Need an essay in economics. Here is the topic

On our website you can take a free online test and assess the level of your knowledge. All Essay Topics 2013 Publication Date: Economics All business transactions can ultimately be summed up in three words: People come first. Iacocca The main social responsibility of business is not to contribute to the growth of poverty and unemployment. Erasov The first goal is quality, and profit will come. One third of success is knowledge of technology, another third is understanding of the business, and the remaining one is leadership qualities that need to be developed in.

Mott The highest calling of capital is not to make money, but to make more money for the betterment of life. Ford Competition provides the best quality products and the worst quality people. Sarnoff Entrepreneurial activity not only serves the interests of the individual, but advertising is valuable economic factor because the essay is society at large.

Kanareikin The economy changes with life S. Vine Business can come to a standstill if it focuses not on advertising, a valuable economic factor because of the essay, but on competitors. Bezos If we stop offering new solutions to keep pace with consumer demands and technological advances, we could be forced out of business at any time.

Reiks There is only one boss - the consumer.

And he can fire anyone from the company, starting with management, just by spending money somewhere. Walton Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way to sell goods, especially advertising is a valuable economic factor because essays are useless.

Lewis Everyone lives by selling something. Stevenson In the market, everyone can do as they please. But if someone decides to do something that the market does not approve of, the price of economic freedom will be economic collapse. The Heilbroner Market, which is the pinnacle of individual economic freedom, is also the strictest taskmaster.

Heilbroner An individual, driven only by the desire for money, is clearly ill. The same, I suppose, can be said about a company whose sole purpose is profit. Hagan The value of non-derivative assets is growing today. Ideas, people, teamwork, communications, enthusiasm, and of course knowledge. Webber Central economic problem is to ensure such cooperation between people so that, using what is available, get what is required.

The Trin Man is a fundamental novelty in nature.

Berdyaev Youth is a man's cheerful time, in which seeds are sown for future years of life. Knyazhnin Try to achieve fame and recognition, but not at the expense of the treasury, but at the cost of knowledge. Anvari Man is a social being, his life. Rolland Every matter with reasonable spouses is decided by mutual consent, but in such a way that the primacy of the husband is obvious.

All Essay Topics 2013

Plutarch A person can find himself, come to the knowledge of his individuality only through an intermediary - social life. Kassiner The social status of a person's parents usually has little direct effect on their professional achievements.

Blau Some unwritten laws are harder than written ones.

Seneca Moral force cannot be created by paragraphs of law. Marx Knowledge, ideas about oneself are accumulated in childhood. It is the result, the product of the formation of man as a person. Leontiev Man is an unexpected, beautiful attempt of nature to realize the most. Shukshin Difficulties generate in a person the abilities necessary to overcome them.

Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way to sell essays.

Phillips Only then will you become a person when you understand another person. Radishchev Morals deteriorate more easily than they are corrected. Vauvenargues True patriotism as a private manifestation of love for humanity does not coexist with hostility towards individual peoples. Dobrolyubov There are many ways to make a career, but the surest of them is to be born in the right family.

  • Erasov The first goal is quality, and profit will come by itself;
  • Heilbroner The individual, driven only by the desire for money, is clearly ill;
  • The unkempt approach is Bretton Woods silliness;
  • It is the result, the product of the formation of man as a person;
  • Kanareikin The economy is changing along with the life of S.

Trump Not all differences between people advertising is a valuable economic factor because the essay is stratified. Bergel Political Science Laws cannot exist without the state and should exist for the individual; if so it also is, it is the state legal. Kruglov Totalitarianism is a form of government in which morality is within the competence of the authorities. Kruglov If you don't get involved in politics, politics will take care of you. Montalembert A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation.

Pompidou A man who rules over others loses his own freedom. Show Good government is recognized by how it treats children, the elderly, the sick, the needy.

Goethe In order for power to become stronger, it should be limited. Berne All people are equal in democratic states, they are equal in despotic states; in the first case, because they are everything; in the second, because they are nothing.

Montesquieu A people deprived of the art of freedom will be overtaken by two classic dangers: Ilyin Democracy cannot rise above the human material of which its constituents are composed. Show Democracy is the government of the people, elected by the people and for the people. Lincoln Justice without power is helpless, and the power of advertising is a valuable economic factor because the essay of justice is despotic.


Pascal To make people good citizens, they should be given the opportunity to exercise their rights as citizens to fulfill their civic duties. Smiles - I don't do politics. Renard For a citizen, political freedom is a peace of mind based on the belief in one's own security.

Montesquieu A citizen who has a share of power should act not for personal gain, but for the common good. Chicherin The best state structure for any nation is advertising, a valuable economic factor, because the essay is the one that preserved it as a whole.

1. Market: concept, functions, conditions of occurrence. Institutional basis for the functioning of the market: private property, free pricing, competition.

2. Classification of markets. market infrastructure.

Imperfections (fiasco) of the market and the need for state regulation of the economy.

3. Models of market economy. Features of the Belarusian socio-economic model.

1. Samuelson, P. A. Economics / P. A. Samuelson, V. D. Nordhaus - M., 2000.

2. Pindike, R. Microeconomics / R. Pindreik. D. Rubinfeld. - M. : Progress, 2002.

3. Economic theory(General Basics) : tutorial/ M. I. Plotnitsky [and others]; ed. M. I. Plotnitsky. - Minsk, 2006.

4. Economic theory: textbook / ed. A. V. Bondar. - Minsk, 2008.

5. McConnell, K. R. Economics: Per. from English. / K. R. McConnell, S. L. Brue, S. M. Flynn. - 18th ed. - M. : Infra-M, 2011.

6. Economic theory: a workshop for students of non-economic specialties / compiled by V. E. Butenya, V. N. Fedosenko. - Minsk: BITU, 2011. - 77 p.

