Test in the section "Economics" (grade 8). Test in the section "Economics" (Grade 8) Are the following judgments about state property correct?

8th grade. Final test in the section "Economics".

1. There are different meanings of the concept of "economy". An example of an economy in the sense of "economy" is

1) sale of suburban real estate 2) study of demand for detergents

3) research of the cellular communication market 4) calculation of changes in demand for agricultural machinery

2. Economic resources directly involved in the manufacture of specific goods and services are called

1) factors of production 2) economic benefits

3) supply and demand 4) material needs

3. Which of the following concepts unites, generalizes all the others?

1) capital 2) building 3) equipment 4) structure

4. Firm K. is engaged in the transportation of goods. The company's capital includes

1) transported goods 2) enterprise managers

3) insurance payments 4) auto vehicles

5. What sign characterizes the traditional economy?

1) centralized pricing 2) regulation of production with the help of customs

3) competition of producers 4) the predominance of private ownership of the means of production

6. What characterizes the team economic system?

1) freedom of entrepreneurial activity 2) variety of forms of ownership

3) dominance Agriculture 4) centralized pricing

7. What sign characterizes market economy?

1) state ownership of the means of production

2) egalitarian distribution of produced goods

3) competition of commodity producers

4) disinterest of the producer in the results of labor

8. Actual possession of a thing, recognition of a person's right to this thing or economic dominance over a thing is called

9. The economic use of consumer properties of things is called

1) possession 2) use 3) disposal 4) inheritance

10. Employees of the company " cozy house, engaged in the construction of garden houses, receive dividends from the securities of this enterprise. This right is retained by them even in the event of dismissal. What form of ownership does this company represent?

1) joint stock 2) private 3) cooperative 4) state

11. Are the following judgments about property correct?

A: The right of the owner to change the legal fate of a thing is called use.

B: The object of property can only be material objects, things.

12.Initiative independent economic activity a person not forbidden

legally carried out at one's own risk, aimed at making a profit, is called

1) adventure 2) production 3) entrepreneurship 4) labor

13. Are the following judgments about production costs correct?

A: Cost of production is the cost of the resources needed to

production of goods and services

B: There are fixed and variable costs of production.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

14. The quantity of goods that the consumer is ready to purchase at a certain point in time in a particular place at a certain price is

1) market 2) demand 3) supply 4) competition

15. Large, medium and small firms are represented on the sporting goods market. All of them compete for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods. This manifests itself

1) demand 2) supply 3) competition 4) monopoly

16. Are the following statements correct?

A: Scarcity is a situation of excess supply of goods and services.

B: In conditions of excess supply, producers are forced to cut prices.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

17. After government economic reform the exchange rate of the national currency has risen against monetary units other countries. This example reflects the situation in the market

1) goods and services 2) information 3) stock 4) currency

18. A well-known foreign automobile concern has established its production in the region. There was a need for specialists in the maintenance of the robotic line. This example reflects the situation in the market

1) securities 2) information 3) labor 4) goods

19. The State performs various functions in economic life society. In particular. it supports and protects competition. Which of the following examples illustrates this feature?

1) the government issued money

2) the central bank revoked the license commercial Bank

3) the state finances the acquisition of military equipment

4) Parliament made changes to antitrust law

20. Which of the following applies to the expenditure side of the state budget?

1) issue of paper and credit money 2) government loans

3) tax revenues 4) payment of interest on public debt

21. In the country Z a 20 percent tax is charged on the income of citizens income tax. The object of the tax is

1) taxpayer 2) salary 3) tax service 4) enterprise

22. The price of a chocolate bar is 30 rubles. What function of money is manifested in this fact?

1) measure of value 2) means of payment 3) medium of exchange 4) world money

23. Employees of the cafe "Malinka" are the owners of their enterprise. The issues of profit distribution and the allocation of funds for the development of their enterprise, they decide together. What form of ownership does this example illustrate?

1) state 2) cooperative

3) individual private 4) joint stock

Test answers.





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Social Studies Property Test for Grade 8 Students with Answers. The test is designed to test knowledge on the topic of Economics. The test consists of 3 parts. Part 1 - 10 tasks, part 2 - 4 tasks and part 3 - 3 tasks.

