Text for tasks C1-C4. Functions of competition in a market economy

Text for tasks C1-C4.

State under conditions market economy

All agents of the economy are united by a single market space of the country, where the same rules of the game for all monitor and support special state institutions ... The market itself is not able to support competition. Maintaining and stimulating competition in economic sphere is a function of the state. Fighting monopoly, supporting competition, the state is both within the market model and outside it, guaranteeing the stability of the market system as a whole. Maintaining stability is no less important than protecting competition. Both the favorable social climate in the country and the stability of financial system, and ... expansion of the production of public goods - especially in the sphere of services, education, science, health care, culture - the creation of a legal framework in the business sphere ... Therefore, even in the theoretical market model, the state plays the most important role - the preservation of the market system itself by expressing general, or public interests. No one private business no matter how gigantic it may be, by its very nature it cannot ignore its own interests and take upon itself the interests of the whole society. However, the state can cope with such duties only if it is part of a democratic society. In such a society, along with the market mechanism, a democratic mechanism of control of voters over the state apparatus has been established, and the judicial system ensures legal protection to all citizens in accordance with the law.

(A. Porokhovsky)




Tasks for text fragments (С1-С4).



It is aimed at revealing the awareness of perception and the accuracy of reproducing the information contained in the text in an explicit form.

On the transformative reproduction and interpretation of the text without involving contextual knowledge (formulation of the title, definition of the main idea of ​​the text, similar or different positions of the two presented fragments, etc.).

Requires involvement additional material, it aims at characterizing the text or its individual provisions in connection with the studied course, at interpreting the content of the text based on one's own knowledge.

It is aimed at using the knowledge obtained from the text in another situation, one's own argumentation and the formulation of value judgments regarding the positions stated in the text (or formulated in a question to it).


What are the three economic functions states in a market economy are named in the text?

Name any three of them and illustrate one with an example.

The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in the preservation and development of competition. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, give three confirmations of the importance of competition for a market economy.

speak out different points view on the relationship between market economy and democracy. What is the position of the author? Name the two arguments given by him and explain each of them with an example.

The use of texts included in the USE KIMS in social studies lessons

In the learning process, it is necessary to acquaint students with texts of various types, showing their originality and characteristic features. This is not, of course, a serious textual analysis. It is enough to accustom students to start working with the text from the "recognition" of its species - this will facilitate its interpretation and analysis. The "recognition effect", as practice shows, is extremely important for the successful completion of examination tasks in relation to the tasks of part C. It is appropriate to use the recommendations described in the methodological literature.

“It should be remembered:

    if the main thing in the text is a statement, an argumentation of some truth, it is most likely a scientific text;

    if the norms of behavior are set out (prohibitions, prescriptions, opportunities), this is most likely a legal document;

    if the text is based on value judgments, the attitude towards something is clearly shown - this is a journalistic text;

    if presented quantitative indicators, reflecting the state or development trend of an object, these are static materials;

    if the text contains assessments of the state of society and forecasts, promises, plans for improvement, this is most likely a political document;

    if only facts are stated (a description of something, some actions or someone's judgments is given), these are informational materials ”(L. N. Bogolyubov, E. L. Rutkovskaya).

How to write on an exam

1. C Why start with text?

It is necessary to carefully read both the text and the questions to it. "Solid" reading useful in that it makes it possible to orient in the text, preliminarily (not always explicitly, more often in a filmed form) determine its structure, note key provisions, correlate its content with tasks and questions.

Important in the process of pre-reading Clearly determine which content line of the course of social science Suggested text applies. Such a correlation is necessary because, as has been noted more than once, some tasks involve the involvement of contextual knowledge.

2. Is it necessary to determine the main idea of ​​the text?

It is not necessary to look for exact formulations (unless, of course, among the tasks there is one that directly prescribes to determine the main idea of ​​the author); it is enough to answer the question: “What is the text talking about?”.

3. In what order should the questions be answered?

The general principle is simple - answer in the order in which they are presented in the work. It is sometimes impossible to complete the subsequent task if the answer to the previous question is not found.

However, if there are difficulties, you should not stop working on the text. Each task is evaluated, and even a not very convincing answer may contain the correct elements that deserve an extra point.

4. How to understand for yourself- Do you look for the answer in the text or do you need to remember what was studied in the lessons?

Read the assignment carefully. It gives the appropriate instructions: find in the text; what the author says what signs does the author name; Based on the knowledge of the course and your own experience, describe; specify the opinion of the author, based on knowledge of the course. The conclusion is obvious: you need to carefully read the task.

5. What to pay attention to when completing assignments?

    understand what exactly is required for a successful response;

    understand what parts the task consists of;

    try to complete all the tasks;

    if you can answer only part of the task, be sure to write down the answer (each element of the answer is evaluated, incomplete, but the correct answer will bring you extra points);

    do not go beyond the scope of the question, do not try to write everything you know about the problem, do not evaluate the author's opinion and do not seek to express your point of view, if this is not expressly provided for by the assignment;


C1. What three economic functions of the state in a market economy are named in the text?


1) the socio-economic phenomena given in the text are named:

Favorable social climate in the country, stability of the financial system;

Expanding the production of public goods;

Creation of a legal framework in the financial sector.

2) one of the socio-economic phenomena is illustrated by an example, for example:

Adoption of the Civil Code (legal field);

Fight against corruption (favorable social climate);

Carrying out reform of the education system, health care (production of public goods).

Other examples can be given

Three phenomena are named, one is illustrated by an example

Three phenomena are named without an example OR two phenomena are named, one of them is illustrated by an example

Less than three phenomena are named without examples OR one phenomenon is named and illustrated by an example OR the answer is incorrect

Maximum score

C3. The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in the preservation and development of competition. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, give three confirmations of the importance of competition for a market economy.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The answer may include the following positions explaining the role of competition:

1) ensures freedom of market pricing;

2) creates conditions for the implementation economic freedom the manufacturer, contributing to the independence of the economic choice of the consumer;

3) stimulates the improvement of the quality of goods and services produced;

4) stimulates the reduction of production costs.

Three positions listed

Two positions listed

One function specified

Wrong answer

Maximum score

C4. Different points of view are expressed on the issue of the relationship between a market economy and democracy. What is the position of the author? Name the two arguments given by him and explain either of them with an example.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

2) two arguments are given, for example:

In a democratic society

A mechanism has been set up to control voters over the state apparatus;

The judiciary provides legal protection to citizens.

3) an example is given as an explanation, for example:

An entrepreneur can file a lawsuit against the illegal actions of the city department in relation to his enterprise;

Voters may demand from their deputy a report on his vote on economic issues.

Other arguments and other examples may be given.