7. Economic theory [Electronic resource]: electronic educational and methodical complex / VN Fedosenko. - Minsk: BITU, 2015.

Key terms and concepts

Market, concept and functions of the market, perfect and imperfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, monopsony, market infrastructure, methods of state regulation of the market economy, market economy models, features of the Belarusian national model.

Essay topics

1. market system and its evolution.

2. Causes and conditions for the emergence of the market.

3. Types of markets and their classification.

4. Natural economy: historical boundaries, features, modern manifestations.

5. Models of market economy.

6. Features of the Belarusian national model.

Learning tasks

1. The state has established norms for the permissible volume of polluting emissions for cars. Is this government intervention in market relations?

2. Why are established payments for environmental pollution more effective than direct instructions to a particular enterprise to reduce pollution in the same amount as a percentage of its emissions?

3. Determine where it says about non-price, and where about price competition:

a) selling the same product to different consumers at different prices;

b) improving the quality of competing products;

c) organization of sales exhibitions;

d) use of someone else's trademark;

e) enticement of specialists;

e) lowering the price of their products;

g) technical espionage.

4. Determine what consequences relate to intersectoral competition:

a) lower prices for manufactured products;

b) the flow of capital from industry to industry;

c) optimization of the sectoral structure of the economy;

d) bankruptcy of inefficient business structures;

e) efficient allocation of resources;

e) improving the quality of products.

5. Explain how the market system answers fundamental questions: what, how and for whom to produce. How the market system serves as a vehicle for the exchange of information about decisions and the implementation of decisions regarding the allocation of resources in the economy.

Is the market allocation of resources efficient?

6. What are the most important criticisms of the relative market system?

7. Situation: a famous football player with his agent are negotiating a contract with the owner of the club. Are they market participants? If so, which one? If not, why not?

8. A few years ago, the UN website provided an opportunity for electronic trading through the Electronic Trade Opportunity (ETO) system - this is a giant virtual marketplace for conducting trade operations around the world. Every week, through the ETO system, millions of companies receive trade offers in one of several electronic formats. How does this new virtual marketplace contribute to greater resource efficiency and greater freedom of enterprise and choice? Does it contribute to tougher competition at the same time? To what extent does this market help firms in developing countries? Why, in your opinion, did the UN open such a virtual market?

9.Fill in the table.

Right Wrong
Pre-industrial society is characterized by developed productive forces
In a command economy, pricing is based on supply and demand.
mixed economy half planned, half market
Ownership is a higher form of appropriation than use
The subjects of ownership include the means of production, commodities, resources
The market economy is distinguished by the dominance of the interests of the producer over the interests of the consumer.
Three types of economic systems - feudal, capitalist and communist
Private property, free pricing system and competition are the basis of any economic system
The most important condition for the emergence of the market is the appearance of money.
The four types of market structures are perfect competition, imperfect competition, and oligopoly. monopoly
Market competition is very important because it incentivizes producers to work more efficiently.
A perfectly competitive market is one dominated by a few large firms.
There are no barriers to entry into a perfectly competitive market.
In a perfectly competitive market, firms produce differentiated products.
A monopoly can increase profits if it reduces output
Monopsony - a situation in the market when there is only one buyer of this product
A market with a few large firms is called monopolistic competition.

10. Explain in detail the meaning of the following quote: “The remarkable property of the market is that it preserves itself. If the prices of commodities or certain forms of wages deviate from the level prescribed by society, forces are set in motion to bring them back into place. A curious paradox follows from this: the market, which is the pinnacle of individual economic freedom, is at the same time the most severe taskmaster. Some may be attracted to running a planning body or winning the privileges of a minister, but there is no attraction, no privilege, in the anonymous pressure of the market mechanism. Economic freedom is more illusory than it seems at first glance. In the market, everyone can do as they please. But if someone decides to do what the market does not approve of, the price of economic freedom will be economic collapse ”(R. L. Heilbroner).

Task No. 2466

By completing task C9, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. To this end, select only one from the statements below (C9.1-C9.3). Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating the problem posed by the author (the topic touched upon); formulate your attitude to the position taken by the author; justify this relationship.

When presenting your thoughts on various aspects of the problem raised (marked topic), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge obtained during the study of the course of social science, corresponding concepts, and data public life and own life experience

C9.1 Philosophy:“Society is always in a conspiracy against man. Conformity is considered a virtue; self-confidence is a sin. Society loves not a person and life, but names and customs ”(R. Emerson).

C9.2 Sociology, social psychology:“The family is that primary environment where a person must learn to do good” (V.M. Sukhomlinsky).

C9.3 Economy:“The price of a coin is the pulse of the state and a fairly sure way to know its strength” (Voltaire).

C9.4 Political science:“Opposition is a safety valve through which an excess of people's strength and vitality comes out, a valve that cannot be closed without being in danger of an explosion” (B. Constant de Rebeck).

C9.5 Jurisprudence:“Legislation seeks to place the freedom of the individual within those limits in which, subject to general laws, it is compatible with the freedom of every other individual.” Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Formulate, at your own discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, give reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate your main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), from various educational subjects.

Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion/be clearly connected with them. In terms of content, the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

Duplicates task number 3287.


one sentence of five write out a quote and its number

1.1. Section of social science

1.2. The meaning of the statement

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

Not allowed:

2.2. Required for theoretical level Required items:

concepts Important

2.3. Need to bring

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources

29.1 1
Grading Instructions:


Grading Instructions:

29.3 1
29.4 2

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay

Grading Instructions:


not required .


Maximum score 6

Rate this solution in points:

Rate this solution in points:

Rate this solution in points:

Task No. 3665

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Formulate, at your own discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, give reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate your main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), from various educational subjects.

Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion/be clearly connected with them. In terms of content, the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy:"The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed." (M. Gandhi)

29.2 Economy:“In the market, everyone can do as they please. But if someone decides to do something that the market does not approve of, the price of economic freedom will be economic collapse. (R. Heilbroner)

“Only then you become a man when you understand another person.” (A.N. Radishchev)

29.4 Political Science:“In order to make people good citizens, they should be given the opportunity to exercise their rights as citizens and fulfill their duties as citizens.” (S. Smile)

29.5 Jurisprudence:"Settlement of all business parameters with the help of the law is a hopeless and even harmful business." (T.V. Kashanina)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one sentence of five write out a quote and its number before starting to write a mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social science in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the arguments are given, the social science concepts used, etc., depends.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understood by the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion), 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: replacing the meaning of the statement with general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; a direct paraphrase, a paraphrase of the given statement, or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Required for theoretical level reveal each aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required items:

2.2.1. The use of social science statements that are key to the main idea or ideas concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Important so that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one selected idea, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), theoretical provisions, consistent and consistent reasoning is given, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion is formulated from the point of view of scientific social science (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. Need to bring at least two examples from different fields that will support the theoretical argument. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources. As sources, facts of public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including read books, watched movies), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.) can be used. Examples from different subjects are considered as examples from different sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical provisions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. The structure must avoid internal inconsistency.

3.2. Each part should be organically included in the structure of the mini-essay (argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Ordinary language must be avoided.

3.4. Gross grammatical errors should be avoided, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors, leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task 29Points
29.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the statement 1

The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more basic ideas related to the content of the social science course are correctly identified, and / or in the context of the statement one or several theses are formulated, which (s) require (s) substantiation


The meaning of the statement is not disclosed: not a single main idea is singled out / not a single thesis is formulated.

The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis do not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement was replaced by general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement.

The disclosure of the meaning is replaced by a direct retelling / paraphrasing of the given statement / a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole

Grading Instructions:

If according to criterion 29.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the statement), 0 points are given, then 0 points are given for all other evaluation criteria

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay

(Explanation of the key concept(s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) and theoretical provisions are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors), theoretical provisions are not presented.

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given, the meaning of the key concept(s) is not disclosed.

In the given explanations of the key concept(s) / theoretical provisions, there are some inaccuracies that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions


All other situations not provided for by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points, including if there is no theoretical content of the mini-essay: the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained, the theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea/thesis, do not reveal the meaning of the statement.

Reasonings of an everyday nature are given without relying on social science knowledge

Grading Instructions:

If criterion 29.2 scores 0, then criterion 29.3 scores 0

29.3 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: coherence and logic of reasoning, conclusions 1

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), the theoretical provisions are interrelated consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion from the point of view of scientific social science is formulated


All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of an everyday nature without relying on social science knowledge

29.4 The quality of the facts and examples given 2

At least two correct, detailed formulated facts / examples are given from various sources, confirming the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion and not duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


Only one correct, detailed formulated fact/example is given, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection between this fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay.

Correct, detailed facts/examples are given from sources of the same type, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

Two examples are given from sources of different types, duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


All other situations not covered by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points

Grading Instructions:

1. Both real facts of the social life of the present and / or past, personal social experience of the USE participant, and models of social situations can be given.

2. Indication of the source of the facts of modern social life (specific media, sociological service, etc.) not required .

3. Information about books read / performances watched / exhibitions visited, excursions, etc. refers to the personal social experience of USE participants, regardless of whether this activity was carried out as part of the educational process in educational organization, in the family or in the process of self-education.

4. Facts / examples containing factual and semantic errors that led to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement or testify to misunderstanding of the material used, are not taken into account when assessing

Maximum score 6

Example 3

Separate concepts or provisions related to the topic, but not related to each other and other components of the argumentation, are given, but for errors - 1 point.

Only the facts of public life are given - 1 point.

Rate this solution in points:

CriterionscoreA comment
29.1 1 The meaning of the sentence is revealed
29.2 1 In the context of the selected idea / thesis, separate concepts and / or provisions that are not interconnected by reasoning are given
29.3 0 The answer contains erroneous provisions from the point of view of scientific social science
29.4 1 One correct, detailed example is given, clearly related to the thesis being illustrated.

Rate this solution in points:

Task No. 4409

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Formulate, at your own discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, give reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate your main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), from various educational subjects.

Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion/be clearly connected with them. In terms of content, the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy:"Art is an attempt to create another, more human world next to the real world." (A. Morua)

29.2 Economy:“If we stop offering new solutions to keep up with consumer demands and technological advances, we could be forced out of business at any time.” (D. Reike)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:"Moral force cannot be created by paragraphs of law." (K. Marx)

29.4 Political Science:“A people deprived of the art of freedom will be overtaken by two classic dangers: anarchy and despotism.” (I.A. Ilyin)

29.5 Jurisprudence:“It is a disaster for justice when, in sentences, the decision depends on personal arbitrariness.” (A.F. Koni)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one sentence of five write out a quote and its number before starting to write a mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social science in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the arguments are given, the social science concepts used, etc., depends.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understood by the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion), 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: replacing the meaning of the statement with general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; a direct paraphrase, a paraphrase of the given statement, or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Required for theoretical level reveal each aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required items:

2.2.1. The use of social science statements that are key to the main idea or ideas concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Important so that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one selected idea, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), theoretical provisions, consistent and consistent reasoning is given, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion is formulated from the point of view of scientific social science (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. Need to bring at least two examples from different fields that will support the theoretical argument. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources. As sources, facts of public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including read books, watched movies), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.) can be used. Examples from different subjects are considered as examples from different sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical provisions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. The structure must avoid internal inconsistency.

