How to save money for an apartment. How to save for an apartment: advice for young people

The housing issue has always been one of the most pressing for the population. In the absence of a fairly large sum to buy an apartment, many decide to save up this amount. However, most people do not know how to save up for an apartment in such a way that the purchase is successful and not too expensive. Success depends on many factors, so it is worth approaching this issue in a multi-faceted and responsible manner.

It is worth noting the two most important conditions that are required for successful accumulation of money:

1) Availability of a stable monthly income sufficient for living;
2) The ability to save money without denying yourself the basic needs of life.

Various options to save up

One of the options for saving money for an apartment is simply saving from your monthly salary. But this option is only suitable for a fairly impressive salary, otherwise there will not be enough money for normal living, not to mention a mortgage.

When answering a similar question, financial advisors usually ask whether a person has real estate or property that is not needed and from the sale of which money can be saved. If the money is not enough for the full purchase, then it can be used as a down payment for a mortgage. If you put things or real estate up for sale at least 10% below their market value, then in the end you can earn quite a good amount of money, which will be useful as the main contribution to the purchase of an apartment.

If there is nothing to sell, another option is not to keep all your savings at home, but to deposit them in a bank account at interest. If you invest 15-20 thousand a month, then in 5-6 years the amount, taking into account interest, should be enough to buy a home. However, it is worth remembering: taking into account possible crises and changes in rates, the estimated cost of housing at the time of accumulation may change. Therefore, it is better to take out a mortgage or loan, accumulating money along the way.

Tools to help you save money

Based on guaranteed profit, all financial instruments for savings can be divided into 4 groups.

First group- an accumulative insurance agreement concluded with an insurance company. It does not determine income in any way, but will serve as a guaranteed salvation from inflation or crisis.

Second group- these are bank deposits, they can rightfully be called the most common method. The yield is usually from 12% per annum.

Third group- stock market, this instrument is quite risky, but can provide up to 30% per annum.

And finally, last group- These are highly profitable investments that allow you to receive up to 500% per annum if the outcome is successful. Investments are quite risky, so it is better not to use this method without special knowledge and experience in this area.

Having decided on the most suitable financial instrument, you need to think about how to properly save money so that it does not harm your normal life.

When wondering how to save money for an apartment, you should take into account a few simple tips. First of all, you need to keep track of your own income and expenses - this will help you understand which side of life is the most costly and review your expenses in order to get more free money. It is also very important to analyze your expenses. To do this, they can be divided into 4 main groups:

Urgent and important (purchasing groceries, paying loans);
- important, but not urgent (savings, investing in yourself);
- urgent, but not important (minor repairs);
- not urgent and not important (entertainment, vacation).

All planned amounts and figures need to be reviewed periodically - there may be changes in apartment prices, unforeseen expenses that will require a slight reduction in the amount of money set aside.

Ideally, the bulk of the money should be spent on essentials, but you can save a little on entertainment or vacation to purchase an apartment. Saving so much money will likely require changing your financial habits, so by giving up some of the excesses, you can significantly speed up the process of collecting the financial savings necessary to purchase a home.

It will be useful to keep records of savings, recording when and how much money was invested. This will help you see the most profitable sources for accumulation in order to develop them and get even more profit on your desired purchase.

Psychological aspect related to finances

If you are interested in how to save up for an apartment quickly, then many psychologists talk about the effectiveness of the method of saving a lot of money per month. The forced and rapid result of accumulation is very practical, since it is easier for a person to endure a couple of years of active saving than to stretch out his own spending restrictions for decades. And having become the owner of a long-awaited apartment, you can begin to gradually transfer your expenses to its arrangement, which will be quite pleasant from the psychological side.

The second, no less important psychological aspect is that you should have real numbers before your eyes. Before you start saving money, you should carefully study the market situation, find out the cost of the desired apartment depending on its size, distance from the city center and other factors. Having outlined the required amount, it will be easier to save it, which has been proven by numerous studies.

All planned amounts and figures need to be reviewed periodically - there may be changes in apartment prices, unforeseen expenses that will require a slight reduction in the amount of money set aside. You can calculate how much longer it will take to achieve the desired money supply at the current rate of accumulation, and, if necessary, adjust the amount of deposited amounts to speed up the process.

Saving for your own home is quite possible if you approach this moment responsibly and carefully. The main thing here is willpower in order to have the ability not to waste money on minor weaknesses, but to confidently go towards the intended goal. You just need to monitor the situation on the market and adjust your savings taking into account life circumstances, then the treasured real estate will soon become a reality.

Owning comfortable and spacious housing is a real dream for millions of Russian residents. Many of us, since perestroika (for more than twenty years), have been living in simply monstrous conditions - there are often cases when a family of 4 or more people lives in a one-room apartment, or when people wander around rented apartments until their death, not being able to buy their own housing. The most prohibitive housing prices are in the capital. That is why the question - how to save up for an apartment in Moscow (or any other city) - is relevant for a huge number of residents of our country.

30 square meters in one of the cells is the dream of millions!

The current state of the Russian real estate market

The Russian Federation has long been confidently among the top ten countries with the highest prices for residential real estate. For example, according to the results of a 2010 study of the global real estate market by Evans Property Services, Russia ranked fifth out of forty countries analyzed in terms of cost per square meter relative to wages in the region. The average Muscovite needed to save for an apartment at constant prices and wages for 26 years, and the average Russian - 21 years (if you don’t eat, don’t drink and live on the street).

But time passes, and prices change, and salaries also do not remain unchanged. Recently a magazine IQR wrote about in 2015. If we take current prices and salaries, then one person needs to save their entire salary for an apartment for about 11 years in Moscow and 6 years in the regions (since prices and salaries are different everywhere, there may be a slight deviation from this figure). It seems like there is progress. Let's move on to absolute numbers.

Beautiful sunset

If you open advertisements for the sale of real estate in Moscow, you will not be able to find amounts containing less than six zeros. For clarity, let’s look at the approximate minimum housing prices.

Moscow. To become the owner of a small one-room apartment on the outskirts, you will have to pay at least 4,500,000 rubles. In New Moscow you can find something cheaper, but in terms of infrastructure it’s not Moscow at all. At the same time, an apartment at that price will definitely have to undergo renovations, and major repairs at that - apartments in residential condition will cost you much more. If you want to buy a one-room apartment closer to the center (depending on the area), count on at least 6,000,000 rubles.

Saint Petersburg . Housing here, compared to the capital, is much cheaper - if you wish, you can buy a small one-room apartment far from the center for about 1,500,000 rubles.

In other cities of the country, the cost of housing varies, somewhere - half a million rubles for a one-room apartment, and somewhere - two and a half. On average, the minimum level fluctuates around 900,000 rubles.

