Science-intensive technologies in the national economy. Science-intensive technologies: role in the modern economy, problems and development prospects

beginning of the 21st century, denoting a rapidly developing industry. These include:

  • space exploration
  • Automated supervisory control systems (ASCS)
  • Medical equipment and technologies

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    High technologies- - technologies based on reducing the number of technological transitions and increasing information content in terms of environmental compliance. [Kulik Yu. G. Low-waste and resource-saving technologies: Lecture notes in key words ...

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    Knowledge-intensive industries- modern industries that manufacture products based on the latest achievements of science and technology, where the share of expenditures on scientific research to improve technology and products is at least 4 5% of all costs, and the number of scientific personnel is not less than ... ... Economics: glossary

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    Perfect Item- a product that costs the seller nothing, or almost nothing, in production, does not need storage facilities, transport for delivery to the consumer, is compact and has a high selling price. Examples of negative products that are close to ideal: ... ... Theoretical aspects and foundations of the ecological problem: interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions

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UDC 338.224

G. I. Latyshenko


The features of science-intensive industries and their role in the Russian economy are considered. The problems of the development of science-intensive technologies are analyzed and possible ways of solving these problems are given.

Key words: high technologies, high technology industries, high technology industries, high technology industries.

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the variety of tasks faced by Russian economists at the present stage of the country's economic development. Among these tasks, first of all, we should mention the development of an effective mechanism for including Russia in the system of the world economy.

The global trend of economic development is the increasing role of knowledge-intensive, globally competitive industries and their outstripping growth in the structure of the manufacturing industry, which is manifested in the development of the economies of the leading foreign countries.

Study of science-intensive, high-tech industries, dynamics foreign trade goods of a high degree of processing is one of the tasks of an integrated economic analysis state and prospects for the development of the Russian economy.

The current economic situation in Russian Federation reflects the emerging economy of resource and raw material orientation. Priority development of domestic raw materials industries, which have now become basic for Russian economy, is not able to radically improve the country's position in world markets due to high competition and saturation of these markets, as well as due to the high capital intensity of these industries.

Technology in this study is understood as a set of methods and techniques used at all stages of development and manufacture of a certain type of product. Science intensity is one of the indicators that characterize technology, reflecting the degree of its connection with scientific research and development (R&D). Science-intensive is a technology that includes R&D volumes that exceed the average value of this indicator in a certain area of ​​the economy, for example, in the manufacturing industry, in the extractive industry, in agriculture or in the service industry.

The sector of the economy, in which science-intensive technologies play a predominant, key role, is one of the science-intensive industries. The knowledge intensity of an industry is usually measured as the ratio of R&D costs to sales volume. Another indicator is often used - the ratio to the sales volume of the number of scientists, engineers and technicians employed in the industry. Science-intensive products are products, in the cost or value added of which the cost of R&D is higher than the average for products of industries in this sector of the economy.

What specific industries can be classified as science-intensive today? standardized classification industrial productions on this basis does not exist, and different authors can find slightly different lists. The most authoritative source on this issue is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which includes all advanced industrialized countries. In the early 90s. this organization has performed a detailed analysis of direct and indirect R&D spending in 22 industries in ten countries - the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia. The calculations took into account the costs of science, the number of scientists, engineers and technicians, the amount of value added, the volume of product sales, the share of each sector in the total production of each of these countries. When determining indirect costs, the apparatus of the so-called production function was used. Ultimately, 4 industries were classified as knowledge-intensive: aerospace, computers and office equipment, electronic means communications and the pharmaceutical industry.

The analysis carried out by the OECD is quite convincing, and the high knowledge intensity of the listed industries is beyond doubt. It seems, however, that the list could be significantly expanded. Whole line new science-intensive industries, such as the production of new materials, high-precision weapons, bioproducts, and others, were not included in the list.

There is another method, according to which the assignment of sectors of the economy to the category of knowledge-intensive is characterized by the indicator of knowledge-intensive production. This coefficient is determined by the ratio of the volume of expenditures on R&D (^R&D) to the volume of gross output

industry (Kp): ^R&D 1 ¥vp 10°.

It is believed that for science-intensive industries this figure should be 1.2 ... 1.5 or more times higher than the average for the manufacturing industry.

The main specific features of the organization, management, business conditions of high-tech industries are the following:

Their complex nature, which allows solving all the problems of creating technology - from the problems of scientific research and development work to the problems that arise in mass production and during operation;

The combination of the target orientation of research, development and production for a specific result with

promising areas works of system-wide, fundamental purpose;

A large amount of R&D performed by research institutes, design bureaus and factories, as a result of which the latter have significant production capacity loaded with the manufacture of experimental samples of products, their fine-tuning during the entire production time due to design changes and modifications. This nature of production requires the establishment of strong ties between the participants in the creation of technology, their organic combination into a single scientific and production complex;

The dominance of the process of changing technology over stationary production and the associated need for regular renewal of fixed production assets, development of an experimental base;

Significant duration of the full life cycle of equipment, reaching twenty or more years for some of its types, which complicates production management due to the time lag of the effect of control actions and increases the responsibility for choosing a development strategy;

High dynamism in the development of production, manifested in the constant renewal of its elements (objects of research, development and production, technologies, circuit and design solutions, information flows, etc.), changes in quantitative and qualitative indicators, improvement of the scientific and production structure and management. The dynamism of output over time complicates the task of uniform loading and use of the production potential;

Branched intra- and inter-industry cooperation, caused by the complexity of science-intensive products and the specialization of enterprises and organizations;

A high degree of uncertainty (entropy) in the management of the most modern developments, for which predictive assessments of future technologies are used in decision making. The creation of a qualitatively new product, as a rule, is carried out in parallel with the development of the main components (circuit and design solutions, physical principles, technologies, etc.). Achieving the specified technical and economic parameters of these products is generally characterized by a high degree of scientific and technical risk. The risk in creating new system components dictates a strategy based on exploratory research in fundamental and applied fields of science and technology, on the development of alternative components. However, this strategy can lead to a significant and not always justified increase in resource costs;

An intensive investment process is the most important factor in achieving the goals of research and development of a high scientific and technical level, which accompanies the implementation of large projects;

The presence of unique teams with a large proportion of scientists, highly qualified engineering and technical workers and production and industrial personnel in the total number of people employed in development and production;

A large share of value added in the products of these industries, a high level wages workers, large volumes of exports;

The innovative potential that knowledge-intensive industries have to a greater extent than other sectors of the economy. R&D and innovation are organically linked. It is innovation that is the goal of the research activities of high-tech enterprises and organizations operating in a highly competitive environment both in the domestic and international markets. A high level of spending on R&D, the main external sign of the science intensity of an industry or an individual enterprise, is a guarantee of constant and intensive innovation activity;

Science - intensive technologies are fertile ground for the emergence and successful operation of small and medium - sized companies .

It should be noted that the increase in the result of the impact of scientific, technical and innovation factors on economic dynamics is achieved not simply by the use by all business entities, including the state, of the transformative capabilities of modern science in ensuring high competitiveness, economic stability, national security, a worthy place of the country in the world community, but by a purposeful strategic translation national economies to an innovative type of development, through special attention to the formation in them and efficient use high-tech complex (HTC).

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account a number of natural long-term trends that have manifested themselves in the world economy over the past decades. The main ones among them are the following.

1. Increasing importance in the world commodity markets complex systemic production products of high science intensity, the creation of which requires the formation of no less complex intersectoral technological complexes, which inevitably leads to an increase in the importance of interregional and international scientific, technical and innovative cooperation.

2. Moving the focus of attention in the management of innovations from individual innovations to the processes of creating their systems and systemic use, which requires an appropriate adjustment of the methods of state regulation of the innovation vector of development, management, content of state scientific and technical, innovative, industrial, structural, investment, social policies and their interaction, clear coherence.

3. Strengthening the integration of science, education, production and the market, which is manifested in the interpenetration of the processes of education, fundamental research and R&D and leads to the growing importance in the economy of national innovation systems, high-tech complexes and their management, the development of small and medium-sized innovative businesses and innovative infrastructure.

4. Complicating and increasing the importance of integrated resource provision in the course of moving towards an innovative type of development of the national economy. This

the trend objectively compels the authorities to increase their attention to the concentration of investment resources and their effective use in priority areas of scientific, technological and innovative development of the economy. To successfully solve these problems, it is necessary to improve the system of financing scientific, technical and innovative activities in all structures of the economy, organize the full provision of all components of the national economy with information about new technologies, market conditions, high-tech products, new needs and professions, create a favorable investment climate in the country, its regions and industries to attract domestic and foreign capital to high-tech industries. An important role in the current conditions of the Russian economy is played by the development of venture capital investment, the strengthening of its innovative focus.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the Russian economy, which has developed to date in the course of economic reforms the last decade, the formation of a high-tech complex on an innovative basis requires special attention of scientific institutions and the state. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the most important components (blocks) of this complex, shown in the figure.