3.2. Each part should be organically included in the structure of the mini-essay (argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Ordinary language must be avoided.

3.4. Gross grammatical errors should be avoided, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors, leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task 29Points
29.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the statement 1

The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more basic ideas related to the content of the social science course are correctly identified, and / or in the context of the statement one or several theses are formulated, which (s) require (s) substantiation


The meaning of the statement is not disclosed: not a single main idea is singled out / not a single thesis is formulated.

The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis do not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement was replaced by general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement.

The disclosure of the meaning is replaced by a direct retelling / paraphrasing of the given statement / a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole

Grading Instructions:

If according to criterion 29.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the statement), 0 points are given, then 0 points are given for all other evaluation criteria

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay

(Explanation of the key concept(s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) and theoretical provisions are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors), theoretical provisions are not presented.

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given, the meaning of the key concept(s) is not disclosed.

In the given explanations of the key concept(s) / theoretical provisions, there are some inaccuracies that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions


All other situations not provided for by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points, including if there is no theoretical content of the mini-essay: the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained, the theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea/thesis, do not reveal the meaning of the statement.

Reasonings of an everyday nature are given without relying on social science knowledge

Grading Instructions:

If criterion 29.2 scores 0, then criterion 29.3 scores 0

29.3 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: coherence and logic of reasoning, conclusions 1

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), the theoretical provisions are interrelated consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion from the point of view of scientific social science is formulated


All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of an everyday nature without relying on social science knowledge

29.4 The quality of the facts and examples given 2

At least two correct, detailed formulated facts / examples are given from various sources, confirming the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion and not duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


Only one correct, detailed formulated fact/example is given, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection between this fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay.

Correct, detailed facts/examples are given from sources of the same type, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay.

Two examples are given from sources of different types, duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


All other situations not covered by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points

Grading Instructions:

1. Both real facts of the social life of the present and / or past, personal social experience of the USE participant, and models of social situations can be given.

2. Indication of the source of the facts of modern social life (specific media, sociological service, etc.) not required .

3. Information about the books read / performances watched / exhibitions visited, excursions, etc. refers to the personal social experience of the USE participants, regardless of whether this activity was carried out as part of the educational process in an educational organization, in a family or in the process of self-education.

4. Facts / examples containing factual and semantic errors that led to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement or testify to misunderstanding of the material used, are not taken into account when assessing

Maximum score 6

Rate this solution in points:

Assignment No. 5174

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Formulate, at your own discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, give reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate your main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), from various educational subjects.

Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion/be clearly connected with them. In terms of content, the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy.“As a human creation, culture transcends nature, although its source, material and place of action is nature.” (P.S. Gurevich)

29.2 Economy.“What makes a company strong is not its product or service, but the position it occupies in the minds of consumers.” (D. Trout)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology“What is a man when he is busy only sleeping and eating? Animal, no more. (W. Shakespeare)

29.4 Political science."Civil society and the state complement each other and depend on one another." (R.T. Mukhaev)

29.5 Jurisprudence.“It is impossible to take a single step on this earth without coming into contact with responsibility and duty that must be fulfilled.” (T. Carlyle)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one sentence of five write out a quote and its number before starting to write a mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social science in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the arguments are given, the social science concepts used, etc., depends.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understood by the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion), 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: replacing the meaning of the statement with general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; a direct paraphrase, a paraphrase of the given statement, or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Required for theoretical level reveal each aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required items:

2.2.1. The use of social science statements that are key to the main idea or ideas concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Important so that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one selected idea, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), theoretical provisions, consistent and consistent reasoning is given, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion is formulated from the point of view of scientific social science (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. Need to bring at least two examples from different fields that will support the theoretical argument. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources. As sources, facts of public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including read books, watched movies), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.) can be used. Examples from different subjects are considered as examples from different sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical provisions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. The structure must avoid internal inconsistency.

3.2. Each part should be organically included in the structure of the mini-essay (argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Ordinary language must be avoided.

3.4. Gross grammatical errors should be avoided, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors, leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task 29Points
29.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the statement 1

The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more basic ideas related to the content of the social science course are correctly identified, and / or in the context of the statement one or several theses are formulated, which (s) require (s) substantiation


The meaning of the statement is not disclosed: not a single main idea is singled out / not a single thesis is formulated.

The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis do not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement was replaced by general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement.

The disclosure of the meaning is replaced by a direct retelling / paraphrasing of the given statement / a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole

Grading Instructions:

If according to criterion 29.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the statement), 0 points are given, then 0 points are given for all other evaluation criteria

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay

(Explanation of the key concept(s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) and theoretical provisions are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors), theoretical provisions are not presented.

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given, the meaning of the key concept(s) is not disclosed.

In the given explanations of the key concept(s) / theoretical provisions, there are some inaccuracies that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions


All other situations not provided for by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points, including if there is no theoretical content of the mini-essay: the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained, the theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea/thesis, do not reveal the meaning of the statement.

Reasonings of an everyday nature are given without relying on social science knowledge

Grading Instructions:

If criterion 29.2 scores 0, then criterion 29.3 scores 0

29.3 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: coherence and logic of reasoning, conclusions 1

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), the theoretical provisions are interrelated consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion from the point of view of scientific social science is formulated


All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of an everyday nature without relying on social science knowledge

29.4 The quality of the facts and examples given 2

At least two correct, detailed formulated facts / examples are given from various sources, confirming the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion and not duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


Only one correct, detailed formulated fact/example is given, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection between this fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay.

Correct, detailed facts/examples are given from sources of the same type, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay.