Level of Russian salaries and apartment prices

With a salary like this, it's time to beg

But the level of our salaries for the most part seems even ridiculous if you compare it with the cost of real estate. A young man in Moscow working in a more or less decent position can earn on average about 50,000 rubles. In general, for the capital of Russia, calculating is not an easy task. Two people with the same education and working in the same positions can easily receive amounts with a difference of tens of thousands of rubles. On the street you can easily meet both a Muscovite with an income of 30,000 rubles, and a resident with an income of half a million (or more).

In other cities the situation is, naturally, worse. For example, in St. Petersburg, at the initial stage you should hardly count on an amount higher than 35,000 rubles (unless you are a unique specialist in a certain field), and it is not a fact that even after a few years you will overcome this level. In regional capitals, the average salary drops even lower - a young man can count on approximately 25,000 rubles.

For Moscow: 100,000 (total monthly family income) – 50,000 (living expenses) = 50,000 rubles. This is how much you can save every month. In a year, in this situation, you will get 600,000 rubles. In total, you will have to save up to buy the worst one-room apartment on the secondary market without repair: 4,500,000 / 600,000 = 7.5 years. Please note that during this period you will most likely have to forget about buying your own car, having a good holiday abroad, or adding to your family.

For regional cities the situation is approximately the same: 40,000 (approximate family income) – 30,000 (living expenses) = 10,000 rubles in the balance. Per year – 120,000 rubles. We divide 900,000 by 240,000 and get the same 7.5 years.

However, these are only approximate calculations, in which the family has a stable and good income and spends money only on the essentials. Naturally, this period actually increases significantly - many people save for housing for 10 or even 20 years. In order to significantly reduce this period, let's consider several ways that can positively affect your financial situation and help you save up for an apartment faster. The same tips will be relevant for other cases - for example, if you are interested, or for starting your own business.

Beautiful five-story building

How to save for an apartment - let's figure it out in order

Calculation of the amount required to purchase an apartment

View of the station in Moscow

First of all, you should at least approximately decide on the amount that you need to collect for the apartment.

  1. Decide what kind of apartment and in what area you want to buy. At the same time, keep in mind that primary housing (in a house currently under construction) will cost you much less, but purchasing it has a certain risk. You will not be able to immediately move into the purchased apartment - so this option is suitable for those who have a place to live while waiting - a room in an apartment with their parents, for example.
  1. Carefully review the currently existing offers for the sale of suitable options, writing out prices. In addition, try to find prices online for similar properties over the past few years. At the same time, also take into account that during the time that you will collect money for the purchase, this amount may increase, so add at least 10% to today's cost.
  1. Keep in mind that in addition to purchasing an apartment, it will need to be registered. Notary services (usually a fixed amount, which varies in different offices), payment of state fees, payment for real estate agency services - in total, add about another 3-5% to the total amount.
  1. Having bought an apartment, most likely you will want to renovate it to your taste and furnish it with your own household appliances and furniture. The amounts for such expenses may be different, depending on your requests and needs, so also calculate them at least approximately.

Once you are done with the calculations, you will receive an approximate amount (in today's prices) that you will need to get your own apartment, ready to move in. Don't be alarmed that it may turn out to be significantly higher than what you expected - below we will look at ways that will allow you to save more.

Saving money to buy a home

The view from the window of a future apartment is the main motivator

If you are planning to buy an apartment and do not intend to wait more than ten years, be prepared for the fact that you will have to tighten your belts, and not for a week or a month, but most likely for several years. However, your efforts will not be in vain - if you complete the following points after the deadline, you will become the happy owner of your own apartment.

  1. Get yourself a healthy habit y – keep daily records of expenses and income. Calculate the results for a week, a month. This way, you can have information about your exact financial status at any time and also analyze how you can reduce expenses. To keep such records, you can use either a regular paper notepad or an application for your computer or smartphone.
  1. You can quit smoking and alcohol- this, by the way, is useful, and spending on “bad” habits is a very serious part of the expenses. For example, you smoke one pack of cigarettes a day, your wife another half a pack. Let’s take the average cost of quality cigarettes – 50 rubles per pack. In total, every day you will cause serious harm to your health, while paying for it 75 rubles per day, 2,250 per month, 27,000 rubles (!) per year. Add to this the monthly cost of alcohol - for example, 2 times a week (Friday and Saturday) 2 liters of beer, costing 40 rubles each, will cost you 640 rubles per month, 7680 rubles per year. In total, by giving up bad habits, you can save almost 35,000 rubles annually.
  1. In addition to bad habits, you can also reduce the number of trips to entertainment venues. Clubs, bars, restaurants - all this takes up huge amounts of money. For example, if you go to a nightclub a couple of times a month, a couple more to a restaurant, and spend 1,000 rubles there (and usually this figure is much higher) - the result is 4,000 monthly or 48,000 per year. Of course, if it’s hard for you without such trips, you shouldn’t completely deny yourself the pleasure, but you need to at least reduce their cost. Alternatively, just take a certain amount with you so you don't overspend.
  1. Grocery shopping actually cost us much more than they actually could. When you go to a supermarket to buy food, the first thing you go to is the non-essential sections. This could be dishes, toys, magazines and books, small items for design and interior design, and so on, and only then are the products you really need placed. This is done deliberately so that the buyer succumbs to fleeting temptations and makes unplanned purchases. To avoid such expenses, plan your shopping list in detail and strictly follow it, and also take a limited amount of money with you. The amounts saved may vary, but you can certainly save at least a thousand rubles a month (or 12,000 a year).
  1. Buy food products at wholesale stores- their cost here is lower than in stores and on the market, and significantly. A kilogram of fruit, which will cost you 100 rubles at retail, here will cost about 75-80, for example. Here you can purchase long-lasting products - canned food, some types of fruits and vegetables, sugar, coffee and tea, cereals, pasta, and so on. The amount of money saved depends on your needs, but for approximate calculations we’ll take 1,000 rubles per month, or 12,000 per year as a minimum. Ours will help you.
  1. If you are currently renting an apartment, and chose not the cheapest option - think about whether it would be convenient for you to move to a less expensive home, or even to live with your parents. For example, if you live in Moscow, then you will spend at least 30,000 rubles to rent a one-room apartment. By moving in with your parents for a year, you can save 360,000 rubles.
  1. Analyze the rest of your monthly expenses- perhaps they can be shortened too. For example, you visit an expensive gym with beautiful machines and smiling trainers. However, next to your house there is an inconspicuous basement where sporty-looking men gather in the evenings, and the cost of monthly classes there is half as much. As in the previous paragraphs, savings depend on your expenses.