Scientific and production block. The research and production block of the high-tech complex includes research institutes, as well as small innovative enterprises, including small enterprises and enterprises with the participation of foreign capital in the Science and Scientific Service industry.

Education block. It includes higher, secondary and special educational institutions that train personnel mainly for the high-tech complex, taking into account its specifics. This block should also include about 160 scientific and educational centers operating in 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, international and innovation centers. This also includes various centers for the training of managers to manage innovation and innovative enterprises.

infrastructure block. At present, this block can include 38 innovation and technology centers, more than 79 technology parks, 90 sectoral and intersectoral off-budget R&D funds, venture innovation funds, leasing companies, a national network of computer telecommunications for science and higher education, computer centers for collective use, funds promoting the development of small forms of entrepreneurship in a high-tech complex. Russian science cities should become a separate part of this block, which include organizations engaged in scientific, scientific and technical, innovative activities, experimental development, testing, and training in accordance with state priorities for the development of science and technology.

Management block. The management block includes ministries and departments at the federal and regional levels supervising industries that produce or are called upon to produce more than 50% of high-tech products of the total production volume. In addition, the administrative block of the VTK includes management structures at the federal and regional levels, the main content of which is directly related to the functioning and development of this block.

social block. Its main composition is schools and other educational institutions of general and special education, hospitals, sanatoriums, cultural and sports organizations and others that are on the balance sheet of the scientific and industrial divisions of the VTK. These are the structures that are designed to ensure the preservation and replenishment of the personnel potential of the VTK.

The unified technological complex in our country as a whole functioned successfully during the years of the post-war Soviet five-year plans, especially in connection with the implementation of the “Kosygin” economic reforms. At that time, a strong system of cooperation between thousands of enterprises and scientific institutions in the creation of the latest high-tech industries was established. Particular attention was paid, of course, to the development of the military-industrial complex, to which the bulk of financial, material and scientific resources were directed, which made it possible to achieve

The structure of a high-tech complex

military parity with the United States (to a certain extent due to the "cutting" of investments in the consumer sector of the economy). Powerful bodies of rigidly centralized management of this complex also functioned (Gosplan, Gossnab, State Committee for Science and Technology, a special commission under the government).

The rupture of most of the existing cooperative relationships with enterprises of the former Soviet republics that occurred with the destruction of the country's unified national economic complex, the massive privatization of state enterprises, including the scientific and technical defense complex - all this led to the loss of control over the innovation and technical complex as a whole.

It just so happened that for many years the most advanced technologies in our country were concentrated precisely at enterprises producing weapons and military equipment. For example, today the share of the defense industry accounts for more than 70% of all produced in Russia scientific products and more than 50% of the number of all scientific employees. This is largely due to the fact that new defense technologies and developments are always in the highest demand and quickly pay off.

Along with this, it should be noted that defense industry enterprises play a significant role in the technical re-equipment of many of the most important areas of the Russian economy. And such industries as aviation engineering, civil space and shipbuilding, optical instrumentation, the production of electronic equipment and industrial explosives, are almost completely represented by defense industry enterprises.

The use of the capabilities of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) in the interests of civilian consumers is also indicative. Despite the fact that it was originally created to ensure the country's defense capability, the head of state made an appropriate decision, and now this system is being actively introduced into various sectors of the national economy. It is expected that the use of satellite navigation technologies will significantly increase the efficiency of the functioning of the means and infrastructure facilities of all types of transport.

Along with defense industry, the machine-building industry plays an important role in the Russian economy. Modern mechanical engineering is based on high technologies. At the end of the 20th century, the dependence of machine-building industries was demonstrated not only on the development of energy, but to a large extent on the development of high technology. The emergence of such products of electronic engineering as modern electronic computer components has led to their widespread introduction into the production of new generation technical systems, highly efficient, flexibly tunable, multi-coordinate machines and robots. The key trend in the creation of modern machines has been the transfer of functional load from mechanical components to intelligent (electronic, computer) components. The share of the mechanical part in modern mechanical engineering has decreased from 70% in the early 90s. up to 25...30% at present. At the same time, computer support takes place.

the entire life cycle of the creation and operation of a technical system.

The complexity of modern technologies and the creation of a modern science-intensive product on their basis required an unprecedented concentration of financial and intellectual capital, which the resources of the national economy cannot provide. It is impossible to create the entire reproducing technological chain within one country. Therefore, the development and production of a modern science-intensive product has crossed national boundaries and led to the creation of giant transnational corporations.

Being an integral part of the industrial complex of Russia, knowledge-intensive industries are experiencing general difficulties due to the fact that the sharply reduced state investments have ceased to be the determining factor in their development, and domestic financial capital still shows little interest in the implementation of long-term investment projects aimed at the production of complex products with a long full life cycle.

So, for example, a significant share of GDP in economically developed countries in modern conditions is created in the field of information services for society. According to experts, skipping the information revolution alone in any country is able to ensure a multiple lag in terms of living standards from developed countries. Over the past five years information Technology(IT) in the United States provided 8% of GDP and a quarter of the real economic growth countries .

Russia has a serious potential in this area: 12% of the world's scientists and accumulated intellectual property, which is estimated at about $400 billion. However, scientific and technological management is our weak link. Investment (and innovation) activity in the real sector cannot be implemented to the proper extent due to the too small number of specialists who are able to assess the commercial potential of industrial and technological projects and competently manage them.

The cost of information technology per capita in Russia is 70 times less than in the United States, and almost 35 times less than in Western Europe. If we take as an indicator the share of similar expenses in total GNP, then in Russia it is 0.5%, while in Western Europe- 2% (data of the vice-president of the company "Intel" H. Gayer).

In general, the provision of the Russian economy with domestic high-tech system products remains extremely low, as evidenced by a comparison of the volumes of its imports, production, exports and consumption. The most developed countries with systemic economies strive, despite the significant volumes of foreign trade, to satisfy domestic needs for high-tech products primarily through their own production.

Along with negative trends in modern economy Russia also has positive features associated with the continued high scientific and technological

potential in some areas of activity (aviation, weapons, space technologies, some chemical and biochemical technologies, powerful plasma electronics, a system for protecting hazardous chemical production), which is an important strategic reserve.

In the course of many years of practice in Russia, the following set of priority areas for the prospective development of science and technology has been identified, which can conditionally be divided into 3 groups.

The first group of priorities is linked, first of all, with the national security of Russia, its positions in world science. This includes fundamental and applied research focused on using the potential of defense industry sectors to develop competitive system technologies and civilian products.

The second group of priorities includes areas designed to ensure the development of high-tech manufacturing industries that provide the technological base for the re-equipment of industry, including the extraction and processing of raw materials, based on the latest technologies. This group of priorities is focused on import substitution.

The third group of priorities includes technologies that are most focused on solving social problems, on supporting domestic producers, who are able to meet domestic needs for consumer goods in many areas, but do not have the necessary competitiveness in foreign markets.

In order to successfully solve the problem of increasing investment activity in the high-tech complex of Russia, its main components (science and high-tech production), it is necessary to develop and implement a number of interrelated measures.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the estimated need for integrated investment resources of the VTK of Russia for each of its blocks, elements, taking into account the progressive aging of the material and technical base, the objective need for a transition to an innovative type of development of almost all VTK production facilities, ensuring economic, especially technological security, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian science-intensive products, especially high-tech ones.

Further, it is necessary to deeply analyze the opportunities for the development of the VTC, available from all sources of investment resources, including innovative ones. For each priority area of ​​development of the VTC, each program for the creation of priority technologies or systemic science-intensive products, specific sources of investment should be clearly defined in terms of volumes, types, terms and conditions of attraction. At the same time, it is important to develop an effective mechanism for the full and timely involvement of investment resources in the scientific, technical and innovative activities of the VTK, taking into account the capabilities of the modern market system.

situations in the country with an active role government agencies all levels.

Information and qualified personnel are of great importance for a full-fledged integrated resource support for the development of the VTK of Russia. Creation of an effective system of access for all structures of the VTC, especially scientific organizations, to distributive information and computing resources, is the most important part of the task of the effective development of the complex.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the formation and implementation of a scientific and technical program that meets the conditions of feasibility is a multicriteria management problem, for which the area of ​​feasible solutions is determined by a number of traditionally used feasibility criteria, ranked in accordance with the principle of their priority. The criteria for evaluating the feasibility of a program are interdependent; therefore, in practice, solving the multifactorial problem of assessing feasibility by composing criteria is difficult. It is necessary to solve the problem step by step by successive optimization according to the indicated hierarchical system of criteria.