Two examples are given from sources of different types, duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


All other situations not covered by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points

Grading Instructions:

1. Both real facts of the social life of the present and / or past, personal social experience of the USE participant, and models of social situations can be given.

2. Indication of the source of the facts of modern social life (specific media, sociological service, etc.) not required .

3. Information about the books read / performances watched / exhibitions visited, excursions, etc. refers to the personal social experience of the USE participants, regardless of whether this activity was carried out as part of the educational process in an educational organization, in a family or in the process of self-education.

4. Facts / examples containing factual and semantic errors that led to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement or testify to misunderstanding of the material used, are not taken into account when assessing

Maximum score 6

Example 1

The meaning of the statement is revealed - 1 point.

The chosen topic is revealed based on the relevant concepts, theoretical provisions and conclusions. The presence of erroneous provisions on socialization from the point of view of scientific social science leads to a decrease in the assessment by this criterion by 1 point.

There is no actual argument - 0 points.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 2

The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​its understanding

Rate this solution in points:

Rate this solution in points:

Rate this solution in points:

Task No. 8976

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Formulate, at your own discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, give reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate your main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), from various educational subjects.

Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion/be clearly connected with them. In terms of content, the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy.“It is difficult to understand in what other way one can come to the truth and master it, if one does not dig and search for it like gold and a hidden treasure.” (John Locke)

29.2 Economy."The successful banker is, on the average, less intelligent and far-sighted than the successful entrepreneur, and yet the banker practically dominates the entrepreneur in society by dominating credit." (G. Ford)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology.“At the basis of all good manners lies one concern - the concern that a person does not interfere with a person, so that everyone would feel good together.” (D.S. Likhachev)

29.4 Political science.“Only the people who are constantly aware of what is happening have the right to choose their own government.” (T. Jefferson)

29.5 Jurisprudence."The great business of legislation is to create the public good out of the greatest number of private interests." (P. Buast)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one sentence of five write out a quote and its number before starting to write a mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social science in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the arguments are given, the social science concepts used, etc., depends.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understood by the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion), 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: replacing the meaning of the statement with general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; a direct paraphrase, a paraphrase of the given statement, or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Required for theoretical level reveal each aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required items:

2.2.1. The use of social science statements that are key to the main idea or ideas concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Important so that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one selected idea, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), theoretical provisions, consistent and consistent reasoning is given, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion is formulated from the point of view of scientific social science (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. Need to bring at least two examples from different fields that will support the theoretical argument. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources. As sources, facts of public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including read books, watched movies), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.) can be used. Examples from different subjects are considered as examples from different sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical provisions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. The structure must avoid internal inconsistency.

3.2. Each part should be organically included in the structure of the mini-essay (argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Ordinary language must be avoided.

3.4. Gross grammatical errors should be avoided, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors, leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task 29Points
29.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the statement 1

The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more basic ideas related to the content of the social science course are correctly identified, and / or in the context of the statement one or several theses are formulated, which (s) require (s) substantiation


The meaning of the statement is not disclosed: not a single main idea is singled out / not a single thesis is formulated.

The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis do not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement was replaced by general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement.

The disclosure of the meaning is replaced by a direct retelling / paraphrasing of the given statement / a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole

Grading Instructions:

If according to criterion 29.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the statement), 0 points are given, then 0 points are given for all other evaluation criteria

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay

(Explanation of the key concept(s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) and theoretical provisions are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors), theoretical provisions are not presented.

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given, the meaning of the key concept(s) is not disclosed.

In the given explanations of the key concept(s) / theoretical provisions, there are some inaccuracies that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions


All other situations not provided for by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points, including if there is no theoretical content of the mini-essay: the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained, the theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea/thesis, do not reveal the meaning of the statement.

Reasonings of an everyday nature are given without relying on social science knowledge

Grading Instructions:

If criterion 29.2 scores 0, then criterion 29.3 scores 0

29.3 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: coherence and logic of reasoning, conclusions 1

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), the theoretical provisions are interrelated consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion from the point of view of scientific social science is formulated


All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of an everyday nature without relying on social science knowledge

29.4 The quality of the facts and examples given 2

At least two correct, detailed formulated facts / examples are given from various sources, confirming the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion and not duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


Only one correct, detailed formulated fact/example is given, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection between this fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay.

Correct, detailed facts/examples are given from sources of the same type, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay.

Two examples are given from sources of different types, duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


All other situations not covered by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points

Grading Instructions:

1. Both real facts of the social life of the present and / or past, personal social experience of the USE participant, and models of social situations can be given.

2. Indication of the source of the facts of modern social life (specific media, sociological service, etc.) not required .

3. Information about the books read / performances watched / exhibitions visited, excursions, etc. refers to the personal social experience of the USE participants, regardless of whether this activity was carried out as part of the educational process in an educational organization, in a family or in the process of self-education.

4. Facts / examples containing factual and semantic errors that led to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement or testify to misunderstanding of the material used, are not taken into account when assessing

Maximum score 6

Task No. 9917

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Formulate, at your own discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, give reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate your main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), from various educational subjects.

Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion/be clearly connected with them. In terms of content, the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy:"From affirmation and negation, truth is born." (L. Feuchtwanger)

29.2 Economy:“If you destroy the free market, you create a black market. Where there are ten thousand prescriptions, there can be no respect for the law.” (W. Churchill)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:"A person is characterized not only by what she does, but also by how she does it." (F. Engels)

29.4 Political Science:"Power must find support in the thoughts and feelings of the people." (B. N. Chicherin)

29.5 Jurisprudence:“No one is forced to marry, but everyone must be forced to obey the laws of marriage once he has entered into marriage.” (K. Marx)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one sentence of five write out a quote and its number before starting to write a mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social science in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the arguments are given, the social science concepts used, etc., depends.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understood by the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion), 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: replacing the meaning of the statement with general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; a direct paraphrase, a paraphrase of the given statement, or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Required for theoretical level reveal each aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required items:

2.2.1. The use of social science statements that are key to the main idea or ideas concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Important so that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one selected idea, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), theoretical provisions, consistent and consistent reasoning is given, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion is formulated from the point of view of scientific social science (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. Need to bring at least two examples from different fields that will support the theoretical argument. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources. As sources, facts of public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including read books, watched movies), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.) can be used. Examples from different subjects are considered as examples from different sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical provisions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. The structure must avoid internal inconsistency.