If you approach planning your own finances and saving money wisely, you can save significant amounts a year and save money for your apartment much faster. For example, let’s calculate how much money we will be able to save if we adhere to all of the above points:

  • refusal of alcohol and cigarettes – 35,000 rubles per year;
  • entertainment – ​​48,000 rubles per year;
  • savings on purchases in supermarkets – 12,000 per year;
  • savings on purchases at wholesale stores - 12,000 per year;
  • savings on other expense items – for example, let’s take another 12,000 per year.

In total, we get almost 120,000 rubles in savings per year, and this is without taking into account additional savings if you rent a house and decide to move to a cheaper apartment - you must agree, a very, very considerable amount.

Attention! The above calculations are indicative, based on the average and approximate amounts that an average two-person family spends. In your case, this figure may be radically different - for example, if you don’t smoke anyway, then, naturally, you no longer have an additional expense item.

Ways to increase income for buying an apartment

Perhaps a site is already being prepared somewhere for your future apartment in a new building

Saving money alone won't get you far - and a more important factor that will allow you to bring your purchase closer is increasing your income. Even those who already spend all their time and energy on work should not despair - with the right approach, you will need very little time to increase your own profit. Let's consider the most profitable and current options.

  1. Try to figure out how you can earn extra income using the knowledge you have. You can take students (teachers are people who know foreign languages ​​or programming languages), carry out orders in their free time (working professions), consult (doctors, lawyers).
  1. Choose and study an additional profession. This could be a foreign language, programming, writing texts to order. Firstly, it won’t take up much of your time, and secondly, you can study right at work, if you have a couple of free hours and a computer (tablet, smartphone). In the future, you will be able to receive a good income - a considerable number of people have now made such types of income their main source of profit.
  1. Improve your professional skills and try to climb the career ladder. After all, the higher the position held, the higher the salary, naturally.
  1. Remember what you were interested in before and what you were good at. Perhaps you are a talented artist - then you can work, create logos, advertising signs, do tattoos or airbrushing. Or you get along well with people, are sociable and open - then you can try yourself as a wedding toastmaster. Or maybe you’re an excellent photographer, but your favorite DSLR is gathering dust on a shelf at home - custom photographs also bring in a good income.

Ways to increase capital and other tricks

The money you save can become a source of passive income in itself. They should not lie like dead weight - because this way their value will only decrease as a result of inflation. And the right investment of funds will allow you not only to save up for an apartment, but also to regularly receive a stable and high income, which will allow you not to work for the rest of your life.

  1. This is not the first year deposits of funds in bank deposits are one of the most stable and common options for increasing capital. Among the numerous offers of all existing banks for 2015, on average you can receive about 15% of the invested funds per year (in Russian rubles). This figure may vary depending on the conditions and your relationship with the bank. For example, you can get bank deposits at maximum interest rates if you are already a long-time and trusted client of a company with a positive reputation. An excellent option for those who have an official and stable income. Now there are conditions that allow you to increase the invested amount monthly, thereby further increasing the result.
  1. Mortgage. In essence, this is the same loan, but issued for a long term, at more favorable interest rates and with a high limit. Suitable, again, only for those who have official employment and a stable income. Moreover, the answer to the question - is it profitable to take out a mortgage - in the overwhelming majority of cases is negative. Considerable interest will force you to overpay, often two or even more times. Moreover, if you lose, even briefly, your source of income, serious problems may arise, including the bank repossessing the purchased home. If you are seriously considering this option, read.
  1. Bank loan- far from the most profitable option. Firstly, you are unlikely to be given such a large amount that will be enough to buy a home, so it is only relevant if you lack a certain amount of money. Considerable interest, a significant overpayment in the end, the need for official employment - all this makes even a loan from the “people's” Sberbank not the most profitable option.
  1. Investment in NPF(non-state pension fund) in terms of profitability is not much different from the usual opening of a bank deposit. The most profitable NPFs can provide you with about 8-10%. This option is good for its stability, but if you want to save up for housing as quickly as possible, it’s unlikely to be suitable.
  1. Investment in mutual fund(mutual fund) is one of the most profitable ways to invest money. Having relatively high stability and reliability, it can provide you with the highest annual interest rates (compared to bank offers) - up to 30-60%.
  1. Investing in Forex trading. A very risky method that can give you good results (good PAMM account managers make a stable average of 4-5% per month). The disadvantage is that it is impossible to calculate how much income you will receive in the next month or in the year as a whole, and whether there will be any at all, or you will lose your hard-earned money.
  1. Renting your own residential property. Suitable if you already have an apartment, but would like to buy a better option. For example, you live in a two-room apartment, but are planning to have a child, and want to buy a three-room spacious home. In this case, you can rent out your property and rent a cheaper option for the desired period or move in with your parents.
  1. If you have your own car, however, you don’t drive it very often - you can put it on. Income directly depends on the prices that exist in your region, but in any case it is a considerable amount. The disadvantage of this method is that as a result you will receive back a car with significantly increased mileage (which reduces its price), or one that requires serious repairs. You can receive 10-15 thousand additional income per month, this is very significant if you need an inexpensive apartment.
  1. Investment in business(including Internet projects) will be of interest to those people who have an entrepreneurial spirit and significant experience in this field. However, there are also many disadvantages - firstly, you can easily go broke, and secondly, serious profits often begin to come only after a while, and if you want to increase your capital in order to save for housing in 3 years, then it is better to choose another method .

Listed above are only the most profitable, stable and effective methods of increasing capital.. In order to avoid possible problems, it is best to invest funds in several ways at once, distributing them. Eg, if you have 500,000 rubles, You can:

  1. Place 300,000 rubles on a bank deposit at 10% per annum. As a result, without doing absolutely anything, in a year you will receive 330,000 rubles.
  2. The remaining 200,000 rubles should be divided equally between two mutual funds. One, for example, will bring you 15% of income, the second - 20%, in a year you will receive: 115,000 + 120,000 = 235,000 rubles.

Thus, by spending just a couple of days choosing a suitable bank and mutual funds and concluding agreements, in a year you can turn 500,000 rubles, which would have been lying around like a dead weight, into 565,000 rubles. Naturally, if the investment amount was larger, then you will receive a higher income.

By reading the information above and taking it into account, you can significantly reduce the time it will take you to purchase a home.

Calculations for example - how to save for an apartment in 3 years from scratch

How to save for an apartment

As an example, we give the following calculations (for a family of two people living in Moscow in a rented apartment for 30,000 rubles). Our goal is to save up for an apartment in Moscow in 3 years.

First year

Your monthly family income is 110,000 rubles (1,320,000 per year), of which 60,000 (720,000 per year) goes to living costs.

