When to expect a lump sum payment from maternity capital. Monthly benefit from maternity capital

Maternal, or family, capital is a measure of state support for Russian families in which starting from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019 born or adopted second child or starting from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2026 inclusive born or adopted first child. The child born or adopted must have Russian citizenship.

The amount of maternity capital today is 466,617 rubles.

Moreover, if in a family from 2020 to 2026 inclusive Hereinafter, “born” also means “was adopted.”

">two children were born, then in addition to maternity capital for the first child, you will receive 150,000 rubles for the second one. For just two children - 616,617 rubles.

If the first child was born between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2019, and the second child was born in 2020 or later, you will receive an increased maternal capital for the second child in the amount 616,617 rubles.

If the first and second child were born before 2020, you will only receive maternity capital for the second child - 466,617 rubles. Even if you did not use the right to receive maternity capital for your second child before 2020 and after 2020 you had a third and subsequent children, the amount of maternity capital will still be 466,617 rubles.

If before 2020 you did not have the right to maternity capital (let’s say you have two children born before 2007), then with the birth of your third and subsequent children starting in 2020 you can receive maternity capital according to the new rules in the amount 616,617 rubles.

The certificate can be issued either immediately after the birth or adoption of a child, or later, at any time convenient for the family.

2. Who is entitled to maternity capital?

The following have the right to receive maternity capital:

  • woman who has citizenship Russian Federation who gave birth or adopted a second or The right to maternity capital for one of the children born after the first child in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019, in the amount of 466,617 rubles, can be used only once.">subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019 or the first child starting from January 1, 2020;
  • a man who has citizenship of the Russian Federation and is the sole adoptive parent of a second or The right to maternity capital for one of the children adopted after the first child in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019, in the amount of 466,617 rubles, can be used only once.">subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption came into force from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019, or the first child, starting from January 1, 2020;
  • the father or adoptive parent of the child, regardless of the citizenship of the Russian Federation - in the case For example, in the event of death or deprivation of parental rights in relation to a child, in connection with whose birth or adoption the right to receive maternity capital arose, or the commission of a deliberate crime against one’s child, related to crimes against the person.”>termination of the right on the maternity capital of a woman who gave birth or adopted children;
  • a minor child (if there are several such children, then they are all in equal shares) or an adult child studying full-time (or children in equal shares), But no longer than until the age of 23.”>until graduation upon termination of the right to additional measures of state support for a father/adoptive parent or a woman who is the only parent or adoptive parent.

When the right to receive maternity capital arises, children in respect of whom parents were deprived of parental rights or in respect of whom adoption was canceled, as well as adopted children who at the time of adoption were stepsons or stepdaughters of persons applying for maternity capital, are not taken into account.

A state-issued certificate is issued to confirm the right to receive maternity capital funds.

3. What documents are needed to register maternity capital?

To obtain a state certificate for maternity capital, you will need the following documents:

  • application for a certificate for maternal capital;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificates of all children; for adopted children - adoption certificates;
  • documentation, A birth certificate indicating the citizenship of the child’s parents or a stamp from the passport and visa service about the child’s citizenship, an insert in the child’s birth certificate, if it was received before February 7, 2007.">confirming Russian citizenship of the child(ren) born or adopted after January 1, 2007 - for second and subsequent children, or starting from January 1, 2020 - for first-borns or for second and subsequent children to apply for an additional payment for the second child;
  • identification documents and confirming the place of residence and powers of the legal representative or authorized representative - if the application will be submitted by a representative of the applicant.

In addition, you may need In some cases, you may need documents confirming:

  • death of a woman who gave birth or adopted children, declaring her dead or depriving her of parental rights;
  • commission by a woman of an intentional crime related to crimes against the person against her child (children);
  • death of parents, declaring them dead or deprivation of their parental rights;
  • the commission by parents or adoptive parents of an intentional crime against a child, related to crimes against the person, cancellation of the adoption of a child, in connection with whose adoption the right to additional measures of state support arose.
">additional documents.