The author's point of view is given, two arguments are given, no example is given OR the author's point of view is given, one argument is given and one example is given OR the author's point of view is not explicitly given, two arguments and one example are given

The author's point of view is given, an argument is given without an example OR the author's point of view is given, an example is given, no arguments are given OR the author's point of view is not explicitly given, two arguments are given, there is no example OR the author's point of view is not explicitly stated, one argument and an example are given

Maximum score

What do we mean by politics? This concept has an extremely broad meaning and covers all types of self-management activities. Talk about monetary policy banks, about the politics of the union during the strike; one can speak of the school politics of an urban or rural community, the politics of corporate governance, and finally, even the politics of a smart wife who seeks to rule her husband. Of course, now we do not take such a broad concept as the basis of our reasoning. We intend in this case to speak only of leading or influencing the leadership of a political union, that is, in our day, a state.

So "politics" seems to mean the desire to participate in power or to influence the distribution of power, whether between states, whether within a state between the groups of people that it contains ...

The state, as well as the political unions that historically preceded it, is a relation of domination of people over people, based on legitimate (that is, considered legitimate) violence as a means ...

Any domination, as an enterprise that requires constant management, needs, on the one hand, the installation of human behavior in subordination to the masters, and on the other hand, through this subordination, the disposal of those things that, if necessary, are involved in the use of physical violence: a personal headquarters controls and material controls…

(Max Weber)

C1. Write out from the text the definitions of the concept of "politics" in the broad sense and in the sense in which the author characterizes it.

C2. Which political actors in an "extremely broad sense" are named in the text? List any four.

C3. Find in the text two characteristics of the state as an institution of political power and two conditions for the exercise of power by the state. Specify them.

C4. Based on the text and social science knowledge, indicate any three areas of modern public policy and illustrate each with an example.

C1. Write out from the text the definitions of the concept of "politics" in the broad sense and in the sense in which the author characterizes it.

C2. Which political actors in an "extremely broad sense" are named in the text? List any four.

C3. Find in the text two characteristics of the state as an institution of political power and two conditions for the exercise of power by the state. Specify them.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The correct answer must contain the following Positions:

1) Characteristics states:

The state is a relation of domination;

The state is an instrument of constant government;

2) Conditions exercise of state power:

The state requires the setting of human behavior for submission;

For the exercise of power, the state requires a headquarters and material means of control;

The state uses legitimate violence as a means of domination.

Two characteristics and two conditions are given

Two characteristics and one condition are given, OR one characteristic and two conditions

One characteristic and one condition given, OR two characteristics, no conditions specified, OR two conditions without characteristics

One characteristic is given without specifying the conditions OR one condition is given without specifying the characteristics OR the answer is incorrect

Maximum score

C4. Based on the text and social science knowledge, indicate any three areas of modern public policy and illustrate each of them with an example.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Examples may be given:

1) foreign policy, interstate (activities in the UN);

2) economic policy (adoption of antimonopoly laws),

3) social policy (pension reform).

Other correct positions are possible.

Three directions are indicated and illustrated with examples

Two or three directions are indicated and two of them are illustrated with examples.

One - three directions are indicated and one of them is illustrated with examples

Direction(s) given without example, OR example(s) given without direction, OR answer incorrect

Maximum score

social mobility

The social structure of society is not fixed; fluctuations and movements are constantly taking place in it, that is, social mobility is characteristic of it.

Social mobility is a change in social position by a social group or individual. The term "social mobility" was introduced into sociology by P. A. Sorokin, who considered social mobility as movement along the social ladder in two directions: vertical - movement up and down, horizontal - movement at the same social level. During periods of social change, there is mass group mobility. In stable periods, social mobility increases at the time of economic restructuring. In this case, education is an important "social lift" that provides upward mobility. Social mobility is a fairly reliable indicator of the level of openness or closeness of a society. IN modern society social mobility gives rise to the phenomenon of social marginality.

Marginality is a concept that characterizes borderline, intermediate, cultural phenomena, social subjects and statuses ... Marginalization implies a break, loss of objective belonging to a certain social community without subsequent entry into another community or without full adaptation in it. A marginal is a person who is related to two different groups, without completely belonging to either of them ... The subjective idea of ​​a marginal about himself and his objective position are contradictory: he is placed in a situation of struggle for survival. Therefore, the marginal personality has a number of characteristic features: anxiety, aggressiveness, unjustified ambition. The social behavior of the marginal creates difficulties both for the person himself and for the people who communicate with him. For a long time in sociology marginality was assessed negatively. Recently, sociologists have changed their attitude towards it, seeing a positive side in this social phenomenon.

(Minaev V.V., Arkhipova N.I., Bezborodov A.B., Kosyakova N.I.)

C1. Based on the text, indicate the feature that defines the essence of social mobility. What (according to P. A. Sorokin) are the main directions of social mobility?

C2. Under what two social conditions, according to the authors, is education an important "social lift"? Explain any of these conditions.

C4.Recently, as the authors note, sociologists have seen a positive side in marginality. List any three manifestations of the positive side of marginality.

C1. Based on the text, indicate the feature that defines the essence of social mobility. What (according to P. A. Sorokin) are the main directions of social mobility?

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)



Trait specified- change in social position (or moving up the social ladder);

Named two directions(according to P. A. Sorokin): vertical and horizontal.

A line is indicated, two directions are named

A line is indicated, one direction is named

Named one or two directions without a line,

OR one line without directions is indicated,

OR the answer is wrong

Maximum score

C2. Under what two social conditions, according to the authors, is education an important "social lift"? Explain any of these conditions.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The response must contain the following Elements:

Two conditions are named:

    Stable period of development of society;

    Structural restructuring of the economy;

Explanation given, for example: structural restructuring of the economy leads to the emergence of new jobs that require highly skilled workers; there is a growing demand for specialists in new professions that cannot be obtained without education.

Another explanation may be given.

Two conditions are named and the correct explanation is given

One condition is named and the correct explanation is given

One or two conditions are named, no explanation given,

OR an explanation is given, conditions are not named,

OR the answer is wrong

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The response must contain the following Elements:

Defined, for example: a marginal is a person related to two “different groups, without completely belonging to any of them”;

Three examples are given let's say:

    A person who has recently moved to live in a city from a village;

    Citizen working in the countryside after graduation;

    A representative of an Asian country who came to work in a European state.

Other correct definitions may be given and other examples given.

Definition given and three examples given

Definition given and two examples given

A definition is given and one example is given,

OR three examples without definition

The definition is given without examples,

OR one or two examples are given without definition,

OR the answer is wrong

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The answer should indicate three manifestations, for example:

    The absence of rigidly defined norms and connections contributes to an increase in the social activity of the individual;

    Marginals are more receptive to cultural and social innovations;

    Outcasts are easier to adapt to the ever-changing conditions of life.

Other manifestations may be indicated.

Three true expressions

There are two correct expressions

One correct expression indicated

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Read the text and complete tasks C1-C4

Family structures are falling apart all over the world. Divorce rates are on the rise in both the developed and underdeveloped world, as is the number of female-headed households.

Family values ​​are not threatened by government programs that interfere with the formation of families (although there are such programs), and not by media broadcasts that belittle the family (although there are such broadcasts); she threatens them economic system. This system simply does not allow families to exist in the old way, with the father providing most of the earnings and the mother doing most of the work of raising children. There is no longer a middle-class family with one breadwinner.