The apartment you want to buy costs 7,500,000 rubles. For additional expenses and a possible price increase, we will add another 1,500,000 - a total of 9,000,000 rubles.

After analyzing your own expenses, you were able to reduce them to 600,000 rubles, so you can save 720,000 rubles per year.

You moved in with your parents for 2 years (in Moscow, without changing your job or income) - this allowed you to save another 360,000 rubles each year. In total, in the first year you saved 1,080,000 rubles.

Second year

During this time, your wife started working on the Internet (writing articles or running her own blog), and from the second year she receives an additional 15,000 rubles, you learned a programming language, and have, for example, the same 15,000 rubles from . Thus, your total monthly income is now 140,000 rubles (per year - 1,680,000), of which you will save 1,320,000 rubles.

Of the 1,080,000 rubles that you were able to save in the first year, you put 500,000 rubles in the bank at 10% per annum. In total, in the second year they increased to 560,000 rubles.

Of the remaining amount, you invested 300,000 rubles in one mutual fund, which gave an annual income of 15%. Total – 345,000 rubles.

You invested the rest - 280,000 rubles - in another mutual fund, which brought you 20% per annum. As a result, you received 336,000 rubles.

In total, thanks to investment, your 1,080,000 rubles in the second year turned into 1,241,000 rubles. Adding to this the funds earned from regular work (1,320,000 rubles), you get 2,321,000 rubles - already enough for an apartment in the regions.

Third year

Let’s assume that in the second year you achieved an increase (+5,000 rubles to your salary), and your wife’s income increased, for example, by the same 5,000 rubles per month. In total, this year you receive 150,000 rubles per month. However, you moved from your parents to rented housing, which increases your expenses by 30,000 rubles.

As a result, in a year you will already receive 1,800,000 rubles, of which you spend 600,000 on accommodation. In total, you will be able to save 1,200,000 rubles for an apartment.

You invested the amount received over two years of work and investment (2,321,000 rubles).

This time, you allocated 1,000,000 rubles for a bank deposit at 10% per year, which by the end of the term will turn into 1,100,000 rubles.

Of the remaining amount (for convenience, let's round up to 1,300,000) you invested 300,000 rubles in a mutual fund, which gave an income of 15% - a total of 345,000 for the year.

You invested another 500,000 rubles in another mutual fund, which brought you another 10% income, returning you 550,000 rubles.

The rest – 500,000 rubles – you invested in several successful Forex traders. In total, the income amounted to, for example, another 15% per year. The total result was 575,000 rubles.

Let's summarize the result of investing for the third year: your capital increased to 2,570,000, in addition to this you earned another 1,200,000. In total, in the third year you collected 3,770,000 rubles - more than a third of the cost of the housing that you initially chose.

The dream has come true, the apartment is yours!

For the money you receive, you can already buy a small one-room apartment on the outskirts. If you are happy with this option, congratulations! In just 3 years, you were able to save up for your own housing (even if not the best) in Moscow. By the way, if it is not important for you to buy real estate in the capital, for this amount you can already buy a spacious apartment in any regional center of Russia.

If you want to achieve a higher goal (save for an apartment in Moscow in a good area worth 9,000,000 rubles) - the essence remains the same. We will not bore the reader with further calculations - the principle is clear. Let us only remind you that the figures given above are approximate and may differ for each person.

Greetings, dear friends! I have great news for you - to have your own home! Yes, yes, you heard right. In our country, buying an apartment through a mortgage is a large-scale event. Many people have to save money for its implementation almost all their lives. And for some, even this time is not enough to finally acquire personal property. In general, even if your salary allows you to take out a loan from a bank, then in any case you will need funds for the down payment, and therefore, one way or another, you will have to rack your brains about where to get the money. I suggest you don’t fool yourself and don’t put off buying a home, but together with me figure out how to save up for an apartment and start moving in the direction of your dreams.

Learning to save money: how to improve your financial situation

Unfortunately, it will be very difficult for the average hard worker with a salary of 20,000 rubles a month to save for an apartment. That's why you need to think what can you do to earn extra money? to start saving for a down payment on your mortgage. It's easy to say, but difficult to do. Of course, many of you will now say that you have no idea where to start looking for part-time work, and have no idea where you can find additional sources of income. But these are just excuses.

What to do?

I advise you to first ask yourself the question “ What can I do?». Right now Take a piece of paper and write down on it all your knowledge, abilities and specific skills that you have acquired throughout your life. Now look through the resulting list and ask yourself the second question - “ Which one do I do best?" Any skill you have in a particular subject area is your advantage in the labor market.

And finally, the last question to ask when looking at the list. " Which of these can bring me the most income?" Here I recommend that you mark a couple of options. Now feel free to choose the point that you like most, to which your soul lies, and begin to actively work in a given direction. You desperately need money. You can get them in various ways, among which:

What should you never do?

Now figure out for yourself which things will become a real taboo for you throughout the entire period of savings. Now we will talk about investments and purchases. So:

Count your money

Since we all know from childhood that money loves account, obviously, the better we count them, the more of them we will have.


Order an income card for yourself. I previously did a review. Read it, it is quite possible that you will like some kind of plastic. This way you will make money work for you and your dream.

Opening a deposit

Open a deposit with interest capitalization. This will allow your money not to gather dust on a shelf, but to bring you a small passive income and help you save money for an apartment as soon as possible.

Phone assistant

Housing and communal services

Install water meters and start saving on utility bills.
If you have a three-phase electricity meter, switch some household chores to night mode. For example, start washing at night, cook in a slow cooker at night.

Attitude towards loans

In the very near future pay off all your debts, if any, and don't borrow money in future.

But before you go into saving mode, I implore you: start earning more. Only in this case, within a year you will have the amount necessary for the first mortgage payment. And the experience gained will prepare you for the loan, morally and materially. I advise you to start looking for an apartment about 2-3 months before the amount necessary for the purchase appears in your bank account. Thus, the problem of how to profitably take out a loan will automatically disappear, and you won’t have to waste precious time.

Strategies for saving money

Since obtaining a mortgage loan without a down payment is very difficult, it is necessary to take care of solving the most pressing problem - how to accumulate this amount in the shortest possible time? I’ll tell you right away that money for a down payment on a mortgage is not at all the same as saving for a “gray day”. After all, you need to have a specific amount by the specified deadline. I suggest you use workers accumulation strategies.

Shlomo Benartzi's principle

Studying the mistakes of economic planning, the famous economist Shlomo Benartzi created a standard behavior pattern for people who are puzzling over how to get a mortgage. His research showed that approximately two-thirds of Europeans have never engaged in long-term savings, and therefore are completely unable to predict their spending.

