In what assets to invest money for a beginner. Investing for beginners

Hello, dear readers of the "site"! In this article, you will learn where it is profitable to invest money so that you can receive monthly income, what ways of investing money are possible at a high percentage with a guarantee and how best to invest so that they work and bring profit to the investor.

This article is written based on the analysis of the experience of well-known investors, financial consultants, as well as the realities of the modern economy. Plus, the basic principles of investing, possible risks, advantages and disadvantages of each investment strategy are given.

About where you can profitably invest your money in order to receive a monthly income and what options for investing money at a high interest rate with a guarantee exist - read the website in the magazine

In this section, we will talk about the do's and don'ts for young investors taking their first steps in investment activity. Consider the rules of effective investment, which will allow you to receive a higher return than in a bank, but at the same time almost the same reliability. Why almost? Yes, because The main rule of the investor is :

The risks that an investor is willing to take on are proportional to the potential profit.

You probably can't wait to get started? Do you want us to reveal the secrets of where it is profitable to invest in 2020 year at interest to quickly earn even more?

Let's disappoint you a bit. The first thing a young, fledgling investor should start with – investing in yourself, in your knowledge and skills . Believe me, the return on this investment will surprise you!

And only then, when you already understand how a share differs from a bond, what is the capitalization of a deposit, who are brokers and traders, it will be possible to move on to practice.

πŸ“ Read also our article about and how to become a successful investor from scratch.

2. 5 golden rules for investing money

Rule 1: Create an airbag

You should not start risky or not very financial transactions without having a reserve for rainy day.

  • How much should you have in stock? According to experts, this should be an amount that will cover your expenses for six months;
  • ? Save from wages or other sources of income;
  • How to calculate the size of the financial reserve? Calculate your monthly expenses. For example, you got 40 000 rubles. Multiply by 6 months, we get 240 000 rubles.

This is the reserve that you will not use when investing. In order to make the first investment, you will need to save a little more.

So it's going to be forever! you say. It can be faster if you have in addition to your salary passive income , that is, the monetary resources that you receive without putting much effort into it ( rental of real estate, interest on a bank deposit etc.).

πŸ‘‰ Thus, if you put a financial reserve on a deposit in a bank, then you will kill two birds with one stone. Create a reserve and begin to receive passive income.

Rule 2 Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Please note that you can trade directly in currencies, stocks and cryptocurrencies on the exchange. The main thing is to choose a reliable broker. One of the best is this brokerage company .

To avoid the need to use a financial reserve, you need to correctly distribute your funds in investments. You should not immediately invest all your free money in instruments that promise high returns. The risks that you will lose everything to the penny are too great.

You wouldn't put a hundred fragile eggs in one basket, would you? The likelihood that you will drop it 50 /50 . And the risk that all the eggs will break after the fall is already much greater. This can happen with your funds if you decide to invest them all at once. only into one project.

Also, if you allocate your money to different banks, the same thing can happen. Better diversify investments, i.e. invest in different areas. Not only in banking, but also in oil, gas, information, production, etc. In the language of professionals, this is called an investment portfolio.

Investment portfolio- these are several investment instruments combined together, differing in the degree of risk and profitability.

Depending on the chosen investment strategy, there are 3 types of investment portfolios:

  • Aggressive the portfolio consists mainly of high-risk assets;
  • Passive the portfolio is formed mainly from bank deposits;
  • Moderate portfolio includes both.

Rule 3. Assess the risks in advance

Before calculating potential profit and thinking about where you will spend it, evaluate your possible risks and losses.
Do not immediately form an aggressive portfolio. You risk losing everything!

Start small. From the amount that you are internally ready to lose (after all, there is always a risk). And gradually build up.

Take note! In no case should you use money received on credit from a bank or borrowed from friends or relatives for investments. You risk running into debt collectors and losing the trust and respect of your loved ones.

Rule 4. Choose collective investment

You don't have to invest alone. As your experience grows, you can invest in large projects by attracting co-investors. This will allow you to distribute the risks to everyone. And profit, too.

For example, if you have in mind some attractive investment project, but you do not have enough funds for it, then you can invite someone else to participate in it. You will definitely find someone who is willing to work with you. on mutually beneficial terms.

If you are not ready to manage your investment instruments yourself, you can use trustee services . This is the company that will manage your funds in accordance with the investment strategy you have chosen. She can use these funds to make a profit, but she cannot dispose of them on the right of ownership. The trustee receives a certain remuneration for his work.

When transferring funds to trust management arrived And losses distributed among investors in proportion to their contributions .

Rule 5. Generate passive income

Investment and growth of your capital is great. But do not forget that investments are always risky. Today you have income, and tomorrow you can lose it along with the invested capital. Alas, these are the realities of the modern economy.

10 profitable ways to invest money so that they work and bring monthly income

4. Where can you invest money so that it works and generates income - TOP 10 profitable ways to invest

Today you can meet a lot of financial scammers who promise easy money, high profitability in a short time. They have nothing to do with real investments.

Therefore, we will consider time-tested investment tools that allow you to get a return on invested funds, taking into account reasonable risks. So, Where is the best place to invest money to get monthly income?

Method 1. Bank deposit

A bank deposit is one of the most common investment instruments. True, the profitability of such an instrument rarely covers annual inflation in the country. Therefore, a bank deposit can be attributed more quickly to ways to save rather than increasing your capital.

Bank deposit - the most popular and easiest way to invest money at interest

Low ↓ return on investment is an honest payment for your peace of mind, because banking the risks are also small ↓.

And if the amount of your contribution does not exceed 1 400 000 rubles, then you don’t have to worry about anything at all. In accordance with current legislation, in the event of a bank failure, the state will return all your money to you.

At the moment, the profitability of bank deposits fluctuates within 7 -10% , which is a couple of percent below inflation. About that, in the economy, we wrote in a previous article.

The most popular bank among the population is Sberbank , despite the fact that the interest on deposits in it is below the market average. The reliability of the bank, and not the potential profit on the deposit, is of decisive importance for many.

The pros (+) of bank deposits are as follows:

  • low risks, deposit insurance;
  • the ability to return the money at any time (sometimes even without loss of interest);
  • availability (you can start with a small amount, for example in 1 000 rubles).

The minuses (-) include:

  • income on the deposit at best covers inflation;
  • in most banks, when the deposit is closed early, interest is lost.

Method 2. Securities

Securities, unlike bank deposits, usually bring higher profitability . You can try to invest in stocks or other financial instruments on the securities market, provided that you are ready to take on higher risks . That's right, there is a detailed article on the site.

Investing in securities(shares, bonds)

Securities are of different types. Consider the most popular: shares and bonds.

Promotion is a security that confirms your share in the company and gives you the right to vote.

Promotions are ordinary And privileged . The latter have higher percentages, but there is no opportunity to vote on general meeting shareholders. We wrote more about what types of shares there are in one of our articles.

Bond is a security that confirms that you have borrowed a certain amount of money from the company that issued it.

Unlike a share, it has a certain period of validity, after which it is subject to redemption. You can own shares for life and receive dividends.

Dividend is the return on a share paid as a percentage of the face value of the security.

In addition, inflation annually "eats" a certain part of the money. Therefore, investing in foreign currency for several years is not very effective. .

You can buy and sell currency on a special market called (from English foreign exchange – exchange foreign exchange ). In Forex, you can buy and sell almost any freely exchangeable currency. You can buy Chinese Yuan for Japanese Yen, Canadian Dollar for Euro, etc.

Forex work traders who buy and sell currencies throughout the day. Anyone (with the help of a broker) can buy and sell any currency in Forex. We recommend working only with trusted brokerage companies. Many successful traders trade through this broker.

Many companies offer to teach the skill of working on foreign exchange market. They lure potential investors with high returns. It is worth being vigilant and remember the main rule of investing: high returns are associated with high risks!

Yes, in Forex you can increase your capital in a few months. But the risks of losing everything are very high. According to statistics 80 % of beginners lose their invested funds in the first month of working on Forex. Therefore, before you decide, carefully weigh everything!

Advantages (+) of working in the foreign exchange market:

  • minimum initial capital requirements ( from 100 dollars );
  • profitability is higher than the market average;
  • variety of investment instruments (foreign currencies).

Cons (-) Forex:

  • you need to have special skills and knowledge for investing;
  • significantly high risks.

If you want to learn more about how to lead, read our article.

Method 4. Real estate

This is the second most popular strategy after a bank deposit and a good option for those who are thinking about where to invest in 2020 year to earn. Real estate investment no less reliable than investments in a bank. The difference is that a much larger size is required. initial capital.

Investments in real estate

Thanks to mortgage programs banks, you do not need to save the entire amount to purchase the property of interest. Usually , enough 20 -30 % from the original cost. However, buying an apartment or house on a mortgage and repaying it within 20 -30 years at the expense of salary is not the best option for an investor.

We need to make sure that this real estate brought you passive income and covered mortgage payments.

To do this, you can use the following measures:

  • rent out;
  • if you bought a new building at the construction stage, sell it when the apartment is ready, at a higher price;
  • make several studios out of a two-three-room apartment and rent them out as independent apartments.

Such an investment strategy requires more time and knowledge, but its profitability is also different.

Pros (+) of investing in real estate:

  • the ability to receive passive income through rental payments;
  • the opportunity to earn on the resale of an apartment at a higher price (read about that in our article);
  • safety and passive increase of capital (real estate, unlike other investment objects, grows in price in the long term).

The disadvantages (-) of this method include:

  • high requirements for start-up capital ( from 300 -500 000 rubles);
  • difficult to sell quickly if you need to return the money;
  • physically obsolete wear, floods, fires).

Method 5. Own business

This strategy is suitable for those who are not afraid to take risks, are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

Creating your own business

When deciding to open your own business, you must:

  • correctly assess all risks at the initial stage;
  • calculate financial indicators ( payback period, required investment volume, sales plans, production cost or ulugi).

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and some commercial experience, then you can easily cope with this.

Pros (+) of starting your own business:

  • you are your own boss (you independently determine what and how to do);
  • opportunity to attract co-investors ( crowdfunding campaigns, venture funds, other businessmen);
  • it is not necessary to have the entire amount available to open a business (you can use bank loans).

Cons (-) of investing in your own business can be called:

  • high risk of losing everything;
  • it is difficult to quickly return the invested funds;
  • if you attract co-investors, you can lose control of the company.

Method 6. Precious metals

Many consider investing in precious metals the most conservative option. Purchasing gold has been a serious profit for a huge number of years.

Worth considering! Precious metals are not subject to physical deterioration, while their stocks are limited. That is why the cost of gold, silver, platinum and palladium is constantly rising.

