What is pos lending? How to apply for a POS loan

If you like a product, you don’t have enough money to buy it, and you want to get it “here and now,” there is a way out - take out a trade loan. In this article we will talk about the features and conditions of POS loans, as well as where and how you can use them.

Briefly about the POS lending market

In 2018, banks issued POS loans in the amount of RUB 384 billion, which exceeded the same figure in 2017 (RUB 364 billion) by 4.9%. In the total volume of loans issued to the population, the share of the POS lending segment decreased from 4% to 3%. The top three leaders in terms of loan portfolio size were Home Credit Bank, OTP Bank and Post Bank, and Tinkoff Bank showed the highest rate of portfolio growth (over 250%).

Alfa-Bank, on the contrary, has unloaded its POS loan portfolio by more than half. In October 2018, the credit institution announced its intention to leave this market, explaining this by its desire to concentrate on more profitable areas of lending. At the same time, the “Buy from Sberbank” program was introduced to the market, within the framework of which purchases of goods via the Internet are credited.

Features of POS loans

POS lending is characterized by the following features:

  • borrowing is targeted, money is issued for the purchase of a specific product;
  • Submission of an application for a loan and its processing are carried out, as a rule, within one hour and only using the buyer’s passport;
  • the procedure takes place at a retail outlet, marketplace (a single online trading platform) or online store with the participation of a bank employee, credit broker or online banking system;
  • The loan funds to pay for the goods go not to the borrower-buyer, but to the seller.

POS loans are available without overpayment and with overpayment. The amount of the overpayment depends on what discount the seller is willing to provide to the bank paying for the goods.

If a loan is issued without overpayment, in the amount of the base cost of the goods, this means that the seller provides a discount equal to the loan rate.

However, the seller, in collusion with the bank, can include the rate or part of it in the price of the product, selling it at a higher price than without installments, while declaring that there is no overpayment.

POS lending at retail outlets is associated with increased risks for banks, which are typical for microfinance organizations. Scoring is carried out in a “light” version; as a rule, only a passport is required from documents. If the loan is issued online when purchasing goods on a marketplace or online store, then the risks of financial institutions are reduced. In this case, a remote banking system is used, and the bank can more adequately assess the solvency of the credited person, who is its client.

POS lending at retail outlets

Home Credit Bank

HKB is the leader in the POS lending segment in Russia; it provides commodity loans without overpayment, as well as at preferential and regular rates. Its partner network includes more than 40 companies and networks selling furniture, electronics, household appliances, jewelry, clothing, tour packages, and children's goods. Borrowing parameters depend on which partner the purchase is made from. For example, if a product is purchased in the stores of Euroset, MTS, Know-how and Svyaznoy, then the loan will be issued without overpayment on the following conditions (the companies provide the bank with a discount of 11.95% of the base price):

  • amount – from 1.5 thousand to 80 thousand rubles;
  • period – 10 months;
  • down payment – ​​0%.

OTP Bank

In 2018, the bank took second place in terms of loan portfolio volume; its partner network includes over 20 companies selling electronics, furniture, jewelry and other goods. Characteristics of POS loans from OTP Bank:

  • amount – from 2 thousand to 500 thousand rubles;
  • term – from 3 to 60 months;
  • down payment – ​​from 0% to 99%.

Post Bank

  • amount – up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • term – from 3 to 36 months;
  • down payment – ​​from 0% to 90%.

POS lending on the marketplace

Home Credit Bank not only occupies a leading position in the Russian POS lending market, but is also the creator of the country's first banking marketplace. It presents about 20 product groups from Russian and foreign manufacturers. One online trading platform contains products from different suppliers, available for purchase in installments. The desired item can be found by product group, manufacturer, supplier, price and monthly payment amount.