The expanded reproduction of science-intensive technologies needs to create such an economic environment in which the synergistic effect of their application manifests itself and has a stimulating effect on all technological stages of the production of final products. It is possible to achieve such an effect in Russia, programs for the development of the VTK have already been developed. These include scientific and technical programs, the concept of the development of the VTK until 2020 in Russia, programs for developing the scientific and technical potential of the regions, in particular the Krasnoyarsk Territory until 2017. But in order for all these programs to work, it is necessary to consolidate a number of measures - financial support, training and stimulation of personnel, and above all - the motivation of the individual. Only in this case, Russia will be able to enter the world market of VTK and take a leading position there.

Bibliographic list

1. Makarova, P. A. Statistical assessment of innovative development / P. A. Makarova, N. A. Flud // Questions of statistics. 2008. No. 9 2.

2. Folomiev, A. High-tech complex in the Russian economy / A. Folomiev // The Economist. 2004. No. 9 5.

3. Ivanov, S. B. The role of high technologies at the present stage of the country's economic development: presentation at the XI St. Petersburg. intl. economy forum, 14.06.06 / S. B. Ivanov // Real estate and investments. Legal regulation. 2007. No. 9 1-2 (30-31).

4. Khrustalev, E. Yu. Problems of organization and management in high-tech industries of the Russian economy / E. Yu. Khrustalev // Management in Russia and abroad. 2001. No. 1.

5. Krasnikov, G. The way of revival of the Russian economy - the rise of high-tech industries / G. Krasnikov // Electronics: science, technology, business. 2000. No. 9 1.

G. I. Latyshenko


Particularities of science intensive technologies and their role in the Russian economy are considered. The problems development of science intensive technologies and ways of their solutions are analyzed.

Keywords: science intensive technologies, science intensive branch, high technology complex, high technology branches.

© pïambimeHKO r M., 2009

UDC 330.332.54

O. V. Gosteva


The role of the project team in achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise when using project management technology is considered. It is shown that the project approach must be implemented at all levels of enterprise management, and only under this condition, the project team will be able to work effectively and achieve both project goals and strategic goals.

Key words: project team, project goals, strategic goals of the enterprise, team performance.

In today's dynamic market conditions aggravated by the crisis, the main condition for the survival of the company is the rapid and high-quality achievement of strategic goals. To fulfill this condition, the enterprise needs to make changes not only in production and corporate culture, but also in management technologies. One of the options for such changes is the implementation of project management technology, which involves the creation of a concept and project plans that are consistent with the company's strategy, the implementation of the project under strict deadlines, budget and quality, architectural supervision of the dynamics and market conditions to maintain the relevance of the project goals, and consequently, and its profitability, tracking customer satisfaction and analyzing the achievement of long-term effects. The basis for obtaining such complex results can only be the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The development of an enterprise can go smoothly through staff development, which takes a lot of time and does not give a guaranteed result, and abruptly through changes in processes and technologies. Project management is a variant of leap development and implies changes not only at the operational (operational) level, but also at the strategic level, when portfolios and project programs are formed, and at the political level, when forming the mission of the enterprise. Thus, the enterprise forms two levels of management: the level of project portfolio management and the level of management.

projects. For them to work effectively, the following conditions must be met. First, the projects in the portfolio must correlate with the strategic objectives; secondly, the evaluation of projects should be carried out according to the target efficiency (compliance of the project goals with market conditions); thirdly, it is necessary to evaluate how the team has achieved its goals.

The main problem in Russian enterprises implementing project management technology is that the goals of individual projects, and therefore programs and portfolios, do not correspond to the strategic goals of the enterprise or only partially correspond. This is especially important in project-oriented enterprises, all activities of which are carried out through projects. The figure shows that in the considered portfolio of projects, project 1 only partially corresponds to the given program and strategic goals 1 and 2, and project 3 does not correspond to any of the strategic goals. Thus, even having achieved all the goals set in the project, having achieved the goals of the program and even the portfolio of projects, the enterprise will not achieve its strategic goals and reduce its competitiveness. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to correlate the goals of the enterprise at all levels in a timely manner and create conditions for their timely and high-quality achievement.

The basic organizational unit of a project-oriented enterprise is the project team. The project team is a special structure that manages

Science-intensive production technologies Characteristics of high technologies

Science-intensive production relies on science-intensive technological processes at all stages of production. The process of creating science-intensive technologies (ST) is complex, covering all stages of its development, including: 1) testing the physical process that forms the basis of the science-intensive technological process being created; 2) design of the technological process, providing for structural and parametric; optimization; 3) development of technological equipment, tooling and tools that have a high degree reliability, mechanization and automation; 4) manufacturing of technological equipment, tooling and tools; 5) debugging of the technological process and testing in order to establish the stability and accuracy of the parameters (Fig. 1.9).

At each stage of creating a science-intensive technological process, CAE / CAD / CAM systems are used, methods of mathematical and simulation modeling on a computer are used, and optimization of technical and technological solutions is carried out.

The above algorithm for creating science-intensive technologies is fully satisfied by the technological processes that have been developed and introduced into mass production for the manufacture of the main parts of gas turbine engines.

GTE blade manufacturing technologies

The most critical GTE parts operating under conditions of alternating loads, high temperatures and vibration are compressor and turbine blades, the labor intensity of which is more than 30% of the total labor intensity of engine manufacture.

The generalized technological process of their manufacture can be conditionally represented as a set of stages: 1) obtaining a workpiece; 2) heat treatment; 3) machining of the surface of the shank and flanges; 4) mechanical processing of the pen profile; 5) heat treatment and coating; 6) finishing (Fig. 1.10).

During the implementation of each stage of the technological process, the goal was to ensure the high quality and stability of the technological process through the use of advanced methods, equipment, technological equipment and tools.

At the 1st stage of the technological process of manufacturing compressor blades, isothermal stamping with a feather allowance of 0.8 mm was used, as well as stamping with an allowance of 0.3-0.6 mm with thermochemical treatment and the use of ZSP. This made it possible to increase the KIM from 0.12 to 0.42 and reduce the amount of milling work by 30%.

At the 2nd stage, in order to reduce the technological cycle and reduce energy costs, hot deformation was combined with the heat treatment process.

At the 3rd stage, when turning the shank, the blade airfoil profile was oriented in the optimal position in special installations and the blades were fixed in special cassettes. This made it possible to ensure the processing of the blades with a minimum allowance for the profile.

At the 4th stage (machining of the pen profile), belt grinding is used on special machines using wide and narrow belts. This resulted in a 75% reduction in manual labor when fitting the pen profile.

At the 5th stage (heat treatment and coating), in order to ensure the uniformity of the structure of the surface layer, annealing of the blades was applied.

At the 6th stage (finishing), hydro-shot peening was introduced, which made it possible to increase the fatigue strength by 25%.

At the 1st stage of manufacturing turbine blades, investment casting with directional crystallization and monostructure was used, as well as precision die forging using CAP for heat treatment. This made it possible to obtain blades without a GWT allowance and ensured the production of blanks with a minimum allowance.

At the 2nd stage, in order to ensure strength characteristics and reduce warping, high-temperature vacuum processing was chosen, as well as fixed heat treatment using ceramic mass.

At the 3rd stage, in order to improve the accuracy and stability of the technological process, deep-feed grinding of the fir-tree shank and other shaped surfaces was used.

At the 4th stage, in order to exclude manual labor when adjusting the profile of the blade feather, mechanized polishing and dressing of the edges are performed.

At the 5th stage, a four-component coating of the blade airfoil profile and aluminizing were used, which made it possible to increase heat resistance and increase the resource by 2 times.

At the 6th stage, hardening with microballs was carried out, which increased the fatigue strength by 20%.

The above measures at all stages of the generalized process made it possible to improve the quality and stability of the TF and reduce the complexity of processing the blades in the total labor intensity of manufacturing the engine from 35 to 28%.

Disc Manufacturing Technologies

As domestic and foreign practice shows, compressor disks, and especially turbine disks, are the details that largely determine the reliability and service life of gas turbine engines. In this regard, careful processing of the technological processes of their manufacture is carried out.

Rice. 1.9. The main stages of creating a science-intensive technological process

Most of the TP operations use unique equipment and employ highly qualified workers and engineers.