3.2. Each part should be organically included in the structure of the mini-essay (argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Ordinary language must be avoided.

3.4. Gross grammatical errors should be avoided, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors, leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task 29Points
29.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the statement 1

The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more basic ideas related to the content of the social science course are correctly identified, and / or in the context of the statement one or several theses are formulated, which (s) require (s) substantiation


The meaning of the statement is not disclosed: not a single main idea is singled out / not a single thesis is formulated.

The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis do not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement was replaced by general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement.

The disclosure of the meaning is replaced by a direct retelling / paraphrasing of the given statement / a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole

Grading Instructions:

If according to criterion 29.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the statement), 0 points are given, then 0 points are given for all other evaluation criteria

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay

(Explanation of the key concept(s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) and theoretical provisions are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors)


In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors), theoretical provisions are not presented.

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given, the meaning of the key concept(s) is not disclosed.

In the given explanations of the key concept(s) / theoretical provisions, there are some inaccuracies that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions


All other situations not provided for by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points, including if there is no theoretical content of the mini-essay: the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained, the theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea/thesis, do not reveal the meaning of the statement.

Reasonings of an everyday nature are given without relying on social science knowledge

Grading Instructions:

If criterion 29.2 scores 0, then criterion 29.3 scores 0

29.3 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: coherence and logic of reasoning, conclusions 1

In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), the theoretical provisions are interrelated consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable conclusion from the point of view of scientific social science is formulated


All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of an everyday nature without relying on social science knowledge

29.4 The quality of the facts and examples given 2

At least two correct, detailed formulated facts / examples are given from various sources, confirming the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion and not duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


Only one correct, detailed formulated fact/example is given, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection between this fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay.

Correct, detailed facts/examples are given from sources of the same type, confirming the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay.

Two examples are given from sources of different types, duplicating each other in content.

There is a clear connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay


All other situations not covered by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points

Grading Instructions:

1. Both real facts of the social life of the present and / or past, personal social experience of the USE participant, and models of social situations can be given.

2. Indication of the source of the facts of modern social life (specific media, sociological service, etc.) not required .

3. Information about the books read / performances watched / exhibitions visited, excursions, etc. refers to the personal social experience of the USE participants, regardless of whether this activity was carried out as part of the educational process in an educational organization, in a family or in the process of self-education.

4. Facts / examples containing factual and semantic errors that led to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement or testify to misunderstanding of the material used, are not taken into account when assessing

Maximum score 6


Need an essay in economics. Here is the topic. Help! "In the market, everyone can do as they please. But if someone decides to do something that the market does not approve of, the price of economic freedom will be economic collapse" (R. Heilbroner)


The remarkable property of the market is that it preserves itself. If the prices of commodities or certain forms of wages deviate from the level prescribed by society, forces are set in motion to bring them back into place. A curious paradox follows from this: the market, which is the pinnacle of individual economic freedom, is at the same time the most severe taskmaster. Some may be attracted to running a planning body or winning the privileges of a minister, but there is no attraction, no privilege, in the anonymous pressure of the market mechanism. Economic freedom is more illusory than it seems at first glance. In the market, everyone can do as they please. But if someone decides to do something that the market does not approve of, the price of economic freedom will be economic collapse. Mixed economy; Private and Public Sectors This chapter will grow meat on the backbone of the capitalist model we discussed earlier. Here we will describe in detail some of the features of the private sector (households and firms), as well as introduce and begin to study the public sector (state) of the economy. Since the state is a new topic for us, the main attention will be paid to it. Our goal is to consider households, firms, and the state as the main economic units responsible for decision making.

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For 40 years now, the sovereign consumer and the dollar vote have continued to support the production of plastic pink flamingos. Followers of this idea argue that the facts knock the ground out from under the feet of critics.
Leominster, Massachusetts. One of the symbols of the American landscape - not the bald eagle, but the plastic pink flamingo - is already forty years old. And that doesn't make him any more respectable.
Despite the huge number of flamingos already sold (from 15 to 20 million pieces), this lawn decoration does not seem to be going anywhere - it has even become stronger on T-shirts. Such a fate only ruffles the feathers in the flamingo fans.
“They say they are fake. But all great art began with a "linden" - once remarked Mr. Don Featherstone, vice-president of the Union of Manufacturers and artist - the man whose name is written on each such flamingo. - The Art Deco company in New York was shocked. But today they are ready to take back their words.”
Mr. Featherstone himself is somewhat reminiscent of a large bird. He is a sculptor, he started with the classics, he and his wife have been dressing in everything similar every day for twenty years now. He attends numerous flamingo-themed events sponsored by the Society for the Preservation of the Plastic Flamingo for Home Lawns.
In the catalog of his plastic flamingo company, you will find a bird for every taste: from a 7-meter black and white penguin, to a blue-headed pheasant, and a green-breasted rooster.
Everything is good, but something is not quite right.