Social relations are not determined by economics: there can be many possibilities at the same time, but whatever these relations may be, they must be compatible with economic reality. Traditional family relationships are not like that. As a consequence, the family as an institution is in the process of change and pressure. It is not a matter of "character building" but of stubborn economic selfishness, or rather, an unwillingness to subordinate one's own interest to that of the family. The economic reality forced us to reconsider the basic questions of family organization.

C2. The interaction of what spheres of society's life is revealed by the author using the family as an example? What, in the author's opinion, is the nature of this interaction?

C3. Why is the traditional patriarchal family becoming a thing of the past? Based on the text of the source and, using social science knowledge, indicate three reasons.

C4. What type of family is more in line with reality post-industrial society? Drawing on knowledge from the social science course, indicate two of its features.


C2. The interaction of what spheres of society's life is revealed by the author using the family as an example? What, in the author's opinion, is the nature of this interaction?

C3. Why is the traditional patriarchal family becoming a thing of the past? Based on the text of the source and, using social science knowledge, indicate three reasons.


The following reasons may be given in response:

The current economic system in many cases makes the earnings of one father insufficient to maintain the standard of living of the family;

The values ​​of personal achievement are being strengthened to the detriment of family solidarity;

Women tend to expand the range of their social roles, to go beyond the roles of mothers, wives, housewives.

There are three correct reasons

There are two correct reasons

One reason correctly

Wrong answer

Maximum score

C4. What type of family is more in line with the realities of post-industrial society? Drawing on knowledge from the social science course, indicate two of its features.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


In the answer, the type of family is called: partner (democratic).

The following signs can be named:

Joint decision-making affecting the interests of family members;

A more even distribution of family responsibilities.

The type of family is correctly named, its two signs are indicated

The type of family is correctly named, one of its signs is indicated

Correct family type

Wrong answer

Maximum score

The spiritual sphere appears before us as the most sublime. Spiritual needs are born here, starting with the most elementary and ending with the most refined; here the production of ideas unfolds; this is where their consumption takes place to a large extent.

For the sake of satisfying spiritual needs, spiritual production is carried out, the single, general goal of spiritual production is the reproduction of social consciousness in its integrity.

Among the functions of spiritual production, we single out, first of all, spiritual activity aimed at improving all other spheres of society (economic, political, social).

However, the process of spiritual production cannot be considered complete as soon as new ideas, applied and fundamental, are received. Here everything is the same as in material production: the product of labor must reach the consumer, that is, go through the stages of distribution and exchange, which in spiritual production take on a specific form. In this regard, we can talk about the function of producing knowledge about these ideas and disseminating (broadcasting) this knowledge. This function is carried out by general education and higher schools, cultural and educational institutions, and the media.

There is another important function of spiritual production - the production of public opinion. It is not difficult to guess that this function is inseparable from the function of production and dissemination of knowledge, as if woven into it, while singling it out as a relatively independent one, we emphasize the important circumstance that the ideological moment is more clearly expressed in it.

(S. E. Krapivensky)

C1. What are the three elements of the spiritual sphere of public life, highlighted by the author.

C2. Based on the content of the text, name the goal and any two functions of spiritual production.

C3. Give one example each of spiritual activities aimed at improving the economic, social and political spheres public life.

C1. What are the three elements of the spiritual sphere of public life, highlighted by the author.

C2. Based on the content of the text, name the goal and any two functions of spiritual production.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The correct answer must contain the following Positions:

1) Target spiritual production: "the reproduction of social consciousness in its entirety";

2) Functions spiritual production:

Improving other spheres of society;

Production of knowledge about knowledge;

Its distribution (broadcast);

production of public opinion.

The purpose and two functions of spiritual production are named

The goal and one function of spiritual production are named OR two functions of spiritual production are not specified

Only one goal or one function of spiritual production is named, OR the answer is incorrect

Maximum score

C3. Give one example of spiritual activity aimed at improving the economic, social and political spheres of public life.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Examples may be given:

1) development economic theory aimed at substantiating economic reforms(improvement of the economic sphere);

2) the creation of social doctrines that have influenced the development of society (improvement of the social sphere);

3) development of doctrines about the state, separation of powers (improvement of the political sphere).

Other correct answers are possible.

One example is given for each of the indicated spheres of public life.

Two examples are given for different spheres of public life

An example (examples) illustrates activities in one of the areas

Wrong answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The correct answer may contain, for example, the following arguments:

1) the transmitted information is objectively not neutral, i.e. initially contains a certain assessment, attitude;

2) often the dissemination of information is carried out by a person who, due to his life views, adds certain evaluative points;

3) on the basis of the perceived information, the ideological attitudes of its consumers are formed;

4) as a rule, by disseminating knowledge, information, social institutions aim to form a certain public relations to specific problems.

Other valid arguments are possible.

Given three arguments

Given two arguments

Given one argument

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Federal Law on Education (extract)

Art. 14 General requirements to the content of education

    ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization;

    development of society;

    strengthening and improvement of the rule of law.

    adequate to the world level of the general and professional culture of the society;

    formation of a student's picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (degree of education);

    integration of personality into national and world culture;

    the formation of a person and a citizen integrated into the society of his day and aimed at improving this society;

    reproduction and development of the personnel potential of the society.

3. Vocational education at any level should ensure that students receive a profession and appropriate qualifications.

State educational authorities ensure the development of exemplary educational programs based on state educational standards.

6. An educational institution, in accordance with its statutory goals and objectives, may implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services (on a contractual basis) outside the educational programs that determine its status.

C1. What tasks does society set for the content of education?

C2. What are the rights of participants in the educational process (students, educational institutions) are named in this fragment?

C3. What are the three possible education options listed in the text of the law? Expand them with examples?

C4. How do you understand the legislator's statement that education is focused on improving and strengthening the rule of law? Illustrate your thoughts with examples.

C1. What tasks does society set for the content of education?

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The response must contain the following items:

1) ensuring self-determination of the individual;

2) the development of society;

3) strengthening and improvement of the rule of law.

Three positions are correct and there are no incorrect ones.

One or two positions are correctly indicated in the absence of incorrect ones OR three positions are correctly indicated, but along with the correct ones, the incorrect position (s) is (s)

One or two positions are correctly indicated, but along with the correct ones, the incorrect position (s) is given OR the answer is incorrect

Maximum score

C2. What rights of participants in the educational process (students, educational institutions) are named in this fragment?

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The response must contain the following Positions:

The rights of students to:

1) obtaining by them a profession and relevant qualifications in the system of vocational education;

2) free choice of opinions and beliefs:

Rights of educational institutions:

3) independently develop and implement a training program;

4) for additional educational services.

Three or four positions are correct

Two positions are correct

One position indicated; wrong answer

Maximum score

C3. .What are the three educational options listed in the text of the law? Expand them with examples?

