Help for Uralsib Bank cardholders. The main properties of Uralsib Bank salary card

For various reasons, it may be necessary to find out how to close an Uralsib Bank card. Carrying out this procedure in our time is quite simple. Any of the managers can tell you about all sorts of ways. Specialists will answer the question of how to close a credit card and will do everything possible to do it quickly.

In what cases and when may it be necessary to close a card?

You should find out how to refuse a Uralsib Bank credit card in the following situations:

  • The credit card has already expired.
  • Relocation of a bank client to another country.
  • There is no longer any need to use the card.
  • The card was lost or stolen.

What you need to know before closing your card

First of all, to find out how to refuse a card, you should close all financial issues related to it. If we are talking about a credit card, then you will definitely have to pay off the debt. In a situation with a debit card, it is enough to withdraw all funds from the account at an ATM or bank teller. If this is not done, then at the time of refusal the manager may give you the balance of the account in cash.

How to close an Uralsib debit card

A URALSIB Bank salary card is issued by the employer in the name of each employee. The bank offers the opportunity to issue several types of salary cards.

Types of URALSIB salary cards

Salary cards are a smart solution for any manager. The payroll process is automated and costs associated with the need to pay in cash are reduced. Each employee will receive their salary on time, regardless of their location.

Please note that within the framework of the salary project, cards of the following payment systems and categories are issued:

Visa: Classic Light, Classic, Gold;

MasterCard: Electronic, Standard, Gold.

Employees receive international format cards from URALSIB Bank, which allow them to perform non-cash transactions, pay for goods and services, and also receive cash, even abroad.

As part of your salary project, issue a Gold category debit card - additional bonuses and the highest level of service are guaranteed to your employees

Terms of service for a salary card

The capabilities and conditions of URALSIB Bank salary cards depend on the type chosen. Cards of the simplest level and classic ones practically do not differ from each other in terms of conditions. Gold category cards have additional privileges:

  • Free SMS service;
  • Assistance in case of loss of a salary card outside the country: emergency issuance of cash or new plastic card. The service is paid;
  • Obtaining an insurance policy in the amount of up to 71 thousand euros;
  • Discounts and special offers from Visa and MasterCard companies in different countries.

The types of URALSIB Bank salary cards and the cost of annual service differ:

  • Light and Electron: 299 rubles;
  • Classic: 599 rubles;
  • Gold: 2999 rubles for the entire range of services.

These expenses are usually borne by the employer, so that the card is free for the end client. After the expiration date of the salary card, it is automatically reissued in the name of the employee.

Receiving and activating the card

After receiving the card, which is usually issued by an authorized employee of the company, you need to activate the card. This can be done at any ATM by inserting your card and entering your PIN.

If there is a possibility that a stranger could see your PIN code at work, you should immediately change it at an ATM, which will cost 30 rubles.

Since the contract rarely reaches the card owner, it is better to additionally visit a URALSIBA branch and consult about all the conditions of the issued salary card.

It is recommended to connect the service for delivering notifications about card transactions via SMS and Internet banking. For the SMS service you need to pay 59 rubles per month, and access to the Internet bank is provided free of charge.


Having received a salary card, the client can perform basic operations remotely and use it abroad. If the agreement with the employer specifies the appropriate condition, the URALSIB Bank salary card does not require a service fee. As an additional advantage, the salary card holder is offered preferential conditions when applying for a loan.

Uralsib Bank offers organizations and enterprises a salary project. Cashless payments to employees using plastic cards will greatly facilitate the paperwork process.

Detailed conditions

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The rules for comprehensive banking services for legal entities and individuals engaged in private practice, as well as individual entrepreneurs, contain Appendix No. 3. It specifies detailed conditions for the provision of services for transferring funds to salary cards.

After signing an agreement between the bank and the client (individual entrepreneur, organization, enterprise, etc.), the parties determine the type of cards issued. The bank evaluates the effectiveness of cooperation and provides a corresponding map.

According to Federal Law 161, employees working with the bank in the payroll system must be issued an additional card of the Mir payment system in addition to the main Visa or MasterCard card. This is a mandatory condition if wages are paid from the budget or state extra-budgetary funds.

If the main card is the Mir PS, then the additional card is issued by Visa or MasterCard. Servicing cards of any payment system is carried out according to the tariffs specified in the contract.

The organization is obliged to prepare employee registers in electronic form and send them using the Client-Bank (SKB) system. They are needed to open accounts and issue cards.

In case of re-issuance of cards due to expiration, an application from each employee is not required. In this case, the bank has the right to change the type of card at its discretion. Including in the case when this category of cards is no longer issued.

If service rates change, the bank sends the information to the organization. The parties sign the statement.

If, after checking the register, no errors are found, the bank processes the information and sends a letter to the organization through SKB containing the verification protocol.

The bank is constantly improving settlement systems and looking for optimally fast mechanisms for crediting funds to accounts

Afterwards, accounts are opened for each employee, and the bank also sends an email with card account data. The organization must correct errors in the register no later than 1 day after receiving a letter from the financial institution.

Within the terms agreed upon by the parties, the bank issues or reissues cards. This action is confirmed by a letter in the Client-Bank system. According to the tariffs, the organization pays a commission for connecting the cards of each employee to the service system.

No later than two days before funds arrive on employees’ card accounts, the organization notifies the bank division about the approximate amount of credits and timing. The organization independently withholds and transfers taxes and other deductions from wages in force in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

To credit funds to card accounts, the accounting department transfers the amount from the organization’s account, according to the register and on the basis of a payment order. No later than one day from this moment, the organization sends a register file through SKB.

The bank credits funds to employee card accounts in the following order:

  • if the registers are accepted by the bank no later than 16.00, then crediting is made on the same day;
  • organizations with a branch network, in order to credit funds on the same day, must provide registers no later than 12.00;
  • if registers are provided later than 16.00 (or 12.00 for branch networks), then wages are calculated the next day.

The bank may not make accruals if errors are found and not corrected in the register or if funds are not received into the account.

The organization is obliged to pay a commission to the bank for the service provided, according to tariffs as a percentage of the total amount of deposits.

Cards and PIN codes are issued with the help of an authorized person from the organization or upon personal contact of each employee at a bank branch. The bank has developed a system to speed up the payroll process.

To take advantage of this opportunity, the organization must meet the following requirements:

  • The beneficiary's accounts are not indicated in the payment order.
  • The register for crediting salaries should look like this: the first 4-8 characters are the organization code assigned by the bank; then month, date; after the dot - a constant and a file number. Example: GHBDTH0922.i05.
  • The payment order, in addition to the name of the payment, must contain the following information: organization code in round or square brackets (assigned by the bank); semicolon-separated names of registers.