Simply put, people are not used to cutting their expenses and deny yourself the usual things. Fear of limitation prevents them from procrastinating. To solve this problem, Shlomo suggests saving according to the “ more tomorrow" Her idea is to gradually increase investment. That is, at first you save 3% of your monthly income, gradually increasing the share of savings. The period through which the savings portion will increase depends only on you and the goal you are pursuing.

I’ll say right away that if you are deciding how to save up for your own apartment in Moscow, being a specialist with a salary of 30,000 rubles, you need huge deadlines. Since we need a down payment on our mortgage, we can increase our savings percentage by 1 percent each month. Although it is more profitable to take 5% step, which will be done every 3 months.

Of course, you won’t be able to increase your share indefinitely. Gradually you will come to the maximum that will be optimal for your savings and comfortable for you. It is clear that no one has canceled current living expenses, but in this case it is important for us to learn to follow this principle. Benartzi himself is convinced that it is much more far-sighted to save money on a residual basis. In addition, if your income suddenly increases (your salary increases, for example), it makes sense to transfer the difference between the new and old salary or bonus into savings.

Fraction method 50/20/30

This accumulation option is much faster than the previous one and more widespread. The method is based on rationalizing the division of income. Since it is extremely difficult to control income divided into many parts, it is necessary to divide the salary into only 3 categories:

  • 50% - This amount for mandatory expenses, which include utility bills, rent, groceries, tuition, insurance, medicine, internet and communications
  • 30-35% - these are savings that will later become the down payment on a mortgage loan
  • 15-20% - these are trips to cafes, restaurants, shopping and entertainment

Aim to follow this methodology and divide your income in this ratio. Remember that the most important figure in this formula is future savings. However, this does not mean at all that you need to forget about current expenses, save on yourself and thereby lose motivation, periodically breaking down and spending what you have saved on going to cafes and shopping.

Special government and banking programs

Benefits for young families

Social mortgage for newlyweds. Provided to families in which each member is under 35 years of age. Thanks to this government program you can get mortgage subsidy. The amount of this assistance is calculated based on the number of members in your family.

If your young family is recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, you will need to collect a special package of documents and register with the city administration. I advise you not to rush into this matter, but first find out how actively this program is developing in your region of residence, and how many families have already received compensation for the purchase of housing.

Maternal capital

A family in which a second (or third, or fourth, or...) child was born can use maternity capital to pay the down payment on a mortgage loan.

Applying for a loan without paying a down payment

You can receive such a loan if you can provide the housing you already own as collateral. However, be prepared for the fact that the rate on such a mortgage will be slightly higher than the average.

Alternative deals

To speed up the home buying process, use the proceeds from the sale of assets as a down payment. A striking example of an alternative transaction can be considered the sale of an apartment you already own and the purchase of another to replace it. Alternatively, you can take out a mortgage to share an apartment with your good friend or relative. When the loan is repaid, you will sell the apartment, divide the money, and use the profit as a down payment on the mortgage on your own home. The only caveat you need to know is that the assets must be sold 2-3 months before the loan is issued. This is exactly the period the bank needs to approve a loan application.

Some numbers

Let's calculate how quickly we will be able to pay off the mortgage loan if we buy an apartment that costs 3 million rubles. Those of you who read my article “” can skip this point because you are already familiar with these calculations.

So, I propose to immediately break down borrowers into three categories:

  1. those who have a small income and who do not have any savings
  2. those who have saved some of their funds and are trying to pay off their mortgage loan as quickly as possible
  3. intermediate option

Let me remind you that banks calculate monthly mortgage payments and fix them until the end of the lending period. This is why you will know how much money you will need to pay to the bank every month.

Thus, it turns out that if you tighten your belts, use all the above tips for saving and increasing your monthly income, then literally in 10 years You can become the full owner of your own home. Well, if we add here the possibility of applying for a tax refund from the purchased apartment using a mortgage, then it will be possible to pay off the loan even in 7-8 years. I won’t talk now about how tax interest is refunded, since you can find all the information you are interested in in my separate review, which I will devote specifically to this issue.

Possible risks and ways to solve them

Before taking out a mortgage for an apartment, you need to assess all possible risks associated with savings. I suggest you consider the most common and together with me, figure out how their impact on the final result can be reduced.

Loss of concentration on the end goal

You must be prepared for the fact that quite impressive sums will be taken out of your family’s usual budget. extremely difficult and painful. As soon as your initial enthusiasm subsides, and the accumulated amount is equal to several monthly family incomes, you will be faced with an incredible number of temptations to use it not for its primary purpose or even give up saving for some time in order to solve some current problems.

To avoid this scenario, before you start saving for a mortgage make a reserve for all kinds of unforeseen expenses, the amount of which is equal to 3-6 monthly expenses of the family. In this way, you will protect yourself from the desire to “get into” mortgage money if something really happens that will require you to spend urgently, beyond your budget. In addition, knowing that you have such an unpleasant habit of spending money for no reason or without reason, make a small reserve of money for yourself that can be spent on pampering and treating a bad mood.

Failed Investments

Since investment money is in a state of free play, we are constantly at risk of losing some of it. This principle is completely inappropriate when it comes to mortgage money. These savings must be reliably protected and ready for use within the specified period. Otherwise, your dream of owning your own home will again be shelved.

Do not try to increase the money set aside for a down payment on a mortgage loan by investing it in securities, mutual fund shares and derivatives. Remember that money should be stored in such a way that there is no not the slightest possibility reducing their number.

Bad timing

This point is in many ways similar to the previous one. However, in this case we will be talking about storing mortgage money in foreign currency. Agree, an unsuccessful purchase of currency is a sure way to delay the application for a mortgage loan. The same applies to reliable investments such as purchasing bond mutual funds or any money market funds. In principle, this decision is quite reasonable, but we must remember that in a crisis the price of these assets may fall seriously.

This problem can be solved as follows. The closer your savings deadline approaches, the less “almost safe” investments like currencies and bonds should be in your investment portfolio. Try to cancel them 3-6 months before making your first loan payment. By the way, this should also include the choice of the bank in which your capital will be stored. Choose the most reliable commercial bank, do not chase high interest rates. As a rule, the most profitable organizations collapse at extremely inopportune moments.

Loss of income

If you chase a little more income, while guaranteeing the preservation of the main body of capital, a banal loss of all the interest you have accrued may occur. For example, most investment companies offer their clients complex products, guaranteeing them a return on their investment and offering the opportunity to earn more income than in a bank. In this case, the risk associated with a possible loss of several percent per annum turns out to be completely unjustified if the shelf life of your capital is strictly limited.