The disk blanks of both compressors and turbines come to the cooperation enterprise from a specialized plant, where they are subjected to pre-machining, heat treatment, aging and ultrasonic testing.

After a comprehensive input control, the mechanical processing of the disks is carried out on high-precision machines with numerical control (Fig. 1.11).

Particular attention in the TP is paid to the issues of heat treatment, which is carried out in vacuum furnaces in order to relieve internal stresses that arise at the stage of machining.

After each stage of TP, ultrasonic testing of the blade and disc rim is carried out, as well as capillary testing of all surfaces.

At the finishing stage, the disks of compressors and turbines are hardened with microballs. This allows you to increase the fatigue strength by 15-18%.

Shaft technology

The manufacture of blanks for the compressor and turbine shafts, as well as blanks for disks, is carried out at a specialized enterprise and goes to the enterprise through cooperation.

Incoming shaft blanks are already subjected to pre-machining and heat treatment in order to equalize internal residual stresses. The main stages of technological processes for the manufacture of compressor and turbine shafts are shown in fig. 1.12.

Considered science-intensive technologies for the manufacture of blades; disks, shafts of the compressor and turbine of the gas turbine engine, created on the basis of the above approaches, must meet the following requirements:

    The technological process should be low-waste and environmentally friendly. An example of such a process is the manufacture of parts from powders and granules, the use of vacuum technologies, and others.

    Science-intensive technologies should use equipment with numerical control, which allows integrating a number of operations on one operating field (in the working area of ​​the same technological installation).

    In the procurement operations of NT, methods of direct growth of complex-shaped parts from the melt, as well as static and dynamic methods of plastic deformation with a minimum of shaping equipment, should be used.

    Science-intensive technologies should have automated objective means of testing and monitoring parameters at all stages of the technological process, have built-in control devices and control computers as part of the main equipment.

    A science-intensive technological process must be automatically programmable and adapt to changing conditions of the production environment while achieving optimal parameters based on CAD\CAM systems.

    An essential condition for a science-intensive technological process is its certification, i.e. compliance of its parameters with international norms and standards.

Control questions for lecture 3.

    Structural diagram of the creation of science-intensive technology

    Generalized technological process for the manufacture of compressor and turbine blades of gas turbine engines

    Manufacturing technology of compressor and turbine discs

    Manufacturing technology of compressor and turbine shafts

    Requirements for science-intensive technological processes

Zhiglyaeva Anastasia Viktorovna, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics and Law, PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow [email protected]

Science-intensive technologies: role in the modern economy, problems and development prospects

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of the features of science-intensive technologies and industries, their impact on the economy. The experience of the countries of the world characterized by the highest level of development of technologies and innovations has been studied. The most important factors in the development of the science-intensive sector of the economy are identified. The analysis of the main problems hindering the successful development of science-intensive technologies in the Russian Federation was carried out, and directions for development and improvement were identified to improve the situation. Key words: high technology, high technology sector, development models, incentive methods, development directions.

In modern conditions, considerable attention is paid to the search for factors of economic growth, economic development, increasing the competitiveness of national economies in the global community. One of the fundamental factors is the development of a science-intensive sector of the economy, an increase in the share of high-tech industries. The study of the nature and characteristics of science-intensive technologies, their qualitative characteristics serves as a basis for the further development of the scientific, technical and innovation policy of the state, the timely identification and elimination or minimization of obstacles to development. Countries are interested in achieving high rates of development of science-intensive technologies, securing in international ratings of innovative and technological development. This necessitates constant monitoring of indicators that characterize the state and level of development of science-intensive industries, the correct interpretation of the results obtained and the drawing of practically significant conclusions. Of great importance is planning and forecasting the development of science-intensive industries, making timely adjustments to development strategies. Today, there are various approaches to the definition of "science-intensive technologies", which is explained, as a rule, by the peculiarities of the areas of application of such technologies, the dynamic development of science and technology, which constantly brings new aspects and details in the understanding of this term. So, according to G.I. Latyshenko, the definition of "science-intensive technologies" is based on the very concept of "science intensity" as an indicator that characterizes technology, reflecting the degree of relationship between technology and research and development. According to this approach, science-intensive technologies are those that exceed the average value of the science-intensity indicator in a particular area of ​​the economy (for example, in agriculture, manufacturing, etc.). Science-intensive technologies are also defined as "technologies based on highly abstract scientific theories and using scientific knowledge about the deep properties of matter, energy and information". It is advisable to highlight the main specific features that characterize science-intensive technologies: potential, information;progressiveness, the ability to determine the strategic direction of economic development;the list of science-intensive technologies and industries is dynamic, largely dependent on the level of development of basic technologies;science-intensive technologies are closely interconnected with the development of relevant research areas; relationship with the activities and development of small and medium-sized businesses. It is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of science-intensive sectors of the economy, among which the most significant are the following: significant volumes of investment, mainly in research and development; high competitiveness of manufactured products (science-intensive); orientation towards intensive growth and development, therefore, a significant reduction in energy intensity and material intensity of production as extensive factors; development at an accelerated pace in comparison with the basic industries; when a high level of development is reached, they affect the structure of the economy as a whole and its individual elements, contribute to the modernization of related sectors of the economy; significantly affect the increase in export potential; are characterized by qualitatively new working conditions. At the present stage, it is important for the economy not only the development of certain types of science-intensive technologies, but also the creation of science-intensive industries, the formation and continuous improvement of the market of science-intensive technologies. The science-intensive sector of the economy is part of economic system , which includes groups of industries that produce products, carry out work and provide services using the latest achievements of science and technology. The specificity of this sector of the economy lies mainly in the objective need for significant investment in the research field of activity, the need to create a large-scale developed infrastructure for research and development, and the special importance of the mutual exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and technologies with foreign countries. What are the main conditions and characteristic features of the formation of a science-intensive sector of the economy? First of all, this is a high level of development of scientific schools, advanced scientific research, both in the fundamental and applied fields. Here, an integral component is an effective model for training highly qualified and scientific personnel in accordance with the latest trends and market needs. The basis in this context is, of course, the quality and accessibility of education, the interaction of science and production, the authority and traditions of high technical culture. It should be noted separately the importance of unique scientific schools and development teams for creating highly competitive products that can be highly appreciated on the scale of the global, world market of science-intensive technologies. The degree of protection of intellectual property rights is of great importance. The particular relevance of this issue today is due to the fact that the results of mental labor act as objects of market relations. However, excessive regulation of this area also leads to negative consequences for economic development, the effective development of knowledge-intensive segments, in particular, due to the formation of the so-called "intellectual monopoly". Note that the central place in the science-intensive sector of the economy and its dynamic development is occupied by intellectual potential. This sector accumulates intellectual capital, which actually functions here in its pure form. That is why the formation of this sector of the economy is closely related to significant investments in “specific assets”, that is, the study of unique technologies, the acquisition and improvement of specific skills, competencies and knowledge that can be applied mainly in this area. The next most important criterion is the focus on a specific result, that is, a goal-oriented approach to the process of obtaining, mastering and using advanced achievements in the field of science and technology; the desire to increase competitiveness, achieve technological leadership. The implementation of this principle is important both at the level of individual firms, enterprises, and on a regional scale, the national economy as a whole. A necessary condition for the formation of a science-intensive sector of the economy is modernization and dynamic development of production. This supports the demand for scientific and technical innovations. In addition, there is an improvement in the scientific and production structure, research objects, and the management system in this area. The structure of the production apparatus of the economy is also important - a large share in it should be experimental and experimental production.