Purchasing goods on credit on the Home Credit Bank marketplace occurs as follows:

  • the buyer selects the desired product and fills out an application for installment payment;
  • A bank employee contacts the buyer, discusses the details and agrees on the place and time of the meeting;
  • a paper loan agreement is drawn up and signed;
  • The buyer picks up the ordered goods from the store himself or orders courier delivery.

The “Buy with Sberbank” program works according to a different scheme; Sberbank does not have a marketplace as such, that is, a single online trading platform, unlike Home Credit. The purchase and loan transaction are carried out remotely, without direct contact between the borrower and an employee of the financial institution. To purchase in installments, the buyer must have an active debit card of a credit institution and access to Sberbank Online or mobile banking.

The credit purchase procedure consists of the following sequence of actions:

  1. the buyer goes to the partner website (there are 24 of them in total, they are presented on the official website of the program), selects a product, clicks the “Buy on credit” link and indicates the borrowing period;
  2. after that it is transferred to the online banking authorization form;
  3. after authorization, the buyer fills out a loan application;
  4. when approving a loan, the buyer must agree to the terms or refuse it;
  5. upon agreement, both the purchase and the credit transaction are considered completed, and the buyer indicates the method and time of receipt of the goods.


POS credit is a convenient way to purchase something you like if you lack your own funds. But you need to use it carefully, without succumbing to momentary temptation, so as not to later regret the purchase made on emotions and the money lost because of it.

Pos (from the English “point of sales”) - point of sales. At their core, POS loans are express loans or mini-loans that are issued by a bank representative or seller directly in the store.

For banks, such loans are less risky than, for example, non-targeted cash loans or credit cards. Therefore, the approval rate for such loans is higher. According to Expert RA materials, in 2012 the portfolio of unsecured loans amounted to 4.1 trillion rubles, which is more than the mortgage portfolio of banks.

Advantages and disadvantages of POS lending

The advantages of POS lending include:

The ability to instantly buy the item you like;

Protection against inflation and depreciation of funds;

Such purchases cause less damage to the family budget, since the amount is paid in installments;

Opportunity to get a loan for citizens with a bad credit history;

Often special promotions are organized for borrowers, allowing them to buy goods at a reduced price.

Main disadvantages:

Lending rates range from 25 to 50%, sometimes up to 75%;

Market experts explain that under the guise of an interest-free consumer loan, in fact there is a loan for the purchase of goods at an inflated price.

Rates on POS loans are higher than classic consumer loans;

Shopping impulsiveness - the likelihood of buying a product at a higher price than in another store;

How to apply for a POS loan

The decision on a loan is made as quickly as possible (up to 30 minutes); a minimum package of documents is required. However, it has higher interest rates (more than 30%).

The loan issuance system is as simple as possible.

The requirements for the borrower are extremely flexible. A POS loan is issued to any citizen over 18 years of age. Often, proof of the borrower's income is not required - only a passport is among the requested documents.
The maximum loan amount in most cases is small and does not exceed 50-80 thousand rubles. Such loans are issued for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years, on average - for a year.

As a rule, at retail outlets it is possible to choose between offers from several banks. Among the banks that are actively working in the POS lending market today are Alfa-Bank, Rusfinance, Russian Standard, OTP Bank, Home Credit.

If the borrower has the opportunity to confirm his income and provide a 2-NDFL certificate, then it is better to take not a POS loan, but a regular consumer loan.

The POS category includes loans that are issued directly at retail outlets and are positioned as installment loans. Most often they can be found in electronics supermarkets and construction hypermarkets. Here you can draw up an agreement within an hour and with a minimum package of documents. As a rule, only a passport is required from the buyer. Financial organizations minimize their risks with high rates - they reach 30% per annum. This means that POS loans have little in common with installment loans, but due to the prompt decision-making on an application, their market share is constantly growing.

