The main indicators of the budget of the Russian Federation for. Analysis of revenues and expenditures of the budget of the Russian Federation

On Friday, December 9, the State Duma adopted in the third final reading the draft federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018-2019. State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin called it "optimal, but tough." 99 out of 414 deputies who voted voted against the adoption of the state budget. What is the controversial document and what are its main parameters, DW found out.

The deficit will continue. The reserve fund will be depleted

According to adopted law, budget revenues in 2017 will amount to 13.5 trillion rubles, expenses - 16.2 trillion rubles. The deficit is thus projected at 2.8 trillion. It is supposed to be financed from the Reserve Fund, which is expected to be exhausted as early as next year, as well as from the National Wealth Fund - by the end of 2017, 4.2 trillion rubles will remain in it.

GDP is expected to grow from 0.6% in 2017 to 1.7% in 2018 and 2.1% in 2019. Inflation in the next three years is projected at 4%. The dollar/ruble exchange rate, on which it is proposed to rely, will be 67.5 rubles per dollar in 2017 and then will rise to 68.7 in 2018 and 71.1 rubles in 2019. The deputies included in the budget the price of oil in the amount of $40 per barrel. At the same time, the IMF gives a forecast for 2017 of $50.6 per barrel with subsequent growth, and the World Bank - $55.2.

Nevertheless, experts positively assessed the conservatism of the legislators' approach. As noted in the conclusion of the Institute economic policy named after Gaidar and RANEPA on the draft budget, "taking into account the existing risks and uncertainties, a conservative approach to the formation of the federal budget revenues seems justified."

More than a third of all expenses- for defense and secretarticles

The budget assumes that defense and secret spending (mainly on the "National Defense" section, as well as on the sections "National Economy", "Health Care", subsections "Preschool Education", "Periodical Press" and others) will be reduced next year more than 20%. Military spending - up to 2.836 trillion, secret - up to 2.771 trillion rubles. Together, spending on these items is more than 15 times higher than spending on health care and almost 10 times on education.

As stated in the conclusion of the Gaidar Institute and the RANEPA, "among the countries not at war, Russia is one of the champions in terms of defense spending." So, according to experts, if the share of defense spending in Russian budget accounts for almost a quarter of all spending, then in the United States, which has a colossal military budget, this share is only 15%, and in Germany - 11%.

Experts also criticize the excessive number of secret articles that create the opacity of the budget. "The share of closed expenditures is more than an order of magnitude higher than similar indicators of public finances in developed countries", - the authors of the conclusion note. According to them, this contradicts the law "On State Secrets", which allows secrecy only for budget expenditures in the field of intelligence, operational-search activities, as well as in the field of countering terrorism.

For education andhealthcarewill spend all5,8% all expenses

Spending on education next year will grow by 2% - up to 568.5 billion rubles. At the same time, spending on the item "youth policy" will increase the most - by 29.5% - and will amount to 2.3 billion. But for preschool education, allocations will decrease by 45.2% - up to 3.2 billion, for general education they will cut by 38.3% - to 17.7 billion. The most expensive item is higher education. According to it, expenses will increase by 3.2% - up to 497.3 billion rubles.

Healthcare will receive from the federal treasury in 2017 almost a quarter less than this year - only 364 billion rubles. According to the experts of the Gaidar Institute and RANEPA, "the relative amount of government spending on health care in Russia is much lower than in developed countries, and does not correspond to the real level. economic development countries".

Social spending is rising, poverty is not decreasing

More than 5 trillion rubles will be allocated for social policy in 2017 (28.2% more than in 2016). At the same time, experts point out that a sharp increase in allocations in Russia does not lead to a reduction in the level of poverty in the country. From 2008 to 2015, the number of the poor was 13.4% of the total population, despite the fact that over the years social spending has increased by more than 200%.