There are several options for investing in precious metals:

  1. Purchase of ingots. In this case, the investor must remember that such transactions are subject to tax, whose size is 18 % . Moreover, for ingots, when they are purchased, it is obligatory issued certificate. This investment must be made for the long term. It is important to ensure a profit in an amount exceeding the amount of tax paid;
  2. Purchase of coins from precious metals. Coins are not taxed. Moreover, some of them also have collectible value. But it should be understood that it is possible to get a serious profit from coins only a few years after their purchase;
  3. Opening of metal accounts. A deposit in precious metals is suitable for those investors who want to invest for a short period of time. Since in this case there is no need to buy precious metals, there is no taxation. This option is one of the easiest and safest.. The investor goes to the bank, which recalculates the deposited amount in grams of the precious metal. After a certain period of time, the depositor closes the deposit, receiving the current value of the metals placed on it;
  4. Purchase of securities of gold mining companies. To do this, you will have to become a member. The value of securities does not always increase quickly. Therefore, they should be purchased for the long term.

Method 7. Antiques and works of art

Often, antiques, works of art, and collectibles are called the currency of the rich. If there is a large enough amount for investment, experts recommend paying attention to investing in such property.

By choosing this method, important to remember, What such investments are made only for the long term. In this case, it is better not to count on serious profit even after a year.

However, after a few years, there may be a serious jump in the value of the acquired property. So, some paintings by famous artists at the time of their writing cost literally a few hundred dollars, after ten years - tens of thousands, and after fifty - millions.

For the purpose of investment, you can purchase the following antiques:

  • antique furniture;
  • books;
  • icons;
  • ancient coins;
  • porcelain;
  • dishes.

It is important to understand that these items must be old. In art history, these are things made over 50 years ago . Some of these items may be of historical value and are protected by the state.

Investing in antiques requires a lot of money. Even 500 000 rubles for this type of investment is considered a small amount. However, you can start small. So, For example, Tretyakov I managed to collect my collection, starting with just a few paintings.

It should be understood that for the acquisition of really valuable things it is required to be an art historian yourself, or to have such an acquaintance. Without the appropriate education, it is almost impossible to understand which items are of real value.

Of course, you can use the services of a consultant. However, this requires additional financial investments. Do not forget that any art critic can only assess the current value of the subject, and not its potential profitability. You should contact specialists who understand not only art, but also investment.

Method 8. Franchising

Those who have a capital of half a million rubles or more can create their own business by purchasing franchise . In this case, the activity is carried out according to the scheme worked out by the seller. We wrote about that in detail in a separate article.

Starting a franchise business

It is important to understand that franchising cannot become passive income. The amount of profit depends primarily on the activity of the businessman.

However, the franchise helps save time, money and effort. This is achieved due to the fact that marketing schemes, all processes in such a business have been worked out.

Franchise benefits include:

  • relatively short payback period from half a year to a year;
  • brand awareness ensures the presence of a customer base no additional ads, franchised goods and services already have their customers;
  • the franchisor constantly supports the businessman;
  • the level of competition is minimal, since the franchise provides for a specific number of projects in a certain territory.

However, the business based on franchising has serious flaws . The main one is that by acquiring a franchise, businessman is limited in his actions. He is tied to the developed system and has no right to change the algorithm of actions without coordinating them with the franchisor.

Method 9. Binary options

Experts claim that binary options are the most fast way earning income from investments. The basis of this option is the ability to take risks, as well as analyze the economic situation in detail.

The task of an investor who has chosen binary options is to correctly predict the value of an asset in use over a certain period of time.

After a specified period, the result is evaluated.

  • If the assumption is correct, the investor will receive profit . It may be approx. 80 % rate;
  • However, the forecast may not be confirmed and the price will go in the opposite direction. In this case, the account will be fixed lesion up to 100 % rate.

At first glance, it seems to many that making money on binary options is the same as playing roulette. However, it is not. A more thorough study of the work on binary options allows you to increase the accuracy of forecasts, and therefore increase your profits.

There are a number of advantages of the investment method under consideration:

  1. A large number of trading instruments to choose from. Even a novice investor will be able to work with both currency pairs, so with shares, oil And precious metals;
  2. The amount of profit, as well as the level of possible loss, are predetermined. Moreover, some trading platforms allow you to independently determine the ratio of profit and loss;
  3. The marketplace can be accessed at any time from any device. There is no need to install additional software for this. To start the analysis, it is enough go to the broker's website;
  4. Binary options trading is carried out around the clock without days off. Therefore, an investor can earn at any free time;
  5. The trading interface is intuitive even for novice investors. In this case, only the final result of the asset value is reflected, intermediate prices are not shown to the user.

There are 2 options for earning on options:

  • call up represents a deal to buy . It should be used if prices are expected to rise. If the value of assets decreases, there will be a loss.
  • put down - This sale deal , the profit will be received in the event of a decrease in the value of the asset.

Despite the large number of advantages, binary options trading also has disadvantages:

  1. A single wrong trade can result in losses of about 90 % invested funds. To return them, you will need at least three profitable trades;
  2. When trading binary options, it is impossible to refuse a transaction or close it before it ends. Even in those cases when the investor realizes that he made a mistake, he has no choice but to wait for the option to expire;
  3. Unlike forex, there are no credit obligations here. It turns out that the investor has the opportunity to trade only those funds that he has available.

Binary options not only allow you to save own funds from the harmful effects of inflation and devaluation, but also to increase them. To do this, it is important to carefully study the market, as well as make the right choice in favor of one of the brokers.

Method 10. Internet projects

The development of modern technologies has led to the fact that the popularity of investing through the Internet has increased significantly.

There are several directions for investments that are suitable for both a novice investor and an experienced one:

  1. Investments in startups, which are special Internet resources created for the purpose of development or their subsequent sale. The owner of the funds must understand all the details of the project and carefully control the execution of the work. The amount of funds that the investor will receive is determined primarily by the degree of development of the resource, as well as its attractiveness for future buyers.
  2. Invest in your own website. A successful online resource can become the basis of a business and bring regular income. This approach allows you to start your own business even with a small amount of money. There are no commercial property rental costs, wages personnel. It is possible to offer a product or service to a wide audience. Investments in such a business are less risky, but the amount of profit in any case is determined by the efforts of the entrepreneur.
  3. Investing in online projects that seem to be the most profitable for the investor. You can choose effective Internet projects on specialized online resources. The investor thus acquires a part of the business. Subsequently, he is entitled to a percentage of the profits or resale of the share. Relations between the owner of the project and the investor are regulated by a special type of agreement. However, it is worth considering, how to predict efficiency almost impossible. There are serious risks of such investments associated with the unpredictability of market behavior.

When choosing an investment method, it is important to conduct a qualitative analysis. This is the only way to understand the potential profits and risks of the project.

The surest way to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee is a bank. And in which bank is it better to invest capital at interest with monthly income - see below in our review

5. Where is it better to invest money at a high interest rate with a risk-free guarantee - an overview of the TOP-5 banks

You can get a guarantee of income, as well as ensure the safety of funds by investing them in a bank.

Important! At the same time, it is worth choosing such credit institutions that participate in the deposit insurance system and have a high-quality reputation.

In addition, you should study and compare the conditions for deposits in different banks.

In which bank is it better to invest money at interest in 2020?

So let's take a look, in which bank it is profitable to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee (with a monthly income). In order not to waste time analyzing a large number of banks, you can use the ratings of specialists. Example list of the best banks for investment presented below.

1) Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff - unique Russian bank. It does not have a single branch throughout the country. Customer service is carried out completely remotely.

Here you can open a deposit at a rate up to 7% per annum . The payment is made monthly. In this case, the amount of the deposit must be not less 50 000 rubles.

The depositor has the right to choose the method of paying interest:

  • capitalization;
  • transfer to a separate card account.

The agreement provides for the possibility of replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal of funds.

2) Sovcombank

Sovcombank has extensive experience in the Russian financial market - it was founded in 1990 year. Today it is one of the twenty largest banks in our country.

A credit institution offers customers to open a deposit at interest up to 7.6% per annum . The minimum amount for this is 30 000 rubles.

Interest is paid at the end of the contract term. Besides, early termination interest behind 3 months, half a year and full number of years are saved. The deposit can be replenished, but partial withdrawal is not provided.

3) UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank is a credit institution based in Europe. This bank came to Russia over a quarter of a century ago. Today it is the largest credit organization in our country with foreign capital.

Rates on deposits depend on the term, method of interest calculation, amount. Opening a deposit in rubles , available before 8,35 % per annum, in dollars – before 3,23 % , In Euro – before 0,20 % .

In this case, there are 2 options for calculating interest:

  1. with a monthly payment;
  2. with capitalization.

For the convenience of choosing a deposit, you can use the calculator posted on the bank's website.

4) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

UBRD is one of the leaders in the Russian banking sector. The credit institution has a wide branch network, which includes more 1 500 branches throughout the country.

Here you can invest at a rate up to 11% per annum . Interest is charged every 50 days. In this case, income can be capitalized or received.

For those who open a deposit in online mode , UBRD increases the rate by 1 %. Moreover, the bank connects depositors to the Internet banking system for free.

5) Absolut Bank

Absolut Bank operates on the Russian financial market with 1993 of the year. During this time credit organisation won recognition not only from customers, but also from global rating agencies.

Clients can receive income on funds invested in this bank in the amount of up to 8.5% per annum . The deposit amount must be at least 30 000 rubles. Interest on this offer is paid only at the end of the contract. Replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal are not provided.

For ease of comparison, the main conditions of the above deposits are shown in the table.

Table "Banks with the best conditions for deposits, the main parameters of deposits":

Credit organisation Deposit rate Basic conditions
1. Tinkoff Bank Before 7 % per annum The depositor chooses to capitalize interest or receive monthly on the card

You can replenish and partially withdraw the amount of the deposit

2. Sovcombank Before 7,6 % per annum Interest payment at the end of the term

Possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal is not provided

3. UniCredit Bank Before 8,35 % per annum Calculation of interest monthly - at the choice of the investor by capitalization or payment
4. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Before 11 % per annum Capitalization or interest payment

When ordering online, the rate increases by 1 %

5. Absolut Bank Before 8,5 % per annum Interest is paid at the end of the contract

Replenishment and partial withdrawal are not provided

4 current options for investing money today at high interest rates

6. Where it is profitable to invest money in 2020 at interest - 4 best ways today

Bring low income. There are ways to invest that allow you to get much big profit.

Choosing best option, don't forget What As income increases, so does the risk of losing the investment.

Let's take a closer look below main ways of investing for the purpose of generating income.

Method 1. Promising startups

Investing in startups attracts investors because the potential income in this way is unlimited. On the Internet, there are a huge number of projects in which you can invest. To search for them, you can use specialized sites.

When choosing, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis and comparison of a large number of projects. It should be remembered that some of them bring profit for several years. Other projects turn out to be unpromising and entail only losses.