“I tried to let the ducks in because we live in the country of ducks,” recalls Mary Elizabeth Buckham, on the lawn of whose Victorian house in Centerville you can see a flock of plastic flamingos. “But no one wanted to see what they were doing there.”
Mrs. Buckham dresses her 34 birds herself - she wraps pink necks with scarves, puts long bird legs in golf socks and attaches various decorations and clothing items sewn by her own hand to sacred birds. Moreover, every week she comes up with something new - to the delight of the public.
And at Christmas, she staged a real pastoral scene - with flamingo wise men and a flamingo baby Christ, on Thanksgiving Day there was a flock of "flamingos" on the lawn, and on Halloween - flamingo ghosts. You will hardly find more intricate lawn decorations.
Recall that the first decorative flamingos for lawns - and this was 1952 - were made of plywood. A few years later they were made of foam, but the birds were often gnawed by dogs. Flamingos have been made of plastic since 1957.
Some models for some reason refused to fly, and a model with movable legs, made a few years ago, just took it and plopped down.
Every year, half a million flamingos victoriously descend from the shelves of stores in the United States, Mexico and South America - at $ 9.95. for a couple. Such figures, notes Mr. Featherstone, are surprising.
“As long as they keep buying them, I'm really good,” says Featherstone, smiling.
Source: Carolyn Thompson. Flamingo Sales still In the Pink, Associated Press, May 28, 1996. Printed by permission” of the Associated Press.

The position of the needs of consumers (society) reaches firms, and from them - to resource providers. However, it is competition that motivates firms and resource providers to respond appropriately.
But competition does more than guarantee responses that meet the needs of society. It also forces firms to use the most efficient production technology and maintain the lowest costs and prices. In a competitive market, a firm unable to apply the least cost technology will eventually be crowded out by more efficient firms. And we have already seen that competition provides favorable conditions for such technological progress.
In 1776, Adam Smith, in his book The Wealth of Nations, first drew attention to the fact that the mechanism of action is competitive.
A great market system creates an amazing and important unity - the unity of private and public interests. Firms and resource providers acting in their own interests within a highly competitive market system, at the same time as if guided by an "invisible hand", contribute to the satisfaction of state or public interests. For example, we have seen that firms in a competitive environment will use the least cost combination of resources to produce a given output because it is in their private interest to do so. To act otherwise would be to forgo profits or even expose yourself to the risk of bankruptcy. But at the same time it is clear that the use limited resources at the lowest cost, that is, most effectively, corresponds to the interests of society.

In our example of expanding the production of bicycles and reducing the production of cigarettes, it was private interest, aroused and directed by the competitive market system, that caused responses corresponding to changes in societal needs. Firms seeking higher profits and avoiding losses, on the one hand, and resource providers seeking greater monetary rewards for them, on the other, agree among themselves on the necessary changes in the allocation of resources and, therefore, on the structure of output - exactly the one that society requires. Competition controls private interests in such a way that they automatically, unintentionally contribute to the satisfaction of the interests of society. The invisible hand concept states that when firms maximize profits, the social domestic product is also maximized.
Considering how the market system works, we also mentioned its merits. However, three of them deserve special attention. Efficiency. The main economic argument in favor of the market system is that. that it contributes to the efficient use of resources. A competitive market system directs resources to produce the goods and services that society needs most. It encourages the use of the most efficient organization of production and stimulates the development and implementation of new, more efficient technologies. incentives. The market system is very effective in applying incentives for innovation and modernization. More labor input means higher cash income, which provides more high level life. In the same way, the risk that entrepreneurs take on can turn into significant profits.
Successful innovations can also bring economic benefits. Freedom. The main non-economic argument in favor of the market system is that it is based on individual freedom. In contrast to central planning, the market system governs activities without coercion. The market system allows for freedom of enterprise and choice and thrives on that basis. Employers and workers are not driven from industry to industry by government directives in order to meet production targets set by some government agency. Against. they are free to pursue their private interest, receiving for this an appropriate reward or punishment from the market system itself.
REVIEW 4-3 The structure of production in a competitive market system is determined by profits, which in turn are highly dependent on consumer preferences. Profits cause the expansion of their chosen industry, losses - the curtailment of an inefficient industry. Competition encourages firms to use production methods that provide the lowest cost (the most efficient). The distribution of the produced product among households in a market economy is determined by the income of consumers and the price of production. Competitive markets reallocate resources in response to changing consumer tastes, technological advances, and changes in resource supply patterns. The "invisible hand" of the market system directs private interests for the benefit of the whole society.

SUMMARY The capitalist system is characterized by private property on resources and personal freedom to choose the type economic activity as a means of improving the material well-being of a person. Private interest is the driving force of such an economic system, and competition plays the role of a regulating and controlling mechanism in it. In the capitalist system, markets and prices organize and effectively direct the myriad of individual decisions that determine what is to be produced and how it is produced and distributed. According to capitalist ideology, the state plays a minor and relatively passive role in the economy. Specialization and advanced technologies based on the extensive use of the means of production are inherent in all modern economic systems.
Money, acting as a medium of exchange, resolves the difficulties associated with barter trade, and thereby contributes to the deepening of specialization both nationally and globally. Every economy faces the need to answer five fundamental questions:
A. To what extent should the available resources be used? What goods and services should be produced
V. How exactly should they be produced?
d. Among which should the produced products be distributed?
l. Can the system adapt to changes in consumer tastes, resource supply patterns, and technology?
b, In a market economy, they produce such products, the manufacture and sale of which bring total income, sufficient to cover all costs, including normal profit. Products that do not bring normal or higher profits are not produced. Economic profits indicate that an industry is doing well and encourage expansion. Killing means! that the industry is still doing well, and is leading to its reduction. Consumer sovereignty means that firms I! resource swaps [refuel the swap efforts according to the needs of the consumer.
Competition encourages firms to use those that provide the lowest cost, that is, the most economically efficient, production technologies. Prices, determined by the amount and types of inputs supplied by households, dictate how much of the national product, in monetary terms, each household expects to receive. Within the limits of household monetary incomes, the distribution structure of the total product is determined by consumer preferences and the relative prices of goods. A competitive market system has the ability to convey information about changes in consumer tastes to resource providers and entrepreneurs, thereby causing appropriate adjustments in the distribution of resources in the economy. In addition, a competitive market system creates conditions conducive to technological progress and capital accumulation. Competition - the main mechanism of management in a market economy - contributes to the unity of private and public interests; as if guided by an "invisible hand", competition manages the private interests and motives of firms and resource providers while respecting the public interest in efficient use limited resources.