1. Owned by a citizen of the Russian Federation Not may be

1) earth
2) residential building
3) airplane
4) spaceship

2. Which of the named Not related to property law?

3. Transfer or sale of state property to private ownership

1) privatization
2) nationalization
3) mercantilism
4) protectionism

4. Transfer to private hands of large state-owned enterprises

1) nationalization
2) cooperation
3) incorporation
4) privatization

5. Compulsory gratuitous seizure of all or part of the property owned by a person as a sanction for a crime or for an administrative or civil offense to the state ownership

1) privatization
2) requisition
3) confiscation
4) nationalization

6. The seizure by the state of property from the owner with the payment of the cost of such property to him is called

1) privatization
2) requisition
3) confiscation
4) nationalization

7. The intangible object of ownership is

1) thing
2) earth
3) intellectual property
4) animal


A. The owner bears the burden of maintaining the property belonging to him, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.
B. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to property shall be borne by its owner, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

9. Are the following statements about ownership correct?

A. The owner can transfer his property in trust to another person (trustee).
B. Transfer of property to trust management entails the transfer of ownership to the trustee.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

10. Are the following statements about ownership correct?

A. The right of ownership of the acquirer of the thing under the contract arises from the moment of its transfer, unless otherwise provided by law or the contract.
C. Ownerless is a thing that does not have an owner or the owner of which is unknown.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

1. Establish a correspondence between the powers of the owner and their content: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.


A) ownership
B) use
B) order

1) the possibility of exploiting property by extracting from it useful properties, fruits, income, its consumption
2) finding a thing in the owner's household
3) the possibility of determining the legal fate of a thing by changing its ownership, state, purpose

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of "property".
Possession, disposal, use, application, registration.
Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

3. Fill in the missing term: “Property owned by city and rural settlements, on behalf of which the rights of the owner are exercised by local governments, is called __________ __________.

4. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.
There is a tendency to regard as inalienable human rights in modern society the right to acquire __________(1). Citizen Russian Federation may own a residential building, land plot on which this house is located, cash, valuable __________(2), enterprises as property complexes, vehicles and other __________(3). The specified property can be created at the expense of entrepreneurial activity, labor income, income invested in securities, acquisition of property by __________(4) or as a gift. In these cases, a person acts as the true owner of the funds available to him __________ (5) and the products of his __________ (6), can sell, transfer by inheritance, otherwise use them at his own discretion.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

A) property
B) paper
B) property
D) inheritance
D) production
E) entrepreneurship
G) labor

1. Read the text and do the tasks.

In Russia, it is necessary to popularize the idea of ​​the value of private property and, perhaps, even develop a public discussion on this topic. “Now that we have chosen a market economy as a model, we must ensure that private property enjoys unquestioning respect and protection,” said Dmitry Medvedev, then President of the Russian Federation, answering a question from a journalist.
“Private property in Russia has a separate fate,” D. Medvedev noted. An economy based on private property and the capitalist way of life appeared in Russia quite a long time ago, “but there was no democracy, and these are things that, as a rule, go one after another,” D. Medvedev explained. - Since the end of the 19th century, a developed system of private property and a developed set of democratic institutions have appeared in many European states. And we developed private property, but there was no democracy, because there was autocracy. Then both private property and democracy died. The process was crushed." Therefore, according to D. Medvedev, "our understanding of the value of private property has absolutely not reached the level that should be in a developed state, in a developed society." “For many people, private property is still synonymous with fraud, hard life, exploitation of man by man. Surprisingly, this is typical not only for the older generation, but also for middle-aged people. Not only because they were not quite successful in the 90s. But because there was no understanding of what private property is in general,” says D. Medvedev.
According to him, “People lived in captivity of the illusion that all property is created by the state, regulated by the state, and must belong to the state. And property, as you know, rests on the distinction between mine and yours. By its very nature, all property can only be private.”
Meanwhile, D. Medvedev recalled, in the Soviet period there was no private property in the narrow sense of the word, even the term “private” itself was replaced by “personal”. “And since the 1990s, private property has become a hostage to tough reforms, revolutionary changes that took place in the economy, the privatization that took place in the country and which left a residue of monstrous injustice for the vast majority of our people. Unfortunately, this has affected the attitude towards private property,” D. Medvedev noted. - Because for many people, private property and the results of privatization coincided. Many people have the feeling that something has been stolen from them. And we will have to overcome the emotional consequences of these events for more than one year.”
Nevertheless, D. Medvedev stressed, private property is an extremely important structure, it belongs to the fundamental set of human rights. “If we do not learn to respect and protect it, as they do all over the world, we will continue to remain in backwardness and desolation.” …
D. Medvedev also recalled that in Russia the element of the collective, the public in relation to things, to the land, due to religious tradition, was much stronger than in the West. “In this sense, our man has always been less individualistic in relation to the means of production, in relation to his property, than, say, a European. Everything around is communal or collective farm, which means mine. There were pluses and minuses in this.”
However, now, D. Medvedev stressed, "when we have chosen a market economy as a model, we must ensure that private property enjoys unquestioning respect and protection."