Method 2. Private lending (P2P lending)

Private lending has recently become more widespread and developed. This option involves the issuance of a loan by one individual to another. Using this method, it is important not only to draw up the contract as competently as possible, but also to conduct a thorough analysis of the potential borrower.

Explicit advantage private lending advocates high level of profitability . By lending funds even for a short period, you can ensure profitability before 50 % per annum.

However, there is also a significant flaw – high profits come with serious risks. There is a possibility that the loaned funds will not be returned. It is impossible to guarantee the honesty of the borrower even in the case of a thorough study of its characteristics.

Method 3. PAMM accounts

By investing in PAMM accounts, the owner of funds transfers them to trust management professionals. When receiving money, the manager puts it into circulation and does everything to get the maximum profit.

The investor can only wait until the experts distribute his funds between exchange-traded and other promising assets in order to generate income.

Thus, PAMM accounts are one of the types of passive income. At the same time, the risks of such investments are relatively low.

In order to independently profit from trading on the stock exchange, not only money is required, but also specialized knowledge. At the same time, to invest in PAMM accounts, it is enough to find a company that provides sufficient profitability and transfer funds to its management.

The profitability of such investments is determined primarily by the correct choice of the manager. This process requires a significant amount of time, as well as additional knowledge.

Method 4. Mutual investment funds (mutual investment funds)

mutual funds essentially represent collective investment management funds. The property of such a fund is divided into parts, which are called share . We wrote more about (mutual investment funds) and how they work in a previous article.

The high liquidity of investments in mutual funds is achieved due to the fact that the units are traded on the market. At the same time, the activity of funds is regulated by law.. The relationship between shareholders and the mutual fund is determined by the relevant documents.

An investor buys shares when he expects their value to rise. Once the price reaches the expected value, the profit can be fixed by selling it.

When choosing a mutual fund for investment, it is important to consider its type. You can sell a share at any time only if open fund. From interval mutual fund you can leave only at predetermined intervals, and from closed- upon completion of his work.

It is impossible to determine in advance what profitability the fund will show based on the results of its work. Profits can reach 50 % per annum, which exceeds the deposit rate by about 6 once. However, the market average is about 20 % .

It happens that funds show losses. But do not be afraid that managers will always give negative returns. The amount of their commission depends on the amount of profitability . Therefore, they make every effort to obtain maximum profitability.

Among the advantages of mutual funds are the following:

  • availability. This type of investment is available to everyone, since it is enough to start investing 1 000 rubles;
  • high level of liquidity;
  • PIF activities are regulated by law and is under the control of the state;
  • professional money management.

However, mutual funds also have flaws . The most important of them is no guaranteed profit .

It should be borne in mind that some managers receive income even in cases where their work does not bring profit. That is why some funds in the course of their work show zero profitability, and sometimes loss.

There are many types of mutual funds available. However, regardless of the choice of the type of mutual funds, experts recommend investing in them only if long-term investments are planned.

It is important to carefully read the advantages and disadvantages of various types of investments in order to choose the best option for yourself.

7. Where not to invest your money - unsuccessful investment strategies

Many people want to make quick money without realizing that too high returns are associated with high risks.

Financial Pyramide is a deliberately unprofitable organization that pays income to investors by attracting funds from new investors.

Ponzi schemes were very popular in 90 years in our country. I think everyone has heard about Sergei Mavrodi and his MMM .

But do not think that all these fraudulent organizations have sunk into oblivion. Every year, thousands of gullible investors suffer from the actions, or rather, the collapse of such pyramids. How not to fall into the financial pyramid?

Let's highlight the main features of a fraudulent scheme:

  • Too high return 30 % and higher);
  • Aggressive advertising;
  • Lack of real activity (does not produce or sell anything);
  • The legal address of the company is located outside the country (offshore). we wrote in a separate article.

8. Answers to frequently asked questions

The topic of investing in order to generate income is quite extensive. In the process of studying it, a huge number of questions arise. Today we will answer the most popular of them.

Question 1. Is it possible to invest money at 50 percent for 24 hours?

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of proposals for investing money for a day. However, not everyone knows how real it is.

Earn in such a short period of time allow investment programs of microloan services. This option allows you to invest just for a day, counting on profitability minimum 8%.

Services that issue microloans allow you to replenish your account in a short period of time and start earning, minimizing the risks of losing funds.

The main advantages of this option are:

  • high profitability;
  • the opportunity to participate in the investment program with minimal investment;
  • comfort of transactions;
  • ease of withdrawal.

In addition, before investing money in a microfinance company, you should carefully study its reputation.

Question 2. Where to invest money (rubles) so as not to lose them?

We answer the popular question, where to invest money (in rubles or other currency) so as not to lose it

Keeping funds in rubles is not reliable. This is especially true in times of economic instability. The presence in our country of a sufficiently high level of inflation, as well as devaluation, leads to the fact that simple storage of money in rubles becomes quite unprofitable.

For those who have financial savings, experts recommend investing them. This method of managing funds is more progressive and profitable.

To understand the effect of inflation and devaluation, it is not necessary to be financial analyst. It is enough to compare prices for certain goods and services over a long period of time.

There are several reasons for the depreciation of the ruble:

  1. decrease↓ prices for raw materials negatively affects the purchasing power of the Russian currency, as it is clearly linked to oil prices;
  2. sanctions of foreign states significantly aggravate the position of the ruble against other currencies.

The described situations lead to the fact that the simple storage of rubles will lead to the loss of part of the funds. This is especially true for large sums of money. In fact, the nominal amount of capital does not change, however decreasing ↓ purchasing power of assets.

Proper investment will help the investor:

  • eliminate the impairment of the amount available;
  • with a successful combination of circumstances, and completely increase capital;
  • partially insure against serious economic shocks that are possible in the future.

The profitability of an investment depends on a huge number of factors. First of all, this concerns the size of the amount available. However, regardless of the amount of capital, investment is a better solution than conventional storage. .

Investing always comes with the risk of losing money. However, if the investment is successful, you can ensure a stable passive income, as well as financial security.

Novice investors often face a number of mistakes that can increase riskiness:

  • making decisions about investing on emotions;
  • lack of thorough analysis;
  • low level of financial knowledge, as well as unwillingness to learn.

Question 3. Where can I invest 100 thousand rubles so that they generate income?

Some people think that you need to have several million to make a successful investment. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Quite successful investments can be made even if there are several thousand, therefore 100 000 rubles and are an excellent amount to start investing.

If it is possible to allocate capital at least in 3 -x investment areas, you can count on serious insurance against various force majeure circumstances.

IN modern economy it is better to use the following investment methods, which are quite reliable and promising:

  • investing in Internet projects such as websites, blogs, online stores;
  • bank deposits;
  • investing in innovation, as well as promising start-ups;
  • investment in art;
  • purchase of precious metals;
  • investments in securities;
  • acquisition .

Proper investment allows, having 100 000 rubles, to provide additional income.

If you have a larger amount, for example, a million or more, then we recommend watching the video below:

One of the most affordable options "where to invest on the Internet", and sometimes very profitable, is. Then you can look towards the creation or ready-made Internet sites (online stores) for the purpose of further earnings or resale. The purchase of shares (shares) in already existing Internet projects also refers to investments, although they are quite risky, because. You don't know until the end what real goals the organizer is pursuing.

Despite the obvious availability, I do not recommend investing in HYIPs, lending (credit exchanges), binary options, sports betting, because. the risks are extremely high. As a rule, in the options proposed above, it is possible to work using electronic payment systems, such as Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Perfect Money, QIWI and others.

Where to invest 100,000 rubles (dollars, hryvnias)

The first thing to do is to identify the risks. If the main goal is to try to keep your savings, more conservative options are suitable, for example, bank deposits, buying precious metals for the long term, investing in antiques. With an amount of 100 thousand dollars, you can add the option of buying real estate.

Considering more profitable, but also more risky options β€œwhere to invest 100,000 rubles”, you can pay attention to the purchase of companies (Gazprom, Google, Yandex, etc.), (trust management). You can read more about the pros and cons of these options in the article above.

The richest people (video)

We all save money. A schoolboy saves up for a new smartphone, a student for a car, a young family for an apartment (or more often for an initial fee for a mortgage), a worker for a vacation, and a pensioner for a funeral. And no matter how tense the economic situation is, the money somehow accumulates. Otherwise, why are there so many iPhones and expensive cars around?

But what most people don't realize is that when the accumulated money is under the pillow, it subtly diminishes. Every night a "savings killer" comes and steals a small part of our savings. And this killer's name is Inflation.

The official inflation rate in Russia for 2015 is almost 13%. But we know that it is not weakly underestimated (those who remember the prices for products in 2014 understand this especially well). The real inflation rate for 2015 was definitely over 20%.

Thus, all our savings depreciate at a rate of at least 20% per year or 1.65% per month. So, now most of the ways of investing do not help to increase your funds, but at least offset inflation a little.

In such a situation, it is very unwise to keep money under the pillow. Any free money should work. But how to invest them as reliably and profitably as possible?

Investing is not that hard.

I think everyone understands what investing is. When investing, you make your funds work. That is, you invest money, expecting to receive even more money in the future.

But we must not forget that investing entails risks. Instead of the expected profit, you can get a loss or even lose all your money.

Therefore, the main rule of investing is risk diversification. According to this rule, you must break your savings into parts and invest them in different investment projects.

For example, let your investment portfolio is 100,000 rubles. Then you need to choose a few investment instruments that are suitable for you. Suppose you have chosen mutual funds, PAMM accounts and backing and HYIP projects. Now you will need to distribute your portfolio between instruments depending on how much you are willing to risk.

Let's say that you are configured for moderate risks and distribute money as follows: mutual funds - 40%, PAMM accounts - 40%, backing - 10% and HYIP projects - 10%. Now you need to apply the principle of diversification within each chosen way of investing.

That is, you will need to select several different PAMM accounts and distribute your 40% of the portfolio between them. The same must be done with other chosen ways of investing.

In order to comply with this rule, you need to use several tools that can multiply your money. I have selected 12 of the best ones for you.

We compare the 12 best ways to invest.

I not only selected for you the 12 best ways to invest, but also compared them with each other. For comparison, I chose several parameters that I decided to evaluate on a 10-point system, where 1 is the lowest score, and 10 is the highest.

Comparison of the best ways to invest.

The following options have been selected:

  • Simplicity. This parameter characterizes how easy it is to understand this type of investment, understand the principle, find a suitable company and make a deposit.
  • Yield. Here the average return on investment will be estimated. Most often, this and the following points are interconnected: the higher the yield, the higher the risks.
  • Reliability. This parameter characterizes the riskiness of the analyzed investment instrument.
  • Entry threshold. Shows the minimum amount you can invest.
  • Liquidity. Estimates how quickly you can withdraw your deposit, and what losses you expect if you withdraw money prematurely.
  • Passivity / activity- this parameter shows how passive this type of income is. That is, 10 points means β€œinvested and forgot”, and 1 point means that in order to get the maximum profit, you will have to spend extra time and effort.