4. How to apply for maternity capital?

You can apply for a maternity capital certificate:

  • online on the government services portal;
  • online on the website of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR); This method of submitting an application will require full registration on the government services portal;
  • during a personal visit to the Russian Pension Fund. If you are a citizen of Russia, but have left the country for permanent residence and do not have registration at your place of residence/stay in the Russian Federation, contact the PFR branch in Moscow and the Moscow region. In all other cases, you need to contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, stay or actual residence.
  • on a personal visit to any
  • inaccurate information was provided (for example, incorrect information about the order of birth/adoption and the citizenship of the child was provided).

The refusal can be appealed to a higher authority of the Russian Pension Fund or in court.

Monthly payment from maternity capital for the second child born (adopted) in 2019

The essence of the innovation:

Since January 2018, two presidential initiatives have been launched to support the demographic program - for needy families in which, starting in 2018, the first or second child will be born or adopted, the state will pay a monthly payment in the amount of living wage child in the family's region of residence.

Payments can be received by families who need additional support. Families whose income for the 12 months before applying was below 1.5 times the subsistence level of an able-bodied citizen in their region of residence received the right to payment.

The payment in connection with the birth of the 2nd child is made from maternal (family) capital. Payment for the first child is also provided with funds federal budget and is carried out by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the powers of social protection of the population.

Who is entitled to the monthly payment?

Families whose average per capita income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population for the 2nd quarter of 2018, established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Monthly payments in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child are made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The size of the monthly payment in each subject of the Russian Federation is individual and is equal to the subsistence level of the child in the region of residence of the family.

Families permanently residing in the Russian Federation have the right to receive a monthly cash payment if:

1. The child and mother are citizens of the Russian Federation;

3. The amount of income per 1 family member for the 12 months before applying, not

exceeds 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of 2018.

A citizen has the right to submit an application for a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child at any time within one and a half years from the date of birth of the child.

How long will the family receive the monthly payment?

A monthly payment is paid to the family until the child reaches 1.5 years of age:

1. From the date of birth of the child, if the application was made no later than six months from the date of birth of the child (the amount of monthly payments for the past months from the birth of the child until the application for payment will be transferred to the citizen in full);

2. From the date of application, if the citizen applied for payment later than 6 months.

The monthly payment is assigned for 1 year; after this period, the family can re-apply and the payment will be assigned again until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.

Where should the family go?

An application for a monthly payment is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia or through the MFC. It can be submitted simultaneously with the application for a state certificate for maternity capital. The family will receive a certificate for maternity capital within a month, and payment from maternity capital funds (subject to a positive decision on the appointment of a monthly payment, payment will be made monthly until the 26th of the month).

Calculation of average per capita family income when assigning a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child

The calculation takes into account family income (parents (guardians, adoptive parents) of minor children, spouses of parents of minor children, minor children) received in cash:

1. Salary, bonuses;

2.Pensions, benefits, payment sick leave, scholarships, alimony;

3.Payments pension savings legal successors;

4. Compensations paid by a state body or public association during the performance of state and public duties;

5. Monetary compensation and allowances for civil service employees.

Not taken into account: lump sum amounts financial assistance from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and other sources in connection with a natural disaster or other emergency circumstances, as well as in connection with a terrorist act.

When assigning a monthly payment, the income per family member is calculated based on the amount of family income for the 12 previous calendar months.

The family composition taken into account when calculating the average per capita family income does not include the following persons:

Adult children;

Those serving a sentence of imprisonment;

In respect of whom a preventive measure in the form of detention was applied;

Those undergoing compulsory treatment by court decision;

Deprived of parental rights;

Fully state supported.


Family - Irina (accountant), Nikolai (electrician at a housing company) and their son Dima, 5 years old.