As Arseniy Mammadov, head of the Gaidar Institute's budget policy laboratory, explained to DW, the problem is that the payments are not individual enough: "There are still quite a lot of categorical benefits, and there is not enough targeted means testing. However, not all of them are really needed.

Production costs are reduced, no development

One of the key complaints expressed by experts regarding the adopted budget is that, in the words of deputy Alexei Zhuravlev, it is a "budget of patience" and not development. One of the reasons is the reduction of so-called productive expenditures at a faster pace than non-productive ones.

The former, according to Arseniy Mammadov, include expenditures that lead to an acceleration in the economic growth. These are mainly the costs of human resources (health, education, etc.), as well as infrastructure. To unproductive - the rest: for public administration, defense, etc.

By the way, spending on infrastructure in the coming years will be reduced, and especially significantly - on transport. In nominal terms, year-on-year declines in 2017, 2018 and 2019 will be 14%, 12% and 30%, respectively. According to analysts, this jeopardizes many infrastructure projects.

Vasily Koltashov, head of the Center for Economic Research at the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements (IGSO), told DW that he believes the Russian authorities will not be able to resolve economic problems and move to growth through widespread spending cuts. According to him, a fundamental change in the economic vector is needed in the direction of increasing costs and stimulating consumer demand and industrial production.

See also "How Russia accumulated and spent its Reserve Fund":

The difficult economic situation in Russia makes us think ahead about what kind of life awaits us ordinary citizens in the future. The future of ordinary people directly depends on what policy those in power are going to follow in the coming period. Today we will learn about what will be the budget of Russia in 2017.

Features of the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2017

As you know, the budget of the Russian Federation is being developed immediately for 3 years in advance, so now we can already talk about what Russia's budget indicators will be in 2017-2019. However, the figures in this budget, over time, under the influence of various factors and circumstances, can be changed, including the change in various budget indicators can be very significantly affected by world politics and the economy.

It should be noted that federal budget for 2017-2019., adopted by the State Duma - December 9, 2016 and signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 20. The country's budget is calculated from many factors. Not the last influence on it is the dollar exchange rate, the general political situation in the foreign arena, etc. In addition, the imposed sanctions and retaliatory measures have a great influence on the country's economy. accepted the federal law on the budget will come into force on January 01, 2017.

Russian budget 2017 in numbers

Income- amount to 13488 billion rubles.

Expenses- 16241 billion rubles.

Budget deficit- 2753 billion rubles. It is planned to reduce the budget deficit over the next 3 years to 1.1 billion rubles. Analysts expect that in 2017 the level of the budget deficit will decrease by 15%. However, everyone unanimously argues that this reduction can only occur by reducing state spending, including for the needs of the population.

Table of income and expenses of the budget of the Russian Federation for 2017

Without exaggeration, the federal budget can be called one of the most important and expected financial documents by Russians in our country. It contains basic information about the planned cash flows in Russia: income components, expected expenses. The budget reflects in figures all the activities, programs and payments planned by our Government.

The formation and execution of the document is regulated by law. So, for the next financial year it has been signed and public information from it is already available. About the adopted budget of Russia for 2017 in numbers - read the article below.

Structure of the planned state budget

What is this document? It is compiled by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of a forecast of socio-economic development, which contains the expected parameters of indicators affecting the country's income. From them, the expected income items are formed. Then the revenue part is distributed to the necessary needs of the country.

The drafted document is sent to the State Duma for consideration. It must be approved in three readings, after the introduction of possible amendments. To date, the Russian budget for 2017 has been adopted in terms of the forecast for development and income.

Forecast values

What figures are the country's leadership oriented towards in the near future? The base scenario, which is the basis of the budget, contains the forecast values:

  • Oil price: $40;
  • Dollar exchange rate (average per year): 67.5-71 rubles;
  • Gross domestic product: 86.8 trillion. rubles (growth 0.6%);
  • Inflation (rising consumer prices): 4%.