C4. How do you understand the legislator's statement that education is focused on improving and strengthening the rule of law? Illustrate your thoughts with examples.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Based on the text and your knowledge of the rule of law, an explanation is given, for example:

1) the knowledge necessary for a citizen is acquired;

2) a legal culture is formed - the desire to follow legal norms;

3) the values ​​of the rule of law are accepted;

4) develop the ability to exercise and protect their rights.

Two or three positions are correctly indicated and relevant examples are given.

One position is correctly indicated and a corresponding example is given

One position is correctly indicated, there is no example; or a particular example is given without generalization

Wrong answer

Maximum score

It is customary to call science a theoretical systematized idea of ​​the world, reproducing its essential aspects in an abstract-logical form and based on scientific research data ...

Science, being a part of culture, is a system of knowledge and a kind of spiritual production.

As a kind of spiritual production, science includes the specific activity of a person to increment the existing and obtain new knowledge. The result of this activity is a system of scientific knowledge, which together form a scientific picture of the world.

The scientific picture of the world is formed under the influence of two models of the development of scientific knowledge. According to the first model - evolutionary - science is a special kind of "humanity's social memory". According to the second model - revolutionary - science periodically experiences a radical change in the ideas that dominate it ...

The term "science" is also used to refer to certain branches of scientific knowledge. Initially, branches of science were formed in accordance with those aspects of reality that were involved in the process of cognition. In modern science, new areas of knowledge arise in connection with the advancement of certain theoretical or practical problems. Problematic nature of development modern science led to the emergence of interdisciplinary and complex research conducted by means of several different disciplines by a special scientific community ...

In modern society, science is the most important social institution, deeply penetrating into all spheres of public life. Science becomes direct productive force society becomes a mass activity.

(I. V. Bezborodova, M. B. Bulanova, etc.)

C1. Indicate any three of the definitions of science given in the text.

C3. Based on the knowledge of the course, indicate any three social problems that are the subject of interdisciplinary research, and the sciences that study these problems.

C1. Indicate any three of the definitions of science given in the text.

C3. Based on the knowledge of the course, indicate any three social problems that are the subject of interdisciplinary research, and the sciences that study these problems.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Issues such as:

The problem of the social essence of a person (they study psychology, sociology, social anthropology, philosophy, pedagogy, etc.);

The process of socialization of the individual (they study pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence, etc.);

Ecological problems (they study biology, geography, social anthropology, economics, political science, etc.).

Other problems may be indicated

Three problems and sciences studying them are indicated

Two or three problems and sciences studying two of them are indicated.

From one to three problems and the science studying one of them are indicated

Wrong answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The following examples could be given, for example:

1) dynamically developing science requires an influx of qualified personnel, i.e., the education sector is actively developing;

2) changes in social realities in connection with the achievements of science, including the use of cybernetic models;

3) there is a change in the economic structure of society, including the structure of employment.

Other examples may be given.

Three examples are given

Two examples are given

One example given

Wrong answer

Maximum score

We have already spoken about the need for parties in a representative order, about the advantages and disadvantages arising from their struggle. Political freedom calls on social forces to participate in state affairs. Because of this, the political movement takes place here only through the interaction of those various currents and directions into which society is divided. Here lies the main source of political life in constitutional states.

Parties naturally arise on the basis of public opinion. The necessity of discipline and organization for collective action transforms an unorganized mass of free random thoughts into more or less strong and durable forces capable of being subjects of political action.

With organized parties, it is possible to calculate, act, direct disparate strivings towards a common goal; the more stable the parties are, the more they are fused with the history of the people, the more determined their program is, the more correctly the political life based on freedom flows. On the other hand, where the party represents only a vague fermentation of infinitely varied tendencies, there political freedom gives rise to nothing but chaos. On the other hand, only with political freedom can real parties be formed, because only then does it become possible and necessary to act together in the political field, to achieve certain goals through the constant and combined efforts of many. But freedom alone is not enough for this; it is necessary that the elements necessary for parties exist in society, that a political meaning be developed, that the main directions be determined, that people be grouped around certain principles created by them, and finally, that political mores be developed, which are created by any social activity that requires joint efforts. In a word, only matured public opinion gives rise to real political parties. And under these conditions, they do not arise suddenly, but are formed slowly, in a political struggle, they must go through many trials before they receive the proper strength and strength. Therefore, one should not think that with the establishment of a representative order, parliamentary government is immediately established. It is impossible until the parties have accumulated work experience and have not proved their ability to govern the state.

(B. N. Chicherin)

Indicate, based on the text, any four conditions for the transformation of political parties into "subjects of political action."

What words does the author use to characterize organized and unorganized parties in society? (Write out one author's judgment characterizing each of these groups of parties). Give an example confirming the author's description of the activity of one of the existing (or existing) organized parties

Some people think that parliamentary government begins immediately after the election of certain party representatives to the authorities. Does the author share this opinion? Support your answer with the words of the text and give an example confirming the validity of this judgment.


(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The answer should be the following Positions:

1) a call to participate in public affairs;

USE social science. Tasks of the 2nd part in the section "Economics". Options 1-5

No. 26 - concretization of theoretical provisions with examples

No. 27 - solving cognitive problems

No. 28 - drawing up a complex plan for a given topic

"Economics No. 26, 27, 28. Option 1"


Task number 26

Task number 27

Task number 28



Task number 26

    What is the limitation of economic resources? Give at least three examples proving the limited economic resources.

    Name any three factors that affect the change in demand, and illustrate each of them with an appropriate example.

    In any economic system, there are three main economic questions that need to be addressed. Name these issues and give three examples of relevant solutions to these issues in a market economy.

    Using three examples, show how competition in a market economy protects the interests of consumers and society as a whole. In each case, indicate what decisions firms are forced to make under the influence of competition, and what society benefits from these decisions.

    One of the most important features of a market economy is competition. Give two positive and two negative manifestations of competition, illustrating each with a specific example.

    There are different types of competition. Name a type of competition that exists only in theory, and give three examples of markets close to this type of competition.

    List any three conditions necessary for the realization of the principles of economic freedom in society.

    Give examples of changes in macroeconomic indicators in the country that occur at different phases of the economic cycle. Name three phases of the cycle and three examples of corresponding changes in macroeconomic indicators.

    How economic concept characterized by a situation where the costs state budget exceed his income? Give three examples of government actions to overcome the consequences of this situation.

    Expand on three specific examples of the social function of taxes.

Task number 27

    “It was a time when we in Germany were engaged in calculations, according to which there was one plate per capita every five years, a pair of shoes every 12 years, one suit every 50 years,” wrote L. Erhard. The government believed that based on the calculations of raw materials "it is possible to determine the fate of the people for many years to come." What economic system is Erhard talking about? Justify your conclusion. Based on the knowledge from the social science course, name another feature inherent in this system.

    In country Z, the main sectors of the economy are mass production. industrial production and the service sector. What additional information will allow us to establish the type of economic system of country Z? Formulate three questions to obtain the necessary additional information.

    State Z is experiencing an economic boom. The industry in its development is ahead of Agriculture. Dominance established by law state property. What economic system exists in state Z? On what basis did you install it? Name two other features of this economic system.