Of course, all my assessments will be subjective and I think that many readers will not agree with them.

1. Bank deposit.

A bank deposit is the most understandable and simple way of investing for an ordinary person. Even any grandmother understands how everything works. After all, even in the Soviet Union, in which there was no investment, people kept money on passbooks. And one of the heroes of the popular Soviet film called on fellow citizens to keep money in savings banks.

All you need to do to make a deposit is to choose a bank and come there with your passport and money. What could be easier? I bet 10 points.

At the same time, the profitability of a bank deposit is not high. At the moment, deposit rates range from 7% to 12.5%. I think this is one of the lowest returns of all investment methods. Deserves 1 point

But you can be sure of the reliability of your contribution. The deposits are insured by the state. Even if you plan to invest a large amount, in order to insure that your bank's license is taken away, you can break the amount into small parts and invest in several banks. In this case, even if the bank is deprived of a license, and your deposit was less than 600,000 rubles, then you will be compensated for both the deposit and interest. 10 points for reliability.

You can start investing with an amount of 10,000 rubles. This is not much at all, so you can put 8 points.

In most cases, you can withdraw money from the deposit at any time. But if you withdraw money early, you will lose most of the profit. 7 points for liquidity.

This type of deposit belongs to the β€œput it and forget it” category. All you need to do at the end of the investment period is to come to the bank and withdraw your money. Well, or roll over the deposit. 10 points.


  • High reliability.
  • Availability.
  • Low taxes. You will have to pay 35% of taxable income, which is calculated according to the formula: all income minus the refinancing rate.
  • Predictability of results.


  • Low yield.

Conclusion. This type of investment is more likely not to increase your money, but to somehow compensate for inflation. In any case, if you do not want to risk at all, then this method is better than just keeping money under your pillow.

2. Mutual investment funds (PIFs).

For an ordinary person, investing in mutual funds seems not a very clear undertaking. To understand this, try explaining to your grandmother at the entrance that you are buying shares in the fund of a management company that invests money in assets.

The choice of a mutual fund should also be taken seriously, studying the statistics of different funds. After that, you need to go to the office of the company or its agent. For simplicity I will put 6 points.

The yield here depends on the type of funds and on the approach to choosing a mutual fund. The riskier the investment the fund makes, the higher the potential return is expected, but in most cases it is not high. 3 points.

Reliability also strongly depends on the type of fund. At a time when bond mutual funds are one of the most risk-free investments, investing in venture funds carries very high risks. On average, I would rate reliability at 7 points, because at least you will not be able to lose most of the deposit, as in other ways of investing.

The minimum cost of a share starts from 300-500 rubles per share, which is suitable for almost everyone. 10 points.

I think most people invest in open mutual funds, so in this paragraph we will only talk about them. You can withdraw money from open funds by selling your shares in 1-3 working days. I will put 10 points.

Still, with this method of investing, you will have to spend a little time managing your investments. Of course, management within the fund Management Company will do without your participation, but you will have to transfer money between mutual funds and decide when to sell shares and when to buy. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A large number of assets in which the fund can invest.
  • Low entry threshold.
  • Relatively low risk.


  • Possibility of making a loss in case of an unsuccessful choice of a fund.
  • Relatively complex investment procedure.
  • An investor should be interested in the stock market.

Conclusion. With a successful selection of funds and proper management of your investments, the profit from the deposit covers inflation and brings a small income. But you need to remember that many funds bring losses to their investors.

3. PAMM accounts.

Brokerage companies have invested so much money in advertising in recent years that only the deaf have not heard about Forex and the tempting prospects of becoming a successful trader. Therefore, it is not difficult for an ordinary person to understand the principle of PAMM investing - to give money to a trader so that he can play on the stock exchange.

You can find a suitable broker on the Internet. At the moment the most popular is Alpari. So I will put 7 points for simplicity and clarity.

Some accounts can bring you more than 100% profit per year, and some drain all your money. But, when using the principle of risk diversification, the income from this type of investment is slightly higher than in mutual funds and is estimated by me at 5 points.

As returns increase, so do risks. When using the principle of diversification, you will not lose the entire amount of your investment, but you may receive a loss. For reliability, I would put 6 points.

You can start investing in PAMM accounts with $10. At the moment, this is equal to 700 - 800 rubles. The amount is small, so I put 10 points.

You can withdraw money at any time within one to two business days. Therefore, for liquidity 10 points.

Investment management takes time. If you do not use automatic tools, then in Personal Area I have to go almost every day. After all, the market situation can change very quickly and your managers can make critical mistakes. I bet 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Low entry threshold.
  • Opportunity to build your own investment portfolio.
  • Simple investment procedure.


  • It is possible not only to receive a loss, but also to drain the entire amount of the deposit.
  • An investor should be interested in trading in the foreign exchange market.

Conclusion. This is a very common way of investing, which has gained popularity due to advertising. This way to invest money is more suitable for those people who like the foreign exchange market or who have experience in trading on the stock exchange.

4. HYIP projects.

This type of investment is often referred to as quasi-investment. If to speak in simple words, then these are pyramids that accrue profits to participants from new deposits.

It is very easy to invest in these projects. Many of them accept bank transfers and payments through the most popular payment systems. Most often, HYIPs have a legend that explains to gullible investors where the company takes money from to pay such high interest.

It is very easy to make a contribution to such a project via the Internet. But, if you are new to the Internet, it will be more difficult. For convenience, I would put 8 points.

Profit HYIP-projects promise simply cosmic. On average, long-term HYIPs offer to pay 20-30% per month. Short-term ones can promise to double the amount of the deposit in just a few days. 10 points for the promised yield, but in fact it, of course, turns out to be lower.

There is no need to talk about any reliability of deposits. The project can collapse at any moment. Every day 1-2 HYIP projects are opened and the same amount is scammed. Therefore, for reliability, I would put everything 1 point.

I think that in this paragraph and the paragraphs below, we should consider only long-term projects. The minimum amount of entry into them starts from 1,500 thousand rubles. 9 points for a low entry threshold.

In most projects, the deposit cannot be returned. It will be returned to the depositor during the entire investment period with each payment. Therefore, only 1 point.

If you have already invested in one of the HYIPs, then all you have to do is sit and hope that the project will exist and pay. You can't do anything anymore. Completely passive investment deserves 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • High yield.
  • Convenient deposit and withdrawal of money.


  • Very high risks.

Conclusion. Earn onHYIP-projects can only those who are "in the know." You need to be able to analyze projects and find those that can generate income. Most people who make money on HYIPs compensate for the loss when investing by attracting referrals.

5. Bucking (investing in poker players).

Almost everyone knows about such a game as poker. At the same time, many understand that successful players receive big money for winning tournaments. But how many people know that most poker players don't play big tournaments with their own money?

That is, if a strong player does not have enough money to participate in the tournament, he turns to an investor (sponsor), who receives a percentage of the prize money if he wins. The player can also have several sponsors who invest in the player and profit from winnings depending on the amount of investment.

You can buy a share from a player only by agreeing to it on specialized forums. For example, on the forum of this site: To purchase, you will need to personally write off the player. For convenience, I would put 4 points.

The reliability of this type of investment is highly dependent on the choice of players. In addition, when buying a share, you do not sign any contracts and the player may β€œnot want” to give you your share for winnings. 3 points for reliability.

You can buy a share from $10. But only novice players sell so cheaply, to buy a share of a professional, you will need to invest 200-300 dollars. But it's still better to start with small investments, so I put 10 points for a low entry threshold.

There is no such thing as withdrawal of money. You pay a share, and if the player gets into the prizes, you take the profit.

After you have made a deposit, you just have to wait for a positive outcome. You can no longer influence anything. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • The possibility of making big profits when a player wins a tournament.


  • More suitable for people who understand poker.
  • The deal is based only on an oral agreement with the player.
  • Usually, players earn more than sponsors.

Conclusion. Rather, backing will suit people who are well versed in poker. It will be difficult for the average person to pick the "right" player.

6. Trust management in sports betting.

Most people treat sports betting like gambling. But professional marques earn a lot and consistently on bets on sporting events.

Many privateers create their own PAMM accounts, which actively attract investors. This type of investment is similar to PAMM accounts in the foreign exchange market.

In order to make a deposit, you need to register on the trust management platform and select several accounts for investment. 7 points for simplicity.

If you look at the charts of profitability, you will see that the leading privateers increase the funds in their accounts by thousands of percent. Such income should bribe. But on average, the return on this type of investment is much lower and deserves 6 points.

If you use the principle of diversification and invest in several PAMM accounts, then at least you will not lose the entire investment amount due to privateer errors. For reliability, I would put 6 points.

Investing can start with very small amounts. For a low entry threshold 10 points.

You can withdraw money quickly and easily. 10 points.

After investing, you will need to monitor the selected PAMM accounts in order to transfer money between accounts in case they go to a loss or achieve maximum profitability. 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Short term investment.
  • Self-build portfolio.
  • Low entry threshold and the ability to use a demo account.


  • The possibility of receiving a loss or draining the entire amount.

Conclusion. This method of investment is very similar to investing in PAMM accounts in the Forex market. But it is not so famous due to the lack of advertising.

7. Startups (venture investments).

In recent years, stories of successful startups have been booming all over the place. Everyone understands how profitable it would be to buy shares of young companies, which in a few years would turn into large billion-dollar corporations.

The first way to invest in a startup is to conclude an investment agreement with the company directly. Some companies actively attract investors on their own by selling them future shares at discounted prices. Yunitskiy's SkyWay can serve as an example of such a startup.

You can also invest in a startup using crowdfunding platforms and startup exchanges. Exchanges do not inspire confidence in me, as I consider them HYIPs (read my ShareInStock review). But many reputable sources call them real companies. When you enter the exchange, you will see audited and verified companies in which you can buy shares. You just have to choose a suitable startup and buy a share in it. For simplicity 7 points.

For the purchase of shares on the exchange, the company will pay you dividends in the amount of 2% to 7% per month. In addition, an investor can sell his shares if the company develops and its shares grow in value. He can also sell shares if they lose value and he realizes that he has invested in a shell company. For profitability 6 points.

You need to understand that startups are a risky type of investment. According to statistics, 70% of them are unprofitable, and 20% of these 70% are just scammers who embezzle investors' money. But even of those companies that are in the top 30%, half of them break up in the near future due to internal problems.

One of the ways to invest in startups is through crowdfunding platforms. Unfortunately, in Russia they are not very developed and minimum amount investment through them is quite high. But all the companies represented on the site are subject to mandatory verification. There is also the possibility of investing in startups directly. For reliability 6 points.