Budget revenues next year will amount to 13.42 trillion. rubles. The corresponding budget of Russia for 2017 in dollars will be about 200 million. This corresponds to the budget revenues of 2016 almost completely. The revenue part of the budget consists of the following main revenues:

Oil and gas sector (5029 billion rubles):

  • Customs duties.

Others (8408 billion rubles):

  • Excises (alcohol, fuel, tobacco products);
  • Corporate income tax;
  • Mineral extraction tax;
  • Customs duties;
  • Other.

For comparison, here is the ratio in 2012: 50.2% - income from the oil and gas sector and 49.8% - all the rest. Now income from the oil industry is less than the rest by a third. This distribution does not require comments and immediately answers one of the most popular questions - how much Russia is dependent on oil.


According to the budget, expenses are expected in the amount of 16.18 trillion. rubles. This is 425 billion rubles. less than the previous year, but by 2.75 trillion. more income.

The expenditure part of the country's budget causes much more controversy among deputies. After the first reading, about 500 amendments were made, 3 out of 4 parties were against the proposed document. Consider the expenditure items of the adopted budget.

  • National issues: 1170 billion rubles. (+72 billion compared to last year);
  • National defense: 2840 billion rubles (- 1000 billion rubles);
  • National security: 1968 billion rubles (+25 billion rubles);
  • Economy: 2292 billion rubles (+124 billion rubles);
  • Housing and communal services: 30 billion rubles. (-30 billion rubles);
  • Environmental protection: 76 billion rubles (+11 billion rubles);
  • Education: 568 billion rubles (+10 billion rubles);
  • Culture and cinema: 94 billion rubles (+2 billion rubles);
  • Medicine and healthcare: 377 billion rubles (-89 billion rubles);
  • Social policy: 5080 billion rubles (+450 billion rubles);
  • Sports: 86 billion rubles (+20 billion rubles);
  • Mass media: 74 billion rubles. (-2 billion rubles);
  • Public debt: 729 billion rubles (+89 billion rubles).

After the second reading, part of the costs was redistributed. As you can see, investments in the economy will increase next year. It is planned to allocate significant funds to support small and medium-sized businesses, as well as to subsidize the regions. The budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 2017 is also planned to be increased. Funds have been added for the reconstruction of sports facilities, additional subsidies are waiting for regional media.

The military budget of Russia for 2017 (section National Defense) will be reduced, and will amount to 73% of last year. 2 times will cut the cost of housing and communal services.

However, not all state treasury expenditures are available: 18% of them are not open data and are classified.


The budget deficit of Russia for 2017 still takes place, despite the planned growth of the economy and significantly reduced (by 425 billion rubles) expenditures. Its value is very significant - 2.75 trillion. rub., which is a fifth of the revenue or 3.16% of GDP.

According to the project for the next 2018-2019, its size will gradually decrease, however, over these three years, completely get rid of the deficit Money in the treasury will not work, even in conditions of the strictest economy.

If we analyze the dynamics of financial revenues to the state budget, we can see that the deficit is due to a decrease in the profitability of the oil and gas sector. At present, the government is faced with the goal of not only reducing the budget deficit, but also reducing oil dependence by reorienting the economy to a new investment development model.

Where is the difference?

The budget deficit in Russian Federation has been taking place for more than a year, and all the previous time it was compensated from the Reserve Fund. Remaining there today 1.15 trillion. rubles will be spent in the first few months, but even this money will not be enough to finance the necessary expenses.

How will funds be raised for the remaining almost 2 trillion. rubles? Last news on the Russian budget for 2017 announce the decision to partially use the National Welfare Fund. Almost 67 billion rubles will be used for urgent needs. Loan bonds will also be placed on the domestic market in the amount of about 2 trillion. rubles. Such a solution was proposed by the Ministry of Finance, and, apparently, it has no worthy alternatives.

Other options for reducing the deficit include amending the Tax code, resulting in an increased the tax burden help in some way in this situation. Thus, the mineral extraction tax on oil products and gas will increase, excise taxes on fuel - diesel and fifth-class gasoline - will increase. Wine, tobacco products and e-cigarettes will also be subject to higher rates.