1) Define the concept of "private property" and, using the text, make two sentences with it that reveal its meaning.

2) Using the text and your knowledge from the history course, name at least two reasons for the existence in Russia of the phenomenon that D.A. Medvedev characterizes it this way: "For many people, private property is still synonymous with fraud, hard life, exploitation of man by man."

2. Give one example characterizing different forms of ownership. Write at least three sentences in total.

3. Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating the problem posed by the author (the topic touched upon); formulate your attitude to the position taken by the author; justify this relationship. When presenting your thoughts on various aspects of the problem raised (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained during the study of the social science course, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience.

1. “The principle of individual property consists of all economic relations the whole world rests on it" (S. Witte).

2. "The right to property is the creative and protective principle of any society" (S. Segur).

3. “Those who own and use something in common quarrel with each other much more than those who have private property» (Aristotle).

Social Studies Test Answers Property
Part 1
1-4, 2-2, 3-3, 4-1, 5-3, 6-2, 7-3, 8-3, 9-1, 10-3
Part 2
1. 213
2. application
3. municipal property

Part 1

A1. What is characteristic of both man and animal?

A2. The holding of regular elections of deputies of parliament is primarily related to the sphere of society

A3. Are the following judgments about global problems correct?

A. Global problems are those that affect people all over the world.

B. Global problems have created a threat to the continued existence of mankind.

A4. Which cultural institution is comprehensively engaged in the restoration, storage and demonstration of cultural values?

A5. The master sought the perfect combination of shades of red, golden, brown and other colors, trying to convey the beauty of the autumn forest. This is an example of activity in the field

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. The fulfillment of moral norms is a free choice of a person.

B. Moral norms are based on people's ideas about good and evil.

3) benefits to public funds

2) subsidies to enterprises

4) customs duties

2) the right to live in a family

4) voting rights

A18. The President of the Russian Federation is the head

2) disciplinary offense

4) criminal offense

A20. Are the following statements about the constitution correct?

A. The Constitution has the highest legal force.

B. The constitution is the body of all the laws of the state.

Part 2

IN 1. The above list shows the similarities and differences in the role of the state in market conditions and in a command economy. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences.

1) collects taxes

2) sets prices for the main types of raw materials

4) creates a legal framework for the development of competition

AT 2. Find the socio-territorial communities in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer line.

Answer: _________________________

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the types of political regimes and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) guarantees of the rights and freedoms of the individual

1) democratic

B) the power of a single mass party

2) totalitarian

C) official obligatory ideology

D) political pluralism

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 4. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "rule of law".

Find and write down the number of the term that falls out of this row.

Answer: ___________

Part 3

For answers to the tasks of this part (C1 - C6), use a separate signed sheet. First write down the number of the task (C1, etc.), and then the answer to it.

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6.

As an extensive, but not put in order, library cannot be as useful as even a very moderate, but well-arranged book depository; so it is true that a huge mass of knowledge, if it is not processed by one's own thinking, is of much less value than a much smaller amount of information, but deeply and many-sidedly thought out... You can only think through what you know; that's why you need to learn something; but you also know only what you have thought through. But you can voluntarily force yourself to read and study; to thinking, in fact, no.

Scholars are those who have read books; but the thinkers, the geniuses, the enlighteners of the world, and the movers of mankind, are those who read directly in the book of the universe.

In essence, only one's own basic thoughts have truth and life, because, in fact, only they are fully and properly understood. Alien, read thoughts are the remnants of someone else's meal, the discarded clothes of someone else's guest. Someone else's subtracted thought is related to independent thoughts, emerging from within, like an imprint on a stone of a plant of the primitive world to a flowering spring plant ...

If sometimes it happens that slowly and with great difficulty, through your own thinking and reasoning, you come to a truth and a conclusion that you could conveniently find ready-made in a book, then nevertheless this truth will be a hundred times more valuable if you reach it through own thinking...

A. Schopenhauer. Aphorisms and maxims

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan).

C3. Find two explanations in the text for why "only one's own fundamental thoughts have truth and life."

C4 What figurative comparisons does A. Schopenhauer use to characterize the process of thinking? Name any three characters. Explain any of the figurative comparisons you named.

C5 Since ancient times, the principle has been known: "Reading is the best teaching." Does this phrase correspond to the main idea of ​​the text? Provide a piece of text to help answer this question.

C6 How do you understand A. Schopenhauer's attitude to reading? Do you agree with the philosopher's attitude? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give an argument (explanation) in defense of your position.

