:

  • Living in living space that does not meet the requirements established by law (square footage, general condition, etc.).
  • Living in a service building that is smaller than that established in the housing complex of the Russian Federation.
  • Living in premises without a conclusion or under a social contract. rental, but in a communal apartment.

The following are defined conditions for receiving a subsidy:

The military man must provide a set of documents to receive a subsidy. He's writing statement, which indicates personal information and family members. A serviceman can be refused only if he is deregistered as being in special need.

Applicants for military subsidies there may be not only the military themselves, but also their widows and family members. To receive payment, they must also open a bank account.

Some military personnel may additionally increase the square footage of housing for 15-25 sq.m. These include:

  • Commanders of military units.
  • The highest military leadership is marshals, generals and admirals.
  • Teachers working in higher educational institutions for military personnel.
  • Colonels.
  • Captains of the 1st rank.

For information on the provision of this state assistance for employees of the Russian Armed Forces, see the following video:

Military personnel of the Russian Federation receive from the state. An example of such a social payment can be considered a housing subsidy, which, according to the law, every career military man who meets the criteria described below has the right to receive. A subsidy is not the only way to support in purchasing an apartment or house, but it is considered to be the main one.

According to the law, the following have the right to such a subsidy:

  • Military personnel who signed a contract before January 1, 1998 are entitled to receive subsidies if they need to improve their living conditions. This list does not include cadets who came from higher educational institutions.
  • Military personnel and their families in which a former military man was dismissed from service due to retirement age, layoff, or due to poor health. It is also necessary to confirm that the family needs to improve or purchase housing.
  • Military personnel who do not own any housing, or who have residential premises with an area smaller than that provided for by regulations.
  • Citizens who have served for more than 20 years, living in service housing.
  • Military personnel who were discharged due to poor health, but managed to serve for more than 10 years, living in a service apartment.

The military housing subsidy is a one-time non-cash cash assistance that is awarded to facilitate the purchase or construction of housing for current and former military personnel who have been accepted by those in need. The money is allocated from the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

This subsidy has several features:

  • allows you to count on purchasing both finished residential space and those under construction;
  • the right to a subsidy appears only when there is a legal basis for it;
  • characterized by a progressive nature.

In addition, along with a subsidy, a military serviceman has the right to use third-party funds (if any), such as a bank loan, an allocation from the state or personal savings, to purchase an apartment or house. Anyone can use all this in total to purchase a home. The amount of the subsidy is directly proportional to the service life.

There are cases when a subsidy is paid without the consent of the citizen, for example, in the case of a voluntary renunciation of the current place of residence, which meets all the requirements, but did not satisfy the military man.

Required documents

To receive such payments, the serviceman must be recognized as in need of housing. In order for a citizen to be recognized as needy, he must write a corresponding application, attaching to it the following list of documents:

  1. a copy of the soldier’s passport;
  2. birth certificate from wife and children (if any);
  3. documents that can confirm the service completed and indicate its duration;
  4. all evidence that speaks of marriages or divorces committed by military personnel;
  5. financial statements for the last 5 years.
  6. documents on the availability of other social benefits.

The final decision is announced after 30 days exclusively in writing.

Calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel

A subsidy is support that is provided through resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation from No. 46 to No. 972. Each resolution is responsible for a separate species. The first regulates the rules of the subsidy rate, the size of which directly depends on the current quality of housing and its compliance with. The second, in turn, is the calculation of subsidies for former military personnel whose family currently needs to improve/purchase housing.

To find out the approximate size of the subsidy, you can use the following formula: P = N x C x Ks.

Let's look at everything in order. H is the total area, C is the approximate price of 1 square meter, Kc is a coefficient indicating the duration of a person’s service.

Let's simulate the situation. Suppose we have a family of 4 people, the cost of 1 square meter is 34,350 rubles, and the service life of a soldier is 18 years. For military personnel with a similar period of time, the coefficient is 2.25, and the area for each family member is 18 square meters. m. Now let's use the formula. We get: P = (18 x 4) x 34350 x 2.25. Having done simple mathematical operations, we get the amount of 5,564,700 rubles.

It is also impossible not to mention the fact that the law allows an increase in the standard by 15 square meters. m., if the corresponding right is present. It can be obtained if the following factors exist:

  • having a high rank (from colonel and above);
  • award with an honorary title of the Russian Federation;
  • presence of activities in the field of science, pedagogy;
  • presence of serious health problems.

Even if a soldier has several of the above reasons, he can only use one. Even when calculating the subsidy, some factors are taken into account that also affect its size. For example, if a serviceman is killed, then his coefficient will be increased to 2.75. It is also possible to reduce the area, but such a procedure is extremely rare.