The crisis of 2014 showed all the imperfections of the current situation in Russia economic model. Significant dependence on the income of only one sector of the economy, the lack of adequate cash reserves and other issues related to the political orientation require revision and restructuring in accordance with the needs of the time.

However, the political course chosen by the Government to stabilize the situation in the country proved to be quite effective. The economy shows growth, foreign analysts from time to time improve their own forecasts regarding the socio-economic development of Russia. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the planned elimination of the budget deficit for 3 years should be implemented.

The tense global political situation makes citizens think about the future. Russia is going through hard times. The economy, one might say, is being reborn anew, and this entails the inevitability of costs in the form of a federal budget deficit. The people do not feel stable, and therefore they are already asking the question: what Russian budget for 2017 in numbers?

Important factors are taken into account when preparing a budget. This is the oil and gas component, the general world situation. Laying articles for the next three-year period, the authorities also paid attention to the existing sanctions of foreign states against our country and Russia's response to them.

The law that determined the budget for 2016 was an innovation, because traditionally the budget is determined for the next year and planned for another 2 years. But in view of the lack of clear forecasts and constant changes (not always for the better), the government did not dare to take responsibility for predicting 3 years ahead.

However, in 2016, the authorities seem to be optimistic, because in the coming weeks there will beand pledged funds for 2018 and 2019. The federal law will come into force on January 01, 2017.

So, according to the draft federal law, state revenues will amount to 13.4 trillion rubles. Expenses, in turn, 16.2 trillion. What do these numbers say? Yes, the state does not have enough money . Nominally, these are almost the numbers of 2016. Of course, inflation is also important, taking it into account, income, compared to the previous year, will decrease. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Finance, the state is able to reduce costs and increase the revenue component. Predictions are quite good: if Russian budget deficit for 2017will be 2.8 billion, then in 2018 - 2 billion, and in 2019 it will be equal to 1.1 billion rubles

The budget in the housing and utilities sector is rapidly shrinking: in 2017, it is planned to allocate 58 billion rubles to this sector, and in 2018 only 28.8 billion rubles.

The budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 2017will amount to almost 1968 billion rubles, this is 12.2% of the share general expenses. However, this department is waiting for significant changes, first of all, they relate to staffing. The requirements are being tightened not only for professional qualities, but now the moral and psychological aspects of the personality of an individual worker play a big role. These criteria were also introduced in part as conditions for staff reductions. By October 2017, it may decrease by almost 10%. This means that 100 thousand employees will be left without work. Innovations will have little effect on employees working "in the field", directly with the population (district, for example). The share of their reductions will not exceed 2%. Pleasant bonuses await those who remain in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - an increase of 5% to the salary.

Since 2015, Russia has outlined a direct course to support and strengthen national defense.The military budget of Russia in 2017will be 2840 billion in 2017. This is 6% less than in 2016, adjusted for inflation. It is worth noting the existence of the so-called closed, secret items in the budget. In the field of defense, 800 billion are planned for such an article. There are opinions that this money will be used for early fulfillment of obligations on loans to defense enterprises in order to save interest.

Social sphere

Latest news about the Russian budget for 2017concerning the expenditure side responsible for improving the lives of citizens are as follows: social spending will amount to more than 30% of the total budget, which is 5080 billion rubles in 2017. More than 4,000 billion rubles were directed to the program "Social Support for Citizens". and, finally, 10 trillion rubles have been allocated for the development of the pension system.

The authorities note the need to review all programs, except social ones, in order to identify the most priority projects. In 2017, it is planned to implement 40 federal targeted programs. Those programs that do not fall under the funding will be waiting for their turn. Some programs will be abolished, but even in such difficult conditions, it is planned to launch 2-3 new ones.