    Enterprises of various forms of ownership are developing in the country of N.. The success of enterprises directly depends on the volume of consumer demand for manufactured goods. To what type economic systems can be attributed to the economy of the country N.? On what basis did you define it? Name two other features of this type of economic systems.

    In monitoring the social economic development S. countries fixed the theme of inflation and its causes. As one of the reasons, the shortage of products, formed due to a sharp reduction in imports and an increase in exports of certain goods, is indicated. What are the other possible reasons inflation? (list any three of them).

Task number 28

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Economy and its role in society.

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Main types of economic systems."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Team economy and its features."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Market and Market Mechanism".

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Demand and supply in a market economy."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic " Business cycle, the economic growth and development".

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"Economics No. 26, 27, 28. Option 2"



Task number 26

    Indicate three functions of taxes in the life of society and the state, illustrating each of them with a specific example.

    Indicate the functions of money and illustrate each of them with a specific example.

    Banks carry out various types banking operations. Indicate any two of them, illustrating each type of operation with a specific example.

    Name three features of the modern economy and illustrate each with an example.

    Name any three economic functions of the state and illustrate each of them with an example.

    Show how in the conditions mixed economy the state overcomes market imperfections (name any three manifestations of market imperfections and indicate how the state can overcome each of them).

    Use a specific example to show what economic consequences the forced setting of prices for goods by the state below market prices leads to. List two consequences.

    Give three examples illustrating the economic policy of the state, aimed at overcoming difficulties in a crisis and a decline in production.

Task number 27

    Article 5 of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 stated: “The socialist property of the USSR has either the form of state property (public property) or the form of cooperative-collective farm property (the property of individual collective farms, the property of cooperative associations).” Name three forms of ownership that are enshrined in the current legislation. What are the changes in the legislation related to?

    Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to own property either individually or in community with others. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his property.” What legal right of the owner is noted in the article? Name two other property rights and illustrate one of them with an example.

    In our country in the first half of the 90s of the twentieth century. Of the approximately 155,000 state-owned enterprises, about 89,000 were privatized. The share capital of privatized enterprises was distributed as follows: - internal shareholders (employees, management) 0 62% of shares; - external shareholders - 21% of shares; - the state - 17% of the shares. At the same time, small external shareholders (ordinary voucher holders) accounted for 10% of the shares. Is it possible to draw a conclusion on the basis of these data about the creation of a large private sector in the country's economy? Has the bulk of the country's population turned into owners of enterprises? Justify your conclusions.

    In the country of N. for a long time there was a progressive scale for calculating income tax individuals, causing serious criticism of wealthy people. A number of citizens who do not want to pay tax on super incomes left the country and took citizenship of neighboring countries. The new government that came to power carried out a tax reform, establishing a proportional taxation scale. What is the essence of this tax scale? Give three suggestions about its benefits.

    In the country of N., after the government of the socialists came to power, a large-scale tax reform was carried out. Instead of a single flat scale for calculating personal income tax (PIT), a progressive-regressive scale was introduced. What is the essence of this scale of calculation of personal income tax? Give two justifications in favor of its introduction for society.

Task number 28

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Measuring economic activity».

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "The role of the state in a market economy."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "The economic content of property."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "The role of competition in a market economy."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Monopoly and its consequences."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Factors of Production and Factor Income”.

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"Economics No. 26, 27, 28. Option 3"



Task number 26

    Name three directions of influence of the market mechanism on the economy and illustrate each of them.

    Illustrate with three examples the influence of the market price on the activity of the producer.

    Specify with the help of any three examples the theoretical position on state regulation of the economy.

    Economic life significantly affects other spheres of public life. Illustrate this effect with three examples.

    Use two examples to reveal the various manifestations of the impact of the economy on the social sphere. First indicate the manifestation, and then the corresponding example.

    Name three factors that negatively affect working conditions and illustrate each with an example.

    Give three examples of different sources of business financing.

    Name and illustrate with concrete examples any three ways to deal with unemployment.

Task number 27

    The table below shows an example of taxation of various entities. The table shows data on the income of subjects before tax (gross income) and after tax (net income). In the given example:

a) determine the amount of tax for the first subject;

b) determine the tax rate for the second entity (in percent);

c) determine what kind tax system illustrates this example.

Justify the answer.

Subject of taxation

Gross income

net income

    On stock exchange shares of companies in the energy sector rose significantly. Formulate two reasons that, according to the laws of a market economy, could lead to such a situation. Explain one of the reasons you have stated.

    Citizen N. opened a deposit account in a bank at 10% per annum for a period of one year and one month. What function of money does this example illustrate? Name two other functions and illustrate them with specific examples.

    The country of P. is one of the leading exporters of energy resources on the world market. What will be the consequences for the country of a significant reduction in energy prices? State any two consequences. What changes (at least two) should occur in the economic policy of country P. as a result of such a transformation of the world price environment?

    The Analytical Center of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Country of N. conducted a comparative study of the structure of the world economy and the national economy. The researchers focused on identifying the share of various industries in the structure of both economies. The results of the study were summarized and presented in a diagram.

Compare the structure of the world economy with the structure of the economy of country H. Make three conclusions based on your analysis. What is the main trend revealed as a result of the comparison? Specify it. Determine how dangerous it is for country N. Formulate one judgment.

Task number 28

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Money: its role and significance."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Inflation and its danger to the economy."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "State Budget".

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Fiscal policy and public debt”.

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Taxes and taxation”.

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Banks and the banking system”.

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"Economics No. 26, 27, 28. Option 4"



Task number 26

    Name and illustrate with examples the three types of unemployment (first name the type of unemployment and then give an appropriate example).

    Give three concrete examples illustrating frictional unemployment.

    One of the directions economic policy state advocates protectionism. Lead three concrete examples manifestations of protectionism in economic policy.

    Name the two main types of taxes paid by citizens of the Russian Federation, and illustrate them with examples.

    Name three directions of spending the state budget of the Russian Federation and illustrate them with examples.

    State regulation of the market economy is manifested in the form of support for entrepreneurship. Illustrate this statement with three examples.

    You are future taxpayers. The obligation to pay taxes is fixed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Name two distinguishing features of public goods on which the state spends taxpayers' money, and illustrate them with examples.

    Compensation of external effects is an important function of the state in modern economy. Explain what "externalities" are. Give two examples of how the state performs this function.

Task number 27

    Commercial banks drastically reduced offers mortgage lending by raising mortgage rates. What are the consequences of these changes in bank policy? Formulate two possible consequences. List any one possible reason for the increase in mortgage rates.

    The graph shows data on the ratio of the average and minimum wages in country Z to the cost of living in 2002-2008. Draw conclusions about the ratio: a) the minimum wage with the living wage; b) the average salary with a living wage in 2002-2008. Explain why the current socio-economic situation in country Z is dangerous.

    The graph shows the change in the unemployment rate among various population groups in country Z in 2004-2008. Using the graph data, determine what trend was observed in 2004-2008. in the labor market of country Z. Involving social science knowledge and facts of public life, express three assumptions about the reasons for this trend.