The entry threshold for this type of investment is not high. 10 points.

If you decide to withdraw money or redistribute it within the share exchange by selling all or part of the purchased shares, then you will need to sell them on the exchange at a price below the market. The lower the price you set, the faster your shares will be bought. 7 points.

For the most profitable investment, you will have to devote your time. It will be necessary to track changes in the value of shares on the exchange, selling and buying them. There is no manager here, so you have to do everything yourself. 5 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Convenient and simple investment procedure.
  • Very low entry threshold.
  • High potential return.


  • High risks in passive investment.

Conclusion. If you decide to invest in startups, then it is better to use exchanges. You will pay about 5% for withdrawing money, but you will be protected from scammers.

8. Currencies and precious metals.

Surely, among your friends and acquaintances there is a person who, with a smart look, claims that money should be kept in gold (platinum, dollar, pound, yen, etc.). This approach says that a person does not understand investing, but simply uses popular β€œstereotypes” among the people.

For example, if you look at the dynamics of gold prices, you will see that since 2012 it has depreciated against the dollar by almost one and a half times.

If you decide to do without the services of managers and independently buy precious metals or currency in order to store money in it, then this procedure will not be difficult.

You can buy currency in bank branches, or by using the services of brokers (which will be more profitable than buying through a bank). You can also change currencies using online and offline exchange offices or payment systems.

Precious metals can also be bought from banks. And it became possible to acquire gold with the help of payment system webmoney.

Also, do not forget about cryptocurrencies, for example, Bitcoin, which, according to all forecasts, will rise in price in the long term. The purchase of these assets will not be difficult, so I put 8 points.

Buying precious metals or currencies for long-term investment protects you from depreciation in the first place national currency. For many countries with weak currencies, this is a reasonable solution. But courses behave unpredictably, so there may not be any profitability. 2 points.

A beginner does not know which direction the course will go in the near future, so his investment is more like gambling. Even if now people prefer to keep their money in dollars, what is the guarantee that oil will not rise in price in the near future along with the ruble?

You can probably protect yourself from the depreciation of the national currency by keeping half of your money, for example, in dollars, and the other half in rubles. So when the rates fluctuate, you will not lose anything, but you will not earn anything either.

Profitability depends on luck and I would bet everything 2 points.

The entry threshold depends on the type of asset and on the method of purchase. On the exchange, 1 lot will cost at least $1,000, and through exchange offices or payment systems, you can change amounts of several dollars. So anyone can buy currency or precious metals. 10 points.

You can sell currency as quickly as you can buy it. In exchange offices and exchanges, this is done almost instantly. Gold is also a highly liquid asset. 10 points.

In general, attempts to influence profits by tracking rates and then selling assets already turns you into a trader. And I would not attribute trading to investing. Therefore, I understand investing in currencies and precious metals as β€œput and forget”. That's why 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Able to protect against depreciation of the national currency.


Conclusion. Buying precious metals and currencies for a beginner is a very unpredictable way to invest money. You can reduce risks and increase profitability either by entrusting money to a manager, or by independently studying trading in the foreign exchange market.

9. Securities.

I think that most people from securities are familiar only with stocks. The most financially literate will probably be able to name more bonds. Only a few know how to invest money in securities.

In fact, buying securities is no more difficult than buying a currency. You also need to contact big bank or to a broker. 7 points for simplicity.

When buying securities as a beginner, making a profit is a big question. And, if even a beginner can count on a small income when investing in bonds, then the stock market can bring a loss to a novice investor. 3 points for profitability.

In fact, usually low returns entail low risks, but not in this case. There are high risks in the stock market. 3 points for reliability.

You can start investing with a small amount. The entry threshold starts at about 1,000 rubles. 9 points.

Securities can be sold on the stock exchange in the same way as you bought them. This asset is considered to be quite liquid. I bet 10 points.

Again, if a person begins to manage his securities on his own, then he is already turning from an investor into a trader. Therefore, here we consider only passive investing. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Simple investment procedure and low entry threshold.


  • For a beginner, this is a risky and low-yielding way to invest money.

Conclusion. If you have already decided to invest in securities, then it is better to contact a professional manager who will manage your funds for a small commission. Investing in the stock market on your own as a beginner is more like gambling than investing.

10. Real estate.

There is one stereotype among people: β€œ The most reliable investment of money is the purchase of real estate". But do not forget that real estate includes not only apartments, but also various buildings, structures, water bodies, forests, etc.

In general, there is some truth in this, because many people want to save up for an extra apartment by old age in order to rent it out and get a good pension increase. And in which case you can sell it and get a good capital.

You can invest in residential or commercial real estate, under construction or already built, suburban or located within the city. Ease of investment also depends on the choice of the type of real estate.

To invest in residential real estate, you will need to contact a realtor, look for suitable options, draw up a lot of documents and, possibly, make repairs. As for me, the procedure is quite dreary.

If you decide to buy commercial real estate, then the hassle becomes much greater. You will need to keep accounts, pay taxes, manage facilities, re-register energy supply. On average, for convenience, I would put 2 points.

As for profitability, you can receive no more than 1 percent per month from residential real estate with a long-term lease. This is 7-10% per year. The renting of residential facilities by the day turns into work and is not considered.

If you expect to sell it more expensive after a while, then it is far from a fact that prices will rise. In general, for profitability, I would bet 3 points.

Real estate, indeed, has a high reliability. Unless, of course, this is not an object under construction.

Even if real estate prices fall, you will continue to make a steady income from rent. For reliability, I put 9 points.

The entry threshold is high, even if it is a collective property purchase. The minimum investment amount starts from several hundred thousand rubles. I will put 2 points.

It often happens that in order to sell real estate (especially commercial) faster, you have to bet very low price. Sometimes objects cannot be sold for several months. I bet 3 points.

If we consider a long-term lease of residential real estate, then you will not have to spend much time on management. You will need to find tenants once and then collect money once a month. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Clear scheme of income generation.

Of course, here we will not talk about investing in creating a business from scratch, but about buying a ready-made company. Starting a business from scratch is hard work with unpredictable results. An investor is interested in an established business with streamlined processes that brings a stable income.

In order to find a company to buy, you can use newspapers or bulletin boards. But most often, the entrepreneur does not talk about the sale of his offspring, so as not to raise doubts among employees and customers.

Therefore, they prefer to contact broker companies that will sell their business. They also distribute information about the sale among friends and acquaintances.

Once you have found a suitable business, you will need to audit it to make sure that business processes are in order. This whole procedure for a beginner can turn into an insurmountable obstacle. 1 point for simplicity and clarity.

Super profitable businesses rarely sell, so you should count on average profitability. Of course, profitability strongly depends on the type of activity and the quality of management. I will put 6 points.

Many people think that entrepreneurs only sell unprofitable businesses. But actually it is not. The reason for the sale may be: an urgent need for money, disagreements between the owners, loss of interest, lack of time (especially if one entrepreneur has several types of business), etc.

The audit will help analyze the reliability, profitability and prospects of the business. Therefore, the chance of buying a loss-making asset is very small. I bet 7 points.

The entry threshold for this type of investment is relatively high. Yes, there are very small companies, but they cost far from a penny. Buying a profitable business with streamlined cost processes is similar to buying real estate.

Often people join groups to buy a business. For example, several friends and acquaintances buy a company together. But even in this case, the entry threshold remains high. I will put 2 points.

If you urgently need money, the company can be sold. If your business is unprofitable, then it will be difficult or almost impossible to sell it. A profitable business is easier to sell, but most often this procedure takes a lot of time. That's why 3 points.

If you manage the acquired company on your own, then turn from an investor into a businessman. Therefore, you will need to hire an executive director who will manage your business. But even in this case, you will have to control it and analyze the activities of the company.

Yes, and you will need to deal with the selection of a manager yourself. That's why 2 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:

This way of investing money is similar to investing in a business, but with a simpler purchase and management procedure. Again, you do not need to create and promote a site. You can just buy a ready-made project.

The website itself is more of a tool than an asset. The real asset is the audience that visits this project every day. The site owner makes a profit by displaying ads, affiliate programs and other sources of monetization.

To buy a site, you can use the exchange. One of the most popular exchanges in Runet is In the list of sites for sale, you can see all the information on projects: audience size, profitability, development dynamics, payback period, etc.

The transaction is protected and follows the rules of the auction, where the site goes to the buyer who offered the highest price. For simplicity, you can put 4 points.

Usually normal sites are sold at a price equal to the income from it for 12 months. That is, if the project brings 20,000 rubles a month, then the fair price for it will be 240,000 rubles.

But in most cases, on such sites, monetization works far from 100%. Thus, after β€œtwisting” monetization, it will be possible to recoup the contribution in 6-10 months. 7 points for profitability.

If the site is made with high quality and promoted only by "white" methods, then such a contribution can be called reliable. Of course, if you want the project to bring you profit for more than one year, then you need to carry out at least minimal work on it. But, for a year or two, the project will be enough without additional investments. 8 points for reliability.

In general, some sites are sold very cheaply. You can find it for 500 rubles. But such sites should not be of interest to the investor.

You can buy as one expensive and high-quality site, as well as several medium ones. Therefore, I do not advise you to start with too small amounts. I will put it at the threshold of entry 6 points.

If the project ceases to be of interest to you or you need money, then you can always sell it on the same exchange. For this I bet 4 points.

When buying a site that will bring you passive income, you can make a profit without doing it at all for a year or two. But, over time, without administration and updates, the project will lose its audience, bringing less and less income. I will put 4 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Convenient investment amount for everyone.
  • High investment security.
  • You can develop the project, increasing profits.


  • You need to have minimal knowledge about sites and how to monetize them, or seek help from an experienced specialist.

Conclusion. Investing in content, information and other similar sites is one of the best ways to invest. This type of investment can easily be turned into a business by working on purchased sites and increasing profits.

Which method do you like the most?

How to reduce risks

How to reduce labor intensity

How much money to invest

Current types of low-risk investments

What to look for when choosing where to invest

To understand whether it is worth investing in a particular source of income, it is necessary first of all to determine the criteria by which it will be determined whether this idea is worth it or not.

If we limit ourselves to three simple criteria, then we would like to highlight the following:


Profitability is undoubtedly one of the determining factors when choosing where to invest money in order to earn. It is measured most often as a percentage per annum on the amount of invested capital and determines how much the capital will increase in a year, that is, how much the investor will earn. If we want the invested money to work, and not just save it, then, at a minimum, the rate of return must be higher than the annual inflation rate. To date bank deposits in Moscow, they cannot boast of this, since the average rate for them is about 8.5% - this is below the level of average annual inflation, which for the last three years until 2017 is 9.9%. Therefore, in order to invest money at a high interest rate and earn on it, it is necessary to use other opportunities, which we will consider below.