Other calculation formulas

The above formula is not the only one. According to current legislation, there are 2 more formulas:

  1. P2 = O – H – D – Tk.
  2. P = P2 x C.

Let's look at everything in detail. O – area that is planned to be provided; H is the area that was accepted as the norm, M is the area that can be allocated under special circumstances (additional); T is the total area that can be allocated; C – cost of 1 square meter.

Let's assume that a former military man plans to make his living space 100 square meters. Substituting the values ​​and following the steps we get: 4 square meters. Next, we apply the second formula and find that, in addition to the regulated norm, a person can additionally receive only 4 square meters. Price per 1 sq. m. is 34,350 rubles, respectively, as a result we get 137,400 rubles.

It is necessary to realize that every citizen must be notified that he can receive a housing subsidy if he, in turn, has successfully completed a certain period of service. The notice must indicate all calculations of the price of a residential space, taking into account excesses and additional costs.

Having received such a notification (about the voluntary purchase of housing using his savings), the military must render his verdict three days later. When the area exceeds the standard, payment for it must be made no later than 20 days.

Summing up

Each serviceman who meets the above criteria and requirements officially, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, receives a housing subsidy. This subsidy is an alternative option for waiting in line to be allocated your own housing. The area can be determined using the formulas also given above. For each serviceman, the figure may be individual, taking into account various characteristics and criteria. All these indicators are directly proportional to the length of service, the corresponding ranks and the reason for dismissal.

At the legislative level, military personnel are provided with a privilege - a housing subsidy. The state is ready to fully or partially pay for the purchase of housing for a military family. In this article we have posted all the necessary information, a military subsidy calculator for 2019. We looked at who is entitled to a subsidy and in what amount, what documents and certificates are needed.

Calculator for subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2017-2018

Allows you to calculate the estimated size of a one-time cash payment to military personnel for the purchase or construction of residential premises - a housing subsidy
(The calculator is based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014 No. 76)

Number of family members (N) 1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people 9 people 10 people
Right to additional area (D) yes no
Available living area (L)
Total living area, sq.m. (ABOUT)
Standard cost of 1 sq.m., rub. (WITH)
Length of service, years *
from 10 to 16 years old from 16 to 20 years old from 20 to 21 years old 21 years old 22 years old 23 years old 24 years old 25 years old and more

Correction factor (Kс) manual input

Amount of housing subsidy, rub. (P):

* - For military personnel whose total duration of military service is from 10 to 20 years and who are specified in paragraph 13 of Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel", the adjustment factor increases to 2.375 (as for service from 20 to 21 years)

Legislative acts

Of course, in practice, such actions take a lot of time and effort, but every year thousands of military personnel manage to get the keys to their treasured living space.

Currently, subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing are regulated by the following laws:

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. According to the provisions of this act, an employee of a military unit must be transferred to the reserve only on the condition that he has his own housing;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510, where the procedure for granting such a privilege to a person in need is determined;
  3. Federal Law No. 76, which regulates the procedure for recognizing a military person in need;
  4. Government Decree, which guarantees the opportunity for employees to obtain housing if they have served for 10 years or more.

Basic conditions for obtaining housing

The provision of housing subsidies is carried out in a manner strictly regulated by regulations. So, in order to receive funds to purchase housing, a serviceman must contact the department and submit supporting documents.

The package of documents for receiving a housing subsidy, which is due to employees if they have 10 years of experience, is as follows:

  1. A copy of the passport of the person called up for service and his family members;
  2. Certificate for the child;
  3. Marriage certificate;
  4. A document confirming that the family does not have any other living space;
  5. Bank statement for the last 5 years about cash receipts into the account;
  6. A copy of a certificate confirming the existence of other grounds for receiving such a benefit;
  7. A contract for military service or another document that confirms the applicant’s length of service.

These rules apply to all soldiers, contract soldiers, members of the National Guard and other military personnel in need of improved housing conditions, all depending on what region of the Russian Federation they are located in.

While waiting for their turn, soldiers and officers can exercise the right to receive official housing. The conditions for obtaining such residential premises under a social tenancy agreement are determined at the level of federal legislation.

Employees have the right to receive housing, regardless of their military rank. However, the requirements for square meters of living space do not apply to these types of real estate.


According to Russian legislation, a military serviceman, in order to apply for a subsidy for the purchase of housing, must adhere to certain rules.

You must begin your participation in this program by collecting and submitting the necessary package of documents, which includes:

  1. Copies of identification documents of all family members (passports, birth certificates, if there are young children in the family);
  2. A certificate from a military unit, which confirms the number of years of service (report, order);
  3. A copy of the marriage registration certificate;
  4. A copy of the certificate confirming that the serviceman and his family have other benefits that give the right to improved living conditions;
  5. Application for a subsidy for the purchase of real estate.