The formation and improvement of the science-intensive sector is impossible without a financial component, which is expressed, first of all, in the allocation of financial resources for large scientific and technical projects. It is also important to create a favorable investment climate, promote integration into the global financial system. In order to most effectively, rationally develop the diverted funds, it is necessary to actively apply the program-targeted planning methodology. This methodology at the present stage is an alternative to the budgeting approach, ensuring the effective distribution of funds in priority areas. Another significant factor is the pricing mechanism, accounting for production costs, which are also quite specific in the science-intensive sector. These costs are mainly associated with the development of a recreation system for highly qualified personnel, the management of high-tech and innovative projects, and the organization of scientific and technical work. In addition to the above signs and factors, it should be noted that the process of globalization has a great influence on the formation of a science-intensive sector of the economy. In a globalizing world, the transfer of technologies, the movement of labor resources and capital are of great importance. Attracting capital to science-intensive industries is associated, firstly, with the profitability of such industries, which, in turn, depends on the level of industry productivity. Secondly, an increase in the number of firms in the knowledge-intensive sector creates advantages both for the firms themselves (in terms of remuneration of employees, prospects for entering world markets, etc.) and for intensifying the development of the sector. In general, there is a greater dissemination of scientific and technological achievements due to the internationalization of production and capital as integral components of globalization; the redistribution of resources from other sectors of the world economy is being carried out. as well as influence on the development of other sectors of the economy. Speaking about the growing popularity and importance of science-intensive technologies, high-tech and innovative industries, it is necessary to clearly understand the basic principles, the observance of which is the key to the success of the development of the national economy in these areas. To do this, it is advisable to refer to the experience of the leading countries in the development of science and technology and to identify the factors that allowed these countries to achieve high results. According to international rating(out of 126 countries), the following countries of the world reached the highest values ​​of the Global Innovation Index (GlobalInnovationIndex–GII) in 2016: Switzerland, Sweden, Great Britain, USA, Finland, Singapore. Russia in this rating is in 43rd place with a score of 38.50 points (maximum 100 points). There are other ratings, indicators are calculated by different methods, taking into account different components and criteria. According to BloombergBusiness, the leading countries in scientific and technical, innovative development in 2016 were: South Korea, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Singapore (Russia ranks 12th in the ranking). What are the driving factors influencing the technological, research and innovation development of these countries? To begin with, let's consider the main models of scientific and technological development: The European model. It is characterized by the key role of the state in regulating science-intensive industries and technological development. The central place is occupied by technological platforms (TP), which are the union of representatives of science and education, government and business in order to develop common approaches in various scientific and technical fields. Nevertheless, as an initiator of the creation of a TP, as a rule, representatives big business. The key area of ​​activity is the rationalization of the structure of the economy, the creation of a favorable innovation environment. The American model. Comprehensive support for small businesses, fundamental science and education are priority areas for the state, but in general, its intervention is reduced to a minimum. Of particular importance is venture capital, which makes it possible to quite successfully overcome critical periods. In addition, this model, like the American model of national economic system, is characterized by a mass orientation towards achieving success, including personal success (in terms of self-realization, etc.). The priority direction is the implementation of large-scale targeted projects that cover all stages of the production cycle (from the generation of ideas to operation). The Asian model (on the example of China). The entire system for organizing and promoting development, creating a new high-tech product is under strict state control. Technoparks, incubators, territories for scientific and technological development and other objects of innovative and scientific and technical infrastructure are created and regulated "from above", the predominance of the vertical structure is pronounced. Rigid centralization is largely due to the mentality, historically established features of culture and the social sphere. However, despite the seemingly excessive "overregulation" of the science-intensive and high-tech sector, China managed to create a unique investment mechanism that provides a very high share of investment in the country's GDP (up to 50%). The development of science and technology in Japan is also of considerable interest. One of the priority areas for Japan is to coordinate the activities of various sectors in the field of science and high technology, as well as ensuring receptivity to the achievements of world scientific and technological progress. The main role in the formation and distribution of R&D expenditures, the development of various forms of cooperation between fundamental and applied science with real production, and the effective development of advanced technologies belongs to the state. 80% of incentive measures and functions are accounted for, while the share of the government is 20%). Let's consider direct methods used in advanced foreign countries:  creation of scientific and service infrastructure in regions where scientific and experimental activities are concentrated;  implementation targeted programs aimed at increasing the activity of business in scientific and technical activities;implementation of state orders mainly in the form of contracts for R&D (in order to ensure initial demand);budget financing, provision of concessional loans to enterprises that train highly qualified personnel and carry out scientific development;free transfer or provision on a preferential basis for land plots, state property for high-tech, innovative enterprises and organizations. Indirect incentive methods include the provision of various benefits to subjects economic activity who specialize mainly in scientific and technical areas; providing tax breaks in the field of investing in high-tech science-intensive projects. In addition to the above methods, presented in general terms, it is advisable to reflect some features on the example of specific countries or groups of countries. Thus, in Sweden, the provision of loans as an incentive and supportive measure, including without paying interest, has become widespread. In Germany, there is a practice of granting loans to cover 50% of the costs of introducing innovations. In the Netherlands, Japan, Germany are provided free services patent attorneys at the request of individual inventors, as well as exemption from paying fees.

The USA, Japan, and China are characterized by the presence of powerful state organizations that provide comprehensive scientific, technical, financial, and production support for high-tech industries. Also, Japan, the USA, Great Britain are striving to expand the preferential taxation of universities, research institutes, the implementation of financial and technical support programs for industries that perform R&D on the topics of government organizations. The Republic of Korea and Singapore actively use tax holidays as a tax incentive, the duration of which can be up to 20 years. In such countries as England, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, funds for the introduction of innovations are being created, taking into account the possible commercial risk. Along with foreign leading countries, modern Russia also has the most important tasks for the development, development and effective implementation of advanced technologies in various sectors of the economy ; the role of science-intensive industries is growing significantly. Today the profile of the science-intensive, high-tech sector domestic economy differs from the profile of the 1990s and early 2000s. Thus, in the structure of the science-intensive sector, according to data for 2014, innovative enterprises have a significant share. However, such indicators as the level of investment activity (0.0380.748%), the level of product profitability (4.522.6%) negatively characterize the operating activity of the science-intensive sector. These results of the analysis are connected, in particular, with the deterioration of the economic situation as a whole, with the low level of development of the factors of production of the national industry. Of course, the low interest of private investors in financing R&D programs, large projects in comparison with technologically more developed countries. The largest growth is shown by the production of advanced technologies that are not absolutely new for Russia (despite a slight decrease since 2014). Three leaders are clearly distinguished: knowledge-intensive economic activities, research and development, manufacturing industries. It should also be noted that the highest growth rates of advanced technologies are typical for the following types of activities within the manufacturing industry: production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment (growth rates in 2015 -117.3% by 2014 and 292.2% by 2010 .); metallurgical production and production of finished metal products (growth rates in 2015 -105.6% by 2014 and 380% by 2010); chemical production - without the production of explosives (growth rates in 2015 -220% by 2014 . and 275% by 2010).