I strongly recommend that you keep your mortgage money exclusively with reliable banks that provide the opportunity to replenish a long-term deposit, even if they do not offer the highest deposit rates. Try plan the terms of the deposit as accurately as possible, so that you do not have to lose interest on early withdrawals.

Criminal impact

It is unlikely that I will surprise anyone if I say that several hundred thousand, and even more so millions, of rubles are an enviable target for all kinds of scammers and swindlers. That is why it is necessary to think in advance about implementing an “anti-criminal” plan.

Try not to talk about the fact that you are saving money for an apartment. Limit the circle of people involved in your financial plans, even among close people. You understand that even those who do not wish you harm may inadvertently spill the beans about your plans and successes. This is especially important for those whose usual social circle is completely unaccustomed to such amounts of savings. Unfortunately, money often causes envy and increased attention from strangers. Entrust your capital to the bank, refuse to link your account to your plastic cards, mobile phone and Internet banking. And if tied, keep cards and access at home, with maximum isolation from the outside world.

Lost profit

Some banks provide special conditions for those clients who are saving money for a mortgage loan. Now I'm talking about special mortgage deposits with various bonuses. I must admit that non-interest bonuses are often much more profitable than higher interest rates at other banks.

I advise you to study all available bank offers for mortgage deposits. Pay special attention in addition to the annual interest. As a bonus, you may be offered a discount on your mortgage or free rental of a safe after the deposit expires, as well as much more.

And finally, a couple of tips that will help you realize your dream of owning your own home in the very near future:

Don’t try to buy an apartment on your own, save with like-minded people

Be that as it may, saving the amount necessary to purchase a home on your own is an extremely difficult task. Just think about it: you will need to live somewhere, pay for utilities and food. To make your task easier, write on a piece of paper a list of relatives and friends to whom you you trust completely. Choose among them those who find themselves in the same situation as you and have an identical housing problem. Invite them to save for an apartment together with you, setting aside equal shares for the property.

If you divide all payments equally, you can significantly reduce the term of your mortgage loan and live with your partner in a rented apartment. The only difference is that you will pay for your property. As soon as half of the loan is paid, the apartment can be sold and the remaining debt can be repaid using the proceeds. The remaining difference can be divided equally and used as a down payment on a mortgage loan for your own apartment.

If you apply, you need to comply

Unfortunately, nothing just falls on your head. To achieve the desired results, you need to work hard, develop and improve yourself. You must understand that any experience and knowledge can subsequently be monetized. A person who does nothing but whine about his salary of 30,000 rubles, of which he has to pay 20,000 monthly for a rented apartment, will never become successful. You need to learn new professions, try to make money in other types of activities, or improve your own qualifications in order to move up the career ladder and earn a higher salary. Get in the habit of saving money at the same time. invest make them (at least in a bank deposit) work for you. If you don’t like such changes and are not ready for them, then all you can do is continue to make ends meet, live in rented apartments and make large purchases exclusively on credit.


Our savings lesson has now come to its logical conclusion. I really hope that you will be able to put the acquired knowledge into practice and realize your dream of buying your own home. Share your mortgage experience in the comments, tell us how you saved for an apartment, what difficulties arose, and how you dealt with them. Well, that’s all, dear friends, see you soon!

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Greetings! Judging by the experience of my friends, taking out an apartment with a mortgage is terribly expensive and very psychologically unpleasant. And it is clear that it is advisable to buy your first (second, third) property without loans and with your “hard earned money”.

Last time we already discussed the issue of choosing between. Today’s article is intended to help those who nevertheless chose the first option. But how to save money for an apartment with average or low income? I will not descend into outright platitudes such as “save, save and invest”, “increase income and cut expenses”, “”. I will only suggest a couple of specific techniques and tricks that will slightly simplify and speed up this long and unpleasant process.

But first I’ll say a few “parting words.”

Before you start saving for an apartment, you must prepare yourself for... a continuous obstacle course lasting a couple of years. We all understand perfectly well that even with average incomes it will not be possible to save for the purchase of a home in 1 year. And even more so if the income is small.

In the near future, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle: earn money by all means and constantly think about where to put your savings so that they don’t burn out.

It is extremely difficult to keep a tight rein on yourself for a year or two or five. And sometimes it’s almost impossible. In general, get ready for a long marathon with surprises. Agree, the prize in the form of separate housing is worth such sacrifices.

First, set specific deadlines for yourself.

From the experience of friends, I can say that it is extremely difficult to limit yourself in everything after four or five years of austerity. So focus on this (or better yet, a smaller) figure.

Start with starting capital

This is a very important point! “From scratch” the business will move so slowly that many will burn out without even saving up for a hallway. Therefore, either allocate an annual bonus for the start-up capital, or do some general cleaning in the house and...

And start with at least some minimum amount!

Involve others in the process

Those who live with you should participate by default. And relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances - at least provide moral support.

My friend in Kazakhstan told a funny story. At a retail outlet (photography, photocopier, office) he worked alone. With the boss’s permission, he brought with him a box with a beautiful picture of a country house and the inscription: “I’m saving for a house!” I placed it somewhere on the side and worked as usual. He says that customers laughed and asked a lot of questions, but he never went home with an empty box.

Why is environmental support so important? The fact is that for some time you will have to give up a bunch of unnecessary, but familiar and pleasant things. And doing this when everyone around you is living a “normal” life is extremely difficult.

You try not to smoke around a colleague who is trying to quit and has already lasted two weeks?

Turn boring counting every penny into a game or competition

This approach is easiest for young couples. And if you involve children (from seven years old and older) in the process, you will get a long, long game for every day! The main thing is that parents have enough creativity.

Almost any situation can be played out interestingly.

We met in the evening and boasted about how much someone had saved in a day (walked three stops, didn’t buy a pie, smoked half a pack of cigarettes instead of a whole one, etc.). We calculated the total amount and put the money in a beautiful piggy bank. Or they cast lots to see who will get the money he saved - and he can safely spend it on whatever he wants. Or choose the “winner of the day” and give him a tasty “prize”.

You can appoint a “Minister of Finance” every week. It is he who will control all expenses for seven days and scold the others for wastefulness. You can draw a house, divide it into a hundred squares and paint one at a time when the amount needed to buy a “piece” is collected.

In general, there are a lot of options! The main thing is to motivate yourself and other family members to save money every day.

Create a reserve fund in case of force majeure

Be sure to set aside money for unexpected expenses!

Otherwise, one fine day, half (if not all) of the money saved for an apartment will be spent on paying for the treatment of a family member or urgent car repairs. Moreover, funds for force majeure must be kept separately from money for an apartment!

And just forget about the “housing fund”... This amount should not be taken into account at all in your plans for the next few years.

