Reasons for the emergence of industrial society. Industrial society: characteristics and features

Lesson 1. Formation of an industrial society. industrial revolution.

We have to get acquainted with the history of the 19th century. At this time, in Western Europe and the USA, an INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY was born and was further developed.

What preceded industrial society? (traditional society / Traditional society - a society that is regulated by tradition. The social structure in it is characterized by a rigid class hierarchy, the existence of stable social communities, a special way of regulating the life of society based on traditions and customs.)

What is an industrial society? industrial society- a society formed in the process and as a result of industrialization, the development of machine production, the emergence of forms of labor organization adequate to it, the application of the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

In the 19th century, the transition from traditional total to the industry total happens in the processmodernization is a long and very complex process, in its course, on the basis of industrialization, changes cover all aspects of life.

In the first half of the 19th century beginsfirst industrial revolution - the transition from manufactories to factories. Machines are made by machines.

In the 19th century There are three stages of modernization:

1 echelon - the countries of old capitalism (England, France), where the industry. total develops evolutionarily and this development is natural.

2 echelon - the countries of young capitalism (Russia, USA, Germany, Italy, the Austrian Empire), where modernization was carried out through reforms.

3 echelon - countries with a predominance of traditional society (Spain, Portugal, Latin America), where modernization processes spread very limitedly.

Modernization in the countries of the East - modernization was delayed and limited. Since the countries of the East were under the influence of the capitalist countries, the peoples of the East were hostile to any innovations and modernizations, since they originated from the colonialists. The exception was modern weapons.

What is characteristic of industrialization:

Rapid population growth;

Urban growth;

Development of science;

Migration flows are intensifying (to the New World);

The outflow of people from the village to the city;

Manual labor is replaced by machines (the machines themselves begin to be produced with the help of machine tools);

Technological processes become more complicated;

The division of labor deepens;

A world market emerges;

What does this lead to:

Rivalry between the most developed countries is escalating;


Economic crises (first in England in 1825, world in 1858);


Peoples fall into economic dependence on each other;

Let's take a look at 19th century capitalism:

Based on private property and market economy.

For successful development, it was necessary: ​​the availability of free capital, free labor, an abundance natural resources.

In a free market, acted -competition - the struggle between entrepreneurs for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods, providing the highest profit. >> production of goods increased >> as a result economic crisis- the process of a decline in economic growth and the forced restoration of proportions violated during the development of the economy.

Arise cartels - determining prices and dividing sales markets;Syndicates - associations engaged in the joint marketing of products,Trusts - full association of property for joint production and marketing of products;Concerns - associations of trusts or enterprises dependent on a particular monopoly group.

What was invented : a rifled barrel in a rifle, a machine gun, a steam fleet, a lathe, a steam locomotive and Railway, seeders, threshers, open-hearth furnaces, a car with a steam engine, balloons, electric lighting, telegraph communications, dynamite.

What is changing in the political field:

After a series of revolutions and reforms, the democratization of the state and public life. The power of kings and emperors is limited by the constitution and parliament. The influence of political parties is growing. A new class is formed -bourgeoisie - a social class category, which corresponds to the ruling class of capitalist society, which owns property and exists at the expense of income from this property.

The main social doctrines are being formulated: conservatism, liberalism and socialism.


Today, an industrial society is a concept familiar in all developed and even many developing countries of the world. The process of transition to mechanical production, the decline in the profitability of agriculture, the growth of cities and a clear division of labor - all these are the main features of the process that is changing the socio-economic structure of the state.

What is an industrial society?

In addition to production characteristics, this society is different high level life, becoming civil rights and freedoms, the emergence of service activities, accessible information and humane economic relations. Previous traditional socio-economic models were distinguished by a relatively low average standard of living for the population.

The industrial society is considered modern, both technical and social components are developing very quickly in it, affecting the improvement of the quality of life in general.

Main differences

The main difference between a traditional agrarian society and a modern one is the growth of industry, the need for a modernized, accelerated and efficient production and division of labor.

The main reasons for the division of labor and in-line production can be considered both economic - the financial benefits of mechanization, and social - population growth and increased demand for goods.

Industrial society is characterized not only by growth industrial production but also the systematization and flow of agricultural activities. In addition, in any country and in any society, the process of industrial reconstruction is accompanied by the development of science, technology, media and civic responsibility.

Changing the structure of society

Today for many developing countries characterized by a particularly accelerated process of transition from a traditional society to an industrial one. The process of globalization and free information space play a significant role in changing socio-economic structures. New technologies and scientific advances are making it possible to improve production processes, which makes a number of industries especially efficient.

The processes of globalization and international cooperation and regulation also affect the change in social charters. An industrial society is characterized by a completely different worldview, when the expansion of rights and freedoms is perceived not as a concession, but as something due. In combination, such changes allow the state to become part of the world market both from an economic point of view and from a socio-political point of view.

The main features and signs of an industrial society

The main characteristics can be divided into three groups: production, economic and social.