There has been a slight decrease in the indicators of innovative activity and development since 2014. This phenomenon is primarily explained by the reduction in financing of innovations at the expense of federal budget. Investing in innovative developments, large projects during the crisis period seems to be very difficult. In addition, activities related to the development and implementation of innovations are associated with high risks. It is quite difficult to predict the payback of projects in the future. Therefore, in difficult economic conditions (including foreign economic ones), it is less risky to invest in the development of technologies that have a fairly high return, and at the same time have already been tested and used earlier. A positive trend towards a gradual increase in the share of high-tech exports should be noted. In particular, in 1999 this share in total exports was only 3%, and in 2011-2012 - no more than 1.3%. According to the data for 2013-2015, this figure exceeds 1011%. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny the very serious dependence of the Russian economy on imports. At the moment, the raw material orientation of exports, an insufficiently high share of the manufacturing industry (including taking into account high-tech and science-intensive industries) remain. Thus, speaking about the development of science-intensive industries in the Russian Federation over the past years, it is necessary to highlight the following positive trends: an increase in the number of innovative enterprises aimed at introducing innovations in order to increase competitiveness; an increase in the knowledge intensity of industries and GDP (domestic R&D spending as a percentage of GDP increased by 10.78% in 2015 compared to 2011, the average annual growth rate was 2.6%); a gradual increase in the share of goods created in science-intensive industries, using advanced technologies, in the volume of exports and a simultaneous reduction in the volume of imports; significant rates of production growth and the introduction of advanced technologies in certain sectors of the manufacturing industry. Along with the above positive factors, we note the negative aspects: a decrease in innovative activity, investments own funds enterprises in technological development, modernization (to a greater extent due to the current economic situation, the problematic state of the national economy as a whole); a very large “gap” between high-tech imports and exports, a significant dependence of the domestic economy on imports (including companies on imports of machinery, equipment, which are fixed assets); low level of profitability (profitability) of products of science-intensive industries, investment activity. A very important question is what contribution science-intensive technologies make to the economy, what is the return on the introduction and use of such technologies. To answer this question, it is necessary to consider several aspects of the impact of science-intensive technologies on the economy. At the same time, of course, it is important to take into account the level of development of these technologies, the degree of R&D efficiency. With a fairly high level of development, the science-intensive, high-tech sector of the economy produces significant increases in value added, which in turn can provide a significant increase in GDP. Thus, already in the 1960s, the intensive introduction of science-intensive technologies in the sectors of the national economy of Japan made it possible to achieve a GDP growth of more than 50%. Today, many developed countries demonstrate an increase in GDP in direct connection with the development of high and science-intensive technologies. In particular, according to data for 2013, more than two-thirds of GDP growth in the United States is provided by activities and a developed scientific and innovative base. Due to their progressive nature (a distinctive feature of science-intensive industries and technologies), science-intensive industries and technologies act as a powerful intensive factor in economic growth. Many researchers pay special attention to the quality of such growth – it is much higher than, for example, growth through the use of extensive factors. It is worth noting that in order to significantly accelerate GDP growth, it is necessary not only to develop the science-intensive sector of the economy as such. The key role is played by the transfer of technologies to other industries, sectors, or the achievement of the effect of "diffusion of technologies in high-tech industries" . This means building effective cooperation chains between science-intensive and other industries, spreading the scale of influence of advanced technologies. It is important to emphasize that often the contribution of the factor of scientific and technological progress in achieving the country's global superiority in key sectors of the economy becomes decisive compared to the contribution of capital and labor. Let us recall the second stage of the rapid progress of science and technology in the United States and other developed countries (1960-1980). At this stage, it was supposed to achieve the leading positions of the United States in such sectors of the economy as precision engineering, aviation and space industries, electronics, and pharmacology. Scientific and technological progress played a key role in the development and improvement of production. In addition to the direct impact, the development of science-intensive technologies, innovative activity can affect the dynamics of GDP through other socio-economic mechanisms, phenomena and processes. Let's take employment as an example. Thanks to the progressive development of technology, more high-tech, high-performance jobs (HWPs) are being created. There are centers and zones of accumulation of intellectual potential and highly qualified personnel. In particular, the demand for engineering personnel is growing. At the same time, it is worth noting the benefits for enterprises (at the microeconomic level) operating in other sectors of the economy. By introducing new technologies, advanced technology, enterprises have the opportunity to achieve savings in labor costs. After such measures, the labor intensity of products is reduced, as well as the material costs for production (consumption of materials). That is, the influence of intensive factors (capital productivity, material productivity) is growing and extensive factors are decreasing. Thus, the introduction of the achievements of science and technology into production, automation of processes are important reserves for reducing the cost of production. However, it is also necessary to take into account the cost of innovative activities themselves, and therefore it is important to maximize the efficiency of their implementation in order to increase cost recovery. Taking into account all the above examples, arguments and analytical conclusions, it is worth noting that through the expansion of markets for science-intensive technologies and products, employment of the population in this area, contribution to macroeconomic development, the impact of high technologies on the level and quality of life of the population of a particular country is carried out. Here again the question arises about the quality of economic growth, which is primarily manifested in the strengthening of the social orientation of the economy. Undoubtedly, science-intensive technologies often make it possible to radically change the technological structure, move to a qualitatively new level of consumption and satisfaction of needs. The spread of innovations in medicine and pharmaceuticals can improve the quality of medical care, treatment and prevention of serious diseases. "Breakthrough" methods and technologies are designed to significantly contribute to reducing the mortality rate and increasing life expectancy. Also, the active development of science-intensive technologies is an important factor in increasing the defense capability of the state, improving environmental protection and nature management, energy efficiency, etc. All this affects the quality and standard of living. Nevertheless, unfortunately, the innovation-active policy of the state is not always a guarantor of the dissemination of results in society, among the population. Of great importance is the level of development of socio-economic mechanisms, infrastructure, and various institutional conditions, which determine the acceptability of scientific and technological achievements and innovations. In the process of studying the development of science-intensive technologies in the Russian Federation, the features of the transformation of the science-intensive and high-tech sector of the economy over certain time periods, many problems have been identified that directly or indirectly affect the progressive development of technologies, slowing it down. It is advisable to consider a set of problems, having previously systematized them, for example, highlighting several enlarged blocks, groups according to the content and specific belonging of problems to a certain area. Problems of financing high technology. Imperfection and insufficient level of development of the public-private partnership mechanism inefficiency in the development of allocated budgetary funds by leading institutions of innovative and scientific and technological development; inefficient structure of investments in fixed capital, associated with the predominantly raw material specialization of the national economy. As a result, the concentration of funds in the field of the fuel and energy complex and, accordingly, their deficit in the areas of development and implementation of R&D results. In this regard, there are difficulties in ensuring the innovative phase of national production. Insufficiently effective organization of financing procedures in terms of choosing priority areas. Normative and legislative problems. They are directly related to the regulatory framework for the regulation of knowledge-intensive industries. One of the main problems is the insufficient systematization of legal norms in the sphere of regulation of science-intensive and high-tech industries, the low degree of consolidation of legal acts. As a result, law enforcement practice is complicated, legislative contradictions often arise (in particular, in the sphere of influence of normative legal acts of different legal force). Also, an urgent problem is the lack of effectiveness of program documents that determine the strategic directions of development. That is why the failure to achieve a number of significant target indicators is due not only to the difficult economic situation, market conditions, but also to a fuzzy presentation of the expected final results, insufficient structuring of key provisions to achieve results.

Problems of an infrastructural and institutional nature. Today, in the Russian Federation, the scientific and technological, innovative, technical and innovative infrastructure requires further development. This is necessary for the intensive and full development of the innovative potential of the Russian regions, for increasing investment attractiveness, as well as expanding the science-intensive sector of the economy, developing new areas and opportunities. Despite the presence of positive trends in the development of domestic engineering, the market for engineering and industrial design services in Russia is only at the stage of formation in comparison with developed countries. In addition to the three main blocks of problems, a number of other obstacles to the development of science-intensive and high-tech industries and industries in modern Russia can be identified. Thus, many researchers and experts see a significant problem in reducing the prestige of engineering specialties, as well as the quality of education in higher technical specialties. It should also be noted that direct “copying” of foreign experience in the development of science-intensive, high-tech and innovative industries in Russia is impossible and inappropriate due to significant differences between the domestic economy and the national economies of foreign countries. Nevertheless, it is necessary to exchange (including on a global scale) scientific and technical knowledge, technologies, promising ideas. As for the current state of affairs, there is insufficiently full and effective interaction with foreign leaders, often a lack of up-to-date information on the latest approaches and trends. In particular, according to the estimates of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, in 2015 only 17.9% of engineering and industrial design organizations were involved in international cooperation, and the share of projects implemented jointly with foreign companies was only 1.5% of the total number. signed contracts. Other problems in the development of science-intensive technologies and the so-called "innovation spiral" of the Russian economy include a general deterioration in the economic situation, relations with foreign states(problems of a political and geopolitical nature), a significant corruption component economic relations, a high degree of monopolization of the domestic economy, insufficient demand for science-intensive and innovative products. , and there are sufficient opportunities for further building up and effective development of the existing potential. Long-term practice, opinions of analysts, experts, manufacturers show that the entire set of priority areas for the development of science-intensive sectors of the Russian economy can be conditionally divided into three segments: , mainly in order to create a modern rearmament base, industrial upgrading. This group of priorities involves, in particular, the use of the latest technologies in the field of extraction and processing of raw materials, and is focused mainly on the strategy of import substitution;priority areas that are directly related to the strategy of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, as well as its high positions in world science ; technologies that are able to meet the demand for products in many areas; focus on solving socially significant problems, increasing the competitiveness of mass demand products in foreign markets. In this context, it is worth highlighting social innovations, as well as considering innovations as a social process, expressed in the interaction of various professional and organizational groups. This approach makes it possible to more fully take into account and predict the real needs of society, the market, and covers the process from the moment an idea arises to practical application results. For Russia, the most important areas are the development of effective public-private partnerships, increased activity of private investors, a clear identification of key areas for priority funding, the use of existing competitive advantage and potential, first of all, personnel and intellectual. When implementing the principles of import substitution, increasing the level of independence and independence, it is still advisable to establish, if possible, cooperation with foreign states that have achieved high results in innovative and scientific and technological development. In addition, the adaptation of individual mechanisms, directions from foreign experience, taking into account national characteristics and interests, can also ensure the achievement of positive results. Finally, a goal-oriented approach, combining the efforts of various structures can ensure the development of new niches in the world market, increase the global competitiveness of domestic hence, further macroeconomic development.

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Rice. 10.7. Ribbed profile surface

Rice. 10.7. Deforming cutter that creates a ribbed surface by plastic displacement of material in the cutting zone

Rice. 10.6. The main characteristics of progressive technologies of the new generation

Rice. 10.5 Technology life cycle stages

Rice. 10.4. Model of the system of technological transformations (basic model of technology)

The impacts exerted on the system of technological transformations by other systems can be represented by the following set:

where is the vector of the generalized input; - input generalized influences of material type; - input generalized impacts of energy type; - input generalized influences of information type; - moment of time.