In 2018, Irina earned 330 thousand rubles (salary - 27.5 thousand rubles per month), and Nikolai earned 480 thousand rubles (salary - 40 thousand rubles per month). There was no other income. The annual family income in 2018 is 810,000 rubles. Living wage for a working-age citizen in Kaliningrad region in the 2nd quarter of 2018 - 11,894 rubles, and for a child - 10,926 rubles.

1.5 subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person - 17,841 rubles.

Family income is divided into 12 months and 4 people: 810,000/12/4=16,875 rubles. for 1 person per month.

That is, in the family of Irina and Nikolai in 2018, the income per family member was less than 1.5 times the minimum wage for a working-age citizen in the Kaliningrad region in the 2nd quarter of 2017. The family is entitled to a monthly cash payment from maternity capital in the amount of 10,926 rubles per month. Upon application, the Pension Fund will issue a certificate for maternity capital and will make a monthly cash payment from MSC funds.

The monthly cash payment assigned in January will be paid for 12 months. Mom, if she wants, will contact the Pension Fund in January 2020 and a monthly cash payment will be assigned for another 6 months until the child reaches 1.5 years old, provided that the family income in 2019 will be less than 1.5 times the minimum minimum for a working-age citizen in the Kaliningrad region in the 2nd quarter of 2019.

Amount of monthly payment in the Kaliningrad region

What documents must be submitted to assign a monthly payment:

Birth (adoption) certificate of the child (children);

An extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship over the child;

Documents confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the applicant and the child;

Documents confirming the death of a woman, declaring her deceased, deprivation of her parental rights;

A document confirming the divorce;

Information about the income of family members;

Certificate from the military commissariat about the conscription of the parent (parent's spouse) for military service;

A document confirming account details in credit organization, opened to the applicant.

Providing state assistance for young parents is the main task of the government. In Russia there are several levels at which there are maternal funds. The main one is federal family capital.

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It makes it possible not only to make non-cash payments in several directions, but also to receive financing in the form of cash. To apply for such a benefit, you need to understand how the entire accrual system functions.

Compensation amount

Financial support in the form of maternity capital is available to all mothers in Russia. In some cases, fathers can also receive a certificate. This does not change the amount of compensation.

Throughout Russia, one, uniform payment amount has been established. The benefit is issued based on the birth of a second child. Usually it is possible to process payments with a certificate from the maternity hospital. But most often you need to wait for the birth certificate to be issued.

The financial document also applies to adopted children. Therefore, when adopting a second child, the state also provides the opportunity to receive financing. But then the court decision on adoption also serves as confirmation.

The Family Payment Document program was started in 2007. Since then, the payment amounts have increased significantly. Since the beginning of the program, the basic amount has been 250 thousand rubles.
This amount was constantly indexed and the payment rate increased every year.

The sizes changed in this order:

Year of payment Payment amount in thousands of rubles
2007 250
2008 276
2009 312
2010 343
2011 365
2012 387
2013 408
2014 429
2015 453
2016 453
Since 2016, indexation under the federal project has been frozen. The economic situation in the country does not allow for an increase.

Inflation in Russia is at high level, but the family benefit will not increase until approximately 2020. Although the payment project remains valid and parents can apply for assistance from the state.

Funds can be issued at any time after the birth or adoption of children. But existing indexation indicators apply to all certificates. Therefore, it makes no difference when the parents drew up the document. The amount increases annually, and the indexation percentage is calculated on the account balance.

Will they pay 25,000 rubles in 2020?

A payment of 25 thousand rubles was provided to citizens to pay for initial expenses. Parents could use the funding without restrictions. This amount was issued in cash and was not controlled by any authorities.

Since there is still mat capital in 2020 lump sum payments not everyone knows when they will be. This type of financing is suitable for many parents. After all, the state did not put forward any requirements for families. Everyone who applied for it received the payment.

If the required amount was available in the account, the funds were transferred to the family’s account. The economic situation of the country contributed to the emergence of this option for cashing out capital. The constant rise in prices, the decline in the value of the ruble, and the fall in living standards have led to the need to support families with children.