The government, in the process of approving the budget, relied on the thesis that the search for new opportunities for additional funding is not a task that is relevant for the upcoming three-year period. The priority is to launch the reserve capabilities of the state. In other words, we should proceed from what we own, what resources Russia has to level the economy in the current conditions.

In general, experts say that the negative economic situation will continue in 2017. However, there is also the desire of the state to comprehensively develop a program for overcoming the crisis and improving the social situation. This gives the people faith in the coming of a better time and the hope that the financial course has been chosen correctly.

Every year the government of the Russian Federation develops and adopts the federal budget. November 24, 2017 State Duma Federal Law No. 362-FZ of December 5, 2017 β€œOn the federal budget for 2018 and for the planned period of 2019 and 2020”, the main document of the country, regulating the principles of distribution of funds, describing the directions of the economic development of the state, was adopted.

The document fixes the planned income, and spelled out the mandatory items of expenditure. The main characteristic of the new budget is an even greater cut in government spending, which still remains higher than revenue.

General parameters of the RF budget for 2018

Since 2006, the federal budget in Russia has been planned for a three-year period. This rule was violated when creating the document for 2008 and 2016, due to the peak of the crises. The current law again provides for a three-year plan state budget. The same goals and trends apply for 2017, 2018 and 2019: reducing the share of the deficit every year and lowering the inflation rate through spending cuts.

In the current draft, the federal budget deficit in 2018 has been reduced to 1.271 trillion rubles. (previously - 1.332 trillion rubles), in 2019 - up to 819.1 billion rubles. (from 867 billion rubles), in 2020 - up to 870 billion rubles. (from 960 billion rubles).

Budget revenues in 2018 will amount to 15.257 trillion rubles (previously - 15.182 trillion rubles), in 2019 - 15.554 trillion rubles. (15.548 trillion rubles), in 2020 - 16.285 trillion rubles. (16.28 trillion rubles).

Expenses in 2018 are planned at the level of 16.529 trillion rubles. (previously - 16.515 trillion rubles), in 2019 - 16.373 trillion rubles. (16.415 trillion rubles), in 2020 - 17.155 trillion rubles. (17.24 trillion rubles).

Earlier, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the main areas of federal budget spending in 2018-2020 remain the social sphere (36.4%), defense (29%) and support for the national economy (14.7%).

The Ministry of Finance raised the forecast for the federal budget deficit for 2017 from 2.2% of GDP to 2.5% of GDP, according to the accompanying materials for the draft budget for 2018-2020. The law on the budget for 2017 and the planning period 2018-2019 provided for a budget deficit at the end of 2017 at the level of 2.1% of GDP.

Oil price and exchange rate in budgeting

Since Russia continues to be a country of raw materials, that is, a significant share of income is brought by the oil and gas industries, one of the key calculated indicators is the cost of oil on the world market. IN adopted budget based on a price of $40 per barrel.

At the same time, forecasts for the price of a barrel of oil by various specialists are extremely diverse. Another drop in prices to $40 and below is the most pessimistic forecast. Since April 2016, the indicator has not fallen below this mark, but only moved up. Today, the numbers 50-55 are more pronounced, they even allow a rise to $70 per barrel. Too many factors can affect the dynamics: will the OPEC countries agree to curb the supply of raw materials, will the US resume shale oil production, will there be a recession in the Chinese economy, etc.

If, in reality, oil prices turn out to be higher than budgeted, as happened in 2016, the government will have the opportunity to partially compensate for the deficit. First of all, we are talking about replenishing reserve funds, and not about additional expenses.

Not less than important indicator when compiling the main financial document of the country is the exchange rate US dollar, the currency in which settlements are made for international transactions, including for the sale of raw materials. Further smooth and slight weakening of the ruble is predicted; the average exchange rate for 2017 is 67.5 rubles per dollar. On the one hand, a cheap ruble makes imports more expensive, which means that many consumer goods will increase in price. This leads to an increase in inflation. On the other hand, the federal budget is calculated in rubles, social payments, salaries to state employees, payment for government orders are also made in rubles. Therefore, the income from oil and gas supplies at the current exchange rate, converted into the domestic currency, is at the required level.