Be sure to allocate money for recreation and entertainment

Until you buy an apartment, you are unlikely to be able to live in Italy or Austria. But you shouldn’t completely give up going to a cafe, cinema, bowling alley or theater.

You definitely need to take a break from the “saving mode” from time to time! A couple I know used a technique called “day off.” Once every two weeks, they chose a day for which they allocated a fixed amount of money (more than they usually spent).

They left home and... had an active rest. They said that during such weekends the internal “calculator” turns off - because you can finally spend the money the way you want. Within the allocated amount, of course.

Be sure to invest your savings!

Simply by putting money in the safe, you will move towards your goal at a snail's pace. Let's say, the average salary in Kyiv is now about $300, and a one-room apartment on the secondary market can be bought for $30,000. That is, a person needs to neither drink nor eat for 100 months (or more than eight years) to save up for an apartment.

And if he invests a little money in investment instruments, this period can be reduced by two or three times! Another tip: when you have a decent amount in your piggy bank, a small part of it (10%) can be carefully “rolled” into profitable instruments with high risks.

By the way, I took Kyiv as an example, because in Moscow the numbers will be absolutely fantastic.

How do you save (or have you ever saved) for an apartment? Subscribe to updates and don't forget to share links to the most interesting posts with your friends!

The housing problem is very acute in Russia. There is a huge layer of adult children who live with their parents after 18. Some bring their wives to their parents’ house, while others, due to lack of housing, cannot build full-fledged relationships and their family. However, today this is a worldwide problem, except that in European countries, salaries at least allow you to easily rent housing that you cannot afford to buy.

In Russia, crazy housing prices combined with humiliatingly low salaries create a situation where renting a one-room apartment in a regional center costs 20 thousand, and salaries for young people are offered no higher than 15-20 thousand. And how can I remove something here?

However, statistics are statistics, but you have to live somehow. Today the magazine's guest expert Reconomica will tell his story of how to buy his own home with a small salary. You can simply copy the given methods to move towards buying the coveted apartment.

My name is Alena. I am 24 years old. But my career began at the age of 18, when, after graduating from school, I went to another city to get an education. Thanks to my mother, I grew up to be a purposeful person, and after graduating from school I firmly decided that I would earn money for such an expensive purchase as an apartment.

Percentage of young people living with their parents in European countries.

I saved up for my own one-room apartment in 7 years. By my example, I want to prove that owning your own home without loans is not a myth, but a realistically achievable goal.

In modern economic conditions, when life becomes more expensive every year, every penny counts, and it’s simply a pity to overpay the bank a fortune, the topic of my article will be very relevant.

Why you shouldn't get involved with a mortgage

Now in society there is an opinion that it is unrealistic to buy your own home with (or a little less), which is why mortgage lending has become so popular.

According to a sociological study by the Public Opinion Foundation for 2016, more than a quarter of Russians have a mortgage on their housing. And according to the Credit History Bureau, the number of late payments for this type of lending increased by 20% in the same year.

Few people who take out a mortgage realize that they are overpaying the bank for two more apartments. Not everyone can bear the credit burden, as statistics confirm. In addition, despite advertising statements, in practice, every year banks tighten mortgage requirements: the size of the down payment, age, salary level, number of dependents, etc., this already says a lot.

Thus, it becomes more difficult to purchase your own home with a mortgage, and there is only one option left - to save up. There are, of course, other ways. Such as, loans from friends and family, etc. But I do not consider them, since their implementation is limited by many circumstances, and they cannot be relied on.

First experience, or how not to save money

In a non-native city, I found a job that could be combined with my school schedule. At that time, like most out-of-town students, I lived in a dormitory.

My salary at that time was 17,000 rubles. In addition, my income was supplemented by a scholarship in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

Determining monthly expenses

I roughly estimated my monthly expenses on a piece of paper, and this is what I came up with:

  • Dormitory fee – 450 rubles. My parents paid for it, but for the sake of honesty I will still take this figure into account in my calculations.
  • Food products, household chemicals and perfumes – 5,000 rubles. I won't say that I ate poorly. I had a full breakfast in the form of porridge with fruit, a meat lunch and dinner.
  • Public transport fare is about 2,000 per month.
  • Payment for Internet and mobile phone bills – 900 rubles per month.
  • Small household expenses for underwear, socks, tights, etc. – 500 rubles.
  • Other. This includes expenses for cinema, cafes and other unexpected expenses - 1,500 rubles.

My total expenses per month amounted to 10,350 rubles.

Based on the calculations received, it turns out that I could save about 9 thousand rubles per month.

At first, I decided that I would put this amount in an envelope, which would increase after graduating from university, when I found a job in my specialty with a higher salary. According to my calculations, it turned out that for a small one-room apartment costing about 29 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. in a not very good area of ​​the city (a very realistic price for provincial cities) I will save up in 9 years (taking into account the increase in income after graduating from university and without taking into account the rise in prices). This is a very long time and this method of accumulation was ineffective, since I did not take into account many points.

Predict your savings correctly!

Firstly, after 4 years, an accomplished bachelor will be forced to leave his dorm room, and then such an unpleasant expense item as renting an apartment will be added. Renting a home will not only increase the accumulation period, but will also lead to the amount depreciating over such a long period of time. In this case, the same mortgage will be more profitable. And saving money for such a long time in our country, given the sad experience of the 90s, is dangerous.

Secondly, the money lying in the envelope will not be able to bring additional income, and we lose the opportunity to increase our capital, but we need to use all potential resources.

Thirdly, when money is at home, there are always unreasonable reasons to spend it, and the money flows away unnoticed.

How to save money for an apartment correctly

The dream will become reality, all you need is discipline

To solve the problem, I studied the budget housing market (rooms in a communal apartment, studio apartments), took into account previous mistakes and developed a new strategy - as soon as an amount sufficient to buy the most budget housing accumulates, I purchase my first inexpensive housing. And in the future, you can improve your living conditions by accumulating and adding money from the sale of existing housing.

From the editor: in this scheme you need to be able to act without a realtor, since agency commissions and taxes during multiple real estate transactions will “eat up” all the benefits. Check out our material ““.

Detailed description of the buying and selling strategy. Step by step diagram

  1. Every month, immediately after receiving a salary, we transfer the planned amount to the bank at interest. This disciplines your spending and allows you to plan your monthly budget more carefully. For me this amount was 9 thousand rubles for four years. The income from deposits in the bank at that time averaged about 6%. It seems that this is very little, but if you do the math, it’s about 6,000 rubles a year, which is also useful.
  2. Having accumulated the necessary amount to purchase the most budget housing, we make a purchase. In this case, you should not rush to the first object you come across, but study the market of the area, wait for a “tasty” offer, monitoring prices, and still try to bargain.