    You can often hear the opinion that the state should not fight unemployment within the framework of a market economy: it is inherent in the market. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.

    According to the American economist laureate Nobel Prize V. Leontiev, by the beginning of the XXI century. 20 million jobs were cut in the US. In what area and in connection with what did this large-scale reduction occur? Can it threaten the stability of society? Explain the answer. Suggest your own solution to the problem of employment.

Task number 28

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Credits and credit policy."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Entrepreneurship in Economics".

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Sources of business financing”.

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "The labor market is a mechanism for connecting supply and demand for labor."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Unemployment".

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Division of Labor and Specialization”.

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"Economics No. 26, 27, 28. Option 5"



Task number 26

    Name and illustrate with examples any two features of entrepreneurial activity.

    Name two features of a business partnership on faith (limited partnership) as an organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity and illustrate each of them with an example.

    Give three examples of the benefits of organizing a business as a joint-stock company.

    Name a form of business characterized as a small business and list three advantages of such a firm.

    According to S. Rowntree, poverty is a line below which people cannot lead a healthy lifestyle and work effectively. List three possible reasons why a person may be on the threshold of poverty.

    Name three ways to improve the efficiency of the company in a market economy.

    Inflation complicates the activities of producers and consumers in a market economy. Illustrate with three examples the rational behavior of the consumer in conditions of significant inflation.

    Explain the relationship between the specialization of production and the growth of labor productivity. Illustrate this connection with two examples.

Task number 27

    The firm "Cornices and Curtains" is owned by a group of persons. The owners of the enterprise are responsible for the obligations of their enterprise in full, have equal rights in managing their enterprise. What is the legal form of this enterprise? Give two reasons for your answer. Name an additional feature that distinguishes enterprises of this organizational and legal form, not specified in the assignment.

    In the course of a sociological survey conducted by the Public Opinion Research Service in different regions of the country N., respondents were asked to answer the question: “Can your family pay for housing and communal services without subsidies and benefits provided by the state?” The results obtained are presented in the form of a diagram.

Formulate any three conclusions that social scientists can draw from the results of the survey. Based on the data obtained, suggest any three recommendations to the developers of the reform of housing and communal services in country N.

    At the plant, 300 workers assemble 96,000 bicycles. There are 160 working hours in a month. A) determine the productivity of labor at this plant b) how many bicycles can 10 workers assemble in a year? C) Can this factory compete with another factory that employs 600 workers in two shifts (320 hours) and assembles 256,000 bicycles per month? Justify the answer.

    In country Z, to support domestic automakers, import duties on foreign-made cars and supported foreign cars older than five years were increased. State three consequences of such a decision for the automobile industry in country Z.

Task number 28

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “The role of trade and exchange in economic life society."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic " World economy: foreign trade and the international financial system.

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Rational consumer behavior in the economy and consumer rights."

    Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Economic freedom and social responsibility".

Using social science knowledge, name and illustrate with examples any three types (kinds) of competition. (First name the type (kind) of competition, then give an appropriate example.)

Explain the term "human capital" used by the author. Guess why, in today's economy, quality human capital takes on special significance. (Using social science knowledge and social facts, make two assumptions.)

Text 11

The modern external environment creates unstable conditions for long-term sustainability and business development and is characterized by such features as the continuous increase in competition, the dynamic saturation of the product offer, the transformation of the "seller's market" into a "buyer's market", ... the complexity and multidimensionality of the external environment. In such a situation, it becomes increasingly difficult for businesses to respond flexibly to these rapidly changing environmental conditions. Adapting to these changes of large corporations characterized by complexity organizational structure, multi-level management, bureaucratization of the decision-making process and the inflexibility of numerous interrelated business processes, looks like an even more intractable task.

This forces us to actively look for mechanisms and tools for adapting to the challenges of the external environment, the use of which will help maintain the stability of the corporation and increase financial results activities in the long term.

In such conditions, only those companies that learn how to work effectively in the circumstances, find a way to make their product or service will survive and take a strong and leading position. the best choice their clients. In this situation, the main priority of the management activities of the entire corporation is logically defined as meeting and anticipating the needs of customers at all levels of management.

However, in practice, due to the diverse current activities of the corporation, many heads of various departments forget that it is the client who is the central figure in the exchange and the main source of profit inflow into the organization, and the resulting goal of the work of all functional departments of the corporation is to form consumer value ...

This simple relationship contributes to the formation of an understanding of businessmen and experts that the main guarantee of the effective long-term development of a company, a corporation is building long-term partnerships with customers ...

Many companies that share the idea of ​​being customer-centric are more likely to describe themselves as such or try to appear as such…

(G.A. Reznik, O.V. Yashina)

What features of a large corporation are listed in the text? Name any three traits. Why, according to the authors, is an active search for new mechanisms and tools for adapting to the challenges of the external environment being carried out?

How is the main priority of the corporate management activity formulated in the text? What difficulties associated with the implementation of the idea of ​​customer orientation do the authors note? Name two difficulties.

The authors write about the need to build long-term partnerships with clients. Why is it important? (Give an explanation.) Based on social science knowledge and personal social experience, indicate two ways to consolidate such relationships, turning them into long-term ones.

Text 12

The globalization of the world economy is a relatively new concept, introduced into wide scientific circulation in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Until this period, the term "globalization" was used primarily to refer to a specific, specific phenomenon in the modern economy of the unification of individual markets for the products of large international companies.

Since the processes of globalization are complex, affecting both the economy and other spheres of society, globalization becomes the subject of research not only economics, but also other social sciences: philosophy, sociology, political science, cultural studies, history, jurisprudence.

The factors of globalization include the processes that are unfolding and gaining strength within the framework of the world economy ... the transnationalization of economic life, the growth and development of large transnational companies and financial groups.

Market competition has a huge impact on modern globalization processes not only in national markets, but also on a global scale. The main means of competition are cost reduction, quality improvement and expansion of the range of goods and services that become the "engine" of globalization.

The globalization of economic activity is unfolding simultaneously on two planes. At the macro level, which manifests itself in increased interdependence national economies, intensification of international economic relations in all their forms. At the micro level, globalization means, first of all, a change in the strategy of behavior and activities of companies of market entities, primarily transnational corporations.

International economic relations are turning into the most important form of the very existence of all the constituent parts of the world economy; none, even the most powerful,

The state cannot now develop in the regime of absolute self-sufficiency, without close interaction with the external environment.

(M.N. Osmova, A.V. Boychenko)

Using the facts of public life, illustrate with three examples the authors' statement that the processes of globalization are complex and affect different spheres of public life.

The authors note that no state can now develop in the mode of absolute self-sufficiency without close interaction with the external environment. Using the text, social science knowledge and facts of public life, give three arguments in support of this opinion.

Text 13

The transition to market relations has led to significant changes

in the regulation of income, which primarily determine the well-being of people. First of all, the role of the state in this area has decreased, the independence of regions and enterprises has expanded, and the importance of market regulators has also increased ...