Keys Option 3

job number

job number

job number

530 "style="width:397.65pt;border-collapse:collapse;border:none">

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) knowledge and thinking;

2) the meaning of one's own thoughts;

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of text fragments, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

The main semantic parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the content. The number of selected parts can be different.

Not all the main parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the main ideas of the selected fragments, OR not all the selected parts of the text correspond to meaningful and logically completed components of the text, OR not all the names of the selected parts correspond to their content

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score


Part 1

A1. What is characteristic of both man and animal?

A2. The holding of regular elections of deputies of parliament is primarily related to the sphere of society

A3. Are the following judgments about global problems correct?

A. Global problems are those that affect people all over the world.

B. Global problems have created a threat to the continued existence of mankind.

A4. Which cultural institution is comprehensively engaged in the restoration, storage and demonstration of cultural values?

A5. The master sought the perfect combination of shades of red, golden, brown and other colors, trying to convey the beauty of the autumn forest. This is an example of activity in the field

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. The fulfillment of moral norms is a free choice of a person.

B. Moral norms are based on people's ideas about good and evil.

A7. Income in the state budget brings (yat)

A8. The process of transition of state enterprises into private hands is called

A9. In the state of N., production resources are distributed through planned targets, and a fixed exchange rate is established. These features are characteristic of the economy

A11. What are the main functions of the family?

A12. In the half century that has passed since the abolition of serfdom in Russia, the country's urban population has tripled. However, most of the people still lived in villages. These data characterize the composition of society

A13. Are the following judgments about the social status of a person correct?

A. The social status of a person implies that she has certain rights and obligations.

B. Education is a characteristic of achieved status.

A14. In our country signs and promulgates laws

A15. In many countries, members of parliament are prohibited from working in government offices. This manifests itself

A16. Are the following statements about politics correct?

A. Any power relations are political in nature.

B. Politics as a sphere of public life has developed in an industrial society.

A17. The specific rights of the child include (are)

A18. The President of the Russian Federation is the head

A19. At the bus stop public transport teenagers used foul language. What offense did they commit?

A20. Are the following statements about the constitution correct?

A. The Constitution has the highest legal force.

B. The constitution is the body of all the laws of the state.

Part 2

IN 1. The above list shows the similarities and differences in the role of the state in market conditions and in a command economy. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences.

    collects taxes

    sets prices for key raw materials

    redistributes funds through the state budget

    creates a legal framework for the development of competition

AT 2. Find the socio-territorial communities in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer line.

Answer: _________________________

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the types of political regimes and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 4. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "rule of law".

Find and write down the number of the term that falls out of this row.

Answer: ___________

Part 3

For answers to the tasks of this part (C1 - C6), use a separate signed sheet. First write down the number of the task (C1, etc.), and then the answer to it.

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6.

As an extensive, but not put in order, library cannot be as useful as even a very moderate, but well-arranged book depository; so it is true that a huge mass of knowledge, if it is not processed by one's own thinking, is of much less value than a much smaller amount of information, but deeply and many-sidedly thought out... You can only think through what you know; that's why you need to learn something; but you also know only what you have thought through. But you can voluntarily force yourself to read and study; to thinking, in fact, no.

Scholars are those who have read books; but the thinkers, the geniuses, the enlighteners of the world, and the movers of mankind, are those who read directly in the book of the universe.

In essence, only one's own basic thoughts have truth and life, because, in fact, only they are fully and properly understood. Alien, read thoughts are the remnants of someone else's meal, the discarded clothes of someone else's guest. Someone else's subtracted thought is related to independent thoughts, emerging from within, like an imprint on a stone of a plant of the primitive world to a flowering spring plant ...

If sometimes it happens that slowly and with great difficulty, through your own thinking and reasoning, you come to a truth and a conclusion that you could conveniently find ready-made in a book, then nevertheless this truth will be a hundred times more valuable if you reach it through own thinking...

A. Schopenhauer. Aphorisms and maxims

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan).

C3. Find two explanations in the text for why "only one's own fundamental thoughts have truth and life."

C4 What figurative comparisons does A. Schopenhauer use to characterize the process of thinking? Name any three characters. Explain any of the figurative comparisons you named.

C5 Since ancient times, the principle has been known: "Reading is the best teaching." Does this phrase correspond to the main idea of ​​the text? Provide a piece of text to help answer this question.

C6 How do you understand A. Schopenhauer's attitude to reading? Do you agree with the philosopher's attitude? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give an argument (explanation) in defense of your position.