The provision of housing to military personnel occurs on a first-come, first-served basis, therefore, after submitting all documents to the administration of their city, the officer and his spouse must expect a positive decision and notification of the allocation of a subsidy.

Calculation of the subsidy amount

The procedure for calculating the amount of subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of real estate in 2019 is determined by the relevant regulations. You can make a more detailed calculation using our calculator below.

Calculation formula:

Subsidy = living space that an employee and his family are entitled to (calculated based on the number of people in the family) * standard cost of one square meter, determined at the legislative level (currently about 40,000 rubles) * an adjustment factor that directly depends on length of service military

At first glance, it may seem that you can calculate the amount of such a payment yourself, using the above formula. But, as practice shows, inexperienced citizens often make mistakes in calculations, so it is recommended to contact specialists who calculate the amount of the subsidy. Well, we decided to simplify your life and posted a subsidy calculator that will do everything quickly and clearly.

How can you use the certificate?

The procedure for providing subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel is regulated at the level of federal legislation. According to regulations, the recipient of such a certificate has the right to spend the payment on the purchase of housing or its independent construction, and, if possible, expanding the existing property.

According to the law, the subsidy received cannot be spent on the purchase of supported housing; financial assistance only applies to real estate purchased directly from the developer.

In 2019, there are several advantages of using this type of privilege:

  1. A military man has the right to independently choose his place of residence. This is an innovation; previously, an officer had the right to choose an apartment or other housing only at the place of service;
  2. A serviceman has the right to independently choose how to use the funds received. For example, if he already has an apartment purchased with a mortgage, he can pay off part of the debt or carry out renovations with subsidized money;
  3. The payment period for such assistance is significantly shorter than if the officer stood in line to receive an apartment in a building that could be completed in a few years;
  4. If a military man has his own savings, he can combine them with the subsidy received and purchase decent housing.

For FSB employees

At the beginning of 2013, housing subsidies were introduced for FSB employees. Previously, providing subsidies to military personnel for the purchase of housing if they were members of this department was impossible.

Thanks to such innovations, FSB employees have the opportunity to improve their living conditions by purchasing an apartment in a new building or building their own residential building.

The procedure by which a citizen can take part in the Housing benefit program has been simplified as much as possible. To do this, the FSB officer needs to contact the bank to open an account, and, together with all members of his family, write an application for receipt. Use the calculator to make a detailed calculation.

After checking the correctness of filling out the documents, bank employees transfer the received application and all related papers to the Ministry of Defense.

The choice of profession is influenced simultaneously by several factors. Unfortunately, the interests of the young man are by no means in the first place. We often have to pay attention to compliance with social guarantees in a particular area. Today, thanks to the work of some government programs, certain categories of citizens are entitled to assistance from the budget for the purchase of housing. This assistance can be provided in the form of preferential loans or free of charge. Similar programs, like military mortgages, work for military personnel.

Partly due to social security, the professional army became popular among young people. Indeed, it is enough to serve under a contract for 10 years and you can count on housing subsidies for military personnel being allocated from the budget. Despite the fact that the state is primarily obliged to provide housing to those who have been on the waiting list for a long time, the amount of funding allows us to gradually reduce this waiting list.

Every year, about 10 billion rubles are allocated for the implementation of the program that allows military personnel to obtain an apartment, and the subsidy is entirely formed from these funds. This allows us to solve the housing problem for three and a half thousand families. Naturally, such rough calculations do not give a complete picture of the program’s work, but we know for sure that it is effective and quite promising.

Planned indicators

The state began subsidizing funds relatively recently. The start of the program is celebrated in 2014. When forming the budget, a certain share is allocated to finance subsidies. What allows us to move from theory to practice is that financial problems have come under the purview of the state budget from the Ministry of Defense.

According to preliminary forecasts, about 35 billion rubles should be allocated by 2019. This will provide more than 5 thousand families with housing, the cost of which is about seven million. Currently, representatives of the Ministry of Defense have announced the state’s readiness to allocate these funds within a year. Accordingly, this will lead to the fact that the subsidy for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2018-2019 will receive additional funding.

If we take into account that only a part of the military personnel will be able to take advantage of the conditions provided, then this is a fairly good indicator. The point is not that the state imposes strict requirements for selection. Many people prefer to use other government programs. For example, a military mortgage allows you to purchase real estate after three years of service.

Regulatory document

The gratuitous allocation of funds must be carried out on the basis of a normative act that has legislative status. All provisions regarding the provision and calculation of the volume of payments are formulated in government decree No. 76, published in 2014. This resolution was issued on the basis of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”.