Private property Freedom of enterprise
(freedom of enterprise)
Freedom of choice Self-interest
"Indirect" production (roundabout production)
Division of labor
Medium of exchange Barter
Money (money)

Five FU nmental questions
Five fundamental questions Economic costs Normal profit Economic profit Expanding industry Declining industry Consumer sovereignty Dollar votes Derived demand Guiding function of prices
"Invisible hand" ("invisible hand")

L Comment on each of the following statements:
A. mKashpalish not only takes private interest as a fact! human existence, it relies
to this particular interest in order to reach the material veils of the whole society”,
b. Gum, where espgt; private property, property rights and economic freedom - there will be

child capitalism. Unlike a command economy, capitalism emerges spontaneously. Key question. What benefits come from indirect production? What problems arise in connection with the increase in fixed capital (stock of investment goods) in conditions of full employment? Illustrate this problem with a production possibilities curve. Does an economy with idle resources face the same problem? What are the advantages of specialization in the use of human and material resources? Explain the thesis: "Exchange is a necessary consequence of specialization." What are the problems associated with barter exchange? Show the economic importance of money as a medium of exchange. “Money is the only commodity that is good for nothing but to get rid of it. If you don't use it or invest it, it won't feed you, clothe you, shelter you, or entertain you. It gives you value only in the process of parting with it. Explain this statement. Briefly describe how the market system answers five fundamental questions. Why do we have to make an economic choice? Evaluate and explain the essence of the following statements:
A. "The capitalist system is a profit and loss economy."
b. "Competition is the indispensable disciplining force of the market economy."
V. “Production methods that are inferior to others in terms of technical parameters may be the most efficient from an economic point of view.” Explain in detail the meaning of the following quote:
“The remarkable property of the market is that it preserves itself. If the prices of commodities or certain forms of wages deviate from the level prescribed by society, forces are set in motion to bring them back into place. A curious paradox follows from this: the market, which is the pinnacle of individual economic freedom, is at the same time the most severe taskmaster. Some may be attracted to running a planning body or winning the privileges of a minister, but there is no attraction, no privilege, in the anonymous pressure of the market mechanism. Economic freedom is more illusory than it seems at first glance. In the market, everyone can do as they please. But if someone decides to do something that the market does not approve of, the price of economic freedom will be economic collapse.
8. Key question. Suppose the firm finds that it will make the maximum profit by producing product A with a total cost of $40. Let us also assume that any of the three technologies presented in the following table are suitable for the production of this product in the required volume:
Number of resource units

A. What technology will the firm choose at the given resource prices? Why? Will the production bring profit or loss? Will the industry expand or contract? When will the new equilibrium level of production be reached?
b. Suppose a new technology 4 is developed. It involves the use of two units of labor, two units of land, six units of capital, and three units of entrepreneurial ability. Given the prices in the table, will the firm adopt the new technology? Explain your answer.
V. Suppose now that an increase in the supply of labor has led to a fall in its price to US$. per unit, while prices for other resources have not changed. What technology will the manufacturer use in this case? Explain your answer.
d. “The market system contributes to the fact that the economy limits the use of those resources as much as possible, the supply of which is clearly insufficient in comparison with others. Resources that are rarest compared to the demand for them have the highest price. As a result, manufacturers use resources as sparingly as possible.” Rate this statement. Doesn't this assessment refute your answer to question 8c? Explain why. Let's assume that the demand for bagels skyrocketed, while the demand for breakfast cereals froze in place. Explain how competitive market economy make appropriate adjustments to restore efficient distribution of society's limited resources?

1 Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Creeping inflation // Business Review. August, 1957. P. 3.
Key question. In some large warehouses-shops of technical goods, such as Note Deport, there are up to 20 thousand different goods at the same time. What makes the manufacturers of each specific product - from a screwdriver, stepladder to water heaters - produce and offer it for sale? How manufacturers decide the best way using different combinations of resources? Who made available all these resources? Who decides whether to continue to produce and sell these particular products? Try to explain the meaning of the words "invisible hand" in one sentence. ("Final Touch") What category would you classify the history of addiction to the pink plastic flamingo: a) consumer sovereignty and dollar voting; b) freedom of entrepreneurial activity; c) the role of profit is the distribution of society's limited resources? Internet question. The virtual market of the United Nations. The UN website (http://urgento.gse. has provided electronic trading opportunities through the Electronic Trade Opportunity (ETO) system, a giant virtual marketplace for trade operations around the world. Every week, through the ETO system, millions of companies receive trade offers in one of several electronic formats. How does this new virtual marketplace contribute to greater resource efficiency and greater freedom of enterprise and choice? Does it contribute to tougher competition at the same time? To what extent does this market help firms in developing countries? Why, in your opinion, did the UN open such a virtual market? Internet question. Barter and the Tax Office. Barter occurs when goods or services are exchanged without the medium of money. For some, the popularity of barter exchange is that it is possible to avoid paying taxes to the government. How often do these transactions occur? Does the IRS ( consider barter income a taxable or non-taxable item? How is the value of such a barter transaction determined? What examples of barter exchange does the IRS give? What are the IRS requirements for so-called barter transactions?