The main production features and signs of an industrial society are as follows:

  • mechanization of production;
  • reorganization of labor;
  • division of labor;
  • productivity increase.

Among economic characteristics need to highlight:

  • growing influence of private production;
  • the emergence of a market for competitive products;
  • expansion of sales markets.

Main economic trait industrial society - uneven economic development. Crisis, inflation, decline in production - all these are frequent phenomena in the economy of an industrial state. The Industrial Revolution is by no means a guarantee of stability.

The main feature of an industrial society in terms of its social development is a change in values ​​and worldview, which is affected by:

  • development and accessibility of education;
  • improving the quality of life;
  • popularization of culture and art;
  • urbanization;
  • expansion of human rights and freedoms.

It should be noted that the industrial society is also characterized by reckless exploitation of natural resources, including irreplaceable ones, and almost complete disregard for the environment.

Historical background

In addition to economic benefits and population growth, the industrial development of society was due to a number of other reasons. In traditional states, most people were able to secure their livelihood, and nothing more. Only a few could afford comfort, education and pleasure. The agrarian society was forced to move to an agrarian-industrial one. This transition allowed for an increase in production. However, the agrarian-industrial society was characterized by the inhumane attitude of the owners towards the workers and the low level of mechanization of production.

Pre-industrial socio-economic models were based on various forms of the slave system, which indicated the absence of universal freedoms and the low average standard of living of the population.

Industrial Revolution

The transition to an industrial society began in the period industrial revolution. It was this period, the 18th-19th centuries, that was responsible for the transition from manual to mechanized labor. The beginning and middle of the 19th century became the apogee of industrialization in a number of leading world powers.

During the industrial revolution, the main features of the modern state took shape, such as the growth of production, urbanization, the economic growth and the capitalist model of social development.

Usually, the industrial revolution is associated with the growth of machine production and intensive technological development, but it was during this period that the main socio-political changes took place that influenced the formation of a new society.


There are three main sectors in the composition of both the world and the state economy:

  • Primary - resource extraction and agriculture.
  • Secondary - processing resources and creating food.
  • Tertiary - the service sector.

Traditional social structures were based on the superiority of the primary sector. Subsequently, during the transition period, the secondary sector began to catch up with the primary sector, and the service sector began to grow. Industrialization is the expansion of the secondary sector of the economy.

This process took place in world history in two stages: the technical revolution, which included the creation of mechanized factories and the abandonment of manufactory, and the modernization of devices - the invention of the conveyor, electrical appliances and engines.


In the modern sense, urbanization is an increase in the population of large cities due to migration from rural areas. However, the transition to an industrial society was characterized by a broader interpretation of the concept.

Cities became not only places of work and migration of the population, but also cultural and economic centers. It was the cities that became the boundary of the true division of labor - territorial.

Future of industrial society

Today in developed countries there is a transition from a modern industrial society to a post-industrial one. There is a change in the values ​​and criteria of human capital.

The engine of the post-industrial society and its economy should be the knowledge industry. Therefore, scientific discoveries and technological developments of the new generation play an important role in many states. Professionals with a high level of education, good learning ability, and creative thinking are considered valuable working capital. The dominant sector of the traditional economy will be the tertiary sector, that is, the service sector.

The Industrial Age (the era of industrial societies) began with the development of capitalist enterprises and relations during the period of the collapse of feudal society in some countries Western Europe: Holland, Italy, England and others. capitalists there were entrepreneurs who, with their own money, purchased items, tools, working conditions, hired workers and carried out production wealth and services to be sold for money, for profit. This era ended in the middle of the 20th century, with the advent of elements of the post-industrial (information) civilizational era.

In the industrial countries (formation and civilization) they gradually lost their dominant position and retreated before the capitalist formational (commodity-money) and civilizational (Protestantism). The number of capitalists grew, the degree of involvement of the population in capitalist (commodity-money) relations increased. Bourgeois democrats came to power as a result of bourgeois revolutions. They completed the capitalist formations in their countries to the "auxiliary top" and civilization. By the end of the XIX century. the capitalist formation and civilization prevailed in many countries of Europe.

Martin Luther (1483-1546) created Protestantism, which influenced the formation of capitalist society. He rejected the role of the church and the clergy as an intermediary between the individual and God, arguing that the salvation of a person's soul depends on faith, professional skill and lifestyle. Printing introduced the population to the Bible and stimulated independence of thought. Puritan ethics became the civilizational basis of the capitalist formation and civilization, which differed significantly from the previous one. The process of becoming individualistic (liberal) world civilization moved relatively quickly. Nation states fought for markets, political influence, world domination. Unions of states emerged, dividing spheres of economic and political influence.

Technological basis industrial society is physical and mental labor, new sources of energy (electricity, internal combustion engine), machine production on an industrial (industrial) basis. These means of production made it possible to sharply increase the quantity and quality of material goods to meet the demo-social needs of the people.