Calculating the volume of allocated funds is considered the responsibility of the federal executive body. To estimate the scale that subsidies will have in a particular case, there is an online calculator on the Ministry of Defense website. An approximate calculation is also available on the Finance Ministry’s website. It is entirely devoted to legal issues regarding the financial support of military personnel. To understand what factors state subsidies depend on, you will have to get acquainted with a trivial formula. The final payment is equal to the product of such quantities as the area standard, the price of one square meter and the correction factor.

The area standard is the minimum space that is suitable for one person to live in. This indicator appears in many legislative documents. If the serviceman who is entitled to a subsidy lives alone, then the standard area is 33 square meters. The standard area for a family of two people is 42 square meters. For a family with children, the standard is calculated based on the following considerations: for each family member there are 18 meters.

The cost of one meter is taken according to the indicators of the Ministry of Construction. This parameter has a regional component. In each region, the cost of one square meter of living space is different. The highest price, naturally, was recorded in the capital.

The adjustment factor is a multiplier responsible for distributing funds according to length of service. The longest army service must correspond to the maximum amount. Military experience of 10 to 16 years gives the right to calculate the subsidy at a coefficient of 1.85. The next category of military personnel is with up to 20 years of experience. A value of 2.25 is provided for them. 21 years of service corresponds to a value of 2.375. Then, every year the correction factor increases by 0.075, but does not exceed 2.75.

Separately, we should talk about the reasons for reducing the area standard, since they reflect some of the conditions for participation in the program, which provides subsidies to military personnel for an apartment.

  • If the serviceman or his family members have documented rights to living space, the standard indicator can be reduced by the amount of this area.
  • The standard is also reduced if the family is using an apartment under a social tenancy agreement. Here it is necessary to clarify one nuance. Often the contract stipulates the possibility of terminating and vacating the apartment. In this case, the area is not deducted from the standard.
  • In addition to reducing the standard, it is also envisaged to increase it. If you have the right to additional space, the standard for a military personnel increases by 15 square meters.

Program Terms and Conditions

There are many, sometimes baseless, assumptions about how to receive a housing subsidy for a military personnel. In fact, the procedure for receiving assistance from the state is quite defined. A number of conditions must be met to allow a citizen to participate in the program. The length of service of soldiers applying for subsidies must be at least 10 years. In addition, they should not have any housing of their own. You will also have to prove the need for your own housing, this is done in an elementary way, because the waiting list, sometimes lasting several years, is recorded and thereby serves as evidence.

The cash equivalent of the subsidy will be only 80% of the cost of the apartment. To participate in the program, a military person must have a certain capital. He can arrange the remaining 20% ​​from the bank by taking out a loan. Providing a loan will not affect the terms of the program in any way. Housing contributions from the state can be made in the full required amount only for those military personnel whose service is more than 25 years. Let us remind you that financial calculations are carried out based on the required housing area standards. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War have priority in the order of priority.

Categories of military citizens for participation in the program

You can create a list of categories of citizens who have the right to receive a subsidy for purchase or construction based on the order of the Ministry of Defense dated July 21, 2010.

  • First of all, military personnel who served in the Armed Forces under a contract signed before January 1998 can count on receiving funds. In addition, all members of his family must be on the register of those in need of state housing assistance.
  • Officers forced to leave the service due to illness or reaching the age limit. This also includes the case of carrying out general training, but under this point they can take a subsidy only if the experience is at least 10 years.
  • Officers or warrant officers with 20 years of experience who lived in a service apartment.


The decision to enroll a serviceman’s family in the program is made by regional executive authorities. In order for a housing subsidy to be allocated to military personnel, they are required to write an application, which is addressed to the housing department under the executive branch of the relevant region. The application form is provided at the office of the military unit, at the department’s information stand, but the easiest way is to download a sample application on the official resource of the Ministry of Defense.

It is necessary to collect a package of documents, which includes copies of passports and birth certificates of all family members. The length of service is confirmed by a special extract from the service record. Marital status is displayed on the marriage certificate. After submitting the application, a decision will be made within 30 days to recognize the military member’s family as in need of housing. A corresponding order from the Ministry of Defense will allow you to receive benefits in the amount calculated by the regional executive authorities.

All that remains is to open a bank account to which the funds will be transferred. You can find out how much money has been credited to your account using a notification, although cash withdrawals will not be available to the citizen. After the purchase of a home has occurred, it is necessary to take all measures to register it, since this is the main requirement of the program. After approval of the right to subsidy in the financial department of the Ministry of Defense, funds will be transferred within 10 days.