That's why monetary document made a forced one-time payment. In 2020, this compensation is not used. Support could only be obtained until the end of 2017. Starting from the current period, we have prepared another help option for parents.

The government decided to issue monthly financing based on maternity capital. New payment forms - from January 1, 2020, can be used to receive this type of cash out.

Monthly benefits are issued on the following conditions:

These two points should be taken into account when submitting documentation to the Pension Fund. It will not be possible to obtain funding on any other basis. Exactly financial situation family became the limiter that was not in the first payment option. One-time benefits are no longer issued.

And parents can choose one of four options for distributing funds:

  • payment for education of children - for each child in the family;
  • improving family living conditions - purchasing, building or renovating housing;
  • increasing the funded part of the mother's pension;
  • payment for treatment and adaptation of a child with a disability.

Or parents can apply for a monthly allowance. It requires a certain level of income, and if the family receives more funding, then it will not be possible to cash out the maternity capital. All that remains is to use non-cash payment methods.

Receipt procedure

In order to receive a certificate from the state, you need to complete all points of the algorithm:

In this case, the Pension Fund must notify the applicant. The same thing happens if the application is rejected. Government agency issues official document indicating the reason.

The most common options are:

● the applicant has no grounds for receiving funding;
● problems with documents - errors, irrelevant or unreliable information;
● the family has already drawn up a similar document.

Before submitting a package of documents, you should check compliance with the basic requirements and only after that complete all other steps.

Set of documents to receive Money includes the following:

If a representative is involved in the registration, then the parents must provide a notarized power of attorney in his name. The main thing in this list is the statement.

For payment capital there is the following example:

Arrange it payment document for a family it is possible based on several ways:

Russian Pension Fund This is the main structure in which capital funds are located. To distribute them and receive a certificate, all parents go there. It is better to use this method using a pre-registration. Then the submission of documents is faster
MFC The multifunctional center offers a service for obtaining maternity capital. The document is issued through the Pension Fund, but the transfer of papers is handled by employees of this institution. The service is free, but not available in all MFC branches. Yes, and you can’t find the appropriate authority in all populated areas countries
Post office Through this structure you can submit a package of documents and an application. Sending is possible only in the case of copies of papers. Upon making a decision, the citizen will need to visit the Pension Fund office and bring the originals for verification
Internet The public services portal allows you to upload documents in the form of a scanned copy and submit an electronic application. To do this, you must first register on the site and confirm your identity.

Latest news on this issue

The news regarding processing payments from maternity capital does not change in 2020. They plan to make monthly benefits a permanent option. Such financing greatly narrows the circle of recipients and makes it possible to provide for children at a high level.

On average, 10 thousand rubles are allocated per month for each child. It all depends on the cost of living in the region where the children live. But the national average is equal to this amount.

Billed separately adopted law, families with two or more children, subject to the birth of one during the specified period, have the opportunity to receive 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018 in cash.

Features of the adopted law

The law on 25,000 from maternity capital was adopted in 2018 on June 8. After the standard procedure of approval by the Federation Council (June 15) and signature by the President, it was posted on the legal information website. This implies publication in official sources, which guarantees its entry into force on June 23.

Additional provision

Simultaneously with the approval procedure, the Ministry of Social Protection published additional provisions on the government services website regulating the procedure for interaction of structures with citizens regarding maternity capital (MC):

  • Rules for filling out and submitting an application;
  • List of required documents.
  • Principles of transfer of funds by Pension funds.

Conditions for registration of maternity capital

A completely logical question, whether it is possible to withdraw 25,000 from maternity capital in view of the new law, exists. As you know, a certificate is always issued taking into account certain principles:

  • The appearance of a second or subsequent newborn (adopted) in the family since 2007.
  • It is not possible to withdraw funds in cash.
  • It is permissible to use resources to improve conditions, taking into account the interests of children: mortgage for housing, education for children, transfer to savings towards a pension for the mother.
  • The request occurs after the day of birth three years later with some exceptions (mortgage).