Conditions for issuing POS loans

The key feature to understand what POS loans are is that they are not issued in cash to the borrower. The bank undertakes to pay the store the full cost of the products purchased by the client. To make such a purchase, the borrower must select a product and then contact a bank specialist with an invoice issued by the seller. The manager generates an electronic application and accepts the application from the client. Then the information is sent to the bank for consideration and making a decision on issuing a loan or refusing to provide the service. In practice, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

The conditions for borrowers are simple:

  • Coming of age.
  • Availability of permanent sources of income.
  • Possibility to pay a down payment.
  • Possibility of paying for an insurance policy if the loan amount is large enough.

Another feature of such a loan is the high probability of non-repayment. The bank cannot carefully check the client’s solvency, since the loan processing procedure takes place virtually instantly.

Pros of POS lending

The benefits of the service include:

  • Minimum package of papers for obtaining a loan. In most cases, one passport is sufficient.
  • The product can be purchased instantly, even without having the required amount with you.
  • The loan is repaid in equal installments, which is convenient in terms of planning your own budget and expenses.
  • Opportunity to buy goods at a low price if there are promotions.
  • The ability to choose the most acceptable lending conditions among several banks, if we are talking about large stores.

Among the disadvantages of POS lending are high interest rates, as well as expenses that go beyond the family budget. The ability to quickly purchase goods without the required amount provokes unplanned purchases, which for the most part are not mandatory. Short loan term.

Whether it is worth taking POS loans (Point Of Sale), having understood what it is, everyone decides for themselves. Based on the conditions and if you have official employment, it is better to take out a consumer loan with more favorable interest rates. In turn, POS lending solves the problem of urgently purchasing the right product if the client works informally.

Trade loans allow you to make purchases by borrowing money, thereby opening access to various products and services for which the borrower does not have enough personal savings to purchase. Generally, POS lending is different flexible tariffs And exclusive offers from a variety of stores that enter into long-term partnership agreements with popular banks.

POS lending

What is POS lending?

Product POS credit is one of the popular areas of retail lending. In most cases, we are talking about standard installment plans for clients of trading companies aimed at ordering services or purchasing specific goods on loan.

The abbreviation POS most accurately reflects the essence of the form of debt financing under consideration. Translated from English the phrase Point Of Sale means "point of sale", therefore the term itself "POS loans" can be deciphered as "loans at the point of sale". In simple words, the loans in question are issued directly in the store without the need to visit the bank office involved in servicing the future transaction.

Features of POS lending:

  • Target nature of the transaction
  • Rates from 0% to 30% per year
  • Registration without visiting a bank office
  • Cooperation directly with the seller
  • Availability of down payment
  • Using goods as collateral
  • Concluding an agreement without leaving the cash register
  • Remote application submission

Companies that provide profitable loans for the purchase of certain goods directly at retail outlets enter into business agreements on long-term cooperation with banks. Some stores involve several financial institutions as partners, so goods can often be purchased taking into account different lending programs.

Purposes of applying for a POS loan:

  • Ordering various services
  • Purchasing goods
  • Payment of utility bills
  • Payments in online stores

Popular POS lending programs are offered by numerous retailers that sell furniture, household appliances, portable devices, electronics, clothing, shoes And other consumer goods. Favorable conditions for cooperation are often provided travel agencies, carriers And medical institutions.

Terms of POS lending:

  • Average deal duration – 12 months
  • The loan amount is equal to the cost of the goods
  • The purchased product is subject to insurance
  • Loans are issued only to adults
  • Review of the application takes from 5 to 40 minutes
  • The scoring procedure is carried out by the bank

You can apply for a trade loan on the bank’s official website or directly in the store. If a network of trading companies has been chosen for cooperation, it is recommended to contact one of the local offices. Sometimes prices for goods are noticeably reduced in online stores. If necessary, the borrower can apply for a loan at home, but the lender will insist on visiting the office of the trading company to sign the agreement. Some sellers transfer all necessary documents by courier during delivery of the sold goods.