In order to simultaneously reduce inflation and reduce the budget deficit, when calculating a new document, the government of the Russian Federation took the reduction as a guiding principle. budget spending: in 2017 by 6%, in the next 2 years by 9% and 11%. The message of the President spoke about saving funds that were irrationally spent earlier, in practice there will be a reduction in funding for most areas and priority state programs.

As a result, the following items of expenditure were recorded:

  • general government spending - 1.135 trillion rubles;
  • national defense - 1.121 trillion;
  • security and law enforcement structures - 1.270 trillion;
  • maintaining the national economy - 2,292 trillion;
  • housing and communal services - 58.2 billion rubles;
  • environmental protection - 76.4 billion;
  • education - 568 billion rubles;
  • culture and cinematography - 94 billion;
  • health care - 377 billion;
  • social policy - 5.08 trillion rubles;
  • Mass media - 73.4 billion rubles;
  • physical culture and sports - 89.7 billion;
  • service public debt- 729 billion rubles;
  • interbudgetary transfers - 783.5 billion rubles.

Financing health care, education (except for higher educational institutions), housing and communal services to a greater extent will be carried out at the expense of regional budgets.

About 17% of federal budget expenditures are classified, and only 6% of them are related to spending on defense and national security.

What is included in public affairs

The article on national issues includes expenses for ensuring the activities of government bodies: the President, the Government, governors, etc. This includes the salaries of officials, but it is important to note that the largest funds are for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the President. The first point is explained by the presence of international conflicts and disagreements: the war in Syria, the Ukrainian conflict, relations with the West.

The federal budget for 2018 does not provide for unscheduled reserve spending. Possible expenses for the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, including natural disasters, the expenses for the implementation of urgent instructions of the Head of State are planned precisely from the funds allocated to ensure the work of the President.

Defense and security spending

The Ministry of Finance considered the easiest option to cut budget investments in those areas in which there was the maximum increase in funding in recent years. In particular, defense spending was discussed as hypertrophied and not having a positive impact on the state of the country's economy. However, the current costs are largely a systematic solution to the task of rearming the Russian troops, set by the President several years earlier.

Many state orders were made before the crisis, and now it is more expedient to pay off as quickly as possible in order not to overpay interest and prevent an extra financial burden on the budget in subsequent years. And yet, in comparison with 2016, defense spending has been reduced by more than 1 trillion rubles. At the same time, part of the costs related to the military is included in other budget items: support for military educational institutions - in education, housing arrangements for military personnel - in housing and communal services, etc.

Regarding law enforcement agencies, another reduction in the number of police officers, mainly administrative staff, by 10% is expected. But there are plans to increase wages by 5%.

State investment in the economy

The volume of investments in national economy reduced by another 7.5% by ending or reducing funding for certain public economic programs. On the one hand, the suspension of federal subsidies for certain corporations and regional projects closes the way for the development of certain industries or territories that was originally planned. On the other side, public investment at the expense of the budget in these areas turn out to be ineffective, ideally it is required to attract business investors, and the trend towards reducing costs under this item will continue.

So far, the following programs have suffered the greatest losses:

  • Socio-economic development Far East -50,3%,
  • Development of shipbuilding and equipment for the development of offshore fields for 2013-2030 -30.3%,
  • Energy efficiency and energy development -27.2%,
  • economic development and innovation economy -22,8%

At the same time, funding will continue for such companies as Rosatom (77 billion rubles), Russian Railways (68 billion rubles), the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (14 billion rubles). Banks will again receive subsidies: first of all, Vnesheconombank, which is on the verge of bankruptcy (150 billion rubles), Rosselkhozbank, which provides loans to agro-industrial enterprises, Sberbank and VTB as part of support mortgage lending. The regions that are provided with the largest subsidies in 2018, as before, include Crimea, Sevastopol, the North Caucasus and the Kaliningrad region.