The quality of life depends on many factors, ranging from where a person lives to the general socio-economic

and environmental situation, as well as the state of political affairs in the country. The quality of life can be affected to some extent demographic situation, living and working conditions, volume and quality of consumer goods, etc. All the most significant factors can be combined into groups: economic, social, environmental, scientific and technical factors.

Depending on the degree of satisfaction of needs in the economy, it is customary to single out different levels of living of the population: prosperity, the use of benefits that ensure the comprehensive development of a person; normal level - rational consumption according to scientifically based standards, providing a person with the restoration of his physical and intellectual strength; poverty consumption of goods at the level of maintaining working capacity as the lower limit of the reproduction of the labor force; poverty

consumption of a set of goods and services that is minimally acceptable according to biological criteria, which only allow maintaining human viability.

The population, adapting to market conditions, uses various additional sources of income, including income from personal subsidiary plots, from entrepreneurial activities, etc.

As a result, the structure of monetary incomes of the population is changing. The basis of the material well-being of the population is cash income.

At the household level, the monetary incomes of their individual members are accumulated, determining the material basis of the family's life - the budget. The volume and structure of revenue items of the budget are the most important characteristics of the level and quality of life.

(N.S. Mikhailova)

The twenty-sixth task of the Unified State Examination in social science involves the disclosure of theoretical provisions through examples. For example, you need to name three public authorities of our country and give one example of their powers, or you can indicate three functions of the state and illustrate them with examples.

The maximum possible primary score for this task is 3. It is awarded if, say, three authorities are correctly indicated and three powers are given. 2 points are given if 3 bodies are named and 2 powers are indicated, or if 2 bodies are named, but 3 or more powers.

One point can be obtained if 1-3 bodies are named and only one authority is indicated, or if one body is named, but 2-3 or more powers are indicated, or only 2 bodies are named.

If not a single body is named, but the powers are written, not a single primary score will be given. In general, the task is not difficult, and you can definitely get, if not 3, then 1-2 primary points on it. Let's look at some possible options for task 26.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 26 USE in social studies

The first version of the task

Name and illustrate with examples any three main duties of an employee, enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Here it is important not to confuse the rights of the employee with his duties. For example, he has the right to join trade unions, but is not obliged to do so - he may or may not join. Let's look at a number of employee responsibilities under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • conscientiously fulfill their labor duties assigned to him by the employment contract;
  • observe labor discipline;
  • comply with established labor standards;
  • observe the rules of internal labor regulations;
  • comply with the requirements for labor protection and ensuring labor safety;
  • take care of the property of the employer (including the property of third parties held by the employer, if the employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees;
  • immediately inform the employer or immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the property of the employer (including the property of third parties held by the employer, if the employer is responsible for the safety of this property).

We illustrate them with examples (we illustrate 5, three are enough for the exam)

The main duties of an employee, enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Conscientious performance of labor duties specified in employment contract. The guide is obliged to conduct excursions to those places that are determined by their route.
  2. Compliance with internal labor regulations. At the beginning of the working day in the office at 9 am, the manager must come to work by this time.
  3. Compliance with labor protection and labor safety requirements. The builder must not perform any work without a construction helmet.
  4. Compliance with labor discipline. The security guard came to work drunk and was fired.
  5. Compliance with established labor standards. A shop worker must complete 7 parts per day.

The second version of the task

Name any three bases of social stratification and illustrate each of them with an example.

As we remember, social stratification is the differentiation of members of society (dividing them into different groups - for example, estates, castes, classes) depending on various characteristics. These are the signs we need to name in the task. Most often, three types of social stratification are distinguished - political, economic and professional. Therefore, the grounds for differentiation are: access to power, the amount of income received and the professional functions performed. However, wealth and education can also serve as a basis. Let's think of examples.

  • Access to power

A person who has access to power can influence the life of society and change the policy pursued by the state

  • The amount of income received

The standard of living of the general population is lower than the standard of living of rich people

  • Wealth

At rich people more possibilities for education abroad

  • Profession

If a person has a prestigious profession, he receives more income.

  • Education

The higher the level and quality of education, the greater the chances of getting a good job

The third version of the task

Name any three social functions of the state and illustrate each of them with an example.

The social function of the state is aimed at ensuring the social security of citizens, creating normal conditions for their life. Social functions include ensuring employment of the population, establishing living wage and the minimum wage, support for those who, for objective reasons, cannot work, pension provision, healthcare, insurance. It's not that hard to come up with examples here. One of the answers looks like this:

  • Ensuring employment of the population

Each district has an employment center and a labor exchange, where people looking for work can apply.

  • Support for those who, for objective reasons, cannot work

The state pays pensions and scholarships

  • Providing healthcare

Each region has public clinics and hospitals, vaccinations are provided free of charge

  • Setting a living wage

The state every year sets the size of the subsistence minimum, which coincides with minimum size wages.

Fundamentals of working with text.

1. How to get started with text?

Read the text carefully before answering the questions. Some answers to many questions are contained in the text itself.

It is important in the process of preliminary reading to clearly define to which content line of the course of social science the proposed text refers (“Society”, “Knowledge”, “Spiritual life of society”, “Economic sphere of society”, “Social relations”, “Politics” and “Law "). Such a correlation is necessary because, as has been noted more than once, some tasks involve the involvement of contextual knowledge.

2. Is it necessary to determine the main idea of ​​the text?

Yes need.

3. In what order should the questions be answered?

The general principle is simple - answer in the order in which they are presented in the work. It is sometimes impossible to complete the subsequent task if the answer to the previous question is not found.

4. How to understand for yourself - whether to look for the answer in the text or do you need to remember what was studied in the lessons?

Just answer the question, don't think about how, you just need to answer.

5. What to pay attention to when completing assignments?

Read the task carefully;
understand what exactly is required for a successful response;
understand what parts the task consists of;
try to complete all the tasks;
if you can answer only part of the task, be sure to answer, you may get part of the points
do not go beyond the scope of the question, do not try to write everything you know about the problem, do not evaluate the author's opinion and do not seek to express your point of view, if this is not expressly provided for by the assignment;
try to illustrate the answer with specific facts;
Having formulated the answer, check its correctness.

The first task out of four (C1) is aimed at identifying the awareness of perception and the accuracy of reproducing the information contained in the text. It is required to find and present in the answer the information contained in the text in the form in which it is given in the author's text. The second task (C2) is aimed at the reproduction and interpretation of information. The third task (C3) most often involves characterizing the text. This task involves the involvement of additional knowledge on the subject. The fourth task (C4) is aimed at using the knowledge obtained from the text in a different situation. Tasks C3 and C4 are the most difficult. The reason for the difficulties is that graduates do not pay attention to the requirement to perform “based on the text”.

Task example
Text for tasks C1-C4.