Receiving cash legally

So, it is impossible to receive all maternity capital in cash, but a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles is allowed this year. This is due to a number of reasons.

As the President explained, such assistance to couples with children will help alleviate some of the difficult financial condition caused by the consequences of the crisis.

Increasing the amount from 20 to 25 thousand rubles

Since the country is experiencing a decrease in the population’s income, an increase in inflation and unemployment, maternity capital (payment of 25,000) in 2018 allows us to provide some social protection families, and reduces the number of citizens classified as poor. A similar type of law existed last year, but provided for the cashing out of 20 thousand rubles.

Procedure for applying for payment

The law describes the rules for issuing 25,000 from maternity capital according to the following criteria:

  • Owners of certificates received before September 30, 2018 inclusive are entitled to cash.
  • The dates of birth of children do not matter.
  • The time period required to wait to claim funds under the MK (the child turns 3 years old) is not taken into account in this situation.
  • If the account balance is less than the specified amount, it is permissible to receive the entire balance.
  • Citizens living outside the country are not able to cash out this part of the MK. When deciding whether in 2018 it is possible to receive a payment of 25,000 from maternity capital to persons living abroad, the Government proceeded from the need to support families who find themselves in the crisis of our country. And citizens living in other countries do not feel any negative impact from it.
  • Owners who have already withdrawn 20 thousand rubles according to the law of last year have equal rights with other persons.

You can officially withdraw 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018

Thus, all families, regardless of the degree of need and the amount of funds already used, are in an equal situation and can receive 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018. Those who became the parents of a child who gives the right to issue a personalized paper in the current period also received this right. At the same time, they can simultaneously submit two applications at once: for the issuance of a certificate and for cashing out this amount.

When can you withdraw money?

The law also prescribes a cut-off date for withdrawing 25,000 from maternity capital – November 30, 2017. Citizens have less than six months to contact the authorities. Let us remind you that last time 20 thousand rubles in cash could be issued for a whole year, which allowed almost everyone to complete the procedure - about 70%. In the current period, due to the shortening of the period, some problems are expected. According to statistics from the past period, about 2 million families may apply for payment, which will most likely be accompanied by queues and a slowdown in the work of pension funds, because on average there will be up to 20 thousand requests per day across the country.

Where to contact

To relieve some of the workload Pension funds, the law defines several options for registration. A one-time payment of 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018 is possible through the following requests:

  • Territorial Pension Fund.
  • Centers providing state and municipal services.
  • Through post offices, taking into account confirmation of receipt and dispatch.
  • On the PF website through the Personal Account service.
  • Through the State Services portal.

The procedure for getting 25,000 from maternity capital in person and remotely is practically the same. The owner of the MK will need the same package of documents (only in one case these are photocopies, and in the other - scanned ones). Applications are not different at all and are allowed to be filled out in printed form using a PC or handwritten directly to the PF.

Application through State Services and Pension Fund

Within such a limited framework, the role remote services becomes very significant. Today, citizens rarely resort to such resources due to mistrust and give priority to personal visits to the PF. Because of this, the time for approving applications and accepting applicants is slowing down. Therefore, experts advise turning to services for electronic submission of applications to the Pension Fund and the State Services portal in order to relieve the workload of the Pension Fund. This will allow everyone to receive a timely response.

It's worth remembering the main dates Until the end of the year, the law is in force and maternity capital is issued (25,000). You can apply for the money until November 30th.

If a baby was born this year, you can apply for a certificate only until September 30.