The fate of priority national projects

Over the past few years, the government and the President of the Russian Federation have approved 45 priority government programs. The 2018 budget does not have the resources to fully implement each of them. If earlier, in accordance with the Budget Code, it was allowed to leave about 2.5 percent of all expenses conditionally scheduled, they were intended for distribution to the most important projects and programs by decision of the government or the President, then this rule does not apply in the current financial document.

But the costs for several priority projects are provided:

  • Development of health care - 3.84 billion rubles
  • Development of education for 2013-2020 - 42 billion rubles
  • Mortgage and rental housing - 20 billion rubles
  • Housing and communal services and the urban environment - 10 billion rubles
  • International cooperation and export - 41 billion rubles
  • Small business and support for entrepreneurial initiative - 14.6 billion rubles
  • Safe and high-quality roads – 30 billion rubles
  • Comprehensive development of single-industry towns – 6.5 billion rubles
  • Ecology - 20.19 billion rubles

Social policy at the head of the budget

Even before the consideration of the federal budget for 2018, it was promised that the state would fulfill social obligations under any circumstances. Even with the reduction of all spending on social benefits allocated 620 billion more than last year. This is due, among other things, to an increase in the number of recipients of various benefits.

The main part will go to pension payments, taking into account two indexations corresponding to the actual level of inflation. At the same time, the law on the accelerated growth of pensions for rural residents has been postponed for 3 years, which makes it difficult to improve the welfare of the poorest pensioners.

The remaining 1.4 trillion rubles will be spent on all other benefits, the indexation of which will be 8%. The same item includes the costs of implementing the extended program maternity capital. The established amount of payment for the birth of a second child remained at the level of 453 thousand rubles.

Despite the reduction in health care costs, it is planned to continue the construction of perinatal centers, equipping children's hospitals, equipping social facilities for comfortable use by the disabled. But many projects have been put on hold indefinitely.

Sources of income

The revenue side of the budget traditionally consists of taxes and customs duties.

  • Mining tax
  • Import and export customs duties on oil and gas
  • value added tax
  • Excises on alcohol, tobacco, fuel
  • Corporate income tax

About 37% of projected budget revenues in 2018 will come from oil and gas corporations. Last year, grain sales and tourism showed a significant increase, in 2018 a corresponding level of income from these areas is expected.

They continue to operate, in general, there is a decline in the turnover of most enterprises, so the total tax collection will be lower than pre-crisis years. But since 2018, the principle of deductions from the regions of corporate income tax has changed, instead of 2%, now 3% of the fees will go to the federal budget.

In order to finance the state budget deficit, it is planned to use the reserve fund in full in the amount of 1.2 trillion rubles and the fund national security in the amount of 659.6 billion rubles. This will cover two-thirds of the total deficit. The remaining amount is to be covered through internal borrowing and privatization. It is planned to place bonds of state corporations and the Bank of Russia in the amount of 1.05 trillion rubles. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Finance, the public debt will not exceed a safe level of 20% of GDP.

Opinions about whether the adopted federal budget will lead to a shift in the country's economic development in a positive direction differ. The main financial document of the country was created taking into account the current external political and economic circumstances. But hope remains for the settlement of interstate disputes, the lifting of sanctions, and the stabilization of oil prices at a level not lower than $50 per barrel.

The new federal budget was adopted by 355 deputies, 99 representatives of the State Duma do not agree with it, accusing it of irrational distribution of costs: excessive spending on the state apparatus and banking system, insufficient financing of the agro-industrial complex, weak support for the regions and inefficient investments in the development of the economy. The government, in turn, insists on the maximum reduction of costs. More than 60% of measures are aimed at these tasks. To search for options additional income The current time is considered inappropriate. Objectively, today the Russian economy is in the process of stagnation, and it is impossible to create a balanced budget without tough measures.