The level of risk is also the main criterion when choosing where to invest money at interest. Risks are the probability of occurrence of events in which the investor may lose profits or even his investments. If, when considering ready-made investment proposals, the amount of return is most often immediately determined, then the quantitative assessment of risks is almost always unknown. This is due to the fact that it is often very difficult to predict the likelihood of certain negative consequences. And not all consequences can be determined. Therefore, when choosing where to put money at interest, it is best to delve into yourself, and what the project actually earns on, how long this process has been established and whether a situation can arise in which something goes wrong. If you do not have sufficient experience in these processes, then it is better to involve experts who understand and understand this. You also need to understand that most often, the higher the yield, the higher the risks. If you are a novice investor, then at the initial stage it is better to invest money at a low percentage, and as you gain experience, switch to more profitable offers at a high percentage.

Labor intensity

If in pure investing, when you have invested money and do nothing else, it is enough, in our opinion, to understand the levels of profitability and risks, then, for example, when investing money in your own business, it appears additional factor, as labor intensity is the amount of working time spent, multiplied by the experience and expertise of the performers. In other words, how much time you or your team will spend developing the business, and how much knowledge and skills you have. The development of your own project can have the highest profitability: hundreds or even thousands of percent per annum, but at the same time, the necessary labor intensity of the process greatly increases, especially if you yourself participate in business processes. At the same time, risks have an inverse relationship with the experience and expertise of the team, that is, the more experience and knowledge, the less risks.

Where to invest money in 2020 so as not to lose - advice from Moscow experts

When there is an understanding of what factors are decisive when choosing where to invest money so that they work, you can already consider and evaluate specific investments, which we will now do.

All options will be connected in one way or another with secured loans.

We believe that such investments, for objective reasons, are the least risky, but at the same time they have a high return.

At the same time, everyone will be able to find an acceptable type for themselves, based on possible labor costs and the availability of expertise.

To begin with, we will tell you in more detail what secured loans are and why the risks are minimal. Secured loans are loans issued by financial companies (IFIs, CPCs, car pawnshops, leasing companies) or private lenders secured by real estate and cars. All this activity is legal and regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. Interest rates on such loans are much higher than those of bank loans, and range from 40% to 100% per annum on average. Borrowers are most often entrepreneurs - the level of profitability of their business allows them to cover high interest rates, and they do not have the opportunity to undergo long and thorough bank checks. The second category of borrowers are people with spoiled credit history, the road to the banks for which is closed. Or people who do not have the opportunity to confirm their unofficial income.

All loans are issued either secured by real estate or secured by cars. Wherein maximum amount loan usually does not exceed 50% of the market value of the collateral, and the loan term is usually not more than one year. If the borrower cannot repay the loan, the collateral object is sold at market value, which allows covering both the principal amount and the amount of accrued interest. If there is a difference, it is transferred to the borrower.

It is the presence of collateral that ensures the minimum level of risk for the investor, financial companies and this activity in general.

In 2020, according to experts, activity with secured loans has become especially popular and in demand among borrowers, while worthy players have appeared on the non-bank lending market, allowing ordinary individuals to invest in this area without any labor costs and not only not to lose, but also make good money on it, having received your interest with a guarantee secured by the presence of collateral.

Now that we have figured out how it works and why the risks are minimal, let's move on to considering specific types of investments, their profitability and labor intensity. There are three options in total:

  • Profitable treasures from 14% to 22% per annum
  • Investing-Easy at 24% per annum
  • Investing-Profi up to 100% per annum

Let's dwell a little more on each of the options, and you can learn more about each by clicking on the appropriate link, where you can also leave an application for participation in the corresponding program.

Profitable savings

This type is suitable for those who do not want or cannot devote time to investing. Everything is simple here: you invested money and received income at the end of the term or in monthly payments, depending on the type of savings. No labor costs on the part of the investor, but the profitability is not the highest, but 2.5 times higher than deposits in banks - from 14% to 22% per annum. Profitable savings are suitable for those who want to invest, for example, 100,000 rubles, since the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles. Savings companies:

This type is for those who want to immerse themselves more in investing in secured loans and get a higher return on investment than in conventional deposits. Here, the investor directly issues secured loans on his own behalf, but all other business processes, such as searching for borrowers, underwriting (risk assessment and verification of the borrower), collateral assessment, drawing up contracts, accepting payments and others, are carried out by qualified specialists. The labor costs of the investor are the consideration and selection of investment proposals and the presence at the conclusion of the contract. Yield 24% per annum. Suitable if there is an investment of 300,000 rubles, it is optimal to invest 500,000 rubles or more.

The most profitable, but also the most time-consuming type of investment. This method is suitable for those who are well versed in secured loans. Unlike the previous method, all business processes, except for the search for borrowers, must be carried out independently. Profitability up to 100% per annum. A good option where to invest 1,000,000 rubles and in a year and a half to earn a million rubles from above.

Where is it profitable to invest money at interest - a comparison of options

  • Risks
  • Payouts
  • Labor intensity
  • Investment amount

Last update:  02/18/2020

Reading time: 22 min. | Views: 15574

Good afternoon, dear readers of the financial magazine "site"! Today we will talk about investing. We will tell you what it is and what types of investments exist, where it is better to start and where you can invest money.

From the article you will learn:

  • What is investment and what is its benefit;
  • What types of investments are the most common;
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of private investment;
  • What steps to take to start investing;
  • What are the different ways to invest in personal finance?

The article will be useful to everyone who is interested in investments. Useful information for themselves will find both beginners in the field of investment, and those who already have experience.

What is investing and what types of investments are there, where to start and how to make investments correctly, where it is better to invest your money - you will learn about this and more by reading the article to the end

1. What is investment in simple words and what is it for πŸ“ˆ

Not everyone understands that investing in modern world absolutely everyone is doing it. In fact, even education is special type of investment, as this is an investment in the future, because it is a quality education that will help you find a good job with a decent salary.

For example The same principle applies in sports. Regularly exercising, a person makes a contribution to beauty and health. If he is a professional athlete, every workout is an investment in future victories.

Thus, investing reflects the most important rule of human life. It says: it is impossible to get something in the future if nothing is done for it in the present.

From this we can deduce the main meaning of investment: they are mental, monetary, material investments, which in the long term will lead to income in a short or long term.

Unfortunately, in Russia, as well as in the countries of the former USSR, the level of financial literacy is at a rather low level. The result is a lack of correct knowledge about the prospects for financial investments.

Most residents of this region believe that only credit institutions can engage in investment activities, government bodies as well as large companies.

There is also an opinion that only very rich people can earn on investing funds among private individuals. In fact, absolutely anyone can start investing. To do this, it is enough to have a desire, as well as theoretical and practical training.

First of all, it is worth studying investment concept . This word comes from the Latin in vestio , which means in translation dress . It is not entirely clear how these two words are related.

Investment in the economic sense has several definitions. We will give the easiest to understand.

Investment - this is an investment in various tangible, as well as intangible assets for the sake of their increase.

Investments are being made in various sectors of the economy, as well as in the social and intellectual life of people.

The objects of investment, that is, the property in which money is invested, can be:

  • money from different countries;
  • various types of securities;
  • real estate objects;
  • equipment;
  • objects of intellectual property.

In the case of investment, investments are made once. After that, in the future, you can count on a constant profit.

Investments help overcome the basic economic rule. It says that the one who keeps money at home, their amount is constantly decreasing.

The fact is that the purchasing power of available money is constantly and inevitably declining. This leads to inflation, various economic crises , and devaluation.

From this comes the most important purpose of any investment , which consists not only in the preservation, but also in the constant increase of capital.

2. What is the benefit of investing? πŸ“‘

Spending a minimum of time and effort to generate income is quite realistic. A similar option to earn money is called. It is to this way of earning that all adequate people strive. Especially it concerns businessmen, and moneymakers, that is, people who earn income using the Internet.

One of the ways to make passive income is investing in any profitable areas . In other words, successful investments allow you to count on the fact that in the end you can achieve the main goal of any sane person, which is the minimum time spent on earning money.

It turns out that a person will have the opportunity to do what is convenient for him. Ultimately, a successful investment of funds will lead to the fact that there will be no need to go to work every day and spend most of your time providing a decent existence for yourself and your family.

Instead of the person his capital will work , the investor will only receive regular and stable profits.

Many of these statements are very skeptically. This is quite understandable, given that politics and the economy in our country are very unstable. But it makes sense to stop doubting, it is best to soberly assess the opportunities that open up.

Important to remember that people who are unsure of their own abilities will never be able to get rid of lack of money, as well as from the heavy yoke of an employee.

Many people wonder why someone succeeds, while others cannot get out of the debt hole. The point is not at all in the available talents, high performance, excellent. In fact, it all lies in the fact that some people know how to effectively manage their funds, while others do not.

Even those who have the same initial assets can end up with completely different income. This is largely due to the fundamental difference in attitudes towards material and personal resources.

Thus, success can only be achieved if the available assets are properly directed, in other words, invested.

Keep in mind that what has been said refers not only to money and property, but also to mental abilities, energy, and also time.

Competent and profitable investments bring the following benefits to life:

  • profit that does not depend on time costs;
  • financial independence;
  • free time for family activities, hobbies, travel and other things;
  • a stable future in which you can be sure.

By investing wisely, you can forget about the need to spend a significant amount of time to provide for your needs. You should not expect that absolutely nothing will have to be done, it will be necessary study , analyze , and to risk .

However, sooner or later such efforts will positive result. As it can be stable profit . At first, most likely it will only additional income, but gradually can become main .

In addition, invaluable experience will be acquired during the investment process. It will definitely come in handy in the future, even if it is not possible to earn significant money. By the way, in one of the articles we wrote without attachments.

Classification of forms and types of investments

3. Main types of investments and their classification πŸ“Š

Investments are heterogeneous. One can distinguish a huge number of their types. Moreover, each of them has unique characteristics.

The variety of criteria according to which investments can be described leads to the existence of a large number of classifications. We will talk about five basic.

Type 1. Depending on the object of investment

One of the most important characteristics of investments is the object in which the funds are invested.

The following classification is based on this feature:

  • Speculative investment imply the acquisition of an asset (securities, foreign currency, precious metals) for their subsequent sale after an increase in value.
  • financial investments– investing in various financial instruments. Most often, securities and mutual funds are used for this purpose.
  • Venture investments– investments in promising, actively developing, often newly created companies. In this case, they are expected to start generating huge profits in the future. Read more in a separate article of our magazine.
  • Real investment involves the investment of funds in various forms of real capital. It could be a purchase land plot, investment in construction, purchase of a ready-made business, copyright, license.

Type 2. By investment period

For investors, it is of great importance for what period of time their funds will be limited in their use. In other words, the term is important, that is, the time for which the money will be invested.