I initially decided that I would buy my first home after completing my studies, because otherwise I would have added a rental expense item, which is significantly more than paying for the hostel. Over 4 years, I have accumulated about 450 thousand rubles (including bank interest).

For 430 thousand rubles I found a fairly good room for shared ownership. I'm lucky with my neighbors. Because before that I lived in a hostel, my life did not change qualitatively. With the remaining 20 thousand rubles, I made repairs and even bought furniture: a small sofa (used), a table and a chest of drawers. The room turned out to be very cozy. This was my first home, albeit small, but bought with my honestly earned money. I was filled with pride.

  1. We continue to save for a new, better property. The advantage is that you don’t have to pay rent after buying the first room, even if it’s not in the best area. We save for another n years and are already looking at studio apartments or small one-room apartments. You can, of course, increase the savings period and then immediately buy a two-room apartment.

I saved for another 3 years so as not to pay tax on the sale of the room. My expenses and income have changed. Instead of the article “Fee for the hostel”, the article “Utility expenses” appeared. I found a job in my specialty and was already earning 30 thousand rubles. This has a population of about 600 thousand people as of 2014. All other expenses increased by an average of 20% due to inflation and other reasons. I was already able to save about 18 thousand rubles a month. Over 3 years, an amount of 650 thousand rubles has accumulated (including interest at the bank).

  1. We sell our existing housing, add the accumulated amount and buy an apartment.

In my case, the proceeds from the sale of a room (450 thousand rubles) and the accumulated money (650 thousand rubles) went towards the purchase of a one-room apartment worth 1,020 thousand rubles. The apartment was purchased from the developer and is located in a new part of the city under construction. The price of apartments on the outskirts of the city is 40% lower than in the center. For the remaining 80 thousand rubles, I made inexpensive repairs and furnished the apartment with furniture.

So my dream has come true! The goal has been achieved. At 24 years old I have my own apartment, bought with saved money.

Let's look at the pitfalls of this accumulation method

Among my many acquaintances, there is only 1 person who saved up for an apartment in 5 years without resorting to borrowed capital. 95% of them believe that this method of purchasing housing in modern conditions is practically impossible and unprofitable, citing the following arguments:

  • saving money is unprofitable, because most of it is “eaten up” by inflation;
  • It’s more profitable to take out a mortgage on an apartment and pay money to the bank for your home;
  • Living in a communal apartment is unbearable.

Real inflation of apartment prices in Russia

These are the most common arguments I have heard. I want to comment on each of them.

First, housing costs are not rising as quickly as inflation. In Russia it is generally accepted that real estate always becomes more expensive, but this is not so. This is easy to see if you compare home sales advertisements over the past 10 years.

Real estate prices have still not exceeded their 2008 peak

In fact, prices may go down. For a long time they were so inadequately high that all effective demand dried up, and the inexorable law of supply and demand forces owners to make concessions and make significant discounts.

It is important to understand that the offer price and the transaction price are not the same. So, according to the largest Moscow real estate agency “Inkom”, in 2017 the difference between these indicators (actual discount) in Moscow is 20-25%!

In 2008, none of the Moscow sellers wanted to hear an offer of less than 7 million rubles for a one-room apartment on the outskirts. 10 years have passed, and these same one-room apartments can hardly be sold for 4 million rubles, despite the fact that the ruble has lost half of its purchasing power during this time. This situation will not last forever, but now the real estate market in Russia is on the side of buyers.

Take out a mortgage or save? Let's compare using a specific example

Secondly, the apartment de facto belongs to the bank and will become yours only when you repay the loan. And this will happen only after many, many years. To compare profitability, I used the mortgage calculator on the Sberbank website. An approximate calculation produced the following results.

  • Loan term 84 months.
  • The loan amount is 1,027,437.33 rubles.
  • The rate is 11.75%.
  • Monthly payment 23,651.08 rubles.
  • The amount of overpayment is 484,562.64 rubles.

Based on calculations, the bank will provide a loan for such a period (7 years) only with a monthly payment of at least 23 thousand rubles. Do not forget that most provincial families and single people cannot afford this amount per month. Also, pay attention to the amount of overpayment - 484 thousand rubles. For this amount you can buy a car! Therefore, the conclusion about the unprofitability of a mortgage, other things being equal, is obvious.

Note, I did not save 24 thousand rubles a month, I simply physically could not do this with my salary, however, I bought an apartment in the same period!

Living in a communal apartment, or how to settle for less comfort?

The argument about unattractive living conditions in a communal apartment is subjective. You have to choose the lesser evil: endure 4 years in a communal apartment and buy your own home without such huge overpayments, or bear the mortgage burden for 10-15 years, overpaying the bank for another apartment. Everything is individual. After all, the purpose of this article is not to describe the best housing for living, but to describe a real method of purchasing an apartment with accumulated funds.

Apartment or car - what to save for first?

Many young people dream of living on their own, but they dream even more of having their own car. This applies more to guys than girls, of course. And here the choice is almost always made in favor of buying a car - simply because people think that the prices are not comparable. An apartment costs 2 million, and a car costs half a million (relatively speaking). It seems that buying a car will not delay the purchase of your home very much. But this is not true, you already understood everything from the example of numbers!

In addition, a deposit in a bank does not require porridge; on the contrary, it brings interest income. So, if you want to be forward-thinking about planning your life, give up the idea of ​​buying a car for a few years until you move into your own apartment. Believe me, guys, your car will not raise your status in the eyes of girls if you are going to use it to take a girl to your parents’ two-room apartment, where you live with your mother, sister and grandmother.

Big purchases in small steps

Thus my goal was achieved. I am glad if by my example I convinced you that in the regions it is quite possible to save up for your own apartment with a salary of 30,000 rubles. The main thing is your desire, patience and determination.

Can't save up for an apartment? Don't want to live in a communal apartment like the author? Or maybe you don’t need it? Mortgage rates fell to 6% (minimum) in 2018, the average real rate is 9%. Mortgages don't bite anymore! . Living in the apartment of your dreams is better than living in a communal apartment - especially when the payment is tight.

This option for purchasing housing is suitable for students who have moved toanother provincial city (Moscow real estate prices are much higher, but), as well as for those who initially have a source of income that allows them to save at least 40% of the total amount.

I want to say that the described method is also suitable for saving up for a car, household appliances, vacation and other major purchases.

It won't be easy. You will have to learn to control your expenses, be demanding and disciplined, not be afraid of difficulties and be prepared for them. As a reward, you will receive not only an apartment, potentially saved money, but also a feeling of deep self-esteem.