Input influences have a different effect on the system of technological transformations.

The main tasks of input actions are as follows: providing the necessary structure of objects; implementation of the required behavior of objects; restoration of the flow of technological impact of tools and means of processing on products and others.

The impacts implemented by the system of technological transformations on other systems can be described as follows:

where is the generalized output vector; - output generalized impacts of material type; - output generalized impacts of energy type; - output generalized influences of information type.

The input and output generalized impacts include both the main streams of various types aimed at the progressive development of the system, and side (harmful, concomitant) ones that have a negative impact on the qualitative indicators of development.

Technology design involves taking into account conflicting requirements, and its products are models that make it possible to understand the structure of future technology. However, the development of technology is still a labor-intensive process, the purpose of which is: to provide the required algorithm of functioning (technological impact); realization of an acceptable price; satisfaction of explicit and implicit requirements for performance, resource consumption and design; meeting the requirements for the cost and duration of technology development. At the same time, technology design processes can be carried out according to various schemes. The stages of the traditional technology life cycle are characterized by an avalanche-like increase in complexity (Fig. 10.5). In many companies and firms, such a scheme for creating technologies is considered unshakable. However, despite the strength of tradition, the analysis of the technology life cycle shows the following disadvantages of this scheme:

Unsuitability for the development of complex technologies consisting of a large number of subsystems and autonomous modules that form network structures;

Consistent implementation of all stages of technology creation is mandatory;

Incompatibility with the evolutionary approach;

Incompatibility with advanced methods of computer-aided design and technology management.

Therefore, traditional methods are not suitable for creating progressive technologies.

Object-oriented design is beginning to develop, which is especially promising for the creation of new technologies. Object-oriented design is based on an object approach, the main principles of which are: abstraction, access restriction, modularity, hierarchy, typing, parallelism and stability.

On fig. 10.5 shows the stages of the technology life cycle in object-oriented design. Here, the process of creating technology is not a separate monolithic stage. It represents one of the steps towards the progressive iterative development of technology; in this case, the sequence of steps can be arbitrary. A particular variant of the sequential iterative development of technology with directed steps through analysis is also presented in Fig. 10.5.

The application of the described models made it possible to determine the main characteristics of advanced technologies of the new generation, which, supplementing with known data, can be represented by a block diagram shown in Fig. 10.6. It has a hierarchical structure and contains the main features, features and provision of advanced technologies. The main features that characterize the progressiveness of new technologies are given in the block diagram (Fig. 10.6) relative to the final result of their action - products. These signs can be represented by the following categories:

A qualitatively new set of properties of products (reason);

A qualitatively new measure of the utility of products (corollary).

With the development of science and technology, opportunities are created to improve the properties of products, for example, geometric, kinematic, mechanical, thermal, optical and others, and also qualitatively new properties of products are realized, for example, environmental, manipulation, reflections of hard cosmic rays, properties of having the effect of "magnetic potential well”, etc. To ensure this, the designed technologies are continuously improved and qualitatively new ones are created. They will give qualitatively new properties to products.

However, only the measure of these properties - the usefulness of these products or their value - is of decisive importance, since the ultimate goal of manufacturing any product is to provide the necessary value. The progressive technologies being created continuously increase the value of products and, accordingly, implement a qualitatively new measure of their usefulness, it is possible to use them in the n-th generation, for the "hyperdrives" of intergalactic ships, for Martian transport, built on the principle of mechatronics, etc.

The new generation progressive technologies being created have some basic features, the main of which may be related to the high science intensity of their creation, the complexity of implementation and operation; at the same time, high information content and computerization, a certain level of electrification and energy supply are required, so the design of new technologies should be based on optimal technological processes. If necessary, new methods of converting blanks into products can be used. For this, progressive production methods must be applied. At all stages of the life cycle (see Figure 10.5) of new technologies, it is necessary to ensure a high degree of process automation. The created technologies should have high stability and reliability of functioning according to a given algorithm. All this should be carefully worked out on the basis of the principles of an object-oriented approach and the environmental friendliness of technologies should be ensured. At the same time, the created technologies should be open to development and be able to evolve and be modified in accordance with changing external conditions. In addition, progressive technologies may have a number of other features related to special technologies or technologies of the future.

To create progressive technologies of a new generation, non-traditional support is needed, namely: highly qualified personnel, advanced technological systems and special technological environments. In this case, the design of technological systems should, first of all: be determined by market conditions; be based on new principles, properties and quality of the composition of equipment elements; have high levels of automation, productivity and precision of equipment, tooling and tools. The created technological systems must be aesthetic and ergonomic, have high stability and reliable operation. To this end, comprehensive systems of diagnostics, control and management, as well as new principles of equipment operation and methods of influencing tools and means of processing on products, should be widely used. Such an integrated approach to the creation of progressive technological systems gives qualitatively new non-traditional technical and economic indicators of their creation and operation.

The studies carried out in recent decades using the developed models have made it possible to identify and supplement the known trends in the progressive development of technologies with new ones, which include the following;

Increasing the concentration and parallelism of technological processing zones, providing increased productivity;

Creation of non-traditional progressive spatial structures of technological processing zones (creation of multidimensional cyclic structures, increase in the dimension of the manifold and objects in each manifold of the structure), realizing the increase in the technological capabilities of space and environment;

Arrangement of technological processing zones into linear, surface and volumetric structures; the layout of these structures into production cells; layout of production cells into spatial structures and filling them with the entire volume of the space of the production workshop with the possibility of changing their spatial arrangement;

Increasing the degree of structure compaction by increasing the density (linear, surface, volumetric) of technological processing zones;

Organization of the flow of functioning of technological processing zones and increasing their intensity;

Increasing the continuity and stability of the functioning of technological systems in accordance with a given algorithm;

Increasing the information content of technologies, reducing the mass of technological systems and increasing their energy supply;

Creation of technologies and technological systems using the principle of mechatronics;

Simplification of the functional structure by combining the various functions of technological systems; performance of technological functions through transport functions, and vice versa;

Application of complex systems of diagnostics, control and management of processes.

Analysis of these trends, allowing to formulate and develop a general theoretical approach to the creation and operation of non-traditional technological systems, called flow-spatial technological systems. These technological systems have qualitatively new properties and capabilities, and also significantly increase the level of automation and intensification of production processes. The developed general synthesis technique makes it possible to create flow-space technological systems of continuous operation of the following types:

Technological systems of high and ultra-high productivity for the production of products for the medical, radio-electronic, food industries, instrument making and other sectors of the national economy;

Technological systems of continuous operation for long cycles of technological impact (thermal, chemical, physico-chemical processing methods, etc.);

Technological systems of continuous action for complex processing of products;

Flexible technological systems of continuous action.

These technological systems can significantly increase the productivity of production processes, reduce the production area occupied by equipment, reduce the duration of the production cycle, the number of workers employed in production, and improve other indicators.

This goal-oriented methodology - the creation of progressive technologies, makes it possible to see the relationship, understand and apply integrity as a design principle. The technologies being created are a reflection modern development technology; the theory of their creation makes it possible to explain and predict the patterns of the evolutionary process of the development of progressive technologies.

The methodology for developing new processing methods is based on the proposed concept of a new scientific approach to solving this problem, based on the unity of the manufacturing technology and operation of machine parts and their connections.

So, to increase the durability of friction pairs, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to reduce their running-in during operation. This is achieved by finishing the friction surfaces, which simulates the accelerated process of their running-in. In accordance with the developed theory of friction and wear, the running-in process represents micro-cutting and plastic deformation of micro-roughness of friction surfaces.

This running-in process can be ensured at the stage of finishing the friction surface with a special tool with simulated microroughnesses. The working surface of the tools must slide over the friction surface of the workpiece, causing micro-cutting and micro-deformation of its roughness. As such a tool, a lapping abrasive bar (with a certain grain size) or a needle cutter (with a certain diameter of working needles) can be used. The pressing force and the slip rate of the tool are determined by the operating conditions of the treated friction surface.

In gears, during the running-in process, the shape of the involute surface changes, the side clearance increases, which leads to an increase in noise, a change in the contact line and destruction of the teeth. This phenomenon can be avoided if all these processes are simulated during the manufacturing and running-in of gears: during gear cutting and grinding of teeth, their operational profile is ensured, and during running-in, an equilibrium state of surface quality is ensured. To do this, the working profile of the cutter and the grinding wheel must be adjusted. This, in turn, indicates the need to take into account the functional purpose of the treated surface when designing a tool.

For the final processing of the side surfaces of the gears, running or a special finishing technology can be used, which provides the process of microcutting and plastic deformation of microroughnesses. Finishing is provided by diamond or conventional shaving.