The state in a market economy

All agents of the economy are united by a single market space of the country, where the same rules of the game for all monitor and support special state institutions ... The market itself is not able to support competition. Maintaining and stimulating competition in the economic sphere is a function of the state. Fighting monopoly, supporting competition, the state is both within the market model and outside it, guaranteeing the stability of the market system as a whole. Maintaining stability is no less important than protecting competition. A favorable social climate in the country, the stability of the financial system, and ... the expansion of the production of public goods - especially in the sphere of services, education, science, healthcare, culture - the creation of a legal framework in the business sphere depend on the verified, active role of the relevant state institutions ... Therefore even in the theoretical market model, the state plays the most important role - the preservation of the market system itself by expressing common, or public interests. No private business, no matter how gigantic it may reach, by its very nature can ignore its own interests and shoulder the interests of the whole society. However, the state can cope with such duties only if it is part of a democratic society. In such a society, along with the market mechanism, there is a democratic mechanism for controlling voters over the state apparatus, and the judicial system provides legal protection to all citizens in accordance with the law.

(A. Porokhovsky)


C2. The author lists the socio-economic phenomena of the life of society, which are directly dependent on the active role of the state in their regulation. Name any three of them and illustrate one with an example.




C1. What three economic functions of the state in a market economy are named in the text?

The response may include the following functions:
1) the fight against monopolies;
2) support and development of competition;
3) support for the stability of the market system.

Three functions specified

Two functions specified

One function specified OR the answer is incorrect

Maximum score

The correct answer must contain the following items:
1) the socio-economic phenomena given in the text are named:
- favorable social climate in the country, stability of the financial system;
- expanding the production of public goods;
- creation of a legal framework in the financial sector.
2) one of the socio-economic phenomena is illustrated by an example, for example:
- adoption of the Civil Code (legal field);
- fight against corruption (favorable social climate);
- Carrying out a reform of the system of education, health care (production of public goods).
Other examples can be given

Three phenomena are named, one is illustrated by an example

Three phenomena are named without an example OR two phenomena are named, one of them is illustrated by an example

Less than three phenomena are named without examples OR one phenomenon is named and illustrated by an example OR the answer is incorrect

Maximum score

C3. The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in the preservation and development of competition. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, give three confirmations of the importance of competition for a market economy.

The answer may include the following positions explaining the role of competition:
1) ensures freedom of market pricing;
2) creates conditions for the realization of the economic freedom of the producer, which contributes to the independence of the economic choice of the consumer;
3) stimulates the improvement of the quality of goods and services produced;
4) stimulates the reduction of production costs.
Other correct answers are possible.

Three positions listed

Two positions listed

One function specified

Wrong answer

Maximum score

C4. Different points of view are expressed on the issue of the relationship between a market economy and democracy. What is the position of the author? Name the two arguments given by him and explain each of them with an example.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) the author's opinion is given: only in a democratic society the state can ensure the functioning of a market economy;
2) two arguments are given, for example:
in a democratic society
- the mechanism of voter control over the state apparatus has been established;
- The judiciary provides legal protection to citizens.
3) an example is given as an explanation, for example:
- an entrepreneur can apply to the court with a claim on the illegality of the actions of the city department in relation to his enterprise;
- Voters may demand from their deputy a report on his voting on economic issues.
Other arguments and other examples may be given.

The author's point of view is given, two arguments are given, no example is given OR the author's point of view is given, one argument is given and one example is given OR the author's point of view is not explicitly given, two arguments and one example are given

The author's point of view is given, an argument is given without an example OR the author's point of view is given, an example is given, no arguments are given OR the author's point of view is not explicitly given, two arguments are given, there is no example OR the author's point of view is not explicitly stated, one argument and an example are given

Maximum score

Social science is, according to statistics, the most demanded subject on the Unified State Examination for a number of years and one of the most difficult to pass the exam. The complexity is explained by the integrative nature of the subject: social science includes eight content lines and unites six social disciplines - philosophy, jurisprudence, economics, sociology, cultural studies, political science.

However, it is quite possible to prepare for the exam. There are three ways to prepare: individual lessons with a tutor, classes in preparatory courses, self-training. Classes in courses and with a teacher require certain material costs, and besides, they are not always possible for children living in the outback. Today it is quite realistic to prepare yourself for the exam, because there are many resources for this - study guides, online courses, various computer programs.

Where to start preparing? First of all, you need to download the social studies program on the website of the Ministry of Education (preferably not a basic, but a specialized level). Distribute the material by topic, and draw up a lesson plan, distributing topics and individual questions by day. Be sure to leave time for repetition of the studied material (approximately 10-20% of the total time). Preparation for the exam should be systematic, so you need to study every day (leaving Sunday for rest) for 1.5 hours. At the same time, do not forget to alternate work and rest - 45 minutes of work, then a 10-minute break, and again devote 45 minutes to studying the material.

When preparing for the exam, it is advisable to use not only school textbooks, but also other teaching aids. Today, a huge number of different printed materials are offered, but they often contain outdated information, inaccuracies, etc., so you need to choose textbooks recommended by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements or the Ministry of Education.

When working on the material, be sure to make notes in a structured way, drawing up a plan for the topic, tables, diagrams. When working with theoretical material, it is important to focus on the main ideas. Use a different pen color when writing material so that important points stand out when you repeat them.

It is especially important to work with concepts correctly, writing them down in a separate notebook, and periodically repeating. in a good way Assimilation of concepts is the compilation of a table of concepts, which is cut into pieces, like a kind of puzzle, and then a term is selected to define the concept.

It is possible to compose nests of concepts when, along with a given concept, broader concepts are included that include this concept, and more particular concepts included in it.

Since the main difficulties in the exam are the tasks of the third part, you need to constantly train your skills and abilities for their successful completion.

To prepare for task C8, practice writing a complex plan for each topic being studied. It consists of at least three paragraphs, two of which have subparagraphs. Do not forget that the wording of the points of the plan should reveal the topic as much as possible.

It is very important to practice your essay writing skills in advance (task C9).

Remember that a good essay must contain the essence of the problem, a clear statement of your personal position on it, supported by well-reasoned examples (definitions, quotes), and conclusions. It is very important to learn how to identify a social science problem from a statement and translate it into the category of course concepts. To do this, you need to pay attention to the category to which the statement belongs.

Constantly perform various tests to familiarize yourself with their structure and design. At the same time, be sure to note the time for their implementation, since the time for the exam is limited. The correctness of the tests of groups A, B can be checked on the sites, the tasks of group C can be shown to your teacher. Be sure to complete the demo tests on the FIPI website not only for 2013, but also solve tests for previous years. In the same place, read the assessment criteria for the same essay, which will help you better understand what the experts expect to see in it.

Since some tasks of group A and part of the tasks of group C require a broad outlook, regularly follow the news through newspapers, television, and the Internet to keep abreast of current socio-political events in the country.

After completing the study of the material, use the rule of “three pencils”: highlight well-learned material in one color, poorly learned material in the second color, those questions that you don’t know at all or know very poorly in the third color. After that, start the repetition with poorly learned topics, then with poorly learned ones, and at the end repeat the well-learned topics. This will allow you to close knowledge gaps.

The last day before the exam should be devoted to general review - reviewing topic plans, your notes, and completed tests.