List of documents

Having chosen the application option, you need to prepare documents for 25,000 from maternity capital. The Rules developed by the Ministry contain the following list:

  • Passport An identification document of the certificate holder or an identity document of the legal representative and a power of attorney are required if the procedure is carried out through an authorized person. The document is needed to identify and secure a person’s right to submit an application, as well as to clarify his place of residence.
  • Information about the details for transferring money: bank name, INN, BIC, corr. account, recipient, account number. The latter must be opened in the name of the owner of the MK. You can provide this data using paper from the bank with full details (certificate of account opening) or an agreement for servicing this account.
  • Certificate Will be required when applying for 25,000 from maternity capital to enter current data: number and series, branch of the issuing pension fund and date.
  • SNILS You will need to indicate your number.

It is worth remembering that the Rules have not yet been finalized and may be subject to change. Only after signature and official publication will they come into force. The Ministry has time to do this up to a month after publication of the order. Therefore, it is worthwhile to first clarify the list immediately before submitting an application.

Preparing copies for the application

When submitting an application for 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018, you must prepare copies of these papers. They will need to be attached to the application if the transfer occurs in person (to the Pension Fund or MFC). When sending documents by mail, photocopies must be certified by a notary. Using remote resources, papers are provided as scanned copies.

Rules for filling out an application

Applications for 25,000 rubles from maternity capital are not currently accepted. According to reviews, the order is expected on July 1, when admissions will begin. It is worth checking the information in advance. The deadline for approval and full functioning of all bodies is July 23.

Sample application for a one-time payment

There are usually no problems with filling out the application itself. This is a standard form where all the fields that require filling out are signed:

  • Name of the fund.
  • Last name, personal details.
  • Status (from the child's point of view: mother, father, guardian, child).
  • SNILS number.
  • Certificate number.
  • Who issued the certificate?
  • Identity document: number, date of issue, authority.
  • Place of residence as indicated in the registration document.
  • Actual residence.
  • Information about the representative, if registration takes place through him: personal, passport, registration data, paper certifying the right to represent the interests of the owner of the MK.
  • Amount to be issued. Withdraw 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018. Only those who have such a sum can do so. If this amount is no longer on the balance sheet, you should indicate full balance. You can check it with the PF using the certificate number.
  • Details for transfer: BIC, INN, KPP, corr. account, bank name, transfer destination, account number.
  • Indicate the correspondence of the parameters: deprivation of parental rights, use of malicious actions towards the child, cancellation of the right to adoption, restriction of rights, removal of the baby.
  • List of papers attached to the application.
  • Signature.

Special attention to receive payment

So that maternity capital in 2018 and a one-time payment of 25,000 has been agreed upon, you need to follow the procedure according to all the rules:

  • The PF employee must check the compliance of the information entered by the applicant with the attached documents.
  • The application is assigned a registration number.
  • Date of receipt. Employee signature.
  • A receipt is filled out, which indicates the surname of the owner of the MK, application number, date and initials of the employee. It remains with the applicant.

Deadlines for receiving a lump sum payment

If the appeal occurs remotely, the receipt is sent by mail or electronically. To understand when you can get 25,000 from maternity capital, you should consider the operating procedure of the Pension Fund. The structure first checks the validity of the citizen’s appeal. If the conditions are fully met and up-to-date information about the owner is available, a decision is made to transfer the amount.

In this case, the PF is guided by the following principles:

  • The Pension Fund has one month to consider the application. Even when transferring papers for 25,000 maternity capital in the last days (before November 30), the structure still has until December 31 to respond, i.e. until the end of the payment law. The answer can be one of two: satisfy the request, refuse.
  • If the answer is positive, the transfer to the applicant’s account occurs within a month.
  • Having issued a refusal, the Pension Fund is obliged to send a notification within 5 days after the decision is made to the citizen’s postal address. If the request was made through electronic portals, the response will be sent by e-mail.

As you can see, withdrawing 25,000 from maternity capital will require maximum 2 months, which does not contradict the procedure and law of last year.


So, thanks to the recently published law, it became possible to cash out 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018. It is currently not known exactly when the application can be received and sent. All rules for interaction with applicants are expected to be approved by July 1. All owners who have sufficient funds have the right to money