Depending on this characteristic, the following types investments:

  • short-term, the investment period for which does not exceed one year;
  • medium-term– investments for 1-5 years;
  • long-term– the money will be invested for more than 5 years.

In a separate group can also be distinguished annuity investments which can be made for any period of time. At the same time, profits from them come periodically.

A striking example is bank deposits with monthly transfer of interest to a separate account.

Type 3. Depending on the form of ownership

If we consider as a criterion for classifying an entity that invests funds, we can distinguish:

  • private investment- investments are made by an individual;
  • foreign- funds are invested foreign citizens and companies;
  • public investment- various state bodies act as the subject.

There are situations when not all invested money belongs to one entity. In this case, one speaks of combined or mixed investments.

For example, part of the invested money belongs to the state, the rest - to a private investor.

Type 4. By risk level

One of the most important indicators of any investment is the level of risk. Traditionally, it is directly dependent on profitability. In other words, The higher the risk, the more profit the investment instrument will bring.

Depending on the level of risk, all investments are divided into three groups(arranged in ascending order of riskiness):

  • conservative;
  • investment with moderate risk;
  • aggressive investment.

Although there are investors who, in pursuit of high returns, agree that their investments are subject to high risk, the majority still avoid high-risk investments. This applies to how newcomers, and experienced investors.

The solution to the problem could be diversification , which, although it does not help to completely eliminate the risk, but can significantly reduce it. Diversification refers to the distribution of capital among several types of investments.

Type 5. By investment purpose

Depending on the intended purpose, the following types of investment are traditionally distinguished:

  • direct investments imply capital investment in the field of material production, sale of goods and services, the investor usually receives a part of the authorized capital of the company, which is at least 10%;
  • portfolio involves investing in various securities (usually stocks and bonds), active investment management is not expected;
  • intellectual involves the investment by the company's management of funds in the training of employees, conducting various courses and trainings;
  • non-financial investments– money is invested in various projects (equipment, machines), as well as rights and licenses.

Thus, there are several classifications of investments depending on various criteria.

Due to the variety of types, each investor can choose the type of investment that is ideal for him.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of private investment πŸ’‘

Like any other economic process, private investment has its own pros And minuses. It is important to carefully study them before starting any investment. This will help further improve the efficiency of the process.

Pros ( + ) private investment

The following are the benefits of private investment:

  1. Investing is one of the types of passive income. This is the most important investment benefit. For the sake of passive income most people start investing. To receive equivalent amounts of money, the investor spends much less time and effort than someone who actively works as an employee.
  2. The process of investing is very interesting and also helps to learn new things. The cognition of investment activity lies in increasing financial literacy, gaining experience with various investment instruments. At the same time, traditional wage labor is monotonous, which in many ways is why it becomes hated. In this regard, investments benefit significantly.
  3. Investing allows you to diversify your income. Traditionally, each person receives income from one source - wages from an employer or retirement. Less commonly, one or two more sources are added to them, for example, apartment rental income. At the same time, investing allows you to distribute capital among an unlimited number of assets, which will make it possible to receive income from various sources. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to significantly increase the security of personal or family budget. It turns out that in case of loss of income from one source, funds will continue to come from others.
  4. Investing provides an opportunity to realize yourself, as well as achieve your goals. Practice proves that it is investors who are most likely to achieve their goals and become successful. This is due to the fact that investing allows you to achieve material well-being and free up a lot of time. This time can be spent on family, hobbies, self-realization. It is investors who most often occupy the top of the ratings of the richest people.
  5. Theoretically, the income received in the process of investing is unlimited. Indeed, the amount of active income is always limited by how much time and effort was spent. At the same time, there are no such restrictions with passive income. Moreover, if in the process of investing profit is not withdrawn, but reinvested, the return on investment will increase according to the compound interest formula.

Minuses ( βˆ’ ) private investment

Despite a significant number of advantages, investments also have disadvantages.

Among them are the following:

  1. The main disadvantage of investing is risk. Regardless of which investment instrument is used, there is a possibility of total or partial loss of invested capital. Of course, if you invest in reliable assets, the risk will be minimal, but still it preserved .
  2. Investing comes with stress. This is especially true for beginners. Often the value of the instrument in which the funds were invested does not move in the direction the investor would like. Naturally, this leads to the formation of a loss, even if it is temporary. In these situations, investors are exposed to serious psychological stress.
  3. Successful investing requires a large amount of knowledge. Required constantly learn And improve oneself. On the one hand, the acquisition of additional knowledge is a useful process and no one will be superfluous. On the other hand, this will require a lot of time. Besides, it is important to have desire and self-discipline which not everyone has. At the same time, in the absence of the necessary knowledge, private investment becomes like wandering in the dark.
  4. The investment process most often does not guarantee a constant profit. There are very few tools that give a guarantee of income. Much more often, investors have to focus on forecast values, which, in the event of a change in the market situation, cannot always be achieved. Moreover, sometimes private investment leads to education loss. In comparison with investments, various options for active earnings provide more guarantees of obtaining a constant amount of income.
  5. To start investing, you need cash capital. At the same time, if it is planned to live with dignity and support a family from the profits received, the amount of investment will be required significant. The creation of such capital can take a significant amount of time and effort.

Thus, comparing advantages And flaws investment, it can be concluded that the pros still outweigh the cons .

Of course, everyone should decide whether it is worth investing capital for himself. However, we believe that it is better to invest.

For starters, you can use small amounts and instruments with minimal risk.

How to invest money in 5 steps - instructions for beginners (dummies)

5. How to invest money - a step by step guide to investing for beginners πŸ“

Many novice investors are wondering how to effectively start investing. That is why later in the article we present step by step instructions . It will help anyone who wants to take the first steps in investing and thereby achieve their financial goals.

Of course, the initial situation for each investor is individual. However, one can distinguish general rules to be followed, they are useful for all cases and for every investor.

To start investing, you need to overcome eight successive steps. To achieve success, you should not skip any of them.

Step 1. Assessing Your Financial Situation and Getting Your Personal Finances in Order

First of all, you should describe your income . At the same time, the source of income should be determined, how regular and stable they are. In addition, their size should be fixed.

Further evaluated expenses , they should be fixed by articles. At the same time, the category of expenses must be marked, that is, whether they are one-time, regular or irregular.

The next step in the financial plan– description of available assets . It can be automobile, apartment, bank deposits, land And summer cottages, securities, shares in authorized capitals And so on. It is important to indicate the value of each of the assets, as well as the amount of profit from it.

After that, it is calculated return on each asset, which is equal to the ratio of their profit to the cost. It is likely that all or most of the assets will be unprofitable or additional expenses. At this stage, this situation is quite normal.

Once the assets are described, it is also important to make a list liabilities . It can be any obligation - loans, including mortgage, as well as other debts, For example, taxes And insurance premiums.

At this stage, it is important to assess the amount of expenses that are paid under the relevant obligations. annually. It is also worth evaluating as a percentage the ratio of the amount of expense to the total amount of obligations.

Now the budget should be estimated by calculating two coefficients:

  1. Investment resource- the difference between income and expenses;
  2. net worth is the difference between assets and liabilities.

Ideally, the value of the first indicator should be at least 10 -20 percent of income. If the size of the investment resource did not reach this value, or turned out to be less than zero, before you start investing, you will have to resort to measures of financial recovery of the budget.

During the preparation and analysis of the financial plan, one should be as honest as possible, one should not try to embellish the current situation. It is important in the budget to describe everything exactly as it really is.

It is important to understand that the budget drawn up in this step is basis future financial plan, without which it will not be possible to draw up a quality plan.

Thus, the result of the first step should be the understanding that Where does your budget come from and how is it spent? .

In addition, you can understand how much money remains after making the main payments, as well as how long it will be possible to survive if the income from the main source of income stops.

Step 2. Creating a financial reserve

For use in case of unforeseen situations, you should create financial reserve . It should be understood that it is important not only in practical plan, but also psychological. Such a reserve gives a very strong sense of confidence as well as stability.

The realization that a person has a small reserve of money in case of unforeseen life circumstances makes life psychologically much more comfortable.

As a result, the financial reserve is affordable, but at the same time very effective method make life more comfortable, and significantly reduce stress levels.

In practical terms, the financial reserve provides two functions:

  1. Payment of regular expenses in the event that for some reason the main source of income ceases to replenish the budget;
  2. Funding for small unexpected expenses– repair of household appliances, medical services and other.

The ideal size of the financial reserve should ensure the payment of fixed costs over a period equal to three months before half a year .

The created reserve should be kept in the currency in which the main expenses are paid. It is best to invest money to the bank.

You should choose a credit institution that meets the following criteria:

  • participation in ;
  • the credit institution is not lower than the fiftieth place in terms of assets or is a branch of a large international company;
  • convenient location, as well as the work schedule will allow you to use the services of the bank without spending a whole day on it.

For accumulation, you should not choose card accounts, since in this case there is a great temptation to spend funds not as planned. Best to open current or savings account. However, in this case too low interest to the account balance.

The ideal option would be deposit . But you should pay attention that it meets the following criteria:

  • the minimum replenishment amount should be comfortable for monthly savings;
  • if necessary, you can withdraw part of the funds without losing interest;
  • Ideally, interest should accrue and be capitalized on a monthly basis.

It turns out that when choosing a bank interest rate should not be a prerequisite. But you should pay attention that it is neither the lowest nor the highest among those existing on the market.

As soon as the bank and the deposit are selected, you need to replenish the account up to the amount of the calculated financial reserve.

Step 3. Development of goals, as well as investment objectives

At this stage, you should decide what the future investor wants to do in life, what to get, what property to acquire. At the same time, for each goal, it is necessary to determine how much money is required to achieve it, in what currency. In addition, it is important to determine by what point the goal should be achieved.

Once goals are defined, they should be rank , that is, numbered in descending order of importance and priority. Thus, it will become clear where the funds should be directed. Firstly.

Step 4. Determination of acceptable risk

The future investor at this stage determines, how much financial risk he is willing to take in order to achieve the set goals. Also at this point, it is determined which situations in investing will be unacceptable.

In other words, some investors are quite calm about a temporary drawdown of capital even by 40%. Others, on the contrary, feel absolutely uncomfortable even if a loss occurs within 10 %.

Step 5 Development of an investment strategy

At this point, it is important to determine for yourself the following points:

  • the size of the invested amount;
  • frequency of investment - once or regularly;
  • the occurrence of what type of risks is unacceptable, and must be hedged in advance;
  • what part of personal time the investor is ready to spend on managing investments;
  • forbidden financial instruments are defined – someone fundamentally does not invest in the alcohol and tobacco industries, someone prefers to finance foreign companies and the like;
  • decides in what types and types of assets the funds will be invested;
  • what taxes may arise, how they can be minimized.