Demosocial subsystem The industrial society is characterized by the following elements: the growth of the Earth's population, the nuclear family, urbanization, the complication of the social structure, the growth of social inequality, nationalism and the class struggle of the bourgeois and proletarians, pollution of the environmental sphere, the transformation of cities into more and more unlivable.

For economic subsystem characteristic: industrial mode of production; capitalist property, development of finance capital; domination of large monopolies - private and state; growth of the efficiency of social production; emergence of the world market; division of social production into three sectors (primary - Agriculture, secondary - industry, tertiary - services) with the leading role of the industrial sector; the emergence of crises of overproduction; the struggle of the main economic classes (the bourgeoisie and the proletariat).

Political subsystem industrial society is characterized by: the collapse of empires and the emergence of nation-states; the development of law; separation of legislative, executive, judicial powers; universal suffrage; formation and mass . In cities, there is a gap and conflict between the bureaucratic, anonymous state power and the self-governing municipality close to the interests of the people.

Spiritual subsystem industrial society is characterized by the reformation of the church, the development of technical knowledge, the emergence of mass education, the emergence of mass media and science. The new religion, the philosophy of Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, the natural sciences changed the spiritual climate of post-Reformation Europe.

Public psyche characterized by the strengthening of rationalism, the weakening of the religious worldview and the strengthening of the secular (liberal, socialist, anarchist), the emergence of socialist projects for the reorganization of society, the bitterness of the subjective confrontation between different classes.

capitalist society has decisive influence on the course of the historical process in the XIX-XX centuries. It started colonial wars against primitive communal, agrarian-Asian, feudal societies in other countries of the world. The types of colonization were different: settlements of colonists, migration to colonial areas, penetration of colonizers into countries with a developed Asian civilization and formation, fixing there as a ruling minority. Colonized (and "civilized") peoples resisted the colonizers.

In the first half of the 19th century, a revolutionary movement of the proletariat arose in Europe, putting forward its economic and political demands on the capitalist class: there was an uprising of Lyon workers (1834) and Silesian weavers (1844), and a Chartist movement unfolded in England. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels theoretically substantiated the demands of the proletariat in the Communist Manifesto. In 1917, the construction of a "proletarian-socialist" society (formations and civilizations) began in Russia.

The two social formations and civilizations of the industrial era are capitalist and socialist (Soviet). Initially, their struggle took shape in favor of socialism (formation and civilization): a “nroletar-socialist” Soviet Union. Then, as a result of the victory over Nazism, the camp of Soviet socialism was formed, which includes many countries; the disintegration of the colonial system of capitalism began. The Soviet communists hoped that the victory of socialist society over capitalist society would mean their victory. This provision was fixed by the program of the CPSU, adopted by the XXII Congress of the CPSU (1961).

The transformation of a liberal-capitalist society into a social-democratic one proved that it was not the proletariat that began to play world-historical significance, but average mass. The bourgeois socialist society (sour cream formation and civilization) turned out to be more viable compared to liberal capitalism and proletarian socialism, because, on the one hand, it gave scope to talents, and on the other hand, it embodied moderate social justice in the form of relative inequality, social protection workers, the weak. At the end of the 20th century, the world system of socialism and the USSR were defeated.

The era of traditional society sooner or later falls into decay. It is being replaced by a new type of society - industrial society, the basis of which is technical progress.

An industrial society is a society formed in the process and as a result of the rapid development of machine production. Industry becomes the leading branch of production in an industrial society.

The impetus for the development of industrial society was the scientific and technological revolution, which contributed to the mechanization and automation of production.

Prerequisites for the formation of an industrial society

Industrial society, as a new socio-economic formation, began its journey in the first half of the 19th century. Its formation is due to serious changes in various spheres of people's lives - political, cultural, economic.

For changes in political sphere should include the collapse of empires and the emergence of nation-states, the democratization of the political system. In the field of culture, the following changes have taken place:

  • growth of literacy of the population;
  • development of science and media;
  • strengthening the role of natural and technical sciences;
  • weakening the influence of the church on society.

The main change in economic sphere the life of society is the capitalization of production, due to the development of entrepreneurial activity.

The characteristics of an industrial society are

  • redistribution of the load of the labor force: more people begin to work in the production sector, the number of people employed in the agricultural sector is declining;
  • influx of population into cities – urbanization;
  • increasing the level of literacy of the population;
  • an increase in the rate of production due to the mechanization of enterprises and the principle of division of labor;
  • emergence of private property and a competitive market.

Consequences of the industrialization of society

Like any other process, the formation of an industrial society has both negative and positive consequences.

The negative consequences include the alternation of periods of growth and development with periods of recession and crisis - a feature of market relations; damage to the environment is the result of an increase in industrial production (pollution of territories and irrational use of natural resources).

Positive consequences: improved quality of life for people; mechanization of production, allowing to reduce physical activity; the emergence of a developed infrastructure; constant development of science and technology, the introduction of new scientific achievements in life.

Industrial society is not the last stage in the development of mankind. After it, the time will come for a post-industrial society, in which information plays an important role. What will follow him - one can only guess.