The use of the theory of plasticity and contact interaction made it possible to create a new method for processing parts, which makes it possible to significantly increase (tens of times) their surface of contact with the environment. In particular, this is of great importance when creating heat exchangers.

Using the equations of plastic displacement of the material being processed in the cutting zone (3.36) - (3.40), a completely new tool was designed and manufactured (Fig. 10.7), which, with a certain combination of properties of the material being processed and modes (depth and feed), makes it possible to effectively displace the material and create ribbed surface with high heat transfer capacity (Fig. 10.8).

It is known that one or another processing method is implemented through the execution of technological operations, the combination of which in one part is a technological process.

In a tough market economy the creation of new technological processes is dictated by the need to improve the quality and reduce the cost of manufactured products. If the classical standard technology does not already allow to produce a product with a quality and cost that ensures its competitiveness, then the problem of creating a new technological process objectively arises. For example, the emergence of new gear technology with solid-rolled teeth.

The economic effect of new technological processes increases significantly with the adoption of the proposed theory of the unity of the process of design, manufacture, operation and repair,

The economic feasibility of repairing large-sized products has set the task for technologists - the creation of new technological processes for the restoration of parts in place. Thus, the need to restore the cylindrical shape of the reactor cells of nuclear power plants on site led to the development of a completely new, non-traditional technological process. The implementation of which is carried out using an unconventional tool system (d = 120 mm and / = 20 m) with an autonomous drive of the main movement of the countersink, moved under its own weight and held by a crane.

The economic feasibility of restoring cement kilns, rolling mill rolls, elevator pulleys and other products on site has led to the creation of new portable process equipment. In this case, the main movement of the restored product is provided by the operational drive, and the remaining necessary movements for processing are provided by attachments.

During the operation of railway rails, their transverse profile, depending on the section of the road (turns, rises, substrate, average temperatures, etc.), undergoes significant changes in the initial period of operation (run-in process), that is, it naturally adapts to operating conditions. However, the operators railways when repairing rails, they strive to return them to their original transverse profile, which significantly increases the cost of repairs and again leads to their rapid and large wear during the period of new running-in. All this significantly reduces the durability of railway rails.

Given these circumstances, it is advisable to maintain the formed transverse profile while repairing the rails, while removing the harmful defective surface layer. This can be ensured by the so-called elastic technologies (needle milling, petal grinding). Due to elastic deformations of the working elements of the tool (wires and petals), with a certain preservation of rigidity, they make it possible to remove the surface defective layer and preserve the formed transverse profile. This leads to the need for targeted development of a tool with a certain elasticity of its working elements.

To eliminate longitudinal waviness with high productivity, it is advisable to use grinding with bars with transverse oscillation. To combine all these operations: needle milling, grinding with bars and flap wheels into a single technological process for the current repair of railway rails, a special rail processing complex allows.

On turning sections, as a result of a large force and temperature effect on the side surfaces of the rail head from the wheel flange, they wear out quickly (almost shearing), which leads to the need for their quick replacement. To avoid this harmful phenomenon, it is advisable to transfer these effects of forces and temperatures on the side surfaces of the rails on these sections of roads from operation into the technological process with an increase in temperature and a decrease in force impact. This allows for thermomechanical and electromechanical processing.

All this allows us to offer a completely new technological process for the repair of the railway track and create a new generation rail processing complex.

Threaded connections have different functional purposes. In addition, various sections of threaded connections along their length will experience different loads: from maximum (on the first turns) to zero (on the last turns). Therefore, the technology for manufacturing threaded connections requires its own improvement, which can be implemented in its relationship with their functional purpose (Fig. 10.9).

Consider an example. During the operation of various engines, the process of self-unscrewing of the studs was discovered. This is due to a decrease in the initial tightness in the threaded connection "stud - aluminum body" as a result of plastic deformation of the body thread under the action of dynamic loads. This harmful phenomenon can be avoided if the threaded holes in the housing are rolled out or the so-called smooth-threaded connections are created. Thread rolling requires purposeful tool development. The essence of a smooth-threaded connection is to screw the studs into smooth holes. Both in the first and in the second cases, during the formation of the thread of the hole, plastic saturation of the material occurs, which prevents the possibility of its plastic deformation during operation.

At the same time, a new technological process for creating smooth-threaded joints allows it to be carried out on CNC machines in an automated mode, since there is no need to carry out manual nailing of the studs.

The concept of combining production and operation technologies allows some processes to be transferred from production to operation. For example, to increase the wear resistance of friction pairs - sliding under boundary friction conditions, a soft film is often applied to one of the friction surfaces during manufacture. Instead of this operation, glycerin and copper powder can be introduced during operation. This will allow on the friction surface in a similar way, but already during operation, to form a soft anti-friction film, which provides the phenomenon of selective transfer.

The design of sliding guides for machine tools with bronze inserts and the introduction of glycerin into the lubricant makes it possible to increase their wear resistance during operation by several times.

Thus, the scientific development of mechanical engineering technology shows that it is ready to solve the most complex tasks in the production of mechanical engineering products in the 21st century. Over the past 50 years alone, the science of mechanical engineering technology has developed more than 80 new processing methods that improve the quality and reduce the cost of manufacturing engineering products.

Science-intensive competitive technologies are those that are based on the latest achievements of science; system building; modeling; optimization of the cost of manufacturing, operation and repair of the product; new and combined science-intensive processing methods and technical processes; computer technology environment and integrated production automation, which allows them to be competitive.

The implementation of such technologies requires appropriate technical equipment (precision high-precision equipment, technological equipment and tools for mechanical, physico-chemical and combined processing, including for applying various coatings, automated systems diagnostics and control, computer networks) and staffing (high qualification of all employees, scientific consulting, etc.).

As a rule, science-intensive technologies in mechanical engineering are used to improve the functional properties of products and their competitiveness.

Structurally, this is shown in Fig. 10.10.

The main property of science-intensive technologies is the results of fundamental and applied research on which they are based.

Consistency implies a dialectical relationship, the interaction of all elements of the technological system, all the main processes, phenomena and components. Consistency is especially important as a requirement for precision and compliance with these requirements of all structural elements of the technological processing and assembly system (equipment, tools, processed material, tooling, measurements, diagnostics, work of executive bodies).

Rice. 10.10 Structure of knowledge-intensive competitive technologies

The most important property of science-intensive technologies is, of course, a new technical process. It dominates the entire technological system and must meet a wide variety of requirements, but, most importantly, be potentially capable of achieving a new level of functional properties of the product. Here, those stable and reliable technical processes that effectively use physical, chemical, electrochemical and other phenomena in combination with the special properties of the tool, technological environment, for example, cryogenic cutting, diffusion shaping of products, etc., have rich opportunities.

The development of new technical processes has a phased nature:

1. At the marketing stage, the product is evaluated as a set of consumer properties, and then the level of those consumer properties of the product that is able to ensure its competitiveness is determined,

2. Based on this, the requirements for the quality of products, assemblies, assembly are determined in accordance with the level of functional, environmental and aesthetic properties and their optimal durability.

3. Selection from the required geometric, physico-chemical parameters of the quality of the surface layer of parts, those whose achievement requires non-traditional solutions, both during manufacture and operation.

4. Determination of traditional criteria for the level of characteristics of an unconventional technical process, potentially capable of obtaining the required functional, aesthetic and environmental properties of the product.

5. Revealing the prerequisites for creating a new technical process based on the use of traditional and non-traditional processing methods and technical equipment.

6. Creation of a physical and mathematical model of the process and their virtual, theoretical and experimental study,

7. Multiparametric optimization of the technical process (physical, technological, economic criteria).

8. Creation of diagnostic systems for the technical process and its technical equipment.

9. Development of the technological process.

10. Evaluation of the compliance of the actual level of functional, aesthetic, economic properties of the product with the required one.

Undoubtedly, an essential feature of science-intensive technologies is complex automation based on computer control of all processes of design, manufacture and assembly, on physical, geometric and mathematical modeling, a comprehensive analysis of process models or its components.

The presence of the feature under consideration requires a systematic approach to its computer-intellectual environment, i.e. transition to CAD/CAM System. In this way, a combination of flexibility and automation, precision and productivity is achieved.

The system approach involves the use of not separate mathematical models, but a system of interrelated models with indispensable parametric and structural optimization. For example, parametric optimization pursues the goal of minimizing a number of characteristics of the dimensional processing process, primarily energy costs, minimizing the thickness of cuts, cutting forces and temperature levels, the intensity of oxidative processes, etc.