Loan processing algorithm:

  1. Choosing a store for cooperation
  2. Selecting the right product
  3. Filling out and submitting an application to the bank
  4. Consideration of the borrower's candidacy
  5. Negotiating the terms of a future transaction
  6. Product Purchasing
  7. Delivery to the address specified by the customer
  8. Signing the contract sent by the courier
  9. Automatic property insurance
  10. Receiving goods purchased on loan

Thus, POS credit allows you to make a purchase without leaving the cash register. The down payment is often considered as additional security. Some organizations insist that the client must make the first payment, amounting to at least 10% from the cost of the goods. If the borrower agrees to make a down payment, the lender will reduce the interest rate or extend the term of the agreement.

Benefits of POS loans

Generally, POS loans are seen as excellent sources for additional financing when the borrower needs to facilitate the process of purchasing essential goods. If savings are not enough to pay for a specific product or service order, the seller may provide excellent credit conditions.

The borrower does not need to visit the office of the bank chosen for cooperation. Representatives of the trading company act as intermediaries, sending the scoring application received from the client to the financial institution. In many online stores, trade installment plans are provided remotely. In other words, you can buy goods and pay for the necessary service with a loan at any time convenient for the client.

Pros of POS lending:

  • Increasing the efficiency of consideration of incoming applications
  • The ability to quickly buy goods or order services
  • Concluding transactions with online stores remotely
  • Minimum number of documents for obtaining a loan
  • Improving consumer purchasing power
  • Expanding the client base of trading companies and lenders
  • Drawing attention to bank loan products
  • Increasing turnover and increasing the average store receipt
  • Improving the availability of individual product items

This form of lending brings significant benefits not only to potential buyers. Stores, through cooperation with banks, attract new customers, and financial institutions receive commissions. As a result, a loan for the purchase of goods or ordering services is considered an extremely convenient form of lending.

Disadvantages of POS lending

Unfortunately, many trading companies limit the range of product items available for purchase by issuing credit products within the framework of existing POS lending programs. If we are not talking about installment plans, you will have to pay a large percentage for the use of the borrowed funds, and the cost of the loan may further increase due to compulsory insurance or payment for related services.

Disadvantages of POS lending:

  • The risk of the seller overstating the original price of the product
  • Imposing additional services on the buyer
  • Deliberately inflating interest rates
  • Hidden fees and charges
  • Probability of late payments
  • Limited range of products available
  • Making a large down payment

Some stores are trying to impose additional services on borrowers. However, according to current laws, the lender does not have the right to refuse to conclude a transaction if the client refuses related services. Basically, we are talking about extending the warranty or providing various service options that the buyer can do without when using the product.

The Consumer Protection Law allows you to refuse to make a purchase within 14 days from the moment of conclusion of the contract. To terminate the transaction, the goods must be returned to the creditor. If the buyer did not personally consent to receive paid services, you should first file a complaint. When a creditor ignores a request to renegotiate the terms of the contract by eliminating hidden fees, it is recommended that you first engage a qualified lawyer and then initiate legal proceedings.


Among modern forms of lending that have come to the domestic market from abroad, various commodity installment plans are of particular interest to consumers. In addition to POS lending, stores also offer installment cards And specialized commodity loans. The basis of such credit products is the ability of banks to enter into partnership agreements with trading companies.

When choosing an organization to apply for a POS loan, you need to carefully study not only the range of available products, but also the parameters of the agreement. Loans that allow you to purchase goods in demand among customers in stores are popular.

The algorithm for issuing a POS loan is similar to quick lending. As a rule, a potential borrower needs to submit reliable passport data to the bank for verification. A certificate of income is required only when applying for a large loan. At the same time, it takes no more than half an hour to conclude a deal.

Point Of Sale) is a direction of retail business of banks, providing for the issuance of loans for certain goods directly at retail outlets. This business is considered highly profitable, but also high-risk.

As a rule, such loans are characterized by high interest rates - more than 30%, but at the same time quick decision making (up to an hour).

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