Once the conditions outlined above are defined, it should be clearly spelled out how investment decisions will be made. That is, it is necessary to decide which points to take into account and which to ignore. In addition, it is important to determine what actions should be followed when certain events occur.

It is equally important to determine how often and under the influence of what to analyze the current investment strategy, as well as under what circumstances it should be reviewed and changed.

Step 6. Stress testing the developed strategy

At this stage, the strategy developed at the previous step is tested according to the principle "what if?" . To do this, you should ask yourself the maximum number of questions and answer them as truthfully as possible.

Questions should start like this: What will happen with my investment goals. The second part of the question If) depends on the circumstances of the investor's life and is individual for each.

Examples of question endings are:

  • if I lose my job;
  • if I become seriously ill;
  • if the car breaks down.

The result of such testing should be the development of a protective investment strategy. Its main task is to determine the opportunities that will allow not to abandon the implementation of the investment strategy even under unfavorable circumstances.

Many difficulties can not only be identified in advance, but also insured in case of their occurrence.

Step 7. Choosing an attachment method

At this point, you need to determine:

  • through which company the investment will be made;
  • how the funds will be deposited;
  • how to withdraw earned profit;
  • in whose favor and in what amount it will be necessary to make payments (commissions and taxes).

Step 8. Formation of an investment portfolio

Only after all the previous stages of preparation for investment have been overcome, you can begin to form investment portfolio . In other words, only at this moment you can go directly to investing money.

At this step, you will need to do the following:

  1. choose certain instruments that will correspond to the developed investment strategy;
  2. invest in selected assets.

Many will say that the instructions given are too complicated, it is not necessary to overcome such a large number of steps. In fact, only the consistent implementation of all eight stages can lead the investor to the following result:

  1. Manage your personal financial situation
  2. A financial reserve will be formed that will allow you to stay afloat for six months;
  3. There will be a sense of confidence in the future, as well as insurance against surprises and minor troubles;
  4. A specific action plan will be developed that will allow increasing own funds;
  5. A well-structured financial portfolio will appear.

Those who manage to overcome these difficult, at first glance, steps can confidently expect positive return on investment.

Proven ways to invest money better to make it work

6. Where to invest money - TOP 9 best ways to invest personal finances πŸ’°

There are a huge number of investment instruments. When choosing the ideal direction for yourself, you should proceed not only from your own preferences regarding the level risk And profitability . It is also important to coordinate the way of investing with the economic situation in the country.

We bring to your attention the most popular and reliable options for investing money.

Method 1. Bank deposits

- one of the most affordable, and therefore the most popular investment options. Theoretically, they can bring order 10 % per annum. However, today the interest in most credit institutions is reduced, therefore, when choosing a bank for investment, you need to careful analysis.

Bank deposits are conservative investment option. In addition to being the most intuitive way, it is also the least risky.

Among the advantages of deposits are the following:

  • state insurance;
  • the term of investments, as well as the profit received, are known even before the moment of investment;
  • availability;
  • low level of risk, i.e. reliability.

Consider the most reliable banks, the rates in which are the highest.

Method 2. Investing in precious metals

Investments in precious metals already at the time of the birth of commodity-money relations could bring income to their owners. Traditionally used as precious metals gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

There are several circumstances due to which the price of precious metals has remained at a fairly high level for many years:

  • no effect of corrosion;
  • limited amount of metals in the world.

In the long run, the value of precious metals steadily increases. At the same time, various economic crises, as well as other changes in the economy, have practically no effect on the price of precious metals.

According to statistics, only in the last decade in Russia, the price of gold (in rubles) has increased by almost 6 times. At the same time, experts believe that there are no factors that can reverse this trend in the coming years.

There are several ways to invest in precious metals:

  • buying a gold bar;
  • purchase of gold coins;
  • opening metal bank accounts;
  • acquisition of shares in gold mining companies.

The safest option is physical acquisition of metal . But it is worth considering that this is an investment on long term. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get tangible profits from such investments in the next five years.

For those who need a quick income, it is best to open metal bills . At the same time, gold or other precious metals are not physically bought. An account is opened in the bank, to which funds are credited in terms of grams of metal.

Profit can be obtained quite quickly - the amount on the deposit is regularly recalculated at the new value of the metal.

Opening of metal accounts is the safest way to invest in precious metals. This is especially true of banks in which deposits are insured.

Method 3. Mutual funds

Mutual funds or mutual funds- this is a way of investing, which in essence is the transfer of funds to trust management.

The fund invests the united funds of shareholders in various financial instruments. The resulting profit is distributed among the participants of the fund. But the founders of the mutual fund do not remain at a loss - they also receive their percentage.

Features of the interaction of shareholders with the manager of funds are reflected in the contract terms. Without fail, the shareholder should carefully study such an agreement before how to invest in a fund.

Scheme of action mutual fund very simple. Shareholders buy parts of the fund called shares . The invested funds are at the disposal of the manager, who are involved in their investment.

Managers are interested in getting as much profit as possible, since they themselves receive income in the form of commissions, which are calculated as a percentage of profit.

Pai can be quite simple buy And sell. Therefore, such investments are highly liquid.

Among the advantages of mutual funds are:

  • funds are managed by professionals;
  • Mutual funds are available to everyone;
  • income is not taxed;
  • funds are controlled by the state.

At the end of a certain period, the profitability of the fund is calculated. The resulting income is distributed among the shareholders in proportion to the share of each of them in the fund.

Often the yield of a mutual fund approaches to 50 percent. This is almost five times more profitable than bank deposits. The average return on the fund is about 30 %.

Method 4. Investments in securities

One of the most popular ways to invest investments in securities. But do not forget that working with this tool requires serious knowledge in the field of finance and economics.

For those who hope for long-term profits, investing in the first stocks that come across is far from the best option.

In order for investing in securities to bring real profit, you need to have serious knowledge in the field of economics or have experience. If there is no such knowledge and skills, you can transfer the capital to trust management of an experienced broker.

When investing in securities, it is impossible to guarantee a profit. However, if the investment is successful, you can get a tangible income. He can reach 100 %.

Moreover, the profit from investing in securities is practically unlimited. Some successful investors managed to get an order 1000 % in just a few years.

πŸ“£ Please note that access to the financial market occurs through a broker. One of the best is this brokerage company.

Method 5. Investing in real estate

Real estate is also a very popular investment option. This is explained simply - the demand for apartments, houses and even non-residential premises will Always. People need real estate for living as well as doing business. In addition, such a tool will never completely depreciate.

When deciding to invest in real estate, it should be remembered that its value, as well as liquidity, are determined by a large number of factors. These include, For example, the economic situation in the state, and the regional situation.

There are two ways to earn income from real estate investments:

  1. Rental;
  2. Subsequent resale.

Rent It is one of the types of passive income. Cash the owner of the premises receives, practically without spending time and effort. In this case, property rights are sufficient to generate income.

Sale a property can generate income if its value increases. However, today there are difficulties with the profitable sale of real estate. In most Russian regions, the demand for this asset today is much less than the supply.

However, in some cases, investors manage to earn a good profit on the sale of real estate.

Pro possible ways See the video below for real estate investing.

There are several ways to increase income:

  • acquisition of an object at the time of falling prices on the market and sale only after their growth;
  • buy real estate at the stage of laying the foundation or early stages construction, and sale after completion;
  • the acquisition of apartments in a deplorable state, their high-quality repair, sale with a premium to the cost, which, among other things, pays for the cost of repairs.

To date, the market situation has developed in such a way that experts recommend abstain from investing in real estate. They believe that it is wiser to wait for a significant economic downturn.

We have already discussed in detail about, as well as the pros and cons of this method of investing money in our article.

Method 6. Investment in business

Theoretically, investing in a business is one of the most highly profitable options. In fact, the opening of a successful company can provide a prosperous future not only for the entrepreneur himself, but also for his descendants.

In practice, the success of a business is determined by a large number of circumstances. Among them are:

  • whether the niche in the market is chosen correctly;
  • entrepreneurial professionalism;
  • How original is the idea?
  • literacy of the actions taken.

According to statistics, most firms go bankrupt at an early stage. Therefore, it is much better to open your own business by buying a franchise. About that, we have already talked about in the previous article.

You can also invest in a ready-made company. In a separate article, we wrote about, and also brought startups in Russia where you can invest your money.

Method 7. Investments in startups

are unique innovative projects in the social or commercial sphere. In the future, they have a fairly high level of profitability.

In other words, if you choose the right project for investing funds, you can get a good profit.

But it should be noted that only about 20 % such projects bring investors real profit. The rest are unprofitable or require additional funding.

Today, investing in various startups is not so difficult. There are a huge number of platforms on the Internet where startup owners present their projects, attracting investors.

At the first stage, you can minimum investment which amount to several thousand rubles. This will allow you to study the mechanism of investment.

Startup Benefits are the ability to invest in a huge number of business areas. Geography is also almost limitless - you can invest in metropolitan, European projects, as well as those located in the region where the investor is present, and even located only on the internet.

Method 8. Investing in Internet projects

The Internet today is one of the most popular and very actively developing business areas. The professionals working here are called moneymakers .

A huge number of online businessmen are already making money online. And every day there are more and more of them. you can find on our website.

Investors who dream of becoming online businessmen should hurry up. One should occupy a niche for activity before others take it.

To earn money on the Internet, you can use:

  • the shops;
  • groups in social networks;
  • informational resources;
  • blogs;
  • entertainment sites.

This is not necessary though. You can also buy a ready-made project created by someone. It is important that the resource be as visited as possible. In this case, it will be possible to profit from advertising, affiliate programs, as well as direct sales.

If you decide to create your own project, you should take into account that a non-standard approach is valued on the Internet. Make your website as unique as possible. This will attract maximum visitors to it.

Method 9. Forex

In simple words, Forex is a world market where various currencies are exchanged at freely formed prices.

In principle, anyone who devotes time to this, spends energy and invests money can earn income in the foreign exchange market. It is also important to choose a reliable broker company. Many successful traders work through this broker.

You can either trade on your own or transfer funds for management through PAMM accounts. Details about that are described in one of the previous issues.

To make it easier to compare the above investment methods, we have summarized them in a table:

Attachment type Optimal investment period Advantages
Bank deposits From 1 yearHigh level of reliability
precious metals Long-term - over 4 yearsStable growth in the cost of precious metals
mutual funds From 3 monthsFunds are managed by professionals
Securities AnyNot limited
Real estate Long-term - more than 3 yearsHigh liquidity
Business Long-term - several yearsHigh profit
Startup From 6 monthsPlenty of designs to choose from
Internet projects AnyActive development
Forex AnyFast payback

πŸ”” There is also an article on our website that tells in detail about it - we recommend it for reading.

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