Keys Option 3

job number

job number

job number

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan). Answer:

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) knowledge and thinking;

2) the meaning of one's own thoughts;

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of text fragments, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

The main semantic parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the content. The number of selected parts can be different.

Not all the main parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the main ideas of the selected fragments, OR not all the selected parts of the text correspond to meaningful and logically completed components of the text, OR not all the names of the selected parts correspond to their content

Maximum score

Based on the text, the following explanations can be given:

1) “a huge mass of knowledge, if they are not processed by one’s own thinking, is of much less value than a much smaller amount of information, but deeply and multilaterally thought out”;

2) “You can only think through what you know; that's why it's necessary

something to learn; but you also know only what you have thought through”;

3) “You can voluntarily force yourself to read and study; to thinking, in fact, no.

Other explanations may be given.

Two explanations given

One explanation given

The answer is wrong

Maximum score

C3. Find two explanations in the text for why "only one's own fundamental thoughts have truth and life." Answer:

The answer may include the following explanations:

1) “because, in fact, only they are understood fully and properly”;

2) "foreign, subtracted thoughts are the remnants of someone else's meal, the discarded clothes of someone else's guest";

3) "an alien thought read refers to independent thoughts that emerge from within, like an imprint on a stone of a plant of the primitive world to a flowering spring plant."

Found two explanations

Found one explanation

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

C4. What figurative comparisons does A. Schopenhauer use to characterize the process of thinking? Name any three characters. Explain any of the figurative comparisons you named. Answer:

1) figurative comparisons, for example:

The mass of knowledge is compared with a library, a book depository;

Other people's thoughts are compared with the remnants of someone else's meal, thrown off by the clothes of someone else's guest;

Someone else's thought is compared to an imprint on a stone of a plant of the primitive world;

Independent thought is compared to a blossoming spring plant;

2) an explanation of figurative comparison, for example:

An independent thought is compared to a spring flowering plant, since it is new, is in the process of enrichment and development, and can bear certain fruits (like a plant that appeared in the spring, which has to go through the entire life cycle).

Another explanation may be given.

Another figurative comparison can be explained.

Three figurative comparisons are named, an explanation is given

Two figurative comparisons are named, an explanation is given

One figurative comparison is named, an explanation is given, OR three figurative comparisons are named without explanation

Maximum score

C5. Since ancient times, the principle has been known: "Reading is the best teaching." Does this phrase correspond to the main idea of ​​the text? Provide a piece of text that helps answer this question. Answer:

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the question is answered, for example: this principle does not correspond to the main idea of ​​the text;

The answer to the question can be given in a different formulation, close in meaning.

2) a fragment of text is given, for example:

- “As an extensive, but not put in order, library cannot bring as much benefit as even a very moderate, but well-arranged book depository; so it is true that a huge mass of knowledge, if not processed by one’s own thinking, is of much less value than a much smaller amount of information, but deeply and many-sidedly thought out”;

“In essence, only one’s own basic thoughts have truth and life, because, in fact, only they are fully and properly understood.”

Other passages of text may be cited.

The correct answer to the question is given, a fragment of the text is given

The correct answer is given OR a piece of text is given

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

C6. How do you understand A. Schopenhauer's attitude to reading? Do you agree with the philosopher's attitude? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give an argument (explanation) in defense of your position. Answer:

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) his own understanding of the position of A. Schopenhauer is given: the philosopher believes that reading is necessary, but it is much more important for a person to comprehend what he has read;

A different understanding of the position of A. Schopenhauer can be given.

2) the student's opinion is expressed: agreement or disagreement with the position of A. Schopenhauer;

3) an argument (explanation) is given, for example:

when consent it may be indicated that

Knowledge that is not comprehended by a person and is not realized in cognitive, creative or practical activity is, in essence, a “dead weight” that does not benefit either a person or society;

when disagreements it may be indicated that

Reading and new knowledge develop the intellect and horizons of a person.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

An understanding of the philosopher's position is given, the student's opinion is expressed, an argument is given

An understanding of the philosopher's position is given, the student's opinion is expressed, OR an understanding of the philosopher's position is given, the student's opinion is not explicitly expressed, but is clear from the context, an argument is given, OR the student's opinion is expressed, an argument is given; indicating understanding of the position of the philosopher

An understanding of the philosopher’s position is given, the student’s opinion and argument are absent, OR the student’s opinion is expressed, the argument is absent, understanding is not expressed of the philosopher’s position, OR an argument is given, understanding of the philosopher’s position and one’s own attitude is not expressed, OR the answer is incorrect or absent

What peculiar And man, And animal? 1) labor activity 2) taking care of ...

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